Terraria – INFERNUM ft. Adrian EP. 7: MOON LORD DOWN!

Hello everybody waffle time here and welcome back to episode 7 of our epic gamer infernum series last episode we took on many more bosses including that of astr morius who had no idea how capable we were in dealing with tremendous killer crabs look at all these Ice projectiles Baby Oh my God

That Frost wave hit me oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God which then took us to gollum’s frat house where the boss fight was totally completely not broken whatsoever it’s s’s undertale what the

Work his get his health down oh my God certainly multiplayer infernum won’t be buggy from here on out right guys right we have Final Bosses to turbo blast Co-op style more infernum enemies which make us want to fold our monitors in half and no more time to waste so

Let’s Jump Right In shall we oh do you still want to do a anahita oh [ __ ] totally skipped knock that off the [ __ ] list yeah bro let’s do it I’ll touch her dude there’s so many projectiles half of them are yours oh oh here we go Leviathan is coming wow

[ __ ] fat ass dude dude his rocks take up so many oh oh my God oh my God I’m dying oh my God wait he he hits like a truck dude his balls are freaking splitting up at the oh oh anah heat is here too dude oh get the woman get her

Ass wait there she’s riding on top of him bro she’s riding in the battle really what the [ __ ] yes what the hell dude the hardest part of this battle seeing through my [ __ ] Rogue weapon yo exactly I can’t see Jack oh my God oh my God she’s slicing me up like

Butter oh my God oh my God oh my God ah please there’s so many projectiles I want to kill her yeah yeah I I have no reason to fight Duke Fisher I don’t think Duke fisheran Wings damn those are got my there dude I could just get

Hydrothermic armor dog the one in the uh the ocean I’m running out of breath what the [ __ ] do I need to go down into this biome bro I keep getting choked out did you just teleport in here yeah uhoh wait I’m drowning wait I’m drowning why am I drowning why am I oh

It’s over for me what the [ __ ] is that what what was that about dude what holy [ __ ] what are you drink two I know something someone dropped something I just wanted to put it in my mouth there’s a squid oh I died he’s [ __ ] me up he’s

[ __ ] me up we need one more luminal oh I have I think I I have luminal put that in you can make the Abyssal diving gear at least one of us can go in how about you go in dog all right dude I have 12 defense why do you

Have 12 wait what the [ __ ] why is mine’s slowly going down why is that happening why do I have five defense dude are they stripping me well I oh I got yeah it’s back let me see if I can get some score yeah I think there’s some down here I

Can’t mine it this squid I can’t mine it why is it wait what the [ __ ] happened I have no idea what is going on right now God man we have no [ __ ] villagers here dude are you serious dude I’m so pissed why oh my God bro [ __ ]

Dude I’m not dying from like pressure anymore I’m just dying cuz there’s a [ __ ] Squidward looking monster that shoots out lasers out of his dude you should have freaking seen it it was a freaking light show down there that sounds [ __ ] terrifying dog dude it wasn’t terrifying it was stupid flat out

Ridiculous I felt like I was at the [ __ ] circus but I wasn’t at the edge of my seat I was the edge of death bro [ __ ] stupid dude like I don’t understand why it’s so much like the difficulty jump from layer 2 to layer three is unequivocally [ __ ] man you

Get shredded instantly I don’t understand it’s like we’re turning into the scoria OR itself bro oh my God that’s so [ __ ] funny though oh my God bone Lee please no don’t do this you’re going to find me why is there so many enemies there’s a [ __ ] dude like come on man like

There’s a squid there’s a [ __ ] octopus there’s everything I can’t get a goddamn break oh my god dude I’m so upset man ooh that’s some good score here baby oh oh why oh my God I’m getting slapped around like a tinfoil ball oh my God oh

My God the spirit of the Dead are killing me oh my God oh my God oh [ __ ] that’s why I couldn’t mind the score what do you have oh my God I had The Shard light pickaxe just ahead of wondering why I was mining so slow all

Time I’m going to go down with you you’re going to die I think no I’ll handle that [ __ ] dude damn you needed to make a fire Gauntlet that’s crazy this normally you do you just need a mechanical glove and a magma stone with me what that’s insane what the hell they

Changed that recipe how could they oh my God are you interested in the plague blinger Goliath Goliath do you want to fight that thing or no or do you want to just go right for rer or something uh oh my God I hate the ravager I hate that

You’re [ __ ] summoned are the ugliest [ __ ] I’ve ever seen in my life what don’t say dude what yes dude what do you mean look at Fred Fred looks great looks even Ned looks Dapper Stan looks you know he’s a little off the edge but you know that’s just

Him that’s just St he can’t help himself but look at Kevin over there dude that’s [ __ ] upud Kevin is hot all right Kevin is disgusting no no no Kevin was born that way his mom wait wait what Mak an accessory dude fast dude he’s so fast I I wish I could help but

I’m crafting an accessory right now take your time no worries where is he dude he’s just sitting still oh my God oh my God it’s all right dude you got this dude of course I got this dude he’s shooting a gelatin whoa holy hell what is he a spaceship [ __ ] oh my

God oh my God oh my God I’m handling this I’m handling this you got it dude you got it dude dude H hey uh come oh oh oh my God oh my God waing no it’s so easy for you come on no play around you

Got where are you man where are you I’m I’m I’m dying oh my God he’s shooting down his [ __ ] walls bro oh my god oh oh my God I can’t run away I died can’t run away go Adrian 10 dude his head is chasing me going leave me alone leave me alone Aira

Oh my God after our untimely demise against a ravager it was becoming more and more clear to us that we needed to make small increments of real gamer progress before going any further infernum has a really funny way of beating your knees in repeatedly with a crowbar Until you realize there’s one or

Two bite-sized upgrades that would make you maybe survive a battle the problem is we needed to kill more side bosses to beat the real bosses but in order to beat those side bosses we needed upgrades which came from other bosses this is clearly a sick twisted ass

Domino effect we’re dealing with so we put our noses to the grindstone before partaking in a very particular battle a battle we’re all very familiar with by now a battle which makes us want to eat sand and gravel on live stream the Empress of light wait dude can we

Actually fight Empress of light I need to get the Kaleidoscope dude that’s so easy let’s do it oh god oh my god oh holy [ __ ] oh my god oh W wo W where am I in the light oh my God how am I supposed to dodge

This dude best of luck I feel like I’m playing Mario Kart oh my God I’m beat no she’s not even after me and I’m getting my ass Jesus Christ oh oh God is a nurse dead yep nurse just okay what are these attacks you can’t die you can’t die I got oh my

God dude she was whipping me with the [ __ ] flaps faps that combo dude I don’t know if we can do this honestly like if you can’t oh [ __ ] unbe oh I got this I do not got this I do not got this I’m so [ __ ] I’m soing dead oh unacceptable [ __ ]

Dude what the [ __ ] that’s insane let’s kill the [ __ ] ravager dude this this is already insane what what what what killed me where the did he go no I’m taking him to New York baby not New York until you taste the tap water over here oh yeah I’m going s to Flint Michigan

That’s what I’m sending his ass what what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do oh we boxed you in bro that’s [ __ ] crazy yo come on man leave me come on dude come on dude come on man come on Budd where are you where are you he’s shooting gelatin everywhere I

Can’t see a damn thing I’m back I’m back I’m back oh my God I might G soon though got him dude okay you got him man oh my God oh my God he he’s he’s throwing walls at me come on buddy come on dude you’re the goat dude you’re the [ __ ] goat

Brother oh my God there’s so much going on I’m dead I’m dead I can’t I lived you’re alive I lived here we go dude you got it oh you got it baby oh you got it look at you oh oh oh okay okay okay where where oh he

Oh yeah yeah we win baby the [ __ ] is this thing making fun of my Sentry dude my my my Spike he what is that bro his name is Peter Peter he has feelings I kind ash deis oh I summoned him Chocolate Rain where is he dude I don’t know where

Here he comes chocolate ring so pain Chocolate Rain I’m getting my [ __ ] eaten by this thing Chocolate Rain oh oh [ __ ] oh my God he does 100 damage to me per [ __ ] hit dude please tell me you respa soon I’m back oh that was so so clutch dude what the he doing he made a [ __ ] spider’s nest and he’s shooting a laser at me we got this we

Got this we got this I’m taking it back to the house oh oh my God I’m back I’m back it’s all right dude I’m back I’m got a warwind [ __ ] Spin Attack God I see it I see it he’s come on you got it yeah that’s what

I’m talking about baby God damn it I got a magic weapon oh yeah dude great yeah everything I want to make is ancient manipulator all right all right I think we can just march on over and [ __ ] do it dude there’s no enemies by the

Dungeon like for the uh oh no I think I hit one on the way in you know what I’ll I’ll stay up while you check just in case you find him and kill him you can TP to me oh I found him I found him oh

God holy [ __ ] he’s getting wrecked oh my God oh my God I died dude I I look like I’m in the [ __ ] chicken noodle Chicken Little Mo oh my God I teleported he has one is he dead no he’s doing I’m what is he doing dude he has a final attack I think

He’s dead yeah he’s just oh thank god dude yeah that was perfect dude star of Destruction 8001 Rogue damage that’s [ __ ] wild oh M blobs yeah yeah I got clamped oh Jesus I did too there’s like a thousand alien queens that was [ __ ] wild oh dude you lot of

Them I’m going to go [ __ ] up another pillar trying to collect all these here nebula fragments you work so hard to obtain when you put it like that yeah dude I [ __ ] teleported over at the last second the pillar was already dead oh my God I’m at the solar pillar wait a

Minute wa a godamn second I hate solar pillar you just got to stand there like a idiot got to stand there like a cuck when they hand it to you on a silver bladder you’re dying just wife right in front of you and you’re like well I

Can’t fly and go get them hello torn [ __ ] dumbass name stupid name dude dumb name who names her child that and I miss you and I need you and now [Applause] I shited holy holy holy [ __ ] this is bad dude this is really really bad wait why is the arena so tiny oh my God wait why is he like so close to dying oh my God we threw for Content we threw for content right dude

I’m going to summ my things up let jump this man Jesus he [ __ ] blinds you and surprises you wait why is he half HP dude I have no [ __ ] clue oh my God oh my God oh my God God he killed everyone I don’t even see him do you see

Him his hands are like invisible right here you see that [ __ ] dude his entire thing is invis what ho [ __ ] okay well the eyes do that can I all right I’ll do that too kill me you that was [ __ ] weird um I’m I’m targeting oh his eyes is getting absolutely manhandled are you

Here yeah I’m I’m here but what is what’s going on it’s doing the same thing as last time I mean this works it’s fine whoa I mean I mean I mean is this supposed to happen I mean oh we did it all right what we beat

The moon Lord let I’m so confused what was that about anyway with that being said I’m making my Stardust armor oh my God are you serious man one of the one of the weapons I need I need the teror Prisma there’s no way there’s no way

Dude I actually think I need to kill Empress of light cuz I’m looking at the gear that I need and it all says I need the kaleid oops let’s do this [ __ ] we got it this time dude you’re doing nice it’s unlimited flight in this fight yes I’m

Good I just made The Exodus Wings they heat dude she’s got Terror prismas above her you see this [ __ ] yep I’m getting feted fet minond fond dude this is [ __ ] horrible oh dear lord what what what is that thing dude her health is her [ __ ] health is back please don’t no

Oh oh okay okay oh I got a ter pisma nice nice yes yes with Adrien and I defeating the Leviathan ravager astram d the Twitter addicted lunatic cultist the calamari man moon Lord as well as the Rave Overlord Empress of light that about does it for this episode make

Absolutely sure to check out adrianne’s perspective over on his channel to witness The Full Experience of our death by infernum thank you all so much for tuning in episode 7 of our infernum series if you enjoyed this video please be sure to drop a like And subscribe for

More content like this as well as leave a comment down in the comment section below to let me know your thoughts on this video also if you’d like please be sure to follow my Instagram and Twitter for future video and stream updates as well as well as my Facebook page where

You can watch all the videos that get demonetized instantly on my YouTube channel all those links are in the description for your convenience thank you all so much again for watching and I’ll be seeing all of you laser light show boss battles in episode 8 Waffle Time post Moon Lord Edition Out

Hello and welcome to EPISODE 7 of our first time CALAMITY INFERNUM EXPERIENCE. Today, Adrian and I go absolute freak mode in our epic gamer INFERNUM EXPERIENCE. We take on the Leviathan, who totally didn’t scare us at all, and soon after take on the Ravager, who stood no chance against our gamer prowess. After that, we slaughtered the Cultist crew, which lead us head first into the Moon Lord! Not only did we take on the Empress after, but now we have the entirety of post Moon Lord to worry about. This isn’t going to be pretty. Check out Adrian’s perspective for MORE!
Thank you all so much for watching! If you enjoyed, please be sure to drop a like and subscribe for more content like this, as well as leave a comment to let me know your thoughts on this video! If you guys want more, please do let me know below! Also if you’d like, follow the Instagram and Twitter for future stream and video updates!

EDITED by EMMET BRAMLEY: https://twitter.com/emmetbramley

#terraria #mod #rage

All credit to DMDOKURO and PinpinNeon for the BANGER TUNES!

Check out ADRIAN’S perspective:

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  1. Maybe just a bit too much screaming, don’t get me wrong, I do like Adrian’s sweet, succulent shrieks for help, but maybe it was just a tad too much this episode

  2. please king waffle make the asgards valor you genuinely cannot go with just the shield of chuthucchcuuclulu post moonlord for most fights

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