Join Me For A Wild Adventure In Stardew Valley 1.6! Are You Ready? Let’s Dive In! 2

Hi everyone laui here I am back we are working on some tweaks it’s been 4Ever since I have live streamed and it has been a journey figuring out honestly it’s it’s been crazy it’s been crazy what can you do what can you do oh my God it’s intense it’s intense but um

Yeah we’re still learning we’re still figuring it out I’m trying especially the view on Twitch one is a problem I can’t ever see it so if you guys have any thoughts let me know I guess I could see it but I can’t see the preview can’t see twitch live just shows preview

Great great great twitch stream not showing up oh my goodness it’s just going to be a whole situation it’s fine we going have to fix it later but anyway cool cool all right let’s just go we’ll hope twitch works and I’ll just play with it later test out the

Sound I think we’re good all right how do I buy should I just just go all in okay take four days that’s fine great great great but yeah let me know if you if you guys end up watching this if anyone end up watching this for twitch for

Me I can only see the preview like thumbnail thing like my channel Banner situation I can’t see actual stream playing it’s the weirdest thing I don’t get it maybe I’ll have to go look for my phone and find out what is going on what is happening

Okay we oh got 17 that’s not going to be an even number that’s okay that’s okay I just want to keep it as even as possible but we didn’t have enough money to make it even oh no no no how do I get rid of that do I use like the pickaxe or

Something I literally I can’t remember I can’t remember I think I think I think it’s the pickaxe I got to get rid of that it’s going to dve me nuts yes it works thank God thank God okay we’ve got five left this is not going to be even all right H

Well hey we got some clay cool is what it is to buy some more we’ll get more it’s all good it’s annoying but it’s fine what can you do oops I just clicked a setting my bad Oh ah you know what okay my bad ah stop watering out of water out of water okay there we go there we go perfect perfect perfect I’m going to probably have to build a well up here eventually to make this better you know the problem with pixelated games is like when you’re live

Streaming you can’t tell if your stream is blurry or if it’s just because like things are pixelated trying to tell let me just lean into it for a second like how do we look here compared to my computer it’s just because I have this

On my other screen hang on hang on I got to know I got to know oh no we look sharp we’re looking sharp okay just because I was looking on my 1080p monitor but my monitor I’m playing the game on is 1440 so yeah it looks good we’re looking good

Okay I’m happy with that it does show that a good monitor goes a long way you guys literally hitting watch now and I can’t see anything thing on my twitch stream it’s just this yellow preium that’s so sad that is so sad so sad how do I get

Rid of that I make it go away make it go away video this is displayed on the player when your Channel’s offline yeah my Channel’s online it’s online play please get rid of it stream preview I want it to be live that’s for when I’m offline we’re clearly Live Well is what it

Is oh we just bed something okay hey how’d you get out no get back in no I shut the oh no they’re free Roman what do I do well I still don’t know where there other two people are oh gosh I’ve got all the stuff on my back I won’t be that

Person anymore I won’t forget I’ve got all the stuff EX I want to take that but I don’t need this stuff okay and then this is going to drive me a little insane so that chicken is just running he’s oh shoot he’s just doing his own thing that’s fine do Your Own Thing

Bud Do Your Own Thing I guess I’m have to fix the twitch thing later okay oh my God there’s so much stuff I can’t tell if it’s better to use Ram or to use the OBS play again so I forgot how complicated this was it’s really not a straightforward as

As you would think when you’re trying to get it set up because I’m streaming to Twitch and YouTube so that’s also part of it and I will say like the um chat is like 30 seconds delayed so don’t freak out if I don’t respond it’s probably because you’re 30 seconds behind where I

I am and to that note let me just put a thing in the chat and make sure we’re here hey chat is 206 just FY let’s go that pop up for me on my restream it did it did great okay what about my twitch hey hey perfect okay I mean the chat is

Working for me this is where that like mysterious guy is right and I don’t think we can meet the wizard he was locked but since we’re here oh you know what we can grab the spring onions and then go fish go fish at the river cuz we want to get two more River

Fish and then there’s a night fish which we didn’t do yet H let me talk to you I’m just stuck well go through me okay go through me yeah we’ve got things and then we’ve got Lake fish to get but they’re not only in mainly in Spring it’s like

Spring summer so it’s not the biggest deal if I don’t get them right away like some of these it skips summer like Spring to Fall so ideally I will grab those but the the community center’s not open yet I did a lot of research before I started playing this again cuz I

Literally had only played when it first came out so it’s big different big different oh my goodness I think I CAU the Shad is what I got all right who’s in here because I haven’t been able to only Leah’s friends okay and then did I go in here at

All I I think I I swear I talked to all these people did I talk to you Mary delivery Maru yeah we’re still missing two people I know one is Sebastian and the one is that other guy but I don’t know where he is is he here yet I don’t

Know I don’t know should I go put this over here that makes more sense okay oh no I clicked it again yeah where does Sebastian hang out and then yeah we we do need let’s just see what happens here we need Sunfish catfish and then at night we need a braam from the

River oh oh we got our Cola for the other person and then we need uh what is it we need a bunch of Lake fish I’m pretty sure I talked to her where’s my cursor I can’t see my cser I guess it doesn’t matter okay go go go

Get it get it get it get it get it yes small mouth bass okay we need a large mouth but that’s from the lake not from here so we’re trying to get a sunfish catfish then we need to go to the lake and those are in any season

So it’s really just the Sunfish and catfish we want to lock in but I don’t know can I get those with this really bad rod I don’t know what are you Sunfish good let me scratch that off my list we got the Shad we got the Sunfish

Now we just need the catfish out of here my God we’re making progress I might literally just fish on a day when no one is when I don’t record cuz this this going to be a I see the bubbles this is going to be a process you know you know how it

Is okay come on come on yeah get it catfish probably not it’s not moving fast enough be a catfish let’s be real it’s probably trash oh no it moved it’s alive great great great great okay well let’s get in these bubbles if I can I talk to you no literally literally the

Bubbles disappeared right when I got here like come on are you being serious why stupid bubbles so annoying my goodness thank you bre did I catch a braam did I need a braam I did need a braam but that said it was a night fish okay bream cross you off my list I

Really just need a catfish now is it 6 p.m. oh that’s why that’s why cuz the day goes by ridiculously fast in this uh talked to who did I need to give that coin canant Maru where is Maru Marne Leah jod Kent Jody Emily Haley mayor blacksmith

Gosh might need to look up where everyone lives oh no um oh Mario lives up there okay we’ll go up there maybe we’ll get luckyone saw that should I check in here just in case anyone’s in here I talk to all them they all look familiar okay where power running let’s

Go let’s go let’s go I wonder what day the mine’s open we’re on day four do I need to like click on this to trigger something how does this work again it’s locked I know I very much know it’s locked I don’t know I don’t know okay

Oh hopefully I’ll be able to get in here hurry up hurry up no I just want to say hello oh my God come on I have her drink so sad oh I see you harvestable oh isn’t there a bundle for this stuff I just I need to make I don’t sell it

Okay knowing me I probably would accidentally sell this stuff and uh not know oh hey is that is that a is your profile picture oh gosh what is his name guts is his name guts I swear it looks just like him vent welcome welcome yeah we’re getting back into streaming here

It’s it’s a lot of learning curves that’s for sure Sunfish we don’t need this should I sell these okay let’s sell the rest sell the rest fish fish spring onions oh God hopefully we don’t need that hopefully oh oh oh we’re going to assume the chicken went back in he was over

Here free roaming it like crazy okay I literally don’t there’s so much in this game I don’t I literally don’t know what I’m doing I was talking about it earlier like I literally only played the summer one time when the game first out so things are very different now and

I’ve got a lot to learn so I was watching some other people playing I’m like oh my God that’s a lot that’s a lot and that chicken is so freaking loud in my headphones it’s insane oh it’s going to rain all day okay oh they’re not happy oh great of course of

Course uh we apologize okay wait joar our team members have removed the landslide causing oh does that mean I can uh get in now okay okay maybe oh dang these already these are already popping hello and then this I think now means I can do um what’s it called I

Can oh I I leveled up my farming that’s what that symbol means now which is kind of nice they added that so you know and then I guess tomorrow will be Saturday so we can go buy some more seeds because I just harvested a bunch and I know like

From I watched a bunch of tip videos okay so I know like the goal here is to get enough money to buy a freck ton of strawberries when the time comes but where did where did I write down my summer I only do I only need one turnup

Or do I need five turn-ups I I legitimately don’t remember for the the bin so I’m just going to put five in here it might just be one but just in case just in case and then we’ll sell the rest to make money so we got make that money get in

There thank you thank you and I guess I could buy more seeds I mean I’ve got 280 bucks here we need to go turn in that Quest too chickens are out hello you guys are going to have to be inside tomorrow hello God they’re so freaking cute the

Way they drew these oh you just need one oh thank God okay great great I I need the money I need the money oh and that’s a gold egg like I didn’t write down the bundles where I need gold stuff which was dumb so so I I guess I’ll know once

I get the thing I’ll know for sure but yeah I’ll sell the other turnips then that’s good good good news I’m going to save this gold egg because I I don’t trust myself so okay great great great great great awesome egg turn up okay perfect perfect look you need five gold

Star parsnips for one of the bundles but that’s a future you problem Hey listen I got wait did I get one oh no I got a gold ah I got a gold egg not a gold parsnip gold star parsnips future me problem yeah I don’t think the me at

This current level is going to be able to get that very soon we’re literally on day five and I’m already lost again wait okay I closed the gate I I forgot to close my chicken gate yesterday and they were just roaming the whole field but we’re good today we’re good we

Learned but hey heads up I do have two of the wait three of the fish I need for that you can get in spring so I need the catfish that’s one of my river fish I need and then I think I’ve got all the river fish mine is the tiger fish which

Is fall winter oh wait wait wait wait oh okay great now it’ll finally it’ll it’ll flash at me right if I need it in the community center hi there oh my God I can’t believe I only played to summer I got distracted with real life and I played when it first

Came out so there’s so much I need to learn what an isore oh I don’t even know what this looks like does it when you finish it does it get more beautiful like done up do all the vines go away what’s left of the pelicant town community center used to be the pride

And joy always bustling H I can’t wait I can’t wait let’s go let’s get it down just look at it’s shameful okay that’s a little a little aggressive these days the young folk would rather sit in front of the TV then engage to the community you know we

Engage to the community like all the weekend once a week you know what I mean real life I sound like an old fool no you don’t joa has been hounding me to sell them the land they can turn into a warehouse oh and just so you guys know

If you’re watching like the chat is like 20 to 30 seconds is delayed so if I don’t respond right away that’s why but I will it will pop up it will pop up I’m just afraid of it lagging hard if I put it on the lowest latency setting

Like I’m scared so we’re just jumping back in today so I still need to go fix twitch because I don’t know if twitch is working but yeah okay okay uh I guess Old Timers like me tend to get attached to the relics of the past see you just started your first

Playthrough since since launch there’s so much new stuff I know right I literally only played till summer when it first first came out and I don’t know what got to me in real life that I stopped playing and only stopped at summer but there’s so much like already

Like I’m not going to be one of those people like oh that waterfall that wasn’t there before I know it’s new because I’ve seen other people’s videos but I’m not going to know any of that so I’m literally playing as if it’s new to me so I um I’m very excited I’m very

Excited that’s awesome you started there’s a lot to do I was playing graveyard keeper and um they’re so that game is intense with how much stuff they have you doing but I forget if this game has like a uh storyline to follow because graveyard keeper does but I

Think I forget if this one just has like the overarching story or if it’s like complete the community center and do what you want I really like it when games even farming games have a storyline like I was playing coral island and coral island has

A hey yep twitch side is just a black screen with audio see I don’t know how to fix it h this my first day back it’s a lot to do a lot to do that’s so sad that’s so sad at least you can hear me but that’s not as fun hey what’s this

I guess Vincent and J must have been playing in here no worries thank you I know it’s like a whole process trying to figure everything out again but I will get it figured out so it’s going to be interesting I fell off at summer year 2

Okay I was saying summer year one for me like I literally I had just played a month of the game and then I got distracted in Real Life the game at launch is way worse than it is now honestly like for me right now I like I

Don’t remember how it was I just know right now it’s going great so you know that’s all that matters at the end of the day I guess it’s going great going great yeah twitch I will fix twitch for the next stream which will probably be tomorrow night around this same time

I’ll continue that is the goal so hopefully hopefully twitch will be fixed by then that’s so sad it’s so sad oh I forgot how cute these little things were and her the little Expressions oh my God it’s so freaking cute you’re worrying meari he didn’t see it looks like look I

Think we going to head home I need some lunch yep yep hey I’ll keep this place unlocked from now on great help me catch that rat if you have some trat okay it wasn’t a rat it was a cute little green Spirit you could fix it probably oh God thanks

For the confidence thanks for the confidence I will I will I’m a Semite techy a learning person I I’ll be on YouTube watching 20 tutorials but I will get get it fixed so thank you find me tomorrow night at the same time and you’ll know so that’s so

Sad I wonder if I should just stop my stream really quick and go attempt to fix It so sad oh gosh I’m saying naughty words in other languages rap problem investigate Community Center okay I’m investigating I’m going where’s it at looks like it’s just this room so what a oh oh forgot it’s all jumble I was about to say jumbalaya which is delicious but

That’s not the word I was looking for it’s all jumbled I don’t know what he said okay these final two people I need for this introduction like they need to happen I need Sebastian and I need that brunette long-haired guy and I can’t remember his freaking

Name or where to find him he must not be here like where is he where is Maru cuz oh Maru I need you to come out so I can give you this joa Cola Polie and Sebastian is like probably still oh is she coming out yes yes give

Her that give her that give her that get it yes h oh got some money let’s go buy some more stuff my God Sebastian he’s in bed when does it come out what’s good slime it was a good slime it was a good slime the mayor didn’t see it but I saw

It and that’s all that matters what matters now too next this man he needs to come out of here I got two people I need to grief two and I I know where he this guy is but I don’t know where the other guy is

Which which guy is it and just you know chat is delayed because I’m afraid of the low latency mode going to be real where are you where are you help me if you’re still there where do I find not not smash where do I find him oh maybe the wizard count will count

Instead of the other guy because I’m going to get sent to the wizard I think for the decoding of the community center and they said the mine the mine is open right should I go mining types shei I don’t know what you mean by types

Shei oh yes and I looks like there might be some worms boom found a last book great oh maybe there’s someone in here I didn’t get to go over here yet proven adventurers only well that’s a little rude little rude it’s not my fault I haven’t had the chance

Yet oh I do need a lake fish it’s at the Town Hall I think I just looked online and it might be the bit rate setting is too high for twitch oh yeah you know I do have the bit rate set High because I’m streaming to two but I could manually set it

Lower that thank you I will that’s a really good point I will actually try doing that and switch it to a lower one that’s a really good point sad days H I even tested this out earlier on a different day and it worked fine oh sad

Well did it work fine was it just a black screen it’s been abandoned for decades bods work but live doesn’t someone had the same issue oh okay that makes sense because the vods were working okay thank you I will do that I I’ll just go back to the other

Way I was doing it because it will let me separately change each platforms en coding so and I have like a 3090 3090 it should be able to handle it I mean I guess if it crashes I’ll know but okay wait wait Focus here but a dark place undisturbed

For so long I’m afraid or isn’t the only thing you’ll find okay give me the sword hand it over Marlin you take this give it hand it over yes we can assume we can assume you better be prepping me over here rusty sword great name’s Marlin by the way run the

Adventurer Gil right outside I’ll keep my eye on you Pro yourself I might think about making you a member great so that means he’s not going to let me in but I mean you know what I I mean I could end my stream really quick and

Just go fix it and lower the bit rate like it might take me like 15 minutes to get it off uh set right but 6K yeah like I was trying to get really high quality for YouTube you know because I was going to leave oh my God is Sebastian still down

There so my bit rate because like when you’re multi streaming you have to set it to double but I guess I can set it to double and then override it so that for twitch specifically it’s only 6,000 cuz right now it’s set to like 12,000 because I’m doing two streams

But I went the other way so do you eat dinner not in the game but in real life I do real life I do and Sebastian apparently does not eat dinner I mean it’s lunchtime he doesn’t eat lunch because he’s still in here twitch got a

Twitch I know why can’t twitch support a higher frame rate a higher bit rate like I don’t get it they they have the resources so that’s a really good point I hope one day they do maybe they’ve been in the talks to do it and I just don’t know but

I really hope they do one day raise the bit rates cuz we all want a little higher quality over on Twitch personally I do I really like it when videos are sharp looking and I know not everyone cares like they’re fine chilling oh oh I

Won’t miss it this time but I like it oh will that count or is that too far I missed the bubbles I’m right next to it though so yeah it’s sad Sunfish oh God I missed it again yeah I don’t know maybe I’ll end the stream and try to fix twitch really

Quick that’s so sad that you can only hear the audio but you just see a black screen I’d be so depressed if I was trying to watch someone I like enjoyed but you’re just here with someone you don’t even know sad sad days oh my God all the Sunfish okay I

Know there’s still bubbles but I’m done with the river fish I need to get move on to the lake fish but I also kind of want to go mining so I can do things build things but I want to get that money rolling in so more parsnips

Wait when is the when is the festival when is the festival where’s the calendar egg Festival oh when is it when is the when can you buy strawberries okay they grow in four days anyway so one two three four so we’ll we’ll get our money back we’ll get our

Money back by then it’s fine we will be fine so didn’t I make a list of ones that sell for good money where is that list where’s my money list spring bundle watch six watch six oh yeah for the real one and real live that’s true summer oh this

Is this is my list of yeah good things that make money so potatoes I have starred can I get potatoes take six days is that a risky move got decent imagination so I can manage thanks yeah you you didn’t sadly see me missing the bubbles for fishing I was so

Close Okay so I’m on the fifth day of spring so potatoes take six days so does the day I so so one two 3 four 5 six okay that’ll be the 11th we should make it I’m going to do it I’m going to do it oh no here move Blaze hello Blaze

Welcome welcome we are back to streaming struggling over here okay my potatoes have been bought I could only buy seven cuz I’m broke I got 13 gold but that’s okay we’re going to get this and then I don’t know should I go fishing or should I try and fix my

Stream oh it’s so sad but what can you expect like you know what it’s to be expect Life’s a struggle it is there’s so many different things that happen like the YouTube is hopefully thriving but the people over on Twitch are struggling they can just listen to

Me that’s how it goes that’s how it goes for now it’s going to get fixed like it will but yes many different types of struggles many different my cat just had a lot of her teeth removed and I have been making sure she’s getting

Fed and so I got to shove food down her mouth just in case she doesn’t eat enough until she goes back to her checkup to see how things are going but things are going pretty well it seems so there’s all kinds of different things going on in life oop sorry yeah she it

And you know it’s interesting it he said it’s not from her teeth being brushed or not it’s from um what’s it called oh man is that going to be enough for or I’m afraid to like not take uh am I going to really fish com back I don’t know we’ll just

We’ll just aim for ore it’s not from her teeth not being brushed there’s like something some cat get that they don’t know why and they have like a very very very very high chance for parodontal disease and so that’s her situation let’s get my energy if I eat

It yeah okay I can eat that in the lines if I need to so that was just her case like all my other cats they’re all the same age I’ve got four let’s be real barely anyone brushes their Pet’s teeth it’s true it’s true like we really really really really

Should but even if it’s just once it’s cuz they hate it they hate it so much but my one cat likes plastic so he’ll chew on a toothbrush if I just hold it for him which is great brush your own teeth man but I’ve got four cats three

Of their teeth are pretty decent like they don’t look bad and it’s just hers it doesn’t seem to be working oh wait wait wait duh duh my God and um it’s just her teeth just what happened and there wasn’t anything I could do to prevent it for her because it was due to

A genetic thing they haven’t haven’t discovered the issue for yet she got most of their teeth taken out like two days ago and hopefully she’ll be good there’s bones you give your dog yeah I give my dog bones too and I try to give the catch treats that are meant like the

Same situation but oh shoot let me but they don’t always I don’t know they don’t always work great oh no oh no I’m so out of practice oh no I’m going to die oh God I’m used to the slow I’m used to Sun Sun Haven battle I was killing everybody with a crossbow

I’m not doing that in this I’m getting destroyed getting wrecked um but yeah my cats are a little more picky than a dog taking a bone for their teeth but the bones definitely do help for sure I just my but the problem is my one cat that had our teeth removed is so

Picky oh my God she’s very stubborn she’s very stubborn but hence like why I force fed her cuz I was worried she wasn’t going to be eating enough which I get like okay your entire mouth has been changed I get it I get it okay wait Focus they have these bones that are

Supposed to clean the dog’s teeth I don’t know how LOL yeah yeah I don’t know how they clean them either if it’s like a chemical in the bone or if it’s like just for the act of them chewing on it a little I I really don’t know but if it works it

Works so oh oh oh get it get it get it get get get get get get actually isn’t there a way to catch this crab for one of the bins do I have to hit it with the pickaxe I don’t remember what the videoos said I watch

Some tips videos you guys cuz I’m out of practice I guess the chewing yeah but then it’s like if you feed your dog dry food why is that not enough right like I don’t know I don’t understand what is wrong I don’t get it and I know like oh that say bag full

I know some treats are really bad for your pets because like they add molasses and sugary things which causes cavities problems so yeah I really don’t want to get rid of any of this I get oh okay I’ll eat this so it’s just so much we got to take into account for our

Babies because it’s not as hard maybe that’s true that could be so always we when like family and stuff tries to feed my pet stuff I’m like if you not have bought a treat with molasses and the ingredients we are not doing that cuz then I will literally

Have to brush their teeth cuz that’s literally just cavity like let’s be real it’s not a secret oh I got to keep track of time you’re distracting me with this conversation you’re distracting me now I’m thinking about my dog and their teeth and my cat’s teeth I’m like I

Probably should syringe fad her tomorrow just to make sure she’s getting something in her but she did ate better today so that’s really good I just want to make sure she’s getting enough till her teeth are looked at in two more weeks I play this on mobile I stopped

Because I started on beach Farm it’s rough first playthrough the beach Farm I never play the beach Farm like this is my second time playing and I like I said in earlier on I only got to um summer year one and then I don’t know why why I

Stopped I really cannot remember it’s been so so long so yeah oh there’s so many good things and geod no oh doio oh goodbye no and it gave me the bug meat ice okay Stone you’re not worth it either okay we got the geod yeah well you should go back to

Playing on a PC get it together play the new map everybody else in the world I but uh anyway before I get distracted I’m going to go home you can’t really have sprinklers only in like one spot in Greenhouse so you have to make money otherwise oh that would be really

Challenging I’m used to just farming like people are mid maxing the uh what’s it called they’re mid maxing the animals in some way with the truffles literally haven’t got there yet I have no idea how that all works but there’s creative ways that would be interesting maybe I’ll have to go look

Up how people are making money on the beach house cuz that’s like Advanced things the greenhouse so how would you even get to that point oh boy we’ve got a promoter in the Channel I want to offer you a promotion of your channel viewers followers chat Bots the price is lower than any

Competitor I’m sure it is I’m sure it is but uh I literally just started streaming again today so we’ll save that kind of thing for the future if ever but for now no but thank you thank you I need another box and it’s 12:20 and my character’s going to pass out and

But I want to water this mix seed so I can just have it ready boom okay we’re just going to go I I forget what time you pass out on this game is it 2 a.m. or is it 1:00 a.m. add time yeah Yep they’re here they’re here they find the people who

Are pretty much brand new but thank you for the offer though thank you but I wonder how many big streamers use something like that it’d be really interesting to know oh wait wa wait y’all are distracting me with this conversation over here okay from the game we leveled up farming I almost

Clicked and missed it one watering C proficiency one ho proficiency crafting recipe scarecrow yes I know I need the Scarecrow I’ve been so lucky my stuff hasn’t been eaten I have no wood to knock on in case I go outside today and my stuff’s been eaten

So I hope it hasn’t been I have the greenhouse and people make money with the ancient fruit oh but the ancient fruit isn’t it hard to get that though you can’t really get that early on right and I wonder how bad the lag would

Be if I turned the Lany down a lot for the chat so I can hear you guys like real time I’m kind of scared oh reach level 40 in the mines okay okay I can do that that seems oh did I lock the door for the chickens oh no please tell me I

Did clear and sunny okay what’s our Fortune no they’re angry again they’re angry oh no my chicken door is open get out of the way don’t you dare come outside oh my God not Allowed hey parsnips you can go I’m going to have to I got to make another chest 100% really quick quick I keep Miss oh my sources tell me you’ve been poking around inside the old Community Center why don’t you pay me a visit my Chambers

Or west of the forest lake in the St ter I know I’ve been trying to break in for days and it just keeps telling me there’s something inside but won’t let me in all information rasmodius wizard great Marlin Marlin if you can slay 10 slimes you’ll have earned your place oh okay

I didn’t know this update came out I only play on my s24 ultra Arena breakout the mobile game and a few others but I love this game yeah one point yeah apparent go watch some YouTube videos because apparently they have added so much and they’ve made a lot of

Really what’s the word like desired changes and things like that so really really good fore to go try out if you want to I would do you only play on your your phone or you not play on PC at all no no don’t eat it don’t don’t don’t don’t

Don’t okay put that there what am I doing I know I just need 1 two 3 four okay yeah I’m going to look now I’ll be back oh thank you for subbing thank you subscribe to my gaming channel thank you so much it’s going to be a long journey

We’ll see where we are in a year from now so yeah and twitch will be fixed bye tomorrow tomorrow it will I will be on it I was going to pause my stream and go do it but it is what it is it is what it

Is I will fix it tomorrow well I’ll fix it tonight but it’ll be fixed for tomorrow is what I mean go go okay I want to get another chest really quick no PC I sold my PC I might get another oh yeah got to do what you got to

Do but that’ll be fun when you get another PC cuz this game shouldn’t take up too much space check out Arena breakout yeah I’ve seen some people really like it but that’s fine at least you found something that works for you okay great great great great actually how much do I need to

Crap would W coal fiber okay I don’t even have any coal my crops are at the RNG Mercy I need 50 wood dang 50 that’s a lot okay that’s fine we can make that happen make that happen let’s go happen but it’s nice having a stream day

To uh troubleshoot things is what it does is what it does um oh my God it’s going to be a journey I’m hoping to do this almost every night at this time like 10:30 Central to I don’t know yet maybe midnight or 12:30 an hour two hours we’ll see how it

Goes what is this going to be nothing okay chest put that on the ground I forgot I can do that boom hello go in there actually you’re coming with me I don’t want to get unorganized this early on so I’ll put the wood oh God wood what else will be good

Seeds going to get organized early on you guys or things get nuts do I only have one copper where did I put all of it oh I put it over here I was just talking about being organized I put this monster stuff over here maybe like that

Okay oh I do have coal wait a second I work too much but this game works great mobile that’s awesome I’ve never tried it mobile so that’s really cool that they made cuz it’s a whole different process to code to make things mobile so my PC was three Grand I regret selling

It but I’ll get another wow you had a good PC man I built mine I was like I I I want what I want and uh I’ll just order the parts myself and figure out how to put it together it’s actually not as hard as you think it’s actually not but it

Seemed intimidating at first but I figured it out yeah haven’t played games for a while but you’re getting back into it it’s fun you know you don’t have to get obsessed and play like hours of the day just play like two or three hours here and there you know that’s

Plenty train of thought train of thought scarecrow wood coal fiber dang I need 50 more wood how much fiber 20 Fiber One coal 50 wood okay one coal no one shoot one 20 fiber 20 fiber is there how do I split this stack is there a way to split

The stack or do I got to manually click and then oh oh I’ve got 50 wood oh great you got a lot more wood than I thought I did oh speed click we’re at 40 boom okay scarecrow my crops might be safe you guys oh my God how do I see the

Range what’s the range on the sucker where does it say what’s the Range about eight tiles H is this a TI is this safe right here what what does eight tiles look like oh my God I don’t know I had it all decked out 3070 when it came out water cooled 32 G uh gigabyte DDR Ram I9 GPU I

Think yeah you had it out really decked out really really good actually actually the only reason I got a 3090 is because actually I’ll just walk to the blacksmith while we’re talking or actually let me just keep saying actually let me put uh let me is it can I catch like

Fish even if it’s raining maybe I’ll go fishing while we’re chatting one second one second my brain my brain my brain I’m losing it let me put this stuff away okay cuz I want to go open these shields the only reason I got got the 3090 is

Because uh they were sold out of everything else and my sister actually was in Atlanta because she wanted to make her own computer too and so you know we were going to get the lowest one we were like 3070 3080 whatever they had really and so she was in

Atlanta yes certain Fish can be caught in the rain can the ones that can be caught like any season it doesn’t specify rain or not be caught in the rain too like like any weather it doesn’t matter bring me a carp I don’t know where to catch carp is

Carp an ocean fish what is this this is new I like I know it’s been 20 years since I’ve played this but this I have not seen this this ticket this orange yellow ticket what games do you have in plans or is it just stardy Valley you know for

Me personally I do wait blacksmith I do really like a variety streaming but I know everyone advises you not to do that when you’re starting like they tell you make a niche and grow naturally like that so I’m not sure like I was looking at dragon’s DOA because that looked like an

Interesting one I really want to play the Japanese Assassin’s Creed when that one comes out what is it like Assassin’s Creed Rogue what is it going to be called they’ve got like a whole lineup right now and I don’t know the titles of them all but I I’ll probably actually live stream the

Assassin’s Creed one for sure because that’s fun yeah I’m just worried about variety streaming so early on like I want to keep playing coral island because I’m not that far in it yet but you know we’ll see follow where the views at starting off then go from there

Yeah it might be a little harder but with YouTube you should be fine yeah it’ll be interesting you guys it will be interesting so for now sty Valley until maybe like once a week I’ll have a day where I do a different one like maybe I’ll do coral island and keep

Playing that because that has a storyline and I really really do want to keep playing it so I know I gave up too soon you got to be patient yeah I gave up too soon for sure in the past and I was playing The Witcher in the past like

When The Witcher series was out and that was a lot of fun I had a lot of people chatting about the game is actually pretty good oh the wizard The Wizard I’m getting distracted I was going to the lake to the fish but I should get the

That are rolling and yeah so just stay consistent that’s what I’m going to do clock back in with me this time next year and we’ll see where we are for sure for sure so and I’m I got to look at other strategies too you have to have

Fun and do it for fun I do I am having fun I am having fun for sure but like if you want to grow it and make it like a career too there are things that you have to do technically but like I don’t know what are some examples like a lot of

People recommend you know making how-to videos on games you’re currently playing so maybe I’ll look into doing that it’s not like I have to be crazy and like get burned out and make one a week like maybe I’ll just make one every other week or one a month like a how-to

Video something fun I discovered while I was playing stard Valley be like yeah hey how to do this in stard Valley boom wizard you struggling to get into this Tower you just got to wait a couple days there’s my video ah come in I’m here wizard I’m

Here so I am Ros modius seeker of the Arcane truths this kind of reminds me of graveyard keeper not going to lie those little people up on the hill mediary between physical and ethereal Master of the seven Elementals Keeper of the Sacred you get the point but I’ll be checking out some

Other people who streams stard Valley seeing what else they stream too so that might be a good idea too but we’ll see I I kind of like the idea of having like two days a week where I stream a different one whether it’s coral island or something else like Assassin’s Creed

When it comes out people are too focused on growth focus on being yourself nobody can be yourself of course there steps to take improve your chances of success but just look at the percentage of people who fail I know so many people do there so

Many people do I know I like quit so early I really did and I was chilling I was just vibing but I was kind of sad that it was taking so long even though like it was going pretty steady but it is what it is we’re starting a fresh

We’re back we’re chilling because for me like I was doing these as Let’s Plays and uploading them to YouTube but it’s kind of fun having conversations with people so you can try playing Cult of the Lamb later might make some people go to twitch when it gets fixed cuz it has

Twitch integration oh that’s interesting I’ll have to look into that I I’ve heard the name of that but I don’t know the specifics see people like that switch integration so like they can do stuff in the game while I’m playing you mean let me see yeah o o I’ll have to

Look into that I’ll maybe I’ll watch a YouTube video on it because that sounds kind of fun actually here I have something I’d like to show you from The Wizard he’s telling us behold so oh Jesus Christ that scared me don’t focus on numbers I understand

Sometimes I know yeah that’s how I got when I first started like I really didn’t and then I don’t know I just stopped I just stopped streaming and then I I went back to like a let’s play and let’s plays are very hard like editing five hours of gameplay is insane

Like it takes double the amount of time it was just taking so much time but I like it you know cuz you can skip all the boring Parts like if I’m fishing for 5 hours in game like what do i chat about I just ramble about my cat’s teeth you

Know it’s going to be a journey it’s going to be a lot of learning a lot of mistakes a lot of growing so people can help hinder streamer and participate in the raffle to have their own follower in game oh oh man that sounds intense that

Sounds crazy I might have to go watch someone streaming it and see how like it worked for them cuz that kind of sounds fun to watch I don’t know if I would want to what I want to to hinder somebody if I was in the right mood oh man that sounds cool actually

I’ll go watch a stream later you’ve seen one before haven’t you yes I’ve seen the green slime wizard what’s the deal they call themselves The junimos definitely a lot of work I think people always do better when they enjoy it that’s true that’s true it’s cool to be honest that does

Sound really awesome actually I will legitimately go watch watch a clip of it a clip of it and see how it works mysterious Spirits these ones for some reason they refuse to speak with me well guess what they’re going to talk to me gosh the screen why do they keep flashing it at

Me I’m not sure why they’ve moved into the community center but you’ve got no reason to fear them great we’re not worried I just watched a scary Korean movie like two hours ago we’re fine this is nothing you found a golden scroll written in unknown language most interesting please translate it stay

Here I’m going to see for myself I’ll return shortly game itself is a Rog Glide with cult building stuff okay okay A little Rog Glide action I can’t say I’ve played I you know I don’t know if I’ve played a lot of Rog lights like what is

Something is forager a rogue like like the definition of those kinds of games always just goes over my head I just I never remember but that that sounds really awesome actually I really am going to go check it out I found the not what other games do you

Play oh hang on he’s talking to me let me hang on let me tell you after this wizard scene the language is obscure but I’m able I was able to decipher it yes he did it in one day I don’t have to wait till tomorrow we the junim are

Happy to Aid you in return we ask for gifts if you are one with the forest then you will see the true nature of the scroll okay good good good one with the forest what do they mean what do they they want offer Rings they want the offerings

Aha aha come here oh no is he going to flash the screen at me again he’s going to zap us what’s he going to do my culture is bubbling with ingredients from the forest baby Fern MOS grub caramel top toad St and you smell it

I kind of wish I could that’d be cool drink up Let the essence of the forest permeate your body my character did not look excited about that just so you know oh plus 38 energy dang I should have chopped some stuff before I came in here what the

Heck this green oh everything’s turning green oh the letters are de jumbling we’re understanding let’s go oh wow oh this is Bor more intense then I remember this happened this is how it was before okay I have to go hope you have a great time along with YouTube people

Thank you thank you thank you for sticking around with just audio that’s so sad I’m so sorry I will fix it um but oh wow this is a really long cut scene with these green trees but what other games do I play oh my God gain the powers to format Forest

Magic now you can understand the true meaning oh God okay what are the games so I play I play so many different random like literally random ones like I play World of Warcraft I was playing World of Warcraft classic for a while I still am I play coral island Sun Haven

Coral island I might pick back up here on the stream um because I do want to do the story line it does have like a big major overarching story line to complete so that might be something I do twice a day twice yeah did I say just twice a

Day twice a week here on the Stream and what else cor Island I did Sun Haven Sun Haven was good I did Guild Wars too Final Fantasy online um just just whatever’s out and looks good like I did Assassin’s Creed all the Assassin Creed games I want to

Play the new ones that are coming out especially the Japan setting one cuz I I did study abroad in Japan back in the day so that would be fun and then what are other ones I’ve played recently oh you know like gench and impact obviously people play genin

Impact did I do my chickens today before I keep getting instructed I’m like using my brain processing multiple different things here chickens what games I play where’s some other ones oh I play like a lot of Nintendo switch games like Mario party uh hang on really quick I oh I don’t

Know if I said hello okay oh we said hello LOL I’m playing right now which one Mario Party Mario Party is awesome I love Mario Party especially when you have other people to play with like I have to wait for my sister to come home come

Over and visit I don’t know if I need this Gold Lake I’m scared to sell it I’m just going to do this stuff flash yet oh no I got to go decipher things don’t I that’s fine genin oh yeah see I am so freaking behind on genin like I need to get it

Together I’m so behind it’s ridiculous I just got to the Second City like that’s how behind I am and it’s got a great story line and that’s what I really like about games so I need to keep doing it I need to keep doing it but that’s where I am with it for

Sure gin I like all kinds of games really like Dragon’s Dogma to me looks fun I want to play that hey you’ve got some new ideas to sleep on WE leveled Up finally let me see if I can read this in the community center but uh yeah genin’s awesome I’m really looking forward to Blue protocol and I hope the release for us comes out sooner I was trying so hard get on the Japanese servers even though like I used to know

Japanese but like I don’t know Japanese anymore so I I can’t read kanji like it’s not happening but I try I try can I only do the one what is this winter forging uh this is the foraging bundle wood wood Stone oh we might be able to do this one actually woodwood

Stone hardwood summer exotic okay not to self not to self not to S oh these are sap things winter okay okay well I can do this one Bridge repair which Bridge does it fix I need a leak and a wild horse Rish okay we can do that and then wood wood

Hard wood I only have the one hardwood though what is flashing T what is this oh cuz I crafted scarecrow nice I’m going to have to go buy some more seeds but I don’t think I can I think they’re closed closed and nothing else is open in here sad sad

Days okay we’re going to get the what’s it called what’s it called oh we’re going to get the foraging one down I’m losing my thoughts there’s too much to think about this is what happens when you do let’s plays as well you forget what you’re talking about what you’re physically

Doing in game oh my God Sebastian much oh he’s not hereu where where is he I got to look this up I need to know where Sebastian is like this is getting ridiculous where where are you Sebastian let me see Sebastian sebast oh God Sebastian stardew Valley locations please Jesus yes I need the spring schedule what time is it 7 he’s not in his computer wait today’s the 6 what 11th Rainy Day Option One okay r Wait rainy day option one we’ve got options we’ve got options maybe I’ll

Stream gench an impact like honestly why not like I’m at the Second City maybe people get frustrated because I’m so lost in that game I’m just following the story line I’m like I just got my Adventures R high enough to like continue the story oh it’s intense it’s intense okay wait

Sebastian you’re not getting me distracted at the saloon leaves the pier okay well our options are to go south and what is the other guy’s name I’m going to have to look up a picture of him because I just want to get this done the introductions you know I’m not trying to

Like get do anything else like crazy look up all his likes and stuff I just want to know where they are okay he’s definitely a bachelor stardy Valley I just don’t know what his name is Elliot his name is Elliot that’s what his freaking name is where are you

Elliot why can’t I find you bro Elliot stardew Valley Valley schedule where are you where are you okay okay well we know Sebastian is towards the pier or in the saloon so that’s the direction we’re going to go for him raining inside his house where is his house why is this so

Complicated Elliot’s cabin he’s on the beach oh my god I didn’t even realize he was in that house down there I was going to say in that Shack cuz it is a shack but hey it’s his Shack which way would Sebastian be coming back from the pier you would

Assume oh God you would assume he’s coming from this direction right did I did The Wizard no the wizard didn’t count the wizard didn’t count okay Sebastian Sebastian Sebastian Sebastian not going to lose you we’re not going to lose you how would he be getting here

From the pi okay I don’t see him oh wait wait no no no no no no no no no let me check the saloon let me check the saloon before we go all the way to the pier and get disappointed I’m going to okay okay is

He in here he’s in here oh my God oh my God now I just need to get to Elliot and then we’ll have that introduction Quest completed thank god oh you just moved in right cool yes I did thank you thank you yay we got him that makes sense rainy day you know

You either want to be cozied up in your house are you want to go I guess hang out out the saloon hello nothing NADA n anal n okay so he lives here is he it’s locked okay okay fine fine you’re going to play hard to get Elliott Elliot

Schedule he’s not well he’s either in there and it’s locked or he’s somewhere else it is raining it is raining inside his house all day that is what the internet says however his regular schedule at home he leaves his cabin at 12 okay so he’s on the

Beach he’s on the beach well then what is this 300 dang that’s a lot of Wood Wow dang dang dang okay well okay planed it is 9900 p.m. I think I’m going to go fish at the lake and hope I get a largemouth bass a carp and

A bullhead those are the three I need from the lake according to my notes so we’ll see what we can get um I don’t know though don’t know is this flashing yet no because I can just do this okay that and that Roger Roger don’t get rid of anything don’t touch

It yeah I think I can make it back home from here by 12 right if I leave at 12 we should be good okay let’s go fish it’s going to be dark but that’s okay sure we’ll just fish this way okay okay largemouth bass carp Bullhead largemouth bass carb wood and

We’ll be really doing well I think on our fish Journey here then really we’ll only need from the spring like that I can get in Spring hey someone wanted a carp who was it I swear there was a quest for a carp well okay note to self don’t sell

It and then I need a eel an eel from the beach spring fall rain but I think they said it would be hard to catch with this fishing rod I don’t know though I don’t know I might have to go look it up if it’s hard

To catch or if I need to upgrade my fishing rod cuz I don’t want to be like at the beach all day wasting my time trying to catch an eel but I don’t know maybe it’s possible who knows who knows I don’t know hello anybody give me one of the three I

Need I swear there’s oh don’t get distracted don’t get distracted oh oh oh oh yes we got it got oh we got it got it hey we got one we needed Whoa We are rocking what is this artifacts Gunther okay Museum donation nice nice that’s awesome what is

Something I swear it said somewhere I had to get something out of the um the mines I had to fish out of the mine somewhere oh a Driftwood secret Pond oh this is a specialty fish bundle oh no it’s getting late what okay this is my last one that we’re running

Rock mines for crab red cabbage traveling Merchant Friday and Sunday so that would be tomorrow I should go see if I can get a red cabbage cuz apparently they’re very difficult to get and you can’t get them until spring like on your own Bullhead and I have a note here

Saying buy an apple tree why why did I write down so many notes oh my God I wrote down so much stuff what oh there’s so much okay it’s like it would be a shame to have to wait till a year or two for something that you could have gotten in year

One but it is what it is wow oh no okay well that tests my theory I don’t pass out at 1:00 a.m. so glad we learned that together wow that was risky that was risky cuz I wasn’t sure if it was one or too

So oh my God the time moves so fast it’s actually insane carp Bullhead okay we’re just going to save everything I’m not even going to sell it right now scared go to bad oh level two forging axe proficiency charcoal K okay oh level two fish does

That mean I can catch an eel now let me know how hard is it to catch an eel you guys o I’m a little worried maybe it be easier I had bait honestly and which festival can I buy the strawberries at I need to make sure

I save enough money don’t get crazy over here delivery Leah okay she wants the carp what else am I doing 100 slimes build a silo oh I do have the money I I guess I should craft a furnace build silo yeah 20 copper ore I might well I should

Build a silo first honestly let me let me see what I need for Silo really quick I don’t want to clear and sunny all day okay CU I don’t want to run all the way over there when I could have brought some of the stuff with me and just have

To run back and forth so I know I want a silo let me just look up what I need stardew Valley Silo Silo purchasable item um o 10 clay five copper bar shoot okay so I have to make the furnace first noted noted good to know good to

Know what do I need what do I ah furnace 20 copper ore and 25 stone was there was a way is there a way to make the font a little bit bigger on those numbers I’m just thinking of some people who with some visual disabilities that’d be very difficult to read

The exact numbers you need just a thought hey I can’t pick you yet give me a second give me a second I don’t put all this oh my God my bags why isn’t this oh because the fish the fish bundle is not open yet yeah

This is flashing for a leak so I know I need one I know I need the other one can I put this way yes okay that finishes that bundle great carb is for the person I think I’ll sell this Bullhead save this Bullhead donate

This uh I don’t know if I need this for our bundle so I’m going to save it for now oh copper great I just oh I can’t put that okay just put the copper here put the oh it’s not Stone go away Way Stone I wanted to get the clay and the coal

Too get the clay and the coal clay coal I think I can leave the other stuff here for now okay clay coal so what do I need 20 copper ore 25 stone 20 copper ore my memory is garbage I’m just going to warn all of you 20 copper or

25 stone hey I have enough I have enough get out of here look at us killing it in the zone today uh just for now hello we’ll put her there and then I need I’m assuming I need coal to make copper so we’ll see how many I can

Do oh oh oh it’s just one at a time oh no oh no really and that cost 20 copper or can I really only put one in Is that real is that accurate that is so slow no my bags are not full I don’t know what is this donated

I’m afraid I’m afraid to donate anything what if I need it for a bundle I don’t okay this is trash actually can I sell the Driftwood for money we try why not okay let me put another copper in there put this away cuz it looked like it used two coal for one bar

So okay back on track back on track this is how you get so overwhelmed in games like this like you’re doing so many other things and then you forget like okay hey I need I need this and this I need to do this then you forget what you’re doing in the

Moment like what am I doing what am I doing I need five copper bars that’s what I’m doing oh okay what day is the Strawberry Festival cuz I can buy more seeds I’ve got money to buy seeds for things so it’s like do I buy more seeds

I’m afraid if I buy potatoes I won’t be in time so because I want strawberries like the goal is to get strawberries and have the most money possible for them I forget which festival it is I don’t know I don’t know we’ll see I guess okay fabulous

Fabulous we need to go visit the chickens we have everything we need here potatoes how many potatoes do I need just one so do I have room in here yeah I’ll put one there and sell the other two I’ve got four leaks I only need one leak parsnip parsnip I only need one

Parsnip I’m hoping okay that looks good I guess let’s go talk to our cuties and let them out we get back on schedule thank you oh no no my bags my bags are a problema I don’t have enough money to upgrade them yet oh my God here just go outside

Please I’ll get that other egg later if I don’t forget it probably won’t lay anymore if there’re in there will they let’s be real okay save oh wait no I’m selling that Bullhead I’m selling this I’m selling this okay okay Bullhead to Leah Bullhead to Leah donate donate plants plants buy seeds buy

Seeds I vaguely vaguely vaguely remember someone saying the strawberries were H the 14th need a catfish I still haven’t caught a catfish for myself man I could try try and get you one it’s got to be raining though apparently why would it be the 14th though it must be the 13th the egg

Festival must be the day you can buy them so that’s one two three four yeah I can’t do potatoes it’s not safe cauliflowers take 12 days well I’ve already planted one because I I need it for the bundle so oh here’s my bundle tree I need a cauliflower green bean potato parsnip

This is where it went it’s like I know I wrote it down I wrote it down on my fish map what am I doing it’s so silly I I guess we’ll just get some more parsnips why not let’s Max it out max out profits get one last good one

Before um the festival why not why not to the beach we haven’t forgotten to the beach to the beach need to get our final person talk to God that kind of scared me he caught me I forgot he re they react if you’re taking to the garbage okay he comes out of

12 so maybe I’ll fish and he’ll come out oh shoot oh no comes out at 12 12 12 12 and then we should get credit for that we’ll be good to go oh he’s out it’s not 12 yet man yay we did it give someone a gift is that it

Uh let me catch a fish I’ll give him a fish I don’t have any gifts that I don’t need yet where’s he going ah where did it go who else likes fish it’s all I have to offer unless it’s a fish I need I know I

Can get that chest but I’m scared I’m scared we’re not good enough yet sardine I ah they’re not lighting up I don’t think I need a sardine yet so where’d he go let me give him a gift oh he he didn’t hate it we got 100 gold great okay Community Center

Museum or I guess I’ll do the museum first because it’s right here why not why not why not is it this one garbage nothing nothing listen coral island I was killing it in the garbage can okay killing it abysmal not a single piece in the entire collection don’t you worry I’m here now

I’m working on it working on it friend at least trying to well this he found something let me see remarkable it’s very old love to study but it’s yours wait what did I give him oh I gave him a book I found a bunch of books consider donating yes make breaking

Discovery who knows if you keep donating I might come across some interesting items to send your way yay what’s the threshold when do I get all the gifts cor Island tells me what level I get the gifts give them all to me yeah I think I don’t know maybe

Thursday Friday I’ll stream coral island or various other games but maybe cor Island for now since I don’t really know what all is out like I’m afraid if I start start Dragon stma like I might not like it so I’m kind of worried I don’t know we’ll see I mean I

Guess if I don’t like it I don’t have to keep playing it on stream but a the band for the people who get invested you know oh we got more money let’s go buy more par Snips you know what that means more par Snips before he closes

And then we’ll go to the community center I just want to load up have a good harvest ready for the strawberries CU That’s Where It’s At apparently wait wasn’t I giving something Robin Robin Robin Robin Leah where’s Robin live Robin Pierre Caroline oh no oh wait is she a teacher

No oh God okay Carpenter Shar Carpenter sharp we got it we got it we got it we got it we’ll make it there in time let me buy some seeds things we have to do keep track of the time moves so fast in this it’s kind of insane uh yeah

Parsnips parsnips is the way to go we don’t have enough time for potatoes I’ll say hello hello hi stuck into the old Community Center last night I think it’s haunted it is it is but they’re good they’re good it’s fine they’re not bad okay community center is right here so

We’ll hop in here and then we’ll go give Robin this carp and it’s a gold carp so she better be a static thrilled let me see leak and Boom we did it what do we do spring seeds okay well we need 99 99 okay I don’t know how I’m going to get hardwood this early but oh we could get everything else Exotics aren’t happening summer winter yeah this is one we could do minus the hardwood

Interesting oh oh what’s he doing I forgot things happen oh yes yes yes yes yes yes give me that room oh no I’m going to need a piece of paper he unlocking more wait okay I’ve got paper for the other rims because I might not have WR written down

Everything I’m not that skilled you know I’m not that prepared let me see spring crops oh perfect okay yeah paret we got yep yep yep yep I’ve already got that written down oh reward screen oh oh rewards Greenhouse like if you complete the entire thing

Roger tell me one of these Mayo so I can turn it no oh maybe that’s why they wanted me to get an apple tree I don’t know animal bundle large egg duck egg so two large eggs okay my little eggs don’t count at all large oh man I need to

Get this Farm should have come with the cow barn too I want it all okay well okay so we’re going to need we’re going to need a cow we’re going to need a goat and a sheep and a duck noted okay written down we need large well we don’t need a

Large duck egg but we need everything else quality crops yeah yeah I’m not going to it’s not going to happen right now artisian I looked at what what have I now looked at Spring animal fall summer artisian quality so really I can just do this one

And yeah I can’t really I need the the barn animals first look at him go into this little house oh my gosh it’s so cute so so cute fish River fish who we got this well when can I get the tiger trout fall and winter oh wait yeah that’s so sad

I’ve got everything else though so so sad specialty fish I don’t know if I even wrote down did I did I write these down puffer fish oh I did ghostfish level 420 of the regular mines is the only one I really can get ocean fish oh no I do need a

Sardine and I wrote it down I just didn’t think I could catch that in Spring M my list says fall winner shoot I need to highlight that my bad crap I just donated what I needed I should have just double checked my list anyway but now my flasher is up and

Working so we should be good Lake fish I’ve got the bull head I’ve got a C but that’s going to it’s going to someone else you guys not ready Crab waste okay let me write these down I don’t have this written down I can get a clam an oyster oyster a [ __ ] [ __ ] a muscle a oh no Lobster cfish crap those are from the pots but I think I can get this in

The mind I just forget how I do it with like a pickaxe we’ll see okay great great okay well I’ve got a lot to bring back then got a lot of cleaning up to do but first things first I need to go see Robin so I don’t accidentally sell

This uh fish to anybody and then I’ve got a bunch of watering to do we’ve got so many crops that’ll probably be our priority is getting these crops taken care of and then we’ll worry about the fish what is the heck is that doll bro you’re my way a friend tell me

You’re Robin thank God thank God take it no Robin oh she wants a catfish Leah wants a carb I’m going to play on in silence utter devastation oh it’s so sad I clicked on the wrong one okay whatever it’s done what’s done is done what’s done is

Done okay let me get that egg not going to forget thought I would but I didn’t boom collected baby enjoy the outdoors babies okay well that’s a sad day and I don’t I don’t know what this guy is going to cover so we’re just gonna do a combo here combine

Us oh but that green oh he’ll be fine as long as I don’t plant more than one okay let’s fill up what we can fill up okay and then we’ve got 12 left wow I’m going to have to make another scarecrow I think that’s technically 8

By8 right is or is it one more I can’t tell what does it look like let me look scarecrow stardew radius where’s the radius oh it does go out more does it that’s a rare Crow no no wait a scarecrow will protect a area of 248 bases 8 to the

North east south oh so I’ve got a lot more room if that’s right I’m scared we’re going to trust it might be a bad move to trust the internet we’re going with it hope for the best you guys hope for the best oh god really think I need another

Scarecrow I don’t want to go out into the Row oh boy I’ve got so many to plant I need to make back this investment what do I what do I need to make another scarecrow wood coal fiber I might do it honestly wood coal fiber wood wood coal fiber just in case like I’m probably safe honestly but I’m a little

Worried not going to Lie I’ll just put him right there just to be safe okay okay that should make us good for what we need to do all right oh man and then I’m going to have to water all this I’m going to have to upgrade my watering can ASAP it’ll be worth it though it’ll be

Worth it honestly long term we’re thinking longterm goals here this will all be worth it all right let’s see where that puts us oh my goodness 19 okay we got this let’s go get it get it get oh my health no a 10 dang I still have the water eight

Six all right well I’m eating it I may have overdone it by a lot but we’re going to make it work somehow somehow I may have really overdone it oh maybe I’m kind of being dumb I don’t know I don’t know I haven’t played this in forever I don’t remember how it

Works I’m going to turn the community center stuff in tomorrow I’m just going to wait I don’t want to be late or maybe I’ll have time I don’t know we’ll see by the time I’m done watering all this oh my God was that a bad move was

That like a noob mistake I don’t know a noob mistake to plant all that oh no where are the sprinklers when do I get them maybe I’ll get them once I’m able to harvest all this stuff we’ll see we’ll see I’m worried I’m worried oh well it’s too late now too late

Now guess I’ll be using seeds to make field snacks even though I wanted to save them for other things that I vaguely remember I might need them for but do what we got to do okay I guess I’ll eat the algae better don’t go back in there it’s better than nothing

Yes that just gave us a little we should be able to finish it out honestly let’s see okay it’s going to be close thought I ran out of water I just kept going we are watering all of this get it together even if I have to go back in

There eat that valuable bread I don’t remember where I got it from a trash can I don’t know you’re going have to watch my episode one let’s play that I uploaded when do I get sprinklers I need sprinklers oh my God I uh I played it a lot played it a lot I

Scared oh no oh I’m going to have to find a way to get food this is nuts I’m kind of an idiot oh Jesus okay Noob mistake Noob I go what have I done am I going to have to sacrifice some and just let them die off oh no oh

No do I have any more food you guys can I make more field snacks Acorn oh my God but if I God these I know I need these seeds for other things it’s fine we we can always get more later we’re just in a bit of a predicament right now if you haven’t

Realized cuz I made a dumb move and planted so many seeds but hopefully this will help me unlock a sprinkler sooner than later so and then I think tomorrow we’re going to have to go uh get those fish that we need for the Turning quests at

Least the carp I don’t think I can get a catfish but I could try and get the carp I need to go watch other people’s play there and see if they plan it as much as I did cuz I feel a little dumb I got too greedy got to

Greedy nice okay how much okay we’ve got enough we’ve got enough woo we did it we watered it all let me sell these two eggs and then we need to turn this into Marl turn this in and then I know I need there’s things I can turn into the the

Thing I can turn this fish in I can turn this fish in I can turn this fish in this fish one potato already turned one turn up is that it think I did everything else oh I can turn a clam into okay I’ll keep that in there

Because I’m going to need to harvest the two eggs srw first and then we can do the other things please Jesus Christ rain tomorrow please please please please don’t help me rain please actually I think it said it was going to be sunny oh oh boy it’s going to rain all day tomorrow

Of course oh the they’re not happy with me fence FS are useful protecting your crops from what doesn’t make sense Stone IR hardwood fences last longer than basic oh no so is the one that came with my chickens going to disappear got an exciting new items and stock Deluxe fishing pool some bait

Ooh great I need all that hey hey make that money less stuff to water actually let’s be realistic less to water works out I need five gold star I remember this I remember this and I need one paron don’t sell all of them I need five gold five gold five gold save it

Roger okay chickens chickens chickens hi babies hi hi my goodness killing it killing it here okay okay um I should probably water all this and then there was something in here I didn’t take because I wasn’t going to have enough space in my bag one of these okay I think I have everything

Out of here that I can turn in okay okay got small mouth small mouth did I already turn it I’m worried I didn’t turn I didn’t need one of these I Al I could just sell this like why did I keep this let can just go bye all right well here we

Go here we go let’s see how much energy this uses you know I’d be lucky if I had just a little left I’d be I’d be happy with that realistically so and I had done a lot of stuff already that day so I guess planting a bunch of

Things at the end of the day is not a smart move so that is very very noted moving forward CU I don’t want to not be able to water that’d be so sad very sad oh we’re out of water okay we might be okay since I got to harvest

So many we might be okay if I didn’t get to harvest that lot it might have been a problem but we did so we might make it might even have enough energy to fish or a carp I I hope we do that’s the goal anyway line us up line us up okay liner

Up perfect oh shoot it watered the wrong direction that’s not ideal we’re limited on energy no don’t miss lock on water would I tell you please please we not allowed to miss fire over here please hit the right slot okay we’re out we’re out we’re

Going to be okay it’s going to take half our energy that’s fine we can deal with that it’ll be sad on a mining day but it’s going to rain tomorrow so we will go mining tomorrow for sure that’ll be the mission I don’t have any food to take with me

But we’ll go as far as we can go you know that’s all we can do go as far as we can go hope it’s a decent luck day and see what happens see what happens cuz we need more copper so we can make more bars so

We can can get the Silo and not have to worry about that in the future it’s a big deal for us perfect okay goodbye goodbye goodbye okay okay I know I need to put 99 wood but I don’t want to do that yet awesome all right we still have a

Little bit left we can go fishing I’ve got my fishing rod decent decent it could have been worse could have been worse yeah I already turned all that in okay I was like did I get all of what I needed I did did oh God why are there so many

Quests on this board there’s so many they’re so tempting but I know some of them are a bit Advanced like I can’t do them how do I click it trying to keep the art of fishing alive I’ll pay 90 gold to any fishing Enthusiast who caues three carp I’ll try why

Not I forgot where I got it oh the lake the lake the lake the lake my notes say the lake looks like we’ll be fishing and hopefully I’ve got enough energy otherwise we’re in trouble can you go there can you go no nope yes catfish tiger Trot okay so you go now no

No night fish okay Bullhead lake lake lake oh then you go there okay great great to the crops I’m just missing my cauliflower and my green bean which are growing very slowly but they are in progress so yay that’s always good news right when what we need

Is in progress and working it’s going it’s Going there’s already a lot to do deer in the minds feeding animals initiation okay oh I didn’t bring my oh I don’t need my sword I don’t need my sword we’re going in tomorrow focus focus focus don’t lose focus I already am getting distracted with other things I could be doing in the

Game let me say hello I’m going to try and remember to say hi to people like as I see them cuz that is something that really gets away from me in a lot of these games when it’s really important to keep your friendship going so kind of

Want to we’ll face this way why not let’s go it’s time I have enough energy for this I just need four five I need like five carbs so that’s a lot I turned in the Bullhead let me scratch that out of my list bullheads gone great

Sunfish shoot I missed it I was riding dang it Sunfish I got Shad I got catfish oh bre oh God no I did it again okay riding with my other handam okay my hand’s back I’m back I’m back I’m bad and I get algae I get algae when I’m

Here clicking but you know what Algae I need a at the end of the day could be worse give me some more honestly if it outdoes the amount I just paid to fish let’s go yay go go go Go go go go go go go go oh we got the chest too look us we’re Pros a chub I don’t know if I need a chub but hey nice and we got bait oh my God great great cool okay well you guys I think I’m going to end the stream here because

I’m just going to be fishing really so we’ll pick it back up tomorrow I will fix twitch and thank you all so so much for all the tips and tricks and advice I’m really thankful hope you guys have fun in your own gaming Journeys and I’ll see you all tomorrow hopefully bye

I am here with Stardew Valley!! Finally playing the game officially and hoping to get to the endgame! Is there a endgame lol?

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