Minecraft but Everything is a Shop

I’m going to make a million emeralds in Minecraft I’ve got to turn every structure into a store that I can use to sell items to villagers all with the hopes to buy my very own crafty Mansion ah here’s my store or at least one day it will be it’s looking kind of

Disgusting right now but a man can dream I’ve currently got zero emeralds your boy is broke Mr villager sir ooh I can trade an emerald for a business shop portal that seems kind of cheap for a portal gun no problem my boy let me get

Some dirt for an emerald why why do you need dirt so badly my guy one Emerald Acquired and one business shop portal acquired so let’s open up our portal here and check this out so here’s where I can buy everything I’ll need for my shops including the store title itself

For only one Emerald that is the cheapest piece of real estate I’ve ever seen what is this 1982 oh I can’t wait this shop is going to be so cool don’t worry buddy I have a shop here in just a second uh don’t SP all your money yet my

First store title I was going to say shop and store so it became sure sure why not and now I can just right click it to end up right in front of my shop here look at it it’s mine it’s not great looking but it’s mine uh hold on sir I’m

Not selling this yet unless you want cobwebs only one easy payment of emerald no he just closed the door and left clean the shop all right text on the screen let’s do it can’t have a gross looking store after all first I’ll need some cleaning supplies and by that I

Mean like a shovel and pickaxe but we’re going to pretend they’re cleaning supplies all right beautiful shop let’s do this first up let’s get this dirt out of here oh gosh how’d this place get so dirty man what the heck I have a whole dungeon down here oh gosh that is not

What I signed up for no wonder I could buy this place for one Emerald okay maybe I got to get a sword too uh sir I said we’re not ready yet I’m just holding this sword got him pickaxe acquired do I need that for anything I don’t know there’s my axe

Even got to reinforce the floorboards over here there we go gross spider poops get that out of there ah cobwebs complete our shop is cob webless you’re uh Jeremy you’re just going to stand there you’re just going to watch you might as well grab a shovel man do

Something I don’t mind getting my hands dirty we’ll get to a million but we got to do it through our humble beginnings clear up these guys we’re getting close last but not least let’s go take care of this m base here shall we back up I hate

This I hate this don’t kill me I can’t die before I fulfill my dreams yes all right spiders are taken out and honestly I’m going to keep this basement as is for now but it lacked as good storage for all of my many Emerald blocks I’m

Going to get obviously H I do have some ideas on how to use these pots though H did I break it where did they go oh no I was going to put flowers in them I keep breaking them how do I get pots there we

Go we got to have a nice shop to attract all the customers looking good oh no oh gosh okay okay we don’t have great security no uh Jeremy I promise I promise he’s never coming back is he last but not least let’s pick some pretty flowers for our place and I think

We’re finally open for business the store is ready for business a this is looking good man all right we got customers we’ve got oh gosh no products oh no my shelves are empty uh can I put stuff here I need the Shelf stalker oh

That might be item I have to buy hold on boys don’t leave yet can I just lock him in you can’t leave all right let’s see how much the shelf stocker is only two emeralds that’s not bad I probably should stop to get some grub though my

Bellies are rumbling they W mind if I borrow this right bread acquired but this isn’t just a nice looking meal I can also trade it to this guy for some emeralds there we go and that should give us enough to buy our stock shelf our Shelf stalker shelf stalker

Purchased and now I can put items on my El heck yeah welcome my friends to the grand opening of The Crafty store um although it’s not crafty do store that’s a real life website you can go to buy crafty Merch this is my shop so now I

Can place items want pots you guys want corn flowers how about some string uh they don’t seem very interested okay fine I’ll go get some cool items for you I’ll be back now what kind of items do we think villagers might love I’ve never seen villagers underwater so maybe we

Can get some sea stuff I do see see a little magma block that’s pretty rare might as well huh it’s time to do some deep sea diving okay okay this is going to be dangerous can I grab that with this kind of pick yes oh gosh I’m going

To drown I’m going to drown no no no the things I do for this store and one day my Mansion now villagers also don’t go underground and Cave so I guess I can go get stuff like iron I mean villagers might love Iron right and pumpkins that

Might be perfect yeah that’ll make some serious cash oh hello no no no thank you no thank you I’ve already had my arrows today oh gosh my cave adventurers are not going to be safe no bones for bone meal they might love that so they can grow their crops all

Right now I’m thinking as a businessman iron acquired Some Coal for torches is good for myself but also to sell I don’t know we can grab some copper too going to get a mansion I’m so excited going to get a shop and then I’m get a mansion my

Dream’s coming true it’s always fun living your dreams huh am I ooh is this a cave a m shaft okay not too bad maybe a rail system I don’t know some gold oh gosh I don’t have an iron I’m not going to worry about it I’m too lazy I can

Come back later good stuff in here glowberries beet roots not too bad just looking to get a bunch of rare items of things they definitely either don’t have or can’t get hopefully that means they’ll want to pay for it all right fine I’ll do it I’ve ran out of wood and

I hope these aren’t loadbearing RS just punching wood with a piece of bread just normal crafty things while that’s smelting let’s get some of this deep slate no no no no there’s my iron pick there’s my gold and there’s some sparkly blue boys back to the shop we go oh wait

I was going to do a transition thing I forgot I can just right click this to teleport here that makes everything so much more convenient all right boys thank you for waiting I have way less customers than I did before but that’s all right I’m just taking one day at a

Time he’s like can you hurry up already all right there’s some gold there’s some iron there’s some copper hey that’s already working look at my income my emeralds are just going up now people are buying there’s our Pro section some glow beats some beetroots um bread I

Guess and here’s a bunch of random stuff I don’t know do you need an activated power rail I don’t know I don’t tell the market what to do I just give it what it needs yeah look at all these customers man I already got 75 emeralds just like

That incredible it’s not a million but every Journey starts with a single uh day every Journey starts with a Minecraft no every dream starts with a sleep no I don’t know insert something in AAL here thanks editors let’s head back into our shop here let’s see what else we can

Buy to upgrade our place we can buy a cash register might as well that’s um a lot of money but it’s fine got to spend money to make money they say hey a store employee all right they have a little C and everything we have our own little corporate uniform there’s our cash

Register oh I love it I don’t know how to use it hopefully this door employee is good it’s the door buster sale ow OU get crafty’s mcy butt for 75% off only March 26th or become loads of new Enderman types with Enderman morph and tame lots of adorable

New pets and biome pets both Minecraft maps are on sale for 33% off this week only take advantage of these fantastic deals on our Minecraft Marketplace Maps while the deals last linked down below there you are buddy welcome you are the new store manager I do pay him like five

Emeralds every 30 seconds so he’s kind of cost but if he’s running the store for me that gives me as the business owner time to expand and by expand I mean expand my waistline I’m getting hungry just look at those numbers going up oh they’re all looking at me maybe I

Don’t stand on top of the shelves my bad I’m not used to being a professional business owner ooh I have an idea I can smooze up the people yes free glowry with every purchase hello sir oh gosh this guy looks kind of suspicious would you like a glow Berry my man you just

Going to run around in circles he seems kind of sus but wa he stole like a 100 emeralds man go come on man it’s our first day open we’re already getting robbed GH messing with the small business owners not cool what else can we buy Here a silk touch pickaxe that

Might give us some really cool items gives us options for leaves and stone stuff like that he and a Golem security guard now that’ll help us kind of expensive but even stoping one Thief will uh pay for themselves so I’ll call that a worthwhile expense hey the desert

Pyramid title looks like we can upgrade very soon to our next door already The Crafty Corporation will be expanding soon it’s my first day open already expanding Golem number one oh he looks awesome sorry I punched you I didn’t not me to do that I fist bumped him a little

Too hard if you see any zombies or suspicious looking guys looking to steal our stuff I want you to take care of them if you know what I mean you know what I mean no gness gracious if a bad guy comes in here smack him how’s our

Sales looking today let’s check our cash register oh 100 emeralds yes dude well that right there should be plenty of money we have our employees we have our security there might as well expand huh let’s unlock our next shop already we’ve got the desert pyramid and here we are it’s gorgeous I think

Hopefully it doesn’t try to explode me looks like it’s been abandoned for a hot minute oh man got to start from Ground Zero cleaning this place up oh there is like a nice little basement area though down here let’s fix this place up too shall we it might be messy but at least

It comes with a complimentary tree a nice little Fern I’ll call you Fern nesto clean the store all right we got our first task here no problem I’ve done this once before as a business owner I know just what to do step one find abandoned buildings step two clean them

Step three find random items and throw them on a shelf step four profit going to buy a mansion cleaning up some dirt going to clean some webs can’t wait to have my fortune ah where’d you come from bro oh goodness I swear they were not in

Here before Oh gosh no every time I break one of these you guys just hanging out in there you play in weird sand hide andand seek or something oh goodness I’m smacking you with my store title maybe I don’t do that he might steal it from me

And take my business yeah two of them you guys having a slumber party oh gosh I broke my sword hold on hold on I need to go get my sword back all right it’s go time this might be a mistake I’m just going to take them all out at once oh

Gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh they’re behind me too there there we go now I can just wipe them all out at once the things us business owners go through I think this is how McDonald’s was founded oh all right Bo This Means

War this is not what I signed up for today dude there’s so many of them it’s going to be so worth it dude I do have a kind of a fun idea of what I want to do with this shop since it’s in the desert hold on let me just munch on

A whole loaf of bread real quick so since this is in the desert I figured what I can do is grab stuff like water or Coral or just some stuff that people can’t get in the desert maybe like some saplings and stuff too have a heart half a heart okay what boy Mak

Moners this job is hard be a business owner they said it’d be fun they said and done the story is ready for business check this out hey where did you guys come from are you guys sitting here the whole time why do they always show up

Before I have stuff in here guys hello sir yes the grand opening is in a couple days I think Chester might have sent the invitation a little early H what might the Villager folk want I mean this is pretty close by but I guess we can sell

It we can grab some saplings here some salmon oh I bet you those villagers are tired of eating bread all the time let’s get us some nice sushi for him there’s our little sapling awesome oohoo I I didn’t know what that noise was oohoo I’m just being a little silly goose a

Nice little jungle we can get ourselves some jungle saplings as well while I wait for saplings there are there any of those what are they called little coco beans any cocoa beans around here piggy you seen them I’m sure the desert villagers wouldn’t mind a cookie or two

Aha cocoa beans thank you yeah give me give me a sapling come on give it to me y there it is thank you you just got to ask nicely or threaten them I don’t know wa check this out man look at how giant this mountain is that looks unstable you

Know what they should put right next to that unstable Mountain how about a village what what’s the Worst That Could Happen what’s up boys anything exciting in I can borrow can borrow one of these bells that’ll be nice since for some reason they have two you only need one

Bell boys don’t be greedy what else what else ooh oak sapling I’ll take it okay let’s head back over and start selling these items shall we come on in boys the shop is open oh gosh there are so many man they’re all lining up for me I’m so

Nervous we got some decent items here we got a bell a little bit of sugar cane what else did I get oak sapling some lapis lazuli is it just me or does lapis look like sideways Blue Lips do you know what I mean editor can you just put one on my face thank

You coco beans salmon Acacia saplings couple little flowers there I think that’s all the items I wanted for now oh gosh dude it’s working look at how fast my money’s going up now heck yeah they like the items but I’m not done yet I still have this whole road to set up but

First before I do that let’s get a cash register let’s hire a store employee ooh I like that let’s get a silk touch wooden pickaxe a I can’t use it for much but I mean it’s still going to be cool and then let’s hire a couple security

Boys H they look so stinking cool now while I’m gone gentlemen filling the shop back up go ahead and protect the place shall we and we’ll set you up yeah to man the store or woman the store or uh uh uh you know what I mean stay here

And person the store nailed it all right boys hold the shop up I’ll be back I’ve got this silk touch pickaxe H what items could I get with this a bush yeah okay well that didn’t work you know what leaves might be nice I can get leaves

And I hope they leaves a nice tip for it what you think shall we explore the caves copper I don’t think this is going to work is it yeah it’s a stone pickaxe I mean wooden pickaxe so I don’t have a whole lot of stuff I can get normal

Stone’s kind of nice though I’ll take that oh look at that the stalagmites and tights are kissing how cute we can grab some of this I guess little bit of dripstones pretty nice sure why not let’s grab some of that oh man there’s

Not a whole lot I can do with this but I did find water we can make a good old bucket of water and make millions or probably some extra emeralds but uh close enough we can make tens of monies oh my goodness we’re almost at 3,000

Already man it’s so cool that I can just go and explore and then come back to thousands of more emeralds it was hard work but it’s paying off all right got myself a little bit of water here anything else we want to oh gosh it’s little water ballerinas diamonds I don’t

Know if they’ll want diamonds I mean I don’t know who wouldn’t right oh no a little glow squid I think he stepped on the old stag Tite there gunpowder sure well never mind let’s grab this diamond here that’s a perfect little find anything else before I want to head up o

Free Iron I’ll take that a name tag yes dude now that’ll be nice all the villagers can finally have names they won’t just all be Jeremy another one what do I have uh piercing but lame Some Coal I guess and some Redstone sure might get no sales but I don’t know

Worth a shot I guess hey Barbara how’s it going how was sales while I was gone 200 emeralds nice job you’re telling them about the bundle right kind of like the comic book bundle on the crafty store or for example the shirt and plushy bundle no you’re not if only my

Villagers were like our team on crafty do store huh a nice old water bucket dude that’s going to sell like crazy dude all right that should cover us huh yes dude it’s going up like crazy now I think by like 20 or something great job keeping the shop safe boys you’re doing

An excellent job I’ll be back boss has got to go run some errands next up we’ve got the mobile business that’s kind of cool I can take my business on the road and it’s a tax right off can my mobile business be a Tesla yes and we can

Already buy our next title the igloo title interesting our next shop is inside I’m I’m trying to make a transition no edit or cut I’m trying to make a transition the snowy biome how cool I like this dude oh my some free Iron I guess we take those who

Would abandon this beautiful place oh yeah people that like warm ouch he is that waa who’s throwing snowballs at me ow oh no we got some angry Snow Golems ow okay okay I’m so sorry sir I’m sorry boys we can’t have them picking on the customers ah it’s cleaning time it looks

Like no problem been here once or twice ah hello bat looking good the store is ready for business I have so many shelving spots here I’m a little nervous that I’ll find enough stuff to fit here but at the very least I can sell snowballs and snow in

Case that was hard to get for some reason not sure if I’ll need a pickaxe anymore so we can place that there I can always buy a new one if I need to and of course we got to sell some coal keep those boys warm torches might be nice as

Well all right shall we hit the road my boys quite literally since I’ve got my mobile business check this bad boy out I can sell items anywhere I go wait wait hold on wait before I go stay here hey no hey no don’t you take it dude I did

Leave it running for the heat but don’t take it please please we’ll buy our security we’ll get our employee and then we’ll have our cash register you know what let’s get multiple employees huh I think it’s time for expansion I feel kind of bad having one employee take a

Whole store on by themselves there you go Bertha you will man the cash register you Jared shall greet the customers give me your best warm welcome shall we H close enough and we’ll make some nice upgrades to our other shops as well how we doing here boys oh I’ve missed this

Place ah what happened to my shelves wait wait what happened to my items dude oh gosh did we everything out already it’s fine we’ll put a nice little greeter to give people jump scares as they come in oh gosh I don’t have a whole lot to sell but I’ll just fill the

Stock up with kind of anything I do have a bunch of decent items laying around so might as well and a name tag so we at least have some good items to bring people to the store kind of like our plushies you know the plushies and

Comics are the big ticket items then we have fun stuff like t-shirts and backpacks and water bottles and stuff like that oh right and how how is this gone I did not see the number I think it was like a th000 emeralds dude keep selling boys we’re doing great okay good

We haven’t sold out of this spot yet I was not ready to do a full upgrade on this place yet um and you’re going to uh maintain the basement all right make sure no husks get in here and hide inside a sand for some reason and last

But not least we got security outside our Igloo oh gosh where are you going boys where are you going what is happening what is going on did you guys find something is is there a bad guy down here don’t worry boys I’ll get to the bottom of this ah bad guys skeletons

In our basement that that’s not good dude yeah yeah yeah you guys go battle each other I’ll be right back there we go you guys man the basement okay thank you gentlemen I’ll take the bones and arrows and then I shall sell them all right all right let’s hit the road shall

We let’s do this uh um um where’s the horn button is there a horn button oh gosh he’s buying from me dude yeah dude he just spends so much money holy cow what did I sell him my soul coming through we got a village over here hey

Boys you guys looking for some stuff I’ve got all the stuff are there any villagers in this Village I’m seeing no people there they are come on in boys yeah dude they’re spending so much money thank you uh would you like a chiseled cord block no problem anybody else hey

Mr farmer I’ve got some fun stuff for you there you go nice heck yeah dude all right numbers going up not too bad I did hire a bunch of security guards and also employees which cost money you see that number going down so probably need to be a little more efficient more income

Means more expenses let’s get more efficient with this shall we let’s go find some big ticket items for our Igloo maybe some lava and stuff maybe nether blocks although I don’t really want to go to the nether I’ll be honest ice oh that would be perfect hold on oh no I

Can’t buy another pickaxe that’s terrible do I have another one I can buy um oh I have an iron pickaxe but dude that’s 100,000 shoot I should have been more careful yes oh thank goodness no one bought it yet can I pick it up yes okay good a brand new only slightly used

Pickaxe yeah there we go we got some ice there that’ll be really good for our desert pyramid shop can also get snow oh how do I do that again shovel wait wa wait how do I get snow blocks I forgotten yeah there we go yes that’ll

Be so nice coming in boys a new restock we got stuff to make you cold now that’s more like it next up let’s get oursel a little bit of lava I found this guy over here which is kind of cursed I think he’s just held up by this got the

Perfect amount of iron for a bucket here let me grab this thank you what else might be good for a snowy area uh flint and steel here’s some gravel please don’t take 9 years to give me a flint oh my gosh please dude I always get so

Unlucky with this please give me a flint oh gosh I’m going to be here all day aren’t I that’s fine I’m not a busy business owner or anything come on what is going on I mined 49 gravel give me a flint give me a flint yes so we’ve got

Him it took 60 gravel that’s insane just a little more iron perfect swamp swamp new Big Ticket items to the store we got lava we got fire for all of your very many fiery needs yes look at how fast our money’s going up dude The Crafty Emporium is growing The Crafty Emporium

The um let’s go with the crafty store one day we can expand to the internet and we’ll call it crafty dot store all right we’ve got a Pillager Outpost title looks like we can already expand to our next shop here I don’t discriminate I just probably won’t want to sell like

Weapons and stuff right you know maybe they’re good pillagers well here goes nothing I guess um I see some pillagers that spot is looking uh rough forw I’ll say that hello boys are you guys going to take me out they turned to me so fast

That was scary we don’t want to be evil anymore will you help us become good villagers again with a small amount of Charity I mean business has been good I got to be a little philanthropic right is it philanthropic something like that all right sure man why not I can give a

Couple emeralds oh gosh or all of my emeralds no oh dude I can’t believe you fell for it no my employees are quitting now cuz they stole all my money ah what the heck man no I knew I shouldn’t trust those pillagers dude back to Ground Zero

Okay okay okay I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out let’s go let’s get out of here oh no oh gosh they’re very angry guys I promise I know the paycheck is late it’s on me man I trusted the wrong people shoot yep and Barbara’s gone okay great

Anything in the cash register 140 okay that’s not exactly what I need I can pay you for a couple more minutes of work uh no oh gosh this is not good my cash is already dwindling the pillagers have caused my businesses to Halt I’ve gone bankrupt a temporarily sell your stores

Well I guess I don’t really have an option there gosh dang it man I got 10,000 emeralds back but my stores no longer belong to me no I can’t even go inside my stores no trespassing gosh dang it man this is the worst well what can I do do with 10,000 emeralds I

Certainly can’t buy my Mansion wait but I can hire combat contractors okay I spent all my money I’ve got five combat contractors ah I’ve got an idea we might be able to take some Vengeance out on those outposts or pillagers hello boys meet my new friends oh god oh gosh get

Them boys yes yeah crush it there’s more over here go let’s take them out I will get my shop again there’s more of them where where guys guys I paid you 10,000 could you help me out over here please they’re like that is not my job walking all the

Way over there you paid me to fight not to walk well the pillagers are taken out I got my revenge but my shops are still yeah not open yet okay but the good news is I might be able to clean this spot up and make this my new shop for now it’s

Not perfect but at least I still have festo no problem just like any real entrepreneur you got to go bankrupt at least once you know do you ever really own a business if you’re that stress to go to zero in literally every second of every day all right just a little more of

That cleaning up shops yeah started with nothing are you proud of me pops I’m trying to get something I’ve got a dream or two my needs are few what do I do when I’m back to nothing looking good the store has been reclaimed wait what the stores have been reclaimed wait wait

Wait wait wa hold on okay so I can sell items in this store does that mean I get my stores back oh gosh yeah yes oh I’ve missed this place dude and there goes up our currency people are buying again we’ve got those stores back from the

Pillagers and your boy has made it back from bankruptcy we’re starting over from scratch but thankfully we are making money pretty quick let’s see what our next upgrade is here oh yeah also I should probably buy some more security here or um hire them I should say and

We’ll hire more employees as well ooh the next door is a witch’s Hut so I can buy that for 25,000 that won’t take too long so let’s prepare for that that shall we let’s get our security we’ll get our employee back oh gosh I tried to

Put him in the cash register hey welcome back me boy do we provide 401ks um is that $41,000 anyways there’s our security there employees back up and running all the stores are back up and look at all these villagers man we have a whole new Pillager Outpost shop that I

Don’t have much in there’s only room for a couple items here we’s sell some lapis lazuli I like how I’m selling to villagers though it feels kind of cursed oh the shop is multiple levels dude maybe you can get more expensive as it goes up or something like cooler and

Cooler items and looks like there’s a whole upstairs area what is this wow this is where they battle we just have a fighting ring upstairs 100 emeralds per battle Winner Takes all you it’s you and me Jeremy you want a tussle well I guess

We can theme this store right it it is a Pillager Outpost so it’s kind of like edgy for villagers to shop here keep an eye out for pillagers my boys I could sell weapons to the villagers so that way they can fight back the pillagers on

Their own I mean I’ll still help and stuff but I mean imagine Jeremy with a diamond sword you know what I mean looking for iron diamonds would be nice obviously some lava buckets are they doing some PVP strats I don’t have enough for a bucket lava I’ll be back

Don’t go anywhere hello iron hello diamonds I’ve missed you thank you w there we go grab some of this iron bucket and lava we could also do a fishing rod that’s used for fishing but o for PVP stuff don’t ask me how it works but people use fishing rods to

Fight folks come here skeleton I’ll PVP you so hard yeah yeah or you guys can fight each other that’s fine too that’s cool I didn’t want to be a part of your battle I’ll take winner um I I feel like a third wheel it’s my turn ha ha

Champion crafty let’s get some more iron little more diamonds then we can purchase our next shop hello gorgeous we’re mining Diamond so blue our shops are feeling so cool our mansion’s only a day away back at The Outpost shop check out our oh gosh thank you guys check out our

Haul dude 23 diamonds a bunch of iron and then I got an enchanted golden apple from the chest you guys are impressed huh I came back from bankruptcy in no time and a couple of um probably toned deaf song montages were here these are definitely going on the top shelf up

Here there’s our golden apple I hope I don’t need that I guess I can come back and get it if I really need it but but the sales on that should be awesome we got our fishing rod and then let’s get some swords and stuff huh you guys ready

For battle um not with me though you’ll probably win there’s three of you and I’m a weak little fragile boy well make some armor and weirdly enough not put it on a dude our shop is looking so good our diamond sword and here’s our budget

Set up we got some iron stuff I made myself an iron sword too because I realized I can’t sell an iron sword if I don’t even have one you know well that’ll do it for this shop oh gosh except maybe uh might need an employee huh and while here let’s buy our witch

Hut title I’m already ready for my next shop and I guess we could just go ahead and buy our nether fortress as well that Montage took a long time so your boy made some cash we’ll save that one for now we get our cash registers we got to

Make sure our cash is registered and that should do it the Outpost is officially an operational store let’s check out our next spot oh snap back to the drawing board with cleaning I guess no I’m just kidding I’m not going to sing again and done the door is ready

Beautiful I like your guys’ hats they have lily pads for hats that’s so cute and seems kind of uh moist I’m not really sure if I’d want to have swamp stuff you know on my hair but to each their own I guess it looks quite cute it

Is quite nice this shop is small compared to the other ones cuz this only took like a few minutes to clean so that’ll be nice we have customers waiting come on we’ll go nice and easy with this one we’ll get lily pads cuz people need hats for some reason some

Sugar cane torches beans just stuff kind of I already had and hopefully that’ll be enough honestly all our shops combined is making us a bunch of money so hopefully this works all right we do have some pretty decent items a a fern oh gosh am I selling festo are you cool

With that festo he’s you looking for a new home oh dude this guy’s iron festo and let you like for a shop inside of the swamp probably should get a lot of extra Golem Securities for this all the slimes and the zombies oh gosh no sir

I’m so sorry okay he’s fine oh he’s on the hunt already yeah get him boy we’ll definitely want to secure the perimeter with uh this Golem security cuz zombies could crawl in the back here and steal from us oh gosh I heard an explosion you all right oh God this guy’s working

Overtime dude and this guy’s just a ballerina this guy’s just dancing okay well uh it’s nice to have extras I guess this guy’s fighting for his life this guy’s just spinning in circles well honestly that should cover us for this shop I can always come back to add

Better items later but we do have this nether fortress title so that’s worth a shot huh oh this is cool it’s in the over World we’ve got a nether area it’s a whole themed Village basically my own personal nether Disneyland that sounds horrible actually it’s like Disneyland

But with 3° Burns what a nice little spot oh no okay there’s bad mobs here that this is not the Disneyland I know yeah stand back monsters well looks like cleaning the shop is going to be a little bit more dangerous than usual although it is looking kind of gross as

Well um there’s warts everywhere and spawners are is this bad spawners does this spawn blazes or is this good I don’t know oh oh my no no no no no I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die at least if I die let me die in

The comfort of my own shop it’s been fun while it lasted Boys Hey I surved I might need some help here yo combat boys you guys want to help me out oh gosh I just spent a lot of money that’s fine I got plenty oh definitely could use some

Hired help get them more yeah oh gosh I still died all right boys you ready oh they’re ready now gentlemen I’m only hiring you to take out the nether mobs okay if there’s villagers here or piglins we can sell to let’s not mess with them good job gentlemen keep it

Going keep it going you man this station take out those blazes oh wait hold on I probably should just break the spawner right there we go oh my gosh that’s an army of them yes oh no they’re flanking me from behind This Means War dude is that all of them oh gosh somebody

Exploded down there this is getting dangerous man quickly take out the spawner here one last spawner get it boys yes that should be all the threats taken care of oh God you all right um I don’t have any water here you go I’ll ice your wounds there you go Boys open

Up flavorless snow cones just for you that’s all the threats taken care of now let’s clean up the rest of this shop shall we oh gosh this is really gross yo mercenaries you want to help me do this too I am missing Nether Bricks so I hope

This isn’t a loadbearing wall I’m going to just take some of this right here cuz the First Time Minecraft has gravity I just break some of this and the whole thing tumbles down nice that’s looking good just got to repair the walls remove all the warts and pretty soon we’ll have

Probably our most expensive shop thus far it’s more than just the items it’s the experience you always want to go shopping with the fear of death right that’s what makes it exciting and done yes the store is ready the piglins don’t care about what you have to sell I need

To sell gold items 15 is a lot of gold items dude I I don’t even have a single piece of gold well let’s go mining I guess we can do like a a nugget an Ingot a block a sword yeah there there should be plenty of gold items I could mine the

Floor here although that just gives me nuggets and that’ll take literally forever you know what’s more ow gosh I was about to say what’s more what’s one more mining trip except me just dying goodness gracious what’s one more trip to the mine I didn’t even get the gold

Whatever it’s fine there’s some gold give me more than one come on please I need so much gold man I got to provide like chest plates and stuff so I’ll probably need I don’t know a stack of gold wait a second I have an idea I will

Have to do some mining for gold but I can also buy our iron pickaxe with silk touch for 100,000 it’s costly but check this out I can now get the ore straight up so that counts as one oh goodness nice this is a whole vein that’ll be

Nice oh my goodness this is a gold mine dude there’s four veins right here excuse me boy I’m just harvesting the mine for the gold I is an absurd amount of zombies well they didn’t say getting rich would be easy I guess money can’t buy happiness all right that’s too many

Zombies that’s it what’s up buddy just keep me secure and I’m going to be happy I grab you I grab you I grab you oh my gosh so many creepers get them my boy yeah thank you dude um there’s creepers hello my boy this game is so dangerous

Mercenaries go they do cost like a thousand so I’m going to try to avoid using too many mercenaries but I do want my Mansion so I’m trying to go fast ooh diamonds I take than my boys yes that’s what I’m looking for check this out I

Now have gold or which is different than my deep slate gold so that already makes it nice and easy thank you silk touch pick oh and there’s another piece of gold up there Montage go 47 gold I think that should be enough and we can snag

One of these and that’ll also give us a nice old nether gold ore and hopefully this will be enough items there’s plain old gold there that’s six already I think we should do this no problem I might have way overshot this but that’s fine there’s all the tools I made two

Golden hose we’re not going to talk about that that’s 10 only five more pants Oh this is getting expensive there’s full golden armor I still need one more item and I don’t know what to do I would make a block of gold but I’m missing one Ingot except that I can

Craft one there’s my block of gold and those are my 15 items yes what’s up boys oh my gosh we’re making 4,000 emeralds a second right now keep shopping boys selling gold is op as heck that was hard work it took us a while but that was

Very worth doing okay well we can buy our end title here for 20,000 and there’s a pricey bribe for 500,000 I don’t know what that is but I hope I don’t have to buy it who the heck are we bribing man wao that is awesome this is even cooler

Than the nether spot man except you know there’s a dragon here now do I got to fight him I hope I don’t have to fight him oh I see it oh gosh no no no no no ah no no contractors go help me out here dudes the Endermen are certainly a

Threat they are not happy oh goodness oh goodness oh goodness if I’m going to take out all the Endermen I’m going to need some help here join my Army me boys let’s do this go boys I’m making it up to the top I don’t know why but it seems

Like something I got to do oh gosh I’m getting dizzy oh I’m going to vomit ah the dragon’s fighting me oh gosh the dragon’s doing damage to me too that is not good okay first comes the first let’s take out these Enderman we can worry about that Dragon later he’s like

If it wasn’t for this Coral I’d be right after you okay there you go is that better all right that’s better okay sweet that’s done now I got to clean the shop and I don’t think the dragon’s going to make this easy on me so all

Right fine I’ll buy our pricey bribe you got to spend money to make money I guess bribe go there’s your money my boy is he happy with me can you leave us alone now there all right Ender Dragon’s gone now I can clean up the rest of this spot

Good as new or it’s fine it’ll work and just like that we’ve hit our million that’s what I need but I might as well load this up with random stuff I have right can’t do all that work for nothing there we are beautiful Jeremy my friend

You’re the one that started this all for one Emerald for the shop portal without you I wouldn’t have anything oh I was about to do an emotional okay whatever you’ve allowed me to accomplish my dreams and so I give this to you thank you Jeremy for your amazing help expand

The village take care of my people and continue passing the kindness off to others finally my dream come true we’ve got our crafty Mansion title wait why am I losing money is that property tax or am I still paying for my employees it’s fine I’ve got plenty of them and there

It is my Mansion oh it’s got Seas across it and diamonds it’s gorgeous dude usually when I see a mansion like this I have guys going that are attacking me but now that’s just my belly telling me I’m hungry I have way too many rooms this one’s yours dear crafty crew member

If you want it all you got to do is subscribe thanks for watching everybody and we’ll see you in the next one

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#Minecraft #But #Craftee

Minecraft but Everything is a Shop

🗣️ Voice Over Artist: Parker Coppins
🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
📜 All music used with permission from its creator.


  1. Great vid! Keep up good work! Never forget, it's the smallest things in life that matter! Don't waste money on a mansion when you can spend it on helping the helpless!

  2. I was just playing Minecraft using your Craftee Companion add on and we were rocking in the village with our pet sheep, pet allays, and pet llamas! 🎉

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