THE NEW TICKET MACHINE! – EP 4 (Stardew Valley 1.6 Let’s Play)

Hey what’s up guys it’s Nash and welcome to my channel for another episode of my 1.6 stardy Valley let’s play we are back on the forest farm for we’re not on the forest Farm we’re on the meal Farm oh my goodness what is wrong with my brain today anyways guys

We are going to get jump started into today’s episode always got to check the TV you guys know it’s going to rain tomorrow that’s actually really nice I don’t want to have to water my crops Spirits are very happy today we have some little Journal quests that we need

To work on so I think that’s going to be the main priority today for this episode we’re going to start knocking off some of the journal things we also unlocked the ability to make stir fry that’s exciting you already know how to cook stir fry oh yeah I guess I do so

Smelting use your furnace to smelt a copper bar what else do we have to do 40 in the mines and build a silo this is the big one that I want to get done today I’m not entirely sure if we are going to have what it takes to get this

Done and oh my gosh all my crops oh yeah at the end of last episode we had the the little fairy come but the I I forget what what the fairy is called but it’s like the Harvest fairy I want to say or something you’ve got some some new ideas

To sleep on okay so you guys told me too that that means that you have leveled up so I believe we have have leveled up farming very very exciting I love that there’s an indicator that tells you now when you’ve leveled up so very nice I am learning things from you guys through

This let’s play I hope you guys are learning things from me uh yeah it’s it’s been so much fun but let’s check our mail super quickly I’ve got some new ideas in stock a deluxe fishing pole and some bait that you can attach it to you

Can use bait to make fish bite faster hope to see you soon Willie a it’s always nice to hear from Willie we’ve got our cat pet and fed or I guess watered for the morning so that’s beautiful let’s go in and check our chickens beluga and Misty and they seem

Pretty happy love the waterfall every time we see that waterfall it makes me so happy uh we also need to start gifting to villagers as soon as possible and possibly upgrading our coup we need to get the backpack upgrade there’s actually a lot of things for us to do

And to focus on but let’s put everything away we are going to have to start selling some of this stuff we’re waiting for a cauliflower for the community center and another thing I would like to do although it is Wednesday which kind of makes me very sad because I was going

To go over to Pierre’s uh I need to get a uh what’s it called I need to go get a kale seed um also I just realized we don’t have any coal so today would be a good day to go into the mines I think that’s what we’re going to going to

Start with It’s a lazy Wednesday let’s actually just quickly go check the bulletin board and see if there’s any gifts we need to get villagers any birthdays anything like that also love looking for forgea bles and any artifact spots look at this we’ve got two forgea

Good thing we passed on by so just going to pick both of those up we got a daffodil and a leak leaks are great for taking into the mine so that’s a good find for today all right checking the board and good thing I did because today is Vincent’s birthday that’s huge we

Don’t want to miss any birthdays I want to get all of my villager hearts up my happiness with my villagers up so that is going to be super super important to do today I got to figure out what Vincent actually likes though I know he likes cake and things I know he likes

Snails but those are things that we don’t really have uh we can’t really get right now so I’m going to have to try to find something that he actually likes and there he is wait a second hold on I’m going to pause my game super quickly

And figure this out cuz he’s right there and I don’t want to miss this and if he likes daffodils that’s going to be amazing he likes daffodils you guys he likes daffodils oh my gosh we have one okay beautiful happy birthday vincon I can’t give him any of his loved gifts because

I don’t have any of them he likes snails cakes grapes ginger ale and cranberry candy which is like a drink I guess and I don’t have any of those but he says oh wow this is exactly what I wanted yay yay yay yay yay I’m so excited we didn’t

Miss a birthday I want to look for bugs but Mom uh gets mad when I’m all dirty it’s a tough choice yeah definitely defying your mom is a tough choice okay let’s go down to the beach I like to try to find some artifacts if possible see if there’s anything new on

The beach we got a sailor shirt f okay we’re starting to get clothes which I had never got before I find that very interesting another thing that I really want to do is go check Willie’s shop cuz he said that he got some new things in

And I wanted to check our Bobbers too which Bobbers we’ve unlocked so we have the fish smoker trout bait eel bait that’s exciting training pole fiberglass Rod there it is there is the rod that he got that is new I believe I don’t think we really need anything I just wanted to

See what he had unlocked now let’s check this wao we’ve unlocked so many bobber Styles oh and you can just change these for free wait that’s really exciting let’s go with the green one cuz that matches our outfit a that’s so cool thanks Willie wow what a what a good

What a good guide offer so many options I’m going to try to get the fishing thing in here oh gosh look at my bobber oh no it went away that sucks but look at my bobber it is green now that’s really cool okay I don’t want to spend

Too much time fishing today actually I Just Had a Brain Blast I think I do want to spend some time fishing today because I think I figured out where the Gobi spot is you guys we were trying to catch goes in the uh in the waterfall at our house and

At our um kind of like in town and we weren’t really getting anything and I think there’s an actual spot I have been looking at the wiki a little bit because I I want this series to be educational if possible to you guys and like help you out but if you

Don’t want spoilers then maybe don’t watch this next part but uh yeah if you go down to where the entrance to the sewers is down here there’s a waterfall and I think if you fish into the waterfall fall down here this is where you can catch the goby I’m stuck on a

Bush oh my gosh so many spring onions too right here it’s either here or here I don’t know if you fish at the top or if you can throw your rod down into that uh okay that maybe maybe maybe it’s up here I don’t know I okay we got a soggy newspaper I

Don’t want that I’m just going to do a little bit of experimenting and see if we can actually catch a goby up here if you need to be over here but maybe I can go over there I I don’t know we’ll see so far we’re catching nothing but junk

That’s not great but hey you never know we finally got a hit all right let’s go come on goby we also got a treasure chest which is pretty exciting goby goby goby Sunfish all right I’ll take it I guess oh we got an artifact I really

Want to keep that let’s get rid of oh I should have dumped my stuff off shouldn’t I don’t really care about bait we can always get that later let’s get rid of the stone and let’s we already have clams we’re fine there I’m going to

Go to the other side and see if I can fish there I don’t know if we need to fish at the top of the waterfall or if we need to fish at the bottom or if we need to fish into like into the middle of it such as like here I’m kind of

Going down that way I don’t know if we need to be in the dark place it’s a little bit weird to know exactly what waterfall in Tails so it seems like we can’t get down like you can’t fish down into the waterfall spots so I’m going to

Assume that waterfall means like you got to be right here on top of the waterfall I really want to catch this for you guys because it would be nice to show you where I caught my goby so that if you’re looking for the goby as well you’re

Having a hard time like kind of like I am then you can actually get one all right we got a we got a fish let’s see here here this one seems to be acting a little bit different but there are lots of fish that um are a bit weird first

Catch on a chub okay that’s pretty good oh why did I not why did I not clear out my inventory I am that is my biggest thing in this game I always regret when I don’t clear out my inventory every time clear out your inventory don’t

Carry all your tools with you don’t be like me it’s just such a Time waster to have to run all the way back to the farm uh so yeah I’m I’m just not going to worry about it right now the waterfalls are so peaceful and so pretty concerned

Ape did such a good job at making these waterfalls look amazing Oo we got some River jelly very nice all right let’s uh get rid of the leak I guess running out of the space guys for this goby I’ve got 30 minutes to catch this goby I think it

Goes until 6:00 p.m. until you can catch one so well it’s 6:00 pm. looks like we are going to have to try to catch a GOI another time and I am going to go get those spring onions I actually I need to head back to the farm dump off my inventory then we

Can head back come down get the spring onions and I also need to go to the mines and then I do want to try to get a silo today I think that would be a pretty big move because we have chickens to take care of it is getting dark but

Like I said I’m determined to head down grab all those spring onions cuz there was a ton down there and I feel like it’s one of those things that you never know if you’re going to need them so my might as well go collect them especially

If you know that there’s a big bundle there so let’s head down and go get those I am so curious what that big tree is and how we actually get into it I don’t know if that’s like a late game thing Leah I haven’t talked to Leah in Forever this morning I accidentally

Stepped on a bug I feel like she definitely feels bad about that hence the accidentally stepped on a bug I think that would be so like creepy to feel a bug under your feet and be like ah I don’t think I would enjoy that very much personally okay so we got eight

Eight spring onions there wasn’t too many things to collect but I’m still glad that we got them uh we already turned those into the community center so I’m not too worried about that and again we need to focus on getting kale for the community center uh cuz I want

To get all the spring things done if I can if I possibly can that would be really nice offloading everything from my inventory we are going to go in and go to sleep and then we are good to move on to tomorrow there it is we upgraded

Farming so you guys were right about that little message thank you so much for the tip so watering can proficiency ho proficiency Stone Fence unlocked mayonnaise machine that’s exciting because we already have chickens so we could start focusing on making those two sprinklers is exciting too although I

Don’t find myself ever using these kind of sprinklers but it is one step closer to getting sprinklers which is just fantastic they’re super helpful in the game we do not have to water our crops today let’s see what tomorrow’s weather report is like another rainy day okay

I’ll take it oops I did not mean to click that twice all right fortune teller what’s going on here the spirits are very happy all right a day to go into the mines and then we have living off the land what we what have we got wo

From crows sounds like you need a scarecrow placing a scarecrow on your farm detourist Crows from a pretty good distance make sure you protect your valy valuable crops one more thing need a bigger backpack to hold all your stuff check your local General Store I feel

Like it’s nudging me it’s like hint hint hint hint go get a backpack you seem to be struggling Nash o my I lost my favorite axe if you find it please return ASAP I’m having a tough time without it there’s 250 gold in it for whoever finds the thing Robin definitely

Going to accept this Quest so we’ve got a new journal entry to work on we don’t have to water our crops today we don’t have to water the Pet Bowl but the thing is the chickens are going to be inside and like I said we are running

Out of hay so let me close that and then oh we got some large eggs beautiful at least one right let’s put my chickens here they’re probably going to eat these two pieces so I want to fill those up I I’m I’m running low on the hey guys we

Got to get that Silo ASAP okay so I do want to go over to Pierre’s and buy some kale that’s important for today and then we’re going straight into the mines I’m pretty sure because we need to get I believe a 100 100 um stone for The Silo oo maroon

Needs a leak and we get a ticket for this I think we can do that really easy okay so opens in 10 minutes dang it I’m so early you know what maybe we’re going to Quest today if we have time to go into the minds we will but there’s

Like I feel like we just keep getting more and more things like more and more quests to do and I keep wanting to go do The Silo and do the mines and all that kind of stuff and then it just I end up getting distracted by other things but I

Feel like that’s what makes a good game because I feel like I do that in Minecraft and I do that in Pia and I do that in all kinds of things oh it’s 900 a.m. okay let’s go grab a leak for Maru then really quickly cuz since we have

Like a whole hour and then we can give that to her we can get a ticket we can see what the ticket machine does and then what do we want to do after that I don’t know if we can catch a GOI on rainy days guess I guess the mines I

Don’t know we’re just going to play today by ear I keep trying to predict what I’m going to do and I feel like I shouldn’t do that because I never end up doing what I want to do I or what I predict we’re going to do okay leak for

Maru beautiful now we just got to be able to find her she might be locked away in her room either that or just like in Robin’s cabin I guess and it looks like Pierre’s is open so you guys thought that pierce does sell kale so I

Got to look here make sure they he does sell kale yes you guys were right about that awesome and then we also have the do we have I think we have to get a tulip for one of our bundles let me double check that really quickly so we

Do need a tulip I’m going to buy a couple of those and then I’m going to buy a couple of kale seeds as well I know this is spending quite a lot of my money but that’s okay uh what else do we want to get oh blue Jazz I think we need

Those as well yeah let’s buy four of those okay good good good good we’re knocking off some of the things that we actually need I kind of really like this wallpaper set and this floor ing set that’s kind of nice H but I feel like we don’t need it

Right now so don’t spend your money Nash on things I just knocked us down so far we were so close that’s okay it’s okay there’s more money to be made where that came from this is working towards our future this is going towards uh bundles

All of these the blue Jazz the Tulip and the kale is all going towards uh bundle so I think that that is fantastic that we’re we’re even working towards that if an artifact spot I know I technically can’t pick up whatever’s in here dang it oh davil you’re going away I really need

To learn my lesson dang it Maru is in her room no Maru I need to talk to you I need to give you your thing I wonder if she’s going to come out today we’re insulated from the rest of the world here in stardy valley maybe that’s a

Good thing okay yeah I guess possibly so all right okay we’re going to come back and check on Maru later and see if she potentially pops her head out of her room and then it just kind of hangs out around the house it is raining so I

Don’t expect her to to go out but hopefully she’ll be out for an hour or two that would be really nice let’s go see what this dick spot is coal I actually really need that you guys were telling me don’t get rid of your coal in a previous episode and because I

Got rid of my coal and you were right I needed I ended up needing the coal but it’s okay we’ll get more I’m not too worried about it uh okay let’s plant the blue Jaws here I’m just kind of randomly planting things at this point so there’s

The kale all right good good good Okay so we’ve got our leak for Maro but I am going to head on up into the mines and see if we can make a little progress cuz we need uh we need a lot of stone I think we’re only at 60 and we need 100

For The Silo and then we also need five more pieces of clay we need a lot of copper because we need five copper bars for The Silo as well so a lot of progress needs to be made Let’s just pop in here and see if Maru she is coming

Out of her room perfect oh this makes me so excited I want to run down and get the prize ticket really quickly or go do that really quickly oh perfect and now I can continue the project I was working on thanks a bunch Nash I wonder what

Project she was working on look at our prize ticket that looks so cool we still have plenty of time in the day to go to the mine so I’m just going to pop down to Louis’s really quickly use the prize machine for the first time cuz I mean

Come on you can’t blame me it’s it’s exciting hello Louis good afternoon it’s time to use the prize machine all right let’s do it okay so we have one ticket we can now press the button so is that going to get me I don’t actually know

How that works I guess 12 carrot seeds oh and then it moves over okay nice nice nice nice Mystery Box three mystery boxes oh that’s so fun wait this is awesome you just get like free stuff for doing like things for villagers I love that that is

Fantastic it’s so fun cuz I feel like little things like that in the game just promote you to want to keep doing things like keep wanting to do quest for villagers so you can see what like random cool stuff you’re going to get I really like it I love that that has been

Added all right time to officially go up into the mines like I said we have 40 pieces of stone to collect and and tons of tons of or not iron um copper so we got to get to work so just because we need tons and tons of stone which did I

Not get am I not getting anything I didn’t get any stone out of those first few pieces that seems a little strange um I’m just going to kind of go through and and get every stone that I can I’ve got something to to sleep on I think I

Just leveled up in a combat which is so exciting I love how it tells you now that’s so fun oh I’m really not getting a lot of Stone from this never realized the rates on that are so low ah we have our first infested area oh I got to take care of this

Now all the slimes I mean this is great for our mom moner eradication goals do I have to kill the douge as well these dang Dougies I hate them so much probably my least favorite my gosh so am I just trapped here with all these I

Have to eradicate the duys too and they just keep keep popping up guys I legitimately think I feel like I’m trapped here this is crazy I wonder if I could find any I could find any play I can find clay this is awesome well I guess this is how I’ll

Use the rest of my time we’re not going to get down five more levels but that’s okay cuz maybe we can get the clay that we need in this ginormous clay area so we definitely didn’t get the 40 pieces of stone that we need and the day is pretty much over

So I don’t know I’m a little sad about that but I think getting stuck on this level didn’t help us oh God oh God oh God get me out of here oh my God okay we need to go home I’m so close to death

Get me out of here oh my gosh I’m at one Health I don’t think that’s ever I mean I’m sure it’s happened to me before but wow it’s hasn’t happened in a long time that’s crazy okay let’s sleep this off so before we go to bed I am going to

Smelt up some copper because we do need to get that production going we have quite a bit here so we’ll be able to make we’ll be able to make some and then let’s see we’ve got 89 okay not terrible and then let’s put all this stuff away

I’m happy with the clay that we got that’s pretty fantastic uh so now we’re at 8 we definitely need to plant our carrots too I’ll have to do this tomorrow when I can actually see and I feel like we should probably uh take a trip to the museum

Tomorrow too but let’s go to sleep that health bar is just stressing me out but there it is we got level one combat sturdy ring and Bug steak beautiful I’m move on to another day checking the weather report it’s going to be clear and sunny tomorrow perfect

Weather for the egg Festival we’re going to start off the next episode with the egg Festival so that’s going to be super super fun uh let’s see here if you see K knowledge of the future the spirits are somewhat mildly perturbed today okay not great not great but it’s fine they’re

Somewhat mildly perturbed and we’ve got a carrot grown I really want this cauliflower to grow but I do need to get some more carrots planted so let me just kind of use the space we have here to get what I can planted okay plenty of carrots our journal entry is updated

Because we got to smell some copper uh so that is beautiful we got the delivery to Maru and then we just finished the the uh the what was that the the furnace one I guess we’ll just call it I don’t know the official name but let me get

Some more copper going cuz again we need five pieces for The Silo looks like we have a little bit of mail to check on today too so that’s fantastic let’s see what this says Robin here I know there’s a lot of stone scattered around your farm if you’re you have a surplus you

Might consider having me build a well for you Wells can be placed all over the farm and serve as convenient place to refill your watering can just swing by my shop with 75 Stone and 1,000 gold when you’re ready for it awesome and do oh we got more

Dear Nash tomorrow we’re holding the egg Festival in the Town Square you should arrive between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. if you’d like to attend you wouldn’t want to miss the annual egg hunt oh definitely not that is going to be so exciting for us to do

But super quickly Let’s uh I do want to go to the museum today so let me grab this out I don’t think if there’s anything else we can donate to the museum probably within this chest I think we have the diamond but I don’t want to donate that yet can also donate

Quartz which is fantastic so we’re going to go do that and then I think everything else uh we don’t really need to donate so that’s fine all right and then let’s go check out my chickens really quickly oh yeah they are definitely definitely eating cuz these

Rainy days I am like in need of that Silo I’m telling you guys the hay is not going to last very long today is also Friday which means the traveling cart is in town so definitely want to go down and check that out every Friday and Sunday traveling cart comes to town so

Make sure you don’t forget it it is just south of your farm here we go traveling C lady what have you got for me Summer spangle that is one of the things that we need for the bundle but we can plant that sandfish is that something we need for the bundle we do

Not need a sandfish so that’s nice a midnight carp midnight carp why does that seem like a legendary fish that’s not legendary right that’s just like a fancy fish she just selling a midnight CP it’s actually like super fancy hold on Birch coal slush Sashimi I have a really hard time

Saying that rare seed and that midnight carb is actually so tempting cuz I don’t know if we’re going to be able to catch one of those but I’m I’m sure we will I’m sure we will the summer spangle is too but not worth spending our money on when we can

Just plant that during the summertime um so I feel like we shouldn’t spend that much money on something that we can probably get for cheaper later on in the game I’m looking for more things that are actually like really really challenging to get so we can come back

And check on Sunday and see if there’s anything else that we’d want to do with that but let’s head on over to the museum all right Gunther I have some pretty exciting things to donate we have H fossils and we also have some quartz so I’m just going to leave these all here

And then probably re arrange them later since you can rearrange them is very very nice so collect our rewards some cauliflower seeds that is incredible because I have been wanting more of those and they’re kind of expensive to buy so thank you Gunther I am very happy

About that going to pop down to the beach really quickly and just check if there are any shells or anything that we can dig up really kind of looking for a muscle or a uh what’s the other one an oyster if possible and there is the

Oyster oh I am so happy yes yes yes that’s another thing we need for the bundle in the community center so let’s go take that up Cheeto wallpaper very interesting why did I come in here I didn’t need to come in here I guess it’s good to look around

Though this is where we want to be yes yes yes okay so crap pop bundle I think we are officially one away so yeah we need the muscle I mean we could buy a crap pot and get pretty like we could get these ones pretty easily uh with a

Crap pot but they’re I think they’re like $1,000 and I just don’t want to spend $1,000 on a crab pot so I’m I’m really banking on that muscle but it’s not the easiest to find you kind of have to just like wait it out and get lucky

Sort of so uh I don’t know we’ll we’ll finish that one when we finish it it’s not a big deal so time to make some space for my new cauliflowers so there’s four five 6 7 8 N I guess so I think I’m just going to kind of slowly do some some

Chores around the farm again I I need to get the remaining Stone which we can just clean up the farm and do that so that’s probably going to be a good option for us and then we can also find clay so I don’t know why I don’t just

Stick here instead I’ve going into the mines where it’s it’s dangerous and spooky we can just get the stuff for the silo here so let me actually pull out what we need so we need a few more pieces of clay uh let’s put that away

And then we just need the stones we need 100 Stone and then we need five copper bars which we have three of them and we have the fourth cooking right now so we actually might need to go into the mines to go get just a tiny bit more copper uh

But we will see and then potentially in the next episode we are going to be getting we’re going to be getting our uh our Silo which will be exciting I really wanted to get it in this episode but last we weren’t able to and that’s totally fine these things happen but the

Next episode is what I’m thinking then we’re also going to do the egg Festival which is always really fun so there it is 100 that was so easy I don’t know why I didn’t just automatically assume like yeah we can just just stay on the farm

To do that I really wasn’t thinking with my brain Noggin I was I mean I guess when you go to the mines you get other things too uh you get a ton of other things so it can be beneficial to go to the mines instead of just doing

Everything on the farm uh but let’s just go see if we can find a couple more pieces of clay or potentially maybe we should just go to the mines really quickly um because we do need that copper yeah you know what let’s go do

That let’s just go do that I know I was talking smack about it but let’s go see if we can we can go into the mines all right so in this case I’m specifically going to be looking for copper and then once we hit the five pieces I’m pretty

Much just going to get out of here I usually don’t mine like this so this has been a very interesting um playthrough because I feel like I’m playing a little bit differently than I normally would which is quite interesting um I don’t know why I’m playing differently but I’m

Kind of playing more so to just get what I need instead of trying to get everything all at once so we just need one more piece of copper here and then we have what we need for the silos so that’s fantastic sometimes you could find them

In random rocks so I’m just kind of um kind of just like slashing around here like not wanting to go over near those slimes I don’t want to deal with them ah you’ve got some a new idea to sleep on exciting exciting that means we leveled up in mining there it

Is we got our pieces of copper beautiful uh now we just have to try to find some clay so I’m going to go ahead and we are just going to start digging around in this soft dirt see if we can find some clay not bugs get out of here you stupid

Bug that was a one hit bug dang I will take it yeah this part definitely might be a little bit easier on the farm but we’re here all right I’m giving up we’re going to go try to do this on the farm because all the bugs and the Dougies and all

That is kind of making that difficult so I’d rather just do it on the farm where I’m safe and sound frog frog go ploop all right last piece of copper being smelted for The Silo there we go that makes me so happy can put the fourth bar away we got the

Fifth cooking we’ve got all the stone we need uh let’s put the Slime away and then yeah we just need to eat a leak really quickly and then what we can do should we eat two or should we eat one how much energy is this going to give me

We might have to eat two I’m going to keep that other one on me and then uh yeah we’re just going to try to see if we can if we can find some uh find some clay there it is there’s one piece we need one more piece of clay

So this is pretty easy to do on the farm if you just kind of use your hoe and dig up the soil you can get uh it’s not like super super common but you’ll you’ll find random pieces of clay every once in a while and that is a good way to knock

This off if you’re kind of wondering how okay definitely going to need another leak here come on we’re in for The Silo come on we’ve got our last copper bar good oh I’m excited for the next episode episode the festival getting clay I mean not getting clay that’s what I’m

Doing right now uh getting a silo and doing the festival is just going to be going to be so much fun oh my God I need one more piece of clay like you’re telling me it can’t give me one more piece oh my goodness I don’t want to

Keep eating so many leaks I could probably eat a egg right have a ton of eggs you do give me a little bit of regeneration or energy not much though let me just eat a raw egg really quickly I will get this last piece I will I’m determined oh my goodness is there

Anything better or horseradishes better gives me 18 carrots carrots give me 75 why am I not eating carrots what the heck okay that’s epic well my farm is going to look um y we did it y my farm looks rough but that’s okay we’re not going to

Worry about that because it’s all for The Silo it’s all for my chickens and they’re going to be super happy that uh we have an like NeverEnding extended thing of food which will be great but anyways I’m going to call that good for this episode you guys thank you so much

For watching I always have fun with this series stardo Valley is one of my all-time favorite games so thank you so much I also want to give a huge huge huge thank you to all of my patrons thank you so much for the continued support and I greatly appreciate you and

Everything that you guys do and all the all the kind words and support you give so huge thank you to my patrons but that is going to have to do it for this episode if you guys would like to watch some more videos on my channel I have

Popped up two videos uh a playlist and a video actually that you guys can watch if you want to continue watching my channel thank you so much don’t don’t forget to hit the Subscribe Button as well so that you never miss a video of mine we’re trying to hit 100,000

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On this video so more people can see it uh but you guys are awesome thank you so much and I hope you all have a very beautiful wonderful day I will see you in the next starty Valley episode episode Festival day and Silo day stay tuned all right bye guys you guys

Already know we got to come back with updates after I do the outro I don’t know why I do this to myself every single time anyways mining proficiency level two or uh mining level two pickaxe proficiency one and staircase beautiful thing anyways thank you guys bye

THE NEW TICKET MACHINE! – EP 4 (Stardew Valley 1.6 Let’s Play)

Welcome to the wonderful cozy peaceful world of Stardew Valley! The game has a new 1.6 update and it is HUGE! In this let’s play we will be exploring the new update while we play through the game! šŸ¤—


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Thank you for supporting my channel and watching my videos! Hope your day is amazing, hope to see you in the next video! ā¤ļøļø #stardewvalley #stardewvalleyupdate #stardewvalleylets


  1. Have you noticed that there are 2 guaranteed rain days in the first year.
    It always rains on the 3rd of spring and on Alex's birthday.

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