The actual slowest you can move in Terraria… ZERO!

The actual slowest you can  move in Terraria… ZERO!  Seven months ago, I made a video about the  slowest you can move in Terraria. Essentially,   by stacking every negative movement debuff,  medium, and block possible, we can force our  

Player to move at a molasses pace, which for  this atrocious setup ended up being around 20   blocks per hour – horrendously slow. However, ever since that video,   I’ve always wondered if we can go slower.  But, I couldn’t just slap on another  

Debuff – I already slapped every debuff on –  so going slower would require a novel setup.  And today, I present that novel setup. Not only  is it far, far simpler than the last stackfest,   it is also more effective, reducing our  speed to not twenty blocks per hour,  

Not ten blocks per hour, not five blocks  per day, but ZERO blocks, per… forever.  So, how does this work? Well, as I  said before, it’s dastardly simple.  It involves only two elements: the Mighty  Wind and a Frozen Slime Block platform. 

Let’s start with the Mighty Wind. If  you’ve watched my video on the Mighty Wind,   you’ll know that it works by imparting  acceleration on the Terraria player in   the direction of its flow, with a certain  magnitude depending on factors like wind speed,  

Vertical velocity, and player movement. There’s a lot of details in that video,   but what we need to know here is that when  you’re trying to move on the ground and the   wind speed is 25 miles per hour or less, the  Mighty Wind pushes you with an acceleration of  

0.048 pixels per tick squared, or 60% the  base acceleration of the Terraria player.  Then, there’s the Frozen Slime Block  platform. Frozen Slime Blocks are most   known for their attribute of being completely  frictionless, but they have other effects too.  Like most “ice” blocks, Frozen Slime Blocks  are slippery, meaning you accelerate more  

Slowly when running on them versus normal  blocks – unless you have Ice Skates.  While most “ice” blocks decrease your acceleration  by 0.7x when running on them, Frozen Slime   Blocks decrease your acceleration by 0.6x. So, when you are running on Frozen Slime Blocks  

Without Ice Skates, your acceleration will be 60%  of what it normally is. See where I’m going here?  Let’s put them together. If we have the Mighty  Wind blowing us backwards with acceleration equal   to 60% of our base player acceleration,  and we try to run forward on Frozen Slime  

Blocks at 60% of our base player acceleration,  then our net acceleration ends up being zero.  This means if you are still, you  will never accelerate, and thus,   never start moving, even as you press your  movement key. No matter how long I wait,  

I will never start moving – not even an inch. Thus, the slowest you can “move” in Terraria   while trying to move is ZERO. I  hold the key, but yet I am still.  Hello! I hope you enjoyed this video. A bit of  a late continuation, but better late than never! 

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The actual slowest you can move in Terraria… ZERO!
And no, this is not just NOT moving

Terraria – Desert
Terraria – Otherworldly

Mods and Packs:
Foundry & Alchemy (Pack) –
Fancy Lighting [Ultra Preset] (Mod) –
Stanberry Font (Pack) –
Stormdark UI (Pack) –
DragonLens (Cheat Mod) –
Better Zoom (QoL) –
Character Stats (QoL) –

The actual slowest you can move in Terraria… ZERO!


  1. This is a setup for zero acceleration, which can be used to get zero velocity while trying to move (when starting from rest).
    If you start with velocity and try to move, you'll just continue moving at the speed you were moving at, with no velocity change (since acceleration is zero).

  2. A good idea for how to reach zero speed with no extra things would be to simply not put in an input, as that way unless you are in a sand/snow storm you will not be moving

  3. This reminds me of an old thought of "what's the slowest possible fall/longest time to fall from space to the underworld?"
    Is actually more like the previous video of stacking effects that decrease fall speed but don't stop it. Umbrella, featherfall, climbing claws (only one so that you slide against the wall, not full grip), sinking in honey, pressed against honey blocks, etc.
    The climbing claws and honey blocks might not count if we only consider a free fall, but otherwise could massively decrease falling speed.

  4. this is just not pressing the keyboard but with extra steps (i haven't scrolled down the comment section, but i'm guessing everyone has come up with this exact same idea already)

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