NOOB vs PRO: MONSTER TRUCK House Build Challenge in Minecraft

Today monco I’m building the coolest monster truck no I am woodo let’s battle but be careful guys because at Sunset mutant Enderman are going to attack us we need to build our monster truck so we can crush them axie I only need to type in sl/ paste which will spawn in a

Massive empty monster truck that we can build in w wow voodo this monster truck looks crazy that puny thing is your truck voodo H mine’s going to be way bigger than that in your dreams a bigger monster truck doesn’t even exist in Minecraft it’s so cool Lodo look at

How massive those wheels are you’re right axie these wheels are so big it could crush at least 1,000 mutant Enderman all at once once those Wheels aren’t even that big they look super tiny to me I bet they’ll be big enough to crush your monster truck and

Check out the front these red headlights means that this monster truck means real business and look at the cool design on it there’s a bunch of fire what woodo that doesn’t even look cool of course it does and look at the back of the monster truck too taxy I think we can

Get a little sneak peek of the whole engine area and there’s this weird tail thingy it’s like my tail that’s not a tail axie that’s a flag with the skull on it meaning that we’re ready to annihilate those mune Enderman if they try to attack your guys’s monster truck

Doesn’t even have any colors or design it’s completely white that’s true woodo I do wish we could change the color what would you want to change the color to axie Pink like me okay well how about this I think we should both have our own designs on our giant monster truck I

Think I’m going to design this left side and then you can design the right side axie let’s see who design will be better obviously me woodo no obviously me so let me just grab this block over here and select it and then fly all the way

Back here because I have a really cool design in mind for what I want to put on my monster truck axie oh yeah little it’s not going to be nearly as cool as mine of course it will let me just get this light blue concrete all over my

Monster truck and check this out this is now looking kind of like the ocean which is exactly what I wanted it to look like now I can select this big area over here like this and then I I can go and set it to Sandstone so that it looks like the

Bottom of the ocean floor oh yeah L Your Design sounds really boring I’m going to make a way better one no you’re not axie because my design is going to have Turtles on it yeah well my design is going to have Axel on it ooh axelos that

Sounds pretty cool axie but we’ll see if they actually end up looking better than mine because I don’t think so anyways let me start by putting down this turtle shell over here which will make our Turtles look just like if they had come from the ocean now I can put the turtle

Tail and I can build the Turtle face which should go right over here and look really really cute a my turtle looks amazing no it doesn’t woodo woodo why is that poopy design taking you forever what what are you talking about I bet your monster truck doesn’t even have

A design yet what of course it does it’s made out of the best materials in the world really well tell me mango what type of materials are you building with I can’t tell you that you’re just going to copy me you copycat oh yeah because I want to copy your garbage build in

Your dreams loser What would of course you would copy my build it looks amazing oh yeah well I just pasted in a bunch of turtles and now it looks like a whole Turtle family is swimming alongside my massive monster truck I’m going to go ahead and past it a couple more times

Here too so that my design is way better than what axie is designing no it won’t be woodo how are those axelos coming along huh I bet you don’t even know how to build one you’re like a fake a aot hey I might be off to a little bit of a

Slow start Woodle but that doesn’t mean mine is worse all right fine we’ll see about that axie what I’m going to do now is I’m going to add some coral on my beach too because if it’s the ocean you need to have some really cool looking

Coral so I’m going to make it a bunch of really sick colors like red and yellow and maybe even blue just like the water itself where where are you even building woodo I don’t see any Turtles well that’s because I’m building on my side axie I don’t see any axelos either maybe

Because they’re not even built yet cuz you don’t know how to build them what are you talking about woodo I am an axel of course I know how to build one well I hope you brought a mirror axie cuz the last time you built an axel it looks like a pig

Instead hey what are you talking about sorry axie it’s just the truth and I bet you’re going to draw manga by accident this time why would I draw that guy because he reminds me of a pig because of how much he likes to cheat in our build challenges isn’t that right

You would draw me because I’m the smartest coolest guy that looks the best okay in your dreams how’s the look of your monster truck even coming along I can’t even see it from here woodo I’m almost done with my monster truck and I’m so awesome that everyone

Watching the video is going to comment # awesome in the comment section what no they’re not they’re going to comment # cool so everyone go ahead and comment what you’re feeling right now because I’m feeling super cool with my amazing monster truck well I’m feeling # some all right I’m pretty much

Almost done with the design on my side I just have to put in a bit more of the sea grass so that it gives my ocean area a very natural look and now check this out this is like the coolest design ever I think I just need to add a couple more

Turtles at the very top and it should be all finished up hxi do you want to come see my side no I don’t little okay fine I’ll come see your sight but give me one moment okay fine axie while you do that I’m also going to put my name on my side

Of the truck too just to show that it’s the woodo monster truck woodo I’ve only made one Axel so far one Axel and is that Axel just yourself silly did you eat all the other ones maybe what in the world hexi that’s so messed up what

Would you eat all your Axel family cuz they’re tasty woodo hang on I’m going to make one more Axel okay okay axie I’m putting down one last turtle and now my monster truck is fully prepared this design looks amazing my Axel’s ready Woodle come over

Here wait so I can come take a look I can’t wait axie let’s go over and oh look you have two cute little Axel but hey yo wait a second axie who’s this orange Axel is that your boyfriend no woodo I don’t have a boyfriend are you sure then who’s this impostor orange

Axel then axie explain yourself he’s my cousin wudo that’s super weird okay fine axie sorry I didn’t know cousin axie it was my apology jees but ax I’m afraid to tell you that your side still isn’t as cool as mine check this out how can yours possibly be better than mine and

Wo that’s a lot of turtles exactly so I guess we can call this the turtle mobile and now that that’s all done axie I think this monster truck is missing one of the most important things that a monster truck needs and that is a giant Smoke Stack a smoke stack what does that

Do well axie a smoke stack is where all the smoke from an engine comes out of the car and because these monster trucks have a lot of power they produce a lot of smoke which means they need to come out in a certain area so let me just set

That block to that so now we have a giant stack right on top of our monster truck where I can then put these really cool chimney blocks which will stick out all the smoke from our monster truck too wa can we Barbecue on the monster truck

I wouldn’t recommend that axie but I do have to say that this looks fire now and you can see that smoke from the very very tippy top maybe what I can do is I can also add some campfires to add even more smoke coming out of it so that this

Looks like the real deal wo it’s so Smokey I can’t breathe you should definitely not get too close axi all that fire and stuff is pretty crazy but it just makes our monster truck way cooler to look at but look at the back of our monster truck it’s missing

Something really important and that is a license plate because that’s how we’re going to be able to identify our monster truck against stinky mongos little we don’t need a license plate I can’t legally drive anyway well I can’t axi and I know that can’t voo I’m not only building one but

I’m building three monster trucks three monster trucks are you just saying that to scare me or something uh no what are you talking about I think you definitely are come on axie we don’t need to listen to that guy’s random complaint he’s just trying to act like

His truck will be better when in fact it won’t be so for the license plate I’m going to set the words to wo daxi woo daxi I like it but can it just be axie no silly it has to be a combination of wudo and axie but axi I have a problem I

Think our license Plate’s too short so I think I’m just going to send it to wudo wait no in that case it should be axi because I’m cooler than you woodo okay how about this what I can do is I can put a baby license plate at the bottom a

So now the baby license plate will sit axie on it cuz you’re a cute little baby axie what are you talking about I may be small but I’m not a baby wudo how do I know you’re not a baby well because I’m a really cool Turtle axie That’s why no

Woodo is a baby he’s like 2 years old baby Wuda baby Wuda I knew it oh yeah I’ll make you cry like a baby once you see my build um wur I’m not crying okay it doesn’t matter but check this out axie now the license plate says woodo

Axie isn’t that awesome it would be awesome if my name were on the bigger one sorry axie but if you can’t drive then you’re not getting that and I think that makes the outside of our monster truck looks so amazing but ax I do wish that we could drive some really cool

Monster trucks too this one is super gigantic to drive it so how about instead I grab a wand again and I set the blocks over here all to ice are you thinking what I’m thinking woodo what do you thinking of axie I’m thinking of bumper cars wait what you have a bumper card

That’s sick if we’re going to do that then I better grab some fences so that we don’t accidentally fall off the edge wo I think I’m falling off the edge no aie don’t fall off the edge silly I just need to set those blocks and now I’m

Going to grab a bunch of different colors of these bumper cars if you like bumper cars then make sure to subscribe in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing woodo come on I want to Bunk my car into yours well now that I’ve subscribed axi I spawned in a bunch of

Bumper cars so that they could join us too and now it’s time to bump into each other get over here W get over here oh my gosh these bumper cars are so sick oh axi you’re making me sick woodo smack take that okay you know what actually I

Just had a great idea what if we added a bunch of obstacles in the way too obstacles can we add cakes so I can eat them cakes I don’t think we can add cakes axie but I was thinking of mini obstacles like a mini turtle or a mini

Axel lottle well then why don’t you go ahead and build exactly that axie I just have to put this over here for the turtle legs and then put the shell over here like this and then I can put that nice turtle head right over here where

The turtle will just be chilling when he gets brutely smacked by our monster cars that’s kind of messed up woodo it’s not messed up his name is Timmy and he loves it what if he tries to eat our monster truck Woodle don’t worry axie he only

Likes to eat kelp come on I just have to do a bunch of swerving around him and wa this is actually so cool I can even drive directly through his legs I just have to position myself and oh gosh it’s a little bit hard and boom there we go

That’s kind of weird woodo can you drive around my Axel wow look at your aelott I’m going to open a hole for its mouth axi and then you’ll be able to drive through it try it out that’s a really wide hole I don’t think I’m that short

Woodo look the oxel a is saying W right now so I can go straight through it wee wee that was actually so cool axie I love that so much I think the only other cool thing we could add to make this even more sick is adding Snow Golems

Which will basically try to destroy us too and wait what how did he die no it’s okay woodo I’m going to add something even better a statue of ew a statue of who wants to see that hey you heard that your statue is going to look

Goofy yeah I look really good no you don’t look we’re going to give you a silly face let’s see I just need to grab some concrete real quick and then we’re going to make you look really big and chubby okay that’s so messed up buo why would you make me look fat on

Purpose look at this and has a big nose too I’m going to give him a belly button a a nice big one axie make it really big you know what I’ve had enough for you guys what why are you saying that just watch out if you see something around

Your build no it’s me that did it oh gosh hxi this is not good I think is threatening to destroy our monster truck and we can’t let that happen but wo I gave him a butt oh my gosh you gave some booty cheeks you know what we need to go over

To his monster truck too to see if his build has booty cheeks like that otherwise he’s a scammer and we need to mess up his build because it isn’t as cool as ours but where exactly is his build it might be too tiny for us to see

Wait a I think I see it it’s right in front of our giant wheels perfectly positioned so that when we start driving we can run them over and wait what why do they look like little cars these aren’t monster trucks oh my gosh let’s go I built a monster truck for myself

And my friends now they’re definitely going to love it and semi Builders better than theirs oh wait is manga trying to get on our good side axie that’s so cute of him but hold on let me grab an invisibility potion and how about we go investig G okay woodo let’s

See what he’s doing over here um he looks like he’s te- posing right now is this what usually does on a regular basis oh my gosh my monster track is way better than wudo when you look at it from this angle is he blind woodo I think you might actually be

Blind axie why would you be looking at this I think his eyes are messing up and he’s looking at the big monster behind them looks like the inside’s pretty tiny too there’s like a little bed with smoke all in the inside oh gosh it’s so nasty

And the main seat is a toilet ew that’s so gross I think I know what we need to do axie let me just grab my one tool and select these blocks over here what are you going to do L I need to take a big dump on this chair thankfully it’s right

Over here inside the ground ew mon was actually using the toilet seat ax what I actually wanted to do was set the entire ground to water because what I’m going to do is turn his monster trucks into boat where he’ll have to find sharks to survive that’s so evil I know it’s

Really messed up but as soon as he gets up from that toilet he’s going to have to poop again I’m going to spawn some turtles with the sharks wait what turtles and sharks don’t mix axi don’t do that yes they do ah there you go my poop is now

Done and I just need to go outside and wait what are those sharks I need to go back and take another poop right now look at that axie Mongo’s pooping again so I’m going to grab a bunch of glass and I’m going to make sure that everyone can see him pooping

Ew ew I don’t want to see him pooping wait a second did my monster truck just turn to Glass sharks are you trying to see me poop e oh my gosh if you guys think Mongo’s a goofball then I want you to subscribe because this is so funny

Watching him take a big doooo woodo what if I go underneath him and I get rid of the block he’s standing on so he falls into the Sharks I have an even better idea to get him to come out axie I just need to get something called smoke TNT

And a bunch of lime green dye because what I’m going to do is I’m going to set up a fart bomb so thinks it’s his own poop that’s doing it and it’s going to smell so bad that he’s going to need to escape oh it’s so genius

Gross yeah I know sorry axie but I have no other choice here’s the green dye I just need to spam it like this so it’s bright green like a fart and now I’m going to activate it oh gosh MO move back and prepare your nostrils I can smell it from here oh my

Gosh I didn’t know my poops can smell this good hey yo what did manga say his poop smell could ACD ew okay that’s it I’m breaking all the blocks do it drop him into the water xie oh gosh did my toilet just break from my massive dump now I’m fighting

The Sharks ew no it’s a poopy ocean with a bunch of sharks actually you know what I’ve had enough of this I’m going to drink some milk so I can turn back to normal and I need to get out of there before things get worse I kind of feel

Bad for those sharks to have to be so near stinky poop I know axie but don’t worry in times like this this is when you need a garage so that you can escape with some super cool cars so I’m going to place them down right over here

By the monster truck oh that sounds really cool woodo I can’t believe you thought of putting cars inside of a car exactly axie it’s a pretty genius idea if I do say so myself I just have to go into the creative menu and find my cars

Which are right over here and now axi I can spawn in a car for every color in the rainbow just like our amazing bumper cars except these are road cars which means means that you can drive them anywhere and they can do really cool drifting like this this is so cool don’t

Forget the shopping cart wait what the shopping cart axie we’re not building with shopping carts why not woodo because those are’t cool anyways axie I need to draw the rainbow over here so I think it goes in the order of red orange and then yellow and then green and then

Blue and then I think purple goes after that right uh something like that I don’t really know okay well I think it looks good enough to me now let me just park up these cars super duper perfectly like this and then I got to move this yellow one as well so everything looks

Tiptop shape and way better than Mongo’s build and now check it out axie I have a real garage shopping cart wait what a we need to make a separate section for your goofy cars because they’re too goofy to be in the cool section what do you mean they’re goofy they’re beautiful wood I’m

Sorry axie but they got to go over here in this part so that I can put a big warning area next to it and I think there’s some other goofy ones too like this pineapple wait but my shopping cart should go in front of all of these cars

Because it rules all the cars okay fine axie well I built you a separate section so why don’t you go ahead and put it there okay I’m even going to put this monster truck car here too it’s not exactly a truck but it kind of looks

Like one because of how big the wheels are and I think it looks epic I like this pumpkin car a lot it reminds me of I know right because it’s so goofy you heard that goofy goofy hey how does a pumpkin look like me because it’s

As big as you buddy and it has a really fat head oh my gosh you guys just say anything nowadays no we don’t we only say the truth and check this out axie I even put a farmer’s tractor over there too this is like the craziest collection of cars ever it’s way better

Than these boring race cars Woodle uh well actually anything is way better than manga’s really ugly cars too weren’t those so goofy manga will never be as cool as us exactly and check this out I’m even going to add a helicopter pad right over

Here axie so that we can fly in and out of our monster truck via helicopter instead of normal Transportation how sick is this thing cool but woodo I’m getting a little bit sleepy I really wish I had a place to rest oh axie you just gave me the greatest idea we need

Some cool bed rooms so how about we go over here by the giant chair of our monster truck and we’ built some oh okay don’t mind if I just take a little knot first though axie wake up you’re not allowed to sleep okay okay why not can I build my

Bedroom and then sleep no silly because we’re not done yet you know why why Woodle because we are going to build race car beds Doo all I need to do is just grab these blocks and then I can build it just like this I’m going to

Need to put a quartz block over here and this is going to be where we put the spoiler of our race car I’m just going to copy you Udo okay sure go ahead and try now all I need to do is put that slab over there like this and then I can

Put my big bed in the middle then what I can do do is I can put stairs on the outside of this section I can make the nose like this put the black wheel in the front and add some iron bars as well

And now what I can do is I can put the super flat nose like this and check it out axie I have a race car bed yay I love copying people oh wait I don’t think I did it right wait what ax you kind of messed it up your car looks a

Little bit goofy now no I didn’t wood I’m going to fix it right now okay axie you go ahead and do that but what I’m going to do is I’m going to put a bunch of cool decorations including some really cool lights my favorite guitar and of course I can’t forget about my

Nightstand where I always put up my super duper amazing toys like my little frog and my little octopus and because I have this cool spoiler back here I can put all three of these Mr mushroom Mr Frog and Mr octopus stay should we build one for too do think that’s a good

Idea axie I don’t know yeah you’re right that guy doesn’t need a bed hey why do I hear my name in these conversations well manga we were just thinking about whether or not you needed a bed but we decided not to because you’re lame wait what and here I was try

To make you guys monster trucks oh sorry we appreciate it but it’s kind of lame okay sorry all right whatever wudo just so you know my pranks are going to begin now wait what pranks axie what is this guy talking about that guy couldn’t prank us if his life depended on it

Seriously axie but check out how cool our race car beds look I think I decorated mine very well so I can sit very snugly and then if I ever get hungry in the middle of the night I can take a big bite of my cake watch out for the cake monster though

Woodo oh gosh the excellent cake monster get out of here I think what we need to do to stop it from happening to us axi is we need to build a little kitchen where we produce snacks for all of our Racers wo snacks you had me at snacks

Woodo how do we start well I’m just putting down a b bunch of stoves over here well all of our cakes and cookies will be produced then what I can do is I can grab a courtz slab which will be like the checkout counter for when we

Get our food I’m going to be at this counter night and day well axie do you have the money for it because I’m going to charge everyone who gets food from here and you want to know why why woodo because then I’ll be able to buy another

Monster truck look isn’t that such a genius idea axie yeah but how about you just charge double and you let me eat for free o yeah that’s a good idea are you okay with being charged double the price I don’t know about that one woodo how about you look around your

Bedroom area and see the turtles wait what what are you doing why are there a bunch of underground upside down Turtles and why is there a toilet ew axie I think these Turtles are just trying to give me a hug come on Turtles give me a hug you’re my

Family why are these ones so tiny a they’re little babies I love the baby ones voo as soon as they entered your monster truck they felt like sleeping and that’s exactly what they’re doing cuz the build sucks oh I get it you tried to be sneaky and put these

Here huh see we need revenge on change all their names and wait what why you name them all stinky because Turtles are really stinky no they’re not they smell amazing stop naming them stinky axie stinky they’re all stinky oh my gosh you know what I’ve had enough of

This girl I’m just going to go ahead and put my massive TV over here so that I can distract myself when things get a little bit too cuckoo crazy things are always is cuckoo crazy woodo I’ll never let things be normal well yeah things are cuckoo crazy when you’re involved AI

Du but I’m always involved woodo I’ll never leave you alone oh gosh X’s kind of scaring me quick I just got to put down these speakers over here so that we can get some music bumping inside my monster truck oh my gosh axie if we have super loud speakers we’ll keep mongu up

All night you heard that go yeah you’re my biggest hater woodo I always knew you were going to do this wait what what do you mean bro I was just kidding nope that’s why I’m going to have even bigger speakers than you what no you’re not

Quick I got to add the biggest sofa in the world right over here in front of my TV so that you have two options of where to sit you can either sit right from your bed you can sit from when you’re eating snacks in one of our amazing cars

Or the couches or the super VIP front seat couches ooh axie you built your own couch but this is so close to the screen how are you going to see instead of seeing all the pixels at a low resolution I get to see two pixels at Ultra HD interesting axie I guess if

That works for you it works for you let me go ahead and add a table over here as well you want to know why why because I’m going to make a self ice cream area where you can eat as much ice cream as you want cool while you do that I’m going to

Get my name TG out and name you stinky too what axie do not name me Stinky I’m doing such a nice thing for you by putting down all this free ice cream and that’s how you’re going to pay me back by calling me Stinky well you’re a

Turtle so you smell like seaweed and gross stuff oh yeah well you’re an axel so you smell like um dirt you don’t even know what say you don’t know anything about axelos well axie can I get a quick sniff of you right now and then I’ll tell you

What you smell like ew that’s so weird woodo you smell like a fish aie come on I think we need to eat some ice cream so that we can get the stinkiness away from you what do you mean you it’s both of us o but I see this ice cream looks so good

Oh my gosh I might start licking my screen right now M yummy do you know how many germs your screen has um none because it’s clean I never touch it screens are dirtier than toilets oh gosh that’s bad now I need to escape out of

Here and the only way that I’m going to be able to do that is by building a racetrack inside of our monster truck axi that’s what’s going to make our monster truck 10 times better than mongos a racetrack is it going to lead outside of the truck well oh it might

Axi who knows let me just put this carpet over here which will set the lines of our Racetrack and now axi I think I’m going to make it turn to the left a little bit can we make it do a loop in the air a loop in the air axi

That sounds kind of dangerous are you sure we should do that yeah little it can go upside down okay I don’t know axie we’ll have to see but right now I’m making a good in a big circle over here so that we can race with them let me

Just make a turn over here in this direction and then I’m going to make it turn to the right again little what if we fall off then we have to go all the way back to the start fall off I’m not going to fall off ever axi let me just

Go ahead and finish putting these and now why don’t you test it out you can’t fall off of this thing axi you have to be a really bad driver too I don’t have a drivers like oh gosh so that’s why you’re falling off axie yeah but I bet I’m still a better

Driver than oh yeah that’s right he’ll never be able to beat us in this race what do you mean I’m the best driver in the world hold on I just got to make these areas connect and now check this out axie our loop-de-loop is done it looks so good I know right it

Looks amazing and and now what I can do is I can go ahead and add some Flames over here as well so that it looks even cooler W woodo I really can’t wait for to see how much better our side is than his exactly hold on a second axie

I’m going to borrow your shopping cart real quick to test out the track here goes nothing I think you’re about to fall off Woodle no I’m not axie I’m just drifting around like this and we are did it no fair how did you drift like that because

Axi I’m the goat and now it’s time to see if Mongo’s build is actually even close to as cool as ours because if it’s not we’re going to throw him in this fire pit you heard that MCO yeah my build is way better than yours all right

Well me and axie are coming to see it from our amazing monster truck let’s go down here and oh hey there hey woodo are you ready to see my monster trucks yeah but they don’t look like they changed much since I last saw them I mean I never saw them before well

Mango they look so cool H that’s what I thought woodo well if you come into the red one aka the best one this is my own personal monster truck I have a sleeping bag over here a toilet on the ground to poop and and while I’m pooping I can

Take a look at this tiny TV screen oh and the heater’s on wudo that’s why there’s smoke oh gosh is it just me or is something smelling really stinky in here oh yeah I took a massive dump from looking at the Sharks oh gosh there are sharks here well that’s not

Good but um I think there’s something really stinky oh gosh oh no did the toilet get unclogged again again I think so Mona which means that we need to vacate this area immediately come on I need to give you a tour of our massive monster truck instead you already heard

Why it’s 10 times better than yours so the first thing that I want to show you is my cool Turtle design on the left side wow wudo this must have taking a lot of effort but it doesn’t really look scary which is what a monster truck is supposed to look like

Well there’s already flames and stuff on the front I don’t want it to look scary because axie side is even scarier because of how bad it is hey I didn’t have time little and she put a picture of her boyfriend on the FR ew that’s my cousin you weirdo I was

Just kidding axie you have a cousin I’ve never heard of your cousin before whatever though I know that’s why it’s a little sus hey his name is axie and he’s really cool another Axel named axie hm anyways come back over here guys what in the world is this ice area and

Why are my butt cheeks out oh so you know that’s you that must mean it’s accurate exactly monco this is our bumper cars area where you can hop in a bumper car and you can drive around and bump into each other and avoid these obstacles oh yeah wo I’m going to take

You down where are you at oh I’m right over here take this B take that woodo hey stopid you guys are hurting me no both of you guys take this bow oh my gosh okay you know what we need to leave these bumper cars right away why don’t you go past

This engine over here and come inside of our monster truck to see all that we have to offer wow you guys really built this yep check this out we have our monster car bedrooms over here which looks super duper awesome right in front of our garage with every single color of

Sports car ever and even some exclusive rare ones no way this pumpkin one is calling my name exactly manga because it looks like you and now what you can do is you can sit here and watch a super cool movie while enjoying some snacks and if you’re feeling up to the the

Challenge you can come over here and race me buha I would so win in a race against you all right well then let’s try it out come Park up over here the first person to get back wins go I’m going to bump you off woodo oh gosh I think I’m going to beat

no you’re not woodo you cheated I won let’s go cheater cheater pant on fire on go I’m sorry but I think our monster truck is the coolest thank you guys so much for watching this video If you enjoyed then watch another video on screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye

NOOB vs PRO: MONSTER TRUCK House Build Challenge in Minecraft
We’re in big trouble! We need to build MONSTER TRUCKS in Minecraft to protect us from a MUTANT ENDERMAN attack! Will we be able to survive?

This video was inspired by Milo and Chip, Maizen, Mikey and JJ!

MAIZEN FAMILY: NOOB vs PRO: TRAIN HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft

Mikey vs JJ Family – Noob vs Pro: Airplane House Build Challenge in Minecraft


NOOB vs PRO: COCA COLA House Build Challenge in Minecraft

#Wudo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


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