Minecraft but Stop Mining = EXPLODE! (don’t stop)

We decided to invite absolute chaos into our Minecraft world by making it so that if we don’t mine a block in 10 seconds we literally explode and with that we’re going to try and get diamonds time before explosion what explosion what do that wait three did you you up what

Going to happen oh what was that oh wait it’s still counting four explosion yeah I’ve only got four break a block break a block did you guys just kill me I think so yeah wait did you say break a block break a block oh it helps to Break Stuff

Guys that’s the so every 10 seconds we will blow up unless we break a block okay okay let’s defin get food then that’s a good way to Break Stuff okay okay can I get wood in time maybe that’s a good question wait this is this this is really stressful I’ll

Get it’s 10 seconds you should be able to get every stressful okay imagine having to like craft something while they’re like right now I’m making a crafting table and I’m really stressed out okay guys guys we definitely need to um we need to get diamonds that’s our

Goal okay diamonds lost your mares mate what you mean okay here you go get some bread bread pickaxe get some bread yeah jelly I threw your bread I my own what do I need do I need a I’m try to be Pi or oh watch out dude right I forgot I forgot I

Forgot how did you forget how did you already I was trying to figure out what okay you need to pull yourself together guys there’s iron what do you mean there’s iron wait yeah we can take out the Golem I’m not going to try to kill the Jenny can you give me some

Blocks please that seems like a horrible who blew up the crafting table I just made no no no no no who blew up the I was watching jelly I was watching jelly I got distracted I’ve got a new crafting table can you guys please keep your mares together jelly just for one second

Dude I need wood I need wood I don’t can you make can you make a new crafting table please one again how are we ever going to get to the right blocks K can you shop me some Cobblestone please oh ah Josh you blew me up and I had

Everything dude I was asking a cobone and I forgot Josh I literally had almost every I’m St I had wait guys I can mine I can mine watch this ready wait what oh yeah wait this is a good way to get blocks Josh you’re right

Iron okay so I need a break I need a break I need a break oh that was like one second break have a piece of dirt with you at all times saying that you can break iron with the explosion yeah yeah I didn’t really realize that I didn’t really I didn’t really realize

That can someone put crafting table down again you got nothing stand on the come on no you you stand on the I have like everything that explodes himself Josh that would be nice yeah no I’m not going to be that if you’re that guy you’re that guy I’ve been exploding too much

Okay I’m I need to sort my tools out Jelly could you at least make a chest make a chest and then you could store stuff okay I’ve officially got items and I’ve got a crafting table boys and girls we are good I’m making a chest to store anything explode something Josh take it

Take a block or something I got it I got it I got it I got got oh you’re stressing me out where did all the Go Guys look wa I’ve got two iron too actually so I’ll put them in there I’ll put them in there I’ll make a furnace I’ll make a

Furnace wait you got the iron right I might get um there we go there is okay okay there is there’s iron in the furnace and I’m smelting it I am smelting it right now that was close Josh please don’t Josh okay you messed it up so many times for me

Already I’ve got one iron I’ve got one iron what okay we could try and uh we could try and kill the Golem technically but yeah could but what about blocks like you need to break killing him that’s very difficult to do okay listen we’re going toose cuz I have so

Much uh yeah that’s proba a good point guys does anybody even have any of the bread left we had much bread oh yeah I got an iron pickaxe good job you’re actually JY you made me die actually the block that was going to break did you lose the iron pickaxe

Already I swear I forgot I SAR did you lose the iron pickaxe already jelly where’s all my St you are the worst jelly I’m looking I’m staying away from you guys cuz I’m realizing that you guys are very bad at this G looking for it I’ve got bread

Again CR have some bread it’s genuinely gone can I get some red no you’re going to exploded anyway dud please give me some no no I realiz I he almost got me dude well I’m getting the Iron Golem with my weaponizing come to the Golem watch

This okay yeah wa um no but he took a lot of damage now Josh no Josh Jos Jos Jos we need to actually beat this game good thing I got to water oh man a my old timer Jee all right that’s enough close to the

Golem I got this i got this i got this okay we need one of us to just kind of like be alive guys and right now the Golem get close to the Golem yeah I’m getting close I’m getting close you got nothing Josh Nosh I’m not the enemy all right fine

I’ll stop I’ll stop where is surprise no no okay all right I st I st I st how are we going to get diamonds when you are basically kaming yourself Josh how me Cy the uh Golem please I’m trying ow somebody just do something just do it

I’m I’m not I’m waiting why are you not blowing up oh there we go it takes 10 seconds he’s dead all right how we got the iron uhoh I’m stuck do we have I’m stuck do we where we got things to do I don’t think the I think the Golem died okay listen

You can’t be saying we got things to do I I had so good progress who came out of nowhere you did Josh who’s got the iron nobody iron’s gone I thought the Iron Golem well you probably exploded the iron dude listen guys we actually need to make progress now Josh you need to

Enable your brain you need mood right now has a brain yeah he does he’s the most brain out of focus on yourself buddy you got your own problems to deal with CR if you got any Cobblestone so I don’t I can skip ahead no unfortunately

I’ll wait cuz you been grass is the move for sure grass is the move I’ll wait I’ll wait grass is great cran you better give it to me as I’ll blow up okay okay okay okay watch out dude I’ll just I’ll just keep using the wooden pickaxe then

Jos Josh let’s try not to die this time D I’m good I’m good oh bread all right are you sure we need to find iron can we please find iron yes I mean technically we found it three times but uh yes we have found it quite a lot but J has

Exploded and dude it’s not been me every time guys I know a good tactic case you can’t find um a piece of grass bring a flower with you it’s oh can you give me a flower um I have a flower but it’s my flower so I need to get my own flower

Then apparently yeah get your own flower George and now let’s go get some here a torch is also an option okay one torch is also an option better three okay let’s get a shovel I’ve got five iron can somebody where did you get them in

The wait where did you get all that by the goldem nice crer nice job thanks Josh jelly all right Josh what all right uh can you Pi the make a furnace by the way we we probably need can’t bake a furnace we probably need the Torches um

So maybe collect the Torches you know what guys I think I figured it out you just always got to be breaking a block oh really okay there we go it’s melting now and I want nobody near it Chili’s near it who do you want near it nobody nobody

Near it who’s that I nobody it’s not a single soul Josh oh okay wait a dirt block like this that’s weird jelly I allow you to be the holder of the iron pickaxe when it’s done okay all right that went really well for me once yeah

And then just you know Josh I absolutely despise you he missed he missed what are you doing I was trying to BL I forgot about it myself though guys I’ve got three iron got it I made I was a bit sneaky and I made a chest and put my stuff

Inside oh than yeah I didn’t do that to my stuff that I’ve Been Working On Again Josh guys what I got good news what’s that what I got an iron pickax let’s go C boys uh we could probably put some more in there like I’ve got nothing

Against thanks Josh this is going to be my basic tools technically you died yourself should I start on a little uh mine here actually on the mine let me help you why guys maybe building your own mine is better hey hey hey hey keep some distance that’s not funny wait the iron

Pickaxe is BU out there I saw it it’s very e it’s still down there it’s surprisingly easy to just not realize the IR pickax is still down there somebody get it break some blocks I got it I got it break a block break a block guys break a block okay can we

Does anyone got any wood we need to use this Co J I got pickax pickax is gone guys I was trying to put a piece of flow down you were blown up by a skeleton crater oh my God yes the skeleton blew wait guys I have an idea why don’t we

Just still in spawn always jump into a hole and then blow up in the hole oh yeah we f d that way good job good job jelly down this hole I’ll work on getting like the basics and you guys just dig a hole yeah me and jelly will

Explode each other I’ll make sure we’ve got like the furnace and stuff jelly let let us explode on top of each other how does that help no we need to like individually exp need be one at a time crer yeah we are exploding on top of

Each other with we are what are you saying we are exploding together me and dely good good friends explode together who whoa whoa whoa okay okay guys how’s our hole doing could you do you think we’re working on it you could have done the whole KN where we spawn to be

Fair how Josh it takes us 10 seconds to get there yeah so go to a whole 10 seconds to the side maybe and then break something up when spawning it’s really weird yeah okay I got the stone pickaxe here we go boom boom hey boom boom boom boom we found iron

Josh boom boom you did okay how do we make sure we preserve this iron can you guys give me an update on your boom boom holes it’s going good come look at our boom boom Josh waa good job guys I was blown up by another

Skeleton 31 a no ah it’s so hard to get down there without dying now yeah oh oh oh oh oh there we gosh you should probably be good soon I’ve got most of the resources that we need um just going to grab the last bit okay

I’m trying to put yeah look I put water in the hole jelly put that expion going to make blocks yeah yeah yeah like a bit away from the water it’s just a landing Place For Us jell okay oh the stress when crafting is real there’s no such

Thing away from the water here grer okay is that everything on the ledge dude I gu C but crafting table work for me JY cuz I’m not an ID okay guys I’ve collected everything we need to actually get the iron you don’t need iron Josh we need diamonds no I meant yes how

Do you get diamonds jelly Josh come on dude okay but I’m worried that you guys are going to blow me up in the hole when I’ve got everything well just say when you’re coming here and then we’ll stop boom booming okay I’ve got an idea I’m just going to put some Reserve resources

Up here I’m doing it still jelly okay we can stop now jelly upop we did it no we need to go deeper J we can’t like it takes us longer to fall at this point than it does to blow up you can take a dirt block with you guys to get deeper

What do you mean what do you mean take a dirt block so that you can preserve your lives a bit longer oh you’re right how have you how have you guys not been doing that we bring a a block we can break with us into the hole that’s not that

Surprising yeah yeah look at us jelly wait you should go away cuz I’m about to I’m about to blow blow up oh yeah okay guys this still working on his own system I I this is all going to be fine I’ve actually got a plan I’ve I just saw

Lepis we are really far down now JY how deep are we I don’t know have you looked no okay we are at 17 we’re almost at diamonds dude cuz this is an older version of Minecraft so the diamonds should be there yeah yeah Josh we’re on diamond

Level okay guys okay okay I’ve got the iron I’ve got the iron I’ve got like an iron pickaxe I’m ready to go yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so let’s just go down what did you do with the water what do you mean okay take your dirt oh I didn’t

Do that okay I need to get down safely yeah that’s kind of what the water I protect me I am the iron holder I’m going to put a bed you’re iron guy not Iron Man oh no that was close please don’t remove my bed all right heck come

On on gold hey boys I got gold guys I’m glitched ah I’m glitched going wrong I was like stuck in an invisible block what was that I think J lost all the items don’t blow up my bed I I was smart I kept the reserve upstairs I’m doing so well I think

Jelly’s new strategy is honestly the best one Josh you should just follow suit of what we’re doing cuz we’re going to be have to get the iron pickaxe again no you don’t we just blow up a diamond we it no I I left the reserve what do

You mean you left the reserve Gott pickaxe upstairs but we can just blow it up bud we can’t blow it up that won’t give us it come on how you know yeah how do you know buddy I gear has regularly been blown up throughout this video I

Don’t think he knows jelly I don’t think he understands how this works I don’t think he’s got to yeah should we tell him it’s all about boom boom boom it’s all about boom boom Goos no okay it’s all about booming and fuming red please don’t blame

We Bedrock okay could you not blow me up please huh Can we break the Bedrock guys we need the diamonds well we’re making we’re making the the tunnel for you Josh or is it really I’ve got very low health I’m stuck yeah it is really dark though okay

I’ve got an idea I’ve got an idea what yeah no CR get away get away get away what’s the idea you were talking to me I was trying to find out okay so what I’m going to do is I’m going to make a chest and put the the

Pickax in here do you have torches oh diamonds right here right here oh my God where just blew him up no did I removed them I think I blew diamonds there Diamond got them my bed oh my God I was trying to do the thing and then crano did the thing and

Then it did we literally had diamonds man did they did you remove him Josh jelly no what jelly why did you blown up right next to them okay okay well I saw them in the wall they might still be there if Josh stop removing all bed I didn’t know the

Bed was there you are screwing everything up I landed on it okay guys we just saw diamonds they were in front of our faces how are we missing this SP and beautiful what I know I am dly thanks I can’t see anything in here can we get torches Josh why all I’ve been

Doing is prepping okay and then you guys had a stupid system done nothing you’ve done nothing we I see the diamond I see the diamond the diamond is still here jelly come I got the diamond I got the diamond yes okay I just need to get out

I can I can do this remember to destroy the blocks I can’t really see destroy the blocks okay remember the blocks I’m working my way out Jelly I can do this I can bring come on okay bring the diamonds to the surface Josh I’ve only

Got one dirt we must get the diamonds to the surface do not dare mess this I’m on a mission I’ve got them in my left hand so you guys can see see them I see them Diamond Fly Young One fly let’s go Josh let’s go oh he’s got him in his hand

Jelly stay away from me blowing up I’m not blowing you up you literally nearly blew me up just don’t come down a watch out for me not supposed to turn off are you still alive sh when we get it to the surface s I’m sorry I’m I’m trying to

Give him more water I don’t need more water get away from me get away from me are you at the surface Jos yes but I’m stuck in a slight hole on there we go okay yes why is it not off yet we did it we did it off we did it oh it

Worked off that was the most hectic thing we’ve ever done in Minecraft but good job guys we worked together quite well how many diamonds did you get I got one yay one one one won one one y we won woohoo

In this truly chaotic episode of #minecraft we have to continuously mine.. if we don’t mine a block in 10 seconds, we explode!! To make it extra hard, we’ve decided to try and find diamond!



Datapack by Awhikax: https://awhikax.com/


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