Minecraft Hermitcraft :: The Biggest Little Terrain Job

Goodness sakes you leave the server for 1 minute and it’s pitch blackout today’s going to be an exciting fun day you’ll notice very many things have changed around here things look very different oh and they’re going to look even better slowly but surely I’ve been demolishing uh the land and it’s so much

Land demolishing I can’t even describe to you mean 20 hours anybody ever heard of 20 to 30 hours of land demolishing you can’t tell right now but if you saw what the land was like before and you compare it to how it is now it’s so much

It’s so much digging it was so nice too because while I was digging Etho decided to swing by and give some criticism on the builds that roof it’s less than a 45 angle it’s like a it’s flatter right yeah I I made it flatter and it’s still

Take so dominant it takes up so much space I think that’s a good proportion though right no I think I think it did work out well yeah actually I’m positive I know it’s perfect if anything the walls are too Big okay okay okay tell me tell me the truth because this is this is one of those things that I could have tinkered with for another week and the thing that keep kept popping in my head is it’s at least one block Too Tall do you think that too is that why

You said that I I cannot critique ao’s no please please the thing that’s bad reputation I have a bad reputation for this prubs I’m so puffed up as a builder okay that you could say anything and it won’t hurt me I can take it I feel like you need like some semi-

Roofs lower down like like at the four five block height kind of thing you know what I mean like those little overhangs to something underneath I thought I could take it and I can’t oh no I crushed them oh no he’s going to post this on YouTube I’m going

To be a villain of the season I can’t believe you said that oh no oh I what have I done that’s the worst thing about words is you can’t get them back after they come out we’ll have to live with this Now I know it doesn’t look like much but it’s a huge accomplishment for me getting all that land cleared out because oh we’ve got some nice stuff to build onto I also accomplish something else perfect Redstone prowess has anybody heard of that yeah yes you have have you have wondered bebs how’s this

All going to work well I’ve got a skeleton spawner down below of course right that’s giving me tons and tons of Bones to make my bamboo this is my bamboo machine that autocrafts bamboo blocks for me and other bamboo items if I want it to but how am I going to fuel

It well right here right here baby this is my most H it’s it’s clogged it’s clogged it’s never clogged but before it’s clogged so clogged stop it stop it it’s so clogged I guess I’ve never run it for this long it’s been running for about 12 hours so uh probably let me oh

Goodness sakes let me help but it’s making so much bone meal you can’t believe it this right here this is a full row of bone meal one block is a full uh one stack of blocks is a full row of bone meal so you get the impression right we’ve got tons and tons

Of bone meal whenever we need bamboo all we got to do is bring that bone meal up there turn the farm on and we got blocks for days uh me speaking of blocks for days before we dig into all the work we’ve got to take

A little tour we’ve got to go on a little trip and we’ve got to check a couple things Out first and foremost it looks like the graffiti yeah baby look at this the graffiti is starting to take shape are these letters rise with an i that’s pretty cool people starting to Graffiti the walls which I think is going to be awesome look at what Joel has done Fine

Art like a mosaic which kind of resembles his base and his entrance which I think is really cool oh impulse working on something don’t show don’t show it now backwards from the inside totally fine totally fine and totally happy with that cuz buildings will cover it eventually over here I think Jim did

Something this is a great one look at this with the black outline she did the sleigh with the Among Us with the Among Us guy fantastic I love seeing it so people starting to put the graffiti on the walls which is just going to help it uh you know have some nice memories

Impuls is building uh behind me and he’s doing an amazing job you have to go check it out but uh I think that’s all the graffiti now shopping district things have Changed man this place is popping off so many shops now look at this look at Holy goodness okay so we last time it was just my little shop right there look at all this now we’ got this this pit we’ve got this uh purple pit pit here we’ve

Got this wild and crazy neon sign thing which is really cool bones oh I got thoughts on these bones and then gim oh thank you for being next door thank you so much gem made MOS shop oh my old love and of course she’s Rich of course it’s a wonderful product

Selling clay as well and look at the activity like Cub putting his diamonds that he’s made in there so cool bones I think bones are the fuel like the the the diesel fuel of Minecraft with bone with bone meal you can do anything two diamonds for 32 I think she could charge

More I think if you have a ton of bone meal you could you could get so do so many things especially me all right let’s take a quick look here oh yes we’re rich okay 6 9 10 14 16 18 80 and that’s it that’s 80 diamonds 80 diamonds

Holy cow plus I think before when I first collected all my diamonds I got 20 I think it puts me at exactly 100 diamonds earned well this isn’t an official Hitching Post but we’re going to have to use it as one suzuma has made a sales department right is that correct

This sales Place aha get your first trophy today all right this is feeling like a bit of a scam scam ripoff but I got to have it I uh you know what if I want it it doesn’t mean that it’s ripoff 10 diamonds for a trophy saying that I let’s let’s can I

Set this down I bet if I set it down it’s going to I bet it’s a pumpkin okay let’s take a look at it here all right how’s it look oh oh yes yes that is that’s nice we we can put this on display in our shop that’s a thing you

Have to do if you’re a successful business oh and here’s all the other trophies you can get 100 250 500 750 so I got to start keeping track and oh these TR that trophy looks sick 10,000 diamonds I think I could make that at some point maybe I got a lot more shops

To it’s dark out so dark out let’s see how this looks no not that not that let’s see how this looks okay put this on there and then yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s pretty sick I think something’s maybe missing is there a 100 that’s missing I don’t

Know I think that’s a cool decoration for the front of the shop okay so shopping dist district is bustling we’re making tons of money I’m so sorry climb oh my goodness I’m so sorry uh but everything’s going great so happy with it um but I have to buy a couple of

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Locked shows like I did with the office a few months back find out how you can get 3 months of expressvpn free by going to expressvpn.com bebs or check out the link down in the description okay home sweet home so what we’re going to do today I know

We were talking about doing some cyberpunk stuff but for uh reasons that’s going to wait until next episode and you’re going to be glad that you waited for it we have to work on something here obviously I did all of this digging you know I dug all of this

Down and why why did I do that well so so I can I said at the beginning of the season I want to work on terrain stuff and I think we’re starting to get to a point now that I you know been carving out I think we’re getting to a point to

Where the terrain actually starts to make a little more sense there was so much chaos in just natural vanilla terrain unfortunately I picked a pretty hilly area where I first started which is probably not the best but now things are feeling a little nicer see these

Shapes that we have going here I like it I want this whole thing every bit of terrain to be touched by me at some point and already just with the stuff taken down just all the blocks removed now this is starting to look cool it’s looking like cuz I wanted this initially

To be like a cliff that kind of comes down like this and it’s getting pushed up by rocks but because of what we’ve been looking at all this time it’s been hard to read that now we’ve got all this stuff out of the way now we can see it

And we can also see the zyo off in the distance fairly nicely but now to take it to the next step we’re going to make these rocks look a little bit more interesting you can see the shape kind of right but as a whole it kind of all

Just Blends in is gray so we’re going to 3D them we’re going to make them look even more 3D than they are by adding oh some colors yes so we’re going to have a couple different variations we’ll have uh I’m thinking we’re go like this to

Make it look more round we’re going to add light color to the inside and then around the outside it’ll be a little bit darker so it’ll slowly get brighter and brighter so we’ll have andesite the outside layer will be Stone and then andesite and then a little bit of gray

Wool and then uh light or light gray wool and then light gray concrete so it’s very subtle it’s very subtle but at a distance is going to make it look really cool and even up close when you’re walking by it still looks nice we’re also if all of them looked like

That it would be a little repetitive so we’re also going to do the same thing here with these colors deep slate and tough and Cobble mousy Cobble now this is not the exact replica you know it’s going to be a little different than this but I’m just showing this as an example

This one a little more harsh I mean I went with the Cobble D slate here but this one and oh it’s a hard one to do let me show you my trick you want to place regular deep slate this stuff it’s different than Cobble deep slate this

Face you want this face facing out like that uh let’s see if I can do this yeah I got it I still got it so it’ll be more like that which is lighter and it Blends a lot better so that’ll be really cool and then every once in a while I’m going

To have a diorite one of the stones maybe make a smaller one like that little guy there could be diorite and Clay I think and I think that’ll look really cool so that’s my goal I want to dig into these Boulders and these stones and even these guys out here and give

Them some of that texture and just see the difference of how cool it looks after That Oh this is when BBS gets the Shivers I love this this is not you know I talked with Etho for a long time yesterday about uh texturing and shading and block difference and stuff like that and I realize not everybody’s perfect like me he’s not perfect like me but guess who

Is I’m perfect like me you got to love this it’s so this is so cool look what’s happening okay the difference from what we had before all right when we pull up it’s just a bunch of rocks you know just a bunch of stone now it really is feeling like a real a

Real place what’s feeling so good about it we got two shades we got a slight yellow and we got a slight blue it’s a weird it’s weird but it looks really good see how it’s like bright in the middle that’s making it look like it’s sticking out even further and then dark around

The edges so it gives it some depth and kind of Blends it into the terrain a little bit I also kind of added a little bit of dark texture to the terrain because you know sometimes uh well terrain’s not all the same color and I just imagine that could be like a water

Runoff area something like that but boy oh boy I think this looks good another thing when you get closer this is the other thing I was talking to Etho about is um sometimes when you’re doing texture and stuff when you get close up your eyes just kind of blur and you

Don’t even pay attention to it because it’s kind of ugly but up close I like this I think this looks good up to close this this might be where personal opinion comes into play and if your personal opinion is that you don’t like it then you’re

Wrong what a good lesson I’m also for all I you know there’s just a texture pack thing a resource pack thing called better grass where you can turn on better grass and then the grass texture goes along the side on these so it don’t you don’t have the dirt on the side

There but I’m wanting to in areas that’ll be seen like like this without much grass cover in front of it I’m wanting to just make it look like Rolling Hills in certain places like we did there you know that’s kind of a nice thing we’ve got some rocks here that

Aren’t really textured yet this actually takes longer than you would think to kind of work out the texture things but I did do some in the back because we do come out of here I mean I’m coming out of here quite often and I want to be

Happy when I come out of here and those rocks over there they make me happy look at this this is like two rocks this is like a rock going this way and then one going that way way the reason why they can be differentiated is two different

Rocks is because they’re shaded a little differently this one’s a little darker this one’s a little lighter I we’ll do that to all of this stuff as time goes on it just takes so long so you know this will be just something that I tinker with uh as we go we’re going to

Take a brief Interruption because we’ve got more cool oh this is going to be some cool terrain stuff but I’ve just been asked to head to the shopping district to see Cub he’s got a game he wants to play bone meal we have infinite look at that it’s the fuel

It’s the fuel it made all this stuff okay I got to head to the sharping Shar sharping District I think I’m here yeah I did it I did I did it such speed oh my gosh such speed perfect navigation never a doubt you thank you

Thank you all right so beat up yes this is uh this is the new game that I made okay so so first of all first of all when you’re looking at it straight on First Impressions be honest be honest what do I think of it what do you think

Of it aesthetically it’s a two person game so I went with the red and blue I think it’s very cool I love the use of uh the glazed terra cotta which nobody uses see chat I knew it I knew bebs one the whole time yeah it’s a good that was

A smart job yeah okay so beat ups this game let me show you how it works so um basically it’s a race to fill up a decorated pot oh okay okay so what happens is you put down your pot you can make your your own pot in here uh put down your pot

Cool yeah then as you fill it up see how it goes up up and up yeah yeah yeah so the first person to have their lights go all the way to the top the firework shoots down on the top destroys your pot wins first person to destroy their pot

With filling it too much with the with the blocks right that that’s going to shoot a firework rocket down it’s going to destroy the pot yes and then me and chain mail my Lacy chain mail what’s it going to do to me oh you’re going to be

Fine I’m going to be fine a little so a little love tap a little love tap okay okay all right all right so we’re going to I’m going to hit this button there’s going to be a countdown and once the countdown starts it’s going to go ding

Ding that’s when we start okay okay you ready yep Ready did I start too early yep no no good keep going keep going come on come on what I made it what I think that’s me think that’s me yep yep it barely barely got you okay okay I want a rematch I all

Right let’s do a rematch rematch I’m not even going to talk about it but I think I know a strategy here okay okay you do the Strat you try the Strat okay I’m ready all right you want to hit the button this time you you got it you got

It I got here we go oh I switched off I switched off my mouse moved no oh man my okay okay that’s it this mouse is is going in the trash I’m sorry I was the first time I was holding right click okay okay the second

Time and I and Y it did seem to be going faster is that true I think it is yeah yeah okay yeah so if you just hold it it’s it’s slower than just you know yeah listen you go when you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah just doing it just holding

Down right click I don’t think goes quite as quick yeah yeah oh it’s exhausting though it is right it it gets intense yeah yeah okay oh that’s fun nice yeah well thanks for trying this beat ups appreciate you stopping by man that was uh that’s a

Long trip but this was very worth that long Trip oh that was fun and perfect timing because when you do a lot of building and stuff like this oh man the the little interruptions like that are wonderful just break things up just a little bit okay time for our our cool science a little rule for art is

That you want to control the eye of the Watcher the person watching or looking The Watcher the looking and a great way to do that is with paths so of course we need to get a path in here and I think we’re going to do it kind of windy

A little bit we’re going to come up through here obviously that’s kind of where we’ll come in up and around and then weave that way around the circle or around the the base there so I want to do this path but I want to keep it

Interesting uh we’ve got a lot of just flat land and the instant thought is some kind of crop you know put put some kind of crop big Farmland in here or a bunch of flowers or something like that which does look very cool but I want to

Do something different and I think I just want to look make it look like just natural high grass overgrown area natural grass not a not a crop not a Farmland not a but just like a open field uh so it’ll be a lot of just tall

Short Grass Ferns and a bunch of other random stuff but to keep the path interesting I’ve got a little bit of an idea that I’m kind of excited about so this what is this called This is called warped nyum you got to be open-minded and you

Are cuz you’re here it’s nice it’s real nice when you’re going over it it just slightly shifts the the green to a blue just a little bit and I know blue feels like alien like this feels like an alien color cuz it’s so vibrant but it’s just

Going to be little dots of it in the corner of our eye and I think it’s going to be awesome I’m so excited for that additionally we’re going to do some things like this where uh we we bring uh this is the Lykan where we do the Lykan

And that’ll even actually you can bridge this transition very nicely with the lyan like it makes it blend in pretty well I think maybe it’s a little too bright yeah slightly too bright uh but we’re going to kind of mix those a little bit along the path and some other

Things so I’m really going to work on trying to really make this look wild and overgrown and crazy I think it’s going to look awesome but you get little peaks of that blue and I think it’s cool addition I did this last episode additionally I originally wanted this

Land to go much out out much further so I think I’m going to extend that out as well and with all this stuff we might need a tree we might need another tree I’m thinking we need a tree for our frame when we enter the

Area uh that’s a lot of work that’s a lot of work beat ups don’t be crazy don’t be crazy we’re going to work on the path and some of the other stuff and we’ll see how far we get but the transformation I think is coming along very Nicely I can’t really explain how good this feels and I haven’t even fully fully taken it in we’re I’m going to fully take this all in with you guys I build one thing and then I I I look at it okay okay okay but to actually be in the

World on to horsey oh yeah okay here’s the I’m going to turn around this is the perspective that we’ve been working on okay okay something’s happening A change is happening this change is called well we’re adding some depth we’re putting another tree here okay and that’s

Because really the the main view this is not like your main view your main view is like here and you’ve got a foreground element which is this tree and then the background is that and then the mid is this oh and it’s looking so good I’m so happy with it you can see

From here so obviously we’ve got the tree little you know slightly same slightly different I got a tree like this in my backyard that I like a lot but uh we we sloped out the terrain now and there’s a secret about it that maybe I’ll never tell you guys um until next

Episode but there’s the terrain sloping out and doesn’t that look much better instead of it was cut off right here before but now it just kind of flows out like that which I think is really nice oh I’m smiling I’m happy about this and here’s this area that I was talking

About I I go for walks with my wife uh and there’s this park in this area server will start in 5 minutes I got to hurry there’s this area that’s just all overgrown grass and stuff so I wanted to kind of replicate that feel and I think

We got it I think it it just feels so good going through here with the ground variation and stuff like that I’m really really really happy about this area EO was asking yesterday what are you doing and he said you must have a really big project going on and I said yep it’s

Probably the biggest amount of time spent for the smallest amount of change I mean this isn’t to me me this feels like a huge change but visually maybe it’s not coming across it’s a feel change for me but still have a lot to do still have a lot out here but this

Could be I mean I would like to have a wheat field so that could be that and then we’ve got our back area as well and I kind of smooth that out too so we still have some work to do in the back but mainly that front we wanted to

Get that all situated today all right you know that secret I told you that I wasn’t going to tell you until next episode I’ll show you I’ll show you but you have to promise not to judge okay sometimes listen all right as a 41y old man sometimes your fingers start

Server will Story start in 3 minutes sometimes your fingers start cramping okay I placed a lot of blocks today the all that grass come on now I mean there’s a lot of it was bone me but then bone mealing the other grass and getting Tall Grass there’s a I placed a lot all

Right and um what you see here is uh potential outlines for where the land will go not filled in not filled in because my hand my hand’s hurting I’m tensing my hand up because my mouse wheel is like so Ultra sensitive that I’m like tensing my hand up to try to

Make it perfect and it’s giving me arthritis carpel tunnel whatever I don’t know what it’s called but it just a hurt in my hand I think I would have had this when I was young so it’s not an old person thing climb go graze in the

Fields for a little bit he’s free to graze here there’s so much land I can see where he is this is nice about the field okay I put in look at this little trick so uh there’s there’s an art style this studio gibli art style it’s um it’s

Uh it’s hard to explain just look it up okay okay but a lot of the way they do their terrain and this is a little on the extreme side but in the shadows like in their grass and stuff in a grassy field the shadows will be kind of bluish

Which we did here and I wanted to pull it a little more yellow and this is yellow I wanted to go a little yellow for highlights uh but this works too I like this in the grass and it’s just blending like when you’re looking at it

It’s just there we got one minute oh goodness sakes but I think these just yellowish pops of green look really nice in here and you never pick them out you just feel them when you look you just feel kind of that bright yellow kind of popping through you know what I think

I’m going to call it before the server restarts because you never know you never know if we’ll get it back um so ladies and gentlemen I hope you enjoyed this fun this is just me just farting around in my area but it’s something I felt I needed to do and I’m really glad

I was able to do it I’m feeling really good about the spot now okay server is going to restart soon I love you guys to death thank you so much for watching and we’ll see you in the Next

Minecraft time on the Hermitcraft Server Season 10 SMP Episode 7. Go to https://expressvpn.com/bdubs and get 3 months of ExpressVPN for free.

Today on the Hermitcraft Minecraft SMP, we take on a big personal project that adds a lot of feeling to our base.

Instagram: @BdoubleOinsta
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bdoubleo100
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Hermitcraft Website: http://hermitcraft.com/

#minecraft #hermitcraft


  1. You know what's a great endurance trainer for Cub's game, for pressing a button really fast for hours? Getting a Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator and playing a game like Final Star Force.

    That'll have you moving a ship around the screen with wasd or the arrow keys and then spamming the attack key as fast as you can for hours.

  2. Love the blue grass B-dubs! In australia we literally have a grass called 'Blue Couch' and if you walk around you'll see it randomly and it's actually BLUEish grass xD its also the most softest, most comfy grass haha

  3. I can totally see Studio Ghibli, but I’m also heavily reminded of the anime “Made in Abyss.” When I watched it, I was smitten by the environments. I mentioned to my wife that these buildings/ landscapes look like Bdubs made them.

  4. What a lovely episode. Are you going to add vines or something like that to the trees to make them like willow trees? Can't wait to see what you do!!

  5. Hey Bdubs, what kind of mouse are you using? Maybe you can adjust the scroll wheel setting. At some Logitech mouses there is a button in the middle for this.

  6. As a geologist, the rocks make my soul happy. Everything you did this episode was worth it. The changes were stunning. This was profound!

  7. Bdubs – the editing and composition of your videos this season is so deliciously exquisite. Love how you intro the videos and are doing the interstitials between the talking bits.

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