🔴Stardew Valley 1.6 Update IS HERE!! First Look🍄

A Hello everybody welcome back to another stream I hope we’re all doing well and having a wonderful beautiful amazing day today take two of this stream um if you were here just a moment ago on my channel I tried to for the very first time schedule a live stream to the

Calendar tab on streamlabs which that and in itself was fine and dandy everything was great and then as soon as I was like okay I’m good now like I need to be able to see streamlabs with to click my just chatting screen and then it wouldn’t let me click away from it

And I was desperately for like 10 minutes trying to figure out how to close out of this freaking schedule Tab and it would not let me so I am so sorry for how long it took to be able to see me but welcome um also you may not be

Hearing any noise because stter Valley has been pulled up for probably like 30 minutes now and it stopped playing the opening music so that’s why it’s kind of quiet we’re here now though we’re good hi everybody I miss you guys I am so excited to try this update I I’ve been

Trying to stay away from watching People’s streams of it just because I didn’t want spoilers for myself given I did see some of concerned Apes post about like what’s included in the update but I haven’t like actually looked at it or played it so it’s still fairly

Spoiler-free for myself if you get me um hopefully I’m not muted or something CU that’s going to be really embarrassing I can’t believe myself I was muted that whole time I just told y’all a whole story a whole story I’m I’m just going to I gu going to take

A nap or something I just explain the whole thing and I’m so mad can you hear me now I wasn’t muted wait what now I’m echoing oh that’s really great oh wait I fixed it I fixed it okay I think I fixed it I think I figured out what happened

Te I’m pretty sure I figured it out did I fix now the cat’s here this stream is really something I am so sorry everyone I feel like it wouldn’t be my channel if there wasn’t some kind of technical issue or chaos the cat’s here too um thank you guys for being so sweet

And so nice and so patient um things are already chaotic very chaotic I’m so sorry um but thank you for being here and supporting me and not totally ditching because I had some tech issues I love you guys very much let’s move on to what you all came here for though

Which is me playing the update just give it a second okay cool I know the screen might not be moving right now but I figured out why it did that and I can fix it just give me a second as soon as I click over and I

Start a new Farm it should start moving okay let me know can y’all see that like can you see the game moving it’s very important because the stream up you had form Factory on your entire computer I didn’t I just had to basically close out of that other stream and restart it one

Last time of asking and then I’ll stop and I’ll leave everybody Alone um so I’m not echoing right and then you can hear and see the game correct please verify for me before I continue uh yes yes so we’re all good we’re good we’re good okay cool thank

You I love you guys thank you for not leaving whenever I have problems I appreciate it okay so wait where hold on oh okay for some reason I thought these were two completely new Farms there’s only one new Farm the beach Farm was added a while back but they he just had

To like rearrange the section I guess’s the backr are moving we’re all yay okay so I’m so glad it worked all right so I just need to like add my name of course and I feel like a lot of people that played the new update did the Meadowlands farm and I’m not going

To lie I probably will too but it’s okay it’s just exciting but if you didn’t see what it’s about it says it’s not the best for growing crops but there’s a chewy blue grass that animals love and you start with two chickens you literally start with two completely free

Chickens and a coupe like that is revolutionary Luna can you stop and then I don’t know about you guys but I almost always choose the gray cat wait there’s another cat I didn’t realize there was another cat stop there there’s two new cats there’s another

Dog wait is that one new I think that one’s new that’s so cool I love that I mean I’m going to be me and like probably choose the same cat that I always do to be honest well look at that I’m so excited and then for my avatar I pretty

Much almost always do the same thing hold on this is not pigtails right okay I think it is let me just change the hair okay that one’s better and then for the shirt I mean I like the farm overalls but I don’t like the red shirt for it so

I’m going to choose a different one I chose the white cat new pets I know there’s brand new pets and I’m literally I feel like I’m exploding on the inside where was the purple one I swear there was a purple shirt or did I make that

Up also I just realized I didn’t say hello to everyone because I was so busy panicking over the tech issues I had let me just stop and say hi for a second I’m sorry um hello Hannah Hello Twisted hello King Libra hello shiver hello Christian hello Megs and see hello Bill

Hello amilio hello bread bird did I miss anybody I feel like I might have Miss some I swear I feel like I did hello alilio I don’t remember if I said hello um I don’t think I missed anybody I don’t think oh hello Crowley welcome

In and then for the farm name I don’t know what I want the farm name to be to be honest I want this Farm to be a very casual Farm I want it to be like very peaceful I want to take my time with it I do eventually want to get to

Perfection like I did with my last Farm but that memory I lost un for fortunately so I want to get there eventually but I’m not going to rush it as much this time the cat’s trying to get on my desk but I just really would appreciate if she’d stop she’s making the desk

Shake I kind of like this yellow top it’s cute oh I did not mean to give myself a bob oops and the pants I’m going to make them a bit lighter so it matches the top okay I feel like that’s good I like that for the farm name what did you guys call

Yours if you made a new Farm what did you call it I am going to make sure to click this now cuz I’m going to do the metaland farm but could you imagine if I did all of this and then I still click the wrong Farm type I honestly at that

Point would probably have to cry I really would and hear me out but what do we think about the name Serenity for a farm like Serenity Farm CU I feel like it sounds very peaceful very calm and very casual but it’s still the same Farm as any

Other Farm you know I feel like it sounds good but you can put hats on your pets too that is so cool also hello Captain Price welcome and remember said hello I choose the name Willow Lane I kind of want to choose the name sereni I also thought about literally just naming it

Casual but I feel like that doesn’t sound as pretty for my favorite thing I feel like I usually choose one of the fruits and then I am going to skip the intro unless there’s somehow a new intro then never mind I’ll watch it the intro is the same right does

Anybody know I don’t want to click away until I know for sure I configure a name so I called it farm farm I that’s funny though just calling it farm farm I’m watching this on my film while using split view I don’t think I’ve ever tried

That I’m just about ready I just want to make sure that I don’t like possibly miss a new intro before I click away I don’t know I usually skip it does anybody know before I click Away I feel like I’m probably good but I just want to make Sure oh and on the other stream I swear I pinned a message here on the other one before I had to restart and then with this one but I feel like it just didn’t stick for some reason so I’m just going to pin that really quick there we go Okay uh just go on you know the three lines at the bottom of your screen the one that brings in multi picture I’m going to have to try that at some point I skip it too but I can check I’m just going to go ahead and skip it then

I’m sure it’s okay double checking I have that selected and here we go I’m so excited like you literally have no idea how excited I am like I feel like I’m going to burn first at the seams how excited I am for this Update oo okay so this is my house okay am I still going to get the go-to par Snips I got hay interesting I guess maybe it gave me hay cuz I have the free chickens that and then apparently the land isn’t as good for growing crops on this Farm which

Obviously like you still can cuz like that’s one of the biggest parts of the game but okay okay I see you where’s my cou though there’s the coup okay live left love St D thank you Angel I appreciate you thank you so Much I’m honestly just going to clear it just enough for right now that I can grow crops at least a small amount of them I need to name my chickens check on them make sure they’re okay I don’t even know if they have food to start with

It’s probably I was given the hey and then at some point I do need to go buy the actual seeds I’m not used to playing stardo Valley on my computer whenever I filmed my 50 days of stardo Valley video I did that on PC but I’m not going to lie I am

Such a switch player for stard Valley I feel like I go a little bit slower on PC and I’m already getting distracted I’m supposed to be cutting down all of this debris and I’m just over here walking around in the grass somebody stop Me I’ve been kind of stressed about changing all my mods but I had to reinstall them because it glitched so hopefully it fixes it I hello angel welcome in also hey really quickly I know we’re past the tech issues cuz they’ve been fixed but I wanted to ask how long was it echoing

For and also how severe was the echo it’s okay to be honest it’s cuz later I definitely want to add a time stamp to a pinned comment just so that way people can skip to whenever they can hear me and I’m not echoey I’m going to for the

Switch updates hopefully it doesn’t take too long I feel like it won’t but also it makes perfect sense that concerned ape made it for PC first just cuz whenever he first made stard Valley it was originally just for PC and then eventually he branched out to other platforms so honestly I’m really not

Surprised press a 4K can reach 5K the way that I would literally implode if somehow I reached 4 K and 5K in the same year I I have no idea what I would do with myself I really don’t and thank you for being a member for 9 months I appreciate

You Angel good minute and it was really loud I’m through Super Chat take chicken think oh they’re giv random names okay well hopefully they’re not something ugly like Doodle fart and fart face or something okay what are their names we have portella like a mushroom okay and we also

Have I’m guessing that’s pronounced like a CH sound so like porini okay well we got portello and Pini two P’s what do you mean Styles required for that why can’t I just place it down it’s so rude Hey sister this me your favorite non favorite person hello BK welcome in mushroom chickens that’s literally what they are I got blue gun Misty I felt like Angel’s message took a long time to show

Up on stream Okay this may pause the screen for a sec so don’t panic if it does that um but the alert box is on so it should be there shouldn’t be any problems I haven’t changed anything with my alert box at all actually actually let me go back in

I’m going to open up this little Gates that way the chickens can come out and explore but I will however be closing this okay now we can go get some seeds play starter while you’re streaming this you should you really should oh and by the way while we were

Talking about it um speaking of hitting 4K tomorrow is my fourth ,000 subscribers celebration live stream it’ll be starting at 11:00 a.m. Central and I’m going to be going for approximately 7 hours or so depending on what we end up doing in the games and how into it we get but I’m really

Excited I hope to see you guys There I’m only going to get 10 of these and then I already have like no money left but I feel like cauliflowers are pretty good money makers and they’re expensive so I’m going to get like three I guess since I can’t afford anything else never mind in my ideal world I

Would have loved to get four so it would be an even number going to be chaotic 7 hours it really is truly hi Lexi hello it’s Eli welcome to the Stream I don’t have it saved on my computer I don’t think so I did it on my phone but you guys I found this thing that let me make my stard Valley avatar for free and I just am so hyped over it like it was so cute and I want to show you

Guys maybe at some point during the stream I can stop for a sec and then download it onto my computer through my email cuz I sent it to myself I want to be able to show you guys I should have been counting these I don’t know why I’m not

Counting and how many of those do I have left I can’t see the number on my screen so I have to play this windowed and it’s covered right now there’s one Left I want to see I really like it I thought it turned out really Cute I also wanted to say for everyone that was very patient earlier whenever I was having a couple of tech issues y’all are real ones and y’all are collectively baddies and um I just really appreciate you cuz you easily could have just ditched and like left but I appreciate that you

Didn’t okay that’s taken care of I’m going to go ahead and honestly just go around and say hi to all the other characters cuz I want to be better this time around about having friends in the game and really speaking to them cuz you don’t have to be trying to romance them

Just to up your friendship levels I was even still really bad about it on my perfection run file that I had like I try really hard to be good about it and it’s just hard to remember it for some reason what should I give to Abigail I

Think sometimes if you give her certain crystals she’ll eat them the cat’s in my lap again she just really wants to make herself known Today oh wait I also want to add something something I know it’s raining um in the I almost click the ey button wait is it Escape yes it is okay cool so I’m going to turn off the flashes for the storms while I still remember because I feel like it can be really

Intense for people to see even if you don’t have something like epilepsy I feel like it can just be really intense to look at and it’s just harsh on the eyes I Luna do y’all see this she’s trying to push the squish M out from behind me so she can lay behind

Me I don’t think you can see but she literally is sitting behind me trying to push it out of the way with her head so she can lay behind my back like Miss ma’am do you not see that I am midre streaming I think she lookes amethyst I always say how long it takes to clean up a new Farm me too I think after I go around and say hello to everyone I’ll use my remaining energy to just try and clear up a bunch of it yeah trust me I don’t want to have another

Seizure I try to remember to always turn that off for streams whenever I’m playing on my own though I don’t mind it cuz it doesn’t bother me but I know it bothers a lot of people just want tell the attention today is she really does honestly

And then where is Haley she’s not in Here it’s raining real life where I live I wish it was raining Here she stopped pushing the squish mall but that was really funny like she jumps up in my lap and goes behind me while I’m sitting just to use her head to nudge it out of the way wait what’s is one with this over here am I only just now noticing that

Imagine if those were real and I could actually hit them so I just like stole his Rocks I wish you could just talk to gunur normally for like a cute little conversation but you can’t unless I’m somehow doing it wrong question how long are you planing to stream today I may have to leave early to get ready for birthday dinner for my great aunt probably around 2 2

And 1/2 hours possibly 3 hours if I get really into it but definitely no longer than that just because I have a couple of really important things to do later today okay how many people have I gotten let me see I’ve talked to a good amount of characters already and that checked off

LS and Robin for me just because I believe you talk to them right away whenever you start and I just didn’t do the opening screen I need to find Maru I need to say hi to all the kids I need to say hi to Elliot I believe I need to say

Hi to Penny and Leah still um Alex there’s a good amount of characters but I feel like for this early in the game I’ve said hello to a lot of them oh wait there’s Alex right there hello X see how is Ben he’s doing Good I’ll keep track of the time and I’ll let you know thankfully I can see everything on streamlabs again that was so stressful earlier because the whole scheduling function with streamlabs is great and all like I had no problem with that part itself then like once I had the the

Schedule like calendar thing pulled up and I was ready to click just chatting it literally would not let me click away and I tried so many different things and it just kept making it worse and worse so I eventually just gave Up honestly I don’t know if I’m going to find everybody else I will continue trying to say hello to everyone the next day I want to go back to my farm and try to clear up more of the stuff that’s everywhere that’s like the that’s the worst part of a stardew farm whenever

It’s brand new whatever kind of farm it is is there’s always a ridiculous amount of debris everywhere but to be fair it’s meant to be an abandoned Farms of course it’s going to have a lot of that but still I know holy macaroni like literally like look at all of This and you know what I was thinking about the other day this is kind of random but it also to some degree has to do with stardy Valley I don’t remember who posted this so I would have to go back and look but I saw a Creator posted

Video once that was titled something about um The Farm Sim Renaissance or something about there being a lot of Farm Sim games which I agree there’s definitely a lot of them when it truly boils down to it there is just something about the charm of stardew Valley I find

So unbelievably appealing and cozy and it makes me just really happy like there has been a lot of other Farm Sims that I’ve enjoyed but if for some reason you like had to forced me to pick only one that I could play forever and I couldn’t play any of the other ones immediately

I’m picking stardy Valley no questions asked and that might be just me there might be a lot of other people that would pick a different one like I really like coral island too but as much as I like it lowy some parts of it feel like

Copy and paste story Valley and I don’t know if anyone’s going to agree with me it’s okay if you do or you don’t I just feel like I don’t know there’s a lot of games that I feel like directly took a lot of inspiration that are borderline

Copying from stard Valley you know so with that said I just feel like it’s the top tier Farm Sim but again that is purely of my own opinion so if anybody disagrees it is totally fine it’s still EG day on my little farm I’m still mad because whenever I I have

That recorded for my 50 days of sty Valley video but as I had said a couple of times a lot of that footage got corrupted and it was a miracle I got most of it back unfortunately I was never able to retrieve the footage from the egg day which was really really

Annoying so sad times but it’s okay start is my favorite game also reminder hydrate and like the stream thank you so much yes liking the stream is completely free and it’s a super simple way to support me thank you so much he was nice the graphics and

Artwork is gorgeous but stard do has my heart me too and I also really really loved Fay Farm I thought it was a really unique concept but there are still things that were weren’t my favorite about it and like aside from Animal Crossing cuz animal crossing the whole

Franchise itself has a really special place in my heart and always will but like aside from Animal Crossing especially saying that because New Horizons doesn’t get updated anymore aside from Animal Crossing stardy Valley has got to be my favorite game given I’m not always in the biggest mood to play

It because you know you’re inevitably not going to be sometimes but I just feel like there is just something about stardy Valley that is so charming and so enjoyable and I love it also um where’s the nearest water source on this Farm I’m not used to it yet and I need some

For my watering can normally I don’t get the the well for my Farms but I might need it for this one the CC look there’s technically a lake down here but I don’t want to go all the way down here all the time just to get water for my watering

Can so as soon as possible I want to get the well I just I feel like it would help speaking of egg day bunny Day is coming up do you guys remember early on in New Horizons how cursed bunny day was because the spawn race for all the eggs

Was really really off and everybody was just like not wanting to play because of how annoying it was D and Zipper T Bunny is just lowkey kind of a jump scare let’s be real my cat’s got a new cat tower last weekend they love it what brand was it

And how much did it cost the reason I’m asking is cuz Luna needs another cat tree and I feel like a lot of the nice ones are just expensive like it doesn’t even need to be super fancy or anything I just need one that’ll work that’s not

Going to cost me a ridiculous amount of Money hey bunny day reason why zipper question who else got the Wildland Island wait Oh you mean the farm with the monsters I don’t have that one I’ve tried it before and it stressed me out like I’ve tried pretty much every single farm at least once okay definitely first two things I need

To save money for a backpack upgrade and also a well because this is going to drive me crazy do I have enough though to craft the chest oh look panium Portell I’m just going to throw away the mixed seeds cuz I need Space all of this can go in there let’s go it’s her it’s called a happy stack oh for some reason I thought like for like I was looking at the other messages about bunny days when you said that I was like wait what and then I realized you were talking about the cat

Tree I love being scatterbrain I believe I still need to talk to Haley and then I haven’t said hi to Willie I need to go do that so I can get my fishing rod speaking of I’m not excited to start over with fishing cuz whenever you first start the green bar

Is so tiny it’s really annoying I haven’t said hi to you yet hello hello Hello I was think you link I say it’s a lot better quality than what you get from regular stores I really don’t need anything that’s super fancy or looks like super expensive or anything I just need one that functions that’s not expensive you know and then I would go in there and

Say hi to Sam again but he’s still in bed I currently have it and it’s really chaotic yeah that one I don’t like I feel like I liked literally all of the other Farms except for that one I don’t think I’ve said hi to Marne either so I’m going to go over actually wait no I’m not I lied I haven’t said hi

To Haley yet and this is where she is and I think she comes out of her room around 11: or so and then I’ve already said hi to Emily think about renting Emily in this file she has a crystal Garden it’s a joke but I literally Ben and I used to

Always laugh about how I have beef with Emily just cuz on the very first time that we ever played stardy valley together a couple years ago on our Co-op Farm we didn’t understand the concept of Romancing characters just cuz I had never encountered that in the game until

Stardy Valley fun fact and we didn’t understand that like by talking to certain characters enough and giving them presents Etc and doing that consistently would make them like you so Ben was doing that with Emily and then she like sorted like Romancing all on him and I was like excuse me like back

Off my man and so now we just laugh that um I have beef with Emily but in reality she’s not that bad of a character at all it’s just a joke that we have here has a crystal Garden I want a garden just for crystals too that would

Be nice I’m going to go down to the beach and say hi to Willie and that’s probably going to be the best opportunity for me to maybe find Elliot I don’t remember when he comes out of his house though and I can skip this and therefore I’m

Going to because I’ve seen that screen a million times I’m going to do some school work while listening to the conversation no worries if you want to lurk you’re more than welcome [Applause] too it’s definitely not bad by the way but on a slightly unrelated note we had

A lot of storms recently and it had shut off my computer thankfully like my computer is not fried or anything like it’s good it’s okay um but it did turn off my computer and it somehow managed to get into my streamlab settings I don’t get how this happened it’s just

Some sort of glitch maybe it was just a glitch maybe it was a storm I don’t know but it made my camera settings be really dark like it looked like I had almost all of the lights off and it was weird so I had to try and fix that it may not

Be the exact same as it was whenever you last saw me live but I feel like it’s pretty close and that’s what’s important here right Oh I haven’t said hi to Demetrius yet I need to go do that and then Sebastian’s probably going to be the hardest to get a hold of just because he likes to hide let’s see if my game runs smoother because I opened a lot of space on my

Computer oh was I just like lagging a bunch or something I’m sorry I keep forgetting it’s Saturday like I’m like hm I wonder if there’s anybody at school today or whatever I feel like when ever I do earlier streams a lot of you were either at school or at

Work I’m also going to trying to find lonus while I’m in this area also hey is Sebastian in here by chance no he’s not okay sometimes he is Alex how are you hello organ Angel welcome in I’m good how are you I was a little stressed earlier because we had a

Handful of tech issues but thankfully everything is fixed now when it’s all good and I’m just in a really good mood today aside from that just because stter updates here and I finally got to play I had to force myself to stay away from spoilers which was really hard but I’m

Glad that I did cuz I feel like it’s made the experience of playing it for the first time a lot more exciting also on Wednesday when I was going to get dinner for both me and my dad was having crispy chicken with cheesy chips and I was having 9 in

Margarita with cheesy chips I would love to have uh some margaritas I’m not going to lie but not on stream the cat’s moving the squish mow again can she stop let me know if y’all see that at some point do you see the pink thing moving up behind me yeah that’s the

Squish M and she’s pushing it out of the way I’m on spring break it took like 10 minutes to load the actual game um Luna now I’m literally I’m about to kick this cat out of the room like I’m about to put her in the hallway cuz now she’s

Scratching her claws on my chair Miss ma’am do y’all see this I guess not showing up for you cuz I don’t see it on the camera but I swear she’s just doing whatever she wants and not caring at all about what I have to say about it Miss Luna

Patuna okay I’m just going to leave her there I guess hello Superior Edgar welcome to the stream phone’s on spring break again I want a gaming laptop a gaming laptop’s are nice I don’t need one but if for some reason I didn’t have this PC I would honestly consider getting a gaming

Laptop cuz fun fact if you have a nice enough one that can support it you can absolutely stream games off of your laptop but again you only certain laptops can handle that some of them really just can’t so just a food for thought if you ever consider doing that with your life if

You have not already and you want to do with a laptop instead just be careful about what laptop you choose cuz some of them will run a lot better for streams than others the squish M disappeared did you see it behind me that was her just moving it so if you

See that again it’s probably just my cat she’s been extra attached to me lately so she probably just wants to feel close to me okay I can’t pick that Up I can’t wait until everything is cleared cuz I want this Farm eventually not right away just cuz I’ve got to you know I’ve got to be able to enjoy things and not stress myself out over it eventually I want it to be a very pretty like aesthetic organized bar I’m almost said

Unorganized and just like why would I manifest that for myself gaming laptops are really nice to be honest oh they are for sure I feel like they’re kind of underrated not the drink I met pizza but anyways back to the story I was walking by the I saw some guys smack a dog

That’s so horrible we do not support that kind of behavior here we really don’t this is an animal loving and appreciating household we do not support harming them I saw like a pink outline and I looked away and then it disappeared it’s cuz she was pushing it around with her head

Okay I’m going to have to just slowly day by day clear everything but I feel like considering pretty much all of it off of this area with the exception of these trees I feel like this is enough like this is sufficient land for crops and you know what I think I might

Go practice some of my fishing while I’m waiting I didn’t do anything but I wanted to well I hope that dog is okay that’s so horrible and I also hate animal abuse I should have brought my phone with me that way I could have gotten on video

And reported it to the police well definitely if you ever see that person being harmful to their pet again you probably should try and say something if you can as long as that’s not going to put you in Harm’s Way because you’re safety is important as well but yeah

That’s definitely really horrible and it makes me really sad that people do that by the way I wanted to ask so if you guys are playing the new update and you did the metaland farm the new typ let me know what the game named your chickens I need to know it’s for Science for a first catch I feel like that was pretty good and I’m glad that it was a cart because I need that for the community Center hello Cody welcome to the stream I’m saving up for a gaming laptop gaming laptops can sadly be expensive but I feel like it’s for a good reason just because they’re meant for like running games that like an actual PC would um and a good amount of them you can stream

Off up to if you decide to be a streamer I feel like I’m doing good I feel like I’m catching fish that I already need to donate and I haven’t missed yet I feel like I’m doing a pretty good job not to toot my own horn

I’m just proud of myself I’m so bad at fishing this game I haven’t tried it on mobile so I don’t think I can help you there but I have tried it on switch and PC and I feel like it’s definitely a learning curve but like once you

Understand it I feel like it definitely gets significantly easier from there but I remember whenever I first played it with Ben I literally for like the first one or two in-game years I forced him to do all of the fishing since he was good at it and I wasn’t like it stressed me

Out by the way please be sure to like the live stream if you have not already liking the stream is completely free and it’s a super easy way to support me thank you so much I also just realized I forgot about my coffee on my desk

It’s just black coffee but um I don’t like to sip on it out of the mug just because I feel like it gets like a stain on my upper lip and if I’m wearing makeup it’s especially annoying so I’m using a straw oh there was another thing about

Stardy Valley that I wanted to share this is really specific pertaining to my experience when I first played stardy Valley but I used to always love lighting candles whenever I played CU it like helped to set the mood and it was like a made it for very peaceful and

Relaxing time to play the game but there’s this one particular candle I almost always burned when I played so now in my brain I permanently associate stard Valley with that smell but sadly that candle got discontinued because it was like a limited edition one and now I

Can never find it anywhere and it makes me so sad it literally makes me so sad I would love to have another one of those candles like literally I don’t get why companies do that whenever something is popular and it’s popular for a good reason it sells really well then why do

You discontinue it it doesn’t make any sense thank you for the hydration reminder I did not actually bring water in here so oopsies but I do have my coffee I’ll be sure to hydrate and drink plenty of water later I’m sorry please don’t yell at me I was warm with over sensitivity so

When I failed I felt really bad about it let me grab some water I’m actually thirsty trying to keep people engaged why did I think you meant like engaged as in marriage for a second but I promise it’s not just you sard Valley fishing is really hard I’m

Going to flip this screen over because um I’m distracted by my phone’s going off this way I’m going to save all of my eggs that way eventually whenever I have a mayonnaise machine I can um start make not mail right away speaking of mayonnaise machines in the game I love

That that’s a sentence I can say but speaking of that before you couldn’t eat the Mayo to get health and energy boost and now you can it’s part of the update like literally one of the pictures that concerned eight posted on Twitter was like you can now drink the

Mayonnaise and I just feel like without context that sounds so silly don’t we all associate one place or game with a smell I definitely do I mean if you are wondering by the way the candle in question was called Pure white cotton I think it was called that and

Then the brand was White Barn I’m pretty sure that’s what it was now I want to look it up I don’t want to make the game freeze so I’m going to Google that to make sure it’s technically in my closet but I don’t want to get up just to go look at a

Candle name cuz that’s a little ridiculous but I’m pretty sure it’s what it’s called here light cotton okay that’s not the brand that I typed please cooperate okay that’s what I thought so the brand is white barn and it’s called Pure white cotton for the scent if you were curious I 100% subconsciously

Associate that smell with stardo Valley for me it’s memories I remember I think Dora the explor is like a warm rubbery type of smell I associate watching Dora when I was a kid with you know those like ice cream type popsicles you get at the ice cream truck that had

The bubblegum balls for the eyes I associate it with that specifically being at a beach house my family had rented at the time and eating those popsicles while I watched it okay they’re not coming out I’m just trying to be better about saying hello to everyone this time

Around and I can’t remember when you can go to the mines so I feel like I’m just kind of Meandering around in the meantime I suppose I could practice more fishing though those things look like they came from the seventh layer of hell they were always so scary looking like let’s be

Real sometimes if you got lucky it would look kind of normal but a lot of times I feel like it would be partially melted and then it would resolidify it would look like part of like their cheek or something was like bleeding over into where the hair is supposed to be very

Specific but if you know you know The jelly do I want to know what that is I don’t think so what is this sea jelly I’m guess it’s one definitely one of the new items I would have seen it at least once by now if it wasn’t new keep that you’ll need it okay I will

Keep that in mind don’t tell me what it’s for though cuz I want it to be a surprise but I will definitely keep it I just want to make sure that this like makes sense by the way whenever I say this and this doesn’t necessarily have to apply to stard Valley it applies

To all video games but y’all know what I mean when I say that a game can be like one of your top favorites or your very top favorite game in the world but despite that feeling you’re just not always in the mood to play it like you

Really like it but you’re not always in the mood for it but you still really like it regardless you know cuz that’s me with stardo Valley like I would consider it my favorite game at this point I’m just not always in the mood for it okay I feel like these three are

Pretty easy to find and gather so to to be honest I’m just going to sell the dandelion so I can have this I looked up and I’ve been left with more questions and answers yeah if you find anything on it don’t tell me what it is because I’m trying to keep as much

Of this as a surprise for myself as I can just so that way it’s extra exciting whenever it happens also I don’t remember what the date for it is and the timing of it is but you go up to this bush at a really specific moment on a

Specific day and you click on it Marne and mayor Lewis pop out of the Bush because they were doing the special Tango in the bush I I’m going to call it that so that way YouTube doesn’t yell at me for saying that oh really random but you know what

I tried for the first time the other day I had in and out and it was honestly I if you know me I have sensory sensitivities with food because of my autism and I’m very picky about burger meat because of that but I really like theirs I had no problems with it the

Only thing that I will say is I feel like the animal style fries were like overhyped cuz a lot of people said to get those that they were really good I tried it it was okay but it also wasn’t great and I probably wouldn’t order it

Again I thought start who was PG there’s there’s some hints hidden in there here and there I can actually go and show you if I go to marne’s house I’m going to go fishing again for a little bit CU I’m waiting for this to open so I can go in here

Too and I just need to sell the fish to get money but there’s the purple shorts thing in marne’s house and then the bush thing I just don’t remember what day and what season it is ETC do the bush thing oh I have a fun question to ask is

This is for everybody regardless of what games you play I asked somebody this asked planty gamer in her stream the other day I wanted to ask you guys too so for you guys are there any games where you really liked it at first or you were really excited to play them but

You lost interest pretty quickly and stopped playing it because of that and if so what games are those for you cuz for me it’s oetz I really love the idea of ooblets it looked adorable I loved all the colors I loved the characters I thought it was a really unique idea for

A Farm Sim but I feel like I lost interest relatively quickly because I found it really difficult to progress and also kind of hard to understand at times like it just kind of sucks the fun out of it for me so if you guys have any games that

Make you feel like that what are they I’m curious your retainer is really loose go fix it did you guys ever have an expander for braces cuz I had one expanders are literally so awful I would not wish having to have one on upon my worst enemy they are so

Uncomfortable and then turning the key for them makes me cringe thinking about it all T is pulling an Elastic Girl at me while I’m eating pizza wait so it’s like moving around or like stretching or something I don’t even know how it could stretch I’ve already caught these two

Fish by the way previously so stuff that I’m catching right now I’m definitely just going to sell cuz I need the money my character literally has $60 and that’s it technically it’s gold but you know what I mean I like feel like I like for like half a

Second Zone down I was supposed to be trying to fish just I love when I have moments like that not really I had an experimenter it was that we were bear trap type looking one I had to get caps and expander braces retainer like the whole shebang I had spacers I had an

Expand and then I had braces so I feel you getting Impressions taken for literally any kind of dental work is also just so nasty have youall ever had to do that cuz I definitely did a couple of times I’m going to stop that for now I’m

Going go check have I said hello to everyone yet so Jodie Vincent J Haley Elliot George beus lus Caroline Harvey Evelyn Emily Clint cam Sam Abigail Alex Leah Pierre Lewis Robin Willie I need to say hi to Shane um okay said hi to almost everybody while I’m over here I’m going

To see if somehow I’m lucky enough to get a hold of Sebastian just cuz he is almost always in his room and you can’t go in there until you have two hearts with him sadly I don’t think we’re going to be able to get a hold of him and then I

Can’t go in maru’s room either actually he’s not in his room so if I go outside right now and I look around I might be able to find him I think at this point he’s supposed to be somewhere down here he’s got to be close by I mean maybe he’s at the

Beach it’s rare that he’s out of his room like that so like I have to go see wait there he is Sebastian bestie come here please okay thanks never mind I can’t go in there oh another thing that I wanted to ask you guys if you’re playing the sty

Valley update and if you think You’ played at least once did you make a brand new Farm or did you keep your old one reason I’m asking is just because I feel like it was pretty split for a lot of people concern d himself recommended

Though that you do make a new one you definitely don’t have to but I feel like he said that he recommended it I’m having a brain fart about which house shanes so I have to look around to find it literally where is Shane where is

He I made a new one on switch I’m not going to wait oh me you’re not going to make like a new one on PC to who lives at Mar I just I Had a Brain part and I was like where is Shane I haven’t even seen him

Yet oh it’s close okay well I will come back the next day then I do need to find another dandelion to use because I had to throw mine away to be able to have storage space if I could find at least just one that would be great here we go

I hope you enjoy your lur BK a new Farm on PC what’s like the silliest Farm name you think you’ve ever had I’ve had a lot of farm names before and I think I literally named one of mine squish M Farm once oh while I’m over here I’m going to

Go get the wild onions I only just learned this after somebody had commented on my 50 days of stardy Valley video but the onions that are always all the way over here I just thought for some reason because the way that they’re planted that they were someone’s onions that they grew like

Just some character in the game never mind I can’t pick these up I will come back for them at a different time I always thought that somebody had planted them and I was like whose freaking onions are these and they were like they’re called wild onions just cuz

They’re wild and they showed up there on their own but at the same time that is such a random detail better run see you besties by BK thanks for being here we appreciate you there’s a hair in my face there we go we haven’t done it yet but later

Today like sometime after the live stream we’re going to make a smallish grocery order cuz I’ve got to be able to eat during tomorrow’s big stream just like I can’t just not eat that whole time I’m going to get too hungry and then not have any energy but I also want

To make sure it’s something like not super loud because you know how when you chew on certain things some of them are a lot louder than others I don’t want to be just crunching and munching super loud on the mic CU that’s disgusting that’s really really gross so I’m trying to think of

Things that I could eat I like that also aren’t going to be super loud so I thought about getting some sushi cuz our grocery store has a really nice Sushi section that’s hard to say Sushi section so maybe I’ll get some sushi or honestly I could just like make a sandwich too

And then what out of all these could I sell I want to be able to separate these there we go only sold one and then you I said to keep the sea jelly so I’m going to do that I’m going to keep one of the clams I think I need

That for something in the community center okay there we go I feel like I can afford to sell these they still have other copies in there I’m also going to sell a bunch of leaks I only need one for the community center and then I think we’re good now I’m going to sell

These and then we’ll save hi just woke up hello Sophia welcome in you missed the sheer chaos earlier so basically um we all know that I use streamlabs and I scheduled a stream the other day for the first time by scheduling I mean like literally going into the calendar tab on there and

Then setting up the details for a live stream stre for today that itself was smooth that part was great but then I started the actual stream and then I was like done typing and whatnot so like okay I need to go to my just chatting

Screen now and then no matter how hard I tried it would not let me close out of that screen and I felt like I was losing my mind and it was so aggravating that I just turned that off and restarted the whole entire stream so that was really

Fun and then I was accidentally echoing at first on this one thankfully though everybody spoke up as soon as they heard it and I fixed it so we’re all good now but it was very chaotic earlier oh a wrap would be good too a grocery store I shop at has like a

Good sushi section it’s also got a really nice deli section it offers pre-made sandwiches and pre-made wraps I believe I could do any one of those feel like all those would be decently quiet given I’m not sure for like the lunch break part of my stream if I’m

Just going to eat on stream and talk to you guys or if I’m going to do what I did on one of my last streams basically for that stream I um put on the BRB screen and had some intermission music play while I simply just typed in the

Chat and we all had a nice conversation while I was having some lunch and I could honestly just do that again but I’m still trying to find something that’s like somewhat quiet just because on the chance that I do end up eating on camera I want to make sure

That it’s not loud and annoying that just would be very to listen to I mean maybe some of you wouldn’t be bothered by it but I just feel like if it was me I wouldn’t want to listen to something super loud and crunchy and gross you

Know oh my gosh the scream want end up finally be the star of the show literally like everybody think flone was really nice and really patient about like nobody made fun of me cuz I was stressed out um but normally I feel like at the very most I would have a starting

T screen on for like 4 minutes and it ended up being on there for like 10 minutes cuz I just could not get the calendar tab to go away but we’re all good Now sorry I got s into a little to the left no worries TLA welcome to the Stream oh there was another thing Sophia actually so you can’t see her right now but Luna is behind me like behind my lower back she popped up into my lap while I was talking to everyone and then had the sheer audacity to wiggle behind me and then push my squish Mel that I

Used for a cushion out of the way with her head and then like everybody would just like see it like move a little bit behind me it was funny looking I do have a bit more money now though I’m going to get some more Seeds I already have a couple of cauliflowers planted I have parsnips planted I do need some beans and I need some potatoes so I don’t have a ton of money these tend to reg grow repeatedly so to be honest I’m only going to plant two of those for now in like two potato

Seeds and then whenever I have more money later I’ll continue to plant other Crops do you want to be the squish M she really did she just wants to be the star of the show today actually while I’m over here can I go to the star drop Salia I don’t think so I feel like it opens at like 12 right

Okay yeah it does speaking of being 12 I just noticed it’s 12:15 here I technically had a short that went up 15 minutes ago but I need to link it in my server so I’m just going to do that really quick but I have the volume off

My phone so nothing’s going to be blasted into y’all’s ears I promise if it loads this is please load I don’t have the time to wait for like 10 seconds okay there we go Sophia I think you in particular might like the short I say that because it’s about a specific

Game that you play I’m almost done thank you for being so patient I appreciate you guys here we go it would have gone a little bit faster if my phone was loading but it wasn’t wanting to load get cauliflower they give the most money I have a couple

Of cauliflowers already my character is just very broke so I can’t spend a tunnel and crops right away I had to put socks on my feet were cold I always feel like I have to have at least socks on in the house I mean I

Do like to be barefoot a lot of the time don’t get me wrong but even though like obviously like we clean like the house isn’t gusting but despite that I feel like stuff gets stuck to my feet anyways and that feeling on the bottom of my

Foot makes me cringe and I hate having to constantly wipe my foot off when that happens so I try to remember to always have at least socks on or my house slippers I’m going to plant these and go back to getting rid of the stuff that’s all over my Farm all right there we go I’ve seen these shorts from you the one from today had something to do with Roblox and I know that you like Roblox so that’s why I was mentioning no this is definitely just my opinion but I feel like I don’t care what anyone

Says Roblox has has a little something for everyone on there like there is just an unbelievable amount of games to play on there like I think like there’s got to be at least one game on there that everybody would like like each person has got to have at least one game for

Them on there you Know Look at that bush look how funny looking that is it looks like the two wood logs right here are like little eyeballs sticking out of It how long have I been live for I’ve already been live for over an hour what do you mean I’m very energized this morning I woke up at 7:00 whenever I have earlier tram that start at like 10:00 or 11:00 a.m. my time I try to wake up at 7:00 to

Make sure I have time to like fully wake myself up eat shower put makeup on Etc um but I accidentally fell asleep again after I woke up this morning and I just feel very energized today maybe it’s the caffeine maybe it’s the fact that I’m super hyped up about stard Valley maybe

It’s both I don’t know also I’m not going to cut down every tree on this Farm I’m hope to cut down a lot of them just because there’s just so much debris everywhere it’s driving me Crazy also by the way I’m going to type up a poll right now but whenever I type this up I want you guys to look at it and let me know what you think about this kind of poll it’ll make sense in a second when you see it I just wanted to

Know if you like these kinds of poles or if you’re okay with them or if you feel feel like it’s annoying when people do this like be honest about it I’m curious also the screen may have paused for a second while I do this don’t worry about it it’ll fix itself in a Moment almost done Okay just making sure I didn’t put any typos okay so I’m just testing this out right now cuz I wanted to see what you guys think about this so when over Creator does a poll on their stream that’s like are you subscribed or have you liked the stream do you guys finding

That annoying or are you not bothered by it I I just I’m curious I wanted to know as the audience how you perceive that kind of pole a book just fell out of a tree is this Animal Crossing all kinds of crazy stuff falls out of the trees on Animal Crossing I

Can’t finish chopping that down cuz my C is exhausted but to be honest I think I should leave some of these trees as stumps just cuz I feel like it’s kind of cute like it’s like a fashion statement not fashion statement but you know what I

Mean I was making an essay for class was also called Serenity I named my farm Serenity just cuz I feel like it’s a very peaceful name and I was telling telling everyone earlier that ever since I lost the progress on my perfection R Farm I mean I’ve been sad about it but I

Still really want to reach Perfection at least once in my life that book is called wood cutters weekly I’m going to have to look at that but I still really want to reach Perfection at least once in my life but I also don’t want to rush it like it’ll happen when it happens

However long that takes I want to enjoy this farm and take my time with it and not feel as rushed so whenever it happens is when it happens and it is what it is I don’t mind it I’m usually subscribed and like streams and I watch them I

Don’t usually watch streams where I’m not subscribed I feel like for me like whenever I’m watching other people’s streams and they and I see them do that same thing honestly I really don’t mind it and I don’t think it’s a big deal like as long as you’re like not wording

It in a way that sounds really forceful and mean cuz that’s not good like as long as you don’t word it like that in a toxic way then I feel like it’s fine oh okay so thing is gone now okay cool cool Cool and read the book okay cool I will do that right now Actually new things about foraging like What I’m covering this up just because I don’t know what I’m going to do next with the crops and I’m hoping to be better about keeping the farm like aesthetic and like clean and organized looking and that includes cleaning these up whenever I’m done same as ta I just don’t like when

People do it repetitively I don’t do it every stream I do it sometimes but not every stream that and then I feel like as long as it’s not worded in a really rude way then it’s fine like I feel like the way I did that was okay right like I

I did it in a very nice Way oh I want to get the trash can lid hat for my character that was really random but I remembered it basically if you open and I can rumage through enough trash cans in sty Valley you can get a trash can lid as a hat but the only

Thing is it’s only going to work if you don’t already have a hat on like you can’t wear a hat for it to work hello Sebastian welcome In okay Community Center you can tell by my little dance and like my vibe that you that I just really like this game I feel like those since that just happened I should go back and get what I act never mind never mind scratch that I

Was watch about to go back to get my stuff then I remembered I always forget about that part for some reason that you can’t donate right away you have to get the Juno scroll read and deciphered by the Wizard if I wasn’t subscribed I wouldn’t be here I feel like you’ve been around for a really long time angel I feel like you’ve seen like a lot of my old Animal Crossing Islands too you’re so ad alxi thank you you guys want to know what this says

Though this actually fun fact this actually says stard Valley is the best game ever there you go you know how earlier we were kind of talking a little bit about about how there’s certain games that maybe as much as like you were really excited for them you lost interest quickly right well I

Was like that with faay Farm actually and part of me kind of misses it it’s apparently getting an update soon but to be honest I just I’m going to go give away but to be honest I just don’t even know if I’m going to try it I mean maybe

I will it just sucks I feel like I had so much excitement and hype built up for that game and now I just kind of feel like it’s very meh to me now and I don’t really know why I feel that way about it but I just do that make

Sense that’s a very long way to say starter was the best game ever not starred I hate this you guys have you I we don’t know what auto correct is but have you seen the autofill feature on iPhone cuz I hate it I feel like it’s significantly worse than correct cuz it’s always

Thinks it’s so right about what I’m trying to type and it’s usually not and then it won’t let me backspace it like I’ll repeatedly try to backspace it and it just will not let me like respectfully you’re not correct on what you think I’m typing just let me

Type what I want to type please and I’m kind of thinking about it I know a lot of people who are playing the update did their new farm with the metaland farm which is totally understandable like that’s why I did it too cuz I was excited and I wanted to

Try it but I wonder if anybody made their new Farm on literally any of the other Maps like I feel like I don’t see the beach Farm used a whole lot and it’s probably because it has sand instead of like soil and grass and whatnot but like I like the beach Farm I

Think it’s cool and what’s nice about it is a lot of the fish that are like ocean only fishes you can catch those at the ocean on your farm at least I’m pretty sure you can cuz I feel like I remember doing that with my old beach Farm that took a while I forget how awful the first sword is so [Applause] bad Beach Farm gives you free food and fertilizer I like the beach Farm I feel like it’s really underrated I hate that too like you’re not the boss of me don’t make me capitalize my sentences if I’m not

Writing an I say literally like why does it care so much like also if smartphones are so smart why can’t it realize that clearly if I’m trying to back space the autofill is giving me then that means that that’s not what I want to type like

If you’re so smart iPhone why don’t you realize that that’s what I want to know Al I am going to get rid of this plain daffodil cuz I’d rather have that cave carrot I’m on level three right now I want to at least get to level five

Before I leave I’ll probably get further than that but definitely I don’t want to leave unless I absolutely have to Unrelated but the icon that the game has for the copper ore looks like chicken Nuggets I hate looking for clay at the beginning me too me Too I feel like a lot of you here are probably already subscribed to this person um cuz I talk about her a lot I am going to give a quick little shout out to my good friend fairy Queens just because she is actually Incredibly Close to 100,000 subscribers which is crazy oh

My goodness but she is so sweet she’s very silly beautiful she makes really great content and she works really hard and if you’re interested in things like little TV show type things on YouTube or if you like Wizard 101 she’s working on her own Wizard 101 themed TV show and

It’s called Ravenwood Rising it’s not out yet but it will be soon and so I just wanted to give her a little shout out cuz I’m very proud of her and how hard she works and how far she’s come in General on YouTube so happy almost 100K as cuz that’s crazy

Thank you for subscribing to her he definitely has really fun content she plays like a handful of different games um and it’s very silly chaotic but like in a funny way in fact if you ever decide to go to any of her streams you’ll probably see me there it’s almost it’s almost 400

P.m. in the game and I have like no energy so I’m just going to leave at least I got to level five cuz that was what I wanted to do just means I accomplished my goal oh Sophia while I know that you’re here by the way I wanted to ask you

Something very specific but have you played the game on Roblox called dress to impress cuz I saw Ash playing that and it made me want to play play it it looks really fun here we going to take a headache pill and get some water no worries take your

Time wait actually this gives me 30 energy and 13 Health to be honest I’m actually going to eat this now and then use the bit of energy that it gives me to clear a bit more of the debris Ian it didn’t give me a ton but gave me a little

Bit these little logs everywhere are going to make me lose my mind so I’m going to focus on those plus they’re just one hit each my pockets are full though so maybe I should empty those and then go pick up the wood that game is so strange oh hey I’m

Back welcome back BK yes I love dress to impress there’s new codes from YouTubers and no one else uses them so I always win I watched her play it and it just seemed like low energy in the sense of like it didn’t require like a lot of

Thinking and it was just like a fun casual game to play like I definitely want to try that at some point whether that’s on stream or just by myself I don’t Know and I love the animations okay I’m going to get water on the headache pill no you’re fine Sophia if you want alert cuz your head hurts I understand I would keep hitting this tree but I’m probably going to pass out so let’s put my stuff away

I’m so glad I was able to make the starter stream work though cuz I was so scared about this I don’t know if how many of you have heard me talk about it before but for some reason some PC games especially Fay farm and PC sty Valley I

Leveled up in so many categories oh my gosh um whenever I stream those P specific PC games sometimes whenever I click back and forth between the monitors It’ll like freeze up where like I can see all the movement and game activity on my end but for some reason

It’ll freeze for you guys where you can’t see it and I was really worried it wasn’t going to work but thankfully it seems to have worked out so I’m very grateful for that miss playing games with my cousins and sister I’m sorry BK well part of the

Stream tomorrow actually is going to be Roblox with viewers I haven’t done Roblox with viewers before aside from whenever I did my um obstacle course stream and I had a couple of people join the lobby that I was in if that counts as with viewers but that was only like one Time I have to go talk to the wizard today so let me water my crops and then I’ll go talk to them it’s already really irritating me that I don’t have water closer to where I was standing so as soon as I possibly can I am no doubt getting that well

Built and it would help if there weren’t so many blockages on my farm So idea dress to impress with viewers that would be fun by the way you know what I really wish stardo Valley had and hear me out I really wish it had Cloud saves so like I have played it on PC and on switch the only platforms that I I’ve tried it on I

Just really wish that there were Cloud save so that way whatever I save and do on my computer I can pick it back up later on my switch if I wanted to like I would be thrilled if that was a thing I got all this taken care of let

Me just make sure that my chickens are fed and then I’m going to go talk to the Wizards I actually haven’t had to give them any hay really cuz there’s been all of this hay right here there’s this and then the Blue Grass they Like this new map or Farm technically is such a game changer like I’m definitely willing to sacrifice some of the extra farming space to have the free chickens and CP because that is stuff that you seriously have to save a bunch of extra money and resources for to have it

Created to buy it Etc like it is just so nice to start out with it like that’s going to be a huge help in the long run if you ask Me I ra be a level in a hat in time I’ve heard about that but I don’t know what you do in the game I need to go and search my computer kind of hurts my back unrelated but there is 511 million days 11 hours 24 minutes and

11 seconds until the world ends well um that’s scary wait why am I in here this is not where I meant to go I didn’t think about that I really have to pee actually but I am so into the game right now I cannot bring myself to get up and go to the

Bathroom you know what I should have done I should have grabbed everything I was going to donate to take it with me to the wizard and then I could just go immediately to the community center afterwards and now I have to walk back through all of that debris just to do it

Another thing I’ve been skipping through a lot of the cut scenes today but I want to play this one just because I feel like this one when you first meet the wizard is so iconic because for him to help you to be able to translate the junim mo squirrels he does like this

Ritual type situation I like I used a joke that looked like we were on a mushroom trip just because of the way that it looks like if you’ve never seen it before I promise what I just said will make sense in a second just watch also hey I unmuted desktop audio right

Like y’all can hear the game cuz imagine if I was streaming for this long and I didn’t know that y’all couldn’t hear I would be horrified oh then yeah literally none of us are going to be here for that sopia fun fact I once heavily considered

Getting a Juno tattoo and if for some reason I do ever get a sted Valley Tattoo it probably still will be a junam mo I don’t know what else it would be H the funny part of it hasn’t even happened yet to be honest I’m just like

Trying to click through a little slower so if anybody hasn’t seen this before then you can see it given I did include this to an extent in my 50 days of sty Valley video but it was sped up a lot so you couldn’t really like focus on it and really look at It So here’s what I actually said I said I said that St Valley was the best game ever but it actually says we the Juno are happy to Aid you in return we ask for gifts of the valley if you are one with the forest then you will see the true nature of this

Scroll they’re just cute little cute little creatures that want some help that’s all I remember I was watching a streamer play this and they went through this and said you shouldn’t have drank the potion now you got wait I don’t know what that part in the princess Says Here drink up put the essence the forest permeate your body this is the part that I wanted you guys to watch especially if you haven’t seen it before cuz I just used to always joke that it was like a trip of some sort wait for it there we Go this imagery right here is what my body feels like whenever I have a stomach bug and I’m really nauseous and I can’t stop throwing up that probably won’t make any sense to any of you but it does to Me look at mod chat okay oh okay yeah I understand what that means now but it was definitely a good idea to censor that in a different way just because I don’t okay let me break let me get more simplified I don’t censor myself as much as I used to just because

I’ve in a way rebranded myself recently however I still do have to be careful sometimes about certain things just so that way YouTube doesn’t yell at me cuz if I’m not careful enough I can fun fact get my streams demonetized and that’s part of my income so let’s not do

That makes sense to me since I got the stomach bug once okay this is going to be very gross so it heads up but one one time I had a stomach bug that was so severe I was nonstop vomiting and and the other thing on the other end

Constantly and it it was nonstop for hours and I almost passed out because of fluid loss that was fun I’m also going to rearrange my pockets a bit really Quick now let’s grab everything I have to Donate And I’m pretty sure once I put those in it’s going to unlock the fishing area for me so I’m going to actually can’t grab these side no room never mind I’ll come back for them hold on one moment besties St plugs are the worst they really are I was

Talking to Ben the other day and hear me out but I feel like this would be the worst thing ever but imagine if you somehow caught both Co and a stomach bug at the same time time like that sounds like nightmare fuel if you ask me that sounds horrible I’m sorry that

Happened to you thankfully I ended up recovering just fine I don’t even know actually no I do know how I got it um I had right before I got sick I went to a family gathering for Thanksgiving and not only did I eat deviled eggs that were sitting out longer than they should

Have like they were starting to get bacteria and whatnot if you get me but also somebody who was there had a stomach bug and didn’t tell anybody so those two things being around that person person and eating the old eggs made me have a super severe stomach bug

But I was okay it was just like lowkey like kind of traumatizing I’m not going to Lie that would be a painful experience it truly would be also this will only apply like if you’ve had Co like at least twice I’ve had it multiple times because I’m to an extent immunal compromised so I’m kind of prone to getting it but you feel like every time

That you get Co I feel like symptoms get worse like first time that I had it wasn’t too bad I was just really really really sleepy a lot of the time and I had a bad headache but not like a severe one just like a kind of bad one but I

Feel like every time that I’ve gotten Co it just gets worse and worse and worse symptoms wise that’s definitely one heck of a party gag oh thank you for being a member for four months I appreciate you welcome in classy and one of the mods get a link for uh classy cozy gamer

Please I don’t know why I paused for a second welcome in I’m going to plant these seeds and then I’m going to go over and bring those fish to the community center they gave me 30 of these right okay hi everyone how are you enjoying the update I’m really liking it it’s

Really fun to me we did have um a couple of hiccups tech-wise earlier but thankfully it’s all fixed now so it’s all good but I’m not going to lie it did really stress me out it’s I don’t know if I can speak for anybody else here but have you ever had

For whatever reason from whatever you were doing had Tech issues happen and it was just extra overwhelming because maybe you feel like you’re not very Savvy in Tech cuz like despite being a content creator I’m not going to lie when it comes to like the nitty-gritty with certain details on

Streamlabs I really don’t always understand it so I get especially overwhelmed really easily but it’s all good now I just was curious if anybody else feels like they get easily overwhelmed by technology I hope you enjoy your lurk BK beat me to it yeah thank you for getting

The link by the way while you guys are telling him to be making stocks and gchen impact no worries I hope you enjoy your work and I hope you have fun oh what just happened I just heard my computer make a noise did I kick something can y’all let me know if my

Stream is okay cuz I just I just kicked something and I want to make sure that I didn’t screw up the stream so please let me know if everything’s fine I was playing a lot of off screen this week but I can’t wait to play this tonight I can’t wait until it’s on

Switch that and I was telling everybody earlier I would really love if someday if concerned Su cuz it’s technically his choice um I would love if he integrated Cloud saves somehow cuz could you imagine being able to like maybe maybe you’re streaming or making a video of

Something on your farm and then later you decide that you want to play on your switch instead when you’re in bed and then you can just like do the cloud save and have exactly what you had on your computer be on your switch too like that

Would just be so nice I would love that see what else do I need to do it’s almost five in the game I oh yeah I need to go get the fish I’m glad I remembered I can’t put this one too so I’m going to put that back

Actually no we’ll do that one instead I’m also going to put this away just so that way I can grab this one too and then for the muscle in the clamshell I know that both of those are required too but I don’t know if I have that

Bundle even unlocked yet so I’m not going to grab them anymore I felt like I had talked off a lot of my tinted chapstick so I had to get More does anybody happen to know how many times you have to rumage through the trash cans and St do to get the trash can lid hat I really want it for my character And then for the anchovy and the chub I swear I needed them for something here but I guess not oh wait I do have access to okay I’m going to have to come back to this then by the way please be sure to like the live stream if you have not already

Liking the stream is completely free and a super easy way to support me thank you so much I appreciate youall being here I’m literally going to go all the way back just so I can donate those wait oh there it is okay I thought

It was going to be side by side with the clamshell so when I didn’t see it right away I was like where is it can let me know in chat really quickly um that you can hear me and see me good and everything cuz I accidentally kicked something under my

Desk with my setup and I was worried that I messed something up so can somebody let me know really quickly if everything’s okay on your end I can hear and see you stream looks good okay thank you for letting me know and if you do hear her say an issue

Please feel free to speak up okay I will be really fast F but I have to go to the bathroom really bad so hold on a second I’ll be back though for okay I’m back thank you for waiting I appreciate it I don’t if y’all were able to see her

But Luna hopped down I sat up and then she was like wait where are you going cuz she was like all cozied up between the back of my chair and my squish malow that was fast I tried to be fast I didn’t want to keep anybody waiting I just really had to

Pee Oh and I want to go talk to Robin today in the game and see what it’s going to cost me for that well cuz I’m very aggravated walking all the way over here just to go to the lake I know I technically don’t have to get the well I

Just want it and plus I feel like it’s a like very pretty I guess it’s very aesthetically pleasing to look at in my opinion especially if it’s placed well in fact look at this little circle right here if the game lets me I want to put

It like right there feel like that’d be Cool Oh I don’t know if I’ve talked about it on stream yet but I mentioned it a little bit whenever I was talking on Discord about whenever I reached 4K but I I found out about it in like such like a funny casual way basically I had just

Woken up and I am currently learning Japanese on Dual lingo so like I de saidd to do my lesson really quick just because I have M set up where they’re only 5 minutes long cuz my attention span can low be lowkey be kind of short sometimes so just doing my quick lesson

And then as soon as it was done I opened up YouTube Studio cuz I wanted to see if I had gotten any closer to 4K and as soon as I had refreshed that it jumped to 4K and it was just such a funny way to find out like do my du lingal lesson

Go check oh I reached 4K I hope you enjoy your lurk mags I need to get ready for the dinner no worries hope you enjoy your Lurk I have that taken care of and now I’m just going to go see what Robin says I’m trying I’m still trying to keep things a surprise for me with the update as much as I can but now that I’ve had a chance to play it for myself I’m going to be really tempted to watch other people play it and finally watch their streams so hopefully that doesn’t spoil

Anything for me but realistically it’s probably going to end up happening eventually okay it’s not that bad it’s only 1,000 gold and 75 Stones so I’m going to work on saving up the money for it and I feel like I should realistically get the backpack upgrade first but I’m sorry that’s going to

Really really really bother me with going to the lake if I don’t so I’m going to get the well first and then the backpack Upgrade my my goal right now is to just try and catch a handful of fish that I already have technically caught before so that way I can afford to sell those ones more and I’ll use that for money and then maybe tomorrow in the game I’ll

Go and go to the mines again try to get to level 10 maybe cuz I got to level five last time that one’s even better cuz I’ve already caught that one and it’s a silver star one it’s better quality River jelly okay I know Megs told me to keep the sea

Jelly don’t sell it or anything and just keep it in a stack so that way I can use it later I still don’t know what the jelly is for but I know now that it’s important so I will keep that too I was starting to sing the Jeopardy

Music and then it just gave me a piece of Driftwood like you couldn’t have even given me like a plane type of fish you would give me driftwood I need them for some sort of machine okay don’t tell me anything else though so I want to keep it a surprise

For as long as I can that is I know eventually I’m probably going to get something spoiled for me oo okay I haven’t had any geod Yet Okay I’m having a brain fart I can never figure this out can somebody please explain to me how I apply the fishing bait my fishing rod I can’t remember and I feel like I can never remember how to do that whether it’s on PC or switch I can never figure it Out I’m definitely selling both of these bullheads you know higher level Rod like oh okay gotcha gotcha that’s why it usually doesn’t work okay makes sense I’ll put that away for now Then y’all didn’t see me just missed the straw you didn’t see That imagine somehow miraculously on my first try I got like a tell me why I almost said aridium Shard instead of Prismatic Shard honestly that will take it cuz sometimes it’s annoying trying to gather extra copper ore and coal so I’ll take it I feel like that’s pretty good I’m going to go around and try to find as many trash can I can right now just to rummage through them cuz I want

To get that lid hat I don’t know how many times you have to do it though for it to work I just know that you can do it if you try it enough times have you guys ever dug to the trash cans in stardew and the right as you’re doing it outside of a building

Somebody walks right next to you or walks out of the building and they’re like oh my gosh e what are you doing cuz I’ve done that I know it’s just a video game but there’s just something about that that’s so unbelievably embarrassing and then I think I’ve

Decided I’m going to work some more on clearing the debris right now I’ve got pretty good about clearing it near where my house is but there’s a bunch down here that’s also very annoying I’m going to try and spare a really good amount of this fiber but inevitably I’m going to

Have to get rid of at least some of it cuz there’s still too much like I have to have room for other things but I want to save some for the chicken or I guess actually what do you guys think that I should do because even if you don’t play

Sty Valley basically all this fiber right here if you leave some of it there and you let your chickens roam around they can eat that and so can your cows if you get cows but if you look right up here they’ve already got their own enclosed area that has some so do we

Think that I should just go ahead and get rid of everything else that’s not in their enclosed area or should I still keep some what do you guys think I was picking out what I’m going to wear I’m debating on a pale teal shirt and gray leggings or a burgundy shirt

Um I like the idea of the pale teal shirt I feel like that sounds pretty I could find my Scythe at first I was like did I accidentally sell that I would be so mad does the game even let you sell your tools I not upd on Nintendo I am so sorry but welcome in a on pause welcome to the stream I was just telling everybody that I am so excited for it to be out on switch because as of lately for me a lot of the games that I’ve been playing and

Or streaming have been on my computer but at heart I truly do love playing stard Valley on my switch I just find it very appealing personally but I also really love for concerned ape to make some kind of cloud save setup kind of like what Disney dream life valy has where no matter

Which of your platforms that you’re playing on as long as you have it purchased on both platforms um you can have it cross save and have the cloud save set up like I just feel like that would be so nice for stard Valley and I’m sure I’m not the only one that would

Like that like I feel like a lot of other people would like that too I have anything else except for a switch so I’ll be waiting I’m so sorry I hope it gets out really soon I feel like aside from PC I feel like a very large

Portion of the fan base is on switch as well just cuz so many people have switches and I feel like for me the more I think about it maybe the reason why I find it so appealing to play on switch is because that’s where I first had it I

Got it when I was um when I turned 18 on my switch it was a present that I had and I only I think a few years in and started to play it a little bit on my computer too and it was only cuz I wanted to try out using mods and despite

That I still for some reason prefer vanilla stardy Valley on my switch and I don’t know why mods can be fun but I feel like the reason I don’t play them as often is I find it really aggravating having to update them every now and then like installing them was already a

Huge pain like I don’t want to have to go and update them too actually what can I sell in here not a lot but it’s something I also can’t remember at what point um what’s it not the night market traveling C I don’t know why I

Couldn’t think of that for a second but I don’t remember when the traveling carts is supposed to start happening but it was just a Sunday so now it’s Monday and I’m pretty sure the traveling cart shows up on Sundays and I was like kind of sad when I couldn’t find it I almost have enough money for the well though I cannot wait to get that I’m so excited for it I guess technically I can be selling the eggs too but I’m trying to let the eggs build up in my storage just that way whenever I eventually have a manise

Machine made I have a ton of eggs readed up to load up into mayonnaise and then I can sell that for a higher Profit just been pretty sure they sell at least a little bit more than just a plain old egg does I am from Indonesia hello welcome to the

Stream do you have a name or like a nickname that I can call you ask my Bowie hoodie arrived soon hello horror fresh ghost welcome to the stream are you excited speaking of hoodies and like clothing in general and whatnot I may or may not be working on some new merch designs we’ll See I love your face thank you yes I wish Bowie was still alive though I miss him a lot if Bowie was icon truly did I already water these I guess I did sometimes the colored the color of the watered soil I feel like looks really similar to the dry soil still so

Then I can’t tell all that’s taking care of and what was the other thing I was going to do I feel like I can’t Remember there was something specific I wanted to Do what was it there was something I wanted to work on in the game have you heard of starman’s Roblox Channel they do Roblox um Roblox drama I have not actually but I’ll go look at it I’ve started to like here and there showcase Roblox on my channel I played

It a lot when I was younger and then like kind of stopped for a while and I’ve picked it back up again recently and I’ve really been enjoying it it’s been fun I was telling everybody earlier that I swear I feel like because of how many games are available on Roblox I

Feel like there’s got to be at least one game on there at least one that every person would be able to enjoy it’s got to be a little something for everybody you Know I want to get some of the fruit treats eventually too but that’s going to be expensive um these are expensive so it’s going to take up a lot of my money however fully grown cauliflower are worth a lot so that just took away a good chunk

Of my gold but it’s okay I’ll get it back soon plus I did plant a bunch of those free spring seeds that I got and once those are fully grown that’ll give me a lot of money too so we will be reimbursed in probably a couple of

Days what’s the objective of this game so in the game you inherit your um late grandfather’s farm and you clean it up you fix it up aside from farming there’s also things like fishing you can go mining you can talk to and bef friend and romance all the characters there’s

Various events and holidays that you can do and then if you complete the this thing that’s called the community center you can also unlock a whole other area to go to that’s called ginger Island it’s super cool the game also has a ton of really specific lore and theories

Behind it if you look into it but that part is a lot harder to explain the bo really helped me find my identity because of how he dressed and all Roblox is amazing I’m not going to lie I feel like I feel like I just aged a little bit as I’m

About to ask this but I don’t know what TBF stands for I play it every day especially a game on there called Dragon Blade it’s relaxing except from the monsters there’s this really specific game on there I finally got to play start playing again recently and I’m saying it

Like that because for a while for some reason the Creator just would not update the game and I guess maybe it’s just cuz they didn’t play anymore but it was called build to survive the zombies and there was a handful of different kinds of zombies on there

And every now and then like a timer would go off and once the timer would go off for a short while I think for like a minute or so the zombies would roam around and to like try to avoid them so they wouldn’t kill you or anything and

You’d build some sort of Base to protect yourself and that game was like my favorite and I was so sad cuz for years they wouldn’t update it and it was too glitchy to play but thankfully it’s all fixed up now and you can play the only

Thing is is that they changed up some of the zombies so they’re different from how they used to be but it’s still really fun I couldn’t see what was behind that and it was literally just grass just some grass nothing else oh to be fair okay thank you also thank you you for not making me feel bad about not knowing cuz sometimes I’ve had interactions with people on my own live

Streams where I’ll like ask an innocent question like that cuz I don’t know any better about whatever it is that we’re talking about and then they’re like un like unnecessarily snarky or mean in response like if somebody doesn’t know about something and they’re asking politely for you to help them and

Explain it there’s no need to be rude even if for some reason you choose not to help them there’s still no need to respond in an asky way you Know like there’s a chance that person already feels embarrassed you don’t need to be rude to them you know what I Mean it’s going to take me so long to get this Farm cleared I Swear and I’m sure as soon as I’m done with all this I’ll have enough spare wood to get able to fix the bridge on the Beach I mainly want to focus down these little logs just because they are so irritating especially if they hide in the middle of the grass patches and you can’t see it and you’re like why can’t I walk anywhere it’s cuz there’s just a random log in the Way fun game for My fasting in Ramadan wait have you tried sty Valley you should I will say the update that came out recently is unfortunately only currently available on PC however the creator has stated that it will be spread to other platforms it’s just going to take some time

CU PC takes priority but the other platforms will get the update as well additionally if you are a Nintendo switch player and you want to get stard Valley on your switch um again the update’s not there yet however stardo Valley is notably a lot cheaper compared

To a lot of other switch games so if you need something that’s going to be affordable stardo Valley is honestly the way to go unless you just don’t like Farm Sims then never mind cuz that wouldn’t apply anymore I ran out of energy so I can’t keep clearing that stuff off my farm

Actually I’m going to see how much wood do I have if I have enough I’m going to go fix that bridge I do not but I almost have enough so in the meantime I’m going to go around and say hi to the characters again cuz I’m still pretty bad about

Remembering to talk to them and I really want to be better about it this time around I was texting my friend and she was like what Avatar movie are you watching I said the first one she said eie and I was like what is e man and she

Called me a doofus I wish you could get mods on Nintendo I see these people with expanded mod and I wish I could have it Nintendo was just like like stinky about it they don’t like whenever people do mods like they will full on like I think

Like brick your switch or like ban you from certain activities and features just because you tried to use mods um and yeah I do agree that is that is kind of mean like if somebody asks nicely for you to explain something like that like maybe it’s cuz they haven’t heard it

Before or they’re confused and they don’t understand like there is never any valid reason to be snarky about it even if you don’t help them you still should at least have some basic manners I want the trash can lid hat so bad I would dig through this one too but there he’s definitely going to see and think I’m disgusting for it so Alex if you could like move out of the way so I can peacefully rumage through this trash can that’d be Great wait there Shane I haven’t talked to Shane yet come here besy Shane besy Shane come here please Hello I think it’s for over here um I don’t know who all knows but fun fact if you go about right here there’s somewhere on the side where it’s like if you walk along it you can go in there it is right there and then there’s a chest back here that you can

Open oh it’s some kind of Box I don’t remember how you get to what’s in it cuz I swear there’s something inside that you can can Have I’m going to have to come back for that later because I can’t remember how you open it but I swear there’s something in there that you can open funny story I used to date this guy and he called me a furry in my comments

For wearing a mask my mom said to him hello this is Amber’s mom stop these comments or I’ll be at your door I just feel like FES get so much hate for literally no reason like not to go on a or anything but one furries are unbelievably creative and very talented

Usually very friendly people from what I’ve seen they’re very accepting and loving PE people from all different backgrounds and like the level of creativity and effort that it takes to make the outfits that they use is so like difficult like I’m Amazed by it and it’s such a shame that I feel like

Furries just get so much hate for literally no reason and plus like you’re not hurting anybody by being a furry like why why do you care so much what somebody else is doing with their time if they’re a furry cool that doesn’t affect you be nice costs you nothing to have

Manners oh I am I’m from Texas um I will also mention that I’m from Houston but that’s as far as I’m going to mention cuz Houston is a very large city I don’t want to go any specific any more specific than that just purely for privacy reason reasons

Um if it was a smaller City I wouldn’t say that but because it’s so large I don’t really mind nobody knows everything so there’s no need to be rude if somebody asks you what something is or means it’s how we all learn absolutely absolutely I

Agree I agree fures get so much hate we haven’t done anything by the way that chest thing I think you put some type of mayo or something in it that gives you a statue thank you that’s what I was thinking was like I swear I knew there

Was something about it where you could get something out of it but I couldn’t remember what it was and welcome back Megs I feel the same way with my city there are millions of people here and I don’t use my real name yeah I really don’t mind mentioning

What state and city I’m from just because both the state and city are rather large but if they were smaller I definitely would not have mentioned that with that said friends while I’m mentioning that reminder that if you are under the age of 18 please please please

Do not talk about where you’re from or anything specific that could hint at where you’re from or possibly hint at how old you are just for safety reasons not everybody has good intentions online some people are very very icky and very scary and mean so please protect your

Privacy and then if you are at the very least 18 you are permitted to discuss your age and where you’re from on my channel if you’d like to but you do not have to please just remember I would prefer if you’re at least 18 to

Do that because if I catch you doing it under the age of 18 I’m going to have to remove that and I don’t mean that in a mean way I mean that in I want to protect you guys and keep you safe type of Way there almost a million people in my city you already have a lover yes I’m engaged Actually I don’t want to say what it is yet just because like it’s something for the fun stream tomorrow it has to do with one of the donation incentives actually but I went to Walmart the other day to get something for the stream and I want to preface it also was not an adult

Beverage of sorts it was not that but I randomly like had notification itself check out that was like please wait for an associate and I was like oh my gosh did I do something did I break it did I do something wrong I was scared and Lady

Went up to me and said that the reason it stopped me was cuz one of the items was age restricted and I didn’t know and she was like it only did that to you because it sensed on the camera that you look really young for your age she had

To pull out my ID to verify that I’m as old as I am she was like yeah you just look really young so don’t be surprised if our machine does that to you again and I was like oh okay car there’s carrots in stard now I mean

I know we had cave carrots but that’s not the same as normal carrots wait what does that say it says plant in the spring takes 3 days to grow I’m doing that right now you know you can get the aridium crobos that look good fishing rod you

Can do this glitch on every device just walk to where it is and use your fishing rod that’s how I got it on my second day I did not know that but to be honest my memory is very dooo so I’m probably going to forget but thank you for

Sharing that with me anyways I appreciate it I just know realistically I’m probably going to forget no I broke my cauliflower in the arms of the angel fly away from here I did not mean to do that I’m so Mad how is Ben by the way he’s good yeah it’s a new veggie I’m excited about that though I feel like that should have been in the game from the start to be honest can you move away from the camera a little uh why my hand is Itchy oh I think they’re doing the yoga thing I swear there’s some sort of yoga class that happens I’m going wait right here cuz I swear there’s some sort of yoga class that happens or maybe it’s not yoga I don’t know what it is but there’s some kind of

Something they all do as a group together and yes I agree with TLA I appreciate the compliments I really do but I am starting to get a little bit uncomfortable now if we could please chill on that please and thank you oh on a super different note that

Literally nobody asked about but I’m going to tell you anyways I’ve talked about it a few times before but starting from literally Early Childhood up until like my current adult age I always had a really bad habit whenever I got really stressed out or really anxious where I

Would sit there and I would like not bite my nails but I would like pick at the skin on my fingers and I know it was it’s really bad for you but I could not stop doing it I had the wor worst habit ever finally my finger skin is fully

Healed it’s not wounded and unhealthy anymore given I do have to lotion my hands regularly cuz my finger skin does dry out really easily but it’s healed now and this is the longest my nails have ever been in a really long time naturally with my skin not being so messed

Up okay it’s not yoga but I knew it was some kind of exercise class I know they’re all busy so they can’t really talk to me but I’m going to click the talking thing anyways congrats on that thank you it was genuinely really really really really really hard for me to stop doing

That but I managed somehow and I’m just I’m very proud of myself I didn’t realize but I’ve already been streaming for like 2 hours let me just pause for a sec and then check how long I’ve been live for exactly through streamlabs okay we’re good I’m going to go for a little bit

Longer and then I’ve got to wrap it up cuz I do need to go eat lunch and then there’s like a handful of miscellaneous things I’ve got to work on slash Do I bite my nails but I got kid nail varnish which peels off cuz it doesn’t have the same stuff as normal nail polish and it’s helping kind of the thing that I feel like really helps me a lot was repetitively like day in and day out constant recently putting some sort

Of hand cream or lotion all over my hands because if my hands were slippery enough and had lotion on them not only could I not like pick at the skin cuz it would be so slippery but there was no way that I could use my teeth either

Because I was going to end up eating the lotion and that’s toxic for a human you can’t eat that um so it made it where there was no way that I could mess with it while I was trying to heal so I feel like that sounds like

Kind of basic advice I swear if you do it often enough and you’re very like diligent about constantly putting it on it should help okay I’m going here a little bit late in the day but hopefully I can make it work and we can get to level 10 cuz that’d be great

I’m doing bulletville only Mario Kart 8 Deluxe I haven’t played Mario Kart in a while I’m allerg to most hand cream it gives me eczema it does have you tried one that’s called userin I feel like nobody talks about userin but I feel like that one seems

Relatively gentle I’ve used it before it was an unscented one that seemed really nice is it like the fragrance that you feel like gives you issues or is it just like hand creams and lotions in general that have certain ingredients I I’m not a dermatologist by

Any means so I can’t speak on that to too much with accuracy I feel like if I had to guess it’s probably the the fragrance but again that’s just a guess definitely correct me if I’m wrong yeah you can romance characters in the game so for example if you’re

Playing on a solo Farm you can romance and marry any of the datable characters and then if you’re on a co-op farm with somebody else you can also marry that character like whenever Ben and I played Co-op um that’s what we did okay I’m going to have to get rid of

Something so way I can pick up that Crystal I feel like because whenever you go mining you get so much Stone I’m going to just get rid of that to be honest I’m not even stressed at all about getting that back like I just feel like getting Stone back is one of the

Easiest types of crafting materials to farm SL gather I tried everyone so I just use like water and stuff put on nail polish you might be allerg to lanoline I am I’ve never heard of a lanoline allergy and speaking of that that reminds me uh this was from my mother-in-law so she let me use hers but she had this hand cream

Lotion that was honestly was actually mean it was a lotion technically but it was honestly just like felt like pure lanoline I don’t have an allergy for it so what I did if I felt like I was especially tempted to mess with my fingers I would put a little bit on each

Finger and like let it sit there because it was so like oily and sticky that there was no way that I could do anything to my hands when I had it on and I found it for me very very healing for my hands I can’t get to level 10

Because my energy is too low sadly or actually I have a possible loophole possible loophole hold on I dropped the crystal so I could eat the cave Carrot I’m also very sensitive to wool same take Li because I’m autistic I’m autistic too wait is that is that a typo for lanolin or is that a different word it’s one that they use for breastfeeding moms keep their skin from cracking I heard that that’s a thing and honestly like

Obviously cannot speak from experience because I do not have children but just thinking about that sounds like unbearably uncomfortable if you’ve ever experienced that from being a breastfeeding parent I am so sorry I’m going to have to get rid of something cuz I don’t want to pass up on that topaz

Either you know what I didn’t want to pass up on the quartz at first but the quartz is a lot easier to find as it spawns a lot more frequently than I feel like the topaz does so as much as it sucks I’m just going to get rid of the quartz

And my energy is so low but it’s okay at least I tried I’m this a good way to get a chain of bullet bills and make me scream like Homer Simpson Lano is a brand of lanol and cream gotcha I didn’t know if it was

Like a typo or if it was a different word my mom struggles to get me close because I can’t deal with certain materials no I get that I really do I was telling everybody earlier that I had a really exciting moment so I can’t speak for you and anything in particular

That you feel like um that you struggle with for me a really common problem that I have is I cannot stand specific textures with certain foods like it’s just it’s over stimulating for me I can’t deal I just I can’t and one of the biggest problems that I run into is the

Texture with beef and like burger patties like I’m some of them I will eat because the texture is okay to me but a lot of them I won’t because I just hate it so much but I tried something new the other day I had a cheeseburger from Inn

Out for the first time and to be honest the texture from that was totally fine I had no problems with it and it was exciting cuz that meant that I would be able to eat from there and not have to worry about what I was going to order

Off of the menu so that was just really nice my son is autistic I buy a lot of his clothes at H&M because they have very soft clothing and have a lot of pull on clothes I also heard that sometimes if your child is autistic and

They didn’t have I think they had this whenever I was a kid but if your child is autistic and they specifically have issues with related to over stimulation with certain Fabrics that you can get something that has like little magnets that are easy to just pull apart so that

Way the child can learn to dress themselves um and you can easily dress them without having to struggle as much taking the clothes on and off and I feel like that’s just really nice I’m also going to go ahead and end the pole I think I am going to go ahead and

Wrap it up here however I would love to go ahead and raid somebody but reminder by the way tomorrow is my 4K celebration live stream it will be starting at 11:00 a.m. Central it’ll be lasting for about 7 hours or so there’s going to be a

Handful of games that we play if you have any questions about that I have a post about it in my community Tab and in the updates channel on my Discord server I’m trying to see who’s live so I can find someone to raid there we go okay I know the perfect

Stream to raid I’m just waiting for the chat to pop up so I can get their link Okay cool so just making sure that there’s no subscribers only vote on to make sure that you guys can okay cool we’re good we’re good so I would love for us to

Raid Jade Miss gaming she’s currently streaming faay Farm another fun cozy game and she’s actually doing a giveaway of some keys for faay Farm I believe so I think that’s going to be really fun waiting for my chat to go up so I can link it for you guys all right cool

Thank you so much for waiting by the way I appreciate It yes so tomorrow’s stream one last reminder it starts at 11:00 a.m. Central um there’s a lot of info about it in my community Tab and my Discord server so if you have any questions or forget anything you’re more than welcome to check there but with that being said

Thank you so much for coming to my stream thank you for liking thank you for subscribing and if you haven’t liked and subscribed already you should both of those things are completely free and a very easy way to support me and I will see you guys tomorrow at 11:00 a.m.

Central Time for another live stream bye everybody H

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🎵various music used in streams:
Slofi: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0qBAbduf1CNG3dll5t1iEh?si=6EnjU8GST8-qnF7Ia_-DRw
demon gummies: YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/demongummies
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/186Z7vh8tdbrO3V9ZZIMoJ
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/demongummies
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/demongummies
All rights go to demon gummies.
Stream beats by harris heller: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6GTRLqqiBPUqaOgyxOraHp?si=FMOb1y9RSaCoRj9nL9ioMA

Check Out My Icon Creator on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/helenadoodles/


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