Mikey vs JJ: NOOB vs PRO: BURIED ALIVE Build Challenge in Minecraft

We’ve buried our friends Mikey and JJ alive now we need to make a secure grave strong enough to make their rescue impossible can we make a grave so secure that Mikey and JJ will be trapped down there forever yep I’m going to bury Mikey and then you have to rescue him

Well I am going to be burying JJ and I’m also going to do something very cool Milo what’s it going to be I’m going to be burying JJ and building a very difficult obstacle course for you to get through to save him well that’s fine because I’m a throwing obstacle course

There maybe you are Milo but I a pro at obstacle courses when they are buried underground what the hell are you doing that by hitting the lever in the middle of the build area we can fill in our dirt holes to bury Mikey and JJ inside

Well I’m going to do mine look at this wao the holes are really filling up this is going to make it a lot harder to rescue Mikey and JJ so we better get started with building I’m going to build a giant graveyard because we’ve buried

JJ alive we need to bury him in some kind of burial area and a graveyard is the perfect one I do need to make a pretty good grave site though that is why I am placing stone walls all the way around it’s going to look so spooky and

Creepy I would not want to go here if I were you Milo even if it was to save my friend JJ well I’m going to build a really big gravestone and you’re not going to know what’s inside is it Mikey by any chance Milo well yes

But it’s going to be a lot of other things as well I’m excited to find out I think I’m going to beat your obstacle course so easily I’m pretty good when it comes to these things so I’m sure I’ll be the ultimate Pro and find Mikey so easily when he’s buried underground no

Way Mike’s going to be down there for a 100 years because you are not rescuing him 100 years that’s a crazy amount of time do turtles even live that long yeah they live really WR apparently oh true I think Turtles can live almost to 150 it’s pretty crazy but imagine how sad

That would be for Mikey if he has to spend all those years buried underground oh yeah I guess he would be a little bit sad maybe I’ll build him a disco or something yeah that would totally work I’m not going to build a disco for JJ

Instead I’m going to build him a very cool dungeon area he won’t be able to explore it of course because he’ll be stuck in his glass box but he will rest easy knowing he lives in the best graveyard in the whole town that’s because it’s made by me and I am a pro

Graveyard Builder I don’t think I’ve ever built one before they normally creep me out a little bit so I try and stay away but this is my first time so I think I’ll do a really good job well I spent a lot of time in the graveyard so

I know exactly what it looks like what why do you spend a lot of time in the graveyard Milo well because I like to hang out with everyone there everyone there Milo are you hanging out with ghosts yeah they’re my friends I did not know that about you Milo that’s pretty

Worrying I think you should speak to somebody about that and this time I do not mean the ghosts yeah well I’m going to go talk to ghost JN about it ghost John Milo who is Ghost John well he’s just this guy who lives in the graveyard

And he has a really funny hat Milo how did you meet ghost John and his funny hat well one time I was walking past the graveyard on the way to your house for a pizza night and ghost John was standing right in front of me what ghost John

Milo are you sure this isn’t just some guy trying to trick you no I was definitely ghost John and I know that because he told me oh well he could have been lying to you Milo well ghost joh doesn’t lie because I’m pretty sure ghost joh allowed to lie well Milo If

Ghosts tell you everything you better not cheat by using them to see what I’m building here if you get an early look at what I am building to keep JJ trapped underground then you will easily be able to get through I promise I won’t look at

Your Bel CH okay I know ghosts keep their promises but do you Milo um about that what is it Milo no I’m really minding my own business over here I promise Milo you’re looking at me right now get out of here what I wasn’t doing anything hey that’s cheating Milo and

Even though we’ve buried our friends Mikey and JJ which isn’t the nicest thing to do I think we need to be on our best behavior from here on out and that includes no cheating if you cheat Mikey and JJ will be really really disappointed even more disappointed than

They were when they found out I was going to lock them up in a box yeah that was pretty weird but it’s going to be a really fun competition anyway exactly I’m totally going to beat you that might even be the most fun part about it no

Chip I decided that today I’m really actually going to beat you for once yeah you never actually do beat me Milo it’s always really sad and I feel pretty bad for you but are you really going to win today y because I’m doing the best build

I’ve ever s of okay that’s pretty cool and wo your gravestone is looking pretty big so far if you keep this up you’re going to have a pretty awesome gravestone for me to have to go through to find Mikey exactly and that’s why I’m working really hard oh yeah I think I’m

Working pretty hard too right now Milo I am placing dead bushes all around the graveyard area this graveyard is not a very good one that even means that the zombies and some of the other haunted mobs underneath will be part of the obstacles stopping you from rescuing JJ

That sounds pretty scary but I’m actually not scared of monsters anymore don’t you know really why are you scared Milo because ever since I became friends with the ghost I’m really liking the monsters what you like the monsters what monsters have you met Milo just the skeletons and the spiders that is not

Good you should not be liking those mobs they are evil and really scary yeah but that’s what you always tell me but we actually have parties now and we do the monster MCH Milo is the Monster Mash Just you running away for your life yeah how you know Milo that’s not the Monster

Mash that’s the Monster Dash that’s you running away to try and save yourself that is not a dance yes that actually does sound pretty bad maybe I’m not good friends with the monsters no and you definitely will not be good friends with any monsters you find while trying to

Rescue JJ I’m only going to spawn the craziest ones you won’t have a chance to become their friend because they’ll be trying to stop you from reaching him well maybe I’m going to spawn some monsters you’ve given me a good idea no way I really hope the monsters you spawn

And not as cool as the monsters I’m going to spawn besides this top area of my graveyard already looks so awesome I’m just adding a couple more details like adding thorny branches to these creepy dead trees it looks so spooky just like a real graveyard I would be

Pretty terrified trying to get through here to reach JJ if I were you Milo I would not want to go here without a friend well I do have a friend who’s your friend Milo me myself and I me myself and I I don’t think I’ve met him

Before yep I said me myself and I it’s a saying boo oh me myself and I sorry Milo I did not hear that right I thought you had another crazy friend here no more crazy friends around here right now oh no what happened Milo are you and your

Friends not speaking at the moment cuz you buried Mikey underground um yeah that’s actually exactly what’s going on that’s pretty understandable honestly if only they knew that we’re actually really good friends with Mikey and JJ and this is all part of our fun games that we play together they really really

Like it and it’s just part of the fun of being friends exactly and that’s why I want to win because if I win then everyone will be happy and my friend again exactly Milo Mikey and JJ will laugh about this with us forever although if we don’t rescue them in time

They might actually never make it out and we may never laugh together again a no that would be very very sad that’s why I need to go through your obstacle course as quick as I can and make mine very difficult for you now that I’ve completed the opening graveyard section

I am going to make a crypt Crypts are pretty cool a crypt is a very scary place Milo it is normally made out of stone but this Crypt will be made out of iron blocks it needs to be the most secure Crypt that has ever been made

It’s going to be the first line of defense against you reaching JJ well I’m going to reach JJ even through your silic crap no way Milo you’re going to have to try pretty hard to get through this thing not only have I added iron but you will need to mine through this

Iron Wall because I am not adding a door to this thing if you want to reach JJ you are going to need to find a pickaxe buried somewhere in the graveyard that will actually let you through well I’m very good at digging so I’m sure I’ll

Find it very fast I don’t know about that Milo I’m going to make it very difficult for you to find the pickaxe in this graveyard it’s going to be so challenging you might just give up before you can rescue JJ what chip you should tell me what else you’re building

No way Milo I was telling you about the graveyard and the scrypt as a hint so you knew that you really need to be scared about this but everything else is a big secret that you can’t know about what the a I hate secrets well it won’t

Be a secret forever you will find out when you actually have to mine through this thing and go through my crazy obstacle cause to rescue JJ fine well I hope you know that my W is going to be very very difficult oh yeah I’m sure it

Totally will be but I’m not worried at all nothing’s too difficult for me because I’m such a pro no I’m a pro you could never be a pro like Milo oh yeah I’m so going to be a pro and I’m not going to tell you why though I’m

Building a very difficult build right now and you can’t hear it Milo I’m going to block off this entrance with some iron blocks so you have no idea what I’m talking about down here a that’s mean I’ll check on you in a second Milo for now I’m going to get building okay now

That I’ve blocked myself off in here and Milo cannot hear us we need to dig out a big dirt area just like this oh yeah this is looking awesome we then need to make sure that at the very bottom we place more blocks of iron that’s right

Because this area is so close to the surface it is the easiest spot to just dig down into which is not a good idea at all if this entire Crypt can just be dug into then Milo would be able to use the pickaxe to mine down which is a real

Real cheating move that would would make it possible for Milo to skip the entire obstacle course and just reach JJ in a second that is not how this works I’m going to rescue Mikey before Milo can rescue JJ and that is a fact there is another reason I’m using ion of course

And that is because this wholeway will have something to do with a lot of electricity not just regular electricity either this electricity will be glowing red and shooting out through crazy blocks in every direction this is going to be an awesome underground laser hole way that Milo will have to go all the

Way through if he wants to reach JJ this laser hallway is going to be very very difficult as well it might even use different colors of lasers and each one can do a different amount of damage oh yeah that’s a really really good idea I wonder what color lasers we can use

We’ll have to think of the best possible ones if we mess this up this could totally look really goofy and Milo will laugh about it rather than being scared about going through we need Milo to be as afraid as possible so he panics and messes up while going through the

Obstacle course that gives us a very strong lead and means we will be able to free Mikey before Milo can free JJ that’s all part of my plan I bet Milo is going to build something really silly and newbie so if he does do that we’ll

Be able to get through in no time the opposite of silly and newbie though is super serious and very Pro so we need to fill all of these newbie dirt walls with Pro iron blocks now that we’ve filled out this entire iron hallway we need to

Start placing the lasers but if we place them just like this they will end up being really boring and just white colored that is why we need to make three different colored lenses the first colored lens will need to be completely red let’s take it out like this and keep

Putting it through see how it gets a deeper and deeper red color every time that is perfect now let’s get all this red Dy back we need to do the same for the blue lens let’s just spread it around like this we can put this pink one inside and wo it’s already getting

Bluer but watch as it gets more and more deep blue if we can have a seriously red a serious blue and a seriously green lens will have the coolest looking laser hallway to have ever been made Let’s surround the final lens with the green lime dye oh this is going to look so

Cool once all these lasers are added now that we have these three lenses we need to make stacks of every single one that way we will not run out we can also remove the crafting table that’s a pretty important part of making this hallway look really cool and clean let’s

Put this blue one inside every single one of these and wo that is a really awesome blue color let’s also add a laser in this wall and we can add another color let’s add the green one to this oh that looks so cool no way now

Over here we can also add a red laser let’s grab our red colored lenses and put them all throughout here this looks so awesome if we can make this entire laser hole these three colors it’s going to be the coolest laser hole to have ever been made let’s add even more blue

Lasers in the sides like this and we can even add a red one that Milo will totally have to jump over let’s make sure we connect it to the roof just like this wo now now miloon just jump over the sides like this you’ll need to be

Very careful to jump right over the middle especially if he does not want to get owned by that laser let’s also add another lime green laser right over here wo that looks so awesome wo this green laser looks way cooler that is perfect let’s just add a couple more blue lasers

Around like that oh that’s awesome let’s also add another one here and one more in the wall over this side this is perfect I’m so excited for this finally in the very end we will add the ultimate Laser Gate look at that it’s totally like a safe ceiling Milo from being able

To go through this is pretty awesome I do not know if Milo will be able to make it past this if he does though Milo will reach a very spooky room made out of mossy cobblestone that contains lots and lots of zombies we need to dig out an

Area here because this room is actually going to go deeper down if Milo reaches this room he will be one step closer to rescuing JJ from being buried underground he won’t be able to fight these zombies on his own though these zombies are going to be very very strong

That’s why before Milo jumps down this hole into the real zombie fighting area he will need to go into here where he will be able to grab some armor and some weapons that will help him along his journey of fighting the zombies it won’t

Be too easy Milo is not the best at PVP so even if he has full netherite armor he is still definitely going to struggle to take down these zombies that is going to be so funny I really think this will totally stump him by making sure that

This zombie fighting section is as H as it can possibly be we make sure Milo will take super long to rescue JJ oh yeah this is a great plan we just need to add these final few mossy cobblestone walls and then we can add the armor for

Milo any armor that we do give Milo has to be pretty cool so let’s add an armor stand right here H I do not want to use boring regular armor so I know exactly what I’m going to do JJ’s favorite color is actually red so we are going to turn

This boring old netherite armor into super cool red stuff look at that this is the coolest netherite chest plate to have ever been made these leggings and these boots are so awesome as well if these fit JJ’s favorite color it tells Milo exactly where he needs to go in

Order to find and rescue JJ now that we’ve made that armor we need to add in some item frames to add in the weapons that Milo will be using on the left hand side there will be more swords and on the right hand side there will be

Projectiles Milo is not the best at using bows so I really hope he chooses the left- hand side if Milo chooses the right hand side with all of these arrows and the bows on the wall he will not do a very good job on the other hand if

Milo chooses the left- hand side he will get to use an Axe and a sword those are pretty strong weapons that I think Milo would be really good at using now because JJ is buried alive and we don’t want anybody to really die in this

Dungeon we are going to add one totem of undying to each side Milo will only be able to pick one so we need to grab a sign and let him know exactly that the sign will say pick only one if Milo picks two he will not be allowed on

Through let’s also add a couple more things in the sword’s chest zombies are a very green color so we need to make sure the walls look exactly like a zombie just like this we can even do the same thing right over to the back here oh this looks awesome we’ll make sure we

Do it all the way around I Don’t Want to Miss a single spot here now that this room is looking really awesome we need to make sure it properly leads into the zombie area we’ll dig down just like this so we can actually reach it this

Room is going to be pretty massive so we’ve got to make sure we built a really big area for Milo to fight all these zombies in he will be dropped right into the zombie horde it’s going to be a pretty difficult challenge but I’m sure

He can totally handle it he is a bit of a noob but we’ve given him lots of very Pro armor so I’m sure it’ll be fine for the side walls we are going to build smooth stone bricks just like this then on the inside we will add mossy

Cobblestone it’s meant to look pretty cool and I think it totally does inside these walls we will add a way for zombies to come pouring out Milo will have to fight every single one of them if he wants to make it through the sidewalls will also be made out of this

Smooth Stone they need to be safe spaces for Milo to hide since if he’s going to be fighting zombies from every direction he definitely will not make it this at least has to be possible for Milo I’m not that mean but even though I’m not

Mean I can totally be cheeky and that is why it’s still going to be very very difficult the only way to get out of the room is to defeat the zombies which will then allow Milo to run back through the zombie spawning area into the the Next

Room walking past zombie spawners can be a very very scary challenge so if Milo is able to do that I will be very proud of him I don’t know if he will though even though it is to save his friend JJ he can still really let FIA get the best

Of him if Milo manages to make it through this area without totally shivering in his boots oh I will be so proud of him and he almost deserves to win not too much though because the real winner will obviously be me of course let’s dig out a little area on each side

Where the zombies will actually spawn we will need to put in some mossy cobblestone on the side so Milo can’t just dig his way through that would let Milo skip ahead so fire in this obstacle course which would give him a really really good chance of winning I don’t

Want that to happen I need to be the one to win this thing and rescue Mony before Milo can rescue JJ that’s how this is totally going to work now on each side we will need to grab a monster spawner as well as a Zombie egg right over here

I’ll put one in each side right now there is nothing in the monster spawner but if I right click it a zombie appears and fire particles start spawning as well this is pretty cool we’ll need to put one on this side too in order to destroy the zombies Milo will need to

Break these spawners we will give him another pickaxe so that he is actually able to do that we’ll only give him a wooden one though because I don’t want him using it to mine through this whole thing once Milo breaks through the spawner he will be put into this little

Hallway the zombies are not able to spawn inside this hallway because it’s too short for them the way Milo will be able to get in is by using a trapo I can’t use this one because the spawner is still there but when Milo needs to

Use the trapo it will push him down into a crawling position where he can then go right inside the walls it’s a pretty cool trick and it will make this room very very tricky for him to get through once Milo does get through he will fall

Down a giant green tube it’s going to be very scary for him because he has no idea where this is going to go luckily I have a very good idea about where this can lead this green tube will land in an awesome parkour area it’s going to be

Zombie themed so it’ll terrify Milo we just need to make sure we build it really really well and we need to make sure we make it lead to the next area I think this is a pretty good shape but it definitely needs to go down a little bit

Further parkour can’t be done when your head’s almost hitting the roof that’s not even possible nobody can do that not even the craziest parkour Experts of all time that’s why this is going to be pretty fair parkour but it will also be very very big it’s going to be quite the

Challenge to Beat It we need to make the entire roof of this parkour into an awesome green concrete section this is to make it look like a zombie’s head this parkour is going to feel like you are inside a real giant zombie Milo is going to totally Panic about that and it

Will make it really difficult for him to get through to the next section the parkour also needs to be very big so we need to make sure that these rooms all are fully full of lava and blocks by the time Milo is set to run through this obstacle course this is looking

Absolutely perfect that’s all awesome now we need to grab some light blue concrete as well as just some regular blue concrete this is going to be pretty important for what we need to do next on the bottom we’re going to add two blocks of regular blue concrete that go all the

Way around this section of the parkour we can’t miss a single spot and there is a very good reason we are doing this every single zombie has three main colors on them they always have green like the zombie skin color and they always have a really really big light

Blue shirt but they also have dark blue paint so by making sure that the bottom of this area is dark blue the middle section is light blue and the top section is a green color this looks just like a zombie parkour Milo’s going to freak out there’s going to be a lot more

Than just zombies for him to worry about in this parkour oh yeah he’s going to really have to try hard not to fall into the lava which is going to be hard because there will be very very difficult obstacles in his way like walls that he’ll have to jump on iron

Bar tight ropes for him to walk on as well as some cobwebs that are designed to trap him in his tracks stopping him until he falls into the lava from slowness I think this is going to be a diabolical parkour section this is one of the coolest parts of the entire

Obstacle course I can’t wait to see Milo go through this bit it’s going to be a riot now that we have officially added in all of the concrete it is very important that we add in the lava this is the hot stuff that will really make any fall that Milo has super duper

Painful we can’t forget it forgetting this lava would be like forgetting to put your shoes on before walking out the door or forgetting to wear a hat on a really really sunny day this lava is one of the main most important parts of the parkour section so we can’t forget it at

All this is what will really stop Milo from being able to just run along the floor and go right to the exit because the floor is definitely not something you can run along anymore right now the floor is lava once we add all this lava to every room in the zombie parkour

Section it is going to look so awesome I can’t wait to add in the crazy decorations I have planned for this section it is going to be so cool if JJ was not buried alive right now he would be here telling me how awesome the ideas

Are I bet he would love to go through them himself JJ’s a pretty good parkour expert when he’s not totally locked up in a glass box that is Milo on the other hand is definitely not an expert he’s a little bit of a noob when it comes to

Parkour that is why watching him try and do this parkour is going to be the funniest thing ever we’ve got to make sure we build it in time so Milo can actually go through it otherwise we won’t be able to see him try which will be so funny it will definitely be worth

It let’s start putting in these awesome parkour decorations I think these stone bricks are the perfect beginning to the parkour it will look pretty simple and be not very difficult to begin with but as Milo jumps around this room it will get more and more difficult as he goes

On even the gaps between these blocks are going to get bigger and bigger the further Milo goes along he’s also going to have to go through this big three block jump I do not know if he can actually make those but if he does

Manage to make it he will have to go on this iron bar tight RPP just look at that we can even use different kinds of iron bars to make it look really rickety and super unstable that will make Milo very nervous to go on this thing I would

Be pretty nervous to go on this thing too at least if I wasn’t such a pro at parkour Milo does things in his own very miloy way so it might take him a while to complete this tight rope section but that is the best possible thing that

Could happen here the longer Milo takes the more Advantage we have finally we are going to add some zombie heads in the final section of this parkour we’ll need to place the zombie heads like this it will be very difficult to jump on them because zombie heads are actually

Very small blocks the smaller the block the more difficult the parkour is let’s make sure we add a bunch over here oh wow this is so cool Milo’s really going to be so confused and very creeped out by these zombie heads we can even make the jumps go down in this direction

Milo’s going to have to reach the end but he’s going to have to do so pretty quick he’s going to need all the time he can get to prepare for the next section it is going to be the number one thing that stops Milo from rescuing JJ so I

Really hope he manages to get through it I’ve also replaced each of the zombie heads to make sure they look at Milo while he’s doing the jumps I’ll make sure I do this one like that oh perfect this is so cool now Milo will feel like he’s really being watched by the zombies

As he goes through this parkour it’s pretty awesome and I do not think you’ll like it the final section of my underground obstacle course to stop Milo from finding JJ will be right through this door but I’m going to add another little secret underneath here if Milo

Comes down this ladder he will actually reach a secret passage that leads right into where JJ is being kept Milo will not know about this and when he realizes he could have just walked right up to JJ he’s going to be so annoyed it will be really really funny I need to place

Laders all the way down here so Milo can actually come up here to rescue him just like this now it is perfectly climbable and we’ll even add ladders on the other side so Milo can get out if he needs to before we build the final obstacle

Stopping Milo from reaching JJ I need to actually add one more thing up here I also will definitely need to break this iron block wall there’s no way Milo can hear me from where I’m building now I came up here because I actually needed to bury the chest that Milo will need to

Find we’ll put it right here under this gravestone I won’t tell Milo where this is though but I will add some podzol this way Milo knows that the chest is hidden under one of these gravestones he will not know which one so he will really struggle trying to look through

Every single gravestone to find where this crazy chest is hidden speaking of Milo I wonder what Milo’s doing right now I haven’t heard from him in a bit I hope he’s okay it would be really bad if there was some sort of accident that trapped Milo underground with Mikey hey

Milo are you okay oh D just St me mortal Milo what are you wearing I’m wearing my new armor set I have for I’m the king of the monsters king of the monsters Milo that’s not possible there are so many Monsters Inside My secure underground buried area yeah well I’m the king of

Them now look at me Milo that’s crazy you’re just wearing bones how did you get those well I was just digging around and I found them in the ground wow that’s pretty cool I guess you have to do a lot of digging to build Mikey’s gra

What is a grav what do you mean that obviously says Mikey’s grave Milo that’s not how you spell grave there’s an e at the end e but that would make it say Mikey’s gravy and one thing about Mikey is he is not gravy no he’s not gravy cuz

He’s in a grave Milo oh goodness you are so crazy if you’re obstacle course is even half as crazy as you are I will be in for some real trouble well you’re in for trouble anyway but for the record my obstacle course is the best one I’ve

Ever built no way I’m totally going to put that to the test once I go through it but first I just have to do a couple more things I need to whisper while I’m up here so Milo can’t hear but I’m going to put one pickaxe inside this chest

Once we go back down underground I’ll totally be able to talk at a normal volume again but we’ll need to make sure we are at least pass the zombies first now that Milo can’t hear me I can finally say that this ultimate room will actually be a huge Undead Warden maze it

Is going to be so massive and it will even be deep dark themed that is is why I am using deep slate as the floor and I’m even going to use skull as the walls wo this looks so awesome already this will be the perfect end to my amazing

Secure defenses to stop Milo from rescuing JJ we need to make sure we play Skull all throughout these walls we can’t miss a spot because in the real deep dark there is no dirt it is so far underground that not even the sunlight can reach all the way down there no dirt

Will even spawn there is only deep slate ores skull and gravel it is pretty crazy nobody ever goes down there unless they have some kind of Death Wish Milo would be absolutely crazy to try and go through this the funny part is Milo definitely is crazy so when he does try

And go through this ultimate Undead Warden maze he is going to really have a hard time and that is going to be so funny to watch we can even add in some extra custom traps that will force Milo to make noise while the warden is chasing him wardens love the deep dark

So we need to make sure that this underground deep dark maze looks perfect that way the wardens will actually spawn here and they will totally Chase Milo around once we finish adding all of this sculp to these walls we are going to make sure to add the craziest traps

Inside Milo will even have to go through this maze making zero noise otherwise the wardens will definitely grab him and stop him from rescuing JJ the end is going to be pretty hard to reach and it’s going to be right at the end of this big hallway and if Milo wants to

Get through this hallway he is going to have to go through my in insane maze which will look exactly like this we need to place walls but make them not too high the shorter the walls are the easier it is for the wardens to hear Milo and totally attack him before he

Can even run away we can push this wall back because the wardens are pretty big they are going to need a big amount of space to run through in order to chase Milo properly if they do not have the right amount of space they won’t be able

To get him and it will be way too easy I’m not exactly known for making things too easy so Milo’s going to have a very difficult ult time getting through here the wardens are very big but they can also fit through tiny gaps if they need

To so in the second half we will actually shrink down the width of the maze this means that Milo will have to go through even more twists and turns if he wants to save JJ that is the final section of the warden maze will look

Just a bit like this and he’ll go around to the entrance to the actual JJ underground burial site we’ll make it a little bit bigger since this has to be a very grand entrance up to where we’re keeping JJ now we will need to grab some note blocks and some pressure plates we

Can even use polished Blackstone pressure plates to keep them nice and hidden the wardens will spawn from this pillar so we can add a big speaker in the middle of it this means that when the wardens spawn all the sound that Milo makes gets sent right to them and

They’ll have a really easy time finding where he is and totally catching him to place the note blocks down we also need to put polished deep slate next to a note block now when you run past it they make a hotbeat sound this will terrify Milo especially if we make two of them

Right right next to each other running through quickly it sounds just like a heartbeat which the warden makes sound from this will help the warden hear Milo really really well we’ll put a bunch more down just so that no matter where Milo runs the heartbeat sound will still

Appear especially if he goes in the wrong direction that is the worst idea that Milo could possibly do in this Warden maze you need to make sure you go in the right direction it is a very very big mistake not to I’m also going to add

Some trip wire hooks one can go right over here we’ll even make it go all the way along this section of the maze we’ll link it up with string and once the string reaches the end it should bind these two trip wre hooks together forming an awesome Redstone circuit oh

Yep that will definitely work it even activates if you run through too quickly at the end of each side we are going to place a bell now when Milo runs through here the bells will actually ring making sure the water knows where Milo is hiding I guess it’s only fair to add

Some parts with carpet on them carpet is a very silent block So Silent that if you run on it the warden can’t hear your footsteps it can hear the footsteps if you run on a different block though so we’ll only have a couple carpet sections this should hopefully give Milo the

Feeling that he has a chance even though he really does not have one this is the most difficult maze I’ve ever created and I think Milo is the perfect tester for it in the middle of the speaker we will have one spawner next to it we will

Place an item frame and put the warden egg inside it’s important that we do not just put the warden inside the monster spawner that would be a big mistake akake otherwise so many wardens would spawn and use their Warden powers to dig everywhere that they might even hurt JJ

We only want the warden to spawn when Milo comes in this room so I will activate this lever to spawn the warden when the time comes of course when it is time for Milo to rescue JJ he will need to go through this big red section at

The end of the maze it is a very big sign for where Milo will need to go and will’ll even make sure that there’s more red on the inside of it once we place down this red concrete we can add a tiny little dark oak door oak doors look

Pretty awesome they’re the only door that looks like a real house it’s also JJ’s favorite type of wood so when Milo goes through it he will be led into a ladder section that will take him all the way to rescue JJ we’ll need to dig it over the warden maze area so let’s

Make sure we place red concrete blocks to block off the skull otherwise you’ll be able to see the way to JJ from right at the beginning that would totally suck but what will not suck is the feeling Milo will get if he does actually manage

To free JJ I’m not sure that he will though it will be so fun watching him try if Milo does manage to make it then I will be so impressed but I’m also very confident that he will not be able to it’s going to be way too hard to get

Through my maze look there’s JJ I’m sorry for burying you underground oh he’s not talking to me today maybe he’ll cool down once Milo rescues him or if Milo rescues him I’m totally going to rescue Mikey though Milo’s probably made some really silly mistakes when trapping

Mikey so it will be really easy for me to get him out I’m sure of it once I place these final few blocks of concrete it will be time to check on Milo he must be almost done building by now I’m sure of it he normally builds way quicker

Than me but that’s only because he builds really small things he was building a very big grave though I wonder if that will make him take lots of extra time if Milo is not done building then I will be able to run through his unfinished build that will

Make it way easier for me to rescue Mikey but for now once I place these ladders down we will officially be completed okay JJ now that the obstacle course is ready it is time to go get Milo and tell him that the time is up I

Can’t believe the bell time is up me neither Milo but I’m really excited to take on your Mikey grab yeah you’re never going to get Mikey out of the ground no way I definitely will but wait a minute why are there so many doors in here well because they’re the entrances

You should try some of them I better go quick if I don’t get Mikey out in time I will lose but hey Milo that almost trapped me behind the door some of these are total traps haa you now I got wacked oh yeah I definitely did hm there must

Be some sort of way in and wao there are even iron doors that go all the way up the side of the Grave oh goodness this was a total fake one Milo this is a real waste of time I’m really pranking you oh yeah you’re never getting Mikey that’s

Way you’re wrong Milo I definitely will get Mikey it just might take me a while wait a minute I have an idea rather than me climbing all the way back down and jumping on that letter I am going to jump from from here this way I have a

Really big Advantage all right Milo wish me luck what you about to do that I don’t know Milo I guess I’m just really really good at jumping this must be the real entrance in wo that is a dropper I hope I can make it to the bottom of this

Thing yeah cuz if you don’t you’re going to die H Milo I totally see water at the bottom I just need to jump down into that all right go for it this is a little tricky to go through but wo I totally made it and hang on a second

That is is a magma block luckily I can swim upwards and get back to this chest room you nearly missed your secret present what is in here wao an iron helmet iron boots and an iron sword that is really going to help me in whatever

The next room is because I think I saw a zombie y you got a whole zombie maze for you buddy let me psych myself up for this I need to put my sword in this hand that way I can use it properly all right here goes nothing why does this sign say

E e e Milo well because I just felt like screaming on the sign oh that’s really worrying I might feel like screaming if these zombies do too much damage wao I hear so many of them but hey there are spawners and you haven’t given me anything to mine them yeah that’s right

Milo there’s a chicken down here what what is the chicken going there I’m not sure I think it’s spawned with one of the zombies that is so funny the chicken can be my friend while beating this obstacle CA and trying to rescue Mikey TI I feel a little bit bad for you so

I’m going to give you a present what’s the present Milo there you go now you can mine the spawners thanks Milo this is really going to make this way easier I am mining the spawners and the chicken’s even helping that stupid chicken I told them to leave me alone

While I was building oh wow the chicken is so cool I’m really glad that he’s totally making this difficult for you wait a minute this is a very long hallway and wait a second Milo I think I found something here well why don’t you open it up okay hey this is Haha pranks

Ha you got friend Milo that’s so tricky oh goodness but wait a minute what is this this is a different door and this time it’s a trap door what could this lead into well let’s have a look I guess okay I’m pretty excited to see where

This goes wao what is this room this looks crazy this is called Milo’s confusion room yeah that’s a very true name Milo this room is very confusing why are there sofas and what’s behind that iron door well it’s nothing but first of all you need to get the bow and

Arrow out of the chest a bow and arrow why on Earth would I need a bow and arrow here I’m not going to shoot the sofas no you got to shoot the buttons the buttons Milo there are so many buttons here how on Earth am I going to

Find the right one well you got to do it carefully and you’re going to waste all your time on it that’s how H this is crazy there’s got to be a way simpler way to do this I can’t just shoot every button like this H Milo you normally

Make really silly mistakes if I look around this room I’m sure I’ll find one oh yeah for sure I don’t make any mistakes actually H I think you definitely do just like how you almost built Mikey gravy instead of a grave hey I don’t want to talk about it all right

Uh Milo I think I’ve just discovered something well what is it you gave me a bow and arrow to shoot all these high up buttons but they are not the ones that open this door it’s these ones right next to it oh dang it now you figure it

Out this is way too easy and now I can make my way into this room with wo a mutant zombie that’s crazy he does lots of damage wo he can even send shock waves through the floor I better grab whatever’s in that chest quick before I

Get hurt yeah Chip he’s going to really get you wao Milo there are enchanted golden apples and netherite armor in here this is so cool I am really really stacked well let’s see if you can brat him because he’s guarding a little something something okay I have to get

In there and open this button but Milo why can’t I open this door it’s a prank button what Milo how am I meant to get through well I guess I’ll put a different button then since it’s such a big deal Milo that’s such a newbie mistake to make I’m taking so much

Damage and my arm is getting hurt from this zombie I’m hearing a lot of complaining and not much doing oh well I’m doing it right now I’m totally taking this zombie down although ouch he’s doing lots of damage to me I need to eat more golden apples otherwise I’m

Going to die Qui great champ he’s actually really powerful yeah I’ll say he’s totally taking down lots of my health even the custom Golden Hearts I get from the golden apple oh no I need to quickly heal before I die oh wo he is roaring right now that’s a crazy Power

Attack wait a second what’s he trying to do W he’s on the ground and there’s a zombie he just summoned him that is crazy wait a minute I heard my chicken friend getting hurt Milo oh my gosh not the chicken friend it’s okay the zombie

Keeps getting up but I know I can take him down I just have to try yeah if you beat him you actually deserve to find miky cuz this is very intense yeah this is so intense the zombie is doing so much damage but I’m doing even more

Damage to him there is no way he’ll stop me from saving Mikey oh yeah look I even got the Hulk Hammer wow that was really impressive yeah it totally was now I need to find out what’s underneath this trap door wait a minute Milo I totally

Made it hi Mikey I am here to rescue you we totally did that so fast I’m so happy yeah well that was kind of fast but I’m going to do your graveyard even faster no way Milo this graveyard is going to be a very big challenge for you to beat

Just you wait well hey look this is a really nice looking graveyard chip yeah thanks Milo I’m glad you like it but you’re not going to like it for much longer because you are going to have to get inside this big Iron box in the

Middle and you can only mine your way in a that’s really annoying I’m going to have to find some kind of tool around here maybe I could use a stick or something that would be a good idea but I don’t think that’s going to work you need to find a pickaxe hidden underneath

One of these podzol blocks it’s buried under a gravestone by one of the people that was buried here that’s all right like I said I’m really good at digging I’ll find it in no time no way Milo it’s going to take you a lot longer than that

To find this even your ghost friends won’t be able to help you well I don’t really want them to help me anyway cuz I want to do this all by myself yeah totally all by yourself you might even be able to save Mikey look Milo you found something hey yeah I really found

A diamond pickaxe wo I am glad you found a diamond pickaxe now you can make your way into the next section this is taking forever yeah I used some pretty tough iron bars no this is taking way too long I have a way better idea I can just mine

This iron oh I know away that’s a really smart idea Milo you’re making it one step closer to saving JJ work I’m down here and who what is this situation this is the crazy Laser Maze that you are going to have to get through in order to

Reach JJ the cols are really confusing me yeah they all do crazy amounts of damage although the green ones do the most oh right I’m just going to have to make a one for it cuz I do not have time let’s go oh wow Milo you’re making it

Pretty well so far I’m very impressed but are you going to be able to keep this up or will you get totally destroyed by the lasers well let’s see hey I just made it again wao I’m impressed come on Milo you got this you’re going to do a little parkour of

It this one like wo wo that’s crazy are you really going to get through here without taking any damage this is Bad Milo you’re a little more Pro than I thought you were yeah that’s right who’s the pro here now buddy it’s still totally me because you can only pick one

Of these awesome weapon sets plus this armor well I pretty much am obviously going to use the swords because I love never right yeah I had a feeling you’d say that why don’t you grab them as well as the totem of undying you will also

Need to grab this Arma set oh wow this is great go on Milo give it a try it is JJ colored yeah look I look amazing and handsome uh yeah you certainly look something well now you need to jump down into the zombie pit but make sure you

Don’t take too much damage if you die here there is no going back no worries let’s go oh wow you got this Milo wait can’t the zombies are getting me like crazy there are lots of zombies in here but there is also a pickaxe on the wall

Oh my gosh I won’t tell you what you need to use it for but there is a certain block you need to mine in order to be safe oh go they’re really getting me don’t let them corner you Milo that’s it’s a terrible idea oh I’m not coming

Up with the idea I’m just trying to fight them if you leave your sword for longer you can actually swing through the entire Army that will drive them back and make you have a huge Advantage hey that’s really nice then wait a there Spa is here yeah there are zombie

Spawners that’s what the pickaxe is for so you can destroy them oh I better get the pickaxe then had I yeah you totally should and look you actually grabbed it go on Milo destroy the spawn is quickly yeah these zombies are really punching me yeah they’re pretty powerful when you

Go to a zombie battle underneath a graveyard there are lots and lots of zombies and they are very strong but you de fed my zombies really as yeah that’s because I’m such a pro Milo I know how to take down any monster wow I did a

Really big sweep on them and I got to get this one yeah you totally do go on Milo you got this oh course they in my way stop it you fers you need to take down the zombies around you first otherwise you won’t be able to mine it

Fine I deal with these bars are fast just slow down with your sword attacks that is why you’re not doing enough damage wow I really got them now quickly mine the spawner before more zombies realize you’re here and take that wow you did it Milo but there’s still one

Zombie left and one more area you need to go to where’s the zombie I got to have a little chat with him wao that was not a very nice chat you totally destroyed him and the next area you need to go to before the final room is pretty

Crazy you’re going to want to see this for yourself Milo but I don’t know to get down there you just have to use the trapo it’s really easy a hey look at this I’m swimming yeah you just Bonk yourself on the head I’ll follow you

Down this place Milo I don’t want to go first wa chip what is this this is the zombie parkour section if you fall you land in lava and you will not be able to save JJ from being buried underground lucky for me I’m great at parkour watch

This okay I will watch this wo you’re actually doing a pretty good job so far but I wouldn’t be so confident Milo this parkour gets more and more difficult the further along you go well that’s okay because I’m doing pretty good so far okay Milo while you think about this

Next jump I just need to check something ahead stay right there what I don’t want to stay here you’re wasting my time yeah sorry Milo I just need to check this okay Milo cannot hear me anymore and now I can confirm that the secret entrance to skip the entire Warden section and go

Right to JJ still works this is perfect I do not think Milo will find this but if he manages to get it and Skip through the entire Warden section he will be able to beat this secure obstacle course faster than I could beat his we have to

Be sneaky so he does not realize it’s there well Milo I was just checking on um the lava and it’s nice and hot oh well du I could have told you that yeah but I just needed to check sometimes it cools down and I can’t be sure oh no

Milo quick I’ll put you back up here you do not have many chances to make it through this thing without dying why you Wen joking about that lava being hot if you fall again I won’t be able to pick you up and save you you’ll have to be

Very careful not to Milo okay I’m going to be really careful but W this is kind of intense yeah you’re about to do a three block jump it is very difficult to do but wo you made it yeah I’ve been training and stuff yeah I’m very impressed Milo but you’re going to have

To get through this iron bar tight rope why is this taking so long chip well you need to go slow and steady that’s what wins the race although not if the race is under strict time conditions which hour is totally yeah but I still think I’m going to beat you you took forever

Trying to beat mine no way I beat yours in no time I totally took down that mutant Warden and saved Mikey a chip this next part looks really difficult yeah that that’s mostly because it is this is the zombie head section you’ll have to be very careful when jumping

Through these Milo all right I’m going to try and be careful and wo I made the first one wo just make sure you make the second one it is a big big challenge my I can’t not until you use the totem of undying oh no this is

Really annoying now I just have to sit here burning if you give up your totem of undying I can add a couple staircases for you to get back up up but that will be your final chance to use it quick Milo you have to decide okay chip I’ll

Give you the totem all right Milo give it to me now before you die from fire there you go okay it burned up in the lava so I know you won’t use it and here is a dirt staircase for you to climb thank goodness took you long and it took

You even longer to try and complete this underground secure burial site you need to go quicker than this Milo otherwise I’m totally going to beat you and it’ll be way too easy oh I’m what I’m going as fast as I can I got little leg all right

Milo you only have one more real jump and you’re almost there wow look at me in wow okay stay right there there is one final thing I need to do really quick what is it you’ll see soon enough before Milo goes through this maze I need to flick this lever to summon the

Warden all right it’s time in 3 2 1 boom oh no the wen’s here I got to run careful Milo you cannot let this woodn’t get you if it does it’ll attack you with its sonic boom Oh can he see me right now I’m going to take that as a yes yeah

He definitely can I got to fun you got to do this Milo come on quick no you totally died this is bad all right I’ll block off the warden for now you have a couple more seconds to prepare well I’m back here now and W is he going to see

Me oh I think he might careful Milo you need to run wait a minute he’s attacking JJ this is bad you need to save JJ quick before the warden attacks him and it’s too late why are the bells ringing this is crazy you got this Milo there is only

A couple seconds left before the warden gets you oh no where am I you’re in the final section run along the corridor quickly you going to blast me and hey JJ’s here quickly JJ I’m going to break you out wait a minute Milo I don’t hear

The warden anymore you totally did it by Saving JJ I saved the day and I probably did it faster than you cuz I’m big brain no way we’re about to find out who won quicker come on Milo I think I totally won wow my time was 5 minutes and 0

Seconds exactly what was my time 5 minutes and 1 second you lost by a single second are you serious oh I’m so wrry yes I’m so happy I saved Mikey 1 second quicker than you saved JJ and totally won

Our friends Mikey and JJ (Maizen) Are BURIED ALIVE! Now CH and MI must make secure graves to keep them safe from terrifying MOBS!!

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


  1. Different people you know have different tastes 😂😂😂😂😂it’s is a joke 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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