I Built a COOKIE FACTORY in Minecraft Hardcore! (#30)

Oh man i’m hungry good thing i have my food chest right here let’s grab me some cookie yo yo yo yo where did all my cookies go bruh well there’s only one solution to that that’s right in this episode i built myself a massive cookie factory that has

Real workers and moving conveyor belts it turned out pretty cool and we’re finally on episode 30 which is a huge milestone so to celebrate i’ll be giving away something very special to the cookie army later in this video so stay tuned for that welcome to episode 30 and

I hope you guys enjoy luckily for me i have a bunch of bricks already from building my animal farm a couple episodes ago so i probably don’t need to go clay hunting anymore which saves me a bunch of time but i also need some stone bricks and i literally have an unlimited

Supply of stone bricks i might for stone so often let’s grab all this maybe some chains that’ll fit the factory vibe and let’s get some glass panes going that is a lot more than i thought okay um i made a little too much let’s throw this in this chest over here i really

Need to make a bigger chest room too because all of these chests are getting so full but that’ll be for another episode now let’s go find the perfect spot to build this factory i want to build it like further away because i don’t want a factory close by to all of

My homes because you know it’s a factory so i’m guessing i gotta start new land again and expand this entire world and this place is getting pretty massive already every single episode we’re expanding so much so if you guys want to see how big this world gets please

Consider subscribing and so far i’ve only been building on this little separate island over here i haven’t started anything on this side so i think it’s finally the time to expand over here let’s just take some time and clear off this grass away because i hate having grass everywhere it’s so nasty

Alright i actually decided to change spots because there’s a huge empty area behind the barn in the village it’s kind of blocked by all of this stuff but there is a big empty land here so i’m gonna build it right here but now let’s start cleaning up and terraforming the land Now that’s all finished let’s start working on the outline for this cookie factory i’m actually really excited for this i’m finally going to have my own factory to produce a bunch of cookies literally millions of them now that’s a dream come true so i’m gonna make this

Very nice it’s gonna be the best factor you guys have ever seen in your life so let’s continue on this outline here all right this is what i got so far there’s not much it’s only a wall but i got the entry into the factory and a huge

Outline for a giant cookie because you know it’s a cookie factory it’s like if you didn’t know i’m building again i’m done anyways let’s continue the outline i still have a lot of work to do man i really need to start working on my jokes like they’re so bad

And this is what i got so far i actually really like this design i had some pretty big doubts before building this thing but i really like how it turned out now we’re just gonna ask the windows over here build the big cookie and expand it all the way through and once

We have that we’re gonna fill this entire place up with a cookie factory it’s gonna be pretty insane but now let’s just start finishing up the entire factory building i’ll be giving away a custom minecraft gaming chair that’s worth 700 more details about that on my second channel

And on twitter anyways back to the video ah yes i’m finally done that took me forever And the factory is complete i feel it’s kind of out of place compared to the rest of my hardcore world it’s like a giant brick building anyways we have a pretty large space to work with now to make the cookie factory and for the floor i think i’m gonna use some smooth

Stone slabs because it looks kind of like highly like a kitchen you know so it’s like clean and cut yeah i don’t know so let’s mine up all this grass and finish the floor this is a lot of dirt holy cow i thought this would be enough

Stone slapped look at the amount of dirt i have i can’t pick it up Bad name bro oh my okay i didn’t think it was that dark in here like a whole army of zombies coming to me now oh never mind the sun can take care of them bruh bro what are the chances of five creepers to spawn what the heck this

Game literally hates me like there’s so many different types of mobs i could spawn but no creepers have to spawn oh i missed yes or nothing let’s just uh keep placing down blocks like i usually do my life is so sad and i’ve read some of your comments saying that stone cutters

Actually saved me a lot of materials i’m gonna try this out i’ve never used this before first off i need to smell even more stone because i’m running out of smooth stone and while i do that let’s go for a quick snack break cause i’m hungry it’s morning i haven’t ate yet

And i’m starving i’ll be back in like six hours All right i am back i just ate a bagel and wha where’s my stone oh my god are you kidding me did i really forget to turn it on my brain is actually the size of a raisin bro it’s like so shriveled up i actually forgot to turn it on it was

Gone for like an hour Come on well i’m gonna see you guys in 2025. all right i’m finally back and let’s use this stone cutter what can i get i only got two you can’t wait wait wait come on there’s no way that’s a better deal than doing this right oh i saved two pieces

Of stone slabs now that is a deal why isn’t everybody doing this this is amazing deal you saved two pieces like that is so unreal probably the worst deal i’ve ever heard in my life well let’s go right back to placing down some slabs bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh

Bruh this boy decked out bruh jeez bruh whoever’s behind me shooting at me really sucks at aiming all these arrows are bro you really need some help like i’m be honest right this is really turning into a creeper farm now like why why why the creeper gods literally have

Something against me like what is up with this why does this happen to anybody else please let me know go away all right now let’s start filling it up with some cookie stuff i’m really excited for this i need an entire wheat farm cocoa bean farm and like some

Random stuff moving around i don’t know what yet but it’s gonna turn out awesome and now my plan is to build a giant oven in the middle of this entire factory and have like cookies dispense out of it i think that’ll be a pretty cool idea so

This is like the final touch area so on this side will be like cocoa bean farms that’s that will be the wheat farm and then somehow i’m gonna make it like transport over here through the fire and then pop out right in front of here and

That made any sense all right there we go i think that’s pretty decent let’s put a line of bricks right here let’s put some iron fences like this and let’s remove this area inside the oven slap down some hay blocks at the very bottom and now some campfires for the smoke

Effect this is gonna add a nice touch to the oven bam and there we go we got the oven and now we’re gonna fill up the back with some black stone to make it look a little darker and cooler and now let’s build the chimney all the way up

To the ceiling all right this might be the ugliest oh my god this might be the ugliest oven i’ve ever built look at the shape of this thing it was like cute goes up and then like a weird little curve and out that way it’s the weirdest thing i’ve built but i don’t

Want to go through the roof that’s the problem it looks really nice so you know what i’m just going to leave it like this all right all right i got my cocoa beans and i don’t have any jungle wood unfortunately but i do remember i brought home some jungle saplings let’s

Go let’s grow a fat tree right in the middle of my island Yeah that that is so weird seeing a jungle tree here it’s so out of place but now let’s spend some time cutting down some jungle trees through some wood all right now let’s start working on the cocoa bean farm that would be right in this corner over here let’s build a

Staircase up like this honestly i don’t even know why i built out this floor out of stone if i’m building the floor right above it with wood such a waste of stone and materials and time i’m so bad at planning things but oh well i’m too lazy

To break it now let’s just leave it all right built a little table right here that will hold off the jungle wood that will grow the cocoa beans and right on this side we’ll have the pistons i’ll move it all and harvest it automatically so i don’t need to do anything because

I’m just that lazy so let’s fill it all the way up and now for the jungle wood i have no idea how i’m supposed to do the redstone for this though i have a really tight space to work with so i might have to move this back actually i don’t know

Why i built it so close to the wall all right the wall nice and designed and like hidden i still need to line it up with the redstone though so where should i put this lever huh i don’t really have a good place to put it so let’s just put

It against like this wall right here right on the floor it’s kind of ugly but of no other choice so now let’s connect it up like this let’s bring it up here and connect it up why isn’t it moving hello why is it oh i’m so dumb i forgot

Pistons can only push 12 blocks i made this like 30. like my brain is not working today all right shorten the length hopefully it works now oh i hear okay sounds good it’s working let’s connect it up to all of these pistons now and we are good now let’s put a

Slight delay over to these pistons so when i click the button it will push all these logs and then it’ll push it back and there we go hopefully that all works let’s unflip this and it should flip back right maybe not i think i need to

Turn this on first so i push it back and it should hello hello um you are in the totally wrong spot you should not be in the cookie factory you should be in the end what are you doing here okay i’ll let him be but let’s click the button

Now it pushes that way and it pushes right back awesome works perfect now all we have to do is line it up with some cocoa beans and we got ourselves the cocoa bean part for the cookie farm this is super exciting especially because of us we are the cookie army and it’s

Looking pretty good and before we finish up the cocoa bean farm i do want to make the conveyor belt that carries the cocoa beans into the fireplace and also the wheat will come in and somehow i want cookies to pop out of here i have no idea how i’m gonna do

That but we’re gonna figure it away it’s gonna be sick so let’s put some little support beams that will carry the conveyor belt over to the oven i actually have no idea how this is going to turn out this is going to take a little bit of experimenting here but

Let’s put a piston here actually won’t be able to push it all the way through because it only pushed 12 blocks so so let’s change it up a little bit let’s bring this wall out a little bit more to cover more of the behind the scenes part

All right after a little bit messing around i finally got the correct sizing to make this work i had to bring out these walls a little bit here we go there’s one piston over here i’ll push this conveyor belt over here and it’s just enough to wear it like a reset and

This piston push it back and it’ll just be a looping system that goes all the way around if that makes sense so now let’s make the conveyor belt i think i’m gonna make it double stairs like this so it can hold the cocoa beans right between this so it will carry it along

And i’ve never tested it yet so hopefully it works and i got the conveyor belt finished and i’m hoping this works let’s build this inner wall out of some polished deep slate i’ve never used this before i thought it’d be pretty fancy looks pretty industrial i think and now i just gotta

Connect up all the redstone to make these pistons move in order so let’s put a little delay on every single side like this oh wait i don’t think that will work actually because this one needs to activate and then that piston needs to activate then this will be the third and

Then this one will be the last so it moves in a circle so i’m gonna oh this is gonna get real messy okay i think i got it done let’s turn it on and let’s put it work i got this little circuit going here please work okay it’s not

Working that’s kind of awkward okay i think i got it working i think i got it working all the blocks are moving around which is good let’s take a look from the outside now and the conveyor belt should be moving and it is hopefully i didn’t mess up any

Of the blocks as well okay it looks pretty good so far hey i’m actually gonna impress i don’t like how i can see the piston pushing it but what can you do unless i bring up this wall one more like this and just make it a little bit

Thicker oh yeah that’s way better okay let’s do that oh yeah now that’s a working conveyor belt right there that is so sick has anybody ever seen a working conveyor belt before well it’s not really working he’s not carrying anything yet but it looks pretty sick

Now i just need to figure out a way to put cocoa beans in between these two stairs so oh this part is messed up oh no okay i messed up here what where that creeper come from bro all right but i gotta fix this part um

Oh no oh no i think i broke it i think i broke it oh no i just need to slap an extra block right here and that should fix it but i might have an odd number of blocks that’s probably why there’s one messed up piece like right here all

Right but now i need to figure out a way to get some cocoa beans in between these stairs which might be a little difficult i did a little bit of testing in single plate to see if it will work and it does work slightly but it’s not the best

Thing ever but i’ll still try it because it’ll be sick to see coco beans just moving on these conveyor belts so let’s fill up these little gaps to make sure no cocoa beans fall out of here and i’m not a stone nice all right now let’s put a dispenser right here actually that’s

Probably not a good spot let’s put it uh where’d i put it in in here actually that’s a great spot good idea cookie now i just needed to spit out some cocoa beans so might as well just connect it up to here right and i can just spit one

Out every single time the circuit goes around so let’s put some cocoa beans in here and let’s see if it actually sits into those conveyor belt and moves around oh it actually works yo it’s moving no way it’s actually moving i didn’t think it would move all right

That’s sick it probably won’t move around the corners though which kind of scares me oh whoops that block kind of messed it up i think what did it mess it up oh it’s still there okay never mind oh the cocoa bean just fell oh wait it’s

Still okay this is surprising me a lot more than it is let’s go check the top let’s see if it actually moves across come on bro that is insane that is so op it’s actually going around the conveyor belt holy cow we just cured cancer okay

There’s one more there’s one more on the conveyor belt but it’s kind of hard for others too it’s kind of hard for her to get actually get like oh my god can’t speak it’s actually harder to get on top of this so maybe if i add some water it

Will help it fall into these little crevices or something okay got some water in there now maybe it will help let’s take a look it’s shooting above it now all right i got some gloss over top and let’s see if it works with the water maybe it works a little oh it actually

Falls in okay oh hold up yo that actually works so well what wait oh stacking up with this one now come on it works like some of the time not every single time though oh i keep stacking okay let’s collect that what what if i move the water a little bit further down

Would it change anything because it needs to fall into a little crevice i’ll keep stacking up bro come on hey but it’s not doing too bad though i do see some cocoa beans on here that’s so cool it’s actually a working conveyor belt look at that it’s literally moving cocoa

Beans that is so cool so the cocoa bean part is complete now i got the cocoa bean wall and it basically looks like it’s moving cocoa beans from this side over into the oven let’s just collect some more cocoa beans slap this button and bam let’s go to over here and fill

Up this chest on the chest the dispenser and we are golden and now all we have to do is work on the wheat side of the cookie farm and for the we farm is gonna be pretty simple nothing too fancy i’m either gonna have a normal wheat farm to

Have just like a water dispenser that breaks out the wii for me and i have to replant it or i might try to get a villager in here and see if i can make it work so the villager can do all the wheat grinding for me because you know

I’m so lazy i’ve never made automatic wheat farm with a villager before so let’s put some water down here and let’s get two composters right above the water and let’s fill it up some glass so i have a nice viewing area and the villagers won’t be able to escape all

Right and there we go all i gotta do is throw two villagers in here that are need of jobs and luckily my village is right behind my cookie factory all right let’s break into the village hello guys i haven’t been here in a while actually Oh my god that actually scared me i thought you saw a ghost that go just ran by me so quickly anyways let’s build a little rail system and carry some of these villagers over to the cookie factory i’m not sure why they’re all bunched up over here though but it makes

My job a lot easier so let’s make some rails do a tokyo drift skirt another around these flowers and into the factory up these stairs and we should be good all right let’s chop some of this bamboo down let’s bring the rails all the way through here and hop on the mine

Cars boys let’s go area who wants a new job yes you do and i’m too fat to fit through i’m stuck i’m literally stuck oh okay nevermind let’s go buddy to the new world you go oh yeah it’s actually working pretty good i didn’t add that many power oh you

They actually went all the way through all right perfect like i must have a strong head all right and they should be good to go hey brother you see that composter over there you’re gonna have to go over there and take that job for me all right get

Back in there yeah you can’t jump that high man trying to escape and everything hey there we go they both got their jobs and now all i got to do let’s give them seeds why oh i need light i keep forgetting it’s really dark in here

Let’s slap down some glow stone bop and there we go that should work let’s also fill up these composters and make their job easier honestly i don’t even know what composters do but uh i just fill it up for i don’t know i see people do it

So i’m gonna do it too all right and with all the seeds planted down all i gotta do is go below this right here and add the minecart system that’ll pick up all of the trash i mean not the trash the wheat all right now let’s line up

The bottom of this farm with the rails and a hopper minecart to pick it all up at least i think that’s how it works so let’s put some powered rails in the middle and it’s supposed to go something like uh you have no idea what i’m doing youtube

Hey so far it’s going pretty good i think i figured out the the mojo oh i need i i see some dumb stuff i think if i put a hopper minecart here should collect all the wheat that the villagers harvest and we should be done

With the weave part i think i don’t know i’m just going with the flow all right but here’s the last and final row there we go and connect it back here and this should bring it all the way back to the normal circuit thingy oh i’m so bad

Explaining things but let’s put one more powdered rail just to be safe and we should be good let’s slap her down and move him buddy come on my card i know you could do it move bro bro let me give this a little nudge all right there we go hopefully these

Little floating rails don’t block it but it should make it all the way over here with no problem i forgot to collect it up all right perfect and there we go all right now all i gotta do is add some hoppers facing this way how much is good

Oh no okay do that quickly where’s maha rails bam i’m missing oh i’m messing everything up hurry and there we go and now if i put a chest right here it should be able to collect it all hopefully that works and while we wait to see if it actually works let’s start

Working on the conveyor belt for the wheat blocks i’m going to push into the oven as well and then it’s going to combine and poop out some cookies let’s start off by building the same deep slate wall as the one over there to the ceiling we go bam bam bam

And now instead of this one like it’s on the ground i’m actually going to do it so the wheaties are kind of like in the air or something like that i do want to be able to have like separate conveyor belts too i think that looks sick so i

Might redesign this so i can have like at least two more conveyor belts there’s one on top of this one but this one is working out insane there’s literally there’s literally cocoa bean on every single conveyor belt that’s so sick so let’s take my pistons and let’s make it

Like right here on the same level i want to make another one up there so what i have to do is place a piston here make sure it’s 12 blocks one two three four five six seven eight nine well this is a lot smaller all right piston over here

That’s 12 blocks a slap a piston right here and another right here and that makes a full loop and now let’s line it up with some we can use some painting glass to separate them like this and let’s go all the way around all right that should do and now we just got

Connected up and this one should be a lot easier all gotta do is go around this line like this and it should work put another repeater here and bam and now let’s test it out hopefully it works bam and it should move all the wheat all

The way around and it’s not amazing i just broke it okay let’s put it right there and it should be working never mind i’ve definitely did something wrong here maybe a glass pane to add more blocks and it should push it all the way around um

What happened i think i need to add one more block i have no idea what’s happening bam hey let’s try that ah there we go it’s just so it’s just the odd numbers so those give me two panes of glass over here which kind of messes

It up but it’s all good it’s working at least and we have a functioning conveyor belt oh bruh i move it’s moving in the wrong direction oh my god no wonder that one was some ah okay i’ll see you guys want to fix this up he’s moving the wrong direction right

Now and there he goes oh that just leaped over me what the heck okay i gotta be wherever that creeper there i know he’s gonna sneak up on me eventually but i finally got it working oh he’s moving the wrong direction again bro what is wrong with me all right all

Right take it through take three let me redo this one my brain is not working i really need sleep all right i finally got it working i realized i placed the pistons wrong the entire time so i spent like 10 extra minutes playing with the redstone that didn’t even help at all

But there we go oh this part is messed up here let me readjust that and bam that should be more symmetrical but this design is a lot cleaner than that one because that one requires some cocoa beans to be shot of a dispenser this one just moves blocks around so i can easily

Replicate this up these floors so i’m gonna do that really quickly and there we go we got double rows now of hey are we moving into the oven and let’s also check on my villagers how what are they doing we got one piece of wheat hey i’ll

Take it but hey there we go we got the cocoa bean farm or the cocoa bean conveyor belt moving into the oven and we have the wheat farm with my two villagers drop some names in the comments moving wheat into the oven as well and you guys know wheat plus cocoa

Beans makes cookies and just a quick break if you guys are new to my channel and this hardcore series i have something called the wall of leaves and every single episode i picked two random people to be shouted out on this wall so go hit the subscribe button if you guys

Want to be shouted out and congratulations to these three fans anyways back to the video and now we’re just gonna figure out a way to shoot cookies out of this thing and i think it’d be pretty cool to have like a water stream come out of this wall and just

Pour down cookies onto the floor that’s what i’m gonna do kind of strange but you know it’s a cookie factory it has to be unique so let’s put down some glass right here and we’ll add a water stream at the end right here oh that might be a little dangerous there’s some redstone

Here i think we should be fine though if i place a water bucket right here should end right here and it does okay so all i gotta do is put a dispenser right here and shoot out cookies and we got a cookie factory slap down a dispenser and

Some water and let’s build the same thing on the other side let’s build a little circuit right here i’ll shoot out the cookies connected to the dispensers here and now let’s load it with cookies i don’t have a lot i couldn’t make too many but i think five stacks and a half

Will do for now let’s light her up and let’s go take a look oh yeah it’s actually spitting out cookies yo we got ourselves a cookie factory now this is amazing and let’s go that is so awesome as phantoms fly above me oh i hate phantoms it’s probably the most

Advanced factory anybody has ever seen at least for me i’ve never seen anything more fancy than this but i don’t want cookie just laying on the floor again rotten so i think i’m gonna make the cookies reusable it’s gonna go underground and back up the elevator

Back into the dispenser so we never run out of cookies i just need to make sure it’s in the correct position to fall down into so let’s make a little hole right here and hopefully all the cookies fall into this little hole let’s do the same thing on this side and if it

Doesn’t miss the hole oh this one just missed and this one okay let’s make the hole a little bit bigger like this now we’re gonna make this lead underground and it’ll go behind this oven and back into those dispensers so we don’t waste any cookies all right now let’s put some

Water down to leave the cookies back into the middle here it’s literally raining cookies right now as i’m building it’s kind of funny all right it goes right back here and now we just gotta move it over back underneath this entire thing let’s put some slabs down

All right they fall right underneath i think which is perfect some water again and let’s go underneath the factory let’s make a quick water elevator now for these items let’s get some hovers placed down into these dispensers flap down these kelp blocks and up goes the cookies all right hopefully his splits

Evenly into these dispensers hope i did not build this correctly i gotta drop it down one floor getting really close to redstone so i gotta be pretty careful here and there we go the stream goes into these hoppers and let’s build a little platform above here so cookies

Don’t fly out and we should be good now reusable cookies probably nothing anybody has ever seen before and man behind here is a redstone mess there’s so much stuff going on back here oh holy cow but now let’s take a look and yeah all the cookies are shooting out of

There and flying right back down into the stream and we’re never gonna run out of cookies now let’s just give this place a quick little design here and there we go now that’s pretty awesome the cookie farm is looking amazing but anyways all i have to do now is build a

Giant cookie right here and probably a little one up there in the middle of the factory and we should be good this is a really bright block orange concrete oh it kind of hurted my eyes you guys know that feeling when you guys like are outside for a very long time it’s really

Bright and sunny out and you walk into a dark room in your eye just like your eyes just hurt that’s what i feel like right now it’s kind of weird because it’s dark in my room right now but okay some nostalgic right now like back in my elementary days anyways the cookie is

Done just broke my feet and bam let’s go the cookie factory is in honestly i should have maybe popped it out instead of made it go in oh do i really need to do that i have to okay let me flip this yeah that looks way better having a sticking

Out and now we got build a little cookie up there let’s see what i could come up with and there we have it the cookie god finally has this cookie factory i just don’t have any cookie minions yet so if you guys are looking to be a cookie

Minion or cookie worker let me know in the comments and i’ll feed you cookies all day long but thank you guys so much for watching i hope you guys enjoyed this took me a pretty long time longer than expected please subscribe you guys are new and i’ll see you guys later

I Built a COOKIE FACTORY in Minecraft Hardcore!
🎉 ENTER TO WIN: https://twitter.com/aCookieGod/status/1459041941299945475
🪑 GIVEAWAY VIDEO: https://youtu.be/seH-dfdgVp0

🔥 Watch the ENTIRE SERIES starting with Ep. #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcXjLUMrnv0&list=PLqyCqmSEa8cTCIGr9Q4XofgKnIxX_vRbP

If you enjoyed this video, you’ll also enjoy these insane videos:

📺 I Built an OP Nether Hub in Minecraft Hardcore (#29): https://youtu.be/B8p6vsYhpHo

📺 I Survived 100 Days as a TIME TRAVELLER: https://youtu.be/_eit-66p-4Q


👕 COOKIE MERCH: https://fanjoy.co/cookie

🥤 GFUEL 10% OFF ➡️ CODE “COOKIE”: http://gfuel.ly/3vozHGV

🏁 COOKIE LUNAR CAPE: https://lunarclient.com/acookiegod

❗ SHOCKBYTE MINECRAFT SERVER: https://shockbyte.com/r/Cookie



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💬 » Discord Server: https://discord.gg/xyyGMez
📺 » Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ExtraCookie
📺 » CookieClips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/aCookieClips


》Series Inspiration: @WadZee

Thank you so much for watching this video and supporting me as a content creator! It has always been my childhood dream to entertain millions and to create an amazing community of people. Support me more by watching my other videos! Cookie Army! 🍪❤️

#minecraft #hardcoreminecraft #hardcore


  1. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Frenchie

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