Hermitcraft 10: Episode 9 – BIG BASE BASE

Welcome back to hcraft season 10 this is episode 9 today we going to be Base building and I’m incredibly excited for it as much as I’ve very much enjoyed having this bulbous creation be my home I’ve been seeing all of the cool builds pop up on the server and I’ve wanted to

Join in thanks to oah GX for sponsoring this video by the way more on that later the problem is when it comes to the base building stuff I don’t really have a plan at this point in time I mean I have an idea in my head but I don’t have

Anything concrete yet so I thought instead of hopping into a creative testing world and doing block pallets and and structuring things out I would open procreate and try and paint some concept art this is going to be interesting mainly because you know I’m I’m not an artist uh this is not

Something that I do that frequently um but I just my thought process was that when you do things in a creative mode testing world you can often get into the weeds of block pallets and you want to get the structures right and then you end up actually just building everything

In the creative mode testing World which doesn’t really give you much freedom to play in survival mode and work things out when you’re actually on the server but everything’s kind of already been worked out ahead of time so then when you’re actually playing on the server you’re just copying whereas when it

Comes to concept art there’s tons of freedom in there all of it is suggestions I mean it’s not even really mapped to the landscape correctly this is just the vibe that I want to create and hopefully I can achieve it in Minecraft so this is my early stage base

Plans all of these shops right here are going to be areas for my storage system so my storage system is going to run throughout all of these shop so when I need specific resources I go into that specific area the thought process here is that you spend most of your time in

Minecraft in your storage system is kind of the heart of your base so I thought I would vary up my storage system and make it interesting to walk through now there probably will be a big structure on top of the mountain but that is for later on

In the server currently this is my goal so I should probably start working on it the first thing that has to be done is gather resources I think the first platform for all of our shops is going to kind of pop out here here and then wrap around this edge of the mountain

And probably end somewhere over there which I think we can all agree is quite a large amount of terraforming that needs to be done there so we’re going to need loads of stone loads of dirt and loads of those pretty terraforming blocks oh dear my neighbor hasn’t done

Any terraforming yet so I don’t know what the pretty terraforming blocks are I guess I’m going to have to work this one out for myself for the time being I’m just going to focus on getting the actual macro structure in place like the form the shape that is going to be and

Then I can worry about detailing a little bit later on I think in terms of Det I’m going to mix up some of the new packed mud blocks a little bit of granite and things for the pathway and then I’m going to play around with dripstone stone all the different Stone

Textures and then bushes and leaves and things cascading down from the edges it sounds good I guess we’re about to find out if it actually looks good these are all the bits and Bobs that I have collected one thing that I painfully realized as I was doing this is that I

Currently don’t have silk touch on my pickaxe so I’m now going to have to smelt up all of this Cobblestone and to be honest I’m not even sure I’ve got that much coal yeah I have less than a stack and I just built a pillar of Shame

This is all embarrassing okay well as we wait for these things to smell let me tell you about the sponsor of today’s video and that is Oprah GX we all know that I’m a pro gamer it’s clear from my high-end gaming PC my incredible hand dexterity and my unbelievable gamer

Trash Talk listen here team I am not chuffed with our performance that was Naf George especially you were pants that’s why I use OA GX as my web browser the main thing I love is the GX control panel which allows me to see how power hungry my browsing habits are for

Example running 10 tabs of hermitcraft at the same time uses this much RAM and it sounds like this on the topic of sound here is some Oprah GX ASMR you can also have background music playing which reacts to what you’re doing which is incredibly satisfying it makes even the most basic of online tasks feel like a quest customization is the name of the game with Oprah GX you can change your themes you can change

Your colors sounds you can change your wallpapers you can download mods and all of this stuff is available from the GX store my current setup is the Minecraft Cherry Grove mod with everything selected apart from the theme the theme I went for cozy is I just I prefer those

Tones another personal favorite of mine is the Dog Cafe wallpaper it also has an AI chat function that you can use to ask important questions for example who is the best Minecraft Redstone YouTuber it it comes out with an answer it’s happens to be me

Um and the AI shed it so it must be right all in all it’s a great setup that runs quick is incredibly customizable this is better than the other options out there so head over to Oprah gx. g/m mumbo jumbo that is opra gx. g/ mumbo jumbo get it installed and thanks again

To Oprah GX for sponsoring this video now let’s get back to the building the main thing that I have to be aware of is the size of the database so this thing is well that is 6 blocks seven blocks eight blocks W 13 blocks 13 blocks tall

Okay okay that’s quite big I’m going to need more resources I’m not going to bore you with that the main thing I need is tough blocks okay I’d say that’s enough tough now I’m fed up of smelting so I’m going to buy myself some silk

Touch I would like one L please I must say this is a fairly confusing store but it has cats so that’s fine I am officially in business and I am now officially filled up with stone so now we can officially start building okay now it’s officially official because it

Has a title cart I unbelievably nervous the build has begun the first blocks are always the scariest ones to place and I I’m already going miles wrong this kind of needs to follow the curve of the mountain whilst also giving us enough space to actually build things

Up uh okay yeah good start Good Start if you’re wondering why I’m using Cobblestone it’s because of those pesky gradients that is why I went out and gathered more resources because I realized that this wall was actually quite tall and it would need a slightly larger gradient than I expected so we’re

Going to go from Cobblestone through to a tough and then through to a little bit of stone bricks and things before moving on to Stone all right I laid it out and I don’t think I quite like the end bit I think it tailed off too much I actually

Want the end to be quite abrupt I actually might make it pop out a tiny bit more and then drop back in I mean this is kind of confusing but at this way I want it to look deliberate I want it to look like this is an actual design

Choice it hasn’t just trailed off and I think think that does the trick yeah so if we imagine that up there kind of working its way along somewhere about here we’ve got our database then we’ve got all sorts of different tunnels and potentially even storage system shops

Down at the bottom as well and then all of this space is just covered in custom trees and all sorts of different water areas and grass I want it to look incredibly natury I’m going to do the poor man’s elure and just stand on top

Of that Hill okay now that I’m up at the top I think it could do with continuing along a little bit further and then kind of hooking round almost about here so it finishes off about there there’s absolutely nothing worse than starting off a gradient with Cobblestone because

Once you get it to three blocks high it just looks it looks so 2012 I can’t help but feel nervous when it’s in this stage have I got it right I mean I guess that doesn’t look too bad now that it’s going all the way around I just thought I

Probably should add some variance to the wall actually the fact that it’s a completely flat wall probably isn’t helping the situation either yes this is making such a big difference it look looks totally different now that there is some texture and things in here that was probably the worst example as I just

Showed you a part of the wall that absolutely hasn’t been textured yet for man’s elra time and yes look at that that is actually really quite cool yeah that is that is a much better shape and also the texture the texture is doing the work here it is remarkable how

Much of a difference that has made that is crazy now I’m going to dot a little bit of tough throughout it and that will hopefully ease the transition into the tough layer okay here comes the first draft of tough and I’m trying my best to lean it back ever so slightly from the

Cobblestone because I kind of want our wall to be concaved I think that’s the right word it’s been a while since I did any form of education so I want it to scoop in and then pop back out so that the grass and all of the greenery up at

The top can overhang and hang down we have done the full loop I guess it’s not a loop like half Loop quart Loop a quarter of a loop is just an l and this is an l-shape what am I talking about ah it looks good though it look looks good

I can’t say anything that begins with an L now no but seriously this is really really nice how high are we up to now we’re up to six blocks so this is half of our wall this is really good this is good I’ve surprised myself okay the

Honeymoon period has now worn off a little bit I’ve started adding in some andan bits and look I don’t know how this has happened tough is definitely darker than cobblestone in it like if I was to make a gradient I’ve gone from light to a little bit darker to

Lighter I could cry how has this happened how is how has this happened seriously how did I not notice this as I was building it like it’s so obviously darker it’s annoying cuz it actually did kind of looked cool again until I started adding in the lighter blocks and

Then that brought it home I guess before I did that it was still a gradient it’s just it was the wrong way around this is going to be a painful process and I’m sure many people were shouting about it down in the comment section oh my

Goodness I cannot wait to read those all right so I’ve swapped out all of our Cobblestone for tough and it looks awful now I need to swap half of our tough for Cobblestone and hopefully it will look better which it does however controversially I’d actually say my

Original setup did look nicer but I think that’s all about to change once we get all of the andesite in because already this looks quite good I really like the little polished bits they’re so nice and they’re continuing to look nice all the way around okay I am very very

Happy that I decided to flip around there was like a brief moment in my head where I was like ah maybe I just will leave it be Cobblestone and tough but then I don’t know what I would have done from that point this is good this is

Really really good and we are up to around about eight or nine blocks tall now and I think for my next Stone layers and the stone brick layers I’m going to make sure that I actually keep it quite vertical cuz right now it’s still leaning back I want these next few to be

Pretty straight up if not overhanging oh I’m only halfway done already this is looking great I’m actually having so much fun this has never really happened before I’ve never found terraforming fun I’ve always found it terrifying that was a funny joke wasn’t it but this is cool

Okay final layer that is the smooth Stone and I’ve got to say now that it’s done it’s kind of the one that I’m the most nervous about the problem is smooth stone is such a flat texture that I’m not sure how well it works but my goodness

It actually does look pretty good I think we need to stretch a little bit of the stone bricks up into the smooth Stone these are a little bit blank but remember we’re also going to have the dirt overhanging in The Vines and things we have walled I would say this is a successful

Wall honestly I never thought I could be So Satisfied just building something so simple but this has been so much fun cool I’m chuffed the bits with this so if you take a look back at my poorly drawn concept art here we’ve got the layer with the shops on top of it that’s

What we’re currently working on then I think in the foreground what I really want to have is almost like a paradise I want it to be really really green and lovely and I might even put some little bits and pieces in there little builds and shops too I want this area to feel

Really optimistic that’s the way that I would describe it just really really happy and then if I’m looking way ahead because of the way this kind of naturally forms to this I kind of want the other side to almost go up in the opposite direction I think that will

Look really pretty and then already I’m forming ideas in my head about what’s going to be going on top but that’s a long ways off so now that we spent some time doing serious building let’s go and wind iscal up I really enjoyed my game of seeing how many blocks I could place

On esal’s base without no in and I want to do something in a similar vein he he always points out how much I move while I’m talking I am in general quite a fidgety boy so I want to see how long I can stand perfectly still without iscal

Noticing this is the stupidest idea ever as soon as i’ vocalized it I’ve realized how silly it is so my plan of action is I’m going to try and convince him that we’re going to go on a quest of some sort or some kind of Journey but just

Never move my goal is 1 minute I’m genuinely really quite nervous how you doing buddy good how are you oh I’m doing good I’m doing I’m doing really good it’s good to see you this place is looking really cool I like I like your little your little helpers oh yeah yeah

Yeah the the guy can burn diyite and stuff for you it’s they great wa what how does that work you want would you like a demonstration oh please do yeah yeah yeah and this is not going to get cut out no no no not at all no okay okay

So all you got to do on fire it’s fine he is can handle it all you got to do is set a fire and then throw the DI right on the floor and then make him go there look that’s that’s really good I really like your base by the way your base is

Looking absolutely amazing it’s looking so cool oh thank you I live it on container life # container life this is it oh no I mean I I mean like all the stuff that you’ve been building as well behind me and everything like that it looks really really good oh I’m glad you

Like it yeah yeah I uh I’ve been experimenting with colors of the morning yeah it looks so cool it is really really cool why are you saying it like this no I’m just saying it looks really really cool have you added blocks to it you changeed something up no you would

Not come over and just say this five times just it looks really good there mustache somewhere what am I missing you’re not missing anything what am I missing I don’t know wait are you missing some oh wait take your hat off what what do you mean why would I take

My hat off I’m not missing it what oh there’s something I’m not getting is it is it a in reverse card I cut my hair when you weren’t onl and then no there there’s nothing okay nothing nothing’s going on H I’m very suspicious of you you suspicious what do you mean right okay

No I’ve come over here because I thought we could just we could we could go out and and go adventuring for something okay okay I really wanted I wanted to get a a decorated pot and I thought we could go out and and go on an adventure

Do you want to go on an adventure to get a decorated pot yeah we could do we could do some some bits together okay decorated pot bust yep what am I missing what the making sense I’m so you freaking me out bro you freaking me out something is wrong there’s nothing wrong

Is that do I have something on my face no you this is one of these things like we’re in a restaurant and we’re eating we’re having a romantic date and I got like a spaghetti stuck up my nose so he’s just like falling out going that was a very specific

Example there is SC does that happen before you know no but no okay so we’re doing decorated pots yeah we can we can oh there’s something I’m missing you’ve done something outside I haven’t done anything in fact I I really haven’t done anything not a single thing has been done okay okay

Yeah uh yeah we can go and get decorated pots we can is it these you mean wait you’ve already got them no I got I got two two different ones that’s pretty good yeah yeah I mean I guess we could still go on the adventure sure we could

Yeah yeah yeah absolutely let me just uh let me just cancel all my other plans today and um and yeah we’ll go uh get some shirts all right well what’s going on okay let’s go then come on oh wait are you are you going to go by foot

Since you’re not wearing an elytra yeah no my elytra have run out of run out of charge and I don’t I haven’t I still haven’t got a mending book yet cuz I haven’t managed to to get a new one so yeah I’d have to go by foot if I if if

We were going yeah are you also doing this mending thing no no I’m just being lazy really lazy oh okay like I bar I barely move it’s just a yeah do you want to borrow an elytra uh do I want to borrow an elytra I mean I did I did take

Seven so I it’s true you did you did get a lot you did get a lot all right yeah yeah see if you can okay yeah I can I can borrow one that’ be lovely what why is what is going on what what do you mean I don’t

Understand why you’re so nervous you seem you seem stressed oh this is good no I mean yeah you’re just um yeah I also I couldn’t help to notice that you haven’t moved your entire body once since you got here I’ve been moving around the whole time you really haven’t

Mate you’ve been stood there with the particles around you just completely Frozen that weird hang on I might have to relog cuz that might be a visual thing cuz I’ve been moving about that genuinely might be a visual thing cuz been moving around has this got to do with your

Freak show that you’re holding your keys wrongly are you playing with a joystick today is that it cuz I you know that’s muston it must have disconnected I got fiddle with the wires a little bit are we not going on an adventure well now now now you sound disappointed no I

Think you caught me out no I I wanted to see because you always point out you always point out how much I move around when I’m talking and you say I fidget so I like I wonder how long I can I can stand still okay okay so here’s the reality I

Thought I did think it was weird I thought for sure that something is going on with your audio or like your new microphone so you’re probably sitting there adjusting it and you trying to keep the conversation up so you so I was like okay something is wrong let’s not

Pointed out you know let’s just be professionals here that’s really funny he started talking about my Bas I was like okay this is he not even looking yeah is I I realized as I said it I was like oh no I really I’ve really shot myself in the foot here cuz I’m

Looking in completely the wrong direction yeah you just stood like this nice bace I love what’s going on and I even tried to lead you I was like yeah compain life and stuff no no I mean what you built outside it’s nice yeah oh nice so

Stupid okay that was that was I realized as well like halfway through I was like man my perspective of this is so boring it’s just the same thing it’s by far the stupidest thing I’ve ever come up with well that went incredibly smoothly and I

Got a free elyra out of it so let’s get back to the base building and the next stage is going to be placing the dirt across the top and I am trying to think how I can do this overhang in a meaningful way H me out here I’m going

To suggest something I’ve got I’ve got a few of these dripstone blocks and then also I have some of this granite and I think if that’s on the underside of the dirt it could look good and if it doesn’t look good I can cut out this

Idea and nobody will know that I was actually stupid oh my finger is hovering over B which is the blade tool this is one of those things that looks absolutely Dreadful until it’s done and then I think it should turn out okay okay is a bit harsh it should turn out

Beautiful seriously you guys again can you not see this is this not enough of a threat to you yeah no that genuinely looks super good okay excellent that’s exactly what I wanted just when you’re underneath you get a small glimpse that there’s extra details that aren’t immediately obvious from dead straight

On very very cool so now I’ve extended this little overhang all the way across right to the end so now we can start filling in all of the dirt bit of a progress update for you I’ve now run the dirt all the way across the front here and it looks a little bit

Flat um I think once there’s grass on the top and maybe some packed mud I think packed mud could help here yeah yeah what an incredible new block that is what did we do before it was it like terracottas and things yeah that probably makes sense I

Think before I start fiddling with all of that I’m going to get some grass spread going this feels so wrong it’s the only tool that I have that has so touch right now I think in my next hermitcraft episode I’m going to try and actually get good and actually get

Myself sorted with proper gear it’s funny isn’t it now that I’ve done so many hermit craft Seasons my priorities when it comes to actually getting the regular progression in Minecraft like tool progression and things aren’t really there all I want to do is just be as creative as possible and build cool

Things now just remember this probably is going to look a little bit pant at this point in time I’m going to make it perfectly flat because I want to leave as much room for creativity for building I guess there will be some deviation in

Height as we go up this hill but for the most part it’s just going to be completely boring this is starting to feel like a proper thing now I have ground to stand on it does still feel like it’s kind of a repeating pattern though I it almost feels like I’ve taken

One texture and then just multiplied it 15 times over how do I fix that do I do I make bigger more macro adjustments when it comes to the grass and the dirt on the top I don’t know I I don’t know I don’t know what’s flopping out of my

Mouth right now but I think the added variation has improved things I also have a bunch of leaves to add and some pointed drip stone that I can install I think very occasionally doing things like this might work yeah and then with the leaves as well with the leaves too it’s

Good this process is mildly painful but after many hours of tweaking and fiddling this thing is now all done and it looks really really nice like you know I I i’ I struggle I struggle with building sometimes you know but I’ve really enjoyed myself today like it’s been a

Full day to build what is effectively a w with some dirt on top of it but I have absolutely loved every second of the process and I am chuffed the bits with the end result I love the Terracotta and then the little pack dirt in there as well and there’s also there’s little

Bits of coarse dirt too so we get little differences in in the dirt texture and things I think it looks really nice like seriously as far as creatively inspiring builds go this is honestly been one of my favorite things that I’ve worked on in Minecraft in a long time and just

Imagining this thing with a bunch of little Builds on top of it and then another one of them with a bunch of little Builds on top of it and then a big old base on top I think it’s a solid start am I am I a terraformer now all

Right let’s catch back up with escal because he’s got something that he wants to show me this is a Lecter and a bell does that feel familiar oh no wait a minute oh yes I’ve just done a I’ve just done a stupid task and that was completely unprompted what is this that

Was really good actually that might be a new mission in the brand new hermit no Mission possible yeah stop get stupid horse he St St your moment you just as you were saying it he was like no you get a random Mission when you ring the bell okay uh and you cannot

Opt out of it and if you complete the mission you put it back in this Barrel which recycles it in the system and then you take a mission token Mission talkers are very valuable very valuable so is is this something and so so you’ve just

Brought me to a place to introduce me to it and then say that I can’t opt out of a mission if I right click on the Bell exactly and you have to click the Bell well I’m in there it is okay oh wow here it goes here it goes this is way fancier

Than hermit challenges back in the day invent a new word and say it multiple times in conversations with other Hermits if called out convince them is an actual word that means dot dot dot okay that sounds like that’s like right on my street I basically do that already

This is fantastic this challenge was basically made for me this is I don’t know what to think about this so this is the only Reus challenge this was a thing that I did in darti class season withan and he convinced people that there was an English ancient word called

Troublesome CH Troublesome yeah yeah of course what on Earth is my word going to be let me think about this I almost want it to be something really normal because like originally I thought of words for like stupid like I could call myself a bungalo or something and that sounds

Like an English word for stupidity it turns out what bungalo is actually a word that’s hilarious h chuffle

Break up with basic browsers. Get Opera GX using my link:

In this episode of Hermitcraft season 10, Mumbo builds up the bottom section of his giant Hermitcraft mega base. This Mumbo Minecraft base is going to have a Hermitcraft shopping district, room for a Minecraft database, and will be expanded upwards. I also work on some concept art for my base, and prank Iskall85.

Filming channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThatMumboJumbo2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialmumbo/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatMumboJumbo


  1. I was watching your season 5 videos and when this posted came to watch this. Going back to season 5 after 😊 I'm trying to watch all your past seasons while I'm on medical restrictions from surgery.

  2. 1:20 the music is so bad that I had physically force myself to listen sht you had to say.
    (I left the video three times until I actually watched the video because of this)

  3. The wall looks great, but to be fair the light to dark gradient would have worked. The darker blocks would have been under the dirt overhang, where there would have been very low light. I think you'd have to go Tuff, Cobble, Smooth, Cobble, Tuff though, and maybe some deepslate for directly under it. Well, in another life I guess. lol Looks good as you did it anyways.

  4. Poor Mambo I wish I could be friends with him so I can show him my way of doing the draft like a build because I still do mine in game but it's still light doing it in Photoshop because I can build what I want to look in a vision get the feel of it and then bring it in and then it's not going to be exact but it still gives me like the basic concept of like scale and whatnot and basically based on that I can expand it and make it fit into whatever world I'm working in heck I spent basically 40 hours working on a build to figure it out but it was kind of something a little bit more than just a base it was a game so everything I did had to be figured out around concepts of the game and also testing mods and stuff cuz it's a modded game but anyway

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