I Survived 100 Days in Medieval Minecraft

I survived 100 days in medieval Minecraft a gigantic mod pack full of dangerous creatures unforgiving surroundings and even crazier more dangerous creatures join me today and find out if I managed to fend off these beasts or if everything went horribly horribly wrong so get yourself a snack

And a beverage and enjoy the video well hello everyone and welcome back to yet another muffin classic uh I guess I’m in a village well well well and new 100 day adventure apparently I start out with leather armor hello um today we’re playing 100 days in

Mediev I just fell through the leaves uh today we’re playing 100 days of medieval Minecraft um also I want to I want to thank you people for um 10,000 subscribers on the channel it truly is a blessing and I couldn’t do it without all of you helping me achieve

This uh Milestone so thank you very much man thank you very much I really appreciate it obviously uh and I hope to continue doing this YouTube thing for your enjoyment hey hey hey he hey hey hey chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill why why why

What’s in the spawn bag give me some okay thank you okay we’re good we’re fine fine why why ghosts why ghosts man and I’m not regening Hello Dale can you like stop being weird this mod pack is um very indepth pretty much uh we’re going to be dealing with we’re going to

Be dealing with um some stuff I guess what’s a manuscript I’m going to take some there’s a lot to learn here and there’s also quests so we’re going to be doing some questing are these coins oh I’m stealing I’m literally stealing we’ll take some of these bookshelves as

Well I will find use for them later and then we’re going to try to figure out how to uh Quest okay welcome to Medieval MC to start the tutorial click on this Quest and read the description okay uh right got a basic Ring cool g to

Activate my origin ability I’m a i i by the way there are Origins I chose to be human cuz I’m basic like that so tutorial complete get some honey bread and the animal dictionary my inventory has seemed to to completely fill in a matter of seconds why does this keep

Happening turle look at you I can push it around all right so yes we we seem to be spawned in a village of some sorts um not too sure what we’re supposed to do with this information I do have noticed there’s a thirst uh thing in my

Inventory so I’ll have to figure out how to get some drinkable water maybe all I need is a bottle and just any Water Works who knows let’s try yep and it gave me thirst well fair enough now we know now we know also we have some pigs and some

Cow I’ll be taking a few of these things o where you going hold on hold on what is this a void key how’s that a rare drop from Hostile Mobs yet that was not a hostile mob let’s try and figure out how we’re going to go about this cuz I’m

Very confused I am trying to find some more loot but I’m scared that I will wait too long it’s going to become night which is already becoming oh boy um I must quickly figure out what I’m doing hello you don’t look too uh friendly do you that that creature didn’t look too

Friendly at all this is all empty I don’t care if it’s occupied it’s mine now I already had a bed okay now that we’ve done that we can move on to I guess we can move on to Overworld tasks how about that oh my god there are

Certain uh creatures that we will not be fighting obviously because we’ve done it in previous videos um like for example we have Captain Cornelia which we did fight in one of the previous videos already and then also we won’t be doing any raids but there’s a bunch of new bosses that

We have not fought in other mod packs so that’s what we will be doing and hopefully we can uh get something going okay I think I could set up a little base in the gatekeeper’s house I think we can start with a backpack it seems as

Though it’s going to be the most crucial thing to have here but we will need more leather two more leather and bunch of other small things so let’s get to let’s get to doing that iron sword or Mah and we can go so um right this is all empty I’m going to

Take this for more food it’s still up there by the way I I don’t know what it is but it doesn’t look too friendly I should have made a shield what am I doing okay instead of that we’re going to actually do a little bit of trekking

And see if we can find perhaps a dungeon entrance well would you look at that um all right fair enough speaking of quests I mean we should we should really start with just the the the just a nice traveler’s backpack would be would be ideal you know what’s not ideal the fact

That I’m kind of unprepared I’m unprepared I don’t even have a wood pickaxe I mean sure I’m going to get rid of it like instantly but I need it it’s part of the progression and then we do a little bit of this little bit of that we

Get a stone pickaxe with which we will get some coal and hopefully iron because I don’t really I don’t intend to explore that dungeon right there because I think it’s kind of the same one that I had in the better Minecraft 100 days video I would assume it’s the same one I just

Need one iron or a shield that’s all I want that’s all I I care about don’t have to be all angry with me right now while you’re being kind of mean you’re being kind of mean I get it you’re frustrated you’re angry that you’re a zombie you don’t like being a zombie I

Understand but that that doesn’t mean you have to be angry at me that is projecting and that is not nice what up guys oh there’s a lot of you and then I’ll simply move on where’s the spawner give me the spawner oh what is that a spawner Shard very nice okay

Source gems diamond sword that is an interesting find to be to be honest I did not expect find a diamond sword on the first level that is kind of insane uh what just happened why was there just explosions um am I a little unsmart to be walking towards the explosion

Yes am I quite intrigued as to what that was also yes cuz what what was what was that where you at where you at gosh you guys sound mean and also you sound like you’re kind of upset at me for seemingly nothing someone say this is a bit

Dangerous also I’m having real trouble spotting chests I’ll be I’ll be 100% honest with you people cuz I have not seen a singular chest I stand corrected and I’ve got iron stuff immediately cave crawler helmet very intriguing does that just does it just give me light no

Probably not shut up Bay gem block well that’s fun oh what the flip is that hey you come here does that say 108 Health Judy Judy I need you to calm down Jesus how is that nine durability why why this is pretty cool any who uh we

Got iron nuggets we got some other stuff uh some string bucket ooh an Unbreaking tube bow I do feel like I’ve been given quite the uh the good start here I’m looking for some more chests Hello friends how are you today we’ve kind of secured ourselves a

Little bit oh no we have not secured ourselves from anything that is a skeleton and a zombie and I’m terrified not not good not good I’ve been through this once I can do it again I’ve been through this once I can do it again I’ve been through this once that’s mummies oh

My oh that’s a mistake I oh no no no it’s a husk Oh I thought it was a mummy thought I was going to do like crazy damage why does he have fire resistance and so much health okay okay okay guys okay we’re going to have to calm

Down iron axe iron sword I won’t be taking that but good nonetheless and funny enough wait I’m in the geode oh that sucks I kind of I kind of need the the amethysts the grown ones a man there should be good loot here gosh there’s a lot of stuff again oh yes oh

Yes fire aspect three well that ladies and gentlemen is what we call poggers that is insane I have three diamond swords and one of them has fire aspect three on it that is a thing fire aspect 3 some iron I my whole game lagged my whole game just started lagging why goodness me

This is insane what do I get rid of I like I feel like I need everything anything in my inventory right now actually no I don’t going to drink my beer don’t drink kids it’s not good for you I don’t want to be here too long where did I come

From I think up here I really have no blocks to you this is bad it’s not a great spot to be well that’s bad what the flip is that who is shooting these things what is oh it’s it’s still here I was like what what is hitting me this is

Bad I don’t know where the skilled silverfish is is it dead did I get it man it’s insane what did I just live through no it’s not dead it’s not dead at all can I chill out did I kill it dude I None this is stupid is there a spawner I want to

Leave but I want to get these items but I don’t know what to drop why are there so many of you what is that I want all these items you know yo they keep spawning is there genuinely a spawner in here I’m so confused ow dude infinite infinite infinite

Silverfish I’m not a fan not a fan of whatever is happening right now I want to leave I’m leaving getting this stuff and I’m leaving I’m gone I’m not coming back I’m not coming back what was that what was that it’s at least it’s daytime okay I don’t want to go back

There I just don’t I didn’t even know what I got what did I get Swift footed acrobat Beast surge using your health potions boost your summoned pets attack what multi roll Swift footed four what are this not even a good enchantments I’ll be honest this is is terrifying how

Do you get into this blacksmith what is happening I don’t understand anything I’m in the blacksmith Iron Warhammer right first of all time to cook oh I guess just at this point like what am I why why do I even try can I repair this with this I

Can thank you very much I’ll be using that now second of all I’ll be combining these that’s it there we go fire three Smite five good good I don’t know if that was necessary to do but I have an extra diamond sword anyway so and it’s raining

Nice there Diamond horse armor a spider Hood an iron pickaxe that is perfect glad I got that in my inventory now I can possibly go back to the gatekeeper’s house and feel somewhat safe apart from the fact that I don’t really have source of water uh I don’t know how it works

Let me drink from the well I mean this see the funny thing is a well Well’s water should be like a good source of water right it should be clean water why is it not clean makes no sense to me a b okay I’m not even going to touch

That I need to find leather in some way or another I need it for my bank I’m not trying to have all these items just chilling why are bushes so hard to walk through what’s going going on is this a witch’s Hut it is oh GG’s a crystal ball am I just like

I don’t even know I don’t even know what all this is anything up there no I guess I could just leave no no leather though why is this bat everywhere I hope this has a bed cuz what is what is that why is it walking towards me why does it sound like that

Yo leave me alone oh it could open the door it’s still in here man get out of my house it took my sword give me back my sword that was the stupidest creature ever this is why we don’t play this game in hardcore cuz what was that just now

And why did I have to exper a r Stone this is wonderful I don’t even need to craft it it’s beautiful o ender pearl very good what is this just gave me paper I’ll take it I’ll leave the emerald and I can slay these cows and go make myself a nice

Backpack plus I’ll get some nice food well oh see cuz why is this water good then what is that how does that make any sense and the well water isn’t are you kidding okay so from this night I’ve learned that anything that uh is a dark

Skeleton is not good and it’ll take my sword and completely unarm me so I didn’t even know that when I was hitting it surely I can kill this right where’s that projectile going jeez uh what do you give me what small trans teleport on hit avoiding all damage

Interesting but I don’t know if I need that that’s kind of weird these enchanted books they’re giving me are are they’re not great I’ll be honest okay we got two anvils we’ve got a waist Stone we’re going to call this home cuz this is now

My home and we’re going to put all this away I need to find need to find some wool I need to find some GL some sand and make a chest okay yes yes yes yes I’m kind of scared of these things they’re just kind of looking at me oh

That’s creepy I don’t like that oh you already know I’m a brainiac okay now we’re missing a chest and some glass so I need sand where do I find sand these days by the water perhaps what is that uh subscribe BR what the bear doing bruh

It’s a big building over there I’m going to have to check that out surely these fishies are not trying to eat my uh eat me just just a quick second just a quick second all whoa okay that’s just actually a really nicely placed house it’s not even anything crazy or special

Hello hear a bear but that’s about it water bucket I’ll take water bucket this looks cozy I love stealing books look at the bear all right well wonderful why are these scattered all over did I just see anyway what are these that are scattered like everywhere okay they

Don’t attack me when I try to do this cool give me a golden apple that’s wonderful okay I think we might actually be able to Begin work glass smelting time going do a little bit of that place some wool down I don’t know what to do

With it and we’re going to make some glass some good old glass got pretty decent armor already I’m kind of happy with it oh it’s time oh it’s time to make a glass tube unfortun Do not drop my diamond sword what am I doing and now we should

Be able to make uh not make chest there it is not what I meant to do backpack goes in backpack slot and is opened I am brilliant now you might think I know what I’m doing but that is false radio I do forgot to place this oh

Is somewhere in the ring slot I’m guessing where that may be okay I it’s on me now oh it’s there okay little armor toughness never hurt nobody except the people not having armor toughness those people got hurt is there something you wish of me h no well how about you

Give me the blue journal for a quest give me fire emeralds this guy has taken my bed so I’m taking a different Vine this means that I need to start work on preparing myself for the nether but I’m not prepared for the nether at all but for

There to be a nether situation I need diamonds I need what do I need well I need three diamonds one way or another boy get lost all right home has been saved it’s time to go what we will find I don’t know diamonds are definitely not

The easiest thing to find but maybe just maybe if we explore things like that we should be able to now what is this I wish I had some um arrows I hear an Enderman why is that spider eye a lead that’s what leads look like wow oh that’s why there’s a downstairs

Section okay hello why do you have armor oh I want that Enderman what is this a zombie brute what the okay buddy you’re going to need to pay with your life and he’s gone that didn’t work how did it I don’t know where the I don’t know where he is

That guy could be anywhere right now God I hate those things glad to glad to know they’re in the mod Man chain mail leggings I’m hearing some crazy things outside Diamond okay okay that is exactly what we were looking for need a bunch of these spider eyes as well but

Hey that’s a that’s one Diamond down two more to go guys two more to go yeah I’m going up there I don’t know what that is but I’m going up there I’m doing it the oldfashioned way you think I’m insane I’m going to walk this ho I’m still not up

There okay I should have made a shield shouldn’t I oh it’s a Way Stone I’ll me taking that 100 ing bow okay an ender pearl some gold nuggets that’s fine I’ll take all that why not why not uh this seems a bit Barren some gold nuggets though I’ll

Take it I’ll actually probably take a nap here as well I think exploring buildings is going to net me those three diamonds that I need very quickly I just have to explore the right buildings I think this the same exact building I just was in oh no it’s the gatekeeper

One fine with me me secret passageway any secret chests that’s just lame oh what the freak is that is that just poison coming from the nest that’s not happening that’s not happening in a million years oh that’s a tower I think this is a battle tower fair enough I’ll

Be leaving that alone I I’m not however leaving whatever this building is alone or whatever this is it looks dangerous but is it I heard something below me it’s fine just ignore it just ignore it that freaked me out hello anyone here oh no man where is this haunted house I

Will check the grave I think the graves might have some stuff in them let’s check the uppies okay there’s there’s like nothing here Bo what does this have iron chest plate iron leggings iron boots I’ll take some of this stuff might come in handy a I hate this I hear

A villager what on Earth is this oh diamond boots thank you very much mending mending iron where’s all this two blast furnaces oh what the diamond Le whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this is some crazy loot what the flip Fox boots diamond leggings with gravity pulse Diamond Helmet I don’t think it’s better

Than the one I have what is hen there’s some stuff going on um some crazy things have happened out here hey guys are you all right I just kind of want to check what you got here I don’t really care about saving you much honey bottles well that’s anyway

Good luck patient one and patient 2 that is insane you’re doing okay I mean you know what I’m saying I don’t like how that looks but let’s approach it cuz I’ve got no concern for my well-being you are a looter I want I have I have beef with

Your kind radio I’m going to go back to the battle tower unfinished business that is a whole castle that is not a battle tower at all oh no I think now I’ll actually put down a waist Stone cuz I am not too sure I’ll be able to do

This with one life near Castle what an interesting thing I I don’t have anything to drink I mean I would have to assume this is dangerous right sometimes you just kind of have to assume things how did I just know there’s something under here how did I just know okay just

Just oh a diamond number two thought it just disappeared okay and a block of emerald an error spawner see that was supposed to be more dangerous than it was but the spawner had an error okay so this is a dangerous place good to know not you sure how this will go but we

Will find out very shortly I do not want to go in there during the night though I will I’ll camp out matter of fact I’m not camping out I’m going home all right how do I approach this how does one simply approach this Tower I mean there’s not a chance there’s not a

Singular chance this isn’t dangerous snake ah did got me what the what is up with that cow what is going on with that wait I got to check this out yo you good cow oh my God it’s teleporting oh I didn’t like that I did

Not like that um he has skeletons but I think that’s below no it’s not um I don’t know what to why have I still not made a shield why is that pumpkin pie okay I should really consider making a shield like really should consider it Renegade chest plate it doesn’t look too

Bad that’s just a little a little Tower nothing much to it really yeah I really don’t need a lot of this stuff well I guess that’s it got a block of diamonds okay I’ll take 11 diamonds that means we can go to the nether what on Earth is this employees only don’t mind

If I do I don’t even think I need this many books but I have them show me the loots forbidden section do not enter without permission you thought you thought you could keep me away ah whatever doesn’t seem to be too much out here what what on Earth is this I don’t

Need it all right A Way Stone yes so these are literally the same but this one gives me attack speed intriguing oh now what does that mean what you mean what a dungeon hold on hold on just second dungeon since we found a so-called dungeon I don’t feel too

Safe oh well this should be good fun seems like this is a a very dungeon full mod oh my God another bow portion of the C what are that’s supposed to mean a diamond some shards I don’t even know what all this is well well well seems as

Though I’m not letting these spawners do anything which is great it’s the plan what the hold on I’m going the smart Direction Why is there Netherrack here or is that not never mind it’s not Netherrack what are those explosions this second time I hear them why is there just random

Explosions I hear a gnoblin oh hello gnoblin you scare me a little but that’s fine H you don’t offer much do you no you do not Mana regeneration Golden Apple you know I might actually at one point miss a diamond I’m serious because they are like they blend in you know I

Mean they they don’t look different oh a diamond pickaxe well that is very nice a diamond helmet as well randomly summons what there’s an artifact slot romly summons one of three sheep allies that can grant either speed poison or fire effects what what do you mean by that

What does that even mean all right let’s sit on down oh never mind I I think that’s it that that was the whole dungeon well what a what a dungeon I’m getting out sir no okay whatever so I need eight of these shards so I can make a spawner

Okay well what am I supposed to okay so I have an empty spawner now that’s cool I guess that’s cool I guess man I just realized I have a diamond pickaxe what am I doing I can go to the nether how beautiful I I do need to find somewhere

I can make a or literacy bag no no little sip sip sip or do I look for a certain boss I think maybe that’s a better idea so we need to find the right biomes all right a Nature’s Compass is in order should be pretty easy to make

Hello little Nature’s Compass anyone do a little bing bing bing we have um no saplings are wood all right you know moving into the gatekeeper house was a strategic move realistically because he defends his own place a lot all right first where do we want to

Fight first I think the the the sun Chief potentially that would be kind of cool I think so we need to find a savannah um start search found distance 1,000 how about now still 1,000 okay let’s head on over to it then how about that ow ow since when do blueberries

Hurt you they just don’t that’s a lie I know there was one uh boss in the swamp what did I just hear yeah sacred ruins in a swamp so if we find that first I guess I guess that is what we would go for first well surely this is not it no

No this looks like a regular house oh it’s one of these right I already know how this go why is this underwater how do i o o oh dude this is stupid how are you guys doing everything all right yeah cool anyway Diamond chest plate oh this

Is what I came here for diamond ore you already know some insane loot with no competition whatsoever which is just amazing wait before I go oh look at that I mean sometimes you just got to like acknowledge the fact that I’m I I I use my brain you know what I mean not

Everyone can do that not everyone can do that yeah what can I say what is this even is this a witch’s Hut yep does that say Goblin King you are not the Goblin King where’s the Goblin King uhhuh I guess we’re going to kill the Goblin King then this is definitely the goblin

Castle I see Hello Goblin you’re kind of strong aren’t You oh you do a lot of damage okay okay this might take a few tries I’m not going to lie okay what am I hearing get up what are You oh they have arrows why are you so fast ow shot me right in the face I choose to do this during the night dumb idea and I’m approaching it without a shield again what’s the process there Mr Muffin what is your thought process they make very

Annoying sounds I can tell you that much okay come on think I’m afraid of what did you just fire at me I mean skilled what what does that even [Applause] mean no what is this what just happening this is e this is not great I hear the the king the

King that’s the king isn’t [Applause] it he just poofed out him why is there a mimic there’s smoke I can’t see he’s half HP we should be able to do this where did he go where’ he go where is the golden King where’s your king Little Monkeys uhoh I’m out of ARS that’s

Actually not good um p p s what the need to find the king I’ve been here before I’ve done this before what the what was that oh oh my God what just knocked me off that’s not the king where’s the where’s your king where is your king tell me where your king Is why do I still not make a feel why you Fast what are you shooting at what is That why can’t I hit him with the sword what is happening what’s going on where are you hiding the king oh yes I needed the Shield did he just spawn 30 mice I think he did beehive and spear fishing what on Earth are you even talking about right now where’s your king tell me I hear him I hear the king you can run but you can’t hide okay you may you may be able

To run and hide stop running stop resisting you stop spitting at me why is there so many smelter party bag gosh I don’t have the time for this guys ring of Health oh I just need more arrows man and to find the king are you hiding the King you

Definitely are is he outside the castle where’s the king where’s your king he must be outside the castle I knew it where do you think you’re going ow okay you’re a little bit annoying just teleported What why are you able to do that I’m better so dumb he even got his little hat the goblin Crown o gain weakness fair enough I’ll use that right now to take out the big guy okay he’s pretty strong and I can’t okay I can’t do anything against those

I’ll just eat this apple and never mind I will not do anything I will leave and I will run I need arrows I will come back well hey that’s one boss down golden wolf armor what the what am I going to use that on a wolf

Crazy uh what is this I have obtained the Adam’s apple I highly recommend to only eat the Adam’s apple if you think you are unkillable you know what that’s going to be like last 5 days of this whole thing I’m going to eat that apple I might regret it I think I have

To make some arrows cuz I’m like very poor apparently I have no Flint like zero Flint I need a full stack of arrows to kill that orc cuz uh it didn’t look too killable all righty how many can I make any sticks where are my sticks at

Boom we can make more boom okay 56 arrows I feel like it may be enough all right Goblin cast it’s me and you again just me and you and a bunch of little goblins I don’t need you to take these arrows oh yeah they don’t do damage I’m

Going to use most of these arrows okay you’re being annoying oh yeah come here what the stop what is this shoots nearby mobs when you roll intriguing punch four ooh it’s quite a quite an enchantment there first I’m going to replenish some of my stuff and upgrade some of my other stuff

Punch for I mean feel like I must ooh it’s pretty good for my sword I’ll do that uh then I don’t need this I might keep these just in case no apples needed no books no leather smelter party bag I just got a netherite Ingot okay that

Gets us closer to where we want to be bread steak cooked salmon and bread okay well that’s very interesting I can’t believe I got that just now I’m very pleased some more Diamond I think this is all I need wait let me make a little bit oh another smoke please please NE

Right the fium what what is that what is that I’ll take the waist Stone from the goblin place and let’s head off on out to the Savannah could I be unprepared potentially will I admit that I’m unprepared never oh what the flipflop is this what did I just encounter what is

That what what just happened what just happened to me I’m going to leave this is a very interest the savanas do not look like this okay I’ve had a feeling this is not a very safe place to be now to find the sun Chief wherever that

Might be all I’m looking for is Hostile Mobs right now flip is that g elephants elephants that’s a hostile mob hold on it has a lot of Health jeez a chitten Sticks and Stones bag it’s actually sticks and stone all right there’s something evil in here that being a

Spider just of course they’re poisonous spiders of course why wouldn’t they be D there’s nothing in there all yeah I’m going he why is it dark I am not doing all that I don’t like that I’m going to go there’s a lot of enemies here could it

Be oh hell no oh hell why did it just when I don’t look at it what the what is that what is that that’s like look at look look look look look it’s stuck behind the tree check this out check this out it comes Clos to and

I don’t look at it go go go I’m going to let it get close come on well yeah I don’t know where it went nah n it’s crazy oh it’s a tarantula yeah I don’t like this place definitely don’t like this place is this a dark Forest oh it’s

These guys again what up Dudes what is that what are you why do you sound like that Champions champions that’s pretty good I mean you’re doing all right for yourself buddy I’m not going to impede on your business too much just a little bit but not too much mm indeed all right you

Have fun oh yes is that the same building I already checked out once I think it is yeah we don’t care the journey continues is that naturally generated or is that a is that a volcano what if I’m able to find lava up there well I actually see the lava so I guess

I answer my own question but what is this man this is interesting man I need buckets ASAP need enough buckets to get all this lava yeah I’m going to make buckets at least three buckets it’s more than one it’s more than one guys come on I’m getting

Close where is it it’s somewhere here aha one down more to go what a weird biome this is a lava block what does that mean oh yeah it burns okay it burns is this lava oh I think it is you already know more lava uh how many uh buckets of

Of of of lava do I have where do I build this where do I make this I’m going to do it right here I’m going to do it professionally so we’re going to go I suck OBS why does obsidian look like that of of all of all the things it

Could look like you know what I mean why that all right I’ll be back maybe it’s easier if I just do this and then mine it what I just got another key what does that mean why she look like that that’s funny oh there hostile oh well why

They’re not attacking me so uh they look funny though what is what is that wait a hold on it better not erupt or anything oh freck no I’m not staying around for that I’ve got what three obsidian gosh I need more a little bit more oh it might

Erupt fast just dig I feel like this is of okayo and it’s going to erupt I genuinely that’s how I feel right now okay can I leave I think I can leave what is what is happening that doesn’t look nice what is that what is I’m I’m

Leaving I have a feeling I might not have enough I do have enough yes there we go maybe I put one in the ground actually no I’m going to make this a path I can’t path it oh my God marble it is why man I got no clue it’s just marble

Leading to my whatever it is my portal all right let’s see there it is am I terrified scared and otherwise very very terrified yes that would be correct I need I need more chests again again why do I have wheat seeds for what wheat seeds for what man do I dare open the

Portal and see what’s inside just for a split second and then instantaneously run out I feel like it’s a wonderful idea what what what I just got here I just got here I hate the nether I hate the nether why am I stuck inside this is even worse this is worse

Than usual nether oh my God awful awful awful awful is that nether rack oh my God I have no golden apples so I feel very scared um right that doesn’t look too inviting uh and the biggest problem I see currently is that I will need to

Be in the nether A Lot H actually I did notice that that is a what it looks to me as it would probably be a boss thing well surely though this one doesn’t attack me you all right buddy you going to kill me okay I kind of got to go this

Way it looks like a boss it looks like a boss thing um if I don’t know if it is but I feel like it could be I’m going to need a golden apple at least one and fire protection I mean fire resistance and everything else I here oh oh it’s

Just a netherite monstrosity nothing crazy it’s pretty regular that’s normal it’s completely and utterly fine I don’t even know if it’s above or below me I answered the the question has been answered and I think that’s it right there can I fight it with this gear I definitely need fire protection uhhuh

Lingering potion of fire resist that’s only 45 seconds that’s not enough it’s chilling right there it is just chilling uh I’m going to come back to this I’m going to get myself at least two golden apples and then I’ll come back to this what is this oh it’s a piglin where’s my portal

Oh no it only makes sense if it’s this way uh you know I have no idea I do think this is the general direction oh there well well well it’s going to poison me again nether portal save o okay how many apples does one have not

Many I can make two uh it’s it’s not a lot but it’s something got a lingering potion of fire resistance I don’t think I can make a better one but uh yeah cuz I need magma cream and uh or a Dusty bone from a skeletal fish cool man oh

This diamond chest plate is not a good idea to be wearing oh my it reduces my health by 60% yeah know and no I have to put a lot of stuff away actually oh no hello hello sir I I really want to fight the the big

Guy but I don’t know how I’m going to do it I will need more arrows actually so before we go anywhere I need to make some arrows and to make arrows I actually need a Fletching table okay so put the oak logs in here make the Fletching table make another chest two

More chest yep uh and put them right here Perfection does anyone trade maybe oh wait a wait a second Fletcher trade arrows right uh who’s your job who wants this job huh who wants it that guy oh yeah look at him go oh he’s determined Wall-E you are my favorite

Person now and there it is I don’t have any emeralds do I uhhuh I think I had emeralds actually so hold on one second I’m going to buy a bunch of arrows yes it’ll be really funny if I can’t even use these arrows oh I have so many

Emeralds what I mean the arrows are going to be useful anyway at some point but but I’m just going to try cuz I don’t know all right Wall-E don’t run too far now hey buddy come here oh you traded a lot just now it’s a lot of

Arrows all right perfect perfect well I guess we can just go in there no what did I just see I just saw something crazy I don’t know what that was but I’m leaving I don’t want to find out all right well well well I have to

Mark my portal this time oh it’s marked okay now where is the thing here goes nothing here goes muffin fighting the netherite monstrosity I wonder how many tries this will take oh surely of course let’s see how do we get down here uh how does one do this actually you know actually

Before I do this I think I should make my potion a bit longer lasting I’m quite nervous little bit of redstone and then I’ll use my little potion I need some I don’t have any blaze powder all right so I guess it won’t really work without blaze powder unfortunately all right

It’s let’s just get in there let’s just do it surely my sword will do something to it hello all right all right that is uh uh-huh well my stuff is there I think it sees me oh it definitely sees me all right fair enough can I try to get to it real

Quick I can try oh it sucked up the lava that’s nice bye-bye so um didn’t quite work the way I thought it would I should leave cuz I’m taking damage this um this necessity gu is kind of annoying I will have to find a Cheesy

Way to kill it wait how did it take damage from what my arrow was that my arrow that did did that much damage how do I get in here oh no I lost the thing H I can hit it from time to time but I don’t know when exactly it

Like allows me to hit it if I hit it right in the face Maybe oh it’s healing really well how did I damage it I’m unsure all right I have to come back with a better plan I was supped through the lingering potion kind of um

Not it myself because I did not realize it’s a splash potion it’s a bit a bit of a human error right there but it’s fine it’s fine I just have to get more prepared I will defeat that guy that netherite monstrosity guy I will defeat it I guess

Instead of that I guess we should find a fortress cuz I want some blaze powder after having look at the map I think I’m going to go this way there is something of Interest over there hello o Nether wart wait wait wait wait I need that

Actually I do need the Nether wart but then again I’ll probably be able to find it in the Fortress granted I even find the Fortress sir I get it thank you for like being here but I I really need to focus right now you’re like a bit too in

My face okay you understand is it above it’s got to be above me I guess I very much very much so doubt that this is a fortress that I’m getting to wait where is it even higher up can it be this high up even did I just hear a cow I

Definitely just heard a cow I’m so confus I’m so confused oh is actually a cow a Minotaur if you will H it’s there I don’t know where but it’s there wherever there is you know what I mean um I’m just going to go straight down I’ll dig into the freaking

The ground if I have to wait what are you telling me this is a freaking nether M shaft is that what we’re saying right now room lights lot of fire um I mean what can we even find up here here in here I mean some sulfur that’s Nether

Wart that’s pretty good I kind of need this flip you angry is that a blaze that I’m hearing what is that it’s a mutant blaze well ow okay it’s hurting me oh I killed it ah what’s happening did I just kill them you and Blaze on accident oh oh ow wait that’s

Incredible well not bad okay so some of them explode and some of them don’t no no I want the blaze cores well damn what the come on let me have my fun hey there’s my blaze powder situation sorted oh I’m under the netherite monstrosity okay I will find a way to

Cheese it I I either yeah I don’t know I’ll figure it out let me go back home first and we’re back why are you hitting me oh well you’re in the Overworld now stop I bet the gatekeeper has killed the other one no no he didn’t weirdo what we could actually try

To do right now is make a few awkward potions oh it’s a Wandering Trader what do you offer sir ooh iron hide Amulet the iron am is both ancient and Timeless uh provider M major boost to defense for a short time ooh that’s intriguing some iron ingots sand you know what I will

Buy from you I don’t know how it’s going to work but I’m intrigued to find out where’s my emeralds oh wow you’re really taking the last of my emeralds huh okay and then this now all we need is a hunter to be able to get some magma

Uh cream so let me just go find a like find a way to get a hunter a hunting post all right so I need a two logs an arrow and leather I think I should have all of that and then we do this bam and a hunting post has been made let’s give

It to someone oh Deary me someone’s going to be employed today I wonder who anyone unemployed and I got to find some stations like this and replace them and see who comes running you how about you take up a job buddy I already have a job nobody

Oh you rascal you wait come back I need you back here please come on in not you can you move no you let him Escape you’re a menace all right come back come back in there you go there you go good job now what is it level three was it it is

Level three okay what do you want oh what the oh hell no get away from me me why am I being haunted why am I being haunted I don’t like this I’m going to sleep I’m being freaking haunted man get out of my bed get out of my bed all

Right have you taken up your new job yet you have unfortunately you’re still very expensive all right there’s one way to fix it and that is by getting a bit of Flint making another Fletcher I need another Fletcher is your job in here oh you’re a nitwit

Man and of course you are where’s your job you don’t have a job come here I need sticks bro sticks sorry not bro you are very much a female what the okay these trees don’t break just give me a second all right don’t go nowhere just just just just a second

Just a second you’re going to have all the sticks you want all of them even this weird tree like what the what am I even looking at here hold on can you just like stay there for a little bit just like yeah no you’re kind of moving around you’re back

In your thing just give me a second no no no no there we [Laughter] go Regina Regina chill out uh I’m just going to leave you here all right you enjoy yourself um don’t do nothing crazy I’ll be right back yeah there you go all

I need now is like a better axe cuz I don’t know what happened to my I thought I had a diamond axe but I guess I never did time to chop down a forest you already know you though come here come here got goodies you see this I’ve got

Goodies hey yo come here bruh oh that didn’t do nothing I actually need bones oh boy I could probably do I could probably would do without if anyone tries to hurt you I promise I will avenge I request of you a trade make a little trapo

Hello you’re not being caged at all this is normal normal work environment here I heard oh you did t t that really makes me happy oh you did it again I heard it oh I just realized how you use artifacts by the way cuz I just used it

Right give me the finest stuff you have the finest emeralds fermented spider eyes now okay I’m locking you in until you trade with me give me the trade give it to me Jesus I don’t think my other Fletcher trades any sticks at all see I don’t

Even know where he is he likes to venture out real far and I have no idea how to find him oh you trade saplings for Emerald six of them for one Emerald wait that’s kind of good get you a bunch of saplings don’t even worry Regina I’ve got sticks Regina

There we go that’s the Regina I like the Regina that trades might go to my Hunter and yeah that’s all right I seem to need more Emerald Jina I can’t believe you please please all right whatever fine I’m going to work you I’m going to work

With your colleague cuz you seem to be very uninterested in the cause which is crazy coming from you Regina because I remember you were all about the cause just a little while ago good I appreciate this what’s your level up scatter crossbow and exploding whoa wait I kind of want that

I’m going to get that one right after I deal with you sir so it’s going to take a while I will get that that’s a really good one that might be really good against NE monstrosity actually because I would guess an exploding shot is going

To do damage to it and that’s a whole lot of fun if you haven’t already remember to subscribe Regina please restock for a fellow I want the exploding shot cross crossbow fortunately it’s a crossbow that’s not fun but I’ll take it you know what I mean Regina honey just do it just

Just do it I hate to find my Fletcher maybe maybe he enjoys selling things where did I lose him it’s very fitting how the nitwit is stuck in this house very fitting and funny Dale get out of my bed come on you’re being mean you’re

Being very very mean I just have to wait I don’t know there’s nothing I can do Regina 50 you raise your prices I’ve waited for so long Regina I waited unbelievable amounts of time and you reward Me by making it way more expensive you are a disgrace to

Your whole family is what you are you’re kidding me I can’t believe you genuinely I can’t believe you you you have annoyed me you have been mean to me give me the bow that’s that should so work against another thing that that should so work it should so work like 100% right

There’s just no way it wouldn’t here we go this better work this better freaking work the netherite monstrosity is going down going down down down it’s going to be too easy where is he oh did that work I don’t think it’s working wait why are they not exploding it doesn’t

Work doesn’t work what is what did I just see what is this oh magma please give me magma cream no way no way man no way they were here the whole time just chilling there’s just no way all that time all that time I spent trying to get that

Villager to give me magma cream and they were just chilling here where’ the other one go there’s another one they only give me two though smelter party bag who Iron wow huh okay so it didn’t work I guess I’m GNA have to find a way to do

It the good oldfashioned way where am I it’s not ideal is that a snake in the nether it’s a nether snake my worst enemy all right so obviously that does not work but I did get two Magma Cream which means guess what we’re making fire resistance potions it’s going to be

Great how do I make them um longer lasting I need Redstone huh all right I I have a villager for that okay I have only surely surely are my little Fletcher has the wait actually where is my villager for that hold up where is the Villager I’m looking for where’s my

Cleric oh no what happened to my cleric where did where did bro Venture off to oh no I’ve lost my cleric I have no idea where he is you’re not the cleric you just Dale it’s not good have you seen cleric have you seen Mr cleric 64 64 you’re insane bro’s not dropping

Prices bro’s raising prices how does that work he’s like nope you’re going to have to pay me double what do you mean bro that does not make sense to me okay I actually need to find my cleric cuz I don’t have any Redstone no cleric equals

No Redstone I feel like I have one one piece of redstone actually but like where did my cleric go did the gatekeeper disintegrate him oh no I’ve lost M cleric fine I could I could sacrifice one Redstone if I ever find my cleric again I do want to try one thing

I just want to see if I can Brute Force this fight it’s probably not going to happen but I want to try using the uh the trinket that I have here major boost to defense I got to try you know what I’m saying this very well might end very

Quickly but it’s worth a shot wonder how many times I’ll be able to hit him face face on you know what I mean in his forehead all right here we go here goes nothing okay I see I understand oh what the dude what is happening to

Me he hurts he definitely hurts it’s one fire rest potion down so arrows don’t help maybe I was just not in range you know what I’m saying to use the arrows I’m going again I’m going again maybe I just wasn’t in range maybe maybe that’s the

Problem I’m going to I’m try this again I’m going to get closer to him and it’s going to be over in a jiffy also what was that other thing that started fighting me I’m so confused just bounces off him why nah doesn’t work this is

Dumb well well well it seems as though I don’t know what I’m doing um it seems as though I might have to choose a different opponent first so think we tried to find something else perhaps The Conjurer or still want to find the baraco well fair enough to be honest

Actually I feel like it’s more important for me to try and um I have an idea I’m going to go look for a dragon okay apparently I’m going to fight a bear first but I’m going to look for a dragon I want to find a dragon

Think I hear a witch another W Stone oh no it’s this guy again you all right buddy what the a Dwarven Anvil intriguing not intriguing enough why is there a chest oh it’s just a spawner okay I didn’t even see it Whatever life mending ooh okay slime spawn eggs spider spawn

Eggs can I combine the spawn eggs with the empty spawner that I have wait a sec second this might be good oh what the flip is that I’ve got Punch Yeah unlucky for that guy oh two golden apples I’ll take it I’m pretty sure dragons can be found

On like little platforms you know what I mean also there’s a village here I might place a waist on down is there nobody here there’s actually nobody here how could there be no loot in a vill ow ow ow ow ow oh what the flip is

That well I’m going to use my bow at it doesn’t look like a regular creature to me and it’s fast too dude it’s taking so much damage I just hope I have enough arrows don’t be running dude it’s actually taking so many arrows all come back it’s hiding from me you think I

Can’t see you buddy I have a punch bow if you get too close dude it’s not taking damage am I insane is it like bow resistant how many arrows have I shot at what is this creature it looks like a Hydra to me maybe I’m just using the

Wrong bow you know what I’m saying wait that’s punch five it’s doing nothing do I have to like get rid of each of the heads what is this creature and how’s it taking so many hits how how dude come back bro why are you running where are

You going there’s no no there’s no way this takes this much damage it’s got to just be like resistant to okay I’m being poisoned is it a dragon no way there’s no way it’s not a dragon what is this Thing nope nope nope nope nope okay there’s just no way what is this doing what oh that’s not good is it there’s two things trying to fight me now and one of them seems to be an ice dragon okay how am I supposed why are you bouncing R just bouncing wait I’m

Actually out of Arrow did you give me a second I just ran out of arrows real quick hold on uh hello sir I’ve got punch on this thing so I’m not really worried too much where you walking what are you walking for huh okay it doesn’t seem to work too well

Against okay I have to run who Jesus Christ oh and it just it just kind of broke it man let me get my loot back don’t touch me ow what just hit Me I can’t move I can’t move I can’t move I can’t move I can’t move I can’t move I can’t move I can’t move stop stop stop I’m losing my mind I can’t do this just let me let me take my loot real quick okay okay buddy that’s my old body

I need my new body why is it just kind of chilling I get it you you’re yeah anyway I’m being carried by it am I doing any damage to it ah bruh oh that right now okay not right now dragon scales yada yada doesn’t matter is that it that’s all you got I

Got the ice dragon heart this Hydra though I have a problem with this Hydra I don’t understand why I can’t seemingly do any damage to it I did get my first dragon very nice I got a alter of something what does this do what the I feel unprepared I feel unprepared but

Obviously can take out a dragon if I really try multiple times that scared me um anyway off to the next dragon I’m leaving the Hydra thing alone I could I just I don’t know it doesn’t take damage oh wait the dragon’s loot the dragon’s loots here wait this

Is huge I was like no way this is all I get for defeating a dragon right no okay what is this what are these even used for I have to find that out later Haack ice mercenary boots might be decent I don’t know though okay a skeleton skull interesting spider boots Silver Nugget

Whispering spear ooh Some iron some more iron not like crazy loot probably have had better box leggings that’s very interesting um I mean the loots not insane oh never mind oh there of binding you think I noticed that cuz no I did not all right let’s go find uh more dragons shall

We oh look at this hello there a golden apple what is this what the what even is that splash potion the weakness and a golden apple I could make this a nice villager but I mean what what would I want from this villager you know what I’m saying I

Might just leave a Way Stone here just a curable villager oh it’s an angry cow I see I’ve dealt with your kind Bor is there like better Shields there has to be right Diamond Tower Shield wooden Tower Shield I can do a shield bash with it okay I mean it’s probably better than

What I have right now and then what you surrounded by diamonds right you make a diamond Shield ice dragon blood oh obtained by interacting with a dragon corpse while holding an empty bottle wait a second we’re going hold on hold on hold on surely corpse is still there

Right oh but I don’t have a h I have to go back where’s the D please tell me the dragon’s still there oh it is okay tell me it’s like I can take the sample from it as I need to right surely right is that Redstone that I dropped I did I’m

I’m dooo doooo brain uh bottle bottle bottle bottle give me a bottle first yoink oh surely no no man I think I’m supposed to do it while it’s not bones you know what I mean no it doesn’t work wait what an Ender bag what is this man

Okay I I’ll carry around a bottle everywhere I go now oh oh look at that I can make Dragon Scale chest plate oh wait that’s like so much better than what I have right it’s nine and two what do what does my one have oh it’s it’s

Better by one okay that’s like useless low key still going to do it I can make this and I can make pants as well oh I look pretty I look pretty swag I can’t lie which direction should I go it’s a platus very the platus whoa what is this oh

All right it seems like we have our next mission here that looks like a dragon to me hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on there a bit too much going on right now oh yeah I’m going to guess that’s a dragon right there and that has gold in

It and this oh my wait there’s so much happening here this is ideal sound to get another Dragon for my collection what up dragon yo yo there you go what up what it do ra raar oh this one’s wait oh I needed my Fire Res potions no are you going to attack

Me hopefully not wait I might need my Fire Res I might die here but I might need my Fire Res yeah I’m going to go get my Fire Res I’ll see you in a bit okay buddy with Fire Res this is so free okay that’s a bit annoying okay a bit annoying a

Little bit annoying please stop all right didn’t stop the oh it shoots fireballs and whatever this is is also very bad I’ll BRB okay I’ll just this thing is so stupid what just happened let me go man leave me alone for a second bro please God I just need fire potions

That’s all I need okay chill out a little bit wait for me I’ll come back you think you’re doing something you’re not that’s right don’t destroy the freaking Tower you Meanie stay away from me bro oh destroy the tower why would you destroy the tower and why is your why is your body inside the man oh I got it I got the fire Dragon Blood let’s go okay you’re doing too much you’re doing too much

Here buddy yes stop please stop block of emerald right here and I’ll take it huh okay so those don’t work on this so okay let’s just see what this goes through shall we I have no idea so it does nothing huh is that an Enderman

What the flip is that oh heck no I just said heck that’s how scary that is oh it’s you shut up all right cool hello oh what up what are you land spawner well this key doesn’t work for this so it is whatever but there’s chests everywhere that I don’t have keys

To huh I would guess the keys are either hidden or I get them by destroying someone I hear some um people so Iron Golem kill required what wait a second Iron Golem kill required I have to kill an iron golem is that what that means but I don’t know

What I’m expecting it could be bad this could be bad but it could be good what does this all mean land Golem chest I’m not really sure what this is but uh very intriguing was I supposed to find keys somewhere so it looks like this needs a key I’m confusion there

Three keys keys and a monolith to summon a Bagon where do I get the keys where oh my what the what is this what there so many things going on get away from me bro wait actually oh no I hear the the thing I hear the thing I hear

The okay this one’s not that bad okay dude what what is all how is the desert this dangerous what is this okay it didn’t insta kill me I thought it was going to insta kill me what up gang this this is just insane there’s a

Lot of gold here seems to be the only thing though kind of useless there’s also gold in the mouth of that Dragon I have to go look at it cuz what was that 56 gold oh that is beautiful I know this is going to blow I just got to be super

Quick that was not super quick I think I got the worst loot oh maybe not my inventory is already completely full and it’s kind of annoying to be honest multi roll all right nah what is this there was a invisible book and I I feel

Like that was the best thing there and I just couldn’t get it in time cuz my inventory was full and I didn’t even think about that what is all this oh there’s a witch around up here actually GG’s cels oh my goodness what up dudes ancient remains if I’m not

Mistaken there’s gold in here also this but most importantly this look so many wait the golden apple era has begun that is insane all right let me go back um home real quick just drop off some of the loot cuz I have too much I have too

Much going on right now oh right I have another trophy from the other Dragon ooh I have not unlocked vge about this deity my bad where are my apples right now that all the apples I have okay that’s fine 10 gold apples don’t mind me I’ll

Take it ooh I’m going to make Dragon Scale boots booties yes just need to find one more Dragon really that’s all it is now I found myself in the mountains hopefully that means Lightning Dragon I just want to face another Lightning Dragon to be honest I don’t

Really care about anything else huh a lot of different you know what I’m really just looking for a circle CU I know that’s where a dragon is oh leave me alone what is where did you come from I have punch I don’t think you can even get to me okay you’re fast I’m

Sorry like What I need to find another Dragon I wish I could find some more of the bosses just chilling or like like baraco or whatever his name was baraco Obama I’m going went up TA oh and an end pole very nice Z or whatever I think I came from that

Side what is out there you got a Wither skull for free wait that’s crazy that’s insane if I can bottle up the rest of the Dragons I could actually get like the scepter thing or whatever it’s called and that would be pretty cool well hold on just a second where’s all

This it’s going to be dark down here I don’t really I can’t see what up okay nothing that’s probably a bit of a waste of time but might as well see what’s up yeah nah it’s one of those this is perfect oh it has fire resistance how

Good I outplay him Mana regen fire prop six chilling five protection what damn low I think that’s better than what I have turn up to three hostile op to all for 10 seconds before they disappear it’s uh also quite interesting yeah it’s pretty cool wonder what this is all

About I don’t know what it does it’s just a bad pickaxe oh my God it’s so slow what is this it’s so slow there was a pyramid though M that looks interesting another Dragon over there that guy doesn’t look too friendly does he okay well GG’s how do I get in here

Open sesame traps and curses oh well come on got to watch out for trip wires okay is stupid do I have to get to the middle I’m upset of course I have to break the first block man okay pause wait there might actually some decent oh my God scaring

Me okay what is all this uh Vault I have two vaults now great you good bro gong of Awakening awakens oh weakens enemies around you decrease their damage and defensive capabilities that is actually really good I’ll replace it with the grass cuz I don’t think I’ve used it yet I don’t

Think I’ve been able to I’ve tried too what is that warp scroll oh that’s okay there must be like a spawner or something cuz what the oh exploding hold on I don’t want to use on the spider cuz if this gives me like the

The spawn egg for it I don’t want to I don’t want it to be a spider cuz I already have one but okay there’s definitely a spawner what am I hearing I’m dead I’m not okay there’s another one of these this time I’m getting the loot I don’t know what I’m

Hearing outside though it’s scaring me are these trap chests I’m hearing some crazy stuff like stuff I do not want to be hearing right now what is that sound I’m confused oh Jesus no that actually scared me that scared me so bad oh oh that’s what was making the

Sounds I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hit you so that’s what was making the sounds I see that didn’t freak me out at all where are where are all of you coming from okay there’s a bit too many a I didn’t mean to hit this guy see and

I think they’re all going to be mad at me now hello is this trapped it’s not oh who of these that’s gas I can hear more right loky just want to get out of here I don’t really care what the guys guys guys chill out it is sleepy time and then we

Continue adventuring cuz this is insane you know what I feel like there’s two things I kind of need right now need a better sword and also to explore this dungeon all right what’s what’s going on down here hello sir are you interested in I I I thought it would give me like

Yeah I don’t know thought it would give me drops is this like just an underground Village so it looks like an underground Village I mean it’s cool and all you know what I kind of want to try I kind of want to try my punch bow on the uh the nether monstr

There but I don’t know how good of an idea that is what is this bottomless bag excuse me well how do you open it huh okay but it makes me slow how do I open it no I just I you know what I don’t like the fact it makes me slow anyway

I’m not going to use it I’m not not going to use it I don’t care I don’t care block of iron Hello um buddy I don’t think that’s the right place to go what the oh it’s a spawner just realized it’s a spawner reactive gosh this is weird I’m going to go I’m going to go I’m leaving no I’m actually leaving like what is this place it’s cringe I’m just wasting my time here

Bam is this the one I was at or is this another one is this the same Tower I don’t even know naria hello S I bet you you’re glad that I’m back what do reactive do the chance to cast the inscribed spell on tool use

Or player hurt a spell you say h a diamond Arrow Jesus I just want regular arrows I think maybe there’s like a better bow for me to use you you know what I’m saying you know I still haven’t used my uh explosive Bow crossbow against the guy

Cuz I’ve been doing it wrong where did I even put it did I throw it away where’s my crossbow oh there it is I want to try I want to see if it does anything to the guy I mean we’re going to try it out I

Don’t know it’s worth a shot it’s it really is I mean at this point this is going to be like my 75th attempt at trying to kill that thing and if it doesn’t work I’ll be upset all right let’s see see if we can do something hopefully the punch bow Works how I

Think it should if if if I can’t punch the guy backwards then it’s scuffed then the whole plan is just scuffed hello all right let’s get this let’s get this going maybe I can dig over to it hello I can hit it look at that wait I’m doing damage to it I’m cheesing

It literally getting cheesed all right let’s do this eat this let’s get in there and punch it a little bit can I not punch you no stop drinking the lava bruh what are You why are you here you’re going down sir oh what the oh my God the punch B actually works what yeah let’s go ah okay think I have to eat this one again you are no match for me sir no Match sit down don’t explode please oh wooo I got it I got the forge oh wow that was a struggle but we did it hello gnoblin and Crystal ore what so uh I don’t know if that’s all the loot that there is here but do I

Care to find out and Crystal Eye H makes one of the eyes okay fair enough cool cool cool we’re probably not going to be able to get to all the eyes in 100 days but uh that’s pretty cool where’s my exit bro has kind of ruined the

Surroundings here it turns out all I needed realistically was uh just a punch bow that works out where’s my exit I want to go home is it this way no man I don’t even know it’s somewhere here oh there it is can any mobs break my helmet

Please I just need like a mob or two please break my helmet yeah yeah yeah y y yep here you go break the armor get that freaking helmet broken there we go hey what do you mean curse of binding oh there it is I was worried dungeon bag all right

Cool oh my look at that I look spiy nice and I have this the big hammer the big hammer let me go try the big hammer I call it the big hammer big hammer big hammer all see h it’s not like amazing but it does way

More damage than my sword and what is this the Monstrous horn oh a monstrous Helm okay I mean yeah well did the thing a netherite totem of undying I’ll take it that’s pretty cool we still have yet to find a lightning dragon and I really

Want to the problem is I have to find another ice dragon because I never got the ice dragon blood I have the uh fire dragon blood which honestly I’d say the fire dragon was the most annoying one to deal with so kind of glad I have that

But yeah do I just make myself like a nice random spawner cuz I already have like two empty spawners now which I don’t know what to do with where’s my other one there it is so I have two empty spawners cool I can make a slime spawner or a spider

Spawner but why would I need either a skeleton spawner would be nice but it’s time we go keep looking for those dragons I need more dragons I need more dragons also I need more freaking armor this one which is good boots this one I need extra armor just in

Case just in case we are actually in Narnia all right fair enough let’s go find some dragons shall we maybe I can find a conjurer while I’m at it you know what I’m saying another little Bossman hello tattered cloth interesting what is this chilled don’t on on I’ve been

Chilled yeah I’m pretty chill oh boy is that’s looking like a side quest burned Forest interesting I think those are evil so I’m just smacking them I don’t know though oh it’s these towers I remember these I don’t really know if I care to explore them cuz I don’t think they’re

Going to have much good in them mean you were never really know though let me check just a quick peek paralyzing all right what’ you drop qu opulent Shield interesting not really worth my time but where’s the uh the loot iron knock back one ooh Some knockback okay I

Mean again I don’t think this is worth my time hello guys what is happening what how are you how do you see me and shoot me through the walls how do I shoot you through the walls how’s this happening what I’m so what the I’m in the

I’m that’s how I lose that’s how I they were shooting me through the walls I’m not coming back why does this game become a horror game that’s the one I didn’t need to find man G no I’m I’m ignoring that I don’t care he can chill I don’t I don’t

Need to fight that one again just going to break my armor for no reason why why why why leave me alone man just leave me alone not trying to fight you you better not be following me either weirdo oh well it looks like I’m about to start a raid when I go back

Home great now I need to find a cow oh okay understandable where’s that guy thought he was outside I’ll find him don’t worry there’s some loot to be had here though that that much I that much I understand ball of enchanting beest chest plate corrupted eye all

Right I just bashed him with my shield wait that’s kind of cool maybe there’s someone with a ton undying that wants to talk to me out here another corrupted eye I guess they’re not for the portal are they I don’t know what that is but we’ll check it out

Cool cool why am I sliding D gems wine whip that’s kind of cool what is that wait wait what a sturdy Whip made from thick Thorn lated Vines capable of poisoning anything it touches be careful not to scratch yourself does it have like crazy reach or something I think I

Guess it should where’s the where’s the guy that was uh causing problems see in the walls again things keep just getting stuck in the walls I don’t understand why it’s time I go find like God I hate these this leave function like why why would you do this the game was fine when

You could walk on leaves man it was fine I could go Bonk someone that’ be fun or whip him gosh I hate I hate nature Nature’s the worst I just need to find a cow oh there are bad things inside good just in case though bad okay what’s this

Grow grapple Vines which inflict poison nah nah come on now oh already see me these are not going to be easy to kill so obiously a good thing I’ve got Smite baby whip them oh it’s actually not bad it’s actually not bad does more damage than I thought and it’s got reach

All right all right all right guys chill out yeah they love shooting through walls though gosh I’m going to Bonk them it’s bonking time where are you what what’s wrong with you oh wait iron sword red iron mining Arrow what well this is interesting isn’t it yep wait these are actually not bad

Wait whoa who hold on hold on I have to focus up here some apples this loot seems pretty regular for now but I feel like it might get better oh I got an ender pearl oo what am I hearing is this the was this all is that it huh that was

Kind of lame no oh I just used the mining Arrow a man and the other arrow that I shouldn’t have used whatever you live and you learn guys you live and you learn oh yeah I started a raid didn’t I well buddy we’re going to have one fun

Time so where’s the raid huh where are the Raiders the guards should be pretty helpful though feel like the guards are going to be strong enough oh no the guard died what is that what the don’t kill my gatekeeper gosh I don’t have any inventory no oh I got

Mending I see the guy oh my God yeah the guards took care of him yeah you already know the guards are kind of kind of strong here they come again you stay away bro all what up no not my gatekeeper stay away stay away you bow beasts why are you so

Fast don’t destroy my house why are you destroying my house stop destroying my house no leave my house Alone what the flip are those ah what are why why why where are you coming from oh it’s that guy it’s 100% send that guy no sir not today there’s actually so much stuff here though holy So in theory if I ring the bell oh I I literally see

Him get out of my house I just hit the statue on accident oh no it just burnt the statue just oh there’s another wave are you kidding me any guards still alive oh my God I just saw so many things spawn yo guards I’m going to need

Your freaking help here they are coming oh my God they are coming run boys run where are these Crusader guys what the flip Jesus all right that’s it that’s it we’re going down okay maybe chill out a little bit points them a little bit yep I just

Poisoned myself a little bit okay okay okay okay surely it’s the last wave surely it has to be the last wave yes good job guard good job keep it going all my villagers are going to die all my villagers are going to die bro this can’t be this can’t

Be he’s spawning creepers why are you so fast I can’t move bruh wait what did I just leave on here what the hold on where’s my backpack um um um um so much stuff I don’t need man those guys can wait a little bit you know what I’m saying they can wait I

Don’t know where the last guy is even if there’s another wave I’m just cowering in my house I hate when this happens it happens every time one dude gets lost just one it’s always just one I got to ring the bell again cuz what so it’s not 32 blocks within this

Bell where is he oh oh my God there’s another wave there’s another wave there’s another wave there’s another wave I think some guard killed it but I don’t know where oh my God what do I do they’re everywhere they’re surrounding me what are you why you have diamond

Armor and you’re riding a thing chill out bro chill out bruh what is that happening get lost get lost I have arrows for days what just happened what is that what is what are you what is that why are you so strong I don’t even

Know what he did what are you doing stop please stop this is insane what is this help me there’s FES whereit where did you just go dudee leave me alone look at that what is that there’s so many I’m out of arrows I’m actually out of arrows wait I’m actually out of Arrows there’s an delusionary guy bruh a magical eye ooh you know I am collecting a lot of these eyes I can’t jump I can’t jump i l can’t jump two Raiders remaining let me out ow you there’s one more oh my God I did it oh my God I did

It look at my armor it’s gone my Armor’s gone wow wow yaowa that was insane that was insane that was the hardest raid I’ve ever fought in my life are you kidding me dude never again never again I have like one villager left I think

Maybe two that is so funny the NIT width has survived that is hilarious actually this guy is still alive good uh then Regina still kicking alive and well what is this Regina I’m the hero of the Town how is how are you not offer me trades

Right now I saved you I literally saved you from Extinction I think my Fletcher died my arrow Fletcher I am what they call that fella I thought I was your hero but instead this is how you treat me 64 for one Emerald I’m never coming

Back Regina so you can’t you tell me I can’t put enchantments on the infernal Forge really FY this is a pickaxe wait what oh there also a pickaxe is what you’re saying it does block like most of my screen oh my God it is a pickaxe if I just use

It in F5 you know what I’m saying I look in what is this I look absolutely insane I think we got to go find the uh the dragon again so yeah but this punch bow you know what I think the punch bow needs I think it needs more enchantments

Like power and stuff I don’t have any villagers for that so I don’t even have enough levels crazy let me first get uh some arrows from our villager friends I don’t might need to make a new Fletcher though cuz I think uh I think the other

One is dead I think I only have three villagers left in this whole city which makes me a bit sad the breeding will have to be done unless this guy sells arrows it oh my God you do all right cool three stacks works for me y’all don’t deserve to be

Here why are you poisoning me where’s the other guy I saw him oops shut up I can also put mending on this bow if I have enough levels and I’ll take that Harpoon crossb what the so it shoots in the water I’m guessing very interesting stuff I’m finding here nothing really

Useful though why is it why the fish out of the water what the hell yo any lightning dragons or like ice dragons or something oh my God another Tower like the millionth Tower I found that a spawner oh it’s this guy you’re like stuck in there let me make sure you

Can’t get to me all right come here actually let me try this one zon the cracked all right buddy but buddy the punch Bow’s insane look at that well well well if it isn’t zomd himself what the flipflop is that feather falling eight okay enchanted golden apple we’ll take it some Redstone

We’ll take it we don’t have any Doom crossbow now I’m getting pissed off I’m getting pissed off why do I keep fighting fire fire dragons I don’t want to fight fire dragons man lightning lightning dragons is it that hard to understand and this whole whatever this is hate it hate this

Biome exploded what amazing this room might be close he’s the special Guy special little guy huh oh my what is that o oo oh my God I just whoa okay nope I I’m starting to really not like everything what what is up there oh hell no what are

You and what are you do I go up there or Nah gosh just just show me the the the dragon thing just show me where a dragon is the endless search for Dragon I don’t want no fire dragon I want a lightning dragon or an ice dragon

For the ice dragon I’m probably going to take the Nature’s compass and try to actually locate a place that has the stuff also is this what I think it is or dwarf yes Iron Golem travs backpack very nice I have another backpack thank goodness cuz I was running out of space

I’ve still yet to find a whole bunch of other bosses but I’m kind of more intrigued in finding two more DRS sweet dreams what is this oh you’re not very happy about me are you why are you not happy about me why are you guarding it what are you guarding are you guarding

Something what the flipflop is this what what what is this I’m intrigued as to what have I just found okay this is weird whatever it is there’s like it’s like a little Camp what the flip is that I can’t see okay great love that w I can’t see I

Got to get away from here I got to get away from here the keeps crashing my game oh just run just run a desert temple though chill out buddy okay Fire trail okay cool Soul Scythe all right another Scythe I guess Golden Apple some Vixie shards Source gems I still don’t

Know what to use the source gems for Arrow stuff lore six what the another Soul sight there’s two of them this one’s not as good okay critical hit nice how many scythes are there huh what seems the same all right cool I’ll be taking the TNT as

Well there’s a lot of these run run what the is happening well they can’t get me into water losers I want to go home oh my corrupted Beacon some enchantment that I’ll never have the use for another Scythe yet another Scythe dude what on Earth how why why so many scythes huh

Weird these towers are everywhere as well there’s whatever that is these towers are like I’m conf I’m just confused about what they even are so I couldn’t really seem to find uh any keys that the towers kind of need so kind of weird kind of weird champ the

Waystone tower look at that I hate this place there’s so many not nice things a snake bit me now a snake is biting me man leave me alone I just want to be left alone why is everything trying to that’s a Pillager Camp no no no no no no no no no

No that is not happening no more raids done with raiding oh what the absolute crud is that well I’m I’m getting it whatever it is come here I don’t even know how much health that thing has why is there just a cyclops here what are

You what are you and what are you do and why do you do it oh that dude that dude angry at me and that dude have a lot of Health hey come here wait come here oh that bro fell okay hold on SP hey buddy bro bro really hit me with the ra

Whatever hey you come back where you going all right that’s it that’s it that’s it I’m fighting you how much health do you have I probably don’t even have enough arrows I don’t know why I’m doing this no oh I thought it disappeared wait let me change my

Artifacts please come back bro let me shoot my Beam at you man it’s not shooting my beam it’s not shooting my beam Get Away From Me Maybe I hit to have to hit it in the eye you know what I mean like what what why what are you

Why are you why are you the way you are huh raah raah is he unkillable is that is that the general conern sensus here let me just try oh he tried to eat me oh okay so that’s how that goes oh he’s eating what oh my God he’s eating

Everything um where’s my body did you like leave my body alone please um please just just walk away bro please I have to go in I have to get it leave me alone Jesus don’t leave me alone okay I get it I get it you you’re like

Unkillable but I killed him but I killed him are you are you kidding me what what was the what was the point what was the point what was the point Oh I thought it’s going to be like some crazy loot what was the pointy man this game man

This game it’s testing me right now who is that well that looks interesting a little Temple if you will that’s uneventful I mean mean we what we doing out here is this like is this it I just saw the lever I heard a piston [Laughter] oh that’s too funny no it’s actually

Just too funny if I look down maybe maybe that what is that man oh not the rabies cow leave me alone oh there another was Stone right there but man how am I supposed to even get my loot now can I even do that can I get my loot shut up I

Just need my loot okay just give me my loot that was a mistake that was a mistake I was like H this looks like a boss room just don’t look at her just don’t look at her just don’t look at her just don’t look at her all I have to do

Is not look at her ah Jesus I did it legendary weapon huh it’s a weapon well hold on what does that mean my armor is actually struggling right now I need I need new pants I need new pants Oh I don’t have any pants on me

Pause wow it’s a one time use it’s one time use it’s a one time use bro imagine I could have used that against like the Ender Dragon like just imagine for a second I’m not going to fight the Ender Dragon but imagine I could have just used it on

Anything oh whatever whatever genuinely whatever I don’t care anymore I just do not care anymore what the flip flop is that I just opened my door that’s all I did I just opened my door I see how this is going to be where’s my fire rest potion I have one hold on

This is what we’re going to do buddy buddy pal this is what we’re going to do oh yeah yeah yeah your fire damage does nothing to me how do I do damage to you okay look at how slow you are now look at this oh that’s funny it’s going to break my

Sword this is the weirdest fight ever ever had this is not how I expected to not what I expected to be doing right now I bet this is so not worth my time look look at my energy bar what the oh my God okay what is this section

Six Dodge five wow that seems pretty good rampaging what okay Propel six throwing range of this weapon that seems kind of lame accelerate four increases charge speed for each that’s pretty cool I really need like sharpness on my sword or something just a bat chilling in my

Place it’s it’s a weird concept what is there more bats what the why are the bats here what are they doing yo can you get out of my place where are the bats coming from where are they coming from Yo there’s endless bats what does this mean what does this

Mean is someone out to get me why are there bats terrified I’m terrified okay let’s let’s put um rampaging something’s wrong I don’t know what the flip going on put rampaging on of course we can’t do that definitely didn’t want to anyway at least we fixed it but we’re

Going to put rampaging on it when I can and there’s mending ooh I should have done that instead mhm going put rampaging and mending together right and then I’m going to also add uh something else let me get my spawner let’s let’s make the slime farm I’m I’m kind of

Dedicated yo where are these things coming from I I’m scared I’m ter I’m terrified terrified there’s bats there’s Just Bats endless bats endless bats oh wait wait that’s coming from me the bat is my pet wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what oh this is going to be very

Annoying actually in a way the bat squeaker the squeaker bat what are you what are you doing the squeaker we’re going to call it the squeaker okay I’m going to make the slime farm in here I feel like it’s adequate but I’m not really sure how to

How do you make a slime farm huh dude they’re going to keep dying to things oh my God that’s going to be annoying plus this needs this place needs to be a bit bigger too I can’t really I need it ever so slightly larger so I’m going to

Expand the base of it right okay and then we’re going to go down one why do I insta mine what just happened what is happening why do I insta mine what what I’m so confused this game is so weird this game is actually so weird

Oh oops okay and then we get rid of these okay slime farm it will be here like on here this will be the the block all of my chests are completely full this is insane I will need more chests uh okay so I have this and I have my

Slime spawn egg I really hope I really really hope that this is how this works oh it’s off center too that’s insane I have actually two slime spawn eggs so I can get two slime spawners gosh I hope this is how it works well before I try

It I’m going to actually clear this out and try to get a little uh water stream going who gave me a insta M shovel what happened who did that plus since it’s slimes it’s going to have to I don’t even know how this is going to work

Hello hello hello my friend lore five I already have lore lore six I’m good bro I’m good bro did you buy anything off of me like I have a full Flippin inventory right now and I don’t know what to do with it I think low key this might need

To be like a this wide I don’t even know how wide slimes are oh wait what okay so that’s not how that works first of all huh what gang I realized this is is a bit more complex than what I thought what is this what is all this I’m guessing this

Is soulfire needs like a slime slime heart well no I need like a soulfire and then and what else I think I need a soulfire right or maybe I’m tripping oh you need an ectoplasm oh you need ashes wait what wait huh ashes of skeleton ashes of Enderman spider zombie I think

I had some ashes no so I can’t use these but I can well maybe I can use them because they do allow me to put them in there okay they also allow me to put bread in there I cry every time man I have one Ash

Of I need some storage fam this is abysmal yeah like what I can’t even comprehend all of this stuff man wait how do you even make a fire dragon forge what is that oh okay you want me to bre a block wants me to make a block oh I

Just a block of that stuff are you serious I can’t even find that many dragons impossible how am I supposed to find that many dragons I found three one of them I didn’t even want to find where am I oh my god I’ve traveled so far what

Is that a pegasus a flying that’s a flying horse isn’t it do I have a saddle oh I definitely have a saddle at home wait can I tame you guys please tell me I can I can’t wait what do you mean you want an apple hey bro just yed it okay

Yep how it goes okay well they’re table I just uh don’t know how oh my God oh my God I hate plants I hate plants Jesus oh I hate plants Uno dragon per Uno Dragon per that’s all I want that’s all I ask an iceborn Diamond Sword of Great

Lengths of Laten magic that’s pretty cool I guess I’ll try it out see if it is any different what is different on it plus 1.62 what reach I think it’s reach that’s kind of cool thirsty I need food I need drink I’m a thirsty boy oh wine clutch Vine clutch

Baby I don’t even know anymore I don’t know I think I think I think I’m not going to find any dragons anymore it’s over I’ve actually slain all the dragons that were there that were in this world it’s crazy no cuz they don’t actually don’t exist they’re actually not real it’s all

Fake I see you br well wait a second it just dropped an ectoplasm hold on I have another spawner how do I get how do I get like Enderman ashes real realistically I mean there’s no point in getting any other kind of Ashes if you’re a common viewer here you

Would know I’m a I’m a huge fan of spawners I’m so I’m such a fan of spawners that like the spawners already know that they’re going to be built whatever that means you know I’ve been traveling for a while now okay the planes biome perfect spot for there to

Be two dragon nests two of them right I’ll I’ll even find them at at the same time okay I’ll literally fight them at the same time that’s a little bit ambitious but like I this point man I’ll do anything okay what is there no chest under here what is this cringe no ectoplasm

Cringe okay every time I open the chest okay actually it’s actually every time it’s actually every time it’s actually every time it’s actually every time I open the chest is this like a way I can keep grinding XP it’s an XP grinder man oh what was that could that please be like a

Boss I’m feeding for some boss fights right now I’ll get in there and I’ll mess them up just tell me there’s a boss doesn’t look too promising but boss battle I don’t know what these guys are but they’re making a lot of sound up there what you guys uh you guys doing up

There huh what are you hit me with nausea o disgusting all right I’m coming up no more nausea please is all you do nausea really like get a grip like get good please guys this was kind of useless now NAA disgusting banana not the banana Arrow a diamond

Arrow ooh ooh obsidian Arrow ooh so all this really was was food and just pretty much it just food well fair enough I guess uh I’ll be leaving thank you for all that my pants are about to break my helmet’s about to break it’s a bit

Cringe it’s not a dragon though is it wait it is look no it’s not what is that is that a dragon no that’s like a bird got me excited for a second but it’s just a bird it’s just the bird what the get out of my room mending what do I put

Mending on maybe my punch bow oh wait I wanted to um put together my sword real quick rampaging and that what happens if I do this and this it does put them together but that’s like 36 levels H okay so I can’t do it like that man and then this with this that’s

18 18 levels this though is not a the problem is I want fire aspect and smite it’s pretty good but maybe I can live without the the Smite but I do need like H I don’t know let’s just try it out let’s I don’t I don’t know wait a second

Let me let me try something real quick that I wanted to try actually because I have a feeling if I use one of the ashes it may actually work the spawner I did destroy one so I have to replace it with this one but I want to just check hello

Where are my blocks I have like no blocks I’m going place this here let’s see it definitely needs uh all four ashes hello sir again I don’t really need your help sir did you actually I’m going to leave these here and get out of here all

Right this was the last spot I kind of went that’s a dragon Hey sir how did I not notice this Dragon here yeah yeah chill out Buddy needs to be doing damage huh this a fire dragon what is this unnamed oh this thing’s killing me as well all right buddy chill out oh my God right in my face what is that is that it’s a fire dragon isn’t it oh of course it’s a fire dragon why wouldn’t it

Be let’s place that on this real quick ow dude this guy just just keeps shooting stuff at me stop where are you going how does he hit me from that far you’re not doing too hot there but okay he’s doing actually just fine against me I’m kind of not doing too

Well all right buddy okay what up dude there we go what are you what kind of dragon are you where’s my where’s my wa Stone did he break my waist Stone oh oh no he broke my waist Stone it’s a fire dragon I don’t even need this he

Actually broke my waist stone that is absurdly stupid cuz I know I place that thing down oh man such a menace such a menace yeah whatever I’m kind of done with Dragons man so stupid also I have I have realized how actually how many of them I need to kill another Goblin King

Really wow wow I don’t really care to fight the Goblin King right now I’ve already fought him before now I need to find a waist Stone to get back home cuz I’m that thing broke my waist Stone which is stupid all right sir this is my house now please get out of the

Bed okay oh look at that is a perfect wasone Tower right there and uh well hello there isn’t that just another perfect dragon for me to fight I think that’s an ice dragon but that could be a Lightning Dragon I need some new pants I’ll be back I’ll be back with more

Pants near Blue Dragon H just please tell me that’s like a dragon that I haven’t fought yet we have a battle to commence some food and let’s get the show on the road I have 53 arrows I could have gotten more arrows this might be bad what just hit me

Why this looks like a Lightning Dragon to me but it could be not a Lightning Dragon but it probably is a Lightning Dragon just no stay where you are bro you’re getting too close we just keep shooting you with this bow okay just stay exactly where you are please until my very last

Arrow my intent is not to fight you right now my intent is to clear you out for free completely easily oh no I hit the bat instead of the dragon all right come on how many arrows are you going to take there we go well that one didn’t

Really put up a fight but it’s the Lightning Dragon I killed it how beautiful it’s very good actually if I can get a bottle oh a better Doom crossbow no no it’s not better Frost boots uhhuh uhhuh another Katana this one this guy didn’t put up much of a fight did

He um what do I do do I go all the way back and get a Way Stone I didn’t bring any bottles with me shame all right time to go back get some bottles there it is I get more of the bottles I got two Lightning Dragon

Bloods I get three why not there we are isn’t that beautiful alter of Zeus I accidentally broke one of the altars at home so yeah I was fighting the raid was not a great time man I’m definitely taking this waist Stone away from here cuz annoying this is

Annoying but also I don’t know what’s giving me so much health right now but it’s definitely something really not sure and then of course I don’t have the fire dragon forge which turns out is quite quite a quite a hard thing to make

Cuz to make one of the oh my God to make four of these wait wait hold on hold on hold on hold on let’s say a fire dragon forge right I need eight of these dragon forge fire bricks which means I need what is that 10 blocks of that dragon’s

Dragon scales 10 blocks 10 I I can make one block of whatever this is I don’t even know how this works oh you can use any kind of oh any kind of yeah exactly so it’s like this is stupid so I shouldn’t have been wasting those dragon skills first of all

And I can’t even combine them can I that wouldn’t make any sense man I have to kill so many more dragons I have two shiny scales I have uh and I have nothing I’m broke have a bunch of dragon hearts and that’s it and some bottles of

Their juice their blood what does that help me with nothing oh Zeus Regina Ace trainer whoa whoa whoa it gave me some new stuff right this wasn’t here before chain reaction of exploding arrows speak of my illery engineering the famous slicer was designed to fire bolts that pierce through even the thickest of

Armor velocity and piercing oh my goodness I want regular bows man enchanting table I don’t think the enchanting table works quite like how I think it should but hey we haven’t done any enchanting I feel like we have to so guess what we’re doing we are enchanting

Baby okay so we need a turna and whatever else really not sure man it’s dark in there any light objects any any um I need to make some torches my eyes are hurting okay so let me get my I must have like a bajillion books right just a

Bajillion of book just crazy amounts of books also I’m pretty sure the this give Quant plus 5 we’ll take it another Quant plus 5 what is the had a Wither Skull Quant plus 10 let’s freaking go so I’ll be placing those nearby also where are my books five books there’s no way I

Have only five books 52 that’s better 32 more still is not enough I feel like I should have like so many books so many many books I might be losing it I don’t really know yeah I not enough book books is it like what the what the flip dude

Aspen planks surely that means you can make bookshelves I can I’m just can where’s all my wood supplies right maybe if I just start placing these things down bing bing bing bing bing bing okay Quant 15% is that because I have them in my inventory is that how that works I think

So and then I need some more wood these Bates are dumb they’re actually a bit dumb W is currently at 25 nice should have got more skulls I guess let’s see what happens let’s just let’s just get like a let’s get some lapis I don’t know where I had my lapis

But I did have some lapis well surely I I don’t just have oh my God I might have just five lapis I had lapis before where did it go lapis lazul okay ET turna uhhuh Arana makes rare enchantments more common and increases the number of enchantments okay controls the power

Range lessens the negative effects okay these just seem pretty like pretty regular enchantment Enchanted Mundos um do I get like um what did I just do did I just make three of them into one whatever maybe I can make like a diamond sword or something pretty sure I already have a

Diamond sword somewhere just laying around yep there it is let’s just see what we can do here poison Cloud Echo okay so it doesn’t can I I can’t read roll it not the best thing that I can’t roll it all right let’s see what we can

Combine here I like the I like the echo right I like having that um I also like having fire aspect 3 is pretty cool this one already has mending on it so what if I just add some sharpness to it and then also Echo add Echo and sharp I can’t add

Echo and sharpness H why is that that sucks I kind of want a sharpness sword well I guess then I have to figure out how to get either a spawner working or yeah I might be mistaken but I think yeah this gives me more Health but why

Is it one of the enchantments maybe all right time to venture uh I don’t have my waist Stone there it is being Bor all ready we go further wait this actually does have life steal on it this is amazing where’s The Conjurer found Dark Forest okay let’s let’s find Dark Forest it’s that

Direction uhhuh okay just show me the conjurer’s place and I’ll be there I must take him out we’re going on a trip in our favorite rocket SHP s through the sky little Einstein it’s a little song I like to sing from time to time oh well that’s definitely an ice dragon and I

Have some bottles with me am I capable let’s see let’s try it I have the arrows where is he come on then have some fun where you going o mate oy mate o mate there you are come fight me bro and you’re being awkward right now I

Just hit my bat again there he is what up bro likes flying I guess ra raar I bet you don’t like fire do you loser I’m just going to eat an apple real quick and then I’m going to attack you with this okay I should probably chill out a little

Bit kind of can’t move which is kind of annoying now a little bit annoying I can’t I can’t move yeah what now huh you’re like low bro I this is not the best idea for you here dummy gosh I can’t move SN slurp there we go some ice

Dragon blood we have all the blood now so that’s great what’s not so great is I don’t really have uh everything else I need what the give me your scales back bro the heart and that’s all I’m going to take for now four scales that’s not

Enough not enough at all yeah all right we’re just going to continue going this way way it was a great time though I appreciate the the fight what is that ice breaker ice breaker huh definitely lowers my movement speed not by a crazy amount but like not

Great what is that hold up something in the water I have to check this out to be honest why is my health uh zero no no no not doing all that this isn’t like a boss place no okay what are these guys there’s a spawner place I can barely see what I’m looking

At any loot dude I can’t see so dark in here well I mean a little spawner thing I guess oh there’s chests what the flip ow oh ashes curse of Vanishing cool amazing thing to have but I do like the fact I got some ashes there that’s nice

Warped fungus okay that was a bit lame wait I I guess I didn’t see the other chest here oh there it is okay okay okay okay we got Swift footed bow of the Lost Souls some some random stuff let’s go check some more of these like a whole bunch of them I’ll

Take some zombie ashes though if y’all want to drop those just like that baby oh we got three zombie ashes already dude this is amazing this could be good I just need to drop one more where’s the last is this the last one please drop me zombie ashes I’ll be

Very grateful I’ll even let yall spawn in surely one of you oh I thought oh I actually have yo I I surely this means I can make the spawner right there’s another one right here wait this is crazy something in the way is that another Dragon thing what is

That what is that there so much going on wait hold on hold on hold on what is this oh that’s the that’s where the big thing in the water spawns we’ve already defeated one of those but we could just do it again for fun I guess it was in a

Different video but I mean why not revisit it you know what I’m saying but we actually have all four hold up we have five even okay Undead expansion brings lots of new content into Minecraft I have the zombie ashes right weird weird weird weird maybe this has to be like different

Ashes surely not well this the spaer is not working so obviously the mod has been changed it’s different now what the flip dude I just want to to make a mob spawner man that’s all I want man is this actually going to work like this like there’s just no way that didn’t

Work well then I don’t know what I’m doing now I don’t have many more things left I just want a farm man all I want man I don’t know what I’m doing this is that’s a funny concept but I was like maybe I just have to light it you know

What I mean that’s it’s not it it’s not what I need to do all right cool cool man cool cool those might be mermaids and that’s not a good thing is it definitely not nice huh like a sea serpent oh Jesus I don’t I don’t know how much

Health it has oh it’s got a lot of Health okay Jesus Christ why is it so fast why is it on land so many questions leave me alone if it’s from Ice and Fire it shouldn’t be too bad but it does seem to be doing a lot of damage leave alone

What the flip man surely you can’t get on land okay there we go oh my God what’s that sea serpent scales I don’t even know I don’t even want to know also there’s this thing here I need a freaking break after that Jesus there’s another boss over there by the way you

Leave me alone I don’t know what you are but you seem like you’re not too friendly really don’t want to fight me right just let me be leave me alone they seem friendly it doesn’t seem friendly what what is this Mario what is happening I’m playing Super Mario I can promise you

That Jesus leave me alone just trying to find the co dude there’s no way this tiny ass biome is what I’ve been searching for this entire time there ain’t going to be no conjurer here you telling me this is dark dark Forest oh my God it actually is what the what is

Oh it’s actually okay it’s not not as small as I thought but it’s still tiny I think now where does The Conjurer live huh where is he I’ve been searching for him I bet he’s not even here man what is why why what is what what

Are you what what why I ran out of vocabulary oh wow that’s a pretty good enchantment actually no waist Stone I thought there was a waist Stone here why I don’t know so uh this Dark Forest didn’t work out I mean what’s new realistically I’m starting to think maybe I should just

Consider trying to fight that uh or what the flip is that that better stay away from me it’s big old snake thinking maybe I should just fight that underwater boss again but who knows if that’s even a good idea probably not the ice maze not hearing the rumbling of the

Of the stuff plus there’s a lack of monsters never mind I’ve heard the sound now where is it I I don’t see it I don’t really particularly want to go in the water I mean I know what I’m looking for I fought it once I’ll do it again I

Don’t know how I feel about fighting the uh the main boss but the side boss that’s fine okay that bat a little bit annoying where can I find the the mother of the sea or whatever it’s called I don’t know if that was what it was actually called but something like that

I have to destroy it first pirate pouch a pirate pouch you say do I really have to go in the water to find it I don’t want to go in the water to find it the noises are being made I’m just not seeing the creature maybe if I come back

Another time so I keep hearing the horn I’m pretty sure the horn is what you’re supposed to hear when when the the big monster is here but I don’t know where it is maybe it’s not the case um obtain a shell horn I’m not really sure if

That’s how it works I don’t know if this has the big monster in the water might not oh there’s one of those wait so the big guy might might be a thing actually hey bud they are a thing hey you buddy where’s your mother where’s your mother but this just froze

Up I can’t smack him where is it where’s the big scary creature huh I need the the crossbow that works underwater yeah yeah I should go get that ice maze Now where’s the underwater crossbow uh explosive one it’s not a crossbow nothing in there aha there it

Is the harpoon crossbow I think it should work as advertised so we’ll figure it out me the ice maze does continue over there as well does that even mean it’s more likely to be there probably not I should check though oh for a second for a second I thought

Maybe but no uh but no yeah I’m not seeing it not seeing it maybe they’re just hiding the horn from me are those Dragon spikes there’s a dragon I’m this was not on my to-do list Mr Dragon not on my to-do list leave me alone what the like leave me alone

Man a dragon I’m St trying to fight a dragon right now dude that bat is okay that that’s stupid yeah just stay like exactly that far away starting to hate my bat boots okay now they’re shooting from over there great good stuff good stuff guys really

Good did I just kill it just like that oh my God how pathetic how pathetic are you huh and you sir I don’t even have any bottles for you you absolute weirdo how would you do this why here you know what I’m saying we had other times other places and now

You’re just twitching in the cold water cringe Jesus what was that this stuff’s going to sink to the Bottom now whatever this is lame bing bing bong okay all right we’re done another heart I’ll take it this just doesn’t help bro came out of nowhere too where where even is your home you

Loser where’d he come from somewhere over here what up lons of the sea actually confused in where where the dragon came from where is your home wait what did bro just appear out of thin air is that what happened oh no here it is I so confused o haunted Bow Wow leggings

That’s big actually hello let me try my bow on you I think it should work as intended and you’re gone oh it does actually work kind of it’s quite what is there’s chests down there man I really want to check it out probably a dumb idea probably a really dumb idea I

Already had a shot loaded up okay let’s Go Peep what what’s going oh hello oh a trident fighting a anglerfish a trident is fighting an Ang okay the anglerfish won I missed oh what the flip okay so it’s just a regular like zombie place God I hate that sound quick peep

Nothing I’m GNA start taking damage in a second that was useless okay ow ow all right well could have been better wait what does that sound is that the big guy that to me sounds like the big guy 100% it’s got to be it’s got to be

It’s got to be where is it where is it where is it ah what the flip is that get get out of here I feel like I’m hearing the big guy this is Terri what are these guys doing here get lost you’re on the wrong side of town you’re not there miss Cornelia

You’re just making sounds that bat has ruined so much for me like I hate it hate that bat I do don’t have no other boots like good boots These are great boots but like man I wish they didn’t have that bat thing what does it even do

It doesn’t even do anything I need to find all of the same same dragon how am I supposed to find the same Dragon H how’s that even possible I can’t it’s just not going to happen see cuz I need the dragon fire dragon forge fire core

Then I need a dragon forge ice core I probably need whatever this is so that’s four more bre n it’s impossible that’s like a 500 Days type of goal Jesus imagine how many dragons I have to fight insane someone’s burning over here here oh what the this zombie brute oh what the flipflop

Jesus the sounds are so not cool there’s another one there’s another one just looking at me right now he’s just staring at me right now like what is he going to do what is he going what am I going to do freak man God that’s just insane oh I

Hate whatever that is I hate ah creeper I’m having a rough day creeper don’t do this to me you give me swi what’s this potion effect gosh just random mobs terrify me somehow like why it’s crazy how many dragons you have to kill for this because and the worst part

Is you have to kill all the same kind of dragon how am I supposed to do that that’s an insane goal oh my boots where the flip are my boots let me try to repair my Shield nice running low on Diamonds though not good sea serpent scales wow

If I had a bit more I can make this the tide Guardian helmet huh I can actually make this I think how many fangs do I have I have the bones I had the fangs here somewhere no what ah the Fang ah yes let’s make the Trident whatever it’s

Cool it’s snazzy it’s it’s cool we take a diamond we take that take the bones and we’ll take the um the shiny scales that I had somewhere here break it bro I’m making the scales the oh it said I can make it with the shiny ones oh no I

Need a sea serpent what am I saying doesn’t look like much it says these are hostile how so well un lucky infested cow h this is not a bad weapon actually and I can throw it that is pretty cool I just need it uh what’s the enchantment called for

The um the Trident I don’t think I could use an in oh I can H what was it called oh loyalty there it is right loyalty indestructible what man I wish I had some levels it sure would be great if there was a way I could Farm XP but no

Minecraft hates me all right you know what I think I want to enter the atom Dimension I have never been to that one so I just going to do that I think that’s a good idea I need to make a portal and put a Scarab in the portal so

We we we’ll see how that goes all right but for that we need sandstone and where do I have a desert near my near my way points um hello what is wrong with the map there we go uh Waypoint called lava fair enough hello okay we going to get a

Bunch of sandstone well wherever it is this is arid Sandstone I don’t know if that makes a difference does it make a difference can I have some regular Sandstone please ah there it is sandstone that’s also Sandstone wait I’m confused all right boom cobbled did I just make cobbled Sandstone I did not

Mean to do that wait oh right if I dig up this kind of sandstone it gives me cobbled sandstone what kind of cringe stuff is that huh I need that regular stuff if we were to interpret how this is said scen Adam portal you will need first need to create a 5×5 Sandstone

Platform all right let’s try 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 3 4 uh right I’m going to need more Sandstone no way did I just do that nope I need more why then build walls around the edges including the corners the middle of the

Platform should now be a 3X3 next stack two blocks on all four corners fill the Middle with water then drop the Scarab into the water man all this digging I need what eight boom this better be enough man surely this is my last try okay now I need now I need some huaa

Some good old Aqua she needs buckets many buckets on buckets on buckets this guy I swear he’s Invincible like just because he’s there and the way he is now to make the Scarab and throw it in we do need our last our in completely last

Last last Diamond a sad day for us all really is okay and then we need a little bit of gold and craft up a little carabian look at that now let’s see if it works you already know I’m him I’m him all right guess we can get prepared for

That that should be fun should be a whole lot of fun I think I’ll just I’ll I’ll just take a peek you know what I mean I’ll just I’ll just take a little peek at what what if I can’t get back and we’re in this looks uh oh what the

Flipflop is that I’m actually kind of scared he already sees me bro these Pillager is this going to be a raid thing now okay it doesn’t say I’m I don’t know this is kind of scary Yo they’re every what the flip they’re everywhere yeah I need more arrows for this stay away this

Actually kind of fun I need some good books from you guys you know what I’m saying wait they’re everywhere why are they everywhere okay hold on this is insane I want that book and I’m getting out leave me alone I’ll be back though I’ll be back these ruins what the freak oh hello

Guys you’re right bro standing in the portal yo yo yo they don’t stop coming oh my God they just know about me they just know about me they just know about me oh my God they’re everywhere get away from me yo okay this get a bit overwhelming fair enough fair

Enough it can get a bit overwhelming I’m going to I’m sleeping okay right well I guess we’re going back no we’re not wait wait wait wait hold on I almost made a mistake I need so many more arrows and I also want to put away most of the crap that’s in

My inventory this is pretty cool though Bandit Banner so he did this eyes have heavily reduces fog that makes sense that looks crazy whoa okay uh and I killed a sergeant apparently so I got a dirty necklace which I also should wash all right I’ll wash it I’ll wash it

Don’t worry about it oh my God that looks insane that looks absurd silver necklace I mean what does it even change really okay cool I can’t see it does it change anything does it give me a that’s probably not probably not oh you know what I need to put mending on this bow

100% 100% needs mending like I am not losing that bow okay where are my emeralds where did I put my emeralds oh I have five emeralds here all right I’ll take the warp scroll with me just in case probably will forget I have it that’s okay and clear out this mess of

An inventory all right let’s uh think we can head on out after I buy some arrows and am I really out of emeralds yeah yeah like I’d be ever out of emeralds come on now come on give me your entire stock very nice all right we can go I’m

Ready oh this helps definitely clears up my vision a little bit all right now where would a person like me go what up gangy Gango got the block feature all right what’s this some camels there 600 blocks that way is something that dude got launched oh my God guys I don’t

Think you’re winning against me buddy what’s this over here spawn more of the troops I don’t even know okay there’s a little pyramid I think Bing oh they see me oh they see me they don’t like my presence here I need to get rid of that

Guy immediately cuz I am not about to do this why am I burning what is happening these guys don’t stop spawning do they uh it’s kind of insane and one of them is always a special mob like this guy over here my bow seems not strong here come here block shielding

Really just smacked them with the shield you already know how I do it oh regular mobs spawn here as well where’s it that I got to go okay oh and you’re a special one too like of course you are why wouldn’t you be shut up you’re a special little guy just get

Lost man I don’t need you here infested yeah yeah you are keep spawning little mice dudes H whatever man leave me alone this is going to be a pain I’m Dead I want to cry I don’t even have any golden apples here why would a single mob do so much damage oh whatever what up nerd oh and your special one how are you so fast how are you so Fast give me my sword back please thank you crazy stuff those that’s the worst mob in the video game like by far all right let’s just go to let’s let’s try to see if we can enter one of these pyramids surely there’s no such thing as quicksand or something should

Be able to enter these pyramids freely there do seem to be mobs in them forsaken spawner oh those are great oh Beast boss dirty coin another dirty coin I didn’t realize those are crates dirty bracelet all right pyramid scheme whoa whoa whoa whoa guys guys guys guys chill

Out chill out guys way too many of you doing too many things at [Applause] once what are you thinking you just H in the hill me clip no I’m taking you out nomad bro get a crew this ain’t it dog this ain’t it dog okay I’m I can’t

Mine into it I have to enter it what do I need a key does it need coins wait no way I don’t know what I really thought of wait okay this is interesting wait wait how how does this work oh what the a storm really can I really not dig into

It ever anywhere wait nope dude I’m going to dig around the whole thing maybe I can find an entrance but if not then I need a nebu torch oh is there a nebu ore okay and coal okay where’s the where’s the where’s the ore I hear Enderman in there this is iron all

Right guess we’re going to go digging for some nebu ore wait my pickaxe is about to run out rutro I have no way of making much can I make a crafting table here and just Vibe out okay ah I can make a limestone furnace with which I

Can smelt this iron ore nice make some iron pickaxes then why not kind of want to close this off all right we’ve got a little base inside the the freaking side of a pyramid fair enough also I did read up and apparently to summon of pharaoh I

Also need to do like a to summon of pharaoh I actually need to do like some sort of special thing in the pyramid I guess we should try to find some ore would only makes sense this is going to take forever literally forever oh hello Relic ore I don’t think

That’s the one I’m looking for but maybe it is now how’s my inventory so full I don’t yeah this is not it okay fair enough all right oh hello cave any evil things I’m going to go this way just give me what I’m looking for what is this lead no no

Don’t need lead iron oh wait is this I found it I have found it nebu ore and out of these I can make the nebu Torches with said torches I will first of all be able to open the pyramid and second of all spawn in a pharoh I hate

This coal all right cool my pickax is getting low on durability but it should be fine sure right all right let me go back up I should be able to enter the pyramid now was it down and up I think so gold uh there it is six and question is how much

I can make with six of those man I went far down okay so we put these in here and then smelt it and we should get the drops the Epic drops oh you get three from one of them what that’s a wait that’s a lot

Okay we we don’t need a lot at all oh my God oh my God 24 man give me all that I don’t need any of this all right get rid of this some useless stuff stuff that I will not need ever okay I should be able to Simply do something kind of

Cool oh hello y’all were waiting for me huh who do you think you’re shooting at how did you get knocked what oh no I have to deal with a lot of you running out of food guys well I’m in what was that sound oh wait it’s

Openable what is that sound what is that sound what is going on I there so many skeletons dying I’m trying to understand what the freak is happening how am I getting burnt okay let’s just try this gu one down wait wait wait back up a little bit what is happening

Okay are they shooting bones I think they’re shooting bones what just happened what is these sounds Ender bag nice unlit Limestone torch okay well this loot seems kind of meh I’m just leave a bunch of stuff in here I’ll be real this is this is dumb what the

Flipflop is happening oh a smoke trap a burning trap what you that’s actually what that does does another burning trap what are these traps about why a poison trap I want to deal with that oh man tar and smoke are oh I’m slow okay I’m kidding me I don’t

Want to get poisoned I just don’t I guess I have no choice I just I stepped in more of it I’ve stepped in more of it I stepped in more of the same trap I just got to run through it I don’t like I just have to take it on the chin

Jesus I just ran through all of that for what why are there so many why are there so many am I even going the right way I genuinely don’t even know I’ve done it oh leave me alone what the I’m losing it think I have to do this to open them okay okay

Okay what the can I can I not be pummeled in the face by arrows oh the freak out out of freak out what is in here ah okay it’s more of [Applause] you right okay they don’t stop there ring blah blah blah Limestone shovel cloth scrap okay I know where the

Pharaoh is now so I guess I could just go and try to try to do this oh it’s you you’re the problem and I can’t place any blocks am I going to perish man who knows just going to going to do one two three okay okay he is pretty

Powerful I think I can cheese Him oh oh he’s come out no no no no no no no no no no no chill out bro okay okay okay okay okay he’s pretty fast he’s pretty fast he’s pretty fast but I’m better and faster and stronger okay that was so close so many times I

Think I think it blocked up all the the traps right oh what the freck did I go through like all my apples I feel like I did that was a bit intense oh the te te nuts rain Arrow rain when fully charged Arrow splits into smaller arrows wow I think that’s

All I got I think that’s literally it or wait there might be more it opened I think some sort of nothing okay never mind I can however take it yeah is it will not be my cool chest oh the whole thing’s torn down oh my gosh right well

We have to go this direction so let’s have at it and hopefully not perish instantly I’m ignoring I’m ignoring everything I’m just running it’s them it’s them it’s them it’s them no no no no no no no no you could take my pickaxe I don’t really

Care like what are you going to do with the pickaxe bro nothing oh I just want like a little power okay that’s a a lot of power and I don’t have enough lapis I don’t have lapis actually need lapis cuz that’s a good good enchantment get enchantment I need lapis I’ll be Bizzle

You know actually I’ve actually never gone like mining in this you know what I mean oh what do we got oh my God what is that I think that’s the dungeon I was with um what is that why does that look like one room with the is that a spawner

Boggers question mark I mean all right time to find some lapis right what is that on the mini I want to use my nebu torches where is it it’s over there gor gem or I just want lapis really oh Jesus Christ Jesus my God that’s okay I don’t think that Bow’s too

Good I really don’t think so I’m putting it away oh my god did I just get scared out of my life or what man I don’t like this place I don’t like the underground in this mod there’s things appearing out of nowhere and I’m a hater where’s the

Okay my pickaxe doesn’t have have any animations now I’m mining towards it and there it goes oh right I could use this as a pickaxe a very disgustingly disgusting looking pickaxe but I pickaxe nonetheless I’m like right next to it okay anything I’m I’m am I under it

Above it man oh what did I get for the killing the Pharaoh hey it just didn’t give me the whatever I’m right I’m either right above it or right under it might be under it also going to run out of water soon I think I found it bogers well what is

This all about then hello anyone there hello hello it’s in the middle somewhere oh what that’s a boss that’s a boss if I’ve ever seen one Okay um H yo gang what’s your what’s your problem why do you not to take damage what is this what up gang what you got for me ooh my that’s pretty good all right I think it’s up here I guess we’re have going to have to

Fight a ma Macho El Macho what is whatever that means I don’t think that’s even a phrase oh it gives me less health I don’t know if that’s good why does he have Reckless why opulent Shield but then also Reckless like what this was this stupid that’s Stupid what just happened I just died but then why am I am I dead what excuse me what is happening that’s happening to my character I mean I I might theoretically be dead but I’m not really sure am I why do I instantly take damage what is that all about what the I’ve

Glitched it I’ve glitched the guy I don’t know what’s happening I’ve glitched it dude what wait watch am I going to die again okay no I have not died yet do your attack okay that’s the first attack you can’t really Dodge it all right oh my God

Get close to it I think the the drip Stone’s not helping the boy the bro get close to it okay maybe don’t I like what okay what up swing at me bro supposed to swing three times and oh frick I’m glad these things are in the wi he can’t get to

Me I guess you can all right come on swing should swing three times there you go all right what up I’m close swing three times again okay that was not three times that was two ow okay okay third swing nice good job guys good job Gango yeah yeah that’s right uh Get Wrecked

Why am I sideways oh my God where’s the helmet oh there it is never breaks um was is that like it’s not great but it looks cool anyway that was fun I’m still sideways am I ever going to not be sideways what’s happening like un sideways me please like I’m alive but

I’m not I don’t hear any sounds I what what happened to the sounds why why is there no sound all right I’m doing the thing let’s see if this works okay I think it worked I think I think I think it worked what an interesting sight to behold really really interesting sight

To behold uh all right what what we got here let’s let’s try this out what does this do uh right click who okay and then shift right click that’s pretty cool I can’t lie and this is a crazy crazy thing I don’t know what the flip is going going on there

But I have no HP but I’m kind of I kind of mess with it I wonder if I can onot whatever this is it couldn’t what did it drop some Flint ooh wait this is a flint Source oh it’s a zombie like what what is happen why why does this

Keep happening I keep getting one shot I keep getting one shot but now I don’t hear my footsteps cuz I’m technically dead like what what do you mean what does that even mean I’ll just be sideways man what is this the underground seems dangerous but also

Like there could be some good stuff down there I still wanted to get the um oh no I lost my levels how am I going to level my bow now man that is cringe I lost all my levels can’t see anything with this Hammer it’s like it’s in front of my

Face man wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait H give me just a second give me just a second to comprehend what I just saw there um oh it’s a dragon ah do I dare see what happens but since it’s underground it’s

Got to be like more more powerful right is still there no I might have messed up I might have actually messed up this bro is right like he is under my house I swear if you destroy my house sir I’m going to be so upset I will quit this

Game I will quit this game forever never will I post another video where where did he go oh he’s breaking stuff man he’s actually breaking stuff you better not oh he’s in the wall he’s in the wall oh no no no no no no that’s not good

Uh-oh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh he’s breaking out he’s going to break my house he’s going to break my house he’s going to break my house he’s going to break I’m going to be so mad I’m going to be so so mad he’s going to break my

House why he’s going to break my house wait wait he’s actually going to break my house I cannot let this happen wait where are my golden apples oh I’m out of golden apples oh this is this is bad oh this is very bad if bro breaks my house

I’m literally never playing this game again never in my life got to get down got to get down a level I’m so screwed by the way oh no is that my house that’s right next to that is right next to my house I promise you that is like oh hell no

If this guy destroyed my house no no no no no no dude that was where did he go oh no oh okay oh my god oh no he’s still here oh no he’s still here he he just no way Ain’t No Way Ain’t No Way Ain’t No

Way Ain no way that just happened Ain no way that just happened and he’s just try every portal so much pain so oh so much pain shut up oh he’s still alive oh that’s okay but I am too freak that I’m going to freak out I’m going to freak out I’m going to

Freak out I’m actually going to freak out all my stuff’s going to despawn literally every single item that I own is going to despawn that was the biggest mistake ever was the biggest mistake okay here’s the plan okay here’s the plan here’s the plan I I just try to

Pick up as much stuff as I can right oh my God oh my God oh my God all my stuff is going to despawn oh no oh no no oh this is so bad oh this is so bad just put in this chest put in this chest you

Lost oh this is this is shambles this is shambles this is actual shamble this is so bad this is like this is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me ever in my life get lost there’s so oh he’s destroying everything no oh piss off my

Loot I need to pick it up I need to at least try to pick it up oh my God oh my God there’s actually so much going on okay hold on I can I can I could try to recover this I could try to recover here

I can actually try to recover hold on I can actually try to recover my stuff no this is insane oh my God this is absolutely insane that is all my stuff that is every single item I have I need some wood right now wood that I can make

A chest out of piss off no actually piss off actually piss off this is serious this is actually serious now it’s disappearing it’s disappearing the stuff just so much just disappeared oh my God bro if he comes back I will lose my mind is he actually coming back I’m I’m actually leaving I’m

Actually running he’s actually what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing oh my God he’s just burning everything he’s just burning everything I have to start over I have to start I couldn’t even get my food with me yo he is burning down the whole Forest I have

To start a new life I have to start a new life somewhere and hope my chests don’t get destroyed oh my God the only good thing about this is that well there is no good thing there’s literally no good thing there’s absolutely zero good things about this how did that just

Happen how did that just that I should not have shot it with an arrow that was such a mistake that was just such a mistake never seen more of a mistake made by myself ever that dragon’s not going anywhere is it it’s just not that Dragon will be there forever it’s like

The only way I could do it is if I set down a Way Stone PP in and out as fast as possible so the dragon doesn’t get any aggro on me but it’s likely it will anyway cuz now it’s just roaming the world I’ll be doing my own thing and

It’s going to be like hello I’m back all right at least I have a Way Stone I can yoink what an absurd Adventure what up guys yep the home one is gone and I don’t even have a pick I don’t even have a pickaxe man like I’m starting all over

Again and I’ve lost most of my things anyway okay let’s see let’s start by making wooden pickaxe oh whatever okay this is fine this is all right this is okay I just need now a lot of chests here this is my new base this is it this is literally it six chests I

Hope that’s enough might be it might not be who knows and I just need to be as fast as I possibly can let’s go back no this this can’t keep happening to me this cannot keep happening to me I’ve I swear to you this cannot keep

Happening to me like leave me alone the dragon’s here I’m screwed if the dragon’s here I’m screwed if the dragon’s here I’m screwed anything but the dragon well not anything Ah that’s a lie oh my God stuff okay quick transfer items and I didn’t think this threw did

I no what’s closest how far am I right now the closest one is lava okay I have to go there then take this and now I have to head to I don’t even know where it was wait this game this game is something else oh my god I didn’t even

Think about the fact I don’t have a waist Stone there why would I make my house there it’s all right it’s okay okay this is fine I will find that little Shack I’m not losing my mind at all oh my God I have actually have to go so

Far oh and then how am I can to find the Little Shack now hey this is nothing but purest form of Pain any Minecrafter can ever experience I actually just have to go the general direction of that like I I don’t even know I I don’t even have a

Guess where it is either it’s this direction or not oh my God this is actually so bad this genuinely so bad like I don’t even I I I actually don’t even know where to go cuz it’s completely camouflaged it’s completely oh no okay the towers are there Tower’s

There it’s got to be somewhere maybe this direction the Drake I killed here Drake the rapper it’s not here I feel like it was in this type of forest you know what I mean but maybe not I’m going to run straight maybe it’s in the May

It’s maybe I missed it oh of course it’s turning night time that’s good that’s really good I’m actually a fan of that yep okay mhm yes sir completely fine this is completely completely fine oh my God I can’t believe it I can’t believe it I actually can’t believe it I found

It home two I just got to be fast I just got to be fast okay quick and we’re out okay well that’s one way to do it I really do wonder how many things I’m going to have lost in this process that’s it we’re dipping we’re out oh my

God well I can assure you that we’ve lost most of our stuff you now the problem is I don’t know if I have anything you please like turn into the other guy like faster 3 minutes why okay little dude I don’t really need your help here I don’t

Not have like anything to trade you actually what what happened there buddy what happened why is the dragon like DOR under my base does that make any sense at all I guess maybe it’s time to eat that Apple what do you think there we go

Good stuff bud I guess this is my new home oh man I guess the one thing I should do before I eat the apple yeah probably not a good idea the first thing I probably should do before I do that is just give myself like as many golden

Apples as I possibly can I genuinely think that’s the best like best play right now so I’m going to excuse myself out of here guys I’m going to excuse myself out of here I will take a few things though I need like a pickaxe that would be nice perfect okay uh I’m going

To go this way go find some gold shall we what are you doing down here feels like I’m starting from day one something about this I don’t know just feels like I’m back to square one this tragon just ate my house it ate my house what can I do it literally ate my

House I thought it would stay in the confines of its little cave crevice thing but no it didn’t I learned that the hard way I’m not really I’m also not really sure how to find any kind of materials in these caves cuz like everything looks very colorful it’ll be

A miracle if I find anything especially gold like how am I going to find it traversing these caves is also like the worst how am I supposed to enjoy caving there’s some iron there’s some coal Pine and dandy and all that but I need gold just going to destroy that and get

Some gold and a diamond pickaxe thank you something just spawned oh my God hello okay oh a m shaft okay M shafts in real life usually have some gold it’s what they’re built for so let’s find out I don’t know what that sound is but I

Bet I’ve seen gold already and I just have walked past it because it looks like everything else you’re an Enderman too Dead skull veins oh n n n I’m not about that life hold on now what the what happened think just tried to take me out hold on I need some blocks deep

Stone oh man cold deep stone that makes no sense to me what do you mean cold deep Stone how did it get cold why is it cold I just want some gold man that’s all I need what up any gold at all what’s this fiery glass ore what is happening to the water

I’m just unfreezing the the the ice I guess look at this look at this instantly unfroze what the hell dude I just want some gold man what what’s this what is this oh this getting freaky man okay what is this forged platform hold on it can be broken okay

Hold on this can be broken I’ve almost got it almost what is down there we’re not done yet where need to get this one as well I chose the wrong block oh man I will get in here okay I’m in kind of scared but I’m in O there’s chest this looks lowkey

Dangerous I’m going to break this I don’t care what’s in there this stupid I know I’m supposed to have some specific thing I don’t care I’m so determined it’s this got to be like a chest right surely it didn’t work guys what is that what oh what the hell was that sound

Here’s the thing guys it didn’t work okay I tried I’m going to have to give up on this expedition to Gold there’s no gold here there is no gold gold does not exist in these parts okay I’m wrong once again I’ve been proven wrong the second I say that too that’s is

Crazy we got 11 Gold door there all right fine yeah no okay never mind no no I don’t feel like it I do not feel like it yeah gold door is it Blends in pretty well it Blends in pretty well I got a whole another Apple out of it that’s

Pretty good well not it’s not great but it could have been worse I hate that this ice keeps un freezing oh there’s more that’s one piece really damn that’s a bit pathetic what up gang I’ll be taking your slute oh I just dropped my gold or good great all right

What do we get a Curly’s Ironclad uh that’s pretty good it’s better than what I have right now and then indestructible Shield I feel like my Shield’s better though I mean it’s tempting to just continue exploring cuz the cave gets bigger you know what I mean I’m not

Uncovering more good stuff so might be useless Amber Amber ore no you know what that doesn’t make sense to me actually well thought that was the outside there oh hell no oh hell no man what just happened where did my sword go oh my God what just happened I almost

Perished okay where’s the guy I might die I might perish H pain you know maybe maybe surviving the 100 days is just all a mental battle you know what I mean maybe we’re all maybe we’re all just mentally trying to survive the 100 days oh for freak’s sake

Man it’s all just a mental battle it is it really is I hear things oh they’re after me I hope I’m going the right way I’m in the M shaft at least I’m just running back to my loot I don’t care it’s close close by I don’t know where

Exactly um it’s either above or below did I go this way I think I went this way and then I went up no I didn’t oh I’m out of arrows I was like what I wonder why why am I not hitting him CU I’m out of Arrows I got him pain it’s a good bow it’s a good bow what the flip is hurting me is it a good bow exploding shot radiant shot supercharge ah all right yeah I think it’s time to go time to go back home oh my God okay

Guys I need a Fletcher I hope I have some Flint oh it’s very like me to not have any Flint I don’t even have any gravel oh my God I had a goblin here what am I doing no I smelted that gold I had a goblin oh pain pain and suffering

It’s whatever it’s fine I have a netherite Ingot um I can make these netherite yep matter of fact it’ be funny if we could make level 13 at Cost oh how do I get level 13 how do I actually get level 13 I don’t know if I can level 16 man am

I prepared am I ready I’m not because I need arrows okay you’re going to be Fletching for me no need something else sir there it is I need to make the other guy fler as well I have one Emerald what I lost my oh my emeralds hello sir I

Require your stick trades there we go and then you trade me the arrows actually you do both that’s pretty good exploding shot Radiance shot D I don’t even know what all that means but it sounds crazy in the back of my mind I’m still scared the dragon just going to

Show up and eat my house again it never really leaves your mind ever since the first time it happens it just it’s a consistent reminder that you’re never safe not here okay I think we have enough arrows um right I think I’m just going to put most of my stuff away oh I

Had more arrows it’s been great it’s been a fun run I think it’s time for us to do to do the thing five golden apples is all we could get unfortunately now let’s organize our inventory a little bit um yeah we’ll see how this goes I don’t have enough levels to put this

Book on anything which really sucks but I mean what can you do some extra armor in case everything thing goes really bad which it probably will and yeah I think we’re ready to do the thing well I’m not ready but I will have to do it at some point and that

Point might be soon or now am I unkillable as it’s said to be no we this end pretty fast it’s very likely I wonder if I eat it up here scared I’m actually scared all right all right we’re doing it it’s happening I mean here goes nothing man oh oh oh oh

Oh I’m so not ready I don’t know what to expect from this I actually don’t know oh wait we got a little XP really not much wait an alter look at that the alar of Aries what a what a fitting fitting alter right now that’s going to be me in

A second oh god oh man am I ready for this am I actually ready for this I don’t know cuz what’s going to happen what what happens I’ve never played this mod I’ve never play the sons of sins sounds ridiculous but apparently it’s a

Pretty big deal as you can see so yeah I just have to eat it you know what I mean and then I have to kill these whatever these things are but I have a feeling that I I might be a bit unprepared for that uh I’ll be real I’m going to try to

If I start getting XP from them I’ll try to Midway get this onto something like my netherite leggings maybe but yeah actually I’m going to replace these for now oh guys I don’t know it’s just going to be a fun one isn’t it how do you ever prepare for something that you don’t

Know what to prepare for you know what I mean like how do you just go into things blindly I’ve never understood that about the human race uh okay I don’t know if we’re ready but we might be ready I guess here goes nothing okay there’s a 5 minute timer

Very bad Omen what did anything happen maybe I have to be near villagers we’re just going to go to the closest Village all right not the closest that is is a death trap um so like no Villages nearby oh fine let’s just end it where it

Started huh let’s just end it where it started I’m going to get a warp scroll though and let’s just go and we’ll do it in the night why I don’t know I bet the dragon’s going to show up again and I’m going to die oh I bet the dragon never

Left I’m in a village so uh oh what oh what the hell oh hell no what um guys this ain’t good oh hell oh hell no wait what if it doesn’t see me oh oh my good God oh my good God it said Shivers out my spine if I just

Sneak up to my butt no no no no no this is bad this is that’s very bad that’s very not good um let me think let me think let me think um oh no oh no how do I do this it’s just chilling there can I block it in maybe oh my

God oh hell no okay oh my God oh my God oh my god dude I thought this was going to be like at least a little bit not impossible how can I get to my body dude is it even possible to kill that thing what what it’s just there it’s

Just there I don’t know it’s just there um well guys it’s uh it’s official I B off more than I could Chew look at this just me on the ground hey you know what close enough man ah I’ve survived 100 days huh well this I guess this is what you call

Survived I mean what can I say really what can I say say about this 100 day adventure wait let’s actually check where the dragon went I’m so interested oh there it is it’s just chilling it’s actually not chilling it’s it’s actually destroying things um it’s still there

Dude what happened to my house what happened to my why did this happen why did this happen bro actually just chewed only through my house nothing else just you know what decided nope I’m going to make another hole and it’s going to be right here I’m going to chew through his

House this is insane look at this look at all this stuff down here and look at this guy he just doesn’t care he just doesn’t care he’s just destroying everything around him I’m tempted to go onshot him in my with my creative fist you want to get one shot buddy you are a

Menace you are a menace you are absolutely like the the worst thing ever just come here come here there you go that’s right that’s that’s what you deserve Bud look at what you did to my my beautiful house you you Beast this place witnessed a raid a giant dragon

Coming out of the ground and eating my house and only my house and then also some crazy Psychopathic one-shotting machine that killed me over and over right there I mean it’s insane it’s insane what were these 100 days dude like what I didn’t even I like I I I

Died in the 100 days but like it’s look it’s the one it’s the last day the Sun is setting oh my God I mean I had to do it I had to try you know what I mean and um what a what a what a weird yet like

Crazy mod pack it’s insane anyway guys thank you for watching I appreciate it if you enjoy the video make sure to subscribe there will be more and of course like the video maybe share it with a friend if you enjoyed it there will be more uh and as and as always of

Course I’m going for 100,000 subscribers by the end of the year it’s it’s quite it’s quite the goal it really is based on current data but the only way can do it is if you subscribe anyway thank you for watching and peace Out

I Survived 100 Days in Medieval Minecraft
Today’s adventure takes us to a story that took place a long long time ago in the Minecraft universe.. with fire-breathing dragons roaming the world and many frightening creatures ruling the lands. Will I become and undefeatable knight or will these dangerous beasts ruin all my fun..
Find out by watching today’s episode!

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Business inquiries: muffinatorcontact@gmail.com
Inspired by: mozi, suev, forgelabs, lukethenotable, legundo

#minecraft #minecraft100days



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