*NEW* Bookseller and Rejections in Stardew Valley

I’m playing stardo Valley for the very first time the catch I’m not using any Wiki whatsoever I’m just relying on you guys and my gamer intuition anyways enjoy the video Hello everybody welcome back to the channel I’m so grateful you’re here I will be honest I’m a little sick my head

Isn’t working properly or as I’d hope but I made myself a promise that we’d post daily and so here we are doing it oh hope your day is going fantastic um hope you’re giving yourself some Grace as well uh it’s definitely something I’m giving myself today to say

The least uh but I promised myself something that I would be posting every single day for you guys and I decided even though today I wasn’t fully feeling it even though today I’m sick and that is a fact I’m here doing it and uh I’m trusting myself trusting the universe that we’re doing

It together and I’m grateful you decided to click and join Along on this video I will be brutally honest I’m going to just take it more down Tempo today I’ve had a lot of pressure around performing around you know making sure that all the videos are done properly and uh you know

There’s consistently a ton of speaking so there’s you know at least some level of retention and today is is not the day I will be doing any type of of retention speaking or whatever that may be I’m just going to be me and very authentically me in this moment of of

Dealing with this illness I don’t know what it is um took a covid test it was negative so that’s good taking a flight tomorrow to go see my niece and not really sure how I’m feeling about it all things considered I want to make sure that I’m not spreading it to the

Rest of my family especially my young niece that would not be fun for me uh regardless you know I have spoken to the family and they still would like to what is the Book seller we got to check this out where’s this book seller um we’re going to go find this

Book seller but yeah I talked to the family they said they’re all good with it because it’s not Co but still it’s just I don’t know it’s not sitting fully well with me but I still want to see them so maybe I’ll just keep my distance and

Hope for the best who knows but today is a very exciting episode because we’re trying to find this book teller I don’t know where the book teller is I would assume maybe up here hello maybe okay so not here where would the book teller be

Uh also we’re going to go deeper in the mins so we have two goals for this video find this book teller and go deeper in the mins upgrade some of our equipment like our pickaxe this is why we have our copper bar available to us and then

We’ll be doing well let’s run by the museum to drop off this artifact and we’ll go from there you know I promised myself I would post daily and it’s really easy when nothing’s going wrong in life and and you’re feeling great and then uh you know this comes along and

You’re like hey I’m sick it’s okay uh and you got to still post and that’s when the consistency is hard and you know what that’s okay I’m I’m here for it I’m very much here for it Universe throw whatever you want at me we’re going to take it on together you and

If you made it this far into the video hit like And subscribe because I’m still here doing it okay and that’s the last YouTube you think I’ll ever say in this video but it does help the channel and I’m trying to grow it a little bit so

Here we are this is my passion this is the game of lick oh okay wait wait wait this is our first is it over here is it just straight over is it just in here oh I hate the noise of that I hate that with

Everything okay oh it has to be up here right let’s see book teller oh my gosh whoa hold on this costs a lot you will now run a lot faster through grass and crop oh my gosh wait this is good read this to gain some experience at all skills read this to

Gain some mining experience read this to G oh my gosh you run a little bit faster oh I love this while riding a horse okay there’s a lot we don’t know about this game yet uh through crops you can now see the value of your items that’s good can we

Go on a little ride I want to go on the ride what a cool what a cool cool addition to the game a long-term goal for us uh I don’t know if if this bookkeeper book teller will come uh later on when we have some extra money I

Would assume the next year no matter what they would show up but maybe later on in this year we’ll have a second appearance where we could have our saved up money ready to go uh we did just sell our strawberri so I’m really eager to see how much we’ll

Make off of that um I don’t know how frequently we’ll be able to harvest those strawberries and it’s good to know that we have those I’m curious if we should save some strawberries so we can make seeds for the next year when it’s springtime and then we don’t

Need to wait for an Easter Festival we can just start it right as we want that’d be kind of cool I believe this opens at 400 p.m. if I’m not mistaken 2 p.m. okay so we’ll go in the mines um unfortunately the reality is the mines

Are going to be a little difficult to get through with our current setup regardless we’re doing it we are doing it the hard way oh my gosh getting so much coal here all right where are the ladders I don’t think we have luck today so I

Don’t know if today was the best day to do it but as soon as it turns 2:00 to be honest we’re going to just we’re going to hit it we’re going to go upstairs we’re going to upgrade our pickaxe and then we’re going to go donate this

Frozen geod to the blacksmith and see what we can get from it so all is well here and I hope you’re doing well I hope even if you’re sick you’re doing all right to your soul because the physical body is one thing and we got to deal with the all

The other stuff that comes up for that but the soul is unaffected unaffected Show Yourself let’s go we got it all right uh a ladder a ladder right here no doubt in my mind okay all right let’s just go up this is going to yield nothing for us we need to upgrade our

Pickaxe do we even upgrade them here am I mistaken do it does it need to be at the blacksmith am might be very wrong here oh no I’m wrong okay we we got to we got to run quickly we got to go quick hurry I don’t want the blacksmith to close on

Us is this way closer to the blacksmith oh gosh can we get down through here no oh no we just lost 20 minutes of precious time hold on Speed Run speed run if we’re inside the blacksmith I’m pretty sure it won’t close on us so let’s just make sure we get

There come on come on don’t do this to us here we could do it Speed Run hello Demetri is that Demetrius I don’t know these days still trying to learn everybody’s name what did I just hear come on come on we’re so close let’s go let’s go

Speedrun okay we made it we should have made it at least moment of Truth yeah we have to be able to upgrade our weapons in here all right let’s first upgrade tools oh we don’t have two grand okay we’ll have that tomorrow so that is good let’s still uh process these geodes

Here oh no okay process geod let’s go five copper and we’ll have enough because we just sold some those strawberries for the next day so very very happy with that outcome let’s just throw the rod in here once let’s see what comes from it and we can listen to the music

Chilling in the background I have been trying to remix my audio a little bit so uh let me know how it sounds on your end I I’ve been changing my settings around so that when I play with Blake during Terraria and Future Minecraft videos um

You know will be we’ll be good you know everything will be set up and his audio won’t be too quiet because I was adjusting the desktop audio uh to be a little quieter because instead of needing to adjust the ingame I could just do that anyways thought that it matters not that

You guys care it’s just part of the journey here uh here should I try to buy anything I’m dying over here guys I can’t lie to you my nose is so stuffed but we are doing it we made a promise we’re here a woodpecker look at

You all right so let’s let’s uh bake this copper ore we’re not able to harvest this right okay no let’s just make this we’ll bring this on over here we can actually make a second one then we’ll sell this leak we’ll sell this smallmouth bass some bat wings and we’re good

Here we’ll wait till these are done in the meantime let’s check out okay we want to keep that in our inventory oh we need to water everything what am I doing okay hey h little evening watering never hurt anybody wow that could have been really

Bad for us I don’t know what I was thinking it’s cuz I’m sick okay I’ll blame it on that always blame it on the sickness ah beautiful noises whoever did the sound design of this Bravo I’m here for it I am so here for it let’s just take a

Moment of silence with this Beautiful Noise you know actually now that I’m hearing it it does not sound like water I mean it kind of does I’m not bad I told you this episode’s going to be a little different all right hang with me be patient hello cat can I water around you

Please thany than you very much oh don’t run out oh that’s so dirty okay perfect so we finished watering all of our crops feeling and looking good I’ll give you some water here Leia Le is the name of our cat here and it’s also the name

Of one of my cats in real life the other’s name is pixel if you guys aren’t aware I love them very much they’re my life and they are the reason for everything pixel has been pushing my patience recently though she has been quite the quite quite the

Quite the cat to say the least she has peed all over my laundry all over my carpets all over my pillow even and I’ve just about had it with her actually speaking of which I have to take something that she peed on out of the

Dryer uh or the wash so I’ll let you guys know how that goes let’s hit the hay we have 15 big ones here let’s actually see how much we we made here we can make an iron fence preserve jar and basic retaining soil that is very good oh my gosh we made

Money we made great money okay wait we’re kind of filthy rich now and it’s raining Oh What a Beautiful Day okay hold on let’s check the luck thank you guys for telling me that the luck is in this area mildly perturbed today luck will not be on your

Side so we shouldn’t go in the mind uh that was not expected but it’s okay tomorrow we’re all getting together for the flower dance you can find a partner you might want to participate in the dance yourself there’s a little clearing Beyond the Forest west of

Town where we hold the dance arrive at 9:00 a.m. and 2: p.m. if you’re interested oh my gosh I need to remember to do that what an amazing time do you think we should just sleep this day through and then just do that is that a little treat we could do

Here uh what did we get okay let’s drop off the cauliflower we’ll actually sleep and we’ll go do that because why not I’m not a huge fan of really like forcing sleep you know like to skip through the days but I mean come on it’s raining Luck’s not

On our side we we could take this right it’s okay let’s drop this off we’ll sell the rest of the cauliflowers except for like one or two maybe and we’ll be good to go from there there we go there’s the town hall let me inside no do not eat

It uh okay where is it is it just all of these or is it just this one what is it okay it’s not this one is it this one let’s see okay it is Boom there we go now all we need to do is that par snip and we’ll

Be good to go from here how lovely how beautiful all right let’s go pass out is there anything else in our inventory no perfect now Sprint on back home here Speed Run look I’m sprinting as fast as I can all right till we get that book this is what we’re going to be

Stuck doing you know at least when I’m sick my raspiness comes out a little bit it probably makes sleeping a lot lot easier for you guys we take the positives as they come okay all right we’re going to keep two cauliflowers well just in case all right

Boom we’re going to sell two and two we should get some more strawberries before this Harvest is over and we’re going to Quick sleep we’re just going to hit the hay boom boom I don’t want to hear a thing okay earn 15K let’s go we got a massive massive

Here 1,600 is crazy I didn’t think we’d make that much I guess we did sell quite a few cauliflower we earned an achievement would you look at that okay before we go down to the danceon little dance off down there we should definitely figure out how to water

Everything so then we’re not ruining our future selves that’s something that you should look into for yourself as well you doing things are you watering yourself so your future self thanks you or are you just not doing anything at all question of the day oh our par Snips are ready would you

Look at that make sure you’re taking care of yourself I say that and I’m not even eating the right foods that I need to be eating but Practice What You Preach right I’m not preaching what I’m practicing or whatever that may be but regardless I trust that uh the words

Will come when it is needed and my actions will also uh you know start to shape up a little bit start taking care of myself more oh man I’m going to a little Festival soon so I want to get like my body healthier I would I would call it like a a workout

Regime and everything like that um and and that’s what I will be doing obviously uh I I’ll just say like I don’t like tying working out and things like that to looks I feel like it it could lead to some very unhealthy habits however I feel like it’s a great

Way for me to potentially just jump start that that process of of working out and everything so I mean if the festival is in 3 months or whatever that Mak be it’s 3 months of dedicated work that I know is that short-term gratification that I really want and

Then hopefully it will lead into a long-term uh solution for myself because I just haven’t been really working out recently I used to work out every day I was really I was jacked right and it’s not like I look bad now um but you know when you create a standard for

Yourself oh is everybody just at the the dance off okay everyone’s there uh but when you create a standard for yourself you know you start it’s not like you feel bad like I’ve given myself Grace because I’ve been through a lot recently and like you know it just is what it is I

Wasn’t able to take care of my body how I wanted to um but it’s time to start it again because it is part of me oh oh look at us we got our farmer hat on we we looking good where’s my partner where are the partners at oh yeah we got

Some money to spend here seasonal Decor okay daffodils deons rarecrow okay collect all of them do we spend no no no no no we shouldn’t we shouldn’t what okay we’re buying these Uh we can only buy one at a time okay Wallflower yes yes we need all of these boom boom Oh it’s beautiful all right we just spent all of our well-earned money uh okay who’s who’s single who do we want to hang out with do we hit up

Leia we have two hearts with Leia or are those two bad hearts I don’t know I don’t know at this point or Emily Emily I like Emily’s hair Penny oo okay let’s go for Leia feel like she she fits us probably okay can we dance please what else is there to do

Here oh it’s this guy no I should have brought my fishing pole he says um let’s talk to Penny I’m nervous why are you nervous Penny all right this dude’s not dancing with anybody uh I don’t want Harvey to be my dance Partner okay so I have to double speak to anybody I want to dance with I wish Pier would spend time with his family wow okay bir Emily I’m stuff have you tried the red jelly yet okay so we don’t want to upset Clint with with Emily Emily really likes or

Clint really likes Emily so hopefully nobody likes Leia and we could just rock and roll oh that’s Leia Leia likes me oh my gosh what no I thought we had something man why Leia oh my gosh blindsided me Leia uh let’s see Haley is this Haley I’m

Practicing my dad’s moves it needs to be perfect okay we’ll ask Penny no that what I’m lit I don’t smell bad okay nobody wants to dance with me literally nobody what about Marne come on Marne okay she doesn’t even want to talk to me again okay they

Must be married oh my gosh what about what about Emily nobody wants to dance with me nobody wants Maru what this is just a rejection Fest this is really hitting my ego here Pam listen I know we had our our differences I know we’ve we’ve okay she doesn’t even want

To talk again what about Abigail okay oh wait yeah let’s go come on can I talk to anybody hello but there’s someone I want to dance with okay Sam we’re going to be talking to everybody here we we literally going to talk to everybody body until we find our dance partner come on

Leia come on Elliot okay no money Demetrius oh gosh I’m not I’m not going to talk to the kids to dance with them I’m just going to talk to them just in case it’s a uh uh request thing for like where we have to talk to everybody I’ve been working on these floral

Arrangements I love them I still can’t dance with you all right George you’re my last here man George you are my okay what about Alex okay you know what looks like we can’t dance with oh we didn’t talk to oh the one guy everybody ignores um we don’t get to dance with anybody

Who’s our enemy here who’s our enemy where’s Leia oh how beautiful nice dance moves I’m going to take down all of these guys one by one feel like that serial killer Vibes I’m not going to kill anybody okay uh look at the beautiful dance they’re happy I’m not happy I didn’t get to

Dance oh wow it’s late all right um let’s go inside let’s use our oh look okay hold on how do we want to do this could probably do this paired with this on each side oh this is good we got to turn this off hello Leia okay um no let me out

All right here we go how do we maybe we put this there oh this is horrible okay can we rotate it no that’s just the way it is we’re going to put that there we need to get some fun in here you know what I’m saying need to place that

There oh look at this this is so pretty Little Flower there where’s our last flower little walllow here um okay so we need to actually move this one over here and then this one goes here wow oh it’s so pretty all right well hopefully we can upgrade our

Home be a little larger next time not that I’m complaining at all I’m just saying you know it’s like we don’t have too much room in here let’s move the plant over here we got a little F action feel like if we can rotate this

Bed it would be great so then you know our back is into the this at all maybe the bed needs to be at the top right where does this go oh gosh I think we go to sleep if you made it this far did the video thank you so much for joining

Along I really appreciate all the love and support make sure you like make sure you subscribe and I’ll see you in the next one Goodbye e e e e e e e for

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In “I Confessed My Love and GOT REJECTED in Stardew Valley,” cloud navigates the joys and challenges of farm life and personal relationships in Stardew Valley, all while grappling with illness in real life. Determined to post daily content, the player shares a candid exploration of the game’s social dynamics, including a humorous and relatable attempt to find a dance partner at the Flower Dance festival. Despite facing rejection, the adventure continues with mining, farming, and planning for future endeavors, underscored by reflections on personal health and content creation commitment.

0:00:00 – Commitment to Daily Posting Despite Illness
0:02:40 – Preparing for the Flower Dance Festival
0:03:08 – Goals: Find the Bookseller and Explore the Mines
0:06:16 – Mining and Equipment Upgrading Plans
0:08:20 – Rushing to the Blacksmith Before Closing
0:10:15 – Adjusting Audio Settings for Better Quality
0:13:19 – Pixel’s Mischievous Behavior and Laundry Troubles
0:15:04 – Selling Cauliflower and Preparing for the Flower Dance
0:17:07 – Watering Crops and Reflecting on Self-Care
0:20:10 – Exploring the Flower Dance Festival
0:23:33 – Attempting to Find a Dance Partner
0:26:22 – Decorating the House with Festival Purchases
0:27:17 – Rearranging House Decor for Better Feng Shui


  1. You have to have 4 hearts with someone to dance with them. That black heart ones are opened after you have 8 hearts with them. And gift them a bouquet ๐Ÿ’. You become boyfriend girlfriend. You had like 0 hearts with them ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. You didnt mention it, but Stardew got a big update this past week! It originally was supposed to be a smaller patch update but ConcernedApe instead gave us So Many New Things. The bookseller is one of them, and they visit twice a season so plenty of opportunities to purchase books in the future. Maybe you'll notice some differences but the majority of the early game hasnt changed too much so its nothing to be worried about. Theres just that much more to explore.

    In game cat advice, you should pet leah everyday so she loves you! Real life cat advice, my girl cats usually have UTIs when they are peeing on my world like that, a vet visit might be needed. Hope you feel better soon!

  3. One thing about the rarecrows, you will find them on events or receive them as rewards and they count towards "perfection" which is a set of goals needed to unlock the ending of the game. Event specific ones only come around once per year so you have to wait until then to pick them u again. I know you want to use sprinklers but the current ones you can make would require far more resources than you have and wouldn't water a big enough area to be worth it. I recommend upgrading the watering can to iron ASAP since at the end of the season you have plants that are already grown and watering them isn't necessary if i remember correctly.

  4. Hey I just found your channel im glad I found it I have 600+ hours in stardew valley the best thing i can say is just take your time and enjoy the game at the speed you want! i grined and made like 20 mil in a few years but tbh have fun with it

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