Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich HOUSE INSIDE BED Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

Huh look Mikey let’s have a competition and find out whose house is better H do you mean bed house I’ll tell you at the beginning that my bed is better I have a device that causes all kinds of disasters so let’s just cause all kinds of disasters and see whose

House falls apart H so you’re suggesting a competition and we’ll see whose Bed the house is Better Built great I agree I like your idea now we will find out which of us is the more talented build I wonder what will fall on this roulette

H I wonder what will happen I hope not a hurricane that cannot be so we are waiting for the lava wave oh no you know what this means to Mikey that both our houses can just be washed away with lava listen soon this wave of lava will

Reach us hide in the house and don’t you dare open the door oh no a wave of lava practice has reached us why exactly waves of lava why on roulette did not storm lava can melt the diamond blocks of my house my house could have withstood that

Big lava wave and my house would have burned down JJ’s bed is fine the diamond house doesn’t even have scratches on it honestly I thought JJ’s house would be destroyed I thought the head diamond blocks would melt but unfortunately JJ’s house is fine I need to put out this fire my

House has been able to withstand this way well what happens next hope the next challenge isn’t so difficult H thanks to water balloons I can put out fire or lava well I prepared water balloons beforehand H we need to put out the fire in the lava quickly or they’ll burn my

House down we should have made the house out of stone and not of Earth I wonder what JJ’s doing right now maybe he’s in trouble just like me although if JJ’s just looking at me through the window he’s fine I had to build a house out of

Diamonds too and I actually think I made a really cool house out of the ground H I was able to withstand this test honestly I was afraid that lava would destroy my house the way I see Mikey’s house is in bad shape so are you ready

For the next competition H I feel like one more test and there’s nothing left of your house don’t make me laugh JJ my house is almost imperfect condition unlike you I can make a good house out of the ground huh okay it doesn’t matter let’s turn the wheel look what the next challenges

Will be I wonder what the next challenge will be honestly it doesn’t matter what the next test is because my house is going to make it and you Mikey what do you think we’re going to be facing maybe another wave of lava H don’t joke like

That I hope there will be anything but lava something is tornado H what but why these tests are difficult only for me run home JJ or you could get hit by a hurric what I didn’t think this tornado was going to happen so fast I thought we’d

Have a little time I actually wanted to go eat okay it doesn’t matter I hope Mikey and his house are okay and I’m worried about him if Mike’s house blows up my house is heavy it’s not going to happen to him so I don’t have to worry about

It what is it why is this hurricane so powerful part of my head just flew away how can it be the same blocks of Earth they are heavy okay it doesn’t matter what kind of strong wind I need to seal these holes in the ceiling they get

Wind why is my house being destroyed and JJ’s house just in perfect condition woohoo oh no my house is being blown down you had to make a house out of wood so it could easily withstand this hurricane H what a loud wind because of this tornado in my face Earth and sand I

Wish I had glass of sand the sand got right in my mouth how disgusting H okay it doesn’t matter there’s just a little more to go and this test is over and hopefully the next test won’t be so hard woohoo well I was able to pass this test I wonder what will happen

Next huh honestly I thought my whole house would fall apart huh I’m lucky the storm wasn’t so bad yep even though I knew that my house could endure everything was still scary H one day in the village a hurricane took a whole house in which a villager

Lived all right let’s spin the drum Mikey yep I wonder what we’ll get like there’s only a storm left there’s the hardest test left and I hope we can handle it h what is it a storm uhoh this test is going to be very difficult well

My bed will make it stand maybe JJ you’ll give up now if you say you’re giving up then we don’t have to check out who house is better we already know my bed is better than yours no but let’s check out who’s got a stronger house I want to see your house

Fall apart during a hurricane don’t be ridiculous Mikey I’m sure your bed fell apart 10 minutes after the storm hit H I wonder if my home can withstand this storm I am almost certain that nothing will happen to my house and it will not even get hit

By this thunder and lightning still the lightning is a lot stronger than I thought but I think my house can take it honestly I think his house is going to be okay with a bed too and he’s going to survive this storm my house is falling apart right in

Front of me but it was a bad idea to make a house out of the ground because of this rain the ground becomes damp and literally fall down almost the entire roof is already gone because of the wind blocks of the earth just fly away H it

Is a horror and what do I do now and also because of this fire part of the wooden floor burned I wish wish I had a stone or other durable resource why is the bed of JJ’s House in perfect condition but there are not even any stains from the

Fire and my house almost burned down we need to put out this whole fire or else there’s no floor at all and it’s going to burn woohooo well I was able to fix part of the roof now my floor will not be struck by lightning I will need to

Fix the floor to the ground so that I do not fall down again I’m doing great now I don’t fall down now I have to finish fixing the roof with Earth so the rain doesn’t get on my floor well I was able to fix most of the problems now at least

No rain from the ceiling and no lightning hits me H the only thing that makes me happy is that JJ’s house is constantly being struck by lightning but his house is still in perfect condition I think I made a pretty good house out of the ground how powerful is this

Hurricane from the fact that lightning is constantly hitting our house as they begin to burn I can’t wait for this to end and the next stage of the competition has begun huh well my house could have easily withstood that hurricane I saw Mikey’s lightning strike your house and

Then there was a Fire H I’m glad you’re doing well in the end and you didn’t end up in a fire H H all right Mikey now we have the final round of the trial from what I understand the next challenge will be an army of zombies and and other

Monsters yep and this time your house Mikey is going to fall apart here in the chest were the spikes of other love shoot and there was the diamond equipment well you’re ready Mikey this round will be final now that we know whose house is the best we’ll find out

Once and for all who’s better at building h h I hope these zombies don’t strike at once and we have at least some time to prepare for their attack H listen JJ let’s set the traps in advance so that when the horde of zombies appears we already have many traps H

Honestly I don’t think I can handle this and I’m sure a zombie will destroy my house but I’m not going to lose huh don’t worry Mikey our homes can handle this zombie army H love your idea of setting traps from the start the last time we rolled the drum the trial

Started right away and the last few times we didn’t even have time to prepare but now we’ve set traps from the start yep too bad we don’t have as much time as we’d like if we had more time we could make cooler traps H listen JJ I

Wonder what you’re doing why are you digging this hole you want to pour lava in it so that when the zombies come to your house they fall into lava or something H and now I know you’re not pouring lava in this pit you put spikes

In it which is also a good trap but I think the idea of lava was better H well it doesn’t matter but let’s play the drum wait it’s too early to spin the drum I think I’ll cover my trap with a thin layer of Earth and

Grass so the zombies don’t see it and come here and then fall down oh don’t worry Mikey will be all right if you want us to team up and we’ll both survive against a zombie army H I don’t know JJ but I promise to think about

What you said if I fail I’ll just come to you for help which I think is a good option but I think I can handle this horde of zombies I see you’re making more traps now I thought you only wanted to pick one hole and you’re setting more

Traps H if you come to me for Mikey’s help I will be only happy woohoo so don’t distract me Mikey I want to finish building traps I just thought we were taking our time building traps so we can set a lot of traps H think about it

Mikey we don’t know exactly how many zombies there will be in case there are only five zombies or an army of zombies so it’s better to make as many traps as possible actually I don’t have a lot of resources so I can’t make the traps I wanted H to be honest with you

Mikey you did a good job with your house being pretty strong even though you built it out of the ground yep if I was honest I thought your house would fall apart in the first trial but your house was pretty strong and I could make it to the final round

Honestly I think my house can handle even the final test I think it’s going to be hard but I’m going to make it listen what are you doing now why are you making a ladder out of the ground even though I see what you do but I do

Not understand why you do it look JJ maybe you can set traps around my house too you know H so you can see for yourself that we have almost no traps left to be honest I don’t think I have enough traps for my house so I just

Don’t have any traps for your house and you asked me what I was doing now and why I had to build these stairs the answer is simple at the bottom I put a mechanic who will shoot arrows and held the wire to my house that is I will

Activate the lever and will fly arrows all simple it’s actually a very benol trap but as far as I’m concerned it’s quite effective even if zombies see this trap they won’t know how it works there’s still a little more time before I finish building the traps and we can

Start spinning the drum listen Mikey I’ve got an idea you’d better not be doing nothing dig a hole huh look let’s get this drum rolling the sooner we get started the sooner we can finish look I think you built some really cool traps I think they’re going to

Work I have a good feeling about Mikey listen sit down on the roof better not go down yep oh no and there’s an army of zombies I thought there would be less but nothing we will will definitely be able to withstand the attack of these zombies not for nothing I built tracks

Now we either just have to wait until morning or we kill all these zombies let’s just wait till morning h no Mikey was attacked by a horde of zombies I told him to sit on the roof I have to go to his rescue how many zombies I hope I

Can sneak up on Mikey so those zombies don’t hurt me my traps work even better than I thought and now I have to go save my how many zombies are here hold on Mikey I’m coming I told you to sit on the roof of your house so why did you fall down

Let’s go to my house listen JJ let go of the arrows it really helps I can’t go to your house yet too many zombies H if I try to approach your house the zombies will just rip me apart put more traps near the pit look we almost did it Mikey

There’s practically no zombies Left almost all the zombies died from tra I can’t believe it but by the looks of it we can beat all those zombies yep listen run to me quickly there’s practically no zombies here you will not catch ouch ouch ouch we almost beat this

Zombie army now we have two zombies to kill you asked me why I fell off a roof all of a sudden I thought I could beat a zombie which is why I jumped I didn’t think there’d be so many zombies so listen what are we going to do next JJ hm

I’ll set more traps I think there will be a few waves of zombies and we’ve only managed to beat one wave of zombies I don’t know how many times the zombies will attack us but better set more traps I have more traps left of course not enough to

Withstand an attack by an army of zombies uh-oh I thought the zombies would attack until the morning so listen to Mikey come here to my house you better hide from the beginning so I don’t have to save you huh after all the Trap works very well not

One more Snake could not pass through my pit how good that I made the traps with arrows now all we have to do is wait for the zombies to die from my traps there’s a lot of zombies out there honestly I thought if I hadn’t set these

Traps I would have lost oh no Mikey’s been attacked by a small zombie mob again although I think he can do better than that and those zombies destroyed my home too bad I didn’t make it bigger so more zombies would fall down and die of

Thorns I think it’s going to be the last zombie attack and if we can beat the zombies now we’ll finally be done with this competition I have to help Mikey I thought he could handle this little zombie army himself hold on a little longer I’m coming to your Aid I told you

Not to get in a fight I had to help you again you better help me instead of talking first there was one zombie and then more zombies appeared and they attacked me hm H while Mikey fights zombies I will break his house we have a competition with him if

We have a tie we will have to repeat this test again H I’d lose by myself but I don’t want to ruin my home now I have to wait for Mikey to defeat that zombie army actually Mikey’s house is very well preserved so good for him I can hear him

Out there fighting zombies he single-handedly beat a small crowd of zombies so so good for him now I have to wait for him to get here what happened when I left my house was intact huh did my house get attacked by zombies when I left it’s a shame but

My house has withstood it and will be as good as new woohoo look JJ you win and what do we do now H listen Mikey let’s go to the store and get a large ice cream and I’ll buy you ice cream of your choice yep it’s just that you’re going to build a

Really nice house and you fought really well so I figured you deserved ice cream

Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich HOUSE INSIDE BED Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

TSUNAMI in Minecraft – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ubc4jHSdZw


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