Terraria But I Can CATCH ANYTHING…

Have you ever wanted to catch any Terraria monster and then use it as your own summon well this terraria Mod allows you to do just that so what’s the most OP team of summons we can build let’s hop in game and find out we are here

Checking out a very unique mod made by vervan make sure to check out their Channel check out their videos very talented mod Creator and as you can see it’s kind of based on power world and pretty much it says allows capturing and using enemies to fight for you right

Click the Switch between capture and release modes benefits from sumon damage drastically reduced damage while normal minions are active me personally I enjoyed power world I did a nice long playthrough with it uh with some friends too so I can’t wait for a future update

So I can play more with my friends but yeah if we bring in some slimes here boom as you can see he got the little little Pokeball symbol over his head little pow ball pal sphere my bad and we throw our thing at him boom plus one

Blue slime and now if I right click boom he’s on our side he is on our side let’s bring in a regular slime let’s see if they duke it out okay almost good attempt okay this is going to take forever I probably should bring out a different enemy for this let’s catch a

Zombie okay as you can see we can’t catch him his health is too high we got to do some damage luckily for us if we just throw the sphere at them it does damage or you could also hit him but boom caught his ass now we have a zombie

And we got a slime let’s bring in a zombie for them to fight now my question is what happens if they die what happens if our boys die are they just gone forever I have no idea they’re kind of winning all the fights I need them to

Lose a fight come on they’re too good bro they’re too good bring in a billion zombies there we go he’s still winning fights he’s like 10 and0 he’s the greatest slime ever made oh he finally lost one now my question do I still have them nope okay so they’re one time use

Which I kind of like kind of makes it like a Nuzlocke if you guys know what that is a Nuzlocke is where uh usually for Pokemon games you catch a Pokemon and then if it faints it’s gone forever you can’t use it ever again I kind of

Mess with that idea but like I was saying look at that you saw my sphere did damage boom now he’s catchable I kind of like that multi-use pretty sick but yeah this is awesome it’s not like super well balanced which I think is actually a good thing because I don’t

Want something like this to be balanced I want to have fun this is a mod type of mod you have fun with so who cares about balance bro I’m trying to catch the goblin sorcerer but my skeleton keeps killing it okay I get it bro you’re strong Goblin sorcerer on the team go

Ahead kill that blue slime for me damn kill these dudes for me Goblin sorcerer use those P Jack tiles yeah pretty sick I want to see now what these stronger spheres are cuz I’ve only seen the basic one we have a desert one which is plus one capture bonus damage and capture

Thresholds increase by 200% in deserts okay so it looks like there’s just a little bonus depending on where you catch the mob and or Monster whatever you want to call them we have illuminite one which makes them really strong and I’m assuming you could just capture them

Wherever Sky one okay so is above the surface so it would have to be y up in the sky and then we got underground one okay is there just like a regular one we have a universal one what are the uh the recipes for these like are they crazy

What the I guess because the ball is a onetime use like you make it once and you have it forever it makes sense that the recipes are like this but yeah let us go ahead let’s head up here okay we’re at the lab if you didn’t notice I

I didn’t start at the traditional area I start in the lab you guys think I can catch a dummy imagine if I caught a dummy now here’s the real question let’s bring out like the best one universal sphere and can we catch bosses let us

Find out King Slime can we catch you I don’t see a thing over his head like I don’t see a little like Arrow telling me I can’t catch him which is making me think that you might not be able to which is a little bit upsetting because

I really wanted to capture a boss you could technically capture bosses in power world so it’s a little upsetting you can’t capture bosses here now here’s another question can you capture Town NPCs no you can’t damn it okay there’s a couple downsides here what other crazy

Strong Pals can we capture I want to capture me a blood eel can I do that okay he don’t want to be captured what about an explosive bunny oh what about these dudes can I capture these dudes no okay there’s a couple of things that you

Can’t catch at all you can I catch you what the heck is this thing just doing so much damage salamander okay I can catch a salamander plus three soes that mean I literally have three of them now if you look at this this one has a plus4

Capture bonus soes that mean I get four of them that could be pretty cool but my salamanders versus these salamanders let’s get it damn they’re strong 130 what’s the usual Health 65 my boys is strong I’m really interested if you could catch uh mini bosses or not my my

Dudes are way too strong like I’m trying to get rid of I wonder if we could capture mini bosses who’s a good mini boss to test this out on I would say like an ogre or something but I 100% feel like oh here we go Paladin yo we

Get catch the Paladin n Paladin is going to be insane plus five Paladin that’s not a paladin who H is this oh there we go there he is my Paladin versus this Paladin let’s get it mine has 10K Health while the regular one only got 5,000

It’s easy dub I kind of want to see him throw the hammer though come on bro throw out that hammer use the hammer I do literally have like an infinite amount of paladins now I got five of them all right I’m trying to think like what’s the most random team I can

Assemble here I don’t know how to get more slots I think it was is it minion slots is that how you get more slots yes so as you can see I got 42 slots now let’s uh we’re going to keep it simple we’re going to use just the regular one

And what is the most random team I can assemble let’s start brainstorming I think I need somebody with some Firepower and I’m not talking about magical I’m talking about literal explosive Firepower so we bring out my boy here boom welcome to the team skeleton Commando now let’s capture an

Enemy that everyone doesn’t even remember remember exist sand shark but not the sand shark let’s do one of the weird ones let’s do uh thresher Crystal thresher oh God damn it stay alive oh my God please terrarian just shoot once thank you I can’t catch a crystal

Thresher are you kidding me see not even the mod knows about these dudes cuz not even the mod wants me to catch them bro okay you know what every team needs a clown oh yeah we can catch him you got to get him pretty low though oh yes

That’s going to be our Mr mime can I catch the hemog globin shark is that possible or the hemo goblin come here I don’t think it’s possible I don’t see a symbol above his head this dude is moving what the hell it’s a little bit upsetting that there is a good majority

Of enemies you can’t capture oh you captur the blood squid though what about the blood eel no no no symbol above his head you can capture the blood squid so how about this sand poacher scorpion on the team baby do you think I could catch a Martian probe not a martian a martian

Probe no okay what about just a martian oh yeah Martian Walker come here where you going bro that boy skedaddling yes sir okay we’ll say two more because you know that’s usually your partying Pokemon six can I catch a spike ball is that possible no what about a lunatic

Devote I don’t think I could even spawn that guy in he would have been a perfect piece to the team you know what I need some rock types rock gold him he’s a heavy hitter welcome to the team buddy and last but not least we’re going to

Add a I don’t know tainted ghoul welcome to the team pal all right let’s bring them out skeleton Commando clown sand poacher Martian Walker tainted ghoul Rock Golem there we go that’s my squad now my squad oh my God I get the little chattering teeth on my side too what

Happened to my sand poacher why did it just die all right y’all versus King Slime let’s get it it’s just a regular King Slime there’s not no like expert mode or anything actually I don’t know what difficulty it might just be normal mode okay you guys versus the I cthulu

How far can this team go they got kind of all the attributes you need you know range strength Health how far can my squad go we are down a party member ever since the sand poacher incident queen bee she’s going to be a little bit faster so hopefully they can hit her I

Think we’re getting carried by the Martian Walker bro the Martian Walker is spamming I’m going to play down here with with my uh my group of boys here cuz I feel like it’s only fair I got to be near him right cuz that means they won’t be taking damage if I’m not near

Them oh here we go first true test they’re actually going to get hit a couple times shoot don’t even matter what about brain brain and cthulu they did good enough damage before it dipped I can’t fight the Wall of Flesh so we’re going to have to go straight to the

Mechs let’s get it the twins can they do it they benefit from summon damage so should I put on like a Summoner set or something let’s put on the spider set cuz you know we’re in hard mode we might as well give them a little bit of better

Damage little hard mode scaling so we’re not sitting here forever hold up somebody’s low the tainted ghoul oh my God he’s about to die he’s got 15 Health hang in there y’all come on bro we’re so close it’s not looking good I think we’re only down to four we’re about to

Lose our Commando oh my God we’re about to lose the clown we lost the clown we’re down to to our final two the two Carri the Martian Walker and The Rock Golem The Rock Golem just got a bunch of health so that’s why he’s one of our

Carries I’m going to dash around if they get hit they get hit you know what happens and and finish it off yes sir it’s not looking good though we’re down to two in our Nuzlocke here and the next one they got to fight is the

Destroyer oh my God oh my God they be that’s not cheating the Destroyer could have spawned anywhere just happen to spawn right there they made it to Skeletron Prime good luck y’all I’m going move back and forth so they’re not always getting hit but they do get hit

Eventually can they do it I think it might be up honestly the Golem is gone no and the Martian Walker is pretty much gone unless I dodge around the Martian Walker is pretty much gone but they did good damage look at that that’s not bad

Little 6K if they had the full Squad I feel like they could have done way better things really went downhill once the sand poacher died at the very beginning I still don’t know how it died yeah this is a little fun idea y’all can do I might honestly do something with it

A little like Terraria nuzlock I don’t know how often verin is going to work on the mod they’ll probably watch this video so if you possibly can I would like to see way more enemies compatible cuz it’s a little upsetting how many enemies are not compatible but at the

Same time it just might not be possible due to coding so I understand that yeah maybe there’ll be some other features in this I don’t know maybe like a literally a whole class based on this later on or it’s just a one-off mod that they probably won’t touch again I don’t know

But it’s a fun little idea it’s nice to mess around with you guys in the comments you let me know you want to see the the Pokemon Nuzlocke I don’t even know if I could say Pokemon modded Terraria stuff like that anymore because I heard Pokemon is like copyrighting a

Bunch of people right now like say if you play like Minecraft Pixelmon I heard that Minecraft is like straight up striking channels on YouTube so as good I never did that Cobble Minecraft series that I was going to do but shout out to veran and anyone else that worked on The

Mod make sure again to go check out verin’s YouTube and of course check out the mods ver makes themselves make sure y’all leave a like subscribe turn on the notification bell all that good stuff and I will be seeing y’all in the next video have a good one

What if you can Catch ANY TERRARIA ENEMY and use them as your Weapon? Let’s find out!

Check out Verveine who made the mod and has a YouTube Channel! –
Mod – https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3181134327
Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@VerveineYT

Join the Gameraiders Discord! – https://discord.gg/xxJZxj5pcP


  1. My dream for this mod; sharks of all varieties get sand shark AI when captured. I would roll so hard with a gang of sharkrons (from the duke's tornadoes) if given the opportunity.
    My unreasonable dream; full compatibility with modded enemies. Just imagine the shenanigans that would cause.

  2. I just finished watching the video
    First out all, thank you for the shoutout 🙂

    A lot of NPCs are not tameable because I have to manually code an AI for each tameable NPC Aistyle in the game, and so am trying to get the ones covering the widest variety of NPCs first
    – such as "Fighter AI" used by 127 NPCs, "Slime AI", "Bat AI" (that's also used by demons) and so on

    Right now, I'd say 80% of hostile NPCs in the game are tameable, but that does not include the most unique ones since they often have an AI that only they use (eg: Hemoglobin shark)

    I have no plans on making bosses or town NPCs tameable, that would be a hella headache both in terms of coding, balancing, and would likely feel iffy playing with anyways
    The Dungeon Guardian can be tamed, though 🙂

    Regarding the Sand Poacher bug, I fixed it, and will be pushing an update soon
    It happens because it actually "transforms" into a different NPC when going from it's "walk on the ground" mode to its "wall climbing" mode.

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