NOOB vs HACKER: SpongeBob SquarePants House Build Challenge in Minecraft

My brother challenged me to a noob versus Pro SpongeBob SquarePants Build Challenge can I build the biggest house in bikini Buton and what happens when I find out my brother is cheating oh yeah I first build a squid with T I cannot wait to win this challenge chip today is

My day hm it’s a little weird that you’re really confident about this Milo since I’m totally going to win I am way better at building SpongeBob houses than you are yeah hi buddy if we need to build a squid Wood’s house we need to get lots of gray concrete Squidward

Always lives in a giant Tiki head and it’s pretty cool looking it is very gray though so if we want to make this really really accurate we need to add a bunch of gray concrete for it let’s make a big circle in the floor to really plan it

All out okay this is looking pretty good so far Squidward also does have blue glazed terra cotta as the floor oh goodness this is going to be pretty difficult to place all of I think if I place just a little snapshot of what I want to make the floor into we can then

Get working on the outside and we’ll finish the floor later it’s important to use our time wisely since we do not have old day to totally Crush Milo it was pretty weird that Milo was confident at the start normally Milo is very nervous and does not think he can win these

Things that’s why it is very strange that Milo actually thinks he has a chance here I think I’m going to keep an eye on him I am not cheating in this build battle but if I find out that Milo is doing anything weird I will be so

Upset I really really want to win this fair and square so that’s why I’m trying extra hard with this build my building skill is all I have to win this competition that and my amazing knowledge of the world of SpongeBob SquarePants I know everything about where he lives and Squidward and his

Friend Patrick it’s really really handy for winning competitions like this there’s only a couple more blocks left to place this is perfect if I just place these last few pieces of glazed blue terra cotta blocks will be in no time and then I can probably make the shape of Squidward’s house Squidward’s house

Is pretty difficult and Milo really really does not do well building difficult builds I really hope he’s able to build this properly if he is not he will be so embarrassed and he’ll probably try and hide away he will not ever want to do a build battle again

Which would be pretty bad since I love build battles especially since I always win even if I’m cheating or playing Fair that’s why I decided to play fair today I don’t even need to cheat in order to win at these things I just need my trusty blocks and my trusty brain to

Know exactly where to place them Squidward’s house is one of my favorite houses in all of Bikini Bottom it is a little bit complicated though so we need to make sure we build this really really accurately we do not want to make Squidward upset by building his house

Wrong oh no Squidward is a really grumpy guy so I couldn’t even imagine how mad he’d get if I built his house wrong not to mention I would totally lose this build competition against Milo and Milo would make fun of me so much Milo would be making fun of me and Squidward would

Be mad at me it would not be a good mix to have and besides Mr Krabs would probably be trying to get my money Mr Krabs is such a money grabby guy and Sandy Cheeks is such a smart scientist there are so many characters in bikini

Bottom and I know them all so well just like I know exactly what house Squidward would want to live in Squidward always loves to be by himself he really does not like his neighbor SpongeBob and Patrick all Squidward wants is peace and quiet and SpongeBob and Patrick do not

Let him have it they are always catching jellyfish in his front yard and trying to annoy him by being really really loud and really super noisy I would never do that if I was someone’s neighbor I would be quiet all day and be really really well behaved that’s why I understand

Squidward so well I know exactly how to behave and how to be quiet because I know so much about that I know exactly how to make the best squid would house ever I just have to make a totally peaceful Paradise that he never has to

Leave and one way he never has to speak to his neighbors ever again Milo will totally get it when I explain it to him and he’ll definitely rate my Squidward house really really highly okay now that I’ve made this bottom area it is time to start making the actual face on

Squidward’s house it’s pretty cool looking it’s very menacing under the sea and I would not want to run into it myself that is why we’ve got to do a pretty good job one wrong block and the House’s face could look ridiculous it might look way too angry or it might

Look like it’s busting to go to the toilet that would be really really bad I don’t want my house to look like it needs to go to the bathroom no way Milo would totally rank it really really low and I would lose this competition if I’m

Going to play fair I’m going to do everything I can to still win that’s why the expression of this house needs to look exactly like it does in the real SpongeBob show H I think the house normally has a big set of eyebrows at the front there is one on this side and

One all the way over on this side okay this is starting to look pretty good now I need to make sure the eyebrows go up and outwards the eyebrows in Squidward’s real house actually do this so by making it this way I am being so accurate I’ll

Also make sure it goes all the way around the top just like this by adding two extra blocks on each end we make the eyebrows look like they really stick out and one thing about Squidward’s house is that he totally has a monor brow that’s why I need to connect up these eyebrows

And not have two different ones Squidward’s house also has two windows there’s one right here and one over there okay this is looking pretty good although I cannot forget another very important part of Squidward’s house the nose Squidward’s house has a very big nose it looks just like this and it even

Goes right up to his roof okay this is looking pretty awesome so far I do need to make the nose a little bit longer though Squidward’s house has a nose that gets bigger the lower it goes down okay this is looking pretty good very accurate per if I do say so myself

There’s no way my look could be building anything better than this I’ll add another Furrow to the eyebrow so it looks a little more intense and now I can start actually building the eyes let’s grab some light blue stained gloss just like this we’ll add one in each

Corner and we can even bring It Forward a little bit this is important for the design I really want to do now we just need to make these windows a little bit bigger before we add some reinforced Stone stairs those stairs are going to be pretty important to add if we don’t

Had them it’ll look like he’s wearing glasses and Squidward’s house is not wearing glasses it actually just has this as its normal eye shape let’s place these stairs on this side and we’ll grab some reinforced Stone it’ll match really really well with the other design of

This house wo this is already looking so good we might even push the windows one block backwards this will make it a lot easier to properly perfect the circle design that I’m building right now let’s make sure the stone sticks out before we properly build the eyes otherwise the

Eyes will look sunken in and they will look really creepy I don’t want a creepy house no way instead I just want an awesome looking one now we just have to add the stone stairs on the inside of this circle shape and it should look

Really good oh yeah now we just have to continue that design on the other side I’m so excited to see the final product but I’m even more excited to see Myer’s reaction to it I know he’s totally going to be jealous of how amazing my house is

He was acting really weird at the start I sure hope he’s not doing anything weird I wonder if he’s cheating Milo does not normally cheat but he’s also not normally confident Milo knows that I am a much better Builder and so he is normally very nervous to start any of

These competitions because I usually do win them that’s why I am very suspicious of Milo I need to make sure I really look closely at Milo’s build when it’s complete of course if I notice anything strange about Milo’s build that might mean he’s cheating I will be forced to

Totally disqualify from the competition you can’t cheat in this competition cheating in this build battle is not okay SpongeBob and Patrick would never cheat so we need to be just as good as they would all right this roof is looking pretty good I just need to add

In these final few gray concrete blocks and then we can add the ears Squidward’s house basically is like a giant head underwater it’s so funny how it has a nose eyes ears and even a mou we will add one ear on either side of this big

House I even have a really really cool idea IDE for what to do with each of the ears normally the ears kind of just sit there and it’s really really boring but instead I think it would look even better if the ears really stuck out and had windows inside that Squidward could

Actually use to look out into the ocean world oh yeah this looks pretty awesome let’s grab some gray stained glass and put them in the windows this way they blend in pretty well with the rest of the head and they won’t randomly stick out like a saw a thumb that would be so

Embarrassing I know Squidward is a very grumpy guys so if he really did live in this house and they stuck out he would be really really grumpy about it Milo would use that as a reason to rank my house lower than his that is why we need

To make sure that we do not add any silly mistakes like that that Milo could use to rank our house lower let’s make sure we copy the exact same design on both sides I really don’t want to mess up by adding anything that is not equal that would be a really really bad

Decision Milo would never let me hear the end of that he would really take away lots of my points if that happened luckily I don’t think he will because this house is looking really really good so far now all that’s left of the face is to make a giant mouth the mouth on

Squidward’s house normally looks like this it is made out of spruce trap doors and Spruce doors let’s just continue the floor pattern a little bit by using gray concrete and then we can add it in We’ll add one door here and then make the door look way bigger using this awesome build

Hack by placing a bunch of trap doors and activating them like this it makes it look like one giant door especially from the outside it really completes the look oh yeah this is looking so awesome I think Milo’s going to be so jealous of

It but one thing Milo is not going to be jealous of right now is how empty it is it’s really embarrassing that we haven’t added much inside that’s why I’m going to fill the entire inside of this Squidwards house with a bunch of Parkour on the bottom level the parkour will be

So Squidward themed let’s use clay blocks that are the same color as Squidward oh yeah that is so fun funny I really really like this so far now we just need to continue these clay blocks going all the way up Squidward also really loves the clarinet so we can even

Add in some note blocks when Milo jumps on these note blocks trying to beat the parkour they will play a pumpkin sound which might sound ridiculous but the pumpkin sound actually sounds really similar to a clarinet if we add Blackstone pressure plates next to it you will see that this really does sound

Like a clarinet let’s give it a test wao hang on a second that doesn’t really sound like a clarinet it kind of sounds like a little guitar wait a second I have a much better idea if we add a clay Note Block right next to this pumpkin

One we might be able to actually have a clarinet sound wao that does sound like a clarinet and Squidward is very bad at playing the clarinet so if we add two notes that do not match together at all it will really seem like a real squid

With clarinet lesson oh yeah this is so funny Milo’s really going to lose his mind when he sees this let’s add even more to this side and mess up the notes together when they don’t match Milo’s going to be so mad but he’ll have to admit that it’s very very accurate even

Though Squidward is amazing at the clarinet he is not the only person in his family that plays a musical instrument his cousin Squilliam Fancy Pants actually runs an orchestra and that’s why the next few Note Block jumps need to be different musical instruments I think having a bell and a really deep

Guitar will work so well together the best part is that Squidward’s cousin squ I and Fancy Pants is actually a really good musician and so all of his songs sound really lovely that is why we need to make sure that all of the musical notes on this section of the parkour

Sound really good together let’s make sure we only add some really beautiful harmonies if we jump on all these blocks together they actually sound really nice oh yeah this is perfect now we’ll just add a few more Squidward clay jumps leading into the top floor of Squidward’s house the top floor of

Squidward’s house uses bamboo planks I think these are perfect oh oh yeah now let’s actually start placing them along the floor we’ll need to place them just like this if we want the house to look as accurate as possible this is already looking so nice I can’t wait to see

Milo’s face when he judges this house and is forced to rate it a 10 out of 10 just because it is so incredible oh yeah the bamboo really does look like the inside of Squidward’s house we’ll need to make sure we leave some space for these jumps though otherwise it would

Not be possible to jump all the way up which is not what I want at all maybe I’ll even get rid of that final clay jump and just add more bamboo around here perfect now we can get started on Squidward’s bedroom and hangout room we’ll need to give him a bed and

Squidward is light blue which is great because we can build the bed just like this we’ll also need to give him a pretty fancy bed frame Squidward loves the fancy things he’s always trying to get them that’s why his bed frame needs to be very very fancy otherwise he won’t

Even want to sleep on it he’ll be so angry about it that he will never ever accept this as his house Milo knows that for sure so we need to make sure we build this as amazing as we possibly can so that Milo knows Squidward would totally accept it this is looking pretty

Awesome so far but one thing about Squidward that everybody knows is he’s a painter and he always paints himself look you can almost see Squidward’s giant nose let’s add one other painting Squidward can actually paint really creepy things even though he’s very talented that is one of the funniest

Parts about him he really does not know what people like to see and we’ll add another painting here wo that one’s very dramatic maybe we’ll try and put it a little more towards the center oh yeah that one’s funny Squidward painted some sort of Ducky thing now we need to add a

Couple more paintings over in this section it could be a giant collage of Squidward’s most famous pieces oh yeah wow these all look so cool I think there are a couple that are the same so let’s just change that I do not want to reuse

Any of the same art it needs to be very very original okay this looks pretty good even though two of them are the same that’s all right Squidward would totally forgive me maybe he just had a stroke of Genius and then had the same stroke of Genius again let’s also make

Some Spruce fences around this bamboo cutout area we do not want to leave a giant hole in Squidward’s floor he’d be really really really mad about that we also need to place some trap doors in front of Squidward’s paintings they deserve frames of their own Squidward would never let his paintings just

Randomly hang on the walls he would want to decorate them in the most amazing fancy way he also loves to carve out structures out of stone which is why we will grab some smooth Stone and then a skeleton skull we’ll also grab some item frames as well as a funny ominous Banner

Because these totally look like Squidward wow they even are gray and have the same long nose that Squidward has let’s now just add some smooth Stone over here Squidward is sculpting this smooth Stone into an amazing art piece but it’s not done yet he still needs to

Carve out the body of this skeleton yep that’s looking pretty cool now we need to add in a carpet squid would really like likes this color it is a cyan color and it goes really well with the light blue of his bed okay this is looking pretty good so far honestly Squidward

Also does not like many flowers but there is one that he absolutely loves on this quartz table we will need to grab a flower pot and we will need to grab a sea pickle the sea pickle won’t go inside the flower pot because that is not possible but the sea pickle will go

Right next to it inside the flower foot we will place a dead Bush these are not one of Squidward’s favorite plants but any anytime Squidward adds a PL here it just totally shrivels up from hearing his terrible clarinet music this room is looking pretty good so far now we just

Need to add in some Spruce trap doors here oh yeah this is awesome I really really like it but if I was Squidward there would definitely be something else I would want to add I would want to add a bunch of banners to block out any noise and any light these are

Squidward’s curtains to make sure that no creepy neighbors like SpongeBob or Patrick can randomly find their way in Squidward would really really really appreciate that wow this build is looking incredible and I built it with only Talent no cheating necessary this is so cool I can’t wait to tell Milo

That I am officially done and ready for him to judge my build he’ll totally rate this super duper High I just know it chip chip you have to come see my build really are you sure you don’t want to see my build first no way mine’s the

Best one I’ve ever done okay I’m going to come check out your build now Milo but be prepared for what is this why have you built a koala with tiny little beady eyes this is terrifying excuse me that’s Squidward’s house how dare you say that what Squidward’s house Milo

This looks like a pet rock gone wrong that a so me this is my best build I’ve ever done uh okay Milo um does the inside look better of course it does oh I really love what you’ve done with adding zero space in here so would bumps

His head every time he jumps hey that’s word I tried my best um and down here is that a trampoline or a grill it’s a grill he’s grilling pickles obviously Milo Grill isn’t meant to go in the Crusty Crab not in Squidward’s house he hates his work but why can’t Squidward

Also cook stuff in his arm Squidward’s not a fry cook Milo that’s SpongeBob’s job Squidward is on the front desk at the Crusty Crab whatever it’s all the same I don’t think it is Milo and why are there Vin growing behind Squidward’s couch obviously it’s a decoration I

Guess that makes sense but Milo this house looks ridiculous I don’t know what you’ve done with it but I’m really sorry I’m going to have to rate this a 5 out of 10 5 out of 10 are you kidding me a this is the worst I really wanted to win

This competition well Milo why don’t you check out my house and I can show you how it’s done fine I guess I’ll have a look yeah you totally will have a look and you’re going to love it look Milo this is my build of Squidward’s house W

Chip this actually looks like the wheel tail thanks Milo I know exactly what Squidward loves and he loves his house so much I couldn’t possibly build it wrong this is crazy chip I’m actually really impress thanks Milo I’m really glad you like it and inside is a crazy

Cool parkour why don’t you try going up it Milo yeah well this is really easy for me cuz I’m clearly a pro wow it just made a song H yeah that was Squidward’s terrible clarinet but now listen to squilly and fancy pants’s wonderful Orchestra he’s really good at

What he does yeah he totally is now you are in Squidward’s bedroom you can see his amazing funny self-portraits and his carving sculpture of a skeleton out of stone this looks really good chip I can’t believe you really felt this thanks Milo me too I also have some

Paintings some sea pickles and a dead Bush not to mention more paintings above his amazing bed H I guess I’m going to have to step up my game somehow yeah I guess you will but why are you being so suspicious right now Milo um I don’t know what you’re talking about well I

Think it’s time for me to rate your build yeah it is what do you rate my build out of 10 well it’s really good but not the best I’ve ever seen I’m going to give it an eight only an eight Milo I rated yours a five yeah exactly

That’s why I’m giving you an eight oh Milo okay I guess that’s pretty weird but there are more weird things going on with you today I’m getting a little worried that you might be up to something I’m not up to anything and you need to shut your mouth buddy cuz I’m

Going to win this competition H okay I’ll see about that Milo I wonder what the next band is yeah me too I bet it’s something really really fun the Crusty Crab oh yeah I love the Crusty Crab I can’t wait to build the best restaurant

Ever oh yeah boy I’m going to go get started me too Milo I can’t believe I got lucky enough to get given the Crusty Crab I’m already going to grab some Spruce logs and start building the Crusty Crab is one of my favorite places in all of Bikini Bottom I love how it

Serves delicious Krabby Patties and I love exactly how it looks let’s build the shape right now this is exactly the shape I wanted it to have let’s make sure that we don’t get too crazy with it though I just have to make sure I do not

Mess up at all the Crusty Crab is very difficult to build it’s a really weird shape so if I mess this up I could be toast let’s make sure we add the sides to it first the sides are very important because the Crusty Crab can’t stand up

Straight without the sides there also is a really cool gloss design on it let’s grab our cyan stained glass and put it on the sides here oh Yep this is really all coming together let’s place it all along this window it’s got to be a huge

Window just like it is in the real crusty Krab the real crusty Krab has a big big seating are area and the floor is made out of amazing warped planks that’s what we’re totally going to use for this crusty crab oh wow I can’t believe it looks just like the real flaw

In the real crusty crab this is such an honor I bet Mr Krabs and SpongeBob are going to be so thankful to me for making such a cool flaw Milo is going to see how amazing my crusty crab is and he will totally rank mine at least a nine I

Can’t believe he ranked mine only in eight that is really weird normally when I build something that amazing Milo will give it at at least a nine out of 10 but eight seems pretty low especially off to I ranked Milo’s build a five that should

Have been at least a two if mine was only an eight that means Milo’s probably up to something I’m a little suspicious right now as long as Milo doesn’t do anything else weird I’m not going to push into it but if I notice Milo doing anything weird I’m going to have a lot

Of questions Milo sometimes gets tricky like this and the only way to make sure we can stop him is to catch him red-handed or at least blue blue-handed cuzz he kind of does have blue hands maybe we’ll catch him red-handed trying to take the crabby patty formula I know

That that is Plankton’s thing but Milo can be pretty cheeky just like Plankton sometimes he would never steal but if Milo got really crazy he might just try and take it away just so that he has a better chance of winning I wonder what suspicious stuff Milo is up to it’s

Probably nothing like sabotaging my build it must be something like recruiting extra help or trying to find other ways to build quicker that the build was really bad I do not think Milo will make the same mistake again the only question is what could he possibly

Do in order to cheat at this build competition I’m a big expert on cheating because I used to do it all the time in the past luckily I have really become a better person and I haven’t done it in a while but what it does mean is I am an

Expert on spotting when someone is not telling me the truth and telling the truth is really important that’s why SpongeBob is such a good employee to Mr Krabs he always tells the truth and would never lie I want to be just like SpongeBob if only Milo was like

SpongeBob too although we can’t all be so perfect Milo is too crazy for that on the sides of these windows I’m going to add some glow Lykan in the real K crusty Krab they actually use ropes but I’m going to get the same effect from these glow lyans they’re going to make a

Really really awesome look along the sides oh yeah this is exactly what I wanted it to look like let’s keep building this all along the edges of the sides of the Crusty crap most people do not know but but the Crusty Crab is actually designed to look like a real

Crab trap that people use to fish for crabs since they normally don’t like to actually use real fishing hooks on crabs they’re way too tough and spiny their hard shell does not normally work but with a crab trap it totally does that’s why it’s kind of weird that Mr Krabs

Designed a restaurant after it he is a crab himself after all I can’t speak for him but I know if I was a crab I would not be building my restaurant out of a crab trap instead I would be building my restaurant out of Spruce stairs on the

Ceiling just like this we need to make sure the spruce logs go upwards just slightly even a couple extra blocks is enough to get that amazing effect that I’m looking for let’s make sure we add it all the way around just like this we can also add Spruce stairs to this

Section oh this is perfect I don’t know the last time I ever built something that’s this cool let’s make sure we don’t miss a spot nobody misses a spot in the Crusty Crab just like how SpongeBob does not miss a spot on the grill and how he does not miss a spot

Cleaning the floor actually now that I think about it only SpongeBob seems to be the one not missing a spot everybody else is being really weird and lazy that’s why SpongeBob is the best employee at the Crusty Crab just like I’m the best builder in this building

Game I really don’t know what Milo’s doing I don’t even know that he’s ever been to the Crusty Crab before Milo does not like burgers he would only like burgers if they put bird seeds on them and the only seeds on burgers are sesame

Seeds oh yum I can’t wait to see all the sesame seeds they’ll put on the burgers at the Crusty Crab speaking of burgers in the Crusty Crab we now need to build an amazing back section where all the burgers in the K crusty Krab will be made let’s build a little wall coming

Out just like this oh this is so exciting I can’t wait to add more to this let’s also add some waxed weathered copper oh yeah this really does look like the Crusty Crab the Crusty Crab is underwater after all and things underwater tend to totally get rusty

After a while I guess they could call it the rusty crab although that name is my idea and if they want want to use it they’ll have to give me a bunch of free Krabby Patties or at least the Krabby Patty formula I would never give it to

Someone like Plankton I could totally be trusted with it just because I’m such a trustworthy guy one person who is not the most trustworthy all the time though is Milo Milo is normally pretty trustworthy but when he starts to lose a competition like this he really starts

To panic and he will do almost anything to make sure he doesn’t lose that’s why I need to make sure I do almost anything to win just like using smooth quart to build the amazing Squidward cash register right over here oh this is so exciting let’s use them just like this

The cash register actually looks like a boat coming out of the wall it’s a pretty crazy design I cannot believe it’s actually real but it totally is that is why it’s a very important part of my crusty crab this is looking pretty good but it actually needs a cash

Register we don’t have cash registers in Minecraft but I’m going to place down an anvil and then I’m going to place a sign on the Outer Edge this sign will feature a bunch of money symbols as well as say money on it it’s also going to say cash

Register at the bottom just so everybody knows that it really is a money machine I think instead of cyan dye we need to grab some lime green dye cuz that is The Color of Money oh yeah this is looking really cool now in the real crusty crab they actually have really cool Windows

There’s especially a big one right over here in front of the grill let’s add in some furnaces to really make this Grill nice and proper the grill will be right over here and we can even add campfire in this section let’s even grab some Acacia trap doors to funnel all of that

Smoke up and outside we’ll Place one over here and we’ll need to place them in a star pattern just like this the only person able to use this Grill will have to be SpongeBob he is the best fry cook in the entire ocean that’s why he

Gets to work at the Crusty Krab which is the best restaurant in the entire ocean it really matches up super duper well SpongeBob is such a cool guy that’s why he gets his own TV show and he even gets to bring his friends along like Patrick and S cheeks not to mention Squidward

And Mr Krabs now I just have to rightclick all of these trap doors to activate them downwards this way they fit really really well with the build now I just have to open up the fan and wo this totally looks like a heating vent now we need to add in some pressure

Plates on top of these furnaces now it’ll really look like a grill we also totally have to add in some barrels in the side these are very important parts of the Crusty Crab it’s where they store lots of their ingredients in you cannot make a crabby patty if you don’t have

The proper ingredients you cannot make a Krabby Patty if you don’t have the proper ingredients we need to grab as many ingredients as we can get to add on the sides we’ll even add some beetroot stew and call it Ketchup let’s make sure the ingredients are nicely posted on

This back wall beetroot soup carrots some buns as well as the meat that goes inside the Krabby Patties oh yeah this is looking awesome not to mention we also need some potatoes and some cooked potatoes these are used to make the cooked french fries at the Krabby Patty

Oh this is so cool one block that looks a lot like a block of potatoes is raw iron if we add some Spruce trap doors to the sides of it it will really look like a big container of raw potatoes let’s move this potato over here so we can add

Some trap doors wo that already looks so awesome and finally in the back hidden underneath all the other ingredients we will add the secret formula let me use the Anvil that the cast register is made of we will use this to rename this entire item into secret formula this is

Going to be pretty pretty difficult to get we’ll put this right down here anybody that steals it is an evil genius so we will need to add some trap doors around it I think using aasia trap doors is the best one they look like little orange jail cells oh yeah this is

Perfect now we just need to move on and start making the rest of this place hm what can I put here uh wait a minute did I just hear Milo giggle Milo why did I hear you giggling right now what I just thought of something really funny really what

Funny is it can I come and see no no no no you cannot come and see why can’t I see well I was just I was thinking about a um a a cute bunny a cute bunny Milo that’s not a very good reason not to let

Me over I really want to go and see now is something going on no nothing nothing don’t come over here or you’ll see that I CH I changed my diaper because I ped my pants ew Milo that’s disgusting H it sounded like you were going to say something something else but I don’t

Want to come and investigate if you’ve pooped your pants that’s so gross you better clean that up before you build the Crusty Crab yeah I’m really embarrassed and you definitely should not come see me okay Milo I believe you I do not believe Milo at all something

Really weird is going on and I will be getting to the bottom of it but now I just need to place in some manger of trap doors in here these will act as little window holes to make sure we can’t peek inside but as well as window

Holes we will need to grab some tables the real crust crab has tables and chairs let’s grab some nice Birch chairs to put around these tables I think this looks perfect the Crusty Crab has so many tables I wonder if Milo’s crusty crap has tables h i remember Milo saying

Something back then and he almost said a different word it was almost like he meant to say something but accidentally let slip the real truth H I guess I don’t know what it is now but I am still really really suspicious of Milo if I find that Milo is doing something sneaky

I will be so mad and I guess it’s almost time to test for now I just need to add some wool flags on top of the Crusty Crab in the real crusty crab there are proper flag designs on top so I just need to add some onto mine we’ll have to

Copy them exactly to make sure we don’t mess up at all there’s normally a red and yellow one here followed by a cool blue and yellow one as well Mr Krabs really has chosen his Colors Let’s actually move this flag a little bit out in this direction and move this flag

This way okay this is looking pretty good now we’ll need to add one more flag here I’m pretty sure this flag is half white and half blue yeah just like that let’s also add another flag up here this one I think is red and white in a pretty cool checkerboard pattern finally there

Is just one flag left to add and that is the half blue half yellow one it’s blue on one side and yellow on the other oh yeah that looks really cool it looks just like the Crusty Crab we’ll need to add in some Oak slabs here to make it

Look all tied together but after we add in these slabs we’re officially done with the build of the Crusty Crab oh I cannot wait to see Milo’s build and I guess it’s also a really good chance to find out what weird stuff Milo’s talking about Milo’s being really really

Suspicious so if I find any bad behavior I’m going to be so mad especially when I’ve been trying so hard today to be really nice and honest with my build all we have to do now is add some cyan glass panes to this window as well as some

Yellow ones to have the handles and we’ll officially be ready okay now it is time to tell Milo that my crusty crab is done wait a second before I tell Milo that I’m ready I actually need to build one last thing we need to grab some smooth quartz slabs right now we also

Need to grab a dark oak fence not to mention a deep slate wall oh goodness I don’t know how much time I have before Milo’s finished luckily if we go really quick I’m sure we can do it out the front of the Crusty Crab there is a very

Famous sign this is the shell advertising sign where it tells every single person walking by that this is the site of the Crusty Crab the best restaurant in the ocean I think we need to make it as real and accurate as possible I don’t want to mess up at all let’s

Make sure we build the shell nice and proper okay this is looking pretty good although I can’t help but feel it’s missing something let’s replace these blocks with some nice stairs so it’s a little bit curvier and we can even replace these blocks with some slabs

Inside just to add in a little bit of depth here okay this is looking pretty good that is a big relief I almost totally didn’t add that all right Milo I am now ready to come judge your build and I just hope you’re ready to judge

Mine oh I want to judge you as fast as actually what Milo you want to come see my build first I sure do okay you’re totally welcome to because I’m very proud of it isn’t this incredible Milo it’s very interesting I see what you’ve done here Milo you’re acting really

Weird I don’t know what’s up with you but this is a really good crusty crab don’t you agree well it’s rather good rather Splendid you might say yeah I totally would say it’s Splendid but that’s only because it actually is is let me have a little look around here

Yes yes I see what you’ve done H Milo why are you acting so weird well I’m going to rate this a seven a seven that’s lower than the eight you ranked my last build what’s going on here Milo wow it’s only a little bit good compared

To mine oh yeah let’s go see what your crusty crab looks like then Milo there’s no way it can be better than mine Fe your eyes on my crusty crab uh what Milo how did you make this this is incredible yeah just my epic Pro skills wow and you

Also built the flags on top and not to mention the tables inside Milo this is really good yeah and you got to come check out the back as well how did you build this this is insane and you’ve even built the toilets ew why are there toilets in Mr crabs’ office well just

Have a look down here and maybe you’ll see wait a second what is this why is there a dungeon wait a laser dungeon yeah well this is the essential part of the crusy crab wait a minute Milo am I going to have to go through this Laser

Maze that’s right here at the crispy crab I’ve hidden all the secret recipes the crispy crab Milo I find it really suspicious that you built something this crazy and you don’t even know how to say crusty crab oh uh yeah I meant to say crusty crab H I’m really suspicious of

You right now Milo but look I made it through the Laser Maze and what why is there parkour here because I had to protect the secret recipe really carefully Milo it’s not a secret recipe everybody knows it’s a secret formula I don’t know why you don’t know these

Words if you’ve built all of this yourself that is really really weird wow I’m just very good chips stop judging me I know you’re jealous of my skills I’m not jealous and isn’t the point of this build battle to judge you that’s why we’re judging each other’s builds well I

Guess so maybe H Milo I do not know what I’m about to find Behind These doors but so far I’m not looking forward to it well you better open up wait a second what there’s gold in here yeah cuz it’s a really secret room that I built and

This secret Krabby Patty formula hey how come you said formula here and recipe earlier that is really weird Milo I do not know why you’ve done that well I think we should go back up to the surface now and hey there’s nothing inside this chest everybody knows that

The real Krabby Patty formula actually is a scroll well it’s not there anymore I guess someone else took it h Milo you’re being really really suspicious right now but I can’t really say anything about it because this crusty crab is amazing you’ve done such a good

Job that I only have to rate it a 10 out of 10 yeah what’s good boy I’m totally winning this competition yeah but you’re forgetting Milo there is still one more round I still have a chance to beat you in this yeah but not if I can help

H you’re being really suspicious Milo and I will get to the bottom of it the bikini bottom of it SpongeBob house no way I’m not building that right now I am way too suspicious about Milo I do not believe that he built that crusty crab without

Help I think I need a plan I’m going to have to go invisible to find out exactly what Milo is up to I’m going to use the vanish command to totally go invisible look I cannot be seen at all now I can sneak over to Milo side and find out

Exactly what he is doing to try and win I do not believe he built that crusty crab himself there’s just no way I’m going to find out once and for all if he really did look he’s just standing there what could Milo possibly be doing my silly silly brother actually thinks I

Make that crusty crab Milo’s cheating I knew it but how time to finally win a Build Challenge and beat my stinky brother time to use my epic hacks hack oh no wait a second that SpongeBob house just appeared out of thin air this is not good and wait

Milo’s going inside it what’s he doing this looks really good now I got to add little signs everywhere talking about how stinky chip is hey I’m not stinky at all I smell great and why is Milo adding signs around is that to make it look

Like he’s built it oh that is so cheeky I can’t believe Milo’s done this look he’s writing a sign right now I’ve snuck inside side and now we can see exactly what he’s riding look he’s finished riding it says chip is stinky haha hey wait a second is he just writing a sign

That says chip is stinky that sucks oh gosh he’s coming over here quick hide oh wow he did not see me at all my vanish command totally works but I have had enough of this this is bad I’m going to totally get Milo back for this uh oh I

Just broke that block I really hope Milo did not notice what was that sound stay so quiet Milo could not find out that we’re here must have just been part of the hack or something oh luckily Miler thinks it’s all part of his hack but ha

He just admitted it he really is hacking to win this build competition that is insane I’ve had enough of this I cannot believe Milo has done this I’m going to boom my own SpongeBob house will appear and it is a lot nicer than Milo SpongeBob house just look my colors are

So much more beautiful but that’s not all because I’ve saved so much time by already having a pre-built house I can now at a basement it will go so deep down that Milo will be absolutely shocked by it I can’t just dig all this out by myself a hacker would use

Something way cool up like a bunch of TNT let me grab some flint and steel as well now I will dig a massive hole all all the way down to Stone level if I’m going to make a huge basement I can’t just use it in the sand the sand would

Fall right into the basement and block anything I try and build that is why I am placing a bunch of TNT down oh goodness I really hope this works I also hope this doesn’t hurt the SpongeBob house wo it only hurted a little bit this is looking pretty good so far it’s

Digging a really big tunnel we even struck water hey this really is Bikini BM that is so cool now I think it is time to clear up the the edge of this area it is looking pretty messy with all this broken stuff around oh yeah this is

Looking way better than it was before around SpongeBob’s house in the real Bikini Bottom he actually has a bunch of beautiful flowers growing on the edge of his house we are going to have the exact same thing in our SpongeBob house that is so important let’s make sure we add

These flowers properly though I don’t want to miss a single spot we can even grab the candles and the other glazed terracotta from the other blocks let’s add some candles in here and we can also add the yellow glazed terra cotta oh this is looking incredible I’m so happy

With the house so far we can add pink candles to the back here just like we did in the front not to mention some more yellow glaze terra cotta and even some lime glazed terracotta around this Edge oh yes this looks so cool I’m feeling so excited right now Milo has

Made the biggest mistake of his life by hacking like this I wanted to play fair but if Milo was going to cheat then it’s only fair that I do the exact same thing okay now that we’ve added this pretty cool outside area we we need to remove

All this andesite this is going to lead right into a massive drop and the best part about it is I know exactly how to build it in record time using the hacks that Milo has inspired me to use I can totally make sure that this build is

Done as quick as possible when Milo realizes that I am also hacking just like he is he is going to lose his mind this axe is actually a part of my hacks we are going to use this to select an area and then if I type the simple

Command of Stack 50 boom it instantly shoots a massive Corridor all the way down this is pretty cool but it’s not all I’m planning on doing now inside of this wall we can dig out an extra platform let’s make it about this big we’re going to turn this entire area

Into an obstacle course let’s push this down a little just to make sure it’s equal sides big and wide now if we type stack 50 again boom it shoots out in this direction this is so cool at the very bottom of the section we will need

To add in some lime concrete let’s add some water to the bottom of this room this room is going to be a giant underwater themed dropper let’s grab some green wool to start making some seaweed oh yeah this looks so cool we’ll add the seaweed growing from the sides

Just like this and the seaweed will also grow from different angles as well oh yeah this is so awesome we will also need to add some different things on the way down let’s also add some regular glass one of the coolest parts of this is that it actually looks like bubbles

Especially if we build a bunch of it close together if we place the glass just like this this over and over again it looks like an amazing bubble column oh yeah this really will feel like an underwater amazing dropper let’s Place some more bubbles going all the way down

Here oh yeah these bubbles are looking awesome but there is still more we can add let’s add a prismarine section this is going to look like a real underwater ocean Temple oh I cannot wait to use this this isn’t really a hack but it’s just impressive Milo is going to be so

Amazed that I’ve even added an ocean Temple under here I wonder how Milo’s doing he’s probably not doing anywhere as good as what I am this ocean Temple looks pretty silly but once you realize that you can actually see it from the side and it looks like a real ocean

Temple it looks a lot more impressive finally we will grab banners in the color that the actual Coral can generate in this way Milo will feel like he is hurdling to the bottom of a really beautiful coral reef oh yeah he’s going to be both amazed and terrified at the

Same time that is perfect it’s the exact reaction I want not to mention I also want Milo to apologize has been hacking this whole time while I’ve been playing fair and square that is not nice at all I really put lots of effort into the Crusty Crab and Squidward’s house built

And now if I put all my effort into this one we will finally get revenge on Milo oh yeah this is looking so cool it’s one of the coolest Dro us ever even now it definitely is possible but you kind of have to be a pro luckily I definitely am

One but I do not know the same for Milo Milo has also inspired me to do something pretty devious we going to need to grab some laser blocks and we also need to grab some Redstone to power them up by placing a redstone block underneath this laser and placing

Another laser right over here wao we actually link them together now we need to put colored lenses inside this laser so it becomes a crazy red color oh yeah this is really awesome let’s also make sure we add the same lenses in every laser that we add in this laser hallway

Let’s also make sure we build them all the way over here oh yeah this looks so cool it even looks like a crazy underwater structure maybe even part of a shipwreck I have no idea but whatever it is it looks really really cool let’s make sure we continue adding them on the

Ceiling just like this oh yeah this is one of the most impressive things I’ve ever built let’s make sure we add some more obstacle lasers on the floor though we want to be able to catch Milo in them so that he totally takes damage we can even add entire sections where the laser

Wall forces Milo to go around in a zigzag shape I am so confident that he will bump his head on at least one of these yep it’s definitely going to happen now we just need to make sure we make the rest of it still pretty good I think

This is really nice we’ll add some more walls over on this side and we’ll add some final more walls over on this one oh this is so cool now we need to add colored lenses to every single one of these lasers just to make sure that they

Are nice and red oh yeah that’s looking pretty intense this Laser Maze is crazy there is no way Milo gets through this easy and the final room I will add inside this amazing Revenge plan is a big sphere luckily I have a command that will do exactly that wao that totally

Worked now we need to dig our way back out to the start again that’s an important part of building this amazing room let’s also replace this stone with iron blocks to really make it look totally epic wo this is so cool now sticking with the ocean theme we are

Going to build a massive ocean walkway we’re going to use all colors of prismarine to make this thing oh it’s going to look so cool I just know it Milo was going to be so embarrassed that he even cheated that he’ll be apologizing the second he comes down

Here and sees this we just have to make sure we build this really really well and put all of our effort into making this look absolutely perfect this walkway will lead right to the back wall where a fun little message will show Milo exactly what I think of his

Cheating I’m really really sad that he would cheat in this game normally that’s my job but I thought we’d both grow into be better people I think this will teach Milo never to cheat again it all depends on if Milo is actually worried about this if Milo does not find this build

Worrying at all then none of my plans here will work that would be pretty bad as he’ll probably try and cheat again that just means I have to make this final message as devastating as possible luckily I have a sign luckily I’m going to put a sign down and I’ve got a very

Good idea of what I can say to devastate Milo if the sign says you lose in red glowing letters that is one of the scariest things you can ever read finally I will add a lever over here that when I flick it it will kill Milo let’s make sure we label it right

Otherwise I might accidentally totally flick it by accident we’ll need to add a hacked command block behind it in order to actually do it otherwise it won’t work now it is time to tell Milo that we’re ready for him with our amazing crazy SpongeBob house build he will not

See this coming and this will be the perfect revenge for all of his evil hacking that he’s done to us Milo I’m about to show you my final build for this competition I’m so excited for you to see it yeah I’m pretty excited because I know no matter what you built

I’m still going to win I wouldn’t be so sure about that Milo take a look wo champ oh my gosh this is actually really good yeah you’ll notice it’s pretty similar to your other pineapple Milo what have you seen my pineapple H I guess you could say that I have I’ve

Discovered something in this competition Milo that has made me very upset and now I have responded by building the craziest SpongeBob house you have ever seen H okay um I wonder what’s down here and wo chip is this a dropper map yep it is a dropper you will have to land in

The water in the very center in order to make it through oh my gosh I can’t even think about how to get there you’ll just have to jump Milo it’s the price you pay for what you’ve done here what secret could you possibly know about me I’m not

Going to tell you that until you beat all of my obstacle courses Milo a that’s really annoying I don’t keep secrets at all H I don’t know about that but wao Milo you actually did it that’s crazy holy qu M did you see that yes I did but do you

See that oh no chip not the lasers yes lasers Milo lasers is one of the punishments for what you did earlier but I didn’t do anything yes you did Milo you can stop lying to me I heard you talking to yourself but I’m not going to

Say what I overheard you will find about that when you reach the Iron Room well I know you’re lying cuz I do not talk to myself Milo that’s crazy you talk to yourself all the time well this is very easy I don’t know about that Milo I

Think you’re not going to like what you find in The Iron Room Iron Room what out it’s just up ahead Milo you’re entering it now and I have one final announcement to tell you you have an announcement what could it be the secret I know about

You is that you cheated you were using hacks to build Squidward’s house and the Crusty Crab today what no I wasn’t yes you were Milo and because you hacking you now lose that’s what it says on this sign right here no no please no I wanted

To win so bad so you admit you were hacking oh yeah I was hacking but I really really just wanted to beat you well Milo instead of beating me you get one final punishment what is it yeah it’s a little something I like to call the bye-bye birdie switch bye Milo

Better luck next time what ha that’ll teach you to cheat in a build battle against me

Who can build the Best NOOB vs PRO SpongeBob SquarePants House in Minecraft?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip



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