Using FAKE Blood to FOOL My Friends

My boy Luke is so scared of blood he refuses to go to the doctor so we’re turning his entire world to blood until he faces his fears guys I don’t have time to go to the doctor I’m busy man I have a statue to build bro what is homie

Doing right now he’s building himself this man has had calls from the doctor for hours bro and he’s just standing around playing Minecraft I know why the doctor told Luke that he needs to get blood tests done so they can identify what he has but Luke is super scared of

Blood we need to show Luke that blood is actually good for you I mean it literally makes your whole body work right which is exactly why I have prepared a thirst mod now this might not look like much but it adds thirst to the game even if I die I will finish this

Statue now what if we spin this on its head and use this Blood drop item to change Luke’s water into blood that way all he has to do is drink up some blood we are going to kill this man’s Bear right here right now what’s that why is there a blood bot

I’m going to give him some blood bottles real quick now Luke you can drink all the blood you want and wait is that blood on my screen what is that thing no no what get out of here get out of oh what the wait where is he going Luke you

Just have to drink the blood and then you won’t have thirst anymore get out of the statue man what is wrong with this game where was that blood even coming from okay wait I picked up one of these things okay I got to throw this thing because of the one’s in the

Trash okay and then if we just go like this and we go look why would you throw it in the trash do you know how much blood donation cost okay clearly yeah guys this plan did not work I did not realize how terrified of blood Luke was

So we have to make him overcome his fears by showing him more and more terrifying blood which is exactly why I prepared the illusion potion I don’t even know where the blood came from but whatever now guys this potion is going to do some crazy stuff let’s go ahead

And use this on his mobs because um I mean I’ve always wondered what a a blood sheep looks like but luckily it’s not going to actually affect the Sheep so um Luke Luke isn’t going to totally freak out and pee himself did Mojang add blood to Minecraft yeah dude and would you

Know it I just ran out of yellow wool so I guess I got to go back to my sheep farm to get more wool yo dude we’re about to make these sheep live Ren free in Luke’s head if I don’t think about being sick then it won’t affect me right

Okay I’m just going to distract myself right here we just got to go back to Sho snip snip snip snip snip here you guys go go ahead and shoot those sheep have a nice great time and while he distracted W bam oh my look at the Sheep thank you

Guys for your contribut and wait what’s wrong with my sheep over there wait are they leeding wait no no no no no they got blood on them wa what is that I don’t know why they are bleeding but if I stick around anymore I think I’m going to PUK I I

Just need to get out of here wait why he running wait homie come back come back my pets are bleeding send help does he think he like shared them and cut them or something and why is he asking the entire server for help yes yes yes they

Sh up what he actually got real help while there are players here this is a great opportunity what if we make him actually seem insane we can uninfect these sheep and literally make it so Luke has never seen these before he is going to think he is losing his dang

Mind bro guys I’m warning you my sheep are cursed go look oh bro this is going to be so embarrassing for him these guys are literally going to see that there is nothing wrong with the sh what what do you mean they’re normal no they not they W normal I’m not wasting

You guys time maybe he was super scared of the sheep but what if we make the players bloody and W bam oh my gosh there we go wao wo wait why are they fighting why are you guys fighting me stop stop stop oh my gosh wait he’s

Taking them down he’s taking them down dude look how terrifying they look you guys had blood all over you and they trying to put blood on my Del we need to show Luke that when you are afraid of something you can’t just game end other

People the co is clear now but we got to check outside the base just make sure everything’s good cuz those guys just randomly showed up this might be the perfect opportunity we can make him think that he’s haunted by the blood people that he just took down this is a

Mod that literally lets you build within One Singular pixel of Minecraft blocks and let’s just do a big old cross in the middle just like this very good okay and then just make this super tall my statue seems fine my house seems intact the Sheep were back to normal so I I guess

Everything’s okay I’m about to take the W and make luk go to the dang doctor oh it’s looking good it’s looking good now what we can do quickly actually is grab a sign real quick um here lies and then we’ll do war war 33 and now ly you may have gotten ridden

Of the blood guys but you haven’t got ridden of their blood spirit all right let’s get his attention real quick just close these door up real quick come on LY you know you want to look back have a did that door just open and close I’m

Not going ins saying that door was open when I is that a grave no no no this can’t be wait there’s the place I just killed wait and while he’s distracted like this let’s take it up even further and enable a server resource pack guys this one’s going to be insane Eli

Warrior no I killed that guy and there’s three of them cuz I killed three people all right all right here we go this resource pack will literally make it so Luke’s entire inventory is covered in blood wait no no no this isn’t normal why do I have blood around my my

Inventory surely it’s going to make him so numb to the side of it that he just goes and sees the doctor like it’s just a blood test bro just close your eyes maybe if I jump in the lake it’ll be okay cuz I can wash away all the blood

To the lake he’s taking damage that means he’s thirst must have run out wait what the is he trying to wash the blood of his inventory I think the I made all the blood in his inventory out of the blood from his brain cuz clearly there’s

None of that in there anymore this man is stupid what if we make all of the water he swimming in literally turned to blood then he’s forced to drink blood here we go guys in 3 2 1 let the blood rain wait what’s going on wait why is

The leg turning into blood and wait my blood blast going up no am I drinking I’m drinking the blood ly you might want to stop moving if you’re scared of blood get out of this Lake bro I do not want to be drinking my blood is that even safe I

Mean at least he’s uh not dying of thirst anymore so hopefully he’s less SC of blood now wait let’s just make literally his entire game just only Blood Cuz I mean clearly this is working right all right guys I’ve just enabled the total red blood Pack huh my screen

Just refreshed what’s happening wait it only happens someone there was a resource pack do I have a resource pack running total red wait what does that do maybe someone loaded that into the server cuz I wanted to use it let ask in the chat you guys loaded any resource

Packs wait he actually checked his resource pack no no what wait hold up that’s so bad I mean like why would they want to work one anyway if I literally try and do anything else guys he’s going to know it’s me now he knows someone’s messing with him okay we need to find

Some other way to make him see blood but how what can I do what I don’t need to do it in Minecraft I’m going to scare Luke with blood in real life okay we need to find something ASAP what can I use I think I have something in my

Drawer dude uh uh I could tie him up and make his screen red no I could do wait we use that that could be used for something he what else have we got here listen don’t don’t worry about the pink blanket Let’s ignore the pink blanket

Okay what else we yeah look that’s going to be harder to explain uh let’s just move this is perfect why do I have this wait we can put this on his actual screen and use the tape to fit it on top oh my gosh this is perfect we could make

His whole game turn to blood guys okay now we just need a distraction to get him out of his room all right so here’s the plan guys I’m going to pretend to be the doctor coming to check up on LY to take his blood all right so let’s ring the Doorbell um hello it’s uh it’s your doctor and come to uh take some blood tests from you um just wait wait wait coming out of the room we need a place find a place hide get in get in get in close the door close the Door what he he went to hide this is perfect okay quickly let’s get into his room oh my gosh there is no way that actually worked I put you guys right here and now I need to set up the Epic prank we’re going to make his entire

Screen blood red okay okay now what we’re going to do is try and stick this on the screen so let’s just come up over the top here okay okay there we go there we go that’s pretty good that’s probably good enough right okay we need to get

Out of here before ly comes in okay we just got to get out of here now luk could be coming out any moment where is where is he I get in the bathroom quick room I can’t believe it the doctor actually came to the door to take my

Blood your boy squared up showed him an apple and he dipped like the flash wait what what’s going on what’s wrong with my screen there’s blood here is it sweating across my game wait there’s nothing on in my packs SEAL Team Six Bravo mission complete Luke’s screen is

Going to be looking as red as this water and my undies okay listen don’t ask it can’t be pack pack of normal but it’s just clearly Red Sky everything okay I probably shouldn’t be sharing this with you guys and this is a big L friend move

But I know for a fact that one of Luke’s worst nightmares is literally seeing a blood version of himself so we are going to make that nightmare come true and not just in you know an iny dwey little Luke version we are going to make this thing

Absolutely ginormous bro wait what if we also show him that it’s so important to go to the doctor and if you don’t your body will literally fall apart oh that actually worked I just crushed his entire statue what was that was that explosion wait not my statue I spent

Hours on that what’s that is that me covered in oh I’m going to need more than a talk I’m going to need a terapist this is just a bad dream no are you serious right now I just died wait a minute let me check this out what’s wrong with my screen it’s coming

Up is this red film that explains a lot more some boo must have snuck in my room from the server and done this oh but there’s not even anyone here oh it doesn’t matter it’s on everyone’s going down Luke was convinced someone in the server was messing with him and so he

Started spawning sniffers in everyone’s base what the sniffer butt wait where did all these sniffers come from bro what I can’t even get into my house who did this ean’s about to be so mad but he’s not my only victim I’m ruining everyone’s houses baby so I’m going to

Turn the sniffers from cute and cuddly to terrifying and bloody a bro is using sniffer eggs in everyone’s base he’s literally trolling the entire server I better hurry up and get out of here before these eggs start hatching well not on my watch I am the neighborhood

Protect that and using the power of the blood sniffer egg we’re going to keep ly in this base trapped with all the sniffers I didn’t want to get stuck in here and get caught red-handed look how amazing this looks it looks so freaky though wait what is that it’s like red

What is why is it completely red come on LY just interact with it let it hat what just happened wait why did it go so big I was just trying to look at it and here we go guys now it may look like a regular SN to start but uh trust me this

Thing’s about to get a whole lot freakier why is it like rning his head no no no no no no it’s spinning around oh that is gross bro you better see a doctor my friend no that is not a normal stiffer look at the back oh get away get

Away get in the house we’re safe in the house you’re trying to run away well not on my watch we’re about to use your own trap against you and hatch all of the eggs around you what just happened wait why did the night cycle just go so fast

And what was that noise good luck trying to get out the back door now boo no what just happened where did all these stiffness come from it’s like the the time just inest oh my and it is gone to night time we are setting the mood kill

Them kill them just get away get away I need to get out of here fast while Luke is preoccupied with all of those sniffers we are going to continue showing him the power of the blood sniffer what are these things they’re like regular sniffers but no no they

Can’t be and we’re going to prove to this man why the sniffer is known for its digging ability using the blood sniffer cloth I don’t know what’s going on no get me out of here we about to show this man that this base it doesn’t belong to him anymore because the blood

Sniffer is moving in and he wants a home what just happened wait why is it night time it was daytime like 2 seconds look how fast these tunnels appeared guys the blood sniffer is so rapid that was so scary I barely managed to escape guys

Here comes L we got to disappear I’m out of breath from all that running oh my gosh and let’s see if he sees the massive holes all over his base wait what is this is this a hole yes he’s finally noticed the holes no who’s been

Looting my base I’m going to call them out in chat who stole from me ly the blood snipper is here to haunt you it’s going to take who stole from me yeah Show Yourself who took my loot there’s no way they dug a tunnel what do you

Mean who stole from you these are blood sniffer trails and you’re thinking who stole from you there could have been at least a little less sus about it you could just walked in my door why would you dig all these tunnels is this guy stupid what why does he think some

Player did this well fine I guess we’re going to have to make this even more obvious by giving ourselves the blood sniffer foot which will create blood sniffer Footprints and hopefully make it obvious enough for this man that he gets scared all right let’s Chuck these

Around when he’s not looking all we have to be so careful if he sees us it’s all over all right Chuck some there wait why is my screen shaking Minecraft doesn’t have earthquakes is that that lumpy sniffer is it back again bang and more there yes oh the blood sniffer is out to

Play ly wait what is this these marks weren’t here before and I don’t even remember seeing them all right chu I’m down right there perfect what even are these penguin Footprints but why would they be red and then we just want to Chuck a few leading up to this man all

Right here we go just behind him like this coming out of this hole I think it’s good at least six Footprints here and the sniffer is the only mob that has six Footprints oh no don’t tell me it’s the sniffer and it’s blood yes the blood sniffer has left his blood Trails he’s

Left his mark it wasn’t that one over there there’s no way it came all the way over here would ride it’s probably some new update that Mojang added you are getting haunted by the snipper this is what you get for torturing the players on the server you know what guys I’m

Just going to go in my base it’s it’s it’s safe in here he’s just running to his base no reason at all i’ I’d be in my base right now you know I I just like my base and I’m blocking up just some detailing I’m not scared or anything are

You for real that base cannot save you Luke the blood s is too powerful I’m going to block all the doors just just to be extra safe because you can never be too safe in life but I think he’s probably convinced that he’s safe in

There so what if we freak him out IRL this looks rud no I’m going Sprint Ethan on I need the bo we need back up that thing is crazy okay so I have set up three speakers inside of luc’s room one in his bag one behind his PC and one one

In his drawer and now using this program here I can click any one of these three buttons and Trigger the blood sniffer sound in one of his draw so let’s just click this one right here and it’s p go wait a minute guys me that not sound

Like it was coming from my room you can hear you can hear here okay let’s click another one from the draw let’s go what is going on why I hear something around me I’m literally have my headphones off right now all right let’s just Spam it

Let’s just Spam it let’s just Spam the crap I’m going literally stuck inside my head Green Green Grass blue blue sky you better throw a party on the day that I died what what is Bruce saying I don’t even know he’s terrified though wait the sound has stopped playing yes my singing

Has saved me sing Everything like barie because she’s a mega CH guys ly must be on edge right now which is why this is the perfect moment to bring out even more of the blood sniffers Powers so let’s give our the blood sniffer eye oh it’s magnificent but we’re not going to

Be using this one on ourselves in fact we’re going to be using this one on LY wait what is happening why is my base turning red and look at that the eyes on his head and now whatever he looks at will turn into the blood Moss I do not

Like the color red it should be young oh my luy you fool you are literally turning everything into blood Moss guys look at that why the weird particles oh no because the blood sniffer has infect Ed this world and those the same particles that happened when that

Sniffer appeared this man is so dumb bro what everywhere I look is just going red if he didn’t look around like an absolute freak spinning his head everywhere he would not be turning everything into blood M this fast what is happening I’m not doing this what

Look my base is just spreading like a disas what is going on while this man is absolutely peeing his pants we will unlock all the powers of the blood sniffer by quite literally becoming the blood sniffer bro look at me I look disgusting and wait what are

These Powers I got all these blood sniffer abilities it’s time ly we’re about to get revenge for you using sniffers against all of us no B me save me he’s back again and I am your God bow down to me and be afraid please leave me alone I won’t hatch another sniffer egg

Ever again wait no what am I doing and he’s not running why is he not running guys I’m literally the blood snipper I am terrifying right now Bobby always told me the face of F I won’t let you down Bobby die you stupid thing is he

Hitting me what is it vulnerable I I guess that makes sense cuz it’s like Undead you dare hit the blood sniffer well let’s whip out some of our powers the blood sniffer sneeze Don’t Mind If I Do What is what is it doing e what is

This Blood Cloud get away from me and a sh let’s sneeze on this man and oh my God what is going on no what just happened wait what happened armor wait what the what happened to my character my beautiful yellow man the blood snipper sneeze are toxic and quite

Literally melt your skin this is the same stuff that’s on that sniffer and is it turning me into one I do not want to become you get away from me this guy has no more armor and well his skin is quite literally missing bro it’s so slow but

Oh no there’s a hole right there that was close you look like you’ve come out of a bad surgery what just leave me alone please I said I’m sorry what else do you want from me my soul my my toes oh my L you you better be afraid St

Running boy now screw this Barbie you’re a trashy woman and you’re not worth dying over that man is absolutely running I am getting out of here that sniffer is getting way too close to me and I do not feel safe anymore we’re not going to catch him bro why am I slow

Slow why is the sniffer so slow what just leave me alone please we need something what have we got wait the sniff guys the sniff yes let’s use that and no what is going on what is happening right now it’s literally pulling him in towards me I don’t even

Have to move move I’m moving forward look I’m jumping I can’t move it’s just pulling me closer towards it Oh Come to Me ly no no no no get away from me the blood sniffer wants a snack and he’s going to eat today do not no shopping do

Not eat me nom nom nom come here my tasty snack I do not taste good I’m out of here he left the game guys Luke was terrified and left the server but when he joined the next day well I wasn’t online as the blood siffer so he took that opportunity

To unleash his anger on everyone on the server I’m so strong I could do whatever I want bro Luke is literally going around destroying everyone’s stuff look right here there’s a player and even killing all of the players bro you’re done for buddy I’m not just going to

Stand by and watch this Carnage unfold I’m going to be the hero so now for every kill I’m swapping Luke’s only protection with the blood armor Luke has the blood of so so many players on his hands so we’re going to be putting some of that blood onto his armor welcome to

My new base what loot do I have oh this is trash getting revenge and cursing him with the blood armor got some iron blocks nice okay and some food till he says sorry to everyone he’s harmed I mean look at my gear I don’t even need

Any of this stuff but I’ve claimed this base as my own and bro is rocked up hey do you like my new base bro what are you doing let get out what do you mean this is my base now you get out of my base NY ninja no there’s another the victim guys

But it’s okay because we’re about to start cursing this man with the blood armor and of course we have to start with the blood helmet which is known for breaking players next all right let’s Chuck this on L what just happened to my head and why is my helmet red bro head

Is on backwards what the and my head is being snapped wait his head snapped wherever I go guys I’m pressing W right now why am I going backwards what is going on oh my God he’s trying to walk he’s trying to walk I can’t move why my

Keys like inverted look at this look at him if I Specta him what happens wait I have an idea oh my look how cursed these movements are I took off the helmet I think that worked well ly boy I’m afraid to tell you that that’s not going to be

Enough oh look we’re back to normal we can at least walk again jump into your inventory grab our helmet back and then just uh Chuck the armor back on that was so weird my controls are all messed up oh I was probably nutty ninja once the

Blood armor has its Target it will never let go I mean chill out bro you don’t have to put a voodoo curse on me let’s Chuck it back on L’s head and see what’s up wait what is going on I’m pressing W that’s right L the helmet’s back you

Cannot escape this torture oh my gosh I can’t move I’m pressing the keys and it’s not working uh he’s just sort of standing still wait I have a big brain idea I can just change my settings did he already quit so now if I go to my

Settings where are they bro that is crazy I should just be able to change W to S this guy is such a s loser s to W and then D to a and then a to d there ain’t no way the man just quit that easily and then boom we should be back

In the game he can no longer kill any players because he can’t walk wait yes okay I can move normally is he walking normally guys what the let’s go finally I can walk no how is he walking normally that makes no sense he has the helmet on

All right guys let’s leave that base cuz it was kind of looking a bit sus Ain’t No Way ly relearned all of his key bindes and he’s still burning down houses bro this madman Must Be Stopped bro luuk has clearly not leared his lesson so we need to move on to the

Blood leggings that’s right these blood leggings are known for stealing players data and deleting it look is’s going to be so mad wait what is going on with my XP no my sword his stuff’s getting deleted and his head is literally just spinning around like a siren everything

Has just being deleted from me nor I need to get rid of this and surely will say sorry now that all of his OP armor is gone I think I saw an armor stand yes there was an armor stand here wait what’s he doing he’s going to this guy’s

House again okay here we go take it off now bro that’s just an armstand what’s that going to do for you luk I do not want this here you go bro thinks he can get away from the armor by putting it on an armor stand armor stand now you have

Some new drip now you’re stuck with the curse unfortunately Luke that is not how it works I mean they can’t even move anyway but it doesn’t even matter once the blood armor has its Target but I do not want anything to deal with that anymore it does not let go it latches on

Let’s go we’re back to normal all right now let’s just grab the armor here so he thinks that the armor stand has come to life at least I’m my beautiful self again wait what is that in the background oh there he is over there all right let’s fly on over to him that

That’s the armor stand by as magical B how did it leave the house the blood armor is chasing you and you might want to run a little quicker my guy what the heck dude no stop chasing me all right let’s chase him he’s going to make him

Think that the blood armor is alive I would hit it if I have a sword but I don’t even have a sword oh he must be freaking out right now rabbit save me I kill it I think I got rid of it let’s get his armor run let’s Chuck the

Helmet and the leggings back on guys honestly I’m just glad that guys hly I’m just glad that the blood armor no it’s back on me it will always follow him how did that even make any sense I can’t get rid of this that’s what you get ly for trolling everyone on

This Server you’re destroying everyone’s stuff so I’m going to destroy your game all right wait I think there’s some loot here okay I got the lava buckets coming back into this guy’s base I don’t know why and yeah boom there’s Redstone right there I knew that bro you can’t have

Loot it’s going to slowly clear over time we’re locked and loaded wait is that TNT I honestly don’t even care anymore I’m on the war par what are you talking about there’s no way okay guys you know we’re going to go to Boom Town

Oh my God he’s gone insane guys red is a nice color like that armor and we’re just going to blow it up he’s literally going to do everything in his power to destroy everyone’s stuff we’re just going to cause a rampage I don’t even care anymore what is he doing okay there

We go run man run you’re going to die bro is’s going on a rampage he’s just going around killing players say goodbye to your base he cannot get away with this what but seriously what is up with this armor he’s running around he must be so mad right now and it’s honestly

Following me everywhere which is kind of creepy what is he doing he’s just running around like a madman now that armor stand dude I don’t even want to think about that he’s just going in circles hello bro what my items he’s just punching the stop taking my items I

Need them to survive wait wait I have to see what’s happening let’s check his inventory real quick how else can I blow stuff up if I have nothing oh my God it’s cuz his inventory is clearing from the armor this stupid armor can’t let me do anything okay that’s good we put a

Stop to his TNT Madness all right guys we got the Bare Essentials I mean like nothing because it just gets cleared every time the blood armor has chosen its victim and it wants to be fully formed at least I got this iron heart this heart will protect me from anything

And everything we’re going to grab ourselves the blood boots which quite literally allow us to control Luke’s every move okay but honestly like what is even going on next up the blood chest plate which uh well you’ll find out guys bro there’s players right here honestly

What is even bro doing all let’s see is he going to use bro still trying to put at their house are you serious what the blood chest bait does is whenever he hits another player or entity it literally damages him instead honestly bro I got beef with you wait what by

Setting him on Flipping fire what just happened are you a witch how did wait oh it’s so amazing every time I hit them I I get hit on fire all right guys I have to show you this because you actually will not believe me unless I give you

Proof so that’s luky running around terrorizing people right but right here we have a wireless keyboard connected to this man so if I start SP Hing these Keys around look at him guys going in circles he’s trying to fight it right now but it’s not doing anything I can even just Spam jump

Bro this is so fun bro look at this and wait if I even click Escape do it just log him yes he just freees if I click escape this is so good dude I can even type as him this is the best all right guys now we got to try out these blood

Boots I want to control this fool what kind of Witchcraft is this let’s firstly start off by giving Luke a little warning message from the blood arm wa why have you cursed me what did I do to you by giving him some signs real quick

There we go why is there a sign in my inventory and now let’s make him place it down wait I placed the sign I am inside you what that is kind of sus dude what do you mean you’re inside me I am watching I’m watching you what no no

What do you mean you’re watching me oh my God this is so trippy guys how am I doing this help hacker wait is typing for help bro I’m walking forward right now I’m jumping no look at this ready will make him jump jum and jump and jump

And jump how is they controlling me wait what if I go I am cursed I didn’t say that stop we need to take it up a little bit more and make the blood armor fully awoken guys I still can’t hit things I just get set on fire so we go/ armor and

We just want to take away his boots real quick all right let’s grab ourselves some of that blood speed just like that all right now guys you may be wondering what this does but unlike uh Soul speed which you might have seen blood speed releases the Souls of blood he running

Away keep running all right let’s just go SL armor grab his armor and let’s Chuck these on him no no no what is happening what happened to my boots oh my God guys what are these things the blood is coming for you why are they red why are they attacking me this is

Terrifying get away from me get away from me he’s being swamp they’re going to kill me no no no no no no stop they literally killed him now quickly before he respawn we’re going to teleport off to the nether to begin the next phase of

The plan oh no the blood of armor will send Luke to the deepest darkest pits man will never touch the heaven ever in his life so we’re just going to set his spawn point right here there we go I don’t even know what was going on before

Like I was didn’t do anything wrong we’re got to grab ourselves a bed because I don’t know we might be able to convince him that the blood armor maybe converted the world or something I don’t know wait why am I in the shadow realm he is in the nether now and he doesn’t

Know where to go my beds here but it doesn’t look familiar this is so perfect guys maybe it’s this new moang update best of all he cannot go around terrorizing other players okay oh maybe I can sleep I just what is he an idiot what do you mean I died why would he

Click on the bed in the nether what why does this keep happening to me I just want to be left alone bro this man is an absolute buffoon y my prayers have been answered I’m back to normal this technically counts as a player killed and as you know every player killed

Means we add blood armor to this man and you know what I’m just going to live in the nether at this point if we put this on now it is going to be so insane wait no no no no no it’s back the first thing

It does is affect his vision why is my game glitching no no no stop stop stop I need to get rid of this armor he will see the blood armor Vision you know what piglin I feel like you might want this armor and now where is he going oh my

The man is running around here take this it’s an offering Pig’s like stuff right is he trying to trade the blood AR with the piglin wait what what is the pigin doing why does it have red eyes oh my how was he not realize the virus the curse whatever that thing is it’s

Infected the homy every time he takes off the blood armor it becomes more and more powerful guys everything that thing touches it corbs this isn’t fair we’re going to put this stuff straight back on the man yes I I think I’ve lost them all right let’s just Chuck everything back

On and on it all goes ly sorry my friend but my game is still tweaking what is going on and now the blood armor has gotten so powerful it’s missed you so much Luke that it uh consumed all of you this thing is consuming Luke’s Soul

There is nothing left of him what is going on I’m frozen man is a walking ghost guys no the arm is back on me I’m sorry please forgive me just take this armor off uh Luke you’re looking a little bit up pale there my friend why

Does it keep happening why do you keep following me without the blood armor ly can no longer survive what happened to my hand why am I like invisible what is going on now let’s just slowly take it off and oh there goes the head what happened to my helmet byebye L’s head Oh

My he looks like a ghost and now his body guys the arm is coming off l I’m sorry but um I’m going to send you to the shadow real I still can’t move just let me out you are about to become a full-time Spirit my guy wait I didn’t

Mean like that what just happened I faced through the void and through the world he goes what I’m I’m going to die I’m in bedro what just happened that’s victory for us boys

I Secretly Pranked Luke with a REALISTIC Colored Block Hack in Minecraft! Can you find the REAL Water?

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