Hello guys and welcome back to the crazy minecraft video where today we’ve been invited to this village to figure out why a villager has gone ahead and made some very unusual spawners and it seems like they’ve gathered all the village guards to make sure no one goes inside

Well i think they’ve gone ahead and been using the dna synthetizer as well as the dna extractor and it seems like the villagers want us to go ahead and stop this evil monster well guys let’s go speak to them and let’s go and see how we can help

Hello naveed one of the evil villagers has modified some dinosaur spawners we are worried they could mutate and destroy a whole village the village guards will assist you against all the evil dinosaurs quickly time is running out wait is that why all the village guards are here because they’re gonna help us that’s

Gonna be so great so as you can see they’ve gone ahead and set up for us a wonderful chest full of some very unusual spawners i’m gonna take out every single one and hopefully they’re not all dangerous which i think is going to be pretty cool

I am a little bit worried though that the village guards don’t know exactly what we’re getting ourselves into so what i’ll do i’ll come back later and get out all these other items well let’s go and use these village guards and hopefully they’re all set to go and fight off these evil monsters

But guys before we do that i do want to give a shout out to omar as well as katie for being members of this wonderful channel if you guys want to get a shout out as well all you gotta do is go ahead press the join button below and very

Soon you’ll get your very own shout out as well guys the villager has just reminded me that the majority of you aren’t subscribed yet so head down below and press the red subscribe button along with the notifications bell well guys let’s go and do this i guess

All we got to do then is just go and spawn them wait what are these guards doing oh they’re going to follow us around and once we spawn a dangerous dinosaur they want to go ahead and make sure it’s dead this is going to be great let me start off then by doing

Charlie this one’s going to be really scary i’m going to make sure i do it slightly further away from the village right here whoa there it is wow it’s really dangerous get it guys and they’re instantly going ahead and trying to destroy it but i’ve just realized we’ve spawned straight back

Inside that house but i’ve got to make sure that evil dinosaur is destroyed where is it did you guys do it if they did that is so awesome how about ever go ahead and spawn the chasmosaurus oh this one’s friendly so i don’t think they should go ahead and kill this one

Yep we’re all good they’re following us around which is perfect so they can distinguish between which dinosaurs evil and which one isn’t well i’m pretty sure i’m going to start saying all these names wrong so let me go and spawn the gallumimus and let’s go and see what this one looks

Like ah perfect i don’t think this one’s dangerous either so hopefully these village guards won’t see it as a thread but as of right now i think these dinosaurs are perfect roaming around the village and making sure we have some brand new mobs i can’t wait to go ahead and see what we

Have next let me spawn the metria cantosaurus i’m gonna do this one right there i’m perfect but sadly this one is dangerous i can instantly tell so as soon as it hurts someone it’s gonna go ahead and pretty much alert all the village guys to stop in hey stop it yes

There they all go you they’ve done it that is perfect and now we can go ahead collect all the items and pretty much eat ourselves up there we go hopefully the next one won’t be so dangerous let me spawn the masaurus which i’m gonna do right around here

And cool it’s like a little baby dinosaur this one is gonna be awesome for the village guards thankfully though we still have every single one left so i think we’re doing all right how about we go gone spawn that geek are known to saurus and i’m gonna do this one right here

Wow this one’s massive this one is definitely gonna go ahead and eat the whole village up and i can see all the village guards are slightly confused as to what to do should we just go ahead and attack it let’s go see what happens perfect get him guys get him

This is insane okay i think it’s going to be pretty dangerous i’ve got to make sure that this one is easily destroyed and hopefully everyone should get him get him guys get him don’t let him run off he’s trying to evacuate the village and destroy everything what a crazy day well

How about we go and spawn the guanlong which i’m going to do right around here as well oh perfect this one is so awesome and it sounds so cool but i’m a little bit scared that this one could be dangerous yep i knew it it was instantly trying to kill us okay

As soon as they kill it i think they will all spawn back with me but let’s go and double check i can’t let any dinosaur be free oh i think i’ve done it and they’ve just instantly left it there to die this is such a shame

Villages you got to make sure you clean up the bodies we can’t let it free i’m going to go ahead and spawn the next one which is the only thirst somimus which i think is a friendly one as far as i can see these little guys

Only eat bugs and grass so i think this is going to be perfect but sometimes you never know he’s trying to blend in with the villager guards but i don’t need him as a guardian so let’s go ahead swap these items around and hopefully we should be able to do

This as fast as we can i think so far we’ve spawned so many cool ones but we still have so many more to go and do let me spawn the kovy throw saurus which i’m going to spawn next to the masseurs and hopefully they should look really awesome

There we go oh wait a second where’s his legs okay that was pretty scary but thankfully once again this dinosaur isn’t dangerous so i think all we’re gonna do is help it up oh there we go we sorted it out well so far this has been pretty cool

And i’m a little bit worried that the more dinosaurs we spawn the more that all the prey are gonna see so many predators around so how about we go and spawn the comp sognathus which i’m gonna do right around here oh it’s a little one this is so cute okay i couldn’t imagine

This little guy being dangerous but you’ll be surprised sometimes so he’s now run off so i think we’re all good i can’t wait to spawn more so i’m going to go ahead and keep on going by doing the dilophosaurus and perfect and wait this one is definitely dangerous

He will go ahead and once he sees us he’ll be alerted and his ears will pop up and he’ll try and shoot something at us oh look he’s going for one of the goats ah that is such a shame watch out he’s coming straight for us this is gonna be pretty scary

I think as soon as he sees us he’s probably gonna spit something at us so let’s be really careful are we good oh there he comes i think he sees us now let me go ahead and hit him and this will let all the village go to

Go and destroy him get him guys get him perfect and wait why is this little guy suddenly angry oh that was really strange i’m going to spawn the car chair run down to saurus which i’m going to do right around here and i’m definitely sure that this one’s evil as well yep

I knew it for sure he is and he’s coming straight after us village guards i need your help go and destroy him let’s run away as fast as we can and we should be able to survive this one i think the village guards should be

Able to go ahead and get rid of him as fast as they can are they doing a good job yep i think they are whoa they’ve all got wonderful powers but i think they see this one as definitely too strong get them guys yes they’ve done it

That is great i’m gonna sponsor more for them let me do the edmontosaurus and i don’t think this one’s dangerous but let’s go and check yep i knew it this one’s friendly so this guy’s just gonna go ahead eat trees eat grass eat everything and you’re just gonna forage

Around and pretty much leave us alone so so far we’ve done an awesome job but sadly i do think we’ve lost two village guards i don’t see as many as we did before but let me spawn the chilisaurus which i’m gonna do right around here

I’m perfect look how cute this one is i think he’s definitely one of the most friendly monsters we’re ever gonna find no wonder the villagers don’t want them mutating anything because sometimes these dinosaurs have got the body of an evil monster but they turn out to be friendly let’s

Keep on going and let’s spawn the dragonoctosis which imma do right here wow this is so cool this is going to be one of the biggest dinosaurs we’ve ever had in the whole village and it’s the tallest monster we’ve ever seen but let’s go and check

Whoa okay i am for sure that all the village is gonna want this mop around everyone be able to spot the village from miles away i’m gonna spawn echo that is sadly another dangerous dinosaur and let’s go and do this wow perfect get him guys get him okay i’ve kind of instantly

Forgot they have given us a diamond sword so we should go ahead and use it as much as we can did we lose a villager i think we just did yep i think they’ve killed off echo which is great and i might leave his body right there

And i’m now ready to go ahead and do the next few so let me take out a whole new row and let me go and spawn the next dangerous one which is gonna be delta which i’m gonna do on this dog there we go watch out guys get him let’s

Go and use our diamond sword and hopefully we can kill this one for the first time ever perfect yes we’ve done it we went ahead and killed it that is basically the first evil dinosaur we’ve gone ahead and killed ourselves but besides that all the villagers have done the rest

But sadly they are dying very quickly i’m gonna go ahead and do the mad younger thesaurus i’m perfect and i am for sure that this one’s dangerous let’s go and destroy him as fast as we can i’m perfect get him guys he’s stuck inside the water

Okay this one should be pretty easy once we’ve got him trapped perfect we’ve done it that is great news i’m gonna keep on going by spoiling the allosaurus and let’s go see what this one looks like wow this one is so dangerous we’ve got to make sure it doesn’t get too close to

Us but his red face looks so insane ah now we’re instantly being destroyed ourselves let’s rush back as fast as we can and let’s go see how the villagers do are they good oh no the dinosaur’s still alive and i think it’s going for ankylosaurus so let’s rush back

And let’s go and fight this monster up here we go guys you gotta leave them be hopefully we won’t get killed this time because last time it killed us off too quick there we go perfect i’m gonna go and do the alvarez saurus which i’m gonna do right around here

And this guy is super cute and he’s also really tiny which is very unusual for dinosaurs let me do another dangerous one which is the indo-rap tour and perfect and i don’t want to get too close to this one because i’ve seen it in the movies and it’s well too strong

So i’m going to go ahead and hit it once and then i’ll let all the villagers go ahead and do the rest get him guys get him ah it’s still after us okay as long as we rush out we should be all right but i’ve got to make sure we stay very focused

I’m going to go into spawn a few more let’s do the barry awnings and good let me spawn the lambiosaurus and perfect and then the paris fintics oh which is another very unusual one which i don’t think is supposed to be on land that is such a shame okay let’s go and

Kill off this dinosaur before it tries to take a chunk out of us perfect there we go we should be good yes these guys are well too strong but let’s make sure to eat up and perfect and let’s go and take out a few more awesome spawners

Sadly we’re basically down to our last row let me spawn the hypsilophone which i’m gonna do right down here i’m perfect and this guy is really cute i don’t imagine him ever being evil but i’m sure the next one we’re probably gonna spawn is definitely an evil one

Let’s do the ankylosaurus i’m perfect and let me go ahead and spawn a friend for him which we’re going to do the poster sushis which is a very unusual name perfect some of these dinosaurs i’ve never even seen before well let’s go and keep going and let’s form blue

And perfect and hopefully we should be able to go ahead and maybe destroy it later how about we go ahead and do the parasol officers i’m perfect we just instantly tried to kill us we can’t let this one be free then let’s go ahead rush back as fast as we

Can and hopefully it’s not killing our village guards leave our village guards alone this is gonna be pretty mental here we go perfect and good and i think we’re doing it yes we’ve done it huh that was great but where was the dinosaur that killed me maybe we stood straight underneath this

One and just as sheer weight went ahead and destroyed us ah that was pretty insane let’s go ahead take all these out and let’s take out the last few spawners and let’s do this as quick as we can i’m going to spawn the aerosaurus i’m perfect the indominus rex

Which is another dangerous one look how scary it looks whoa no wonder the villagers wanted us to go ahead and probably spawn these guys and wait i think this one’s coming towards us ah and he’s trying to eat us okay that’s not good whatsoever i’m

Gonna try and avoid that area as much as we can let’s spawn the process which i’m gonna do right around here and perfect and if this guy’s evil it’s gonna be such a shame let’s get ready i don’t really see what he’s trying to do but he is definitely evil this is absolutely

Insane do you know what maybe i need to go ahead and destroy these machines they can’t be left here to go ahead and pretty much roam free whilst all the evil villagers are around and perfect so we just got to go ahead and destroy this one as well and then we

Should be good thankfully they do break pretty easily and then their evil mushroom can probably go ahead and stay in there i don’t want him free whatsoever because he might turn into an evil indominus rex himself and i’ve just forgot that we still had two more spawners inside so let’s go ahead

Spawn every single one and let’s go and do this i’m going to spawn the apatosaurus i’m perfect and we have another big one and then the akilo battle and there we go let’s go ahead and hit this one because for sure he is definitely evil and hopefully we should be able to keep

Ourselves safe get in villages get him why are they so slow sometimes and look we’re slowly by slowly definitely losing village guards let me keep on going by spawning their brachiosaurus which is another huge one and perfect and then we can do the lia lee no sora

Which i’m gonna do right around here cool it’s so cute and i don’t think this one’s evil and let me spawn the final one which is the carnotausaurus which is an evil one which we’re definitely gonna go and destroy well i’m gonna have to go ahead leave

All the villagers to fight off the evil monsters now and thankfully we’ve done it we’ve gone ahead saved this whole village and we’ve done a great job hopefully the villagers will go ahead and enjoy these wonderful giant monsters so guys don’t forget to like this video subscribe down below button is red

And don’t forget to go ahead and post notifications for help and guys i see y’all very soon peace out where did the village cards go

Minecraft DON’T TOUCH THE FORBIDDEN DINOSAUR INVENTORY MOD / DANGEROUS DINOSAURS !! Minecraft Mods – In todays Minecraft Dinosaur Mod we will help a village fight of dangerous dinosaurs and survival of their species against the Villager guards to protect them against these creatures.

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What is Minecraft? Minecraft is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that practically everything on Minecraft is designed and constructed by members of the community. Minecraft is designed for 13 to 18 year old, but it is open to people of all ages. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore Minecraft — interacting with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything — be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yet ­to ­be ­dreamed-up creation. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. By participating and by building cool stuff, Minecraft members can earn speciality badges as well as Minecraft dollars (“Minecraft”). In turn, they can shop the online catalogue to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interactive components, and working mechanisms.


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