Terraria [The Infernal Revival] ft. DeltaKnight! Pt.8!

Start stream wait wait why are you teleporting around wa I I’m not I’m okay I’m turning on the stream and hopefully it’ll show up there cuz I don’t know what’s going on all right oh is it stairs yes yes yes that’s what we wanted that’s what we wanted wait are you on the

Stairs or is it just me it’s just you right now what did I one at time yeah cuz you’re you I can hear you interacting with it but like I’m not I’m not moving sorry to come into your stream it’s I going let me go and

Uh throw this over to the other stuff all right give me one so are we going to have a slideshow uh hopefully not I’m just trying to get some stuff take oh I at the staircase oh you see you see it you have it well hold on give me give me a

Minute a second Jesus he’s loud loud the volume is a bit uh difficult to tweak W yeah the volume is a bit wibbly wobbly also so am I the only one who’s currently getting her ass beat by allergies even though it’s not even spring yet it’s it’s pollen outside okay

Me me me I’m getting absolutely destroyed by allergies good to know that I’m not the only one getting my ass beat at the moment all right uh this whole time I’ve been having we could suffer in solidarity like just uncommon thing with me is waking up near Springtime and just

Not being able to breathe let me fix everything else but yeah so you’re seeing the staircase too my guy cuz like I the staircase to heaven where we going I don’t know I think that’s part of the Wrath of the Gods mod isn’t it it is it is do you

Have to fist fight Zeus No I don’t have to fist fight Zeus do you want to fist fight Zeus I don’t want to fist fight Zeus I want to fist fight Zeus I want to fist fight Zeus everyone wants to fist fight Zeus but did you just say you

Don’t want to fist fight Zeus what happened it depends okay take care of that take care of that okay so it’s good it is a little up on the a little bit girl we were getting seven frames per minute but wait I thought we weren’t supposed to fight

This guy until way later why is he showing up now he said I want fights now wait wait are you on the are you on the I am on the staircase yeah I’m streaming the stream it’s everything is on the uh everything’s working on the stream side and I am currently on the

Staircase it’s getting brighter and more fire what is happening cuz I thought this guy was way later in the game oh oh I don’t like that it stopped uh there’s a cut scene playing too like what did I even attack though cuz like I don’t even know what I

Did greetings Lords and Ladies of the court I’m your host of the most dealt tonight and uh I seem to have pissed off God great way to start the episode great way to start the episode honestly uh yeah yeah yeah true true uh we have

Pissed but why did he show up now and not the other time what honestly Del I think the funniest thing ever would be a like super villain being like welcome you serper oh no um I think this is time to go home I think I left my my chicken

Nuggets in the oven um I don’t want to be here no more n cuz when you get welcome usurper as the first thing you see yeah no you go back down that staircase and you go back home you go back home what’s usurper even mean uh like over like

Somebody who’s overthrowing a powerful person I think that’s what the definition is H you to like over Royal yeah a person who takes a position of power of importance illegally or by force and uh I think punching that’s that’s because ofely what it me what’s it me what it me

Wasn’t wasn’t me Bros just throwing me under the bus immediately wow wow you know the saying stitches get stitches like bruh like I CU he’s the dude is still talking to me and I don’t can’t seem to move you’re getting like a slideshow give it a

Second yeah I know all the things you have floating around you n it’s just how it is sometimes okay we moving no okay yeah I can’t see the move wait do you mind if I break all the and Al who’s the who’s the friend you’re

Playing with if you want to if you want to uh break them and remodel them go right ahead make sure all of them are in the uh order while I’m slowly lagging reming I’m remod hey Delta who who you playing with uh Gabe he’s I’ve been playing a couple of episodes of with

With the boy hanging out and chilling okay yeah I know my brain is weird when you said gab my brain auto corrected to Archangel Gabriel my so I’m like wait how did my brother get an archangel on the line hold on wait a minute oh it is stuck wait

Wait honestly is that bad how I’m not even going to question how you’re like yeah my brother’s just playing with an archangel this is fine this is oh are you talking about Gabriel the Angel yeah she’s talking about Gabriel the Angel oh that’s what I was name after he’s named

After it oh okay so at least my my little brain would have has way too much mythology R like around oh God I’m I’m actually stuck stuck oh no let me go do you have to reset I don’t know like keep clicking random buttons come on let me free let me

Free okay let’s restart it doesn’t give you okay I can’t even get I can’t even access my um the thing might have to alt f4 at this alt4 okay like I gotta restart that okay now let me just go back and then let’s try this again I’m probably

Going to turn off frame skip too because like I need need this bad boy to actually chill for five seconds I wanted to see what that was Frip like yeah I’m turning it back on I need to I need to turn it back to subtle cuz like that was that was that was

Difficult might have been having a hard time loading it in I said it to whenever you’re playing a game I get a notification and BR all right well hopefully it’ll I can fix it this Time cuz honestly the scene the scene of the the scene with the stair just coming in be like I was like I thought I got sliced in half or something like that is not a stair sound effect and the and the little running up the stairs a little Ting okay hopefully everything loads again cuz I kind of wanted to I wanted to see what was going on it just I didn’t I know I don’t even if I if I didn’t get anything I wanted to just see like the whole cut scene play out cuz I

Didn’t get to see the cool cut scene with the devour of gods eating uh the Crystal but and it’s it’s all right I don’t mind it pretty sure other people have already showed it off you know that was that was a thing because I saw somebody else uh

Played a game uh a user a YouTuber by the name of Adrian plays with a another guy called waffle Adrian yeah Adrian and Waffle time they were doing like an inferno mod which kind of got what me got me you know hyped to try to play it myself and

Stuff like yeah and watch and seeing all those cut scenes play I was like oh I want to do that yeah I mean I to be honest the the beginning of this mod was really really rough dude like it was unbearably rough but now now at this point just like like

These bosses it’s about to get even more like after oh no you mind if I swear like I said I don’t mind dude like I usually just don’t do it because like I don’t know brain wise I just don’t feel like doing it but like I it’s all right you don’t

Have to worry about it do what like don’t have to worry about censoring yourself or anything like don’t make it don’t make it um don’t make it child friendly yeah man you don’t worry about is he trying to censor himself with cursing when every single person’s house

Curses like a sailor I am kind of slightly all right let’s go back you ain’t got to do that Gabe we use curse words like periods in this house not me but everyone else you can like every single uh sometimes it’s just sometimes not all the

Time Coco would differ on that yeah she would yes coca would talk with you on that one like yeah they do that a little bit more often than not I I feel like Coco just us filler which you can’t figure out probably I just restarted the thing so I

Can get in so it might be a little laggy it’s always a little laggy yeah cuz I’m getting a little bit glitchiness for you too me and my mom just started to Val a that’s nice oh that’s nice and that’s kind of what that’s kind

Of what I want to do eventually is get like be able to play with my folks too doing a dual gameplay yeah I like my dad and my mom they both really like playing games oh that’s nice my dad likes risk of rain and a whatever game you give me I’ll just

Play it out because I am not I’m not of what I get at all but if it’s a game about politics it’s a game qu that instant it’s a game about politics BR ants in my house no for real for real ant in my house just killed an ant I don’t want

Them to spread I don’t want them to multiply too late they’re already in your house they are in my they probably are in my house but they’re in the kitchen so uh okay I don’t know I don’t know if anyone saw that on the stream but I just saw something in the

Sky what like I saw I just saw an entity in the sky don’t go towards it are you stupid this is how everyone dies in Supernatural movies you are so stupid yeah he’s like in the sky he’s like really hard to see but

He’s there I I want to say now I do not support any dumb decisions Delta does in this game okay yeah like tell me you can also see that it’s like I have to like reog you got to re log again well in that case let me go get wa

Load how do I get the nitrate like uh you would go into uh mod configuration and then you would go down to nitrate to the nitrate config you could also check it in the workshop kind of place cuz like there’s like the download mod and there’s a there’s like the manage mod

Thing manage mod um mod configuration easy yeah it should be in there okay okay it’s just I don’t I don’t want to like uh have the whole world like offered it’s really offc Center for you yeah like the walls are offall like oh that doesn’t sound

Good all right give me this potion so I can go up there and ROM mode is still active go to space yeah I don’t like him just sitting in the sky he’s really creepy who’s sitting in this guy the nameless God or whatever his name is cuz he’s over the nameless

Guy God noxis yeah he’s just sitting there like menacingly above the sun yeah that’s we pissed off very uncomfortable do not like yeah yeah and yeah he just disappeared like I don’t that’s uncomfortable okay um we’re going to fight poter guys try fight why does it keep why do the rain

Keep turning off I’m just going to buy a bunch of the rain oh that’s all right I’m just going to grab a bunch of them I still want I still want to get my one item if at all possible while you loading I just wish it was easier to get certain

Items in this game man cuz I only need like two more and then I can get like that the pet I really want like what I still want the little mini heart of the Elementals oh please tell me yeah everything’s working everything everything is good everything’s working it’s still raining down there right

No oh yeah it is and I got the Zerg roach potion and everything it’s just not it’s just not working destroy you destroying all the wood platform really because I need to remodel this whole place see what I I’ll do to it you’ll see what I’ll do yeah well there’s also

Those like weird dots and stuff on the thing so it’d be kind of if you can see dot can you not see the torch the uh torches and stuff on the the map the like little blue dots oh because I was going to go take like a

The drill and just like burrow all the way around the across it I may have screwed up about that I mean there’s a witches broom you can just take the witches broom and then like hold the pickaxe right where one is and then just go all the way left and right right here

Okay right there cuz I think the witches broom will really help the thing that I already have yeah so you should be able it should be fine big your SPID cuz yeah I really want the thingy but why is it not why is this like the

Only one that never spawns like I don’t understand how the cloud Elemental works time set to morning Al so it’s not raining anymore BR this game will refuse us to be normal what I just saw the Boss Bar pop in for like half a split second that was interesting it’s okay

Yoink also switch to red team yoink I have been stuck in space for five hours just getting some of this menial task done how enaer yeah it part of the Louis FK wish this didn’t have wait you wish you didn’t have the little torches things yeah yeah that’s that’s why I was really

Hoping to I was like I was going to use like I was going to do like the little like a drill thing to fix all this that why you didn’t have to worry about it anymore uh like okay after do you mind if you can help me flatten like out this like

Basically all this land yeah sure it’s take a while here okay wait why you trying to why you trying to remove this one oh okay so this is where I’m going to make it when I cut offy oh okay let me zoom in so that’s the end point don’t destroy

Anything lower than that lower than this all right destroy this whole chunk well actually you know what I think I have a actually I think I have something for this hold on hold on hold if I have enough pieces for it I think I might be able to solve our problem way

Easier do I have enough pieces to make the thing a m [ __ ] uh what is it called do I have it at pieces please tell me I have oh wait wait wait wait I Do I do have almost enough hey good thing there’s there’s in many insta Bridges because those are like Life Savers all right luminite hammock drill containment unit yoink now where is I just need okay uh we need to do the Martian Madness event real quick for what to get like the drill

Containment the drill uh units cuz I can actually help you uh Delete all this if you help me do that event yeah that event’s going to be pretty easy because that was like four Moon Lord all right so who’s got the I think it’s the this guy he can make the Martian

Yeah all right give me this and then where wait the pillars the pillars are dead right yeah the pillars are dead okay make it sure uh let me go over here to you cancel all events let me use the Remote come on game let me use a remote trying to summon the Martian event don’t worry I got this give it to me than try it there we go cuz then we can get the Martian probes why does it like only I don’t know maybe you’ve got better uh client side or something

Probably cuz yeah get the all right put that in the trash shot grenades not using those press sup Ultra kill how you doing man Martian saucer guess who’s back again oh the clein side thing kind of funky go my minions go and seek out anger all right mosa

Saucer another trophy to add to the repertoire okay charging station I need some of these ow getting smacked up dang my minions are kind of Hardcore I’m starting to see that effects are staying put well at least that’s sort of okay man this guy is about to get

Obliterated but yeah I need like five drill and I can make the super improved drill Mount thing and I’ll solve all of our building problems okay how many trophies have you gotten thus far cuz I have like two saucer trophies uh give me one oh I got

One trophy okay so we need like two more unless I can make the drill uh drill can I make the laser drill nope it is is specifically dropped from the enemies and or the trophy well in that case you just got to spawn that thing again look at this oh you got the

Electrosphere yeah all right drop all this in there this is the pulse Dragon not the electrosphere but the pulse Dragon hold wait pulse Dragon uh I’ve never seen that one before is that a new weapon it’s a no it’s not a new weapon one of the but it’s it’s

Not sounds pretty it looks pretty cool all right let me dool contrs check the re thing but yeah it’s good to hear from you again Ultra kill yoink give me all this now I just need to check around a little bit all right drop that in there drop that in there shot

Grenades there’s so much random stuff in this course it’s not even funny Wing man okay so if we can get like a few more I think I can make the drills yeah cuz yeah I got like two I just need like three more so I think who wait who’s selling the

Probe she’s did she sell the Martian guy can I just get this straight up Martian Gunner Paladin no I guess you just got to do the event again you still have the consumable a consumable what the Martian event we still need to get like like three to two more of the trophies

If uh let me go in the chest actually oh that turns into Galaxy Smasher mind there we go yeah I still need about two to three more drills and then I should be able to make the drill Mount which will break all of this stuff way

Easier wait do okay so you have the laser drill what are you trying oh improved drill Mount yeah I’m going to use that one and then do some precise drilling to fix this whole kitten Kaboodle oh that’s like a that’s like a that’s like a big laser mhm don’t

Abely oh don’t worry I I I’m very precise with it I’ve used it once or twice before and I can assure you I’m good at it I got Xeno popper I got a dart launcher so much random stuff what is level up is so time that level up isn’t on oh yeah yeah

To help out with the whole with this whole shle slap enemy slap enemy yo I got an INF one more step closer to a Zenith if you really wanted it doesn’t a zeni I think so okay delete that what is this weapon what what did you get lethargic Dart

Launcher cuz yeah I still didn’t get it m man more blocks thr that way wait can I get boss tokens that’s King Slime okay so you got one more this turns into scourge of the cosmos okay that’s crazy okay so I’m still missing like two

More ah I wish this was so much easier to get man but like I can’t see I like I don’t know how to spawn the just the if we could just spawn the mon and saucer in like specifically it’ be a lot easier but I don’t think anybody any of

These guys are actually selling this saucer specifically okay got go to the corruptor those two now later I can make that thing are we good no we still I still need I I still need like two more I only need two more I only need two

More so do you still have the thingy because like we got to do the saucer event like one more time oh oh it’s in the chest it’s in the chest okay give me this nope wrong thing uh summon where that where the hell is it at ah here it is found

It I still can’t use it why does that one not work last morning okay okay I’m getting that I’m getting that I need these enemies to drop the one item come on please please I just need a couple of drills please also if you notice that there’s

Just like a sh like effects in that’s not not game the clients I thing do yeah I see look at the Flor right now you see like yeah I see it I see it come on more moin saucers I got a laser drill okay you got a laser drill to get one more

Trophy on to us didn’t get it I didn’t get a trophy I didn’t gety click it again click it again see that that’s a good part I’m glad about that let me see your scam stream let me let me let me tune into your stream real

Fast H the frame uh turning in frame skip is really bad though turning the frame skip on and off is like really bad yo you’re barely lagging though like yeah especially with the frame skip yet it is really good I think I can actually play like this more than the uh other one

But yeah I can’t I cannot turn frame I cannot turn frame skip on that is one thing I cannot do um but other than that is really smooth yeah I looked at your screen share not but yeah and even you’re not like super bad you’re you’re a little

Bit jumpy but like other than that you’re you’re pretty smooth for me too all your projectiles work that’s about it it works it’s working it’s working I’ve gotten like four of these wingman Blaster things bruh come on an influx waiver saucer Relic are you serious spawn again oh I

Got another laser drill okay okay that should be F that should be all five I can make the drill Mount let me make the drill Mount yeah you can crafted mine all right I’m just joking I’m just joking may I have it actually if you

Want to if you if you want to use it yeah like just you know like do it very carefully I haven’t used it ever I haven’t used I don’t destroy half the world yeah and you you use the right click function to cycle between um the different the

The different destruction types CU you can do walls specific you can do dirt specifically or you do wall and dirt okay yeah there you go okay I’m just trying my best not to destroy the whole world yeah look at how smooth that is wait wait this will also destroy the the

Little orbs yeah if you can if you can get all the orbs oh wait it’ll destroy the it’ll destroy the the too yeah that’s that’s why I wanted to get it so good cuz it just burls through everything that’s considered a block you just got to zoom in on your

Map to look at it a little bit better so you you know where everything is and also I can have two of these guys only one be family at a time okay thought I could summon them twice that would have been cool yeah that’s the reason I wanted to

Get it so bad cuz it would be so much more helpful for everything that we doing I’m also going to get rid of this hill over here that uh yeah sure flatten the entire area make everything look all nice and neat yep the Mega Buster and not the song lyrics in the

Chat it’s slim it’s slimness shus Al are the funniest videos to watch sound like song cuz they’re they’re never doing it right but it’s so funny to watch them try okay I just absolutely demolished now very all right there you go fix all that hey there are still a few of the um

Little little guys in here see if I can let me see if I can hit them oh that is the Dron power cells see if I can even hit them hold on I got to zoom in real close see if I can hit these things one above me one right here

Is so down here I just do this all right so you’re trying to get the big big arena yep and it’s going to help us out a lot hold on let me get it let me let me help you out with this one can I make

The in can I make that improved mining thing where is that accessory I could probably also help with by making that accessory where is it I cannot remember what the hell it’s called though wait where oh is it archaic powder no no no not archaic powder it’s

Uh where is it hold on cuz it’s like a little mining mining rig thing improved my it’s like proved mind Del can we all collectively agree that the black and white pokka the black and white soundtrack goes hard for no reason oh yeah dude Pokemon does have

Some good music you know that’s they got a they got some good music oh here it is it’s called this one now how do I make this one better uh PT pink Tool Time so it’s called Tool Time okay not here turn that off switch that

Over all right so go here then type in Tool Time Boom I’ve now fully not fully done the thing it’s about to be finished make some more obsidian Builder potions can I make about five of these all right Tool Time then it’s the upgraded version which is called Home Improvement I

Think let me get home there it is Home Improvement mining power I need to make 30 of these can I make more blood shards yes ran out of those potions dang it h who’s selling potions I need like 13 more there we go may we cleanse the corruption from

This area uh yeah dude I think I have some uh you can use some of those renewal bombs those actually work right drop that there mining wait someone’s the pain Brer boss oh yeah that is a another another fight that we have to do can I summon it uh if you want to

Yeah yoink give me this this guy’s easy this guy doesn’t do any like cuz you’re you gu cuz you’re like hella tanky as always something I didn’t think about in Pokemon is when cuz you know how you have some time in story some story you have some story double battles with your

Rival all yeah well if your rival like f if all your rival’s Pokemon Fades which will probably happen because they’re stupid stupid or you’re just playing a randomizer and you know we’re fighting the god L of time and a fly gone so I don’t know what you expected to do with

Your goodby s but okay uh uh you don’t get to put in your own Pokemon no no you just have to deal with a 2v one and just figure it out it’s just like that seems unfair why are the four health bars that all cuz he’s fighting uh a nameless

Deity not nameless deity excuse me painbringer I would love how you just left your to go f fight Go I mean he started to fight and he’s doing all really well for himself honestly like honestly I just wanted to see this boss but yeah cuz he’s really not that like tough honestly

He go fight god um you you stay back in craft okay cool sounds about accurate for co-op games like especially with me playing St Valley with a friend of mine is like me just like me just freaking me like them just at home fishing me literally fighting for my life in the

Cave what is the name of that weapon Fe I could just I could just make a pickaxe what am I doing I make a a ham axxe where is the Stardust one give me that yoink going use it for Hammer power all right now I can effectively grab this whole area hey

Look at this weapon bro what are you doing I’m flattening out the entire area making it whole thing flat I’m going to make this whole section flat as possible that is the laggiest looking thing I’ve ever seen let me let me see what this thing can

Do if I remember correctly it is kind of broken but not for this type of play through because we already at that point where watch hello vagabon and Michael Rollins who is going absolutely crazy in the chat with M bro the mic I don’t have a microwave on bar turn into a microwave

All right let me grab my 8,000 blocks of dirt grab my 8,000 blocks of dirt real quick and let me go on and flatten this whole area out you are just taking this dude to town huh didn’t you say you got a better morning star at some point ow

Dude you are just making short work of these bosses they’re not even standing a chance is that what Co-op is about watching as your friend demolishes the heart not really he was just sort of he was just sort of floating like the hardest things in the game while you sit

Back and relax why do we have a microwave in chat why do we have a mic cuz microwaves go like ding oh my Fri are done you seriously going to make this whole ARA I mean that’s that’s what you said you were trying to do

Right okay I’ve got I’ve got it all nice massive Arena yeah I’ve got it all nice and flat so why not me just do it there we go just going to place all this dirt here yeah cuz I can also put that one thing back go all the way over

Here wow you just destroyed everything huh yeah um it’s a big arena I’m just saying it’s going to be a humongous Arena because of how humongous the bosses are all right the Aver arena for is likeon like just the entire jungle huh Lally yeah it’s the entire jungle and it goes up to

SP and I don’t want to ruin the jungle like that so I’m just gonna now we shall fight him as is I heard was really light work no reaction oh that’s like 95% of the bosses probably yeah okay I got the blossom picka because all right boom the whole area is nice and

Flat and you know what let me make sure to get that one Item right fix that uh oh you grab some tile pieces let make get dim back thank you put them back where they go there you go and switch back to my normal thing for the community so so we just using do you want uh the floor to be

Slabs and the or do you want the whole thing stone bricks or stone slabs uh stone slabs look better okay all right give me necrom Matic Jewel drop all this stuff in the inventory so where were you trying to put the uh where you trying to put the relics at

Anyways at the bottom of the the bottom of the a bottom of the Arena yeah like below it or just like the bottom of the Arena like the I’m G to make stone slabs all right I’m G to start from right here I’m just gonna begin my journey

Well if you wanted to be a little faster I got an item for you if you want to use it uh can you help me actually uh if you just hand it to me I can do it I can do it myself go all right yoink And shoot that’s actually crazy how far you want this all the way to the end all righty then yeah this item is broken Louis AFK knows how to handle uh Builders and quality stop right here stop stop right here all right these all right and Bam there you

Go need to get this a little haircut get a little haircut yeah hello a hello as gaming how are you today where me and a a friend of mine named Gabe are out here doing some Calamity infernum play through just back home most of my Arenas are like giant boxes so but

They what’s happening currently uh we’re currently making a giant arena for him and me to uh fight some bosses and that’s mostly what we’re doing right now yep and then we’re going to fight poter Gast after this uh you think I could put the you

Think I could put the uh wave over there there the little like a atoria stand somewhere in the middle I already don’t know what the middle of this actually is I could probably slap it down in the middle somewhere it is M yeah yeah sure yeah I don’t really know what the

Middle of this is say about okay I would say about right here about right here about right here about right there in the middle oh no no no right here yeah so considering it like right there where you’re standing yeah that looks about the that looks about the

Middle like boss prog like boss or progression uh where I’m current where we’re currently at was we are fighting who is the next one uh we are at Poltergeist yeah we’re at Poltergeist I’ve been in Calamity so I’m not affected by spoilers yeah we’re at uh Poltergeist we still got to finish

The storm Weaver and the we’re close to fighting devour of gods I think we’re like close to that point we can already make the devour of God summon it’s just we really need better weapons like for the soul all right so let me let me help you know this is beely

Massive and you just putting like platforms you putting like Platforms in the middle of it too oh I’m putting the platforms inid I do not like yeah what about storm waver uh we still haven’t beat him yet so that’s like the like that’s like the last kind of thing we needed Tod

Doish all right yink let me help you out by making this thing a lot taller Hive mine what huh oh did you kill him bro just appeared now don’t worry he just got devour of gods is so annoying to be honest he’s a bulk and a tank and his

Attacks are like semi- trucks yeah y wait wait have you played Inferno so how how tall is this so I can like meet up with you oh it’s you’re this is big it’s big it’s humongous I’m going to get rid of this whole Sky use the drill mount my boy

It’s power no no bounds all right let me go put this charging station actually down where near home but yeah devour oh yeah devour Gods normally it oh you did you miss some stuff over here or I’m I just tripping oh no you missed a little bit

Over here ah but it’s probably fine wait I missed what a little bit of where near the um there’s just like a little bit of a some like items over here still we got to fix this also it might flood it might flood I’m sure I’ll be fine okay it didn’t flood okay

Okay let me go just fixing everything over here how how high do you want the platform I usually do 21 you do like 21 between each space yeah what is going on it’s D’s you want 21 or like 28 uh 21 should be fine I think 21 should be fine spaces between each

One let me just nice lore uh you talk about the lore I wrote for the series yeah thanks it was just something like a hodge podge together 19 20 21 since I’ve already done this series basically once before yeah he just trying to make it seem like it’s connected to the first

One I believe cuz I think it’s really cool I’ve always been kind of a slight sucker for some good lore lore deep L although now nowadays so much of this so much of the lore that people be making is like oh I’m depressed or oh I see spirits you know it’s nothing

Nothing crazy anymore where’s some good where’s some cool stuff 21 okay right here I go see if this is like humongous or not feels like a book lore honestly yeah that’s kind of the vibe I was trying to capture okay I have made the arena all right so now we got now we

Just got to finish everything up let me go back to home now where is where is that no not uh not the relics I was referring to the um we got to get map pad out here for this one if only man that’s that’s not a not

That good at lur but I’m flattered I’m flattered okay here we go this is the arena it’s absolutely humongous all right uh where is where is the Nate Rod of where is that nature Rod what is it called again it’s called the staff of regrowth it’s called staff of regrowth

Staff of regrowth do I already have it oh I can make it yoink I have a tra on my PC actually it’s like everyone’s got it like all right give me the staff for regrowth basically any big mod all right fix this there we go fix this whole area

Up yeah cuz there’s like a little few pieces that you did Miss over here but I don’t think it’s really that big a deal I just want to fix up the gra 21 yeah sorry I’m making every single block blocks tall and BLS away how far does he how how does he

Reach so far it’s because of the cool Home Improvement item that I’ve got it is it is wonderful honestly I just want to make this place look like a little bit nicer by adding a Few and uh acorns let me get the acorns I’m just going to get rid of these planter boxes we don’t need them anymore I’m just going to move them out of the way let’s go fight uh the sky Weaver Weaver and the new Arena yeah let me just get rid of all

This it’s huge arena is abely yes I would agree you could be bigger could be bigger all right so the charging station is on here there we go put that there let me go drop the AC let me go drop all these trees down want to make want to regrow the

Forest a little bit there wait before we fight the boss I’m going to all of the yo can I borrow that drill M for like five seconds oh okay I need a thank you and let me go put up the rest of the stuff real quick in here drop all the planter boxes

In here swap over to the drill Mount bye go nice go fight the boss yeah I’m going to go fight the boss don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry right wait I I need to get all the relics down yeah at the bottom all right I think I’ve gotten rid of 95% of the stuff

In the platforms yeah there we go all of it’s nice and gone I just wanted to get rid of it I didn’t want to just sit in there okay so slime came right you got all the king all right I’mma put my Relic inside my piggy bank if I can actually see

Where it is King Slime okay read them out to me what’s next okay uh in the order it’s King Slime desert Scourge let me go get desert Scourge real fast okay actually just uh I’m going to put them all back in here and then I’m just gonna grab them in order you can

Also grab the normal trop the normal relics too I don’t really like building m in my world okay okay okay okay so we can have like both of them one on top one on bottom you give me one okay so what’s the first one it’s King Slime I’ve already got that down uh

Deser Scourge what’s next uh the CL uh King giant clam excuse me we got the giant CL uh I have cthulu okay I got that uh then it’s next crabulon he got that all right uh Eater of Worlds I got that then it’s then it’s a lot of the old one armies

Guys so like ogre yeah dark Mage ogre and Betsy but we haven’t really done like the um all of them just yet but what’s the order what’s the order it’s a dark Mage first then it’s ogre and then it’s isy so dark Mage first really dark wait yes dark Mage first

Wait are we really putting all of them together or yeah we’re put we’re do we’re doing from start to finish all of them all the bosses okay okay don’t have that okay what’s the next one uh after dark Mage then it’s the hive mind okay got the hive mind uh perforators

Perforator okay I I got him all right it’s Queen B what uh then Skeletron all right then it’s deer clops that then it’s ancient husk well that there’s no trophy for him uh then it’s slime then it’s slime God oh flash is next right yeah slime God then wall flesh

Yeah okay okay that’s it it for all the yeah pre hard mode this is really boring so you got all the infernum relics I well in that case I’mma grab all of the normal relics and place them in sequential order Skeletron slime God normal uh Queen Bee perforators wait hi them Perforators uh hi m in perforator I’m in perforator got it yeah I’m going grab I’m going grab the relics too cuz I want to get the normal ones skon skon crabby line mindu world all right I got my own so I can put them on top

Oh you put a space in in between oh nice all right so let me put him in order as well because I would like to get this one all right King Slime on top then it’s desert yeah then it’s culon I mean giant clam excuse me can’t even English

Properly there we go then it’s crabulon afterwards did I get crabulon yeah three bosses I got the three bosses you did without Meen slime cryogen you you oh yeah the Flying Dutchman doesn’t have a infernum relic y y okay then aquatic Scourge and have you have you had to turn off infernum for any fights just to get through it no we haven’t really um surprisingly I know it’s kind of they’ve been pretty easy honestly been just absolutely like yeah after a while it just it got to the point where he’s been

Kind of Bing like 95% of the bosses I mean it’s not too bad not too shabby I would say all right put one of these down because honestly I kind of like this Arena it looks really nice a Skeletron no yeah Skeletron normal Skeletron deerclops to think deerclops

Is after Skeletron that’s kind of like that’s wild to me that’s it is really difficult though uh I know I know for those who are simply unaware right relics but don’t worry chat we will be fighting bosses very soon just out here trying to get okay so Queen slime it goes Queen

Slime cryogen twins aquatic skourge okay and then Destroyer Brimstone and Skeletron all right Twins uh SK on Prime no it’s Brimstone then skill Prime Brimstone crowen Destroyer aquatic Scourge hey Stephan how you doing man we got clus all right let me just follow alongside all right Queen slime goes right yeah cuz I didn’t put the Wall of Flesh down okay so that’s one I missed

Wall of Flesh Cogen put my other thing back on okay then it’s twins aquatic Scourge I can’t believe there’s really backto back uh worm bosses that’s crazy yeah twins yeah then it is Destroyer brim Skeletron Prime boom and you know what just to fill in those empty spaces

I’m going to go put the mini bosses in there why’ you just type why’ you just type in Relic you could find like all of them there uh brim we don’t have one problem yeah we do not have one well in that case teleport you destroy light work no reaction

No reaction light reaction light reaction dude where did her brothers go went away guys your swords are so yeah but that’s not even my strongest thing here which is crazy to me oh it why is it called something different than its own Relic inter infernal Shadow because uh edgy that’s

Why can you not believe it the edge yeah you should just type in a relic though like it’s way easier and uh wait who’s after okay Brimstone Prime clone clone planta we didn’t get the sand shark because that one kind of broke PL okay let’s do go do the sand trck because it

Might it might actually work oh yeah yeah yeah uh let me go the core then I got to grab the core yeah cuz I think we already have it did you already grab it no yeah I got it I got it I got it don’t worry just craft it up though okay

Okay let’s uh teleport yoink you okay hopefully this one doesn’t explode everything has been hopefully I dashed a little too fast everything has been good everything’s been a little has gone to The Inferno M but hey it’s good to hear from all of y’all folks again hopefully it works because I

Haven’t seen this map ever I mean I’ve only seen it once like in the uh another playthrough that somebody did come on please don’t explode Adrian yeah Adrian or was it waffle time I I don’t know if if we can’t get this can we just grab I’m joking it’ll eventually

Work I don’t see nothing I’m not seeing any uh loading messages of explod everything exploding so it’s still going it’s still loading it’s a really big for like one shark my guy like it’s the shark and the person who is likeing the shk I’m just like realiz

I I can actually get in here let me in let come on game it’s just one world Yi oh this place looks really cool but are like yeah it’s getting a little bit spicy yeah but like all we need to see is like oh this is yeah this is really cool looking so where is outside oh yeah this is really pretty I like

This man looks like the desert has been created yeah desert well all the ancient ruins civilization oh this looks nice oh yeah in Civilization yeah this we got to go up that looks really nice see the these I’m sorry these Builders are so good the the the folks who made like people who

Build this is just phenomenal gets me hyped to build my own stuff look at this Coliseum I bonked my head into it oh it’s massive oh I can’t even get in the middle of it looks like we just looks like we just got into the [ __ ] walk around the bottom of it

Theum oh he’s right there there’s an animation Oho I didn’t have all my summons summoned yo go summons go oh did you you are be B B I love I love you light work no reaction bro you he’s already been defeated no reaction but this place is really pretty

I I I gota li I cannot lie this really and he’s already gone y we did it now it’s just tring to fight one dude if only we had come here a little bit sooner he would have been a lot less uh dead I guess it ends I guess it just

Ends there did you did you even get a like treasure bag or anything from him no I just got a scale how did you go on the floor oh how do we leave how do we leave so you got one sand skill and that was it oh I

Got just teleporting around to see everything in the map fun part about this is cannot break any of yeah I don’t want to uh oh wait we just do the settings and the leave the uh return it’s just return in the settings not close menu but

Return there you go oh so you got oh you got the sand skilles yeah I did well there that’s what I yeah well that was the lightest boss you guys defeated the boss right you talk no reaction talk about the sand desert one yeah we just did it was like really

Easy it’s like didn’t even do bro didn’t even do anything one didn’t have any Inno Relic or did he give Le have a trophy or no he did actually it’s only a great it didn’t even register that I killed him wow BR right here wait he doesn’t go over Skeletron

Does he oh he does go out planta no he goes out to planta I got to get the plant oh my right let me just put him in the right section there you go yeah because I also got to get the calamitous Clone uh trophy real quick

Get The Relic type in Relic where’s the calaminus Clone calaminus clone I need planta uh not sness ravager Camus where the hell is Theam okay so after planta the desert guy and then it’s Leviathan astram arus ni let me get them relics if I could actually click it properly so relics uh it’s astram arus leviath where where is leviathan Leviathan okay then who Golem and the then it’s the the other guys the the

Events okay so it’s actually the events all right teleport over here wait minute there we go CL clim is clone that one oh wrong button wait a minute to necklace V uh I think you can buy one I don’t know if we actually have one on we do not have

One definitely buy one though yeah so plant Terra desert okay Leviathan astrum Golem Leviathan astrum Golem Leviathan AST so what did you need the shark to necklace for uh so I can make uh okay so I so I can make the sand shark to necklace and the to necklace oh

15 increase damage and 15 increas arm I see I think the only things we haven’t gotten really like trophies for is the like advents event bosses like I think that’s the only one that’s kind of hasn’t been really dealt with accordingly I just need a I just need a

Shark please just give me a shark I think you can buy you talking about like shark fins uh no I’m talking about uh shark where are you at oh you’re in the oh you already went all the way down there did you already get all the scoria

Or that was in here or no yeah I believe so oh this place is kind of pretty I’m going I’m gonna make I just realized I ah the Abyssal set I need to actually make that too eventually because we’re going to have to fight the Dude down here aren’t

We cuz like he only spawns down here doesn’t he yep let me go make a second set okay so because it is like a big arena down there right oh don’t use mine don’t use mine don’t use yours don’t don’t worry I’m not going to use yours I’m going to just

Make my own I’ll go through the whole crafting recipe I don’t mind because it’s an accessory the only problem is I have no idea how to make it uh abysal diving gear yeah I’m not going to use yours not have iron Bo okay I got it I’m just going to get

To the Tinker where is a tinkerer oh tinkerer sir I would require your finest Wares uh you know I’m just going to buy one of everything I don’t know why just going to buy one of everything I have the money for it no harm no foul we’re still going to need

Some of these please say that there’s still chests down here uh and if there isn’t I’m going to oh are you missing something that like is there an item that’s only spawns in a chest that you really need boots I need the boots oh I see squid what

Wait the coloss of squids are you spawning BR squid he’s like’s like AI not even that hard oh he hit like a truck though he do hit like a truck uh oh like like ah he’s fine oh all right put all these items in here let me go and

Make all right diving gear gear jellyfish diving gear Arctic diving gear blunder bolster that’s not the one I’m looking for I’m looking for the rest of the diving set diving what else am I missing Abyssal diving set depth charm give me that and then I’m missing

Iron boots wait a minute how do you get the iron boots is that a is that another chest accessory yes wait is it is it hold on let me Abyss am I in the abyss right now hold let me see Iron Iron nope that is is honestly an accessory in the uh the

Thing that’s not good the I’m in the B right now let me go over trying to find the treasure chest TR to find the treasure drove I put the map up dang it I needed that map I was going to use the map give me this go

Here yeah let me just actually get the nope that’s the wrong button can’t even button yoink all right go over here fill out the whole map do this map just going to keep going down I’ve been trying to find chests for my whole entire life uh oh thank you for using

That thermal vent what the hell is this oh I don’t have the diving gear on I just I’m an idiot hold on can’t even go down there properly all right go in here teleport back in here people are going to be listening to the sound of me teleporting

Oh I can’t even do the other one well I can still do the normal diving gear so the normal one put the Hope Improvement back in There I’m in hell oh there’s a really that ah it’s probably fine it’s just Terminus it’s not like it’s it’s not like it’s going to do anything scary Meine it you fool you fo help I’m so dead I can’t tell I can’t teleport while the boss is alive

You fool you’ve doomed us all you know this boss is not to be trifled With oh my God oh my God yeah he’s not he’s not to be trifle with you’re not supposed to you’re not supposed to fight him One does not simply fight him bro blew up the entire so did you actually get it or did you just did you just

Explode uh it it exploded turned into big giant he literally deletes the map bro is deleting the map what the hell ah my favorite boss yeah he removes the map if you go into the abyss what are these guys uh those are ayon servants I think they’re called what they call maybe this

Is how you get it Elian I think you might have the only boots in the entire world no I don’t have I I don’t have it you don’t have iron boots hold on yeah I don’t have that Bo all right give me a minute oh now I get how you get SC

All right now give me a minute I got to go to the bathroom I’ll be right back It the Wy the Wy and all come there should be uh all right I am back from my back figured it out I figured it out what the scoria thing or like the other stuff the I figured out both SC and how we get so there is dead bodies that are

We oh there’s just a body is down here yeah there’s just some dead bodies that sounds like fun yeah go the only problem is they are impossibly hard to see in this environment yep there do you see like a Sprite for him yep there a Sprite oh oh I we just I

Think oh got one oh you got one yeah I was looking on the map thank goodness thank goodness we filled it out so much all right so I have one iron boots I can go make my version of the Abyssal diving gear did you already make yours or do

You did you on the map on the map what does it look like uh it looks like a white box it looks like a white box in the depths uh all right was there only one guys you know how to dup coins right no we’re we don’t have to worry about

Money we’re we are perfectly fine with money but yeah it should be a white box on the map I don’t know if there’s another one though did you were you not able to make yours cuz I thought we already had one from a chest I don’t know how to get

It do we have any iron um do we have any iron like boxes iron boxes I don’t no I don’t think so yeah I don’t think wait you can make it with iron crates believe so yeah because I’m just checking around making sure yeah look like searching around see

Anything white block on the map yeah Abyssal diving gear a wall of text but yeah we we don’t have to worry about um uh coins or anything abdala yeah we don’t have to worry about any of those coins Boom the Abyssal diving gear I am protected underwater okay if there isn’t one wait

A minute you think well somebody sells it now that now that we got one uh I don’t know cuz a tinker I don’t think the tinkerer does combat No movement miscellaneous no oh let me check items iron iron boots yeah it just says to make how to make it but there’s no like okay suurus crate sulfurous crate drops it yes well that requires fishing I mean you could just have mine though or do like we both had to be down

There we need to defeat the el el wyver whatever so we both pretty much need one all right in that case uh does uh does it does it Scourge start dropping like items related to fishing so I could just make some fishing stuff see so about the

Moir and I also get the fishing equipment from the tinkerer miscellaneous yeah fishing the wire the hook that one because I’m pretty sure the treasure B one of the treasure bags also drops it I think all right fishing Tacko box that one now can I make how do I get

Bait is that from fishing crates did you make two tackle boxes uh no I only made one I made the big one like I only have the big one it’s in the uh the chest already so if you want to use that you can go right

Ahead oh the lava proof Tackle Box load out to I’m just going to go fishing this all day um fishing rod I need yeah cuz F I think while you can you still fish while um like events are going on take that out of my inventory can I

Just there anywhere I could put this that won’t make it turn on can I buy this one squirrel I need your where’s squirrel there he is give me your finest worm give me your finest worm sell me your finest worm potion seller wor the all right put that in my inventory

Okay think I’ve gotten everything mostly taking care of care of which Speaking of which if I have the appropriate NOP that’s the wrong one where’s the arena shop guy because I can also make that he is not here okay uh right click where is Arena boy you’re not Arena boy where’s Arena

Boy Arena boy Arena boy where he at all right McDonald’s a nugget I have saved him okay I got theal amulet strange music note wait I got the strange music note from Just Fishing yo I actually need that it it and now I’m just missing the cloud

Dude like that’s the only one I’m missing is the one from the cloud where’s the arena another strange music note he’s hacking check him PC he’s hacking bro he’s hacking where is the arena guy that’s The Alchemist it’s the no it’s the jeweler where’s the Jew oh there it is I’m blind

The Jeweler sells the arena stuff Arena shop CU I need to grab all right take this out take that out take this this so fous crate my first s furus crate what does it give me gives me nothing I need I think you can actually if you do

Um uh what is it called what is it called what’s it called uh yeah my brain is dying my brain is dying CU I know there’s a way to actually do it so that way you can just get a defini if you put it in the the

The chest cuz it’s it as a material right cuz like I believe I believe it says the material then you can do it you can like take put in the material box and then you could just CRA it no it would have shown it crafting as soon as

I double clicked it a it’s not craftable with the suurus crate but you can get the suurus crate and hope that you get it kind ofate those are more incre fishing power hell yeah I’m going take that he’s out here got the good cush all right now how do I

Make that’s the camper I don’t want that the camper what the camper is like a little it’s a little thing that basically makes it so backpack yeah it’s a little backpack I was like I don’t want that I don’t need that the camper oh thanks storus thanks for the

Thanks for the like my guy means a lot ultimate cake buff I don’t need that I need five pieces of cake because I’m trying to make uh okay I need five ammo boxes just going to make this thing and five sharpening stations so I can go in here and make the big

Boy because I would like the honey buff but I also like it way better it was bigger yo got a sun dial did that do yeah thanks stor it’s I I appreciate it I got a sun dial Bro fished out of sundow he might just be cracked yoink yo I appear to not

Be that cracked how so uh I’m not getting what I need have you tried turning it on and off again you tried tur it off and off again cck Gregory did you Juju on that beat did you try jujing on that beat minor wellfed buff how do I get the

Major one don’t remember I got three mythal crates y how is there a way to make this one that’s easier I need media I need to make food some kind of edible treat that just can’t be beat medium improvements one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 all right you know

The Pacman show I have I have never seen that one like I I’m G be honest with you never seen it in my life my the sword fish doesn’t have a that’s strange what pretty good mean BR I got I got mate I got mate

Oh I think I I think we need that to improve the um the big one how much did you get what I said I think we we need that to improve the big one so if you have the um to make your fishing fishing gear better oh yeah that’s uh

I all right get some more honey then okay I have the star one never got honey no I don’t have honey okay I need AAR potion I need I think you I don’t think what’s their face sells it though I think it’s actually from uh uh what is it called this dude right

Here and does anyone sell gnomes I don’t actually know if anyone sells gnomes oh this is luck potions I need these I need bro what the hell are you doing my guy all right and then golden s of hearts and that makes scroll can make squirrel all right give me one of these

Where is I think you have to actually get him from the uh the other thing I don’t think you can actually just get it naturally sold it with sold that by bre something tells me that’s not the Brewer is the other guy all right so let me grab why I just

Have random bags of like I have like random bags here the Brewer ain’t Brewing cuz I think her thing was like too full to actually hold everything I think that was a problem is the wayfinder creates some magical gate wait what creates a magical gate that

Allows you to fast travel to it does not work if the boss is still alive oh that looks pretty yeah because I’m trying to grab did I grab all my Scrolls okay yeah I did send my inv it’s time to do there we go much

Better oh I need water water a bucket of water or just normal water I need bottles now did I put all the trophies up I don’t think I did oh yeah because of the events uh got to go grab the events I almost forgot yink let me grab the events

Cuz I need the naughty present and I need Pumpkin Moon just going to go do that are we can someon the lunatic cultist interesting Y where is a na present pumpkin Medallion yes I got the Supreme Bait Tackle so wait did you actually get the thing that you needed from fishing or you still trying to fish uh the Supreme Bait Tackle is what I got so it’s not the whole thing all right well I while you do that

I’m still going to go over here why did it turn to daytime again I’d love to see the stream to the end but I can’t so it’s okay man as long as you you joined up and just had a nice time you can probably watch it later

It’s still going to be on YouTube all right turn it to evening Moon why am I the only one who can’t seem to this thing to I think I got it all right yeah why is it all oh the frost Legion yeah let my minions take care of

All of this oh I forgot to get my oh no I do have a Sentry keep forgetting I got my little turret drone my good boy swear if a boss just all of a sudden just starts attacking me so angry another yeah this arena is way really

Good festive Wings wow plus Max life ornaments rain down from the sky me that’s mid and speaking of which how do I make this one better ow the Prof oh wait that’s way later in the game I can’t even use that I got excited go my minions seek out

Anger I didn’t get it I did not get it oh my gosh nuclear fuse nuclear fuse heard of the Shar the sharo okay maybe not K can I do uh can I make this one no way I got a titanium crate it will not allow you to get the normal

Thing yeah my swords are putting in the work my guy they are just going ham yeah they are going like I love them so much they’re so cool all right boom I got another titanium crate what is this what is this did I get anything good from this event no that’s

Not that don’t need that elf pants no one cares razor Pine don’t care got the Santa I got the toy tank don’t care care elf shirt chain gun that one all right so I got one I got one of these cool I got one of each so that should be

Fine soell guess how many trouts I have five 10 32 30 like I could have forcing this coming my gosh I didn’t get it BR for real wait I I more Master no not on screen off no wait is this is this event after Golem hold let me

Check cuz my minions are putting into the work oh yeah so I can put it there all right so it’s the ever Scream then it’s then it’s the other one I did not get it yet how are you still not being able to get it they’re hacking I can tell blizzard staff don’t care Frozen crown uh oh I can turn to a minion I don’t like it though no so it shall not

Be there all right delete this one melter delete that delete this sank power core no I don’t care reindeer could stay I guess Christmas tree sword that doesn’t make anything right okay Cool and happy kach how is this event still I can’t believe this event is still going joink snowball Cannon yeah I am taking so much damage dear God all right take this guy down 33 Platinum wow yeah money is not an issue I’m all right 33 Platinum I have uh 300

Platinum bro yeah I’m just I know I’m saying like I got it from the event like I’ve already got probably like way more Platinum just in my chest don’t even know what to do it all like Calamity is like the Calamity mod is like yeah if you need money

You’re don’t you’re not going to worry about it just don’t even you’ll be fine I have eight methal crates they give me absolutely nothing how is it this hard to get the sulfurous crate like what you got it like one time oh no I got PL much

Though why does it keep giving me Strange Music Man I wish it was easy to find the like the cloud thing man cuz you get over here getting the strange music not and all this other stuff I can’t even get the one Cloud thing I really want oh

Maybe it is in the cloud Island oh maybe I had a fish up there I thought it was a drop from her hold on let me let me check something let me check this no it’s on a cloud Island no got the IR boots I’m no it

Specifically says that it’s a drop from her like yeah no it specifically says there a drop from her which is just pisses me off so much man cuz like I really want it oh they’re slaying all of our poor guys that’s so cool that’s so cool what’s so cool what

Happened that’s so cool you get it oh you talking about are you talking about that one undertale of video don’t like That’s So Co No that’s so cool like it’s the frost it’s theost oh my god dude no stop stop the puns are so bad Please that’s so cool so cool I’m going to need a sun dial so cool it’s not cool it’s not stop Stop Get Out of My Head Akira Akira it’s a it’s from a movie called Akira it’s actually it’s from a movie like an old an old classic movie for uh anime

Movie leave me alone I I uh I need to make a okay can I please end it can I yes yes yes yes yes yes what is the name of that what is the name of that um item the one that changes daylight nighttime what is it called again oh it’s Cosmo

Cosmo let me get this one cuz I’mma need this one uh and also let me go put that there all right cool now all right so that [ __ ] count as it being beat cuz yeah the only thing I okay so we missed Betsy too huh weird yeah

Pumpkin Moon okay so Pumpkin Moon is done and the frost Moon which also do I get the Pumpkin King trophy okay drop that in there Pumpkin King trophy Relic where is yeah that’s the ice queen that’s Empress of light yeah pumpkin Relic and morning wood yoink Uh Goblin Army bro we are well past Goblin Army territory like they actually think it’s a challenge let me go get the malls C you didn’t you weren’t able to get them wait you really weren’t able to don’t have enough oh you don’t have enough are you sure we can’t buy

Those thought we could oh never mind bro just said all right bet we need for more stuff Xeno staff pulse turret remote hydraulic Vault Crusher where we and yeah cuz the ter arm I got the diving suo oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah all right so once we once we get

To that point in the game we’ll be able to both take them on since I got my own as well yep so okay but who who boss wise who have we not fought yet I think uh Frost Legion no one cares um nobody cares still say wait don’t you need

Better wings oh wait no I just so who is next oh it’s Betsy you want to go fight the old ones Army and just Molly WAP those guys very easy very easy do I already have wait hold let me check see if I have the turn

Crystal uh Crystal I think I got a I think I already have one in my inventory let me go check where’s my piggy there you are yep got one all right yoink grab me that uh sell this dagger then just T the wait wait wait have we got the um we got

The the what have we got you the because I have the the profaned artifact I’ve got the allean the community the status curse hard the elemental star tained generator cuz I don’t think anything I can I don’t think there’s anything I can improve just yet cuz yeah that’s devour

Of gods okay so that’s that’s not possible uh Community is fine status curse I cuz the ascended Spirit Essence is after um yaron I think let’s see tainted generator which status also goes into the other one so I can’t make anything with that oh we have

Got okay what I was about to say was Generator yeah I got that one uh so yeah Spirit Essence and Dev so it’s devour gods and yaron is the only two that would even need to worry about all right summon all this and and I’m just going to start this up it’s

Like super easy we just sit here do nothing yeah I can I can literally just stare at it I don’t even have to do nothing I can just sit here and do none uh let me uh 16 you know what let meally all I need to do is just do

This that and then do that hey hey guess what we win we win yeah it’s just so easy it’s not even to you need some e Mana no I’ve got my summons these boys don’t even know what hit them hey we’ve already say uh trying to fight Betsy just to get

It out of the way I mean might as well oh Shadow spec that’s way later okay what about the engine kind just gonna we’re just gonna twoot I’m just GNA twoot yeah all right click that are you really going to fight with a spiky balls did you know there’s actually uh spiky ball

Materials you can make with these it’s it’s ridiculous you actually make a viable spiky ball build like who in the right shot yeah who in the right mind is about to do a spiky ball build me new playthrough I only beat uh Calamity infero with spiky balls so first we need to

I’m gonna get rid of all my items my NPC fight fight the boss yeah I know I just need a break one like that inan I am best like for that play to be viable I feel like they need to corruption like probably yeah likees yeah true

True literally just standing this is way this is way too easy it’s called having end game oh no anyway radio oh my go y just gonna walk past him don’t even care y let me put this guy right up here B all right that’s good the pain the pain the pain the

Pain I see you have that item on wait a minute how Do’s dead already oh I didn’t know that someone was affected by the pet that’s Interesting okay let’s go Betsy you me gas station Su my little Empress of light oh yeah she she’s is I using my money what’s using your money and done it’s not used to my money boom done now I can put her trophy right over where it’s supposed to

Go the all one Army has been defeated there you go do we have a normal ogre trophy I actually don’t know and drop Betsy right there the pain the pain microwave oh my gosh oh that’s that’s my background sorry about that n it’s good that usually happens to me sometimes

Well drop that drop that hey come come down to my location to my location where you at I see pain pain pain pain br the pain because I have the pain head bro just like the pain the pain wait can we get protoplasm now is that what you’re looking for we need a

Lot hopefully some drops and then we’re gonna fight little guy a little guy hell is L who the hell is uh I have gotten one Proto two protoplasms ah also this is actually pretty pretty nice I can know when beneficial and detrimental at the same time Moon relic of Deliverance punctus so when does the um when does the profane Guardians drop like some of their other stuff because to be honest I kind of think it’d be funny to just wield one of the light you want to do you want to beat the profane Guardians because I

Actually do need yeah the war Banner of the sun still and I’ve gotten third I’ve gotten 13 protoplasm can I have that because we have enough that’s that’s enough there you go cuz we need like 50 right all right let me wh now if only I could if only I could

Somehow miraculously get the drop all this in the thingy I I can somehow miraculously get the one item I need from what’s her face if only where’s my piggy bank piggy bigy bank bigy bank there it is I just remember what I was doing stuff I need to get some stuff so

We’re not going to fight the boss yet all right cuz I need to get te I need get need to get some teeth boom got all that taken care of out of the way inventory is so full of items I am shrimply full of Items so wait were you able to make the uh fantasmo can grab it hello the PO how are you I have but the main thing I need is kill enemies down here not all right Fallen star uh so you still trying to get the the war Banner

Though yeah I also need that I recommend making a sword I think it’s called The Ark I instantly died I forgot to put on my suit uh if you’re talking about the Arc of the agents uh I think I think he already has it oh it’s right here it’s right

Here please I just need to live please teleport down here please I’m coming I’m coming the timer is slow there you go I’m here I can’t I forgot I forgot the suit I forgot the suit I forgot I forgot the suit again Jesus Christ okay let me actually get the suit

Cuz I let me actually get the suit let me get this okay give me give me the suit put the suit on there we go you goofy goober all right drop down here to the boy make sure all my summons are sent summoned get a little turn think

Is that is the El War uh oh where’s the reaper shark though cuz that that other guy is a worse back I’m missing I’m missing my potions how did you miss your potion you you don’t you didn’t have them on go minions go make the AR yeah I think I think the

Arc I think the final stage of it is probably after devour of gods or something I think from remember correctly does like a th damage per hit oh we are well past the uh that damage threshold uhoh I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying I am experiencing a very much uh hurt

Juice ow ow dang it he was almost dead too um let me get some real quick re chance uh I’ve already made the Arc of the elements yeah so or 800 I don’t remember like yeah he’s already got the basically the Good Kush at this point

I don’t think he’s needs to worry about Any yeah my man stacked out of his geord okay Grab shop changer luminum lumonite okay she is in the way okay I’m going to have to move the operator she’s just in the way move her up there this place is getting an bonking an enemy reduces the delay of your dash again oh that’s pretty cool

Bonk oh yeah my Snake Eyes is getting a little bit drained on power that not good but yeah he is already stacked on uh melee enchantment so I’m pretty sure he’s fine I still need a bit more a bit a bit more of what the what what item are you looking for

Exactly uh I need shark teeth and that guy that we died to only one that drops it summon all my minions sumon my gal really dark down here mad let me let me breathe real fast bro got to get that a oxygen are you defeated the worm bro does it even drop anything

Lot cuz my minions are attacking this guy well before I can can barely tell if there’s anything even in here it’s so dark more not another Leon worm was that growl the dude or the worm the worm go minions go ow ow got laser beam uhoh uhoh come on come on dang

It so you just looking for that reever shark uhuh it feels like you set a spawn down here at this point what I said it feels like he fell uh spawn like a bed or something down here hey there’s a boss spawning don’t like the sound of that yo what the is that

Terminus no yeah it is ow getting obliterated getting obliterated nope all right switch back to my Whip and actually use the whip ow ow ow God I’m my character is so squishy like it’s I’m so squishy I am also very squishy squishy out of how much defense cuz honestly the armor crunch

Debuff is so annoying I really need does it really does it only some at the bottom yeah no actually it’s Midway actually so we don’t have to be exactly at the bottom for it to for it to happen God just my character’s so dang squishy Hello Aon how you doing

CU yeah you might be we might be going a little bit too far down that’s probably what’s happening we’re not deep enough down could Cloud you give me a tip a tip of what what what kind of tip are you referring to me or somebody else ayon tablet

Ow go down oh my God the lasers the lasers the lasers the lasers Jesus Christ 100 100 damage per y’all guys got to chill yeah they really like defense means nothing in this Ow like I’m in hard moding right now the Leviathan uh tips to finding the

Leviathan Edge mostly just keep your I think like the biggest one is just keeping distance wait a minute ow ow yes he spawned oh I’m going to die so quickly cuz this one uh dude is still on me he won’t go away yeah please please absolutely death

Him cuz I’m trying to come over and help but like I keep getting hit every frame after pain finally did you get did you get your thing no says me who I got more HP and a good whip oh you trying to do Summoner uh I don’t even know what items are at

That stage for summoning at this stage yeah what stage cuz somebody was trying to ask about the um doing some stuff for summoning but like like what boss are you trying to face they’re trying to fight Leviathan from from what I’m reading uh Leviathan I’ve never fought Leviathan we just fought the Leviathan

In anahita Clone he could teleport like the Duke fishron in the last phase oh the oh that Leviathan I thought was the one with that one give me this okay I’m going to try one one more time to getting the the cloud chick I really want the cloud

Chick uh where is he he still hasn’t given given it to me really bro this is getting this is getting kind of stupid wait a minute don’t I have an item that starts the rain is there like a torrential oh let me actually see something there’s like an item that

Starts the rain it’s like called tanal tanal tiar or something that’s the acid rain yeah acid rain with some Abyss gravel ah I can actually grab that I need need the jellyfish proncess wherever she may be yeah jelly Priestess yink here shop I need like a couple this

Gravels there you go I think like 10 is enough right yeah yeah there we go give me the torrential rain yoink and then oh now I get it it’s because why I’m dying so fast is because is yeah cuz it’s never something nice it’s never something normal oh and

I forgot you’re fighting uh boss probably so I can’t even get there yeah and the teleporting it’s really just more of a predicting movements kind of thing like I don’t really know if I can it’s just like to be honest I would just suggest going to the Wikipedia it it usually gives you

Like a really good grasp of what you should do for fighting most of the time okay in space and it’s raining so now I should be able to getting whacked by an electric pulse what oh yeah the wrong thing spawned the storm Weaver like Pops in for a fr frame that’s actually so

Hilarious is that the right oh why are you spawning over here now what are you you still trying to fight that guy let me because he doesn’t give it to me okay let me get the Zerg potion let me get the battle potion it’s like we’re both having like

A ter terrible time trying to get like just one thing from a a boss so yeah I’m just waiting and then I Hear you post Moon Lord yeah we’re at post Moon Lord uh Leviathan is it’s him it’s him okay do you think got him or do you think I need need some help I got it yeah I definely got yeah Leviathan is uh pre-moon Lord by the looks right I am I

Looking at that right uh Brimstone yeah it’s pre Moon Lord so what actually is really good for Leviathan uh I think probably some I I think like if you’re trying to do like summon Summoner stuff I would say like the pygmy staff is probably really

Good um I don’t know if there’s I don’t know what whip is actually at this stage but yeah I would say try to just do like the Calamity Wikipedia right sell all that cuz that is I feel like I’m going insane this one boss will not

Spawn I have been at it for for years I can’t remember the last time I saw the light of day hey do you know where a skyl is Sky Lake um found one never mind cuz what you g to try to go you going to try just fishing in the

Thingy yeah since the rain obviously does not want to work master midday I just really want this thing to spawn man so what are you looking for I’m just looking for the cloud candy that’s like all I’m missing cuz like the cloud El is like the only thing that I can’t seem to

To get in this stupid environment yeah because it just says when it’s raining in space and I’ve not been able to find it in anything I’m honestly starting to think that because it doesn’t exist anymore it’s ridiculous like it just won’t spawn it doesn’t exist I would trying to make it R yeah

You can’t fish for it yeah it’s little either this or bust I mean it’s not super important like it’s not not like the worst thing that happened I just kind of wanted it to just you know have it at least and beat her like yeah I’m trying I just haven’t seen her

Spawn like not once not at all also I don’t think it’s raining oh it’s not raining or is it is raining I don’t think it’s raining yeah it’s not raining why does the rain not want to work I could not seem to get it to actually trigger no

Way okay the storm Weaver is actually having like a contion fate you want to go you want to go punch storm Weaver real quick cuz like he is he’s getting kind of shyy right now well what I really need is a thing and the thing isn’t

Spw what you need you still need that shark tooth shark tooth I need seven you need seven how many do you have how many do you have Z hold let me see something oh my gosh no way what happened oh what you getting it to drop yeah

Bro well that’s kind of that’s actually kind of funny oh teleport out okay I’m in the room teleport to you actually actually let me drop let me drop this stuff off don’t worry I’ll be in there like one half second just got to drop all of

This off get it out of my inventory there you go teleport to you and then summon summon drop my drone put back the community ow I died bro what I just got here the giant crab spider the giant enemy spider the giant enemy spider there’s so many projectiles man I

Don’t know what’s what it’s just a visual color spectacle he’s firing the souls with the Damned at me No homing homing attacks homing attacks go go go go homing attack just every periodically I just hear the pain from you the I absolutely trying to dodge best doker he moves like there’s no way you can hit him without go rage buff oh ra isn’t my rage working oh did you get

The right keybind for it or did you not have enough I hit the right it probably not on it’s probably not full ow uh oh no uh not a lot it was just the weird color spectacle that was kind of happening that was bugging you out no I

Wasn’t getting bugged it was just like a really weird color spectacle all right Su in give me one sec I need to um I need to wipe my keyboard down because I had GRE a whole you had the you had the country of Greece on you or thing whoa a

Whole country the country of Greece I’m making fun of the fact that it’s grease and grease are same same thing you know what which mod shows the boss HP uh I I think there’s like a what mod does show the boss okay so he’s talking about the I’m pretty sure

It’s the mod configuration about Inferno mode on the config on the config I believe he’s talking about the health bar at the bottom right about how it looks uh you could go to what is it where is it where is it uh not controls it’s in yeah it’s mod configuration Calamity mod main

Config the is it in the main config boss Health percentage no that’s not it uh Inferno mode boss checklist Inferno mode music wait where do you get uh oh it’s an inter it’s an interface it’s in the interface uh the boss ball style you can change it here and then there’s

The the uh the boss health bar number you can do right there you know what let get F gota get the help Mana Style Bar up yeah cuz it can make them look nice and pretty yeah I need to I need to see my HP so I don’t not a

Idiot the map you can change yeah they got like a lot of cool styles for it I usually like Valkyrie cuz I think Valkyrie looks nice

Sorry for the cut at the end, I had a power outage and OBS and the computer died… 🙁
[PLEASE READ THIS DESCRIPTION (This is going to be a friendly reminder about my social links and W.I.P. schedules since this is going to be in the description from now on).]

Lore of the playthrough:
“Once upon a time, there was a summoner named Neon Wave (or Neo for short) who, despite his tired and distant appearance, absolutely adored summoning creatures from far off lands to try and befriend them using his innate affinity for the summoning arts and heart of gold. In truth, Neo was a summoner like no other, a literal prodigy given flesh that would stop at nothing to make his dream of becoming the greatest summoner in the world come true, but one day whilst out and about on another one of his grand adventures, poor little Neo stumbled through a portal filled with magic and monsters the likes of which had never been seen before… Thankfully, his adaptability and incredibly sharp wits were more than enough to defeat anyone that dared cross his path, be it intentionally or accidental, but even so, there was one creature that was far too powerful for Neo to handle… A being by the name of [REDACTED]. That being stripped Neo of his summoning powers upon his defeat before flinging him into the depths of the abyss where he was sure to rot for all of eternity, but as fate would have it, the summons that Neo befriended along the way were kind enough to share some of their life force with him in order to bring him back so he could defeat that otherworldly freak and save the world! This is the story of Neon Wave, the greatest summoner to ever live!”

Game Schedule (Subject to change but hopefully these will do):
Monday – Minecraft (or something else, I’m not sure)
Tuesday – Terraria (or something else, I’m not sure)
Wednesday – M.A.S.S. Builder (or something else, I’m not sure)
Thursday – Disfigure/Trailmakers (or something else, I’m not sure)
Friday – Disfigure/Trailmakers (or something else, I’m not sure)
Saturday – Slime Rancher 2? (or something else, I’m not sure)
Sunday – I don’t know…

Links to my Socials:

(I don’t really post much there, but I just thought that it would be nice to do.)
(Again, sorry for the long break between vids, I’m terrible at keeping a schedule.)

The mods that I’m using:
AlchemistNPC Lite
Armament Display
Auto Reforge
Auto Trash
Boss Checklist
Calamity Infernum
Calamity Music
Fargo’s Mutant
Magic Builder
Magic Storage
Ore Excavator
Quality of Terraria
Recipe Browser
Storm’s Additions
Subworld Library
Summoners’ Association
The Amulet of Many Minions
Vanilla Cal Music
Wing Slot
Absolute Aquarian

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