I Built a Minecraft Aquarium IRL for my Axolotl

This is a Minecraft Axel in real life and we’re using a 200 L fish tank and thousands of blocks to build him the most epic Minecraft aquarium but why how do you like your new home stinky Slinky say this is Ethan’s beloved Axel Slinky and I kidnapped him and I hired

Professional Builders to create these water musles which Ethan’s going to have to solve every single one if he ever wants to see his beloved Slinky again let’s teleport to Ethan and see what he’s up to oh fre oh that was way too close I completely forgot I was in

Creative mode he could have seen me there he’s going to have an absolute meltdown when he realizes that his favorite Slinky is no longer swimming and enjoying the lovely pool all right that’s all good should be able to go P the homie Slinky how you doing doing

Wait why is there water missing slinky come on sinky he’s not in here he’s not in here wait what’s happening wait what is this looking for Slinky yes love ey why ey stole my AEL there’s a there’s a trap door yes yes I must mean something this wasn’t here before right

He where is it what is this is this a jigaw puzzle no he’s trying to make a YouTube video I’m going to solve this puzzle and then I’ll make you pay why our goal is to kill slingy in front of Ethan and then surprise him with an axel

In real life jigsa puzzles are usually meant for kids but I suppose not this one actually who am I kidding Ethan’s brain is the size of a 2-year-old Bros got brain oh wait I have to make up the image I think so do I need to unjumble

It oh this is so stupid just give me my daddy aot back wait that’s like the base for here oh I need to move them around dude come on just give me the thing back ooh okay no he actually seems to be making some progress here where does

This one go wait does it go does it go here wait why is it like on the side oh I see I see this is the legs and then this is like the head and then this goes here okay okay I see it I see it now I

See the vision this goes here and then this should go here cuz that’s like the corner of the roof oh I see it I see it boom surely he can figure out where he needs to go from here what even this is It’s a chicken okay wait no this is in

Like a woodland Mansion cuz those are like the pillagers and the vindicators he lazy he would never go that far yes I got to head to the nearest Woodland Mansion wait why have I been wasting all of this time just watching him solve the puzzle bro we need to make an aquarium

Create the suitable environment and actually buy an aqual all before Ethan locate Slinky stop but first we need a plan imagine that this is our tank and then right in the center the crown jewel is going to be an ocean Monument that’s right this will be the Axel’s brand new home and hopefully

He’s going to love it here as much as I am going to love making it but we do have a few other decorations as well even though this is the majority of our tank we’ve got a great little Treasure Chest where there’s going to be all kinds of delicious treats for our Axel

To find with a little Keyhole and then we’re going to have the Kel and all kinds of other sea plants and sea grass in the background if you can imagine kind of like going up here it’s going to be an ocean and steroid maybe even a bit

Of coral or some other things which I’m haven’t drawn in the plan just yet because I want you guys to wait and see all of the great stuff I have in store but imagine that then we’ve got our cozy little Axel living right here okay um

It’s kind of an ugly Axel I promise the real one is cuter to start us off we’re building the ocean Monument this Minecraft Structure is made up of other thousands of prismarine blocks and buying them in real life would literally bankrupt me suddenly though I had an idea by cutting

A slab of wood into tiny cubes I created the shape of a Minecraft block then by painting them with the color aquamarine we created prismarine blocks in real life how cool does that look except I ran into a problem immediately turns out Axel are incredibly fragile creatures

And even the tiniest drop of paint could contaminate their tank and make them drop dead we needed to find another way to build our ocean Monument because it turns out that axotal are actually an endangered species so we can’t do anything to risk our adorable little

Friends lives I did some research and I found this online community of axotal lovers they know everything every tip every secret they’ve got it on this website and some Noob like me was asking whether or not clay was safe and one of the experts responded here uh and said

Yeah it’s not only cheap but also safe which is exactly what we are looking for that brings us to our next problem it says here that it needs to be perfectly seal which means we need to bake it which means we’re not going to be able

To paint it cuz the paint will just melt right off unless wait it’s Clay surely they sell colored clay I remember as a kid there was like Play-Doh and things like that that had all kinds of colors so let’s see if we go colored clay yo check that out that is literally

Exactly what we want dude so I ordered tons and tons of colored clay from Amazon and began mixing it all together nice and gooey the goal was to match the exact same color as a prismarine block it’s kind of like this Bluey greeny Hue it’s a bit lighter than a normal blue I

I don’t really know how to describe it but I do know you can make green by combining blue and yellow but we don’t want it to be entirely green so we’re going to grab uh maybe about this much blue that seems pretty good and then we

Want it to be a little bit lighter maybe we should mix the wi in as we go man I need to go to the gym guys all right and then the black oh my gosh and I’m supposed to mix this bro this is so tough oh look at that you can already

Begin to see like little shades of green beginning to pop out look at that okay so if we can get the yellow and blue total mixed and hopefully we’ll get all of that green out here oh my gosh man this is so tough how long am I supposed to mix this

Before it does finally come together maybe instructions have some help because my arms they literally feel like jelly right now all right come on what does the instruction say I should have ripped it all up need clay for a minimum of 3 hours 3 hours you’ll say the

A I have to do this in 3 hours I’ve been barely going 30 minutes but I’ve got a mission we’re doing this for our adorable thanks for L and also to see Ethan’s face of horror when we kill it in front of his face but that sounds

Meaner when I say that one so I I would just pretend like that one’s not happening wait yes that’s it I finally found it okay okay yes it’s taken me so long literally no one on the Ser knew where this thing was oh Slinky I’m coming to get you I’m ready to

Fight what the wait what is this St what is what wait if I C that and water flows out oh there’s observers so they need to activate the lanterns by making the water flow onto them but there’s these things blocking wait that’s red if I get red what

Happen wait it’s a puzzle okay okay okay okay I get it I get it do that work yes I got one to light up wait no but that didn’t light up the others now what’s this side orange we just want orange off all the time and then we want to do

Green off and then we want to do pink off come on please I need my Slinky back okay let’s try this so it should go on the green side should flow in and then we click this as well it goes through bang bang bang yes what was that where was that from a

Dispenser wait why did I just go up there and grab okay whatever it doesn’t matter we just got to get through these puzzles and then we can free Slinky this should be my answer what excuse me scared I got scared man bro why have I give numbers I don’t know math oh wait

I’m an idiot these are coordinates and I just need to go here right and then then I get my AEL back right yes okay let’s just head in the direction of those coordinates finally I’ve done it stop you e stupid YouTube be I’m freeing my AEL I began constructing the ocean

Monument arranging it slowly block by block first starting with the base then the pillars and finally the center room with the the Axel could set up its brand new home this might be the greatest thing I’ve ever met I am so proud of this look this so adorable guys okay I’m

Going to pick it up really slowly cuz it’s super delicate but check it out I even combined the black and white clay to make these gray concrete kind of areas here and I used a little toothpick to make little dots of them I’ve done so much detail bro it is adorable it still

Has one major issue if you push even slightly too hard it just loses its shape if I put it in water it’s going to break and then all of our hard work will be for nothing so we’re got to go ahead and Chuck this in the oven to harden it

Up open up our oven and let’s put it in hopefully this won’t take too long because Ethan is getting closer and closer by the second our exot is about to be the internet’s most loved pet I wish you guys could check in and see how he’s doing each day actually why don’t

We do that today’s sponsor ODU is perfect for this because normally making a website is extremely difficult but with ODU I can easily create a website where I can give all of you daily updates on our Axel and the best part about all of this it’s free it also

Includes hosting and unlimited support for life that means absolutely anyone can do this I want a Blog for my pet and the main objective is to inform you guys what’s going on obviously I think we have to go pink and dark blue because the classic axle model is always pink we

Want a new section obvious obiously some about us and maybe some live chat so you guys can ask questions along the way on how the Axel is doing now we get to pick a theme and yo this one is so cute absolutely that’s it I literally pressed

Like four buttons and now ODU is building the website using AI click new and create our very first blog post update we are kind of on a tight time limit today and I don’t have time to write this post so I’m going to use / chat gbt to write the entire thing for

Me boom done on top of that you get a custom main name for a year free so I’m going to chug mine down below so you can all check out this website ODU isn’t even just a website builder it’s an all-in-one management software to start

Or run your very own business like I do so go check out ODU today to share what you love and now that our website is done it looks like the oven is off which means our ocean Monument is cooked and ready to go but even this gigantic ocean

Monument still won’t be enough to fill our tank so I headed back to the Whiteboard to modify my blue print the new plan build a dark cave with treasures for my Axel to hide in so I grabbed the biggest Rong I could find and started drilling this was easiest

Said than done even with some of the most expensive power tools drilling this rock yeah it took absolutely forever next to fill the cave with riches so I grabbed a real life amethyst that I mined in a previous video and stash it to pieces and because Axel are well

Delicate fragile stupid creatures I made sure to use sandpaper to smooth the amethyst on all its edges so nothing accidentally Poes or stabs into its internal organs and make them Beed out everywhere and with that my underwater cave was complete we just need a tank to

Put everything in and this was the one I was planning to use before I saw the price bro that’s literally almost 8,000 buckaroos 7,000 6,000 they’re all just so unbelievably expensive guys I can’t afford this so I went to the next best possible option eBay will it be the same quality will I

Get scammed I don’t know but we don’t have time to lose all right so I found this one here that has priority same day shipping for only $125 it is absolutely huge except there one t issue it’s an auction that ends in 10 minutes which doesn’t sound that long except that

Every minute wasted is a minute Ethan can use to find Slinky plus 20 other people are watching this auction what if I don’t win the bid and while I wait for the results I needed to prank Ethan and slow him down this is it this is the coordinate but

Why is there a giant AEL Haven here did any I build this whole thing no stop admiring this I need Slinky back I got you Slinky it’s him it’s Slinky yes wait that’s an armor stand what do I even do here fishing rods start what does that even

Mean wait do I have to move the armor oh there’s a button right there guys there’s a little arrow no that means I have to move the entire arms down all the way okay I got this I think I figured it out so I need to grab him

Click this and pull him in oh okay okay that’s sick okay I got this i got this in the bag sorry if I stand on this oh what the then this oh okay okay okay yes I thwarted him again wait why am I even doing this I can just destroy the blocks

As I go and let’s just place this here nice and easy wait where’s Ethan what he’s literally halfway through the puzzle already bro he’s going to find his ax a lot away before we have a chance to finish everything no no no no

No this is bad this is bad uh we got to stop him somehow wait I have an idea summon an wait why am I even doing this you know what I can just break ah what is that wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoo why the got he disappear and quick we’re

Going to give ourselves an invisibility potion bang grab that Splash it on him disappear yeah you can’t do anything now Ethan you got an invisible Elder wait we need to get more of that go go go wait it’s invisible I can only see it through

The beam no no no no no huh wait how am I going to mine through I was going to mine through this wall no no okay okay I’m going to try and solve this by getting past his Elder Guardian so I can’t peek for too long okay here we go

Here we go grab this grab this guy okay run run run run run pull him over pull him over I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die he he you got mining fatigue boy they’re R anywhere you’re getting out this should

Buy us plenty of time at least I hope he’s still trying to beat the puzzle though okay you know what we’re going to have to summon one behind him as well I reckon what do we do here I don’t know where he is I can’t see him ah wait did

Another one Justa no no what is happening how can I get this guy through when I’m getting game ended right now I have an idea what if I just let them kill me and then I can just grab nuk from my chest and run straight back I

Know the coordinates now I took a screenshot come kill me mister and away I go yes oh yeah he died bro did not complete it I mean I expected this to the lay but I honestly didn’t think he was going to die yes we did it we’re back inside baby

Okay I know that I have some milk in here yes double you milk okay I don’t have time let me just take um some apples and that should do me that gives us plenty more time I don’t need to stress anymore and wait I just got a notification from eBay

The auction resols throughout oh I hope we won yes we did it check it out $526 that is a whole lot cheaper than 8,000 we got it baby it’s on its way now we need to actually buy the Axel autle so I jumped into the car and drove

To the closest pet shop to get the rest of my aquarium decorations hey mate do you sell um ax modles here actually yes we do wait no way what but first since a lws are very sensitive creatures for it to five you need temperature and oxygen levels so you need temperature and

Oxygen levels yeah so you need a a fan and an air pump an air pump all right we need to get a fan and air pump so something like this will this do yep perfect a great all right so we’ve got a cooling fan here that should regulate

The temperature for our Axel an air pump to keep the pressure going there we go oh it even looks like a little shark that’s so cute all right so now can we get our aelott oh wait I forgot something aquariums they can’t they can’t walk on on glass floors so what

You need is uh something that they can be can grab on to but you can’t get small rocks or Pebbles cuz they might try to eat it and choke oh man okay wow axotal really die with everything guys so I can’t get rocks Pebbles it can’t be

The glass floor so maybe like some plants yo these would be perfect look at this cute little plants but we can’t just place them on the floor cuz that’s not going to cover the entire ground unless a I’m just going to take all them guys I don’t know how much we’re going

To need and I can’t afford time have to come back here we’re running out of time all right now we can have axotal wait what do they eat they love blood worms is their absolute favorite blood worm blood worms guys that sounds like some sort of like scary curse with worms just

Down here okay well it doesn’t look that bad does It telling me these are little Frozen worms of blood okay you know what I don’t understand why something’s so cute like an a lot like something so disgusting as that but I’ll take again all right surely now you can sell me the axelo absolutely now you’re ready here it is guys here it

Is all right let’s have a look wait how do we open this do we open it this way guys this is the this is the most anticlimactic reveal ever I need to see it’s so cute okay okay mining fatigue it don’t even matter I’m going to drink this milk real quick break this

Block okay the Arrow’s pointing here let’s grab this guy again pull him in did that work what did that do did that work yes wait wait wait this water just came down up we go baby sleeky I’m coming and what’s over here wait a trapo I mean at least there’s no more mining

Fatigue so that’s a plus all right sley I spoke too soon I got mining fatigue wait I can’t mine the glass now okay I’ve got milk but I don’t want to waste in case I need to break a block sleeky how are you doing buddy are you

Okay just stay right there and I’ll get you Slinky don’t you worry okay let’s head this way real quick wait there’s a button here what does that button do okay if I click it oh I have to unshift to click it oh that’s dangerous okay

Unshift go go go go go okay okay okay we’re good okay wait if I click this button okay okay okay yes wait what did that do wait I’m tra I’m trapped I’m trapped help someone help me please anyone oh oh wait sinky I made it Daddy’s hard meanwhile I had just

Arrived back at the office come on please be here yes check it out guys then dropped it off that’s huge Ethan could rescue his Axel at any second so if I don’t build this tank quickly my entire plan would fail it’s sh I quickly began piecing my aquarium

Together adding the ocean Monument the plants and all the equipment needed for our silly Axel to actually survive now to kill’s Minecraft Axel and surprise him with one in real life yes Slinky give me that Victory cake wait and actually we’ll need the milk bucket and

It seems Ethan has escaped right in time to get a front row seat to the death of Slinky now I can break his cage wait e wait e no stop you’ve crossed the line now St your YouTube videos are done Jordan okay quick we need to get to the

Real life before Ethan actually killed me in real life go go go Ethan should be here any minute guys he’s going to be so excited I heard the door closed where is he Ethan buddy old Hi how are you doing why did you kill C me now calm down calm down calm

Down my brother you are about to see the most beautiful thing in your life I’m making it up to you making it up to you will where is your car I’m about to pop the tires I’m going to blow up the follow me I promise you I have a gift

For you that will change your life all right you are about to be the happiest man on Earth happiest man what the what is this wait is that an ocean Monument T check it out a full siize Minecraft decorated ocean monument and check who’s inside Slinky yo what the that’s an

Animal it’s a real life thing isn’t he so cute wait oh he’s actually awesome he likes the nap a lot but he is a legend this this is isn’t this so much better than Minecraft Slinky this is so this is so awesome you’re welcome not

What what do you mean not you call this Slinky it’s it’s a real life a it’s at least this big and pink it’s not a screen it’s the wrong color that’s not real Slinky destroy it with the thank you to all of these guys for making today’s video possible you’re my

New favorite ey Mega fans if you want a shout out just click the join button below this video scroll down and click ey megaan

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We Built a GIANT $10,000 IRL Minecraft Axolotl REAL Ecosystem AQUARIUM!

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💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


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