Using Modded Weapons against Queen Bee – Terraria Mod of Redemption #15

All right so good morning everyone welcome back to the mod of redemption that’s right I have returned thank you all very much for being patient with me I left a little Community post to explain last week I was so busy so busy in fact I think I burnt myself out I

Burnt myself out quite a bit and I was like you know what I’m going to relax this weekend and I’ll come back on Monday feeling fresh here we we are it’s Monday morning how do I feel I feel pretty fresh obviously you know with it

Being a week off uh it might be a little hard to follow so yeah let me do my best to reacquaint you all to the mod of redemption here’s all you need to know number one I read books okay let it be known spread the word number two we are

Playing as a chicken okay that’s you know a given at this point and number three at the end of the last video we found an NPC down here after a fight we decided to Speare them we did not Dome them in and they want from us a graffic

Furnace and some pure alloy iron bar I I can’t remember they want iron bars basically like the upgraded version so I guess we’ll do that first we’ll go get the um let’s get the bars first and then we’ll research how to make the furnace and then we’ll give her the furnace see

What comes of it it and then we have Queen B and we have um we don’t have Skeletron we have the Wall of Flesh so I imagine realistically today Knowing Me Knowing my uh progression rate okay let’s do the graffic furnace let’s do queen bee and then we’ll we’ll call it a

Day but yeah welcome back hope you all had a fantastic week what did you get up to I mean here I am Mis I’m burnt out all the time but what about you what have you been up to last week though although being burnt out was very

Successful I had so many little things on the back burner that needed to get done that are now done and I cannot explain the sense of relief that comes from that it’s brilliant and this week in particular I’m free all week so we’re we’re back on it um I do just want to

Say though just for uh the future reference I’m trying to be so much more transparent with the community post section of the channel um if I’m ever not going to post I’m going to leave a community post there and I’ll explain hey I’ll be back on this day and this is

Likely why if you know what I mean right so if you’re ever like where’s James you’ll find a community post and that’s my way of getting around the whole like you know if I take a week off and then I’ve got to return I feel terrible I get

This like built up like no don’t know I just feel really bad but I always feel like if I let people know I can return and feel pretty chill about it so yeah you’ll find that there the there’s so many things to talk about today there

Really is um it’s been a really cool week in reality even though I’ve been so busy Stu Valley 1.6 came out this week what a banger of an update what a banger let me tell you I actually think it’s the best update concerned ape has ever

Made and I’ll tell you why finally when you replay the game which I’ve done many a time one thing to know about me I have a a pretty you know I’ve got a pretty strong history with stardo Valley okay I have played the game so much right so

Much so in fact there’s a cool little bit of trivia basically before the release of stardo Valley stardo Valley was only given to two YouTubers like out of anyone we were the only two people to have it early it was me and it was uh I’m trying to remember who the other

Person was anyway only two people had it so like I love this game to death I’ve played so much of it anyway what I like about this update is essentially like as you play from the start there’s so many new things to encounter like they’ve done updates in the past that

Have like made little tweaks at the start of the game and big tweaks at the end of the game but never really like stuff all throughout the years and I quite like it in fact I love it I’ve just had such a blast playing it in my

Free time obviously I made that STW Valley video that was um pretty cool to make they actually ended up being a terrari crossover a called it um I’ve been saying it for years I have been saying it ever since that update came out 1.4.4 I was like this portal must go

Both ways surely it must and this is before we even knew we were getting a 1.6 yeah so I was very happy with that anyway we’re grabbing iron right now gosh I really do have so much to talk about this one this one might just be

Like a recap it just me like having a little catch up I’m trying to think of what else though um Jim’s been going well it’s been going really really well I’ve been really pushing myself I was there this morning um I was yeah I I this morning’s session was was really

Intense I I kind of like I went I went pretty um I went pretty tough on myself with it um but it was good very positive right so that was this morning I’m such a a ball of a bow of things to talk about right now I don’t know if I’m

Going to be able to um to work my way through all of it but that’s all right okay so let me get back to Terraria just for a little bit and figure this out because once again so many topics to talk about let’s make um some pure iron

Alloy we’re making 20 now they wanted one pure helmet and they wanted 14 bars so we have that now let’s have a little look at the furnace cuz I don’t know I think it was called yeah it was called gaic gaic cryo furnace so it’s any gathic stone it’s elderwood and three

Ice torches now have I been have I been good and saved all of these blocks so we have the gathic stone I think I would have put the elderwood in crafting did I put it in crafting have we used elderwood I feel like we have I feel like elderwood has popped up but

Not here so we’re looking here you know what there’s a mod called a where’s my item that’s the mod I need right now that’s the mod I’m lacking on is in here elderwood oh let’s go let’s go I’ve not lost my touch I’ve not lost it I know

How to play Terraria that’s right everyone you’ve returned to um you know a well I don’t know a terrari a veteran um yeah don’t worry about it don’t worry about it cuz I’m not worrying and neither are you what a what a weird day what a weird day it’s great to be back

This is one thing I want to get across right and I can’t say this is the same with um with the last series with infernum cuz it just wasn’t okay like it just wasn’t I was burnt out last week but I wasn’t burnt out on the mod of

Redemption in fact I missed the mod of redemption but I knew I was like no can’t play it until you’re in the right mindset so yeah what it was is essentially I’m trying to think of like what I spoke about in the last video basically I think the last time we left

Off it was a Friday and I was saying how I was going to stay home on Saturday and get my work worked done that Saturday I did just that and also that Sunday I did just that and then essentially what what started the real burnout is Courtney got

Like a little bit of cold or a little bit of flu I don’t know the difference these days it’s kind of merging into one so I was kind of like looking after her and and I was like changing up my routine because she gets up a little

Earlier than me normally um and she does like atari’s morning routine because she starts work earlier than me but I was like no no no you stay in bed all right get a lay in okay so I changed to doing that and then I think that’s what kind

Of threw me off a little bit and then the St Valley video uh update came out and I couldn’t sleep like the night of and the night after I was just thinking about like oh what what video am I going to make and and what am I recording and

Whatnot offer the pure iron helmet uh moori the crew of Ruthless creatures a helmet to protect my neck and head is much of appreciated what is this what is this off of the alloy M I feel much safer with this Shield oh okay feeling ready as ready as I can be

I still have a few potions from this place I’ve never seen such concoctions before they must have been corrected by a master Alchemist okay gathic cryo furnace yes place down a gaic cryo furnace near me and I will offer to forge some equipment for you okay um

Let’s get rid of this shameful Tombstone and place this down now do we speak again Forge so you can turn the howy pronounce this one again um I don’t even want to say it so you can upgrade that to this now do you do you not require any any money for

That cuz that’s kind of sick so it changes to the blade of the Mountain which is the the weapon they were using you can also change the mistfall which we have and I didn’t like into the icefall okay so let’s go do both of those upgrades I think I cut the section

Of me dogging on that weapon the Mist for one I’m pretty sure I did essentially I tried it in the thumbnail world and I didn’t find it very good and that’s why I never carried on using it if I included that I included it all

Right but if not a little bit of extra lore has beenin w into the uh into the let’s play yeah I really did miss the mod of redemption um it’s just been so fun so far and I’m really hoping it’s picked up a couple more fans because

When I made my my big spoiler compilation which is the video I was working on last week I didn’t say but basically I wrote that video at the end of February and I was like because they they made a state of the game that was a

Recap and I was like yeah I kind of need to do another recap if the developers are like hey no new spoilers and this is and we’re doing a recap and and this is everything you need to know I’m like well I I really should be doing that as

The Terraria News Guide so anyway that’s what I was working on last week anyway as you’ll all know I use uh background footage from chippy’s couch most of the time his background footage on the news videos so many comments were like hey what mod is this what mod is this and I

Was like mod of redemption it’s the mod of Redemption all right so the terrari community at large clearly has an interest in this mod and I’m going to get them hooked on it eventually I’m thinking maybe I might do a big video about the mod or I might just make like

A video on chippy gaming that’s like hey he haven’t played this mod yet he should here’s like a couple reasons why because I I really want people to check it out I’ve become the biggest mod of redemption chill I mean look at me I look like a chicken this is why all

Right you can understand that okay right we’re almost there we’re almost there and I think I’ve almost caught up with everything I needed to to say really um I mean that was a proper jumble of of sentences so you know hopefully that’s okay I said that a lot today that’s fine

Don’t you worry about it stop okay Forge bam so that was done and done fair enough uh cycle options did we do everything you’re ready to leave okay I’m going to leave this for right now just in case there is anything else that we need to get done I

Don’t want to send them away so this is based maybe on weapons that we’ve already already crafted or is it just like these are the only two upgrades that’s why I’m scared to send them away if I’m being real anyway let’s go see you later so we know what we’re using

For the queen bee so let’s read it then so 88 melee damage snail speed uh par physical or ice projectiles including your own icef crystals I see hitting on the very tip of the blade can freeze enemies enemies with strong knock back immunity cannot be froze them send them

To their snowy Graves uh La want a great sorry want a normal great sword wielded by a well-known Warrior of the iron realm her final battle being against a great bear in the mountains the bear was slain but the Warriors injuries sealed her death shortly after the icy blood of

The bear fused with the blade chilling it with an enchanting glow the blade lay to rest beside its owner until another Warrior discovered it many years is later okay cool um I think that’s everything I need to know about that one so this is the icefall 43 magic damage

Lowers the air temperature at cursor Point forming damaging crystals that eventually fall from Gravity okay so that’s that right so if we put them up there do we then have to swing oh yeah okay so it’s it’s like a bat in a way look at that it’s pretty it’s

Pretty good it’s not so bad right let’s go do uh let’s go do queen bee did I finish my Arena no okay well I’ll finish it and we’ll do it all right so it’s finally time for Queen B now I want to say we have some pretty good weapons you

Know we got this pure iron crossbow we’ve got frozen arrows uh we got this cool blade of the mountain which I think will be good for the Little Bees and whatnot all of this is to say though please never underestimate the fact that I’m Terri at Queen Bee sometimes I’m all

Right sometimes I’m actually not bad you might even say I’m okay but only sometimes and then like 99% of the year I’m rubbish for no good reason just keep it in mind I don’t want you to lose too much respect for me all right and I know

That the amount of respect you have for me right now as this chicken is immeasurable and look I don’t want to lose that all right I’m already you know I’m I’m trying to I’m trying to build that respect back up you know I’m talking about these these reading of

Books you know I’m trying to be an inspiration to you that’s that’s all I’m trying to say okay I’m trying to you know I’m trying to set a good example this is all a joke oh yeah gosh that’s another thing I played last week sea of

Stars um sea of stars yeah I bought that and uh and I played like I don’t know how many hours it was maybe about eight I’m not vibing with it I think it’s gorgeous but I think the game play and this is bad to say I don’t know if this

Is just just the jrpg thing in general is a little shallow the whole time I was playing it I was like I really want to just replay Chrono Trigger so so yeah so I thought that was interesting also when I mentioned krono trigger in the last

Video somebody was like oh James just so you know it has lots of different endings I did know this but I’ve never I’ve never actually been bothered to look up the endings before like I got my ending and my ending was good so so it’s

All right I tend to like like was the case with The Witcher 3 because I love doing everything in the game I tend to normally get a good ending in most games that have multiple endings because I’ve done all the content and how these games usually work is like if you’ve done all

The content you get the good ending we do not have a golden key for you okay I am rambling and I’m going off a bit again um so let’s get into this I’m actually yeah quite nervous that I’m going to rubbish be rubbish at this but it’s okay okay here they are

Right make it to our Arena okay so what my plan is and it makes sense right we’re going to use the uh we’re going to use this oh sure it’s actually not that bad we’re going to use this for the uh queen bee and then we’re

Going to and then we’re going to use the sword if the hoit get too much WoW James you have not lost it you have not lost it at all your commentary skills are absolutely on point I can hear you all now all right get your hands away from

The keyboard I already know it uh talking about about keyboards somebody did say they were like look James I am not a mobile user I am a laptop user and the videos are too dark I agree but it’s not me I swear well I mean I’m the one

In control of the Torches all right there is no real torch God torch God is not actually having an influence on me anyway it’s Terraria Terraria is a dark game I think once you really notice it you can’t unnotice it for example right I love uh OLED screens all right or you

Know well yeah I love OLED OLED is my favorite type of screen technology out of all of them and OLED is very dark you know anything that’s uh Black is Black on a on a noed screen so um anyway all of this is to say I can’t enjoy Terraria

On an noet screen cuz it looks awful the game is so dark it just is well there we go that was not that bad I might have overhyped that a little bit well it’s done now um is there anything we need to do here you know what we do need to do

We do need to I don’t know if I want to do it today we need to go and explore the jungle a little bit and get an anklet so that we can make the boots upgrades I think before we go into hard mode we probably should come back and do

Some upgrades to maybe that’s what I’ll do at the start of tomorrow maybe tomorrow can be about making some upgrades and um and then we’ll do Wall of Flesh I’m very excited to go into hard mode though um knowing how good the mod gets in hard mode I mean this first

Part of the adventure has has been extremely fresh to me but I know the second half is good and so all of this is to say we’re in for a wild ride and I want to praise the mod for just being so fresh and different compared to when I last played

It okay what’s in the bag uh beekeeper cool hone goggles all the usual stuff yeah there you go um can’t put this here cuz this Banner don’t worry about it look get rid of the banner look at that look at me go right so that’s going to do it for

Today’s video thank you all for watching I will see you tomorrow so yeah um all right bye

It’s time for some more ℭ𝔥𝔦𝔠𝔨𝔢𝔫 15 in Terraria’s Mod of Redemption

This Terraria 1.4.4 mod adds over 1000 new items, 11 bosses, wonderful tiles and 11 mini-bosses!

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  1. I would love to see the Terraria community so interested in Mod of Redemption! A highlights video or similar like you've done for Starlight River would be brilliant.

  2. Whats your favorite bird that isn't a chicken? I've been getting into feeding my local birds lately and am curious about what kinds you have across the pond

  3. Couldn't watch yesterday because I was way too swamped with work, but I've almost gotten through the halfway point of Spring on my Chicken Run farm in Stardew 1.6, and its been going super well. I love all the little changes I've seen so far. That was my weekend. Netted around 6 hours in a weekend, which during a school year I think is a record for me lol, usually I get around 0. This week is brutal in terms of work though, but hopefully I might be able to play some more this weekend.

    My Theory is that the bookseller is how Chippy gets his books to read, i'm not gonna lie
    Also my dog's name in the playthough is wilbur, courtesy of my friend, which I thought was fun.

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