Two HUGE Secrets in Stardew Valley 1.6

Hey there everyone PhilChill here and welcome to  my channel the 1.6 update of Stardew Valley dropped and we   that a lot of hidden content and secrets which  are spread around the whole game today I’ll be   covering two Secrets which are now found in stardew  Valley and they’re quite amazing the first one is  

About a crossover with another famous game and  that is Terraria. Terraria once had a crossover   from stardew valley where you could fish up Joja Cola  and by giving it to the drad you would activate a  

Portal to stardew Valley and concern da reopen that  long lost portal from stardew Valley as well but to   activate this portal there are some requirements  first and foremost you would need the ancient doll   this is an artifact which you can find around the  Valley from artifact spots or by opening treasure  

Troves at Clint for the second requirement you  need to think back to the Terraria boss the Wall   of Flesh to summon it you need to drop a guide  wood doll in the lava and with that we’ll need to  

Find an area with lava in stardew Valley and that is  either the 100th level in the mines or the volcano   dungeon either one works and lastly we will need  to be friendly enough with the wizard in order to  

Get access to his basement so if you already have  all of these requirements checked head on out to   either one of the areas that I mentioned and pop  the ancient doll in there by doing so a skeletal  

Serpent will flow out of the lava instead of the  Wall of Flesh luckily and he will drop a far away   Stone which we pick up I just love crossovers  like this between games I enjoy and play a lot  

The moment the skeletal serpent flew from the lava  it made me go back and enjoy some Terraria on my   old worlds that I have started and this little  Easter egg surprised me a lot but we’re not over  

Yet as we got the far away Stone we need a place  to use it and I know just the place now when you   go to the visard basement there will be a little  Shrine next to the shrine of Illusions which was  

Added in the 1.6 update and is interactable  when you interact with it while holding the   farway stone a cut scene will play out instantly  a Terraria portal will open up where a kitty will  

Come to our world and give us a sword and not just  any sword the Meowmere sword and at the end of the cut   scene the wizard will show up and berate us for  opening random portals to other worlds like come  

On we needed that Sword and the kitty was cute the  Meowmere is a level four sword with 20 damage plus   four speed and plus two weight but the look of  it is quite unique and cute the best thing to do  

With it is to either use it for the look on your  main weapon or just have it as a showcase around   the house since at the point you unlock the lava  areas you would have much better weapons in the  

Game so what would you do with it let me know down  below and that’s one of the secrets that we have   now in the 1.6 update of stard Valley concerning  the crossover with Terraria but there is one more  

Secret in the game now as you all know the famous  mayor Lewis of stardew Valley is a very greedy and   powerful person and most of the gold from the  village somehow disappears into the form of his  

Statue who knows who built it but there is a new  secret add it now which concerns his pants as well   you remember the quest to find his famous purple  pants which are forgotten at Mar’s place hope that  

She at least watched them while they were there  though but now when you visit his house there are   a few changes but also a hidden place which was  added in the game when you go around the house  

You will notice that an interactual hand will  appear in the right corner corner of his room   but when we go there and try to interact with it  nothing happens well there is a trick to that as  

Well and I think I can see now where most of the  money from the village went if you remember that   if you use a staircase in your pen slot you would  create the mayor’s lucky purple shorts and concern  

D remember that and in the 1.6 update he added  a homage to it but with a Twist now if you use   the staircase in the miror room it will open up a  pathway to the mayor’s secret basement this only  

Works in the mayor’s room and not in the whole  house so keep that in mind when we enter the   basement we’re met by a dark room and at the end  of the room we can see the famous mayor’s purple  

Lucky shorts which is at the end of the maze  which is filled with boxes with who knows what   in them we can see an ornate clock and even Alex’s  weights were there meaning someone has been even  

Taking the other villagers items when you get to  the end of the Maze and pick up the shorts another   pair will appear and attack you seeking revenge  for The Unwanted trespassing the flying purple   shorts can be dangerous since you can’t hit them  and they do damage to you so keep that in mind  

You need to try to escape the basement as far as  you can and at least you can block so that should   keep you relatively safe when you get out of the  basement you would have your very own pair of  

Purple shorts there are a few things that I would  like to mention firstly this is a way to get the   purple shorts without having to befriend Marney  to get her pair and after taking the shorts you  

Can use another pair of staircases to repeat the  process since they respawn every time you go down   to the basement and you can use this trick to get  an unlimited amount of purple shorts I just don’t  

Know who would want that like come on please don’t  do that all in all I was quite surprised that   concern ape used the trick which goes hand in hand  with the bug that created those shorts from tin  

Air in the past that we all used to get those but  those were the golden trimmed ones and these are   the regular ones but still the purple shorts are  the purple shorts so they’re useful at least and  

I can’t wait to see what else we can discover in  the 1.6 update of St who knows what else is hidden   there though and as an honorary mention there  is a new interaction which was one of the most  

Talked about topics days before the 1.6 update and  that is concerning Mayo you all know that now you   can drink Mayo but has anyone wondered if they  should do that well if you for any reason drink  

Mayo in front of Mayor leou he will respond with  a simple and on the spot question why and I would   really love to see the look on his face at the  moment as well when he said that but there you  

Have it those are some of the secrets that I  have found in the new update of stard Valley   and they’re quite awesome to be honest what do you  think of these and are there any secrets you have  

Found in your playr let me know Down Below in any  case that’s all I have for you today if I managed   to show you something new don’t forget to leave a  like and if you like to see see more content from  

Me consider subscribing to the channel That always  helps out as I try to grow our little Community I   hope you all have a great day and I’ll see  you all in my next one but till then stay safe

Today I will be talking about some of the secrets that were added in the 1.6 update of Stardew Valley. These hidden easter eggs were added in the latest patch of Stardew Valley and they are huge surprises for everyone.

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  1. Btw how I make galaxy sword to look like meowmer? Now I am interested in terraria, have it on steam but never played it. Sorry for 2 comments..

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