The Story of Minecraft’s Last Gods

This is the story of Minecraft’s last Gods from creating the world to fighting for power myself and my robotic companion Guido are going back in time to see how their story ended no wait quo where are we it looks like the Minecraft di menion but there are no

Trees or water or mobs yeah and look dude even the sun is missing I think I know what’s going on on here we travel back to the beginning of the Multiverse before life itself dude this is so cool oh my gosh what the heck is that suddenly four

Meteors tore through the sky each representing a different element when the blue meteor landed it created the oceans and rivers of the Minecraft Dimension when the Red One landed the Sun Burst into life and illuminated the world the green meteor group plants and trees allowing life to be created and the

White meteor created weather wow Guido look at that the first rain in the Minecraft Dimension rain from the meteors four Gods representing the elements of fire water air and Earth watched over their new Creation Guido that was awesome oh we’re going to Lear so much this is going to be so cool come on follow me me I want to learn more yep we just got to break down these Vines and we’ll find out what happened next a this is so exciting you shouldn’t

Be here moral uh Steve was that you no of course it wasn’t me Guido but whoever it was they don’t want me to carry on with the story uh yeah we screw them I’ve got to find out what happens next that looks like the air God and the fire

God oh man and another cave Steve look out oh my gosh zombies stay back I’m warning you H wow they actually did stay back no Steve they’re just targeting someone else hey leave that poor guy alone quo we’ve got a help let’s take it out thanks buddy and once we’re done

Here we’re going to find those gods and discover the rest of their story wait a second the Betrayal dude what does that mean I don’t see look out what in the multi pass there an entire Army of them there way too many this isn’t going to end

Well stay back now what are we going to do St it’s the a oh you zombies really messed up now she’s so cool I wonder what her story is the god of air like the other gods was sworn to protect the world from Monsters she effortlessly glided through

The air destroying Hostile Mobs with ease to show their appreciation for to the gods the villagers built the water fire earth and air temples there they worship the gods for saving them from the monsters wao whoo wo hold on there’s no such thing as an air Temple to use

Indeed no air temples exist anymore and this is why not all the gods were good the god of fire discovered the Nether and sought to use it as a fuel source to supercharge his hours in exchange he offered sacrifices to the piglins hey buo what’s going on here I don’t know

But this doesn’t feel right hey look he kidnapped those villagers the pigin are e and look dude it’s some kind of trade they eat the villagers and the fire god gets a Nether Star for fuel as long as you continue to provide me with fuel I shall provide you with food and

Next time B I don’t like this fire guy Guido come on let’s go see what he’s got planned next sten’s the GU of there she caught him you what were you doing in there there is nothing to be found in the nether but desolate Wasteland this

Is far from the truth sister there is a whole other civilization of people that need our help then show me wait no it’s going to be a trap she can’t hear us oh we can’t let this happen despite her power the god of air couldn’t see the Betrayal coming brother No weo I think we’re too late the people of the Minecraft Dimension were unaware of the air God’s demise over time the sky temples fell into disrepair before disappearing compl completely that is why no Sky temples exist anymore but her disappearance caused even greater Problems with the god of their dead Phantoms were able to attack defenseless villagers we’ve got to be the ones to protect the villagers now that’s right Guido now will you quit talking so I can aim you thanks my bad the only problem is there just seems to be so many of

Them I guess with the god of air gone these guys are getting more confident let see Mom I’m scared stay back leave my Percy alone stay away from them you stinking Phantoms it’s no us a there’s got to be another way come on follow me

Hey check it out I think I can scam this Iron Golem my weo is not a fashion contest getting there and destroy those Phantoms all right now the Phantoms are distracted I can check on that boy and his mother oh thank the Multiverse they okay oh my gosh no that sant’s going to

Kill her don’t worry kid I’m going to help uh weo it looks like it looks like the kid can’t see me yeah because we’re in the past oh no then I’m really not sure what we can Gods if you can hear me I need you I can’t go on without my mom

The gods heeded Percy’s call oh not this CH it’s okay Percy the gods will save us all but the god of fire or any other God for that matter didn’t Care Percy never forgot what the gods did he made it his life goal to avenge his mother one by one he would find and slay the gods wow Guido this story is shocking but it does explain a lot yeah I’m guessing we already know the end of

The story because the gods are gone Percy must have slay them Percy Percy embarassed as shall you uh-oh you look the sky has become red the ocean is boiling and turning into lava and just look at our friends nothing like sunbathing at night wow huh I guess I better put on some more

Sunscreen the god of fire is here so much fuel so little time he’s here to consume everything then we’ve got to continue with the story to find the fire God’s weakness and defeat it wait quido is that py we’re so doomed pery was dead and with the fire god

Approaching I only had one option to continue on my journey in the past and make sure that Percy survived and that means dealing with the god of Earth wa Guido look at this this place is huge the Earth Temple the C Forest must be inside god of Earth I’ve come for you

The Vengeance you seek lies not with me toal I advise that you turn back rise now remember Guido we have to keep Percy alive even though he can’t see us we’re going to have to be his Guardian Angel Percy began his journey across a long dangerous bridge surrounded by towering

Trees but what Percy didn’t realize is that he wasn’t alone run py see he can’t hear you yeah well it looks like he’s got the G come on dude wait what is that we got to get out before the door closes oh my gosh oh

Py get up dude what are you doing it’s no use don’t worry I got Him no hurry the doors got closed come on py we’ve got this no py you good dude we can’t hear you oh you’re right but the Earth God’s games were not over just yet now had to navigate a huge hollow out tree trunk simple right oh no no no no it’s a trap

Okay there’s got to be some way out of this tree trunk uh okay there’s some levers over here let’s see let’s see there must be a random order I’ve got to pull these in uh something like this hurry up what do you think I’m doing it’s not like you person you’re doing

Anything it’s a fire fer wait I got it come on guo finally dude we’re starting to think I lost you hey check it out so it turns out that the god of Earth has some kind of weird natural protection against us digging on the blocks here noted so

Instead I’m guessing that we have to craft something uh let me see I can take all these resources should come in useful and it looks like right over here we’ve got an entrance into the next floor so maybe by using the stuff we found we can craft ourselves a few trap

Doors then we’ll put one right about here open it up go right underneath it and pow nice job it looks like pery figured it out as well hey stey drop this well thanks quido but I’m not really sure how that helps me wait seven sticks that means we can make a ladder

To get up there okay let’s uh quickly do this before we’re Crush to death by spikes and come on guys get up this way I got a py with me next we’ve got some Netherrack surrounding a single leaf block so I’m guessing I have to burn this oh oh dude that’s Flint everywhere

So if I can dig through this then I might be able to get some Flint which I’ll use to turn into a flint and steel and burn through the lead ah there we go now what about the steel very good question but oh here we go a secret

Barrel you can’t fool me Earth guard here we go just like this and there we go one flint and steel which we use oh my gosh oh which we used to burn this thing down come on what taking so long no quido I can’t tell it how F to burn

Oh there we go go go go you know what see you this is taking too long I’ve got a better idea Guido I thought you’d never Ask no thanks Guido oh no Guido he’s down to half a heart which means he can’t take one single bit of damage when he comes up against the god of Earth you were a fool to enter my domain mortal oh look out the god of Earth had devastating attacks

That could deal ridiculous amounts of damage the first was a heavy swing with his staff no no no no no oh py that was a close one the next was Leaf G which had the power to send enemies flying back py I got you buddy what the how is this

Possible oh yeah I forgot you couldn’t see me that must have looked really weird for you and finally the God’s most powerful attack Bloom points in the area will glow and you need to make sure you get out of the way before huge spikes tear through the ground oh no no guys

This is it he’s going to cast Bloom wait what the heck is py doing you must think the G we SP oh he’s going to get himself killed I’m not afraid of you show me what you got I’m got to get this guy out of here before he hurts himself wa oh

Nice one Guido Percy’s going in yeah but look Guido the god of Earth is just laughing it off he’s not even damaging him I realized that Percy was Far weaker than the god of Earth so I had to get involved tickles no it’s not supposed to tickle it’s supposed to kill you it

Seemed the God was invulnerable Percy was becoming tired and the God was just toying with him I needed to figure out a way to turn the tide fire the god of Earth’s armor was completely made of word and setting it to light could have revealed a weak spot

If you’ve got a plan you better do it see there it is Guido I see the weak Spar Guido B for right now now I’ve just got to hope my aim is true come on come on gotcha yes he’s weak now let’s see if Percy can land the finishing blow oh

We did it no Guido hery did it hery had eliminated one of his targets and now two more remained one of which was heading straight for me where is he we’ll never tell you yeah you are welcome to check out this map Austin the god of fire knew exact exctly

Where I was he stomped over to my location and plunged his huge fist into the ground dude he’s here you need to carry out the person’s story I’ll distract him good luck steeve oh quo what are you doing okay we’ve got to do this for Percy and for

Guido onwards Percy the water God awaits I have no issue with you mortal turn back or suffer the consequences not until I’ve slain every last one of you very well it looks like the lightning created some kind of warpool that must be our way into the water temple we’ve just got

To get there without being hit by those rocks let’s just hope that py stays focused we’ve got against that wple dude here we go hold on TI No oh my head hey hy you good dude okay welcome Percy how do you know my name I have seen you strike down one of

My brothers you will not do the same to me I don’t like this Percy he’s not charging in directly for an attack he’s just stalking us the god of water was especially deadly in his shark form he could circle around his opponents and if they weren’t paying attention use a

Devastating charge attack wait the shark’s coming this way I’ve got to move py what in the Multiverse e am I in the stomach of the shark everything’s so sticky and gross oh well there’s got to be somewhere I can help Percy from in here like maybe I can destroy these

Blocks they look important okay let’s see pickaxe and Wham hey that just gave me something shark scale and it did some damage we can’t fight the shark from the outside so I’ll fight it from the inside ha this is my chance oh sounds like Percy’s dealing

Some damage wait what the heck was that so oh my gosh it’s a tidal wave whatever this is this can’t be good for Percy or me hopefully this freshens the shark’s M but I got to get out of here no Percy Percy took the full hit of

The water blast and it broke his sword without a weapon pery is doomed uh let me see maybe I can make something I did just get those shark scales so if I do something like this this right here sh sces ah the water is my domain Percy the

Oceans bow to me oh I hope Percy knows how to catch he did it he killed another God I know someone is here helping me me with my quest just know I appreciate it together we can stop the gods no one can stop me you’re not going any further fire god bring it

On this is going to be F Guido sounds like he’s in real trouble but if I can carry on with the story then I wonder if defeating the fire god in the past would get rid of him in the present it’s up to me to keep going Percy had one more name on his list the

Slayer of the god of air the Eater of the nether the god of fire your time is up Demon I’ve heard that many times before mortal do I know you you don’t remember me do you you don’t even know what you did to Me you kill so many Mortals and eventually they all blend together but I will say this whatever I did to you I would happily do it again hery had heard enough he began Landing strike after strike and he was actually hurting the god of fire what what is going on on

Steven Percy must be doing some damage in the past this is my Moment come on Percy this is it I’ve never seen the god of fire this week come on get in there oh no the god of fire was one step ahead he absorbed fire energy from the lava pools nearby and detonated a powerful Shockwave attack wait look the horns around the

Fire God’s Throne they’ve got cranks in them I wonder if Percy could bring them down on the fire god I’ve just got to let him know lead him to the horns he’s reading it lead him to the horns yes keep Going now one more sign this one’s really important subscribe to checkpoint yeah make sure you do it dude with each hit the god of fire was weakened severely until he was brought down to his knees once more this is it my friend today we will have our

Revenge wait that wasn’t the real God of Fire then where is he py you cannot kill a God no that can’t be it I kid have failed it is so Percy so this is how my story ends the god of fire is stronger than any of us there is

No shame in failing and this is how everyone’s story ends eventually hercy had failed in his quest but he could still be the hero he was born to be you’re the one who’s been helping me Steve here will require your help in the future to save his world from the god of fire

And I’m of no use to you Steve I couldn’t kill the god of fire when I had the chance but you didn’t have this this weapon is forged from our bodies if wielded by a hero who is true of heart it may be enough to slay the god of fire

No no no no he’s here stay back I’m warning you no your world is mine I’m not sure I’m not strong enough it’s okay pery it’s okay the gods will save us All please don’t do this hey Percy had returned and he was here to finish his story quido get out and help him I’ve been waiting a long time for This weo I think I think he did it look the sky is turning back to normal and look the lava’s going too and the fire God himself he’s turning to dust wow I’m still by the way I I did it the god of fire is gone your mother would be proud of you

Percy what the what’s going on you’re returning to your own timeline he’s gone with the gods vanquished monsters were now free to roam the Minecraft Dimension fortunately a hero remained to defeat them this trait passed down from generation to generation and with the story complete myself and Guido return

To the checkpoint ready for the next adventure

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This is Minecraft, but it’s the story of Minecraft’s last GODS When Steve finds a mysterious mural in the jungles of Minecraft, he must discover the real story of Minecraft’s last GODS and the secret of their disappearance. Can Steve survive the origin of the lost Minecraft Gods, defend the people of the Minecraft dimension, and stop the Gods’s evil plans? Can he find out why the Gods left the Dimension, the true story of where the gods went, and the real story of their rise to power? Why do Gods no longer exist, and why are they so big? This is the true story of Minecraft’s Last Gods!


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~ G.U.I.D.O Animation by:
~ Music/SFX by Epidemic Sound:
~ Minecraft builds by Ambient Creations:

Follow our incredible voice cast:
Cyrus Rodas:
Dallis MacKenzie:
Corey Wilder:
Brooke Johnson:




Minecraft is an open world game that has no specific goals for the player to accomplish, allowing players a large amount of freedom in choosing how to play the game however, there is an achievement system. The gameplay by default is first person, but players have the option to play in third person mode. The core gameplay revolves around breaking and placing blocks. The game world is essentially composed of rough 3D objects—mainly cubes—that are arranged in a fixed grid pattern and represent different materials, such as dirt, stone, various ores, water, and tree trunks. While players can move freely across the world, objects and items can only be placed at fixed locations relative to the grid. Players can gather these material blocks and place them elsewhere, thus allowing for various constructions.

#Checkpoint #TheStoryOf #Minecraft


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