Old Town! | Hermitcraft 10 | Ep.10

Well well wellcome back to season 10 of hermitcraft and this is actually episode 10 10 whole episodes look at me go look at me making stuff and all that and because you know episode 10’s kind of a special one you probably expect you know me to cut away to me doing something

Weird whether it be like acting like gollem or doing something strange forcing you to like subscribe maybe insulting you probably should cut away to that now shouldn’t we be kind of funny if I just didn’t though and uh we just sat here in silence for like you know two

Seconds is it funny I don’t know but it’s happening maybe we’ll zoom in on my eyes but we’re not going to do it in a weird way just in a normal way you know look at that zoom in Lovely isn’t that lovely anyway please subscribe if you

Want to you don’t have to I’m not going to force you because that can’t be done trust me if I could force you I would have done it already today I’ve got some plans oh Baby I’ve got some plans firstly though I want to actually head

Over to the shopping district and see if we’ve made any sales and oh my gosh what’s going on what’s happened what’s all this oh my 32 diamonds is there any more is there any more is there any more another two oh my gosh I never expected this to happen 34 diamonds from squiding

I saw a couple clips of x and Cleo admiring Jeremy here and that’s the reason why they actually bought some glow in saxs they didn’t need it but who bought all the rest that’s crazy that’s made my day that has Whoever has bought my ink sacks thank you so much also

Quick side note my Internet situation has got even worse than usual our starlink has broken I’ve got a fix on the way but for now I’m on 5G yes the thing you run your phone off that’s my only way to play on hermitcraft or inecraft in general so if things look a

Bit laggier than usual that’s why it’s also why I’ve not challenged gem to a fight yet because I don’t want to like lose because of ping although that would be a good excuse no no we shouldn’t we shouldn’t fight her yet cuz I want to have all the best opportunity I want I

Want to win I want my heads but today what we are going to be focusing on is our post box here and to be honest EO Tango Pearl this is amazing the system it’s amazing but my gosh acia and aite it’s a bit ugly it’s a bit ugly I want

To get Pearl over to show me how to use it but before we can I can’t use it in this state it’s hideous I’m sorry guys it just is I need I need to change this up and that actually brings me to an idea I had because we’re heading down

This staircase now and this staircase at the moment is kind of our main staircase but that wasn’t my plan my plan was for this staircase to be the main one it’s going to be a lot bigger it’s going to head down there and although we’re going to build something else right here right

Now I’ve had an idea this here is going to be my sort of Oldtown Street if that makes sense this here is going to be the more cyber Punky you know crazy like weird detail stuff this here is going to be more like traditional Japanese sort

Of building style I think it works in well with the trees and the Tory gate and the build I want to do for this post box here is is going to be a bit more old school it’s not going to be super cyber Punky and luckily this build I’ve

Already built here kind of fit in with that theme already so let’s go gather some materials however for this material Gathering montage I’m not going to tell you my life story because I feel like you’ve heard enough of that already instead we’re going to list my 10 favorite things about being on

Hermitcraft so far let’s hope I can fit all 10 in go this is no particular order number one my base number two fan art is amazing number three EPO is obsessed with me number four magical mountain and how close together we all are number five that Reddit post about me having

Mania number six everyone’s been really nice to me and it’s been really fun number seven is the oh my God impulse noise number eight gem crashing on the first day was hilarious number nine all the nice comments people leave on these videos plus all the nice posts on Tumblr

Redit everywhere and finally number 10 I’m just having a lot of fun and it’s really fun and I really like it well wasn’t that Pleasant anyway here’s all the materials we need however I’ve just noticed that we actually have a little post box here now which is adorable it’s

Like a British post box I might have to move this I’ll try and incorporate it in somewhere but I was going to destroy all this this so let me just move it to the side for now it’s very very cute though but it’s time we got building our post

Box cover thing I don’t know what to call it to be honest this is probably a bit over the top maybe I should have just done something simple like this but you know me we go over the top quite often let’s build the outside of the

Shape of this thing right now now I actually had a lot of fun building something around this post box here and changing it up so it’s sort of you know more the style of what we’re going for we’re using a lot of Oak as well as Cherrywood as I haven’t really used

Cherrywood that much yet and we’re in a cherry biome I should use Cherrywood and there’s so many RS on this build I don’t know why I just wanted to add a load of roofs I think it looks really cool when you add loads of rofes all right let’s

Add in the final details here using some LEC turns covered in some Spruce trap doors and then next to the post box here we’re going to place some barrels we can use these to store our stamps then out on this side of the street here we’re

Going to do some more Le turns as we’ve got this sort of drop down bit and also in this area we’re going to add in some flowers saplings stuff like that to make it look pretty and then I guess we could put copper bars in up here make the meat

In the middle then a bit further up just a few levers like so for a bit of decoration and let’s put a lantern and then out front some more levers can I make this jump around here oh I can and then let’s just plop another Lantern on

For a bit of light and then around the front we’re just going to add on a little light using some end rods and up here I’ve plans for the future to have some sort of like little sticky out bit here I’m not sure how it’s going to look

But for now let’s just pop this in now I didn’t really explain in the time lapse why this is now just sticking out like so but I thought here would be a good place to have a little side streak coming off this could be how we access

Our honey farm in the future when we build you know the actual proper stuff by the way oh look at all that honey lovely but there we go I’m really really liking this and I think we should probably add this post box back in maybe just there like so it’s quite cute makes

It a little bit narrow but that’s okay we can still get to this easily enough but Pearl is online right now and I still don’t know how to use this post box so let’s call her over and see if she can help oh my gosh hello FAL service arrives

Hello hello I like your mule oh thank you very much he may struggle to get up the stairs uh actually you oh actually he’s not doing terribly yeah it could be worse I kind of redecorate the post box a bit Pearl I hope that’s okay oh my

Gosh this is the most drastic difference I’ve seen in a post box hold on a second can I stand a little bit further away from this you could probably get yeah I uh uh the design was nice and all but the acacia wood just didn’t really go

With my area so I thought change that and then I kind of got a bit carried away and changed everything else as well so yeah no honestly perfectly understandable that is just a temporary block anyway most people just don’t change it so okay everyone else just

Lazy I see I see I see can I just say your place is stunning though absolutely stunning I’m very excited to get my post box up and running as well because I it’s been here for quite a while now to be honest and I’ve just been looking at

It and I looked at these books and I just don’t know what to do so I’ve just left it uhhuh oh speaking of I need to actually get stuff out of my mail meal hold on come up here for a second he I don’t have it on me he’s hanging out I

Got some deliverables for you so you can actually finally use your mailbox and I’ll teach you how to use it too amazing first things first free mail stamp bundle this is for all the Hermits that are currently activated in the system you will get more later on as More

Release I need to put these back in the thing they’re they’re actually quite good honestly I for a long time I despise them and they’re actually quite quite quite that’s not bad it’s not bad for something like this I can’t see the use of them for anything other than this

Maybe flowers but yeah okay so that’s the first thing you need right second thing you need you need all these bad boys oh my gosh now they are property of the mail company so please do not use them outside of the post box if we catch

You using them outside of the post box you will be penalized okay sure sure sure okay yep and uh take a little bit of writing paper that is for addressing your packages just in case you want to add your name or you can be anonymous

It’s up to you really do what you want did you built this by the way was this you that wasn’t me that was did that it’s really cute but I I was like take a guess je come on no someone British cuz it’s a British post box is it gri uhhuh

Mhm G did that okay interesting interesting he turned up one day at my mailbox and said hey look at this thing do you like it do you like it yeah yeah it’s a good mailbox mate okay well so how does this work then I presume I’ve

Got to put something in this package you do right so that is is essentially your little parcel so you put whatever you want to send to people in there you can use the writable books that have been given here if you want to use those okay

And uh once you do that you click on this little dropper right here and this is where your destination stamp is going to go okay so I put them on a stamp to there okay so let me just I’ll just get one at random okay all right I’m going

To store the rest of my stamps in here as well cuz this is why I built this okay so you know just random EO for example has just popped up somehow I don’t know how that’s um so I put my stamp for EO in there

Uhhuh that’s right and then I WR set up your package okay but I want do I write something in the packet like write should I write some of this book what should I write PE what should I write to EO don’t ask me send him your love

Letter I guess neck kisses or something you know no no no don’t do neck kisses how are you that’s I do mail now love heart reading content mate okay sign oh there you go that actually makes bit bit better at the end and then pop that in

And then I’ll put in a tough stair can I do that as well you can do that you can fill up the whole ster box if you want to oh wow okay cool and yeah that I’ll put in one San Terra Cotter there we go I’m sure I really appreciate very

Creative of you thank you thank you and then do I put it in here that’s right that perfectly that’s exactly where you want to place it and then just push the button and that’s it that’s all you got to do yep and off it goes so looks like

It still works looks like you didn’t break it with your design amazing and then obviously when someone sends me mail I get the message it comes in here that’s right here look this is also an example what’s going to happen when it when it does You’ve Got Mail lovely

Lovely lovely not heard that yet mailed yet so you hadn’t no you hadn’t sent yourself mail to test it out wait can I do that you can do that it just might take a very long time to get to you how much do the stamps cost at the post

Office you can get eight individual stamps for one diamond or you can buy the full hermit pack plus the post office stamp for five diamonds okay amazing okay well that’s this is this is ingenu gone crazy that is Tango e for you yeah I know well obviously and you pill and you of

Course you’re the one who’s got to deal with all this Rascals and sort all this out so I think that’s harder job than putting in some stupid bit of redstone with the permit office you’d have to worry this customer service has been amazing so I mean in comparison thank

You very much there’s not there is no comparison let’s be real can you send a raving review de gree and please I would appreciate it a lot sure why does green need the re review I need I need a stamp permit okay okay okay fair enough I will

Make sure to do that then although I’ve still got other issues to resolve with the bloody permit office so I’m I don’t ah you’re on the same boat yeah yeah it’s not good it’s not good right uh one thing as well just just a side note if

There’s a package that’s a little bit too big to send in the mailbox so feel free to contact me you know okay just uh yeah feel free to free to send it my way I can I can handle all those kinds of things just saying all right okay what

You hand deliver it oh yes I will I will deliver it in person interesting if do people you know people okay can I ask request people to be delivered to me theoretically yes I don’t know how I do it but I’d figure it out okay well I’ll

Let you know if there’s anyone ever AFK and I want them near me for whatever reason what am I getting myself into I don’t know P I don’t know but thank you so much I appreciate the post box and everything it’s awesome oh I’m going to

Have to go buy some more stamps I didn’t realize I only got two of each person I need to spam people to buy my Glo ink sacks or something now impulse and BDubs are build in this massive cyber Punk city right next to our base here as you

Probably know they’ve also asked for people to Graffiti the walls and these walls are pretty close to my base right they’re just on the edge here so I thought how about I do some graffiti on some of these walls and I want to start out with a little mural on this wall

Here which I have an idea for in my head but we need a few materials so let’s craft up some concrete powder and also buy some Moss from gem also I’ve just noticed an End Rod Shop I need to buy some Hello impulse how are you doing I

Was just about to Graffiti your wall you can’t graffiti when I’m sitting here staring at it right wait are we not allowed to Graffiti it no you’re you’re perfectly allowed to graffi okay good I was scared I saw for you if I’m just literally standing here staring at you

The whole time I mean it’s just a big stone wall impulse what do you I mean I think a bit of graffi canvas yeah it’s the perfect canvas right make it look nice actually I was uh I was literally just standing here envisioning what I could put across the street here that

Won’t completely block your amazing entrance that I mean if it blocks it then it’s fine like is the road coming along here sort of thing is it going to keep going yeah I think uh yeah I’ll leave this back bit a bit empty so it

Could be somewhat of like a pathway SL I don’t know parking lot or or whatever empty empty space so it’ll it’ll tie together good but yeah I got couple buildings in mind okay this is like the marketplace you know you come in here and it’s going to be hustling and

Bustling and and is there going to be lots of entities cuz I feel like lots of entities is a bad idea with what’s going on over here right now this is a there’s a few paintings I can feel my FPS drop anyway I’m going to get graffiti you can

Turn away if you want you don’t have to look at yeah I’m not going to look I just I promise it’ll be okay it’s a mural not a graffiti can’t wait all right bye it’s like I just said it’s more of a mural than graffiti I’m going

To take some inspiration from my own Tor gate and these cherry trees here if we just dig this out and use a bit of green concrete powder as well as some actual green concrete to make some some grass like so I also want to leave little bits

Of stone in so it looks like it’s been sprayed on the wall so you can still see bits of the wall behind it and then let’s make the shape of a Tory gate yeah that’s pretty good and it’s scentered as well also this Lake here is very conven

Vent for just getting some concrete quickly there we go that’s looking pretty good and then on either side I want to do some cherry trees let’s use a mix of some pink concrete powder plus some Cherrywood to make a cherry tree shape I think that’s the best we’re

Going to get 2D and then on this side let’s build a slightly smaller cherry tree however I think it would look so much better if we got this light blue and this white here and made some like clouds and stuff also on this side it’s very floaty so we’re going to have to

Fill in the green on this side all right this is looking pretty good we got a few bits more to add here I kind of want to just you know like fade it out into the stone at this point not go too blue so maybe we just leave it like that but

That’s a cute little mural oh I really like it I think it looks amazing this whole thing when it’s all graffitied is going to look so cool it’s such a good idea let me know what you think I should put that side if there’s anything I

Should put that side oh gosh guys I’ve just real realized I’ve left this floating we can’t have this we can’t have this let’s spam this door and when we stop and fly off you can see it’s done look at that it’s not floating anymore it’s kind of terraformed just

Makes it look a bit neater in general despite the fact we still have this big hole here also I’ve just come online in the morning after finishing that bit last night and no one is online Ren is kind of online but he’s oh he’s I thought it was AFK he just said morning

I was going to say this the first time I’ve been the only one on the server by myself also if someone in the comments could let me know the best way to change this post box sign here to be in Japanese whether in Katakana Ki whatever

Is appropriate please let me know as I don’t trust Google translate anymore wait I’m alone there’s no one else online oh what should I do what should I do what should I do oh we could do anything we wanted I could buy some stamps no no that’s boring H I could

Swear in the chat no no I won’t hello all no one there it’s just me oh this is weird I could check we have more sales our shop oh we do I’m putting all our profits in here by the way ooh I know what we could do H should I no no I

Shouldn’t it is tempting though I forgot to log in on Sunday and I’m busy again this Sunday so I don’t think I’m ever going to get my blowing duplicate also Zuma’s open this trophy shop here for sales in the shop District so when you’ve made 100 diamonds you can buy a

Trophy they cost 10 diamonds so not 100 but we’re on 38 at the moment I should really open that honey shop next time we’re definitely opening the honey shop while I’m here though I’m definitely going to buy a spare elytra as I know I’ll lose mine at some point or Break It

And better be safe than sorry if I die anyway guys apologies that we didn’t get to fight gem this episode The starlink still isn’t fixed and I might just have to give in next episode as the C they sent out to fix it didn’t fix the problem woo really fun love life anyway

I’ll stop rambling instead I’m going to end the video good bye bye

Today I build a massive building around my postbox & also do some graffiti. Subscribe if you’re new 😀

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Hermitcraft Logo by @DnatorGames


  1. hey joel. fun fact about squids: they have blue blood because of a chemical called hemocyanin, which is similar to hemoglobin, but has copper instead of iron. thought of this because of your glow squid farm. doubt this knowledge will be useful, but it's a neat fact about squids.

  2. 5G/4G is way faster than Starlink. Get a mobile router instead. I had to as they got rid of the copper and didnt install fiber and except for some rare issues, it's quite fast! But I only have 4G but 5G is super good! I'm serious! It's entirely possible for 5G to be faster than some peoples fiber connection (In downlink)!


  4. So, Japanese mailboxes typically say

    on them (the first line is the kanji for post, second is the symbol for post and then in english) Fortunately Japanese post boxes look a lot like british ones.

  5. if you search up Jisho, it is a japanese dictionary, you can place english and get the meaning and japanese spelling, and if you place japanese you can get the english translation

  6. Finally feeling useful in this fandom lol. Japanese post boxes are marked with a 〒 symbol, or T with a line over it. Simple way to do it! If you want the full phrase you can write 郵便 (yuubin) with the 〒 symbol underneath. You could probably actually turn Grian's British post box into a very similar Japanese one. Google Japanese post box for an example!

  7. 郵便局 (Yu bin kyoku) means post office in japanese, so you could write 郵便 (yu bin) to mean mail. Its whats written on mail boxes in japan

  8. This base is really dense, I'm finding myself struggling for a few seconds to orientate myself when you jump cut. As the base gets bigger the orientating features of your camera shots are going to become more important to help the audience follow. I'm absolutely loving the videos and the build itself.

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