Last night I watched one Fu Over the Cuckoo’s Nest for the first time so today I’m him how do I look oh yeah and by the way Minecraft they just changed everything forever so I want to kick things off today by taking a look at the change log and more specifically zooming

Out of the change log take a look at this change log um this thing is absolutely insane the snapshot is gigantic it’s got technical new stuff nontechnical bug fixes it’s it’s all here other than at the like button I feel like legally there’s only one spot we could begin today’s Snapshot video

And oh that’s with the continuation of the mystery from the last one breach three what in the world okay go ahead and enchant that mace let’s go ahead and just run that a couple times Unbreaking three oh familiar density 3 no clue what in the world Unbreaking three breach 3

Oh my God the mace the mace now actually has enchantments there are not one not two but three brand new enchantments in the snapshot and even better the mace has a glow up every single enchantment that you’re looking at right here can be put on the mace as well fire aspect too

Three brand new enchantments we’re talking wind burst we’re talking breach and we’re talking density all right so a good spot to begin here today is with the fact that the Mesa has kind of received a little bit of a Nerf the Baseline additional damage that the M

You’re going to build up like when you’re falling has been decreased previously I would have one shot this Iron Golem right there now I don’t one shot now first off I’d like to take a look at density it’s got five levels and it is quote a common enchantment you be

Able to get this enchantment from the enchanting table and oh baby do you see what just happened here you go ahead and watch it one more time density it’s one shot in this Iron Golem you see what the density mace my friend it’s stronger than it ever was before so each

Additional level of density is going to add one damage per block falling that’ll mean that technically a plain old on Enchanted maze is weaker than it was a week ago however it’s much stronger Enchanted next up out of our Trio of new enchantments we’ve got a rare

Enchantment you can get it from the enchanting table it’s breach now in a survival setting breach is going to be a little bit difficult to show off because it has to do with armor that a mob or a Target is potentially wearing maybe breach is going to be absolutely clutch

In a PVP situation with the mace I mean or of course that bran new ominous trial but hey wait uh spoiler alert you didn’t hear about that yet anyways now maybe most cool of all is windurst wind burst is something of a treasure enchantment you could say now I haven’t tested this

Out yet this might be dangerous but check this out we hit the Golem and then I will I don’t know if you can see what’s happening but all right perhaps a slightly more unsuspecting Target we use wind breach and I am shot up into the air which means I could actually take

Advantage of the whole fall damage thing we hit it once we fall down no we hit it once we fall down and we could just basically keep doing it all right so I haven’t tested it out that much at all yet but this is fun so far like all

Right Buckle buddy netherite armor how do you like this it’s fun no no oh this is cool this is so cool with the devs cooked up I was really wondering with the whole like mace thing like how uh practical is that going to be in a survival setting against like mobs but

Oh no no no if you can get your timings right and if the mob doesn’t like you know get shot too far away did I just discover something all right so like we could use the mobs if I had a continuous mob or a mob with a lot

Of Health to just send myself up into the sky you know this is exactly why I love making these snapshot videos you discover something new for like the first time and clearly from the start I’m like something of a professional this is so beautiful wind burst is so

Good but it’s also rare you’re going to get it from an ominous trial ominous events oh boy the devs have gone ahead and reworked the entire bad Omen effect in the snapshot hey but real quick let’s go ahead and check this out hey and for the purpose of science not related to

Skill issue we’ll go ahead and do that so first things first all of these new mace enchantments they’re not mutually exclusive which means they can all be on the same mace together if you’ve done your grinding now in this particular situation that’s going to mean breach

Plus the wind boost thing I’m going to fall down and do quite a bit of damage to this Iron Golem three hits right there and that Buddy’s gone he’s cooked now the big thing that I’m very curious about here is say like sharpness is that mutually exclusive with any of that now

The way to test that one out is in Survival Minecraft over at my local Anvil of course things like mending and Unbreaking I mean with the enchantments already on it it’s going to be expensive but 100% I could do it fire aspect I assume as well that’s good how about a

Sharpness five mace 2 ah hey wait um awkward that is totally my bad sharpness can’t go on the mace but bane of Arthur pods definitely can and it’s not mutually exclusive or Smite can go on and not sharpness at all I so sorry about that please allow me to make

Up for that small Mistake by enticing you with some beautiful brand new looking items so we’ve got that ominous Banner was that always called that then we’ve got five brand new potions with a clean looking icon that might be my favorite icon in the game now and a

Brand new ominous trial key so the trial chamber update is actually going to spill into pillagers now and raids as well that buddy front and center right there you know how it works traditionally we would go ahead and take this buddy out and we get the bad Omen

Effect but check out that icon in the top Corner oh yeah that’s right there’s no IC kind of check out instead we still get the banner like normal so that’s pretty cool and we’ve gotten an ominous bottle now this ominous bottle we take a

Look at it it’s got bad Omen 4 for my next science test I’m learning in real time with you today what I would like to do is find another unsuspecting poor Pillager and do it again all right so does it stack no it doesn’t I got a completely different bottle this time

Just bad Omen one yeah by the way these new potions they can stack up to 64 hey Mojang that means it’s finally Time come on please please he let us at least stack this anyways next up in Survival let’s go ahead and just drink this bad

Omen one bottle when I drink it oh look at that scary new effect that’s cool looking the bad Omen has a brand new icon that’s evil I love it oh I drunk a bat Omen 4 whoops well anyways it all basically worked the same as it worked

Before bat Omen if you didn’t know it was stackable meaning you could get it and get it and get it and get it I move into a village and check that out that icon just transformed it’s got that weird like tentacles on the back right

There but now I’ve beun to raid and oh look at that that’s so evil so the effect is now turned into the raid open effect and it has a small countdown that’s going to basically give you a little bit of time to prepare inside of the village maybe like run around and

Consider they locking the villagers up or something like that after that goes away the raid begins just like normal now in a normal world I would spend a lot of time in maybe like take a look at the raid and see what’s up but long story short spoiler alert the raid is

Basically the same from this point time it’s just a different way of getting the bad Omen effect so that’s going to mean a lot of raid Farms maybe some of them are broken other ones are changed for example my RAID Farm it should technically still work it’s just not

Going to be fully afkable anymore you’ll get those bad Omen bottles from time to time from the Raiders but but you’re going to have to come back into the game and manually drink that bottle because unfortunately there is no splash bad Omen bottle oh budy they’ve done it

Again they’ve done it again I was working on a video like behind the scenes of like checking out every single room room in the trial Chambers but then I never ended up putting it out I record a lot of different things well good thing I didn’t because they changed

Another chamber and all of it all together well asterisk got all of it because how you find it that whole map mechanic from the last snapshot yeah that’s still valid that definitely works however inside of the trial Chambers we’re going to have different kinds of

Vaults now and some are going to be a little bit more Uncommon than others and the placement is completely changed you check that out and look at that evil looking icon oh I’m in love with a snapshot I love it all right so let’s take a look at the the layout of this

Room because this one’s a little bit familiar you know we got the whole little watery Water trick in the middle or at least we should have had watery Water in the middle maybe a little bugged but yeah uh the water thing in the middle the magma blocks right there

We got great in there now oh that’s so different looking this whole parkour situation right there that’s completely different a different location for the spawner over there different staircase like yeah all of this is completely different previously if you remember you would move in here and there would be

Like a vault the VA still there but yeah look at that new layout and I love how these are all like sitting higher up on pedestals now that’s so cool now let’s go ahead and move around through this Vault right here because look at that the chamber up high right there we got

The more Terracotta Red terracotta as far as I’ve seen so far is going to signify or help signify this different Vault same with the candles every time but oh man this is so cool now I don’t know what to expect I want to go into

This one a little bit blind I know that as soon as I give myself this whole bad om effect and take on the trial it’s going to shift entirely but I don’t exactly know how much is going to shift I feel like this room which also seems

To be a much wider grander layout than before by the way we got all these pots in there the hallway was way more narrow before I love it but I feel like this might be a fun challenge to take on looks like we’re going to have some

Stray and maybe some spiders now you got to remember when it was initially shut off it was stated to be a mid to Game Challenge so I’m going with like a diamond which is maybe a little bit more late game but I’m not enchanting anything now before I do anything here

I’m going to go ahead and drink this bad Omen bottle and get the ominous effect after that I’m going to go ahead and move a little bit closer to the Vault the trial whatever you want to call these things I’m going to walk closer to it and then oh look at that it

Completely shifts and changes now oh no oh no you got the trimmed armor boy no leave me alone we’re going to go ahead and move a little closer to that one it seems like you got to be closer now and yeah these mobs not only do you do you

See the particles around it they have a different effect going on but the mobs are going to be a little bit more d dangerous now essentially you take on a trial with the bad Omen effect and oh the different sounds that’s evil you take it on with a different effect and

It’s going to be way more dangerous stop it buddy leave me alone leave me alone look at their armor that’s so cool looking now right now on the snapshot you try it out you can get the trimmed armor actually dropping from these things the dev said is not going to work

Like that forever I feel like it totally should anyways after we take them all out are you gone are you guys all gone they probably fell ooh okay so while I walk around this thing by the way I don’t know if you hear it but it like

Loads up and then it’s giving random effects to not only me but the mobs as well so like the trial itself is way more difficult spider spider please go away are you the last one please be the last one no you’re the last one oh last

Of your kind that was so fun that was legitimately so cool please no no no okay so they they oh stop it with the effects they readjusted the loot from this stuff I guess it’s going to be like better food now H I got to get down there Hey listen listen

Listen mhm mhm you hear that it’s a little more squishy than before also the mace doesn’t work on the cobwebs anymore but oh boy goodbye buddy one shot oh that was the end let’s see what we get okay so this is so good this is so

Actually amazing and fire and yes we got it we got the brand new ominous key now you’re going to be able to get the ominous key from an ominous Vault by the way I still have that ominous effect going on so I could like excuse me it’s called trial Omen I’m butchering

Everything today I’m so sorry but but you still got that bad effect which means you could go room to room inside of this chamber and actually go ahead and like convert the other Chambers into the bad ominous Chambers like I walk into here get real close and oh Soul

Comes out it’s green and this is going to be an ominous one now now when it comes to these ominous spawners they the mobs get like different effects which might buff them up inide of combat and you might get some effects as well too but I think the same amount of mobs are

Going to be dropped out of this spawner that should mean when I take you away care no excuse me excuse me so the next big move that I would want to do is back here in this chamber I want to find one of these ominous bats hopefully the

Breeze doesn’t find me um just thought about that it’s a b that was a bad idea the Bree’s AI has been improved in this snapshot as well it’s no longer going to jump into dangerous blocks uh during combat hey come on buddy stop yeah stop

It we go ahead and Tower all the way up to this ominous Vault use the key on it and now we’re going to get the good go to loot from The Trial chamber the go loot from The Trial chamber trial Chambers loot now the change log is maybe intentionally a

Little bit vague when it comes to ominous vaults and the plain old vaults that are still there and what you can get we do know that the loot has been changed across the board the ominous vaults are going to get valuable items like golden Enchanted Apple the banner

Patterns and some templates and the heavy core now for the purpose of example let’s go ahead and clear off that effect and move back into this room the Bree spawner that I already activated is still going to be ominous because it was ominous when I activated

It but the other spawners that have now spawned like skeletons and other terrible things that of course you’re going to be the one to take me out the the other spawners are not ominous so it’s like you could have some ominous challenge some non- ominous and and whatever also after you defeat a

Challenge and that spaer was ominous it kind of resets back to normal which means if you want to take it on again and get the dangerous bad challenge well you got to get the effect again so does that mean that to kick off all of the challenge you have to go find the

Pillagers well thankfully no no no here we have a plain old classic Vault that’s going to work the same if you take on a normal trial challenge you could get a normal key then you could take that normal key and unlock one of the volts

And look at that on the first try right there I got diamonds this time a little bit better and I’ve gotten myself an ominous bottle now what I want to see here is what kind of levels are we looking at when it comes to the ominous

Bottle that I get from this thing and oh man it doesn’t look like any luck this time according to the change log the ominous bottle is going to be uncommon loot from this Vault but still definitely is Loot and hey look at that it looks like across the board the loot

In general is maybe looking a little bit better oh by the way that brand new mace enchantment the treasure one I talked about earlier you’re going to have to get it from one of the more dangerous vaults oh wow it looks like I just got like crazy lucky on that first one

Because when I’m opening all these other vaults I’m actually not yeah I’m not getting that bad Omen potion I wish that would be like maybe a little bit more common or I’m just having terrible luck right now I love the idea of being able to optionally up the difficulty inside

Of this thing so oh gosh like looking at this change log here there is so much inside of this snapshot I don’t know if I got it all definitely keep your eyes out for an everything series episode on uh the trial spots now because that’s definitely going to be a thing but let’s

Take a look at the effect things that you could get now keep in mind that this effect stuff is only going to happen oh another one of those this effect stuff is only going going to happen if you approach a trial chamber Vault whoo oh that’s brand new we got a lot of

Different layouts I love that Fountain anyways these effects that we’re going to take a look at will only happen if you approach the Vault with this effect and take it out and survival and turn it into like the dangerous one the effects that will be granted to both you and

Mobs at random a wind charge one a weaving one which this is so cool that these mobs can have these effects and just like randomly throw C webs out when they’re taken out oh that’s evil oozing which is going to spawn slime in randomly when they’re taken out that’s

Evil and infested that’s what happened with the silverfish that I experienced I was wondering what in the world anyways next up I guess we should move on to layout layout because apparently the layout of the trial Chambers has been changed this room by the way I’m thinking about it now maybe has some

Function you could open the door and just hide in that room if you’re getting overwhelmed but anyways this trial chamber is Absolut abolutely ginormous so that’s the big room that we were checking out we got the circle room over there but moving around we’ve got a whole another layer to this thing oh

With a big maze room I think that’s the pedestal one and they’re moving down here even more as well that familiar tree room I’m glad to see it here I love it the tree room it looks to be completely unchanged with the little set your spawn thing over there but wow man

This is a big structure now I love it wait what’s that you were about to leave you thought the changes were done for for today no my friend they’re not this is a round of changes that I actually almost missed from the change log too

But yes yes ins out of the snapshot we have ourselves well we kind of have a little bit of a brewing update new potions that are able to be brewed so we’re going to start everything off the same and then every one of these new potions is going to kick off with an

Awkward potion so this first potion we’re going to go ahead and Brew this with a slime block go ahead and Brew it up and then we get a potion of oozing next up we’re going to use that brand new Breeze Rod instead of the Brewing sand to get ourselves a potion of wind

Charging the cobweb it actually surprisingly gets a brand new usense out of the snapshot and I think if I’m not wrong the first use in all of survival Minecraft so we go ahead and Brew this one up and then we’re going to get ourselves the potion of weaving the

Potion of weaving is the one that spawns cobwebs all over the place and yeah that’s a big hint you see what’s going on here these potions the ones with the effects that are applied during the ominous trial well you can make them now depending on your situation maybe PVP

This could be really useful taking on your friend in like a group or something and yeah you can get the potion with the stone block you get the potion of infestation and yes yes as you would maybe hope and dream you can make splash and lingering variants of the potions as

Well which means you can apply these things to random mobs like let’s say there’s poor cow over here I go ahead and take the cow out and then because of the effects slime are actually spawned in just like that you can make like really cool challenge Maps or rooms or

Just maybe have a little bit of fun with combat in general Maybe may this is a well I guess you need a slime block first to get it but you kind of like Farm slime with it maybe that’s a terrible idea I don’t know this mace enchantment is so cool I think I’m

Obsessed with this thing I need feather falling though that would definitely be nice all right anyways this is a gigantic ginormous snapshot if I missed anything today truly I am very sorry if you find anything else that I missed throw it down in the comments below and

What do you think of a 1.21 now this is huge uh what a change thank you all so much for watching It’s Been Me Waddles oh and we’re still in 1.2.5 snapshots so what in the world anyways I’ll see you tomorrow goodbye

minecraft snapshot 24w13a is one of the biggest and greatest of all time. today we are introduced to ominous potions, three mace enchantments, ominous trials, ominous keys, new vaults, new chambers, and even more!! The Mace enchantments are called density, breach, and wind burst. The new potions are oozing, weaving, infestation, and wind charged! this is everything in minecraft 1.20.5 snapshot 24w13a.

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  1. this actually could be one of the largest snapshots ever, at least while i've been making snapshot videos! whats your favorite new thing?! also i might try these live this friday so turn notifications on!! 👁👁

  2. This is overall a really great update compared to recent ones. Didn't know about the potions till this video and think they missed an opportunity on using the armadillo scute for knockback resistance potions to counter all the wind charge stuff but can't really complain tbh. Looking forward to the bug fixes and a date soon.

  3. This is all really good stuff. Optionally altering behavior of an environment based on a potion effect is an amazing idea. I wonder what could also be done with biomes or dimentions and potion effect influences.

    Also, being able to farm cobwebs and slimeballs using these potions offers the ability for incredibly efficient farms. Have a tone of chickens or something all in the same hole, give them the slime potion effect, and kill them all at once with a sweeping edge and you get dozens of dozens of slimes instantly to cut down or suffocate. Same with webs, just needs a larger space.

  4. This may be the best thing I've seen for 1.21. Adding all of these other aspects into it, adding variable difficulty, and tying in other mobs and structures is wonderful. I think I like the philosophies and practices displayed in this snapshot more than I care about the features themselves. These are the best sorts of updates.

  5. Honestly I can say this update is shaping up to be quite great. But my only gripe with the trial chambers now is there is never a naturally generated path into them which makes them feel really out of place. It would be great if they updated the ruleset to make it so the entrance chamber (the one with the tree) can only spawn exposed to air.

    Imagine it bro you're walking through a deep and dark cave then there in the distance you see a faint glow from a soul lantern. Leading you to find the sealed entrance chamber door

  6. Hmmm harder mobs in the ominous trial spawners… Hmmm…. updating raids… does this mean the illusioner is gonna be in the ominous spawners………. what is mojang saying…..

  7. i just tested some stuff in the snapshot and when you hold a riptide 3 trident in your offhand with a wind burst 3 mace in your main hand, when you use riptide and hit something it triggers the wind burst

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