I was WRONG about Stardew Valley…

Guys I don’t know what to play today I don’t want to play Animal Crossing I don’t want to play coral island I don’t know what do you guys what do you guys want to see me play tell you play stardew for years you guys are always mentioning stardew Valley it’s always

Stardew Valley it’s just another farming Sim guys how many farming Sims can I play you guys just want to watch me play Farm Sims all the time it’s just like every other game you get a farm you make crops what’s the point I’m not going to play another Farm Sim guys it’s just

Like everything else okay gosh would you look at him just so young so misinformed he has no idea what he’s talking about don’t be like this guy if you or a loved one have been showing signs of not enjoying stardew Valley I’m afraid you may be suffering from a case of being

Wrong I get it I was a stardew valley hater for years here’s why I was wrong the first time I tried stardew I was was handed a farm and some parsnip seeds and slapped on the butt with a good luck all I really knew about the

Game is that it was a Farm Sim so I kind of assumed it’ be like any other task managing busy work just tending to crops kind of game just like all the other Farm Sims I’ve played I couldn’t have been more clueless of course there’s still the typical buying seeds planting

Seeds growing the crops selling the crops tending to your animals but that is just one aspect of many in stardew Valley one part of farming or life Sim games that I normally could not care less about is usually the relationships I just never really see

The point of it but in this game there are actual incentives that make building those relationships with the Villagers totally worth it without any spoilers there are even special cutcenes with each character you are able to build a relationship with which leads me to one of my favorite parts of this game which

Is how each character individually is so complex with their own backgrounds their own stories and their own lore behind them some of them are even tougher to crack than others like Shane who I’ve known for five years and he still asks why I’m talking to him because he

Doesn’t know me yeah Shane sucks but also some of the characters are really endearing like lonus who isn’t bothering anybody and is just genuinely happy you’re talking to him or Willie who I feel like is just Robin Willie yums get it or like my wife Abigail who was just

Happy to eat any Rock I gift her I remember my mind being blown the first time I interacted with the wizard I mean what even was that cut scene whoa look at this cauldron dude look at this guy and a golden scroll written in your unknown language that

Interesting I told him about the scroll I found the note he found the note that fast heck we the junimo are happy to Aid you in return we ask for the for gifts of the valley if you are one with the forest you’ll see the true nature of

This scroll baby Fern Moss grub caramel top toad stool can you smell it what dude what is this dude this is sick there also some extremely unique characters in the game that aren’t just Side characters but actually have purpose and substance to them like kobis or key who I cannot

Believe made me go to level 100 of the skull Caverns are you kidding me those things kick my butt let’s go who is this guy what is that impressive very impressive making it all the way down here is Quite a feat although you did skip a bunch of Levels by crafting

Staircases how did he know that what if we didn’t do any would it see would he say the same thing it’s just impossible to get here without staircases I bet now go over to the table and drink this special milk I pr prepared for you it’s called iridium snake milk I’m going to

Gag we’re going to be the Hulk The Taste is awful and the texture is even worse your health is permanently increased by 25 let’s go why is there a ladder letting me go down further even though they are tough I did appreciate how challenging the skull cows were a lot of

Farm or life Sim games have pretty much little to no challenge to them at all and certainly not a lot of combat with a lot of weapons with different stats to choose from with the ability to Forge them that give you special abilities stardo not only has one not two but

Three different Minds to conquer and if I’m honest those are probably where I spent the majority of my time I probably had the most fun with those enough about key and the mindes it doesn’t stop at just the characters even the town of stardew Valley is full of hidden puzzles

And secrets and little Hidden Treasures to find and discover all the little notes and hints scattered around are not only really fun to discover and solve but I also found it to be such a unique way to teach players how to play the game it’s also a cool way to present

Lore about stardy Valley to new players from sharing what villagers love and hate to be gifted to directing you to hidden items just when I feel like I’m about to finish the game we complete a big task I’ve been working on Andy’s mom pulls a surprise present from the closet

Come in mother come in mother mom has pulled a surprise present from the closet it’s a and there are even more locations to be discovered and to explore with their own hidden secrets and their own puzzles like when I completed the community center for the first time done pelic

Town a great service everyone in town is pleased let’s go local Legend uh-oh Morris no one likes you man how does it feel oh get him we got to settle it the oldfashioned way right kick his up he’s going to fight him get him [Laughter] and honestly it doesn’t even really feel like the game fully opens up until you do finish the community center and I think most would agree that it’s hard to complete the community center in the first year of the game and the truth is that is if you even decide to complete

The community center at all you could also sell out to the corporate overlords over a joa freeing me to my next point which is just how much Freedom you have to play play however you would like in stardo if you want to take your time and slowly make your way through stardo

Valley you can do that if you want to speedrun the game and get to the endgame stuff as quick as possible there are tons of challenges online for that let me know in the comments what stardo challenge you think I should do next if you want to make the game easier or

Harder on yourself there are plenty of mods online for that as well if you’re on PC I mean even if you want to make your game look different you can do that with mods if you want to make every bit of gold fishing you are free to do that

As well there’s no right or wrong way to play stardo Valley going into stardew Valley I thought it was just going to be just another farming Sim I was wrong this is the farming Sim I’ve tried a lot of farming Sims and life Sims and similar games in the past and looking

Back now I can truly see staru Valley’s influence every winner so many games have tried to capture the same lightning in the the bottle that concerned ape has with stardew Valley and I never thought I would say this but stardew Valley has quickly jumped up in the ranks to become

One of my favorite games of all time I just don’t think I’ve played a game quite like it before from the music to the Timeless art style stardo Valley will be a game I continue to return to for years to come be sure to like And subscribe thank you for chilling and

We’ll catch you the next one peace

here is why i was wrong about stardew valley

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#stardew #stardewvalley #bwick


  1. I've heard of your channel in connection with animal crossing competitions, but I didn't realize you had stardew content. Now I'll have to look through your channel. Nice video!

  2. I can't tell you how much joy it brings me to watch other people experience this game for the first time. it never gets old!
    First time finding your channel. Take my sub!

  3. Play Stardew Valley Expanded!
    I love the game, but once I finally got perfection, I wondered what now? (This was before the 1.6 update). So I downloaded SVE and it is amazing. You get to talk and befriend Marlon. And Gunther. Plus new interesting characters. I won't spoil it. Just do it.

  4. Why did I get a notification for this unknown creator type video. No shade to you bro, but YouTube pushing this into my phone 3 minutes after I start my first stardew world on my switch? Fuck this google is creepy bro.

  5. Hey, you should consider checking out Rune Factory, particularly RF4 Special. If you want a more challenging farm sim with great characters, it's one of the best in the business

  6. I'm afraid you're also wrong about my husband Shane. Glad you like Stardew Valley, I followed the development of the game for years before it came out and figured it was just going to be this super niche indie game that only fans of the original Harvest Moon would really like. So nice to see how popular it became.

  7. and now with 1.6 out it has even more. yea CA said its the last big update but i do see that he might add a few smaller things. i will say its sad that CA said he doesnt plan on making a stardew vally 2 cause i would love a 2 like 50 or 60 years in the future but it is his choice.

  8. I'm so glad you gave Stardew Valley a try & are loving it so much! This game holds such a special place in my heart & I love seeing others discover this game <3

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