How Mikey and JJ Survived Alone On The Island in Minecraft (Maizen)

All right let’s get started Mikey can you taste the adventure yes JJ we’re really sailing on a huge ship we are going to explore all the islands that are in this sea Mikey up ahead there really is an island out there and we have to sail to it YooHoo we finally

Found land we can definitely stop now oh no there’s a really huge squid it wants to attack our ship and stop us from swimming it’s unbelievably horrible JJ jump off the ship as fast as you can we have to get to that Island this is really something incredible I never

Thought it could be like this at all we have to get to the island as fast as we can while it eats our ship let’s swim faster Mikey I really can’t believe it he actually attacked our ship he literally wants to eat it so we can’t

Sail away from here it’s just horrible I guess we’ll have to start surviving here surviving on the island I really hope that each of us will do our best to keep moving forward anyway the sooner we get this sorted out the better it’ll be I’m

Hoping for all of it we have to figure out if we can escape from here at all suddenly we have no other choice and how do you want to test that I think your plan is definitely not going to work Mikey I need to make an empty boat and

Send it out to sea if that squid attacks it then we won’t escape from here that sounds like a really good plan but do you really think it’s really necessary I don’t think it will literally attack everything that’s in the ocean that’s just too much I feel like we should

Check everything out before we go anywhere that’s the right thing to do anyway we can solve it later and much more efficiently what do you think I think that’s a pretty good plan too we can really get together and do something great he just destroyed the ship now we

Have to put up the boats so we have to send it out and this squid has to eat it or what what’s supposed to happen if he really attacks the boat it means we can’t escape from this island Mikey look he’s already swimming at her he really

Wants to destroy this boat once and for all oh no he actually attacked it and destroyed it that’s really really bad that means that you and I really have to survive on this island I really hope we can solve this problem and continue to survive here there aren’t many resources

On this island so we have to be very careful about collecting and spending them that’s right it’s a really small island we need to do it carefully Mikey look there’s really something on that tree maybe it’s a nest if it really is a bird’s nest we can get eggs out of it

It’ll be a cool meal okay so we need to get in there as fast as we can and just climb up I want to get them because Mikey and I really haven’t eaten in a long time and we’re just tired it’s just incredibly hard anyway once we get some

Food it’s going to be really really cool because it does look incredibly interesting and I’d like to try those eggs let’s go up as fast in as high as we can and see what we can do with it I want to steal them so I can really fry

Them and have a cool meal so I really hope we don’t have any revenants flying in and fighting off the birds YooHoo we really got them now we’re going to have a proper meal great at least we get some rest and eat it’s not all bad on this island Mikey I

Totally agree with you but we should definitely try to get out of here as soon as possible Mikey here’s a wooden pickaxe for you it’s time for some after meal work we should go and start digging our first mine on this island I really hope we can at least find something useful I

Want it so badly it could really take a very long time but we just have to do it anyway we can really get pretty far in all this there are definitely resources here you’re right Mikey we should make cool armor and tools then we can definitely defeat and destroy the squid

He won’t be in our way anymore yeah I was thinking about that scenario too we should defeat him as soon as possible if we have the chance we’ll beat it fast enough and Destroy them all I really hope everyone can handle it and we can really enjoy the real battle you and I

Haven’t fought against a giant squid yet it’s really going to be a big challenge JJ look there are some really cool resources here it’s diamonds I we really hope we can really get everything out and get it really fast the most important thing is to make tools you’re

Right but it’s really already a very good step we’ll be able to use it all I now have more faith that we can defeat the giant squid we just need to gather resources we need to prepare well for the battle and of course win it will be really very important anyway I’ll want

To just go ahead and Destroy them all once and for all okay we need to prepare everything so we can mine all these resources we need a furnace and new stone tools then we can mine it all Mikey are you really ready for all this this is going to be a really tough

Challenge of course I’m ready I’ll do my best to just take it all in and use it all as quickly as possible for my own purposes we can definitely win this battle and survive on this island then we need to get busy mining iron we’ll

Make tools out of it and then we’ll mine diamonds it’s a gradual process and we’ll definitely make it 100% great the work is in full swing and will be in armor in no time woo we did it folks Mikey and I are already very well prepared we already

Have weapons we have armor and tools we’re ready for battle only I don’t think that might be enough we need something really special to beat him look at how big he is it’s going to be a really dangerous battle 100% Mikey look it’s one of the crates we had on the

Ship we need to pick it up there really could be much better weapons in there than we have now so we should really look through this crate and take everything from it that would be the right thing to do it’s right next to us YooHoo there really are weapons in here

It will definitely help us win now we really look much more dangerous and we can defeat the squid I’m really happy about this news but we need a lot more weapons like this maybe the other crates can come here soon and we can collect them all quickly yes I think we can wait

A little longer I’ll be destroying the little squids in the meantime this is a real plasma rifle it’s a very powerful weapon in our hands JJ save all those sh shots for the giant squid then we can definitely punch through it and swim away from here we need to defend

Ourselves from the little ones too we have to try to get off this island somehow otherwise if we don’t do all this it might be really late I hope that the sooner we get all this over with the better it will be I believe that JJ we

Really should get away from here as soon as possible this is really very important to us we haven’t explored the whole ocean like we wanted to so we still have a lot of open plans look why don’t we try to build a and go somewhere the plan does sound interesting we can

Really try to think about building that anyway I really want to resolve things as quickly as possible with all of this perhaps the giant squid only attacks ships and boats perhaps it wouldn’t react to a raft in the same way we won’t be able to find out but we need to check

All this out with our own example okay we’ve built it and now we can go we just need to gather some more resources get all the essentials ready and let’s finish this up I want to sail away from here as soon as possible JJ look there’s really a chicken flying

Over there maybe it was her nest if it really is her nest it’s going to be very very bad she’ll definitely be very angry with us so we’ll have to fight her off oh no that chicken is really attacking us get out of here as fast as you can

Fly away we’re already fighting against a giant squid we’ll be hampered by another battle JJ we have to think of something Mikey be careful that chicken is really really big it might attack you oh no she’s got me in her clutches and is trying to really fly away with me

It’s horrible friends it’s unbelievable she really stole Mikey and wants to throw him in the water or on the island this could be very dangerous for us let go of my friend as fast as you can chicken we have to really save him somehow and get him out of there oh no

JJ she’s about to drop me from a very great height that’s going to hurt so bad Mikey are you okay that was really really high I saw you fall the chicken flew away and r left me in a lot of trouble now Mikey’s hurt I definitely need some kind of rescue or healing

Potion I’m really in terrible pain that chicken is fighting with a squid but I need to destroy them both somehow so it will be easier to save Mikey I need to reload my rifle and then I can definitely get through it oh no it’s just incredibly huge and strong I guess

I can’t beat her with a weapon like this I need a completely different plan now JJ you definitely have to get me out and heal me somehow that’s going to be the the most important thing today anyway this whole thing is really incredibly complicated I wish I could save you but

I don’t have any cure potion it’s the only one that will get you up so you can run and jump back nothing more than that friends apparently the chicken won’t be attacking me anymore apparently she decided to run away from the battle and stay out of my way I really hope that if

We can solve all these problems quickly we’ll forget about them I want to go home and watch cartoons as soon as possible I want to go back to jumping and running Mikey I will definitely save you you’ll just have to lie here for a

While I’m sure I can do a lot I just have to get started and remember to do it friends I’m going to try to drag Mikey and send him swimming maybe that way he won’t really get hurt and he can get out of here I need to check it out

Hey that could be very dangerous for me I certainly didn’t agree to something like that so don’t you dare do something like that just let me go as soon as possible and we’ll get this over with friends do you think we should send Mikey on the rafting trip or not

I still think he doesn’t have a choice and he has to go wherever I send him it’s the right thing to do I’m sending him JJ that’s not funny at all it’s very dangerous to send me off like that when I can’t move that squid could attack me

At any moment and eat me it’s going to be horrible okay do you have some other plan if there is one I’ll do as you say just don’t send me to that monster I’m really really scared of all this and I hope you’ll understand me I’m telling

You to do it I’m trying to save you somehow there’s not going to be any more support around here please I don’t want to go there it’s going to be really awful I’d rather be on the island like this apparently Mikey doesn’t want to leave the island in this condition I

Guess I’ll have to listen to another plan well either Mikey doesn’t have a plan at all and I have to figure out where I’m going to get this cool cure potion please find another plan I don’t want to go to any other battle in this condition what who is it it’s a mermaid

She’s the one who can really help me hey swim over here as fast as you can I need your help I need to get my friend back on his feet oh I can see you’re in big trouble what exactly do you need and how can I help I need a healing potion to

Get Mikey off this raft but I don’t have anything like that do you have something I’m willing to help you with your business if that’s what you really want give me something valuable and then you’ll get a potion so you can breathe underwater underwater you can find a

Sunkin ship with very expensive things that sounds interesting enough okay I’ll give you literally everything we have if it would really help Mikey I’m willing to give literally anything I’ll go over there that’s a really good deal I’ll take all your armor and I’ll give you those potions be careful there could be

A lot of monsters and fish underwater you’ll have to deal with them YooHoo Mikey did you hear that I’m going to go to the ship now to look for a healing potion for you this is already a really real adventure and I hope I can go back and save everyone it’s going to

Be really cool JJ be careful with that I won’t be able to help you and you could be attacked by anyone so you have to rely solely on yourself and your skills good luck to you friend bring it and save me okay I’m fully prepared and now

I’m going to find something that will help Mikey it’ll be easy enough anyway when I get it all I can really solve all these problems the important thing for me is to find the treasure it might even be my ship that the mermaid would was talking about but I think it’s much

Older than that good I can see everything here and now I can search there must be something useful here for sure I definitely need to be very careful not to get involved in something really awful I need to be really careful underwater there could be monsters in

Here my main goal is to find some crates or chests it’s really going to be very difficult I hope I Cann let Mikey down and get him off this island that’s a big problem it took us a lot of effort to get here but the squid dest destroyed

Our ship that’s why we have to think of another plan to get out of here a much more logical one I can’t find anything at all this is a really big problem maybe I’m lost okay fine there’s a ship and I need a way in I hope I can get in

I just need to sail around the whole thing to get inside and finally see what there is in terms of chests and resources inside friends this is really my last chance to find something and save Mikey I just won’t get the chance to do it any further because I don’t

Know where to get anything I never thought swimming would be this hard but I guess you have to get used to it all right there might actually be something useful behind that rock I need to dig out all the blocks from here and see what’s there if there’s a chest I’ll be

Very happy or can I find some other way in after all Breaking blocks underwater is very long and difficult no I guess there’s no other way in I’ll have to really break everything with my hands and get in there I really hope we can solve this quickly and without too many

Problems I really want to get through this first thing YooHoo we did it we’re finally inside and now we can see what’s in here I hope there’s at least something useful I just need one healing potion for Mikey this is really my last chance I don’t have any more room for

Error great there’s the chest let’s open it as soon as possible YooHoo it’s a success there’s really a lot of stuff in here even a healing potion there’s jewelry weapons potions and more but it’s with this set that we must help Mikey get off this island once and for

All he has to come with me it even has Little oneperson Ships that’s the one we’re going to try to get away from here on I’m really very lucky indeed that’s why we’ll have to go back to Mikey now I’ll make him happy of course and tell

Him the whole story I’ll be sure to see how happy he’ll be about all this all right friends I’m a real pirate or Captain this is just an incredibly weird hat I even have some very old weapons I hope you can actually shoot with it anyway we’re heading back to Mikey’s

Right now and giving him everything he needs I really hope we can solve all our problems and make it to the very end that’s going to be important to me there’s not much left to do the last steps and we will escape from this island even the big squid is nowhere to

Be seen anymore apparently the chicken attacked him hard enough great I have everything I need to escape from here so we need to solve everything quickly I really hope I have the time and energy to escape from here this is really very important to me anyway I’ve done my best

I hope Mikey appreciates it and we get home quickly JJ you’re back it’s so good that no one touched you were you able to find something yes that’s right I was able to find a lot of things and of course I was able to find the healing

Potion I can get you back on your feet YooHoo I’m definitely going to feel better now JJ it’s gone you really were able to save me and now I’m better thank you it was really really dangerous jumping in there but still I handled it 100% I really hope we can keep working like

This and get through it all without too much trouble JJ show me everything you found are there any ships here that we could use to escape from here yes of course I have lots of different weapons and of course ships we can definitely use them to escape from here the squid

Is gone the chicken has defeated him that’s incredibly great news let’s get on the road as soon as possible and just do it all this is exactly the kind of Adventure we’ve been on friends now we’re sailing back home so friends we say goodbye to you we’ll see you all

Very soon bye everybody

How Mikey and JJ Survived Alone On The Island in Minecraft (Maizen)

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Maizen – @maizenofficial


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