I Built the World’s Largest House in Minecraft Hardcore

This right here is a normal Minecraft house and this is the world’s largest Minecraft house it’s made from over 100,000 blocks and I’m going to be building it right here but before that I want to build the world’s tallest house it’s going to go from Bedrock all the

Way to Sky limits and it’s going to have 96 floors and I’m going to build it right here because this is a chunk that I’ve mined all the way down to the bottom I’ll also get rid of this glass cuz it it doesn’t really need to be here

And because it’s going to be so massive I’m going to need 5,000 planks and 2,000 logs which means it’s time to boot up the tree farm and collect up loads and loads of wood that should be long enough it’s been a few days I am going to

Switch off the machine and as you can see I am in fact I completely maxed out the storage I I need more space and now that I have all the needed wood I can get busy collecting every single other item I’m going to begin by plugging up this problematic lava also very nice

These diamonds in the wall too and next next I’m going to fill in the entire floor with trap doors apparently the record for the world’s tallest house is 382 blocks and all it is is just a house with a a really really tall chimney which in my opinion is it’s just a bit

Lazy but if I use trap doors as the floor I can make it so that the bottom of the house is as low as possible and if I build it all the way up to Sky limit it’ll be 384 blocks tall I’ll add another couple of stairs here and I’m

Going to make the inside out of iron trap doors so that you don’t accidentally open it and fall fall down next I can start adding the details so it actually looks a bit more like a house with Windows and paintings on the walls because the rules state that the

House must be furnished with paintings and beds Etc from there I can add a bit of a ceiling build up another room and this one is going to be a nice little bedroom on the front I’d also like to add a couple of fences with a bell and a

Hanging sign doesn’t doesn’t sign ink just look amazing and then this house is not going to have just one bedroom oh no instead it’s going to have a grand total of 96 yep these are just going to keep going all the way up to Sky limit so I’m

Going to get busy and get to work building so that I can break this Record and once I finish this roof that is the world record for the world’s tallest house in Minecraft and my goodness me it is massive and you can barely even see the top of the ladder it just goes so far and with that checked off the list we can now begin phase two

Which is to build the world’s largest house and as I said earlier such a project will require over a 100,000 blocks so Gathering all of those is going to be a fun project and the house itself is going to go right here and cover this entire area so my plan is

Quite simple I just need to fill in this entire area with grass blocks and then terraform it a bit to make it look nice and natural and also guys have you heard of the brand new secret YouTube feature well I’m going to show you what it is I

Can’t say the name of it but look at the button below the video beginning with s and if I say the word subscribe it should get a rainbow effect around it this only happens for people who are not already subscribed to the channel and once you see the rainbow effect if you

Actually go and press the Subscribe button you’ll get fireworks so yeah you should totally press it and test it out cuz it’s very very cool and whilst you do that I should probably get busy placing down every single grass block and that should do it a massive area

Ready to be filled and an item that I’m going to need to build the world’s largest house is 100 stacks of dark oak logs and right now guys I have one yeah we’re going to need to build a farm for this because these two Farms can get you

A lot of different types of trees but dark oak is not one of them due to the fact you need four saplings per tree and considering I only have 30 of these in stock I’m going to grab a hole fly to a roofed Forest and mine the leaves to

Collect up saplings an extra stack should hopefully be enough and now to gather up all of the other items for this Farm 100 days where a cold is the best and I now have every single item except for one thing ancient debris I need a single piece of ancient debris to build

This machine as you can see my treasure Shuler box I I I don’t have any decide to smelt it all to netherite scrap so instead I’m going to be doing a little bit of digging in the nether I’ll just mine down right here starting right here

It might have actually have been a good idea for me to bring some hey look we’ve connected to one of my tunnels but yeah bringing TNT definitely would have sped this up but I’ve successfully found some in fact I found two pieces which means I now have every single needed item and I

Can begin building this farm right here cuz it makes sense there it be next to all the other tree farms so I’ve got a water shoot here that will connect to this and it’ll push items upwards and we’re also going to have a little platform here which is going to be where

All the items collect too and that will include dark oak logs sticks and saplings I’ll need 24 blockers for the filters as well as some saplings logs sticks and apples this Farm is going to get apples too even though even though we have plenty of them we might as well

Still collect them up this right here is where the trees are going to go and the chests are going to be filled with bone meal both on this side and this side as well these four pieces of dir are where the saplings are going to be planted and

This right here is going to be the on andof switch right now I’m building an area is going to be filled with water this bit is also done but I’m a bit short on Hopper mine carts I only brought two and I need a few more so

I’ll grab some from this chest and craft a few extra ones as well this is going to collect up the logs and the saplings it’s going to go into the various Hopper mine carts and now I just need to build up the last few Bits and after placing down two TNT the machine is done I can drop off off all of these spare items and put the farm to work I’ll add a mine cart here then I’m going to fill up my inventory with pork chops so that I only pick up dark oak

Saplings we turn the machine on oh wait I forgot to put on B bone meeling hold your horses ladies and gentlemen can’t believe I forgot to do the most important thing so let’s get plenty of Bones and start filling the chests and that is every single thing filled with

Bone meal that needs to be which means we’re definitely now ready to give it a test run and it’s not working you know why out you have to build this Farm fa in a certain direction and I did not do that so I’m first going to remove all of

The bone meal and rebuild the entire Thing and once again it is complete and I can start refilling it all with bone meal there we go and now when I flick this lever and jump into the mine cart the machine it the trees grow so you can see I just built in the wrong direction before and

Then as I fall down the entire tree gets blown up and the explosions cause saplings to drop and they get fed to me whilst I’m in here in that short space of time we’ve already got loads of logs because they’re going into this chest and this chest as well plus plenty of

Sticks and apples in total the farm gets me about 21,000 logs per hour and I need 6,400 so I’m just going to keep using the machine plenty of time has passed and just look at all the wood that we now have and with that successfully checked off the list I can begin the

Next phase which is to get gray concrete powder now at the moment I do already have a concrete Farm but there’s a there’s a problem with it and that problem is that all of the powder automatically gets turned into concrete and that’s because the concrete appears here and because it’s water logged it

Instantly converts but if I remove all of the water it should work fine now I’m also going to remove the TNT so now powder will come through it will drop onto the mud turn into items go into the storage and then at the very end it’ll be collected into these chests Through

The Hoppers well that’s the theory anyway so I shall head to the end set up the concrete Factory and flick this lever in theory that should be it and the farm should start working I’ve let this run for a couple of minutes I just want to double check that everything’s working fine

Well yeah it uh it looks like we have a slight problem turns out I forgot about the water down here that that would make it turn to concrete anyway but that’s why we test these things out there’s no harm done and instead I think it’s better if I just manually collect up the

Items on the other side and now to do the same with light gray concrete that’s every single one that I need I’ll make sure to put all of the water back and water log these leaves again as well now next on the list of things that I need a

Lot of is Terra Cotta I need 5,000 of it and there’s two ways to get it really I could either trade over and over again with villagers or I could build a clay farm and I bet you guys can guess which one I’m going to go for yes I’m I’m

Going to build a farm that converts dirt to mud and then to Clay the main building block that I’ll use for this is yellow concrete and it also requires 10 and 1 half stacks of pointed dripstone I don’t know if I have that nope I I don’t

However I did build a pointed dripstone Farm a long time ago at the monument is it still there I have no idea but there’s only one way to find out okay it it looks like the answer is yes and does that mean it’s been working whenever

I’ve been here oh look at this has been Gathering me up dripstone nicely and when it come combine that with all the pointed dripstone in this chest it means I’ve got all of it and there is a load of other items that I require so I’ll

Get busy gathering them all up and once I craft this Hopper mine cart I’ll have every item that I need and just before starting the build I’m going to take a moment to repair my pickaxe and I reckon I should build this Farm next to all these other ones here it’s becoming like

The farming District isn’t it yeah let’s let’s begin in this spot now first things first I’m going to dig a little hole right here because this is where the chest storage is going to be and it’s the only part of this Farm that is underground there we go I’ll offload the

Items into the storage and speaking of storage I can build this one right here now to load up the item filters and continue building everything up this right here is where the TNT is going to blow up the clay and then the water will push it all down to this hole in the

Middle as for this concrete platform it is going to be filled with dripstone underneath and you can probably start to see now that a bit of a conveyor system is being created and the premise of this Farm is that if if you place a piece of mud above a block with dripstone

Underneath I know this isn’t mud but but just imagine it is it will then over time have a chance to turn into clay so by adding lots of dripstone it can have lots and lots of chances to turn into clay and that’s where it eventually all converges over here where the TNT Will

Blast it up I just need to add a few more dripstone underneath this platform and then the Piston system that pushes it all downwards up here is the mechanism that will keep dropping the TNT the final thing that I to add is the TNT down here I like to get all the

Redstone done before anything else otherwise it might all blow up and what will happen is the player will stand here and keep placing down dirt but we need the system that dispenses the dirt which is all these Hoppers and chests I’m actually going to add a few more on

Top and because the dirt is going to be converted to Mud we’re going to need glass bottles in this system as well so I’ll grab a bunch of glass so that I can easily craft those and then I need some other random items to create item filters but there need to be two

Different ones if I wanted to be extra safe I would rename the items that I’m using as filters but instead I’m not going to bother and just live on the edge there we go that is that all done and with that done I put them in there

And all I’m missing is the dirt to convert into clay this chest has quite a few pieces that I can load up but three Sher boxes isn’t quite enough which is why it’s a good job that over at spawn I have a dirt farm yes why would you ever

Want to build a dirt farm well what if you want to build a clay farm that uses dirt finally this Farm’s getting the credit it deserves so yeah as you can see we’ve got loads of dirt in here and so now I can load up these chests and so

Now to start the farm I simply stand here and then I go ahead place it down and it gives me another dirt as you can see so all I can do is I can hold down well not like that it’s better if I’m somewhere like this as you can see I can

Hold down right click and just keep placing down the dirt and it’s constantly getting turned into mud and when an entire row gets filled up all the Pistons extended you can see already because of the dripstone underneath it is being converted into clay it’s drying it out and what will eventually happen

Is it’ll keep spreading it’ll keep being added it’ll go all the way around until eventually it ends up here where the TNT will blow it up and it will get collected into this sorting system so it gets about 3 and 1 12,000 clay blocks per hour which means I need to use this

Farm for about an hour and a half and I reckon that should be long enough let that final explosion happen and then let’s have a look in these chests yep as you can see see we have got loads and loads and loads of clay

And I manag to get quite a bit of mud from it too that’s good I’ll grab a few Shuler boxes to transport it all and they do also need to First be compacted into blocks it’s times like this that I can’t wait for the autoc crafter to be

Added that is mission accomplished next I can take all of these items and add them to the super smelter then all of the Terra Cotta that gets produced will be dispensed down here travel all the way along this water stream and then go into the auto storage where where it

Will then filter into the Terracotta chest it’s a great little system because whilst that’s all smelting I can focus on getting the 22,000 oak logs that I need for this project and it turns out that if you use a xia the farm produces an extra 2,000 logs per hour so that’s

Definitely worth it in my books according to my calculations we should have enough and as you can see we’ve got loads of logs and I’ve nearly run out of bone mail so I’ll get it all restocked and then I’ll use the to get a load of spruce and jungle mission accomplished

As you can see we’ve got loads of it all so I’ll load up these Sher boxes and transport it home as I’ve said earlier the project I’m going to do requires over a 100,000 blocks and I now have every single one of those in my chest

Room so I’m going to go ahead and start organizing all the items into Sher boxes and then put them into this chest this is without a doubt the biggest build that I have ever done and I’m very excited to get it built and once I craft this trapped chest I’ll

Have almost every single item that I need as you can see I’ve I’ve got them all laid out in this chest however I am still missing these six items and I need the stripped versions of a lot of the logs but I’ll I’ll make a machine to

Strip them but first let’s get these other six blocks and to begin with I’m going to fly over to a jungle and then from there I can Harvest a load of Leaves and that is more than enough of the leaves that I need plus there’s a load of the ground that I still need to grab as well now the next item on the list is the brown mushroom block with an axe you can insta mine it but I need to be using

A tool with silk touch to actually pick it up and after mining them all up in this biome I have a grand total of 174 however I need 459 in total so it’s back to the drawing board and this time I’m going to grab some emeralds and a

Couple of books then I’ll by an Unbreaking and silk touchbook add them to an axe try not to die as well and then I’ll start bone mealing and Mining mushroom blocks extremely extremely quickly oh man I I just remember something first of all I have mushroom chests with loads of

Blocks in them and secondly all the way down here I have a mushroom farm I can’t believe that I didn’t remember this all right let’s get back to collecting the items that I didn’t have in my storage and next it is torch flowers I need three of them and I need

These guys to sploot them up for me just like that then I can plant them grow them and harvest them tell you what these guys are useless to get me seeds come on hurry up finally and it’s a picture pod come on come on don’t let me

Down yes you sir are a legend let’s Harvest this grow another one and I don’t know plant a stupid picture pod for for no reason and and now the next thing on the menu is shroom lights very easy to get and they make a satisfying sound each time you mine them I only

Needed 24 but I’ve got a bit carried away and ended up with 60 and the final two things are light gray and white wool both of which I have right here there we go and for all the stripped logs that I need I could manually place them strip

Them and mine them but that would take forever so instead I’m going to build a machine that does it for me let be building a machine to do a task that’s that’s unusual isn’t it it’s it’s a pretty small and simple build and it can convert 6,000 logs per hour and now we

Have absolutely everything and I suppose I’ll build it with all the other machines that I’ve been creating lately first things first I’m going to start by building the storage and this is going to connect to a water collection system right here I’ll just place a bucket in

Each of the corners and notice how the water flows perfectly to the middle and with that bit now the way we’re going to build a redstone system that will convert the logs also I’m going to water log these with Shins so that they can’t freeze anymore that is all the Redstone

Done and this is where all the logs that will be stripped are going to be stored and so all that leads me to do is build a system that will detect when a block reaches this point and will dispense TNT this step here is actually very

Important I have to place the rail with the mine cart on and push it onto this block using a piston if I placed it there then the TNT would ignite and blow up and be lost so so that’s why we’re doing it this way that is the machine

Complete and I now have here every single log that needs stripping and as you can see if I fill up this with dark oak wood put this in the off hand and hold right click for a quick test run you can see it just goes along nicely

Strips all the logs and then they get pushed downwards and blown up that then leads to these chests collecting them in their stripped form and that’s all there is to it it works perfectly and so I’m going to completely load up the machine with the logs that I need and get busy converting

Everything And that is every single one done yeah it took some time but I’m sure it’ll be worth it and unfortunately during that my axe did break so I had to make some more but thankfully it is very very easy for me to get it back and I’ve got

Everything there’s nothing more that I need to collect and I’ve successfully transported it all across and before I do actually build this I’m going to grab a load of Netherrack and a load of glass next I’m going to build all the way up to Sky limit where I can then build a

Glass platform to cover this entire build and stop snow from getting in the way there we go and now I can start building now the giant house that I am about to build is going to be modeled after this little house right here except it’s obviously going to be way

Way bigger the inside’s going to be something like this and and and that’s it so now let’s transform that into the world’s largest house and I’m going to have secret little rooms inside it as well after a bit of time I have organized this so that in this chest

It’s all ingredients for the oak logs right there in here we have all the Cobblestone ingredients for those bits this is the planks and this is the inside of the log so I just feel like I have a bit more space in my inventory whilst I’m building this whereas if I

Was to take every single possible item with me I think I’d start struggling for space very very quickly and if I just add these down you can probably already start to see it taking shape yeah i’ I’ve SU sucessfully built One log block I’ve not done these two sides cuz you

Won’t be able to see them so I’m saving resources and as you can see from this house there is four logs stacked on top of each other so I’m going to continue building upwards until it reaches that height and that is as high as this one needs to go because it’s going to

Connect to the roof which is this bit right there and so I’ve successfully built one of the corner pillars and so now I’m going to get to work and build the other Three that’s all of those I feel like I’ve spent ages placing blocks and in reality that’s that’s just a small fraction of the build although the beauty of this system is because I know everything that I took was for these logs when I need to build more of them I

Know where the items are next we’re going to move on to building the cobblestone stuff and I’m going to begin with these four Cobblestone stairs at the front of the house isn’t it great to have a little miniature representation as I’m building so this right here is

The staircase outline and now I just need to build the textures upwards and now we’re at enough of a height where we need to actually make the flat bit of the staircase so we’re going to go for something like this and then we can continue stacking the staircase up right

Here and that is the stairs at the front completely done and I have to say it is just starting to look a bit like a house now isn’t it long way to go though I think now I’m going to build the entire front of it then it looks like we’re

Making progress I’ve used so many blocks so far and now you know I really wasn’t joking when I said this was going to be the world’s largest Minecraft house and with that the two blocks of cobblestone at the front are done which means next I’m going to do these two logs and now

With the wood done it’s taking shape even more and next I can add the Cobblestone that goes on top and once I get these blocks down right here other than the roof I’ve completely done the front are you ready for the big reveal there you go how’s it looking it’s

Looking very flat if you ask me yes noticeably two dimensional but don’t worry by the time I’m finished it will look amazing ju just trust me and I reckon my next main focus should be to get the other three outer walls all built then it will start to look a lot

More like the house than it is supposed To fantastic and that is certainly helping it to take a bit more shape but I still do have to make it 3D so I need the walls on the inside and they also need the inside floor so I’m going to get busy building that what I’ve built

Just now are the Cobblestone blocks that the doors are going to sit on top of and next I need to grab all of the dirt because it’s going to go right here and then everywhere else is going to be Oak Plank Floors now the reason this is dirt

Is cuz it’s going to have a carpet on top just like this one in the house and the block pallet for the planks are these blocks in here so I’m going to grab all of them and I’m also sick of phantoms to be honest a lot of the time

I decide not to sleep because I want the daycount to move as slowly as possible because I I don’t want to get to 10,000 Days too soon since that is when I plan to end the series so that’s why a lot of the time I don’t sleep at night but if

Phantoms are going to cause me that much trouble then I willing to sacrifice one night from the series and as it happens the texture for Oak planks is a little bit less complicated than the ones for the walls which is is always good news and I’m hoping at this point you can

Sort of start to see the inside taking shape and the reason there’s a gap here is because I’m going to build three barrels this is all the blocks that I need for it and so now I’m going to build up three barrels all stacked up together I’ve done the bottom ones let’s

Have a a little look see what we think yeah it’s definitely got a a barrel look about it and I’m placing a load of dirt down here so I can use gravity blocks like concrete powder without them falling all the way down there we go that’s the texture for the top of the

Barrel done oh I love it and I just need to do one more Barrel stacked up right here and that is the top of this one done as well yeah the decorations really make all the difference and next I think getting the car it down will make it

Look even more homely since it’s very important that this place does feel like a house perfect the dirt’s now covered up and I know I’ve still got to get the roof on which you know in in due call but the main thing that’s bothering me is the lack of interior walls I think

It’s so important that we get those in as soon as possible so I’m going to grab all the needed materials and make the inside look as good as the entire rest of the bill and now things really are starting to come together I feel like I’m actually

In a house now that the inside walls are done and something I’d say that this build is missing is Windows and before I start building this you’ll also notice the the inside the logs look a little bit strange and that’s because a brown mushroom when placed looks like this but

If you place another mushroom block next to it look what happens to the texture it looks like that so I need to go ahead and place mushroom blocks next to all the other ones here so that when I go ahead and mine them all the build will

Look a lot better right I I need to do it on all the other ones now that’s all the window ones done and now I just need to do this one which is part of the doorway also it looks kind of weird around here cuz um yeah I I still

Haven’t put the doors on perfect and that’s one of the windows also now done and it’s the same for the other one and now you’re probably wondering why did I leave a little hole right here and the answer is that I want to make a little base inside that’s inside a mouse hole

It just gives a cool little feel cuz obviously I’m very tiny compared to this house so my home could be inside the mouse hole that’s that’s my thinking ladies and Gentlemen let’s build it now I’m going to start by building the floor which is basically just an extension of

The oak plank texture and then I’m going to start decorating the room with all kinds of nice Furnishings this right here can be a little bed I’ll add bamboo tables on that side and this side as well and then I’ll continue to build up the walls I’ve also built a couple of

Staircases up here and the reason for that is to have an extra level because it wouldn’t be that interesting if there’s Secret Base in the mouse hole only had one room this upstairs room is looking pretty good to me and it just needs the final ceiling adding on top

Perfect the secret base inside the mouse hole is looking very very nice and I think it fits into the entire build very very well and speaking of builds the biggest thing that is now missing other than the roof are the doors so that’s that’s what I’m going to focus on next

And before I forget I I should add these torch flowers above the plant pots these are all the needed items for the door so I’ll first build up this wall right here and with that done I can build the second one as well yes both of these

Doors are looking great now and I reckon right here we should build a bed it’s going to look just like the one in here and I will start by building up the legs from there I can add in the base of the bed and then the red duvet and the

Pillow as well it’s really coming together isn’t it I think a little shelf here with a plump B on would look nice so I’ll start building up that and the plan is to kind of make it look like it’s a spruce trapo cuz I think it’ll

Just go well with the main doors and the barrels too let’s have a look yeah from a distance up here I like it and I’m going to put some stuff on top of it such as a couple of Plum pots and I’ll also have a couple of saplings growing

Out of these Plum pots like so yeah it’s really coming together nice decoration up there and as you can see in here a great light source is a lantern so I think I’ll build one in the middle of this so that we we’ve got some light in

Here as well I want the base of the lantern to be in the middle of the room so I’m going to build it right here and then slowly layer it upwards with light sources that’s the light bit of the lamp now to add the metal on top and also the

Connecting chain and then this chain is going to be connected to a fence post that’s attached to the roof so I’m going to start building this up and that is that everything is now complete except for the roof the roof is the final thing that needs to be added onto this as you

Can see it’s just going to be a bunch of Oak stairs going all the way around the edge it’s pretty much the same texture as I used for the oak Planks on the floor but this time I’ve got do it in the shap of stairs so I uh I’m going to get to Work and that is the entire build complete here’s the tiny version here’s a charge creeper and here is the world’s largest Minecraft house built from over 100,000 blocks and with a fully furnished interior and secret room oh there’s another charge creep here there too anyway this is definitely the

Largest house that anyone has ever built and click the video on your screen right now if you’d like to see how I built a farm that gets me infinite bedrock in survival and if you’d like to download the latest version of my world it is available right now on patreon Linked In

The description

►Farming INFINITE Bedrock Blocks: https://youtu.be/NzakIaZiV64?si=x-0RKe4e5-v7mGJ6

►Download My World Here! https://www.patreon.com/sb737?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

►Or play the world on my server!
JAVA IP: play.penguin.gg
BEDROCK IP: bedrock.penguin.gg Port: 19132

please follow these thanks
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►Discord Server: https://discord.gg/xjFUEuFnXB
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In this Minecraft video I survive over 8503 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world. Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had.

More 100 Days Episodes: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTbf7lS_Ncd7W-Y88KOSKAof

Dark Oak Farm: https://youtu.be/XFkfXmjofrM?si=gOaz6YrGr7B2bch_
Clay Farm: https://youtu.be/pRg1DVHaifc?si=7XZEETOOmw5oM2AX
Log Stripper: https://youtu.be/-9rybdY8wbA?si=cuN6XaL_T3PqfAf8

0:00 World’s Tallest House
2:33 Collecting Resources
15:10 Nearly dying…
19:11 Building World’s Largest House


  1. Hi SB. I have an idea. There is a glitch where there is some 100k blocks gap in end. Pls build a house there. It would be really insane. Also add very valuable stuff there.


  3. Like literally when he was collecting leaves I was thinking,"Does he never forget if he has a farm for something and he just goes hunting for it manually?" and then the next minute he forgets about the mushroom farm…

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