I Survived 100 Days of PARKOUR CIVILIZATION in Minecraft

This is parkour civilization and I’m trapped here for the next 100 days can I defeat the parkour Pros before they destroy the world starting on day one where I spawned as a parkour no rise and shine parkour time H where am I why can’t I Sprint it’s because I have no

Hunger one what’s going on with the outside huh why does the whole world look like this no I recognize that this is Evo’s parkour civilization it’s the world where everything is controlled through parkour but how did I end up here and how did you end up here you

Must be one of the new noobs so let me tell you how this works fellas if you want food here you better jump huh but over on the right side we’ve got a two block jump that rewards you with some steak on the left we’ve got a ladder

Vertical jump wait but that’s one chicken and this is two steak bro even without hunger without Sprint jum this is a two block chop I can easily make that this is too easy excuse me talking back to the parkour professionals I will not stand for it it’s so easy I just

Make them two block SC oh well how about a four block jump then huh well I don’t even get two steak anymore are you serious hey guys it’s EO here the current parkour champion huh wait the the Evo the actual Evo the one who started this entire civilization but

Wait what are you doing here with all the noobs here let me teach you how to make this jump it’s actually really easy okay all right thank you master Evo show me what the wait that was the Evo and the next election in 100 days if ‘s dead

That means I can be the new parkour mayor and become K we can’t let him become the new parkour Champion he’s already so corrupt he’s going to ruin this whole civilization EO why did you have to die okay um we still need that rawal chicken

Though I don’t know if I can make that jump I can’t Sprint here we go oh I just grabbed it I can eat that but it just gave me one this won’t fill me up in parkour civilization noobs are only fed once a day to keep them weak if I was

Going to stop Ethan I needed full hunger so for the next few days I started saving my food just look at how much food I’ve stored up I’ve barely been moving except collect fo each I almost fell into the void and lost everything but I lost it an entire heart the only

Way I can get that heart back is by eating no I just lost two entire days of progress because of this mistake oh no I’ve got hunger okay I can’t even move while I’ve got this I just have to keep eating well at least thank goodness that

There weren’t any pros to watch me or else they would have forced me to do some sort of crazy parkour like a 360 boat clutch as punishment and on day 12 I finally had enough food to gain full hunger boy come on our daily rations you

Know the drill and in 88 days you’re going to be a dead Noob ah of course how could I possibly forget why because in the next 88 days a parkour race will take place and the winner will be crowned as the next Champion getting full control of the server if I want to

Stop Ethan I need to beat him EX there’s a tiny problem this race is only held at the pro civilization located directly above us and noobs are banned from taking part if I want to take part I have to become a pro and I figured if Pro civilization is directly above me I

Surely should just be able to Tower up I wasn’t able to dig up blocks before because I didn’t have full hunger so I wouldn’t be able to make a three block Sprint jump but now I can so for the next couple days I started collecting blocks look at how many blocks I’ve

Collected this should be enough to reach Pro civilization we just need to be super careful as we Tower I do not want to fall and lose all of our progress what do you think you’re doing Noob trash get down right now okay yes sir yes sir yes sir nothing nothing nothing

I’m sorry I’m sorry please don’t shoot again please and don’t ever step again you new I’m going back inside I’m going back inside okay Le we got an arrow turns out only parkour Pros are allowed to place blocks but then how am I supposed to climb up

To Pro civilization get back out here I didn’t say you could go inside I’m sorry I’m sorry sir I’m sorry we’ve got some punishment in stall for you please no no please give me 100 double jumps immediately 100 double jumps what if I fall of course everything’s parkour it

Makes sense even the punishment of Parkour wait Ethan come on we’re friends I mean we were can you tell me how to become a pro as if I’m going to give that information for free I don’t need any more competition in the parkour race fine hey everything’s parkour here what

If I pay you in parkour so you’ve chosen death fine do two backwards two block jumps and I’ll do a gentleman’s agreement for you two blocks backward jumps guys I’m not even able to Sprint backwards okay we have to time this so perfectly in order to make these jumps come on

This is it jump okay we made the first one here’s the second one jump oh we did it well not a bad effort I guess okay well as promised gentlemen’s agreement to be a pro one must go through the temple of Parkour a course so hard but

Only one in 100 noobs are successful you don’t stand a chance said there was a temple I mean if I can find wherever this thing is I can beat Ethan in the parkour race and become the next champion in place of esbo but the Temple of Parkour is located 200 blocks away

And if I missed even a single jump while traveling there I would be forgotten in the void so over the next few days I was very very careful parkouring towards the temple I know I could Sprint jump but that would use up more hunger and I

Already lost half my food on the way here I can’t risk it we need to save it for when we might actually need to be able to Sprint jump okay we’re almost there at the temple uh stop there sir you can’t go inside without a ticket a ticket where am I supposed to

Get a ticket from well earlier we used to have competitions where players had to parkour for the ticket but after Evo showed everyone how to do it it became way too easy so we hit the last few in the parkour farlands the the parkour farlands I have enough food or time to

Get that Ethan’s already be so far ahead he’s probably preparing to get first right now Chip don’t you understand the entire balance of civilization is is in this can’t you just give me a ticket please open up the gate yeah no I can’t do that unfortunately I would like love

To help but right now I also need to feed all the noobs wait you are the one who feeds all the noobs which means you must have a lot of food okay what about this I challenge you to a parkour Jewel excuse me dude to think that a noob like

You could even come close to my parkour skills H how about reaching that block over there H but we have to use jumping potions okay and if you lose you have to give me a key or all the food so I can go get one from the parkour fir lands or

Whatever you said yeah yeah sure whatever all right are you ready for these Potions all right all right here you go I have three of them we should now have jump boost oh my gosh guys this is going to make Landing the jump so

Much harder all right we’ll go in 3 2 1 go oh my gosh guys it’s so hard really difficult oh no okay I’m trying to get I’m slowly getting into a rhythm here guys I’m doing it but Chip’s in the lead I’m still ahead of you dude watch I

Didn’t even need to do these jumps directly I can go right over no come on come on we have no no no we dude no he’s dead he’s died and those are all those items I mean we lost a fellow Noob but a sacrifice that was worth it he dropped

So much food and is that it’s a bow there’s a bow no way noobs aren’t allowed to keep one only the wardens are it’s almost broken but at least this might be able to come in handy later I’m going hold on to this plus now we’ve got

Enough food to reach the fars I kept traveling for the next few days oh there are so many mobs at here at night oh oh there’s a skeleton there’s a skeleton no if even just one of these arrows hits me I will fall a very long way into the

Void don’t stand still don’t stand still we cannot let any of these mobs blow up hit us nothing the further I went the more challenging the parkour got surely we’re almost there I mean look the world is literally just stopped generating in random Parts making the parkour even

Harder the only time I’ve seen a glitch like this is when you’re getting near the end of the world until finally I reached the parkour farlands I was beginning to think they weren’t even a real place that I could visit and yet here I am but I have absolutely no time

To waste I need to start heading up find that ticket in parkour civilization you only have to jump forward but in the fin lands the jump are vertical something which no Noob has ever done okay we’re about halfway now I’ve been going so slowly just to make sure I

Do not stuff this up because if I don’t make it no one will be able to stop Ethan and save all the people on the server I mean even Evo himself died trying to help me I can’t let that be for nothing after a few days I finally

Reached the top a Sprint jump we’re almost there we’re almost to the top wao what is that that that doesn’t just look like random blocks that looks like a structure but nothing like I’ve ever seen in the Overworld before the pros must have built it that must be where

The ticket is check it out 128 cooked chicken equals one ticket guys that’s literally two stacks if I give them my two stacks of chicken I will not have enough food to make it back I don’t know what to do maybe there’s something in this chest go okay there’s some baked

Potato that might be enough here goes nothing Chuck in the cooked chicken did that work no no no no no please please tell me this works did it not work oh thank goodness we have ourselves the temple ticket I started heading back if I took the slightest damage I wouldn’t

Have enough food to get back and after 18 days of struggling I made it to the temple few more jumps to the temple and we’re in hold up what does that sign say no no no no no no please tell me I can still get in rest in peace chip that’s

The warden then who put that sign there it’s a bit strange but I should still be able to make it in right I mean I have the temple ticket how do we open it it’s not opening hold up there’s a lever here an assign Look Away noobs this is Secret

Tickets I think this is the where we place it maybe it just sucked it up I really hope hitting the sleer does it come on please yes this is it if I can make it to the top here I will be granted the status of Parkour Pro which

Will allow me to compete in the parkour race and take the parkour Championship from Ethan all right here we go I took my sweet time if I missed even a single will jump I’d be straight to the void I’m almost here at the checkpoint and then it’s just a little bit further to

The pro civilization we’re almost here little did I know Ethan and the other Pros were waiting to Ambush me I did it I’m here at the checkpoint all right did you really think we were going to let you be a pro that easily no no we can talk about this no

No it’s all over no I did all that for nothing wait what I’m I’m not dead what is this place where am I this is parkour prison turns out any player who falls into the void doesn’t actually die but instead becomes a prisoner here welcome to the parkour prison or some

Call it hell please follow me and don’t get stuck in the lava or you will die for real this time wait for real wait no no no no no no hey hey hey come back here how do I get back to the real world the exit’s over there in that nether

Portal but there’s a five block Gap jump so if you try and make it don’t even think about it cuz you’ll fall in the L and die it’s impossible except for the pros that have the jump boost jump boost how am I going to get jump boost I’m not

A pro what huh and as you can see over here is the beding arena Bing Arena no no no wait what a beding Arena what are you betting on what is it for in the prison come through please okay I’m sorry sir I’m coming wait are these

Other noobs like me and these parkour Pros ah next those ones didn’t even make it past the second jump I hope these three could be better dude I got four diamonds on the guy on the left come on you can make it past the second jump I

Believe what are they doing in this place apparently the parkour Pros were using noobs as entertainment but each time you beat the course you get a day off your prison sentence wait you’re telling me I just have to beat some parkour and I can get a day off my

Prison sentence that’s why everyone’s doing this even though we’re being humiliated okay well all three of us can escape all right next up the first group didn’t make it very far hopefully you guys can make it master I got five diamonds on the third guy

Oh St guys it can’t be that hard see ready jump you can do this as well we can get our prison sentence free all right come on crowny J you got this I got five diamonds on you buddy make me a rich man yes nice job Crown J wait no

Here we go here we go please fail please fail yes I’m a rich man he literally just fell no this is bad okay this is the one that Crown shade failed on the on bar Yes we made it wow I’m actually surprised that’s a day off your prison

Sentence congratulations if we keep this up guys we will be able to escape I continue doing this for the next 10 days getting closer and closer to escaping from this prison and this is day 99 the final day surely I’m out now I’m free right well here’s the thing your

Original sentence was 50 years but you’ve worked so hard and I kind of feel bad so guess what your s is actually down to 49 years and 345 days left 349 years the race is tomorrow I don’t have that much time we need we need to find

Another way got to find another way out of this prison starting in wait the parkour race no no no they’re all up there that must mean it’s day 100 the parkour race is taking place right now oh no no no we need to do something before Ethan or one of these other

Corrupt Pros become the champion that means I have to be able to do the five block jump how though how we don’t have jump boost like the pros do the five block jump is theoretically impossible but I mean that is just a theory we’ve got a crafting table up here they’ve got

They’ve all left us behind which means surely we can do something without being caught we have the bow if we could if we could jump and somehow shoot ourselves across but I can’t shoot myself with that much accuracy I’ve only got two arrows and one bow and if I fall I’m

Done for how can I make it 100% oh I have an idea I have an idea I know I know what to do crafting table we should be able to make it dispens even though the bow is damaged here and we can make ourselves a lever to activate it

Ourselves oh this was Big Brain but we only get one shot of this it is All or Nothing put the Redstone all the way here ala in goes our Arrow okay there’s no Pros around me to see me do this here goes nothing we’re going to Sprint and

Hit the lever please jump yes it hit me I’m over okay no time to waste we got to go we got to go we got to go pro civilization this is it we’re here wait guys they have already started the race they’re already moving up and they all

Have jump boost wait surely if I join the race I’ll get jump boost as well yes I do that’s what the pressure plates were for jump oh my gosh but jump boost doesn’t exactly make things easier yes I can jump higher but it’s way harder to land oh they’re beginning to fall they’re

Beginning to fall down which means I actually might have a shot of this we need to skip as many jumps as we possibly can those things are moving if we get on them that will give us a crazy advantage on we go now that is the height we need baby

Oh that was so dangerous the head jump no another person died this this is it that’s the top there die trash I am the king now no no no no Ethan stop that isn’t fair you’re not going to become the parkour champion this way oh and who’s

Going to stop me a noob like you I’m surprised you even made it this far unfortunately your journey ends here no no no no get back get back come come on come on come on please please wait I’m falling no stop no I meant to be take the L Bo that’s it how

The turn turn tables have turned but what’s waiting for us at the top what did Evo leave behind command block grants administrator I can’t believe it and a book what is this/ reset parkour civilization this is what we want we want the reset parkour this can change the world back to how it

Was we can finally get rid of whatever happened to the ey server so if I click this button I’m now in creative mode I now have the ability to run commands yes this is it we can finally get normal Minecraft back reset parkour civilization in 3 2 1 wait what’s going

On why can’t I see anything wait why is it back to day one let’s go rise and shine it’s ration day what huh huh wait but but I killed you I Ethan how are you back no no no I’m back here again I’ve got nothing you knew or something quit

Staring you must be a noob so let me tell you how it works around fell if you want food you better J no no no no no this is some awful Deja Vu I’ve been through this already what’s happening what is a day one when I said

Reset the world I didn’t think about this thank you to all of these guys for making today’s video possible you’re my new favorite ey Mega fans if you want a shout out just click the join button below this video scroll down and click ey Mega fan

Challenging Myself to SURVIVE Minecraft History of Parkour Civilization in Minecraft Hardcore! Will we Stay ALIVE?!

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💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


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