Why I Enchanted the Warden…

This is my rarest book and it’s capable of enchanting a warden giving it loads of strength tons of health and evolving its look but when I was looking for a warden to enchant something I never expected happen to me yes let’s go I found the ancient city and I have this

Book right here so all I need is a warden come on there’s got to be a warden close what oh no no no no okay I cled give us that book leg you book I don’t know what book you’re talking about since you want to act all smart

Let’s see if you survive this what what did that lever do oh no are you kidding me that’s a lot of lava and it’s coming straight towards me wait I have these water buckets surely I can just what is that because of the sponges no no no you

Got to be kidding me does it really just instantly drain my water that’s terrible I’m going to die man I’m going to die what can I do maybe this scaffolding will keep me alive come on come on come on what are you kidding me I’m I’m

Burning legie this is not good man I’m going to die guys honestly I don’t have a book you guys are killing me for no reason this is it it’s over reie get in the boat check the corner what which corner wait I see it come on come on

Come on please please please it has to let me through come on I’m clicking man please wait did it work where am I no way thanks for saving me bro of course bro but we’re not really safe here this is toxic acid and it’s melting through

The roof no look it’s happening now no way it’s melting the Bedrock how does that even work that’s really not good and it’s happening so fast you’re right so let’s get out of this place now I have this mine cart but no rails to use

It with you have a mine cart maybe we can glitch out the top with that yeah but we can’t even place it hold up let me see wait I have seven iron so I can craft rails I just need a stick do you have one no I don’t have one how can we

Get sticks wait I have bamboo and I also have red sand so so we can grab it right here now I turn these bones into bone meal do this perfect that should be good craft the sticks just like this and now we put that there and make some rails

Okay perfect above you careful what oh my gosh it was so close that was insane I almost disintegrated from this acid and there’s more coming constantly quickly let’s get out of this place fifth yeah it’s not looking good let’s pick up these blocks and head up come up

This scaffolding just like this put the mud right there and now we go up just like this put a block right there okay we’re almost there I need one more block here we go bro nice good job okay let we place it let’s hope this works I’m

Getting low this isn’t good no it didn’t work hold up let me give it a shot I want to see something come on come on come on please what no for a split second I thought I glitched through but it didn’t work let me see what can we do

There has to be some way we can escape this place is honestly not looking too good oh no bro I’d say we have about 3 minutes left ah no yes it’s burning me oh my goodness that does not look Pleasant I’m getting low do you have

Some food this stuff does so much damage I see why I can melt for Bedrock no way escaping it I don’t think it’s going to be too difficult what are you talking about bro please tell me you have some obsidian on you yeah I’ve got three

Three yes I think it’s perfect check it out whoever built this pris didn’t think this through drop me your blocks right now here we go what are you planning if we do this right here bam look at it you see what that is that is a portal frame

But we need something to light it with I have one iron on me oh I hope you have some gravel as well yep I do wait what where’s it gone I was 100% sure I had some gravel there’s no way maybe you placed it yes it’s up there I knew for

Sure that I had some gravel on me nice Bry wait careful there’s some acid it’s going down oh my goodness that is not good wait where’s the gravel it’s on me quickly let’s get this Flint come on man how long does it take to get flint why

You watch out the AES what where did the gravel go no I think it burned are you kidding me did we really just lose the gravel that was a r we get out of here no no no it’s not don’t give up I think I have a plan have you ever wondered

What would happen if you drink a fire resistance potion and go in the acid oh well it’s not really fire but it might work I think we should give it a shot I have a furnace some sticks and I can burn the scaffolding I’m going to need

All of the Red Sand right here come on come on perfect and now we smelled the three red sand just like this pick up the crafting table I really hope this plan works this is going to be big brain this isn’t enough we need to fuel the

Furnace with more stuff I can’t believe it just burned five scaffolding that fast I have a shovel we can use wait no wait that should do the trick we need three glass total come on oh no we’ve got two but we still need one wait the

Boat let’s see is this going to be enough please yep we have three are we making potions we are indeed I saw you earlier holding a cauldron in a brewing stand place them yes indeed great and now we have glass bottles however we’re going to need some water please tell me

You have a bucket filled up oh oh I was hoping you’d have some wait we don’t have water no no no you’re joking what are we going to do I just have this mud no way the chances of this are crazy this is a condensed BL we can take the

Water out of it with this dripstone you have dripstone no way okay we put that right there this should eventually fill up yes let’s go yes it’s filling up come on come on come on yes perfect okay now we put the potions in I have the blaze

Powder we just need the Nether wart I got you bro I got some perfect fif let’s go bro I think our plan is going to work and now we put the Magma Cream in I have the blaze powder drink up Fifi nice let’s see if this works I we go the acid

Doesn’t do damage to us and now we just hope that this leads somewhere come on please don’t be a dead end please don’t be a dead end please oh no fif do you have a pickaxe a not necessarily because what I’m seeing is we’re surrounded by

Stone wait we can’t lose the hole if we get trapped in this acid we’re dead let’s go back down Broski this isn’t safe I agree but I tell you what we can still do something with this fire resistance what are you thinking what I’m thinking is both of us let’s go back

The way I came from wait were they trapped you yep think about it there’s no way they’ll be there anymore and we still have fire resistance so the lava that almost killed me won’t even do damage to us we can escape through their exit it’s literally perfect that is such

A genius plan bro let’s go we do rails like this and a mine cart just like there now we need to push this boy like there then we place a block right there get in the mine cart and check it out I’m half glitched in and half glitched

Out what that’s sick yep now we just hold W and please come on come on no I’m getting low am I going to die oh wait F I’m through I’m a 2 Hp but I survived let’s go I’m through as well nice perfect we’re surrounded in lava let’s

See if we can find an empty spot yep right here oh no it looks like they blocked off the top we can’t leave through there you’re right about that and we also only have 20 seconds of fire resistance left are we going to die in here quickly regie follow me this way we

Got to go now bro I’m running out fire resistance come on come on quickly quickly let’s hope this works please please please please please yes let’s go no way good job fifth nice thinking and our fire resistance just ran out perfect timing F Well I mean we made it out with

That other prison but now we’re stuck in another one legie we can try to mine the breakable blocks wait you’re right good idea no no no no you got to be kidding me is there really just crying obsidian underneath all of these I some level seven now wait there’s a chest here

Though F let’s look what’s inside chorus flow End Stone nothing too useful bro o it there was some steak can I have some brosi yep sure thing oh thanks and also can I check out that book The Wen enchant the sure thing bro but you got

To give it back W this looks insane wait look at this wait what there’s a lever right there I didn’t notice that earlier let’s see what it does f maybe it unlocks these doors right here wait F did you hear that piston yeah I think it

Came from here wait I didn’t see that Observer earlier we should totally see what it does we need to activate it somehow hold up I have these Vines I’ll place a block right there what I have more Pistons what just happened wait I’ll break it and you have a look wait

Legy the door’s open but it’s for a really short period of time hold up I think I got it then you run into the wall and I’ll place a Vine and it should instantly get you through I’ll open the door from the other side okay sounds

Good here we go like this yes you’re through nice good stuff fifth okay now go let me out do you see any Redstone or some lever hello FF thanks for the book loser what I forgot I dropped it to him no no no he just betrayed me I took the

Wood and Enchanted from me are you kidding me no way no way no way wait maybe if I break this and then run come on no it closes too fast wait let me try from over here like this come on come on come on no there’s no way I’m going to

Get there in time man I can’t believe he just betrayed me like that think think think there has to be something I can do I have this endstone and this chorus flower hold up if I put this there and that right there hopefully this should grow and then with a chorus fruit I’ll

Be able to teleport out this place I need to get back my Warden enchanter man I kept that book so safe for so long this CH has to grow please yes okay it’s getting there just a few more come on come on no way okay perfect it’s ready

Come on come on come on that’s four perfect now we walk up to this door and eat one please no that didn’t work that’s ridiculous there’s no way it’s not going to work with another three attempts no it teleported me in the same place come on bro please this has to

Work wait am I out yes no way it actually worked that’s perfect I need to find fisy now wait oh my goodness there’s fif’s name tag but he’s surrounded by others this is not good hold up let me see what’s going on here I got a bad feeling about this I already

Gave you guys the book please don’t do this I would let you go but there’s just something about your attitude you’re just so annoying what what was that sound all right let’s just let him die in here no that’s not good fif dropped them the enchanter I got to get that

Book back oh iie please I know I betrayed you but I’m going to die in here please just flip that lever you know what fine only cuz I’m a nice guy here take this and get out oh thank you bro I’m out of this place I can’t handle

Anymore I got to get book now all the others are going to be together but I have to find which one has the book and kill them separated from the others but what is this this is a massive storage room and I see two people underneath me

They seem to be looting up I need to find which person has that book wait a second that’s not good someone’s coming right now I need to run no there’s another person down there what am I going to do where am I going to hide

Hold up in this trapo like this come on no way I don’t think they saw me that’s unbelievable I almost got caught okay but I think that person left now I should be good let’s see if there’s anything in these chests some obsidian a pearl nothing amazing but we’ll take it

I need to somehow get down there with them noticing me and there’s a farm directly below me I don’t think anyone’s looking here we go break this glass and jump in come on wait did you guys hear a sound yeah I heard a splash wait let’s

Go check it out no they heard the splash I need to get behind this cane hopefully I blend in oh my gosh do they see me let’s have a look oh my goodness they don’t see me this is insane they’re right there huh must be hearing things

Wait what about the cane oh yeah you’re right oh no he’s coming back to check the cane wait I have an end Pearl I can hide up here come on no way I survived oh my goodness that was way too close no we’re good this is insane this is not

Good they’re always close together and I can’t find which one has the book so annoying man need to think of something right now wait there’s another name tag who’s this hold up a second I’m pretty sure it’s the same person who activated fif’s trap I’m sure of it that’s the

Person with the book 100% wait everyone just left and she ran down that Corridor come on come on hopefully no one sees me yes perfect I need to chase this person and somehow kill her she’s got that book and it’s rightfully mine she’s going inside this room let’s have a look

What’s she doing let me go enchant my gear hold up she’s in the enchantment table why would you look at this this fighting equipment right here I think I have an idea wait legie what oh no she saw me put the armor on I got to get my

Bug back come on come on I’m getting low this is a good wait I need to eat this Golden Apple oh my goodness okay I healed up she’s got to be getting low come on come on come on yes this is good the combos are in wait legie I’m getting

Low where do you think you’re going get back here yes blocked it off come on come on come on you better give me back that book wait legie I’m on 1 HP no you’re dead that’s what you are come on yes perfect I got the book back wait

What did she not have it are you kidding me it’s got to be here somewhere surely there’s no way looking for something legy what is that my enchanter give it back to me now I don’t think so what what is this where am I you want to know

Where the others are gone they’ve gone to get me a warden and in 4 minutes they’ll be back and then it’s over for you what 4 minutes where’s he gone and where has he left me no way what just happened are you kidding me did these spikes just move closer to me that’s

Ridiculous no way from both sides once these things close in on me I’m 100% dead not going to happen not going to happen let’s see what I have I have so much stuff there has to be something I can use hold up I have this Twisted Vine

And I also have one bone meal that grows a nice amount so using this composter right here and all of these cookies I should be able to get a bunch more bone meal and I’ll be able to grow this twisting Vine and Escape like this come

On come on okay that’s four more this has to work come on come on please this has to be enough surely what no man it’s not enough I’m missing like five blocks of height that’s not going to work no you’re kidding me the spikes they got even closer this is ridiculous there has

To be something I can do let me see if I can block off the spikes using this composter what am I getting shot what’s happening wait what skeletons where did these guys come from I need to kill them now getting shot off by a skeleton would

Be the worst way to go I can’t believe this prison there’s spikes skeletons how much worse can it get hold up a second this ender pearls up there in the item frame and I have this fishing rod I’m not sure if this will work but let me

See no way I got it first try let me see if I can fish and R this Ender pear out of the item frame did we go stand right here and pull wait did it work no the Ender Pear’s still in the frame I think

You need a bow for that wait a second the skeletons did they potentially drop a bow let me see there’s bones yes there’s a bow down there no way that’s insanely l lucky and I have an arrow in my inventory let me place blocks just

Like this come on please there it is I see it right there I got it on my fishing rod jump and pull no that didn’t work hold up let me try again please Boo this has to work get it like that and jump and pull come on yes let’s go that

Actually worked okay I cannot miss this Arrow since I only have one come on right about there please yes no way I actually managed to shoot it out of its frame but it didn’t drop down here so I’m going to need to fishing rod it it’s

Got to be on the edge fishing rod like that come on come on come on okay wait I think I got it let’s just hope it drops it to me jump and pull come on what no are you kidding me it fell in the void

It was right on the edge that was so close I can’t believe that just happened no way it fell in the void what are the chances of that it has to be something oh no they got even closer no and the ones in the back as well and it broke

The compost I had here which means even if I place blocks these spikes just instantly remove them I don’t even want to find out how much damage they do they don’t look Pleasant I really need to get thinking man what can I do wait there’s a creeper up there if blocks can’t stop

These spikes maybe this creeper can wait what where did it go no no where’s he at where’s it at I have a genius plan okay wait there he is I know this sounds weird but I need to grab him on my fishing rod and I need to pull him down

Here come on come on come on like this please please please yes I got him okay and now pull okay here we go let’s hope this works I need to time it right come on what there’s no way even a creeper doesn’t explode these spikes that’s insane no and they’re getting closer

Right now this is absolutely ridiculous how fast are they closing in man not only am I going to die to these spikes but that 4minute timer is also up I bet the others are going to enchant that w right now it’s all over for me there’s

Nothing I can do don’t give up this quickly regie take this wait fif no way you here to save me that’s insane thanks bro let me throw it like there yes nice job bro good job on saving me fifth but we got to get out this place now they’re

Going to enchant the warden and we’re going to get completely obliterated there’s nothing we can do no a listen up back when they trapped me and forced me to drop them the enchanter I dropped them a different book without them noticing a thing wait you mean to tell

Me you still have the enchanter yep now follow me we’re going to going to be late to the party what where are we going station through legi this is going to be great we back in the storage room yes we are emerald we got the warden is

The enchanter onen you yep I got the enchanter right here wait what this isn’t the enchanter this book has knockback one he’s realizing he’s doomed go on fif go and enchant that Warden and kill them no legie since you got me out of that prison earlier the honor is

Yours wait what you’re letting me do this oh this is going to be great thanks F here we go wait what legi like this yes would you look at that and the best part is that I can control it oh no please we can talk about this man please

It’s over for you guys there’s nowhere to go please please there goes one come on there goes the other oh my God this thing is so op

Why I Enchanted the Warden…

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IGN – MinecraftCurios
Alias – Ledgy
My Skin – https://bit.ly/3inAqUa



  1. Hey MCCurious, Can you do a video on the Deeper and Darker Mod. It adds Warden Gear, and the otherside (a dimension that uses the useless deepslate portal in ancient cities), a place where the warden and its followers shine (shriekers in that dimension take only one shriek to summon a warden instead of 3 in the overworldd)

  2. Bro right at the start you went like "something i never expected happened" and im like bro you always get trapped by your friends so how come you are not expecting it when you get an op item? Your friends are after power Ledgy and you are the only thing standing between them and it!

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