I Trapped Every Structure In Hardcore Minecraft PART 1/2

This shipwreck is beautiful why are structures so underappreciated oh oh bro maybe I should save each structure before I end up destroying them all and put them into a museum where I can view them I love life by the way the goal of this series is to create

The greatest hardcore World on all of YouTube so if you want to join our journey subscribe if my calculations are correct which they never are there are 30 that I need to collect so I guess I’ll start with one of the coolest the Woodland Manion oh wait I guess I’ll

Need a woodland Explorer map actually oh there’s the map bro I already got the map this is oh what what what I see it all right well I guess I’ll just start taking this down so I can bring it back to the museum ow oh man oh wait a minute I probably

Shouldn’t be killing these guys because I’m going to be bringing them back to the museum oh W oh my okay okay oh my goodness yeah this is going to be a lot harder than I expected you know what maybe I’ll start with the smaller structures and work my way up to the

Bigger ones so I guess we’re looking for a desert well and then we’ll just build our way up to the end wait a minute how are we going to rebuild the end portal cuz you can’t get those blocks oh I can just build the museum at the end

Portal oh right I destroyed the end portal not to mention it’s under an entire ocean so I wouldn’t even be able to build the museum here anyway well good thing there are 128 strong holds her World wait what this is not the same mansion that I found before I just randomly flew over this okay oh went down let’s find this end portal oh what why is there skull here oh my goodness so the stronghold is next to an ancient city and a woodland

Mansion uh-oh uhoh I just let off again I think we’re good though nope we’re definitely not good though we’re definitely not good though oh balls he’s right there no no no I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck holy cow I got to get out of here I got to get out of

Here holy cow okay okay okay okay okay oh oh my goodness I don’t think I’m going to be using that end portal for the museum it’s a little bit dangerous all right well I found a stronghold that definitely will work because there’s no ancient cities oceans or broken Portal frames this is where

The exhibit’s going to be obviously for the end portal but we’re going to need a place to put the other structures so wa okay sweet now we can finally grab the desert well although I’ll need a desert for that nice you’re coming with me pal I’m going to be using the same water

That’s in here too oh no wait is that the uh that’s the the new sand can I get it with silk touch well crap there we go it’s been captured Tada and since this build is a desert I’ll make the outside around it desert themed Tada H actually maybe I

Should put like a mob in there or something come me your bud now I just have to push him down no there is no way I’m doing that again that was so pain how are you not able to go up makes no Sense you’ve got to be kid boom we got a rabbit baby that’s the first two structures trapped we can fly to a snow biome next to see if there’s an igloo wow sounds like me on the toilet I see something right there it looks like an

Igloo oh oh so there’s kind of this underground section with the glues I kind of forgot about well since the exhibit can only show part of it right now I’m going to hold off on grabbing this section but I’ll grab it later and stick it on the underground section if I

Remember all right so I’ll just copy and paste this over here and then put an igloo in it I suppose you might be thinking this look pretty finished that’s cuz you’re a nothing on the inside fools boom well the only animal that I can think of

That would work in that scenario would be one of those white winter foxes oh I found one ha you’re mine sucker boom oh I forgot to mention this glass is here so that you can view the ancient city when we built that and each of these hallways have their own structures

Surface ocean underground and finally this hallway will be for the nether structures oh oh where the heck did that come from o I do need a witch hut actually although I don’t think they generate in mangroves oh wait a minute I forgot I already found a witch hut oh hey a witch hut

Okay this nether portal should end up somewhere near a swamp I hope okay oh snap that was impeccable okay I can hear the witch in there how am I supposed to do this cuz I got to get the witch out and bring him back mine carts that’s what I need although

For that I’ll have to go back to Spawn well apparently I have like basically no powered rails or gold so I’m going to the gold Farm wait where are the pigs Landing oh that’s not good yeah that didn’t work very Well huh best gold Farm ever am I right well guess I’m getting gold the old fashion Way okay this better make enough rails to relocate the witch I do not want to mine more gold oh nice oh there’s the black cat I’ll need to capture that guy as well actually okay I’m really hoping that the witch just doesn’t see me hey buddy nope

No no not the mine cart let’s try this again hello there the witch does not really care about me for some reason oh my goodness I lied oh we got the cat we got the cat we got the cat let’s go okay I’m going to just have to absolutely send this yeah buddy

Nice oh nuts that’s right I did never build anything on this side uh all right this is what I got doe this is what I got to do I go down here and is he going to follow me down here hello I’ve got a new tactic idea

You’re coming down here buddy yeah that worked no way that worked oh wait where am I going to put him so I kind of forgot that I have to build the thing first and then capture the mob I I reversed that a little bit don’t go anywhere I’ll be right

Back up and he gone and there we go taada although I have to fix the cage a little bit now I just have to add some lighting and some water two lily pads a window I think I need some Vines actually now I just have

To add the witch oh and he poisoned me I’m like that baby oh man I forgot the black [Applause] Cat very nice we need to make a village but there are five different Villages and I just spent the last hour Mining and only have enough space for one Village that’s going to be a problem unless I take one house from each Village and I make it an inbred village

So it’s one house from each biome what I’m a genius hey I see a village a plain house for the ples biome boom nice now I got to find a house from a different biome oh snap guys I found a snowy biome oh snap guys I see a snowy

Village off in the distance I think you will be my next victim how the heck are there more snow oh it’s snowing right now that’s why there’s more snow layers appearing and consumed back to the museum okay I don’t want to spend too much time on these builds so let’s go

Through this a lot faster the cauldrons with the water that I got from it chest with that and that a lantern and somehow I have an extra diorite wall wait a minute I forgot the snow boom it is completed ooh tiger sorry villager I’m taking your home actually I’m not sorry at all

W dude I got a large Fern look at that be okay there’s the Savannah and the desert I think those are the only ones left oh I see a savannah Village right there well I think the most unique out of all of these houses is the stilts house so I’m

Going to take this bad boy it has been equipped it ow bro get out of here oh no way there’s a desert village right there I guess I’ll just grab that right now I’m going to go with this house right here um yeah this house right here there we go roll oh Oh zombie villages I forgot that these existed interesting I don’t have nearly enough space to rebuild wait what if I took every house and made its zombie version look like it’s reflection I am a genius all right zombie village has been captured let’s head back okay you guys are probably

Tired of watching me make village houses so I’m just going To this kind of fun and boom there we go the entire Village is completed except the zombie village let me explain how I want to do this I make this layer All Glass and then upside down beneath it is each of these houses zombie village Styles dude that totally looks like a

Reflection right there okay now once I add the villagers and zombie villagers and also the quartz you know what let’s add the quartz right now boom what what look at it just looks like a regular Village like oh that’s kind of cool it’s a village and then boom reflection

Zombie village although uh there’s some missing houses here and now I just have to find a zombie village from every single biome they only have a 2% chance of spawning bro oh finally okay found a zombie village here hey all right I have found one dude nice and I think this is

The same model that I rebuilt for the snowy Planes nice We can’t spend too much time on these houses so let’s Just all right now all I got to do is bring all the villagers and zombie villagers over kill me now get in there Foo thank you and goodbye hey we got him baby oh hey buddy you want to go in there oh my goodness he just walked

Straight in there oh you’re just going to walk right in yes come straight into the portal it oh my goodness this villager is a there we go all of the villagers are in there got one from every single biome now I just have to do the same with the zombie villagers which

Is going to be so much harder what the poop oh there must be a missing glass piece some wait how oh yep there’s one missing right there oh he wants to go up there anyway oh nice dude what is this man doing boom finally man now I got to get

The zombie villagers plain zombie okay now if I set this up correctly he should get ejected into a spot that he cannot leave yes oh that’s sick grab the snowy zombie villager and no oh don’t tell me he just died bro now I just have to hope that he

Doesn’t fall off just like the last guy did oh yes oh no he took more damage oh no and uh-oh that’s not what I wanted to do oh no it’s been over a week of this and the worst part is these mobs are basically nothing compared to the Woodland mansion and it’s

Ms this this is not even worth it hey let’s go oh that’s right one week two dead villagers and three filled diapers later and I want to kill that took me an entire week and that’s just one build of one section I still have the ocean Nether and underground

Sections after all of these surface level structures but not going to lie it was worth it it looks pretty sick this direction is a jungle and if I’m lucky yes okay sweet it’s a jungle temple whoops boom fully dug out that’s what I’m talking about all right sweet it’s built now I

Got to decorate the outside so let me grab my grass 14 that is not quite enough nice nice let me add a little Shrubbery and a little bit of quartzer sweet there it is although I kind of need some life in it maybe a panda or a parrot I know you want some

Of this yeah look at him dance bro are you going to land not on me all right now all that’s left is to get a panda hey there we go boom and there we go jungle temple complete next up desert temple all right hopefully there’s a desert nearby I’ve been flying for a

Solid uh certain unknown amount of time and I still haven’t found one okay I don’t want to get my hopes up but I’m pretty sure this is a desert oh all right time to take this thing down I’m not going to be able to build this underground section as it’ll be in

The way of other builds and no one’s even going to see it anyway So nice all right time to head back okay well as per usual boom it’s a creeper Farm no it’s supposed to be a big old hole for the desert pyramid Oh there we go it is complete except for the fact that uh I kind of forgot to grab sand and cacti when I was in the desert also what is up with all the bats up here oh my goodness you’re dead you’re dead you’re Dead all right there we go now let’s place down the quartz all the quartz and glass are in place however it’s looking a little lifeless and sweet there’s a desert right there now it’s kind of just daytime so I guess I’ll be waiting here till it turns night all right it’s night

Time here we go now I just got to get one of them to pick up the stick okay none of them one of the stick so I’ll have to use a name tag wait that one grabbed my stick H boom captured yeah how do you like it

In here huh now I’m pretty sure I saw a Pillager Outpost this way aha there it is right next to the giant ruin portal that I’m also going to have to make okay this is going to be tough because there’s going to be pillagers shooting me the entire time let’s start taking

This thing down what are you looking at fool get out of here bro just shot me while falling midair that’s actually pretty impressive and you’re dead another one oh my goodness these guys are coming in everywhere oh my goodness I look like a porcupine problem is the lower I get

Down the more often they can shoot me cuz they can finally reach me it’s very annoying dude free crossbow oh it broke oh wow it goes into the ground pretty structurally sound Rhymes so it must be true I just to hit myself with that Arrow by mining the block now I got to

Make room for itoo okay that took a serious amount of time also let’s just charge through this thing really quickly cuz I want to get to the Woods Mansion I’m very excited for that there it is fully built although it’s missing some uh decorations sick he’s in all right I got

Him and I got another guy going over there yeah yeah look at that I got like five or six guys in there now and they’re all named Alfredo which is probably the best part of it all we got to get the Pillager Outpost decorations on this side now a tent

Sweet yeah oh wait yeah and then there’s also the logs like that oh I need one of those cage things with like the Iron Golem in it or the LA or whatever it is and ooh I don’t think they have any of those at this one time to find a new one

Oh this is the one I found before I think that I got this one From I made that noise before however maybe I’m not so lucky as I don’t see any of the other structures besides the tent ooh this one looks like it’s got all the stuff I need okay we’re out of here boom I think that’s what it looks like

Scarecrows go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go now you’re trapped in there for the rest of Eternity Let’s uh finish this thing off shall we boom there we go now the last structure for the Overworld surface structures is the Woodland Mansion okay

So I’ve dug out an outline for this entire Mansion it’s about 100 by 100 by 30 blocks so uh let’s mine this thing this pick is about to break that is two netherite picks broken and this is how far I am I have to go like what 10 times this at least

All right so I’ve been mining for uh 5 and 1 half hours or so I don’t know around there anyway we are certainly getting there the only Annoying Thing is water cuz I don’t have any sponges somehow I may just be a and instead of going to get sponges I’m like

No I’ll just plug it up anyway I’ll get back to you guys when I actually finish this thing wo okay it’s big enough to finally fit your mom now I got to do a little cut and boom what here’s the Dark Forest hopefully this is the one with the

Woodland mansion in it yeah there it is sweet it doesn’t look too bad in here oh yep okay uh I got to capture this guy good he’s in the hole sweet choppy choppy I’ve taken down most of the walls in the first layer as you guys can see this is looking pretty sick Now I just got to grab the Wool uh-oh uh-oh got one two three ha nice getting this last wool now let’s go rebuild the first layer in the museum oh never mind I forgot there’s still the floor of this one and those cages one moment the only thing left is these jail

Cells but they’re full of LA and I am fresh out of lead so I’ll fly back to the museum then build the first floor super quickly that took like 4 hours and finally grab the LA and now we can rebuild the cages that hold the LA Wait why do I hear Flames oh no what how is it burning no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no what how did this catch on fire it’s spreading so fast too how did I not even notice this until right now oh my goodness dude No bro I don’t even know if this is worth it I just lost so much time and I still have the ocean Monument the nether fortress and Bastion and the ancient city what am I even supposed to do now this is all the I can’t get more

Material cuz this was made of the material from the Woodland Mansion like well I’m so close to finishing it I guess I might as well just finish the mansion and we’ll go from there okay it’s the next day I got all the LA and everything in there uh yep

Let’s just keep going YooHoo demolition crew here anyone here needs to evacuate I know I heard a Badd oh two baddies in one room this is better than college so I think what I’m going to do is go beneath them I think they’re below this

Room so I’m just going to like open this up like this and then just Place water in here oh he’s definitely not in the right spot ha I caught him though spli oh no come back here you fool no ah stop using your magic on me I want to spliff

You okay okay okay I got him I got him I got him all right I can take this thing down in peace finally H there’s a secret room up here look at that dude that’s sick wo woo okay I’m 50% there but still 100% Insane that was insane did you guys see that jump I jumped up and then I okay well that just happened man I got to take down the two chicken legs and the uh um rest of the Cobblestone boom first up we got to do the Cobblestone all right so I just

Place double like this for the whole ring around just a just a massive ring around the entire structure why why are you guys still still watching this this is extremely boring also as of right now I am just completely choosing to ignore that there’s a massive hole here from the

Fire and move on now let’s build a staircase here think I go like this these two of these carpet goes here all right now I got to build the walls boom one two three boom Oh and I fell okay these walls are taking taking forever so what Hey look it’s finished hey look

You’re an idiot the rooms are completely empty boom oh yeah all right let’s start with this room oh wait I kind of forgot the windows one second done first to do a couple beds like this and a little desk right here with a carpet one of

These with a Little Flower and next up is this Room now I just do chairs like so and wood here and a bunch of upside down stairs and some carpet this one is the staircase now the chicken legs the uh um other part of the chicken this is just a repeat of the other room so nice this

One is a cool room got a big old map in the middle and a sweet bookcase over here boom now I have to do oh wait I never built these pillars nice little table Pink Carpet flower pot and whatever the heck this thing is oh this one is a boxing ring

Which is interesting get out of here you you bat boom Oh but it’s not done yet there’s still this door here oh but it’s still not done there’s still this slab but it’s still not done still a big old viewing area and the second floor is

Still not done yet I forgot to add the Torches you idiots and boom there we go all the Torches are placed never mind I lied now all I got to do is snap my fingers boom okay um I think I’m going to do this one differently and take it

From the top first boom all the walls are gone now I got take down the rest of this after I go to the bathroom dude mining these bookshelves is so Satisfying all right I got all the structures except for bro’s face now I just got to take down all of the flooring boom boom all of it’s been mined all right well let’s build the rest of this pretty quickly cuz you guys are probably tired of this

Build yay wooo no way finally done suck it you numnuts not even close to have the mobs I haven’t decorated the outside that’s about it really oh be real just went off let get a sick One yeah ooh I just turned off full bright and uh There we go this place is brighter than my future now I failed to do this in the beginning of the video so I put it off but I can’t avoid it anymore it’s time to get the mobs for the Woodland mansion with all the mobs I’ve moved for this

Museum so far every time I go in the nether it’s just a random trail of levers okay now I just got to bring this portal down to where the actual mobs are okay this is the part where it gets sketchy good they’re still in there um

Just going to make a clear pathway for them to follow okay okay W they’re flooding out and most of them already forgot about me how the heck did they not see Me boom okay so now I have to go through the portal but I’m a little bit afraid because there’s so many mobs all trapped on the other side so I’m going to put on my oh oh actually I can’t put on my chest plate because the blocks are like

This so I I’ll need to be able to go underneath them to get out okay yeah I’m just going to hold two totems when I go through um and hopefully I don’t die there’s a lot of mobs trapped in there okay well uh here we Go oh no oh balls oh oh my channel 99% of you aren’t even [Applause] subscribed thank you for subscribing just click the little red button I love you so peace

PART 1/2 I Trapped Every Structure In Hardcore Minecraft

Part 2: https://youtu.be/uGnUyDd9ESA

The goal of this series is to create the GREATEST HARDCORE WORLD on YOUTUBE BABYYYYYYYY

-Patreon (world download) : https://www.patreon.com/Joebeppo
-Merch: https://beppo.store
-Twitter: @TheBeppoJoe

Business inquiries:
-Email: Beppobusiness@gmail.com

Replay Mod (for timelapses)
Optifine (for performance)
Litematica (so i know how to make each structure)
Boosted-brightness (so I can see in the dark)
Sodium-fabric (for performance)

Vanilla tweaks

Video Note:
You may have noticed the ending of part 1 it’s night time but the same clip at the beginning of part 2 it’s day. This is because I had to figure out how best to connect part 1 and 2 so I re-recorded the clip for part 1 in a world copy. The real clip is what you see at the beginning of part 2.

Inspired by: Sandiction, Kolanii, Carvs


  1. Subscribe to help us create THE GREATEST HARDCORE WORLD ON YOUTUBE


  2. I think beppo is the only youtuber that I will give an excuese for taking a like 3 months an episode with the huge projects he does.

  3. What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures
    What about the end structures

  4. bruh finding every version of the houses in zombie village variation is kinda a waste of time since you couldve just placebsome cobwebs randomly

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