Maizen FBI Family vs Mikey CRIMINAL Family in Minecraft! – Parody Story(JJ and Mikey TV)

Someone robbed a bank and took all the money from there no harm done you need to catch him catch him you can’t catch me I’ll tell the police everything Mason if the police stop looking for me then I will let your family go and leave the

Country and then I woke up it’s a nice day today so I’ll spend it at home with a family you can watch TV I’ll wait for them to wake up I think now I need to eat it’s good that I don’t need to go to work someone is calling me it’s probably from

Work hello Mas we’ve had a crime and you need to come to the police station hurry up it is important I thought I was going to rest today I don’t understand what could have happened I hope it’s not something serious and we’ll quickly solve it and

Go home I hope I get there before they wake up need to hurry H and here comes the police station I wonder what happened there we will definitely find out who committed the crime a lot of people gathered what happened H glad you came quickly someone

Robbed a bank and took all the money from there no harm done Mason you will investigate this choose two people and go to the bank you’re smart and you can do it I can handle we have a serious task I choose the first and last policeman together with you we will go

To investigate the crime let’s get in the car I hope that we can find the culprit and put him in prison I hate attackers it’s good that you are the main I didn’t think that someone would rob a bank H and here is the bank we need to do a

Good investigation to find out who did this so get your act together it’s good that you arrived quickly send it I’ll show you what happened they stole all the money I’m shocked write down the procedure we need to know exactly how the crime happened they broke the window

And came towards me and started threatening me I let them into the Vault fine need to check the storage let’s see how much they stole and how much is left let’s go we will definitely find the one who did this so don’t worry M it’s empty

Here I’m shocked and it’s empty here too they really stole a lot I don’t understand why they need so much money there were a lot of diamonds right there and there’s nothing left at all they completely robbed the bank we need to find some traces to understand where

They could have gone hey look there are video surveillance cameras here you can look there maybe something will happen this is great let’s see them I hope there will be some Clues there the boss will swear if we don’t find anything so what’s there is anything visible no

There is nothing here at all need to look for something else I have no evidence at all and you we don’t have anything yet either but we will search check everything carefully if we find at least something it will be very cool they were all wearing masks and costumes

So I can’t tell you anything and I didn’t remember their voice how could they leave no Trace stupid Bandits I am very angry I don’t understand how we couldn’t find any evidence I’m really sorry that it all turned out this way we will look for more I hope we find something I’m also

Very sorry good luck to you I want you to arrest these stupid Bandits and I want my money back our boss will be furious that we didn’t find anything I hope he won’t scold us too much I’m scared don’t worry everything will be fine Hi boss unfortunately we couldn’t find anything

And there was nothing on the cameras 1,000 diamonds are missing are you kidding me how could you not find anything I am very angry go home you are doing a bad job I’ll talk to my friends maybe someone knows something bye time to go home I don’t understand how they

Didn’t leave more than one and here’s my house I finally arrived now I’ll rest and in a few days I’ll continue looking for evidence I thought I would be back home much earlier stupid robbers I’m already tired of them Mason you finally arrived Mikey invited us to a housewarming party so

Get changed and let’s go fine now I’ll just change my clothes I don’t understand where they got the money for the new house they didn’t have very many of them so let’s go I don’t want them to wait a long time and here they are they are already meeting us hi Mikey you

Finally bought a new house let’s go into the yard let’s have a great time I have a lot of interesting things you will like it Mikey your house is really huge I like it very much let’s go show you what’s inside where do you get so much

Money for it we saved for it for a very long time and finally raised enough money and we are very happy look I’m surprised I’m sure a house like this is worth a lot he’s huge and there are also a lot of cool things here like a

Swimming pool there’s also a cool here I would like a house like this too but it will take us a long time to save for it let’s just go gray it seems to me that such a huge house has everything you need and that’s cool we only went

Through a small part and we saw a lot hey Mom I want you to swim with us let’s go stop talking it will be more fun together go you okay go we’ll just sit here for a little while longer and let’s talk I don’t really want to swim yet hey

Mason what happened you’re kind of tense so what happened I see that something is wrong Mikey I’m just having problems at work someone robbed a bank and I came to investigate but we didn’t find any traces I don’t understand how they didn’t leave anything I’m sorry that

This happened a lot of diamonds are missing whole 1,000 stupid robbers you can do it let’s go swimming mikai let’s talk another time we came here to have fun and not talk I’m glad you were finally able to buy yourself a cool new home now everyone will Envy you thank

You very much for inviting us us we had a great time we really enjoyed it’s a Pity that it’s time for us to go home you have a really cool house bye Mason we liked it too it’s a Pity that they stayed with us so little let’s go it’s

Time to sleep let’s go and here we are at home finally I’m already tired of walking and it’s time for me to go to bed because I have to get up early for work tomorrow so I need to sleep and here comes the work it looks like we

Will be doing something again hello I came what will happen today we will look for evidence to finally understand who did it I hope you succeed good luck to you so this time we should be able to find something and reveal the attack you need to be

Careful and here we are you need to interview everyone to find out the details you can do this let’s go check out the bank again maybe you just missed something and the criminals left their Mark I have a couple of questions for you how many diamonds are missing does

Anyone know about this and they talked about it on TV no one knows how many are missing and they didn’t say it on TV either maybe some people saw them it’s clear thanks for telling me I need to talk to someone while this investigation is going on I think I really have an

Idea Mikey said that 1,000 diamonds were stolen but no one knows how much was actually stolen it’s strange you need to go to him and find out everything I hope they are not at home now need to be more careful and here is his house I need to

Somehow get through and search him I hope he doesn’t notice me I’ll search all his drawers and check if there are diamonds in there H he’s not there stop and here he is he’s taking a bath and that’s cool while they are swimming I can calmly search his house there is a surveillance camera here you need to find the recording and see what they were doing on the day of the robbery so that I could definitely

Find out whether mikai did it or not need to hurry up because it seems to me that they will R soon H we need to search everything here stop it’s money you need to check everything out what these are diamonds and money now I’m sure it’s him stupid Mikey but you

Need to watch the video there should be a camera right there too and here she is and the laptop is here so you need to watch here we come we made it I’m glad now we are very rich and we can buy whatever we want hooray I am very happy

Too and no one will ever know that it was us all we have to do is buy us a new [Laughter] car I’m shocked stupid Mikey you need to take your laptop and leave here until he came up here now he will definitely be arrested and that’s cool I didn’t think

That my friend would be abandoned oh no Mason what are you doing at my house I saw the camera footage and I know it was you who robbed the bank and you will be arrested for it I took your laptop put it in its place I didn’t think that you

Would betray me you need to catch him catch him you can’t catch me I’ll tell the police everything and they’ll arrest you I need to get away from here soon I don’t want them to catch me need to jump into the pool no hooray I managed to jump off without

Being caught I am very happy and now it’s time for me to leave here bye stupid Mikey you definitely won’t catch up with me and here’s the police station soon Mikey will be in prison and that’s cool Hi boss I found the robbers it turned out

To be my friend Mikey I have a video where they came home and brought a lot of diamonds we need to arrest them you’re really great I will call everyone and you will go to his house hey everyone let’s pack our things hurry up because he knows that I came here and

Most likely we’ll run away from home so hurry up I don’t want him to run away and then Rob someone I think he will be angry when we arrest him good thing I broke into his house and found the video and the Diamonds there are a lot of

Them and here is his house need to hurry I hope he hasn’t run away yet he has a big house so we need to split up to find him faster don’t worry Mason now we will search the whole house and we will definitely find him let’s go I’ll go to

The second floor and you go to the backyard there’s no one here stop there is nothing here at all looks like like she took all her things stupid Mikey looks like he’s gone we didn’t have time need to look elsewhere how could they leave so quickly we didn’t find anyone they’ve

Gone somewhere hey look there’s a note on the sofa must read what is written here I took your family hostage oh no my family is hostage we need to find them don’t worry Mason we will find them let’s go to your house I think they are

There stupid Mikey let’s go to my house quickly I don’t want them to run away from there either I don’t understand what he needs we have to catch him we will stand here and guard the exit so that no one escapes from here and you go hurry

Up well where is this stupid Mikey hey come out I came there’s no one here where did he go is he not here I didn’t find anyone hey they’re calling me it is he hey Mikey what do you need Mason if the police stop looking for me then I will let your

Family go and leave the country choose okay Mikey I agree to this just don’t touch them please boss let him go I want my family back Mason don’t worry we tracked his call and now let’s go to him let’s get in the car we are going to Him it’s good that you have such devices without them we would not have found the place where they called from hurry up this is the place there’s a bunker here and how do we open it is it very durable what do we do I have Dynamite with them

We can blow up the entrance he definitely can’t stand this Mikey will definitely be shocked hide I need to hide Mason you’re great for taking explosives with you we couldn’t have done it without her let’s go arrest them quickly I’m already tired of waiting for this climb in and bring them here now

They definitely won’t run away from us stupid robbers we finally caught them Mikey I’m shocked by you you shouldn’t have taken them hostage I will get out of prison and take revenge on you Mason I’m going to jail because of you you’ll regret it get out I’m glad to see you

It’s good that nothing happened to you we knew that you would save us because you were smart I wouldn’t even think that they robbed a bank a few moments later Dad this is not our gift we didn’t put it here I don’t understand who could have given it it’s

Me Santa I’m angry that you wanted to blow up my gift haha you can’t beat me I’m very strong and I will kill you and now the Morning Has Come Now we will give each other gifts this is very cool I think everyone will like it hey

Wake up it’s time to give each other gifts let’s go wake up the kids I think they will be very happy I think they will be very happy children wake up let’s give each other gifts you will definitely like it let’s go quickly I saw that there were a lot of treasures

There I think that’s what you asked for so hurry up wow there are really a lot of them here thank you very much we are very happy here’s what we wanted I’m glad you like it it looks like Santa did his best and gave you what you asked

For thank you I’m very happy Mason look there’s some kind of gift on the street let’s go have a look wow looks like this is a gift for me I’m glad I didn’t think that they would give me a gift he’s really handsome I like thank you very

Much for giving it to me dad this is not our gift we didn’t put it here I don’t understand who could have given it strange I thought you gave it to me it looks like it’s a sleigh I don’t understand who could give this to me they are beautiful exactly it could have

Been Mikey I need to call him and tell him thank you aming call I think he will be glad that you liked his gift I’ll have to give him something he will be happy fine I’ll call him now I hope he picks up I’ll have to go for a walk with

Him today hi Mikey I saw your gift thank you for giving me the sleigh I’ve wanted them for a long time thank you Mason you will be shocked but it wasn’t me who gave you the sleigh someone gave them to me too come to me and let’s talk and

Describe R the sleigh I’m shocked someone also gave masan a sleigh H it turns out that someone gave mik a slay too I’ll fly to him and we’ll talk I hope we can find out who did this bye I’ll be back soon so don’t worry hi Mikey and here I am so who gave us this sleigh I do not know anything at

First I thought it was my family but then they said that it was not them and I thought it was you I can’t even guess who it was at first I thought it was you too M and I think we should have a race this is a good idea we’ll see you

Tomorrow it will be interesting to know whose Sligh is better bye Mikey I also hope that we will be able to find out who gave us the Sleigh and here is my house I think it’s time to go to bed so that I have a lot of strength I hope I can win I want my sleigh to be better now we will compete and find out who wins I hope you’re ready Mikey so

Let’s get on the sled and start the race get ready the race starts on the count of three 1 2 3 go Mason I hope you win and I hope that Mikey will win he’s my husband so I want him to win and I hope that won’t happen and it seems to me

That Mason is ahead of him they are far away so it’s hard to see I’m glad and I’m upset and I want Mikey to overtake him I’m rooting for him Mikey hurry up I want you to win hooray Mason is almost at the Finish Line I’m very happy hurry

Up although you will still win hooray I won I am very happy and here comes Mikey I told you that my sleigh is better but you didn’t believe me but in vain I really don’t understand how you could win but my sled is still better we just

Need to run the race again Mikey I don’t understand why you can’t accept defeat I think we should improve the sled and have a race again it will be better this way when we improve them we will definitely be able to find out the winner so let’s go

Need to go get some tools I will improve the Sled I hope I can create a cool sled I want them to be better than mikees and he accepted his defeat but for this you need to try hard you have to work all day without rest I’m sure mikai will work just the same I must defeat him I

Can definitely build a cool sled well how do you like my slay Mikey they are bad mine is much better and more beautiful it’s immediately clear that you lost no it’s you who lost my sleigh is much more beautiful than yours so shut up hey boys stop arguing just let’s

Invite judges and they will choose I think it will be much better this way this is a really good idea here’s the sleigh and now you will need to choose who is better I hope you can choose good luck to you look carefully at what you would definitely

Choose I like the Sligh jerseys there are a lot of computers in them me too so I’ll definitely choose it look more closely we’re in no hurry so you have a lot of time to review everything and vote I have already decided to mik is better you don’t even need to think

About it we decided I really don’t understand why no one liked my sled I’m shocked get out of here stupid judges I don’t want to see you here anymore you’re no use I really don’t understand why no one chose my sled they are beautiful I’m shocked but I have an idea

Hey Mason what are you doing no need to blow them up they may break and then how to ride I really don’t understand what this is H it’s me Santa I’m angry that you wanted to blow up my gift you are not grateful you will be punished Santa

Forgive us please we just wanted to know whose sleigh is better that’s all don’t punish Us stupid Santa it’s because of him that we ended up here might just forgive us it’s really cold here you need to somehow light a fire to keep warm oh no it’s a polar bear I need to leave here urgently I don’t want him to eat us

Hurry up I’m shocked I didn’t think they were here it’s good that we managed to escape from him there is a cave here so you can hide in it let’s go there I’m very scared it seems to me that now he will sit and wait for us need to wait

Yes wait here and Mikey and I will go and drive him away then we can move on and look for shelter we just have shovels so let’s go we will succeed come here you stupid bear now we are not afraid of you and can easily drive you

Away he’s scared I’m glad we managed to beat him and now we need to call the girls and move on I hope we don’t see any more polar bears I also hope so went it was very scary I wouldn’t want to meet him again I don’t think they wanted

Either girls we drove him away now we can move on so let’s move on we have a lot ahead so don’t hesitate you are really great I don’t understand how you weren’t scared thank you very much need to find a home we were scared but let’s

Go anyway I hope we never see him Again look looks like we’ve already arrived this is great it looks like a home yes this is a house finally we found it I’m sure there’s no one there I’m very cold yay there’s a fire hooray you’re all Frozen now it will finally be warm this is great I

Like it here oh no this is a giant green and he’s coming straight at us we need to stop him there are weapons in the boxes so you need to take it we can defeat him need to hurry I’m shocked good thing there are weapons here we

Need to kill this giant Grinch so that he doesn’t bother us anymore haa you can’t beat me I’m very strong and I will kill you haa I’m just tickled that’s all Mikey he really doesn’t care I’m shocked need to hide I don’t understand why he is so strong oh

No h someone has come have fun I will open hello Mason we have come to visit you let’s have a great time and have fun I’m glad to see you have fun I’m glad to see you I’m glad you came to us we did not meet each other in a long

Time what it’s Santa Claus I’m shocked I didn’t think I’d see him I’m shocked hello Santa I’m really shocked he’s really cool I would like a slay like like this woohoo

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: Maizen FBI Family vs Mikey CRIMINAL Family in Minecraft! – Parody Story(JJ and Mikey TV)

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