Finishing My Giant Laboratory! – Let’s Play Minecraft 601

Hi welcome to episode 601 I’ve got stuff to fix steak Knife can you be repaired diamond sword there we go too expensive that is sad okay undying axe I need you back thank you devil stail come with me thank you Jackhammer I don’t remember you but come with me thank you

Dismember the ooh the fire poker all right steak Knife man this is an old sword but you’ve done your time you have a little bit of life left in you but I’ll let you rest now wait a minute wait a minute how’s that possible I’ve never retired a sword before

There’s what that’s actually mindblowing to me that’s the steak Knife is my first retired sword how interesting okay speaking of Swords not really I can finally talk about the mace Minecraft needs this and I super excited this is what I’ve been wanting in Minecraft for a long time time lots of different

Options for weapons I’ve wanted a spear in the game for example but this kind of covers that if you think about it it’s you again the past two episodes It’s always a zombie with a golden helmet and sugarcane in his hand literally he appears in episode 599 he appears in

Episode 600 and he appears in episode 601 are you going to be in the next episode I’m keeping this but not only are we just getting a new weapon to hit Mobs with we’re getting a weapon with a very unique design the fact that the further you fall does more damage but if

You don’t hit them it’ll kill you or cause you to get hurt is pretty exciting and it’s going to cause a lot of highrisk high reward situations not only that you have to build it yourself through Gathering the breeze rod and the core and the fact that the core is a

Decoration item that you could just place on something like the conduit I didn’t mean to do that oh no no no no that’s just super cool more decoration blocks okay so apparently in this latest small update they added it where you can get maps for the trial

Chambers but I don’t think I’m on the latest update I didn’t see it but I checked it out anyway the villagers and I don’t know if this is part of the new update or part of the new villager rebalancing but I’ve never seen these actually kind of interesting tigga

Village map and I’d hate to complain this early but um why on Earth do I have to buy these Maps over and over again to move up this much the only other option is this and it moves up that much do I really have to buy like 10 of these maps

To just unlock this what’s this look like oh that’s kind of cool actually I’m going to hang this up in the house who are you where am I you ask yeah that’s right I’m under my lab I’m getting rid of the Torches the miles and miles of torches

Oh my God where am I going to put all these but yes as I’ve mentioned recently I thought about retiring this place but no no no no no no the lab is far from retirement I had to go get my other pants my good old cargo pants because

Say Swift sneak but I want to do something special for episode 601 and that is where those go are they just going to appear right before my eyes my game does that every once in a while I don’t know what it is I don’t know if it’s my computer or not what I’m

Trying to say is is we are going to finish finish the lab today that’s right finish the lab well quote unquote finish how bad is this going to look oh my God it looks awful I don’t know how to fix this what is that why do those look weird stop

Being stupid there what the you got to be kidding me it is it because of those up there how have slabs looked this bad for 2 years how do they not fix this am I going to have to replace the whole floor with full blocks

Oh my God that looks wait why is it these blocks but not these blocks well I think I found the solution to our problem I have to use full blocks or place torches everywhere where there isn’t a torch looks better and it’s very bright but I don’t want to do

That lab is turning out good I’m collecting quartz for the floor and I found this staircase in the nether where does it go oh wait oh gosh is this really the portal to here oh my God it already feels like it’s been so long since we’ve been here

I left a lot of good stuff here too I actually really miss this place I’m going to take those ink sacks take those iron bars there one thing I want to check up on I completely forgot I have a donor villager out here hey what’s your name again Adam

Dilmore don’t worry I’ll get you back home eventually oh thank God I need to build one of these at home on my lovely Lighthouse and the Christmas tree I’m stealing a present this is a view I never really got of this place okay to give you an idea of what

I’ve been working on so tediously as you can see this looks more it’s darker of course but it looks more pleasing to the eye because it did look like this and what I do is I actually go through every spot you see a lighting eror on a slab I

Get rid of those slabs throw down a piece of dir and just put full blocks that’s all I honestly can’t believe that I have to do this like this just wasn’t fixed but here we are I missed the lab and like I’ve stated before this is the biggest reason I’ve

Not been in here and I apologize ahead of time this video might be a little bit later than usual I’ve actually been working on my motorcycle it’s been put away for a year and there’s been lots of problems with it I’ve already dumped like $350 into

Parts for it but I’d love love love to bring back some Moto Vlogs on my second Channel which I’m going to attempt to do again maybe travel places and do fun stuff why am I doing this it’s worth it it’s worth it that’s why oh my my God I forgot about this

Room oh and I liked this room being light oh my and I know this one’s a nightmare because I’ve went through many different look at this awkwardness I was going to dig down lower at one point but then I didn’t want to then I put slabs

Because I didn’t want mobs to spawn and now there’s torches here is it looking better ignore the office uh that has some of it too but uh yeah it just really gets rid of that checkered pattern I got rid of all the Torches I’ll give you an idea of what it looked

Like without torches in here it just creates kind of like this weird shadowed effect but now that it’s all solid blocks and yes I’m reusing the slabs I just double stack them in some areas it’s shadowy in some parts but it’s much easier on the eye now I still have a

Little bit to go I got a feeling this is going to be a long episode I got this hallway to do I don’t know how much I got that way but uh yeah I said I’m finishing this LA today so we got to put a ceiling up here finish this ceiling I

Believe this is just going to be a dead end also figure out what I’m finally going to do with this I always thought I was going to expand over here but I guess I can just turn this room into something oh I have a piston door here we’re doing this I have a

Goal you here for H I was talking you here for a job look at that he’s selling a pickaxe that’s a ver that’s pretty cool stop selling that I said stop selling that okay this hallway is h ah see okay that’s what I keep catching and

Then I’m like that bothers me I’m going to fix it right now give me that there we go I know this hallway has it all over the place but I’m not too concerned about these hallways maybe I’ll fix fix it in the future or something but yeah

This is done I completed all the ceiling Got Dirt over it um I got all the signs up this is going to be skeleton research there going to be powder studies every powder in the game I want to put in here oh wait I’m finishing the

Place today so I got to do that well quote unquote finishing this is office administration and this I still don’t know what to turn it into so we’re just blocking it off for now got this front room finished I finally fixed those trap doors H look at me getting stuff

Done ah ah I almost missed it Emerald research one of the oldest projects in this lab and I’ve NE no I’m doing it now we’re finishing this place there we go and just like that this room is finished was it that hard Dallas how many years probably like 5 six

Years okay Power cor room we’re going to have to go down there room signs piston doors fix blast chamber I was going to put a piston door here a 3X3 but it was getting overly complicated for some reason and I don’t even want a piston door here because it’ll block them if I

Ever have to use them which one day I think I will you never know but yeah if you didn’t know what this is I just run in here and grab that I think I explained that in my world tour last episode okay this room finally let’s freaking fix this thing

Oh I had the 3X3 door right here I could have copied all right what did I do here a lot okay Jesus Dallas and these lights back on close her up do lights work natural light y y natural light works and flip it once this time yeah yeah shouldn’t blow it up because it’s very resistant did I write that down I didn’t write that down are you

Kidding me wait a minute did I really do that back in 2021 it was probably 2022 but all right we can continue testing blocks in here all right next up is The Cremation room this has always been waiting to have a piston door on it just just add

It okay I’ll do that I’m talking to myself now I am going insane where did I just put that get out of there all right there we are autopsy and cremation authorized personnel only finished running through getting all my signs up office we got a classroom C it

Is empty but we can turn this into a small classroom I’m going to call this classroom B because maybe this is where you go to learn handson and this is of course this has always been classroom a but I replace that old blue board I had with this white actual White board and

It works perfect in here it makes me want to make actual you know what we might do that I want to make proper big classrooms maybe I can be an expansion somewhere okay I guess the next thing I’m going to tackle is the power core yes this place is not finished such is

The glass here the ceiling as you can see I got very close I added in all of the walls but literally that’s it I guess is the ceiling okay oddly enough we’re actually getting close to done this is actually surprising me I thought I had so much to

Do which we still have a little bit to do I just uh I just threw a lot of stone brick and glass in this is why this place was never finished I couldn’t really picture what I wanted it to look like like I’m honestly not even that

Crazy of a fan of this anymore that’s why it’s been through a lot of different changes but I’m not going to change it I guess I’ll keep it call this a backup generator in case that goes down we could add more pipes in here but when I’m talking about complete the lab I’m

Talking about like the whole outer shell got all the signs updated down that way now we do have extra rooms like this I basically just block them off for future purposes actually I wouldn’t mind making a new lab room soon all that is updated down this way it’s looking a little bare

We could add some stuff over here I called this the metal Machining room because I just got lathes in there and that’s the laser cutter room now this right here is what I was thinking of there’s been a hole here forever I call this Atlas research

Because it’s just a big map room I got to figure out what to do with this collect this much quartz is definitely bringing me back to the lab building days that’s for sure I’m going to play one of my favorite games that is going to the random portal I find I don’t know

What this is from so guess we’re going to find out don’t kill me oh a chest mediocre loot what is this place oh I know I instantly know what this is this is one of the first portals we took when we got the new caves and cliffs

Update and as you can tell we popped out right next to a mountain which was pretty nice you know what I’m tired or should I keep playing that game or you know what I’m doing it I always kind of want to know what portal it is so I’m

Going to start labeling these luckily we have wood in the nether now I forgot my Ender Chest oh man I just realized I haven’t done this floor yet uh but anyway um I’m making this area now so this might look familiar as you know this used to be the

Abandoned section I had a big a couple Vault doors down there I’m going to do the same here because whatever I’m working on in here that’s a secret you don’t need to know private studies another event like that could happen with an infection spreading so we’ll

Have a shutter here just in case but uh yeah I went through a couple different designs for this bridge I had like a glass floor at one point but it looked weird so I’m just going to have some simple Windows here but uh yeah it’ll lead into this lab section that I’m kind

Of doing a unique color design and I’m kind of digging it and I’m going for a more cramped lab so as you know this is all open and wide and big but I want it to feel very cramped in here I have a somewhat low ceiling and I’m going to

Have pipes and wires lining the ceiling and some of the walls I’m working on this Tunnel right here right now let’s see how far I can take this okay so here’s my plan I’m still working in here a little bit as we head into this area I

Want it to sound Advanced with some sort of technology so back here oh yeah I got a little piston door here I kind of like this one back here I want to be somewhat like a server room and I am going to put a purpose back here but I want it to

Sound like a server room so when we think of all the blocks in the game that make a sound that’s the conduit I like that one but it kind of has a heartbeat sound to it there’s the beacon which I do like the beacon but it

Is quite expensive to use since I don’t fight the Wither a whole lot then I thought to myself instead of using one of those expensive blocks why not just use a little Redstone clock to make ticking sounds so I made a little clock in my test world and it’s just

Constantly that tick sound with no break in between but if we head up here if you remember this we used to have flickering lights up here and I turned it off and I think I don’t know if I should turn it back on what’s this okay so those were

The items on the inside and here it is right here just this simple little setup this sword it’s a non-stackable item I believe is what will make it flicker so all four of them items juggle back and forth through here at random and when the sword decides to go in it’ll send a

Signal to this and then send a pulse so I believe I’m going to rebuild this over there and make it hit either a dropper or that new crafter block to make certain sounds what the did I cover it up where’s that oh it’s the wrong one well that’s an interesting logo what was

That you hear that there’s a weird sound yes I am trying to I spent way too much time on this trying to figure out this just not blocks are a little bit too loud in this game I feel like maybe they should have an interface you know like a

Crafting table and then there should be a slider dictating how loud the block will be because these are just a little bit too loud like I can hear them way over there I really wanted just a little beeping sounds behind this wall um which I’m okay with I just used that same

Thing I showed you there’s one block in here or I mean one stackable item in here two Hoppers together comparator this is a dropper and to try to lower the amount of times I put a lot of all stackable items in here except for the sword and every time the sword enters

This Hopper it sends off a signal over here and there’s emeralds under all three of these blocks so it’s kind of expensive but I liked the sound if I ever get annoyed by this I did add this so I can just turn it off um yeah this

Is that hallway I worked on I found a way to use these I think this is kind of a cool effect adding some pipes up there getting a little carried away with this though I expected myself to build more but I got to get this episode out today

I did oh no I didn’t finish this actually I think I do have enough quartz maybe I can finish this but I think the lab is like pretty much fit no no no no it’s not I got to finish this glass right here and the outside okay that’s

My goal now this room can be worked on it another time I got to finish the lab laab yeah this looks ugly on the outside oh and by the way you can hear another sound and I really do like the sound of this this is just a simple item hopping

Back and forth through those Hoppers but the sound of this kind of sounds like a clock I could probably slow like an actual ticking clock I could probably slow it down to match seconds better but I like that what was I doing oh I need to take

These pants off I didn’t finish that bridge it is finished um but I came back home because a lot of stuff I had to catch up on look at this I found by the way that’s a cool map why is this map not hanging up in my house I’ll find

Somewhere to put it but I got to go put away a book real quick because now we have the Episode 600 book this is like a weird weight off of my shoulders knowing that the lab is pretty much finished oh okay so I do write the Books 450 400

359 why I do that 300 all the way back to oh I just called that one book number one okay we could write this book how did I do it by Dallas Med 65 original wait so that means I can copy that book correct you see I want to do

That just in case I want to have backups of backups I just don’t know how to do it sign author d m 65 there we go add it to the collection and while I’m here I’ll answer the first one it was hard to find a question on last episode because there

Just so many nice comments that episode’s already got 100,000 views that’s pretty nice it’s just odd seeing for my channel Since My Views have dipped so much but usually world tours do that but from Hit scrip can you still get achievements on your world no and there’s a reason why and

I’ve tried to fix it but I believe was it due to I think it was due to it was either due to this or another thing that happened I think it was due to this right here the void that crashed to my world or the reset of chunks if

You’re new here right down where you see this snow path that’s why I have such an awkward patch of snow right here this is just a big chunk that got turned into an ocean through my world and I started repairing it in survival mode with my

Dirt in my chest but I just depleted my dirt Supply and I’m like you know what this was a bug that happened I’m going to switch to creative mode put all my stuff in a chest and just give myself heaps of dirt and bone meal and stuff

And try to repair this as best second and I did I have this application on my old laptop where you could go in the settings of your world and switch that you’ve been to creative mode back to survival mode and I’d do that when I’d have to fix game breaking bugs where’s

All my glow dye or maybe this was when I had my new laptop but anyway what I’m trying to get at is I tried to put my world in there recently but I think it was just too big or something it would not save every time I tried to export my

World after I changed that so yeah now we’ve been stuck in has been to creative mode and a achievements cannot be earned in this world which is pretty disappointing because I can’t do achievement time anymore I’m trying to find somewhere to put this map I don’t

Know got another map there should I put it next to it like that no while I’m trying to find a place to do this I am going to thank some donors because I have quite a few to thank because it’s been a while since I’ve said Thank you

To these people all the way back yeah since the 6th whoa has it really been that long it has I know there’s been kind of a big gap between the world tour era but yeah we’re right back to upload and thank you to Phoenix with this massive donation by the way

All the way back from the six I thank you so much you made it in the Villager book of course and well eventually the wall once I get that going again and Zach plants with a 1 2 3 4 5 holy moly Zach you did not have to do that you

Know you didn’t have to do that but you did anyway and that is very thoughtful I’m trying to get good at remembering where all these names are I I think Zach is might have the book right here oh oh yeah you’re in the new slime science

Area but you haven’t been I don’t think you have anyway thank you Zach that’s a lot and Dominic Dominic flin that’s a cool name thank you for your Dono and Bailey Eon that’s a cool name as well thank you and Ry Brown sorry did I scare

You cuz that scared me where can I put this at Ryan thank you again see I always so oh that looks nice I always feel so guilty when like some of these people donate so much I feel like I continuously have to do things for

Them if and if I don’t I feel like such a bad person so I truly hope you guys don’t think that way and I appreciate every scent that you guys donate Ryan thank you so much for that Ryan’s already in this book like three times

Insane and Adam D wait we just saw you this episode wait a minute ignore the date there I might have been in the past but it seems like you are trying to persuade me to get you off that Island Adam thank you so much for that Adam did

You know that you’re on that island sometimes people might miss when their villagers are put out I feel like how do I get in here I can’t get in through there anymore that’s what it looks like by the way I just put like a cool Dome

Type roof over it I need to get rid of this trailer and I’m also trying to figure out where to expand this highway so as you can see it just leads into nothingness it leads to the waste bad land man’s area No Man’s Land that’s

What it is where do I take it from here thanks for that Adam I really appreciate it and David Hartman that’s a new face made it in the Villager book and on the wall eventually once I get that going again thank you David maybe you’ll be the new scientist of our new

Division of the lab we’ll be working in here a lot more I miss this place and Vincent Isaacs thank you Vincent for that I need to put a guy in here too there’s so many empty rooms in this place that I’m not taking advantage of what’s this oh what’s this oh I was

Marking down all the blocks I love the fact that I’m getting back into the lab I just really like this idea I I miss this place but uh thank you everyone for watching I’m going to end it here dang it I forgot to put out a villager somewhere okay I’ll

Put out like three next episode how about that me turn this back on let me hear it one more time oh I’m I talked over it let me hear it one more time ah I don’t like that I still need to mess with it it doesn’t sound computer is

Enough how about now does that sound good okay no I really need to mess with that I’ll see you guys in the next episode thanks for watching Bye-bye

Today we head over to the good ole laboratory to completely finish the whole build!

Donate to help me and my channel! Thanks! –
(Your name and donation will be placed in the chapel. 50+ will get your name placed on the chapel wall and you will be turned into a villager with a random job throughout my world.) Thanks again for supporting my channel!

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Dallas’s Social Media:
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Download my skins here! –

World Downloads:
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World Tours:
Ep.46 –
Ep.100 –
Ep.150 –
Ep.200 –
Ep.250 –
Ep.300 –
Ep.350 –
Ep.400 –
Ep.450 –
Ep.500 –
Ep.550 –
Ep.600 –

World Seed: 1404998407 (After Caves and Cliffs update, this seed is not the same)

Start the Adventure from Episode 1! –

History of this world:
This survival series started on July 10th 2014 on the MCPE (Minecraft Pocket Edition) App. I had quite a few MCPE videos before this series that I recorded and edited on the iPod 4th Generation. When I finally upgraded to the iPhone 5, this was when I wanted to start a Minecraft series that will last forever! I started this series on the iPhone 5 and eventually upgraded again to the iPhone 6 Plus for more power on Ep.66. MCPE on the iPhone 6 Plus served me well for a long time until the game started updating more and became even slower. This was until I bought myself a gaming laptop (Lenovo Y700) and transferred my ongoing MCPE world to Windows 10 Edition on Ep.154. Till this day, we are still surviving and thriving with builds in this world and plan to do so far into the future!

About me and my world:
Race: Slime
Age: 28
Country: US
World Created In: Update 0.9.0 (2014)
Computer: Lenovo Legion 5 Gen 7 –
Record With: OBS Studio
Edit With: Shotcut
Microphone: Blue Yeti (Blackout Edtion)
Headset: Astro A10

Thanks for watching!



  1. I have a question. I guess since your views have dropped, but you continued to make videos quite regularly, right now you're making a bit less money from yt. How does that affect you? If you make these videos of side hustle, it's really impressive!

  2. you should make a school somewhere! with the big classrooms like you were talking about… and a cafeteria and sports fields, etc… it would be a good place for dono villagers too as teachers and students.

  3. What the hell are you doing? Where are your clips in which you build supernatural things? I hope that the next episode will amaze me with your construction.

  4. WOW i was so happy when you started going back and fixing everything, that is truly heartwarming to see. You are the best and thank you for still being here 🙂

  5. If you want to have the floor of the lab bright agian and dont what to use touches you can use a light block like Sea Lanterns plus you can make a bunch of Sea Lantern due to your guardian farm. Love the videos btw keep it up

  6. The first episode I watched of your Series.

    You're the reason I wanna play Bedrock for a long time!! I just… wish I had the motivation [YouTube isn't possible for me…]

  7. I was hoping this episode would happen after the world tour. Love to see the small parts of the lab coming together. I love this kind of episode.

  8. Would you ever join hermitcraft, although playing on bedrock you would fit in perfectly, maybe with someone like bdubs or scar, you remind me of them alot, always making quality videos like this one

  9. Dallas I cant lie, the inspiration I gain from you is like no other youtubers. Your creativity and imagination is just out of the ordinary amazing and outside of the box, Its extremely unique and I believe that no other youtuber can create a world in minecraft like yours. I started watching you quite late, around episode 300-400 ish, and from then I was insanely amazed at what someone like you could do. Thanks for inspiring me to play minecraft again, even when I felt like there was no hope for me to.

  10. Hey I have a video idea, whenever you get around to it you should go in your city and finish decorating the insides of the buildings and add some more little details like you did for your house a couple episodes ago

  11. Cqotd:Hey Dallas, hows it going?
    You recently said that your channel is sadly loosing viewers so that made me think if there is any "regular type job you see yourself doing?

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