I Played 100 Days of Stardew Valley 1.6

I played 100 days of staru Valley 1.6 hello everybody this is gamer gar welcome to a huge long farm video of one whole year of starvy that’s right I’m playing to a whole year spring summer fall and winter we’re going to start by naming our farm the 1.6 Farm we’re going

To pick one of the new dog pets and we’re also going to select the new Farm type the metal lands farm so we’re going to start with Coupe two chickens and some other goodies such as blue special grass we start by picking up 15 pieces

Of hair we’re not going to get the usual pars not in this challenge we’re going to go check out our cou check out our chickens to see how they’re doing I also notice there’s blue grass on the ground as well if the chickens eat that they do get some extra friendship points so

We’re going to feed up our chickens make sure they’re nice and happy these chickens will mature in a few days and they will give us lovely eggs every single day afterwards we’re going to clear up some space on the farm I am going to get some crops I do have 500

Gold to spend after all going to cut down some trees whack some weeds make a chest and prep this fabulous farming ground for lovely crops our chickens are porini and portabello fabulous names I also noticed we have some additional UI screens what we see here is the screen

Is going to hold all of our usual 1.5 special items such as the wallet items but also some books of power that we touch off later on in the challenge we also have new fish types that have been added to the game let’s see if we can

Capture every fish in the game within the first year let’s also see if we can get every single artifact the game has to offer as well just to set some challenges for ourselves I noticed Pierre sells an item here called a dehydrator we can place five pieces of

Fruit or edible mushrooms inside to dry them out it will give us back an artisan good I’m going to spend all my money on parsnip seeds because the chickens aren’t going to cut it for a few days so I do want to rely crops for a while as

Our base source of money at the end of day one we reach level one Farin I got a cool new text here say trees sometimes drop seeds I don’t think that was included in the 1.5 correct me in the comments if I am wrong it was time to

Check out The Help Wanted quests Demetrius wants us to fish up some carp he’s offered 90 gold I took this Quest because we’re going to be fishing up carp regardless so having some 90 gold on the side is no harm to us our first fish of the challenge is a sardine let’s

Go have a chat with Willie he is selling a new item here called a fish smoker to make it we need a cave River and sea jelly and some hardwood the fish smoker will double the profits of any fish we put into it including legendary fish so

We will get to absolutely abuse that later on in the challenge and make tons of money for now I’m going to purchase a training rod and focus on getting my skill up as fast as I can just so I can get that larger fishing bar so I can

Take on the tougher fish I pop up a paired there that says you’ve got new ideas to sleep on this means you’ve gained a level in a skill so we just got our first level there the Georgia Cola has been enhanced we now get a plus one

Speed buff for 21 in-game seconds when we take the Georgia Cola very helpful for getting around I got my first River jelly today that’s a new type of fish added to our fishing collection 75 energy 30 tree held and plus 30 Max Energy I suppose it’s all right but I’m

Going to sell it to see how much money I get the next day our chickens have fully grown up they’re going to pop out eggs every single day now and we can even turn those eggs into mayonnaise later on I’m also going to purchase the fiberglass Rod off Willie now instead of

Getting the chout soup I noticed he has a new item catfish bait he does have a huge rotating stock I was just lucky to get catfish bait today it dramatically increases the capture rate of catfish so if I use catfish at a regular bit most

Of the time when my fish bber goes off I get to challenge a catfish catfish are probably still one of the most profitable fish in Spring he also has Deluxe bait it makes my fishing barar a little bit bigger and the fish also bite a little bit faster it does cost a 100

Gold a piece so I’m going to hold off on that for now later on in the day I do put down some rice shoots just because it’s extra money for nothing I don’t have the water at all and for the rest of the day I focus on the fishing

Collection I pull up the eel there and I get level three fishing at the end of the day which was nice level four fishing though gives me the worm bin now that used to be level seven or at fishing so it’s nice to get that early I

Still won’t be using it though because it’s just regular bait and it is quite cheap it is quite common taking a look at the calendar the next day I noticed that a book Setter comes twice in the season there’s also another event that happens on the 15th to 16th and the 17th

Of spring at that moment in time I had no clue what that was I eventually learned that it is an event that takes place in the desert so the challenge now that I have imposed by myself is to get to the desert by day 15 of spring a lot

Of you might think yourselves that is impossible let’s find out I am gamer gar after all it is time to go back to Pierre I have some money from fish I’m going to use it all on potatoes they give really good XP and they also sell for really

Nice money 60 potatoes in the bag we’re also going to visit Gunther as well I was going to keep the Ruby for the potential spicy eel when I get to the desert but I decided to give him in the mineral just to get the ball rolling

With his quest line I got a new fish today it’s called a gabby or maybe a goby let me know in the comments if it’s goby or Gabby but it’s a new fish and it’s actually worth quite a bit of money now we can see the cost of the fishies

Here because I’m not using any mods on this video because the patch is new so we’re just going into this challenge with nads we do get some really cool items at Rando that will display the cost of items level five fishing we’re going to get fish worth 25% more because right

Now I am all about making as much money as possible possible to get access to the desert The Gabby here sells for 150 gold and that’s just a regular Gabby it’ll be interesting to see how an aridium Gabby fars up to that it might be a very very profitable fish indeed

Mary visits us the next day with our brand new pet she asks us will we adopt dog absolutely we’re going to call our lovely dog Chuck cuz that’s what my dog has called in real life we can now have as many pets as we wish under this Farm

The only requirement is to max out Chu’s ship and we can purchase some really cool pet balls and off Robin and then purchase pets off Marney it is now day number five it is time to do some C of crawling I want to get down as quickly

As possible to the bottom floors because the gold bars early on sell for some decent money and if I want to get into the desert I’m going to have to sell everything that I absolutely can I do get an early weapon upgrade I can trade

Out my rusty sword for the wood Club it is quite the weapon to get early on in the challenge it will make very short work of most of the starter to mider enemies I get level 10 and 20 I do get to steal small sword on level 20 but I

Throw it away because it’s just doesn’t measure up to the power of the wood club that we have here I do get loads of really cool carrot seeds out of crates and carrot is basically a new crop that we can grow in Spring concerned AE has

Added a new crop like that to each season so summer fall and even winter we get some pretty cool crops that we can grow I took on another htic Quest I noticed that there is a prized ticket for this one and these tickets are really cool we can take this prized

Ticket to ls’s house and he has a machine inside that will give us a reward and you can get quite the potent rewards from that machine because it’s Saturday I fixed a bridge I went over to the tide poool area and I’m going to pick up all of these fora bles sell

These for extra money I did a bit more fishing today I picked up a sea jelly this is my very first sea jelly and what’s cool about this is it gives good energy and health but it also gives a plus one to fishing that could be handy

I won’t use it though I’m saving all my jellies to make the new artisent equipment so I completed mer Lewis’s Quest he gave me my very first prize ticket I was very excited with this because it was all new and it’s been so long since new updates of hit star ju

Val I went to the prize machine here and the first prize is going to be 12 carrot seeds so I was really excited to put these carrots down into the farm grow them up and see how profitable they were to see what kind of health and IES they

Gave the rest of the day was spent fishing this time incap Forest by the waterfall really cool aesthetic they added to the map I get my first dose of carrots today regular carrot 75 energy 303 held it’s not bad it was Mar Lewis’s birthday I gave him a carrot was

Actually fairly pleased with it and I got him up to two out of 10 Hearts which wasn’t bad at all I went back to Pierre and I sold him the rest of the Carrs to see what they were worth 35 gold each but they’re only regular carrots so it’s

Not the end of the world I do purchase just 82 whopping kale seeds I’m going to make a ton of money from these of course it will require a lot of time a lot of energy to water up that kale but it’ll be worth it I also got some cauliflower

There as a reward for giving Gunther some artifacts and we’re back down in the mines wiping out some enemies making some progress run for 28 at the moment I was hoping for some sneaky ancient seeds off of these bugs but I don’t get that lucky met it down to the dark floors and

I picked up a dwarf scroll I actually get very lucky with the dwarf Scrolls I do get a lot very early on but it does take me quite some time to get the fourth scroll that I need to get the dwarfish translations guide I made it on

The FL 40 I pick up the slingshot I’m just going to throw that away because I don’t use the slingshot I will however keep the master slingshot I will need that for ginger Island later on let’s see if I get to Ginger island of course

When I get copper ore on the mid teer floors I always pick it up because copper is needed for KS it’s going to be needed for so many things later on in the video to make some decent money I do get the tundra boots that’s extra armor

For me we’re going to take all the defense we can get I just wiped out an elite slim there I picked up the lead rod that’s a big upgrade from the wood Club I was very happy with that managed to get a diamond on floor 56 was really

Lucky there the next day I pulled up more carrots from the ground I will sell those cards for extra money it was also time to check out a new area just up above the Georgia Mar and I’ve never seen this area before so this has been

Added with the 1.6 update there was some far up here that I could collect and I imagine this area would hold many more secrets that we get to uncover later on on our Fabulous Adventure so we’re now in the 9th and I need to be in a desert

By the 15th I needed more money so we had to pack in the caves for just a little bit and focus on money so I do decide to make some furnaces today now I made five furnaces in total it did use up most of the copper I had but it just

Means I won’t have to make furnaces for a long long time back to the mines for 55 I got another Diamond they sell for 750 gold to pop so that’s a really good source of money early on Double Diamonds the next floor I got a second Diamond I

Was really happy with that and on the next floor floor 57 I got a mystery node with a third Diamond that’s three diamonds in one day how can you ask for a better Lu the crystal dagger on floor 60 I’m not going to tr a crystal dagger

Away I’m going to keep it and sell it to Maryland Indie Adventures Guild for some extra cash I will get a few 200 gold for that it does make the difference early on that’s 200 extra gold in the bag level six fishing gives me a bait maker

And it also gives me a Saar bobber the bait maker would give you back bait specific to the fish you put in there that’s very helpful and the serer bobber attached to a rod will basically tell you what fish you’re trying to hook up both extremely useful fishing tools

We’re now on day 10 and look at all these fabulous potatoes we still have the kale grown but we’re going to get lots of money from this we also got a to skit up there as well and because it was raining we are going to attempt to pull

Up even more catfish we’re also going to go down to the tide pools to see if there’s any other fares we can get the reason why I wanted to get some extra fares is because I wanted to make the bait maker machine I needed some Coral I

Needed a sea archant and some iron bars to make it I wanted to put in some catfish to get back some catfish bed so I can pull up even more catfish to make a profit The Help Wanted Quest had a prize ticket as a side reward I picked

It up straight away it was then back down into the mines we were wiping out dust bries there’s a really cool Quest indicator on the right hand side of the screen that Tes our progress every time we kill a dust Sprite it was really helpful to have that once the dust bries

Were dead I did use up the rest of the DAT to make some progress in the mins I then went back to the farm I created the bait maker I just put it there beside the shipping bin and any sort of fish that I want to get more of in the future

I can just bop it in there to make bed for that fish I put in a gold star catfish but I only got back five pieces of catfish bed I wasn’t too impressed with that I was hoping for a little bit more but I’ll take it nonetheless I can

Put that back into my rod and it will dramatically increase the capture rate of catfish I got a cool cut scene here of Mr key flying over Serio Valley dropping all of these mystery boxes and mystery boxes can be found all over the place you can get them from Hing up the

Ground you can get it from killing enemies cutting down trees you can get it from fishing treasure chests they’re everywhere to be found Demetrius come along I selected mushrooms because mushrooms are way more profitable than the Batcave the book seller also visited Stu Valley he loads of books here some

Books will just give you XP towards a specific profession other books will give you actual powerful passive skills like the wave of the wind here it was 15,000 gold but it does make you run a little bit faster permanently we also had har the book makes sure har run

Faster old sther legs makes run faster to grass and crops I mean they’re all really handy the wood cutters weekly just gives you forge and XP but then we had the price catalog I wanted this the most I just couldn’t afford it right now cuz I wanted to get to the desert uh

That means you can see the value of your items in your inventory so it’s time to go to Georgia out yes Georgia for life let’s drive together everyone 5,000 gold for the Georgia membership and all I need now is 40,000 gold to get access to

The fabulous desert I had a few days to do it but I was feeling confident in my money-making abilities the next prize I got from using the price tick was an orange sapling I just put that down in the farm I was really curious about this

Aridium tea at this moment in time I’m calling it aridium tea cuz that’s what it looked like it looked like a fabulous cup of aridium tea the rest of the day again we spent fishing because I needed to prioritize money I really wanted to get into this desert event it would be

So nice to get to this event in the first year especially because the 1.6 is so new I just didn’t want to wait a whole year to experience it I got some mystery boxes too and Clint can break those open level three far now gives M

Soup and it also gives the cookout kit it’s nice to get the cooko kit earlier rather than later it was in time to water up our lovely kale and in the next day or two de kale will fully mature we can Harvest it and get tons of money I

Also got Clint to process these mystery boxes to see what they were all about 10 mix seeds is actually very impressive that’s 10 crops right there we can grow and sell I also got 10 10 quality fertilizers that’s a game Cher to get those early that’s going to dramatically

Increase the quality of my cops meaning more money for me I got a complete brick out of a trash can I’ll sell that I also got the master slingshot on floor 70 in the mines so I’m going to keep the master slingshot I will need that for

Ginger Island later on for the rest of the day we’re just making some regular progress to the mines I did get a quest off Clint to fetch some iron ores I decided to take that Quest on because I was farming up iron ORS anyway so the

Extra money was just going to be a handy side project for me all of these bats were a welcome addition the bat wings I can sell plus extra experience I gave Clint his iron ores he was over the moon about that and it was extra money in the

Bag for me I got 35 gold for those and I get to keep the yours as well later on I fished up the Neptune’s glaive it has been slightly modified it now gives a bonus plus tree attack it didn’t have that in 1.5 it was really nice to get it

I also got a diamond as well which was just beautiful I got the bone sword for killing the skeleton enemies but I’m going to swap it out now for the Neptune’s glaive because it is a far superior weapon the next day we’re sighing up all of our kale I also got to

Level up in farming I believe that’s farming level six now so I can make some quality sprinklers going forward I also got lots of eggs here from My Fabulous chickens and I do make mayonnaise machines very soon and I’m going to put the eggs inside to make an additional

Profit going forward I have four main EG Machines working there now at the moment it was time to go to our fabulous easter event now I didn’t come here to buy strawberries cuz I wanted to get into the desert I came here just to ensure I didn’t miss anything that might have

Been added to this because the 1.6 is new lot of updates I didn’t find anything new that was added so it was a bit of a waste I did get a free straw head though from whooping the kids at finding Easter eges so I suppose there

Was that before the day ended I did run down to the tide pools I nabbed up the fares and I processed some eggs into man is level five farming I’m going to go with Tor crops or 10% more because I suppose I’m using more crops now than

I’m using farm animals I haven’t even bought any additional chickens yet I made lots of money today from selling crops and other bits and Bobs 11,000 gold that money primarily came from selling the kale kale is actually quite a profitable crop it’s a very good spring crop indeed and I got some money

From the mayonnaise 190 gold each it wasn’t too bad at all so I’m going up to Robin today I noticed she had a big chest recipe for 5,000 gold I actually went up to sell some basic resources just to get my gold up to 40,000 in

Order to get 40,000 I would have to dig into some of my basic resources such as clay and wood and stone and things like that the big chest I will purchase later on uh it does basically give you much more space than that of a regular chest

I also noticed that she had all of the Brazier recipes accessible you didn’t have to buy one come back out of the menu and go back into to buy another they were all there for the taken which was great so to cap me off at 40,000 I

Created some spring seeds from all of the farsas I’ve been getting and I decided to send them to Pierre now you’re probably wondering why on Earth am I not making tea saplings and that’s quite simple concerned ape has nerfed the tea saplings how dare he you probably thought it would stop me it

Would prevent me from getting to the desert to see that event on year one but you cannot stop gamer gar concerned Abe I am a 100 day machine I can make money regardless of tea saplings or not anyways back to the challenge so we finally unlocked the bus we’re now back

In the mines made it down further got the firew Walker boots and here is a fabulous scene of marus working super hard fixing up the bus so we can get to the desert on day 15 I also got level eight fish and I can now make a deluxe

Worm bin this is actually a very overpowered machine the next day we’ve got down to the desert I’m going to swap in here a diamond for triple shot espresso and a ruby for the spicy e there’s tons of events going on here what we have here now is basically a

Vendor that we can talk to every few in-game hours or we can choose either the chicken the snail or the Scorpion to see who’s going to win the race if we choose correctly we will get the main event resource which is a Calico egg and

The more of those eggs that we get the more items we can buy from the various vendors around the event here’s just one of many vendors he said in mystery box boxes mummy mask blue bows all different types of clothes Mega bombs lucky lunches he’s also selling a wood cutters

Weekly skill book there which gives us forging XP we also had the traveling cart but she was closed until noon but that was just a regular traveling cart we also had a scholar here who will take us on in a quiz so for the first question who runs the animal shop in

Pelicant town that was Mary simple the next question though what season is AR CH growing I said fall that was correct and what season can he catch squid that was Winter all extremely simple questions the last one was where you might catch lavs that was easily floor

100 in the mines as first place we get 50 Calico eggs which was pretty nice this guy could send us home for 250 gold it just doesn’t make sense cuz the boss was literally right down there Willie had a quest to catch three sandfish and we would get more Calico eggs for that

So I do spend some time fishing up the old sandfish here for Good Old Willie now this event spans a cross three whole days and the quest activities within the event do slightly change over the three days so Willie will get me to catch something different the next day and

Something different than the third day I did get very lucky though and I got a diamond from a treasure chest there and I could trade that in for another triple shot expresso if I want there was also a chef that gave you an option to choose

Foods that you could make into a recipe for you I chose the rare fruit for the first type and for the second type I’m going to go with the uncomfortably hot sauce because I am a huge fan of spicy foods in real life and as far as I’m

Concerned the Spicer something is the better so I got a really cool cut scene here and he’s making the food for me and it’s actually going to give me a very powerful buff and I can actually go into skull Cavern with that it will help me greatly the food I got was called

Rumpled fruit skin and it gives me a plus three luck and a plus one to speed that’ be very helpful for skull Cavern we also had Shane as a vendor he was selling pizzas eggs pepper poppers things like that the vendors change every single day and sometimes you can

Actually even buy some of their weapons that were hidden in 1.5 you had to use the item spawner to get them that was quite cool there was also a clothes change inst stall as well and I managed to get a full set of free clothes thanks

To Emily so it was a nice change of appearance I got the camo Shir and the relaxed fit pants I also come across another NPC called cactus man he says that look in your eyes it says I need a cactus or I’m going to burst are you

Ready to welcome a new Cactus into your life I said yes of course great let’s see and he gives me a smiley looking Cactus I thought it was hilarious this one’s a little shy but I know you’ll become friends in no time well the shy ones are always the best aren’t they so

It was just a cactus decoration there was then SK Cav quests treasure hunt and deep dive I decided to go a deep dive to see if I could reach level 30 got cover now it was 3:40 p.m. during the day I was being a bit over optimistic there

But there were these cool statues that were now in skull Cavern they only pop up for the event though and they give you extra perks sometimes though they could give you debuffs but I got 50 eggs off that one I managed to grab an autog Grabber on floor 13 talk about lucky I

Can put the autog Grabber now into my Coupe it’s going to be a game changer I also got lots of additional Calico eggs down here as well what’s best I didn’t even need a skulky to go in the event just overrided that so I got an egg

Rating of 10 the egg rating all depends on how far you get down I didn’t get down very far I didn’t have an optimal setup but Gil did give me a prize he gave me 25 Calico eggs for the attempt which was nice I also got level five

Mining today so we’re going go Miner plus one or per Vin the next day there was a notice here said I’m going to the festival today so Pam wasn’t driving the bus not to worry though we can actually drive the bus ourselves we do still have

To pay 500 gold for the ticket though it was back out to the desert for the second day of the event this time Willie tasked me with catching a scorpion carp that wasn’t much of an issue at all once I gave every scarping carp into Willie

He gave me 50 Calico eggs which was great I was now up on 261 eggs spoke to Marlin here as well to see what quest he had for the skull Cavern dive he had Deep dive again reached up a 30 but he also had Monster Hunt slay 10 serpents I

Go at Monster Hunt straightway because serpents are very common and before you know it you’re going to have a serpent in your face in skull Cavern whether you like it or not I tried to open up the trash can for more eggs but lonus was already there for me you just can’t

Compete with him when it comes to trash G can you the scholar had nothing else to say to me I would have to wait a whole year before I could take on his quizzes again we had new NPCs in the Stars Abigail this time we could purchase her ball and we can also

Purchase her weapon there which is a level eight dagger plus four crit chance it’s not bad but I just didn’t have the eggs for it Caroline was trying to sell me some tea saplings I said no sorry Caroline they’ve been nerfed I want nothing more to do with you thanks for

Your service while it lasted though we had fun times indeed it was back into SK camer picked up the dark boots that’s actually an upgrade from the firewalker boots especially in the defense department one extra defense I take that straight away there was also a Calico

Nose on the ground we could mine these open for additional Calico eggs that we could use with many of the merchants around the event area I got very lucky today on floor 35 picked up a prismatic Shard from blown open an aridium node

Today I got an egg rating of 20 I met it down to maybe floor 30 something and Marlin was fairly impressed with that so he gave me 100 Calico eggs and he also gave me an extra reward as well he gave me a triple shot espresso level four

Farg I can now make a new item a mushroom log I’m telling you right now these things are insanely overpowered they’re crazy good I also going to get fighter cuz I got combat level five so I made some bombs today because for the last day I want to do pretty well in the

SC Cavern before we went back to our regular spring activities it was time to go back to the desert and try our hand again and another skull Cavern run we’re going to go with monster hunt again and try to slay 10 serpents we’re also going

To get a chef to cook us up the exact same buff food as he done the last two times so it’s plus one to speed plus three to look we’re off to SK Cavern I got a hole here in floor six I got down 15 levels that’s the best you can get

From a hole it was very nice to get that inside a treasure chest I picked up another Prismatic Shard Super Lucky there’s also a statue there as well that would give me a really cool buff and gave me a speed boost and that speed boost would last for the duration of the

Time I was in there with all of the Calico eggs of most of manway I purchased all of the mystery boxes I also got some strawberry seeds as well and I got some other bits and Bobs including a skill book I managed to find the mushroom cave was it was actually

Kind of hidden uh it took me quite the exploration effort to find it inside was lot of different types of mushrooms four common mushrooms two red mushrooms I needed five of a mushroom type though to use that dehydrator that dehydrator will convert fruit into dried fruit you’re

Going to get big profits from it and you do get a free one off Demetrius if you choose the mushroom cave so it’s just more perks to choose the mushroom cave you don’t get it if you choose the Batcave I had 25 mystery boxes for Clint

To open what I got there was a mixed flower seed when you plant those depending on the season you’ll get back flowers you so because it’s spring you can get back tulips for example or jazzes I got a book of mystery here it’s actually quite good a slightly great a

Chance to find Mystery Boxes and that is a book of power so we can use that now to get a really powerful passive ability that we’ll have for the rest of the game so we just have to right click on the book and we’ve learned a new power to

Check out our powers we just have to this new UI screen we can highlight over the book and it will tell us what it’s all about a slightly greater chance to find Mystery Boxes we also had the forest magic as well so we could read those junimo Community Center requests

Back on the farm we’re going to plant down all of the mix seeds we got from those mystery boxes it does mean more money for us of course we will have the water up the crops but not to worry we will have quality sprinklers very soon I

Was plugging away with all of the artifacts and minerals with Gunter because I got a lot of geod out of the skull Cavern which was nice it’s time to go back to desert today and we’re going to swap in our Prismatic Shard for a Galaxy sword and to get a Galaxy sword

This early is a game changer we don’t even have level 120 of the regular mines unlocked so we’re going to go back down to the regular mines now to make progress with a Galaxy weapon which is totally unheard of but look with new updates comes New Opportunities and it

Just makes for really versatile play which is what I love about this update I also had some bombs to I was letting off just to make faster progress in the mines I wanted to get down to floor 120 as quickly as possible to get their skull key so I could start doing skull

Cavern runs I picked up the obsidian Edge there floor 90 PS in comparison though to the Galaxy sword so just sell that instead at 12,000 gold today primarily from selling aridium bars that I got in Scott Cavern they sell for 1,000 gold a pop eventually they will

Sell for 1,500 gold once we get that lovely level 10 mining Park Flor 100 got the star drop Happy Days and we’re still progressing even further came across a loot of crates here was getting more mystery boxes and stuff like that got down to floor 120 eventually picked up

The skull key we can now do skull Cavern runs which was nice the next day I got find 1,000 gold for passing out before I got to the farm because it was very late when I got to skull key not to worry though sometimes you do have to make

Sacrifices to make some decent progression it was something to harvest some cauliflowers now and I was going to keep one gold star cauliflower for the Lu and summer for that lovely friendship bonus and I was going to keep one more for the Jordi side quest cuz Jordi will

Eventually ask me for a cauliflower it was time to upgrade some tools we’re going to start with the copper pickaxe because it was just beting to the point now where it was taking too many swings to break open regular nose and the regular mines and if I go into Scot

Cavern with a regular pickaxe it’s just going to be painful so Willie has a new bobber machine it’s absolutely amazing at the moment we have a few Barber Styles we can select from I’m going to go with the duck I mean it has to be the dock it’s absolutely one of the coolest

Bers there for the rest of the challenge you’re going to see me fish with a cool dock bobber I also purchased a pizza of gust because I want to dance with someone for the flower dance event and I feel like the best person now to do that

With would be Shane cuz his birthday is coming up and I want to give him the pizza to get the bonus venure points I wanted to do it with Haley but I forgot about her during the events over on the desert so it’s going to be Shan now it’s

Going to pick up the pieces so this is going to get me a lot of friendship points with shame because he loves pizza and I just have to give him one or two more gifts to get him up to four Hearts so he’ll dance with me during the flower

Dance event I’m also going to fill up the farm now with kale tons of kale cuz I’d like to go into summer with some decent money especially for Star things like that so I spent the whole day putting down kale watering it up and I also put five common mushrooms into this

Dehydrator and it does take a full day for that dehydrator to work its magic it is worth the though you get back some nice profits outside of my lovely chicken CPE there were trees and rocks and other debris I decided to clear away all of the debris I also decided to

Clear away the regular grass so the special Blue Grass would expand itself because if they eat that to get bonus friendship level five Forin I’m going to go with Forester cuz we’re not really using te sapplings at all trees drop 25% more wood that will be needed especially

For kegs and whatnot later on in the video the next inste I picked up dried common mushrooms of 113 energy and 50 Health what I was curious about the most though was how much it was going to sell for so I do sell it I gave Shane a beer

Today and then I spoke to him and just by talking to him gave me just enough friendship points to push him up to four Hearts which was great I could now ask him to be my flower dance partner also had a look at Mar’s stock she was selling new decorations here dog houses

Cat trees even a birdhouse it was all really cool stuff I had to buy some hair off Marin because I didn’t have a silo just yet and I was running out of hair I will prioritize a silo eventually it’s time to get some chickens let the namic

Invention begin and I’m going to name all the animals off of my channel members so we have darra and panox and KY for the rest of the day I’m just pulling up some fish to get more money I also want to get my fishing skill to 10

So I can get a go after the legend before the season is finished with so I I got 325 gold from those Droid common mushrooms that is a profit just so you know because if I sold those five mushrooms without processing them I would have only got 200 gold so I’m at

125 gold profit there from that was time to smell some bars go back in here to the coupe check up on our lovely mayonnaise collection it was in after Robin I was going to get Robin to construct a silo here because hay is just too expensive early on in the game

And The Silo is very cheap to make and it will save us tons of money got my copper pickaxe off Clint but we’re going to give in the axe now to upgrade to a copper axe cuz I wanted to get rid of all those tree stumps on the farm and I

Also wanted to get my hands on some early hardwood the book seller was back in town I had 6,000 gold I purchased a skill book here just to get some fishing XP just to help me get up to level 10 fishing then went into the caves I got

The ghost fish I got the stonefish it was then half down and I got a cave jelly that was my first cave jelly I was trying to get the ice pip but the cave jelly gives you plus one to look that’s actually pretty cool but I’m keeping all

The jellies to make those lovely smoking machines that are on so we get the double value of the fish I pulled up an ice pip which was nice and it was down to floor 100 to try to get lava eels that wasn’t happening today I needed to

Get better gear for lav eel so I purchased an aridium route with a trap bobber and I was finally able to get lava eel then I was just getting bad luck on the previous day it just kept escaping me with the lav E cat that was

All of The Cave Fish done including the cave jelly I found another book of power here from a fishing Treasure Chest jewels of the sea finding treasure chest has a chance to give you raar and that raw is specific to what kind of fish you

Pulled up so if you pulled up with set a large Mount bass you could potentially get large amount bass raw which is really nice that means if you were to put up a lav eeld you get lav e r that stuff is actually quite profitable level

10 fishing of course we will get angler fish worth 50% more more and then it was pulling up lots of Chups next a from our farm thanks to our new type of flow mix seeds which is really nice so we’re going to have to water up the crops and

Then we are going to the flower dance we’re going to get the Tob of flowers recipe here cuz we will need all of the recipes we will need to make everything to get Perfection I’m also going to get the rare Crow as well and it was time to

Boogie on down and show off my skills as the new Queen of the flower dancers the next day it was raining got some more dried common mushrooms I also got some coffee beans and some strawberries as well which was nice puted up some cauliflowers and we’re off the Clint to

Get our copper ax back we could now get our hands on some hardwood it was then time to eat a dish over the sea that gives me plus three to fishing and it was time to take on the legend fish himself I actually managed to get it on

The first attempt which was nice in my opinion the legend is way easier than the glacier fish I think truly the glacier fish is the hardest fish to get in the game even though the legend does B around quite a lot it is quite contained it’s quite controlled compared

To that of the glacier fish with the legend CAU I wasn’t going to sell it straight away I wanted to smoke this thing up to see if it would actually double the value of that fish for the rest of the day I was just getting catfish cuz just still quite profitable

And I wanted loads of money going into summer I went to Clint as well to get my pickaxe upgraded to a steel pickaxe in my opinion that’s the minimum requirement for a skull cavn run which would be a steel pickaxe the next day it was time to start making

Some quality sprinklers for that I needed some refined quartz I also needed some iron and gold bars the kale was ready to be harvested so I’m going to get loads of money now from all this kale and I’ll be able to set up the farmed then with sprinklers for a good

Summer production I made lots of quality sprinklers today 10 in total for now I do end up making more though and they’re going to make life so much easier going forward I didn’t have the luxury of the UI info Suite so I actually had to focus here putting down the sprinklers to make

Sure that they covered all of the spots and that they didn’t overlap with each other I also went to Pierre because it was his birthday I gave him a kale and he was very happy with that I then sold the rest of the kale to Pier bringing me

Up to 34,000 gold which was really nice indeed I decided to treat myself to the last backpack upgrade so I’m not showing away valuable items it was then finally time to make the fish smoker I I had all of the cave jellies caught just to make

One and I had some hardwood as well from breaking over some stumps with my copper axe it actually accepted the legend fish so it’s going to be very interesting to see if it will actually double in value if it does then the whole fishing mechanic of Serio Valley will have

Dramatically changed and we’ll be able to use that smoking machine to make some serious money later on for the rest of the day we’re running around the farm got some unmilled rice there and I was just collecting some Haze for my Silo to keep my fabulous chickens happy I try my

Best to ignore the Blue Grass just so that can expand more and there we have it a smoked Legend 22,500 gold it’s absolutely incredible incredible profits it was back to Rin out the next day it was time to construct another building this time I wanted to go with the big Coupe I wanted

To expand the Animal Kingdom on our lovely 1.6 Farm not only will this give us a population of up to eight animals but it can also take ducks got my steel pickaxe off Clint happy days it was time then to upgrade our axe to a steel axe

This just means that I can go to a lot more areas now around the map including the secret Woods where you’ve got lots of tree stumps inside there it was time for a skull Cavern run I got six spicy eels and I just spent the whole day in

The SK Cavern just blowing up ORS and whatnot now I didn’t make it down too far today but you have to start somewhere I did however come across some really nice resources I got a few bits of a r more not a huge amount and I got

One or two treasure rooms as well I picked up a few small bits in those nothing major though the serpents were really nice to kill because they were dropping mystery boxes and things like that I came to this room here number 48 and I kid you not I had to break open

Almost every single node in this room to finally get an exit now in all fairness I got a hole dropped down 11 floors but it was just a kind of a bad day in it’s called Cavern I did get the final dwarf scroll though so I can now finally get

Dwarf’s translations guide and that dwarf is really handy cuz we can buy bombs off him as well if we need bombs going forward it was time to go back to mors I had 21,000 gold I wanted to unlock the mine carts because the Fast Travel was just really screwing me over

Right now and it’s a great timesaver I also picked up a quest here for Clint he wanted me to mine up 15 calls to Aid an understanding of local minerals I didn’t care too much about the cause what I did care about was that fabulous priz ticket

So so it was straight down into the regular mines killing dust bries to pick up coal and it was going to be another lovely prized ticket of Clint back to the ticket machine to get another lovely reward this time it was going to be 15 of those flower seeds but I just needed

Two more tickets I could get that lovely iridium cup of tea to see what it was all about we were now finally in the season of Summer and as we can see the book seller comes twice in a summer we had the Lu event and the dance at

Moonnight jellies but it was a new event Detroit Derby which took place on the 20th and the 21st so it’s going to be very interesting to see what that event is about and what kind of rewards we can get from it first things first all it

Was back to Clint to get our steel Axe and then it was after the desert just to buy some star fruit from Sandy but before that we had to look around and I got a new item here summer squash seeds and this is basically the equivalent of

The carrots we got in spring because we’re now in summer we get squash seeds instead and they take a few days to grow but they would produce afterwards until the season’s over with so it’s really cool Sandy was also sending mannequins here male and female and we could put hats

And all sorts of clothes on them and it’s going to make for a really cool decoration item we can set us up all around the farm now I had some money so I was able to get 69 starf fruit seeds here in total that wasn’t too bad now

Going to the summer obviously I have done much better in the past but because there’s so many new updates now to experience I didn’t really want this to be a super you know money run I want it to be more of a varied run just so I get

To experience all of the content it was then time to do more fishing summer is here and all of the new fish need to be picked up for the fishing collection the super cucumber is really good fish for profits I also had to go at the legendary fish of Summer the Crimson

Fish ah he didn’t give me too much trouble I will smoke this fish though and get double the profit for this one it’s going to be really really nice I did smoke a few fish as we can see the smoked Crimson fish double the value almost 6,800 gold and a smoked super

Cucumber com R in at 1,00 Gold that’s not bad at all and it just goes to show how overpowered this fish smoker is going to be so I got some other fish goodies today the chuna tilapia the red mullet I also got the puffer fish as well all needed for the fishing

Collection of course I also decided to go into the secret Woods here and have a gander so I broke away the big tree stump there and the great thing about the secret Woods is that these tree stumps will still spawn every single day so we’re never going to run out of

Hardwood I also got the wood skip here too the wood skip is a fish native to the secret woods so we need that for the fishing collection it was time to make a tree farm using acorns because I needed to get Oak resins to make EGS down the

Road I managed to H up a skill book The Stu Valley Almanac and we just had to read this to get some farming XP which is really nice so it’s just nice to pick up books like that and get some bonus XP I think it just makes the game way more

Fluid I went to Robin here as well it was time to construct a fish punt the reason for this was I was just basically investigating to see if I could put those jellies into the fish pond to get back loads and jellies to make loads of

The of the smokers for the fish so Willie was selling super cucumber bait today and I purchased all of this because super cucumbers is one of the most profitable fish in summer so I’m going to put that bait into my ride to see if I can get tons of super cucumbers

And I did the bait is actually really effective so Robin is making a fish pan there but it made a mistake I put the construction beside my orange tree sapling and now my orange tree sapling is not going to grow so I’m going to have to move that fish pond when it’s

Fully built I got Clint to break open more geod though because I really wanted to make some more progress here with Gunther and the progress is coming along quite well I do have a lot of minerals now and artifacts hand in from doing the skull Caverns getting geod and fishing I

Managed to get to Dorado today and that’s actually a very rare fish to get in cindersap Forest there was a quest here to go to local mines and kill four of those crab creatures I didn’t care too much for the quest itself but when I saw the prize ticket I just couldn’t

Help myself it was straight down into the mines on a crab Onslaught the next day was a very weird day the screen was a bit kind of green and when I clicked on the weather Port it was just loads of dots on the Telly I went outside to this

Green strange rain and I noticed that there was Weeds littered all over my farm some weeds were small some were really big but it was also weird looking trees on my farm as well and I was very curious about this I didn’t know if it

Was a super rare event or if you were guaranteed to get this event on the 5ifth I also picked up a Massy seed and it says this can be planted to grow rare and wild trees so I was actually quite interested in this and I always thought

That that was going to be some sort of a a star drop tree but no it’s to grow some sort of a rare and wild tree I was getting loads of Mass from wiping out these weeds and whacking the trees and mass is needed for a few recipes in the

Game so I went into the saloon here to talk to a few people in Mar Le I just got to form with the governor apparently this red is supposed to be completely harmless just an unusual phenomenon of nature still some of the towns work are panicking which is never could I spoke

To a few more people just to get the dialogue Gus says I saw her weather report and he wants to know if there’s monsters out there Willie says oh I hope these weird RS don’t bother the fish it could ruin me life all Willie thinks about is fish and all fairness Willie

Needs to expand these Horizons Pam thinks it’s a sign from the almighty we’re doomed Pam can be so funny at times time to speak to someone with a calm mind lonus says all these strange trees will be gone tomorrow it’s one of the mysteries of Nature and that confirms it

I had one day to make the most of this weird weather condition me just was in a hazmat suit don’t mind me G gar I’m just collecting some samples this may be a once in lifetime opportunity if you see my wife can you tell her I’m okay I came

Across another tree here I cut it down straight away and I got fiddlehead FS from it so interesting the wizard says though the unusual reins may be alarming there’s nothing to fear on this day in fact it is a day of great joy for many living things so so that was nice to

Hear the wizard would have some knowledge about that as well the next day my trees went back to normal all of the weeds disappeared I did however have two new items I had tons of mass and I had Massy seeds and I planted those seeds and I will put fertilizer on those

Once I managed to get that from the faring skill so this is my current Tree Farm also I believe that that green rain acted as some sort of a fertilizer because some of my trees grew very quickly so I think the green Ren also helps all of your trees grow very fast

It was finally time to get this aridium tea but in fact it wasn’t called aridium tea it was called star drop tea at least that was half right a very special gift that would Delight anyone it’s basically a universal loved gift that anybody loves I also pulled up the octopus today

It was quite a catch so I tried to see if I could put a jelly into the fishing pond that wasn’t letting me that was a huge bummer I really hope there’s some sort of a way that we can Farm tons of these jellies so we can make loads of

Fish smoking machines so we can double the price of loads of fish at once so I just to put the octopus in there instead just to do something with the Fish Bond octopus raw isn’t bad when it comes to selling it was time for another lovely community development project this time

We’re going to go with the bridge and travel to the Quarry to see if 1.6 added anything new to the Quarry Mars is working super hard here with his co-workers fixing up the bridge the next day we start by pulling up some lovely coffee beans we also get our first

Summer squash 130 energy and 50 health I will sell that though to see how profitable it is it’s probably going to be the same as the car though I also went to Robin I’m going to get her to build a barn so we can put cows and

Everything else inside it lus says how did the M Harvest go he he my bed is a lot softer now you got to hand it to minus he’ll make the best out of any situation it was then time to smell some bars I had a chat with a traveling cart

Lady today I’m going to purchase a rare seed from hor so I can get that star drop and fall so that’s a no-brainer right there she also sold a retro catalog for 111,000 gold I might purchase that later on if I end up with tons of money I

Spent a good portion of today just breaking down wood I finally got level seven Farine bring on the tree fertilizer the Quarry had some new nodes it had some coal nodes this was a much needed feature of the game some sort of a no that gave coal it was always really

Hard to get coal now it’s a bit easier when I went into the Quarry cave though I noticed a massive Rock here and I couldn’t actually break it open with my steel pickaxe what was inside at the time I didn’t know but I got really excited and I just wanted to upgrade my

Pickaxe as quickly as possible to see what was in there I tried a bomb it didn’t work I tried the one just up above as well before I got the golden sight wasn’t happening I picked up the golden sight now just in case there’s some sort of secret or trick behind it I

Equipped the golden sight I just SW swung at it just to see if anything would happen but no it was an actual rock and I needed a stronger pickaxe to break it open I went to Gus here now it was his birthday I gave him the star

Drop tea and he absolutely loved it he put him right up the Tre hearts that was pretty nice indeed it was then back to Clint it was time to upgrade my tools I was going to get the gold pickaxe there as fast as I could just so I can Venture

Further into the Quarry cave so I made tons of worm bins there you’re probably asking why I’m been making worm bins and the answer is simple to upgrade them to Deluxe worm bins these Deluxe worm bins will now generate Deluxe bait every single day which is absolutely amazing

Delux bait is just so good a bigger fishing bar and fish will bite at a faster rate what more could you ask for I finally got level eight farming I could now make kegs praise Yoba it was time to make some serious money but we

Had to wait for the starfruit to come to fruition first the next day I got lots of deluxe which was nice I also made loads of tree fertilizer just to expedite the growth on all of my ever growing trees I also noticed that a lot of my trees had some green texture on

Them and if I whack those trees with my sword i’ actually get back Mass which is going to be really helpful I also visited the book seller today good old marcelo’s books I had 177,000 gold so I wanted to get the price catalog which would finally show me what everything is

Worth instead of having to sell it and then checking the prices out the next day it was just a total Game Changer right there a new book of power has been learned that’s the price catalog you’re also noticed too I got another book to the right that’s the monster compendium

Just so you know all that book of power does is sometimes monsters will drop additional loot I picked up the gold pickaxe of Clint today it was time to go straight back into the Quarry to see what Secrets L ah hate I noticed a new enemy here some sort of a weird looking

Skeleton I’m pretty sure they pop open the hardened versions of the mines but he only dropped bone fragments and that was kind of it didn’t drop anything else there wasn’t anything else really in this expanded part of the Quarry cave it was just it was just an expansion with

More nodes and whatnot if anybody has figured out any sort of addition secrets with the quari cave please let me know I have a sneaking suspicion that there’s more secrets to be had inside those two rooms I got extremely lucky today I managed to get a magic rock candy off a

Floy skull this is something like a .1% drop rate chance to get a magic rock candy off a Floy skull and it actually happened to me and I had footage to show it I was so happy with that it’s probably one of the rarest things that

Can happen to you inside this game is to get a magic rock candy off a Floy skull my octopus is want to refine quartz who am I to say no it was back to Fabulous Georgia to get another project completed this time we we had a choice between the

Greenhouse and the panning we’re going to go with the panning and what’s great about this is that we can actually upgrade the pan now to make it better it was maru’s birthday she got a battery pack more friendship points for Maru we are going for Perfection after all so it

Is in our best interest to capitalize on those birthdays for the bonus friendship points Maris surely must be the most hardworking man in staru Valley besides myself of course it was time for the luo we finally get to use our ghost our cauliflower that’s going to give us the

Best result with the governor and that is going to give us an absolute ton of friendship points with all of the staru valley NPCs mayor Lewis is very happy with it as well the next day it was time to put a Tapper on this new tree but the tree

Wouldn’t take the Tapper so we couldn’t tap this tree for any sort of resource but this tree wasn’t useless this tree will occasionally generate mass that we would get to collect so it’s basically a Mastery back down into the mines and we are collecting iron ores gearing up for

A big scull Cavern run so I wanted coal I wanted iron ores to make bombs I went to Gus I purchased loads of salads so I can sustain myself for big SC Cavern runs as well and I then went to the dwarf I wanted to get the dwarfish

Safety manual book of power bombs deal 25% less damage to us that’s a game changer right there but I couldn’t afford it cuz I spent most of my money on salads and whatnot I do get it later on though I went back into the Quarry just to see if anything new would happen

A new enemy spawned here but this is just another regular enemy from the Harden versions of the mines nothing special going on there I made more bombs today 51 in total thanks to all of the iron ores that I gathered in the regular mines I then took the magic rock candy I

Got from the flirty skull it’s was time to do a serious skull Cavern run and what a run it was so I got down to floor 17 picked up a white turban it’s actually one of my favorite hats and I equipped that straight away just to kind

Of change up my style a bit I got an ambush floor on floor 32 normally I do skip past the Ambush floors but I really wanted a dinosaur egg and these dinosaurs also count towards monster radication goals so I said you know what let’s just wipe them all out I managed

To get another autog Grabber here when I got close to floor 100 super lucky I can put that into the barn when I fill it up with barn animals I passed out on floor 97 I was so close to get to floor 100

But it was a good run and I got level 10 mining we’re going to go with blacksmith metal bars wor 50% more that’ll be game changer for so a rid embarass the next day I pulled up some starfruit I also pulled up some melons all that starfruit

Now can be converted into starfruit wine but I wanted to see what else to 1.6 had in store so instead I’m just going to sell all the star fruit directly to Pierre cuz I just wanted to get into Ginger Island I know I could have made

Way more money if I just waited a few more days but I’m very impatient it was time to unlock the greenhouse and now I can finally go to Ginger Island and see see what updates concerned EP is put inside there I also got the safety manual book of power I also going to

Pick up the rarecrow here as well after dwarf we will need all of the rear crows to get the Delux rarecrow which is needed for Perfection I smelled some Meridian bars and did some fishing up beside the adventurers Guild here’s a great scene of a raccoon running away from a construction site

But marus is working hard fixing up my Greenhouse thank you very much marus the next day was the big celebration day we have completed all of the current Georgia Community developments we get to soda machine the soda machine is now actually quite good because the Georgia

Cor it gives you a speed buff it’s actually not a bad machine at all the next day I’m putting down some electrical rods they’re going to give me some battery packs when we get to Stormy Weather I’m also going to get some hardwood here I need to repair the hole

Of the ships so I need lots of hardwood I checked out the mushrooms I got a few purple mushrooms I’m actually saving up all those different mushroom types to see how profitable the dried mushroom variant is Gunther visited me the next day he’s going to give me now the key to

The sours so we can get down to kobus we can see if kobus has any new and exciting items for us since 1.6 released I’m also going to make some kegs here I’m just making nine kegs at the moment but I do end up making a lot more I’m

Just going to put the cakes inside of my cop I managed to keep a few starf fruit aside to put into these cakes so these starf fruit will pay off Big Time starfruit wine is of course one of the most profitable Artisan Goods in the game 200 hardw for the hull repair five

Battery packs to repair the ticket system and five aridium bars to repair the anchor so the boat was now fully fixed up we can now Venture forth to Ginger Island we also unlocked the door to the sores we had a chat with kobus here and he had a few new things he has

A wizard catalog butterfly powder sprinkle on a pet to remove them from your farm and it’s permanent who would ever want to use butterfly powder shame on you if you use it shame on you it was time to get that juicy star drop though and increase our maximum

Energy I managed to pull up the decorative trash can out of the fountain here because I just think it’s a really cool decoration I then went back down to the regular mines I was farming some iron ore for the Quest for Clint but the iron ore will come in handy anyway to

Make EGS and other stuff down the road so I managed to get a very rare item here from a trash can and it was the garbage hat and it’s just such a rare hat to get I just had to show him my footage I have opened up hundreds and

Hundreds of trash cans and this is something that never comes out so I was quite fortunate to get that here’s a cool scene of Robin and Willie fixing up the boats we can now do Ginger Island runs I got my aridium pickaxe today and it couldn’t have came a moment sooner

Because the volcano dungeon is quite a difficult dungeon to do if you don’t have an aridium pickaxe so we’re now taking the board down to Ginger Island what new Mysteries await us the first thing we need need to do anyway is gather all of the golden walnuts so we

Can make some decent progression on Ginger Island and these golden walnuts are scattered all over the map the first one is more or less a free be given to you just before you get to Lego’s house but we also get Tre tent kits and tent

Kits are really useful if you put down a tent you can go to sleep straight away you’ll wake up the next day in exactly the spot you put down that tent it’s so good there’s a secret golden wet just down there to the south of the South

Pedestal there’s also a golden Walnut in the tree there inside Leo’s house we’re going to talk to this parot and open up some of the ginger Island map there’s golden wallnuts that can be hauled up all over the place I’m just going to show you a few here it’s just basically

A quick tactic on how we can get the house the first day we come here there’s also a George app parot here if we click on him it wants 1,200,000 gold to find golden walnuts now just so you know that price scales with how many walnuts you’ve currently found so the more gold

Of walnuts you find the less you have to pay that parrot to find the rest it’s it’s actually really handy if you’re very close to getting 100 golden walnuts and you just want to get into Key’s Secret Walnut Room if you have a few 100,000 gold on you you can just pay

That it’ll find all of them for you then and you can just go get on with the rest of the ginger Island I do not recommend it for players new the ginger Island I would highly recommend that you seek out the walnuts on your own and just don’t

By your way to success because it is quite the experience finding all the golden walnuts the way they’re originally meant to be found so this is just a mini puzzle here you can hit him with a watering can too if you have an upgrade a watering can so we upgrade the

House which means we don’t need to use the tank kits we can sleep here tonight wake up the next morning but we do go back to Serio Valley because I wanted to look at the books again and I had some money here so I purchased the book here

That increases my movement speed that’s a new book of power I got back Ginger Island I spent half the day on this csed csed miname it took me about 20 attempts to get it right oh if concerned a is listening please make that event easier please it was then off doing a volcano

Run and there’s some really good stuff you can get in the volcano we do need golden wall that’ss from here though there’s five you can get from killing monsters there’s a few you can get from the chests there’s five you can get from mining open ORS and there’s five from

The dwarfish cashes the dwarf vendor on five sells the diamond Hunter book of power all stones have a chance to drop a diamond when mined by hand that means if you’re using your pickaxe not you using bombs you have a chance to get a diamond it’s quite the book of power but you

Need 10 diamonds to buy it so we will save up and come back to that later there was a strong Windstorm during the night never got that before didn’t really know at the time what it meant but it does open up a really cool and

Cute quest line for us that we get to experience soon so we’re just making our way now to the volcano dungeon again want to get up to the forge this time and I have a lot of bombs here on me so we’re getting lots of golden walnuts we’re also getting Journal scraps as

Well and some of those Journal scraps are important to get more golden walnuts we get a prismatic Shard going up the floor 10 and our first inchant is going to be on our galaxy sword we get bug killer I was hoping for Crusader but bug killer isn’t bad does mean we can

Oneshot those armored bugs in the skull Caverns it’s now time to free Professor snail this will unlock his archaeology side quests we have to go and find all of the fossils around Ginger Island to get loads of um golden wallets we’re going to do his survey report luckily

Concerned EP has not changed any of the answers here to the two questions that are asked still the exact same aners as before he did however NF one artifact in particular it’s now super simple to get it’s going to surprise you but before we

Get to that it is time to go back to Serio Valley the annual chout Derby has begun so we’re going to collect our batter packs pet our dog and we’re going to go down to cindersap Forest and basically every time we catch a rainbow

CH we have a chance to get a golden tag the more golden tags we get the better prizes we get off the merchant that’s basically the whole event you could spend the whole day here fishing up rainbow trouts when we click on get reward then we’re going to get numerous

Rewards we can get tents we can get diamonds we can other bits and pieces but a diamond is probably the best thing you can get the quality sprinkler isn’t bad but if you’re big on farming by the time you get to the more or less end of summer you don’t really need extra

Quality sprinklers nonetheless though it was a cool event I got a bucket hat which was a new hat item and so I decided to put it on straight away to see what it looked like and I think it just looked kind of stylish if I do say

So myself it was then back to the dwarf it was his birthday gave him a lemon Stone he was very happy with that extra friendship points there it was then time to check out this new quest line I noticed when I went back down to C Forest there was a question mark above

This tree stump when I clicked on it it said the old tree is gone however with a 100 pieces of hardwood this could be fixed up I was so excited I got my axe straight away and it was off going all true s Valley getting all of the

Hardwood I could when I was finished with all of the stumps I went over to Ginger Island there was loads of hardwood over here to be gotten so getting 100 pieces was super simple because of all the hardwood you can get on Ginger Island I fixed up the tree

Stump straight away and I turned it into a small cute little house it even had a window and a light on inside in a little chimney it was the cutest thing ever and I wondered to myself who’s going to move into this house what’s going to happen I

Was just so excited it was then time to get lots of starfruit wine this was sell for loads of money but before I sold it I got level 10 fan so we’re going to go to Artisan so I get 4% more for the wine I made some meridium sprinklers today

I’m going to put those down inside the greenhouse and I’m going to use the greenhouse primarily for bits and Bobs maybe I’ll put some staff in here and fall my put some other stuff in here as well but it took me a while to put down those sprinkers because I didn’t have

The UI info Suite mod activated but I think it did a pretty good job I H up the place and then I planted some more starfruit seeds I purchased up Sandy here I got 102 in total which wasn’t too shabby at all there was a little bit of

A patch left over but that wasn’t a bad thing I could put other stuff to fill up that patch a raccoon moved into the house he says hungry need fish and he was looking for five cockles and a smoked tilapia not to worry I was on it

Straight away now I did need one or two more cockles so I put down some um fishing traps there to get that I did go back to him though with the tilapia I got that fairly easy enough and that was an aridium quality didn’t make a

Difference to him though I just had to wait for the cocket in the meantime so it was like a mini community Center which is doing it with a raccoon instead I wonder is he a cousins of Rocket I wonder do concerned a like watching Guardians of the Galaxy and that’s where

He got inspiration to put raccoon down there who knows I finally give in the cockus he says thanks Bobo take this I was rewarded with 25 broccoli seeds and I figured these were similar to the carrot seeds and the summer squash seeds but you just plant these in fall and it was

Give you back broccoli which is really cool who doesn’t love a good play of boiled broccoli am I right or steamed broccoli I got some catfish today it was Wily’s birthday he loves catfish more friendship points there for Willie I then decided to put some of my Manny

Coffee beans into the cakes to get back some coffees like a turnos into the triple shot espressos I also put down some more tree seeds here as well to get some hardwood in the future and I put the broccoli inside my Greenhouse cuz I

Wanted to see if it was going to be the same as the carrots and the summer squash level eight fene I can make the survival Burger but more importantly the tent kit I can tell you right now the tent kit is going to be very important for highly successful skull Cavern runs

In the future because it was Thursday Sandy was sending Deluxe spe for 80 gold to pop I purchased loads I put that down in the greenhouse later I went to Robin it was time to construct another Farm building this time we’ll go with the big

Barn so I can put even more barns inside I went back to the greenhouse with my Delux spe gr and I’m going to put this on everything it’s just going to dramatically speed up the starfruit because I wanted to convert that into starfruit wine to get more money the

More money I get the more I can do I’m going to give Clint my axe upgrade to a gold ax because I’m cutting down an awful amount of trees I need wood for so many things it won’t hurt to have a good axe to do that I’m now on the quest to

Get all of the artifacts needed for Professor snail side quest I also fished up a blue discus there as well that’s one of the fish need for the fishing collection I managed to get the filiz spine too which is needed for Professor snail’s Quest look at this I managed to

Get a snake vertebrae from just mining open Stone I actually couldn’t believe it when it popped out snake vertebraes are now super easy to get they used to be insanely hard to get back in the day back in the 1.5 days you had to hold up

Out of the ground it was just so rare it’s now super easy to get I also got another golden water down there with a pearl and I also managed to fish up the line fish too which is needed for the fishing collection along with the snake skull for Professor snail side quest so

I had enough golden walnuts assembled where I could fish up the beach area Here and Now loads of NPCs would come over from Stu Valley and visit including Gus we need Gus to come here to get a recipe of him I got access to a new area

Where I fished up a gold a walnut you can H up another one just outside there and there’s a sneaky one inside the Pirates Cove here just down at the bottom right also inside the Pirates C there’s a fish we need it’s known as the stingray we need that for the fishing

Collection I also got the mummified frog from whacking open the weeds and I also started the Gard puzzle as well we put an aquam Marine there because that came off the South Gard so that oine goes into the South pedestal the gold pickaxe off Clint I also got to break open some

Golden coconuts because I needed the fossilized skull for Professor snail side quest and I got that no problem at all it was sent back to Ginger Island and I managed to pan up the fossilized tail and that was the last item needed to complete Professor snail’s archaeology sidequest and I completed in

Record time because of how easy it is now to get those snake vertebres I got lots of golden wallets as reward along with a banana and a mango sapling I will need a banana for a special Quest later on to give to the gorilla to get more

Golden walnuts you can also get up to five golden walnuts from doing farming on Ginger Island and here’s one for you concerned AP has now print a change where if you sight the way crops you can also get golden wers that way as well you don’t have to just put up crops out

The ground anymore so it was back into some volcano rungs to get more gold and walnuts I picked up a soul sapper ring there in all fairness it’s a horrible ring cuz by the time you get Ginger Island energy just isn’t a problem anymore so I think it’s probably one of

The most useless rings in the game I did however put threee rubies into my Galaxy sword increasing its damage output it’s now way stronger we are now approximately halfway through the video so if you’re still watching consider liking and subscribing to the channel if you like with 100 day content we’re now

Moving into fall let’s take a look at the calendar as we can see we still have the spirit EES event we have the S Valley Fair but the book seller will now visit on the 4th and the 12th and I didn’t see any other sort of new events

At at the fall except for the Book seller so I’m going to use all of my money here and purchase 134 pumpkin seeds pumpkin in all fairness do sell for quite a lot of money they don’t compare to starfruit but they’re still all right and we spend a good portion of

Today watering up these pumpkins and planting them Ross going to visit the raccoon he says now maybe I find a wife well I wish you the best of luck there buddy you can do it I went down to the sores totally forgot about the mutant carp so I fished that up straight

Away I didn’t stop there though I went inside the mutant bug air and I fished up the Slime Jack I got a first catch on that which was nice I also picked up the dark Talisman cuz I wanted to see if the magical ink terminal had some extra items I also put

Up the angler as well which is the fall legendary fish a new baby lizard has hatched thanks to the dinosaur egg I put into the incubator we’re now going to give it a name we’re going to call it bunkers busy our new fabulous dinosaur I’m also going to get some ghost AR

Manise because the chickens now produce high quality eggs and the ghost AR mayonnaise was sell for quite some money I smoked the angler and the mutant carp it was a nice bit of money coming in there now to start to fall I was really happy with that 6,300 for the mutant

Carp and almost 4,800 for the angler I got the oopi blade here from a mystery box and that blade wasn’t actually introduced to 1.5 was one of those mythical weapons you know you could spawn in with the item spawner but you couldn’t officially get it now we can is

That a bad Weapon It’s a level six sword it would be very overpowered if you got that in early spring you know to have such a beast of a weapon in the early days but I had a Galaxy sword so I was just going to sell it off to Maryland it

Did look really cool though the oopy blade it was now time to get the Frog to inspect some crops to get more golden walnuts he’ll give us five for the melon and he’ll give us five for the wheat I didn’t have any garlic on me and I

Haven’t got any garlic yet from any of the monsters in it’s called Caverns so we will have to wait to get the final fight from him down the road so I give penny a sandfish for her birthday and she was delighted with that we might consider marrying Penny this time around

It was also time for the uh Community quests normally I would jump at community cleanup cuz I could use it to abuse te- saplings because they were nerfed I’m gone with fragments of the past because the SE saplings now only sell for 250 gold they don’t sell for

500 gold anymore I also purchased the big chest recipe of Robin I’m going to make that now it’s so handy you can place the big chest directly on your small chest and it will absorb all of the loot in the small chest so you don’t

Have to take all of the items out of the small chest and then put it into the big chest it was so handy unfortunately the big chest knocked my small chest away and I couldn’t pick it up and my OCD was just killing me I do eventually pick it

Up in the future one way or another we will get that small chest don’t you worry folks we’ll get it so the broccoli has fully grown it’s time to harvest it to see what it’s all about the broccoli is quite similar to the carrot and the

Summer squash in terms of value and how much energy and health it’s going to give it’s just something you can H out of the ground and fall similar to spring and summer I made some preserve jars today i’ also made some rustic floors and some Stone floors cuz I wanted to do

Up the farm a little bit I wanted to put down some sort of a Pat in the farm just to make it look like a decent looking Farm aesthetic is important it was time to experiment with the broccoli I’m going to put it inside the reserve jars

I’m also going to put it inside the cegs just to see what the value of it is like when it’s processed you know if if it’s any good if it’s worth capitalizing on if it’s worth exploiting so we’re back to Ginger Island and I figured out the

Gem puzzle here I I had two gem Birds to go but I just started putting in random gems and I got the combination correct and I got back five golden walnuts there no problem at all I also put up an ostr here in the golden Walnut and because I

Have the ostrich incubator from new professor snails Quest I could now put ostriches on my farm if I so wished I went down into the regular mines today just to farm some iron ORS cuz I wanted to make more bombs and wanted to do another skull Cavern run killing the

Skeletons isn’t bad either because we do have to complete all the monster radication goals the book collector has come back I had 29,000 gold so I wanted to purchase something now that would really help me along with progression way of the Wind part two was 35,000 gold

And it would give me an even greater movement speed forever I really wanted that I just needed a few extra th000 gold so I sold perer 999 coffee beans like to be honest with you I’m not going to use all those I’m not going to process those into coffee because I can

Just convert diamonds into trp shot espressos if I want to so I sold them all the coffee beans I had 44,000 gold and I purchased a book of power to further increase my movement speed nice one that was way of the Wind part one and way of the Wind part two collector I

Gave the henchman here some vo mayonnaise so he would let me into the shack I just wanted to pick up the magical ink and use it to activate the terminal I wanted to see if the 1.6 added any new structures to the game I also noticed a new structure here in the

Wizard’s basement it says a reticle of unknown Origins and I’m wondering now if that has some sort of a function if anybody knows let me know in the comments if that has some sort of a function looking at the magical ink terminal here it has the same unusual

Stuff it has the OB RS the gold clock and the junimos the raccoon finally found himself a wife congratulations raccoon and the wife vendor sells carrot seeds summer squash seeds broccoli seeds and powder melon seeds what’s interesting here is these powder melon seeds can be used in winter so we can

Now Farm properly in Winter we can use powder melon seeds and all we need for the powder melon seeds are just two Pine cors for one it’s easy to get Pine conss we had a chat with the raccoon he needed more food he wanted dried coconuts and blackberry jelly the coconuts and jelly

Would be simple blackberries are littered all over the ground and fall and the Coconuts we can just head on off to the desert to get those I also made some crystarium and I purchased some powder melines off of The Fabulous raccoon’s wife 32 in total I’m going to

Put those down in the greenhouse straight away for the rest of the day I was just cutting down trees getting wood I was also wanted to get more pine cones cuz I wanted to get more powder men and seeds I was getting M as well which come

In handy later on the next day I got my dried coconuts and I just had to wait now for the Blackberry jelly that could take some time to process I got my octopus row I was also collecting my lovely Deluxe bait I decided to make loads of bombs cuz I’m gearing up now

For another skull Cavern run I went back down to the um Ginger Island and I’m trying to get born fragments here the reason why I’m getting born fragments because I took on a community quest to collect a 100 bone fragments for Gunther so we’re just going between the

Skeletons and the ginger Island it was Elliot’s birthday I give him a lobster cuz he loves those that was nice friendship points with Elliot I purchased triple shot espresso recipe of course as well so I could convert my hard-earned coffees into triple shot espressos I’m also given Robin love

Gifts I need to get her the six hearts to learn the flute block so I can get more golden walnuts over on Ginger Island my sweet gem Berry was finally ready it can be grown in a garden pot which is nice that means you can grow

Any season of the year indoors and all of the starfruit was good to go as well that will all be turned into starfruit wine I went to the secret woods with my sweet jamb Berry and the statue here he gave me another star drop which was nice

I’m going to put loads of powder melon SE now inside the greenhouse to see what they look like and how well they sell for I gave Gunther his 100 bone fragments I’m going to get rewarded now 3500 gold for that he’ll also send me on

The um the bone Mill as well the next day and I also get a price ticket what other goodies can we get from Mar Lewis’s prize machine I’m going to get a bed today but the next prize is really good it’s four mushroom logs I was

Really curious as to what that book was with the love heart on it I knew it was a book of power but I didn’t know at the time what it actually done so I picked up another Help Wanted Quest because there was a priz ticket in the mix I

Just had to get 15 coal ores and it was super simple to do because I had the Quarry unlocked it would take me record time to get those 15 coal pieces I also picked up a book here as well called Jack B nimble Jack B thick and

It’s a permanent plus one to my defense which was really nice defense is so important in Sergio Valley the more defense you have the less damage enemies do I picked up a trash catalog here from one of the trash cans and this will give me access to a huge array of trash

Decorations we can place in our house and all around the farm we have the plastic lawn chair broken television buried Tire all different kinds of cans and bottles messy shorts six-pack Rings spilled beverages it was just really cool you know we also had really dirty wallpaper recipes as well I couldn’t

Help myself and I turned my house into an absolute wreck this is what a house would look like if Shane and Pam lived together the main thing was that my dog was still happy goodbye Chuck and my Cactus was still smiling so I took those as positives the next day I swapped the

T Dr because I needed to work Telly the broken Telly didn’t actually work you know which speaks for itself so Gunther sent me on the bone Mill the next day that’s handy we can put bone fragments and other stuff into that to get back uh speed grows and fertilizers and stuff

Like that I also harvested my black berry jelly so I can give that now into the raccoon along with the Droid coconuts and that was another raccoon Quest completed thanks Bobo take this I got a raccoon Journal this is a book of power and it just means that when we

Destroy weeds we have a greater chance of getting mixed seeds from those weeds so it’s a really nice perk there to have that permanently what a nice book of power to get what more prizes would we get from this lovely raccoon we can also purchase more of that book of power if

We want for 999 fiber now obviously we can’t reactivate it or increase our chances it’s just for trading with the book Merchant when he visits so it was time now to upgrade our house make it a little bit bigger for 10,000 gold and some wood I also purchased some

Staircases here as well using jads and I also managed to pull up a c cucumber as well cuz I needed that for the fishing collection I also got the midnight car too I came across the weirdest Quest the next day Emily wanted me to say hi to

Every single person in town just saw everybody would like me a little more I mean I’ve never seen this Quest before it must be a new addition to 1.6 but it was time for another Community Quest we had Pierre’s Prime produce Rock Rejuvenation because I was already grown

The pumpkins it met sense to just take Pierre’s Prime produce because I was going to get a lot of ghost TI vegetables and you do get some nice money for doing those quests as well I also pulled up some more catfish today cuz it was raining but what I was really

Looking for was the tiger trout just for the fishing collection we didn’t stop there though it was then after the lake area I needed to pull up the walleye here for the fishing collection and I managed to get that without too much hassle at all the next day things got a

Little bit exciting was a help one Quest from Willie he wanted four salmon but there was a prized ticket in the mix so I was going to do that straight away and pull up those four salmon as quickly as possible I really wanted to get my hands

On that book with the love heart to see what it was all about Willie was super happy with the salmon I got 300 gold for doing it but I didn’t care too much about that I just wanted to take it so I was back to Ginger Island and I was

Pulling up tarot rout here I was getting some golden walnuts in the process which was nice I was actually getting very close now to entering Key’s Secret Walnut Room but I still needed a few more golden walnuts so I traded in some bone fragments for some more tarot

Tubers going to plant all those down I also planted a lot of mix seeds as well went back to the dwarf on the fifth floor there and I finally purchased the diamond Hunter skill book so I now have a chance to get diamonds every time I

Mine open and no I used my watering can to get up to that protection ring then I realized I didn’t need to use the watering can I could have just walked around the lava finally got access to Key’s Secret Walnut Room let the key quests commence we had keys crop and four precious

Stones there was not a hope I was doing the keys crop Quest way too timec consuming way too boring I selected the four precious stones I can just go into the SK Cavern and get those no problem I had a look to see if the 1.6 introduced

Any new items to this um key machine and it did we had fireworks we also had Blue Grass stter that’s the really nice grass you know that gives animals friendship bonuses but we needed mass and Mystic syrup to craft it and I had no idea how

To get Mystic syrup at this moment in time I also got woody secret from cut down a tree F trees have a 5% chance out to give double the wood that’s pretty nice that was a new book of power added to our lovely repertoire I made more staircases today we’re gearing up for

Another skull Cavern run to see if we can get those Prismatic shards I also made some triple shot espressos with all the coffees I had accumulated as well so I checked the fortune teller today and I actually had the best luck possible which was really nice so I activated my

Warp totem straight away and we’re going to go into this Cavern now for a really good run of it I spammed staircases more or less until I ran out of them and eventually I got to a treasure floor here I got a dark cowboy hat so I’m

Going to equip that straight away just for to change of style there’s loads of different cob hats you can get in the game but you cannot get the pink one or the Prismatic one from the um the treasure chest you get those from alternative means I got to floor 100 I

Got a special chest but the reward wasn’t so special it was just another dark Cowboy head unfortunately the chest was cool though I got my first Prismatic Shard on floor 101 what’s interesting is that when you get to floor 200 you get rewarded with two chests and floor 300

You’ll get rewarded with three treasure chests so it’s definitely worth making staircases and get them down as deep as possible to maximize on the rewards I got loads of Prismatic shards today but more importantly I got absolute tons of aridium ores and all those ores can be

Turned into bars they will sell for 1,500 gold a pop which is just amazing all of the lovely powder melons now have fully matured so we’re going to harvest those all up we’re going to sell them now to make a pretty good profit I made more furnaces today because I wanted to

Output a lot more bars to make bigger profits I sold all of the PO melons and the broccoli I even even sold star FR and everything else to our good friend Pierre to get some flash money I purchased some cave jelly by trending a book there to the Book seller that jelly

Will come in handy later on it comes to making more of those smoke machines I purchased the horse skill book I also purchased the sther like skill book as well cuz I wanted to run faster to crops and grass and things like that I had a

Look at the queen of sauce cookbook but I couldn’t afford it right now I will grab it later on so I used up a lot of money on the books of power and also the skill books as well to get some more really cool passive abilities I now had

A fairly good repertoire of books of power I also made three more fish smokers so I bring on the fish that means I can smoke a lot more fish lot faster meaning a more or less double fishing profits for me I’m going to get Robin to make a Delux barn and I’m going

To go back to Ginger Island put in the four Prismatic shards that’s 40 key gems in the bag I’m going to purchase the key to the town not only will I be able to enter anywhere I want regardless of the time but the vendors will also be

Accessible at earlier and later times as well Clint will upgrade our axe to the final Farm the idium axe and we’re going to go back into our Greenhouse now collect all this lovely starf wine and we’re turning more aridium Ores into aridium bars for even more money because

I had so much idium got the money was just flowing I managed to put a Tapper onto that new rare tree there it was some sort of a fiddlehead bur tree let’s find out what that Tapper will produce I couldn’t use a Tapper any of the other

Trees they’ll be all Moss trees it was time to purchase more animals I’m going to get a duck right now let the namic inventions begin this one we’re going to call it Natasha for next we have Ashley that’s going to be um a duck as well another duck it’s going to be Taylor

Another member of our Channel it was Abigail’s birthday today going to give her a puffer fish lots of friendship points there I then decided to purchase the mannequin male and female of Sandy I wanted to see how they worked I wanted to put lots of clothes on and see what

It looked like I also purchased 184 starf fruit of Sandy as well so we’re going to put the majority of these in the greenhouse any ones left over will go over to Ginger Island and this is what the mannequins look like I think it’s a really cool aesthetic there’s lot

You can do with those mannequins in terms of um style-wise you know to make your farm look a bit more unique I finally got the warp Obelisk unlocked over in gingerland I also give me a Ginger Island warp totem for free as well that was a nice added feature it

Was time to finish off Pierre’s Prime produce Quest 2500 gold in the bag and it was time to replant our second batch of pumpkins I then collected the dinosaur men for the first time and I got my aridium ax back off Clint that was another tool fully upgraded now we’re

Going to work on our pan we’re going to upgrade the copper pan to a steel pan I wanted to see how important these new pan upgrades can be all the way to the idium pan to see how good it gets I’m going to get my prize ticket now for

Doing Pierre’s quest line and I’m also going to make two aridium bands because I had a lot of solar Essences and VI Essences collected from killing the monsters over the past few seasons I’m also purchasing two ruby rings and I’m going to combine my aridium bands with

My ruby rings for a huge attack power buff the next day I had to look at the Tapper and it generated a fiddlehead fern which figures the fiddlehead fern tree would of course generate fiddlehead ferns it is nice though to get an actual flowing stock of fiddlehead ferns to

Tappers so it’s a nice it’s a nice adjustment it’s time to purchase more animals we’re going to go to Vice City pink Blossom another cool gamer gu member martic I was going to purchase a pig but Mar just got up and left the store without saying a word that’s what I hate

About Marie sometimes it can be just furiant hard to purchase of afria she’s never around I went to Robin I’m going to upgrade my big Coupe to a deluxe Coupe and it was time to choose another Community Quest we had Island ingredients and we had Robin’s project

I’m going to go with Robin’s project cuz it’s quite easy to get hardwood now and I just didn’t have an optimal setup now to ship a 100 pineapples within 14 days so it made sense to get Robin’s project and just Farm some hardwood I’m also going to go with key Prismatic range

Here too cuz I wasn’t going to go with Key’s crop and it would be easy enough to do that Quest especially now that we can purchase Georgia cers with the blue item got another sword sapper ring today and out of the elite chest another useless Soul sapper ring I was just

Getting a horrendous look with the chests I combined my aridium band with the ruby ring twofold that is a 40% attack bonus now so we’re going to do way more damage now to enemies what’s better I got level 10 combat that night ago brute that’s 50% additional damage

On top of that that’s a 55% damage increase it was then onto the staru Valley Fair I had a quite the nice selection of items there definitely going to get first place for that as a reward I got the usual 1,000 star tokens with that I just keep gambling on green

Until I get enough star tokens to purchase all of the rewards there was however an additional reward to be had it was a prize token I absolutely purchased that after the prize token I went ahead and got the star drop I also got the rear Crow because that’s needed

For the deluxe gecow at the end I went back to Clint the next day I got back my steel pan I handed it straight back in again I got him to upgrade it to a gold pan it’s going to be very interesting to see what the aridian pan can do in terms

Of the keys Prismatic range quest for the blue items I just went with 100 Georgia colas I had cherry bombs bug made fiber copper ores and sap for the other stuff so it was easy enough to complete with those items with the currency I had I purchased Pierre’s

Missing stock list in the hopes I could access his year two crops I I was wrong though he still just gives you the year one crops but he does allow you to purchase any crop regardless of season but it has to be year one crop I gave

Pierre his stock list Happy Days was off to Robin to give her the 80 hardwood needed to complete her Project Quest that was 2,000 gold in the back there from Robin the next day I was collecting pumpkin juice and harvesting more pumpkins I gave Marie a part her cuz it

Was her birthday got her the Tre Hearts collected M Lewis’s lucky purple shorts had a chat with Mar was like um what hey I don’t know what that is g to Mar Lewis you found them where oh I have no idea how they could have gotten there you’re such a poor liar M

Lewis why can’t you just be honest let everyone know about your love you shouldn’t hide love Lewis I did collect another prize ticket and I managed to finally get that book of power friendship 101 this passive will basically give us extra friendship points whenever we do any sort of activity that generates

Friendship points such as giving gifts completing quests it’s real Handy in the long run I put the mushroom logs down near Wild trees so they would generate mushrooms every couple of days and it’s a really nice item to have I also picked up Linus’s Berry basket just to get some

More friendship points with him I also put a battery pack into the lock boox here to start Key’s quest to get into the casino you don’t actually need the secret note to start that Quest you can start it whenever you wish give lonus back his burry basket along with a

Hazelnut for some extra friendship points with him back on Ginger is got a few more golden walnuts from harvesting up some crops here which was nice and I managed to get some other golden walnuts from opening up the muscles here as well you get a total of five from R and open

The muscles I also got Robin to build a stables I wanted to see if any changes were implemented with the 1.6 in terms of how the horse looked I purchased two heaters off Marie as well just to make sure the animals are kept nice and warm for winter I also purchased the pig

We’re going to call the pig DJ Guardian I also purchased a rabbit here we’re going to call it Mana our loveely raccoon friend was looking for some dried common mushrooms and five cave carrots we would of course oblige being the super nice neighbor that we are for

The five common mushrooms it was simple enough I just got them from the mushroom cave I also built an ostrich incubator I’m going to put this inside the barn now because it’s now a deluxe barn and I’m going to put the ostrich egg straight in there just so we have the

Ostrich as well on the farm and that will cover more oress all of the farm animals that you have in staru Valley the next day I got the DED common mushrooms along with loads of rium bears I already had the cave carrots so it was time to sort out our lovely hungry

Raccoon friend let’s see what rewards we’re going to get this time for completing another raccoon bundle thanks Bobo take this and I got a raccoon Hat real nice indeed I of course put the raccoon atam stra away because I think it’s the coolest thing ever these raccoons are just so nice and what’s

More we can purchase more raccoon hats from the wife cuz every time we complete a raccoon Community Quest the wife gets an expanded shop it was just 10 mix seeds to get more raccoon hats if we ever want them in the future now the raccoon says we can grow the family

Bigger well I wish you the best of luck in that endeavor my friend it was back to Clint to get the gold pen but we’re not going to stop there we’re going to give that strap back into Clint to get the aridium pen that’ll be ready in a

Couple of days I also went back to the witch’s swamp and I pulled up the void Salon I needed that for the fishing collection I also went to the pirate Cove and I managed to play the darts game every time we complete the darts game we get a golden Walnut up to a

Maximum of three if we want to achieve perfection in sarar we will have to acquire all of the golden walnuts once the dark game was finished with we’re more or less finished with the Pirates Cove it was time to leave go back to the farm and name our horse ktie we’re going

To now stroll around the valley with our good friend Katie we’re now going to go back to Robin give her a midnight car she posted that on the bulletin board and the reason why we took that Quest was because we wanted to build up friendship points at Robin I also gave

Her a spaghetti as well cuz it was her birthday and she finally gave me the recipe with the flute block I also going to get Robin to build a shed so I can fill it up with kegs and I’m also going to put a Rainbow Shell inside of the uh

Box here for Mr key the next Quest was to place 10 beats inside Mar Lewis’s fridge and I’ve got those beats grown over on Ginger Island I picked up the Prismatic jelly Community Quest and I managed to get my audium pant back off Clint as as well we can now use that

Ridum pan to see if we can get some really nice stuff next up we’re going to upgrade the watering can to its maximum potential we can also put the aridium pan on our head and use it as a hat it’s just so funny because it’s purple we finally completed the flute black puzzle

Cuz it was raining over in ginger Island we could do that and the mermaid would give us 10 more golden walnuts I managed to pan up a fossilized tail with 11 ridium or but it gets way better it’s time to pan with gamer gar everybody let

Me show you how it’s done after a while I finally come across the fishing spot that gave me not just a lucky ring but a ton of other stuff too you just cannot beat the aridium pan it’s absolutely amazing every time you pan up something with the aridium pan there’s a very good

Chance that another panning spot will appear straight away so you can get a really good chain going with the pan I would of course equip the lucky ring plus one luck is really good prodct to be walking around with luck determines so things in staru Valley it was time

For another key Quest here going to go with skull Cavern Invasion we just have to make way down to floor 100 and that’ll get 40 key gems as well which would be really nice so we’re just going to spam staircases till we get as close

To floor 100 as we can and then we just utilize our bombs to make the rest of the way there upon spamming down staircases I did come across a treasure floor with two aridium sprinklers that was actually very nice because I am in the Realms now of upgrading my

Sprinklers to aridium sprinklers so I can could put more crops on the ground if I come across radioactive ores I will prioritize those when I got to floor 100 then I got the really cool treasure chest again inside I got five survival Burgers plus three Farin is actually

Pretty nice it’s a nice burger to have I was also getting lots of Prismatic shards for my Journeys down here too which was good I also got swarmed by tons of aridium bats I somehow managed to fend them all off I did get 22 rmes from it though I got another Prismatic

Ch from a treasure room which was nice as well the next day it was time to smelt all of these lovely radioactive ores and radioactive bars the greenhouse was also ready and I got another Fern tree here I’m going to put a Tapper on it it’s cool that the two trees turn

Different ways you could almost just almost turn into some sort of a cool looking gug to your farm I got the copper watering can off Clint I’m going to give that strap back into him to upgrade it to steel watering can I also going to cut down o trees here when I

Was cutting down trees and cind sa far I noticed a door I got very excited by this because I’ve never noticed this before and this absolutely wasn’t a 1.5 this was new it says only a master of the five ways may enter four out of five I knew straight away it was talking

About my core skills my farming mining foraging fishing and combat my foraging was skill level nine so I had to get that one more level before I could enter that room I did not know at the time what was inside there but I was absolutely determined to get into that

Room as quickly as possible so I was basically going to prioritize fary now for the next few days just cutting down any sort of tree or stomped by chross if I saw any sort of far on the ground I would of course picked it up straight away because it’s all counts towards

Forging XP the radioactive bars yield 4500 gold to pop that’s absolutely insane I also got really lucky here in the mines and getting down to floor 7 for the first time I got the Prismatic slime killed that got the Prismatic jelly so we can give that back to the

Wizard now for some really good money but the main reason we do this Quest is to get the recipe the wizard will send us the next day the monster musk that makes monster radication goals much easier to achieve because it will dramatically increase the rate of which

Monsters spawn in the mines so I’m getting loads of mushrooms here from the mushroom logs each mushroom log can give like up to four mushrooms it’s really good I got purple mushrooms common mushrooms red mushrooms I do plan on putting a lot more mushroom logs on on

The farm because it was Thursday I swapped in tree Prismatic shards for the magic rock candy that come in real Handy later on and I spent a great de of time then cut down more trees there to try to increase my foraging skill I went over

To Ginger Island and all the Beats were ready to be harvested I’m going to pick them all up and I cut down even more trees on Ginger Island to increase my forage and skill I also unlock the fast travel around Ginger Island by just unlocking the parrot lift that was more

Or less all of the ginger Island upgrades done the next day the wizard sent me on the recipe for Monster musk and this means dungeon CL now becomes much more interesting I got another fiddlehead fern today off this tapped tree so I suppose it’s just fiddlehead

Ferns and Moss for the moment I haven’t come across any new trees yet I’m going to get my prize ticket as well for completing the last Community Center quest for the wizard and I’m also going to put some beats inside Mar Lewis’s fridge now I get another task from Mr

Keys give to sand dragon his last meal it was time to tr in our price ticket and this time we’re going to get back a dehydrator so it’s going to be nice having two of those instead of one because it takes so long to actually dry

Out fruit in this game so I put a solar Essence into the dragon skeleton and I had to move my chest here to get the club card and I actually moved my chest down in between my furnaces I thought it was so funny there’s actually I actually

Have some job putting that chest back up into its original place we’re going to go back to Clint again and we’re going to get him to upgrade the watering can yet again to a gold watering can and I spent the rest of the day pulling up

Some Go’s here because I wanted to put these into a new fishing pond to see what kind of items they would generate it was also time to pull up all of the pumpkins our banana tree was finally ready we got our first mango and our first banana we can bring the banana

Back to Ginger Island Robin will make another fishing pond for us and I’m also going to purchase the Jackal Lantern recipe and another rarecrow from the Halloween event here as well Ross is going to do the Maze and get a golden pumpkin which will be com in very handy

For the next upcoming birthday for extra friendship points I found a little secret here behind the Georgia Mart it’s a prize ticket but I needed a copper axe to clear away the tree something there to get it and I also found another box just in the room here at the back of the

Adventures Guild with the mapping cave systems book of power and all that book of power does is it reduces the cost needed to pay Marin to go back in and collect your goods if you ever pass out into skull Caverns or regular mines gets you a 50% discount for Marland

Services so the gorilla is after eating the banana here now and he will reward me with three golden walnuts for that deed nice one there’s also a lot more star fruit we can Harvest here over on Ginger Island all this will be converted into starf fruit wine for lots and lots

Of money we’re getting the gold watering can back off Clint and we’re going to give that back into him now for the final upgrade you’ll notice at 6:00 on I’m handing that back in that’s because I have the key to the town so I can just

Go in there anytime I want and primarily get upgrades so to get the next book of power you need at least a steel axe to clear away that big log and you also need a steel pickaxe to clear away the big piece of rock and then there’s a

Gold trash can here that you can open up and inside we get a new book of power called the Alo Buffett and this book of power increases the odds of finding items out of trash cans which is really cool so it might make for a decent trash

Can run later on I wonder with that book of power how much loot you can get from trash cans in one whole year of the game so we’re now in Winter and it’s time to click on his Bush and get the magnifying glass off kobus that will allow us to

Pick up Secret Letters all over staru Valley and some will lead to very powerful rewards indeed we’re also going to pick up a new community Quest we’re going to get juicy bugs wanted from Willie here he just wants a 100 pieces that won’t be a problem at all it’s also

Kris’ birthday today and I’ve been saving this gold star hor Rish for him for quite some time that’s going to put him up the tree Stars I’m also going to purchase the dehydrator recipe off Pierre so I can make more of those if I want it was nice seeing all of the NPCs

In their new winter clothing Gus looked really comfy Pier honestly he looked apart as well with his new green sweater I also spoke to Marie she looked really good you can tell by looking at the outfits how much love concerned Abe has for this game all of the outfits looked

Amazing I put the gobies into the fishing pond there in the hopes they’ll generate some really cool stuff for me I was getting quite unlucky with the key Quest it was another choice between key crap which I’m not going to pick and another skull Cavern Invasion I was

Getting kind of bored of doing the skull Caverns over and over again but it was the best way to get the key gems I needed more key gems to get more of the good stuff so I’m going to purchase more powder melon seeds today I got 46 in

Total there after raccoon’s wife and they will be planted on our regular farm so it’s going to be nice to grow stuff in Winter I had a quick chat with our rec friend and he said thirsty need juice so what he was looking for here was a cave cared juice and a pickled

Winter rout and that would be very simple to get because you can get both items very commonly around s Val because it’s winter the winter route will be even easier to get so I’m going to put all of the powder medals down and a new ostrich finally hatched let’s give it a

Name we’re going to call it doodle doodle isn’t the member of our Channel but she’s a great friend of mine and a very good YouTube content creator it’s now time to look at all of the farming animals we’ve collected so far and we have one of each it was then time to

Pull up some winter fish we just got the squid there which is really nice now I’m going to turn that squid into bait and that bait will come super handy for the big event this season we also get back an aridium watering can and we’re now going to get clean to start upgrading

The hose I’m also cutting down more trees in the hopes to get my faring skill to 10 because I still haven’t got to 10 and now that all the trees are gone all that’s left for us to do is to slay some enemies get some bug meat and

Complete some more quests it was that enough to try to fish up the hardest fish in the game in my opinion the glacier fish it took me three attempts to actually pull this thing from above the waters it was just so hard such a froy hard fish way way harder than the

Legend in my opinion and it’s only worth 2,200 gold which is unfortunate I think all the legendary fish should be worth way more than that you know minimum 5 6K gold at least I finally got my far to level 10 and a new gauge appeared called

Mastery 1 out of 10,000 just so you know Mastery is a combination of all of our skills lonus looked really good with his new winter getup I be I decided to give him a birthday present as well let’s give him a cactus there good for you

Lonus my friend I also fished up a link cut we need that for the fishing collection as well and a few other bits and Bobs too so all was left now for the fishing collection was the tree fish you get from doing the submarine min game in

Winter so we’ll get to that soon and that’ll be another star drop then from Willie so level 10 far we’re going to get the Lumberjack all trees have a chance to drop hardwood when I woke up the next way I got a popup saying I sense a way has opened up somewhere I

Knew it had to be the door I got my copper hle off Clint and I went towards the door to open it up inside was a room with five statues each having some sort of profession on it basically for every Master Level we get we can unlock one of

Those professions and get really good perks from them and very potent tools so I had to make a decision on what Mastery I was going to get first we will eventually end up with all of the masteries eventually but for now I had to choose Grandpa left a really cool

Note there as well to say that if I got this far I was ready to complete the Mastery gauge we just have to use all of our regular professions they all count towards the Mastery gauge combat Mastery the Anvil allows us to reforge trinkets randomizing their stats cost three rum

Bars each the mini Forge we can now use a dwarvish forge from the convenience of our home that was so cool and the ability to use trinkets the Mystic tree seed sounded awesome you know the treasure totem sounded good too and we can also find golden mystery boxes if we

Went with the faren master instead of regular mystery boxes the next up then for the farmer we had the idium site it can now gather crops statue of blessings and now we had golden animal crackers which formerly double a farm animals produce for fishing master we had an

Advanced idium Rod we can have up to two Bobbers on that Rod we had challenge bit a perfect yields triple the catch however every time a fish escapes we lose one and then we can encounter golden fishing chests what we get inside those and then for the mining we have

Statue of the dwarf King which is mining related perks a heavy furnace more efficient regular furnace 25 pieces of orange tree coal per use and Gem bearing rocks Now Grant twice the gems they all sound totally awesome and it took me ages to kind of decide on which one I

Was going to select for this challenge eventually just went with the combat Mastery um which sounded the most useful cuz I was really interested in finding out how those trinkets work so it was back to Clint to break open some more geod and it was on to gun and I was

Trying to finish off all of the artifacts here and the minerals I then decided to get clean to upgrade my hoe again we’re going to go for the steel hle all the way up to the aridium of course it was then back down killing bugs the reason why we’re killing bugs

Is because I still needed 100 bug meet in total to complete Will’s Community Quest so once I had that done it was time to get some really good rewards off Willie along with 3,000 gold wasn’t too bad at all it was time to go back to the

Lovely book Merchant this time at almost 500,000 gos per on which I purchased a queen of sauce cookbook for 50,000 this thing is absolutely amazing it’s not a book of power instead once we activate it we will learn all of the queen of SAU recipes now bear in mind that is just

The queen of sauce recipes we do not learn the recipes that we get from the NPCs from the villagers of starw Valley we still have to butter them up to learn all their secrets but it’s nice to get all the queen of saans out of the way so

We don’t have to watch the Telly every Sunday or every Wednesday I’m also going to get some skill books here just to see how effective they are I have 599 XP at the moment like I activated a mining skill book and it went up to 849 that

Really worthed my opinion I suppose the best way to fill this Mastery gauge is to blow up aridium ORS or radioactive ores or just Farm tons and tons of crops the mushroom logs were giving me some great stuff here purple mushrooms red mushrooms and of course I could dry all

Those out I’m working on Penny now cuz I want her to marry me so I’m giving her um sandfish cuz she loves sandfish I’m also working on Vincent and Jazz because I want to learn the spring onion Mastery just so I can add it to my uh cool white

Be nice to see it all filled up looking pretty so it was time to hand over the resources the Raku needed to progress his quest line thanks Bobo take this I got five fairy dust that’s absolutely amazing and it’s going to come in so handy to speed up production and items

In the future you’re a good friend Bobo now we can have more kids I got dried purple mushrooms today 2,660 gold and that is actually a huge profit even if you were to sell five iridium mushrooms you would still get more from the joed mushrooms just Al so

You know the dehydrator is a game changer it was time to get a steel hole back off Clint we’re going to hand that straight back in for the gold ho because we have so much aridium ores we can make aridium Bears it’s easy now to get money

We also have batches of sta wind be made as well So eventually we’re going to end up millions of gold I decided to clear out the entirety of the Quarry and I also came across the bear as well gave him some maple syrup and he gave me the bear special knowledge salmon berries

And blackberries are now we three times the gold which is nice I also got access to the casino cuz I had my Casino club card I played this mini game over and over again uh until I had enough Casino coins to purchase the alien rarecrow and

I won a few times which was nice and I had to purchase a few coins as well but all I wanted was a rare Crow and I was out of there I could also purchase a statue of endless forun for a million gold I might purchase a few of those

When I do a continuation run in a week or two so I wanted to try out the tent I haven’t actually used it yet I put it down there just outside of the vendor there and I woke up the next day in exactly the same spot that tent’s going

To be a game changer for future Scot car runs the only downside is that it’ll be hard to see if it’s going to be a good luck day or not so I got an auto pet on floor 65 it was just so lucky and I got

Another one when I got down to floor 100 that’s one for the cop and one for the baron I mean you can’t really get luckier than that in all fairness I then kept making my way down I wanted to see if I can get floor 200 before the day

Expired what you see here now is me fighting an army of mummies and I’m going to blow them all up at the same time and it’s just going to look so satisfying that’s how you do it folks got a prismatic Shar as well from one of

Them which was not too bad eventually I reached a Mastery threshold it says you’ve reached a new level of understanding I can now choose one of the advanced Parks from the five and I’m probably going to go with the the combat cuz I really wanted to see how those

Trinkets worked it just seemed so interesting and as we can see it it’s now more XP to get the next Master chold is going to be 15,000 instead of 10,000 so it goes up every time you get a level when I got to floor 200 I got two chests

Instead of one and it was very exciting unfortunately I didn’t get great things in either chest between a red slim EG and wild winter seeds but the potential is there to get really good things in those two chests and it just adds more incentive to go down and do the SC

Cavern in the future so I got the last rarecrow today that is the Snowman rarecrow and with that I’ll be able to learn the deluxe rrow no problem I also took part in the fishing event I won it no problem at all and the prize was the

Same the 1.6 didn’t change anything here not that I saw anyway it was time to mod run into the next day and that is the Delux scarecrow recipe the Delux scarecrow covers twice the range of a regular scarecrow or rarecrow so it is something that you do want to save up on

Tiles it was now time to select a profession Mastery we’re going to go with combat Mastery because I wanted to see how the trinkets worked and boy I was not disappointed to make the anval to rework the trinkets I just needed 50 iron bars which wasn’t too bad at all to

Make the mini Forge so I wouldn’t have to go to Ginger island volcano anymore I needed dragon’s tooth iron gold and aridium bars that wasn’t too bad bad either I just needed a few bits and Bobs I got the gold hole back off Clint and

I’m just going to hand it back into him one more time just to get the idium hle just so I can say that I’ve upgraded all of my core tools it is nice to have ridium versions of everything though so marus here wants 500,000 gold for the

Cinema I said why not I had the money on me and I wasn’t really using it for anything else right now so I just got to cinema there while I had the funds it was also time to do rock Rejuvenation with Emily and it was time to pick up

The quest we had bad luck again Keys crop and Scot Cav invad so it’s going to be our SK Cavern run I picked up my first trinket here a parake sumone level one par companion who grants you a low chance to find gold coins when slain Monsters Just so you

Know this parot trinket is totally overpowered I can reforge that and try to get level two three four or level five parrot the higher the level the parrot the more often you’ll get money from killing monsters and most monsters will drop between 250 and 500 gold regardless of what kind of monsters they

Are I mean it could be a bug in the starter caves it could be a serpent in the skull Cavern Invasion cave I also merged some rings together the idium band with the lucky ring and I also merged idium band with the Phoenix ring and I Enchanted some tools I wanted to

Get master on my fishing rod for the increased fishing level so it’s really nice to get that just makes fishing a little bit easier so I reworked my parro egg to a level three parro companion and now I have a high chance to find gold

Kinds when St monsters that can go up to level five I believe and it just gives you an absurdly high chance to get gold when you’re killing monsters and it’s extremely profitable you can make on average over 100,000 gold per day using that par trinket and killing monsters I

Also picked up the Golden Spur critical strikes give you a speed boost for 8 seconds you can rework that trinket to modify how long the the buff lasts for I got an 8sec one there but I also picked up a 6sec one as well in a seven second

One I brought Vincent to the um Cinema to get hearts up with him and I purchased him a stard drop soret because he actually loves that but he didn’t like the movie so it’s going to kind of even itself out I won’t lose or gain friendship points with him he just

Wasn’t a fan of the Miracle at caused our Ranch I thought it was a a kick-ass watch vincon said he doesn’t get it what don’t you get about a tree grown of roof seriously but hey that’s Vincent he does love snails after all so I finally had all of my core tools

Upgraded and because it was Thursday I purchased another magic rock candy off of the uh desert Merchant I then went to Emily give her the amethyst there that she needed that was Rock Rejuvenation completed it was out time for the squid Fest and it worked more or less the same

Way as the Trout Derby the more squid that you caught the better prizes you were going to get now I caught as few squid before this and I turned them into squid bait so I had an increased chance of catching squid no problem once you you caught up to eight squid you would

Get the maximum amount of prizes so when I CAU eight there was no point to any more fishing and when I clicked on him then there was a lad of priz there to be had including a new book of power the book was called The Art of crabbing crab

Pots have a 25% chance to yield double that’s absolutely amazing I now had accumulated a lot of books of power but there was still a good few books left to get I did the exact same thing the next day I just fished up squid till I had

Eight of them then it was time to get more rewards I got some good stuff super espressos a treasure chest dish of to Sea mystery box and trap bobber not too bad it was then time to harvest our lovely star fruit wine I’m going to get

So much money for this it was then back to UNC Cavern Invasion picked up another autoed which was nice I now had two Auto Grabbers and two Auto pets I picked up a new trinket called the fairy box someone’s a level three fairy companion that heals you in combat situations so

The fairy will only heal you when you’re in combat it will not heal you outside of combat just to make that clear cuz I found out the hard way that is a level three fairy I believe the fairy goes up to level five and the higher to level the fairy the more it

Heals you so I made it down to floor 100 and I got the um aridium snake juice and that gave me a permanent Health increase to 25 which was nice I managed to finally hand in all of the minerals to Gunter got another magic rock candy back

As a reward that was pretty good and I got Clint to break open over 40 mystery boxes I didn’t get a whole lot of good stuff but I did get a mystery hat which was really cool I thought it was the coolest hat ever I put it on straight

Away our raccoon friend was looking for some geod and a diamond I had those on hand I gave them in straight away thanks bubble take this and I got a jungle tank a really cool fishing tank that I can put fish into I also had a look to see

If his wife got the jungle tank and she did and I can get more by just putting in some broken glasses the things these raccoons find as valuable is just crazy so it was time for the night market I gave Penny uh some flowers so we could become girlfriend and boyfriend and it

Was time to take the relationship to the next step it was then time to pull up the spook fish followed by The Blob Fish followed by the last fish that we needed the midnight squid for the master angler achievement that was all of the fish now

Caught and that was going to be a nice srop off Willie the next day there was just a small handful of star drops now left to get we’re almost there with the star job challenge we still needed one from Gunther and we also needed one via marriage from whoever our spouse is

Going to be so we’re going to go with cave Patrol now with Clint and we’re going to kill some dust Sprites we need dust Sprites for the monster eradication goal anyway and I also wanted to use my new par trinket to get lots of money so

There was loads of reasons we could go back in as our kind dust Sprites it was now time to take another key Quest we had key kindness and extended family now I chose extended family because I want to experiment you using the new 1.6 updat I want to see if I can exploit

This Quest abuse it and make hundreds of thousands of gold and I’m going to show you how to do that right now using some of the new Artisan equipment that we got for example the fish smoker I also had enough um key gems to get three Galaxy

Souls and I’m actually going to build myself a mini Forge and use that over in Stu Valley to upgrade my weapon to an Infinity weapon instead of going into the volcano and using the big dwarvish Forge inside there the mini Forge works the exact same way as the dwarvish forge

You could just use it wherever you want which is really handy after three Galaxy Souls our galaxy weapon turns into an Infinity weapon it becomes way stronger now while the extended fishing Quest is active unless we capture all of the legendary fish we can pull up as much of

The same legendary fish as we wish the legend two goes for the exact same price as the legend I pulled up about five of these I’m going to smoke them all and I’m going to make an absolute ton of money fishing has just become totally overpowered in sju Valley it has become

The new endgame money maker in my opinion I mean this thing sells for 31,000 gold a pop I’m going to get 157,000 gold and that was just a mest days Vision I can prep for that way better I dare say I could probably get 10 of those a day to make some serious

Cash when I was finished experimenting I decided to finish off the quest so I got the rest of the legendary fish for some reason I couldn’t fish up the son of the Crimson fish and I think it was because there was an event going on so maybe I

Had to wait look at the amount of money I made here from fishing I at over 150,000 was just insane the next day I pulled up the sun of the Crimson fish and it was back down into the mines and we were killing dust FS to be honest we

Were killing anything that moved because everything had a chance to drop at least 250 cold on defeat getting these Ambush rooms was just amazing I was just getting so much money from killing monsters it was just absolutely insane I didn’t need to farm anymore I was just

Getting so much money from killing stuff I finally reached a new level of understanding that is another Mastery level it’s 20,000 XP now to get the third one I also finished off the cave Patrol Quest that was 6,000 gold in the bag and Clint will more likely send me

On the GE Crusher the next day I had to choose another Mastery which one was going to pick I was going to go with the Farin I really wanted to find out how that Mystic tree seed worked and how the treasure totem worked and I think that

The golden mystery boxes too would be a game changer because the mystery boxes are just so common and to get upgraded golden ones sounded like a good way to go to make the treasure totem I needed hardwood Mystic syrup and M and basically says use a diable Terrain to

Summon a ring of treasure spots that sounded very interesting to make the Mystic tree seed I just needed five of each tree seed Acorn Maple seed Pine corn and mahogany seed so I made three of these Mystic tree seeds I’m going to plant them down in the farm and I’m also

Going to put down some fertilizer so they grow up really quickly it was going to be very interesting to see first of all what the trees look like and second of all when we put tappers on them if we can put tappers on them what kind of

Stuff we’re going to get Clint sent me the recipe for the Jud Crusher the next day I then had him breaking open artifact Tres because I really wanted to finish out the museum before the first year was over I was down in the mines trying to get some artifacts to finish

Up the museum Quest I picked up a new trinket ha a blue green frog egg sumone a hungry frog Companion now I just want to say this frog is absolutely insane he can one shot any enemy in the game the only downfall is that when he eats an

Enemy it does take him a good 20 seconds or so to deflate himself before he’ll eat some other enemy now when I say he’ll eat any enemy I mean that he will eat anything he’ll eat bugs serpents the big huge large serpents he eat mummies he’ll eat mummies when they’re

Regenerating he’ll gobble them all up no problem gobble gobble gobble speaking of gobble we finally got some garlic seeds from doing this called Caron runs that means we’re going to get five more lovely golden walnuts from our fabulous froggy friend but we’re not just finished there we only had a few gold of

Walnuts left to get so we might get the George appar to find the rest just to see what it looks like I purchased a book of stars it gives us XP towards all core professions to be honest I purchased every single skill book here

Because I had the money to do so and it will be nice to get more Mastery levels after accessing all these skill books I had a quick look at my Mastery gauge and to be honest it didn’t fill that fast you know it got a little bit of meter

But we are just better off planting down craps so because it was only a few golden wallets I have to find I only had to pay 70,000 gold for this Georgia parrot to fly around and get the rest of the walnuts for me now it does give a

Warning here and it says that it recommends you don’t do this if if you want to experience the full J joint experience I’ve experienced it loads of times so I went ahead and done it I also got a special charm here by handing in a rabbit’s foot um which is a permanent Lo

Increase and I’m also going to get Robin to upgrade our house again to the next tier as well here is a fabulous cut scene of marus relaxed an island with a big bag of gold and all of the gold and parrot picking up the walnuts oh it’s

Just hilarious that is all of the golden walnuts found for this challenge nice one Maris so I’m getting golden mystery boxes now which is pretty cool it’ll be exciting to see Clint break those open we’ll see what kind of goodies we get inside I picked up a new trinket today I

Got the magic quiver and this is quite an interesting trinket shoots a magic Arrow at nearby enemies every 1.9 seconds dealing 14 to 19 damage so it just passively fires out arrows um every few seconds which is really cool I put it on straight away to see how it done against regular enemy

And it just wasn’t doing it for me I mean I know it does handy damage but with the weapons I have now that bat would have been dead in one hit so I feel like it’s not a great trinket Because by the time you get it you’re

Taking on enemies with hundreds of HP it’s just not doing the damage that I think it should be doing you know so I’m getting clean to break open more boxes here now lovely golden mystical boxes I got a mystical shirt that’s going to go so nice with my mystical hat so I’m

Going to put that on straight right away other than that I just got more mixed scenes and bits and Bobs so this time we’re going to go with Robin’s resource Rush we’re going to cleck 1,000 pieces of wood in a week that’ll be easy enough to do there’s

Tons of trees here on Ginger Island that we can cut down and we also get a lot more friendship points with Robin for that too we finally got danger in the Deep we can now do the hardened versions of the regular cave so it’s going to be

Interesting now to see how quickly we can get down to that raccoon says help us I give you something nice no problem at all the raccoon wanted dried purple mushrooms in five cave carrots I actually had the purple mushrooms and I had the cave carrots so I was able to do

That Quest very quickly I also used the fairy dust to speed up the dehydrator because I didn’t want to wait a day for the purple mushrooms to process I went down with my lovely Horse Katy and I managed to give him the items on the

Same day that he ask for them he says thanks Bobo take this just never gets old he gave me a milk it was so disappointing why would you give me a milk of all things I’m after giving him purple mushrooms and Cave carrots I had a look at the extended stock though and

It’s interesting to see that I can trade Mystic syrup for fairy dust I’m pretty sure those trees I’m growing would generate Mystic syrup so we’re down now in the hardened versions of the mines and I just want to get down to floor 120 as quickly as possible just so I can toggle the

Difficulty on these might on and off at my leisure also to pick up those lovely key gems if I see radioactive ores I pick them up straight away because I still need lots of radioactive ores and radioactive bars to make some of the endgame items St Val has to offer

Slaying all these enemies is just super profitable having the bug killer comes in very handy for all bug type enemies there’s a few bug type enemies down here too in the Middle Air so just come in handy fighting those especially the spiders that jump around the place the

Last item I needed was the bone flute I gave that in and that was the whole collection complete as a reward Gunther is going to give me another star drop all I needed now was just one more star drop from the marriage and that would be

All the star drops gotten so we’re back down in the Harden version of the mines on Flor 82 now it got some hypers spe R there that was nice this is just an example of how hectic things can get down in the bottom floors enemies can

Spawn all over the place and if you come down here with a monster musk there’s even more enemies could you imagine coming down here with a level five parrot and a monster musk think of the amount of money you would make it was time for the winter start event and I

Had Clint I gave him a gold barar which is loved gift he was super happy with that as for my secret Santa I got Demetrius and Demetrius unfortunately gave me a pumpkin pie it was was such a Le town you know I was hoping for a te

Set or something like that or you know some sort of a better item so our first Mystic tree has fully grown and I put a tap around straight away that’s going to give us Mystic syrup which is really interesting and we finally got our way

Down to the bottom of the mines got some key gems there as well and that’s a little console there where we can toggle the difficulty on and off so if you want to farm radioactive or for example we can do just that I got Clint here to break open some more golden mystery

Boxes and I managed to pick up a new book of power and this book of power basically allows us to sell artifact at a higher price which is fairly cool you fetch a better price when selling artifacts it was then back to good old Ginger Island where cutting down trees

For Robin’s resource rush to get a th000 pieces of wood in total when I was finished reg Island I went over to the desert and cut down some trees over there I picked up a forager’s hat from cutting down a tree it looked pretty cool but it just didn’t beat the mystery

Hat I think that mystery hat is one of the coolest hats in the game when I finished Robin’s resource Rush got a few thousand gold and I then decided to take Penny to the cinema and I got her cotton candy because that’s one of her favorite

Foods and we then went to watch The Miracle at kostar range yet again what a movie just never gets boring I finally got Penny up to maximum Hearts so now we can get married but we won’t see in this video folks let me know if you want to

See a 200 day continuation I’d be very happy to sit down and put hundreds of hours into it thanks again everyone for watching I really appreciate it I know it was a really long video but I just got so excited cuz there was so much new

Content to show and I really hope you enjoyed it please subscribe to the channel if you made it this far really helps me out I’d love to be a full-time YouTuber again I’d love to do this every day it’s the 25th of March big happy

Birthday to my wife I love you so much thanks so much for supporting me in my YouTube Endeavor I’ll see you all everyone in the next video so for now have a good cozy week thanks again for watching

#100days #StardewValley1.6
I Played 100 Days of Stardew Valley 1.6.
I technically played 1 full year of Stardew valley 1.6
The new 1.6 updates adds tons of new features and items that gives a game a lovely new fresh coat of paint.

Join this channel to get access to perks:

JOIN THE DISCORD!! :https://discord.gg/CJ7cs6ySJg
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:29 Spring
00:40:19 Summer
01:10:06 Fall
01:43:24 Winter


  1. Stardew 1.6 has so many quality of life changes it feels like a new game in a way and I love it, I'm so happy you made a 100 day video of it already!

  2. 1:15:40 This is a collab between Stardew Valley and Terraria! If you throw an "Ancient Doll" in the lava pool on the 100th floor of the mines in the town you get an item called "Faraway Stone", a green pylon. If you place this pylon in the thingy in Wizard's basement, you'll get a sword called Meowmere, which is a sword from Terraria! ^^

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