Year 7 Farm Tour Before 1.6 Update in Stardew Valley

Welcome everyone I’m so happy to have you here I’m Colby and today we’re going to do a little farm tour I’m going to treat this as sort of a landmark for Progress we’ve done quite a bit up until now we’ve done quite a bit I will say

But there’s a lot more that could be done we’ve been busy decorating a lot of things on my farm but we’ve also stepped away from it and done things like the Quarry and the mines but other places like the desert I’ve been using to you know gather a lot of resources so that

Place looks pretty crazy and not in a good way so I’m going to take you around my farm I think for one day and then a second day we’re going to go around the rest of my town and including Ginger Island and the desert all right so first

Things first here is my house I’ve decorated my bedroom a little bit I’m going for more of like a green woodzy nature theme my closet in here I’ve got tons of dressers for because they’ve got different shirts from different categories and things but something I’ve

Realized is that I can get a dresser and then I think I won’t need so many chests but I’m waiting to do that in another video I also get a lot of strawberries from here here I know that I can get strawberries from I think there’s like a festival in

The springtime but that’s about it so I like to use these for more seeds I used to use this room for storage and I also use this room for storage but recently I have upgraded look at this I get a prismatic Shard every day now so this is my house

Inside I want to make this into like a living room I’m not sure what I want to do in these rooms over here here but I want to make my house I think actually look like a house and I have lots of food in here and I think I will keep all

Of my food storage in my kitchen rather than my storage barn so let’s go downstairs look at this all my cheeses are ready should I get them why not we’ll get a little bit of money today sure thing recently I bought the golden clock for my farm so I used

To have way more money than this but we have gone down significantly we had to get 10 million pieces of gold and now we’re back down to the 300,000 range so we’re still up pretty high but nothing too crazy I guess we should also add some cheese to this and

What we want to do is the gold ones I have some regular cheese in there too but that’s not what I want and I like to start with the goat cheese cuz it sells for more money and once they’re all full I switch to the regular cheese I know

We’re doing a little bit here and know this was just supposed to be an exclusive de uh tour video but I don’t know I couldn’t resist this will be the only thing though okay I’m not going to take care of my animals or anything like that if they’re unhappy they’re going to be

Unhappy yeah I think I’ll be able to fill all of these too oh my goodness okay I’ll put the cheese back just these so I obviously have not decorated down there and my home is not very decorated either so that will be something that I could look forward to

In the future but out here I have done quite a bit so I think we’ll start just by going down I haven’t added much decorations to this area here where I have my pigs and my sheep but I did start to do this Barn which is where I keep my storage stuff

So over here is where I have spring this one is summer this one in the bottom corner is fall and the one to the right of that is winter then over here I have like mining stuff I have like fish sort of things then animal products and kegs and

Preserve jars and then over here um same sort of thing I think these are Kegs and these are preserv jars yeah so I don’t go in these ones as often I go in these for like seeds but these ones I have other things that I go in for a lot like

Fertilizers and things that I make products that I get outside with resources like chopping trees down or rocks this one I don’t know where to put this either so this back area is kind of like a mess yeah so these are all like weapons and rings that I get this one

And the one to the other side of this tank are fish and I have like a little Sittin area and I have one fish inside the tank but again I think I could really decorate around here more and this is just my first kind of layout for

This area Good Start good start but I don’t really like it so this is where I like to keep all of my pigs their Barn look at that it is not decorated at all this is kind of how the barns start out they don’t have these inside of them but I put them

There the things to spin the wool and get the truffle oil I put those there okay but this is my barn with the goats and the cows and I definitely decorated this one I think this was my first Barn that I decorated so I have kind of a

Little sitting area on the top left corner it’s like my little lounge and then around here I have areas where I could make cheese and then sort of a sleeping zone for the animals I can say hi to my goat hello Vincent outside of here I have ostriches

And their Barn is not decorated either very basic it’s cuz I got some ostriches just for like an accomplishment like a challenge and I don’t really want them so I’m thinking about maybe not keeping that Barn there here I have some chickens I love that I have blue

Chickens and I kind of named them all colors so that blue chicken’s name is red oh my gosh I have a Golden Chicken what should I name it maybe like silver s i l v e r perfect silver will he be inside I can’t see him him at

All okay if if my new chicken is inside I don’t see you oh are is that you hello hello silver silver seems curious but a little cautious it’s a strange new world so I Love This Barn as well I think it turned out really good and I have some

Grass here stuff like this fence and this fence in the middle the ones on the sides and then the corners I’m hoping that they say now that I have the golden clock I’m not sure if they’re going to deteriorate also on the other side I

Have a barn with my ducks and my bunnies I’ve not decorated this one yet because I’m thinking about just keeping them as Ducks I was also hoping that my ducks would swim in this Pond cuz I have it over here but they have not done it and

I’m not sure how I can like coax them in here also I’ve decorated the outdoor area over here but not the one by my oops not the one by my cowboy bar not one by my milk barns all right so this area is not decorated very empty Blank Slate here

I’m hoping that I could make this like a bar like a Tavern so that’s why I have little bar stools outside of here and a little keg here and a beer sign I might redecorate outside of here a little bit but I do like how it started out I like

A little Courtyard with the trees and the fence little fire pit and some chairs I also like the fence around the edges I think that came together really well so the middle one with the teacup is going to be like my te- room and for

Right now I’m using this to get a lot of money so this was like an old barn that I had to just get money Resources with corn on the left to make oil and coffee on the right to make you know coffee coffee beans but I’m going to make this

Like a t- room and I think I’m going to make that very green loungy Maybe um like blankets around not sure this is my Cafe this came together really nice so over here I’ve got like a book Zone where I can sit here is where I like to imagine you would serve coffee

Right order it on the other side then I could sit over here oops decorative Lantern I didn’t mean to pick you up but I could sit over here hang out with my friends over here grab a cup of coffee Brew it that’s brewed get a little

Bush yeah it looks nice right so all of them are going to be like this up here is where I have my fish ponds I need to give each of them something so for example my blobfish or my puffer fish wait what’s it called oh I I clicked the wrong one I

Was like that looks like a blobfish my blobfish pump P they want some mayonnaise but my puffer fish pond they want some coral and then see how it has five and puffer fish and three blob fish I can’t get any more than that they’ll

Go up to 10 but I need to give them some items and then they’ll increase and then I’ll get better items like this row it might give me something that’s even better than the row over here is where I have my honey I’ve always kind of have

My honey over here but I’ve definitely upgraded it with the flooring and the fence around it and I have flowers so I used to have it right next to the bee house without fencing and I used to pick up the flowers on accident all the time but now

I don’t have to worry about picking up the flowers and you get a a lot more money if the bee houses have flowers near them because it’ll be like tulip honey and Jazz honey instead of just regular honey and it sells for more here’s where I

Have my trees and I can get pine tar um maple syrup and there’s one more thing pinear mble syrup and the other thing this one’s pinear see just know that there’s one more this is my Greenhouse I you could put some trees on the ground you don’t

Have to like dig up the ground or anything you just like plant the tree but it does kind of suck it’s a little bit hard to plant it at the exact place that you want it to be so if I were you I would plan on buying extra tree seeds

And knowing that you’re going to fail planting it in the exact spot you want it sometimes cuz like looking at these trees now if I moved them over one spot I could easily plant another tree but I don’t think I could put one right here

Cuz this thing in the corner is in the way I don’t know but I need to add a little bit more Decor in the corners and I have the regular sprinklers what was I thinking I could definitely have more plants if I have sprinklers that covered more surface area

But I still get a lot of money from that it’s all ancient fruit back here is my Batcave not my Batcave my mushroom cave it can be a batcave and they drop fruit but I get mushrooms this is one of the first places that I decorated look how cute I

Have some fish in the back I should probably change the fish to match here a bit better I think I had some fencing around here and such but probably went away before I got my clock so my slime Hutch here and up here my

Clock and my oblisk and my Mill I do not like where they are so just know that this zone right here I know it does not look good but it will change it and it will look good eventually I’m thinking about actually selling my slime hudge but I

Want to accumulate a little bit more money before I do that so around here I have my junimo Huds and they like to pick different flowers or not flowers different crops around for me so if you plant your crops kind of like this with the sprinklers and the Zone like this it

Will gather everything around here so I have two junimo Huts they gather a lot of crops wish they planted them too but you could get an attachment on on top of your sprinkler where if you put seeds it will distribute it for you but I just don’t have that look my trees

Are getting bigger so I also have trees around here and and I have two for each season I believe and I think I have some extra tropical ones though and that will probably go for summer oh my gosh it’s night tell already see this is why I was thinking I

Would just do my house area for one day and then my town for another day that’s basically it though so this is my horse too you can’t put much in this Zone because I think it changes when you get married and it’s your partner’s kind of

Spot so that’s why you can’t put a a lot of stuff there just my horse farm fit perfectly so this is what everything looks like in my farm my farm is called my farm very nice I also have a well so you could fill your watering can here

This is something that you have to get with Robin Robin also upgrades your barns stuff like that so I do have to decorate this bottom area by these Barns and also the corner by my pig barns pretty much the outside area in this l zone below my house I also need to

Decorate the inside of my house look at that look how empty it is it’s because I got that storage bar and I put everything in there I’ll say hi to my dog oops I guess I did already today so I’ll go to sleep for today and then I’ll

Show you what the rest of my um Town looks like all right there are a few things that I’ve decorated but there is a lot that I can still do I will say there’s a lot so why don’t we start by just going north and we could take my horse where’s my

Whistle my gosh do I not have it okay so I was taking things out of my pocket before and I guess I forgot my horse whistle so up here I can still decorate a lot of stuff in this pathway and same with down here by this road

Right so let me just show you where this road is first this goes by the bus stop so this Zone I could decorate as well and I think when I do decorate I want to keep all the trees that naturally grow so I know where they just

Kind of come up that way I can keep that spot cleared and not put anything there I can also add a lot of stuff along the pathway so I have to keep that in mind right so if I keep going to the right that goes to my town but I want to well

Nah I don’t want to go that way I just want to keep going with um up north first and I guess we’ll go without my uh my horse so this zone is going to be able to have a lot to it right I’ll probably make it more of like a

Campground because that’s the vibe it’s giving already with um what’s his face with lius over here I spent a lot of time thinking that’s what he’s telling me can I going to 10 oh my gosh look how cute it’s very small in here probably why he hangs out outside all the

Time so this area will be super nice to decorate also I have the spa hello I don’t know if I’ll do much inside the spa but I could do a lot outside of it and this one might be good to actually cover the whole ground cuz I

Don’t care for all of the resources over here I think I’d rather just dig them up and have a nice flooring or something covering it right this goes to the witches place so I don’t need to go there the flower dance has begun in the

Forest wonder if I should go to that I never go to that corner so up here is a new Zone I’ve gotten there used to be like a rock over here and this whole pathway I could also decorate and it’ll be so beautiful I’ll probably just add lots of different flowers like buckets

Of flowers baskets of flowers if I can put them over here there’s probably a limit to what um Furniture I can put in this area same with up here it would be pretty nice if I could add some stuff and I’ve only just recently gotten this area it’s because I have the Perfection

I’m 100% perfect and this is what it looks like with 100% Perfection still a lot to do I think it’s because I spent so many of my stardy Valley years just trying to get resources and lots of days trying to get everybody to love me and uh to love

Them back yeah so this area I’m not sure what I’m going to do to decorate it I’ll definitely have to put some big thought into that but I could use it to get resources sometimes I like to decorate places just for the decor just so it

Looks nice but sometimes I like to add things to it that makes me money you know like if I could add I don’t know beehives or kegs preserve jars things like that so here’s my mes look at this this was something I did early on as well and my

Fences actually did fall apart at some point cuz I think I have some more fences over here and even over here at some point but they’re gone now and I even have grass but grass goes away in in the winter time so that’s something that you would have to read to most of

Your areas um by the time spring comes around this area is where the dwarf is and I like to think of this as like his little home area he had a lot of fences over around here too and some grass too so I’ll probably add some of that back

At some point but this is what it’s looking like right now very cute this fireplace I love it you cannot get it in your furniture catalog though you have to get it from Robin and this is also my favorite type of flooring where I have these like

Wooden planks but also these wooden um not wooden these Stone step Stones they always come together really nice so I love my Minds I love my Minds then I might even add something outside here because there’s a whole pathway I can take to get to the quy and the quy I’ve definitely decorated

Too this area is like a whole seaing area I usually like to put things on the ground around here though because otherwise I can’t really walk around see there’s just too many stones that get in the way could barely walk I could barely walk ah all right I’m

Out also here I only put this flooring here that way rocks wouldn’t pop up and I could decorate it as I pleased at some point but I haven’t done that yet this one is the the corner that I wanted to leave open that way stuff does spawn over

Here here I like to put an ancient fruit sometimes I like to store some here too then I can put that in here when they’re empty I’ll get some be houses and I will also get some maple syrup I think it is from this one can’t quite

Remember yeah so this is how this place kind of looks I think what we’re going to do is take the train and go to the town how about that all right so we’re we’re right by the blacksmith area and if we go up North this used to be the jojamart but

It’s changed to the movie theater check this out see the movie theater so I could decorate all around this area wish I could add like playgrounds and things I should totally add stuff up in this corner yeah look at that and I could go up behind the movie

Theater too and add stuff back here be like lounge chairs like it’s like a fishing Zone Beach Zone relaxing Isn’t that cool okay so if I go back down we’ll also end up by the museum and I could probably decorate around the museum a little bit

Too I got to check that out so let’s go see if there’s anything by the museum that will feel inspired by this is a museum yeah like right around here something in the front this little stump thing is always there so maybe I could add something around it little kids around

Here what’s up girl hey Penny I lived in pelicant my whole life can you believe that oh you’re so cute this thing changes each season close until summer I think they give me like ice cream in the summer so this entire town area around

Here I can add lots of stuff to I don’t think it disappears I don’t know what I’m limited to you know cuz I know I could put flooring down things like that but I don’t know if I could put grass around here or like carpets certain chairs things like

That but the town has this ground I think I could probably add a different one if I felt like it over everything lots of plants hey everybody but I don’t really have anything going on right now and in this corner where Harvey is hey Harvey you know Harvey was my first

Husband isn’t that beautiful he likes to hang out over here you have a really healthy glow That’s good I’ve made him forget H I made him forget that he uh and I got divorced so there’s that all right isn’t this a beautiful Zone that I could decorate and that I have nothing

In right now but I will at some point and this backyard here oh my gosh I should totally add a fence back here and make this like your own private backyard just for the ladies cuz they don’t have their area locked off at all oh my gosh what a great

Idea so let me go to the left I believe that will be I think that’ll be a good idea we’ve done most of the areas in the right of the map so down here is where Leah house is I could add a bunch of cute stuff here

Why don’t I just show you the beach real quick nothing is on the beach right now I wish I could add like an umbrella and stuff like that but I don’t think I can I don’t know where I could get an umbrella but there’s a lot of of real

Estate isn’t there I feel like mostly I should keep it free and open around here but this is what it looks like right now most of the stuff on this right side over here I’m not going to be able to put anything on um and that’s because

All this stuff in the middle I can’t really walk on so I probably won’t decorate that one too much but over here I can it’s pretty empty right now but again it has a lot of potential and I could really go somewhere with this okay let’s go back into this corner of the

Map and we’ll also find our way to the secret Forest which is somewhere I want to go to wow look at all these resources so if I do decorate this little Forest Area I won’t get a lot of this stuff anymore because I’ll probably put like

Stuff on top of it and then these won’t spawn the fibers and the trees so I think I’ll let the trees grow but I’m not I don’t really care about the sticks like these sticks and the fibers as much I also have tons of crab pots over

Here and they’re so ugly and they have no Rhyme or Reason so I might redo how these are I like it better over here than on the corner to the right there you see I don’t know so this is where that traveling cart usually is so I can’t put

Anything there I have to leave that open for sure this is where the Wizard’s Hut is I don’t have anything there but I could put some I don’t know little pathway up to this place this is a streer forest I definitely have to make this look like a super glowy trippy Campground

Vibe it’s empty right now a few things spawn here like horseradish and of course the slimes but they don’t hurt me yeah so I could totally make a border around this Pond that’ll look cool but I have to make sure that I could leave space on the side so I can go fishing

There’s also this space on the bottom if you don’t know this is a great place to go to when you need to get hardwood towards the beginning of the game cuz you can get it with these stumps every day whereas the other hardwood trees they take a while

To grow you know you can also get some mushrooms in here and other things like more horseradish so I’ll also take you down a little bit lower but then I think we’re going to have to save the other places that are not right on like our main map for tomorrow because it’s pretty

Late and that’s the desert and ginger Island so as you can see there’s a lot that’s open right now this is where I could have gone for the flower festival earlier today but I guess I waited too long so there’s a lot over here I can do I can buy some hats down

There then I guess I can go around here probably put some stuff if you go fishing here’s a little hint if you go fishing towards this corner right here I don’t know if it it pertains to a certain season but I know that if you go fishing right here you

Can get a legendary fish yeah okay so over here definitely has some good real estate over here is definitely a great area to decorate look at all this I have no idea what I want to put around here but there’s so many cool things I could put wow look at it all pit

Parade yeah and I could get um spring onions I forgot about that look at that there’s another one in that corner I don’t feel like going over to it so another place I totally forgot about is a sewer look I have it unlocked from here

So I could add oh my gosh wouldn’t it be cool if I had a bunch of like statues along the this way wow that’d be cool I wonder if I could put anything in here I probably won’t but I will decorate around here over here oh my gosh wouldn’t it be

Cool if I made it look like a cool science lab and this is like his Home Zone kobus he loves me should I say hi if you put your ear up to the right pipe you can hear in any house from down here I wouldn’t e drop though okay

Well I think that’s about all we can do from our home here now this is back to like the town area as you can see we’re back to the area where we um kind of saw we have no no decorations now I think we’ll just buzz on

Home I should check and see if I can get my horse whistle it’s probably in here here it is my flute and let me go to bed and then tomorrow I’ll show you Ginger Island and the desert those are two places that I have really not done too much with but I do

Have a couple ideas all right I’ll show you I think the desert first that will be a little bit faster so this one is how I get to the desert this totem it has little cactuses on it and here’s the desert so there are trees here that you don’t normally see

The hardwood trees the mahogany ones these ones I plant here because I get I get them as resources and I can plant them a bunch and I forget about it and then one day I come here and boom there’s a bunch of them and then I can chop them all down one

Day and I get so many pieces of hardwood it’s incredible so everything down below and everything on the top half of this road look at that I have a million hardwood trees I have so many I’ll probably go through and chop these all down in another video

I’m not going to do all of that today but this is what my desert is looking like so I there there’s a lot that I could do to decorate around here too obviously I haven’t done anything yet cuz I’m using it for resources but I think pretty soon I’m not going to need

To just gather random resources like this anymore so I’ll probably use it to decorate yeah I don’t know what I want the desert to look like though okay let’s go back home so we could use our other totem not totem our other obis this one here with the parrots on

It hey and now we’re on Ginger Island so I think if we decorate the beach area right here towards the water we want to make it look really tropical super cute super beachy and like I want to sit in Lounge Vibe so hopefully we could put a lot of chairs out

Here there’s also this corner on the right with this star pool and I can also lead inside this like Pirates Cove area so I’m not sure if I could decorate inside the Pirates Cove but I should try it see if I could decorate maybe everything will disappear when the

Pirates are here but then maybe they’ll come back when the Pirates leave they only come uh at night sometimes I don’t remember which days of the week but it’s not all the time obviously cuz they weren’t there right now oh my gosh that not kind of scared me it only happens

When I walk right next to it kind of avoided at the first time I walked by but the second time looks like I hit one okay so let’s go to the left this is where we can find our farm there’s so much here that needs to

Be cleaned up I have a lot of fiber around here look at all this wao I have so much in this bottom corner it’s because I haven’t really come to Ginger Island recently I’ve been doing so much stuff on my main Farm a lot of redecorating a

Lot of reorganizing so that takes a lot of days cuz while you’re just sitting staring at things the clocks spin so fast so I’m not sure if there’s stuff that I want to decorate around here but maybe I’ll look and see if if some other Farms give me some inspiration but I have

Decorated this parrot stop look at this so I like to think of this corner as like what if I was waiting for um these birds cuz they were flying somebody else somewhere what would I want it to look like so this area is supposed to serve as like oh I’m waiting

For the parrot bird stop okay so I was trying to plant these trees interesting I was trying to plant these trees in a way where they would all grow in like a circle and some of them grew some of them did not grow I have not

Visited here in a while so it looks like I’ll have to reorganize how some of this is but it had potential did not work out um so this path is nice cuz it shows me that I could walk through this I didn’t realized that this parrot stop

Was so convenient for the farm cuz I can go to down this way I was always going to the left like a really long way but I could go to the right and go down under the trees easy I’ll probably have to decorate this area around where my

Storage bin is but I haven’t done anything here yet either so I think something that we’re going to do is use the parrot stop that way we can go to a new Zone let’s go to the volcano now we cannot not decorate anything inside the volcano cuz each

Floor is kind of different every day but we can do stuff outside of it around here looks everything’s Sandy so everything I think will have to be like a light nice Airy theme nothing to I don’t want to put like well I was going to say I don’t

Want to put like um a brick path but a brick path could look good I don’t know we could try it and it might work out really nice we probably put nice decorations around here too this is the dig site so I don’t know if I want to cover this dig

Site up with Decor or not but I could also I have a little cave look at this little cave and I could decorate that too or I could leave it open so mushrooms spawn there’s a small little platform up here I’ll probably add like a sitting area but I don’t know if I’m

Going to add anything to this corner like across the bridge cuz there’s not much space I mean I could add a couple things but I don’t know maybe I’ll feel inspired once I decorate the right side of it so that’s the volcano zone now if we go south of here a little

Bit there’s only a couple more spaces that I have left this is where I can go to the trade store and I’ve been trying to get what is it the tropical TV so I need enough taro root to get the tropical TV I do have

Some tar taro root but I don’t know if I have 30 by now so I definitely want to decorate around this area where as I’m leading up to him make it more obvious that there’s something there here’s we’re back at the beach there’s some people here now hey guys what’s up I’m

Going to decorate here one day make it look cute so the only other place I can go is to the right here and look how dark it is it’s always like this around here o I could get some fiddle leaf right where is this fiddle leaf I guess

Not it’s just regular old fiber there’s always fiber around here the F Leaf is like this one that’s a little more bright oh I don’t have enough room in my pockets is something I can just get rid of how about the one piece of coal oh my gosh I picked up a charot

Tuber that’s what it is I was like what did I miss also this thing and now I can pick up that all right so I don’t know if I can decorate inside of his house let’s see inside of it it’s pretty small but maybe I could add a few things a

Little bit here a little bit there maybe we’ll try it he’s not home very often anymore because he’s usually on the main island now once we got friends enough with him he started showing up there it honestly got kind of inconvenient because it made it harder order for me to find him when

I was trying to become best friends with him so that’s about it for ginger Island so I’ve officially showed you my farm and then I showed you the rest of the town and then we were made it to the desert and ginger Island so there are so

Many more places that we’re going to be able to decorate eventually but for now this is what things have been looking like I think pretty soon we’re going to add a few more things on my main Farm like this Zone by the clock I definitely

Want to change that cuz I see it all the time and I’ll probably get rid of the Slime Hutch pretty soon this is what the inside of the Slime Hutch looks like I did not show you that earlier so forgot about that bloopo so I’m just using this to

Get a little bit of money for now and it is kind of cute looks a little spooky kind of gives I think a good aesthetic for a slime Hutch but I don’t know if I want it too much because it’s so big and bulky outside and I think I’d rather use the

Space to decorate for the clock look it’s moving in real time so I’m just going to go ahead and say hi to my animals clean up my farm a little bit and I’ll keep decorating and then maybe next year when I have a year seven update we’ll have so many more

Things and it won’t look so empty because I think I’ll have like like this Barn so empty and it looks like I don’t do anything but then the next Barn that I have like the cows I have so many more things in there and it fills up the space really nice

So yeah this is how things are looking I think I like it but lots more to do I’m feeling inspired yeah I’m feeling inspired let’s keep decorating maybe I’ll even do the bar next remember this room totally empty right now yeah so I’m going to go and

Clean up my farm a little bit talk to my animals make sure they’re feeling good and get all the all of the resources so thank you so much for visiting my channel and staying until the end of the video I hope that you enjoyed watching as much as I enjoyed playing and I’ll

See you on Tuesday or Friday for the next Video

Welcome everyone!

We do not have the update yet,
so a farm tour is what you’ll get.
We’ll treat this as a progress point
before we move on from this joint.


00:00 Intro
01:00 My Farm Tour
14:30 My Town Tour
29:45 Desert Tour
31:08 Ginger Island Tour

About the Game

Stardew Valley for Nintendo Switch
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Check Out My Other Videos

Making a Storage Barn in Stardew Valley:
Spending All My Money on a Clock (10,000,000 Gold) in Stardew Valley:

🎧 My Gear

Console: Nintendo Switch:
Controller: Pro Controller:
TV: TCL Roku:
Computer: Macbook Pro (15-inch, 2017), Version 10.15.7:
Headphones: Shure SRH440:
Microphone: Audio Technica AT2020USB+:
Pop Filter:
Capture Card: Elgato HD60 S+:
Audio Adapter Cable:
Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro:

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