the stardew valley update changed my life (Streamed 3/19/24)

My goodness everyone huge news this sty Valley update is coming out at some point soon we don’t actually know when but we’ll talk about it hi everyone welcome and um ah look look look look look I’m dressed for the occasion today um Annie I think what we’ll do is

When the update comes out we’ll we’ll read through the patch notes and then we’ll start playing I’m I’m really curious about the patch notes um so I might read through it um and look if there’s spoilers about the new map I might skip that and come back to it CU I

Want to see the map for myself but um I that’s the plan so um this should be very fun and very exciting I actually cannot wait I think and I’ll I’ll walk you all through what we’re expecting um but I think that the update will probably come out in like half an hour

Um we don’t actually know um there’s been like lots of specul and like concerned that he’s been talking in Discord and stuff about it um he did post on Twitter 4 minutes ago he posted making coffee dot dot dot he’s really like taunting everybody so um we’re waiting we’re waiting but we everybody

Thinks about 30 minutes is kind of like the the general guesstimate um from most people so we’re kind of thinking around 2:30 is when the update will come out but we’ll see we’ll see um it’s not out yet but it will be out today oatmeal

Yeah we we think it’s going to be out in like 30 minutes but it’s not out yet um yeah I’m live early as well CU I wanted to play We I’ve been planning I had sort of hoped that it would come out a little bit sooner than

This um so we we plan to go live early um with the intention of playing it as soon as it came out and it actually worked out kind of well um so anyway that’s where we’re at we’re all very much looking forwards this it’s going to

Be a lot of fun Tilly thank you for the bits the mods yearn for the mind says Tilly uh pink and red and Chantel and TIY free and sahy and we got Poco and yeno and Eko with the subs Eevee told by Gabby uh user L and Jen and scooter and

Lid and arri and miss mariss and Fay and Cassie and woman and lady and Stella and darling and misss and apples and Sam and lavender and Miranda and Isabelle and syy oh my God Lizzie and Alexa we got hacked software Chevy Lexi relle dynamic ason Plum money thank you all for the

Reubs Jen thank you for the 10 gifted subs thank you so much um what the heck mil little B chocolate chip princess uh we got Nicole and frog and soul baby and Chris and Coco and soon that’s true soon uh low budget AR and fluxxy and undoubtedly Allison and Julian and and

Brad thank you all so much I have a lot of thank you for the gifted Subs too um no I don’t think the update will be out on mobile Sarah uh at least not for a bit it’ll be out on PC first it seems like the process of porting this

To mobile has been a real pain for concerned ape because I think that and I could be wrong about this I might be out of the loop but I think that he hired a company to help him with the original porting to mobile and it went really bad

Um so I think that like in general Mobile’s had a lot of issues um that’s and it’s just been like a real pain that was never his intention so I think he wants it to be a quick turn around between the two but PC is

First and then um the other will get it afterward um but it kind of sucks I know um but it is cool that it’s on mobile at all to be honest um but anyway anyway let’s talk about this for a second let’s go through some of the things that we

Know we don’t know that many things we know some things he’s been posting like random lines from the patch notes for a little bit now um with some kind of interesting stuff like he fixed a bug where it was faster to harvest left to right than right to left um which is

Kind of interesting so he’s fixing that because now speedrunners it’ll be faster from both directions um something about downward swords um the lots of speedrunning type things look at this one though jellies pickles wines and juices are now colored based on the ingredient item which is new you can now drink

Mayonnaise added a new Farm type Meadowlands Farm it has a chewy Bluegrass that animals love you can also start with a CP and two chickens so very exciting things going on um let me see maybe I’ll pull up the game and I can show you our Old Farm I don’t want

To show you the expanded Farm I’m not playing with any mods right now um I don’t really want to have any mods today I’d like to just see it mod free um and then we’ll play with you know maybe we can like dive in later on but not yet

Not yet not yet um but I’m really excited to show you around and for you all to see this game I know some people oh I’m double playing stard do soundtrack sorry I know some people um here have maybe never seen stardy Valley before um so this might be a a new

Experience for you wait for it hold on there you go um this might be a new experience for you so this will be kind of interesting right listen to the soundtrack too really yeah I’ve been listening to it a lot recently um which is the one oh that was our jojamart one

Ooh we’ve been playing this one a lot let me show you this one um let’s go take a look shall we we shall start a fresh farm today but we might as well pull up something like this I thought about playing like the 100 baby challenge while we wait but I’ve decided

That I’m not doing that I’m too excited about St D to do that uh Trish thank you for the 25 Bus da and violet and Ne and score and pretty and Katie and sunshine and Alex and this nerd and Lauren and Lumia and ranne we got Ray and Hill of

Tera and Polaroid and Tori um Olivia Laney thank you all for the reubs um also Rogue and nimus and Katie and Portuguese and TJC and Kaye and ghoul and far away and mcka and mardala and Hammer and kittens I’m sorry how much did I miss T junimo um Holland with a

Sub gift we got cursor and stom mardala with a sub gift Sierra and Rachel thank you for the reubs too yeah in this save I married Elliot which is kind of I mean that wouldn’t be my uh my first choice now but one of my children’s names this was my perfection save I’m

Pretty sure Mary why did I name it that that one should be merry right what about the little one Harry oh yeah that makes sense I like how my house looks this is cute Kayla good work past simsy with all this got the t- room and stuff yes we

Think Meg that the update will come out in about 24 minutes we don’t actually know but we think it’s going to come out about 24 minutes um so we’re close we’re almost there I haven’t played in this save in a while so I’m actually kind of intrigued

To go look around at what I’ve done should be interesting whoa okay ignore the mess okay that’s down here leave that part alone um it’s because the junos are starting to harvest them I’ve got an ostrich Oscar the ostrich interesting we got our chickens and our ducks More Cows and stuff down here

Okay this Farm looks pretty good I’m pleased with my past self I think I probably was planning on getting some more of the fish things and I didn’t and I was I clearly had some sort of plan to make this look like natural and didn’t finish it over there and I probably had

Some sort of plan for over here and didn’t finish this party there so that’s kind of funny not bad not bad yeah I’ve really not been in the save in a long time oh my God how many of them did I have it’s cuz I was trying to make um that one’s only

Small I was trying to make like a million dollars so that we could get Perfection see this yeah what are you even looking at oh this is um this is my perfection save I’m showing people my good Farm look now we’re at the island Isn’t that cool yeah it’s for the clock we’re

Trying to get a lot of money for the clock um takes a long time to get there oh my oh my god do I not oh I do never mind I was going to say do I not have the thing to get home put me back oxy fell po thank you

For the subs um I’m tired of waiting I want to take action says myth hello M excellent I’m I’m kind of feeling the same way but look we finished it we got the stupid clock I actually like how this looks a lot I think that’s pretty cool how I like based everything

Around the clock in front of the greenhouse I really have not logged into this in ages in ages you have almost 1K hours in start do and I’ve never gotten Perfection really I I really enjoyed the Perfection run that was really fun for me going through and trying to play it um that

Was like a really special uh task for us to go through and do so it takes a lot of patience but um I had a lot of fun that was back me and Dan both did like uh simultaneous Perfection runs um this when we were a long distance so we would

Like hang out all day on Sunday on Discord and like play stardew from like the morning until I went to bed on the weekend um because we would just be hanging out on Discord cuz we were like long distance still you know um but it

Was a while back I think that I got Perfection like in like March of 2021 right yeah um close to when the update came out it wasn’t even that fast compared to some people um no not a co-op we had like separate Farms we weren’t playing Co-op we were just doing

It on our own um cuz I had like made a save that I have been working on um and then I convinced him to play stardew as well so we played like together but separately um Sarah Rudy fagy Tor gayen and larat thank you for the reubs um

Yeah I haven’t played in this one that much ever since cuz I kind of like got Perfection and then stopped playing in it there kind of comes a point in stardew where like once you’ve gotten Perfection um or like gotten close sometimes the grind of like trying to

Get all the money for the clock is quite repetitive and also sometimes like it’s fun to play early game once you’ve got everything it’s like not as fun you know um once you’ve done all the things so it’s it’s sometimes fun to play like early game stuff um you know we’ve done

Some co-op stuff on stream me and Dan before we haven’t played co-op in a while I would rather play a single player save for now with the update than play co-op um it is fun to play co-op with Dan but I think I’d rather do single player right now just because

Then we can like Explore More at my pace and less at Dan’s Pace you know uh Whit and sylvesta and faith and Georgie and R and Sarah thank you for the re Subs um you reached Ginger Island for the first time and you were so confused oh my god when the when the

Update first came out with ginger Island that was was so funny like streaming I mean obviously it was like amazing but when this update first came out we’d be streaming it and the entire chat all day what mod is this oh my God what mod are

You using what mod is this how do you get this mod and we had for like weeks we had to be like it’s not a mod it’s the update it’s a free update it came out like a few weeks ago it’s the free up it’s the free update free update free

Update free update is this DLC is this a mod no it’s a free update it’s a free update it’s a free update we had to like say it so much um it was pretty cool though when this update came out it was like basically an entire it felt like an

Expansion pack but it was like free update content for the game um this game is really cool like the the price of it the fact that it’s only $15 and you get all of this um it’s really amazing um the update that’s coming out today should come out in about 20 minutes we

Don’t actually really know um but it seems like it’s going to come out around 2:30 you’ll all have to let me know if you see anything on Twitter or anything like that um you’ll have to let me know what what you see because uh obviously I’m not on Twitter

Right now so we’ll have to wait um but anyway he tweeted he was making coffee a little bit ago I can show you hold on can you oh look what I there we go um look at this he just goes making coffee 17 minutes ago cuz he had

Previously been saying stuff like oh I want to wake up in the morning and and have my coffee and have like a good night’s sleep and then I’ll post the update when it’s ready um so I don’t know we’ll see what happens but um we’re he’s he’s being

Intentionally vague which I think is a good idea considering you know what if something goes wrong you don’t want people to be like you said it was going to be out at 1:03 p.m. and and then it’s not out yet or whatever um but we’ll make a new save

When when the update comes out because I want to play on the new map so um I would like to be able to uh experience it um with the map and everything um official Discord said it goes in 45 minutes but 45 minutes from like 30 minutes ago right so it should

Be out around 2:30 was kind of the guess um but we shall see will I do mixed Community Center bundles oh I haven’t thought about that too much yet should we do mixed Community Center bundles or should we do regular Community Center bundles so that we can finish it faster

Mixing it up might be fun though um if if if today is going to be your first time playing storyy Valley you should not tick the mixed Community Center Bund bundles option you should just do the standard one I think if it’s your first time playing um because that’s what it’s

Like meant to be they added the mix because it was fun for players like us who have played a lot but you if it’s your first time playing you would just do the standard ones probably um and not mix it up we might mix it up but you

Probably don’t have to do that if it’s your first time um it’s probably best to like play it for for from the beginning normal um yeah and we’ll use the new Farm we’ll use the new Farm type too which will be really fun um yeah he said

About an hour ago don’t get too ready it’ll still be a little bit probably he’s been they’ve been taunting Us in the Discord server I’m waiting I’m waiting and waiting and waiting and they’ve been taunting us um I’m looking um oh my God in their Discord server we are temporarily closing

Channels the Bots are dying the channels are burning the junimos are crying and they said at 1:47 so like 30 minutes ago that it will be released in approximately 30 45 minutes sorry um and the the head mod at the top of the Discord their status says no the update is not

Out oh my God I bet their Discord server is Up in Flames the Discord is public like yeah I’m pretty sure that the it’s probably just like starty Valley or something um I don’t think it’s anything too fancy um but uh let me see I I don’t know what

It is you tell me um but yeah if you’re in the server if you go to the wiki you can just join the server for free right the wiki probably has a link for it I wonder if um if anybody else has the link if it is just discord. g/y Valley

Oh there we go thank you Marissa it’s easy to to join um I I have it open so I’ll I’ll update you on uh the comings and goings of the Discord server um I have their like the announcements Channel open right now that’s kind of

What I’m looking at um but oh my God this is probably so stressful for them look at everybody in this voice call oh my God everybody is waiting they’re all in the server AFK waiting oh my gosh um yeah look they even Discord thought that the server was

Being raided because there was unusual activity because so many people were joining I cannot imagine I was thinking about this this morning like imagine how stressed concerned ape must be today like when he woke up this morning he was probably at Le maybe I’m just projecting

But if it were me I would have been sick with anxiety today if I were them like if I was him about to publish the update I would have been so stressed and so anxious even though like it’s ready you know it’s fine it’s like the the stress

Of like all these thousands of people waiting for it from you and like you just everybody’s got so much pressure and I I wouldn’t have slept last night I wouldn’t have been able to I would have been way too stressed way too stressed more than thousands to be honest of

People waiting if you think about it like if we look at I guarantee you when I go on Twitch everybody I know is going to be live playing stardo today if I look over there all of my friends are probably going to be playing starting

Today um but it should come out in like 13 minutes if if this message is correct so we’ll see your whole main twitch page is stardo really all you’re following is playing stardo you think he’s been at it for eight years so he’s hopefully accustomed

To it all I don’t know because bear in mind right like he made this game by himself never could have anticipated the scale to which it would have become and it’s not like he’s had that many big updates like this is 1.6 1.5 came out in

2021 right um which was that was a huge update as well probably bigger than this one um but the 1.5 update came out in December of 2020 it was 2020 um so it’s been a while since he’s had a massive update like it’s not like he does this

Every day you know um but that one was probably really stressful cuz that was a huge change there are over 60,000 people active on the Discord right now oh my God I’m so glad that this is not my job to moderate a day like today like the the

Absolute chaos in this Discord server I’m so glad it’s not my problem and I mean that with like the most love I’m so glad it’s not my problem can you imagine how stressful that would be and all these poor mods they probably want to play the game

Today you know like all they want to do is just play and they’re going to have to deal with all this all these people being this chaotic Fredy and Mera and and Hy we got melanin and Kira and kiry and late night and big Lex and chlo and all right thank

You for the subs um oh my god there are 30,000 people watching sty Valley Streams right now on Twitch oh that’s so cool oh my gosh I didn’t even think about that yeah it’s rare that there’s that many people playing um playing stardew on Twitch so that’s actually really

Cool that is really cool um let me go check I really want to see how many oh my God 29.7k viewers on the stardy valley category that’s so cool um a lot of people are playing obviously everybody’s kind of waiting but it’s fun I like this this kind of

Day where like everybody’s waiting together and is all this excited about it typing typing typing oh no that’s one of the mods oh if you have any orts you can DM them oh my God that sucks they have to be mod mail and they’re going to get all these

DMS sorry everybody I got a little excited I sorry we false alarm false alarm over here Clover no thoughts just cats little two lemon thank you for the subs oh my God it’s we still have like 10 minutes we need to calm down you could probably get a snack if

You need one chat you probably have time I think they do have a ticket system M but their tickets are down is kind of what I think that all of their Bots are like broken today because it’s been so chaotic in the server um so I think that their ticket system is down

Which is like worst case scenario because think about how many people are trying to use them right now oh Jen thank you for the 10 gifted Subs by the way thank you so much Poppy and wisteria and Daria we got Lauren and white dragon and WBU thank you so much

Um there is a link for our server too we can link our server if you’re looking for stardo news um my mods have just linked the the stardy valley server as well you have a meeting in 10 minutes no that’s horrible timing I’m so sorry not them doing it on purpose just

Just when you are busy the second you are busy is when they’re going to drop it we don’t actually know that for a fact they did say approximately 45 minutes if I were him and I was telling the mod stuff like that to be shared I would probably say approximately 45

Minutes and then put it in like 40 minutes like I would put it up a little early to like but I’m not him nor am I a game developer so we don’t actually know you took off work today so you could play all day I know a bunch of people that

Did that um it stins that it’s coming out like kind of late in the day for a lot of people um it’s like tomorrow would have been good to take off work you know cuz then you know you have it but I wish I don’t know this is kind of making me

Nervous it’s okay I quit my job for this actually yeah chiy that’s a great idea exactly the reason I mean this is the only reason right you know your boss give you a day off tomorrow nice nice nice perfect timing took off on Friday to play stardo personally you would not announce

The date and just drop it with no warning I I think that I would um it it’s hard because you like there’s you have to walk a very fine line of like what might upset people you know because dropping it no warning would probably make people upset

Dropping it like like if you say a time and then you’re late people are really mad say a time and you’re too early they’re really really really mad cuz they were waiting for it and then you came up early and they weren’t home yet or whatever um so it’s very hard to like

Figure out what you can tell people you know you have to be so careful of how much you say that’s why the Sims never says a Time the updates almost always come out at the exact same time for The Sims but they’ll never tell you that they will never acknowledge that because

They don’t want to like what if something happens you know and they promis 1 p.m. and then it’s not but you got to be careful careful you leave for vacation tonight kind of want to cancel your trip to play no that’s so valid really what’s more important

Farming the long a waited and already paid for a vacation farming clearly is is the better one do you have a switch do we know when this when the update is coming out on switch yet are we are we aware yet have they given us any news probably not right I

Know he said he wants it to be soon but who knows what um a ASAP doesn’t really mean anything like as soon as possible could be like months or weeks or who knows um last time was like three months right yeah that stinks um that really

Stinks so it won’t be out on Xbox no um it’ll be out just on PC and Mac today just on your computer um oh I bet Reddit has been just unbelievable all day look at this multiplayer this has 500 new look how fast that’s going

Up I don’t really spend any time in this server to be honest I don’t know anything about it I’m I’m mostly just here because I’m waiting I’m just waiting I’m ready for news it maybe will come out in like 6 minutes but we don’t actually know yet there’s going to be new steam

Achievements too really oh my God I have almost all of the steam achievements but uh oh Dan’s messaging me let me open up my phone so I can see my sister’s texting me he’s taking too long to drop the update he tweeted 30 minutes ago that he was making coffee and he said

He’d drop it after his first cup of coffee hold on um I’m going to tell her okay I said I’m streaming if you want to watch Jana you can come to our live waiting room if you would like to um now Dan’s asking me when is the update coming out everybody’s texting me

That’s what Dan wanted too Dan my sister everybody’s like where is it as if I know I’m I’m in the same position as you yours is updating let me close the game hold on What did I say if I told you if I was

Him if I was him I would have dropped it 5 minutes early I would have done that too yeah I have an update I have an update look look look look look look look look look look look look look oh my God it’s happening it’s happening wait let me tell my sister hold

On I’ll tell Dan too sorry everybody I know I’m live but did he tweet as well wait let me pull that up while we open the game um it’s happening it’s happening story Valley 1.6 is now available on PC yeah he tweeted it is out for sure um okay new

Game oh my God I actually feel a bit sick look so obviously the metal lands is the new one I was wondering what he was going to do U wise with this cuz before it was like long and Tall um okay it’s not the best for growing crops but

There’s a chewy blue grass that animals love you start with two chickens this is the description of metal land’s Farm oh my god um I’m going to do remix Community Center bundles I’d like it to be year one completable um I won’t do anything else oh my

God oh my God all right I think I shall just um I’ll try and make myself some what kind of cat do you want too maybe that one oh my god let’s try and be quick with this if we’re going to make ourselves we got to be fast

Yeah I don’t know if I’ve ever used that hairstyle should I just keep this version of me oh my God what do you want to what do you want to name it the farm what are we going to do help I feel sick I’m so scared oh the patch notes

Are out did he tweet those too oh my god let’s look at that first hold on that’s what we need oh my God they’re actually not going to load we can’t make we can’t look at the PCH notes yet oh we’re in okay hold on hold on

Hold on hold on hold on hold on should we pin this mods if you want it no I don’t think we had black hats before maybe I’m wrong okay ready deep breath added new festivals and events the desert Festival is a 3-day event in Spring which can be

Accessed after the bus is repaired uh there’s two mini fishing festivals the Trout Derby and Squid Fest and there’s a new environmental event in summer okay they added a Mastery system which you access via a new area which grants powerful perks and items what what does that even

Mean added a new Farm type metal lands Farm we know about that um there’s some new NPC dialogues there’s custom gift reactions d Dynamic dialogues which react to things that happened custom flower dance acceptance dialogue um it restored some missing dialogue um including Emily and Shane’s flower Dance

One when married to the player Shane’s dialogue B the saloon vending machine I don’t really care about the dialogue stuff that much um there’s so much and more you can now get multiple pets after getting Max hearts with your starter pet there’s a world map for ginger Island when visiting the island

Uh the world map now shows your actual position within the world in real time instead of showing you at a fixed point for each location and in multiplayer you’ll see other players positions in real time too pets that love you will sometimes give you gifts NPCs now have winter

Outfits oh my God also high city planner plays we’re we the the patch just came out so we’re reading all the patch notes for the sty Valley update uh we’re going through all the stuff now and talking through it welcome in everybody um festivals now have map and

Dialog come on now have map and dialogue changes look at everybody my steam notifications playing this game festivals now have map and dialogue changes every second year except the night market and desert Festival oh so they like flip around that’s interesting um they added a golden joa parrot which

You can pay to find all the remaining walnuts on Ginger Island oh that’s actually really helpful so if you don’t want to have to worry about finding the walnuts there there’s like a Pay to Win joa parrot so you don’t have to do it you can just get them that makes sense I

Won’t do that but that is helpful if you’re like struggling um added Perfection waivers a new JoJo way to bypass Perfection challenges um they added a prize machine in Louis’s house oh you can collect prize tickets as a reward for completing quests and special orders and from

Repeated egg and Ice Festival wins oh so there’s a new prize machine a book seller now comes to town twice a season they added mystery boxes um added a big tree with a quest line which ultimately gives you some new neighbors added four new crops carrots summer squash broccoli and powder melon

Which can’t be purchased at the store and two new giant crops four new new home renovations dining room attic expanded Corner Room and Cubby what new items okay so we have a big chest which has almost double the size of a regular chest it can also be placed onto a regular chest to upgrade it so you can upgrade existing chest a dehydrator turns fruit into dried fruit and mushrooms into dried mushrooms

The mushroom log produces mushrooms and interacts with nearby trees the bait maker produces fish specific baits oh that’s really interesting that’s going to help a lot heavy furnace which can produce more bars at a time and yield bonus bars fish smoker which produces smoked fish and

Doubles the value of the fish and you get one by default when starting a new riverlands Farm that’s actually really nice because I don’t ever play on the River Farm I don’t like the river Farm but that’s like a fun bonus to the river Farm it makes it like another reason to

Play there so we’ll have to try that at some point you know just to experiment text signs which can be written on an anvil allows you to reroll trinkets a mini Forge oh my god statue of blessings which grants a random blessing each day statue of the dwarf

King which allows you to select one of two mining Buffs for the day I don’t know how you get those things there’s so much there’s so much tent kits which allow you to build a tent that can be slept in for one night wait so do you think you can stay in the Mindes oh that’s so helpful do you think it works in the skull Cavern too cuz if so that changes everything that actually could be really op if it does interesting we’ll have to experiment with that too treasure totems which spawn a ring of diggable spots Mystic seeds which grow a unique tree

That can be tapped Mystic syrup which you can get from tapping it Deluxe bait gets fish biting faster than regular bait challenge bait allows for three fish to be caught at once but loses one each time a fish leaves the bobber bar oh oh that’s fun cuz some people like to

Try and use fishing like a challenge so that’s probably not for most people but for some folks that’s pretty cool Deluxe worm bin upgrades the regular worm bin to produce Deluxe bait there’s 19 unique books of power which grants special perks and I guess there is the new book

Seller he said so I wonder if the book seller will do that there’s skill books which Grant experience in a skill book of stars which grants experience in all skills Moss a new resource type which grows on Old trees my chat loves moss moss mention Moss mention we have a SIM called Moss

They’re kind of a star um mixed flower seeds is cute I like the idea of that um cuz you can get more flowers that way I assume that you find that just like you find regular mixed seeds um soner bobber which shows the fish on your line before

You catch it raisins which have a special use what does that even mean oh my God okay sea jelly River jelly and Cave jelly are new items that you can fish there are seven trinkets which Grant Powers related to combat I saw there was something up there the Anvil that allows

You to roll trinkets so I don’t really know what that means yet but we’ll see there’s red purple and green fireworks uh star drop tea which makes an excellent gift for anyone 25 new hats 280 new Furnitures there’s new unique Furniture cataloges which contain themed furniture sets 41 new floor styles 24 new

Wallpaper Styles it just keeps going I just keeps going golden animal crackers mannequins that can be dressed which is cool because there’s a lot of clothes in this game and you can’t really display it so that’s pretty cool people like to have rooms that have like all their hats and

Stuff so that’s fun spouse portraits which can be purchased after reaching 14 Hearts butterfly powder which allows you to remove pets bad Blue Grass starter which we know is coming Moss soup Moss mention Moss mention and secret items what does that even mean how could you do this to me concern

Ape added goby fish which is kind of fun added some new remixed bundles oh there’s more remixed bundles oh my God I love storyy Valley you guys know this I have loved this game for so long it’s so fun to have new content for it I just didn’t expect that

We’d ever get more content again you know so this is really cool you can now Place hats on cats and dogs okay wow that’s exciting also you can upgrade the copper pan finally into to steal golden idium pans uh you can enchant pans with the archaeologist generous Fisher and reaching

Enchantments there’s a new special items and Powers tab to replace the wallet and the wallet area now tracks a selection of progress markers okay there’s an animals tab that shows all your pets and animals now you can now build pet bowls in Robin’s shop with three variants which is so

Cute so you can customize a bit more and the farm The Farmhouse and Pet Bowl can now be moved through Robin’s menu so you can move the pet BS which we never could do before but more importantly you can move the farmhouse that completely changes the game of the

The map because before The Farmhouse was obviously you all know this it was stuck that completely changes everything you can move the house that completely rethinks every single thing that you can do in the game like you can make completely new Farm layouts for once the farm computer can now be used

Anywhere to see a summary of that location instead of only on the farm okay the mini jukebox can also be used on Ginger Island now there’s a new interaction with your horse this is still going by the way how long does it oh my

God oh my God we need to be quicker we don’t need to read all the bug fixes though we just read the new stuff um we’ll read the new new new things oh jeez um added a new side tunnel into the Quarry mine what do you mean by that

Side tunnel to wear concerned ape the community center fish tank now becomes an actual fish tank when you complete it uh it adds more secrets and Easter eggs two new cat and dog breeds obviously we’ve seen that um turtle pets wait how do you get turtle pets not from the beginning

Surely how do you get Turtles how do you do it eight new achievements four new cabin variants a few more accessory options in character creation there’s a new bobber machine in willly shop with 39 new bobber styles to choose from new Styles unlock by catching new kinds of fish that’s

Cool um there’s a cameo appearance to maru’s 14 heart event okay Emily has a new rare socialized daily Quest if you’ve completed the introduction Quest um you can add anchors treasure chests and Pearls to fish tanks Pierre sells a few random items at the winter star booth at

A markup they have a jingling sound when running with the cinder clown shoes on baby toss has a chance to crit okay what what okay um toss your baby I guess um there is a skull Cavern statue that can be used to toggle hard mode in the Skull Cave after completing Keys challenge

That’s actually pretty cool for a lot of people like to that for people that like to do that it’s cool to have the option um there’s additional chests to skull Caverns level 200 and 300 there’s unique skull Cavern chest appearance for all three of those skull Cavern chests there’s a high note flute

Block uh we have an aridium golum on the Wilderness farm and there’s some mod changes as well um there’s a bunch of visual improvements around the valley they’ve added waterfalls more holiday decorations in Winter more path stones to various Maps there’s Jacko lanterns and the storyy Val Valley Fair in Fall

Um there’s Seasonal World Map variants a new rare ambient Critter some new rare summer butterflies a little brown bird that you can see around the place uh they redrew the world map Al together to match the in-game locations and be more detailed boat Journey textures are now seasonal and reflect the latest Valley

Map the bus stop now has a wider map oh my God for so long there was like black bars on the sides of the bus stop they finally fixed that I was wondering if it was going to um the jellies pickles wines and juices are now going to be

Colored based on your ingredient item um many Town trees are now actual tree objects uh though you can’t cut them down interesting um slight adjustment to the way that items pop out when dug from the ground updated volcano gold ore node Sprite some trees have a chance to lose

Their leaves in the fall Riverbanks and Lake Shores in the mountain town and Forest areas are now less Jagged uh there’s some graphical improvements to building Interiors they improve the art of George and Evelyn’s roof if you destroy a min’s chest it now shows some graphic debris there’s special back plates so

The fortune teller TV show if you get a perfectly good or perfectly bad luck day um it gets dark an hour earlier in Winter now uh the night tiles so like all the lamps activate an hour earlier just in general indoor daytime lighting now smoothly transitions to night lighting

Over the course of 2 hours night Lighting in non-f Farmhouse indoor locations is now slightly darker The Farmhouse Lighting on rainy days is now slightly Moody and the lights will stay on all day TVs and trees of the winter star now give off light at night there’s some light sources to

Window light glows so there’s no more dark but lit Windows interesting we’ve made improvements to the intro bus drive cut scene at night hats are now drawn at the nighttime color in the game menu portraits oh wow remove the lighting quality option it’s now permanently set to ultra quality

Light and the submerged fishing bobber is now recolored to match the water you can now have up to eight players on PC multiplayer there’s a bunch of performance changes and stuff for multiplayer too um which is kind of interesting um lots of balance changes I

Assume that these are a lot of things uh they Chang like some price change prices and stuff I don’t know if you all want to read all this or not like we read all the new stuff do you want to go through and read every single balance change and um

And uh quality of life change and other change and gameplay fix change I’m kind of curious about playing um I think that if we sit here we could read this all day I will spam this in the chat if you want to go through it and read it

Yourself we’ll read the quality of life changes but I think I might stop um after that cuz I’m curious about the quality of life ones so I’ll look through some of those performance improvements uh NPCs shove chests out of their way instead of destroying them um

If Pam can’t come to the bus she’ll leave a sign there’s some audio changes um you can refill your slingshot easier um clicking a pet bowl and I’ll show a text bubble with the pet’s name on it um there’s a new post fishing sparkling text to indicate if you caught something

For the first time torches can be placed on sprinklers interesting um and you can drive yourself to the desert I didn’t even read that part you can drive yourself if is not there that’s huge um wow you can move filled chest by hitting them twice with a heavy tool you

Can place flooring underneath most buildings uh Crystal AR have to be removed and replaced before a different gem can be put inside to help avoid it to help avoid wasting gems accidentally um I don’t even know where to begin it’s like so long there’s all these UI improvements this thing is

Huge oh my God okay I say let’s just jump into game so we can look at this stuff ourselves right I’ll spam it again um and we’ll go play yes is that the final decision let’s play okay let me make sure that it’s all oh my God

There’s ads playing bad timing I’ll wait I’ll wait um Rat and Cat and mats and Rosie and Plum and Aspen and stolk we got Milo liil everything gabs wolf Malaya thank you for the subs I know I missed a lot there um while I was doing that but

Um thank you very very much what should I name the farm and what should I have up fa thing be also maybe I should pick some more um I can make some adjustments to myself while I’m waiting um they said that there was some more accessories oh my God is that blush

New should I use it I think I like my ponytail I might keep that I’m going to use the I’m going to use the blush I actually kind of like my little outfit to be honest I think I look cute I randomized this but I kind of like it oh Mossy Farm is

Good I think Mossy Farm is kind of cute okay Mossy Meadows oh Moss Meadow no Moss Meadow Farm Mossy Mossy Meadow Mossy Farm favorite thing Moss pulp oh that’s reference to my Sims dog okay I think this is fine and cute look besties are we skipping the intro we’re skipping the intro right

We’ve seen it we know all right metaland Farm selected we’re in they changed the intro oh it’s too late oh my god oh no well if you want to see it we’ll have to watch somebody else’s video it’s too late it’s gone I don’t want to restart I like my character

Well it’s happened should we look at the farm this is the map reveal this is a big deal oh my God okay Mossy Meadows let’s look around that’s the new blue grass and this is the CPE that it comes with there’s actually quite a bit of it that’s pretty

Good we’ll get the package in a second I want to see the farm first I’m more interested in the farm I’m sorry sorry I need to see the farm it’s really important to me we have our own we already have two chickens as well oh this is huge there’s a lot of Blue

Grass yeah so this map is supposedly not as good for farming it’s better for having animals obviously but it’s not bad for farming um it’s just like sort of optimized for having animals um but I want to see around the whole place there’s a bunch of farm stuff down here

Um we got plenty of space right I think so I’ve been playing a lot of stardo expanded so this is we um our frame of reference is a little uh skewed there’s a lot of water here too on the new Farm I really like this one I think this

Is beautiful I wonder if the chickens have names or if oh my God let me through I wonder if the chickens have names by default or if we’ll name them this is a nice new map they’re randomized okay that makes sense let me in oh they’re little babies Misty and Beluga Misty and

Beluga I actually I like that a lot genuinely I think Beluga is hilarious that’s really good those are yours names too oh really I wonder if they’re not randomized from that much where’s the cave then on this Farm obviously it’s not up here but um yours are chip and dip that’s kind of

Cute bottom right let’s go look down there we haven’t really been down all the way down here have we we went left I’ll come down to the bottom right I mean I guess we can try and get some more mixed seeds while we’re at it yeah oh it’s down there okay that makes

Sense try not to destroy too much of the grass K we’re going to need that we’ll save it okay so the cave is down there that makes sense I love hearing about what all the names are that’s so fun okay so we can go in there once the

Cave is ready good to know where it is I kind of like it sort of tucked away in the corner actually I think that’s good this location okay I got to stop doing this let’s plant the crops first um the farm comes with a wardrobe oh the

World map is supposed to be different too isn’t it and this supposedly changes based on the season and you can see where you are more accurate on the map as well in this update which is also fun all right let me go back in the house cuz I didn’t grab um our seeds

Oh oh we don’t have any seeds oh no where are my parsnips I don’t need hey I don’t need it they can eat this stuff out here oh God Silo I don’t even have a silo yet oh my I’ve never had a CP without a Silo

This is new to me well huge yikes then okay well we’ll see what happens hi Momo welcome in we’re we just started playing the new update um we like we’re on the new Farm um this is our first time it’s uh new to us I’m

Going to try and get a chest we’re going to have to buy some seeds I might go into town and make sure we do that now um oh boy one two three four all right well we make do with what we have we do what we can with what we have

Available to us chat all right well we’re going to need 50 wood which is uh long ways away from what we have but it’s okay yeah we looked at all the update notes we just finished reading all the patch notes and we we literally just started playing cu the patch notes were so

Long there’s so much in this update we were all very pleasantly surprised by the patch notes um okay well I’m just clearing up some of this area so we can start if I could please make myself a chest that would be fantastic thank you all right I did not want to put that

There okay you all just stay away let’s go buy some seeds we’ll start there um oh yeah what is the Harvest an egg from your chickens oh interesting okay well and look at this this used to have black bars on the sides you think there’s seeds in my house no friend in

The house um that was uh in the house that was the box that came with the the hay there’s usually seeds but we got hay they did change the menus too oh look at This huh oh look at my animals you can see if you pet them today oh that’s really helpful special items and Powers all in its own tab collections all in its own tab whoa I like this animal tab that’s really helpful are we dating in this save I

Don’t know it said in the patch notes that there was a cameo added to maru’s 14 heart cut scene so that’s kind of making me think that I might want to date Maru just because of the Cameo added in the cut scene um but I don’t know okay well I

Don’t usually have to buy my seeds from scratch this is horrible um okay let’s start there see what we can do you’d probably sell the hay oh I guess that’s true we could have sold it h no it’s all right we don’t need to

Sell the hay we can we can make do with what we’ve got hi Harvey sorry I didn’t read his messages um I’m going to go back to the farm and I’m going to go through and like cut a bunch of the bushes things down try to try and get some more mix

Seeds as well um we’ll start like that I guess one two I’ve got beans these are not the most effective money-making crops I know it’s just we want to have a collection okay chat let’s not allow ourselves to Panic it’s also going to look really

Bad um I just want to say that I warned you okay I just want to remind you that it’s not going to be good we don’t have anything we don’t have anything to work with right now I don’t usually do them in rows of two this is kind of new for

Me me I guess that’s fine oh I watered nothing sorry all right so let me keep clearing up some more of this all I’m not really seeing any that look like they’ll have mixed seeds for me which is a shame the game did update yeah yeah yeah the game did

Update so we’re uh off to a good start the update is out we just began clearly I’m on day one right now we’ve not made that much progress uh it’s only if you’re on PC unfortunately it has not updated if you’re playing on um on Console or

Anything and it probably won’t for a bit all right our chickens are called beluga and Misty if you’re just tuning in um those are the names that they randomize too I’m sure that like every single person on Twitch right now is playing on the new map type which is so funny literally

All of us are like we got to use the new map we got to see the new stuff okay yeah Misty is a nice name I think Beluga is really funny because um my friend hope says that my cat shrimp looks like a beluga and he kind of does like she’s

Not really wrong about that but it’s just funny that um the game ran rized the name Beluga for it um yeah I’ve seen some people say multiple times that there’s something behind The Farmhouse I can go look if you want me to go check uh marmy

Lucy sty Shelby thank you for the subs everybody um you’re watching me play the new map before you decide no that makes sense though I get it I get it that’s a good idea okay I did get two more of these Oh wrong spot all right we’ve got a nice collection

There there’s a decent am amount of cauliflower too so that’s good um go away something behind the I don’t see anything behind the house are you lying I don’t think that’s true behind a tree behind this tree to the left here oh up there oh that’s what you’re

Yelling about I see I don’t think that we well first of all we can’t even chop we can’t even chop that tree my energy is all gone Chad we have to do it tomorrow I’m really sorry I I spent too much energy I’m going to go

Into the bar and try and meet some people while we’re out um we can’t spend anything so um um may as well head out there it’s probably just the stuff that the like statue thing um that we can’t actually access right now but we’ll look for it we’ll we’ll take a

Look um while I am here I might oh look so the book seller is coming on the 11th and the 21st this is the question mark festival and then we obviously have the regular ones that we’re used to um so that’s pretty cool we’ll have to play

Until at least the book seller comes cuz I’m really excited about that oh first piece of trash okay hi everybody hi I’m Clint yes you’re the blacksmith hi Shane I don’t know you why are you talking to me okay I did just post a video on

YouTube yeah I post videos at 300 p.m. eastern time so oh sorry I keep talking to her I don’t mean to all right yeah the book seller is new it sounds like there’s a whole bunch of new book rated content um 102,000 people in game on Steam oh my

God that’s so cool and so many people are playing right now I just the the like energy of everyone all collectively being this excited about this sort of thing is so fun isn’t it I just love that I love that oh lost book great still Jenny

English Mary thank you for the subs um okay yeah chat have any of you watched the intro then and and um do you know what they changed in said intro carrot seeds that’s the new crop we don’t have that yet oh my gosh okay so I found them from like a little

Wiggly worm it wasn’t a worm it looked kind of like a worm but it wasn’t a worm and I just HED it up and that’s how I got him okay well bad luck in the trash cans on this day but that’s fine um did notice any changes in the intro

Okay so maybe there’s not any notices in any changes in the intro I can’t speak there might not be um all right back home I guess I’ll try and plant those carrots then I think I’ll try and put them here do you think I’m going to be able do without

Dying yeah we should be okay oh God I’m really tired now go away well we got a little bit of money it’s I think it’s just like graphic changes in the intro so probably minor graphic adjustments to make it look a little bit better I like how this house looks it’s cute in

There um all right 100 gold we can maybe get some more crops based on that then um all right well I’m very silly for wasting all my energy yesterday with that one shocker it’s going to rain tomorrow and today the spirits are in good humor all right just got back from a

Fishing trip I’ll go down Willie and get the fishing rod from you I’m going to get rid of this too there are patch notes yeah I haven’t pinned drum if you’re looking for him we pinned him in chat to make it a bit easier for people

Um okay I don’t actually know where the nearest um water source is for us to fill our watering cans so we’ll have to see about that oh my God I’m doing a bad job of watering in the right spot I don’t have energy for this um nearest water source

Maybe he up here hello little chicken hello little chicken I don’t want to destroy all your grasses but I want to clear up some of this area I guess I should have not used my Scythe huh okay we are not really going to have much time to go fishing on this

Day or much energy I guess I should say but we’ll see all right um well I play more of the expanded mod um we’ll come back to it but I would like to play through uh a vanilla version of all of the new stuff before we uh look at all the mod stuff

Cuz I I don’t really want to like be confused about what is mod versus what is vanilla so i’ I’d like to play through all the oh my God stupid I thought I grabbed my watering can I just killed that by accident I’m sorry Chad oh no R thanks for the prime sub

And fra and Crystal thank you for the subs too embarrassing um all right let me grab these things real quick all right you know what I might do is go the long way to get to to the beach I might leave some like most of it out of my

Inventory I might just maybe actually I might even eat that dandelion for now but I’ll sell the daffodil um see if you can drive yourself you can’t drive the bus until it’s unlocked the the quality of life Improvement of being able to drive the bus is only if Pam’s not there so like

Say for some reason Pam’s not working that day and you were expecting to go um to the desert they made it so that you’re able to drive the bus yourself only if Pam is not working that day but like Pam has to it has to be unlocked first I assume

Still okay I want to see if I can find any Collectibles that was half my reason for coming down here it’s just so we can do a little bit of foraging you say there’s a giant tree down here in the forest right if I look can you see it on the

Map did you see it oh oh my god oh that is a big tree okay yeah I assume that that would be the one that will be the one that uh he was talking about should I go all the way around then or should we just go straight to

Willie and come back around what’s it do we don’t know yet Jules we don’t know yet we’ll have to see wait thanks for six months um you just got an ancient seed on day two oh my gosh that’s pretty good spring onions yeah we’ll we’ll head

Back around and see if we can grab them um I kind of want to get my uh fishing rod from Willie before I forget um oh you’re right my captions aren’t working let me see if I can fix that I don’t understand what happened to them sometimes it’s been a few months

Since it did this but sometimes if I just open and close it it like come on hello captions oh God I don’t know why the caption stopped working chat I’m really sorry I don’t um I don’t really know how to troubleshoot it while I’m live either cuz nothing I didn’t do

Anything um but I’ll keep an eye on it and see if I can mess with it some more in a bit um that really stinks uh evil thank you for the 1413 sub thank you so much I don’t really know how to fix it without like messing with my OBS and I’m like

Streaming so I don’t want to break anything um all right hello Willie someone told me to not skip this cut scene so I won’t heard there was a newcomer in town good to finally meet you I’m still trying to unwind from a month out on the salty Seas it was a big

Haul sold a lot of good fish finally saved enough to buy me a new Rod here I want you to have my old fishing rod it’s important to me that the art of fishing stays alive and hey maybe you’ll buy something from the shop once in a while I will oh they’re back

See what happened the captions just randomly reappeared I didn’t do anything I didn’t touch anything I’m playing I don’t know they’re back though thank you for telling me um there’s good water here in the valley all kinds of fish yes oh yeah my Shop’s back open now so

Come by if you need supplies yep yep I’ll be there if it smells it sells that’s what my old papy used to say anyway okay sounds good to me thank you Willie your chickens are potatoes and gravy oh that’s cute shanana my chickens were um I’ll show you hold on my chickens are

Beluga and Misty I like yours potato potatoes and gravy that’s pretty cute are you on the new Farm type too shanana I wasn’t trying to go in there I’m trying to talk to Willie does he have anything new for sale fish smoker oh hardwood sea jelly River jelly

Cave jelly and then um you’re able to to make it that’s pretty cool hanging fish he’s got something on the right oh that thing is that different I don’t know if it is that might have been there I’m not sure okay should we fish a bit then just until our energy goes away

Probably that’s been there look different yeah I can’t I actually can’t tell to be honest now that because of the update oh in his shop oh the bobber maker in her shop okay I’ll go back in there in a second I’ll look at it a minute just so we can see your chicks

Are peanut and Hazel oh there’s so many there’s so many cool names that’s pretty good okay bear with me chat I can’t really look at you while I’m this is an easy fish to catch but I can’t really look at you when I’m doing this I picked remix bundles allly yeah

So we’ll play with the remix bundles oops sorry I clicked off my OBS to move it um yours are fishy and row oh that’s cute I like that I like that a lot papaya and peachy oh I love how many names there are for the chickens that’s really

Fun did it change the starting Quest on every map I don’t know on this map our starting Quest is now to harvest an egg from our chickens um but it sounds like I don’t know if it’s different on the others with the parsnips I’m sure sure that nobody is

Playing with the default starting Quest right now it might be just this Farm I don’t know if they would mess with it too much on others but I don’t know I don’t know okay well I’ll catch this last fish and then I’ll sell them to Willie and

Then I’ll probably go around and do some more collecting of stuff and we can probably try and talk to some people as well cuz our energ is completely out all right I’ll sell both of these or I guess we have three I’ll sell all three of them okay hello Willie thank you I’ll

Take some extra money um and then we will head out oh I probably can’t hoe this but I will anyway my first Thing I got got a dried starfish I haven’t met you yet Sam either hey Sam good to meet you I’ll come talk to these people just while we were out and about a stranger my name is Vincent my mom says Don’t Talk to Strangers but you seem okay great

Perfect um I think I should be able to collect from that is anybody going to be in here hello hello Gunther abysmal not a single piece in the entire collection oh wait I skipped looking at the other thing in Willie’s shop didn’t I well here I’ve got something for you you’re

Welcome you are welcome we already met Clint yesterday so we probably don’t need to go talk to him right now we should be fine without him Robin’s house has an added staircase does it oh well that’s good to know interesting nobody nobody anybody hi George nice to meet meet you by well

Maybe it’s not nice to meet you hard to say Jess thank you for the 25 months um okay and then I got trash go behind joa isn’t there a new thing in Louis’s house oh yeah there should be oh my God there’s so much to look at let me go check in

There and then I’m told to go behind joa as well yeah I think they had a bigger bed I noticed that too um oh this interesting so if I put tickets in there I can maybe is it like a random like a slot machine where it like spins me

Something and I don’t know what I’m going to get it might be the carrots might be the sapling might be the seeds oh file for divorce there why so it’s our prize machine that’s pretty cool you don’t have any tickets yet obviously but we will get

Some Hello Alex I am the new girl yes I’ve already spoken to Pam I have not talked to Maru yet and I was thinking about marrying her so we’ll get to know her first and Abigail too okay bye so I was told to check behind joa so

We’ll do that as well Shel thanks for the 21 months um I think in the patch notes the ticket tiets said oh hold on um it said that you get tickets from like quests and also if you win like the you know fishing tournament a second

Time then you get more tickets as well I think oh oh and there’s some extra hardwood up here oh that’s nice just more space I guess I wonder if like maybe the book seller goes there or something I don’t really know that would be my guess cuz we know

That there’s the new book seller NPC person so oh grab all these Collectibles while we’re out here I’ve got some new ideas to sleep on huh what do you mean what clingy Shel that you for the subs huh we can look inside of the community center too oh never mind

Lies how ominous oh I must have leveled up that must be it we’ll we’ll level up in the morning probably from foraging that that makes sense I think that checks out hello Sebastian I did just move in out of all the places you could live you choose pelicant Town yeah sure

Did greetings I’m Demetrius local scientist and father thanks for introducing yourself yep nice to meet you I have actually met Maru yeah he said she’s interested in meeting me there is another waterfall oh I missed that too I haven’t got a clue what I’m doing apparently okay

Well we’ve got quite a few bits of Collectibles now yeah we just got carrot seeds too Katie we also got carrot seeds from an artifact spot we were pretty excited about that as well um I’m glad that you got some oh sorry oh coal I may have Myself eat this

Dandelion cuz I’m my energy is a little bit uh let’s just say it’s struggling okay let’s just say we’re having a rough time with our foraging all right I want to go I don’t know if this is a bad idea I think it should be fine I’m going to go down and

Around the whole lake down there just to see if we can get any other forgea bles cuz I’m trying to get some more money and food and then we’ll go to bed so I’ll just go around the whole way this way um Alice than for the 14 month thank you so much

Um okay well good thing it’s nice and dark so you can’t see anything you know oops I got myself trapped and I didn’t even realize it okay um we don’t think that the thing about the farmhous is anything fancy we think that’s just like the regular statue

That’s always on all the Farms but we’ll we’ll check it tomorrow once we have enough energy to chop the tree we don’t have any energy so we can’t chop trees right now um interesting very interesting I did go live a bit early out we I went live early cuz the stting

Valley update came out today oh I guess I should change my uh stream title because it still says waiting room and we are in fact playing it right now sorry um go to the right of the Hat Mouse okay shanon thank you you oh look at this Waterfall oh my God that is

Beautiful thank you shanana that’s my sister she’s given us the uh the information that we need that is really nice well so when you come down here when you fish down here can you see it kind of that’s pretty cool okay well it’s really dark and I cannot

See a single thing but it’s okay I’m still out here looking yeah no spring uh onions yet just darkness complete and total oh there’s some spring onions complete and total darkness sorry chat I know we can’t see anything I’m going back I’m going back home now don’t worry

Yeah we could really use a glow ring right about now there’s a plaque there on the wall oh really yeah Shana so I got the same popup I don’t think it’s because of the spring onion I think it’s I think the new ideas to sleep on was it telling you

That you’re going to level up overnight oh my God how am I going to make it back up I can’t see the stuff that’s blocking my path um I think that was the that was us getting like the foraging level up but so it’s just telling you during the

Day so that you’re more aware um I will honestly keep like pretty much all of that for now cuz I don’t know if I’m going to need any food okay off to bed jberry Lind em me thank you for the subs yeah see we leveled up that makes

Sense yeah we have a dresser already it gave us one in the new house so I feel like it must just do that now okay um so on this day do you all want to go fish maybe I guess that would be good that’s kind of what should be done

I’m going to stream longer than 3 hours sorry that’s why I went live early so we can be live longer and play more of the game today oh I got to feed my chickens or talk to my chickens hold on let me do that first oh and you all wanted me to chop

That thingy didn’t you sorry I’m getting a little bit ahead of myself I’ll chop the thing that they speak of they want to see this but I’m pretty sure it’s just the standard statue yeah that would be on all the Farms can you even collect that oh my

God God can I not get close enough to get my stuff oh that’s evil that’s so evil give it back mean game oh my first eggs oh those grew pretty quickly so we got that now wants me to feed a silo reach level one and craft a scarecrow I got

Money okay um The Silo we have to get some more uh um clay for obviously feed it I meant feed a silo I meant me a silo my chickens grew quick huh oh look that’s the new text sign as well that you can make that you can like TP type

On okay well I’ll save that stuff then for later and now we’ll go fish in the ocean I think so OS thanks for the prime sub you got a sea jelly from fishing oh did you that’s pretty good yeah we’re on the new map right now

Ros yeah we sure are that’s what we’ve been doing nothing’s posted today um okay let me just talk to Shane quickly as well has Marney always sold cat trees Marne sells cat trees you’re kidding really oh my God wait we might have to go in

There uh let me fish for a tiny bit oh look here’s a good example this thing up here do you see that little wiggly worm it looks different than the artifact worms that’s how you get seeds the carrot seeds so that makes sense it’s a little bit different from the wiggly artifact

Worms okay let me fish a couple couple times and then I’ll go to Mar’s yeah we want to get a little bit more fishing skill up but there’s a new I think there’s a new like multiple new crops so oh my God I wasn’t paying attention sorry Sea Foam

Pudding happy birthday my friend and thank you for the resub what a fun day to have your birthday when the stardo update comes out you’re winning for sure okay so we’ll just sit here I guess we’ll talk it’s not at Robin’s house it sounds like there’s new cat trees in marne’s

House we’ll have to go look at them um we’ll have to go look and see that’ll be fun now you’re like making me want to go in there now weenie fish thank you for the prime sub do the cats use the cat treats I have no idea I

Mean nobody would know yet right it’s um the update only just came out so I don’t know if anybody any of us would have answers to those questions all right I should have just leveled up and fishing cuz I got that new ideas thing you got the fairy event on night

One yeah I saw somebody else in chat say that too that’s pretty good all right well I’ll fish maybe until like 1:00 p.m. or something and then we can sell them to Louis not Louis oh my God to Willie sorry we’ll sell them to Willie and then we’ll go talk to Marne maybe

Yeah oh and somebody else said a new staircase at Robin’s house I’ve seen a couple people say that now so maybe we should try that too I want to go fish in that bubble oh wait maybe I should try and sell this stuff first and then fish in

The bubble oh oh bye Brett see you later you scared me when I heard your voice thank you bye my brother was helping clean my car he invited himself here to clean my car Isn’t that cool yeah he said I want to I want to be

Helpful so we clean my car I paid him but he cleaned my car nice kid that means he’s done cuz he’s leaving okay maybe I’ll fish oops maybe I’ll fish here until the bubble spot oh my God I’ll fish here till the bubble spot goes away and then um we’ll head

Out you also pay your little brother to clean your car it’s nice that’s what brothers are good for you know he wants to earn some money he likes cars I’ll pay him to clean a car um no I’m selling to wiie here and not like selling it at my house not for like

A more money issue it’s just because when you sell it to Willie here uh instead of at home I get the money immediately and then I also don’t have the things in my inventory anymore um oh you guys I’m sorry I’m getting a phone call from the vet right

Now I’m going to really quickly answer it uh I’ll turn my face cam off and and mute my mic I think they have snaps results hold on for okay sorry everybody about that I’m back it’s fine um where’s my face cam hold on I’m lost sorry nothing happened

Snap um she got her blood results back from her she has kidney disease um and she got her blood test results back earlier uh and they were not that good um but we’re going to try and put her on a supplement she’s on a kidney disease food but we’re going to try and

Put her on a supplement um and they’re just calling to tell me that her prescription for that is ready so I can pick it up um but I thought because she also is waiting on results she has like a a lump on her leg and she’s waiting on

Results for that still so I thought maybe that was why they were calling but they weren’t so it wasn’t an important call it was just that her prescription is ready um so I’m going to pick it up tomorrow when I’m over there but um anyway all is well but yeah her her uh

Blood work it’s not bad the result it’s just that her kidney values are still going up and not steady despite being on the kidney food for 6 months which is I mean a lot of cats have kidney disease it’s not like that AB normal but um it’s

Not great either you know um so we’re going to try the supplement and see if that helps her as well is what we’re uh planning anyway sorry um I thought it was going to be a more important call but it was just oh her prescription’s ready for

Pickup um we’ll see she’s a this is an expensive supplement as well it’s like $30 for 60 capsules um One A Day obviously um which is okay but we’ll see it’s good it’ll be good give Snappy your little vitamins you know um and she’s on expensive prescription food

Now yeah watch her like hate taking it I mean the vet said that this one is pretty tasteless so most um animals don’t like have problems with it oh I got the sea jelly oh that’s cool that actually wasn’t n that hard to fish up either it wasn’t that rare that’s pretty

Good thank you Game um but anyway I forget what the name of the supplement is called I don’t remember I’d have to I’d have to uh I’ll tell you tomorrow I guess when I get the once I pick it up I don’t remember what she said um but I’m down to try it

So if you’re new to my stream I know probably quite a few of you are I have um my cat is almost 16 she’s got kidney disease lots of cats get kidney disease though when they get old um they kind of tend to outlive their kidneys a lot of cats oh my

Gosh um well I guess I’ll just toss those then cuz my inventory is full again I don’t want to sell any of this stuff maybe I’ll drink this plus 13 energy wait speed boost have you always gotten a speed boost from JoJo Cola for 18 seconds I don’t drink it I usually just

Like toss it I miss the kissing seagulls a it is new so you get an 18-second speed boost from the JoJo Cola now that’s kind of fun it’s very shortlived but at least gives you another reason to drink it cuz you get that quite a bit so 18 seconds really is not

Much oh my God I said I would keep fishing in this puddle until it went away but these bubbles are still there so humaniz pillow thank you for the resub and Cat and Britney and short potato thank you for the subs pillow goes this is my contribution to Snappy supplements thank you so

Much that is very generous of you thank you yeah sorry that I had to answer a phone call from the vet while I was live I’ve never had to do that before that’s kind of a weird one for me um okay you’re fishing too and you keep

Pressing when you hear mine go off oh sorry Brew oh that is annoying I’m so sorry oh I should have I should have sold this my inventory is full again uhoh let me try these quick go away go away go away go away well that’s good cuz we have a bunch of

Money so we’ll be able to get like backpack upgrades and stuff soon um I changed the stream title don’t worry edible it um the title won’t update unless you refresh but if new people come in the title will be updated for them the title will not update um like on

Your end live update or whatever what do we got anything good bait that I can’t Use we don’t have a a rod that can use bait well that’s annoying and sad for us oh gosh oopsies try and get this bar up higher so I can get my um little chest yeah I have a carrot seed in my inventory we found a carrot seed that’s

Twice now that I found carrot seeds from Little Wiggly Worms on the beach if you’re looking for them okay that’s a geode that I also cannot open I might just toss the bait to be honest cuz I don’t have any need for that yet oh this will be the thing hold on I

Haven’t looked at this yet whoa oh so you can just change it custom and it depends what fish you’ve found and you can base it off that oh that’s really cool I’m starting to feel exhausted is there going to be a 400m stream today we’re going to stream like

Through our regular stream time we went live a little bit early so that we can stay live longer oh now it’s finally gone um that like was a never ending bubble wasn’t it that’s okay the bubble the reason I wanted to fish there is because you get more fish when there’s

Little bubbles like that and I wanted to work on our skill and also get some money so it was good to fish in that for as long as we did I think um but we started early so that we could stream longer playing stardo because of the

Update I know a lot of folks here are big fans of the Sims oh I missed it I am also a big fan of the Sims however uh today is a huge day for us stardo fans um it’s kind of like when you ask me to play Sims today that’s kind of like

Telling me to play stardew on the day that the four rent expansion pack came out we’d all be like huh if you have you heard what’s going on today why would we do that um so that’s why uh that’s why people are like everyone wants to play stardy today because it’s very exciting

Um and like there’s been a huge update there isn’t new content for stardew like barely ever um so this is kind of a big deal day for us um so we would we wouldn’t want to play a different game you know today with all this news happening um I definitely missed my

Chance to buy things from Marne but we can at least talk to her she said you look like you’re soaked poor thing I do I do look like I’m soaked I’ve been standing in the rain all day you’re right Marne that’s true yeah he said um if you guys haven’t

Been around in the stardy community much uh concerned ape literally said to us that there wasn’t going to be any more content for stardy Valley cuz we had that massive 1.5 update that was like the big I think kind of like farewell in his mind cuz he was going to make a new

Game um and then he said actually and made this a few years later um so this has been like a really huge fun special day for the community cuz it’s been so much cool stuff happening um okay Beck thank you for the 42 month resub yeah he said psych

Actually loads more things added okay um there isn’t that much more that we can do today maybe I’ll go to the the um I don’t know we can go talk to people inside of the bar saloon Chris thank you for the gift and Subs yeah he kind of wanted to

Take a break from hunted chocolate here I don’t blame him I feel like um the the early stages of this new game that he’s making and like the creative drain oh that’s good to have actually the field snack um is probably a lot so I don’t

Blame him for wanting to like take a minute on the new game and like come back to something like this where um you know it’s it’s uh done you’re doing fun stuff like Community gifts and stuff um it’s a nice bonus so so much pressure to

Work on that new game too I mean can you imagine after the success of stardew valley the how much the pressure is on for your second game like how how scary would that be to be I mean it’s going to be different it’s going to be good and fun but um

Like with the success of this I can imagine that like making that new thing is probably um a lot you know the mountain lake is different too oh we should go up there and look at it I can’t go into Robin’s house right now because um it it’ll be night time before

I get up there so I can’t show you Robin’s extra staircase but we can go up there and see yeah that would be so stressful the followup the sequel and it’s like it’s just him as well you know like it’s not so much like it’s like a team or whatever that’s you

Know the team if we if we fall we fall together but it’s just him so I bet that’s really a lot of pressure that he’s putting on himself with it um I’m so excited let me through couple more days um yeah how how beautiful is all of this right there you missed the

Waterfall again did I is it down here oh there is a waterfall again that’s so nice oh I love that they changed that that’s pretty cool actually that’s a nice update um the developer’s name is concerned ape is like his username um his real name’s Eric but his his like developer name is

Concer tape um oh I haven’t looked at the new steam achievements yet either no we have to look through some of those shouldn’t we um maybe I will look at that now um let me see if I can find view my achievements Global achievements oh that’s so I love seeing

These um I don’t I I still have 38 out of 40 steam achievements are they like not loaded right I still haven’t beat journey of the prairie king so maybe I’m just silly I don’t know how it works you have 49 on yours oh no why can’t I see them

Maybe I need to reload steam or something that’s fine um yeah the mini games are hard I can’t it’s the the achievements that I’m missing are the mini gamees achievements so can I see them in game that’s a good question oh infinite power obtain the most powerful weapon that one probably is new

Right maybe not I don’t know I’d have to look through them again I don’t remember what the achievements all are I’m out of the loop on the achievements these days um it should be clear and sunny tomorrow level one fishing and level two fishing okay we doubled that one up that’s not

Bad oh is there anything in the dresser that’s a good question let me find out I don’t think so but it’s a good idea to look no just comes blank it’s nice that they gave you um the dresser notice you’ve been breaking some rocks open and finding ore that’s good thank

You if you want to get the most out of the ores you find you’ll need a furnace just so happens I had an extra set of blueprints lying around here I want you to have them thank you learned how to craft a furnace I think my carrots ready to harvest the

Furnace allows you to smell metal bars the bars can be used for crafting construction and Tool upgrades blah blah blah when you smelted a few copper bars consider having me upgrade one of your tools it can make your work a lot easier well okay I’m heading home all right bye thank

You look I got carrots 75 energy that’s pretty good that’s pretty good okay we’ll water all the rest of these things I’m feeling like maybe what do you think’s the best course of action for today do you think maybe we try and clear out some more of this

Area and then we go to the store see what we can buy Maybe finish meeting the rest of the people um cuz we’re missing a handful still um yeah it sounds like we should be able to get all of those other um we should get all of the

Other special ones from worm spots in the other Seasons so there should be like a new crop for all the seasons is what I think Robin staircase Mary’s will go check on yeah lots of just stuff to go look at I guess craft a furnace well I don’t have enough for

That not even close to enough for that okay you save some of that stuff for now I’ll I’ll leave that behind too maybe I’ll bring my Scythe with me all right I’ll go to Mar first we shall start there I figure Christine you should be able to

Move the new Coupe I mean in the update today he literally added the ability to move your house so I would be really shocked if the coupe was stuck on this Farm like I feel like um you should be able to move it eventually there is no new staircase oh

In Robin’s house why has everybody been telling me there is then I mean people could very easily lie to me today and I would fall for it m Mega thank you for the subs um it’s not 9:00 a.m. yet well I’ll try and get some more of these I

Guess there’s one in the hallway but it’s not new oh really okay we’re getting some more of these mixed seeds mixed seeds are good cuz we don’t have any money so I will take that gladly I actually cannot believe that we can move the Farmhouse now though that’s so

Cool um all right let’s go all the way up now it’s 9: we can talk to Marney I guess oh it’s Thursday all right well oh she’s in here never mind dog house cat tree oh my God bird house too that’s really cool so those are both new I’m sorry I

Forgot for a second that I like she’s not there on Tuesdays but I in my head was like it’s Thursday she’s not here wrong wrong day I know this game very well forgive me chat it’s embarrassing okay um we’ll grab both of these oh there was ads playing during the cat trees that’s

Sad hi Penny when you’re lost in a book it’s easy to forget the realities of your life yeah me too Bessie me too I’ll show you I’ll go back I’ll go back I didn’t realize there ads playing that’s annoying twitch of all the times you make them

Miss the cat trees she just sells dog tree dog trees she sells um dog houses and cat trees now I don’t know if the cats will use them or if they’re just decoration um I I don’t know if anybody knows yet because it’s new um so we’re

Not sure if she’ll if they’ll actually use them or not well buy one friend I do not have 10K to be spent on that right now nor do I have a dog or a cat um so we can’t get one yet we’ll have that’s going to have to be like an

Eventually sort of thing this is a brand new fresh save um so oh cookies that’s good um Serena thanks for the 10mon res sub as well um I’m I feel like they will use it would be my guess but um I don’t know we’ll have to see

Okay so 2,000 gold for this I’ll hold off on the backpack a little bit longer I might try and buy myself oh dehydrator that’s so cool I might try and buy myself a little bit more cauliflower just as like a starting point um we picked a black cat as the

Pet that we chose Astro um so we will get one of those eventually rug in yoga room is there a new rug in there oh yeah look at that that is new well who are we missing that we haven’t talked to yet Evelyn Jodie Elliot lonus Carolyn

Oh okay we’ll have to be on the lookout for them we’ll try to find the rest um do you think you have to start a new save to enjoy this update um a lot of the stuff that comes in this update is like late game stuff it seems like there’s

Some things like that um but there’s also a new map so it just kind of depends what you’re hoping to get out of it and like what you’re wanting to to see and use um I think a lot of fans of stardo Valley are oh there’s Elliot are really interested in playing from

Scratch again um to like really experience all the things um but you probably would have no problem playing in an existing save um you’d probably like it so um even if you are like really attached to your old one it might be fun to make a fresh one and and like get to

See all the things new so okay oops hi I haven’t met jod yet either so I can come talk to her what did he just say where’s mom oh you aren’t exactly how I imag imagine but that’s okay I’m jod it’s a quiet little town so it’s

Very exciting when someone new moves in having a farmer around could really change things okay uh we got to meet Evelyn and Carolyn still there’s a new bed in Jody’s room as well new double bed in there um let me go see if Evelyn’s inside her house Ellie R thank you for the

Subs okay oh no she’s right there behind my face see gotcha all right so last it should just be Caroline yeah oh and lus oh I’ll go up and look around for lonus too let’s go see um I don’t really need to do that much today aside from planting this stuff and looking

Um yeah I think there is a new bed in ‘s room too they um chat we I think we saw that the other day or like last night in game or whatever um I don’t think there’s a a new staircase in Robin’s house that’s how you get to

Sebastian’s room um that’s how you get to like what’s her face Mario’s Little Secret Garden space um big chest recipe um sorry for yawning chat my bad um the hallway is this staircase new just like this is a staircase instead of being blank oh maybe it just used to be like

Flat and now it looks like a staircase I see I thought people were trying to say that it was like a new staircase like as if there was a new place that you could go I guess it makes sense that it’s kind of like a two-story house cuz they have

Like Windows up there so it was flat before I guess that makes sense okay that’s cool then well let’s go plant this stuff um and then we’ll Chop on the farm and then I might end up going to bed early today so we can see um Chief thank you

For the 17 Monon resub thank you so much um oh I did meet lonus I don’t know if he’s going to be in there oh he’s literally right there sorry um my bad I didn’t see him hi lonus a stranger hello don’t mind me I’ve missed you lonus buddy it’s good to see

You um smle I think that we were talking about maybe dating Maru because in the patch notes it said that in maru’s 14 heart cut scene there is a oh sorry for yawning I’m doing keep yawning there there was a cameo added which we don’t really know what that means cuz we

Haven’t seen it yet so we are thinking about marrying Maru to try and get that 14 heart Maru cut scene potentially um but we’ll see I guess we don’t really have to decide that straight away we’ve got time with that one um oh I still

Have some more of those too oh my God those are all potatoes what a weird way I have organized these crops I’m sorry that I did this long line like this I’ve never done that before I never usually put it like that um let me grab these little tools and we

Can clear up some of this um her name is Maru not um Mario but that would be fun too I guess um okay so I just want to clear up this little area we’re really going to have to try and maximize the crop space on this Farm type there’s not a lot of

Room for us to grow crops is there I know it said that but I’m usually more of a crops person than an animals person in this game um but maybe it’s good for us to switch it up okay almost done clearing this section the small little section we might want to make another

Chest or something just so we can get some more storage up you’re a standard Farm girly yeah I don’t really play on the other Farm types all that often I actually quite like the um the forest Farm I I use that one sometimes you’re an artisan Goods person

So this Farm was made for you oh yeah you’ll like this one then that’ll be really good favorite is Four Corners yeah four corners is a good Farm layout as well um I don’t play with that one that often truthfully I wouldn’t say it’s my

Favorite I think I would I think I would probably call the forest Farm my second favorite I use the standard Farm a lot though I just like to have space and I don’t I hate the beach Farm I don’t really use that one ever it’s fun for like you know special occasions

I guess but I don’t really use it all right all that grabbed do you want to clear up this I guess my energy is quite low I might just go to bed make it tomorrow see what we can do power Panda thanks for the 26 months and pink cat actually eight months as

Well oh I made a small amount of money for my eggs I bet standard is probably a good beginner Farm although the forest Farm has a lot of stuff on it which might be helpful hello Kayla you see this cat here yes yes I do I found it sitting outside

The entrance to your farm I think it’s a stray poor little thing I found a stray black cat I think it likes this place uh do you think this Farm could use a good cat yes what should we name it so we have beluga and what was the other chicken’s name

Misty maybe I can name this one like sewer after my sewer cats cuz then it covers all the bases it’s no one’s name is being stolen you know oh squid wait squid is kind of funny that’s a different that’s a different sort of Direction wait I actually kind of like squid squid

Is kind of cute let’s do that I did it it’s happening well Little Squid you be a good kitty now okay yeah it will thank you I’m excited okay we also have male and it’s like Squid Ink oh a deluxe fishing pole and some bait is being sold by

Willie I keep finding cool stuff but my backpack is full does this sound like you well Pierre’s got you covered stop by Pierre’s General store today and check out our affordable size 24 backpack to our valued JoJo Mark customers our team members have removed the landslide caused by our drilling

Operation near the mountain lake I’d like to remind you that our drilling operation is entirely legal responsible stewardship of the local environment is our top priority we apologize for any inconveniences accident may have caused as always we value your continued support and patronage Morris well Dan just got the cat at the exact

Same time as me look what Dan just sent me on Discord hold on I show you he just sent me a screenshot of him he has a black cat as well and he named it shrimp that’s really funny I named mine squid okay of course he picked the black

Cat we all got excited about it um okay well let me water what we have I guess it would be probably in our best interest it’s annoying cuz today’s like the first day of the mindes being open but it’s probably in our best interest to go try and get some more

Seeds that we can plant right right I think so literally everyone you follow is playing stardy right now I know everybody is so excited about this today oh I was supposed to fill this with water I forgot I love this waterfall that is just so cute you can’t go wrong um oh really

Pretty that’s so cool um how many people here this is an interesting question how many people here have a stardew Andor Sims tattoo do a lot of folks here have uh tattoos of the of the game that they like um is it common 78k viewers in the stardew category now are you serious

That many people watching stardew on Twitch right now that is so cool I love to see stardew Valley like succeeding it’s it’s rare that like cozy games that we play like this um achieve like that level of like popularity on Twitch like a lot of

Us play stard all the time but it’s not like it’s like the most commonly watched game on Twitch you know so it’s just cool to watch it doing well um that makes me really happy to see that’s really really cool um okay so we’ll buy some parsnip

Seeds and maybe maybe I don’t think I can afford the backpack upgrade even if I wanted it but it’ll be okay perhaps I could fish a couple up while I wait the new Farm type does come with a chicken coop yeah I’ve seen a bunch of people in chat talking about having um

Tattoos like this I have a friend who has a dunam tattoo which is why I asked um you want Marshall from Animal Crossing holding a Juno that’s a fantastic idea actually I can get behind that you should get a cat treat unfortunately the cat treat cost 10,000

In game and that is a little bit more money than we have okay should I buy the backpack upgrade now and not seeds we can only afford the backpack upgrade not backpack and seeds I’m going to I’m just going to do it oh my god

Let’s go back to the house then and we can try to get um some food and then we’ll go to the mines I should have thought this through but I wasn’t planning on buying I didn’t think I was going to have enough money for the backpack upgrade so it’s worth

Worth it we’ll we’ll want the backpack upgrade if we’re going to go into the mines today it’ll be worth it okay so I will grab from here save that real quick I’m going to take my carrots cuz those are pretty good I’ll take the leaks I’ll take the spring

Onions I’ll take those I’ll take that I shall leave a bunch of those things behind I won’t need the axe we’ll put our sword there when the time comes um I could probably bring some extra of these too just in case all right that should be enough save the carrots for duplicating

I do have one more carrot that’s planted I guess I could save the carrots we don’t really know what we’re going to need out of the carrots yet so that’s probably a good point um is we don’t really know what the carrots are going to entail the carrots are

New um they only just came out in this update today and you have to find the seeds we have one planted um we have one carrot that’s still growing it is the new Farm type yeah yeah yeah we’re playing on the new Farm um kind of exciting your entire twitch

Is playing sty right now yeah I bet I mine probably looks like that right now too um I know it’s really funny how the like you would think that we would have had carrots before I wouldn’t destroy your tent lus oh my God you’d think that we would have

Had carrots before but no only today oh I didn’t bring stuff to make a chest up here well I have two inventory lines I think we should be okay without a chest up here I should have I was going to bring a chest with me and then I didn’t

Um well when we come back tomorrow or whenever we’ll be able to do that it’s fine I don’t think I’m that worried about it today all right we’ll see how far we can get I learned how to speedrun stardy Valley um cuz I did a stardy valley tournament a couple years

Ago and our goal is to get down as fast as possible right now okay I actually won the tournament thank you very much not really because of me it was because I was on a team with habo so um I got a little lucky there but that’s fine still counts for something

Right I did win I am in fact an Esports Champion now because of it oh my God look at how many slimes are on this level today I’m going to try to not kill them if I can well I guess I could try and kill them leave me

Alone the um monsters have a chance of dropping a ladder for you so you can save energy yeah by killing monsters instead of breaking rocks um which is also a good idea so those big monster levels are actually quite helpful just so you know if you don’t kill them they kill

You yeah but if I can avoid them I don’t have to worry about getting too close to them um in this case you know there’s like levels to it I got a shirt I got a glow ring oh my God wait I got a pink shirt and a glow

Ring well thank you very much game I will gladly accept that I’ve been complaining about not having a glow ring no I complained like one time but I’ve been thinking this is very annoying not having a glow ring so that’s pretty good that’s really lucky it’s only day

Five I’ve been to five levels in the mines got it straight away easy see how helpful that is to have the glow ring I hate when you get to like level 30 of the mines I hate doing that without a glow ring thought I said A Shard oh my god

When I said shirt could you imagine if I got a prismatic Shard on day five in game no it’s a pink shirt but I’ve never gotten clothes from one of those chest things before well that’s that’s actually good to know destroy those little boxes because you might get a a shirt

Now cave carrots are good um it seems like it’ll be a lot easier to get clothing then I I saw some people talking about um how they’ve had some good luck did somebody say they fished up clothing or did I make that up um but I actually really like that that

They’re making it easier to get clothes go I like that it’s pink too like that’s actually really good vibes I would like literally wear that I like how my shirt makes it look like cuz it’s blue it looks like I’ve got like high-waisted pants

On uh which is kind of funny to me but anyway yeah it’s kind of hard to get your hands- on clothes and Furnishing so it’s cool that they’ve updated it to make it a little bit easier all right let me clear up some of my inventory by eating some of these things um

Just a couple more got one from an artifact spot oh interesting yeah you don’t have to like be tailoring everything all the time now it’s the tailoring stuff is cool but not everybody wants to use that you know okay new star system and The Help Wanted board what I haven’t seen that

Yet that must be new they made some adjustments to The Help Wanted thing you got a power what what does that mean what is it how did you get it what does it do what power tell us tell us tell us we need to know Sarah thanks for the subs all

Right I’m going to go up and oh my God the number of little slimes on this level jeez I got slimed I got slimed leave me alone I want cave carrots though so this is fine by me stop oh rubber boots okay I don’t like how I look with those on but that’s

Okay I accept it it’s fine you got sunglasses in one oh that’s so fun I just I love this update I’m having a great time right now it’s so cool all right anything else we can find down here perhaps I might just kill all these little slimes sorry little

Slime you’ve gotten the fairy twice what that’s was pretty lucky oh my God so many of them I don’t really want to deal with you all my sword like actually sucks I’m just doing this cuz you have a chance of dropping me my ladder and I

Don’t want to waste my energy there we go well it would help if you faced it Kayla okay yeah I wonder if he did actually tune that okay I got leather boots now the leather boots have plus one defense so I don’t really need the rubber boots anymore that’s okay how much

Um I have 35 copper we should we’ll be able to make our um furnace when we get home tonight so that’ll be good oh he tuned it to make the there be more slimes in the early levels oh really well that’s cool because I guess that means it’ll be easier to get the

Slime ring cuz there’ll be more slimes oh die little guy thank you no it’s not on switch yet it’s only on PC um chance of Prismatic Shard from aridium ore has dropped oh he made it harder to get Prismatic shards dang no more uh eight Prismatic

Shards in one skull Cavern run sort of days I guess oh man those are those were the days I guess um it was kind of fun back then when you could if you had like a really good luck day you’ve never gotten a Shard oh sorry okay prot tip about this level um

These levels that you see like this run straight to the end don’t bother hitting anything um these levels like this uh when you go straight to the end there will be a ladder already there for you so you can just run right through and go down you don’t have to worry about like

Breaking any rocks trying to unlock the ladder just go just run you died to a slime oh no oh I’m sorry that happened to you um but those the the like railroad type levels are always like that every single one of them so um whenever you see one just run to the

End it’ll be there for you oh my okay you just got a chair from the crates and the mines you got Furniture oh no way I’m sorry I’m not doing a very good job of killing any of these little guys am I I’d like to get to level 15 today if

Possible yeah so it sounds like you can get a bunch of um both furniture and clothing from those little mine crates you got a house plant from a crate oh that’s so cool we are on 15 we could we could probably get to 20 right it’s Nine we can try I did just get some of these little bombs I’ll try and use some of oh it worked if we get a bit lucky we’ll be able to do it these levels are going to be slightly more unpleasant though unfortunately I hate these little buzz thingies die oh my God

No Nicole I’m going to stream late still I’ll be live until like the regular time that I normally get off stream um I just went live early so we could play longer as soon as the update came out so we’ve got a ways to go normally I would have

Gone live like 15 minutes ago uh so we’ll be here for a bit uh-oh we’re not getting lucky oh maybe we are everyone here die before you become little bugs no no no no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no no no guy die die die die die die die die oh mining monthly what does that mean oh let me just go down cuz it’s getting kind of late so we’ll deal with that in a second not the swirl mines oh my God that’s bad

Luck I don’t know if we’re going to make it home in time it’s already almost midnight what is that read this to gain some mining experience oh cool oh it’s open it’s open it’s open oh my God yeah 10 is always swirl they’re always that level um or that one is

Always swirl sorry but I got to steal a small sword um doesn’t make it any less unlucky let’s go that’s true if we pass out it’s not going to cost us much we only have one gold I’ll read that book I learned a few things about mining from that oh that’s fun

Okay well let’s run home then I liked that animation that was cool uh Maddie and mad and yellow we got stop and Andia and Nene and Sarah thank you for the subs um all right down we go back to the house I may try and uh

Destroy some of the things that we just have here cuz I used a lot of energy so I might if there’s any rocks that I can hit just extra to like not waste my energy that would be good just a little bit more see if we can dig anything

Up see if we can dig a little bit more up no we need to go to bed I’m not getting any clay that’s fine worth a try worth a try um yeah I usually keep an a chest at the entrance to the cave too but I forgot to bring one with

Me um level one combat level two mining wow that was not bad um okay so we have our first ever shirt I might put on my pink because that was new we can put our boots in there too and then I can put all of this away

Quick what do you want Robin here I know there’s a lot of stones scattered on your farm if you have a surplus you might consider having me build a well for you Wells can be placed all over your farm and Serv as convenient places to refill your watering can yeah I don’t

Need a well from you right now I’ve seen you exploring in the old mine you’ve got an adventure of spirit that much I can tell if you slay 10 slimes you’ll have earned your repl place in my guilt yep I can do that too we got to make our scarecrow so zero

Of 10 slimes slain reach level 40 in the mines build a silo reable farming one and craft a scarecrow I also need to make the um furnace so I can do that too oh let me grab my watering can I didn’t fill the water for my cat yesterday hello Cat

Sorry um okay put that away and grab do I need anything else yeah I want this and this let me just do a little bit of crafting I’m going to need a chest I’m going to need the furnace I need my fiber for the Scarecrow okay well I’ve placed that in a very

Annoying location just in case that wasn’t immediately clear yeah the cat is like napping behind my face cam it’s so cute um Oho thanks for 11 mon3 sub I really appreciate that yeah I wonder if the carrots are going to be important later I don’t really know what to expect from

That we’ll have to see um I’ll put that there I guess I could okay I got a little bit of money we can buy some more seeds once we get this we’ll be able to get hopefully some money too so I can buy some more seeds

Um okay I’m going to need to get some more wood today I only have nine left which is not good um you have carrot and your spring crops bundle oh really how much of it do you need cuz that’s a yikes um Molen I found I found two spots that

Had carrots in them um and they were like little dig spots that looked like the artifact spots but slightly different on the beach so that’s where I got mine so far your chickens auton named to shrimp and Tiny no I’ve seen a couple people say that I didn’t know if they were

Being serious or not tell me tell me you’re not kidding because my two cats I swear to God my cat’s name is shrimp the other one’s name is sunny I call it tiny every day do I not call her tiny I figured you were lying when people said that are you being dead

Serious what that’s so weird I the I what those are my cat’s names what could you imagine if mine were that I would have just lost it if that were true okay well Community Center I’m skipping this um that’s so interesting they’re cute names they are

Cute names I don’t think it’s a ssy Easter egg I don’t think it’s a little simsy reference I don’t think he knows about that or about me like that um but that’s really funny though there those are they’re good names I’m not going to lie I mean I feel strongly about that

So okay got that much handled I’m going to buy some seeds now um first moss and now shrimp and Tiny yeah shrimp and Tiny just both mean small so um it’s a coincidence but uh that is funny he literally went to New York to see you oh my God you’re so

Right he heard I was going to the stardew concert so he went too my neighbors are really hankering for Sunfish how long do I have to do that two days okay I can think about it okay I’m going to buy um a bunch of parsnip seeds and start planting them

There are slimes that drop money you just got 250 from one oh my God you found carrots and crates oh that makes sense to get carot oh did you get cave carrots or actual carrots sorry I’m sorry to ask because you might be like du I mean actual carrots but in case

You’re new to stard you maybe you didn’t know there was a difference actual carrots that’s cool that you can get carrot seeds in the crates too I guess that makes sense I’m not really surprised that you can okay I will water all these parsnips and then we’ll go back to the mines

Again you got a prize ticket oh cool what did you get it from okay I need to bring my nice new steel small sword I’ll want to leave the axe behind and I shall want to bring I don’t really have that much food left it’s okay it’s okay oh maybe I can

Craft some more of the little um wait one two do I have the am I being silly or am I missing the other kind of sapling I don’t think I have any acorns okay so I can’t craft that no pine cones sorry no no acorns no I’m right okay no

Acorns yeah I don’t have any acorns I’m bringing a chest so I can put it at the mines um and then we’ll do that okay well if we can’t stay that long that’s fine we’ll do what we can um there’s a ticket behind a hardwood stump behind jojas oh like you can find

It I will literally go check that right now oh this is the kind of thing that’s the kind that has seeds yeah see carrot seeds um well that’s good that’s good well we’ll go check the place behind joa for that prize ticket then and see if we can actually get

One got a ticket from completing three quests on the board yeah I’m thinking that I’m going to try and complete quests on the board tomorrow I need to meet Caroline still too I’m very distracted much to do and think about um oh I need to go up

Sorry yeah the carrots are just a spring crop there are other new crops that are in the other Seasons too though I’m telling my kids shrimp and Tiny was a simsy Easter egg no you’re valid for that you should you should there’s a ticket behind this you

Say I assume oh maybe wait probably back there we can’t get to to it yet I bet it’s just hidden right here but we can’t get it that’s cool okay well we’ll we’ll do the errand tomorrow cuz I didn’t bring my um my what’s it called fishing

Rod knock the tree down and you can see it oh cool I don’t have my axe either cuz I was going to go to the mines whoops whoopsies okay I got the carrots um I found them from like little dig spots uh that look kind of like the artifact

Spots but it I got one like right here you see that Blank Spot I was just here I got it there and I found the other two on a beach um but they’re they look like little worms but they’re not as curly as the artifact dig spots so you’ll see it

Looks a little bit different from the artifacts ones but it’s um it’s uh same Vibes so okay down we go um yeah so I I found um three now one of them came with multiple carrots in it though so we’re getting kind of lucky there I’m going to kill you while I’m

Here actually I think little friend um okay just go down we’re trying to conserve energy right now so did anyone else see a raccoon or something was there a raccoon I did not see a raccoon but I’ll take your word for it yeah so the carrots it seems like you

Can’t buy them you can only find them yeah oh you think it was a posum oh that’s cool um you saw a huge bunny in the mine earlier what a bunny in the mine oh that’s going to like jump scare me if I see one of

Those oh oh not in the mine in mine oh like in your game not in the mine in mine I see I see sorry that makes sense okay um I added I added the word the in there I yearn for the mines that’s the problem easy mistake to make you

Know okay I’m going to go all the way around this way and uh I want to hit all those rocks or those uh B basket box things cuz um they have a lot of them I got my first piece of iron too okay I’ll come back to that ladder I

Just want to hit these first cuz I found a shirt in them yesterday so I feel like we can find something good basic retaining soil oh that’s not that bad I’ll plant those mixed seeds too so no cave carrots though which is a shame you’ve never gotten a garbage hat

Before and you’re checking every trash can every day in this save that’s smart I got a I got a garbage hat in my last save that I played on like day seven and I was really mad about it too cuz I was like I’ve never gotten one of

These before and you’re telling me I get it this easily in this save like how is that even possible I need to slay slimes while I’m down here okay hello grumpy stay away from me oh well this day is going quite easily actually all right we’re on 28 if we

Could get to like I don’t know if we can get to 35 we probably could if we get to 35 today that would be really really good I think that’s my ultimate goal oh I got my first scroll that’s also good you got the living hat day one of a

Save that you accidentally deleted oh my God that would have just broken me if that happened to me I’m so sorry I’m so sorry okay I don’t know if we’re going to have enough energy to get to 30 oh stop uh you can pick the chickens names

Tasha you can like rename them but the because this new map that comes in the update comes with two chickens uh everyone’s discussing like the names that the chickens defaulted to cuz obviously with it giving you chickens they like came with default names um do you think we can do this

Down to 35 with this little energy and only a couple horseradishes possibly focus on killing stuff oh that one’s open that’s good good start yeah not looking good doubtful but why not try true there’s no harm in trying aside from us wasting all of our horseradish all right that’s how much energy we

Have not looking good not looking good okay well look closely see if you see any of the ladders just open it’s possible that one’s open too oh we could definitely do this then 34 you have to oh that one’s open I’m going to come get these little guys cuz

I want this and I want this too and we’ll go back well we’re on 35 then well I’m going to leave I guess cuz I don’t think we can get to 40 um what can I leave in here um I might leave the fiber behind and I’ll come back for that someday later

On and we’ll head home we got a lot of stuff on this day that was good ktie Carly snazzy thank you for the subs just got a skill book about fishing oh nice we got we got a skill book a few minutes ago about mining um which is pretty

Helpful no I don’t have Max inventory there is a Max inventory it’s well we don’t have this third line unlocked yet yet um but that will be the max inventory you leave GEOS in your cave chest yeah that makes sense that’s a good idea I think that’s smart

Um okay so now that we’re home I guess I’ll just try and chop some trees at the house I don’t know I shall plant um some I’m going to need to make another chest I will plant PL these little seeds that we’ve got also maybe I will start going down a

Level finally another piece of I’ve been trying to get clay this whole time you got a book that has a 5% chance of doubling wood from trees are you serious you still haven’t found carrot seeds I bet I bet it’s an unlucky thing maybe I’ve just gotten lucky and I found three of

Them that might be part of it oops I don’t know it’s hard to say cuz like obviously I only have my experience from today to go off of so I don’t really know what’s common and what’s not okay I’m going to chop this tree we definitely will not have enough

To make another chest yet you got a shirt from chopping a tree oh no way that’s really good actually um yeah we’re not going to have enough maybe tomorrow we’ll be able to bring some stuff to be opened like opened and put in the what’s it called we can bring

Stuff to the museum sorry bring a topaz do you think think that it’s in our best interest to sell some of these extra things like should I sell that extra topaz an extra Earth crystal just for now cuz I will get more of them eventually and we don’t have any money I don’t

Know I think I’ll sell them both of those okay okay yeah once we start going mining more we’ll be getting like loads more of those so oh it’s a Saturday night I probably should have gone to the bar on these two nights but it’s okay yeah they’re really

Easy to get so we just sell them small Fury thank you for the 19 months I really appreciate that we have a little bit more money now just a little bit more okay how’s our luck looking on this day queen of sauce I didn’t get it on Wednesday uhoh Spirits are neutral

Today all right our first potato I will save that actually um so we want to go see the wizard I will do that today as well where’s my oh I was like where’s my watering can it was right there we haven’t fully decided who we’re going to marry yet honey spawn we’re

Talking about marrying Maru because uh in the patch notes it said that there’s an Easter egg in the cut scene with Maru her 14 heart cut scene so it might be interesting to go through and do that and it’s been a while since I last married Maru so I’m

I’m down to to do that I think um but I’m not I’m not fully 100% decided yet I guess you could say um but maybe he like put himself in there or something I don’t know I got to fill the cat’s Bowl too put my thing away too

Fast yeah Grace that popup that you just got that means that you’ve um you’re like leveling up so you unlocked the like next foraging skill level is why it gave you that you’ve got Moss in your remixed bundle oh my God oh my God okay well let’s go down then cuz we

Want to go meet the wizard um I’ll hit some more of these little things while I’m going down I’ll like go the direction where I can hit these on purpose I guess um so we can get some more of them and we’ll meet the wizard yeah I turned on remix bundles on

Mine I have not opened the community Center yet um I’m going to talk to the wizard now so if you are a a longtime fan of stardo Valley you know about remix bundles and they are for you if this is your first time playing stardew if you’re picking

It up today because of the update I always just do standard bundles um there’s like standard Community Center bundles and then there’s remix ones that are like good for people like us who play this game a lot and I’ve done the community center a million times it’s meant to like give you something

Different to do um shrimp sorry we can’t buy any of these things obviously I just wanted to see but that’s cool um you’re not sure you’re ready for remix bundles and you’ve played for years no you’re valid for that though I get it oh I’ll let you all watch this cut

Scene actually I think come in okay apparently the moss grows on some trees right that’s what I read on the patch notes but I’ve not actually seen it yet so mediary between physical and ethereal Master of the seven Elementals Keeper of the sacret you get the point can I tell you all something

I’ve been um I’ve been rereading uh the there’s a book series called The Infernal Devices that I was obsessed with when I was in high school like Beyond obsessed with it and um it’s if you’ve heard of like the shadow Hunters TV show maybe it’s based on a book series called The Mortal

Instruments which is like the modern day version this is like a prequel okay I’ve been rereading it cuz I loved it when I was a kid I bring this up because there’s a character in it called Magnus Bane and Magnus Bane is not meant to look anything like this okay but I

Picture Magnus Bane as being like the wizard in sty Valley to me this is Magnus in my head I love Magnus Bane I love Magnus Bane however I picture Magnus to look just like this you picture that man in love with Alec yeah a little bit Brew but like not

It’s like don’t look at this picture look at like this version he looks younger in that you can’t help how you imagine things in your head I don’t mean it in a bad way I have the Bane Chronicles are it’s right there you can’t see it though you found a golden scroll written

In unknown language most interesting yeah sorry I’ve not been talking to you stay here I’m going to see for myself okay poof that makes sense Brew I get it I get it I found the note okay the language is obscure but I was able to decipher

It we the Juno are happy to Aid you in return we ask for gifts of the valley if you are one with the forest then you will see the true nature of this scroll one with the forest what do they mean I don’t like watching this cut

Scene I just wanted to show you so you could see there’s a certain part that I want you to see but it takes too long I’m just waiting for the Mayo drinking just you wait until we unlock the Mayo baby Fern Moss scrub caramel top toad stool can you smell it

Yeah here drink up Let the essence of the forest permeate your body wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it I turned green that’s all I wanted you to see it’s just funny to me so I’m one with the

Forest um scet thanks for the 27 months if you want to get this cut scene um this how you unlock the community center once you go into town and lus cuts you up so theun not lius oh my God what am I saying Louis once Louis Cuts you up to the

Community center um you go in there go to the left and you’ll find like a little um Square on the floor look at it and then in the mail the next day you’ll get a letter from The Wizard so it’s a whole thing now I can decide

For the meaning of two most Scrolls thank you very good very good okay um I guess we’ll wander around this way cuz I’m kind of on a quest I’m on a journey if you will um and I I guess we’ll look around to see if we find anything good like

Collectibles next step is to take all these things to the museum though have to look at what a little glowing uh like golden Square on the floor of the community center if you don’t know how to do the community center I would encourage you to look up

Um like maybe look up a a tutorial um it’ll make it a little bit easier for you uh as opposed to like taking my word for it and explaining without showing you it might help so I’m going to come down here and just check if anything’s

On the beach cuz I can sell some of this stuff too that will be an artifact spot aha glass shards that is what I wanted new Farm yes oh and we’re playing on the new Farm type I’ll show you when we go back home

Cuz I’m going to have to um go back in a minute so I shall show you oh I was meant to catch a sunfish today too wasn’t I ah we should do that too um we need to catch it before 7 p.m. in the river so we can work on that as

Well cuz I have that for marne’s delivery it’s the last day so okay hello Gunther I think I’ll just put maybe I’ll put the Scrolls there I’ll put my gems up here I’ll probably end up like rearranging a lot of this why do I have a mushroom in my list of things cauliflower

Seeds Okay well we shall catch a sunfish then very impressive artifact progress for day seven yeah we’re actually doing pretty well with the artifacts I would say um yeah we’ll fish a bit here you just got three geod and five copper in a chest oh nice that’s pretty good

Brew all right well fishing is not going great it’s a little slow it’s okay we’ll see if we can catch it oh trash cool um it is finally updated for sty Valley turtles yeah we’re having a really good time playing this it’s been a lot of fun um it’s a good haul except

You don’t have any space oh well then never mind not not yay what can you do with trash um eventually you can make a recycling machine and you can recycle it and it’s pretty helpful like these glasses will turn into refined quartz which you can use um when you’re trying to make the

Good sprinklers that we’re going to want um but we do not have a recycling machine yet so Sunfish bait and stone okay I need to find Marne uh it is a Sunday Marne on a regular schedule will she just be in our store today I think

So we’ll go check it out see if we can bring it to her are there any other quests maybe I’ll check that too it looks like it five coals for Clint oh we can do that as well that’ll be good okay oh it’s Louis’s birthday I’m going to give him this

Daffodil before I forget I did remember this is the problem all of a sudden Louis becomes my best friend it’s really dangerous I don’t intend for it to happen and then and then it does but it’s okay all right uh Kaa thank you for the 34 month resub thank you so

Much uh supply shop no sorry what am I doing I wanted to give you the sunfish here’s what I owe you thank you thank you okay maybe I’ll go get the coal for Clint too are we going to make it there in time probably not I might have to do it

Tomorrow we only have until 4: oh but wait I don’t have to go in there when he’s in there so as long as I’m as long as I get him at some point I can just bring it to him anytime you know Owen we were talking about maybe marrying Maru because uh in

The patch notes it mentions something about a 14 heart cut scene with a new Cameo with Maru um so we’re all feeling a little bit uh inspired do I have to collect the coal or can I just bring do I need to get new coal rather than bring him existing ones boo

Boo okay we need to mine it well that’s okay we probably should go into the mines at some point anyway if we make a slight effort in the mines like all the time that’ll be good we’ll get we’ll get down further we’re almost down to the level 40 so

One two three I’m going have to fill this up yeah buying coal from Clint counts for that oh really I I can’t be doing that though I can’t be buying coal from Clint unfortunately I um I don’t really have the the funds to sustain that sort of thing

Uh that’s that’s probably not going to work for us I don’t know if that’s going to happen um there’s green rain now everything is green and there’s fiber all over your farm what oh I haven’t heard about that yet interesting yeah we we should probably get a well eventually on this map I

Agree that we should probably try to invest in the well at some point soon um not yet but eventually you got it to the trees change oh really oh weird okay well I’ll be curious to see that then how much do we have that’s 59 I

Wanted to make another um chest cuz I have not enough storage it’s all Mossy trees and mossy fiber oh really oh well that makes sense that kind of explains how the Moss stuff works then um that’s good to know then okay I’m going to put um typically speaking I like to keep a

Lot of like uh materials and stuff that I’m going to need kind of like in this chest I know that seems weird but that’s that’s a good starting point for me with a chest laid out like that stuff that will be used or handled um tools and whatnot and

Then oh we can see our stuff spring foraging bundle bundle construction bundle ooh fall foraging bundle summer foraging bundle winter foraging bundle exotic foraging bundle well that’s not that that bad we’ll have to see what we can do do I have enough stuff to fill that

Now what was the other one that I horseradish oh I what am I missing daffodil sorry I was like what did I not put in my inventory I can go do that now we haven’t built a big chest yet no we haven’t bought the recipe for

It um possibly awesome thank you for the raid welcome in it’s good to see you all um what does the well do it’s just a it’s an extra spot to have water so you can refill your watering can more easily sort of like on some Farm types maybe

Your crops are like really far away from any water source so it’s hard for you to fill your watering can um you can oh I need to meet you I’ve been waiting for you um now I’ve met everybody um but it’s another place for you to fill your watering can give someone a

Gift you’re welcome got money um so if you wanted to put one like closer to your farm easier access you can do that o Owen you’re making me want to order dinner tonight that’s dangerous that’s dangerous uhoh I did I I I turned on remix bundles at least I

Thought I did no I did cuz we have the I turned on remix bundles yes you saw me we did it together now I’m like second guessing myself um thank you spring seeds okay I don’t really need those yet but that’s okay we’ll see what we can find in here next

Um he reduced the price of tea saplings oh no people used to use those for money time I didn’t see that part um okay spring crops bundle oh look we need the carrot and kale for our spring crops oh boy we’ll have to buy some kale that we can plant then Garden bundle

Tulip uh we got summer spangle fairy Rose sunflower blue Jazz fall crops that one’s going to need broccoli that’s new summer crops is nothing fancy rare crops sweet gem Berry or ancient fruit and the Brewers bundle that’s not too bad either um well fun I’m looking forward to doing that so

We have to go get some kale then we already have the we already have enough to almost do that um let me see about my fishies riverfish Crab Pot ocean fish Fish Lake fish night fish specialty fish no nothing too weird nothing too weird yeah the juice looks different in the Brewers bundle

They changed how the juice looks um they tried to change the juice and the wine and stuff to be uh like color appropriate as well sorry for yawning so if you um I do have fun working on the farm um so if you are playing with that or the

Like you know making wine will be like color the right color so Strawberry Wine will be like pink or whatever um which is fun no you can play on your current Farm if you want to with the update Stu London Bridge um but there is

A new map in the update so if you wanted to play with the new map you’d have to make a new Farm um but you don’t have to you can do whatever you want okay I think I’m going to just spend the rest of my energy today

Chopping like trees on the farm and then tomorrow we’ll go to the mines I think um it’s like a new Farm type Lillian there is actually a literal new map they changed this to be a bit more accurate um the way the map works so yeah we went live early cuz I

Usually go live around 4: um it’s currently 5 I went live early cuz I wanted to play more of the update so I’ve been live for a bit now okay that’s enough I will toss all of these still no acorns why have I not got any more acorns

Yet do not need quality crops with remix bundles well that’s the thing with the remix bundles the bundle remix so it you don’t really know what you’re going to get um in this case we didn’t get a quality crops bundle or we don’t have any need for Quality crops in this one

Um we have different stuff okay fortune teller Spirits are in Good Humor today oh I didn’t mean to grab that sorry sorry I did it again tomorrow it’s going to rain okay we we’ll do a lot of mining tomorrow then too probably which will be fun I

Think okay so today we need to buy a couple bits of kale and then probably some flowers cuz we need those for our bundles we want to go and grab a couple of those our farm is beginning to be quite busy it’s kind of scary out here um that’s okay

Though yeah we’re going to go to the mines to get the coal for Clint that’s why fiss because it won’t let us just bring coal I have to get new coal so um that’s the plan shouldn’t be too bad though hello chickens all right let me grab my little eggs chickens thank

You you can remix multiplayer yeah if you want to play with remix bundles you can do it on multiplayer too yes indeed um what do you mean get kale I’m right here people call me kale too we don’t need to buy it I’m right here whatever do you mean

All right what should I bring with me for Food um probably just that dandelion I’m scared of wasting carrots maybe I can bring this algae as well uh-oh uhoh okay well off we go I’m going to buy the kale and then we’ll go to the store oh I got to fill the cat’s Bowl too well that’s

Embarrassing moss grows on Old trees okay yeah I’ve heard that so we probably want to leave some trees then right so the Moss can keep growing oh autumns Bounty thank you oh my gosh and a fish that’s good too um yeah we need food so that’s actually really helpful um hello

Gus okay yeah I’ll Water the cat when I get our stuff I can buy another Quest oh you want someone to bring you 10 coals oh that’s actually not that bad we can we can like double it up I guess if we do that okay oh I’m sorry I’m blocking the

Way how come you get in there early boo okay I need to buy a couple bits of kale and I was thinking I probably need Jazz too right for that thingy so I’ll just buy both we’re still on Spring yeah it’s only day eight of spring we have a ways

To go um in just spring so we we’ll be here for a while we will be here for a while unfortunately that’s okay though all right so we’ve got three more crops to plant one two three that’ll be good that’s six days still and that’s seven that’s not that

Bad oh well I can’t go to the mines anyway yet cuz I need to put my stuff away you know what else I might do maybe I’ll bring my rusty sword cuz then we can once we unlock the oh I need to water the those once we unlock the

Adventurers guilds I can sell it for like 100 gold so that’ll be helpful as well yeah if you press tab you can flip through your inventory bars I don’t have that much stuff so I like to just drag it all up so I can see it in this case

But yes you can uh press Tab and like flip through them we are going to need that Sunfish for the community center um I might maybe I’ll put a couple of those things that we definitely need for the community center in there just so we can keep a hold of them

All right let’s go you can’t buy the carrots annoyingly Angy you have to find the carrots um which is why we we found a couple seeds and like little spots that look kind of we don’t need to slay so many more slimes they’re like little spots that look like they would have

Artifacts in them but slightly different than the artifact spots and that’s where you can find the carrot seeds sometimes um we got to find them if I see one I’ll point it out we’ve only found like three um so we’re still we’re still uh on the lookout over here as well okay hello

Lonus thank you we’ll have to do some more fishing at some point but I’m trying to like get down in the mines as more of a priority um do you think a good step one might be to like just try and kill some slimes up here so we can get into the adventurers

Guild even though we don’t really need to be here we’ve already been on this level I’m going to go with yes cuz we have to kill green slimes and I’m past that go away cuz we can get that pretty quickly and the adventurers Guild opens at like

2: p.m. so oh is that one new no okay it’s any slimes now is it I think it says green slime it says green slime on the thingy does it still is it actually not does it actually not matter even though it says green slimes

I guess we can go down and check that wouldn’t hurt maybe the text didn’t get updated by accident but if it says it in the patch notes then it’s probably fine we’ll go check it then I’m down to check oh wait nothing nothing okay I will leave in this chest

Probably some of those extras just to save myself some storage space and we go down to 35 all right let’s see how far we can get then there’s not going to be any slimes on this level oh look it gave me a little popup that said the two out of five was that

Behind my face or could you see it I could probably move my face a tiny bit if it’s in the way we got a little bit of coal from that though yeah put a chest at the mine is really helpful um when you leave a chest

There at the mine it’s it’s nice cuz then you can like dump stuff in there save yourself some time and stress when you’re uh going around you got a river jelly oh really that’s cool um yeah I got I got an ocean jelly or sea jelly or something I forget

What it was called but I got one too oh my God this level sucks I would do anything to be out of here and I mean that when I say it I don’t want to kill you little creatures I don’t like you at all go

Away I don’t like the noises you make I just don’t like you it’s creepy oh my God you’ve got two River jellies oh nice yeah I don’t know how rare the jellies are meant to be either I’m not really sure about that um I’ve not really uh done much fishing yet

So okay straight down please here’s a fun question does this count as the coal I need to get for Clint yes so I got the five I just need to get three more for that one oh that was probably too easy then we can talk to Clint probably at the bar

Tonight all right nice Elizabeth thanks for the 29 Mones o you’ve caught a few already okay maybe they aren’t that rare then if people are getting a lot of the new jellies that’s nice though cuz they seem like they have pretty good perks so not complaining I got a

Slingshot okay um I’m going to kill this slime so we have to catch or to kill three more slimes it says green slimes there but we’ll see if this one counts for anything oh it did okay so it wasn’t kidding when it said that okay I just got loads of Health

From that I got Autumn’s Bounty thank you very much and I’d like to stick to it oh my God we’re going to have a way harder time in the mines now way more energy needed we should try and upgrade our pickaxe soon stay on top of it we have a decent

Amount of coal and of copper so we could try and start smelting the bar tonight which will be good oh my God look at this level it’s painful I don’t know if we’re going to make it to level 45 or not yikes well as long as we can kill the

Slimes and get our initiation I’ll feel like we accomplished something today we got our first thing for the winter foraging bundle as well that should be the last one yeah so we can enter the adventurers Guild which will also be good it’s the eth of spring Today Sushi um we have not

Gotten to summer yet we only been playing for a little bit the seasons go kind of slow especially early game um cuz we’re trying to like really make the most out of every single day you know um yeah we have the coal that we need for Clint as

Well I will be live for like two more hours yeah lugy maybe a little longer I’m not really sure yet we’ll see how it goes um I’m kind of having fun so I’ll be here for a while probably playing stard today I’m having a a grand time so I don’t really want to

Stop oh God I probably should have put some of this up oh no I just am not close enough to it never mind I thought my inventory was full it’s not false alarm okay if we can get to 45 that’s all I ask I got another glow

Ring oh that’s a big glow ring too I had a small glow ring before that’s a big one so that’s good has a bigger glow that it emits oh my God just a couple more levels chat just a couple more my little guys we’re going to get coal from you that’s

Good oh my God I’m going to die I think I still need a couple more pieces of coal for Clint to be happy with me so I’ll try and get a bit more go away that’s a frozen teardrop too that’s eight out of 10 yeah uhoh I need a little bit more it’s

8:30 I do need to make sure I go and see Cole Cole Clint tonight about the first task at least even if we don’t finish all of it we’ll have to get him your first two chickens are called zucchini and pickle oh I love that that is

Cute yeah I can finish the other one tomorrow I was just hoping that we could do them both tonight because we’re already here that was kind of my thought is if we could get them both done and then talk to him only once but if we

Can’t that’s fine too it’s not like it’s a big deal please just let me get a ladder oh God yes okay oh maybe if we can get a little bit of coal from these little guys they do drop Co oh just drop it Kayla just leave just leave let’s go

Straight to the um the bar so we can talk to Clint before it gets to be too late eat something no I don’t want to I don’t want to waste my stuff if I don’t have to um and I knew I was going to leave so we’re heading

Out there’s turtle pets now yeah I’ve heard about that I don’t know how to get the turtle pets I don’t really want to watch this cut scene I’m sorry everybody I’m I’m in a rush I don’t know how to get the turtle pets but I have heard about the turtle

Pets yeah I think we have plenty of time to get to him we should be okay I think he’ll be there for a while at least I hope will be Clint I did bring the ores you requested thank you I can keep them and I got my payment as

Promised thank you okay and then we have to give him two more tomorrow that’s fine I spill a silo enter the venture’s guilds reach the bottom of the mine okay I’ll say hi to everybody while we’re in here may as well okay I’ll talk to you too Shane I will

Not let you out of the house I’m going to speak to you first all right let’s go hiy s thank you for the subs and Owen thank you for the 35 months again from earlier thank you so much um you’re crocheting us s are watching this oh that’s cool I’m glad you’re

Having a good night I know so many of us have been looking forward to this for so long so it’s pretty fun um that it’s out and we’re all playing um all right the wiki hasn’t been updated yet yeah I’m not surprised by that uh

There there’s going to be a lot of uh work trying to get through and update the wiki probably in the for the next little bit to be honest um oh I meant to keep that I want to put those geod in here we’ve got geod that we can open I’m a

Little bit worried about spending money on them you lose more if you pass out now do you oh oh dear that’s no good um hello Cat today Spirits are neutral that’s fine how about tomorrow oh it’s going to rain all day tomorrow too okay so dear farmer Kayla I’d like to

Apologize for joking about your of Grandpa’s old Cottage when we first met it’s really a nice little house however you might need some more space someday that’s where I can help if you bring me some raw materials and pay a fee I can expand your house the first expansion I

Offer includes a kitchen with a kitchen you’ll be able to cook any recipes you’ve learned thank you Robin I don’t really need that from me right now but I appreciate it uh Lind thanks for the two months I appreciate that too okay so I’m wondering um let me look at the fish

That we have to get for yeah we have a couple of those things I was going to look at the fish tank because we want to go through we have the Sunfish we’re just going to want to go through and make sure we get any of the

Fish that we have to now while we still can and it’s like a nice spring rain day but I also don’t really care to fish right now maybe I’ll go back to the mines is that okay with you all if I just mine today again cuz I’m kind of having fun mining

I’d rather mine I yearn for the mines I’m going I’m just going to go now it’ll be fun it’s if we get through plus like with the rainy days it’s it’s good because we have like full energy so we can make it further down so it’s worth it they’re more visually

Interesting and also I can talk to chat a little bit easier cuz with the fishing if I look away from chat I usually cause myself problems um so we have to be careful um as to not do that um and like lose the fish but there’s less risk in the mines so all

Right early bright and early today down to level 45 remind me around like 2:00 p.m. when we get to a nice clearing where stuff’s open remind me to go and talk to the adventurers skilled so the stardew cat we named it squid lemon we were having fun with that we

Called it squid and we thought it was really cute kind of like a nod to my uh little sewer cats I guess I don’t know stop oh my God I’m getting slimed left and right this is terrible oh got some new ideas I must have leveled up yeah the update’s only on computer

For now it’s uh it hasn’t come to console yet I think I saw somebody in chat say that concerned ape said that he submitted it for console but then it takes like some time um for it to be approved and ready and stuff um if I’m

Correct me if I’m wrong but it might be a couple weeks then this is the trouble with stuff like this it’s like the the balance of it’s ready now he can release it on P PC now um so should you just do it now even though console has to wait but it takes

Time with like PlayStation and stuff to get the build approved um I don’t really understand how it works I’m not a person who makes games on Console but that is my understanding okay let me kill this little guy I love these little guys but I need coal

So must be done they have like a whole review process though yeah I think he increased the spawn of slimes too I thought that when we were in the early levels of the mines I thought he increased the spawn rate so that would make sense to me as well if you also think

So all right little bit of iron yeah and the Wardrobe we have the it comes the houses come with a dresser now which is kind of fun Should you donate ancient seed to museum um with all that sort of stuff um when you donate the ancient seed you’re

Going to get an ancient seed that you can plant so the answer is yes cuz then you’ll be able to actually plant one if I were you um make sure you check like what the the time that the ancient seed grows cuz you want to get like the

Absolute Max uh out of your ancient seed but you will get one that you can plant if you donate it which is really nice um there is some stuff that I would not donate straight away like when you get your first Prismatic Shard I actually wouldn’t donate it I would take that to

The desert and get like a fancy sword out of it um which you can Google if you’re confused by uh cuz you’ll get another Prismatic Shard the sword is like more important early game so that’s my advice catalana thank you for the four months and and Lind thank you for the resub too

Um okay go away oh my I better get at least one coal yeah I did okay good so we can bring that to Clint we’ll get some money and like rewards from that today when we go talk to him at the bar tonight yeah and the dino egg yes

Incubate your Dino egg first um when you upgrade your Coupe you can incubate eggs in it um when you get your first Dino egg incubate that first let it hatch you’ll get a whole dinosaur and and then that thing will give you more dino eggs obviously once it’s grown and it starts

Laying them so don’t donate your first Dino eggs and you got to get another one to incubate but you can get a dinosaur then you’ll get more um so if you encounter any dinosaurs remember my words um you can find the dinosaur eggs they’re like artifacts you can sometimes

Fish up a dinosaur egg um when you get into the skull Caverns you can kill dinosaurs in there and get dinosaur egg drops sometimes um you can find them from a few things things so okay uh that’s a better boot so I will use those I’m going to go put these

Up save a couple of those things you were so confused when you first heard about dinosaurs yeah I know it’s weird and we did get our coal we have enough coal yeah so we’re doing well there wish they grew a bit bigger yeah they’re kind of like little baby

Dinosaurs we do B baby dinosaurs what they kind of are go away if you would stop attacking me and just leave me alone I think soon we might want to try and upgrade our pickaxe we don’t have enough money for that yet we just got to start

Thinking we need 2,000 to upgrade the pickaxe right so once our crops start to grow maybe we can fish tomorrow and get some more money that way too cuz fishing can be a good money maker okay I’m bored of this pickaxe being so slow I know I keep complaining but oh my

God oh my God yeah I’m going to have to start killing these little guys they do have a chance like I was saying earlier when you kill them they have a chance of dropping the ladder so if you’re running low on energy kill all the monsters try

Not to let them get you but kill the monsters cuz they might drop your ladder for you oh it’s 2: p.m. we’re not going to go in there yet we have to wait now cuz we’re on level 51 I don’t want to like go up we’ll

We’ll go after we get to level 55 at 55 I’ll leave the mines today we just got to get down there first oh my God I don’t know if we can get down there today we don’t have enough energy um oh my please please please I don’t think we

Can do it oh never mind okay so this is one of those levels um where if you run straight across these big long skinny ones there’s going to be a ladder open already right at the end you don’t have to get anything you can just run straight to the end and

It’s going to be there already so every whenever you see a long skinny one just run just run oh my God the monsters on this level I don’t have a good enough sword for this I want to kill this little slime cuz it’s got a hat and I want to

Get I want to get its prize Coffee Bean cool oh my God I don’t have anything to like repair my energy oh my God chat just kill this one specifically oh my God iron Edge that’s way better right four to eight oh jeez that’s way better all right get down just go straight

Down okay let’s test that out better damage thank you we got to be careful cuz we’re out of food that’s okay we can manage we can make it we can make it you might give me something good too what do you have for me little friend magnet ring yes oh my

Gosh yeah we got a coffee bean so quickly that was really good we can plant that when we get home oh okay 55 I’m getting out of here we can’t make it any further than that really um I’m probably going to want to bring a lot of that with me let me leave

Behind some of the little things like sap and like bug meat um and we’ll deal with the rest of that later I don’t really need those leather boots anymore 137,000 people currently playing stardo on Steam oh my gosh that is so cool I just love to hear that I really

Love to hear that okay I’m going to get rid of my old stinker sword might get rid of my small glow ring too but I have the iron Edge which is way better so I might get rid of like all that I just need money right now at this point to be

Honest um so we’ve been in there I got to go talk to Clint now so we can do that we do have a dresser in the farm yeah we do um I’m just kind of like trying to save myself a little bit of extra money where I can uh Rosa thank

You for the 4 mon3 sub thank you so much um okay yeah e listen we know for a fact concerned ape hasn’t got a single clue that my cat’s names are are shrimp and Tiny the chickens be one of the default chicken names being shrimp and Tiny is

Hilarious and I’m in my heart choosing to believe that it’s on purpose even though I know for a fact it’s not we know it’s unrelated but we can let ourselves think it for fun you know the game was made for us hi Sebastian eventually we’re going to sink wow relax

Um Courtney I’ll be here probably for another like hour and a half at least I think um I’m planning on being here for a bit longer so okay I don’t believe that Clint has made it out here yet what time does Clint come like eight I don’t

Know okay it seems like there’s a lot more um randomized names than I expected which is kind of cool let me go see if I can find him then oh got him prize ticket prize ticket prize ticket oh my God so we did three of those

Now and because I did three we got our first prize ticket so I should be able to go in here and use it and oh sorry I kicked something I can use it from um in Louis’s house that’s also new hello there Kayla yes I was just loading some more

Prizes into this machine here this is fun it gives you like way more reason to like do those little tasks it’s a new program I’ve come up with to help promote Spirit of Goodwill among towns folk you included it’s pretty simple sometimes when you help out others in town you’ll receive a

Prize ticket you can turn them in for rewards there’s some special stuff in there so I did three of those little uh bulletin board quests um my only worry is that people will just go after the tickets rather than cultivating a true compassion for their fellow man yeah i’mm it for the

Prizes I see well that’s not what I hope to hear but I appreciate the honesty at any rate keep checking the Help Wanted board in town that’s a good way to get your hands on more tickets good luck out there that’s so cool it like totally gives you a whole new

Reason to be doing that oh oh so it just spins in in order so our next one’s going to be a tree sapling then we get mix seeds Boo and then we get three question marks whatever that means but I got 12 carrot seeds wait that’s actually really

Good so if you’re looking for for carrot seeds do some of these like you come up here to this board I have none right now but this little help wanded board if there’s if there’s an exclamation point there do them you got hardwood in yours oh really are they all

Different do does yours look different than what mine was I guess it’s probably randomized right so oh that’s really cool then huh okay should I plant them now or am I going to regret that cuz we’re going to have a rough day when we do our first

Um our first couple of uh full having to mine them or water them ourselves but it might be worth it to just do now how many of these have I do I need to donate okay so Gunther needs that one Gunther does not need that that I’ve already done Gunther needs that

One those are already done okay I will save the Earth crystal I’m just going to donate the stuff like that I’ll save those um I’m going to put my coffee bean like a little bit further over oh it’s behind my face but take my word for it

Okay there’s a coffee bean like right there um trust me just Source trust me okay um I don’t need that scroll anymore either it’s going to rain today and tomorrow so it’ll be for the best if we plant them now I think we have 12 1 two 3

4 oh and plus that okay 13 three four five six 7 8 9 10 11 12 okay lots of carrots placed well un less worried about getting the carrots oh I guess the Scarecrow isn’t going to cover our coffee anymore cuz I put it so far over I could probably make another

Scarecrow right it’s not I mean it’s 50 wood I probably shouldn’t well I can move it over maybe I’ll put the Scarecrow like here see if that helps us I don’t know I’m not that worried about it it’ll be fine so that’s four of those I only

Have one clay so it’s going to take us a while to get enough to make the silo so that’s kind of annoying but I guess we’re working on it we’re getting there hello little tiny I can’t even talk to you time for bed K 28 months level two

Combat yeah it won’t cover the ones on the other end the Coffee Bean is a bigger deal though okay do you all mind if I like take a tiny break and run to the bathroom um I’m going to probably do I have a is there a highlight reel oh

Good okay I’m going to I’m going to go take a tiny break R to the bathroom I’ll play my highlight reel for you and I’ll let ads play too so you won’t get him when I’m back um but I will I will let that run and I’ll be back in like 2

Minutes okay this is a good point because the game is in the middle okay I’ll be right back I think there you [Applause] go you know I’m getting real sick and tired of thisy um oh that was cute snap thank you when do you think you will retire

Kayla I’m 23 but you want me gone maybe he won’t recognize me in the rain oh no oh no no no no no it’ll happen so fast oh did you see him in the rearview mirror he’s on the floor they fix the price of the Bigfoot stuffy

No no no no no the pack is ruined oh my God inflation strikes again how could they go and do that so when we’re in the realm we’re the same size as buddy and was Woody and Buzz I don’t think you can hashtag booty in the description I don’t

Think that that I don’t think that that will let us upload it I was holding on to the handrail and it wasn’t even going fast sorry I feel like I didn’t emotionally prepare you for that On there are already babies so why are you so excited bestie no hang on there are not already babies not like this babies are stuck in a box what are you talking about do you want to play with this the dolls did you see that Rick roll me

Daddy dollar good I think we are Rick Rolling people right now aren’t we I don’t know oh my God I don’t know I I wasn’t paying attention is it this one oh my God that just got all of us nobody wins oh my God rounded Tower

No friend I look round it’s it’s all fun in games until you actually try and make a rounded house and suddenly it’s not fun or games anymore more Hello Tyler can you hear us hello oh my gosh can you hear somebody can hear me who is cackling in

There what’s happening there’s also some baby teeth that you can pick from what is that even my cat turned around to look oh my god well why did you do that why did you pee on the floor did you poop on the floor it wasn’t worth it from lactose intolerant trait

Did you poop on the floor cuz you ate Dairy I got it I was trying to time it can you hear me yes I was trying to time it perfectly so that it wouldn’t restart it did kind of restart I’m back welcome everyone um I have returned from going

To the bathroom um I have a very important thing to show you I just found my friend sent me this it’s a screenshot of the new map this is the full zoomed out version of the new map so if you haven’t seen it yet um this is what the

Whole thing looks like from far away so obviously we’re mostly hanging out like right here right now but you can see like how much of it is Farmland sort of down here there’s not a lot of space for farming it’s kind of split up a lot but

That’s okay we’ve got some room to put like animals and stuff into but this is what um the whole full Farm looks like from from above um if you were curious I love this the river looks so cool to me I really like that part of it um I’m

Kind of a fan it looks good I don’t know I think I like where the greenhouse is too I’m imagining myself probably eventually I’ll move the chickens to like somewhere else and then we can use this as Farmland as well cuz we want the like yellow ground um is the real

Somewhere on YouTube um I have probably posted it on my second Channel I’m not really sure I don’t really know to be honest I think I’ve uploaded it to Twitch as a video but I wouldn’t even know where to look for it on my own channel I’m sorry that’s not helpful but

I don’t know the answer is probably I’d have to check and let you get back to you um yeah the cave is kind of far away isn’t it oops all right it’s raining again hello tiny cat give me a queen of sauce um I already got stir fry so we’re fine there for

Teller Spirits are annoyed today uhoh that’s not good that is not good at all actually okay should we sell these and next question if I wanted to upgrade my pickaxe it’s it’s 25 copper I could probably scr up 2,000 gold today well that’s for gunthers well we

Could probably oh never mind I don’t need both we could probably get enough to go and do that now if we wanted to or do you think I should try to open these geod those cost money but maybe I’ll get money out of it I don’t know I don’t

Know oh I can’t sell these oh I can’t do it today it’s a Wednesday boo okay well I can’t upgrade it today anyway well we can go donate those and I guess we could open the GEOS we may as well go open them then we

Can’t do I I thought I could buy stuff I forgot it was Wednesday in my defense my microphone is right here you can kind of see it that my microphone is exactly covering the day I I can’t see that tiny corner of my screen cuz my mic is up

There um I don’t think that the um I don’t think that the luck affects opening geod if I remember correctly um I’m pretty sure that luck doesn’t affect the geod you would think it would but the luck I don’t think affects geod at all um luck does affect them are you

Sure does luck affect geodes stardew daily luck doesn’t affect the contents of geod it just makes them more likely to drop when mining um it doesn’t I checked so it actually doesn’t matter what the luck is um oh I think we just leveled up with our our uh skill farming skill I

Couldn’t remember the word for farming just then um yeah it’s like a randomized list um so it doesn’t have to do with your daily luck when you open them so you can open them whenever it won’t affect it um yeah they’re like they’re actually like seated and you can use your predictor

Predictor to to try and guess what you’re going to get so um it’s based on uh your seed number it’s kind of complicated not something that you need to worry about too much um but it basically gets randomized when you get it so it doesn’t matter when you open it

Oh I should have brought my fishing rod I’m not very smart that’s okay I’ll try and grab some of these oh Stone wow bad luck but we got cookies I I need that muscle for the community center um yeah there are a lot of weird stardo things that people say a lot but

Aren’t necessarily actually true um it that happens a lot with Animal Crossing too people believe a lot of like rumors about Animal Crossing and like um villager hunting lore and luck and it’s not actually real but they don’t understand and they just hear it and then repeat it

So um like clapping it will is it going to get you a better Island you know okay process geod let’s open the good one first oh oh dear okay let’s do the bad ones then oh that was rough actually single piece of stone wow I’m sorry to brag everybody but I got a

Whole piece of stone just then okay A little bit of copper is not great but it’s not the worst either we’re getting quite a bit of things that you can um actually like donate which is also good okay and Frozen geod I’m spending way too much money I don’t have any

Money it’s not really worth it to be doing this and yet here I am think we’ll get Plum bite and then I can cheat my needs you know all right let’s go donate those and then I’ll sell the extras back to Clint oh our book seller I think comes tomorrow

Let me check the um I think it’s the 11th when our book seller comes so we’ll have to check the calendar okay donate to museum okay we’ve got a lot of stuff in the museum All Things Considered okay collect rewards star fruit melon standing geod okay what are the books do we don’t

Really know yet honey spawn we’ll find out I guess together um we aren’t really sure about that I’ll sell those both to you okay so now we go down from here and I guess I’ll check the thingy um the calendar I’ll see if there’s any

More quests that we can do um and then maybe we go to the mines again I don’t know we have bad luck today so feeling a bit unsure of that it is Vincent’s birthday you need Jo Jaca for a project you’re working on yeah book seller comes

Tomorrow um maybe we could fish up some JoJo Cola then that might be helpful let me just put this stuff back home quick then uh and get my fishing rod Wesley thanks for the 18 months and Winter thank you for the 19 months yours comes on the 12th oh yeah

It sounds to me like the book seller comes on different days for people um which is actually really interesting so we’ll see how that goes in other saves um okay joa Cola is sea Cola no but you can like fish up trash and the joa cola is like trash in game so that’s

Why yours doesn’t come till the 21st oh maybe it is always the 11th and 21st how is yours the 12th then simcat I don’t know yours is the 11th you just check the stock and OMG my wallet oh is it bad yours is the 12th and 22nd oh

21st and 25th for you 12th and 25th oh so it is different oh that’s really weird I wonder what determines when the book seller comes I feel like we’re not going to have enough money to buy books from the book seller cuz it’s only day like you know

Day one or whatever so we’re probably not going to be able to afford any but we can try we can see what we can do I just don’t really have high expectations for us here um but we’ll see what happens oh jeez I’ll try and catch some of the fish

That we need for the community center as well I just don’t really care to do fishing on stream today if I’m being honest yours is 12th and 22nd okay so it’s different in every save then when the book seller comes see that’s actually good like experimenting to be

Doing um cuz we’ll hopefully learn some stuff from this um it’s good for us to talk about and figure it out you feel Noob all over again right it’s kind of funny like doing all this I feel like I don’t even have a clue what I’m doing with some of this stuff um

Okay well going to give me a fish maybe there we go no okay Joe Noah Wesley thanks for the subs yeah that’s interesting honey spun I’ll be curious to see like and maybe is it different in different seasons like when like when it gets to be summer will the book seller

Come on a different time oh my God there’s like something in my eye will the book seller come on different days in the summer or will it always be the 11th and 21st for me in this save oh my God no no no sorry chat I

Failed the book seller is new yeah the book seller is new yes Tess we’ve been hearing about that I can’t can’t believe they’ve got chickens named shrimp shrimp and Tiny I’m actually really excited about that I think that’s so cool um so we’ll I’ll maybe when we make a new save

We’ll get lucky and we’ll randomize those cuz my cat’s names are shrimp and Tiny boring fish I don’t need small mouth bass the traveling car is selling a retro catalog oh yeah Shana I saw that in the patch notes it was saying how there’s like cataloges now of themed

Furniture how much is it could you tell us the Retro catalog thing oh I got rice shoots and an ancient sword oh that was actually a really good one that’s not bad 110,000 oh jeez oh my okay well we’re not going to be getting that yet obviously that’s really interesting

Though and it sounds like there’s a bunch of them a bunch of different ones oh it’s Wednesday I could go to the traveling cart we could see if if they have anything like that H maybe I’ll go shanon thanks for the 49 months um yeah that’s a late game thing the

Traveling cart like selling cataloges that’s like to decorate your house you don’t really want to spend money for that early game um yours was the ancient catalog oh it’s the traveling cart comes on Fridays and Sundays why did I say that because it’s Wednesday I can go I

Realized that the second I started walking over there I was like that’s not right that’s not I got over here and I was like wait a minute I said Wednesday that’s not correct sorry ignore me I know what I’m talking about they didn’t change the days um I

Just made it up I don’t know why it’s queen of sauce reruns is Wednesdays in Sundays for queen of sauce maybe that’s why I said it I don’t know oh I still haven’t oh I went into the guild yes I did never mind I did go on

The guild never mind clear thanks for the seven months oh let me see if I can get this one jumpy fish with my poor skill it’s actually not that bad oh maybe it is stay put okay catfish do I need that one for the yeah I do

I need a Shad I need a catfish I don’t need smallmouth bass so we’ll be okay there Dan was singing opera it was a sleigh he was singing opera on stream that is so funny Dan’s been playing stardy on stream today too we’ve both been playing it

Today oh I got my first River jelly wait a rare jelly found in fresh water it gives us plus 30 Max energy um and some sort of uh for for the next seven minutes we get that buff that’s pretty good I’m like scared to use it though

Cuz I’m thinking like what if I need it so I’m too scared to use it I have a c one as well oh he wasn’t singing opera he was holding on to a note for as long as physically possible oh okay that sounds right dance streams are basically like little concerts yeah we

Should save that for the mines the energy bonus cuz that’s pretty good little bit of wood let me look really fast at the fish tank um I actually think we just need the tiger trout still for this um tiger trout we can’t catch right now yes tiger trout

Stardo fall and winter yeah okay Let’s Go Fish somewhere else then see what more we can catch um and then we can maybe go to the ocean fish yeah we have Sunfish at home I have one in my chest at home that’s why I said that I do have one

Um we’ll see what we can get the mushroom cave has a new machine in it it does do you know what it is what the machine is oh moon thanks for the 11 month res sub I really appreciate that oh there’s a dehydrator in there so it comes with one

Oh so you can make one as well but once you get the mushroom cave it comes with one well that’s pretty cool I like that it makes it easy for you to have access to it then oh my I got an eel I don’t believe I need oh I do need an

Eel for the maybe the night fish bundle yeah okay we’ll see how many more we can get the mushrooms are only every other day oh yeah well at least we have them I like the idea of the dehydrator though I think that’s kind of cool so we

Should do mushroom cave for sure sure and not fruit bats in this safe another eel that’s actually quite pricey so I’m not mad about getting the eels we can get some money I can tell what I need it because when I click on it I’ll show you when I get back in my

Inventory um when you need it and you hover over it and you need it for the community center It’ll like shake the community center icon um so as you see I’m hovering this right now it’s not shaking anything um but if I hover over this one do you see

The this little button this community center thing you see how it starts like pulsating um that’s when you need it so um it’s easy to tell when you’re just looking at your inventory uh if that’s necessary which is pretty helpful cuz sometimes you don’t remember um so when you’re like going

Through looking for things yeah the eel is also for the community center yeah we need that one too that’s not new that’s been there um but you might not have known it was there it’s been a thing for a long time it’s not a mod I don’t have any

Mods U we’re playing vanilla today the purple turtle is 60k oh no sorry this the turtle is 60k and the purple turtle is 500k how do you where do you get them from I keep asking I don’t know if I’ve seen anybody say um but how do you how do you get the

Turtles why are they not expensive I guess it’s cool that they’re a pricey thing like uh work your way up too cuz early game we have no money right now but later on you get sometimes too much money so it’s nice to have things to spend the money

On okay I’m getting so many eels I probably don’t even need to be here anymore fishing but may as well do some more and a second dog or cat is 40k oh that’s not that bad can you only have two or can I get three cat cats just asking for a friend just

Wondering can you only have two or do you get more um anyway yeah so uh Ka once you see the once you have like donated the bundles um you have to like put a thing in one of them and then it starts to unlock the other bundles there’s quite a few

Bundles I finished one of the thingies so the the patch notes said multiple okay it didn’t say how many exactly then that’s fine we’ll figure it out two cats is good two cats is better than one so I accept squid shiny and snip could you imagine you’ve heard of

Shrimp tiny and snap how about squid shiny and snip it’s the new cat names oh my God yeah the coupe came with two chickens in it yeah I haven’t bought chickens or Coupe it came with them in this on just this map though just the new map the like Meadow

One I forget what it’s called exactly halit I don’t have that yet either oh it’s a good quality one as well how long should should we stay out fishing just Meadowlands maybe that’s what it was Meadowlands yeah you can name the chickens you can change their names they

Come with names when you uh are playing like on this map um where it just gave you two they did come with names but I could change them if I wanted to um I kind of like mine they were named like Missy Misty and Beluga or something like that I can’t

Remember oh nautilus shell not liell sorry that was a reference to an old stream clip from like years ago that probably most of you don’t know sorry okay I think I’ll catch just a couple more fish and then go home cuz I’m getting kind of bored of this

Herring we can catch at least one more although I could delete a couple bits of trash and then have more a lot of you do remember a lot of us have been here for a while a lot of us have been hanging out here for a long time

Now okay 940 is not that bad either you sing that whenever you see a nautilus shell yeah so do I I always think it I don’t it’s not even funny I don’t know why it like happens but anyway come here little Fishy okay inventory is full I’ll probably catch like one more yeah and then we’ll be done hurry up one more fishy please thank you we should also plant the rice when we get home although you don’t have to water the rice right is it just going to be fine on its

Own it grows faster when it’s planted near a body of water so if I put it next to a body of water will it just do itself oh one more fishy yeah KS back in the day when I first started YouTube I didn’t show my face in

It um in my videos that was like early early days though um I was like 16 honestly thank God I didn’t have face cam back then thank God I wasn’t filling my face back then um yeah I didn’t have face cam those days I started doing face cam on like

Some videos when I was in college um cuz I had like a camera then and then I started doing them on every video I don’t really know when I decided to like take the plunge I I think that it took some like it almost took some getting used to to like ease

Myself into it I guess so I would do it sometimes on like special videos and then I would do it for and I started doing it for all of them it might have honestly been when I started streaming CU then I had a camera set up um cuz I

Was streaming and I started streaming in college because I had better internet so um I have a history degree mads I studied history in college okay I will go plant these maybe I will just plant those tomorrow let me save all the stuff that we need so I

Don’t need any of those um I will need one eel I will need a catfish I will need a Shad the rest of it I don’t think I I have any need for so we have three of the river fish that we need yeah I probably was around 20 17 I

And I don’t really remember exactly either um that’s kind of wild looking back on isn’t it um okay put that in there I’ll probably save a couple of those too I’ll get rid of this trash I’m going to sell all these other fishies more money for

Kayla we should be able to afford to get oh you know what else I’ll do quick make another copper bar overnight we should be able to afford to get our upgraded pickaxe tomorrow then which will also be good um cash flow and Crystal and and liy and me and

Moon Mage thank you for the subs we got the weenie sprinklers we got to go a long ways to get the good ones but we’re getting somewhere 2,000 from that we got enough yesterday to pay for the pickaxe upgrade um okay the books sellers in town today

Oh I might want to go talk to them oh the spirits are very displeased uhoh should I bother with crafting any of the weenie sprinklers that’s the real question probably yes I know I have some iron so we can start that too um just begin save one of

Those me sell hats oh my God hat Mouse hat Mouse hat Mouse they’re trying to get me to spend all my money today Robin lost her favorite axe I can do that today too um I checked my luck on the TV just then by the way if you were confused

What I was doing I was checking luck there’s not a lot of water on this map I I think I’m going to put these over here oh god um oh I should have oh no I should have brought my Scythe to plant this wow there’s a river and two ponds yeah

But look at like me trying to put my my little uh seeds by the water there’s not a lot of space for my seeds is what I mean kind of I need to break my Scythe I’ll do it later okay so later we’ll go around the

Bottom I’ll go see the book seller first um and then we’ll go on like a little loop around the bottom and we’ll get Robin’s axe thingy that she lost and we’ll go see the Hat Mouse too I think okay my Farmer’s hair is also new

Oh is it I’m not sure I just randomized the hair I didn’t actually pick one that closely so I don’t really know um oh Owen you might be on to something with that could you imagine a full sleeve of mice tattoos I think you should actually do

It I’m being serious that’s like a genuine suggestion for you chat agrees how do you have so much money oh I was doing a lot of fishing Dan sorry I’m just better than you at this game oh it hates me oh cuz I didn’t put enough food out yesterday cuz of the

Rain and they couldn’t come outside oh sorry that’s my bad sorry chat said my farm was better than yours well I haven’t done any decorating Dan you give me a little bit more money and time mine’s going to look 10 times better than yours you can’t even compare

With how good my Farm’s going to look you don’t even know how to decorate a farm Dan says to me Kayla can you decorate my farm in Heyday Kayla can you decorate my farm and Animal Crossing he can’t do anything um in the mines I think I’m level like 45

Dan how far are you 35 H it’s kind of embarrassing Dan maybe you should try harder fall Diamond La thanks for the subs I’m 55 in the mines no way I’m 55 I thought I was 45 oh someone else said 55 Dan I’m come back don’t leave I’m 55

Dan I’m 55 I’m not 40 I’m 55 I’m even better than you thought so yeah okay Dan come back make sure he knows that I’m even better than he thought I was okay so what did I say I was going to do I’m going to go talk to the um I’m

Also going to make another sprinkler I’m going to go talk to the put it here I may want to plant another seed right there oh and I have to water that stupid coffee plant cuz for some reason I put it so far away I don’t really know why I was doing that

Okay I don’t need I don’t need that today I’m mostly going to need I’ll just leave all those things um I’m going to talk to the book person and I’m going to go around next plan oh I got to do the cat also oh I’ll

Do it when I get home I’m going to buy another crop so we can do it then um I wonder what happens to the Farms that have Perfection will the tracker go down will we lose access to the summit oh my God could you imagine extra refined quartz I can do

That for you here okay so we don’t actually know where the book seller goes but we had kind of predicted it would be up behind jojamart do you think that’s true there’s a sign up above oh it literally says right there okay um so we were right with our

Guess all right up up up up up we’ll see what they’ve got for us you go from 100 to 96% oh really oh look oh my gosh oh my gosh price catalog you can see the values of your items all Slither legs you will run faster through grass and

Crops horse the book you gain extra speed when riding a horse oh my God I got to show hope that really fast that’s actually really serious hold on I don’t know if she’s here right now I don’t think so the way of the wind makes you run a bit

Faster this one read this to gain some farming experience read this to gain combat experience gain experience in all skills oh my God so we can’t afford any of these obviously but those are pretty good that’s really interesting something to look forward to then I guess I would like to have all of

Those this makes so much more sense now with the hot air balloon and that being a spot for it cuz I was wondering what that was I was wondering what that was going to be okay so let’s go back home no we were going to buy the um

You know what I’ll do I’ll go back to the house and I’ll get my copper bars I didn’t know if I was going to buy a book or not but they’re more expensive than I thought so I’ll go back and get the copper bars and we’ll upgrade our pickaxe

And Robin’s axe too oh my gosh I’ll do the pickaxe first and then I’ll do robin’s axe just so I don’t forget I think it probably does rotate I would bet that there’s like a random stock kind of like what um The Traveling cart would have that would be my guess I don’t

Actually know but that that’s my assumption is that it would be a rotating stock with the traveling cart um I am going to need to get another copper bar cuz I used one of them silly me strawberry seeds on the 13th yeah we we should buy some strawberry seeds but

I still want my Pi my pickaxe upgrade cuz I’m making myself really mad without it so um okay well this shouldn’t take too long for it to be ready and then I’ll take it oh I should bring my stuff for the museum too cuz I

Have um you and you which we can do while we’re down there all right let’s go yeah the speed book is pretty good I bet that the speed book doesn’t actually make you go that fast but it probably has a a decent chunk of effect on it

So yeah and if the book effects stack that’s also a good question I don’t know how the books work I don’t know what I don’t know what it means I don’t know how it works at all so we felt the same way nuclear when we started the metaland farm and we didn’t

Get any parip seeds we were like wait what do we do the book effects don’t stack okay that makes sense to me though I’m not surprised okay hello Clint I would like to upgrade to a copper pickaxe please I’ll talk to you while I’m here business has been slow lately yeah I’m

The only one who buys things from you I know you got a forging book gave Lo loads of XP yeah we got a mining book a while back the other day in the mines we got one so that was pretty good okay we’re actually doing pretty good in the museum I

Think um okay well let’s go around then we’ll start looking for Robin’s Axe and stuff yeah we found it randomly just in the mines we just got one I think I found it in like one of the crates that you kill in the mines have I got powder melon seeds from

The carrot wiggle spots no I’ve only got carrots can you get powder melon in summer or in Spring sorry oh I have to get a refined quartz for Pierre remind me to do that I have two days still so remind me to do that yeah I don’t know how much xp it

Gives um I don’t actually really know much about like the skill levels what am I doing oh my god oh special items Forest magic oh I’m one with the forest magic I don’t actually know how much xp you need powder melon is winter that’s what I thought um that’s what I figured but

Somebody asked me if I had found some so I just wasn’t sure um oh it said my mind level in my inventory on like this page oh yeah 55 house level one oh oh the winter map wait I actually do want to see that Brew hold

On oh my gosh so we know that it changes the the season the map like the actual map changes in the seasons now so look it look it like looks different in the winter time um we only have seen spring obviously so we don’t know but that’s

Really cool so it’ll be different in summer and fall too I really like that I bet the fall one is really pretty too I almost want to wait until I get to them to see them um oh the new winter schedule oh yeah cuz we can see um there’s that new

Like what is it like that squid event in the winter time look at this so that’s probably the squid event we can see the book sell we already had the festival that’s really nice it gives you a lot more going on in the winter time I really appreciate that um and

Owen sent a kitten pick oh my God Owen Fosters oh my God that is a creature oh my God I wasn’t expecting that um Arcadia Bay in the chat is named Owen uh and he Fosters kittens a lot look at this thing look at it you see what I I mean by creature

Though whoa I just wasn’t expecting it to be like you know it’s like a little monster it’s so cute it’s really cool that you Foster so many cats Owen I just love that I really love that is a it is a fresh little baby creature seriously okay wow we’ve been through a

Lot today so many cats to see guys thanks for the 36 months by the way only 3 weeks old Isn’t that wild um that’s a cat that Owen is fostering by the way chat sorry if that wasn’t clear um it’s not mine I swear I found Robin’s lost axe

Um should I chop some of these by any chance maybe maybe just a couple oh and the hat Mouse is our next goal we have to go all the way around okay up up up up up no the bobber style thing willly shop is also new that’s part of the update

Today is the new um the new bobber thing you can change it based on the fish that you’ve caught so it gives you some options um what a thing to say Owen okay I have to go to employment discrimination everyone goodbye just to be clear that’s a class I’m

Taking maybe maybe lead with that part first next time um just just throwing that out there maybe bring that up first before you just drop that in the chat oh my God have fun at class though bye thank you for the the cat pick I really loved it actually a lot being

Singly Paris for the 42 months um okay so Robin will probably not be anywhere of use to us today I fear um but we can go tomorrow to go try and find Robin unless will Robin be at the saloon tonight um we can go and see may as

Well oh Bri I can go back to the book thing I can show you again I don’t know if it’ll still be there though cuz it’s already 700 p.m. so I’m worried that we may have missed it um yeah I think she only goes to the

Saloon on Friday so I think we missed our chance yeah we can go tomorrow and give it to her though the book selling person they are up up up up all this way we don’t know if it leaves at a certain time most of the other NPCs close and stuff so I’m not

Sure about the books it’s kind of our first it might be a good experiment Maya thank you for the 10 gifted subs thank you so much oh it is still here well this is how it works um they sell some really expensive books uh they make things like combat experience running

Faster make your horse faster um but we can’t I don’t know when they leave um and we can’t afford any of the books yet so what is the price catalog I don’t know I think it just tells you how much all of the things that you have are going to sell

For I think I don’t know though really um we don’t think that the effects are permanent we’re not really sure about that either um people in chat said that it was permanent yes when you have the book but I don’t know how it works like

Do you have to like read the book and they don’t stack so do you only get it once like how does it how does it do it I don’t really understand the the book thing yet maybe it goes in your wallet but then people said that you

Only get to count one at a time so again not 100% sure on the functionality of this stuff but we shall see okay I’m going to put all of my things back in here I might put my seeds in there too actually this is for all the stuff that

I need to keep and then I guess seeds are probably useful for that as well and then um in this one I’m going to put fora bles and I guess stuff that I’ve like fished up and crops I don’t know I haven’t really thought this through I usually have more

Chests than this but I’m kind of just starting so I don’t have enough wood but it’s okay it’s okay maybe like rings then oh maybe I don’t really know what to expect out of it I guess we’ll have to experiment a bit um your character planel has a tab for

Powers that has great Out book icons yeah that’s true there there’s um on the on all of these things oh look at all this stuff on the new we need to look through all this more but on the um stop sorry oh I can see squid there’s lots of

Like these are the powers so I wonder if those are all the books but if they don’t stack then how does it work you stack the effects but you can’t read the book twice oh so that’s what they meant when they say when they said it didn’t stack oh okay cuz I was

Wondering I thought you could only when they said it didn’t stack I thought could only have one at a time and I was like I don’t get it then like what how does it work but as long as you’ve read it then you’ve read it so you can just read it one time

Obviously you don’t get like you can’t get like Double Horse book speed but as long as you’ve read the horse book you can also read the other book okay that’s how I figured it worked but I got confused I thought chat was correcting me um so I wasn’t

Sure now I understand thank you sorry we’re we’re new we don’t really know what we’re talking about yet clearly um but there are multiple speed books and those speed book effects will stack but um you can’t use the same speed book more than once yes um and they’re just passively there

After you’ve read them cool all right let me put all of this stuff away quick and then we could probably just go to bed um okay we started a new safe today yeah we made this fresh today so we could use the new map um that was kind of the goal

We wanted to explore all the new stuff um okay happy Friday today we should probably go check what the traveling cart is selling us and tomorrow is the egg Festival o oh boy 500 gold thanks Dad mayor Lewis about the egg Festival thank you as well um I guess we could probably start

Selling some of these carrots if we really wanted to um I might keep like a small stack of them and sell oh I didn’t mean to sell all of those well that’s okay well we’ll probably get some more it’s fine we have some we have like four total cuz I have

One in the other chest too for the community center um you’ve been watching a boo stream most of the day so you know all the inside info good we got to watch these speedrunners to get the information that we need you know um that’s where you get the good

Stuff okay I’m going to need probably my first ever cauliflower still right I have I harvested a cauliflower yet the answer is no just wanted to check I may buy myself some more seeds today I think I might also um try and make myself some more of those I’m thinking

I’ll put another one of the sprinklers like right here and then I’ll put some crops around it a bit so we’ll try and get some more you play stard do the opposite of speedrunners you just and do what you want yeah I um I’m not really in the

Market to like actually try and speed run this game um I do find it kind of fun and now that I’ve now that I’ve like played in that stardo tournament truthfully that’s like really affected my um the way I want to play this game cuz I was in that tournament so I saw

How like they were playing in that and it kind of changed the way that I look at the game you know one two three four five um it’s hard to like unlearn some of that stuff but I don’t speedrun speedrun I just play okay 1 two 3 four

Five 6 7even eight I want eight more crops today we can do that I guess I could go try and get them now probably um we’ll start there I’ll grab this thing too yeah I just play efficiently I guess I just think about oranging at night when I sleep that’s all exactly

Bro no no um okay so tomorrow it’s egg Festival we’ve got Haley’s birthday coming up we got to be ready for that oh I need to today we have to make Pierre his refined quartz I should have done that this morning I I kind of forgot um

One two three four five six seven eight I think I’ll do potatoes we’ll start there and then I’ll go back I’ll make my copper I’ll make my refined quartz and then we’ll do that too would I do a stard tournament again if I was invited

I don’t know it was fun um but I don’t really care to be like a stardo speedrunner I kind of want to just play it for fun so like the the hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of stardo practice that we put in like

Doing the run over and over again was fun but I don’t know if I would be interested in doing that another time you know um it was like an interesting experience I guess it depends what kind of tournament it ends up being as well so yeah I’ve got kale planted already

For the community center so we have that growing too um okay you plant that got my extra sprinkler okay let’s go down and I’ll check the traveling cart I won’t be able to buy anything from it today I don’t think but it might be fun just to see what they have

Um might be good to go and look unclouded thank you for the 36 months we have um blue Jazz planted so we have some flowers planted too I think I watered the coffee but I guess I should check that again huh just in case hual medley Cherry green tea copper

Ore tortilla potato seeds octopus catfish house plant rare seed cool yeah we don’t really need any of those things so we don’t need to buy them now um desperate to find out about that giant tree yeah look who knows what this thing’s going to do

It’ll be fun to find out as we start playing more over the next few days and stuff um copper or for a th000 I know isn’t that just ridiculous okay we do have to go up to Robin as well today um think it’s jelly related yeah that’s kind of what I think

Too how long do you think that has until it’s finished oh just until about now okay I’ll go see Robin first and then we’ll get Pi on the way down okay I was waiting and it is ready noodles are good thanks for the 3 months noodles are good you’re so right about

That you think it’s a talking squirrel like the bear interesting that would be fun I would like that actually um okay so oh sorry I want to just talk to you I did find your axe I’m going to talk to Mario too um sorry if I seem a little cranky okay

Um you’re not going to like anything that I have for you if I give you this you might actually hate me for it right so I shouldn’t give you a gift um I don’t know I’ll leave it you just got done playing with strangers what you were playing co-op with

Strangers the 3-day Spring Festival starts tomorrow in my save I’m going to bed at 1 p.m. no you’re so valid for that you’re so valid for that I would do it too if I were you we should check when ours is again um the three-day Spring Festival

Starts in a couple of days oh we can try and get to that if we sleep early here Pierre I have this for you my payment as promised thank you Robin’s lost axe thank you I still can’t build a silo boo oh that’s in the desert though

Oh never mind we can’t get to it it’s in the desert oh man I for the new one’s in the desert you’re right though it is in the desert so we can’t do it well that answers that question no need to worry about it cuz we can’t even get to

It I’m going to go fish I think like up here by the mountain and see if we can get any of the mountain fish that we need um and then from there I guess we will go chop down trees or something I don’t know you’re not grinding 190k in 3 days

You know probably not actually probably not okay we’ll grab this and we’ll just stay for a little longer is the cherry blossom tree outside of the community center smaller I don’t think so I think the our brains are just looking for changes you know so we’re looking sometimes in the wrong place I

Do need that large mouth bass for the community center um the I think Scotty when you get that you’ve got some new ideas to sleep on that’s when it tells you that you’ve leveled up you just don’t get the level up until the Night Comes when you sleep

Overnight you’ll get like the level up perks but it tells you during the day when you get enough XP from it to level up so if you were like if you got it when you were fishing a little popup like that it means that um you’re going to level up in fishing

Overnight or if you got it when you like grabbed a horseradish it means that you got it in foraging or whatever we’ve seen it a couple times now we when we saw it the first time we were all like what the heck does that mean what does

It mean um but it sounds like that’s what it is we need the Bullhead too and also look at this on the oh my God I keep pressing the wrong button on this skills tab um if I can find it there’s the tree is down here as well so that must be

Part of the one of the it must be a main thing the tree um you have a mod that tells that yeah but see it’s like a nice quality of life Improvement right because it’s a thing that a lot of people got mods for

And then he went and just add it to the game so that way everybody could have it so that’s pretty good where is Grandpa’s Shrine on this Farm oh see I just got it we love level up I’m fishing I’m not sure where um grandpa’s farm is or Grandpa’s Shrine is

On this Farm I can’t I don’t know if I saw yeah and I don’t play with a lot of mods in stardo I’ve played with a couple mods before but I don’t use a lot of mods um so it’s fun to have this it’s a fun change for

Sure um how many fish should we try and catch today I don’t know no you can’t have mods on the switch unfortunately Jean I’m sorry I know that kind of sucks top left across the river oh that makes sense across the river yeah we cannot really get there

Yet we cannot really access that at this current moment in time okay I want to check and see chub do I need you no um so let me look at the fishing fish tank bundle not river fish let me look at the lake fish we have the largemouth

Bass we have the Bullhead we need a sturgeon and a carp but I don’t remember so let me just check um to catch the sturgeon we can’t do it yet that’s in the summer that’s what I thought and the carp um is anytime so I’m surprised that we haven’t got the carp

Yet we’ll see what we can find once I get the carp we’ll probably leave um Chris thanks for 20 months I really appreciate that you’re desperate for the auto fishing mods be updated you hate the fishing mini game yeah I know a lot of people don’t love it I know it’s

Difficult um for a lot of folks to play with the fishing mini game um I’m sorry about that I do need chub are you sure cuz when I hover over my chub it does not make my community center bundle light up um we are playing with remixed bundles

So um I don’t know if we do chub is in the science bundle we can keep it for later just in case we end up needing it um we don’t have it unlocked yet though it’s a non- remix bundle that we might need it later on um but I’m not

Sure if we’re going to end up with that same one again so we’ll have to wait and see still no carp that’s another chub the carpet any time of day in this place it’s supposed to be like kind of yeah chubs are pretty easy to catch too

So it won’t be too big of a deal if we sell it I’d like to sell it I think because I kind of want to get the money from it so that we have more money to buy um oh this may be the carp in

Question I want to get the money from it so that we can buy more of the oh my God are you kidding sorry oh I’m so stupid um so we can buy more strawberries tomorrow that was really embarrassing don’t judge me for that okay this might be it again you know

What we’re not going to get though a chest no carb well how fishion start to oh my God this one time this is a really funny reference get this so you know sometimes you get trolls in your Twitch chat yes we’ve all been there we’ve all seen it well this

One time what I thought was a kid was spamming my chat how to fish in Animal Crossing how do I fish in Animal Crossing how to fish in Animal Crossing spamming spamming every single message how to fish an animal crossing eventually my mods were like hey you can stop spamming like we

Already showed you they kept spamming so they get timed out first 60 seconds they come back they keep doing it timed out again now it’s 10 minutes they come back from this 10-minute timeout first thing they say me want to have sex with you what here we thought it was just this

Little kid trolling about fishing and Animal Crossing and they come back from their their time out and that’s what they say so we were all flabbergasted by this cuz you get comments like that in twitch chat I just didn’t expect it to be from them you know like that escalated so

Quickly oh my God you know anyway real shock getting that message um that was quite the surprise it was funny though I still I still quote it to this day so it probably still is like a weirdo kid or something but it really it was a jump

Scare we don’t usually get a lot of people um typing like weird sexual messages when I’m playing Animal Crossing either it’s rare that that comes up in Animal Crossing I don’t think I I think it’s just because those type of trolls don’t really go to the Animal Crossing category um cuz not that

Many people stream Animal Crossing like compared to a lot of the other games that are more popular right now so I think that’s part of it but um yeah it’s kind of funny oh I had I think I had a quest to give that um it must have

Expired I had a quest a while back to give a uh joa Cola to Salon I think I forgot to do it sorry Sam okay same thing over and over again Animal Crossing is a safe space you can’t have it there it’s really bad yeah you get random stuff like that

In random categories um okay I’m excited about the egg hunt I actually can’t wait imagine if he changed the eggun without telling us it should be fine oh I already talked to you little squid is settled in thank you for asking oops sorry Rosie Chris thank you for the subs too um

Okay hello Pam thank you yeah he said he puts some secrets in so we’ll see what happens to us our egg hunt is tomorrow so we’ll do it any second we’ll see what we get it would be really chaotic and upsetting if the icon got changed I would be

Stressed I always let my beautiful wife Abby win I yeah I really am um the fact that Abby is good at it is very distressing to me I I’ve playing the last time I was playing stardo we had like a expanded mod save on stream and

Um Abby beat me in expanded and I found that like genuinely upsetting the fact that she beat me in the expanded mod but I was I was new you know I hadn’t played with the expanded mod stuff yet so I didn’t know what it did I hadn’t seen it all um I wasn’t

Ready I wasn’t ready for her to do that to me and I lost and I was really mad um and so now this is my first egg hunt back to normal since then um so no pressure but hopefully it goes well for us I’m going to chop some more trees while we’re out

Here clear ourselves some more space I’m not very competitive except when it comes to the egg hunt I’ll never never marry Abigail because of her beating me in the first ever icon I played in 2016 yeah when it’s your first time playing you don’t know like where all

The stuff is you don’t know the strats you’re not ready it’s very very sad okay I can’t a lot of us are kind of on the same time frame it sounds like a lot of us it’s like the same days in game um cuz we probably all started at

The same time read the patch notes as soon as it came out and then played recycling machine oh let’s make that we should start there I got a little bit of money today I want that I’ve been saving my trash habo is in the fall oh my god of

Course he is he’s speedr running not me I’m bad spirits are perturbed today uhoh okay I have my first call of flowers um I’m going to save one of those cuz I need it for the community center and now I just need my kale is that ready yet

No you found a book called horse the book did you find it oh I’m actually jealous of you we’ve been talking about horse the book that is very exciting Brew I’m really glad for you um oh that water space that it didn’t need to cuz I harvested them we’re going to

Buy strawberry seeds today and I might move my sprinklers to be on the strawberry seeds specifically I think um so we’ll see how that goes Maru does like cauliflower should I give them to her or should I save it that these are all of our real questions how fast are we trying to

Marry Maru she loves coliflower we should clarify she loves strawberry too um and we are thinking about marrying CIF cauliflower we’re thinking about marrying Maru maybe I’ll save these then we’re thinking about marrying cauliflower so that’s not right that’s not correct that’s not what I meant to say okay

Um you know what I might try to make myself oh oh I have not been watering my um Coffee Bean I’m thinking I’m going to move my sprinklers one two three 4 one no wrong two three 4 one two three four I’m going to move the sprinklers down there and

I’m going to put the strawberries under them and I’ll just plant some like regular stuff up here we have those for now I could probably try to make myself some more Sprinklers let me leave a couple of those in there can’t decide between marrying Haley and Leah in your new save yeah I get it I married Haley in the first save that we played on stream like years ago um I like Haley I like Leah too I might I would

Probably pick Leah over Haley just because I’ve married Haley more recently than I married Leah um but I don’t know most people marry Leah more often I think than Haley so dated Haley once but never married her fair enough I get that all right put all this

Away please oh no I’m going to sell those eggs actually let’s just go to the Festival now oh you know what I didn’t do is water my cat here okay let’s go same gotat actually 62 Months so water your cat yeah I meant what I said okay so I’m going to buy at least 12 strawberry seeds is it better for me to spend more money than that on them should I spend all my money on strawberry seeds chat answer me this honestly yes

Okay we cannot handle this we are doomed it’s an investment it’s an investment we’re going to get it back we just have to really commit they sell for a lot so it’s worth it it just hurts you know it hurts when you first do it is there any more

Food okay I’m just going to talk to everybody quick um I like the idea of getting a little bit of um yeah I’ll plant them tonight and we’ll get two crops by the end of the season so it’ll be worth it we’ll plant them when we get home

Um okay I’ve already talked to you yeah and Maru loves the strawberries and we’re trying to marry Maru so it’s kind of it works out in more than one way um okay you saw the sea monster at the beach for the first time ever I doubt the chance has been upped right

Do you think H okay everyone I cannot speak to you any longer because I need to focus at this current time I need to be ready to get as many eggs as physically possible so I’m no longer let me get some water hold on hydrate okay let’s go

I’m not I’m not talking to you focus Abigail must be defeated it’s time for the highlight of today’s festivities the annual spring egg hunt calm down now kiddos you’re kiddos and me you’re going to need all your energy if you hope to find the most eggs and take home the exclusive

Prize yeah yeah yeah now is everyone ready yes let the ion begin go away oh my God get out of my way okay okay okay okay okay okay boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop all the way around squash Abigail okay I’m actually quite stressed

Right now if I’m being honest with you but it’s okay we can handle it if I lose the egg hunt I’m actually not kidding I will restart the day and I’m not joking when I say that there’s one behind the grave oh no we’re not going back we are not going

Back oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God okay I got 10 I don’t know if that’s not that good but it’s okay I will restart if I have to and I’m being serious wow look at all these eggs now

If only I could get you kids to pick up litter this efficiently I dig in the trash every night we’d have the cleanest town this side of the gem sea chuckle and now the winner of this year’s egg hunt me 10 will win it here’s your prize enjoy thank you I got a

Hat I feel great about this okay now we got to plant and quickly um I might see if I can make myself another one of those okay I know that we have some of this I’ve already planted in why didn’t I water these earlier Kayla what is wrong with

You not very smart not very smart it’s okay um let me see if I can make some more of these too another sprinkler for myself here I’m going to need to get my watering can refilled I wasn’t prepared for this I didn’t really think about I didn’t really think about how many of

These I was going to try and buy but it’s okay it’s going to be fine let me see if I can make another one of the watering cans too watering cans sprinkler sorry we have enough time we do know about the new prize ticket mechanic we have seen that Nick

We got our first prize ticket we got like 12 uh carrot seeds from it was the first thing we ever got from the prize tickets I am actually allowing myself to feel really stressed about how this is all laid out right now I’m not going to lie like the organization of this I

Should have prepared more but but I didn’t really think I was going to buy that many I thought I was going to buy like 12 you know so huge mistake there on our part sorry everybody about that plant one two three four five okay water are all these

Too Dan got 12 eggs well he went a different direction than I did it doesn’t matter if I had gone a different way I could have got 12 too there’s strats to getting most eggs I wasn’t using them all right oh I missed oh my God I

Didn’t plant them on all of those down there stupid Kayla what I look at how much I put I oh my God why didn’t I plant them there oh I’m I cannot I don’t I thought I had planted them there already that’s why I didn’t put them there I couldn’t see I thought

I put them there already oh that’s so embarrassing okay Destin for sadness thank you for the resub okay well my pickaxe is ready the queen of sauce is speaking to me start the day over could you imagine no we’ll buy some other crops today and I’ll plant them down down there that is

Just absolutely pitiful I can’t afford to deal with all this watering today you see how long it’s going to take me to water these yeah I think I might put the Hat on my cat I I like the vision I like I like what you stand for me talk to my chickens

Okay hello my first large egg I sell that too I should wear the hat in front of Abby oh maybe I’ll do that first maybe I’ll wear the hat in front of her first and then we’ll go from there okay I need to buy like eight um seeds to put down there I

Guess so we’ll start there are those ready to be harvested yet yeah oh I’ve leveled up again with my farming Skill it is metal dan Farm scuba yeah it is uh we’re playing on the new one today it’s going pretty well I would say uh the thank you for the prime sub too thank you so much um nine seeds one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 oh yeah I didn’t see that

One so yes we need nine seed oh my God this is horrible to go so far uh I think after this I might start saving up some of the iron that we get so that we can get the upgraded sprinklers I think that may be my next order of business to be honest

Instead we’re going to have to get way far down but that is okay um um you just got a skill fishing book and you didn’t buy it yeah we found I had that happen to me too I found a a skill book for um oh no

I’m going to sell those I may actually sell both of those to Pier so I can get some money off of him right away okay I should have one two three four yeah I have all the crops for the spring crops bundle now oh I didn’t mean to water literally

The cap wait I was going to water the cat’s thing look the cat has a hat now the cat has a hat now okay let’s go to Pierre and we’ll buy the seeds that we need and then maybe when I go up to the mines I’ll go to the community center on the

Way oh wait I wanted to try and craft the recycling machine today too I have the iron bar that I need for it so I’ll do that when I get back um should we do maybe a couple of cauliflower and then mostly like potatoes or something I

Don’t know um Cy thanks for 16 months I appreciate that we could move one of the sprinklers to the coffee I guess and then we could put seeds around it um two of those how many did I say nine 1 two three four five six seven okay we might need another scarecrow as

Well oh it’s Haley’s birthday you want a gold bar on a chain now that’s just ridiculous frankly I’m actually offended by that Haley are you in there come out I want to give her the present actually really badly I I mean I would take a gold bar on a chain

Uh tenacious thank you for the resub too okay you’re fishing the river with bamboo pole hoping for a legend oh boy good luck good luck to you okay so next step I said I wanted the recycling machine wood Stone iron bar we’ll do that first wood iron bar

Um maybe I’ll make another sprinkler Stone too cuz I can give that to the H I didn’t mean to make a chest that was an accident that’s okay I like to have a chest here for my community center stuff so it’s probably for the best um and then I shall plant these

Things down here okay um I guess another thing that I could do is potentially move this sprinkler up here cuz there is an open space and then I can just save it make another one later you know that might be good too okay okay here’s my recycling machine I shall put

It right there I’ll put one of these in it okay and I need to go pick up my pickaxe which is like a whole other thing that we have to worry about um let me take my sword I might want to bring some oh wait I was going

To go to the community center maybe I’ll do that first cuz I can bring a lot of the fish things that I have to the community center too okay well if we have to go to the mines only for a tiny bit of time today that’s fine I shall bring myself a couple

Things to eat okay uh seor I’m playing with remixed Community Center bundles so they’re not exactly the same on hours um but there CU there’s a couple new things in them on this one oh I wanted to give Haley that daffodil oh I have to go back sorry Le

Thanks for the prime sub um let me see when will she be out of her room Haley it’s a Sunday she’ll go to the fountain at 11: okay that’s what I thought so I’ll get I’ll give her the thing while we’re down there okay sorry about my detour look at my cat in the hat that is so cute okay am I playing a little longer today yeah I’ll be here

I’m planning on being live a little bit late tonight CU I’m actually having a lot of fun I don’t really want to stop I don’t know how late I’ll be live I’ve already been live for almost 5 hours so we’ll see I’m going to play tomorrow on stream too um in the morning

So that is the plan okay let me go find I need to go get my pickaxe first we can do a few more one more days yeah basically garbage hat garbage hat garbage hat garbage hat yes oh I’m so excited about that oh that’s really good okay thank you Gabe I

Feel fantastic about this now yes okay I got my pickaxe um that worked out really well put it on the cat please you think I should we when we get home we’ll put it on the cat just to see streamer privilege that is some streamer luck right there let me tell

You um garbage hat but what if garbage cat no you’re so right about that we probably should put it on the cat okay I might grab this while I’m here just to see okay oh there’s another couple daffodils too um bet Dan doesn’t have the garbage hat

Yet I’m just saying okay Haley I will give you this nice daffodil too I knew you would like it now I have a bestie yay okay maybe the percentage went up if you got one today too maybe I mean it’s it’s all luck isn’t it but um okay specialty fish no River fish

Yes don’t have tiger trout yet obviously Crab Pot I do have that thing um ocean fish I did not get any for I have a couple of the not that oh I didn’t need that one with me today did I I got a couple of those night fishing bundle

Okay and I have a crop bundle too Dan is streaming stardo today yeah he’s also live playing stardo tonight um spring crops bundle yay we did do remix bundles yeah I got speed grow I shall leave that with me I’m going to go to the mines like I was

Saying today um is our next plan okay so these will be open now let’s take a look what that has on the community center Boiler Room we have the adventurers bundle 10 bat wigs bone fragment solar Essence slime this is actually a really easy one blacksmith copper iron and gold easy treasure

Hunter easy oh those are good ones oh that won’t be too bad to finish the boiler room then um so I’m looking forward to that we can maybe even finish that like fast we’ll get those mine CS repaired quick we got lucky with that one all right let’s go to the mines and

Get to work on some of that then um pickaxe you got the idium and battery pack one oh that sucks yeah we really did get lucky when we get that finished when we unlock the mine carts it’s going to be so useful cuz you can like fast travel kind of

Um okay let me just talk to Demetrius quick while here thank you yeah the remix bundles Chang there’s a there’s quite a few different remixed bundles and they kind of like uh jump between some of them so and there’s apparently some new ones that got added or at least some new

Things like I got one that had the carrot um which is one of those new um crops that we just unlocked so okay here we go we just got the trash can hat we like just did I went to pick up my pickaxe from Clint and I got the trash

Can hat in the trash can over there I was very excited no there’s no twitch drops in stardo Bimmer um there isn’t any like special content like that really none of that Sasha’s chickens are named beans and toast that’s so cute I love that um I like hearing about the randomized

Chickens it’s kind of fun um new event during the night key flying by dropping mystery bundles oh that’s cool oh that’s fun to look forward to then oh God we don’t actually have that much energy we’ll see um can you have cows in this game yeah you can we don’t have them yet

Obviously but you can get them um it is possible you can get pigs you can get sheep you can get goats you can get Ducks you can get dinosaurs you can get ostriches you can get rabbits um there’s a very large collection of uh animals that you can have

Which is fun me and Dan are mining at the same time are we Christine that’s cute if we could get a solar Essence from a ghost we might be able to get the mining bundle done today um which could be good if we get lucky oh thank you oh dear I spoke too

Soon I spoke too soon about that didn’t I that’s okay we need some monster levels from time to time oh my uh duck dad is my husband he’s a streamer that’s why people are talking about him because he’s also live and also playing stardew tonight um he

Doesn’t always play stardo he plays a lot of uh dead by daylight actually and I play a lot of the Sims I don’t know if any of you are here cuz you just found me in the stardo category but um if you’re into any of those games I play

This game a fair bit too um I also like things like house flipper I like Animal Crossing um I play a lot of cozy games if you will o refine quartz well I said I wanted solar Essence did I not so that’s good um okay yeah don’t worry I knew my energy

Is low uh we’re not using any energy on this level because this is a uh oh that little slime gave me money I saw somebody in chat say that happen to them I got 250 gold when I killed that little yellow slime well that’s cool we don’t have any money that that

250 actually counts for a lot right now for us that’s a lot thank you slime much appreciated I wonder if there’s like more expensive ones the further down you go seven bat wings I like the idea of a money slime it’s a gold slime I guess is probably the better word for

It um I must have missed a creature somewhere oh there’s a slime up there well there’s a bunch of slimes up here oh my well if we could just get to level 60 then I would feel great about today thank you one more level we can do

That yeah we’re still spring Alisa it’s uh day 14 so we’re only like halfway through spring we’re not like playing fast by any means really um I guess I could be but I’m not really so yeah those slimes were hiding was it winter 3 yeah but he

Sleeps a lot like he he’s a speedrunner so I’m playing like the full day and making the most out of the full day um he’ll just go to sleep really early and like speed through a lot of days in game um it’s kind of a again it’s like a

Speedrunning tactic it’s a different way of playing um and he’s also like trying to speedrun Perfection and he’s trying to probably like play through all the update in one day you know um but he’s a speedrunner so that would be why um there’s a speedrunner called the haboo maybe my mods can link

His channel in the chat for you um oh thank you little tiny Crystal dagger thing four out of 10 ooh mine’s better all right I might head out of here then cuz we don’t really need to be in the mines on this day um how do you get carrots I found

Them I found some from Little dig spots I haven’t in a while in like a week in game but I found some from some little dig spots and then I also got some from completing you know you get those little tasks like Penny wants a gold bar I’m

Not GNA look at that for her but you get those little tasks when you do three you get a ticket and then you can use that ticket this little machine in Louis’s house now and that gave me like 12 kot seeds as well so I got some extra from that

Um I think the carrot seeds may also drop in the mine I could be wrong about that but I think so I haven’t gotten any in there but some people have found them from crates in the mines I think we’re all kind of learning together so um it’s a an

Experiment group experiment okay put all of that away save those I’m going to need that thing too do I have 10 yeah I do have 10 bat wings now okay so that’s for the community center that’s one thing done uh um refined quartz put all of those I supposedly

Need that for the community center okay let me grab one of these keep making those okay let’s go to bed I don’t know if the fruit Batcave also comes with a dehydrator I’m not really sure about that it might but I’m not 100% sure um

I know for a fact that the mushroom cave comes with a dehydrator Spirits are annoyed today I keep grabbing that by accident um you know what I might do is scoot this down just a bit so it’s less in my way but you can also dehydrate the fruit

So I my assumption would be yes to that so I got my blue Jazz cuz we have a Garden bundle I need blue Jazz for it so I just planted one of those only we have that for the community center too now okay um just getting started as a

Gardener most crops only grow in one season yeah I know sadly unfortunately that is true all right well let’s go through and water all of these which will be actually quite stressful um I have one more potato seed I can plant I think I’ll put that

There I won’t water the or I won’t plant extra ones in the places where I harvest them I don’t think strawberry thanks for the N9 months hey Ur in luck I’ve planted about a million strawberry seeds today we’re kind of uh thriving there actually okay so maybe our goal goal

Today should also be to go back to the mines and just try and get some more um Iron because we’re trying to get as much iron as possible so that we can make more sprinklers yeah has anyone figured out how to get a hat off of cats

Um I don’t know sometimes you could do it when you have to like click on the horse right I don’t know how you pull the hat off of the cats you might have to replace it with a different hat I’m not really sure is Julian streaming stardo for the first time oh that’s

Cool I hope he’s having fun um I think I would be quite overwhelmed playing a highly anticipated update today as like my first time playing stardew on stream cuz there’s so many people that know so much about the game I think I’d be a little bit intimidated if I had never

Played before so that is brave of him I’m impressed that he’s able to do that um okay put that back um I may keep these eggs on me for a little bit of extra energy right oh this River jelly gives us a plus 30 max energy for 7

Minutes I don’t really want to eat that yet though um let’s just go to the mines like this we’ll get a we’ll get a move on you just joined the stream and saw that I have the trash CH the trash hat and then you checked the trash for the

Day and you got a trash hat as well that’s so funny it sounds like a few people in chat have gotten lucky with the trash hat like that today um I was really excited about it when I got the trash hat so I’m glad that you got yours too it’s Berry time

We need money so this is good or we need food sorry um okay we’ll grab all these sorry to go back into the mines chat I’m just trying to get as far down as we can and make as much progress as possible kind of

Um so I want to go back again see if we can get further yeah I wonder if he changed the Rarity of the trash hat cuz we have seen a bunch so minees are fun okay good okay good I as we say I yearn for the

Mines um okay let me kill these guys I’d like to get enough to make a gold bar cuz oh thank you um I’m going to take the the good stuff like iron and then we’ll head out what was the other thing let me look at the boiler

Room we need to grab more cuz of course I sold a bunch of these so I don’t have any more we have solar Essence we have the 10 bat wings that’s easy and done um we just need a gold bar for that too so we can get further down but we’re

Kind of on the lookout for some of those um gemstones chat cuz I sold mine if I had known they were going to be in the bundle I wouldn’t have done it we remixed the bundles so I didn’t know um yeah clothing drops have absolutely

Increased we um I I don’t think you used to get clothes or Furniture in like drops from the little chest things in the mines ever and now people do which is pretty fun so um we’re we’re getting some more things this way oh thank you down

Again um how do you get clay you have to dig around in the the like little ground spots it’s kind of annoying truthfully um and uh you get like kind of Lucky sometimes when you’re digging like maybe when you’re like hoing spots on the ground for your um for your plants maybe

When you’re like picking up little artifact dig spots um you can get some of the mines too if you’re looking around you can also get cave carrots in the mines if you’re hoing the ground so might be worth trying but okay I’m trying to kill the slimes I

Think he changed the clay Farm farming that people were doing the mining pattern of it so I don’t really know what the tips are these days um dud thanks for the 26 months um okay we’re already 64 oh we might have some good stuff in those little boxes

Over there we’ll see what we can find ladder down below oh yeah there’s one right there oh good well we’ll head over this way I’ll kill these little guys on my way um cuz they drop coal which I want oh got another one and I will break these in case we

Get anything good cave carrots that’s food I need that the grid has been changed ah I see yeah some the speedrunners are going to have to do some experimenting now um to see if they can figure out like how of it’s going to work which should be

Interesting for them um okay I have heard about the new door about the sewer Outlet yeah Nick um I have heard about that one yeah I like that it tells you when you level up too it’s really it’s really helpful that it kind of warns you I’m I’m liking that as

Well okay wonder if the books are too late game to affect speedr running I don’t know you’d be surprised it it depends I guess what they’re trying to do I’ll I’ll be curious to see how they use it in speeduns um now they have all these new

Things all of your follow channels are playing sty right now yeah we are all playing this everybody’s been like really counting it down uh until it comes out um okay well I’ll just eat all of these little salmon berries then this is an unlucky level I want to try and get to 70

So yeah there’s a new spot behind jojamart um that’s where the book seller comes we we saw him a couple days ago he’s we didn’t buy any books cuz they were too expensive but um that is where the book seller comes and they had some pretty good

Books like that affect speed and stuff so obviously eventually um once we have some more money we’ll be able to pay for some of those things we just don’t have any money like that right now some of them are like 20,000 and obviously I have uh 464

So I cannot be buying any of those fancy books yet I’m not really in the market for those uh they’re like kind of like enchanted books almost which is cool okay how much iron have we gotten today let me put that up um guys this isn’t important question I

Saw Christine said that Dan is in the mines What level in the mines is Dan asking for a friend oh feeling exhausted just just curious It’s all no reason or anything just wondering um yeah coral island is quite similar to stardy Valley it’s um it’s

Got a lot of different um and cool like Festival mechanics and stuff but and its core they’re quite similar games they’re also both very similar to harvest moon so um it’s a farming game so there’s really only so much that you can do but yeah coral island is if you’ve only

Played coral island you’d probably um like this I think the book seller comes next oh there’s a gem on the left side oh my God I’m stupid I lost it I went down um the book seller comes back on the 21st I’m pretty sure let me just do

A quick little lap oh there’s a diamond that’s good um we made up for it right I’ll do a quick little lap and see if we get any other gems on this level just in case probably not yeah I’ll head out unless I wanted to grab these D just got to 50

Oh yikes that’s embarrassing for him sorry that was mean I’m not trying to make fun of Dan someone in chat he tried to one up me with the um well that was good he tried to one up me with the um egg hunt so all I’m saying is he’s not even close

To me in the mines oh that’s our level thank you I got some topaz too me on level 9 well that’s embarrassing Dan we got an extra magnet ring let me eat um some of my little snacks oh Bella you got so lucky I’m actually jealous that mine are not

Called shrimp and Tiny by default that would have been so cool if I had gotten that those are my cat’s names why just die go away do you think we can make it to 75 serious question do you think we can handle it I have let me put some stuff

Upstairs I’m worried about how much food we have for the most part that’s like the main concern right now on my mind we don’t really have that much but we could probably do it okay skeletons hello time for you to die we’ll see if you can drop me a

Little ladder too while we’re at it I did not turn on remixed mine rewards no I turned on remixed Community bundles but not remixed mine rewards I don’t really like playing with remixed mine rewards um and I’m not playing with any mods today no I don’t have any mods

I’m going to focus on killing um as like a first step yeah cuz they might drop ladders when you kill them and then it saves energy so we’ll try that please don’t throw bones at me that’s like actually messed up to be honest okay okay you need your modded chest anywhere

Stuff cuz you can’t remember where you put stuff that makes sense I can see that I can see that I don’t really play with any starting mods um I did we did a modded save like the last save that I was playing on stream which I’ll come back

To I just want to play this on the new map unmodded um but we were playing with the expanded mod for the first time and I grabbed a couple of other ones I grabbed like a walk through trell mod um I grabbed I’ll I want to get this really

Quick I grabbed uh the like seasonal outfits change mod as well which now they have winter outfits just in the game but I got a couple things when I was playing um expanded so I always feel like really out of my element trying to download starting mods

Cuz look I’m like a little Sims mod uh Stan little Sims mod girly you know um but I don’t know a lot about starting mods and like sppy and all this stuff cuz I don’t really play modded and I haven’t for so long um and so uh I I

Feel very like oh I don’t know what I’m doing when I install it so okay that’s aquamarine we’ve got a bunch of the stuff that we need for the community center we might be almost there I just need some more gold now but we should be able to get that tomorrow

Once we get a little bit further down you’re CC shopping right now nice solid Choice um okay yeah start is pretty easy to mod um it’s not difficult uh it’s just different than the Sims so therefore I feel like I’m not good at it you know okay I think we have one piece

Piece of gold in the chest at the top of the mines I just have to get through like one more level I’m not going to make it to 80 but if we can make it to 75 that is a start what is aged row and row oh you’re

Going to have to get one of the little fish ponds you might want to look on the wiki for some help about the row it might make more sense to you um you were trying of mod Minecraft and you were shocked when it wasn’t as

Easy as The Sims oh yeah when I had to install Minecraft mods I played on like a hardcore oh I need that I played on like a hardcore server with um some people in the Minecraft Community like my friend Scott and them a little bit

Ago um and I had to like get the mods that they were using for the server cuz they had a couple like I mean it was like things for like talking to each other and stuff um so I had to get what

They had and I was so oh I put an egg in there I would have had more food um I was so embarrassed I felt like I had no idea what I was doing um yeah I’ll probably leave those all right let’s go back home yeah but you use like a launcher in

Minecraft and even then I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing but I managed to make it work and I was I didn’t want to ask Scott no one tell my friend Scott about this but I didn’t want to ask Scott for help with installing them because I didn’t want

Him to think that I was like bad at Minecraft um so I oh I got some more seeds so I didn’t tell him I never told Scott that I was uh having difficulty getting it to work but I made it work on my own and it was great Alex disco thank

You for the subs but that’s a secret no one tell him okay I’m going to leave that there I guess I’ll get it tomorrow but you are bad at Minecraft shut up Brew no I’m not you don’t know anything boo anyway they had like a it was like a

Proximity voice chat mod um and a couple things like that so that’s what I mean when I was saying like I don’t know what I’m doing with this it was stuff like that um okay I shall donate that I guess I could plant that carrot now yeah oh it’s 1:00 a.m. oops

Um let me water it CU it only grows in spring so you’re very good at making pretty things in Minecraft no actually Brew um I think that you’re mistaken I don’t know how to build in Minecraft that well at all um I do think that I’m not terrible at playing Minecraft so

There level three combat thank you level four mining thank you okay um fortune teller the spirits are very displeased today oh boy evil oh I need to make another scarecrow I knew that I did but I was putting it off embarrassing wood coal fiber wood coal

Fiber well look that’s one less thing to water that’s all I’m going to say that was one of my strawberries that’s bad you turn on keep inventory not always only sometimes and I am firmly of the opinion that Minecraft is more fun with keep inventory

On if I’m going to die and lose my stuff I’m going to want to quit the game like let’s think about this logically okay um oh it’s because I have a coffee bean over here Ryan that’s why I I have the Scarecrow where it is cu I’ve got a

Coffee bean kind of far away um Pierre store is now selling fertilizers okay um but I want Minecraft to be fun so keep inventory is not fun it’ll result in me crying and then wanting to never play again and that’s not nobody wants that like that’s a problem

Um okay we’re just going to get through all these I’m going to go back to the mines again I’m going to see if I can get my gold I think my goal today is maybe to unlock the mine carts before I end stream cuz we are like close to

Getting there so we can try it uh Alexia thanks for the 34 months I really appreciate that um oh snowy I’m so sorry look at least this weekend you have all day you can play as much as you want this weekend you see that’s the spirit you’re being really brave and you

You’ll make it through okay let me leave that in there I might also uh on my way out I may make a couple of those all right let me get is that an uh let me steal one of those eggs I’m planning on eating a lot of these eggs I

Think like we had talked about so I’ll bring that all with me let’s go again shall we um Tess so when it says it’s harder to grow crops on the new Farm layout it means that there’s not as much space like as much uh land that is suitable

For planting crops on so that’s kind of what it’s talking about well I guess we don’t have to go into the mines today we can try and work on foraging because it’s a bad luck day but I don’t really want to I want to go into the mines cuz I like the

Mines so I kind of want to do it anyway okay save that I’ll bring like pretty much all this food with me the next book day is until the 21st it’s a few days away um so we have we’re not quite there yet yearn for those mines you’re so right you’re so

Right hey Tori thanks for coming by it’s good to see you thank you for the 41 month resup oh my goodness um okay oh you don’t mind the mines on bad luck days cuz you get more XP from monsters that’s true it’s helpful to level up this way it’s a good way of

Looking at it see die oh good I’m going to get this iron I I know we’re going to need as much iron as possible so you’re already on level 75 well we’ve been really grinding the mines we’ve been really grinding the mines um and I’m I mean I

Know a thing or two about the mines I guess so don’t don’t like look at how I play this game and think that you’re bad at it okay I’m not even like the best at stardy Valley but I do have some speedrun experience with stardy Valley which really helps like I’ve I’ve

Learned some like strategies and I’ve played this game a lot so I I really I know like method you know um so that’s working in my favor so don’t don’t compare yourself to like how you know a lot of the streamers that are playing stard War doing right

Now cuz they’ve got a lot of practice die thank you I shall get my iron from this this has been a better day actually not that bad we’re going to get into the 80s I can start getting my gold we want for the boiler room I have

A diamond I have a topaz and I have an aquamarine so we just need two more Emerald Ruby or amethyst and then the gold bar obviously oh here we go um here we go let me see let me put my fir Walker boots on I’m going to put

Some of this stuff upstairs too to save it um I’ll leave the extra boots and a lot of these things mostly I’ll just bring food with me and we’ll go down there it’s only 12:30 we got loads of time okay y thanks for the 1913 sub two

All right down we go on to 80 these are going to be a little bit more unpleasant we finally got enough gold though I think just those extra two pieces was plenty for us to make the stuff that we need for our um Community Center bundle so now we’re just mostly

Looking for obviously gold if we need more of it but then um various Little Gems and stuff will be a help to us um oh I don’t need the Jade I don’t think yeah we read the patch notes so we did know we could move our house

Anywhere on the farm um we’re pretty excited about the ability of moving our house it’ll be cool we obviously haven’t tried it yet but um we’re looking forward to that hello little one uhoh Christine’s playing stardy Valley she’s finally got time to play I just got a notification on Ste

That Mrs tomato started playing I’ve been having fun with that today because all of my steam friends have been opening stardy Valley all day everybody’s been playing it’s kind of cute um and down we go I think I’d like to get to 90 if we

Can but I don’t know if that’s going to work out for us oh please don’t hurt me please don’t hurt me I’m weak I’m weak I’m weak stay away oh my stay back okay that’s our first ever Fire Quartz too yeah cherry tomato probably went to bed finally so Christine’s able to

Play I know she’s been jealous watching the stream today so I’m excited for her oh my goodness okay um eat that try and fix our energy just a bit okay and down to 84 please she did now she needs to stay there yeah that would be ideal wouldn’t it I wish you luck

Christine I want my diamond I want my diamond please don’t hurt me please don’t hurt me oh God it’s time for you to die okay thank you inventory full again oh my goodness trash that sap eat this at 85 we can go up and put stuff away which will be

Good uh Chief thank you for the resub thank you so much maybe I should try and kill the rest of these little guys not having good luck with the like amethyst and stuff spawns today which I was kind of hoping for but it’s okay now I’m like mad at myself for um

Not keeping it and selling it instead it’s okay 85 all right I’m going to go up and I’m going to put a lot of the stuff that I can inside of this chest just to keep it you know safekeeping we have a little bit of food left we can get to 90 I

Believe I’m curious uh how many of you are also playing and what level uh if you started fresh today what level in the mines are you let’s discuss I’d like to know 20 14 oh 35 15 okay maybe I’ve been grinding the mines a bit more than and

Some maybe I’ve really been mining oh gold bar that’s good I don’t have to make it then that is really good actually I cannot get to you yet but it depends what day you are I’m I’m spring 16 So and I’ve been pretty much only mining you focus on fishing yeah you

Probably fish a lot more than I have um okay I think we can get down there to 90 if we try hard enough I should have stayed on that level and got the little boxes but I didn’t oh my God stop I need to like make sure I’m facing the right

Way when I try and hit these things like jeez Kayla oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I don’t know if we can stay down here long enough I don’t have enough

Food to get my energy up I only have bad food left um okay just run hit that and then run I was just going to see if I could get some cave carrots we have to be extremely cautious in the mines today okay just a couple more

Levels yeah I meant to say health I said energy but I knew what I was trying to talk about I thought to myself you said the wrong thing Caleb but I was hoping nobody was going to comment on it it’s my health that’s the problem not my energy

Um I misspoke and I was hoping nobody was going to notice it’s okay um I have I enough reason to like grab some more of this now yeah I just cannot let them touch me is really the issue uh it’s a garbage can hat Ally thank you for asking we can also

Probably turn slow mode off at this point now that the chat’s kind of calmed down a little bit um okay a ruby I needed that oh that’s good it’s behind my face cam kind of but there’s a ruby over there cat thanks for the 12 months I really appreciate that

Okay let’s just hope that we get lucky without having to get near that guy you walked out of your room to find your dad playing stardum oh that’s really fun that’s pretty cool does your dad play a lot of games oh my God this level is

Hard is there a big learning curve for this game um there’s a there’s a decent learning curve in this game honestly when you first start playing the wiki is going to be your friend um which not everybody likes um but the information is out there and like easily accessible

It’s you just got to be like prepared that you will be using the wiki a fair bit um when you first start so as long as you’re ready um yeah it’s it’s kind of um hard to know where to find everything at first cuz at first you have have no idea

What you’re doing and that’s kind of by Design I mean like I don’t think concern Dave wants you to be speedrunning it like a lot of people do um I mean he likes it but like that’s not the intended experience for the average player you know um so don’t like compare

Yourself to that it’s okay to like take a while and play it slow there is a lot of stuff late game that you’ll probably think is really cool but you you can like give yourself time to get there you know oh jeez oh no oh bad news bad

News bad news I don’t I don’t want the little bats to get me oh thank God okay I was going to say we can’t afford I can’t afford all this I don’t have enough energy for that more carrot seeds oh good more iron

Okay okay okay okay go go go go go go go go we made it I got the obsidian Edge we’re doing all right there why didn’t make need to destroy that all right deep breath deep breath chat we’re doing okay we can leave that in there um I will probably take back with

Me a lot of the Necessities what can I leave behind I might leave some of that food um I’d like to bring like some of that stuff this would be also helpful to have maybe leave the cave carrot I have iron I can bring okay that should be enough we can

Get the rest of that next time we come back all right I’m thinking I will play maybe like one more day cuz we should have enough stuff now to finish the community center bundle and get the mine carts unlocked um and then I’ll probably get off I have been live for like six

Hours so I should probably go eat dinner I am going to be live tomorrow morning playing stardew um I will be here in the morning so if you’re going to be around tomorrow morning uh I’ll be live I can’t stream in the afternoon tomorrow annoyingly um cuz I I’m meeting with get

This and a state attorney to finish signing documents for my will and power of attorney oh cringe but I booked that like a month ago um so I didn’t know this was going to be happening when I booked it but it is what it is um so I’m

Doing that tomorrow afternoon but I’ll be live until then so kind of ick actually when you think about it um okay put those in there I want to keep a lot of that stuff too oh no not that not that save that um take that put all of those away okay let’s go

To bed oh we actually have loads of energy oh we have time maybe I’ll chop some trees while we’re here then um yeah I’ll be live in the morning so I’ll be live until about noon I usually stream at 9: a.m. eastern time um so I’ll be here for a few hours

Tomorrow yeah we got the trash hat Allison we were kind of thriving with that one we were all very excited U we got kind of lucky we got it pretty quickly um no it’s not morbid to to be prepared you know it’s it’s good to be prepared for a worst case scenario

So you got the big tree Quest brw wait are you playing in your like late your later game save right is that how you got it cuz you’re in that later game save it’s winter year 1 though oh okay that’s not that bad then okay I don’t

Know if I want to hear about it I might wait until I get to it that’s pretty good that it’s good to know that it’s not that far away you know okay I’ll chop this tree last probably um we needed the extra wood so good okay last day

Tomorrow and then we’ll stop playing sorry to ditch you all but I have been life for a while one more day one more day okay and to sleep for the night please oh level five five mining um I think I want GE geologist but let me

Know what you all think let me message Jan real quick um okay geologist yes chance for gems to appear in Pais over getting extra ore you always do minor yeah I guess Miner minor would help us right now with our quest to getting um all of the extra

Sprinklers but geologist is probably a better choice long term but you know what I think I picked geologist in my last save I’m going to pick minor I’m going to pick minor this time around it might be a wor choice but sometimes it’s fun to switch it up um

Okay I already got my coal slot recipe so I don’t need that the spirits are very displeased today that’s no good all right so let me make myself maybe I’ll make another gold bar just while we’re here waiting and then I shall start collecting all of

These or watering all of these yeah I guess you can change it later on if we wanted to that’s true you make a good point oh I cannot wait until summertime when we have a reason to like redo all of this and make it a little bit cleaner and nicer

Inside cuz it is a it is a mess out here I can’t wait to like organize it better you’re having a sweet potato for dinner oh nice I don’t know what me and Dan are going to make for dinner I haven’t really thought about it yet uh maybe we’ll end up ordering

Dinner it’s basically a holiday today given the stardew update has come out so in my humble opinion that means that you have plenty of excuse to order dinner right that’s how that works right you felt the same way so you ordered dinner that’s so funny it’s basically a holiday chat come

On okay I think I might plant these extra carrots just while we still can cuz it is um they only grow in spring so we may as well do that now um and I think I will save those eggs in case I want to use them as food

Later on our next step is to go through and grab um stuff that we’re taking to the community center so that includes all of those things okay let’s see what we can do with that yeah we have the community center and then also we have to go out to the um

We’ll go talk to what’s his face the Gunther in the museum maybe I’ll open my goess as well is it your lighting better now the game has better lighting that’s one of the big things that he changed in the update today um so you’re not imagining that the game does like actually have

Better lighting now they did improve that Molina the update is not out on switch yet he said something about how he submitted it for approval to the consoles but um there’s not quite news yet about when it will be available on Console so we’re still kind of waiting

There um it can take like a couple weeks at times refine cords for Louis I can do that um so we’re we’re kind of waiting on news about console it will come out on Console um the bus stop before Jen had black bars on the side like the image wasn’t

Big enough to be on like widescreen computers like mine if you’ve watched my streams before when I play stardo you might have seen the black bars at the bus stop but he fixed it so there’s not black bars anymore um so it’s not on Xbox the up

Update’s not out on Xbox yet no um the update will be but it is not yet oh I was going to go to the community center first before I did all this o I’m going to do that first actually because I don’t want to accidentally put something in the museum

That I need for the community center I’m prioritizing the community center um okay up and then over to the thingy we’re getting some more of the the little bushes so it’s probably good for us to go around and do some foraging today it’s a good use of our time we need

Food it’s it’s not quite the end of spring we are later in Spring though we’re on the 17th it ends on the 28th can somebody buying on Steam yeah I’m I’m not a big console gamer so I’ve never played this game on Console truthfully um one two oh God

Three four oh I still don’t have it I thought I had enough oh no that is rough that is rough I got an extra furnace I do have stuff for this adventurers Guild I got a small magnet ring I don’t need that I have a big magnet ring

Already and maybe we’ll get one in a geode it’s it’s possible that we could get one in a geode wish us luck we can see the bulletin board now too fod bundle wheat hay and apples GH homecook egg milk and wheat flour ooh Spirits Eve bundle jacalan turned corn and bat wings

Who uh foragers bundle we need salmon berry BlackBerry and Wild Plum okay well that’s good we we can start looking for those now ancient doll ice cream cookies and salmon Berry for children’s bundle yes we’ve got the remixed see remixed bundles that’s not the like default standard ones um I’ve not seen

The spirits Eve bundle yet that’s new to me um yeah I’ve played stardo a little bit on my switch on airplane Spina but not really I’ve barely made it far on stardew on my switch I’m very much a PC Gamer across all my things I I pretty

Much honestly and I’m not kidding I pretty much honestly only play Animal Crossing on my switch um I’ve always been more of a PC person for games um but I don’t know oh I meant to put this blue jazz in there I guess I’m hoping to go back so it’s fine process

Geod fingers crossed we get something that we need something good ooh aridium ore no no no oh more already more no no it’s okay I can handle it I’m fine I need like one I need just an it’s an emerald or a what is it that I

Need oh I got the Vault unlocked too emeralds or an amethyst that isn’t even that hard to get I haven’t found a single Emerald yet though it looks like so that’s something to consider okay guys I’m back I won the egg hunt nice I’m glad you did that’s a relief

Um okay well I guess we probably won’t get the stuff that we need let’s just run around today maybe I’ll sell a couple of these things back to Clint but let’s run around today and do some uh foraging I guess I think I shall sell you my aquamarine

Uh Sandra we were just telling chat I think I’m going to get off stream after this day in game um so I’ll be live probably a total of like 6 hours today um so I’ll probably get off in like 10 minutes is depends how the the day goes we shall see Hello

Elliot nice to meet you or just talk to you Can you steal the with this I could go into the mines again but I’m not really feeling very miny right now so do I need that I already got those do I need that one yes okay um I’m not really feeling up to

Going back in again we’ll just finish the day and then call it probably I think that’s my plan um let me see if anything Goods in here and then I might go back to the farm and go around the lake from up here because I want to put some stuff away

I’ve got too much hey Mara welcome in it’s good to see you hopefully you had a good day too we’ve been having a lot of fun playing this today like genuinely so much fun playing stardy today it has been making my day um all right back to the farm let me

Put in this chest that’s for the community center and so is that oyster um I do not need this Jade anymore but I might keep that in here just in case I want some later on and maybe I will turn oops maybe I will turn this trash into something okay furnace

Furnace well that’s pretty good we’ve got a bunch inside the house we don’t really have a lot of walls space for this thing um we already have stuff on the walls in there but I guess I can put that in one of these random chests just leave those there for now

And then I shall sell those okay let’s go around and forage yes that is a good final plan you’ve passed out the last four days in game have you really that’s actually quite funny that you did um than are not looking up for your character are

They yeah stard is on sale right now yeah because of the um because of the big uh spring sale stard on sale for $112 this game is this is the most worth the money game I have ever encountered and I mean that so wholeheartedly like stardy Valley is so good for the price

Um and this like what he added in this update today honestly if he wanted to he could have made DLC out of the last two updates and he didn’t like it’s the the the the price of stardy Valley for what you get is so amazing like I have I have like 800

Hours in stardy Valley I it’s been so worth it I bought this game for $10 in like 2016 on sale or my mom bought this game for like $10 in 2016 on sale and it’s been so worth it for me I really have gotten so much out of it it’s so

Fun um cannot recommend enough truly um okay grabs almost all of that should we go down this way too see if there’s any more we got 24 of these I need how many there’s I need 50 for the one bundle and then 10 more for the kids

Bundle I don’t know if that’s going to work out for us but we can see we don’t actually need the 50 if it’s probably best if we use the 10 but there are alternatives cuz we could use the plums and the other berries if we need to so there’s a rainbow what

Where oh wait there’s a pot of gold I got a leprechaun hat what the heck what I’ve never seen obviously that’s new we just got like 250 gold and a leprechaun hat from that rainbow that must also be new cuz I know that he added a bunch of other

Hats well happy St Patrick’s Day everybody that’s really funny um I yeah that’s really cool it’s spring 17 oh do you think that that’s on purpose that might be a coincidence but it’s the 17th in game oh that’s really cool I’ll wear it around that would make sense to me I

Think well look at that little maybe I’ll take a screenshot of that hold on I should have gotten a picture with the pot of gold that would have been cool wait I love that well now we know you should all check when you get to the

17th in your game you should check for that so that you can see it just in case cuz you never know it might be worth it they might get some good stuff okay um I don’t know if we have any oh we do have some more down here okay good

Oh and there’s some more spring onions we can save those up too nice I don’t think that we’re going to get enough of the berries to be able to do all 50 of them which is sad I would have liked it but I’ll go everywhere and check you’re

On the 15th and there’s no rainbow oo we’ll have to check on the 17th I I mean it’s possible that it was just a coincidence and like I got lucky and I had a random rainbow event but it makes sense to me that it is because it’s the

17th oh worm’s on the left near the water oh okay we’re looking for wormies by the water oh thank you oh wow two pieces of stone you got it on the 17th it happened to you on 17th okay so it sounds like it is a 17th thing there is a rainbow down

There on the 17th and there’s like a pot of gold and a leprechaun hat next to it so that sounds like it’s just a thing that happens um which is cool now we know okay I missed a couple more of these down here so I’ll come

Grab these I think otherwise I got all of them already but I’ll grab these quick and then we can go back it’s only eight oh I missed this one too maybe we will get all 50 that we need I think I’ve got all the ones down there we have

43 it’s down by the Hat seller the door yeah everybody keeps talking about the door I don’t know know if we can go in there yet though no this is day three of the salmon berries already so that’s why I’m like starting to think that maybe we our luck has run out and

We’re out of um salmon berries cuz it’s already day three um think you need all five masteries to get in yeah it sounds like you need a lot to get into there I’m going to go up I don’t know if I got all of the berries from around the top up

There and there might be some near the bus tunnel too I don’t think I went back to get those uhoh oh here’s one oh my gosh we need 50 this is painful there’s one more over here that I missed I know that for a fact and we haven’t been up by the mines

Yet today either I missed some back there oh where was it there was berries in the bush close to Sam’s oh really down left oh like way down in the alley by Sam’s oh okay probably should have gotten those on our way back to bed that’s okay oh here we

Go okay 46 that’s not that bad we might be okay I think we might be manage with all this we haven’t looked over by jojamart either oh my God it’s the last day for them too isn’t it this is terrible oh we need 50 because there’s a bundle

And we need 50 for the bundle I’m going to go up by the mines you thought 18th was the last day oh are they there tomorrow too oh well if spring 18 has salmon berries then we have no problem I thought it was the 17th that was the last

Day well then we have no issues sorry everybody to make you all Panic sounds like we’ve gotten another day so we have actually nothing to worry about well maybe I can still get them today that’s 47 no I’ll just finish getting them tomorrow then oh

48 we’re going to need 10 more for the children’s bundle so ideally we’d get 60 but we’re not really close to that yet oh prehistoric handaxe okay just like the wiki it is the 18th okay well there you go so we do have more time then so I think on that note

This is actually really good timing cuz the day is ending um I’m probably going to get off stream here now um I I streamed a lot more today than I normally do and it was really fun but if we’re being honest I probably should go

And eat dinner and stuff so I I probably should ditch you all um just to just to be practical about all this um I will leave the salmon berries in my inventory so I remember tomorrow but I’ll be here tomorrow um and we’ll play some more stardew uh I’m

Live in the morning usually on Wednesdays so I’ll be here in the morning Moss soup um I’ll be here in the morning um from like 9:00 a.m. until like noon probably um is the plan for tomorrow’s stream and then I’ll post the video on my second Channel more simsy when I am

Done um so you can you can catch back up there thank you all for hanging out hopefully you had a wonderful night tonight um and you uh maybe had some fun playing stardew it was really fun like being live and counting down until the update came out together I really liked

That um so hopefully you enjoyed it as well and I think now I’m going to go and find someone to raid who is maybe also playing stardew I know a bunch of my friends um there’s a lot of friends of mine that are doing um some like uh

Perfection runs but also doing some like Co-op stuff actually saying that we’ve been talking about Habu um he is another streamer he is a speed runner in stardo so it’s like a totally different vibe um when you watch his stream it’s it’s a very different way of playing stardew

Valley um but I might go over there and show you just so that you can see um because you might really be impressed by this you might think it’s pretty cool um you can you can get like a a whole new mindset for like the tactics of playing

Stardew and speedrunning it umu was on my team when we did the stardew valley tournament that we won a while back and he’s in Winter already um so he’s way ahead of us he’s way way way past us now U but go over and say hello to him for

Me I don’t know how long he’ll be live for cuz he has been live for like 9 hours but he’s a big stard stand so he probably will be here for a while um and I will catch you all tomorrow we’ll play some more in the morning yeah okay yeah

From Spring but it’s because when they speedrun they sleep a lot like they sleep early a lot um just because then they can like progress faster um it’s a totally seriously it’s a very different progress method like you play the game a totally different way um but

Let’s go over and say hello and I will catch you all in the morning okay thank you for hanging out I’ll see you all later okay bye by

Playing the new Stardew Valley update!

Full patch notes:

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