Why Terraria’s Phantasm is my FAVOURITE bow! | Terraria 1.4.4 Ranger Playthrough/Guide (Ep.18)

Hey hey how’s it going everybody welcome back to the Terraria Master Ranger playthrough no way wow well that’s an interesting way to start off the episode hey I didn’t even see that on the ground because of all of the Flaming particles from all the blue slimes here any amount of drops

Could just hide in there and they become invisible apparently there was a slime sta in there so that’s a thing not that we’re allowed to use it so unfortunately and this is going to pain me greatly yeah it’s going bye-bye so then my friends we are approaching the end game

Of Terraria I am intending on having this series wrapped up by episode 20 but depending on how things go it’s possible this may end on episode 19 all I know is the next couple of episodes at least will be spent going for the end game the

Moon Lord The Lunatic cultist and all of the celestial pillars so if all of that sounds like your cup of tea then do be sure to continue dropping likes beneath these videos here to show your support for the series hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if

You don’t want to miss out on my future content especially the new upcoming Calamity normal let’s play to come and if you want to go one further with your support of course you can check out my range of Apex gaming PCs over at pb.com PC or you can get a whopping 15% off

Your terrarium merch order over on Terraria shop using Code python so then the only thing I’ve really done since the last episode my friends is switched out my helmet for the bow helmet so we’ve now got the bow sh my armor and we’ve got ourselves Onre on the event

Tide here granting us a whopping 111 range damage with an insane 58% crit chance all of that is thanks to the three damage accessories we’ve got going on now the ranger emblem the Recon scope which actually does increase damage for non-un weapons like if we were to just just try that out real

Quick 102 versus 111 that increase of N9 damage that’s not nothing is it that’s quite a decent amount and then as suggested by you folks I got myself out the magic quiver so yeah all three of these things will be granting us a hefty Hefty Hefty damage increase and then we

Got all of our movement accessories and generic accessories with the celestial shell here my friends the fact of the matter is this we should be looking pretty darn good so there is one more event that we could try in this series before we go for Moon Lord and the

Lunatic ctist I’m sure you guys know what it is we’re going to go for the attorney Crystal stand the attorney Crystal and well all of that should allow us to hopefully take on and maybe defeat depending on how things go the tier three old ones Army oh snap see the

Thing is we don’t actually have a great deal of Defender medals if fact did we even get one oh we got 10 see the thing is we’re not allowed to use these are we okay well in which case we will save up our Defender medals and probably not

Even purchase any of this armor because let’s be honest the shart armor is probably going to carry us all the way until post M Lord and then we continue grinding out until we get us all the vortex armor so you know I don’t actually care too much for the old ones

Army event in this playthrough if I’m honest we’re not allowed to use most things but yeah I’d like to do at least a little something something so let’s do a little something something can we even do this yes we can we can buff on up and

There we are we’ve got the event tide we got all the various bits of Bobs going on let’s see what we can do I’m excited to see what the event tide is really capable of wow uh a lot as it turns out ow this might actually be an exceptionally good weapon for crowd

Control the first wave it’s already done and dusted and here’s the thing because we’re not using any of the summon Sentry weapons we don’t have to worry about going for the ethereum Mana crystals the little green Mana crystals so here’s my think when it comes to the Flying guys

If we start to struggle a little bit then maybe we could whip out some homing weapons right might not be a bad way to go getting rid of the mini map also I think would not be a bad way to go skipping to wave three a yeah this event

Tide is just absolutely wrecking shop isn’t it absolutely a l that I’ll be honest with you I love this aventi look at it making quick work of all of the flying guys as well come on this is great like really it is I think this might just be another weapon that I’ve

Been sleeping on for many years oh my word the Dank Mage is getting riggy wrecked there we go he’s done and dusted back on over to the left hand side and we do not want to be getting on the wrong side of these flying dudes way four done already can you believe this

We’re not doing bad are we not really uh right it’s the ogre ah jeez although I say OG’s but turns out we’re doing a ridiculous ton of damage to this guy 4,000 plus damage per second could probably doing taking out that little flying guy there that ogre is now down

Absolutely fand Abby doy whoa those dracons have 7,000 Health wow that’s kind of crazy have I not noticed that before and there he goes excellent right no one on the right hand side no one on the left hand side I think we’re good to go all right penultimate wave wave

Six okay we might be starting to show some cracks here folks but never mind if by some miracle we can have no ogre oh that’s not going to happen is it here he comes oh snappy snap snappers is definitely showing cracks now here folks

Oh no oh this is quite bad actually uh I mean to be fair we haven’t got sentries so we might be able to bring this back a little bit here oh hell all right it’s looking really really bad in folks oh no and there’s another oh we’re dead all

Right I think that’ll just about do it there folks we done failed I mean you didn’t need to tell that I knew I’d failed I died again I didn’t even need to die I could have just stayed away there we go my friends tier three olds

Army to be quite Frank with you I don’t care I don’t care about that event there’s not really much that we could have gotten from there aside from maybe what is it the aerial Bane uh oh the Phantom Phoenix that’s kind of cool all right I’m not entirely sure it’s going

To be doing a great deal for us at this particular point in the game though so again not really overly fussed about it 62 damage and 53% crit chance I don’t think that’s going to be anywhere near a contender for the event I here the aial

Ban may have been but yeah I don’t really feel any amount of remorse when I say I’m just going to put this thing away all right before we get on with the lunatic CEST I think it might be a good idea if we finally get ourselves up to

500 health it turns out there’s life fruits around just I can’t see them because I’m a blind old bat apparently all right well eventually we’ll get there ah there we are there’s one very good two remaining now we’re getting very close penultimate life Fruit obtained absolutely fantastic oh hello a

Mimic for some free money don’t mind if I do that son and don’t worry I spotted it before maybe even you guys did there was another life on our bottom left we were up there it was down here so bada bing bada boom finally 500 Li so then

Ladies and gentlemen I don’t about you folks but I believe it may just about be time to try the lunatic csts I’m not overly nervous about this but I have definitely been caught in that trap before going into something not too nervous and then coming out the other

Side with a death we don’t want to have that happen really do we so let’s just see what we can do wow judging by how fast we just took all of those guys down I think we might be okay folks I kind of want to go back to this bad boy

Bo yeah what about you folks I love me some homing projectiles oh yeah doing a ton of damage I wonder if we’ll home in on which of the guys is the real one all right let’s have a look here uh right so it’s going to be the top one ah I don’t

Really know I think I was like aiming directly at him I don’t know if I really gave the Homing ability much of a chance there so yeah we’ll see in just a second here if we can come out the other side with this thing ah they don’t home in

All right it’s the top one interesting it’s cool that they thought about that cuz otherwise that could have been a big old cheesy method for figuring out which of the doppelgangers was the real one so here we go which one is it it is once again the top one here

Yeah I mean this is just doing the jobs so well I love homing projectiles and Terraria I always have and I always will 9,000 8,000 7,000 oh yeah 3,000 yeah this guy’s about to go down son get wrecked wait wait wa wait wait wait wait wait where is he top one I

Think it’s the top one there he goes Beau beautiful right what do we got going on we have oh there’s the vortex pet right next to us hell yeah so here we go ah the best thing is we’ll be able to have homeing project on the Storm divers

Here a lot of you guys will probably know by now that storm divers are by far my least favorite mob in this entire Celestial event now it used to be maybe the craw toped maybe the corite but yeah it’s the storm divers now I mean they have insane accuracy with their guns and

They do so much damage we’re almost dead ah jeez the good news with these Celestial pillars of course is when you’ve taken them all down once you don’t need to go for the full 100 enemies per pillar thing again it reduces down to 50 although actually is

That after you defeat the moon Lord or is that after you’ve taken them down the first time like the celestial pillars that is I suspect it might be after you’ve taken down the moon Lord for the first time it reduces down to 50 I could be wrong though Ah hell

Really oh these guys are spawn camping me now that is not okay if I could just get a little bit of that going and then if I could maybe get myself back over to the thingy maybe I can R back over here to the vortex pillar wait I just

Realized there’s a nurse here I could totally use her to heal myself up so we’re going into this pillar with full health all the time storm diving storm diving stor diving stor diing storm diving I just realized something else can’t I buy yeah ammo box could be purchased here as well

We can go into it with a little bit of ammo conservation as well okay oh for God’s sake man please 1.4.5 for the love of everything that is good in the world nor these guys and there we go it’s time to use the event tide get this freaking pillar taken down unfortunately

It probably won’t be the only time we take down this pillar although I don’t know it really rather depends on how many fragments we get for this first one so let’s just take these pesky idiots down and and then we might be able to pick up those fragrants see how many we

Get I don’t even know what the magic number is to be honest with it oh 52 that’s not enough that is not enough for us to make both the weapons and the armor I think the magic number we’re looking for for any of the celestial

Sets of armor is 45 fragment so yeah all right we’re going to have to take those guys down again but hopefully only 50 of them not 100 annoyingly we’re going to have to take these guys down as well if we want to have any kind of peace and

Quiet in our base okay well there goes the deathless solar pillar and there we are top three most annoying mobs in the game the corite God I hate them you know what this little method I got going on here isn’t working out too bad to be

Fair we just sort of dip our toes in a little bit we back out of the area so no more dude spawn in and then we take out sort of the current wave you know to sort of Vince and repeat that process and we’re not looking overly bad I don’t

Think yeah oh good grief hang on a minute I may have spoken too soon there’s not one not two but three kites on us here ah there’s one there’s two and oh I might have taken down the third one already well good oh ah time for the

Pillar where the devil is the pillar there it is oh yeah come on we are very much coming down to the v in terms of our ammo count here folks oh Deary me oh well we’ll make it work let’s maybe switch to not the freaking Hammer that’s

Not going to do much for us is it now let’s switch to the event time for a little bit hey and yeah now finally we might just have ourselves a little bit of peace and quiet while we trying to do some stuff on our base all right what’s

Our fragment Supply looking like here 42 that is really poor for master mode all right very good ancient manipulator is here and here we go with the almighty The Vortex beta and the fantasm is the fantasm better than the aventide though ooh I don’t know that’s a pretty good

Question I would say all right well what we can do is we can try and get ourselves some decent reforges on these bad boys and then we can pretty much get on with the third pillar all righty [ __ ] we’re going to see if we can get

Ourselves a bit of unreal on both of these things wow that actually is quite cheap to reforge relatively speaking wait I’ve just realized something both of these were crafted why am I doing this why don’t we just go down here and do the whole uncraft and recraft thing

So in the Shimmer they go here we are beautiful fragments back in our possession and we do a little bit of this yes uncraft recraft hey there we are now for the vortex beater yeah absolutely Splendid we got unreal on both of these bad boys oh no we don’t

Have any cyborg in our world at the moment that kind of sucks cuz I need to really restock up on my Rockets here okay well I guess one of the things we can do for now is we can get ourselves an infinite musket pouch we get that and we’ve got infinite ammo for

Our Vortex Peter which I think will be a very very good thing to go for so then specialist damage helmet you will be coming off for now I think what I’d like to do is maybe give the fantasm a bit of a go maybe the vortex speeder against

Whatever so let’s go for the boat damage first 111 damage these two weapons have identical damages and crit chances this one however has a 66% chance to save ammo although when you’ve got an infinite quiver yeah that doesn’t really come into it does it so

Yeah I guess it all comes down to the projectiles in which case in terms of which of these does more damage all righty so let’s see what the fantasm can do we’ve already got the correct load out which is lovely we’ll see what we can do here all right nebula floaters

Again probably top three top five most annoying mobs in this game I’d say the top three annoying mobs in this game are pretty much all in this event storm divers Kites and those nebula Blaze dudes nebula floaters I think that’s what they’re properly called so yeah they don’t half keep all of the

Annoying stuff at the very end of the game hey folks yeah all right come on get the pillar down take out these freaking floater guys and then we might be able to pick up those fragments in peace ah jeez all right I think we’re looking okay pick all of these bad boys

Up 56 all right I mean it’s the most I think we’ve managed to get from any of the P so far but still not a great deal is it what do we think folks could it potentially be time to whip out the Infinite Flight I think it maybe you

Know cuz I always feel like when I have this bad boy on I have good luck when it comes to the Moon Lord in terms of you know avoiding his projectiles and various attacks unfortunately I think the celestial shell might be the thing that comes off only we want to make sure

We’re having maximized damage reduction so that’s why we’re keeping on the worm scarf as much as this gives us a great deal of sort of generalized Buffs I really do feel like Infinite Flight might be the better way to go you know so yeah we got lucky on it so you know

That’s kind of nice so ladies and Gentlemen let’s go ahead and do this thing you know what already I’m kind of feeling like the fantasm is the better way to go with this yeah I don’t know maybe I could have used chlorop FY bullets oh good G

Maybe I could have used chlorop FY bullets with this thing but yeah I don’t know I kind of like the fact that you can use the default ammo with the fantasm and you can still find a great deal of success I mean look at them all

All of these Bubbles and all of the rest of these here dudes are just going to absolutely riggy riggy wrecked I mean what else can I ask for eh I mean this is just so much better than a Vortex speeder I think in terms of using base

Ammo maybe if you use some of the uh different specialized ammo you might find better success but certainly in terms of default ammo I think the fantasm personally speaking is better I’ll be honest with you my friends this has been by far the easiest pillar you

Just let the little bubble dudes grow up and each and every single one of them that you kill will count towards getting rid of The Shield so yes very nice very nice now if we could just get rid of all of these bubbles then we might be able to start mentally preparing ourselves

For Moon Lord oh snap it’s just going to be infinite this isn’t it I mean maybe if I just sort of get myself back to spawn maybe we could enjo better luck I don’t know let’s put these bad boys away and then yeah ladies and gentlemen we’re

Going to go for some fresh Buffs as we go into this thing man I am nervous I won’t lie to you my friends I am definitely nervous for this I always am with the first moon Lord attempt I just I can’t help it I’m just always nervous

For the first one I want to know if I can do this you know so ladies and Gentlemen let’s make sure we got all of our Bluffs on nice and fresh like we’ve already got rid of the mini map we’ve got ourselves some decent damage going for us with a

Whopping 120 with the usage of the wellfed buff and also an archery potion so yeah this will hopefully go all right I hope I sincerely hope in fact oh snappy snap snap is Infinite Flight is going to mean that we can dodge things so much easier it’s going to be

Absolutely fantastic there’s the freaking laser go above and beyond as we usually do and we do a little bit of a switcher rearing direction we start going to the right hand side focus on the right hand hand for just a little bit until we get to the point where we

Can start hitting the top eye again which in fact is now all right a little bit of health is needed but you know what that’s neither here nor there still doing kind of all right the top eye is looking relatively weak it’s got less than half health so you know that’s not

Too bad is it just got to make sure we’re not getting being hit by too much here we are all right any second now yep another laser come on maximize the damage to the top highe while we still can oo that was some masterful dodging right

There folks come on you can’t deny me that eh all right come on wow okay Master ninja gear definitely coming to play there folks andove be on once again looking good all right less than 10,000 Health with the top eye I mean I’m not going to get ahead of myself but could

This be one of the first playthroughs where I’ve had a first time kill against the moon Lord ever well I say ever when was the last time we managed to do that oh my God we’ve actually took it down holy crap right right do a little bit of

That we need to try and switch sides if at all possible okay right it’s all about the eyeballs now get this one taken out and there we are it’s now all about the heart oh my God can we do this first time rolling where’s that freaking laser

It actually missed us oh this is brilliant though come on we need to do a better job of aiming though oh that actually hit me a crap okay can’t take much more damage like that can’t take many more hits like that folks got to be very very very very

Careful got 20 seconds until I heal as well all right ma’am a this second phase it’s a bit of an endurance fight isn’t it whoa okay 7 seconds until a heal it’s not impossible folks it’s not impossible to think that we might be able to do this because

There we go we’re now back up to near Max Health 35,000 Health come on this should just be in the bag now surely come on man are we going to do it before we hit the edge of the the world though I don’t think we are it’s possible we may have to switch

Directions oo switching directions in a moon Lord fight on second phase is definitely a bit of a yikes whoa careful careful careful 3,000 2,000 1,000 and he’s dead I can’t believe it we just did that first time ladies and gentlemen if that doesn’t deserve a like I simply

Don’t know what does come on W oh my friend come hell on we just did that first time when was the last playthrough I managed to take down Moon Lord first time must have been some time ago cuz I can’t honestly remember it’s not coming to mind right now I am in

Absolute disbelief my [Laughter] friends first time just goes to show my friends the power of the fantasm I don’t think the Vortex speeder would have taken him down as easily as the fantasm did once we got our aim on point for the second phase with his open chest it was just game

Over for the moonl Lord what can I say we actually just did that folks how about it he we actually just did that absolutely brilliant unfortunately though we didn’t manage to get any of the ranged weapons from the treasure bag yeah that’s kind of sad I won’t lie but

You know what I in too good of a mood right now to get all sort of antsy about RNG I’m just happy at the fact that we managed to take down Moon Lord first time bowling I mean come on what else is there to say aside from thank you so

Much for watching if you guys have enjoyed today’s episode and you’re excited for the next one which actually is likely going to be the final episode of this series if you’re excited for that do be sure to head down beneath the video and spend a second to drop a like

I mean come on take down Moon Lord first time R that’s got to deserve a like hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on the finale episode next episode my friends but for now thank you so much

For watching do have yourselves a fantastic rest of your day and I will’ll see you guys in the next episode bye-bye

Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide – It’s pillar time!!! Today, we smash the Lunatic Cultist with our trusty Snowman Cannon and get to work on getting the beautiful Phantasm and Vortex Beater!
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This is Episode 18 of my Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide on Terraria 1.4.4!
#terraria #terrarialetsplay #terrariaplaythrough


  1. Hey python, ive been playing alot of terraria lately, and ive been doing repeats of the same playthrough, do you have any fun recommendations that i could try out?

  2. Loving your playthroughs, I have just finished my own playthroughs for every class and gotta say ranger is amazing especially late game, just a quick question will you ever think about doing any other modded playthroughs apart from calamity, don't get me wrong I love all your playthroughs I've learnt a lot, thanks. 👍

  3. Python, you've improved so much at this game, it's genuinely so impressive to see. Great job! Make sure to use better arrows (luminite) with the Phantasm. Wooden arrows are cheaper but they will cost you in terms of DPS. And make sure you grind for the Celebration Mk2! Another bit of input that I have for you is to potentially spend a bit more time in late hardmode, trying out different weapons/subclasses before attempting Moon Lord.

  4. we have seen the melee lets play the mage lets play the summoner lets play the forgotten lets play and soon the end of the ranger lets play but I seem to be missing 1 type of lets play a lets play you yourself mentioned you might do and still havent a yoyo lets play keep up with the good work lad and cant wait for the calamity series it comes to my mind that not only a regular calamity lets play but in the future a lets play for each vanilla and calamity class with calamities progresion armor and weapons

  5. Hey Python, whenever you do the Calamity Let's Play, instead of using Alchemist NPC, I recommend "Quality of Life Compendium" is basically a better Alchemist NPC, with less NPCs and compatibility with most mods. It adds items to build bridges faster, modded shops, an item to reveal the whole map, you can edit NPC happiness, etc… (It's fully customizable and I mainly just use that mod and Fargo's Mutant in all my playthroughs).

    Also maybe change the style of your thumbnails for the Calamity Series, I feel like a new thumbnail format would help to differentiate it from your normal series of Terraria.

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