WHERE IS THE NEW FISH?! – EP 3 (Stardew Valley 1.6 Let’s Play)

Hey what’s up guys it’s Nash and welcome back for episode three of the stardy valy 1.6 update welcome back to episode 3 I am so excited maybe we should make that our pre-episode jingle every every time we record a new episode hi guys welcome

Back I put my shirt oh wait no I need to put my shirt in the dresser that is something that needs to take place but first thing first we’re going to check the TV and see what the weather is like so it’s going to be clear and sunny all

Day what about the fortune teller here the spirits are very happy today they will do their best to shower everyone with Good Fortune amazing and then we get a recipe from the queen of sauce which I love is this going to be different n it’s just stir fry good old

Stir fry it’s perfect way to get some healthy Greens on your plate sauté The Greens in a little sesame oil and make sure to add plenty of fresh ginger and garlic breathe deeply oh that’s good you learned how to cook stir fry nice okay so we do want to unlock all the cooking

Recipes we are going to have to cook uh all the foods if we want to kind of get through the game I guess that’s not technically true but if we want 100% the game then we do need to do that but anyways look at our little cat andola I

Do need to make sure we uh fill the water bowl here oh I love that it says a noa’s bowl that’s actually very very cool doesn’t does it say other things if we walk up to other things like shipping bin I guess not but because you can have

Multiple pets now it does say what pet gets which bowl that is very interesting anyways we have potatoes to harvest today and we actually got a gold quality which we need for one of our bundles and that reminds me we probably should go and grab some more potatoes from Piers

Uh because I want to get the quality crops bundle finished as quickly as possible we also need to figure out how we’re going to get kale that could be an issue but today the traveling cart is in town and we missed it last time so I

Really do want to go and see if we can get some cool stuff from the traveling cart I’ve definitely got plans for today we’re going to uh I guess pet our chicken I’m I’m trying to fill up my watering can and my chicken is all up in

The way can I can I fill there we go all right well beluca loves us so that’s good hello Misty how you doing hope you’re enjoying the nice blue grass my animals seem to be doing fairly well on the farm which makes me happy and I got

To say it’s really really nice starting on the Meadowlands farm with animals and you don’t have to buy them we do oh we need to drop in and get my eggs too I always forget that my chickens give me eggs here we go two eggs ready to be

Picked up and I am just keeping all these I’m not entirely sure what we’re going to use these for if I’m going to make them into mayonnaise or if I’m just going to kind of hoard them and keep them or sell them or whatever we have already sold these in the shipping bin

So we technically don’t really need to do that I do need to keep the potato cuz it is for the community center but I can sell the rest of the potatoes if I want to so I’m going to go ahead and do that I think so there is a new fish in the

Game and I want to see if we could do a little bit of fishing this morning to see if we can catch the fish actually actually really quickly because I was just talking about it I’m going to go look at the traveling cart see if there’s anything that we can buy down

There and then we’ll come back and we’ll do some fishing the traveling cart is here this is so exciting to see okay what do we have eggplant seeds Okay we have a red mullet spaghetti life Elixir wild horseradish battery packs yam seeds radish sneakes goat cheese stump seed

That’s actually really cool that looks awesome and the rare seed H we can’t really afford anything um we can’t even afford a radish which is kind of crazy if you think about it those a really expensive radish but there’s actually a new fish in the game it is

Called the goby and I believe you can catch the goby in waterfalls so there’s a waterfall on our farm and I want to see if we can catch this new fish it is a spring and summer fish I believe and and if we cast our line

Into does it need to be like in the waterfall or next to the waterfall how does this work okay it’s not looking like I can cast there so maybe we go near it maybe it’s like this little section of water is considered waterfall I I genuinely don’t know but I guess we’ll

Just fish here see if we can catch a GOI and I’ll spend just a couple of hours doing this says you can catch in any weather so hopefully we can actually get one trash beautiful we got a hit let’s see what it is I am crossing my fingers that we get

A goby this is a bit of a sinker come on goby come on goby smallmouth bass first catch on that that is quite nice all right we can’t get like super close into the waterfall so what counts as waterfall and what doesn’t trying to get as close as I can

Oh we got another hit let’s give it a go this is probably going to be another smallmouth bass looking like but I’m keeping my fingers crossed okay so I’m going to try something if I try and oops that wasn’t what I wanted to try if I

Try to oh gosh no like move my no I can’t trying to like cast into the waterfall anyways guys today is Louis’s birthday and I don’t want to miss giving him his gift time is ticking and this day is going super fast so I do want to

Go and give him a parsnip cuz I believe that he likes these and then potentially we could go grab some more potatoes we also need to focus on making a scarecrow today is another thing there’s a lot to do first things first we got to find Louis usually hangs out sometimes like

In this area there’s Harvey there’s there’s Louis right there hello I would like to give you a gift ah you remembered the old mayor’s birthday it’s very thoughtful of you and it’s a nice gift Ah that’s beautiful sniff sniff a since you’ve been spending some time in the old Community Center

It’s good to know someone’s taking care of the place oh I’m trying my best mayor Lewis I’m going to try to make that place legendary and beautiful restored back to its former glory let’s go ahead and talk to Harvey H I’m struggling to make ends meet I don’t have enough

Patience I guess I should try to get patience from neighboring towns neighboring towns H hi there Miss I wonder if there’s going to be I I saw in the patch notes that there are going to be new villagers introduced if you kind of get to the end game so I’m very

Interested what that means I could be misinterpreting that but I’m kind of excited anyway uh do you raise sheep on uh do you raise sheep in your barn I don’t have a barn yet Emily but hopefully one day you can turn your wool into beautiful bolts of cloth it’s nice

To be be so close to the ocean speaking of the ocean we need to go see if we can finish up the bundle by going in uh finding the rest of the shells on the ocean uh the sound of the sea makes going to sleep a lot easier oh I bet a

The ocean I miss the ocean as kind as kids we hunted for seashells after the tide went out those were the days so I think has Evelyn lived here her entire life go and talk to marrow hi do you have fun working on the farm oh yes

Absolutely well that’s good isn’t it you could say so I think if I didn’t enjoy it that would be pretty sad let’s go ahead and talk to Penny how’s she doing hello M the weather’s interesting today don’t you think down to the beach we go

We’re going to go see if we can get some shells here there’s some oh look at this there’s a a sea plant here and we also found a lost book okay nice I’m also seeing a clam which is not what we need but that’s okay yes we got two new

Character seeds oh that’s wonderful that is so so so good I’m also going to take this clam and then I’m just going to kind of Comb the beach really quickly see if we can find any other di spots or any other shells it doesn’t look like it I really should be

Checking this on more of a daily basis ah Elliot what’s up hello I hope uh your new farmer life is panning out as you’d hoped Willie how’s your day going if you purchase a high quality fishing rod you’ll be able to catch attach Bait and Tackle to the line bait causes fish to

Bite faster tackle can make the job a lot easier when reeling in the fish okay oh it’s locked dang it I was going to go in and check if we unlocked any new Bobbers we have caught a few new fish types and I believe that you unlock new

Bobber types by catching new fish oh it’s a nice day isn’t it well I have to say I’m pretty glad that we found some seeds on the beach here’s Marne I never talk to Marne sure anola will be a little shy at first it takes a while for

Animals to get comfortable in a new setting I think you’ll love having a little friend on the farm with you I think I will too an all has been super sweet so far all right so nothing really new that we unlocked today and it says that the goby stops being found at 6:00

P.m. so we can’t go fishing for the GOI anymore I have been checking the wiki uh for that and just like trying to learn about some of the new things without spoiling it for myself but also so that I can try to help you guys and and teach

You guys if you’re using these videos as kind of um a helper to play the game I’m definitely going to be like figuring things out as I go but I do want to help you guys too if I can let’s put all this away we’re getting a nice collection of

Fishy type of things going on here oh we need to put my shirt away and I probably should go ahead and plant my spring seeds my energy is so so so low though I guess I’m just going to turn in early I can’t think oh wait actually we do need

To craft a scarecrow and I need to figure out how to do that we also need to craft a furnace so 25 stone 20 copper I don’t think we have 20 copper and then in order to make a scarecrow we need coal wood and fiber I think the wood is

Where we’re going to be hurting we have plenty of fiber pretty sure we have enough coal yes and then yeah we don’t have enough to make the furnace yet but we’ll go into the mines so that we can do that and then I’ll just try to get a

Little bit of wood here so we have nine pieces and we need 50 just going to go down here try to find a rogue tree and just chop chop this down did we just get some we got another oh no I was like did we get another shirt out of this

Tree just finding random clothing oh I’m starting to feel exhausted no 28 all right looks like we’re going to have to make the Scarecrow tomorrow that’s fine we can turn in go to sleep we’ll be all good to go before I go to bed I am going to put my t Jersey

Away cuz we don’t need that and then we are going to head to bed we’re selling all of our potatoes we made 340 gold that is awesome I’m saving up for that backpack I want more inventory space got to check the TV as always the weather

Report says it’s going to be clear and sunny okay fortune teller says the spirits are in Good Humor so we can go into the mins today that would be nice welcome to living off the land we’re back again for another uh tip for yall let’s talk fences fences are useful for

Keeping weeds at Bay and protecting your crops they also let Farmers contain their livestock fences break down after while but Stone iron and hardwood fences last longer than basic wood very good to know my parsnips are ready oh this is awesome the cauliflower is going to take

A while I’m actually really excited to have these parsnips let’s go put these away and then let’s put the sap away too and early this morning we are going to continue to work on scarecrow I’m kind of surprised we actually haven’t seen a crow yet and then of course I need to go

Pet Nola it’s always the first priority we want to become friends with our pets so we could have more pets on the farm oh we have more person UPS here that I did not see going and collecting our eggs for today got to go put these in

The chest and then I think I’m going to try to keep catching that goby I just want to prove to you guys that you can actually catch a goby uh catch the new fish I hope question Mark and then maybe later on in the afternoon we’ll go over

To the mines first things first though like I said want keep our eye on the prize we got to try to get the Scarecrow going all right there it is the perfect 50 so we should be able to craft a scarecrow here awesome and that does

Give us an achievement marked off in our Journal so let’s go ahead and do advancement as you gain experience you’ll discover new crafting recipes to increase profit it and make life easier a scarecrow for example will prevent crows from snacking on your precious crops 100 gold there to accept uh we

Still need to do initiation we need to craft a furnace 40 in the mines and feeding animals build a silo that’s right how much do I have of this okay so I think we need 100 stone for The Silo and then we need 10 clay can’t remember right now

I don’t know if it was wood or what but we’re still going to have to wait on that a little bit hold on let’s go and see if there’s an event today we’ll run it run into town I do want to get more potatoes but I’m also I don’t know if I

Should spend my money just now because like I said we really want to get that backpack upgrade okay so I was thinking it was this but no we there’s no events uh just Vincent’s birthday coming up egg festival and then Haley’s birthday okay so nothing nothing too crazy to worry

About this week Leah is in need of a bream o and we get one ticket so this is a new item uh we can actually go check this out it’s within the mayor’s house there is uh if we fulfill that then we can get tickets and I think we can buy

Something from the mayor’s house we’re going to have to go check it out I just love animals Miss Nash treat them kindly and we’ll become friends I’m sure oh I hope so I would love to be friends with Marney because there’s a storyline that we need to kind of get through later on

In the game uh let’s dig through the trash there okay mayor Lewis’s house oh whoa something’s happening oh we’re talking to Mayor Lewis about the new ticket thing ah hello Nash what’s up mayor Lewis what’s going on tell me about all the things what is this I was just

Loading some more priz into this machine here prizes okay it’s a new program I’ve come up with to help promote a spirit of Goodwill among the town’s folk you included it’s pretty simple sometimes when you help out others in town you’ll receive a prize ticket you can turn them

In for rewards there’s some special stuff in there oh that makes me super excited I want to see what’s in this thing my only worry is that people will just go after the tickets rather than cultivating a true compassion for their fellow man uh I just want to help yep

I’m in it for the prizes we’ll say I just want to help is that so well I’m glad to hear that at any rate keep checking the Help Wanted board in town it’s a good way to get your hands on more tickets good luck out there we’re

Going to get tickets oh what an exciting what an exciting way to kind of start off this episode actually we’re about like halfway through the episode so I don’t know what I’m saying but we have a lot of things here so oh wow so we put in a ticket we press

The button this is so cool and do we get it looks like we just get this thing the first thing there I don’t know we’re going to have to see how this works but that is amazing we could get 12 carrot seeds uh 10 mix seeds or it looks like a

Maybe like a peach tree or something like that that’s pretty cool pelicant Town Ledger book it looks like the Mary used this track of finances I think this is the marriage log yeah so after you get marriage you can file for divorce this is the lost and found box all kinds

Of things in the mayor’s house that we can look at mayor mayor’s oven could use a good cleaning what’s in his fridge it’s the Mar’s fridge it’s filled it’s mostly filled with milk and iced tea I just want to look at the new ticket thing I am so excited about that I just

Want to get random tickets and items so we need to catch a bream for Leah which I think we can definitely do uh they’re pretty common pretty common nightfish you just have to catch them after like 6:00 p.m. ah we got some glass shards let’s go donate this to the museum

Really quickly and then I still want to try to catch that goby it’s caught in waterfalls so I am hoping we could try a different waterfall that’s what we could do cuz I was trying to find trying to do the waterfall at home um but maybe if we

Try a different waterfall it’ll work a little better here we go let’s give another donation I do want to get all the donations done as as quickly as I can cuz again it just unlocks other things that you can do in the game so it’s always fun to be ahead of these

Things but let’s go up to the top oh we got another seed one I didn’t know we could find these out here but that’s actually really really really awesome okay so I believe there’s a waterfall what is that what is this this is an entirely new area what the

Heck oh my gosh wait I think this is a hot air balloon dock I think this is where the hot air balloon is going to come oh that’s so cool when we need uh to get the books there’s like a book Merchant that comes I think he he

Or she Travels by hot air balloon there’s also some kind of stuff back here you can break into that’s pretty cool I cannot wait to see what that is that’s super exciting so I believe there’s a waterfall up here this is where I was going to go check this is

Where you can catch one of the legendary fish so if we maybe possibly throw our fishing rod out okay mine is definitely not long enough but possibly we can go here a here we go new achievement fisherman oh that’s fun all right let’s get rid of this coal

So I can definitely fish here I can’t fish as easily in the waterfall at the farm so potentially this is better for catching the goby we’ll see probably going to be a smallmouth bass it’s a sunfish we got a new catch it’s pretty exciting I will uh I will keep

That another hit let’s see come on goby I don’t know if you have to be a certain level to catch the GOI or if you can just be level one or two smallmouth bass new record um let’s get rid of this goopy Mossy stuff all right it’s 6:00 p.m. so we currently

Uh cannot find the goby after 6 so I’m going to head home and dump off all of my inventory because this is getting cluttered it’s getting full and then I think I want to go into the mines if we have a little bit of oh actually just kidding probably shouldn’t go into the

Mines because I have no energy I do want to do the Slime eradication goal and we technically have two seasons to catch the goby uh so maybe we’ll do that later [Laughter] um it seemed like that waterfall was good to for catching because I could actually kind of get closer to the

Waterfall which was nice whereas at the farm we couldn’t really get into the waterfall so I’m a little interested to see how that plays out for us with the goby like where we’re going to catch it or not uh so you guys will have to stay

Around for a future episode cuz I I don’t know I don’t know where we’re going to catch the goby um whether it be on the farm or in town also you guys might be wondering why I’m keeping all of my fish the reason being because I

Kind of want to save up to sell my fish until we get the fishing perk that makes fish uh sell for more money so I’m just going to kind of hold on to them until it makes sense to sell them and I can sell them for a higher price all right

Time to get some sleep and head on to tomorrow hey we got forging nice I wasn’t expecting that that kind of catches me by a surprise but charcoal Kil is exciting fishing level two that’s amazing we’re leveling up we can now craft bait I was hoping we would level

Up farming again but I’m not going to be too greedy that is exciting that we that we even got those so let’s do another day here what have we got it’s going to be clear and sunny okay I’m I’m liking all these sunny days it’s not too bad

Okay what about our luck Good Humor Beautiful cuz I really want to go into the m today all right no one visiting the farm but it does look like we have mail I need to go fill up my watering can and then take care of all of my

Crops and animals so I’m just going to kind of do my daily chores all right let’s check and see what mail we have so me hats okay poke uh come to the old old old house poke uh bring coins from the Hat Mouse it’s always a very interesting

Message to get but we can now go down below to the house house let’s actually just go check that out not sure if there’s going to be anything I can buy but there were new hats added to the game in the new 1. 6 update I think it

Was like 25 hats or something like that give or take a few I’m not I don’t know if I remember the exact number but I I feel like it was 25 my brain is telling me 25 for some reason that could be something else I don’t know anyways I’m

Excited to go see the Hat Mouse so we’re going to go do that I also want to go ahead and look for some spring onions and some forgeable and then we’re going to back up to the farm I’m going to offload my inventory and then probably go into the mines and finish the

Initiation goal lots of horseradishes down here it’s quite interesting so continuing to just go South all the way down another horse radish that’s beautiful I’ve gotten so many horse radishes I’ll take it this is the Hat Mouse and it is very very cute you can

Come down here and buy H hats so this is the first one we can get but I don’t really see us needing hats right now so I’m not going to not going to worry about that too much but if you’re new to the game I wanted to show you where that

Is located if you get that and you’re kind of like what the heck does that even mean that is what that means all right coming down to see if we can find any forgea or any uh spring onions it doesn’t look like it still very curious

What this is we’ll come back to that one we actually unlock it which will probably take a while so you guys will have to hang tight with me but it’ll be fun once we finally figure out the secrets of the cave door all right back

Up to the farm I’m going to like I said offload my inventory and my tools and we’re going to head up to the mines all right after the mines we go we need to collect some Stone so that we can make the silo some clay would be nice and

Then we also need to be sure that we get rid of those 10 stinky slimes and we can kind of grab some of these little seed packets on the way it looks like we’re getting carrots from those which makes me excited because during the other Seasons I believe it’s summer squash and

What was the fall one oh I’m not I’m not able to remember it right now but there are a couple new crops that they added and it seems like you can get those from harvesting those little little wormies another book very nice found a lost book

All right let’s go take care of these slimes let’s do a little caving Montage I didn’t bring my pickaxe oh my God I’m such a dummy head back to the farm we go oh you guys are probably screaming at your screen like nah you forgot the most important thing your freaking pickaxe

There we go and plenty of slimes for us to take care of here I’m actually getting ganged up on by three slimes this is not good oh that was already four slimes this will be my fifth one this is uh turning out to be a relatively easy

Challenge so far despite the fact that my health is uh quite low did we just find a diamond holy crap I just found a diamond in that purple rock that’s so awesome okay I’m kind of strategically looking for slimes just so we can get rid of that that goal

But it looks like there’s none on this level we have a cherry bomb and a crab I’m going to eat this leak really quick so we can grab the crab cuz we already grabbed the Cherry Bomb there I don’t know if we we don’t really need this

Crab anymore but uh it’s good to have I guess a we’re getting so many stairs beautiful right let’s just keep going down I’m not really seeing any slimes it’s making me kind of sad actually dang I got to say I’ve been getting super super lucky with what I’ve

Been finding on these levels with finding stairs I should say oh man what do I want to keep let’s get rid of the hardwood I want keep these cave carrots oh there’s also Quartz in here I never use the fertilizer so we’ll just get rid of that I guess and then we

Will keep the quartz and then we’ve got a finally one of these guys awesome so many staircases to go down if we need to quarts are great gifts for some villagers so that is the reason why I try to prioritize those when I go down

In the mines always try to take those it can be very nice in the long run specifically for Marney I find um becoming friends with her is really easy same with Sebastian if you want to woo Sebastian he also really likes quartz ah our first chest exciting we found a

Femur which is a level two Club 6 to 11 damage uh this is 2 to five so actually a lot better than what we’re using currently so we could swap that out I like there’s actually a l more amethyst where this came from I don’t find that I

Use amethyst for a lot of things so I think I might just get rid of the amethyst and then we are down we’re down in bug flying bug layer which I don’t love this is probably one of my least favorite sections of the mines that I

Try to get through as quickly as I can it’s just frustrating when those little bugs fly at you I’m sure we’ll get one soon what do we at on our initiation let me see eight okay we only need two more beautiful I think we can get that done today I’m I’m

Hopeful okay we only need one more all right and that one should be done I think after this guy there’s one of those flying bugs yay journal entry finished I love it why am I not using my new femur very good okay let’s check out the initiation so enter the adventurers

Guild I think we can do that if we go outside I want to say it might be closed but hopefully not oh no I’m running for my life I’m letting this bug attack me get me out of here okay leave the mines leave the mines don’t get down five more

Levels I just want to see if I can run into the adventurers Guild really quickly is it closed oh yes we did it Journal updated so this is the adventures Guild guys what a cool thing I never realized they had bunk beds that’s kind of interesting these two uh

Sleep together so or sleep in the same room on bunk beds this is Gil come back when you’ve got something to show me kid so these are the monster eradication goals help us keep the valley safe so you have to kill the slimes and the cave insects and the duggies and the pepper

Rexes and all those kinds of things there also some pretty awesome weapons that you can buy from here wall sword decorative sword that’s pretty fancy and some rings that will give you stats very nice uh but I don’t have much to do here aside from that I’m glad we were able to

Get that goal completed feel like we did a good amount of work today we didn’t I did want to buy The Silo uh but we didn’t get enough to do that that’s going to take a little bit more time but I would like to get it before the end of

The season if possible just because my animals are going to run out of food eventually and I need to I need to be able to take care of them of course but we got a lot of other things accomplished Louis’s birthday we checked out the traveling cart we got all the

Slimes and we did the scarecrows we can actually go ahead and craft up my first furnace we have enough to do that so let’s get that finished that’s one of our of goals here let’s throw these carrots out and then where should we put the furnace let’s actually just put it

Like in front of the house I guess I also can’t believe we found a diamond that is very exciting it says you can give it to Gunther I’m not going to do that yet because you can get a crystarium in the game which is the ability to duplicate uh fancy minerals like this

And it is awesome so I’m going to save my diamond until we get a crystall Arium but aside from that everything is looking pretty good we did not find the goby today but we found out about the tickets in mayor Lewis’s office very very exciting anyways guys that is going

To have to do it for episode three of my stardy valy let’s play thank you so much for hanging out with me and chilling and playing stard de Valley with me if you are playing alongside if not I hope you have an amazing day whatever you are up

To but thank you guys I will see you in the next one thanks to all my patrons and my members you guys are amazing thank you for the support and I hope you all have a very beautiful wonderful day bye guys something’s happening we’re getting the Fairy Oh half my crops already like

Fully grown though oh this is very cool though I love this nice well next episode we’re going to have some freshly grown crops I love it we also level up mining let’s go let’s go

WHERE IS THE NEW FISH?! – EP 3 (Stardew Valley 1.6 Let’s Play)

Welcome to the wonderful cozy peaceful world of Stardew Valley! The game has a new 1.6 update and it is HUGE! In this let’s play we will be exploring the new update while we play through the game! 🤗

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