The Ultimate guide to Fishing Stardew Valley 1.6

Welcome to staru valy 1.6 The Ultimate Guide to fishing in this video I’m going to showcase the absolute best fishing techniques you can utilize to make tons of money in this game the first thing you need to do is make your way down to the cave of Mastery now you can only

Enter this cave once all of your core skills have been maxed out as your farming your mining your foraging your fishing and your combat once those skills are maxed out you will gain a Mastery meter and that Mastery meter is a comination of all of your skills

Combined so you need to fill up that Mastery meter to access one of the profession masteries we’re going to take the fishing Mastery in this video it’s going to give us an advanced idium Rod the idium rod can now take two Bobbers instead of one it’s absolutely amazing

We also get access to challenge bit we won’t use that because it is a double-edged sword and we also get golden treasure chests when we’re doing the fishing mini game once we select the Mastery we get the advanced Arin Rod St we don’t have to buy it we don’t have to

Make it we don’t have to upgrade it we just get it for free which is amazing the best Bobbers I recommend to make for this Advanced aridium Rod would be the Trap bobber and all you need to make this is a copper bism sap and the

Quality bobber which is a copper bar sap and solar Essence with these two Bobbers combined that only will it be much easier for you to pull up fish from the waters because the progress bar goes down slower if you’re having trouble with the fish but the quality B will

Ensure that you’ll always get a very high quality even if you don’t get perfect catches you can get aridium quality fish we’re also going to look at the wild bait because this in my opinion is one of the Best Bets around because you have a chance to pull up two fish

Instead of one I know you have Delux bit there as well which gives you a bigger fishing barar but with the two Bobbers equipped I think we should be all right the quality bobber is going to get us a lot more money so that is our new

Advanced aridium run setup now this can be modified quite a lot depending on what you’re fishing up and what methods you want to use to get the most out of specific fish we’re also going to take a look at the bait maker this is a new machine that was brought into 1.6 you

Can learn this while you leveling up your fishing skill we just need iron bars cor and sea archin to make this now the cor and sea urchins are super easy to get just visit the tide pools every Saturday and you’ll be able to get tons

Of them I’m going to show you right now a very overpowered tactic to make hundreds of thousands of gold every single say using the Legend 2 so the first thing we have to do is put some Legend twos into the bait maker now you can catch Legend twos when you’re doing

The extended family quest for key inside his secret Walnut Room once we stuck up on enough Legend two bits we’re going to put that into our idium ride and then we can fish up as many Legend 2os as we wish but we have to make sure that the

Quest is active now we could use wild bait but the Legend 2 is quite the rare spawn so you might make more money in the long run by using the specific Legend 2 bait we’re also going to take a look at the fish smoker recipe we can purchase from Willie for 10,000 gold

This fish smoker is what breaks fishing in this game because it doubles the value of fish to make it you just need three new jellies and the hardwood the jellies are easy enough to get you can get one from fishing in the sea one from fishing in the caves and one from

Fishing in the rivers I just want to note as well that on the right hand side of side Woody shop there’s a bobber style machine all these bobber types are free and you unlock more as you catch more fish so the extended family Quest here will

Remain active as long as you don’t fish up all of the legendary fish associated with the quest it just means if you leave at least one other legendary fish you can pull up as many Legend twos As You Wish until the quest expires the first thing we need to do is make our

Fishing barar bigger so we’re going to put our aridium Rod into the for chair and we’re going to keep enchanting the rod until we get the Master enchant the master enchant will increase our fishing skill by one slightly increasing the size of our fishing barar the bigger our

Fishing barar the easier it is going to be to catch these Legend twos they are extremely difficult to catch we’re also going to make seafo foam Pudding we just need flounders midnight carbs and squiding to make those we’re also going to use a key seasoning that we can get

From Key’s Secret Walnut Room which will enhance this food giving us a plus five to our fish skill which is absolutely huge that will dramatically increase the size of our fishing bar even further now the flounder and the midnight car we will have anyway because we have fishing

Ponds outside here one for flounders one for midnight carps we also have one for lava eels cuz there’s no a chance that each of those fishy pins can generate one of the new jellies that we need to make the fish smoker machines so we’re now going to take one of our puddings

Here it’s going to give us a plus five fishing skill on the idium right at the moment I have the Legend 2 bait I also have the Trap bobber and the quality bobber here is a battle now with the legend too as we can see it Just Darts all over the

Place it works the exact same way as the legend it’s just a reskin it also sells for the same money this is why we’re fishing up Legend 2os an aridium Legend 2 is worth 15,000 gold if you take the Fisher Park and the angler Park so the

Fisher worth 50% more so you should absolutely have those parks when you’re selling off these fish when we capture Legend 2 as we can see it’s ridium quality because we have the quality bobber equip now if we put this thing into a smoker it’s going to be worth

30,000 gold so this is going to be the main source of money here when it comes to fishing it’s absolutely broken the only downside to doing this med is that the legion 2 itself is a ferociously hard catch even with the Trap bopper I have a real hard time catching it I

Really need to give it some intense Focus to pull this thing up out of the water now it is worth the effort because of the sheer amount of money you get no other fish in the game comes close to the value of what you’re going to get

For pulling up this fish it is in a total League of its own here is some footage of my first interaction with the golden treasure chest you can get some amazing items in gold treasure chests including the lovely stard drop tea you can even get challenge bit fairy dust you can even

Get skill books such as the mining monthly the combat quarterly the bait and bobber we even get aridium bars inside this as well it’s really nice once we’ve captured all of our Legion twos we’re going to put them inside of our fish smokers straight away now it

Only takes about 50 in-game minutes for a fish smoker to process a fish so you won’t be waiting too long for all of these lovely fish to come back with double the value today we made a total amount of 546,000 gold this was a pretty

Good day for us I had 13 small M Legend 2os in total it’s just absolutely broken when it comes to making money in this game fishing is right up there again in terms of top tier farming cannot compete with that not on a daily basis anyway starfruit is still quite strong you know

Farming is still quite strong but if you can get half a million gold plus every single day from fishing I mean it’s going to be very hard to beat something like that so let’s talk about the second fishing method we’re fishing up lav yields I recommend building some tent

Kits now we can’t actually put tent kits inside here even though techically we are outside so we have to go back out to the entrance of the volcano and place the tent kit there the reason why we’re putting on a tent kit is because it’s

Saving us time to get up to this Zone when we wake up in the morning to make the most out of our fishing experience every single day because the longer we spend up in that volcano fishing the more fish we’re going to pull up the more money we’re going to make now the

Lava eels are quite the difficult catch but they’re pale in comparison to the difficulty of the legend twos so if you don’t have the quest to fish up Legend twos or if you just hate fishing in general you’re not too good at it but you really need money and you want an

Easier option you can’t go too wrong with the lava eels now I’m just taking on a lav e here without using any sort of food Buffs this is just the advanced idium rod with the quality bobber and the trap bobber we can make the fishing barar way bigger if we so

Wish now an aridium quality lav eel with the angler perk is coming in at 2100 gold we smoke that that’s 4,200 gold right there every time we pull an e up out of the Le I recommend using wild bit up here because there’s a chance you can

Pull up two instead of one and it’s really nice money on a really good day you could make 100 maybe even 200,000 gold from pulling up those lava eels the only drawback here is that you can go in there some days and you just might not

Get any lava eels at all or just a small few you might just end up with bags and bags of trash so that’s the only drawback to this method but it’s still a very good method to get tons of money I made 241,000 gold there that was 2 days

Of fishing not one I used a tent there as well but you can make potentially way more money than that if you get better luck than I got so let’s talk about this Advanced fishing rod a little bit more as I said before you can equip two

Bobbers to this rod but did you know that you can equi two of the same bobber types to this Rod so if I put on two trap Bobbers that’s going to enhance the effect that means the progress bar will go down a little bit slower if I don’t

Have my fishing bar over a fish I can also put two cark Bobbers on making my fishing barar even bigger and there’s loads of different Bobbers in this game there loads of different combinations you can try out but you can stack bubbers together to receive enhanced effects which is absolutely amazing what

You see right now is an aridium fishing rod with two Co bers equipped that’s the biggest fishing bar you can get because my rod is also enchanted with master and I also have the seafo pudding plus five fishing so it just makes fishing a lot easier if you just park yourself up

Enchant yourself up you’re going to reel in the money big time let’s talk about worm bins here a new worm bin has been introduced Deluxe worm bin you just need a regular worm bin and Mass to make it now now when you get into The Summer

Event one random day in summer you will get the mass rain and that means you can run around your farm you pick up tons of mass and a lot of your trees will also generate Mass afterwards you can just whack it off the trees with your sword

Deluxe bait is quite nice it causes fish to bite a little bit faster and it also increases the size of the fishing bear now the fishing bear you saw there a minute ago also included the Delux bit so that is actually as big as you can

Get it there’s also two books of power that will enhance the way you fish there’s jewels of the sea fishing treasure chests have a chance to yield row and normally that’s going to be the row of the fish that you capture then you have the art of crabbing crab pots

Have a 25% chance to yield double now you can get the art of crabbing from doing the squid Fest in Winter and you can pick up the other skill book by just opening up regular fishing treasure chests eventually you’ll come across it some of the row in this game is quite

Profitable especially the lav E row if you turn that into aged lav e row you will get a lot of money for it it’s just an extra way you can make a few more books and that is my Ultimate Guide to fishion if I left anything out or if you

Have any tips let me know in the comments thanks again for watching I’ll see you in the next one

#stardewvalley #StardewValley1.6
Its time for another Ultimate guide to fishing as Stardew valley 1.6 bring with it, tons of new content that greatly enhances fishing making it a top tier skill for earning millions of gold!
This video will showcase fishing tips that you can sue early game as well as end game, I will cover the bait maker machine and the fish smoker! as well as the fishing mastery and all of the end game fishing items such as the advanced iridium rod, the challenge bait and the golden fishing treasure chests. I will also showcase fishing bobber combinations and take a look at the new deluxe bait.

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  1. The most ridiculous thing about the fish smoker is that after you "smoke" a fish… that fish become an artisan good
    So if you have the artisan profession it will sell not for 2x, but 2,8x the value of the fish
    This is shown here 7:00

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