multiplayer stardew valley 1.6 update!!

For Hello hello hello hello hi Friends got to got to be able to hear gotta be able to hear happy Sunday happy Sunday y’all happy Sunday how are you cute headscarf thank you I thought it went with our like Farm Vibes we’re going for today you’ll see it’s very very Cottage

Core hi nay how are you hi ad freak hi Kitty hi cozy hi Caitlyn hi Stars hi katcha hi Lizzy hi Cleo hi Brady hi star I already said hi Stars hi Stars again hi kin literally just been waiting the last play through it’s like she knew a

Yay anyone else love the new update I love I’m loving it but I’m also just loving it cuz it’s got me back into playing stardew you know what I mean like it’s not even the update itself I’m just I’m loving that I’m playing the the uh the game that I love

So much so dearly hi SE hi Lana hello hi hi hi nerdy Max Kari hello Coy panta hello Simon hello Seline hello Dio hello ananka hello I just watched your body doubling video and I’m working on cleaning now yay that was that was the goal that was

The goal I love watching cleaning uh cleaning videos when I clean so I I hoped it would help Eve thank you so much for the follow Maria thank you so much for the follow thank you thank you gave started a second try after watching your love for I really enjoying

It this time around yay that makes me so happy so glad to see Sunday start yes Sunday started content must continue y’all I even have our stardo mug okay we’ve got our our not mug our our glass coffee pelicant Town starty Valley I’m using the stream to body

Double for my homework yay hi Meg how are you hi hi also thank you Meg Pro Mod promod you’re at PAX East I’m so sad I’m so sad I wanted to go to PAX East but I had too much stuff going on getting ahead of the

Questions oh I can’t wait to go to Pax West though Pax West is like my goto I love Pax West but someday I’m going to PAX East yeah one of these years I’m going I’m going I’m meaning prepping for lunch this week uhuh girlly pop your hair is

So cute thank you Ken thank you all right y’all we gotta hop into our oh oh oh I just closed caption reminded myself we got to hop into our Show and Tell today because we’re doing our multiplayer and we’re so excited we spent like an hour this

Morning like getting all of our Mods together making sure all of them work making sure like the farm set up and then what else are we doing oh we’re also working on stream together so hopefully stream together works this time so that you can see both of us on

Either if you’re watching my stream or Alyssa’s stream you can actually see our faces which will be really nice instead of just our voices hopefully it works we were we were working for so long to get it to work Taylor hello welcome happy Sunday all

Righty did I turn it on I did hopefully it’s going okay it’s show and tell time the first one I see already is making me want to cry so hi M meal prepping I got you I feel you meal people who meal prep strongest soldiers I don’t know how y’all do it

Truly I don’t know how y’all do it look at this look how cute the little mouth made this custom order for someone that needs a last minute baby show gift that’s the be that’s so cute that is so cute that’s so cute I want that for me I

Want that for me I love the like little patter I love how the patterns look like little strawberries or like little florals that’s so that’s so good it’s so good I just love it that’s so cute all right what do we have here little kitty wait hold on I don’t know

If I can open this I don’t know if I can open this ah hold on I I haven’t figured out how to like be a pro streamer and actually show y’all videos yet okay I’ll just translate it to you my my cat during the day my cat at 3:00

A.m. and it’s just the cat’s screaming just literally you do you understand you get it you get it you get the idea nightly mantis hello I play I have played so much more starters since last stream yay woooo hi Sim welcome hi hi okay next we have oh so nice oh so

Cute oh my gosh I love I love I love that the setups just like slowly slow changes the keyboard now the I love it oh my God it’s beautiful that’s House’s Moving Castle right yes sir yes sir yes sir sir Scarlet thank you Scarlet for

Gifting a sub to Cozy Oaks you’re on the verge you’re you’re right on the edge of becoming a repeat offender I might have to yet start yelling at you soon thank you Scarlet thank you a that is so kind thank you aills for the follow my BFF in the sunrise

This morning that’s so cute that’s so nice did you have a little picnic that’s so cute pretty oh this is so cute oh my God this is so cute oh my God I want one I want one I want one this is so cute Stop I love it I love it I love it I want one but I also want one that just like ties like like right here like not not a full Baka but like a little you know did I say Baka Bava not a full baklava I want one that you can like tie

You know like a little like a little Grandma the little hearts right so cute daily kimchi content I love kimchi look at kimchi look at that look at the model model pose he so cute s thank you for the follow first time watch her on here hello welcome Fleetwood welcome

Welcome love a bestie moment we do when I start crocheting again me and CIA when we start crocheting it’s over for you okay never never starts SE I believe in you though I believe in you he’s a Prof she is teapot thank you for the follow I’m making

Bandanas so I can tie them like a granny that’s I want you guys that is all I want Julia hello welcome okay loving this love loving this in every way shape and form okay loving this I wish I wish I had like this is going to be that’s my the yellow

Circle is my son you’re making a beanie right now oh my gosh you guys are so talented loving this absolutely love the cat screaming and we love the part Yay thanks guys I love seeing your lives and your talents and everything and everything and it makes me so happy how are we doing this Sunday how are we feeling do you have a PO Box I do a bonnet that’s the word that’s the word

Thank you I do have a PO Box it’s in my um about section on Twitch it’s in my about section and yeah I think it is also in the in those links I forgot the footnote how could I forget oh my God you’re so right hello I think I need my glasses

Today I think it’s a glass kind of day today feeling like feeling a little granny granny your stream’s all a good always give me a smell yay okay what was I just doing footnote where’s my Mouse Hello what oh thank you thank you for the footnote all right y’all it’s time to

Rate our weeks it’s regrading time okay Grandma Ken says this is this is Alter Ego this is my Alter Ego of gr granny Ken whenever I have my little um my bandana and my glasses it’s Granny Ken time granny Ken says it’s time for raing our

Weeks we were doing okay we were doing pretty good pretty good averages on Thursday pretty high averages um but it’s it doesn’t have to be you know the goal is not always Perfection the goal’s never Perfection okay sometimes we just have ref Freaks and that’s okay we’re just venting commiserating together but R

Your weeks out of 10 for me ooh I think I started I on Thursday it was a 5 out of 10 cuz it was a really rough week but then the update came out and that was exciting today I would say it’s like a eight or

Nine out of 10 because we had so much fun yesterday doing our little stardew playthrough together for our little Community games time and then I had a lot of fun playing lethal company last night and I just had like a a more relaxed weekend it was it was very

Relaxed I filmed a video yesterday that I’m really excited about it’s like a self-care video but it’s like specifically low to no spending self-care and so I’m really excited about that cuz I feel like a lot of us need to not feel like the only self-care

We do is something we can buy so I’m so excited about that I’m excited for that to go up next week and yeah I just feel like I had a good a good couple of a good like Friday through today it’s been great I had Margaritas last night I made a um pizza

Roll like Hawaiian roll little sandwiches it was it was fire it was fun all right I’m going to read yall’s weeks we got eight we got eight the starty play together yesterday brought my week yes same same that was really fun 8 10 finally work controll had so many

Motivations yay I’m happy for you five out of 10 cuz work is killing me pointless meanings I hate that I anticipate this week will be much better that’s amazing we we we we love a positive outlook on the Future 8 out of 10 first time it’s been that high yay

I’m so happy for you 7 out of 10 two low low points handled like a pro and had and an amazing weekend amazing I love that 6 out of 10 literally just woke up S I love it seven 10 okay seven out of 10 yesterday up my score it was

Definitely a four out of five before yep yep yep felt eight out of 10 work quiek was so long but this weekend has been so relaxing yay five out of 10 got wisdom teeth no let’s see what the YouTube Messer saying 7 out of 10 signed up for math

Course for an entrance exam and I was able to understand the matter oh okay okay 6 out of 10 I’m sick I’m sorry I’m so sorry 6.5 seven is too high and six feels too low valid eight out of 10 had lots of fun time with my family

Yay Mr Loy says seven and a half out of 10 okay okay Torchy six out of 10 all right all right hey six is better than two I don’t know I don’t know why that that was the one comparison I made so out of 10 cuz I painted a lot that sounds

Lovely don’t cozy Panda do not tell me about the aala water bottle I don’t want to hear about it because I don’t want to buy it everyone’s been talking up the a Walla water bottle I don’t want to hear it tone tone was talking about it when we raided him I was like

Please please stop talking about it I can’t take this 6 out of 10 ready for spring break I feel that 10 out of 10 I booked a flight to New York in May for my birthday oh yay Jelly Cat B it yes oh my God I want to go to the Jelly Cat

Store so bad you’re going to have to take some pictures for for the show and tell cuz I I want to go so bad it’s my dream true girl you’re right 10 out of 10 yay two 10 out of 10 yay thank you Lex a lot for the

Follow what kind of water ball is it it’s the one where it’s like a it’s like it looks like a little tube and then it has a little like oblong Cup on the top and you flip it open and you can drink out of it like this but then there’s

Also like a straw through the same part that you’re drinking out of so it’s like you can do straw or you can tilt and for some reason that’s just making it’s it’s making people fral they’re loving it they’re like no trust me this is the end I’ll be all water

Bottle and I believe you is the thing that’s the problem I believe you but I don’t want to cuz I I I have my Stanley I now have no excuse to get a new water bottle I only had new excuses to get new Stanley colors because I could give them

To Maya and Ryan now Maya and Ryan have Stanley’s and I have my Stanley and I have no excuse get to get a new water bottle none zero so I I’m going La I don’t want to hear anything about any new water bottle Cassie roll thank you for the

Follow I’ve had my aala for around a year and I’ve definitely started drinking more water but see see I I guess that can be my argument back to myself is that I do drink water I don’t need to drink any more water cuz this has made me drink

Water so you know what I don’t need it would just be Superfluous is that the right word it would BEP superfluous they have such cute colors I know I love the like color blocking that they do I know wasn’t the stainle color isn’t it perfect I love it it’s proven to keep

Ice Frozen for longer than the Stanley I like my water room temp my teeth are sensitive I’m a room temp girl y’all are actually helping me I feel I feel better about this decision this is helping I convinced my sister to play stard with me yay

Exciting okay let me let me text Alyssa see if Alyssa’s ready hey Beach okay I’m ready A for effort everyone yeah I am a slight chill but I don’t want to ice cold I feel that room time drinking water okay Satan chill okay but I I don’t know it’s just too it’s just

Too much like whenever they put ice in the water at a restaurant I end up not drinking it ever because it’s too much if I have to like put it against my teeth I’m I’m I’m ripping my skin off you know what I mean I don’t that’s the worst sensation of my life

And then even drinking it through a straw I’m like it’s just too much it’s too much and then it’s like adding another sensation on top of eating and I’m like I don’t want to there’s like this cold front in my mouth and then I need to eat it’s just too it’s it’s too

Much I want to start stard again for the first time oh same oh I’m so excited for youe wood that’s exciting my and a Wala I need my drink temp to last all days it’s so it’s so interesting how how different we all we all are in our preferences Maya likes uh warm

Water so that’s um something Maya will like fill the Stanley in the fridge and then go boil some water and then like pour the boiling water oh like this much so that basically the whole thing’s just warm yep warm water yep yep do you need a restart stard do no M

It just automatically updates and then I think people are just restarting because um concerned ape the developer suggested it because he’s like there’s a lot of stuff kind of early game and like if you just start in your old save file it’s going to just automatically unlock a

Bunch of stuff and it won’t be as rewarding so that plus the new Farm type is kind of fun okay I’m going to hop on to the the stream together thank you pretty for the follow I’m watching this while playing Disney Dre Valley oh fun okay got to start my camera okay everything’s

Good fitty I’m like oh hold on hello is she in hello hello I’m in wait wait wait hold on sorry guys hold on I’m in but your camera’s not on hello hello can it hello a [ __ ] can y’all see Kennedy can you see her hello she’s

Hello okay hi can you hear me Kennedy I can hear you oh wait wait Kennedy the same thing happened again hold on hold on hello hello I got you I got you I got you I got you okay I can’t see you though is your virtual camera on um yes [Applause]

Yay finally oh my God we did it you guys were doing it it’s happening I was telling them how we spent so long we spent like an hour this morning trying to get all of the mods and everything to work so long but like Kennedy was so excited

She was like what about this mod what about this mod I was like hold on hold on hold on we’re on level zero right now I’m so excited though our farm looks so cute it looks so cute okay so you guys so yes so what we did so far we

Went into um in stem Meadow Farm tell them the name of the farm Kennedy women in stem what’s the name of Over Yonder It’s Over Yonder and what’s your name in The Farm my name’s barley and mine’s buck and we we we we gave ourself um little elf ears

We did I’m gonna I’m gonna pause the music we gave ourselves little elf ears and it’s very good I’m gonna minimize this can you still hear me yeah I’m like I get nervous even minimizing stuff they said no peee joke I’m shocked I know we thought we thought about it and then we

Were like H we got to go with the theme that’s no I said immediately whenever we open the farm Kennedy’s like I said so peee so poopy and then peee Kaka farm and then and is like no cozy gra okay also yes I feel like Kennedy

And I are both like stress eating and drinking our coffee right now what happened was we were downloading our mods and doing um trying to figure out how to stream together like this for like two hours and then we had like 30 minutes until we stream so we’re like

Okay let’s go eat eat and Cofe by okay and then we hung up for so who is we literally was just like who is we I I said okay oh um do you want me to send you my PIN for the petition yes yes

Yes yes yes okay um I’m going to send it on Discord really quick dokie so you guys we love concern ape we love stardo Valley but we do want to give our friend a little bit of a pressure concern ape to um fix the pronoun situation in the

Game so I I just sent it to you thank you so if you guys want to check out our pins we would appreciate it so that you can sign the petition yeah I’m going to do after 120 there we go okay so I I popped in on your stream

For two seconds I saw that y’all were raing your week so let’s do the same on my chat chat how we doing yeah why is my stream highlighted dad cat um possibly because we’re streaming together I’m not or a highlight oh is it in a highlight

On I don’t know I don’t know how that works cuz I’m because I’m sick as [ __ ] that’s why I don’t know what to tell you because I deserve it I don’t I don’t know what it means I tried to get into St but I just wasn’t feeling it maybe I should try

Again I feel like definitely try again there’s always like this this like learning curve and you get into it you’re like there’s so much happening I just I what’s going on but once you like there’s a couple things that I like to do when when first starting looking up

YouTube Tip videos there’s a ton of like the first things you should do when you start a farm like the things you should know before those are are the best specifically in that voice by the way yes it is the first things you should do to have the main frame for initiating

Sequence those and then or and or watching playthroughs because I feel like that helps you kind of like see how people reason through things and then what else the wiki the wiki or the guide book I also if you guys are interested did I did make a Instagram video I

Believe it’s still my latest Instagram video on how to download mods using Vortex um which is what Kennedy and I are using for our mods so if yall need help we got a little tutorial yeah oh let me put it in YouTube chat too hopefully the links

Work uh dad cat the petition is to help um make the game more gender inclusive gender inclusive what am I trying to say inclusive for gender gender inclusivity for the game every combination I finally got my kegs yay our kegs look really cute in this in

Our little mods okay but tell them about our are you opening it by the way oh should I go in yeah okay should I I’m gonna switch to our uh here we go hello Hanah thank you so much for the sub also hey Haley hi kugi all the names she goes by

All the names here your Tik Tok helped me helped me mod star do oh my gosh perfect good I’m so glad what is Alyssa’s Tik Tok there you go um you can do command socials to find my Tik Tok and all my other socials we did a whole first

Day we did of of meeting people and putting oh we didn’t even put down crops I was today right okay I’m in I’m in baby um invite me in Steam just in case oh [ __ ] I need to open Steam give me a second I need to leave him come back

Okay it’s always steam it’s always it’s always steam I know hi Y is mods a PC only yeah sadly mods is a PC only thing mhm it is very frowned upon to get a modded switch Yeah from Nintendo they don’t like it okay can you send me an invite sure

Can wait I have to re do Frick I closed it did you get it um yes but I’m waiting for things to open okay okay so we have like these we have these cute little ears we have do they see them on your yeah

Aren’t they so cute I put a list in this in the Stream um hi kalista in this OMG G amazing mods can’t believe more than a year COA 10 wave my the the message was big right out yay um I put I put it in the Stream chat

Uh the list of our mods in case anyone wants to get the same ones what did I just click we have like a building mod we have a recolor mod we have a tree mod those are all like the athetic mods and then we have a medieval

Like object mod I want to eat the farm right we have a medieval object farm and then we’ve did like little elf ears what else did we do give me one second uh guys on my stream are you able to see everything okay or are we moving

Around okay cuz I good moving around good I put it in full screen hello all right hello so cute I’m gonna turn down my volume though give me a sick oh yeah let us know if there’s if anyone’s like loud or anything oh yeah please cuz we’re very new to uh stream

Together please Kay’s like no Starion mod no the collective yelling hi fall hello fall says hi Kennedy and Alysa there we go hello the trees like candy they do I heard a steria and I’ve been called where is he I don’t think you know Kennedy and I we’ve talked

About it we’ve conversed we think you’ve got to be like a special kind of bisexual to be into aeran and we’re just not those kind of we’re not those kinds yeah yeah we’re just living our best buckwheat and barley bu and barley life Buck weed’s hitting the

Sack I got a letter from Willie yeah let’s go oh wait wait let’s water these wait wait wait wait what is wait you can do that you can do that okay also we did Regular bundles just so that we don’t have to like think about it too much and

Then we but we did remixed mine mines sisss we like to think as little as possible we do um should we name our chickens first oh yes how do we do that so how should we do it should you name yours and I name mine or should you have

Your stream name yours and my stream name mine yeah let’s do that which one do you want brown or yellow which one do you want I don’t care they’re both cute I want I want this one okay squeak oh squeaks cheaper so cute all right okay one of my mods make

A poll first mod to make a poll with names wins what kind of names do you think your stream’s going to go for Kennedy I don’t know y’all Dro drop some name uh egg fried [Laughter] rice that’s amazing that’s amazing oh I’m sorry Taylor salt and

Pepper is cute why were mine so mine were like Stumpy and like like chumper or something like that I don’t know we’re we’re going for stupid over here I can’t deal with this anymore please begging all of you aaran oh aarian aaran Star as in sparkly thing in the sky

Saying got beans we were offending Beans by saying asterian oh oh I think I started saying estan because yeah you were saying Aion I was like oh is it aeran guys we I I know it’s glitched out for you guys it’s because I’m clicking on the bowl the the pole the pole the

Bowl this is you know me Ford F-150 oh my God please please name your chicken Port up 150 so our names are either beans Tyson cray Eric concern ape or Jordan and Raley okay everybody go vote I think I got to go with for F150 please why is yours the most chaotic

Please let me see him let me see him oh I got to I gotta egg fried rice is really good Ford F150 is just like a Kalisa classic I got to do it it still says cheaper on my end oh there he is there there we go I’m dead that’s

Incredible Ford F150 looks really happy today you guys oh good you guys how did KY out chaos us are you serious youon andr it also very cute let’s put let’s keep those in our back pocket for our next chickies God bless them those will be good pig names too Yukon and Russ

It oh my gosh yes I just feel like we should get ghosts and they should just like also and we they they should just all have rhyming names like how are you doing today little Ford F150 little Ford F150 I’m going to Willies and you can’t

Stop me wait no no no I want to wait wait wait wait wait okay come on let’s go while they’re voting come back they already did my chicken’s name is beans you out chosed us oh bean beans is cute he is brown yeah he is brown that’s

True oh my God shut up we’re so cute look at the way we botle skirts I know you’re so cute who else do I have to meet everybody I have to meet everybody Willie first I love the the trees are so cute thank you all for your 69% vote for being

Oh Sam get your ass over here Sam Sam Sam all right nice to meet you too oh I don’t think I met Jazz and Penny I’m just following you cuz I don’t want you to get I don’t want you to beat me I don’t know okay in the meeting people Department I

Already did remember Tyler I do remember Tyler said why I’m scared oh I got Willie and fashion oh got a lot wait I didn’t mean Elliot Elliot come here Elliot narrator she could indeed be stopped Elliot’s not worth meeting it’s fine my advice is to go to Louis’s house wait why

Why leis leis why Le I thought we were getting our poles we’re running out of time I came with the Elliot slander I’m sorry but so can somebody tell me just cuz I’m curious now does it say on the stream that Kennedy and I are streaming together oo oh you can put

In carrots oh wait no I think you put in tickets and then get carrots you get carrots first then tree then whatever the hell that is it does say that Kennedy and I streaming together okay I Sydney sorry I believe them over you I love you there’s supposed to be a cut scene

Louis maybe he has to be there wait go in your house okay I’m going try it again what are you talking about I thought I’m getting my pole yeah I’m getting my pole see you my pole oh all right I got the I did it okay skip we’re darn tooting wo

Remember when we went to go get our poles and you bought an extra pole no remember that remember that I do I thought I needed it okay good okay and look we have this little mod where it has like little leaves on our tools yeah our tools are cute oh that’s

Rude well can I why would you I remember Tyler was with me I think you need to get a ticket first okay I’m cold why am I cold my boba’s warm why now I want Boba beans you’re so sweet thank you happy belated to you beans a wait wait wait what’s everybody’s Boba

Order what’s your Boba order okay I don’t know why I’m sitting here let’s go keny what my Boba order yeah I like the brown sugar Boba with like a um slaps like the one that’s not actually caffeinated tea but it’s like just Brown sugary you know do you ever do like the

It’s like rice like toasted rice or something Marne here’s Marne oh [ __ ] that [ __ ] let me let me out her how dare you marne’s fine no she’s not Marne has work life balanc that we should all strive for everybody on my side of the stream is a Marne hater okay let it be

Known if you’re here you’re a Marne hater oh oh gosh Alysa is slandering our names through the town sorry oh honeydew milk tea is good but I feel like sometimes it’s bad like it depends on the actual shop because sometimes the shops will use this like really gross powdered stuff sometimes the powdered

Stuff is good sometimes it’s bad and sometimes the Honeydew powder is like the worst of all the powders well especially if it’s matcha you have to have like high quality matcha for it to be good I don’t know I kind of like the shitty matcha what I love a good shitty matcha

Like I love when it just tastes like what they think matcha like tastes you just like dirt not dirt like when it’s super sweet and it like just tastes like what a c like a candy of matcho would taste like versus is dirt no yeah no no my twitch suggestions are stardew

Valley hell yeah the anti powder yeah I do love a good Tai tea too I love Tai tea mango boba tea perfect for the warm weather I agree I love mango boba tea so good I can’t do the tapioca balls they stick to my teeth I get that I love them

I love tap I ask for extra tapioca same I just that’s me that is you that’s true I have to agree um excuse me it’s bedtime yeah high quality sometimes matcha scratches the itch to drink grass soup you made it as a kid so true so true but see when I

Want like a good matcha like a like a actual iced or matcha I want good matcha but like a matcha Boba a a bad powdered matcha it could be kind of good I don’t know guys I don’t know sorry hey I’m in bed oh where it’s 950 huh yeah it’s huh and it’s

Dark oh Earl Gray sounds good hello you don’t like the dark well not not when we have nothing else to do hold on you guys I’m fixing my channel Point redeems I forgot to check them oh God I might be breaking something don’t break something don’t do

That thank you stone for the water sip oh God hold on you’ve ins influ me going to get boba te the only tea I can drink is chai how come green tea with fruit B in the ice see I don’t like the the like Fruity bobas I don’t like the fruity ones the

Like you do mhm I feel like when I want Boba I just want the tapioca I like it on um ice cream you know oh that I could see that I could see I just like don’t I never choose that over like a Tapioca creamy

One like at a boba shop but I guess I get it I don’t know the popping ones are just a different vibe for me I don’t know I’m fixing my channel points everything else tastes dirty to be not in a fun way I could see that t te does

Have kind of dirt taste I love that though all right don’t fear geese Don’t Fear the channel points are here the best spiced tea in Abu Dhabi ooh ooh condensed milk sounds s good in a tea sore I’m trying to think what other flavors there are I never get like a

Coffee flavored boba taro’s fire Tai’s fire fire the brown rice or The Toasted rice is fire sometimes there’s like a like a like a salty cream one that’s good green tea is nice too if you get the right one I feel that I feel that oh there’s no game audio oh I think

It’s just really low I turned it really low cuz it was blasting in my eard drums yeah bit what why can’t I get coffee from Harold you should wait is it cuz I don’t have mixed it up up you hear it now okay good is truffles talking to you guys

Hold on truffles oh shoot shoot oh yeah no you should be able to get coffee what what’ you do did you break something huh no oh just yelling just my usual yelling bits will not break the stream and also I fixed the break the stream channel

Point but we can’t do that right now cuz we’re doing kindy things oh it’s raining i”s say hi to our babies how’s Ford today yay beans you gave us a little egg thanks beans okay we need to put a chest inside oh why did it oh why did it stay

Open it’s probably because I’m an idiot like did you manually open it I have a secret tunnel bit redeem through the mountains should we sell I’m gonna sell it wait let’s go get let’s go get our fish our our raining rainy day fish o rainy day fish wait wait wait wait wait

Do we have enough wood for a chest yes we do hold on let me go build a chest inside okay I’m going to be fishing it I’m going to try and get a eel and love a four F150 egg it’s not an egg unless

It’s a Ford F-150 egg let me tell you it was a bean egg catfish at level one fishing will be so impressive me you got a catfish at level one fishing didn’t you you got a eel and a catfish yesterday I thought how’d you get them active enough for those photos that’s Vinnie

Yawning he was not in fact active or were we fishing before I don’t know either way you’re my inspo Meg’s my inspo wait I want to be cute and fish with you Meg we watch you do that where are you where are you no like I’m asking oh I’m uh down

Down I’m down south at the river fishing River fishing by the bou in the town in the in the town all right right I’m under uh like Emily’s house oh [ __ ] that’s a catfish oh that right there that’s catfish didn’t we want a catfish yeah it’s about catching it that’s the

Problem ah oh you have the uh look at you can see I’m so sorry I have a love hate relationship with Boba really Shale you like tapioka not the popping on see crochet I’m the same way hi Benjamin that ain’t no catfish oh my God

This one’s a speedy one hold on oh my God you got it you got it you got it you got it I really don’t a you got it wait no wait wait wait wait wait I might have I believe in you I believe in you I

Believe in you I might have I did it I did it I did it is it catfish yeah ala did it okay let’s go get a eel let’s go get a eel where do we get them uh Beach oh wait it has to be after what

Was it what did we say it was after 400 p.m. it’s after 4 p.m. I’ll just keep can’t we emote somehow I think so yeah we definitely can shut the [ __ ] up we’re so cute we’re really cute look little ear wait Lou leou leou leou Lew I didn’t say hi to him yet

I think um this ain’t no catfish either it’s okay we got our one catfish for the community center all we need by the way we’ve decided something collectively as a juice P we decided that when you’re here next month we’re going to play overcooked

Yeah I’m so down oh it’s why emo is why o okay can I do it a a AIT your character sprites are right now and then you said it same brain cell Hazel you and me same brain cell seeo thank you Kinder for the follow fishing with my trusty old

Fishing rod hell yeah kuki I love that emote so much even though it looks like little sperms one time a boba tasted like spoiled garbage oh my gosh ew no oh that’s a catfish oh oh God get it get it get it get it get it I I can’t

You can yes you can no I missed it already I just complet I just went I shot up I keep getting distracted and then I just get trash wait hold on I got the oh this one’s a little guy he feels like my Boba bubbles were clear what like your tapioca bubbles

H oh I got a small mouth bag nice all right what else can we do before the eel you get more oh no it’s Wednesday yay thank you Ally where are we going you have know Boba where you live no that’s tragic that is tragic truly oh did I did

I don’t think I met Gus I I Gus gusy boy like okay don’t get me wrong I understand that we’re basically that we’re 8 bit it’s 8 bit right or what is it yeah I think it’s AIT right yeah I understand that we’re all pixelated but

Why do we like look like ourselves you know what I mean I’m not just saying like I just feel like I just feel like this is very accurate it is this is fully us right now it’s so cute probably or should we my inventory is full should

We should we get are can we get the cut scene yet for the community center no that’s going to be day six okay okay see oh oh oh okay here else what’s coming up for the event going to the beach thanks for the good vibes thank

You let’s go to the beach run Fair typ Fit exactly you get the Vibes oh seb’s here seb’s at the beach if you need to meet him give me a second you guys oh the bits thank for so much emotion conveyed in such a Blank Stare all right yay oh yeah you

Guys uh beans did redeem a how poopy command in honor of Kennedy so if you want to see how poopy you are woo thank you for the reub literally just emo at the beach in the rain it’s it’s so s but so on brand you know got it if you you got to

Respect it my stream glitch no you don’t it’s just me going back to Twitch I’m sorry should I get rid of my smallmouth bass should I sell it uh do we need one for the community center I don’t know I’m going to here okay I’ll make a chest and just throw

Our fish in it but we need money hey you barely got any seeds where’s where are all the seeds I only got like two of each we didn’t have money we had no money we have $400 now we do cuz we we’re on day three we sold some stuff we had zero

Okay we but where are you where are where are you I’m at the beach I’m fishing for an eel we can get some more crops tomorrow we’ll sell some fishies we’ll get some more crops tomorrow hey it’ll all work out [ __ ] stress hold on hold on um bro is literally brooding so

Hard okay okay okay so I have another chest for us the blue is going to be for fishies oh [ __ ] Bish thank you sopie for Redeeming the Bish okay okay okay okay yes that was the anchovy H I don’t think I can get this eel Meg I need you to come fishing eel

Out for us that’s not the kind of attitude that we’re looking for here you can do okay I can do it I can do it this is another ano I can tell okay I’m going to make this House a Home wait come we need we need two we need all

Hands on deck for this eel for the E 550 okay it goes until when does he go away uh like like late late late at night okay okay okay where are you on the here which one oh the beach mhm okay God I wish I had you never know star cream

Thank you so much oh I feel like it’s so easy to take late stage sturdy Valley for granted whenever you realize you have to walk I know tell me about it uh oh you signed the petition thank you so much Ken I appreciate it yeah okay never mind abort Mission we

Got an eel I just I just got I mean we can get another eel I I can’t explain it there’s just these little irritan that I have with you and this is one of them but it can’t be put into Work it’s that it’s the fact that you didn’t know what it’s the fact that you that you didn’t know what content Patcher is but I had it downloaded you brush your teeth in bed I just it’s it’s the you’re you’re your annoying f is that you have so many beige

Flags you just like riddled with beige Flags oh my God brush your teeth and bed that’s the thing I’ve ever heard yes apparently that’s a thing a oh by the way I forgot to tell you it was so funny remember how you were like it’s a trend

Brushing your teeth in bed look it up on Tik tokes sent me a photo of brushing your teeth and it was like nothing found but I believe you thanks I okay fairy thank you for the follow it’s the way you act you act allly we can still we I’m

Sorry Mom I got distracted Momo thank you so much for the rain thank you welcome M we love you hi M oh my gosh I’m excited to mine we’re going to wait we need to get seeds we need to get seeds in the M we got yeah

Um if you need to you know do your little post stream dinner and all that I know you I know you I know you do I know you do please do that’s all hi Bacteria bacteria is a great name actually it’s Jord wall we just call her bacteria oh why because she she’s uh what are you studying for jordal she’s studying for something and she talks about bacteria a lot hey bacteria said with love so much love vet school oh is that it Oh I

Thought I didn’t know if it was like a fancy title it was one class yes but you took that class very seriously and we applaud you listen we already have another Jordan we should call kendis knee or just cuz we have a can yeah I feel like it works we use

Context Clues Kenne can be Ken number one and then cozy games Kennedy can be Ken number two I’ll take it cuz get it cuz you’re number two cuz you’re poop yeah I’m Number Two at my core oh I’m getting a raid I co up with mods without the game oh let me

Oh are you freezing you’re freezing okay there we go yeah my stream is frozen do you’all see the cats Frozen in the sky is it frozen for you guys too are all the cats Frozen on the screen can you hear me I wish I could I can hear you you’re good

Over here you all right well that’s good hi um I’m a little confused as to what’s happening right now so I’m going to go to my twitch manager because OBS is like whoa whoa um yeah I don’t know doas but shy Le if you can hear me or yeah shy Le thank you

So much for the raid I’m not sure if I’m even talking to anybody yeah we can hear oh you can hear me okay well Ken I wish you could my screen the cats are just I don’t know the cats are just Frozen on my screen yeah I love Thomas immediately stepping

In what’ you say Thomas teex support y here Kennedy you’re taking over hey all heyle Dazzle on both the old rasle Dazzle wait can you press start on on your stardo the PA space you know I will I’m going oh I have redemptions oh my gosh water sip thank you cheers

Thomas Thomas I’m freezing slowly I know I’m so sorry but thank you guys so much for the follows thank you for the raid I’m sorry I didn’t get to like give you a proper intro I love you guys thank you appreciate my name is Alyssa II her pronounce welcome to the stream we

Stream started with Kennedy on Sundays we working Monday through Fridays get up get up Kennedy’s bullying me in St right now but thanks for hanging out we’ll get fixed in just a second Kennedy go on go on without me go I’m going to make us a Chest I don’t know okay we have a fishing chest and we’re going to have a crop chest weird okay This is the literal cozy chaos we’ve come to expect happy to be here your RAM said I don’t want to I have no idea what happened but for thank you appreciate you guys we’re not going to do a raid video because we’re we’re playing stardo but thank you

That’s so funny just everything froze oh it was hilarious it just everything just [ __ ] the bed like I threw up but I know with cozy quter give me a second you guys I know it’s going to look like it’s glitching but I swear this time it’s not a

Glitch there we go okay okay okay I kind of yearn for the mines you yearn yeah wait I’m yearning too yeah but we can we do it is that I think it’s day five is it day five hey I’m one follow away from 3,400 hey I hit 400

Thank thank you iose Pond everybody we’re yearning yeah welcome to the Goose Pond everybody we love you okay you’re doing great thank you yeah I’m going to go get us some more so much some more what oh seeds yes please we need a lot of parsnips so that

We can get um Valley girls who our chickens are already grown it it’s wild we already knew that oh are you talking to somebody else no thank you for the follow it just it weirds me out every time I don’t know why do we have a chest in here

What’s your thinking there in the for yeah for eggs why don’t we sell the eggs because we want mayonnaise oh don’t we suppose so don’t don’t you want to drink mayonnaise not particularly but me neither I understand I’m going to sell like half and then keep half how

About it I bought I bought 15 nips nips I’m going to go plant them can you get some kale I just left this is let it be known this is exactly what it would be like if Kennedy and I were like roommates ever I just left the can you please go back

Please I thought you said drink comp you would be like do you need anything from the store and I’d be like nope and then you’d be leaving it I’d be like oh wait that’s literally okay I we had enough money for two kale seeds so that’s gots

Okay two of them I need the M that turns the Mayo into yogurt oh I want that I know the male thing’s so silly I love how concerned a sat there with his whole ass and his whole chest and was like you know what the people

Need his whole ass his whole ass and I need to drink it was an oversight I got to say pedals are spinning their way with a flower delivery was that the raid message from sh that I missed when everything pooped itself it’s shy shy

Leaf thank you I I go back and forth God sh I feel that shy Leaf yes thank you so much for the follow oh ken thank you for the bits I love you too thank you I’m PL I’m planting our nips thank you I’m going to look around for dig

Spots all right and forgea what is the um what’s the fertilizer is that farm is that two I have no idea what oh yes yes yes yes yes I see what you’re saying um shy Leaf did you how have you been liking stardo have you been playing

I assume that you’ve been playing it what you laugh drinking Mayo drinking mayo oh we got some more carrots thank you go take care of yourself we love you we got to remember to save up money for um actually we should just sell everything we have first so we shouldn’t

Keep any eggs for Mayo because we have to save up money for the straws that’s the best Money Maker in uh spring yeah okay let’s do it I agree shy it feels like it feels like almost the beginning stage of Animal Crossing again again where we’re all just like bonding over

Yeah I agree did I talk to Elliot I did not quite though you you did I’m sorry yeah yeah rough out here yeah you can drink the May yeah that was in that was in his new update that was one of the items one of the main items that he talked about I

Know it’s frozen for you give me a second I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry did I hear there’s a mod that makes the Mayo into yogurt yeah that’s what someone said I’d be so done for that Mayo grosses me out like I I like Mayo on sandwiches but it grosses me out

I was okay I was going to say like even on cooking it’s fine but like raw Mayo I like Mayo you do thank you for the hyd yes I do just like Mayo sitting there you just you like Mayo yeah just sitting there I mean yeah like you’ll

Like smell it and you won’t gag okay no I don’t just go up and sniff Mayo but if you did but if you did if you did go up and sniff Mayo would you gag or would you not gag is my question I would not I would not gag I don’t

Understand I don’t understand it’s how would I think it’s fine the F hopping in from Alissa stream to share love stop Ken a stop I have a Dolphin hat redeem I’m sorry I’m going to put it over my headset I’m so sorry my condolences do you see this it looks extra

Stupid I’m so confused to Hope I just love how sadly you said that I have a Dolphin hat dolphin there’s nothing happy about dolphins thank you for the follows you guys thank you I appreciate you appreciate you oh get her done it’s fine everything’s fine don’t even worry about

It when are we yearning we can’t year until tomorrow unfortunately H I know I’m just going to go forage and get some Ro so this is the thing do you see this no you don’t even know what I’m talking about look at this look at this what the the Gap

Yes I’m is there a mixed seed I can throw in there what are you laughing about I’m laughing at the Gap did you did I do that I don’t know it sounds like something I do I thought that’s what you were saying I thought you were

Like this is what I’m talking about I can’t stand this I can’t live like this we if we were on a deserted island and it was just the two of us your Hut would be on the opposite side of the island stay away from my oh my God Alyssa is an aquarius it’s

True that’s fact do you know your rising sign o dandelion my Rising is Capricorn I feel like oh yeah we talked about this cuz we have the same we have the same caor cap Rising yeah I added a crap ton of mods but forgot to check after each one oh uh oh

I said it I said it in my video not that you watched it I’m not sure if you did but I said star said I’m married to an Aquarius and yep makes sense Thomas is a Taurus so oh really I don’t I don’t really know a lot about

Tauruses but I don’t really know a lot about anything yeah same there’s like a couple that I do and that’s it are you wait are you foraging I’m foraging yeah I’m foraging Forin all right oh yeah the hunters all right I’m going to clean up

Our farm a bit oh I have not been checking these spring onions check them no I’m checking wait I want one but save him we have to save him because then we need to get close to Jack and the other little kid the other weirdo kid and they need

To teach us how to remove bugs Haley are you deleting beans’s messages yes because beans is deleting is deleting Hy’s mes the cross stream War Haley has the power over here and beans has the power over there I see I see now kids hey kids hey don’t play

Around don’t make us turn this stream around we’ll do it we won’t no we won’t we’re in We’re In Too Deep but please hey don’t worry spring onions yeah they do respawn you’re a Libra ooh there’s a mod fight absolutely Taurus gang oh you’re you’re a Taurus

Aly is anyone a Capricorn that doesn’t a cap Rising specifically that doesn’t isn’t like super organized and productive is that you are you Capricorn I don’t remember yeah that’s both of us we’re cap Rising okay but like what are you not Rising Aries okay my boyfriend is Li Libra and I’m a

Pisces I don’t really okay okay okay what are the like defining features of an aquarius in a um Aquarius is like very individualistic and like um kind of innovative and okay um that’s all I know I don’t know anything else about aquarius’s and then what was the other

One uh yours Aries oh Aries is like stubborn that’s like the the classic one is like stubborn and kind of fiery and Um like just kind of says things I identify as a stegosaurus stick lias are so cute I just want a spoot sh on the forehead Libras are are very cute Libra over here can’t make decisions yeah that’s that is like the defining Libra I’m a I’m deaf Aquarius

Scorpio Rising I don’t know what Scorpio Rising is either Aquarius is about the whole and Community oh really oh they’re leaders that’s what it is natural leaders tend to care about humanitarian issues and they are aloof Alo Leo Rising Pisces Sun Taurus Moon over here ooh Taurus moon will forever be jealous of

Everyone’s sign cuz I’m a cancer does that mean that you are like kind of um sentimental right cancers are very sentimental I feel like cancers are really empathetic right isn’t that I think so yeah Pisces and Cancers are like very emotional in general mhm hey get out sensitive and crabby

A heyy hey all right I think I think Aries at first in my life I like wasn’t in my full self and I was like I’m not an Aries at all and then once I like felt comfortable being myself I was like oh yeah that’s that’s me this one little spot we you

Couldn’t find a single mixed seed I have one in right here in my pocket are you what’s the problem I have one in my pocket look it’s all gets all better look oh my God no problems Aries are also very loving yeah she does it

Again o ug I am loving cook Unity I like it better than factor I still really love Factor but I do like it better our carrots we are not emotional Aries wom are EST your humans oh my God thank y’all thanks so much we are kind of little little gremlins though what’s

Pisces because I know they’re creative and I do art Maya’s a Pisces very very emotional okay so like emotionally intelligent emotional yeah they can be some like an unevolved Pisces is not but an evolved Pisces can be emotionally intelligent evolv P yeah like they’ve done the self-work to get there

I’m going to sell all of these except hello welcome into the chat welcome to The beans how long do I have this hat on for I’m a Leo but a Scorpio Rising so I’m emotional AF hello Leo but Scorpio Rising I didn’t know Scorpio Rising makes you emotional that’s so interesting there’s so much I really don’t know hey I have a carrot

What do we do highly recommend the book C uh what sell save one sell one okay I’ll I’ll accept your carrot thank you I’m going to put it in here we can sell the other one just silent silently gives it to me Ela offers you a carrot

Soda wait what day are we on five we can yearn we can wa I thought you said oh wait no oh no six is Community Center wait wait wait we can yearn we can yearn let’s go let’s go should we buy more let’s put our tools away okay it’s the different kinds of

Spicy brain clashing these are the moments it’s just constant in etal screaming I’m like wait let’s go wait wait let’s go wait wait and is like I’m ready I’m ready to earn okay I have okay I’m going to bring my hoe any tips for for first time stard Valley

Girlies yeah let’s what are like our actual tips like wait Community Center just happened what the hell that’s never happened to be on day five oh good for us what the hell so my tip personally for first time stardy Valley players um um is to play without mods for sure

Don’t get overwhelmed like looking at people online and looking at their mods play vanilla just so you can get used to the B us to the story and like if you’re wanting to actually follow Valley like the vanilla game you really get connected to the characters so yeah

That’s very true oh Hale Le thank you did haly do to you what she just did to me yeah oh Haley heks Haley thank you a Alysa come read the thing in the community center why is it because you’re not doing it no I did do it we

Just both have to do it okay I thought you just wanted me to do it for you Alysa do it do it Alysa no that’s you to me you do it wait wait wait but it brought me back to our farm I have to Waddle my butt all

The way over hold on go waddle I’m going to the mines I’m yearning okay wait did you bring food nope all right I’m I’m the food’s the the friends that we make along the way thank you the food is the all right all right that’s fine haly I love

You oh not Yuki well also yukin suuki but I’m talking about Haley in the game yeah vanilla equals no mods yeah yes Sor H question so I suggest playing without mods just so you can get used to the villagers also keep in mind for First stardo Valley Clear first stardo Valley

Players um it’s really easy to feel like you have to like grind in the game and like oh my gosh I have so much to do but like the beauty of stardew Valley is that you can absolutely take your time and that’s what’s gotten people to

Really fall in love with it is to like literally take wi we like take a week wi we take a week to just like get to know the villagers you know yeah and just like you’re surrounding just get a get a lay of the land and

Then I feel like once you realize okay I know where I am I know what I have to do then you can start like looking up kind of like the wiki stuff like okay where do I get this fish from right right what season do I plant this in like all of

That I feel like I’m starting to stutter a little bit in the game oh I’m your internet’s taking a poopy like the tiniest bit maybe it’ll fix itself I’m going to theoretically put it in rice yeah also the books in the library are more informational than you think in the

Like what’s it called Library the museum yes look in the trash cans baking Vixen and Ken yes who are you going to marry tell me wait I did I do what you needed me to do I went to the community center and I clicked on the and then it was and

Then it was the gibberish yeah are youning I I’ll okay I’ll okay I’ll yearn with you tomorrow I’m going to go get us some nips okay then tomorrow we get the letter from The Wizard and then we can go to the wizard and then he’s going to make us uh have

Mushrooms and then we’re going to go Community Center yay mushrooms with Uncle wizard Uncle wizard Y give us the nips hello oh I’m also getting oh okay I got a single cauliflower oh good watch Ken’s playthrough and be emotional like I was oh yes that’s true what everybody go watch kenned St to play Oh My Gosh there you go and cry cry at the

Last one remember to cheat on everyone before you get married just making sure for my new brain yeah play on switch which has no mods yeah that’s the one I reach perfection in was the one on switch I think when it comes to like any game really like especially like Animal

Crossing stardy Valley if you’re online it’s really easy to get overwhelmed looking at everyone else’s gameplay you just have to play at your own pace yeah and then and then you’ll do what’s comfortable for you eventually like you can’t our true copy everybody in the beginning or else you’re just going to

Get overwhelmed so true bestie so true yeah oh man I did Frick I can’t believe I’ve done this I’ve got too many damn rocks oh oh yay yay I went to five we don’t have a single oh good nice we don’t have a single mixed seed and now I have an empty

Space reach level 40 deliver what to Elliot seaweed Elliot get your own sea Wade yeah yeah yeah all right now Clint’s gonna come to us tomorrow too as soon as I get off work I’m gonna try again yay as an overwhelmed first timer thank you yay yay

Okay who else do I need to meet o hello fora for for can it’s so much fun fores you mean Aion mod I do not mean that this is the first time I’ve been able to watch the stream I’m currently cross um cross stitching and watching

This oh the definition of cozy Emma I love that a I love that so much are we on your TV everyone say hi to mstv hi mstv I am oh sorry IW up I need more coffee guys Kennedy’s in charge be good I’m okay hey fellow children kids how are we doing good

Good I’m just making chests and and chest and chest first off you suck at babysitting and secondly Thomas is making me coffee so we’re good can you not have a plan to have kids I feel like you’re the type of person like somebody hands you an infant

And you’re just like yeah literally ah hey kid your taxes yet me neither me neither you working hard or hardly working I can’t wait to oh oh ah I want to yearn thank you thank you Thomas we shall you’re in tomorrow I’m obsessed with beans and Haley like bouncing between both of us

In the chat it’s great do your taxes oh [ __ ] I forgot about taxes you’re welcome I feel like I need how long am I wearing hold on how long am I wearing this hat for I feel like I’ve suffered enough yeah I do feel like it’s been quite a 15 minutes ago

Beans beans let’s go to sleep wait wait okay we have a lot we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow we got to do mushrooms we got to uh go YN Barley’s toked in bed Alyssa E dster I tagged you in every godamn poo

Where did you say the ls are the ls the mods are listed in the Discord um oh I should I should probably link that in in my YouTube description for these streams they’re in our Discord in and then you yell at me I love you the stream channel the stream channel

Here let me let me put the the Discord thank you be thank you Meg’s best mod thanks why is yelling at me to do my taxes as if I haven’t done my taxes you think Alyssa has not done her taxes first off Thomas does my taxes you think Alyssa who’s yelling

Yelling at me for leaving one crop Square open has not done her taxes a crow just ate one of our nips you you tell need a scare I’m Wai for it oh you didn’t well I I didn’t couldn’t think of something skip Clint I don’t want to

Talk to you I’m sorry oh my God so many look at this one patch two patch three four five empty of nips no those are so valuable to us and I just and I just pickaxed one promise I just pickaxed a nip I’m so sorry I’m selling fish we got to sell we

Got to sell everything we can at this point let’s go do mushrooms hold on I’m grieving hold on wait what’s this what is this that’s our gem chest but you’re Crossing into our look this is the entry to the house do you go do you walk that

Way ever it’s in front of the steps but we have all these steps the door is over here Kennedy I’ve already forgotten your middle name again Rose Kennedy oh [Laughter] my any who okay wait I have a mix seed I’ll patch up this one right little baby wait

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait before we do mushrooms we need to water our crop and say hello to the babies okay I just said hello to the babies okay hello for sell these hello beans you’re oh the eggs you’re selling the eggs yeah I’m very excited for the

Book that makes you walk faster the book I would like that oh from the from the book seller oh but the yeah but the book seller sells books for like $10,000 know I know but eventually we’ll get there Stone sign furnace copper we need 20 copper wh okay we got to Year all

Right let’s let’s let’s I thought we were we got mushroom we’re mushrooming first and then yearning okay okay okay okay hi PJ why are you watering like this do you see how I’m watering horizontally do you see this oh my god get what are you doing why are you doing

This and then you leave I’m turning on my happy fruit stream we’re watching sensory fruits it’s time for sensory fruits I think my scenes are broken I brought out the sensory fruits oh no oh you froze again I think I broke everything that’s what you get okay you’re a robot

Help it’s hilarious cuz you’re so clear on our end and then you’re like oh Lord oh God hold on spit oh you’re you’re kind of back we’re so back hello yeah there we go my comes in my stream is watching like broken sensory fr it’s running what is going on don’t

Break the FRS are not working I think it’s because we’re doing stream together my scenes don’t work yeah I think they live hello guys it’s probably OBS pooping out there’s like too much with this virtual camera and yeah I don’t think I’m allowed to switch scenes while while Kennedy and I are streaming

Together that’s okay that’s okay are we back oh oh oh [ __ ] I’m going I’m I’m I’m doing mushrooms all by myself I a trip wait wait I’m normal on your screen now right mhm okay good you know I’m so shocked that I haven’t been kicked out of stardo yet I

Know that’s how you know it’s got to be OBS I shouldn’t have said anything I should not have said Anything oh Kennedy’s gone oh [ __ ] you’re right can y’all hear her oh and my bit rate is K I just broke my whole stream oh cuz the sensory fruits wait wait wait wait you’re coming back hello do y Kennedy say hi hey oh now she’s Frozen can y’all at least hear her

She’s missing mama goose all the geese are like panicking in the oh my God you can hear talk Shane I did okay she is frozen I understand that oh wait she shouldn’t be frozen anymore you’re good you’re good you’re good yay okay lesson learned don’t Swit your scenes No switching scenes

Okay okay okay who haven’t I met still I haven’t met a lot of people oh just Abigail and Demetrius okay wait I just oh I should have went and talked to the wizard God damn excuse me I was just there mhm there’s Abigail well I’m here now who else oh Demetrius

Perfect it’s all going along beautifully chaos that’s true I have to agree all the gates are like yay y yay Co chaos oh we can go put stuff in the community center now yay yay okay I talked to the wizard I tripped out on mushrooms and now we yearn oh but I have

So much crap oh we need to have a chest in the mines can you make a chest on your way back yes why can’t you make a chest on your because I’m I’m up by the mines I’m urning the urine has begun there’s something secret happening right here Kennedy

Huh Kennedy what Kennedy what there’s something secret happening right here I can grab inside of this hollow tree what there’s a hollow there’s a hollow tree the one where like next to where the um traveling cart is no well maybe next to Marne yeah yeah and I think it’s a later

Quest also how’s the bit rate for you guys CU I don’t want to go over and refresh twitch manager cuz it’s going to glitch out stardo but it looks like y’all are good right beans confirm okay I’m putting away my stuff in my inventory and then I’m which Farm

Do you think is the best to start with yeah I’m yearning um whichever one you want really unless it’s like the monster one or whatever yeah I feel like the monster one or the fishing one I wouldn’t suggest my very first playthrough ever I did the fishing one

Cuz I was just like water so pretty and then I was struggling because there’s like barely any room to put the Barns and stuff so I feel like monster in in water is probably not the best um yeah I mean if you’re wanting to like really really get into farming then

Just do the simple Farm isn’t that what it’s called mhm standard simple yeah standard standard so then that way you um have more room to plant crops and stuff uh Sophie why are you ey you’re making me nervous is the bit rate bit rating I’m fine on your end right Ken

Mhm y’ I just recently transferred from uh streamlabs OBS to obs so how long is stream today I don’t know I think it’s however long Kennedy and I feel like it yeah we’re vibing we could yearn forever we could I got nothing to do well I do but we always have something to

Do turn up my mic a little bit okay thank you can y’all hear Alyssa can y’all hear Alyssa good y’all hear Alyssa good hello everything looks and sounds good right now so I think we just got to not switch scenes during streaming stream together her her yep you can okay

Perfect Forest Farm is very nice yeah I like the forest Farm I also like four corners if you’re doing multiplayer I’ve never done Corners yes sir oh I’m out of time to yearn I was so B you know what I was doing you know why I couldn’t

Ur chop I was chopping wood for you well it’s for us when you really think about it well I thought I thought about it everything’s for us we’re a team is that why you’re yearning and I’m not yeah cuz I’m I’m advancing yeah and what am I doing you’re you’re helping the team

You’re making a chest so that we can do the the do we do we advance together or separately I feel like it’s separate it is separate no it’s together no I have zero on everything what do you mean oh skills yeah I thought you meant mines

Yearning we we are now level 10 and you can get some leather boots yay yay is this the metaland farm it is indeed yes indeed yes inde I was watching your stream of the YouTube Oh yay glad you went live yay y Meg what did you oh yeah no spoilers

Please we want to come across the things ourselves you know no spoiles oh we’re in to ad break thank you skills are separate but mine levels are shared hell yeah yes what are the first things you do to when you create a farm I would say clear a little bit of

Land don’t clear everything but just clear a little bit of land for some crops And then um just get a few crops get like five crops and kind of like slowly work your way up like as you sell new crops you can buy some more seeds make sure you talk to everybody make sure you get the community center and the mines

Open and like you start exploring there otherwise you can just kind of go at your own pace do what you feel like focus on what you want to focus on you know what I mean uh give me another second we’re checking something okay Carry On we’re getting into sleepy sleep wait press next

Alysa okay okay I’m going I still need food tips what do you mean food tips oh what’s good to bring it to eat when you’re mining I kind of just bring anything it’s probably not the best tactic I just bring anything I be bring in like literally anything also you guys coo you

Started a a a playthrough you guys if you are looking for a new um stard playthrough after rip ours ours ended coo just started a new playthrough it’s very exciting that’s going to be my my new see is there like a specific day you’re posting them on or

Just kind of as you do it cuz that’s going to be my my new ritual unless the Press next thank you cheese is good for mining oh that’s good yeah cheese cave carrots cuz you can just get them in the mines forgea Bles as I do it I need to work on being consistent no no no listen you got a life se you got a life all right all right we should download some home cosmetic cosmetic mods eventually carrots yeah yeah carrots yeah like the the kitchen one

That I sent this morning when I was getting when I was having Zoomies Hey look it’s the chest oh it’s the chest yay thanks Alysa everyone say thanks Alysa for the chest oh your vo is hope you’re freezing uh oh oh no you’re gone Alysa hold on salmon berries yeah true

Salmon Berry days are good all righty I’ll be watering I’ll be piddling and paddling over here just holding our farm together no biggie I’m the glue and the water is I don’t know I’m sad your playthrough ended I know I am too but I I also am happy to

Be able to like play stardew on other things like stream I feel like it was just too much stardo when I had the playthrough going on I was like I can’t do stardo there and on stream oopsies I watered the chicken you can water in whatever

Pattern thank you was I doing that how was I water watering was I just watering halfhazard L that’s how I do it well okay we’ve got four more copper not great got to say not great it’s okay thank you for the follow I’ve been F you on Tik Tok forever oh

Yay you’re watering the way that makes sense to you thank you yeah okay Gunther I can take that to Gunther oopsies I’m going to take this to the community Cent ah we need backpack upgrades it’s okay it’s fine save enough for Alyssa though don’t be mean okay the

Money yes she needs a back she needs a backpack upgrade too I think we should do backpack upgrades after the Spring Festival so we can ball out on strawberries hell yeah brother yep okay um where is putting that away putting that away taking this out taking this out there we

Go e Clint I know everyone say hi Thomas oh my God hi everyone I got a phone call but back now Alyssa sounds different Alyssa sounds different I know at Le I got a haircut that’s that’s the only difference I could go for a delicious potato is going

Bald oh it’s Louis’s birthday I’m I’m so sorry y by the way um okay so oh you’re back to normal oh never mind I so Alyssa’s CPU is good her network seems fine I think her I think beans is right I think her Ram is just getting

Absolutely tanked a um she’s using she’s using like 90% of her of her total Ram probably the stream together we could just switch back to Discord yeah we had our fies no it’s yeah she says no it’s okay she’s able to do it why can’t we like

What can we turn off um it’s not about turning anything off it’s that she probably has more RAM in her computer yeah I got some beefy ass r i can I have okay spring spr spraying where’s the okay here we go here’s what I’m thinking here’s what I’m

Thinking I have good news and I have bad news I’m ready I’m ready okay so the next time we play next Sunday we should definitely be good to go because I do have extra RAM storage I just need to like you know do it and hook it up so

It’s my that’s getting to me right now for stream together uh the bad news is is that it’s going to be glitchy in the meantime but I do want to like stick around for a little bit and see if it’ll work okay if if it’s like annoying we can we

Can just do Discord well it we might have to cuz I literally cannot click anything right now like my computer’s completely let’s just do that okay well once I can actually click things the fact that you can hear me right now is a miracle I know someone’s like it’s all the

Mods know Alyssa’s Alyssa’s stream runs fine and you have a ton of mods I do have a ton of mods but we have the same mods currently yeah um spring crops bundle I’m just I’m just putting things in the community center while you shoot yeah go ahead you’re doing great where’s the

Like cave carrot one what did you ever finish any of the bundles yet yeah we got one so now the fish the fishies are open and then the crops one is open oh here we go thank you Meg okay and then we got we got some

Fish and then we got some crops we can do and we got 30 spring seeds if you ever see me randomly leaving stream together it probably means I’m on Discord so okay so if you leave just go to Discord yeah okay which I will be in a second but

It’s I can’t I can’t I’m just going to take your your thing oh no cuz if I take that off then I can’t hear you never mind hold on a minute you’re doing great I believe thank you I’m putting these seeds down I’m I’m I’m planting Our Roots I’m I’m put I’m

Putting down I’m rooting I’m you’re doing great thanks yep you’re doing it that’s what you’re doing the application is not responding I already know that okay yes I don’t know if you want to do offering if you want to shut on your computer for 10 minutes I can install more

Okay um Kennedy yes I’m going to completely leave the stream and then come back and we can still do stream together I’m install I’m installing more RAM oh nice everybody be good hang out with Ken yeah I’m going to close the stream and I’ll be back okay okay you’re doing great I believe

In you thanks all right I don’t know how to even cancel in a second so I’m just going to awkwardly you I’ll stay here hey how you doing hello okay you guys hello what the heck oh yay Ken’s in charge of his kids now oh

God look at my hand look it’s a it’s a uh his name’s Bob look Bob you like Bob right you guys never let me babysit ever I think kids like peekaboo all right y’all we are moving and grooving I think the rest of today I’m

Just going to do how to win friends give someone a gift 8 out of 10 oh it’s it’s Louis’s birthday what is he like I’m just going to get him a dandelion I guess I don’t know shadow puppets now I know who I can’t leave my kids with hey

No y it’ll be you know uh educational or something Louis come here I have a flower for you for your birthday take it take it take take it oh yeah you’re welcome oh wait let’s see if alysa’s in Discord yet n okay perfect yeah the Avatar is wearing a

Little skirt we went the unwatered wait why did I just stop why did I stop watering the ground why did I stop watering what what was I doing oh Lou’s birthday I just I just went Louis’s birthday and ran what is wrong okay if any wants a potato we’re that’s not happening Penny

Sorry no come here no ah oh did we already say hi to them I think we did O Okay we did we’re good ADHD is strong with this one so true okay I want to bring the rest of the stuff to the museum and the community center but I don’t think I can

Fit everything I might just do Museum tomorrow tomor we’ll see let’s see we’ll see let’s see um anovi catfish eel let’s let’s start with that let’s start with that museum first cuz I think it closes what does it close 7 does Museum close at 7 I don’t know you guys I don’t know

Eight I don’t know we’re about to find out pretty sure it’s eight oh nice look how pretty the trees are so pretty there’s a little fishing fishing that’s rude oh I can’t even fish oh I could if I if I got rid of the clay let’s

See well you guys it’s 6:00 p.m. we learned maybe it’s just 6:00 p.m. today I’m just going to drop the clay oh no it dropped in the water I think your house is free second time today it wasn’t me look it’s fine you guys maybe it closes at 8 once you

Donate your first item or something yeah six seems really early I feel like I remember donating things like past past six but I don’t know maybe not maybe not okay riverfish we got our catfish we oh okay ocean oh ocean fish we got oh oh

Oh okay okay we don’t need an trophy we do need do we need Smallmouth vest no no we don’t okay well we can sell those that’s good sweet okay what else do I have nothing nothing useful nothing useful this also makes me want to jump back into SOS pioneers of

Ol of town oh I never really fully got into that one got to say a a crap pot bundle okay hi CH how are you it’s good to see you CH it’s good to see I tell you what torch’s on playing stardew hey hey [ __ ] the only SOS I’ve tried

Yeah I just I really wish I really wish they did it for me I do um okay we can sell these for now I’ll keep the clam put this back we could do that tomorrow oh no wait is is Alyssa in bed no you guys Alyssa’s not in bed where’s

Oh Alyssa left we’re good we’re good we’re good okay we’re good let’s go to sleep Blake thank you for the follow you had youus yay aren’t they the best do you see do you see why they had to be honored they’re my favorite it’s so good

Ooh that’s is this this making me want some Chi my goodness hey I’m sorry for yelling that was so loud I was that was genuine anger like true true anger coming from my heart M were really spicy yeah I love the spicy I love green uh chili K

Specifically green limey and spicy m m okay Penny wants a potato do I have a potato for you Penny you just you just wait the hay was giving an old man screaming out to get off his lawn now for real oh you’re not a farmer until you

Chase the animal around so true so true updating my computer now we should be good to go to bed yay more RAM more RAM did you just have extra Ram laying around that’s amazing I too have extra Ram laying around for some reason um what was I saying oh I’m waiting for

Penny I’m waiting for Penny I’m giving her this dang tater I don’t know when she comes out get off me swamp hey get off me swamp one of my old neighbors did that today oh my gosh scill I’m the sleepiest girl today but I didn’t want to miss stream I’m glad

You’re here thank you for being here how my YouTube peeps doing you doing good I hope so love your smooches um Penny oh Penny here take this yeah you’re welcome thanks squir what’s on the uh what’s on the agenda today ooh craft a furnace okay I’m I’m being pulled in so many

Directions I don’t know if I should go to the mines I should definitely finish my crop situation Cola okay we’re good on birthdays and stuff as a YouTube people can confirm I’m doing well good I’m so glad has anyone tried mushroom coffee I haven’t I haven’t I’ve tried

Mushroom um hot cocoa and I wasn’t the biggest fan of it to be honest I really wasn’t I don’t really get the point of it like what’s the what’s the health benefit supposed to be hi there hello what’s the longest you’ve streamed for I don’t think I’ve

Streamed for longer than like three and a half hours to be honest I’m trying to think if I’ve ever streamed for longer than that no I’ve definitely never streamed over 4 hours yeah two like 2 and a half 3 hours is like my absolute minim uh limit my

Brain just turns off anything over that I’m just like not mentally present yeah 3 and 1 half hours and it had to be like Sims or something like we just really got into something and we’re like simming it up so sad I have to leave stream a bye J

Ruse which as a mod of yours thank you hey hey you know we are we are uh conjured Spirits after all thank you for the follow thank you thank you oopsies I hate when I I hate when I have no stamina a and I wasted on being impatient this Farm looks incredible I’m

Love thank you CH we we planned it like for an hour last night and then like almost 2 hours today we were like really trying to get him down okay cute great did I water this one oh I did ah o oh out of water I need a well

ASAP the boy streamer is playing Cod for like eight plus hours it’s just wild to me yeah I don’t know how people do it I I love when people like when my comfort streamers stream for a long time I love that I could just put them on the background or like Alyssa’s co-working

Streams are like five plus hours and I love that because I’m like working for five plus hours and those are great but personally me I can’t do it can’t do it thank you f for the follow what the f is this crop layout I didn’t do anything

Alyssa we had to harvest it had to be done you don’t understand I love to watch it but I couldn’t right yeah I know I’m in trouble I’m in trouble you guys you guys got to back me up I had to do it right okay I’m going to

Sell most of those I’m going to keep some selling the Eggies until we get a Mayo machine I’m just selling the eggs okay we can bring these to the community center I can bring this to Clint and then I’m I’m going to go I think I’m going to go oh this is the

Community center too and then I shall go yearn so I get rid of this get rid of this get rid of this get rid of this okay and we yearn oh go back to stream together okay all right all right boss wait hello oh here we go I’m

In Kennedy hello hello hello oh good ah okay um my camera is not up can you hear me yeah hooray ah did you start your virtual camera oh no hello y we’re back we’re so back yay what the absolute F did you do to our farm in the last two seconds I had

To harvest no I will not in the last two seconds in the last two seconds in the in the last two seconds I had to harvest the dips Mother Goose I Leave You In Charge Mother Goose is back you guys you can waddle on back

Over to the Goose Pond please if you oh by the way you guys can in fact we now have 32 gab more RAM baby yes yeah I love that for you thank you oh sorry okay if you guys want to watch me and Kennedy you can refresh my screen

You can mute my you can mute one of us in the tabs very much appreciated we’re in a partner push people thank you so much the goose Pond’s in a partner push over the deep sigh like it was like your sworn Duty like hold on I have a Shrek redeem

I wish I could hear copy that someone just put up a mod to make slime Mayo huh we are vibing over here in the Goose Pond all right I’m coming in I’m coming in okay I’m donating to the community center and then I’m yearning we’re please don’t yearn

Without me I’ve been waiting to yearn please I’m so sad D please I’ve been waiting years to Year I’ll be in the community center why are you frozen on my screen you’re like ah I don’t know let me hello alleviation hi everybody thank you for the follows okay

Taters and ters and Par Snips we didn’t get a single gold parsnip oh cuz we still I’m silly I’m going to I’m going to refresh there we go ters okay do we have green beads in yeah we have green beads and cauliflower growing am I still frozen uh not anymore no

Okay I’m going to poop myself I said we did it okay okay okay okay you guys we tomorrow I can finally some crows we eating our gosh dang crops but tomorrow I leveled up so tomorrow we can do a scarecrow thank you guys I appreciate you thank you so much um hold

On I’m going to see if it’ll pop up in Co-op otherwise you might need to send me another invite or maybe I can just click the same one okay yeah let me just I’ll just invite easy easy pey oh I just invited Torchy on accident sorry Torchy

Wait you’re not coming up on on on uh what’s it called oh I didn’t freak my nuts I again it’s all once again it’s always steam my nuts wait let me text Torchy cuz we don’t we only have one uh I didn’t mean to well also she doesn’t

Have our mods so she wouldn’t be able to get in anyway oh true yeah I’m sorry Torchy we love you we love you much torch sorry we’re so sorry you guys have have the geese been good geese cozy cozy crew all of them cozy geese have y’all been good all of

You all of Yun okay torch’s alerted my nuts oh hi sorry sorry Torchy we have so many mods that getting on the same page right now would be rough but you’re invited anytime every just not right now it’s rough regardless I it’s okay Torchy I’m trying to get my own [ __ ] figured out

I um hold on I’m pretty sure I’m about to yearn what what do you mean no no no no no I mean in the in I found it you re i b i I did it I found it oh okay good good good hey okay okay okay okay okay okay okay you

Mean you’re in the general sense I understand you know I’m I’m I’m here yeah I’m heing in a what the Kennedy what you okay listen okay I don’t really see a problem you you could have at least separated them you see this now I got to kill

These crops so that it looks yeah yeah we’re wait a minute no we’re not yes we are Melissa we need all the money we can get well you should have thought about that before you freak what we’re poor I harvested parsnips is that a crime go can we go y please I’m emoting

I’m actually mourning for those crops 30 minutes later I have a chest for us so here we go everyone’s like I would have Rage Quit listen I was plans for the aesthetic Alyssa you’re fir all for the do it do it let’s go come on let’s

Go now it’s 7 now it’s 700 p.m. let’s C I don’t know cut trees something damn chop some wood go listen this this is literally like yesterday Leal company when I wasted like ,000 literally Alissa wasted $900 cuz Ry went to a special Moon that

Was already like 600 and I had no idea so I spent I spent money on a new moon and then I and then I yeated myself off the ship for fun which unbeknownst to me if that’s even a phrase it is now um costs $300 to um un alive

Yourself and she did it now we know was so fun figure that out CH some timeout angrily angrily CH oh it’sa what I was literally in a State of Shock oh my god oh it’s fine we’ll have scarecrows tomorrow going to sleep I’m going I’m going to

Sleep sleep it off you’re fine you’re fine our crops aren’t yeah but but now it looks so much prettier whenever we do plant crops see I just like imagine the most drastic measures like if we had our own house IR I’m just like breaking dishes because you like breaking down a

Wall like hmer these dishes are in the hey scooch over just drops them on the ground I hate these dishes they don’t match no it’s because you put them in the listen oh I’ll get us some new seeds listen but now we can we can find good carrots and

We can plant them if we find carrots what do we need carrots for what do you we could have always found good carrots don’t give me your yeah but now we can okay like they don’t look stupid whatever you say yeah yeah I’m going to make a scarecrow so that we don’t our

Crows Weenie Hut junor is where it’s at what the hell are you talking about coal fiber wood you have wood in your inventory my chat’s talking about Weenie Hut and I have no idea what this is talking Weenie Hut what do you mean you don’t know what Weenie

Hut beans wants to ship a giant of weenies to our house what ask be beans wants to ship a giant box of weenies to our house that’s what you said can I propose Alyssa does all the crop where they work from now on I think that’s a good idea but I had

To I I had to well was I going to leave the parsnips yes you’re right I’ll just let Alyssa do it can you give me some wood well you could have at least like whenever you harvest can you give me I’m going to make a scarecrow oh my God you

Got games on your phone yes you hold on hold on take it just take the how how one piece of wood put it in the chest you put it in the chest wait but now I have 69 pieces of wood oh that’s fun that’s really

Fun here take my wood take than you oh take my wood pause oh oh hi Shel welcome back you came back to us being so nice and good to each other yes all the time true you’re are you done with the wood thank you yes do you see wood yeah

Sty Valley is a cozy game oh my God where should I put the Scarecrow we started this game in such high Spirits we were like look at our mods oh my God what is wrong with the SC it’s really scary I don’t like it well

They don’t we can we can turn this one off yeah turn them off should I put it here yeah is that 712 we me that mod that shows you kill this K 1 2 Don’t Kill the kale one two three 4 5 6 seven okay that works all

Right someone said be looking at my crop layout knowing Alysa would absolutely destroy it okay okay wait wait wait wait wait what are we saving up for because I can go we’re saving up for strawberry seeds we need those that’ll make us so rich you’re right you’re right right yeah I

Agree okay well at least the plots are prettier now if so the plots are prettier the seeds are just scattered should I sell these nips we don’t have any gold ones um yeah we should get nips though we we should at least spend money on like 15 nips 15 nips wait wait wait

Wait we should spend money to just fill up these plots let me count it should be all nips then so that we make sure we get the gold okay nothing but nip got it hold on one two three four five six seven oh and we can make fertilizer now

Yay wait I miscounted one 2 three four five 6 8 9 10 there’s got to be a better way 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 25 26 wait 27 28 29 31 31 want nips I’ll be right back okay I’m doing 31 foring then thank you Derby

Donut my chat’s putting it in 31 nips so that I don’t forget 31 nips that’s so helpful yeah g g Crips thank you for the follow at least the plots are prettier Whispers justtin please two of my favorite visible fish yeah that was one of the ones Alyssa I

Was talking about last night visible fish and then Firefly torch makes torches glow like magic pretty okay wait we should do visible fish Firefly torch and then the the one that shows you information on things that you put down makes torches glow like magic yeah wait is it saying

That we’re streaming together again everything’s like functioning I think so oh you’re asking people and I have well I’m asking everybody but well okay you have us both up on stream but it is saying like alysa’s playing with Kennedy Kennedy’s playing with the what are you doing Freddy order

Oh okay why didn’t you do that when I was counting you could have counted I did Count 31 I okay you could you could have done that this whole time oh we should have coordinated you you just stood there there was nothing to coord yeah you watched me I

Was I didn’t think about that I was like oh I’ll make it when you uh no because then I would have to make extra fertilizer to know I oh you made it afterwards I see okay okay so there we go all right all right all right all right okay selling these selling

This okay watering town did you tell the babies that we love them oh you did yes good good and then wa you’re helping me water hi cozy Vibes I do remember you from Tik Tok hello hi hi you are so sweet this playr is going to test their friendship our friendship has been

Tested four years yeah I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again every relationship goes through the point where you’re like should break up yeah and then you’re like no you’re like I let’s we can’t do this and then we’re like no we got to we got to work work work work it

Out let’s go yearn come on great that’s true I understand um okay so water and can it’s so nice that we have extra tools because because we’re two people you oh yeah okay yes yeah yeah uh do we have food because I only have a d oh I’m getting okay I’m

Bringing our Wild Horse radishes wild wild horses Kenney were you dancing to the high school musical I’m coming is there anything way oh excellent got it nice oh carrot we’ll get on the way back we’ll get on the way back why we need our space where is he

He’s over by the he’s on the straight path down to the farm I don’t see him we ear maybe it’s just your carrot oh I don’t know huh yeah the uh foliage mod Derpy donut yeah it’s it’s really nice make sure you get your boots on level

10 oh level 10 wait hold on I have to skip and get my rusty sword okay okay so here’s our chest it’s next to to the wait what are we putting in this chest um like any if we forget to leave our tools at home and then food yeah

Okay so on level 10 got the boots okay food yeah we put food I put food in my chests usually yeah or bombs once we get to that point wait I hear you yearning where are you oh hell I’m trying to get this little sucker whenever you were you were just standing

There like with your sword in the air like you were about to Knight me that’s what I came in on remember okay don’t forget that if we pickaxe together we get double hey oh yeah wait I got to get the Slime I got two more slimes left to

Get okay ooh all right I’m ready okay okay oh okay did we still get double I got three did you get three nope all right yeah yeah yay yay initiation now we can enter the guild you you can enter the guild I have not been initiated wait Gunther ask if

You can consider donating any new artifacts or minerals you find to the museum oh it was like glitched what craft a furnace okay that’s what we we got to craft a furnace wait we’re not leaving I thought we were still yearning yeah we’re yearning oh yellow wait let me make sure

We have to save the bug meat for lonus so that we can get hey hey you left the coal you forgot all the coal Coal let’s getting this guy okay I’ll get the coal all right did you get the coal yes oh I got more coal we both get coal oh o That’s

Nice man I wish we had coffee I want to be Speedy oh but you said that we could read a book to run faster right yeah we just need monies well then what’s the point of coffee that’s I would like plant so much coffee I guess early that’s crazy cuz I never used

Coffee on my okay wait wait hold on hold on for more storage space we should have one person hold like all of the things yeah sure true certain things okay so here’s slime you take it oh here take it oh wait you’re not even near me you’re

Wait take it take it okay okay you got it you got it you got it you take fiber okay um okay also you take copper I only have one okay great uh I have coal do you here’s Earth crystal do you need Earth C okay cool yeah um sap and

Slime you have sap and slime sh [ __ ] I don’t have any sap and slime okay we’re good co okay we’re good we’re good get out of here get out of here get out of here ah ah watch your profanity true isn’t it like 30 million or something for that for what cuz

Probably I don’t know what you’re talking about but I don’t know Derpy donut says something is like a katrillion dollars oh so many ladders ah I just want Copper I I thought I had the copper hello floor Planet hello I thought I had the copper thank you I found some seeds

Planted them but didn’t know they could be foraged oh you have the copper yeah and I got my husband to watch you guys and he likes the streams a husband you have the amethyst too right yes okay I’m just trailing behind you oh so I think we don’t get double we

Just get three versus two what’s that suspicious Noise Okay wind wait wait wait wait wait kill him duy yeah yeah ah ah got him we should you know what eventually whenever we have more storage space we should bring a chair so that we chair oh true

So that we can R our so smart we we downloaded a mod where if you sit down your stamina gets restored so absolutely bringing each CH hello Goose hello Ken’s husband the goose Mr the goose there’s a copper up there there’s a CER now let me see

Copper I got him oh there’s a ladder over here that was urine over there there’s a lot what of rocks no there was a ladder ladder yeah I found it oh these guys have these guys drop things ah get him get him come on come on come

On come on come on come on hello come on I’m getting my copper okay we got a we got a we got a we got a we got a you’re doing great now you got it there’s something over here to pick up I think wait can you get the can you get

The light can you grab a light and bring it over here a light yeah the little lamp the torch where oh I see I see I see I see I see I see I see yes we also got to go home but I want to see if

Uh here if there’s something that the bug Dr there’s a ladder right here they dropped me that’s it oh okay should we should bye bye bye bye oh oh oh oh and theed Kenney I am not a Star Trek girly I hate when the worm things start

Cocooning me too me too got put keep playing the new save but listening to you yay hello Daniel welcome back hello I’m also back I left temporarily apologies found two books of the mines today one for farming and when to make monsters drop more loot oh you f wait you can

Find books you can find books wait that’s so fun because then you don’t have to like you don’t have to be endgame to get those things you can be poor yeah that’s great wow that’s so special hi cozy friends finally getting in to watch live hi

Hello [ __ ] shoot I need to stop saying the s word cuz YouTube always Flags me for it oh really yeah will they flag me if I said it to probably it’s it doesn’t affect that much okay they just go like hey chill out hey come whoa whoa there

Whoa watch your profanity hi Ken hi Co friends hello you can be poor and read you can be poor and oh we got our cat wait let me see wait see wait you be barley name him oh yeah what are you naming him I don’t know it’s got to be another wheat

Type thing got to keep the keep the okay name him um name him um name him what mods are y’all playing with uh a fair amount tuna Boop we will tell you in just a second after we where should we name our cap Alisa what any ala was

Any of what you just said English no also Derpy donut says ke quinoa’s cute I like quinoa quinoa what wait wait guys how do guys what’ you do okay that’s how you spell quinoa couscous is also cute wait couscous or quinoa cous cous oh man I kind of like

Couscous couscous oats oats is also cute uh I’m not oats seems to basic cous is cute I feel like quinoa I feel like quinoa quinoa barley bucke quinoa barley buckweat couscous yeah I feel like quino makes more sense quino or should we do another bee is there another bee like wheat type thing

Beet no Bran Bran right no this sounds like short for Brandon this is not a frat cat CH is cute yeah CH is cute chia seed wait like Chia yeah Chia Chia cat of house Stark oh my God quinoa feels French true barley no I think barley I’m barley yeah poppy seed

That’s flax please um what about rolled oat just ch ch ch Chia I like Chia I like I like Chia I like I like chiaia Quaker oatmeal oatmeal is kind of cute oatmeal’s cute to be an Esty I like wait where’s Chia in probably in the house

They kind of stay in the house the first day let me see Gia oh my go she’s she’s really good I love how we literally have a house that we don’t use okay why is there a purple chest with nothing in it what is it supposed to be uh purple purple oh

Purple might be the gem one why are you shocked you made this chest I thought it was pink I usually do pink for the gym maybe it is pink oh looks purple to me looks sple amaz wait wait wait did you check the TV we got to bring some stuff to

Guny guny our first born yeah we got to bring the first borns the first born always goes firsts always oh we didn’t cut those carrots um beans yes I agree I’ll work on that thank you so much cozy Ella thank you so much for the follow welcome okay wait what’s

Happening we got a water and then we can YN some more okay okay wait wait wait wait wa wait wa wa uh okay I’ve got a mixed seed we have nowhere to put it oh wait I was in the middle of getting eggs I’ll be back what

What you I’m going to fill up my watering can too oh my god do you have ADHD is that a real question yes obviously hello G listen sometimes it appears like ADHD and it’s not mine is OCD um yeah yeah but yes that’s fair I understand I don’t know why I said uh

Like I didn’t know that you went oh what I oh my I okay okay okay your cleaning came out right as I was doing some MK cleaning yay oops all right do you have ADHD I’m screaming I caught an eel so I’m done fishing for the day I agree that’s fair

That’s fair you’ve done it oh my God our potate I got it oh was our kale done yes but I don’t I don’t have a scye or Skye does it work with a sword no no it’s got to be a oh this one okay hold on got

Him if we don’t get a gosh dang oh we could put a we could put some fertilizer and for steps in that one spot two spot um should I I saved one amethyst should I sell the other yes ooh or should we keep for gifts it’s

Okay it’s sold it’s solded no it’s fine well I I can get it screw the gifts we’ll give them flowers yeah okay someone revving their engine up outside your yes you can hear that yes do we need the kale for anything uh no we’re just to sell it’s

Like the highest profit spring crop okay I think everyone has some form of ADHD I feel that especially these days these days well you have to divide your tension your attention like so muchir I just noticed the Redemption for accent your Cho is gone is it wait it

Shouldn’t be it might just be paused accidentally also thank you elevation for the water setp thank you wait wait wait wait wait are you yearning without me I’m going to Gunther going to gun and I’m checking the Cali okay Rob wants a green bean Robin oh it’s Vincent’s birthday we can give

Him a dandelion who oh Vincent mhm that’s from start Valley expanded what just going to what you think on that one okay we get there guys but did you download story Valley expand oh he’s a baby okay wait wait who oh Victor Victor is who I’m thinking of

Victor okay okay okay wait does he like Dand land or daffodil is it daffodil he likes grapes yeah is it daffodil or Dy L does anyone know he’s a default child I like aidil this is for you beans that’s for you oh there he is I see him I see him I see

Him all righty do we give him a dandelion or daffodil it’s not telling me can we look him up yeah but it’s not telling me hold on I need to fix it cuz it’s not showing me what I need look up anything oh yeah I think that should be

Oh I need to like highlight everything the x’s mean yes Mr the ape where is he where are you I’m not telling you oh he’s right here oh frick you’re just following him so it’s a dandelion just cing behind it with my candel ey please daffodil a birthday present oh he

Doesn’t like it he likes the daffodils I gave him a daffodil you gave him a dandelion you give him this one God damn it I gave him he was like oh Mr the ape yeah okay Gunther time Gunther I don’t have anything for Gunther I can’t decide between Harvey and Alex Harvey seems

Studious and Alex is just Alex I feel that Harvey it was my go-to in the beginning and now I just like friend thank you so much for the follow welcome to the Goose Pond welcome Alex is is definitely himbo vibes to me hmbo yes well Alex is like well yeah

Yeah yeah wait is himbo like twink no HBO’s like HBO’s like sorry I don’t know I don’t know I think I was just so upset that you didn’t know the difference clearly was like almost the exact opposite of twink good Lord excuse me I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend like

Everybody who do you think you are oh my god oh break in 30 seconds thank you like Dum blonde oh I get it yeah like kind of big teddy bear dumb and then twink is just simply not that I get it twink is Thomas twink is my

Husband got it got it did you donate amethyst to Gunther I didn’t I didn’t do [ __ ] I’ve been I’ve been mostly just running around giving a daffodil giving a giving a little kid a present that he hates so that’s all I did today I’m proud of you good good um

Thank you for the follow listen I am putting the tools away and I’m preparing to yearn you’re gonna yearn tonight or tomorrow no tomorrow I’m preparing to yearn I’m gonna you’re yearning first thing in the morning yeah early in the morning I’m so happy to catch you live

Yay just finished watching your let’s play yes okay so cron is himbo got it yeah yeah yeah got it okay you know what you know what I just remembered another argument that we had that we can settle right here y’all I don’t want to have this argument I don’t want to have this

Argument I’m tired of it I’m tired of it because you’re wrong and I don’t feel like explaining Kennedy says that the Cheesecake Factory is Camp The Cheesecake Factory is Camp literally W Widow it’s Camp it’s widy camp and like widy Alysa can you go to sleep for the

Night I think I am I’m literally I’m widy I’m in bed it was it was me my I’m gonna pee I’m team Ken thank you mag mag is team me what the he right cuz I’m team right I’m team correct the whole point of Cheesecake Factory is that it’s Camp what okay

Exactly see Raleigh and I think that it’s not camp and it’s okay to be wrong it’s okay it just I might be clearly I don’t know what camp means apparent what is Camp what does Camp mean if not camping beans okay fine I’ll let Kennedy explain Camp I don’t want to I’m tired

Of the camp conversation oh my God never mind we had it for too long when you were here and now I’m over it had it for like 2 hours like the entire car ride was us yelling about whether or not the cheesecake we were with je but

We were literally with J that was like the first time I ever that was like the first time I ever met literally the first time we ever met J we were all hanging out Elissa and I are yelling at each other about what what isn’t is not Camp no specifically

We were yelling about if the Cheesecake Factory was Camp yeah true okay okay okay they’re yelling at me to tell them what camp is my definition of Camp is like quirky and it’s kind of been adopted by the cleared Community as like it’s very like Niche quirky cute you

Know the Cheesecake Factory is not the vibe that’s why it’s not Camp that’s because it’s not camp and I don’t feel like explaining I told you that you could explain just look up a YouTube video of what is Camp look up on YouTube what is Camp you’re pulling that you’re

You’re the just yeah it’s too it’s like too complicated Camp is camp and I don’t feel like I don’t feel like explaining anymore you know what that’s exactly how you explained Camp to me too donut she’s no I I explained to you in detail what

Camp is I gave examples I I it was an MLA format it was it was a a detail it was not a PowerPoint for an hour straight you just said it is what it is that’s that’s what that’s why I had to call in for reinforcements and Gwen is

Or gem is just like in the back just like like oh I don’t know what camp bu either is like what do you think J like I don’t really know J’s like I’m not getting in the middle of whatever the is right in my gender studies we talked about the

Origin of camp but I can’t remember now okay gaming for lesbians that would have been the most like helpful conversation not you does Camp mean overrated no it does not mean overrated no no wait I know where the axe is let’s go get it hey do you need a horseradish as a peace

Offering no okay I’ll take it now you already declined it the first time if I find you a flower I’ll give it to you raid Kaza thank you so much for the raid I missed I was too angry about Camp if one person knows how to work me up is

Alissa every was like wow you’re so calm you’re so patient the one my one exception in life is Alissa oh I got a cut scene oh wait you probably have cozy games popat creepy sewer it horse radish are yeah their elf ears also thank you again Kaa for the

Raid if you need a little break after stre please take one okay thank you and thank you visha for the for the for the sub thank you oh alleviation alleviation says says Cheesecake Factory not Camp well I had a many a Cheesecake Factory camp in my

Chat I was being nice by not reading them all okay all of Gard Camp is basically it’s so bad it’s good that’s a great explanation K that’s a great explanation Olive Garden like in a way but it it okay this is what we were talking about like Olive

Garden is too much it’s too genuine like it’s too much of itself like it’s too much of in its L it’s in its Lane too much like it’s it’s it’s not referencing anything it just is it’s just like this is what I got Italian Family Dining Cheesecake Factory is

Like it’s like it’s Camp I don’t know sorry thank you tiffs the lawyer everybody the lawyer please it has ads in its menu like come on let’s go let’s go YN I’m offering you a a peace onion where are you where are you where are you thank you for the

Follows everybody Olive Garden is something you can make at home with yeah I love some some some what’s it what’s the other one Red Lobster M those little biscuits the skinny lucious menu is camp in and of itself literally literally the thick book of menu Camp am

I old there’s a level of self-awareness leaded for needed for Camp exactly there’s a level of self-awareness the fact that Cheesecake Factory has not updated its design since it it opened camp like they said we are 5 million different Aesthetics in one Factory was okay okay you know okay fine

Fine fine I will I will admit defeat but only because I have not been to the Cheesecake Factory in like 15 years okay that’s fair okay I will Adit to feed because it’s been yes Applebees is not C Applebees is not c i I would agree actually Applebees is not

You found the Lost book Arby’s is not Camp Noom mm mm I’m trying to think Alysa just likes to argue that’s why Alyssa’s an aquarius I argue when I feel like it’s necessary and I will admit when I’m wrong Golden Coral is Camp I haven’t

Been to G Golden Corral so I I can’t can’t confirm or deny but I believe you oh mods tuna sorry I’ll also post my mods in the Discord but I believe uh Kennedy might have them in the Discord drink apple bees could be Camp you’re right that oh yes yes yes okay Applebees

Itself is not Camp Chili’s is not either no but like going to Chili’s for the like dollar Margaritas a little bit Camp a little bit Camp You Know M book of stars read this to gain some experience in all skills whoa you know what I’m realizing you know what I’m

Realizing you and I are agreeing on Camp except for when it comes to the Cheesecake Factory so clearly I just need to go back to the The Cheesecake Factory I think I feel God in Chiles tonight I I think we’re on the same page as cha I just had to get there myself

Because you were absolutely no help so the shark we drink an Applebees that had a gummy shark in it Camp that’s amazing Casa Bonita I didn’t know that existed Casa Bonita what’s Casa Bonita what’s Kasa Bonita you did not what’s what’s Kasa banita is she trying to say kasabas I

Don’t think so what is kasab banina no I’m not trying to say it’s the DU lingo owl is Cam that’s true casab Bonita yeah sorry I don’t um I’m yearning where are you are you yearning I’m about to yearn okay for just South Park reference you

Feeling Bon no no no no but they actually made a Casa Bonita so it okay wait wait wait wait in and out I feel like I’m playing wavelength trying to figure out what camp means that’s so funny in and out is not Camp okay I didn’t think so I was just making sure

Sorry that was I’ve said that very judgmentally I I admit I’m so sorry now take my onion that was you were just asking a question and I I just needed to thank you ah get him get him get him get him get him keeps keeps repeating Kasa banita like it’ll

Clarify what is Kasa banina it’s okay it’s a South Park reference of like this super freaking over-the-top like almost amusement park like it’s a Mexican restaurant with an amusement park almost inside it oh I could see it being camp it is Camp but also it’s not Camp yet because it’s so

New because they finally made the restaurant you know oh it has it’s too young to be camp but it has potential you know Rainforest Cafe Camp yes Rainforest Cafe is so damp okay okay you see you see we okay so we do agree on Camp we were just arguing over the Cheesecake

Factory okay okay I I can see why you wouldn’t think it’s it’s camp but it is I I always just okay that’s fair I admit to because I’ve always seen the Cheesecake Factory as like you know it wasn’t Camp when it first like came out okay okay I haven’t been there in so

Long so that’s why wait did we just start did we just say rainforce Cafe in the same I didn’t even read your message we all we all thought rforce Cafe at the same time yes Margaritaville Cafe no never seen T Mar you would the elf ears aren’t they so

Cute yes TR Cafe never heard of it I don’t know what Tru Cafe is yeah I don’t know what that is either starter Valley Camp wait I’m my my inventory is Factory is the most Camp restaurant yeah what okay clearly I need to go because next

Time you come we’ll go wait don’t you have a Cheesecake Factory near you you’ve got a I don’t feel like just going to The Cheesecake Factory why because I don’t like cheesecake and that just feels like there’s so many other things there such like also my friend works there and she

Hates working there so it puts a bad taste ah no I’m kill I’m I can’t just stare at rocks with you right now Kennedy I’m in the middle of what do you want what what why are you just hyperventilating what I just wanted to show you my ring

And you yelled at me you’re what look at my ring you have a ring yeah I have a ring and you yelled at me and you said you didn’t want to look at rocks with me and you yelled I was saving Our Lives I was saving our lives so that you could show

Me your ring it’s a beautiful it looks great it looks great thanks yeah I accept ah ah who has the courtz out I will put my mods in the Discord for those of you who are asking I will put my mods from my original save file I think I got combat level

Up can is your hair mod no it’s a it’s the regular dular yeah it’s been there for a while how are you organizing your chests sorry great question how am I organizing our chests well well the system we have is interrupts me that’s hug go oh thank you

Ah your turn these guys drop Scrolls anyways oh sure so I politely Okay so one chest is for um what’s it called not foraging what am I trying to say what am I trying to say like wood and stuff um yeah materials for like building and crafting um furnac no it

Starts with an F what’s what’s the f word what’s the f word for not foraging maybe it is foraging it’s for it’s for tools resources that’s the one that’s the resources yeah of course how could I be so silly yes sorry I know it was glitching

On you guys that was my bad um yes so one chest just for we got go oh we got to go okay but but I’m I’m okay I got him okay I’m coming I’m coming wa wait ah okay why are you still yearning get out I’m out okay oh there you

Are what were we talking about oh we have a resources chest for like crafting things then we have a like seeds and crops and forgea bles then we have a gems fish oh and a a community a community it’s also good to have a chest for like things that you need for the

Community center so you don’t accidentally sell them or eat them yeah I feel like Olive Garden takes itself too seriously to be Camp oh yeah they well that could be Camp though if it takes itself to it’s kind of like a it’s like you’re making fun of it it’s

Yeah no it’s not it’s it doesn’t make F of fun of itself enough yeah what is this oh our fish that’s we got no fish we have so much money oh my God what is this supposed to be is this oh we oh we got we got to sleep we got

To sleep we got to sleep we got to sleep over here it’s sorting that’s literally why this it’s me every time I play stardo it’s like oh my God we have I have to run oh what oh level in combat hey I have to pee I have to pee

Everybody kenned is in charge no I have to pee too wait okay uh okay break everyone uh oh shoot we have to we can’t pause oh run run f hello oh my God I’m in charge besties that pissed together speed pisser it’s not my first rodeo I know what I’m

Doing I yep I did I won what up hello you guys all right oh my God she’s back you guys pretend like we just told the biggest secret of all time pretend I’m back you’re never going to know what they just told me about you in my chat what I

Can’t tell you Bes that pissed together you’ll love to see it what did you say I can’t I can’t tell you they told me not to tell you I was sprinting but basically the TLD oh the tldr is that I won so oh I’ve been I’ve

Been here for so long waiting for you what actually actually yes how did you pee that how did you pee I’m a I’m the quickest peer ever oh really is that why I won and you didn’t did you wash your hands yeah I did I washed my hands

Yes okay good so we both washed our hands that’s great Mississippi PP a pissa it’s me it’s not my first rodeo wow appear faster than I never seen it oh my God I don’t know why that reminded me of this did you know that there’s a Shrek

Book like the movie is based off of the book Shrek are you asking me this or the general yes well we talked about this last night oh yeah we did damn it okay you guys the Shrek book is so Camp no I’m just kidding it’s it’s so funny every stream now

We’ve circled back to the fuing B speed bisser it’s it’s a good bit of information yes okay are we yearning wait hold on let me wait wait wait why are you just holding an egg okay um let me why would I not just hold egg I think

I’m going to check the um oh a little extra luck today oh yes but the cuz the egg Festival is tomorrow so we need to YN today true not me thinking you were talking about the Shrek’s mut book what excuse me excuse me what are you talking about my

Ears did not need to hear that no thank you bye okay yeah egg Festival tomorrow let’s end let’s have our last day be the egg Festival I think okay ooh got hella clay h hold on I’m giving me like Meg there Shrek much I cannot believe

I’m the one to tell you about this B oh hello now I want in and out some hobbies are best left to ourselves I’m just we love you I love you um I’m giving something to Gunther Google it I implore you I don’t know that I will I don’t know that I will

Exists there’s smut for it on the internet that’s Alissa and I were were already scarred from when we were downloading stardo mods and we had to come across like so many NSFW ones but like you’re not even ready I thought I was ready no to I was blinded yeah into my eyeballs ruin

Stardo and the Innocence barley has walked 10,000 Paces congratulations wow Shrek but it’s cuz I walk around so damn much in circles Shrek smut made you want in and out no I thought I thought about cuz Alyssa said in- and- out when we were talking about

Camp in and out is mid I said it and it kind of just processed but it’s made in like a good way like it’s there’s it’s like a different brand of burger like you’ve got your Smash Burgers you’ve got your like good ass restaurant Burgers you’ve

Got your like fast food burgers and then you have like in and out you know it’s just different it’s just a different brand of burger and it’s the best in its in its bracket the fries are good the fries are good I don’t like the fries cheers vampire

Queen thank you e for the posture check and be for the water sip thank you the way I heard you swallow your water just now all right Shrek is love Shrek is life Alissa Goose husband Goose husband y’all are just outting yourselves are we yearning or not wait did we not get the

I think did we have a sword at level five I don’t know I have a sword if that’s what your quest asking me you have a wood sword are you yearning I’m I’m in the adventures Guild I had to do the the little oh no I have a I just

Have a rusty sword okay now I’m yearning well I’m going to check level level wait where did we get the wood sword is that 20 LEL sword is 15 what are you talking about oh no but but you did the random generated chests remember but oh for the m so we

Don’t even know when we’re getting the sword God dang it it’s a real book with green ABS on the cover no way oh unless I’m yearning where are you Shake Shack is fire I’m I’m about to Shake Shack is in like the the Smash Burger category though hello

Hello I don’t like Smash Burgers if I’m eating a burger I want it to be a I do not I want it to be a thick juicy one oh I love a thick juicy burger but I also in another mood love a Smash Burger I that’s when I’m if I’m that’s my Tac

They’re so crispy and good they’re not o no crazy about you yeah yeah it’s no brushing my teeth in bed but I I feel like your brushing teeth in bed shame is ableist what of your executive functioning disord yeah yeah I do I actually do oh my god well maybe you’re

Not respecting my what conversation is this I you’re right I’m over it let’s go oh my God you’re right I’m over it me is like you know what she has a point wait did you just find a sword oh no you just oh yay let’s go oh we both

Found it at the same time all right well we’re so close to 20 we can do it are we wait what oh we’re on 17 I might drop the cover in the Discord wait can you please I want to it oh my God please for research purposes s you love sitting while

Brushing your teeth sitting or [ __ ] [ __ ] also makes sense you know what I like to do when I brush my teeth be in the bathroom so do I in the morning oh wait what do you have uh quartz can hold on secret tunnle through the

Mountain Ken Ken I want to see it I want to see it Stitch WBY thank you for the follow the way that Shake Shack Seasons their burgers I agree okay wait what happen I agree thank you for the bits yeah non nonbinding that is valid and fine don’t let Alysa shame you what

What don’t let Alysa shame you like she shames me it’s fine we all got to do our thing somehow what did I do I’m kidding what did I do I heard nonbinary and then I heard don’t let a no that was just their name non-binding

Is their name oh oh my God I was like how did that get into this conversation the gas lighting ala the one who shares the petitions too oh my God the gaslighting I’m so addicted to this game I know I’m so good the gatekeeping no no no non bin said

Brushing teeth in bed is the only way my teeth get brushed because physical and psych disab you know what truthfully I can totally understand that oh shoot I left copper no yeah morning morning is different it’s it’s the nighttime like it’s something about night time I don’t

Know morning I do all my skin care I do all my brushing and I’ve always done that night time you’re like checked out at night and so you need like the extra reminder right I kind of get it I get it it’s like bathroom bad space like I’m I

Don’t go to bathroom at night good deodorant do you put on deodorant before bed no what why yeah me neither that’s weird no it’s not weird I just don’t get why okay I unlike some people don’t judge others when they have different hygiene please please please different hygiene

Practices I welcome with open arms spare me please okay thank you for the follow em thank you for the follow shame on you Elissa Brie said oh I judged a little I judged a little okay see that’s that’s also one of my OCD things is like

I have to put on deodorant before bed or else I cannot go to bed oh is it is it like for a reason like you’re like I don’t want to sweat in bed or is it just cuz I don’t it’s cuz I don’t want to smell myself

Oh I don’t like to smell myself I don’t like I like to feel like if I’m going to do my skin care and do everything before bed I want to feel as put together as possible so I can be clean that’s so interesting cuz I feel like I feel the

Exact opposite at night I’m like whatever bedtime like nothing matters and Then daytime I’m like that’s how I feel at daytime no everything just matters all the time wow for me like I will literally pause a stream if I smell myself and I’ll be like you’ll have to

Excuse me this is an emergency I have to put on deodorant it’s really important yeah that makes sense I’m almost low on energy I know me too wait wait wait I have food do you we have one more we just need one more hold on do you need

Food uh yes it barely did it barely did anything just a heads up wait do I have bug meat ew bug steak I need two more do you have any bug meat you know it is I do why can you give me some e can you

Eat it yeah you make a little bug steak thank you bug steak bug steak y wait I don’t have bug steak why do you have bug steak is that an upgrade for uh combat thingy i’ I’ve never seen that combat upgrade I’ve never seen seen that ever in my life in my

Life God the way it takes like a million swings to kill any I know also we we haven’t got a a freaking staircase this whole time it’s 12 it’s 12 it’s 12 I know and we need a staircase then hurry up we need a staircase more than we need like where

Where are you hello oh my God wait wait yes yes okay let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go we’ll get the H it’s a glow ring it’s a glow ring oh nice I want it yay let’s go okay wait wait wait that’s a really good uh cuz

You don’t get the glow ring until in the regular mine remix you don’t get the glow ring till like what is it it’s something in the community center isn’t it it’s like a community center reward I don’t know for like later later how’s the new update it’s good it’s you

Know we’re yearning I’ve read that putting deodorant and night actually helps the deodorant activate because you’re not as active and sweaty versus putting it on in the morning going oh interesting see I knew I knew what I was but are those for like like night showers like are you showering at night

Putting on deodorant and then not showering in the morning and then cuz that makes sense to me us I used to only shower in the morning but now since I stream so early I like kind of alternate but usually I shower at night now which is kind of annoying because my hair gets

Frecked up yeah night showering is I can’t do it oh our last day has to be Easter I’m having so much fun and I just got back we can more okay you don’t got to tell me twice we’ll do a little more I love brushing my teeth in bed

Though I’ll wake up grumpy and I bring my toothbrush to bed and do it half as sleep horizontal yeah that makes sense we have so many nips oh we have a l of nips wait you harvest so that you can level up in farming cuz I already leveled up thank you that’s so

Nice of you thanks yum I’m going to have to ask you to stop all right oh I found ooh o we have three golden nips where do I put them um put them in in this put them in this this one okay well I can’t if you’re ask oh shoot we should

Have sold some of these so that we have Max Max we should have sold them yesterday sold what the nips yeah and just like whatever we could the it’s okay we still have a lot of money thank you so much for the follow welcome in um

Okay so I have 25 regular nips and five silver should I just sell them all yeah but now it’s too late well yeah but we yeah still need money it’s not like the world is ending after Easter okay go ahead it’s too late uh okay I’m can tell you about this

Are we are you playing with mods yes we are we’ve got lotss of mods going absolutely we’re playing with the mods yeah as a a reminder geese in my stream I will uh drop all my mods even from my single play file in the Discord somewhere I’ll also make a video on it

Soon cuz I’ve made like three videos on it but I still get people like what am I using and then I’m like now I have to dig through find my video so I’ll drop the Discord yes what did you just water oh you refilled I see anyway okay are we going to Easter

Oh my God this is going to be chotic why where oh right we got a water are you playing expanded we are not no I was too even for like my personal save file o the egg Festival sorry for screaming the eggs Festival started see are you leaving Ken is that why

You’re so oh good luck in the eggc I can’t tell ah I can’t I can’t tell if she’s leaving or not am I hearing blog post listing your St yes oh blog post should yeah okay yes you’re right I’ll make a blog post okay you’re doing great let’s go

Okay okay I’m coming what okay why did you turn around cuz I was like oh I should leave my watering camp but then I was like oh I don’t need to cuz how do you just like see a dandelion and pass it don’t worry I’ll get it I got itks

Fine woo clear her out do we buy all the all the strawberri all of them okay okay I agree I agree oh my god oh yay okay well to be clear all of them is 27 that’s good enough cuz then they’ll keep growing yay we’re going to be so rich my

God look at um oh is this you wait yeah hello I’m like look at this idiot oh my gosh wait do we have to battle each other oh God why are you drinking like a literal toddler right now I just keep hearing like it’s also like stream can hear

Every single thing coming from this this mic because I don’t have any of the filters on oh you know what I mean I piss of the screaming got all right should we talk do we get points if we talk to people at events you know all right I was thinking okay I

Don’t know can you think faster okay I’m just going to do it okay I’m just going to do it anyway hello sebie oh I haven’t talked to Sebastian yet one time I got a rotten egg was it Elliot I’m going to start it wait okay

Oh my God wait I’m so stressed don’t be stress oh my God please I am it can’t be stopped you just telling me not to stress makes me even more stressed what are you doing why are you oh my God it’s happening please where am I literally where am I oh you’re right

Here it’s your hair in the I’m stressed I’m stressed okay shut up I have why are you stressed are you okay oh my God I’m sweating please no move move okay I’m going this way why are you stressed my way yeah stop asking me why I’m stressing helped it can’t be helped

Me getting in your head ah okay okay okay ah get out of my spot get out of my spot get out of my spot get out of my spot you go up okay you go up no I don’t want to oh my God stop it

Stop it where are you going oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God how do help wait I think I think I think okay how many do you have I don’t tell me wait tell tell me

How many wait don’t tell me hold on no no you passed one you just passed one where yeah no I didn’t I just got it it was by what you the pink one oh you got what are you talking about no I already got it as was by my God oh my God

Please oh my God you had this pick saved beep switching from YouTube to Twitch just to that the reconstr that Kasa Bonita existed before South Park made an episode about it and it was recently revitalized by the creators of South Park oh wait I’ve seen I’ve seen

Like a video about that oh now you see it when someone else mentions it oh because I didn’t know that it was something before South Park boo wait who but now that you say that I remember seeing like a what boo did I win did Abigail win yay

Yay how many did you get I don’t know okay well I got seven because I’m taking this seriously I think you’re just saying a number that’s higher than seven I got 10 good night it’s freaking [ __ ] I would look so cute in that straw hat wait let

Me see you with the straw hat let me see where where where are you let me see ah wait hold on I’m coming wait wait wait let let me try it on let me give it give I want to try it on wait where you

Going hey I just hold on let me let me tell the cat that I love it I’m so I’m so depressed God my BF Brothers invited us to double date there last year was actually kind of cool that’s it does sound cool I want to go where is it

I also thought about the Shrek smut if I’m being honest what I’m dead the Shrek book yeah so like when you said Shrek book multiple people thought about the Shrek [ __ ] book and not the actual are y’all okay I love you I have never once heard

Of an actual I did try my best can Disney thank you I oh oh it’s so lovely out here it is lovely you know what the next time I find a chub I’m giving it to you wait never mind huh huh someone activate the sound

I Wasing I was trying to think of the ugliest thing I could give you and it jump was God I jump was the first oh Alissa beans like immediately just clipped me that’s good all right well thank you Taylor fine what’s what’s something I’m giving you wood strawberry time Alissa now

You’re doing it on purpose no I’m not rock here I have Rock come here I have Rock please please take my rock I need you to large egg hello we need that I think hello I’m oh ah I don’t want your rock get away for me please please please okay I’ll wait

Offer oh barley can’t handle your request right now barley can’t even handle me right now that’s fine the club can’t even handle me right now CH wood those are the ugliest things not any better yeah thank you listen listen same energy as I have purse all right I’m planting our

Strawberries have hat on head strawberries come water them okay water them Tag Team all right well what I don’t know I was still thinking of chub and wood oh come on you just listen listen just take my rock just you know what rock I’m working I did too but did you just

Reject my flower I did let me finish let me finish okay flower is not any better honestly either how why did you reject my flower why is that not it’s cute okay Gunther I’m taking this to Gunther taking this to Gunther I’m taking that to CL wait oh wait do you

Have the amethyst mhm okay yeah you do um we also need to take some things to the community center I think I have shoe do we do we have that organized I have nips um I don’t think we do have it organized I know we I know large egg is one of

Them let me see we don’t have that yet though right cuz that takes a while no do we have oh did we sell our green beans and cauliflower all of them um hold please did we even get a cauliflower yeah I got like two of each maybe

They’re not ready yet I have no I I never recall even getting a c we have two green beans I’m going to get some cauliflower and then get more we have a potato we have two potatoes and we have three golden parsnips okay okay okay I’m going to get

Cauliflower and more parns and put them in the the what’s it called so that we have we could get some gold ones and the fertilized grounded did you forget the word ground I don’t know I don’t know I’m going to put him in the thing the dirt where we Farm I meant the

Fertilized all right well there’s only two more fer that’s fine you go what were you saying that’s fine I’m gonna do 10 I’m gonna do I’m gonna do seven excuse me I’m saying that there’s just only two fertilized patches of dirt oh ding ding ding I was yeah I would have told you

That if you would have let me speak well I’ll just do I they can be not fertilized the gold can come from not for right it’s rarer yes it is more rare okay but it is known it is known it’s known it is known wait what are we doing let me

Check the TV can you have more than one pet if you have a co-op Farm no no you share a pet hey we learned how to make klaw hell yeah oh I forgot about Queen of sauce poop have not been checking SAU I miss her yeah oh

Yeah wait I can’t read because you keep donating the day is in your hands okay the the day is in we get any rewards oh we got rewards we got cauliflower seeds damn it after I just bought some it’s okay damn well okay no it’s okay we’ll

Just get more money once we fertilize them um when your voice gets just deep out of uh I’m going to oh I learned a hack I don’t think we’re going to use it though but like if you got a chair and you put it on the other side of that log that

Blocks you from the Deep Woods and then you sit in the chair you can just like Boop over to the Deep Woods in in this update oh I don’t know yeah I feel like he probably fix that yeah well okay but that’s fun um okay the TR the traveling

Cart is here she’s not selling anything oh a wedding ring recipe an oldu City trip why not because we need other things from the traveling cart first I think also we need backpack upgrades get married uh there’s a chair teleporter yes there is um as an old zuu city tradition it’s

Used to ask for another Farmer’s hand in marriage okay so is there a ring instead of a necklace now okay okay do you want me to get a fish though do you want me to get a midnight carp o well midnight carp is kind of easy to get

Oh um also I don’t think it’s in the community center okay well then scream what else there uh nothing good never mind all righty I’m foraging forage away partner okay wait where are you what are you doing oh I can just make more fertilizer why why did why did we not think about

That we were just buy did you buy fertilizer no I made it the first time and and now I’m going to make it again then why why cuz you were like oh we only have two fertilizer spots and I was yeah oh yeah dang as if I couldn’t

Make more yeah I see what you’re saying um what was I saying I don’t know I don’t know I want to go to Costco we’re going to Costco today oh really oh wait I found the last ax did you ever do that yet mhm okay well I’ll go do it

Now yeah that’s where we got our giant box of gushers oh love it yep but that’s also when Thomas put his gushers in in seaweed why did he do that Thomas he’s psychotic I just Thomas I don’t know I he around for me to yell

At him I don’t know oh Thomas I have to get up I know has anyone in chat ever had the the slightest urge to put your gushers inside of a sushi of a of a seaweed seaweed crunchy seaweed thing to make like a sushi hand roll of gushers nobody

Nobody has yearned for this this oh cheer skipping is still possible in 1.6 nice oh wedding ring is for marrying your multiplayer farmer that would be if we wanted to Mar each other oh cute I wonder what what that like it looks like cuz it’s kind of

Nice to have a partner yeah like do we get perks I don’t think so is it just status and it goes towards Grandpa’s Evo okay Robin I walked all the way here and for what ands Goose husband stands with Thomas and the gushers huh boo Goose husband Taco Bell Stars you’re so

Right you’re not allowed to put gushers in they’re not allowed you stand with that behavior they do and then my truffles bot tooted on them so that worked out fitting okay what uh what are we doing here I’m talking we got a green bean I’m going to bring that to the community

Center I’m talking to Mar CU Lord knows I’m not going to find her anywhere else anytime soon green bean okay yeah large egg we need a large egg I do not have a mods command yet I will make that soon and I will also drop them in Discord

Soon if uh beans if if any of my mods or anyone wants to be be a deer and drop the Discord command thank you beans I love you thank you for the follows you guys thank you than I dare you to marry Shane absolutely not okay I understand I

Understand like literally all the what do we all the men Shane is gross all the men in stardo Valley I’m like I keep seeing like people like Thomas loves sebie and people are like oh Shane sebie and I’m like no I dare elista to Mary Elliot I

Dare you to suck these nuts I will never crazy ass there I would never marry Eliot ever hey it’s bedtime almost it’s not B time to pass out oh my God please we share finances we’re basically married you can’t be doing this um how do I okay spring

Crops on roses and whiskers kittens kittens barley donated a green be good for barley thanks barley donated an egg oh we got a large egg yeah that’s snooze to me I’m snoozing how was yapping about it oh I ignored you yapping all day long I didn’t hear you I was too busy making

This house also yapping we need 99 Woods 299 Woods that’s not too hard we just have to grind for like two days yeah the joint uh bank account in multiplayer is annoying at least you can change it I literally go to 1:30 a.m. mood I’ve been doing that

Lately lethal company has had me in a choke cold until 1 in the morning yeah it’s fun though it it genuinely makes my day better lethal company yeah does it make your day better to scare the poop out of me in Lethal company on purpose yeah it

Does I’m good for you it makes my day better to yell at you for wasting $900 I’m really glad that that helps you feel accomplished doesn’t Abigail have a dialogue where she talks about how she thinks about what her life would have been like if she married Sebastian cuz

My jealousy issues could never that’s crazy I feel like you have to be kind of a masochist is it masochist yeah to marry either Haley or Abigail level two farming we got a Mayo machine and sprinklers charcoal Kil oh that’s to turn I hate that one that was

Stupid I never use it does it look it’s kind of cute okay it’s got like a green leaf on it it’s got some Moss okay last day cuz I’m hungry and I need to I want to go get in and out getting yeah fine okay you totally forgot to tell me

What beans also my husband and beans in a moment about gushers is yes Megs hello oh Kitty wait you didn’t check okay AB go my goth gamer Rock eater don’t diss her I’m not dissing her I just think you have to be a little bit

Of a masus o it’s a good it’s a good day to yearn it is good day to yearn oh we got we got money from Dad oh thanks Dad we should get our backpack upgrades as soon as we hit 4,000 yeah yes okay so let’s go YN then

Okay hold on let me get food wait wait wait I also have a letter hello dear I know you’re just getting settled blah blah blah okay thanks for telling me what I already knew granny okay oh we only get one letter from Dad we don’t

Get two I did get two I got 500 oh that’s what that was from okay I’m going to go sell these beans beans so so I’ll meet you up there okay I’m trying to give the axe to Robin before Oh s very day oh I don’t see them they’re kind of

Pale I don’t see any of them okay but I hate Haley as Artis oh I see head Cannon because there’s a scene after you get enough Hearts where she confesses that she wasn’t trying to be rude and was generally worried about the farmer’s fashion and hygiene oh

Interesting okay I get that that makes sense what makes sense oh you got 10,000 Paces someone’s like I had Canon uh Haley as autistic because there’s a point where you get to like a certain level of hearts with her where she’s like oh I really didn’t like I didn’t

Mean to be mean I just was actually questioning your like I was concerned about your fashion and hygiene or like I was just worried about it or I love Haley I still I still love Haley I will always love Haley I love Haley she’s good hi Jenna hate that she implies we haven’t

Showered though I mean if we haven’t showered we haven’t showered you know sometimes sometimes we need to hear that no I put on deodorant before bed I’m good hey found the axe do I get money I got us more money yay um okay I’m our provider yeah I’m yearning

There are berries by the lake by the lake by the lake I don’t see them I’ll get them later I’m yearning I think I’m going to buy one of the backpack upgrades is that okay yes do it clearance how much rather 2,000 clearance yeah I’m saying clearance to

Buy the backpack upgrade CLE to initiate sequence Captain they’re on sale yes go okay 2,000 you said mhm okay that’s fine yeah now I can yearn with with room to yearn yay room to yearn Haley is a gem we share the same name a there’s an excellent M for Haley

That just makes her goth and changes nothing else and it made me like her more I could totally see that I could so much more sense so then she’s not like triggering as like that [ __ ] girl in high school but also feel like that’s just like shining a light on our

Internalized misogyny by the fact that we’re okay with it when that’s true when it’s like I like her the way she is she’s perfect the way that she is why am I struggling to find this ladder oh I found it okay oh my God oh my God oh my God die please

Please okay oh I never got the glow ring self awareness listen we got unpack we got to unpack you got a glow ring already I thought you were just I did but I had found it in rocks and I found it in rocks the oh the

Other glow ring was from um the chest the mine chest what are you talking about why are you not wearing a glow ring I am wearing a glow ring I just okay I I found it Glow ring in the mines way before and I was wearing it

And the one I just got was from the chest from level 20 and you didn’t put that one on no cuz I already have one on okay so put on the better one but they’re the same aren’t they I’m out I’m out I’m done aren’t they the same I don’t know

Anything about anything no I don’t know oh my God [ __ ] that’s fine let’s find before they oh my God darn toon is what I meant YouTube don’t yell at me YouTube darn is what she meant yeah she said what she said um hello can you help help I’m

Getting Kennedy please you got it there were so many of them I signed yay thanks for nothing all right they’re dead now all right you did so good love y can’t believe I’ve been with you in twitch for five months already five months games love seems good thank you lemon I’m glad you’re

Here you got some good yearning going on here we do yeah except we can’t find the ladder yeah oh I found it woo thank you so much for the follow friend welcome in I kind of wish there was proximity chat oh there’s got to be a mod for proximity

Chat I mean it wouldn’t work for us but if we ever played on our own time yeah that’s true if we ever played by ourselves that’d be so funny we just like run past each other like a oh although that’d be kind of sad cuz

Then we cuz it the map is so expansive yeah it’s huge I feel like it’d be nice if like it was always you could always hear if you’re on the same like screen you know but then as soon as you leave it would make it kind of like like I

Don’t know it’d be peaceful like the like like we’re actually farming yeah feel like that’d be a big mod though yeah if it was multiple players that would be good yeah that too yeah cuz too many people just like yelling that’s true that’s true that’s true thank you follow welcome in

Ah where oh I see where wait wait I’m dying oh don’t do that yeah I’m trying not to do you see it the way that our ears wiggle whenever eating do you see this oh cute I’m going to go get this copper oh we haven’t made a furnace yet

Oh level one step one of making a furnace is to make the furnace that is what we need to do oh nice yeah show them team yeah I love the energy in the Stream oh I’m so glad thank you wait where’d you go got get the wormies

There was a there’s a we had a a ladder yep yep yep yep yep okay okay wait I have these wories have not been dropping a thing no no no watch this watch this watch this watch this stand back stand back stand back oh oh my God oh my God

Oh my God oh my God why are you yeah oh oh god oh it didn’t do anything oh my God wait I I’ll save you wait wait wait they they pated Kennedy they they’ pated Kennedy oh my God keny they’ pated they tated please stop saying pleas cry please stop saying you

Fited I should have grabbed my computer so I can watch you both at the same time oh that’s okay Jenna I’m sorry you can you can want look if you just pull us both up you mute one of us it’s the same thing both here for you but you can’t do

That if you’re not on a computer is what they were saying oh I I I got there you’re like hey no no worries just just hack the main frame you’re fine that’s a that’s a skill issue I don’t know what to tell you just do it do it

Nike oh how do you spell it cuz I’m a sea oh it’s a chel we’ve got we got a we got a we got another chel do we shave uh Frick do we share do we share achievements for yearning like Adventures Guild I don’t know that’s a really we should check it out

Yeah does anyone know just get good imagine the ad popping up mid boss fight oh shoot I didn’t check if the coal at the end of the rainbow the coal at the end of what the end of the rainbow you just started singing it you didn’t even process what I said what you

Even oh wait hey help I’m stuck please okay what no no mine wait okay wait help wait there’s still lot happening I have an ancient seed up you have an ancient seed yes but it wants me to give give it to Gunther no oh yeah we can do

That I forgot he gives you that wait you took my amethyst that’s fine I thought you didn’t have room for it remember I got the room now yeah well I threw oh that’s true I threw away my slime okay that’s is there a ladder up there yes yes thank you snarkies for the

Follow thank you thank you and to the rainbow see you do what I meant I didn’t I don’t I still don’t at the end of the tracks there’s always a God no we’re in we’re in the spooky spooky the spooky please get out of here I’m too cute to

Be in this amount of peril get get I can’t even see him I can’t see him can I’m I’m dying I’m dying help help help please I only have two horse radishes just I feel like you need like your brightness up or something what I can

See oh my God that reminds me do you know what Thomas did watch out watch out watch out get him get him Kennedy I’m getting him okay good you got him bye I’m going to get this a they’re coming they’re coming we need to find a ladder stat they’re

Coming L why is he not dying I got nothing but a oh my God it takes them forever to die hold on I’m getting them hold on hold on hold on I’m getting them Kennedy I only have a horse Rish I’m trying to find a sword I’m trying to

Find I mean up stairs stairs stair [ __ ] [ __ ] they’re coming after they’re coming after me again they’re coming after me again I’m going to try them wait get this rock get this rock rock I found it go run run oh my God oh my God oh my God

Run run run run Alysa is turning into a gremlin Goose start Val is such a cozy game me while is screaming in the good old St mind I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying please did I say please or police pleas please uh okay I almost I need you to

Get this are you actually dying no I’m good okay I’m just I’m just standing here oh I hate that our sword is the worst ever God at least this ass don’t quit you know look look look true so real she’s got a point so scary this don’t quit if it’s coworking she’s just

Screaming while muted wait Kennedy something came Kennedy Kennedy I’m dying Kennedy I think I’m dead Kennedy you’re running around yeah but I’m trying to run away look come on come on come on oh my God oh my God oh my God oh God hello okay

Let’s go let’s go home no no I like wait no let no there’s another way there’s we can grind it grind gr we do it we can do it we can do it we can do it go go go go go no we can’t it’s 12 it’s 12 yes we

Can no we can’t look look oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God look look yes we can God please oh I’m I’m going to no don’t don’t don’t hello okay wait I hold on we can’t both pass out in the mines

Yes we can yes we can yes we can yes I got go no you I got to go coward coward okay hold on I can find it I’ll do it I’ll do it you got it you got it you got it I’m we can’t lose that much money we

Can’t afford it yeah but I have the ancient seed are you actually D oh yeah oh my God wait no I’m on level 39 I’m on number 39 I’m so close he’s coming after me Kennedy he’s coming after he’s running it’s 110 no Kennedy it’s fine if I get

Us here then we’ll look then we’ll we’ll be away for the of this you’re not going to get yes I’m the scary guys forever it’s fine hold on U Kennedy Kennedy I’m low on energy Kennedy I’m slow I can’t run no I found it I did it

I found it I did it I did it I did it did it y good job I got we just might use the lose the ancient seed okay no oh we might I see okay I’m slowly making my way outside the elevator oh good luck you should leave for sure you’re

Going to lose the ancient seed I listen oh I I passed out yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s okay we got level 40 though we couldn’t have done that today listen what did I lose no I didn’t lose anything yeah yeah yeah that’s a success yeah all right that was last day

Right fine yeah fine we’re already we are already started on that ancient seed look at that what’s the one that what’s the one that um what’s Greenhouse Pantry oh we can do that so quick can wa I guess not we have to wait till winter no no no just fall we could get

The Greenhouse before fall for sure uh spring crops we just need our cauliflower we need quality as long we get the parsnips yeah yeah if we don’t get five gold parsnips we should just buy parsnip seeds for the greenhouse in case oh no cuz we need this to finish the greenhouse that

Doesn’t make sense we should buy parsnips and then hopefully get a flower pots that we could keep them in our house oh I see I see I see I always forget about those I always forget about those all right mean we’re doing our just chatting we’re doing our just chatting okay say

Goodbye to the chat goodbye say bye Alyssa bye Alyssa bye see you next Sunday see you next Sunday how do we I think I have to end on stream together here we go okay all right y’all exit to title perfect bye Alyssa thank you sassy for the follow thank you bye Alyssa love

You all right y’all I want to go get a burger I want to get it like In-N-Out or something we haven’t we haven’t we haven’t had In-N-Out since I’ve moved here and that ain’t right that ain’t right I tell you what it ain’t right so

I’m going to go get some in and out I think or maybe talko while I don’t know um and I will see you let me make sure about Thursday I’ve got a lot of stuff coming up Wednesday Thursday yes I think I will see you yeah

I’ll see you Thursday if not you know the Discord is uh always updated my alerts always alert always my alerts always alert always alert the uh the stream announcements uh ping roll so if you ever want to get last minute stream announcements always send them there um but I’ll will see you Thursday

Hopefully and that’s about it there’s the raid message let’s find someone to raid who’s on thank you to my YouTube peeps for being here thank you sh that’s so sweet thank you Britney okay torches on I’m sure that’s where alysa’s raing too I’ll see you guys over on torches I

Think torch is also playing stardew Torchy grow there we go all right y’all bye Bye Maria bye y’all bye B bye Bri bye everyone I I’ll see you Thursday I’ll see you Thursday have a lovely Sunday restful one please have a restful one love you bye

cozy time playing stardew valley co-op!

0:00 – intro
3:30 – chit chats
28:00 – gameplay

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