I Survived 100 Days in the Custom NETHER in Minecraft…

I spent 100 days in minecraft as a nether shapeshifter today i transform into any vanilla or custom nether mob that i kill giving me crazy abilities that will help me survive the deadly nether dimension my goal was to kill three bosses the hogland beast nether dragon and the piglen king using their

Drops i can make a piglen staff that lets me shapeshift whenever i want okay it’s day one and i have found some kind of nether mushroom this guy might have some really good shapeshift abilities so we’re gonna start by collecting some wood and crafting some

Wooden tools now i should be able to get a rare item and there it is we now have a shapeshift token and if i right click it as you can see we transform into a crimson mushroom this makes hoglins afraid of me lets me eat nether grass and i can only eat

Vegetarian food so today every mob has a 10 chance to drop a shapeshift token meaning i can transform into anything including the custom bosses that i have to fight so this beef is now completely useless but if i do this then yes okay i can now eat crimson nilium when it gives

So much hunger this is really good so i now have an infinite food source which is really good in this dimension when i think i found something there’s some kind of structure here with what are these there are piglens with farmer hats and i think yeah they are definitely

Hostile okay just come in here and then we’re gonna block them off and i think i see some chests here we have some golden nuggets a cuz of binding leather helmets or when i can use the golden shovel to distract them and then i can go for this

Chest which has even more gold oh my that was close is there anything in these barrels we have some bread even more golden nuggets a gold inga we have a ton of gold right now and i was gonna make some golden armor but i think a

Better idea is to actually try and get a piglen token come on please drop one oh no wait i see one on the ground okay if i just distract them really quickly then i can grab the token and transform into a piglet this lets me craft stone tools

Out of netherrack gives double drops when farming and makes all piglens friendly okay and i’m pretty sure these big lens give custom trades so let’s see if all i got four netherwards and from this guy i got some cookies that’s actually a really good food source i

Think i also got some bones as well even more cookies oh golden apples and what is this i got some dragon fruit which i’m guessing is a custom crop okay yeah i’m definitely gonna do some farming when i uh build a house later on oh yes okay we have a second farmer

Pickling token which i’m gonna save for later on and then using my farmer pickling ability we should be able to make some stone tools using netherrack yeah there we go oh and i see a ruined portal with a ton of striders so if i get lucky right now we should be able to

Shapeshift into one are you kidding me i got the token from a baby strider so if i right click it oh my i turn into a baby strider this lets me walk on lava makes me resistant to fire and gives potion effects when near adult striders yes okay i can walk on

Lava and look how fast i am this is crazy when i also have strength resistance and regen because i’m near a bunch of adult striders so that’s pretty cool and in this chest we have a ton of iron nuggets when there’s a gold block

Up there too so i can go ahead and make myself an iron pickaxe really quickly and then i can build up and collect myself a gold block so i think i’m just going to use my ultra baby strider speed to start exploring this massive lava lake area we have like a river type

Thing leading to a massive open area when i see something in the distance we have a massive nether pirate ship so these striders are following me and i think that hostile yeah and there we go we now have a new token and if i right click it we transform

Into a stride of roots this gives the same abilities as the strider but with extra health and lets me fire quills at enemies okay this thing seems really powerful i can shoot projectiles and they deal a ton of damage all night okay i guess we’re gonna break into the ship

And see if there’s anything inside and inside we have a chest with lapis gold and some iron so i think i’m gonna make an iron axe as well just have a better weapon oh i’m too big for the door this is so sad guys leave a like for the

Strider brutes and subscribe 90 of you guys on and we would get to 2 million immediately if everyone subscribed so you guys definitely should then if i just break through this door we have some barrels with the tnt some carrots and some coal then we have some stew

Some coal and some wheat as well we’re not going to question where there’s wheat in the nether and then there’s a chest here with even more iron some more gold some more iron nuggets and i guess i’ll take the emeralds as well even though i don’t know what they’re going

To be useful for and honestly i think we have enough stew now okay now i really want to start looking for another structure or a place to build my house so let’s head to this land over here so i guess we’re going to transform back

Into a farmer piglen and i see a ruined portal over there which is pretty good oh and i think i found something i see some farmer piglets and also some black stone oh my this is so cool there’s like a custom bastion here okay so if i break

These then we get the custom crops that the piglen farmers trade and apparently i’m getting random items as well and this guy looks like some kind of piglet trader piglet merchant he trades gold for piglin crates and also a random shapeshift crate okay i’m just gonna buy

One of these and see what’s inside cause it could give me some kind of good items and we got a book raid what’s that music you guys hear that raid shadow legends is a free-to-play game for mobile and pc but you can collect over 600 champions build a team

And fight in giant town-based battles it’s got missions dungeons and bosses including the new most powerful boss the hydra a giant beast with multiple heads all with individual attacks my favorite thing to do in raid is grind xp and over level my champion to become pretty much invincible against bosses then hit the

Button that makes my team play for me and sit back to watch them destroy it also has a ton of insanely cool champions with unique abilities like this guy he’s like a piglen pretty intimidating piglet too raid is also giving away the limited edition champion simple to every player all you have to

Do is log in for 7 days between now and january 28th and you’ll unlock him and if you want a massive head start download raid right now by scanning the qr code on screen or clicking the link down below and you’ll get two hundred thousand silver an xp boost an energy

Refill the epic hero t roll and an ancient shard to summon a random champion when you begin you’ll find all these rewards here in your inbox for the next 30 days so be quick anyway let’s continue okay and i’m guessing this is the real piglin crate so from this we get three

Books okay that’s actually pretty good there’s no way for me to get books in the nether apart from getting a raid shadow legend sponsor yeah let’s just head inside this bastion and i already see a custom piglen hello it’s throwing poison at me these are like the piglet

Brutes of whatever this kind of bastion is okay i need to escape i don’t think i have any food that i can eat right now because as a piglet i’m a carnivore so wait what is this regeneration yes i will take that okay we’re gonna try and

Take out these pig ones right now we’re gonna block it up come on and now please give me a token come on oh i think one dropped no way i need to be so careful right now because there’s poison literally everywhere i am literally on

Half a heart but if i right click this i can transform into a fungus thrower this lets me shoot green fungus with positive potion effects inside a red fungus with negative potion effect inside and gives all piglet abilities okay so i can use healing fungus i need to be really

Careful with the first one that i throw that is the wrong fungus okay i think it’s this one and yeah it gives me positive effects or there are some more evil piglets down here okay i need to be quite careful because he’s throwing damage potions i also see some more

Mushrooms down here so if i can just go ahead and take out this guy really quickly then hopefully i can get a token oh no there’s another one here oh i see a ton of these guys oh yes there we go okay i really do want to stay as this shapeshift because the

Ability is so good but food is definitely more important right now so let’s splash down a ton of positive effects and then shapeshift into a warped fungus this gives double drops when breaking plants makes me immune to poison and makes hoglin’s run away from me finally i can eat some golden carrots

There we go i do have a lot less health now so i do need to be careful and i found a chest with some gold inside some leather or i guess i could have got bugs in the nether there’s also gilded black stone here so let’s go ahead and mine

This and get ourselves some gold and there we go okay so right now i have 11 gold which means i can actually make myself some leggings and i’m really close to making a full set i see another piglet down here let’s actually try and get another token come on give me

Another one please oh my these potion effects are insane this thing is like unkillable dude i actually can’t kill it it’s literally invincible oh i think it’s because the mushroom shape shift makes me a lot weaker and is there a monkey next to me what is this okay come

On please piglet there we go uh how you doing what is this i found another monkey i really want to shapeshift into this thing but i feel bad i don’t want to kill it dude what if they’re like endangered okay i’ll come back before i leave this place just in case because i

Really do want to see what abilities it has but i just want to take out all of the fungus throwers right now so let’s just kill this one i just want to make sure that there’s none left in this bastion when i got another token yes i

Will definitely save this also when i eventually craft my shapeshift one i can actually shapeshift into everything that i’ve previously unlocked so i can become a fungus thrower or a farmer piglet or literally anything whenever i want as long as i’ve got the token once so yeah

We are gonna gain the powers of the monkey eventually to craft the wand all i know is i need to take out a boss but i have no idea how to find it or when it’s going to appear so yeah i’m just slightly scared right now but we’re just

Going to enjoy all of these gold blocks and loot up this bastion while it’s nice and peaceful oh my i’m being attacked okay i figured that i’m not a piglet anymore i need to drop some gold so that these uh piglens stay friendly and inside of this chest

We have all my a ton of gold a ton of gold blocks a netherwarts chess play is that better than gold it’s actually the same okay so this is definitely a low tier resource but it’s still definitely good to have i should probably check if there are any custom recipes that i

Should be aware of because i know there’s a ton of custom items and i already see a ton of them so we can craft mithril leggings with mithril ingots and for the piglen wand i need piglet chief head a ton of gold blocks and two blaze rods okay we definitely

Have a ton of grinding to do today and we have another chest with some golden carrots a curse of vanishing gold axe and some crying obsidian definitely not bad i’m probably gonna leave some of the food behind because i have so much right now another chest here with a sharpness

Five golden axe a ton of iron nuggets and some gold nuggets as well the sharp five axe is gonna be a really good weapon like that does a ton of damage all night okay and we have a couple more monkeys i really do want to shapeshift into one but like monkeys are my

Favorite animals so i want to delay it as long as possible inside of this chest we have some arrows and also spectral arrows what the heck i’m being attacked so i think with my gold what i’m gonna do is start trading with a bunch of farmer piglets so let’s just go ahead

And make a pit right here and try and get as many in as possible we have stew called good soup and if i eat it it gives me saturation absorption resistance regen and fire resistance okay there’s definitely some good soup so we have a nether wall axe and a netherwarts chest

Plate a netherwart shovel a netherwart pickaxe we’re getting the full set oh a ton of dragon fruit and i see some cake in here a ton of bones i could probably use that to start farming as well since i have some prickly pear seeds and i found another chest with some obsidian

Oh this is actually everything i need to make incheons i think so that’s going to be really good we got water protection one on a diamond helmet which is kind of strange i have no idea what that does but like i will definitely take a diamond helmet no complaints from me we

Have some more bones we have some dragon fruits oh and i found some nether wall ingots over here too so we can make some armor if i need to okay and i found a piglen with a beard and blue clothes i also hear a ton of piglets right here so

We’re gonna give them some gold why are they all so angry at me i guess it’s because i broke the gold block okay and this piglen oh he actually has some trades oh no way half a stack of prickly pears or dragon fruit for a ton of gold

So we now have a really good way to farm gold if i just keep speaking to this guy and like farming the crops at my base okay so let’s just go ahead and make ourselves an enchantment table really quickly that we go so i think now should

Be a pretty good time for me to leave the bastion and build a house wait what the heck dude piglin raid and i see an armored piglen and some kind of massive piglet over there what the heck okay well i think now would be a good time

For me to transform back into a fungus thrower the only issue is i have no food right now so we have to be really careful okay we’re gonna throw some potion effects i think i threw instant harming so they’re taking a ton of damage right now yes this is so good

Okay i need to back out though okay we’re gonna throw down some health potions we have regen fire res resistance yeah this is definitely pretty good and i’m gonna throw some potions over this way because i can see one poking out through the corner and i

Can see the giant piglet right there yes he’s in lingering harming potions this is like the perfect trap but i think it’s wearing off okay we need to take one of these things out let’s just bring it down and there we go that’s one piglet down throw down some regen virus

And if i can just do this there we go the poison must have got them really low that’s actually quite good now how am i meant to take out this thing what the heck i think we’re gonna try and leave the bastion and fight outside since i’ll

Have a bunch of open area to absolutely abuse my abilities okay piglen follow me oh my he’s really fast all right we’re gonna dig into the side of this mountain and then i should be able to take this guy out this guy isn’t even a boss and

He deals that much damage like what is going on i am genuinely so terrified of what the real bosses are gonna be like okay come on one more hit wait what the heck it’s running away where is he going i am so confused oh okay that must be

Where he came from it looks like some kind of piglet factory well i’m pretty sure that place is the key to me crafting the piglen ones so what we’re gonna do right now is grab these plants then build ourselves a base oh and i can probably buy a shapeshift from this

Piglet merchant guy so if i just place this down then we get oh my i got a soul monkey token that is perfect well i was kind of hoping for that massive piglen or something that would be good for fighting but if i just right click this we transform into a

Soul monkey this lets me swing from blocks and vines like a monkey lets me fire bananas and gives permanent soul speed let’s go to celebrate we are going to eat an entire cake at once let’s go and i have missed this ability so much it’s the most satisfying thing ever we can now

Live in the nether trees oh and this actually looks like a really good place for me to build a mountain house it’s right next to the bastion it’s very close to the piglen factory and the wall is pretty flat so I decided to make my floor out of warped nilium so i had to use bonemeal to bring some inside it was kind of tedious but it did look pretty cool in the end i also realized i could make a back exit to my house as well so i placed down

Some doors and created a small farm room and then the house was complete okay welcome to minecraft house tours with your boy soul monkey i’d say the location is pretty good we have some great wildlife the piglet merchant is right down there oh wait i figure i can

Throw bananas at things how much damage does this do that actually three tapped a cal i am not complaining and inside we have some storage we have some black stone furnaces and this room is gonna be my farm so i can just go ahead and plant

All of these prickly pear seeds and then while i go to the piglen factory we can let all of these grow then we have a back exit that leads out into this place oh and i think there’s another fortress right over there that’s really good

Because i need two blaze rods to be able to craft my piglen wand so the only ingredient that i’m missing for the piglet wand is the piglen chief skull now before i go there there are two items that i want to craft the piglen crossbow and the piglen lumberjack axe

This can hold three hours at once so it’s going to be really good and the axe chops trees in one strike and deals 10 attack damage so it’s going to be a really good weapon too now i think the best way for me to grind piglen tokens

Is to actually turn into a pig lens so we’re going to go back to the bastion and then collect another fungus thrower token so hopefully we get lucky oh my i just found a note chapel on the floor i think a piglet must have traded

Me at earlier and he was just holding it in his hand oh and there we go i now have a fungus thrower token and i can shapeshift back into a monkey as soon as i craft the wand i will return one day oh and i got another warped fungus token

So i don’t really think i’ll use that but it’s still pretty cool let’s also grab all of this dragon fruit right here because i think pretty much all of it’s grown and there’s also a ton of prickly pears so we might as well take these with me then we’re going to transform

Back into a fungus thrower and then begin grinding piglens okay and we now have enough i have an entire swarm of piglets after me so we have to craft this kind of quickly but if i just throw down some potions to keep them away and then make myself a

Golden axe and then surround it with piglen tokens we should be able to craft ourselves the piglet lumberjack axe this does the same damage as the netherrite axe so this is gonna be really good okay and i actually got a crossbow from killing piglens so all i have to do now

Is just surround this with piglen tokens and now we have a piglet crossbow so if i just break this tree as you can see all of the connective blocks just start breaking with it which means i can have a ton of blocks to defend myself and it’ll also make building way quicker

Okay and i don’t have any bookshelves but we’re gonna do some tail one enchants with this lapis that i have so let’s make a new pair of gold boots and then combine them with my current ones and let’s also make another pair of leggings as well and then if i just

Enchant these we can grab protection one on breaking two and protection two and honestly enchanting a gold sword as well could be a good idea just in case i get fire aspect or something sharpness knock back one okay i will definitely take it and i think the final thing i need to do

Is actually just kill some of these warped mushrooms because as a piglen i can only eat meat and this is like the only food source that actually works actually what if i can get some food by trading with the piglin merchant we have 12 gold left so let’s buy a couple of

Tier 1 crates and from these we get come on please be good we get a saddle prickly pear and 15 gold okay we just gained even more gold let’s just keep going i guess and from these ones we get come on please be good we got 11 gold

Some gold carrots and some golden helmets okay i guess i’ll take that and now i can just smell all of my raw beef oh yeah and what if i can smelt the prickly pears as well oh i can okay that’s going to be a really good food source actually dude these endermen are

Just polluting my house they’re placing down blocks everywhere come on drop a token and nothing okay 24 stakes should be enough so see if i can get good in sean on my axe i guess we’re just gonna go with unbreaking one oh and on my crossbow we may be able to get something

On breaking one or i should probably make a shield as well since we have some iron i feel like i might come close to death so we need as much gear as i can get now let’s head towards the factory okay and now there’s a boss bar on my

Screen and i think i see something oh my that is a giant hogland and apparently it’s called the hogland beast okay well if i want that guy’s head then this isn’t gonna be easy let’s throw some mushrooms up there so it starts taking some damage and then let’s try and enter

The bottom oh my there’s another huge piglet right here let’s see if i can take it out really quickly oh my there are so many of them this is crazy okay there’s a cave behind here so we can just block up really quickly eat some

Steak and i should be able to take out all of these piglets really quickly come on please drop a token i would love to shapeshift into one of these things oh and one of them dropped a diamond sword that is insane please say it has some good insurance okay we’re gonna go into

This guy and there we go okay the second one is right here so if i just take this guy out or let’s actually block him up so he can’t even hit me and then if i just do this shoot some arrows at him and then i think that should be all of

The piglets that were around here oh and there’s more piglets inside okay i need to be careful right here because these axes deal a ton of damage holy they shred me but we’re fine okay when i got an unbreaking one diamond sword and another unbreaking one diamond sword so

I’m gonna craft those together and we can enchant them later on then inside these chests we have a mithril ingot i think that’s a custom material okay then in this one we have a ton of warped wood a ton of dragon fruit oh and a bunch more arrows that’s actually gonna be

Really good or even more arrows up here too let’s also grab the wheat as well because any food i will definitely take and then we’re gonna go up this ladder and i hear the hoglin literally right next to me all my especially right through there okay can i actually just

Get some hits on it right now although we just summoned some baby hoglands okay well if i can take these out then we should be good and i also got a baby hogland token all right okay let’s try and take this thing down i’m gonna leave here because he keeps spawning baby

Hoglands and they are absolutely shredding me oh my this is bad there are so many baby hoglands right now holy at least i have some space now oh and it’s coming down after me okay this is bad i need to be so careful not to get into

Lava holy that blood clutch was insane okay i need to take this thing out as quickly as possible this is actually like ridiculously dangerous that earthquake attack is so dangerous all right what we’re gonna do is actually take out the piglen chief on top there we go imagine i could ride this thing

That would be crazy oh my no no no no do i have an ender pearl i might die right here dude eat some steak luckily my uh fire protection chest plate is carrying me right now i probably would have died to lava right there if i didn’t have

That that is insanely lucky and i need to back up all my the radius of that attack is so big it’s actually insane okay let’s do as much damage as possible right here charge up the crossbow and do some damage that we go the thing is i

Want to dig into a wall but it’s definitely just gonna get me with the earthquake and just keep summoning even more hoglands if i don’t act quickly so i just gotta do this as fast as i can yes okay hold them down or can i push it

Into lava it barely takes any knockback though oh i’m getting some huge damage right here and the tree is protecting me really well if i just stay here then i think we should be good it’s getting insanely low dude and the piglet chief head is just on the ground right here

Okay well i might as well take this thing out because like yeah two pork chops is a very good reward oh and there’s another piglet chief head right here and what is this token please be something good oh my no way i am so lucky i just got a piglet chief token

Wait no way do you guys see that not only did i get the piglen chief token but i also got the hogland beast token am i seriously gonna become that thing this is actually ridiculous okay well we’re gonna start by transforming into the piglen chief this lets me summon

Piglin minions gives an insane health boost and all other pickling abilities oh my look how much health i have and look at my armor this looks ridiculous the helmet belly even fits on my head or when i can summon piglen minions this is really cool i can literally trade with

These guys whenever i want but honestly i kind of prefer the former piglet trades not chapels and prickly pears are very good but i guess we can get fire as potions from these guys so definitely not bad now i think i’m going to actually stay as the piglet chief in l

And save the hogland beast token just in case i need to fight something really strong i’m going to be crafting the shapeshift one really soon so i’ll be able to transform into anything i want after that so i’m just going to focus on getting the final few items to craft the

Piglen wand which are five more gold blocks and then two blaze rods which shouldn’t be too hard because i have a really cool strategy for getting gold i still can’t get over how dumb this thing looks everyone leave a comment saying my developers are cracked because like yeah

This thing is crazy also they made monkeys which is the ultimate animal okay so the wise farmer piglet was right here hello i have grown now give me all your gold so what i can do right now is just grab all of the prickly pears and dragon fruit from here and this should

Be enough for me to trade for a decent amount of gold if i get half a stack that’s 20 gold right there then i can grab another 20 gold from the prickly pears and i just need four more so i can probably just mine that to be honest

And there we go that’s six gold blocks so the final thing i need to collect is the blaze rods or no way there’s a blade spawner right here and there’s also some weather skeletons too but i think they’re friendly towards me then i can just use my looting sword and we now

Have two blaze rods now i can come back to the fortress later and get some blaze tokens and also some wither skeleton tokens there’s so many shapeshifts that i want to collect today there are two things that i want to do first so if i displace the gold blocks on the edges

The blazers like this and the piglen chief head there we can now craft the piglen one oh my this thing looks so cool and now if i just right click this as you can see we have all of our shape shifts right here all i have to do to

Transform into them is just to click each icon which may seem really overpowered but trust me there are still so many more insanely good shapeshifts that i have to collect all i know is there are two more bosses and a ton more mobs so yeah i guess we’re just getting

Started anyway it’s time to right-click the hogland beast token and i think this time the token goes straight yeah straight into the menus so if i click it now as you can see we have 60 hearts oh my this is ridiculous this lets me launch myself into the sky use an

Earthquake attack and gives insane amounts of health oh my this ability is crazy how can a shapeshift even get more powerful than this i mean i know they will but like yeah i have no idea how i meant to die now okay i see something in the lava

Over here is this a mob or something oh it is what is this it’s just disappeared okay that is slightly terrifying let’s go ahead and transform into a strider and see if i can get a token from this thing okay let’s kill this thing and

Come on give me a token please it has a ton of health holy this thing is tanky and it’s actually suffocating now it’s out of lava it looks like a nether shark or something oh did i get a token i did i now have a bone shark token so if i

Right click this i can now transform into a bone shark this lets me swim in lava breathing lava and have extended lava vision while swimming okay so does this mean that i can oh my look how many of these things there are i am surprised i didn’t get attacked as a strider

Actually i feel like killing them they look kind of friendly oh and this is really cool because i can actually just mine at the bottom of this lava lake for some reason there’s a piglen down here okay i’m not gonna question it and can i find some ancient debris down here or

Something maybe if i find a deeper lava lake then we could find some oh i found something there is some kind of blue ore right here okay and now if i transform into a no no no that’s bad is there anything really small oh a warped fungus

Yes oh and look how cool this ability is i can actually swim so fast right now this is crazy when i actually haven’t collected an enderman token yet so let’s collect one of these and there we go so if i just right click this token then i can now shapeshift

Into an enderman this lets me teleport where i’m looking makes enderman always friendly and gives extended reach i also have a hogland token which i haven’t right clicked yet so we can now transform into a hogland as well this lets me charge her enemies increases running speed and makes all hoglins

Friendly now i think it’s time to build the final two rooms of my house And there we go my nether base is now complete i really want to get some bookshelves for the enchanting area and also some brewing stands for the shelves right here so i think i’m gonna head to the nether fortress next wait what the i just heard lightning right outside my

Base i think it came from oh my it just opened the door what is this thing behind me there are so many of them okay we need to block up the doorway and i think they’re stuck behind that fence okay what even are these things they’re like withered piglens okay i would

Transform into a piglet chief but i have no meat right now so i can’t even regenerate so i’m just gonna stick as a fungus thrower and since they’re all in one place let’s throw a ton of potion effects at them i can just crit all of these piglets right now and they can’t

Even do any okay well i was about to say they can’t do anything about it but yeah i’m kind of in danger right now one of these piglens can shoot fireballs so let’s take it out really carefully i think it just summons some more piglens all alright let’s use our monkey ability

To climb up this hill and let’s try and take these things down luckily i got them away from my base i barely have any health right now as the monkeys so we need to be really careful honestly i’m just happy i got them away from my base

For some reason these two are friendly but the other ones are still attacking me okay let’s try and take them out really quickly and there we go i have no idea where those necromancers went but honestly i have no complaints about that okay so before i go to the fortress i

Think we need some new gold armored because this set is slightly broken right now so what i’m gonna do is transform into a farmer piglen and i’m pretty sure there’s a custom item that will let me grow plants really quickly yes the piglen farmerhole and there’s also some other items there’s a blaze

Sword right here which requires blaze tokens and it shoots fireballs apparently oh and look at this a dwarven pickaxe that lets me blast mine with tnt and it requires piglen dwarf tokens and piglen minor tokens okay i’m guessing there’s some kind of other bastion type that is really cool so i need four

Piglen tokens and four nether war ingots to craft the piglen farmer hall we already have the nether ball ingots and i’m pretty sure i have a couple of leftover piglen ones or we have a withered pickling token if i right click this we can now transform it into a

Withered piglen this deals the wither effect when attacking makes you immune to weather and gives piglet abilities okay this is actually really cool i can inflict the wither effect on other mobs and i am also immune to the weather effect dude my boots just broke so we’re

Going to be taking even more damage now all my okay let’s grab our piglet tokens here oh my i think i found a wildfire this thing is so cool please drop a token come on it has a ton of health as well oh but unfortunately i only got a blaze

Rod okay well i’m pretty sure i can find more of those in the nether fortress so we’re gonna head there right after and i think that’s our first piglen token and now we’re gonna continue grinding Oh no way i found a real bastion okay so if i just use my enderman ability to teleport and i’m pretty sure i can just teleport all the way up here and enter the bastion and then if i just transform back into a fungus thrower i’m pretty

Sure all of the piglen should be friendly towards me hello hoglan oh my okay i guess not okay and now we have an infinite supply of gold which is going to be really good for trading with the piglen merchant because i still haven’t tried out the tier 2 and tier 3 pickling

Crates and i feel like they could have some really good items inside our shapeshifts are really strong right now but our actual gear is pretty weak i have some broken golden leggings and water protection one on my diamond helmet so yeah we could definitely do with some improvements let’s get our

Final piglet token really quickly oh i got the last token let’s go okay we can finally craft the piglet farmer host we have another alternate way of getting a ton of gold but i feel like 16 gold blocks is definitely good enough honestly craft ourselves a golden hole

Right here but the nether walton gets like this and then put the piglen tokens in the corners and now we have a piglen farmer so this will let me get infinite dragon fruit and prickly pears then trade them with the wise piglin farmer

To get a ton of gold and i think i also get lucky drops if i’m in the former piglen shapeshift so this should be pretty good anyway let’s just go ahead and loot these chests right here so in this one we have oh amending diamond pickaxe an iron block and a silk touch

Golden axe all right that’s pretty good and in this chest we have another gold block small iron and a crossbow definitely not bad i’ll also take the bone blocks as well so i can make bone meal now if i just speak to the piglet merchant i think we’re gonna buy should

I buy some random shape-shift crates the thing is it’s very likely that i’m gonna get some duplicate shapeshifts but i also could get something really good so let’s buy two of these and see what’s inside come on please be good we got a bone shark and a piglen soldier i

Actually didn’t have the piglen soldier so i will take that so if we just right click this we get the bone shark again and if i right click this we can now transform into a piglen soldier okay and with the rest of my gold i think we’re

Gonna buy some tier 2 and tier 3 crates and i’ll save a bit to craft armor just in case i don’t get anything so let’s buy three tier two piglet crates and then actually no we’re gonna risk it all i’m just gonna go for another tier three

Piglet crate because there is a chance that i get some gold back so yeah so we get lucky so from our first tier two mystery crate we get four mithril ingots okay that is definitely enough for armor and i’m guessing i can get a ton of

Mithril if i come across those uh mining piglens so that should be pretty good then from this one we got a ton of armor yes okay a mithril chest plate so we can put that on straight away replace these golden leggings with some good ones and

We have golden boots now okay and from the first tier three piglet crate we get nine diamonds let’s go that’s going to be really useful for when i want to get a netherright set so i will definitely take that and then we get six more gold

Blocks from the final one which i can reinvest into another tier three piglin crate and i think i’ll also just like go for a couple of other ones okay and from these chests we get come on please be good a diamond some golden tools a mithril helmet okay that’s the one piece

That i actually needed really badly so yeah goodbye water protection diamond helmet and i’d say that my armor is pretty good now we also have 56 golden apples so yeah that’s gonna be a pretty good food source and now i think it’s time to head into the fortress oh my i

Already see something crazy up there now what i want to do right now is collect as many shapeshifts as possible because there are so many different types of abilities this thing up here definitely has something cool so yeah what we’re going to do is transform into a monkey

And we’re gonna slowly climb up the side of this mountain yes this is a mountain don’t question it and what is this thing okay i’m pretty sure i got summoned by this guys so uh wait what just happened i have blindness i have a withering effect okay i’m gonna try and take this

Thing out really quickly i have no arrows right now which really sucks but there is a skeleton here so i can actually grab arrows from that and then okay we gotta back out right now i’m gonna eat a gapple and we’re gonna transform into something a bit stronger

All the skeletons and the weather skeletons are actually fighting right now and for some reason this wither skeleton is friendly towards me so i’m not going to question it let’s kill these places right here and see if i can uh get myself a blaze token and we can

Also get it with a skeleton token i’m pretty sure oh there we go i got it straight away so if i right click this then we can now transform into a wither skeleton this lets you attack enemies with the wither effect it’s all skeletons friendly and makes you immune

To withering i’m pretty sure this is very similar to the withered piglens so okay and the necromancer is right here so let’s go in i think because i’m a with a skeleton i’m actually immune to the wither effect so yeah there we go we

Took it down i don’t think i got a token though which is kind of unfortunate i really do want to transform into that thing because it seems pretty strong also take out the skeleton right here and there we go we found the blaze spawner now if i can get this blaze

Token i should be able to fly so i’m just gonna stay here and grind until i get one oh dude i can use the strider boot shapeshift to be immune to fire and just shoot projectiles at them this is so good and now we’re just gonna grind blazers until i get a token

Oh and there we go finally we now have ourselves a blaze token which means that i can transform into a blaze this lets you shoot fireballs gives permanent fire resistance and lets you fly yes i can fly now let’s go this is gonna be so good for exploring the nether holy i can

Pretty much find infinite structures right now which is insanely good and as i say that we find a second fortress okay well there’s another necromancer here okay we’re gonna do this we’re gonna fire a fireball and if i can just take it out from the sky really quickly

Maybe i can get a token come on please and i got a book but no token come on give me the book what does it have it has power 4 protection 3 thorns 2. okay i’m definitely going to put that on some armor that’s actually really good

There’s another one here though come on please and come on yes okay we got the token and from the book we got riptide 2 okay so if i right click this then we unlock the withered necromancer shapeshift this lets you summon with the puppets fire projectiles are enemies and

It makes all weather mobs friendly oh my okay well i guess we can shoot with the skulls oh and i found another one of these cool blazers come on give me a token we are going to collect all of them welcome back to pokemon with silver

Today we’re going to be uh what pokemon does this look like uh today we’re going to be catching a charizard it’s a charizard don’t question it oh and i got a token let’s go i’m unlocking them so rapidly okay we’re gonna right click this and now we have the blaze guardian

This gives all blaze abilities even more health and doubles the speed of your fireballs okay and for some reason i can’t fly with this thing i can only float so uh oh i can shoot fireballs though that’s cool oh wait and wasn’t there some kind of custom item that

Involved blaze rods because if i grind blaze tokens then i’m pretty sure i can craft some kind of cool sword yes okay blaze sword it requires an iron sword and four blaze guardian tokens and four blaze tokens it shoots fireballs and it’s very strong so yeah we’re definitely gonna craft that right now

And there we go that’s all of my blaze tokens are we just gonna kill some of these blaze guardians and there we go so if i just go ahead and make myself an iron sword put this in the middle blaze tokens around the edges then we can craft the blaze sword

So let’s test this out on this enderman oh it has fire aspect as well that is really good then if i right click we can shoot a fireball and the cooldown is actually really low oh and i found one more mob that i want to collect the uh

Shapeshift token force so if i can get lucky here then yes okay we got a magma cube token so if i just right click this then we can become a magma cube this makes all blocks bouncy makes you immune to fire and lets you split into multiple slimes

Or this is actually really cool and apparently i can what the heck i just summoned a slime and it took away all of my health okay well if i ever need a slime then uh we have a shape shift for it and i’m pretty sure it stops me from

Taking full damage as well there we go and does it give me fire resistance i feel like i shouldn’t test this on half a heart but yeah it was pretty obvious okay so let’s just fly back up to our base and i’m gonna try out this brand

New pickling farmer hose so if i just stand next to oh my this is so good look how fast they’re growing dude i didn’t think it would be this overpowered oh my okay so if i just transform into a piglet farmer i’m pretty sure there’s a small chance that eventually there we go

We got a lucky drop and i think i got a golden apple from breaking a prickly pear so this is just an infinite way for me to farm gold i’m pretty sure because i can trade these prickly pears and grow them so fast and we’re getting gold leggings guys which is better prickly

Pears or dragon fruit leave it in the comments personally i prefer the prickly pears not gonna lie and guys if you leave a comment on the video pretending there was a giant prickly pear at this exact time stamp one will appear on screen in three seconds three two one

Whoa dude that is definitely real and not edited end like i’m moving around and stuff on dude i’m getting gold carrots golden nuggets golden tools literally everything this is so good okay and there we go okay we’ve done a ton of farming and i’ve pretty much filled the

Chest with loot so what we’re gonna do is take this to the piglet merch and get a ton of gold and the main item that i want to try and get is bookshelves because i don’t think there’s any way to get that in the nether but i do remember

Seeing books in the tier 1 chests so we could either buy a ton of tier 1 chests or try and get some more from the higher tier ones i guess we’ll just see and there we go instant 40 gold dude i’m getting so much right now and from

Farming for 10 minutes we have almost four stacks of gold okay definitely no complaints from me let’s go ahead and buy ourselves some tier three piglet crates let’s buy four tattoos and i think i’ll save the rest for later so let’s place these down and hope that i

Get something good all 36 bucks i think that’s actually close to enough to make a full enchanting setup yeah i just need a few more okay let’s open up these tier threes come on please be good we got five gold blocks and some notch apples okay honestly i’m just gonna open up so

Many tier ones and see if i can get come on give me something good we have i think i see books six books so far stop stealing it no i think he took a gold axe okay that’s fine with me there’s also some piglet tokens here so i think

I’m actually just gonna take these with me just in case there’s some kind of other craft yeah i have enough books to level 30 inch on now which is really good i think i’m gonna do it a bit later because i really want to find that second bastion so using my brand new

Shapeshifts let’s go ahead and start exploring oh i found another type of custom bastion i think oh my do you guys see that i see diamond blocks and gold blocks and what are these things there is a piglet dwarf right here no dude another piglet raid and what is

That oh my there are piglet chiefs riding baby hoglands okay these guys still do so much damage to me even with all of this armor and something just broke oh my i almost just got into lava okay i’m pretty sure now would be a good

Time for me to eat and notch apples so let’s go ahead and eat this and i’m pretty sure i can tank out a ton of the hits why are the piggling dwarves going for me i need to keep them alive because i’m pretty sure they have custom trades

So we’re going to focus on these piglet chiefs right here and dude if only i had some more food because i could use the hogland beast and the piglet cheap shapeshifts to have a ton of health but right now i just have no way to regenerate asthma okay i hear some more

Piglets down here let’s take out the final chief i’m pretty sure this should be the last one let’s also just distract these uh piglens yes let’s go he’s holding a head this is the most cursed thing i think i’ve ever seen do it again piglet wolf that was funny come on pick

Up the head yes i think there are still some more soldiers here so we’re gonna teleport up wait dude it was this baby one come over here why the pickling dwarfs defending me what the heck okay come on dude they were trying to radio bastion what is

Going on okay we’re gonna distract them with some golden carrots and some golden apples silly dwarves they will never know that it was just a distraction then we’re just gonna teleport here and you know we’re gonna grab some gold and actually just throw down some gold

Ingots and then if i transform into a piglet i’m pretty sure they should be friendly now and oh my do you guys see that they are trading so many cool items i just got an enchantment table i got 10 tnt mithril nuggets mithril boots with soul speed 3 xp bottles okay this is

Just like an insane version of my piglin’s trade op items video oh my okay well i don’t have much gold but i do see a ton of gold blocks around this bastion and if i disguise as a piglen they have no problem with me just taking their

Gold and trading it with them so what we’re gonna do right now is just collect as many piglen dwarfs in one area as possible dig a huge hole right here or what the there’s another floor this place is massive okay oh no no no no no

No no no this is actually cast there’s so many dwarves just like chasing me okay and i’m healing up as a bone shark now let’s go okay and i just realized why they’re all attacking me it’s because my gold armor broke oh my this piglen’s holding diamonds and there’s a

Diamond block on the ground okay i’m pretty sure i can get full diamond from this place like it’s not even gonna be hard and in this chest we have a ton of iron i’m getting a ton of xp bottles as well that’s really good i need to be

Careful right now because for some reason they’re just so angry stop i’m gonna throw a piglet sheephead and oh my okay you know i’m just gonna keep eating apples to keep myself safe because dying now would just be so annoying oh another chest right here with ancient debris oh

My that is so good some obsidium right here some bone blocks i don’t really need any of this but i definitely will take the arrows for my pickling crossbow then this chest has some obsidian some more gold blocks okay so i think it’s time for me to try and shape-shift into

These mining piglens so i’m just gonna keep killing them until i get one of each token okay and all of the dwarves seem to be gone but i keep seeing them run out of this place also look at this there’s a baby piglet dwarf give me a token

And there we go we got it quite quickly so if i just right click this we have now unlocked the piglet minor shape shift this lets you mind blocks from further away as you break stone with your fist and gives piglet abilities and if i right click this we also have the

Piglen dwarf shapeshift this gives the same abilities as the minor piglen gives permanent haste one and speed one and makes you short okay so this is going to be kind of useful for netherrite mining since i can mine netherrack really far away so when i’m insta breaking netherrack that’s gonna be really useful

But i still need to get a way better pickaxe so let’s go ahead and check out the custom recipes that i have right now oh my wait what is this obsidian inga and is that like an obsidian all my obsidian longsword 11 attack damage and 2.4 attack speed it requires two

Obsidian ingots and a netherstar okay i definitely want to get that but it does mean that we’re gonna have to kill the wither so i’m gonna have to get myself a looting three sword and i’m pretty sure the best way for me to do that would be

To get some custom books from tier three piglet chests so we do have like an abundance of gold right now there’s so much in this bastion so i guess we’re just gonna mine everything here and see how much gold was actually inside of this bastion and a 50 gold blocks eight diamond

Blocks with over a stack of diamonds and 26 iron blocks okay well we also have another piece of ancient debris right here with even more gold blocks a 5 2 diamond chest plate okay so let’s just go ahead and open four tier three piglet crates and see what we can get inside i

Can actually get a ton of xp from doing this as well come on oh my i got some enchanted books okay sharpness five okay efficiency five fortune three and piercing four okay that is definitely not bad at all so i’m pretty sure this mineshaft area has yeah

A ton of piglen dwarfs so what i’m thinking right now is i want to make a really good pickaxe we have fortune three we also have efficiency five and i’m pretty sure there is a custom item yes the dwarven pickaxe blast by with tnt so this is basically the key to

Getting a ton of netherrite armor so let’s try and get some more tokens and there we go that’s my piglet dwarf tokens so if i just go back to the minebastian but the tokens like this and now we have a dwarven pickaxe and if i right click it then some mini tnt spawns

And it doesn’t do too much to blackstone but i’m pretty sure it like breaks a decent amount of netherrack let’s see if i just put it here then yeah okay it definitely breaks a good amount so i think we’re gonna enchant this pickaxe after enchanting my armor to be more

Efficient and i can actually make full diamond right now so what i’m gonna do is check the chest for obsidian because yeah i definitely left some in here let’s see if there’s some in this one yes we already have nine which is one obsidian anger so oh and there was

Actually some obsidian in the ruined portal by the farm bastions so let’s fly all the way back and yes okay all you have to do now is mine this then i can go ahead and craft myself two obsidian ingots there we go now the final ingredient to have a very very

Overpowered weapon is going to be the wither stars so before i fight the wither i definitely think i should get a full enchanted set of diamond armor we have all those books that i collected earlier and i also have a ton of bottles of enchanting so we can definitely do

That quite easily so let’s grab some warped planks and then we can craft ourselves a ton of bookshelves then we just need to place them in here oh look i can break all of the logs at once this is so good finally a use for the piglet lumberjack axe

And there we go the enchanting station is set up okay the next step is to grab my diamonds craft a full set of diamond armor oh and i only have one lapis left okay if i just trade with the piglet merchant for tier one crates then i’m

Pretty sure we can get lapis quite easily so let’s just hope and there it is so we can now go ahead and enchant all of my diamond pieces let’s look for protection for and on the leggings we get prop forum breaking three on the chestplate we get forms 2 protection 3

And on breaking 3 then i can splash all of these down until i get all the way to 3 levels which actually might not even get me to oh dude i need more xp okay well in that case i think what i’ll do is i’ll enchant my pickaxe go back to

The mine bastion and start mining all of that mithril ore in the mine shaft because like that’ll get me all the way to 39 levels and that’s exactly how many i need then i should be good enough to take out the wither and craft my obsidian long sword and on the pickaxe

We get efficiency 5 fortune 3 on breaking 3. okay well that’s definitely quite good now what we’re gonna do is head back to the mine bastion and then mine a bunch of oils in the mine shaft to get all the way to like 39 levels

Wait what is this place i did not see this last time i was here there’s some kind of dungeon thing oh and it has parkour see i could just fly over it but at the same time i kind of want to make a monkey parkour montage so let’s do this Oh my i just got hit by arrows and there’s a piglet chief right here holy switch to a strider all right if i just stay in the lava right now i think we should be safe for a second for some reason these piglet jeeps are just

Following me into lava which is a pretty interesting attack method okay this could actually be a really good way for me to grind xp if i just like block off an area right here then i can just hit their feet and get a ton of xp

Yes there we go okay they’re kind of spawning even faster than i can kill them so we’re actually gonna break the spawner right here and then continue the parkour yes we made it to the final room and i’m pretty sure some piglet chiefs have already drained this thing of

Arrows otherwise i would have been short right there all my look at this chest tier two piglet crates tier three piglen crates and i’m pretty sure there’s a ton of them oh dude i might die right here i need to be careful i need to be careful

Eat a golden apple right here and i need to break these spawners as fast as possible i actually think the soul monkey for some reason has fire resistance yeah it does okay i have no idea why but like no complaints soul monkey best shape shift and i kind of

Just quoted myself okay it’s just parkour over here there’s so many of them spawning dude okay let’s let them all jump into lava right here and then we’re gonna swing in and break the spawner come on okay now it’s time to do the biggest crate opening you guys will

Ever see let’s also just right click these tokens because i can even though they’re gonna do nothing grab the tier three piggling crates grab the tattoos oh my i have so many right now we’re gonna have like infinite diamonds dude let’s see what’s inside the tattoos okay this is actually ridiculous piglin

Soldier tokens diamonds gold golden tools yeah this is just beyond broken at this point okay does anybody want to become a penguin soldier oh my okay and inside the tier three chests we get come on please be good mithril enchanted golden apples yes more not chapels let’s go tons of gold blocks

Inside of these ones we get some coats dragon fruit even more notch apples yeah we have 15 notch apples for final fight this is going to be insanely good oh and i got some enchanted books as well and this one has mending this one also has mending and so does this one okay

Definitely no complaints for me that’s gonna be really good because my armor keeps breaking i’m pretty sure because these guys are so strong they like shred my armor and there we go the dungeon is clear okay i think i just found something kind of scary literally a hundred blocks away from that bastion

There is a massive gateway and if i go towards the doorway do you guys see that nether dragon well i think we’re gonna go for the wither first because i really do want to get that insane sword and if this boss is even harder than the hogland beast then i definitely will die

If i go in there right now okay plus we’re gonna mine a bunch of mithral oil to get as much xp as i can and there we go 39 levels now i’m just going to head back to my base give my boots protection 3 i’m breaking 3 and my

Helmets i’m breaking 3 and protection 4 and on my sword i get on breaking 3 fire aspect 2 and i’m pretty sure i have yes a sharpness 5 bug okay so we can go ahead and put this on my sword and now we have the equivalent of a fire aspect

4 blaze sword okay and i also have a power 4 book and i’m pretty sure there is a custom bow in the recipe book yes a wither bow that fires wither skulls and it takes wither skeleton tokens so running for wither skulls isn’t actually too tedious anymore since i can get with

The skeleton tokens oh and i can also get the necromancer scythe while i’m there so this heals for 20 of damage dell and it takes weathered necromancer tokens and also soul reaper tokens so yeah all of that stuff can be found at the fortress so let’s just fly over

There and begin grinding with the skeletons oh and there we go we got the first with a skeleton skull oh there we go i got another token and another wither skull so we are getting very close yes three skeleton skulls and a ton of

Tokens okay so i need to go to a soul sand valley to spawn the actual weather so pretty sure there’s one over here and oh and these are the soul reapers that i need to craft the wither bow okay this thing has so much health it’s actually

Insane also if i got lucky enough with a token i could get the ghast shape shift but not quite it seems like there’s a ton of them over here so we’re gonna just keep grinding them until i eventually unlock the shape shift because being immune to weather and

Having as much health as yes okay we got it if i right click this then we can transform into the soul reaper this lets you inflict the wither effect on enemies gives you a wither shield below half health and makes all skeletons friendly okay look how much health this thing has

That is insane so this shapeshift means that i’m immune to weather which is insanely good and i also think i gained soul speed which is really good as well so honestly i think i’m just ready to fight the wither we can craft that obsidian long sword right after this

Then i’m also going to go for the wither ball and we should be able to enter that dragon cave right after so let’s place one with a skull here one in the middle i should probably heal a bit more being on like 20 health probably isn’t the uh

Smartest idea actually let’s just eat a notch apple okay three two one and the wither has spawned okay we’re gonna charge up our piglet crossbow this thing has actually had an update since the last time i used it so i’m pretty sure i can just fire yeah i can fire all of the

Shots individually which is going to be really good oh yes all of the piglets are angry at the weather let’s go okay i think i’m going to have to transform into a blaze to actually get some damage because the weather is just out of my reach unless i go out here but this

Should be okay my armor is really strong now i haven’t had any insurance until now so yeah but it’s gonna keep using oh my i am shredding this thing this sword is so strong is actually crazy and there we go we now have another star and a

Wither token so if i just right click this we can now shapeshift into the weather this lets you shoot with the skulls makes you immune to the wither effect and lets you fly my obsidian ingots are back at my base so we’re gonna fly back there oh they were in my

Inventory the entire time okay so if i just place these here we can finally craft the obsidian sword 11 base damage okay and if i just put this in the enchantment table we get sharpness 4 and breaking three okay definitely no complaints from me that is 13.5 attack

Damage online oh yeah and i forgot we can teleport using this thing that is going gonna be really good for fights so i was gonna try and craft the necromancer scythe and the wither bow before i fight the dragon but honestly with this obsidian long sword and the

Shapeshifts that i have right now i feel like i can definitely take out the nether dragons so what we’re gonna do is grab the piercing full book the mending books oh and this thorns 2 protection 3 book then what i can do is just make my

Armor even more of a balance so let’s put mending on my helmets leggings and boots then i can also put this book on my boots to make them pretty much maxed out okay and the final thing i gotta do is put piercing four on my piggling

Crossbow and now this thing is gonna do so much damage okay oh wait dude i already have all of the wither skeleton tokens from when i got all of the wither skulls so do i have string anywhere i don’t okay we’re just gonna kill some of

These guys that we go then craft myself a regular bowl surround it with wither skeleton tokens and there we go the wither bow has been created oh my i feel so powerful right now so now i can become a wither and then shoot my wither ball and also fire with the skulls with

My actual wither ability okay this is gonna be really good so we’re now back at the mine bastion which means that if i just fly over this direction yep there it is the dragon cave and i think we are going to use the hogland beast shapeshift now i don’t have any meat so

This does kind of suck i can always switch to something else really quickly okay the boss bar is now on screen and i already see a ton of piglen sheaths and i see the nether dragon in the background but i don’t think it’s noticed me yet okay let’s jump into the

Air and earthquake all of these mobs all my what i could do actually is switch to an enderman eat a notch apple then switch back to a hogland beast and use the regen to actually gain my health back okay take this piglet chiefs yes dude let’s go i might actually just try

And run into this cave because being in a more enclosed area might be even better oh my i’ve angered the piglens and there are tons of necromancer piglets here we’re just gonna ground pound again and go after the dragon this thing is so cool dude okay it’s firing

Fireballs at me and okay it does have a melee attack but luckily i do have some fire resistance so we are kind of good to go right now let’s see another notch apple and regen even more and i might switch to the wither shape shift in a

Second because being able to fly against this thing is going to be really good dude there are so many piglets in here this is crazy okay yes yes the dragon attacked the piglens for me all right let’s load up the crossbow and fire a ton of arrows at it let’s go and i’m

Trying to think of a way that i can take out all of these piglets at once okay the dragon keeps charging at me and oh my i completely forgot i was still the hoglin beast all right well that is definitely a good way to take them out

Oh my the dragon is doing so much damage now and there are even more piglet sheaves back in here i think i’m going to switch my shape shift to the withers so that i can fly where is it yes okay wait and what if i get a necromancer

Token and try and like summon some minions or something to help me i didn’t get it from that one but i did get the necromancer scythe oh my i’m gonna steal the dragon’s health come here yes this is actually healing me this is so cool

It’s gonna break quite soon but i am so glad i got that weapon okay it really doesn’t do too much damage but i am actually just gaining so much health and as the wither health is definitely gonna be very good okay let’s also fire some

Wither skulls at it there we go i think the dragon should have the wither effect now oh i’m healing so much can i actually just spam click i can i think the scythe is gonna break quite soon but we’re gonna heal all the way to full

Health and sap as much as i can yes dude my 1.8 training is paying off and we are all the way at full health okay this is really good and the dragon’s coming off to me okay we’re gonna fire a wither skull right there and then we’re gonna

Go in with my sword and absolutely shred the dragon let’s back up and use some crossbow shots okay come here necromancer please drop a token yes it actually did and mid fight we are going to unlock the necromancer piglen shapeshift this lets you summon withered piglens as you fire wither skulls and

Gives piglet abilities oh my the dragon is escaping okay he’s literally just broken out of his cave and is now just flying away i have no idea where it went but luckily i can fly and start chasing him oh he’s all the way in this basalt

Delta okay i feel like more open area is actually quite good he’s just digging into the cave alright we’re gonna go after some crossbow shots right here do even more stay back dragon no and let’s use this necromancer pickling shapeshift to spawn down some withered piglens okay

Where is he necromancer piglin and yes attack him with the piglens they’re going they’re going very slowly but they are going oh no and there is lava here now okay let’s go for some more hits there we go and since he’s in this tunnel we can actually do a ton of

Damage right now okay let’s switch to a blaze and just chase him down shoot a fireball right there oh no i just hit my own withered piglen and i think we’re gonna finish this guy as the hogland beast oh my i’m taking so much damage no

I’m gonna die i’m gonna die switch to a blaze oh my that was way too close okay all right i need to eat a gold apple right now let’s just eat this switch to a hogland beast and all my no switch to a blaze i could have died right there

Okay we’re gonna stick as the blaze right now because my health gets stripped away when i switch to a huggling beast mid-fight so as long as i have this scythe and just keep going for melee hits i think we can take down the nether dragon oh my give me that xp yes

Dude look how much there is and we got the nether dragon token this lets you shoot giant fireballs gives an insane amount of health and lets you fly okay so if i just right click this we can now shapeshift into the nether dragon we’re gonna clear out some area and there we

Go you guys can’t even see my head but we are now the nether dragon and there’s a bastion right here so what i’m gonna do is just anger all of these piglens by firing dragon’s breath fireballs look at my inventory dude this thing is so big

Dude i’m too big to even reach the chest no okay we’re gonna switch back to a piglen dwarf and inside of these chests we have some ancient debris perfect so i think what i’m gonna do right now is go mining for a full set of netherride armor before we fight the third and

Final boss i’m actually going to use my nether dragon shapeshift to start flying around and look for the final boss area i was told that it would generate in a massive lava lake so apparently i just need to look out for something very big and i am stuck why does this shape-shift

Have to be so big dude i’ve been looking over lava for ages but all i’m finding is fortresses and bastions and okay i think i found something there is some kind of massive lava castle right here for a second i thought this was another fortress but i guess there’s just one

Right next to it anyway i think this is where the final boss should be solar if i get closer okay already two hoagland beasts and a piglen king yeah i’m definitely gonna need to gear up a bit more okay i think now it is time to get

Full netherrite i’m also gonna grab my blaze sword and start killing a bunch of warped mushrooms because pretty much all of my shape shifts only eat meat and i should really just get some so i think we’re just gonna fly back to where i originally spawned oh and i completely

Forgot about this barn okay there are a ton of crimson mushrooms just lined up here so let’s go ahead and become a farmer piglin and collect some meat now the final thing i’m going to do is dig down all the way to y50 and i think

It is and i’m going to shapeshift into a piglen dwarf which means that i now have permanent haste and speed and i think i can also mine blocks from slightly further away which is good so what i’m gonna do is just dig all the way down to

Y15 now if i just break a ton of netherrack and keep right-clicking my pickaxe we should eventually find some ancient debris And there we go 16 ancient debris i also found some nether lapis all which is kind of cool oh and i found even more just now okay so let’s put this ancient debris in the furnace and now we can go ahead and craft ourselves four netherright ingots i think i have a

Smithing table in here as well yeah okay and now we can make a full set of netherright alma there we go dude look how epic this looks okay so i think we’re ready i still have a pretty good amount of durability left on my necromancer scythe oh actually there’s

One final thing i want to do before i fight the final boss i’m going to spend all of my gold on tier 3 crates because opening them is actually really fun so let’s just buy a ton of these and place down all of these tier three pickling crates okay

Oh my look all of these items so many golden apples a ton of gold blocks mithril ore i think i’ve actually gained gold blocks out of that i have 47 now and i’m pretty sure i had like 30 something before and also just for fun let’s go ahead and switch to a magma

Cube and just bounce yes this is the ultimate shape shift also this ability is so funny if i just do this then be summon a slime with my name and i’m pretty sure if i hit a blaze then the slime starts attacking the blaze yes i

Was slain by a wither skeleton and i suffocated in a wall okay this is getting way too chaotic let’s go back to that massive castle okay so i think what i’m gonna do is transform into a piglen sheath and this is gonna be my first shape shift okay there’s already a bunch

Of with the skeleton arches getting me insanely low okay i’m gonna transform into a blaze really quickly and we’re gonna just go over here eat a notch apple and then try and take a couple of these things out okay these soul reapers are so tanky it’s insane dude okay i

Pushed one in lava oh and the piglens are helping me yes i’m gonna keep summoning them as the uh piglet chief and because i have a ton of steak it’s actually really easy for me to regenerate now so clearing out the front of this castle should be okay oh my

These things are so strong it’s crazy and there we go okay the front of the castle is clear and now we’re gonna start going for the hogland beasts okay oh and i think the earthquakes are actually attacking the other piglet chiefs so they’re actually helping me right now okay these things might be

Okay to take down i do need to be careful because i know they all deal a ton of damage but if i just keep summoning my own piglets then this is like a war dude okay let’s eat some steak really quickly yes they’re already at hearth health okay compared to the

Piglen king these bosses are gonna be nothing so at least i’m not taking too much damage from them with all of this armor and gear that i have oh now everything is aggroed on me okay i thought the piglet chiefs were on my side but apparently they’re uh all

Attacking me right now and this hogland beast doesn’t have anything riding it anymore imagine if i could oh for a second i thought i could ride it that would have been insane okay this one’s the lowest let’s try and take it down really quickly one more hit and there we

Go now he’s gonna do as much damage as possible to this one i’m gonna keep eating steak my armor is taking a ton of damage too my chest plate is already on half durability but i can keep using my teleportation to return to it and every

Time it knocks me away i can just keep coming back okay teleport and a couple more hits and then it should be dead there we go let’s take out these hoglands let’s transform into the hogland beast and uh use their own abilities against them yeah you better

On baby hoglands oh my look at this there are some trapped piglen dwarves in cages right now they did give me a ton of diamonds earlier so i think i’m gonna set them free i can’t get over how dumb this thing looks and they’re just gone

Okay okay now to explore the rest of the castle let’s turn into a necromancer piglen so that i can use my minions to help me out and i found some kind of brewing room with some ice some cauldrons and one of these potions we have strength to weakness night vision

Okay these are gonna be really useful i’m definitely gonna take the strength and stuff with me and i think we’re just gonna splash them both down actually the strength is eight minutes so i think we should be okay but i’ll keep the regeneration for the final boss fight

And i think i’ll also take the strength potion as well that is actually a really good find okay now are there any other rooms on this side of the castle is there a baby dwarf riding a baby okay i’m not gonna question it oh my okay a ton of necromancer piglens

And withered piglets but my sword is extremely strong so it shouldn’t be too hard for me to take all of these things out i do need to be careful of my health though because i know these necromancers shred oh and if i could get another necromancer scythe that would be really

Good come on please drop aside i don’t think any of them are actually holding one so yeah i don’t think we’re gonna get one right now oh my these guys are getting me really low yeah i think i’m okay now and there’s another room down here with some piglet soldiers okay and

A ton of piglet sheaves okay this is bad i do have strength so we are gonna be dealing a ton of damage so i might just try and take them out with brute force okay and the final piglet chief right here there we go and this chest has a

Ton of diamonds which i don’t even need yeah honestly i don’t even know what i could find in a chest to be good the potions were actually a good find but we are just set on materials right now okay and there’s a piglet chief just stuck

Here he can’t get past the table so uh yeah i guess i’ll just leave you alone when i found a ladder okay maybe this leads to the piggling king there’s even more piglen sheaves okay we’re gonna switch to a fungus thrower and throw down some potion effects that will hurt

These piglens right here yes and then i can use my wither bow to shoot some wither skulls at them so if i can take these down then the boss room is going to be a lot safer let’s go ahead and drink our strength potion and use my

Obsidian long sword to take them out there we go okay there’s also a necromancer here but i think yeah i can take all of these piglens down so quickly now with the strength effect on from killing the necromancers i got another scythe so if i just spam click

With this thing then i can keep regenerating all but i’m still taking so much damage dude everything deals so much but there we go i took down a bunch of the piglet chiefs okay and there’s some on the staircase right here let’s just go ahead and use our wither bowl

Since they’re in one place this is gonna be really good this weapon is actually one of my favorites it deals a ton of damage okay now let’s use our obsidian sword to teleport behind everything and there it is the piglen king is right here and he’s firing some kind of gold

Tnt at me and there are also some other types of piglets i haven’t seen before they seem to be guarding the piglen kings so i need to be very careful right now let’s go ahead and use my scythe really quickly and regenerate but the tnt is so strong oh my but the piglen

King took out his own minions with that tnt so what i can do right now is just heal all the way to full then charge up my piggling crossbow and deal a ton of damage to him there we go if i actually delay the time between the arrows then

We can deal even more damage because the invincibility ticks okay now we’re gonna push him down to the bottom floor of the castle oh no there’s a ton of piglet chiefs down here so i have to be even more careful okay and since i’m in an open area we’re gonna switch my

Shapeshift to the hogland beast and i’m going to try and bait him onto the bridge if i can put this piglet king in lava that is going to be insanely good let’s also do an earthquake oh my the amount of knockback that dealt that was so good okay let’s shoot some winter

Skulls at him right now all of these skulls barely even touch him though he has so much health it’s actually crazy oh my what is this he just summoned a baby hogland and he’s riding it towards me what is going on okay i’m gonna back out right now because he’s just got a

Lot faster i’ve gotta be careful right now and he just summoned a hogland beast okay and we’re gonna switch to a fungus thrower and then we’re gonna teleport and bring it inside because the hogland beast is way easier to kill like this i need to be so careful of the tnt but if

I can just go ahead and eat a notch apple really quickly then just spawn down a bunch of negative potion effects like this there we go oh my the piglet king just summoned so many mobs there’s like necromancers and everything right here but the tnt should actually damage

It okay and now i’m being pushed all the way into lava okay let’s go for the whole glam beast right now i can probably tank it out with my notch apple effect but i am gonna have to be really careful and honestly i think the piglet

King might die first i can probably take it out right now there we go the piglen king is taken down and i think i see a token there too yes piglen king token okay this gives you every single ability lets you fly shoot fireballs and makes

You the king of this dimension so what we’re gonna do right now is transform into the piglen king i have so much help this is insane and apparently i can shoot fireballs with this shapeshift okay and there we go the hogland beast is taken down to finish everything off

We’re going to transform into a soul monkey and take down all of these mobs right here i’ll shoot some weather skulls at the baby hoglands and make them run away and the castle is now clear now the final thing i want to do is head back to the throne room because

I’m pretty sure yes there was a portal right behind the throne before we go through thank you so much for making it to the end of the video hopefully you’re all having a great christmas as well and next year we’re gonna make some crazy videos thank you for all of the support

This year we started off with a couple thousand subscribers and we might even pass 1.7 million before the year ends which is just crazy and now let’s go through the portal oh my we’re on some kind of deserted island so if you guys have any guesses

What the next 100 days will be leave them in the comments and i guess i’m about to find out

I Survived 100 Days a NETHER SHAPESHIFTER in Minecraft… Here’s What Happened
Install Raid for Free ✅ Mobile and PC: https://clik.cc/lqHkT and get a special starter pack 💥Available only for the new players for the next 30 days!

Follow My Socials:
• twitter: https://twitter.com/speedsilverr
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• tiktok: @SpeedSilver

This is a Minecraft Challenge in which I try to survive 100 Days in the Nether, and I Shapeshift into every mob I defeat! There are also crazy Custom Shapeshifts like the Soul Monkey, Bone Shark and the PIGLIN KING. This is not a Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter, but a ‘Minecraft 100 Days’ challenge… This was completely insane.

Huge thank you to everyone who helped make this video and the custom mod!
Intro Animation: @CloudX (Creates on @ZAMinationProductions)
2D Textures: @Looshy & @kenohW
Edited By: @SpeedSilver & @Semit
Game Design By: @SpeedSilver & @SoLike
And all of my talented modelers and developers!

#100Days​​ #Hardcore​​ #Minecraft


  1. bro.. YOU COULD OF MADE DIAMOND ARMOR.. PRETTY SURE ITS BETTER THAN MITHRIL..AND THEN INSTEAD OF THAT WEIRD PICK.. MAKE A DIAMOND PICKAXWE LOL.. ITS BETTERRRRRRRR AHHHHHHH… also u had god apples and regular gold apples to regen health for the brute and other thingy lol ur dumb! no offense 🙂

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