Minecraft but If He Dies, I Win…

This is Minecraft but if he dies I win today my friend bet $11,000 that I couldn’t kill him while he has the best geared Minecraft my goal is to create the most deadly Minecraft experience possible but I only have 24 hours and four attempts so can I kill him by

Attempt number four stay tuned to find out all right you have four attempts in 24 hours to kill me go go go go go go go okay okay let’s begin at level one where we only have the red square to build in and let me show you what we’re up

Against my friend has full Enchanted netherite armor and weapons and even a stack of 36 totems it’s not going to be easy but $1,000 is $1,000 so here’s what I’m thinking first let’s get a build there we go this is going to be the elevator of death let me change this

Real quick to say elevator of death that’s a little bit better and you see this door it’s literally just a spruce door retextured just so they can’t see inside cuz when they press that pressure plate they’re going to be set down to some death rooms but before that we just

Need to do this give exoro command block we’re going to be putting a command block right there very simple can’t forget about the lever there we go and to start everything off I’m just going to put a command that you guys probably won’t understand right now just read the

Part Arrow rain we got to code it first though that’s where the coder comes in cuz when we right click this we get the code where first up we have the arrow volley where the type is an ability and the damage is high with some fast Arrow

Speed and its skill is to shoot 1,000 arrows at the player they got to die somehow so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and there we have it press to unlock elevator or now let me show you guys what will happen if I go and get with

Survival Put on Full netor and right click the button Arrow R begins and it killed me with normal netherite armor now let’s see if he survives with all this so anyways the door is actually just a normal door and now leads to the golden pressure plate elevator we got to

Code that so let’s make this simple this will be the elevator where its only effects are to teleport the player to the next game and that’s what this is all about every floor is going to be a special death game up until the last one

That you won’t want to miss so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and we have it the elevator might look like Redstone but we just got to place it right about here and there it is so when they walk on that they’re going to be teleported onto

Level one where for now it looks like a very boring empty room that’s where we come in first let’s get some decorations in here that’s a lot better shout out my friend for helping and their goal is to go from there all the way to the end of

The hall for now it looks pretty easy so let me add some obstacles too simple but effective this isn’t what’s going to start killing them though now for the fun part if we go into my inventory and right now look up the crossbow it’s very simple very normal but what if we

Dropped it and used the coder item on it let me show you guys right click and now we’re on block so we’re going to start out with our normal crossbow and our first step is going to be adding a bunch of extra pieces to fire off arrows from we’re

Going to be making a super infinite shooting crossbow to shoot at them now we’ll build a brace off for our death machine and let’s go Ahad and throw some textures on it like this Observer texture yeah that looks pretty good now to add in some space for a bunch of

Arrows and just like that we have a machine weapon crossbow now for the code let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and for the machine crossbow it skill is to shoot the player when nearby very fast and with medium damage I’ll tweak this a little bit later but let’s go confirm in

3 2 1 and we got them what if we put one right here another one right there and might as well have them at the entrance one there one there and one here can’t forget about the sides and now with 16 down these should be ready for the

Creator to test them out let me just go game mode zero and yep they work but I got to fix the damage next up though we’re going to be going to search up a head it can be any head let’s start with the player head and we’re going to place

This bad boy right here while they’re going to be shot by the arrows we need to get something very difficult so I’m going to right click this guy and we’re going to be coating up a laser or the type is a trap is a skill is to kill the

Player if touched yep that means instant death so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and we got it look it’s a laser where because they’re instant death we’re just going to place these randomly around where because they’re moving from left to right it’s going to be game of

Running before it comes back down this looks pretty good take note that if they touch any of the red they die we’re not done there yet though it’s time for one last thing and that’s a pressure plate for now it looks pretty simple but before they get to the Final Exit I’m

Going to put one right here and let’s make one last trap if they make it here so yeah again on black bench we’re going to be start with a blank slate this time we’ll start off by first getting some basic voxul down and starting this disc

Like shape kind of like a Frisbee now let’s build up a second layer here as well and a block up top for the red button on top of Mines perfect now let’s start with the texture red button up top and green for the rest yeah that looks

Pretty standard and now we can just add in some more details and shading and just like that we have a trip mine and now it’s time some code so let’s gock confirm in 3 2 1 and for the lay M it’ll be very simple damage High and the skill

Will be to explode when the player is nearby I like this one let’s go confirm and 3 2 1 and there it is the land mine oh oh oh oh where it does that if it gets placed so we’re going to put three of them right there at the exit and the

Fun part is I can go ahead and place them all around this area and if he tries to jump we can put some extra ones around here that’ll do it now the room should be complete so they’re going to be going from there all the way to the

End and if they somehow survive they get met with a simple fall but I’m trying to kill them so at the fall they’re going to be met with some good old dripstone it’s simple it’s not special but it’ll do some extra damage if they Rush down

Here yeah that’ll hurt now for level two I again it’s a very empty boring room let me get some help to decorate it there we go going to guess you guys can probably recognize this but this is going to be for the red light green light game inspired by squid games if

You guys don’t know how that works pretty much he’s going to be starting right here and when it’s green light he can run forward when it’s red light he can’t move as for what’s telling him to do that that’s where we come in for right there so let’s real quick walk

Right here and now we’re going to right click me back in Block pinch we’re going to be making the squid game deadly doll so for a scary doll the Bas is going to be me and we’re going to be adding some extra hair for my head to get my more of

A unique hairstyle let’s copy it to the other side and next I’m going to add on this skin that reminded me of squid game that I found online and now let’s get a bigger headset up for me to watch The Creator through now for some red eyes to

Show that I’m kind of evil and trying to kill him and just like that we have the model but that’s not all we’re doing let’s get some sounds going so here’s a quick Montage of me messing with some sound settings over some clips are recorded to give the Creator a bit of a

Scary warning what do you think I’m going to say leave a comment down below anyways let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and now for the deadly dog code where the health really won’t matter and the Damage doesn’t matter either cuz in the skills it’s going to switch between red

Light and green light and when Red Light it’s going to kill the player if they’re moving and when green light we’re going to let the player move simple enough but deadly for the Creator so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and we got it yes oh

Gosh my own voice scared me okay for now we get rid of it but that’s level two done simple but difficult and at the very end yet again they fall all the way down here let’s use some world edit to set this to Lava a simple welcoming and

Now it’s time for level three out of four this will be a quick but deadly one first let’s get the builds there there we go and if we go g with spectator now this is simply a scary maze of death where they’re going to be met with not

Friendly mobs and also these guys too but they goal is to make it all the way through here and make it to the final level as for what’s going to try to stop them let me show you guys first off we just got to block this off a little bit

Cuz there’s going to be an iron door and we’re going to lock it with this thing I made the lock but a lock needs a key and that’s where the mobs come in so what we need to get is a wither skeleton cuz this is going to be holding the lock

This guy right here is going to be more menacing so let’s right click you an imp block bench of course we’re starting with the wither skeleton that I already went ahead and throw a bow onto kind of like a Wither with a skeleton that that that that was awful but thank you for

The drum beat anyways we’re first going to start with this animation of it holding the bow properly getting ready to shoot and a little bit of a run there we go and a super fast reload perfect but now we’ll add in some gust some textures let’s just open up our Wither

Skeleton texture and merge in a blaze texture that we’re going to lay over each other and let’s basically cut out some SP for the blaze texture to show through and just like that we have a fireball wither this guy holds the key so it’s going to confirm in 3 2 1 and

Brand new name it’s going to be the blazing skeleton where the main important part of this guy is that it drops the exit key and of course shoots fire arrows these will definitely back a bunch so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and we got him the final boss before the

Exit now for everything that’s going to be the rest of this maze I’m thinking let’s choose an Enderman since they’re a tough mob so we’ll just Place him down right here and let’s code him so back on block bench I’m thinking we make a creeper man so we don’t need arms for

This idea we can use a much shorter creeper like legs and we shink the body down now then add two more legs to get the four creeper style legs and next up I’m going to give him a creeper style texture perfect time for the animation starting with his walk oh gosh that is

Goofy now we had a scary element and make him scream I like it let’s go confirm on that guy and with the creeper man it’s always going to be 20 damage is going to be high cuz high stakes and their main annoyance is that they’re going to be exploding if the player’s

Nearby and teleporting randomly so it’s going to be very hard to keep track of what they’re doing I’m excited to see how this goes with the Creator so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and we got him look at that goofy guy and now we can spawn

These all over the place even the spiked areas and we’re going to use all 64 and now that should be done so they’ll get to the ending and now for the final level level four where again it’s just a straight drop down and this time we’ll

Give a false sense of security by just putting one ha ball right there because this one’s going to be the hardest yet again though looks pretty empty but let me show you guys what my Builder made and here it is level four is going to have moving walls where you see the

Emergency sign right here and the arrows where each wall is going to get closer and closer inside till something happens in the middle but first let’s Rite some code for that so let’s go up to the wall right click you and we’re going to be quickly coding the closing wall where

It’s a trap and the activation item will be a piston that I right click when they go inside and it’s skills are to close the wall blocks by one on right click you’ll see how it works once the Creator gets there let’s Golick confirm in 3 2 1

And now we have it and so when we right click this the walls close and they’ll be closing up until this one line right here and after that you guys will see what happens but I should guarantee first round Victory so let’s see what happens in 3 2 1 painful welcome buddy

To level one of if you die I get $1,000 Neer you’re not going to be able to kill me bro buddy buddy buddy that netherite armor I don’t think it’s ready for what’s about to happen anyways your only instructions are to survive and I guess uh you know unlock the elevator press to

Unlock elevator bro this is not going to work whatever traps you have set up this is going to be too easy oh oh let’s go yeah this is not going to be able to kill me I hope this is not your best attempt wait wait that’s doing

Nothing I am literally full health Neer huh holy arrows I’m getting two frames anyways uh the the door is not a real door so you can just open it with your hand but welcome to the elevator of death all right painful go down the elevator see what happens well this is

Going to be pretty easy let’s see what happens here arrived wa what the heck so you might want to take some cover real quick cuz this is going to be the first room of death where um we have machine gun arrows machine gun mines and those

Lasers you see all inside of here those are going to be insta kill lasers if you want to give up right now and give me the money you can go ahead instant kill yes yes you know all you got to do though is make it to the end and you’ll

Be good have fun all right well that seems easy enough oh oh okay let’s go this is very challenging to say the least I knew you had the best things in the game and oh my gosh wait you might outsmart this can you go around here I could potentially outsmart this and do

This come on I forgot about the elytra no oh my gosh welcome to level two I cannot believe you just skipped all that okay you may have outsmarted me with that light but here new rule no elytras on this level come forward and wait on the red line all right painful no

Instructions on this one I have someone else do it for me this time if you look in front of you this is Red Light Green Light where this is the doll that will insecure you with my voice if you move at the wrong time so just be careful I’m

Going to make it okay come on come on this is very weird please I only got a little bit more to go go go go no go okay well that was actually not as hard as I thought I should have made this a lot harder I did not think about the

Elytra anyways go down don’t look down you just want to jump it uh Nester what the heck is down here on to the next level it’s just some nice lava okay oh our next enemy which is the Creeper Enderman okay that is very weird welcome to the Maze of Death where your only

Goal is to go forward and uh hopefully don’t die to those guys yeah yep yep yep oh my gosh what the heck they also might be a little sporadic I recommend just going forward that being said though along the way you do got to find a key

Oh oh yep he is oh there’s two of them okay oh okay Neer this place is very weird but I’m going to conquer this you still have 35 totems in a Notch Apple what is this I’m not going to go down easy buddy all right well can you do

Parkour though uh a little bit oh gosh oh gosh let’s not get hit by that that thing is very weird he kind of looks like you a little bit oh oh oh okay you know what level two if you do make it that far it’s going to be extra harder

Now okay well I’m going to eat a golden apple thanks for the uh knowledge that it’s going to be harder I’m more prepared now oh what the heck is this that that’s actually just a decoration you can walk forward buddy oh okay butd he’s got the jumps and some more

Enderman creepers maybe I should have put my gosh where the heck do these things even come from bro a long story that being said though can you fight what’s coming up next oh gosh what is coming up next the oh no oh no let’s eat a golden apple

Oh wait wait what’s your health looking like I’m not going to go down easily buddy I am not oh he’s already dead all right well that was easy that that that’s a bit embarrassing okay you know what just keep going buddy up next is the blck you have the key

Congratulations you made it to the next level but stop right there I’m just saying you can give up right now for half the money so wait if I give up now I get $500 no no no no you give me $500 ah yeah I’ll I’ll pass on that all right

Go on ahead all right what is down here oh okay okay painful welcome to the final level where my only instruction for you is to walk forward and maybe die have fun keep keep going I made this room myself it’s beautiful that’s a big

Sign at the end and maybe a prize if you look around you okay okay okay well this is a little St here we go here we go me how do I live this have fun buddy goodbye down he goes oh God okay eat this and elytra oh no oh my gosh I did

It no way no way no way and yes no holy man I did not know if I was going to live that one that was your best challenge so far well that was level one you’re not going to make it to level two what what even is this all right time

For level two sadly time for level two where this time we’re going to be doing a different strategy let me show you guys first let’s get this build in there we go where this is going to represent the ex storio Tower Defense at level two difficulty of course where all they

Going to have to do is walk in here real quick let me get myself a command block and yet again they just got to go up to this thing and flick the lever cuz in the lever I’m going to put in a special command doesn’t make sense right now but

Just know that’s going to activate everything because when they right click this they’re going to be teleported all the way into the Tower Defense area we’re on the right that’s my tower where they got to get to get out of here and along the way there’s going to be a lot

Of things trying to kill them so first let’s real quick do time day smooth there you go thank you son and I think we make this wall a little higher first they start right there anyways watch this in 3 2 1 that’s a lot better now we

Have a special wall but again they’ll start right there and you might be wondering can’t they just fly away well no cuz we also have a barrier roof that’s going to stop them from escaping so real quick let’s go through and now we’ll separate this into a bunch of

Areas for now we’ll put this right here to show where they’re going to spawn but level one it’s going to be nothing level two though let’s start with some Soul Sand and Stone there we go for this one I’m thinking a mini maze to start off so

Let’s add some Nook and cranes now that’s a lot better where when they start right there I pick that by the way they’re going to be entering this area and going through what looks like a little boot camp but along the way that’s where we make our first SE a trap

See this item right here that’s the Trident and I’m thinking let’s give it some better code so in the coder we’re making homing Trident with a typus defense Health 15 and with high damage these Trident are going to chase the player when nearby and have lightning when moving now imagine me putting these

All all over the place so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and we got one the Homing Trident actually looks pretty sick it’s a normal Trident and so now the beginning we can go ahead and just put these guys at every single little section all around literally 16 homing

Trident cuz why not and to be nice we’ll put a nice Cherry door right here so they can close it so the Trident go get through that should be section one and again reminder they got to get to that castle at the very end for the next section right here though I’m thinking

Water so let me get some Builder help that should do it nice little Lake but I think we’re missing a boat from idea let’s get a boat built perfect shout out my Builder friend so after surviving the Homing Trident they’re going to have to pass by this giant Lake full of some

Friends I’m going to be bringing back all we got to do is get a tropical fish and a skeleton you guys probably already know where this is going but with a tropical fish let’s right click with the coder and so for our first mob in the

Water we’re going to use a piranha and in fact we’re going to use it actually from an older video so we’ll just drag and drop it over just like that all right let’s go confirm and for the code it’ll be simple medium damage cuz there’s going to be so many of them and

It’s going to chase the player and bite the player when near in the water straightforward but very deadly let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 oh there he is Mr Pata and as you can see I have 62 of these so I can just run around and throw as many

Eggs as I want and yeah we have a lot of them now and don’t worry I didn’t forget about the boat cuz on the boat we’re going to be placing down the skeleton and with the coder oh wait wait don’t burn don’t burn oh oh sorry sorry sorry

Okay let’s do this indoors with the coder let’s right click you and we’re going to make this guy into a pirate we’ll start off with some basic shapes make its head and we can’t forget about the sword now let’s give it its pirate texture and it’s looking rough but give

Me a minute to polish it up and that’s a lot better we have a pirate ready to attack so let’s cck confirm and now with the code the skeleton pirate will deal some very high damage cuz it has a very pointy sword and its skills are to swing

The player when near and to chase the player all around you’ll see what I mean once he gets to it let’s the conferment 3 21 and there he is the skeleton pirates he’s kind of just vibing oh wait what’s that subscribe to the channel you heard him only 20% people watching right

Now actually clicked it anyways let’s put down a few more of him and they’ll chase him even when he’s in the water speaking about water he actually needs a way around so because we have the Cherry door let’s also give him a nice Cherry boat right there ready for him so he’s

Going to have to run from there get on the boats survive the Piranhas survive them and get to the next level right here really hope he doesn’t make it this far but if it gets to this level we got to go crazy and make even more castles or watchtowers watch what the Builder

Makes in 3 2 1 there we go now we have 12 watchtowers before they get to the castle where we’re going to be putting lots of deadly things for now it looks pretty safe in there but they’re going to have to be running straight there while being shot by things that we’re

About to make so first we need to get a Pillager cuz these are going to be the guys Ming the projectiles we’re going to have one Pillager here and one Pillager here those crossbows are not going to cut it though so let me right click this

Guy where the first one is going to be a machine weapon Pillager I’m just going to code what we made earlier to be in their hands so simply the code will be the equipment will be what we made earlier and the skills are to shoot the

Player on site let’s go confirm and for the second Pillager let’s open up a Pillager and block bench now the first thing I’ll do is give him a gas face texture this is so goofy looking okay and now to give him his gas tentacles hair let me know what you guys call

These on gas and of course a weapon to shoot some Fireballs so it’s going to be both a ton of arrows and the Fireballs a quick Anvil texture will do and a gas face to shoot out of oh this is Gooby perfect though time for the animation

There we go but guys I had some more model ideas for him so let’s change up his legs and then yeah that’ll do anyways time for some code well this will be the fireball Pillager where the damage is going to be very high and it skills are to show Fireballs at player

On site let’s confirm and grab both of these in game and we got them so let’s get our first guy in right here oh and look at it it’s so small but these guys are deadly and at the top we’ll have the fireball version right about there y

These will do so real quick let’s do these guys one there one there one there one there and one there can’t forget the other side there we go and now those guys should be ready and of course now for the other guys should be pretty straightforward there we go that’s a lot

Better and so now anything that goes in the middle probably is going to die but if they do make it to the final thing we still have two last lines of defense and one of them is going to be right here all we need is the coder though watch

This when we right click we’re going to be starting off with this cannon I found online in the the pass and an Ender Dragon we’re making a dragon Cannon we’ll just delete everything we don’t need here and now we’ll merge the PES together we’ll fix up the wings and head

Now and there we go an angry dragon Cannon as one of the last lines of defense let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and with the dragon Cannon it’s going to do some very high damage and it’s skills are to shoot dragon fire at player when nearby very simple and the only thing

Left after this is the final boss in the castle so let’s click confirm on this first and we got him oh oh he’s facing the wrong way oh oh oh um let me fix that guy I think that’s good enough anyways if they do make it inside the

Castle they’re going to get all the way to the top and this is where I’m going to place the final boss right here all we need though is just a normal nend Crystal and actually some obsidian so for now it might look like just a typical nend Crystal and know their goal

Is not to break it but instead they’re going to have to fight it cuz when I right click this we’re just going to be starting off with a normal vanilla and Crystal and we’re just removing the bottom of it yep that’s it all right let’s go confirm and this is going to be

The final end Crystal boss of level two where the health is going to be 200 that’s a lot the damage is going to be insane and it skill are to shoot obsidian bullets at the player so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 oh and there it is

The end Crystal boss oh oh oh it is flying away I will fix that soon get over here buddy sharpness 100 there we go and then that’s going to be tier B now let’s see if they can do it okay painful time for level two and this time

I went all out the last challenge wasn’t all out look look look look I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that all you got to do though is just walk forward and right click the lever wow that’s not suspicious at all but I guess I’ll do it

Here we go all right have fun what the heck is this place this is the Tower Defense area where you’re going to have to go through one two 3 four and five different levels to raid my castle at the very end do you think you can do it

If you raid my castle you get to level three and if you don’t well you’re probably dead and you know then I I get their money me dying Neer do you know who you’re talking to that’s not going to happen all right let’s go so on the

Left side have fun and go ahead and meet the Homing Trident what is that thing bro okay wait do I just hit it oh okay go no we tried and get him okay I guess I can’t fight it I thought I could fight it you’re going to just have to keep

Running buddy see if you can get make it through the boot camp okay okay good thing I hit the gym I’m nice and thin I can fit through these why is there so many Trident bro um just saying you might have to do some Parkour to get to

The next area oh oh here he goes here he goes okay it’s not the hardest Parkour but getting hit at the same time will be annoying oh gosh and trying to dodge the lightning is not fun let me tell you okay well done St at the C I see all

Right okay got to dodge these Trident and where do I even go I think I go this this way keep going buddy how’s the health looking uh you know I’m still full health so I’m fairly healthy are these guys not doing anything I mean I am in full netherite Nester I told you

This wasn’t going to be an easy challenge well anyways get to the Pink tour and now welcome to the piranha World we’re pretty much there are going to be hundreds of piranhas and skeleton pirates coming after you and here I’m going to help you out real quick I have

A boat for you oh wait they can go on land n they can go on land anyways here’s your boat right there it’s pink have fun god let’s go let’s go let’s go oh gosh ow buddy is being swarmed oh my goodness how are you still alive oh also

The tri’s there too oh yep yeah looks like you can’t move you might have to swim actually I’m escaping Neer I’m escaping he’s literally not moving a single inch how have you not died yet I got to eat a golden apple we’re going we’re going oh oh wait who the heck is

This guy those are the pil and Pirates it looks like you’re going the water route oh yeah I think the water route probably wasn’t the right play because there’s thousands of piranhas well congratulations on making on the third area where now you’re getting me hit by Machine weapon arrows and my super gas

Villagers oh and also those are the dragon cannons have fun there’s no way this is going to get even harder okay let’s try and Dodge these I got to make sure I’m holding a totem I’m taking so much damage no no I will not die I

Refuse to die I refuse to lose this challenge getting killed by everything this is insane by the way uh you do have a bow right cuz your final boss has spawned that is the end Crystal right there it’s up in the air and your goal

Is to kill it if you want to get out of here I have to kill something while you’re getting shot by all this yes I got to get in the building this is not good oh oh oh end Crystal’s right there all right your final goal if you manage

To kill the end Crystal then you’re done with the area that being said I beef this gu’s health up he’s getting destroyed oh my goodness this is not good bro this is really bad they do so much damage don’t worry I put a gift for

You at the very top of the castle that might help you oh gosh I don’t know if I believe in you and the staircase is getting fully destroyed oh gosh okay he’s going for it yeah I’m going for the end Crystal I do not trust you at all oh

God my health oh oh oh yeah yep I like that I like that no I don’t like that at all I do not like that let’s keep it moving here gosh oh gosh oh gosh dude there is so much explosions my brain is hurting oh God half heart half heart

Half heart oh okay my totem saved me though my totem oh he is still alive what is he doing I got this i got this zombies well congratulations you finished level two now on to level three see a bit I can’t believe this guys but

We’re on to level three we really got to make an impossible experience so to go serious mode we’re going to do time night smooth to be a bit more medicine and this time we don’t need a build instead we’re making a nuke but let’s start with the basic Square we’re scale

It up and get basic shape going now to add a little tail and fence and now a good old texture all gray and some red details next up a label and a yellow background and we can’t forget about the caution symbol with some details what do

You guys think is it the bomb okay that one was awful too anyways time for the code we’re with the nuke the main thing is that it’s going to explode on right click and I’m going to add a small detail you guys can’t see that’ll happen when it explodes so let’s press confirm

In 3 2 1 and there it is right click to activate where you just got to go up to it right click it and then something crazy happens for the sake of everything around here I’m not going to do that right now let’s just go to the next area

We’re already have a warp right there in chat let’s press enter and we’re in where there’s another nuke right here where with this nuke there’s going to be a 5minute timer until it explodes and everything else explodes it’s literally a world made of only TNT trust me it’s

Everything so you might be wondering if it explodes in 5 minutes how does he survive well I’m hoping he doesn’t but I’m going to give him a chance with the creeper spawn egg as you can tell this is probably lot of anxiety in Minecraft but we’re going to make it slightly

Helpful let’s code him real quick and we’re going to be making this into a Bedrock creeper but first let’s start with the creeper texture and Photoshop and we’re to add in the Bedrock texture copy it around a bunch add in some red eyes and now just polish this up a

Little now let’s see it in Block pin and test how it looks oh wow that’s actually better than I expected pretty good all right let’s do some code so for the Bedrock creaper the health is going to be 10 and the main thing is that it drops bedrock with godp speed the main

Anxiety is that its skill is to explode when the player is nearby and if it explodes everything explodes so you’re not going to want that to happen all right let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and there it is the Bedrock creeper and when killed it’ll drop Bedrock as the only

Line of defense with this guy I really doubt they’re going to survive even with totems and everything but we’ll put these guys around for him to kill and to get bedrock by the time it hits zero go on my creepers let’s put you guys all

Over the place there we go that’ll do it look how fast they are look at him go now I’m just scared the server will crash to make it happier let’s make it daytime yeah that’s a bit better time to see if they survive please don’t survive

Level number three this time I brought a fullon nuke for you to play with your only instruction is right click the nuke and have fun play with a nuke okay uh here we go oh God what is about to happen here we go prepare to blast off

Wait where are we blasting off too uh yeah this is that little anticlimactic I didn’t actually make damage for this one but instead it’s a portal to the TNT world enter when you’re ready all right here we go 3 2 1 go what in the world

It’s actually a TNT world w welcome to the world made fully of TNT and if you turn right around and right click that nuke let’s begin the real challenge all right here we go collect Bedrock build a shelter good luck James the timer Starts Now 5 minutes go collect Bedrock what

The heck does that even wait what is this Bedrock creeper so with the Bedrock creeper they might be your friend oh oh wait you literally just shot him one hit oh okay well I do a lot of damage but why are they so fast well they do drop

Bedrock that’s your only way of surviving and I’m just saying with all the TNT around you if you don’t make a shelter by the time the timer goes to zero which uh it is going down right now uh you’re you’re going to be dead okay not it so collect a bunch of Bedrock

Okay so I know what I need to do oh that’s so close you just almost stopped everything oh my god oh he for his life dude I did not even see oh God he’s coming for me come on I can do this there we go okay well I’ve got four

Pieces of Bedrock already I’ve almost already got exploded so I need to be very careful of my surroundings I’m just saying man one explosion and everything includ the nuke explodes there’s a lot of creepers down there if you want them yeah I do want them but I’m a little

Scared that they’re going to jump at me let’s keep my distance here get him get him go buddy go oh my God no no no he’s coming for me I’m going over this way I’m going this way oh man I hate that elytra okay oh my gosh why is it so fast

Wait thankfully it can’t fly like me otherwise I probably would be toasted I’m just saying though you might have to go down there to get the Bedrock I do have to go down oh my gosh I have to watch out for these guys cuz they are so

Fast and you don’t even know if the bed Rock base is going to be good enough to actually even survive well what other choice do I have dester it has to be good enough otherwise I’m dead yeah I mean you’re so right I’m thinking about another choice right now but I’m not

Going to tell you that but anyways may make that base okay that could have been really bad he snuck up on me there there we go I think saying in the TNT trees is a good strategy time is running out James you got to be quick I know man

Okay you don’t got to remind me okay I understand the whole world is going to blow up okay there’s another Bedrock creeper here let’s land next to it oh God oh God come on oh my God wait so you’re telling me if he just blew up there the entire world would have just

Exploded yes yes uh you might want to start making your base though time is getting pretty close that is true okay so Bedrock base I can’t mess up these builds okay oh using that as a building block interesting I’m going to try to submerge myself in Bedrock and oh my

Gosh time is running out I need to go faster okay you need around like seven more oh gosh okay okay okay got to make sure this guy doesn’t explode on me okay okay I think I got enough let’s see come on come on just one more here is that be

Enough oh gosh that barely did it are you ready for the nuke I don’t know if I’m ready to get nuked Nester why do you do this to me 15 seconds is this going to be enough uh okay it’s about to happen I’m going to eat my golden apple

Here oh God it got really quiet oh here it comes okay Golden Apple again yes no please if you survive this I’m going to be so surprised I’m holding on to my totems for dear life oh gosh oh gosh I my my Minecraft is going to crash you

Know what see you guys in probably like an hour when this finally actually renders in still alive by the way one eternity later okay we’re back and everything’s gone and I’m still alive buddy no what the heck happened out dear man I am genuinely impressed that was

Hilarious you may now exit and let’s get to the next level fly in there go all right see you at level four I cannot believe we’re at level four no this is serious guys we’re now down to level four where all the previous things did

Not work so for this one I have a final plan you see the area all we need is some trees and that’s it yep pretty simple did it myself and in the middle we need to go ahead and get just a chest not a trap chest this is going to be the

First step to hopefully the final death cuz this is really our last chance anyway Z let’s use the coater on it we’re going to be coating up a mimic or a trap we’ll start with a basic chest open it up and add some teeth more teeth

More teeth and a big old tongue and finally an animation of a Hopping to eat the Creator now for the code let’s get to it and this is the mimic where the type it’s a trap or the damage will be low this won’t be the main thing it’ll

Be actually about the skill to activate when the players nearby fight them and teleport them when attacked and ask for where they teleport them that’s where the main challenge is going to be so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 oh and there we go it’s a little bit backwards but we

Can turn it around anyways though let me show you guys how this works when I right click it it’ll wake up and take me away to what looks like a completely normal village let’s make a daytime real quick right here and I’ll show you guys

What my grand death plan is we got to go all the way up here like like really high probably even higher and now time for one last Model let’s right click the coder and this is the final one guys pretty much going to make it impossible

To live but we’re going to be adding in a bunch of block of block bench and tossing on some random textures now it doesn’t look like much but let me stretch it out rotate it and add a slight animation and there we go we have

A big old meteor let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and for the code for the big meteor the time is going to be Calamity damage I’m going to make a really high number but for now we’re going to put insane there will be block destruction and its

Skills are to explode when the meteor touches the ground and to teleport the player when destroyed oh and there it is oh my goodness oh oh oh oh oh wait wait wait I’m going to have to back up the world so the meteor’s going to fall all

The way to the bottom and then cause a gigantic boom yep there we go and if he lives that this is going to be the final era right here I call it the death parkour where there’s two types of death they can fall as it get higher obviously

It’s going to be a little bit difficult but their goal is to make it all the way up here shout out to my Boer for making all this oh and along the way I’m going to be making lava rise so he can’t slow down but his goal will be to make to

This obsidian box and into this room my friend made we already out of time so I’m getting lots of friend help right now and when they come down here they’re going to be met with one thing and one button you won click the button for the reward that’s actually not the winning

Button I say when they win so when they go up here and click it well you’re going to have to see what happens a little bit later but let me just give you a hint hundreds of wardens as for what they do you’ll see anyways it’s

Time for the final level let’s see what happens and if they even survive the meteor here we go final level time James come forward and I’m just going to tell you you’re not winning this one I put put all the effort and all the damage into the code that being said all you

Got to do is talk to my friend right here Mr chess have fun uh talk to him all right um how do you what what what the congratulations you’ve been eaten by Mr chess and welcome to completely normal village what you prefer nighttime or daytime I was eaten by a chest uh

Okay uh nighttime is fine yeah uh okay sure sure sure night time sounds good well here’s your only Mission look up and see if you can survive all right look up all right uh let’s see if I can survive here we go have fun introducing the massive meteor what is that did you

Say meteor uh maybe oh God okay I’m holding on to all of my totems I don’t know how many I’m going to need but hopefully I have enough we go oh buddy is running away oh mysh what the you can try but there he goes oh my gosh all his

Arm are broke all his arm broke my gosh you survived that go wait that used like 10 totems dude holy well I knew that was probably coming so this is your true challenge where if you look above you I set up a very fun only up inspired

Parkour where your goal is to go all the way up with meteors falling down of course and make it all the way to the obsidian box where the true prize of $1,000 will be maybe okay well I’m pretty good at parkour so now I just got

To find the start all right well I guess I’ll take this ladder since there’s no meteors coming down oh okay hold on okay that was really close I’m very happy that the armor got broken by the way I am not happy about that oh well have fun

With the parkour um this is going to take a bit isn’t it 2 hours later and you made it dude I could have died so many times there I only have like seven totems left look it’s time for your final prize come up real quick James

I’ve been waiting all game for this one yeah you might want to go quick before the meteors get you just say yeah what is in here why do I feel like this is a trap all right don’t worry it’s going to be completely save completely fine as

You can see there’s a button there where you won wait I actually won hey collick the button buddy that’s all you got to do um okay well I won guys let’s go go on my minions fire yes we got him set over $1,000 and with that being know

Guys we killed him so I hope you guys enjoyed have a great one and video just like this one bye Guys

Minecraft but If He Dies, I Win… w/ @Painful
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🎨 Thumbnail Inspo: @ElementXshorts @domb

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