Minecraft Speedrunner VS 5 Hunters

This video five of my friends try and hunt me down and stop me from beating minecraft i said i would try against 500 as the last video got 1 million likes and it did in a day so here we are can they stop me from beating the ender

Dragon or will i survive this is it minecraft manhunt also only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you end up liking this video consider subscribing it’s free and you can always change your mind enjoy the video oh my god nice your blocks guys get blocked

Just keep him and keep him in come on wait guys wait he has a tree he has a tree in the room we gotta go now go go go go go go go come on oh my god okay let’s go let’s go let’s just go go go go come on

This should be good running over here this way is it oh there’s some wood right here i’ll make one really quick i got one i got one i got one i’m stuck in there where are you going what’s up i was literally stuck the water is so interesting

I gotta i gotta i gotta i’m swimming in the water i’m getting iron let’s try this right this way oh my god i found more diamonds yes oh my goodness oh my god we’re gonna be so stacked you guys having a box yet what did he

Make uh you’ll see yeah i think i think we need to go up follow the compass it’s like i don’t know it’s going up all right let’s go let’s go let’s go back we gotta go now come on your girlfriend we’re gonna go help our friends we’re coming here

There’s water water takes like us now hiding in the house i’m going to grab some extra wood is that it who’s here come on up the water you’ve been fighting someone wait it’s down and wait yeah this i think he’s is down there um i don’t you’re boxing well it’s

Pointing the green back towards the river here wait i see his name down there he’s down there right there right down here guys oh there’s another ravine right here what it’s over here where we came from where is this this is bridging you can see where he’s like bridgette looking bridge there is

I see you george i see you where is he where’s your coming where is he over here over here where’s he george i he’s like i just saw your name why are you shifting okay i don’t want him right here is this his cowboy is he going up or

Down yeah yeah he was like he was hit i i just saw cobb oh he went up he went up he went up he went up oh my goodness oh my gosh damn no just come back sam come back i’m coming back i’m coming back don’t worry don’t worry i’m coming back

Is he did he seriously go back up yeah calm down did you need our chords where are uh minus two hundred do you see uh where is he i think he’s below it i thought he saw his name this was a tunnel towards the compass i think he’s george is he by you

Oh wait no that’s sam frost let’s say i’m frozen i thought that was i hear k’s around me i think he’s down here george are you like down there mining iron right now wait wait he’s moving wait i just dug into the review he’s moving he’s moving in the cave right now oh

There’s iron here i’m going to grab iron where did he go wait wait guys how do you have almost full diamond come on get him oh my god Oh my gosh oh he’s in this tree there’s so many cows there there’s cows sorry sorry sorry too far that’s right get blocked good luck okay he’s up he’s turning off he doesn’t have a bow or anything so we should be safe with this tower straight up for a george window shield gosh

Adrian here oh my gosh be careful guys guys be careful guys you guys need to be very careful you might not be able to take them without me the grass is blocking it oh get right here oh my shield my shield oh my god i’m gonna go behind him i’m

Gonna go ahead and go on him i’m moving too oh i messed up my sprint he’s gaining ground he’s so fast guys guys honestly honestly we might want to recoup and just get iron genuinely you think so you’re just going to get iron i think that’s what we should do okay oh

My goodness we’re so far away all right sat nap are you like i i just i just got down i just got down bring the bring the smokers okay there’s a ravine hey guys come over here there’s a ravine yeah i’m gonna see if there’s any iron in

This portal thing oh my god gosh that was so scary i know where you are i’ll be there in a second okay look at him where’s the ravine hey this is this is i thought damn oh guys is this you guys yeah yeah oh my god i just got creepered oh

Get away this is mine what i i just put my iron in there i’m just melting with you baby are you don’t call me a baby baby i just need like enough i got enough iron for me myself and i hey we gotta go fast guys quickly smell and let’s okay okay

Wait bad bad what look look what’s down here oh yes mine don’t mind the mine to mine them yes oh my god diamonds diamonds i want the achievement too i want the chicken to throw me one throw me one i want the achievement i make a diamond oh my gosh

What happened bro there’s like five creepers there’s so many creepers everywhere they’re blowing it’s happening you guys are just being like bombarded by we’re gonna die we’re literally gonna die hey you guys oh my god i thought you would dream for a second if i look like dream right three times What are you guys doing i’m just grabbing the rest of this there we have it oh guys let’s go to the nether uh-oh we gotta go oh sam look at this let’s go All right go go go go guys go go go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go oh you’re enchanting what i was occupied all right guys protection and everything enchant let’s go enchant let’s go you need to go you go i know i know freak

Out bad you’re the last time i’m hurrying i’m hurrying that’s right here over here there’s a thing here too okay doesn’t look like a trap the ground look around follow the cobblestone oh how did it get through yes let’s go oh wait yes but i think i found the way that

I thought sam wait sam’s way anyways can you find out where he went really yeah yeah yeah i’m just going towards i think so i think so sam’s i think there’s so much lobby here oh my gosh do you see me yeah yeah over here oh no yes look who’s behind you trees

Oh my god let’s go where are you going is it here get him go kill any blazes we see by the way guys okay i’m gonna get this one no he’s going into stupid walking no you don’t well you’re a diamond pick no you don’t no you don’t oh

George what you’re worried george george no matter i have one ah dreams know where to run is What oh my gosh i got a half a heart are you serious wait what yeah me through the thing i got the half a heart bad why do you have an anvil first very special reason you made an a minute yeah why because i wanted to do you have any book Wait what what what what yes what what happened fishing rod in it are you serious it took your axe Apparently you can cause he just didn’t let’s go you can do that it’s called nightmare what give it back okay oh careful hold me up pull me up pull me up okay i’ll pull you up damn sadness stop stop stop don’t die sign up oh oh i dropped Oh i got his shield i got a shield go go go go go wait what what in the world what careful what is he doing just like that back get up back up get back no back don’t die i’m telling you oh my gosh yeah yeah forget that back up back

Up back up let’s wait for george you Oh Oh my god Oh my god oh my god oh my god run rise just run let’s get over just hide this build guys i’m in the fortress what do i do get out just vlogging i’m dying So many blacks there’s so many yeah yeah forget this i’m get i’m different what just happened george we there’s so let’s go around let’s go around guys we got to meet back up where’s everyone at here i’m above yeah them oh my gosh i got caught on fire

There you go there you go honestly it’s irritating me there’s a good chance the dream might just die in that fortress yeah there’s no way he survives that there’s so many it’s like an army of blazes that is impossible did you see how many like fireballs they

Were shooting at once no there was like the sky was full of them there’s no way you can jump you know have you seen the movie 300 no you know when the arrows come over that’s exactly what it was like that is insane I can’t believe i got a diamond pick and a diamond axe for free okay i get it shut up do we head back to the portal uh i don’t know what we should do now i say we just wait for him to leave the fortress there’s so many blazes over there

I mean what if he’s able to get out of the porch without us noticing i would not be good oh no there’s arrows down there i’m gonna get them What should we do i’m killing this one i got it i got it hey jordan damn sam i’m here i think we should just get all the blaze rods you’ll come inside the forces the fortunate side he’s like the side is like just keep going why do i think there’s so much damage

Why do i think he’s doing so much damage this is fifi yeah it is beefy this way yeah i’ve already made this journey twice i know the way all the way yeah right here ready oh no we’re like we think when it right up here thing oh my goodness what

Oh my god what is it it’s dying it likes is it in the wall oh george be careful oh guys watch out careful it’s a gas yes nice oh no muffin guys kill some more of those things How many of these do you have the thing i’m holding in my hand how many do you have he’s like faded out of existence the guy he did sorry it was so dramatic and he’s looking right at me i have two i too let

Me have it let me have him okay oh thank gosh okay i’m take mine okay all right i’m like i feel i feel kind of safe right now that’s usually when the worst things happen so okay no pearls it’s kind of dumb no one keep this in the video

Keep the silent parts in them wait wait you didn’t hear it no all right oh my mic is too good i farted i’m in the nether i’m looking for some stuff i cannot find it i do not have enough i need some pearls i need some gold i

Need everything i need like a sebastian hello muffins is that sebastian little sebastian this diamond pickaxe is so useful do you shut up you won’t shut up about it i mean it’s too fair it is it’s really honestly you’re just listening you say it you say it one more time and i i

Forfeit i quit i’m done oh yeah this diamond really useful yeah let’s go 100 left come back oh yes yes no way oh it’s one of the op ones too let’s go i did it what wait what i have never seen this dude what is this what this is like the most

Bastion i’ve ever seen in my life All right Oh my gosh did my mic pick that up just now this is random but i just unleashed the gas blaster 9000. i feel like i have a chance i didn’t think i had a chance until now now i think i have a chance at least you had that nice moment for yourself uh

Just give me pearls oh my gosh no they don’t have to it’s like why the trading is so annoying like i’m gonna be here another million years oh he’s done oh he went down he went down he stuck he’s stuck just chase him you can’t go anywhere oh my goodness careful careful Now come on we got him we got him oh oh my behind you i fell i fell ahead he’s gonna go through we gotta he’s gonna make it he’s gonna make it through we gotta go fast come on come on come on come on come on everyone everyone go through the

Same time come on come on yeah george hurry up all right let’s all get together ready three wait keep your eyes peeled all right where is he where is he where is he where is the compassion crazy compass he’s down below up blow us i’m mining down there’s a cave

Where is it he’s this way this one’s starting to okay he’s not in here there’s tnt here what what is it no no about yeah get on get out of my mouth this way this life gets up what literally i have i have iron what have you called me Come here go take this take this take this take this that’s the money shot go go go go go go you guys step back and come back dream make stuff out make sense go go go go oh i broke it you’re not you’re very quiet dream oh

He’s putting his gear he’s putting on his armor he’s got an ant skin what i got him oh we’re gonna get his shoulder i think i got a shield i don’t have a shield oh wait no i do okay thanks for the arrow dream i’m going to boost your snap damn do you

Have a better weapon i need a better weapon okay oh oh i got hit good job now okay everyone careful i don’t know we got a creek got a great guy i gotta quit besides him shield down here right here take that thank you i got it

Good job george give me give me the cover fire all right wait i have one more oh he’s scared he’s gotta be looking he’s blowing though he’s going though we can see him oh my goodness this is it for you dream he’s right here he took out the train get him

Just rotate right here no i’m low i’m low i’m low oh wait wait wait wait wait wait back up back up back up stay upright pick up his stuff get him get him i got i gotta get it oh my god i damn are you catching up i’m almost back i’m almost back

With me okay just lock on him and head towards yeah that’s what i’m doing that’s what i’m doing just chase that’s a shot oh i’m out about arrows i’m so cool oh my gosh get it get it get it from him he got it he gotta heal it oh my god go

Go go goodness now he knows which way the portal is damn i’m seeing him he’s gonna shoot an arrow watch out he’s gonna flick and hit you just be careful what yeah 200 million iq how did he hit me go go go never mind it [Laughter]

There’s no way you two are in a boat and you’re making it to us yes hey bro let’s go i just see this obsidian i just did that get the broken the bro he got it did he get it oh he got it he threw it there get the eye get it

No no no no we got it i got I don’t have an x i don’t have an x There he is he made a new chess play what i’m catching you up i was right under it how did he get that oh my god He’s going that way the who kept removing the water i did but like you look you’re just gonna die no why would you remove the water you idiot i’m sorry Look look do it dude we’re just gonna [Laughter] Again Yeah just wait for him oh my goodness i don’t know where you guys are i lost you i look for names i’d look forward to i know i went through that i’m gonna try and find you i see you i see you i see your names at least just stick to us

Just say to us here we go Make what I’ve grabbed all the arrows you get shot i’m throwing it down there’s like three more power what what happened don’t die why stop it i’m gonna give you something to give yourself get this stuff we got it we got it we got it we gotta go I threw one i threw one did you get the food are you my voice where is he where is he I don’t have any arrows or anything ah matt here right here no no he got under i don’t know I know oh my god how do i get in go around to the other side i’m coming in oh what no are you kidding i got it i got in here oh dude how do i get in there oh my god we got launched so far i landed got him he’s right here

He’s running i can’t catch him oh the dragon the dragon’s wrecking me the dragon’s wrecking me i got him you gotta go let’s jump back watch out oh is you

Minecraft Speedrunner VS 5 Hunters. You asked for it. This was absolutely insane.
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BadBoyHalo: @thesaintsofgames
George: @GeorgeNotFound
Sapnap: @Sapnap
Antfrost: @Antfrost
Awesamdude: @awesamdude

We decided to call this series Minecraft Manhunt. This video is a different rendition of it, where there are not FOUR hunters but FIVE instead of just one.

This is a new Minecraft but, 1.16 challenge that we have decided to try. I try to beat the game, while my friend George AND my friend Sapnap AND my friend BadBoyHalo AND my friend Antfrost AND my friend awesamdude tries to prevent me from doing it. It’s a race, and it’s super intense and we had a lot of laughs. I love doing these challenges.

If this video gets 1,000,000 likes we’ll do a rematch!

Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin



  1. Dream if you see this I love you videos but when you get out of the nether break the obsidian so they can't get out for a while and plus where is my cookie

  2. 27:08 " I got the ghast tears, I got the ghast tears" How did no one talk about this? they had the end crystal strategy in the end planned. Dream could have saw it coming that they might use end crystal haha.

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