I Made The Stardew Valley 1.6 Update Into A TIER LIST!

Hello everyone today we are making a tier list of some of the new 1.6 updates to stardy Valley I know a lot of people have been playing through it and I am also in the process of doing that but I thought that we could take a look at

Some of the most notable patch notes and put them in a tier list the tiers are can’t live without now as in I don’t know how the base game didn’t even have that because you know without it I would freak out maybe M someone see how I feel

Next we have didn’t know I need it which is more of something that is super vital and I’m really into but it wasn’t the first thing on my mind you know TBD is just I don’t know enough about it I have to see more in the game which technically all of these could

Technically go into TBD but this is more of ones that I I I can’t even conceptualize what exactly it would be next is what was the thought process this is more of a it’s like a f here but it’s a little more goofy I’m genuinely curious what what brought this on it’s

More weird it’s chaotic it’s wrong and then mix game worse is pretty self-explanatory I would rather be get rid of it entirely I’m not entirely sure what it would even be except for one let’s get into it first things first I don’t know a lot about all of these

Things I would say it’s spoiler-free but obviously you you do get to get a small explanation of what these things are and what the updates are but I’m not actually going into detail of what they look like it’s just you know my first impression of them so starting out we

Have the desert Festival only because there’s no going wrong with a festival like they’re great and I love them the only thing is I don’t know if I particularly needed a desert Festival but all festivals I do need it’s just that specifically is an interesting

Choice but I I do think it’s good to use the desert for more things especially since it only has so much going on I’m really excited to see more about it I have not been in attendance yet so that is the maximum of my knowledge is it’s a

Festival and I like festivals next we have the pet bowls that can be crafted or maybe not crafted bought from Robin and kind of along these lines I’m also going to include the fact that you can move the Farmhouse now it’s a lot of like things that were previously unheard

Of I’m definitely putting that in can’t live without now which looks a little silly with just the the pet B but you know what I mean it’s it’s all the things that previously we couldn’t move or buy or make such as like The Farmhouse you can move I’m super glad

It’s finally in the game the annual Trout Derby okay first of all you know I’m a fishing gorl so obviously this is going to be I don’t even need to know anything about it Trout Derby is amazing and Squid Fest goes along those lines I love that we have more fishing related

Events in stardy Valley cuz I think for a lot of people fishing is a great element and if it’s not skill issue so I’m really excited to see what these events have in store next we have the Mastery of skills I I wish I could tell you exactly what

That means but my image is small so I’m pretty sure it just means that there are certain areas or there are certain restrictions if you are not a master at a certain skill I would say TBD cuz it could kind of go either way it sounds

Like it would be really cool and a way to encourage more variety in gameplay Jack of all traits type of thing I think it sounds really cool the only thing I think could be potentially negative is if it like is a little too gatekey and

It just feels like a lot of Walling off content next probably one of the most notable updates is the Meadowlands farm and for good reason because it’s amazing amazing get it like m a i z e okay I love the livestock chicken Coupe aspect of stardo but it never really felt like

It was like I mean I guess it is the main aspect to a farm but usually it’s a very late game because you can’t really get the animals until a little bit later down the line so I think it’s really cool that you get to start like that I

Always appreciate Farms that push you towards the non-farming aspects of the game a little more and I only say that because a lot of people have multiple playthroughs multiple farms and I think it’s fun to explore different gaming Styles next we have cat in dog you can

Now have multiple pets I would say didn’t know I needed cuz even though it’s really cute and awesome and I’m sure everyone has considered it at some point where it’s like well why wasn’t that a thing before or like staring at the choose your cat or dog option with

Tears in your eyes but me personally I never really cared that much but at the same time you know more animals the better they’re adorable and I don’t know if I’d really quantify myself as a cat or dog person so both is good next we have winter outfits this one’s

Interesting I feel like it probably would go into can’t live without only because I’ve always gotten mods to do that for me so I feel like just on that implication alone it is a necessity for me but yeah the winter outfits are super cute I’m really excited to have the NPCs

Get a little more life put into them plus like a Scooby-Doo character wearing the same outfit every single day but you know I think it’s really cute I’d love to see even more expansion with that next we have I believe this is the prize machine the prize machine that you can

Go to in mayor Lewis’s house which you know God forbid we ever go there but now we have a reason to and it’s it’s not just getting divorced or picking up our tools when we accidentally throw them in the garbage I really don’t know what exactly this entails so I’d say TVD it

Could be really cool it could be kind of underwhelming I would just have to see next we have book seller I feel like this kind of I would say didn’t know I need it I would say can’t live without now but I don’t actually know where it

Stands in terms of like is it meant to make it easier to like gather all the books for the Museum library or is it more for like aesthetic reasons and I think both of those are really cool and I think it’s it’s awesome to make certain really painful parts of the game

Easier especially like I know they added the golden joa parrot there’s like the Perfection waivers you know just ways to alleviate some of the stress of doing those things so I think that’s really cool big tree I would say h didn’t know I needed I I love me a big tree I think

Big trees are awesome there’s apparently a quest line that gives you some new neighbors is what it says I don’t know exactly what that means but I’m excited to find out and I love me some big trees they really bode well for adventure uh next we have the new crops I would say

That’s like the epitome of didn’t know I needed it’s a farming game and I it didn’t have carrots before I didn’t know didn’t even know that so there’s broccoli there’s the melon cocoa melon or something not probably not the cocoa melon and then I don’t know what that is

Banana I thought that can’t be right some kind of squash squash sounds right yeah I think those are really cool I’m excited to grow them next we have the house renovations I would say definitely didn’t know I needed you can always get more house upgrades in my opinion

There’s like attic there’s like a cubby I’m really excited to see what the house looks like once you have all of those upgrades and I can’t imagine it would be bad looking and it also pairs well with the fact that there’s new wallpapers there’s new floors there’s new furniture

So I think all in all it’s absolute W for the stardew decorators next we have big chest the big chest okay my mind is in the gutter didn’t know I needed and that’s because you can always use more storage space and it does get a little irritating especially

For me I do like a community center chest where everything I need for the community center I’ll store ahead of time if I need to and you know it gets a little tedious having multiple chests and having to bark at people when they get too close to them but yeah I think

It’s a great quality of life next is the sign I would say about the same I think having text for signs is great instead of like the little icons even though I think preferably icons are just more colorful they’re like cute but I am really excited for the text signs I’m

Probably not going to use them for organization I will probably use them to put very threatening trespassing signs at the entrance to my farm keep the Hooligans at Bay next we have the tent kit so you can build a tent and sleep anywhere I would say probably didn’t

Know I needed I have actually used a mod that does this in my living in the minds video and that was really cool not as cool as sleeping in a tent and waking up in said tent can potentially be but I think it’s it’s a nice update you know

We haven’t had a lot of sleep related things other than passing out so we love to see it next is moss I’m going to say I can’t live without it and this might be this might be UN based this may be controversial but it’s kind of because

In Delta Rune I like that you eat moss and I don’t know why it just I feel like I need Moss to be my my stoic no talking everyone loves me S so I I need to eat that next we have fireworks can’t live without I love Fireworks in real life in

Games I just think they’re so pretty and I love them and I’m I have not even seen what they look like so that’s going to be a surprise got to save them for a celebration of sorts I think there’s some kind of New Year’s thing so super

Hyped for that next we have stardrop tea this is really cute I would say TBD and the only reason is it’s so cute and I love it but I don’t want it to make friendships or marriage to easy like like it shouldn’t be like a I don’t want

To store chests full of stardrop tea just so I can like give it to people you know like diamonds it is cute though I I like that it kind of plays on the fact that you know stardrops are very special gift and people aren’t just gold diggers

So I think that’s really cute next we have the hats on pets and this also includes just like there’s a bunch of new hats that I haven’t even seen I would say didn’t know I need it cuz it’s amazing I feel you should have always

Been able to put hats on the animals and I’m just glad that you can do that now I will use these powers for evil most likely but you know such is the way of the worm so also the new breeds are so cute which I’m just going to skip ahead

New breeds can’t live without without black cat there’s like a white cat my favorite is like the scruffy looking dog not the one with the bandana the other one so cute I love them so much if anything happened to them you know what would happen that was uh unintentionally

Very ominous next we have the honeymoon period I’m going to say TVD cuz I really don’t know if I care about that I mean it makes a lot of sense for sure but I don’t know if that’s really going to affect anything like I think I could

Have lived without it but it obviously didn’t make the game worse and I understand the thought process so you know ends up right there the spouse portraits I think probably is didn’t know I needed because I’ve seen a lot of mods for it so it would make sense that

It’s something in like the base game I think people definitely would like to decorate their home me personally I think it’s a little creepy I don’t want the faces of my spouse on the walls you know they’re already in my house all the time I I look at them then I don’t need

To look at them extra but but that’s coming from someone who marries a lot of people for reasons that are often outside of my control sometimes I don’t want to be married to people looking at their faces that’s akin to prison time for me honestly next we have the goby

Fish goby fish goby fish I’m just saying over and over again because I love it it’s beautiful I’m Jolie fish it’s a goby fish I love fish I love the goby fish it’s amazing I love fish I love Willie next we have the turtle I’m going

To say probably I have to say can’t live without now only because my brother loves Turtles and if you’re watching this I am not being held at gunpoint at all turtles we love them yay can’t live without them number one Turtles are number one next we have baby toss now

Has a chance to crit I don’t know what I would do without the baby toss I think it’s very Ral to the game I think that if they were to take it out I might actually uninstall the game so I think it’s very forthcoming that they would

Actually put that in the game so that they could keep me in particular playing their game I think that’s really cool next we have the cabin designs I think they’re adorable I would say can’t live without and it’s because I play a lot of multiplayer and with multiplayer comes a

Lot of cabins and people are just never happy with their cabins especially the more people you get cuz then they fight over the ones that they like it’s usually like one so really exciting and also the trailer is adorable I love it next we have the sea jelly you know I

Got a can’t live without I don’t even know what it’s for I don’t care it looks like my hat it’s amazing I’m I’m a jelly I’m a jellyfish gorl I’m a jelly enjoyer also there’s a couple other types of jelly as well and I’m excited even though Sebastian’s probably going to

Hate it cuz he’s picky and stupid last but not least drinking mayonnaise I think we as a society could have lived without this decision and I think that potentially it could harm us and send us in the wrong direction you know I think maybe we could lose ourselves in what it

Is to be a human and I think it all starts with drinking mayonnaise so well that’s it that’s my tier list obviously that’s not even close to everything that is in the update but I think it’s a good start I hope that you’re just as excited

To play this as I am especially if you’re a poor little mobile or switch player or Xbox I’m so sorry I play start on pretty much everything as much as PC is my favorite I will cry that I can’t play you know split screen with my

Friends so but let me know in the comments what you are looking the most forward to and if there’s anything that you actually think belongs in the makes game worse cuz honestly with concern ape I just don’t know if that exists so let me know and I hope that you have a

Lovely rest of your day thank you for watching don’t forget to like And subscribe until next time

Here’s my first impression of a few of the most ICONIC new updates to Stardew Valley! I haven’t played much of it yet (100 days coming soon?), but these are my thoughts with minimal spoilers!

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