Minecraft but From NOBODY to FAMOUS…

This is Minecraft but from nobody to famous today we’re becoming the most famous player in Minecraft from living in a box to becoming mayor to becoming a rockstar celebrity my goals to get as many fans as possible but getting people’s attention isn’t very easy so

What will my first steps to fame be stay tuned to find out well today we’re nobody with zero fans and we’re in the nobody City but when that fans number goes all the way up to 1 million we can perform at the stadium for now though we

Got to make a band first uh do you want to join my band Hello Panda doesn’t want to talk oh okay fine guess he doesn’t want to join my band and to make a band we got to go to the talent Studio let’s change our Lives real quick by going in

Here in Deal join now for a free Emerald I mean it’s a start let me join give me that Emerald talent manager you’re hired oh give me a piece of paper what’s this it says Fame checklist okay what do we got to do here right click to start your

Climb to fame oh wait so do I just sign the contract with this guy I mean if it’s going to get our fans up let’s right click this and step one introduce yourself talk to the others around you all right let’s start with the panda

Again would you like to join a band with me Panda does want to talk still what if I have to bring him something he likes maybe the bamboo over there I Don’t Mind If I Do let me real quick grab this bamboo there we go and Mr Panda here we

Go oh there we go he reprinted the panda nice all right let’s talk to you do you like pandas I mean this is an easy question oh and he also became our first fan hey nice you know what yes I do like pandas they’re amazing do you like rock

Music oh wait he might actually become our first band member yes I like BR music and thoughts on bamboo maybe a tri question but I won’t steal your bamboo but it’s yum yes I think that’s our drummer amazing next up why do we talk to the Pillager which is around all these villagers

Right here let me guess he won’t want to talk to me Pillager doesn’t want to talk wait what is is he trying to role play as a villager okay what if the Pillager wants an emerald I mean lowkey I can grab this cuz I signed the contract I’m

Just saying I’m getting paid one Emerald for this and now Mr Pillager here you go do you like me now hey we refriended him all right what do you like to do do I look like a villager sure yeah why not do you believe that I am a villager uh

I’m going to be honest no which no comes first b or doe I mean we’re trying to make a band here where it Go with Do Is He In I think he’s in all right we only got to talk to one more mob is there anyone around here oh wait this might be

Someone hello Mr Pig we are both dirty we can get along what would you like no he doesn’t want to talk okay are there any carrots around here maybe I need that wait what’s over here oh fville 100,000 fans required for entry huh yeah two’s not going to cut it where could I

Find carrots oh wait right by the entrance there’s some carrots yes all right I’m going to grab all these cuz I also don’t have that much food so let’s real quick grab all this and now Mr Pig can you talk to me now yes three fans

All right so what would you like to do got any carrots actually yeah I have some more carrots I got you all the carrots can I have it oh I already threw it to you so yes do you like jazz are we a jazz rock band or something um sure if

The rest of band likes it oh and he got a guitar yo the guitar Pig and now step two for band call your new friends wait can I just call you oh I’m assembling the band all right we got the guus we have the Pillager I think he’s our

Singer and the drummer which is the panda amazing think until you make it jump the wall oh we’re going to sneak into fville okay so we got to jump this wall right here into feville so we can do our first gig I think any ideas oh there’s an exclamation point right there

Could this be somewhere okay everyone lay low we got to go inside what the heck is in here looks like an abandoned store anything in the chest oh we got a grappling hook that’s how we’re going to do it all right everyone let’s get into Bainville okay here’s the plan guys I’m

Going to grappling hook up and then I think there’s a lever on the other side here goes something let’s go up yo welcome to fville where all your dreams come true don’t worry guys I’m going to get you guys on the other side all right let’s grapping hook down oh no fall

Damage good stuff all right Gentlemen let’s open up the gates and welcome back we are now in fville okay band garage free to use for starting bands just submit your band’s name oh all right let’s grab that real quick all right here’s the name guys I’ve decided

Because we came from here we are the nobodies yep I mean it makes sense let’s put that back real quick there we go and I guess let’s just walk inside all right this might be the new spot guides oh there’s even instruments play a song pick up the electric guitar oh

Everyone’s in positions okay so he’s the piano the pickax guitar also and the crafting table drums so this is mine is that a toy guitar do I just pick it up oh I got it the electric guitar decorate the guitar right click to spray paint oh so I’m decorating this thing okay okay

Hold up so do I just right click the spray paint and then do I just right click the guitar here goes nothing well I understand guys so we’re supposed to actually grab the texture and decorate ourselves and then upload it back so we have this white guitar here and the

First thing I want to do is give it some new colors now let’s save the texture and open it up in Photoshop now let’s select the area the guari wants a color all right let’s pick a color M red blue let’s go with green it’s the channel

Color I like it yep that’s good now I want to add a sticker to it because we’re a rock pin let’s add a rock sticker to it yeah this is looking good now let’s bring it back to block bench and I think this guitar suits us much

Better I like that I got the chance to design it so now let’s upload into the game in 3 2 1 oh it worked yo there it is the rock guitar oh wait did I change size oh and it transformed this is more like it for the band all right let’s

Grab our guitar and now with the guitar band it’s time we play all right so do I just right click this thing guitar Master practice starts in 3 2 1 how how do I practice wait what huh wait this is a literally guitar here what is this oh

My gosh oh my gosh okay I I need to be better at this oh this is crazy what yo okay I’m I’m not good at this guys we literally have guitar here in Minecraft this is amazing I I’m very bad at this can I do this again oh there we go um

I’m I’m a try to the crowd yo guys can we practice again I wasn’t very good at that well on the bright side we got a Lucky guitar pick oh my gosh look at all the fans all right team we’re running it back I got the Lucky guitar pick here

Goes something all right guitar Master practice here we go here we go I’m ready I’m ready guys got the guitar pick here we go come on come on yeah I’m crazy nope nope nope I’m already missing it oh wait we can combo it that’s crazy oh my

Gosh this is actually the coolest thing ever we’re going to get so good at this guys Guitar Hero in Minecraft let’s go oh man that was awesome all right gentlemen let me go check out the crowd real quick oh wait we already have 97 fans yo oh HOA representative wait why

Why are they not happy what what do you want oh they dropped us a piece of paper what is this formal warning this is your first and only warning keep the noise levels down that’s not fair we’re in a building it’s only the the band building

Well thank you to everyone and what if we play there I mean our fans are going up all right so if we want to play here we need to be a celebrity jazz bands only uh can I come in do I count there must be another way in oh well that

Sucks what if we just go around also what does the form warning do find EV any need to format okay so we’re doing the right thing so I don’t think we’ll get a complaint here wait there’s a door right here this is around the building

Oh who puts the laser is right by their venue okay I got this i got this oh gosh for the ban for the ban for the ban oh my gosh okay okay okay no lasers hit me yet what we’re good oh my goodness all right we’re in the back of the building

I think I think we can just walk in hold up uh let me just take this door just in case security guards over there but low key we can just walk in and now perform at the venue oh the band’s already here hey okay does this mean we get to play

Guitar here again I think it might be time guys all right let me get in position is everyone ready here goes out in 3 2 1 all right here we go yeah we’re doing it again let’s go yeah I’m crazy guys performing like a legend maybe I’m

Better when I’m in a five the combos okay maybe it’s not much of a combo but I’m trying my best here please buy the merch guys buy the merch I I don’t really have any merch but we did it ow ow can we get fireworks that don’t Hur

Us that thank you guys thank you oh my gosh we got so many more fans now step four is to go to celebrity College huh oh yo wait the merch SS made off cuz we got a new outfit with the Nester merch oh my goodness all right good job

Everyone we’re doing great we have 347 s fans but that’s still not enough pretty cool venue oh security guard I’m just going to walk out real quick oh and there’s a bus school bus available for celebrities hold up can we go in there now is it going to like take us down

There I guess me and the band can go why not let’s go in oh I’m I’m I’m just excited oh yo it’s taking me oh this is sick we’re in the bus where’s it taking me I have no idea oh wo wait what is this celebrity College I get out guess I

Get out huh maybe this is how I go a lot further in my career all right uh what do we got here celebrity College learn to handle fans all right first class Paparazzi andley 101 okay look at this dude buddy’s got the same fit as me and

So first class is right here with one Paparazzi hle 101 learn how to dodge on want’s detention and make it to the Finish Line ah that should be easy enough oh wait what the heck they already got the cameras looking at me my goodness how’s it going guys starting in

3 2 1 oh here we go oh they’re coming what the heck okay okay um I I I got to literally just dodge all of them oh my gosh stay away what is this okay okay okay okay if I parkour enough I should be good oh my gosh ow ow okay okay I’m

Juking them I’m juking them I don’t even know where I’m supposed to go stay away I think lowke we got it here okay I got to make to the door without them actually getting to me so here this is what we’re going to do we’re going to

Bait them over here come over here oh there they are there they are oh my gosh there’s so many of them all right and now we go for it oh my gosh yes well done attend the second class oh my goodness all right that’s number two

Right there all right number two is meat and GRE etiquette all right we can do that let me real quick just eat my bread also 1,000 fans from just completing the first class wow all right let’s go in here and so what are we doing here do I

Have a spot oh wait this is the line yo okay so I’m supposed to say here I think all right me and GRE simulations choose the correct action all right simulation Nester fan what are we doing here hi I’m a big fan of course you are happy to

Meet you that is so rude I’m happy to meet you there we go all right what do we got next you’ve inspired me I’ve done nothing I’m glad to hear that I’m glad to hear that let’s go with that very nice okay what do we got next can we

Take a selfie ew no oh my goodness yes we can and I’ll even have the Couture out all right there we go oh wait no no no no no I didn’t mean to start the concert my thing okay we’re good anyways I followed you for a while okay and oh

My goodness what if I clicked the wrong answer okay no no no I don’t want to fail that’s some dedication yeah let’s go and I can’t believe this is real it isn’t it’s a Dream It’s a simulation wake up anyways um you better believe it yeah there we go looks like we have

Three fans four fans left what’s been the craziest fan encounter this one right now long story but actually don’t know the right answer to this one uh let’s go with this one right now yeah they should be happy with that nice nice nice okay got any projects in the works

Nuh-uh yes excited to share them you know what I’m going to go with the nuh-uh okay you know what I’m going to guess that was a neutral answer any advice for the Spy creators don’t do it stay true to yourself yeah that that’s that’s a good one that’s a good one I

Like that I like that only one left after this one have you had a role that really challenged you every role is hard no I’m literally the best I mean that’s some confidence right there but every rooll is hard yeah let’s go and finally the last one thank you for being so

Amazing can you leave oh my goodness oh I’m mod you know what cuz you’re the last one have a free carrot and off you go no no they didn’t pick up the carrot okay you know what that that that’s it great job these fans will support you

For a life time oh my gosh wait from that we have 5,000 fans look at that amazing all right that’s that class done and on to number three which is allowing the crowd all right how do I do this I just walk in oh hello crowd time to wow

Take stage and wow the crowd all right don’t mind me everyone we’re about to do whatever wowing is do impressive moves oh wait I have some wow Keys given to me hold up let’s press it wow key yo and this one oh my goodness oh what what yes

I can take my head off guys and let’s now do this one oh my goodness the spin moves are crazy two more to go guys here we go boom got the lightsaber out throw it out in midair while the guitar is in the hand can anyone else do that nope

And finally the bow amazing honestly that was pretty fun and we keep the broses Well Done attend the fourth class all right thank you everyone now that was a great class and we’ve now hit 10,000 fans guys again that is not the goal the goal is on the screen right

There we want a big amount okay class number four what’s going to be in here oh wow that’s a lot of people surf the crowd let their fans move you holy how do we do this do I just jump on top um sure oh yo I’m ground surfing this is

Sick oh my goodness all right takeing me to the other side everyone sorry sorry about your head sorry sorry sorry yep yep yep but we are almost there and we did it oh that’s actually sick we Crow surfed in Minecraft big fan of that and that’s 1,000 more fans hopefully you

Guys subscribe thank you thank you make sure to click that red button anyways now on to the last class it’s the Assembly Hall talent show oh maybe this could be something fun uh hey uh are you a fan just looking at me okay anyways so

Let’s walk in here and see what we got to do oh yo the band is already there all right don’t mind me guys I got to get to my band I got my electric guitar ready looks like we’re going to play another gig oh I’m so hyped while the

Audience oh we’re already going straight to it sorry sorry for being late here we go don’t worry I went to school this time I’m crazy with it okay okay honestly getting a lot better at this oh this is so much fun look at the combo

This is our best combo and I lost it don’t worry though cuz we did it let’s go oh do I going to while the audience again all right everyone follow my lead let’s get the wild moves out here we go first the spin move okay okay maybe that

Wasn’t enough what about the moving yep yep I should probably go see a doctor about that and can’t forget the other spin move okay no nothing yet what about the lightsaber flip amazing and we did it yes 35,000 fans CS oh and gold nuggets okay yeah you know what I’m

Going to grab all this and small jobs can help you earn emeralds wait why do we need emeralds oh wait there’s something here uh what what do we do here golden microphone coupon exchang the golden microphone with 30 emeralds oh gentlemen we need a job let’s go into

Town then oh access right here nice and I think this might actually be the first job we got do it’s a burger spot huh we need advertisement 10 emeralds pay this should be easy enough and do we get the free Burger I have no idea all right who

Do I talk to in here uh looks like no one’s here actually maybe do I right click the burger oh we get as a sign a spinnable sign all right I did learn a few things in the school so do I just right click this thing and it’s we’re

Dancing with it amazing spin the time for 30 seconds yep oh wait wait customers are coming yes come in and buy the burgers guys come in don’t worry this is how we get money so we can get the golden microphone you know it’s worth it keep coming in everyone oh my

Goodness they’re rushing in do we have enough space for all these villagers it’s too many what is this they keep coming where are you guys even comilling from and job all done and that’s how we get 10 emeralds 60,000 fans and uh let’s go on to the next area which I think

This is the next job we do oh wow there’s a fullon thing read the script with enthusiasm okay are the cameras on me oh my gosh there’s multiple angles all right uh so I got to read this script right here and read it with enthusiasm all right let’s get some

Enthusiasm music also the soap is like a bubbly superhero in the bathtub oh wait I don’t have the soap uh I’m holding money hold up hold up let me grab the soap bar so this is the soap all right uh start the cameras again here we go

This soap is like a bubbly superhero in the bathtub fighting Grime and turning bat time into foamy Adventure my younger siblings are convinced it’s a secret agent soap with a license to Thrill and clean the only downside is that they now expect all their toys to be as soapi and

Entertaining good luck rubber duckies did I did I do a good job I think I did it oh and script run complete now we have 20 ear molds do I get to keep the soap uh you know I’m I’m going to take the soap for the job thank you thank you

Uh and I’m just going to go straight to the next area and I think it’s this place oh and maybe we’re performing right outside hold on is my band going to appear here oh there they are perform at the opening all right let me get in

Position real quick the opening of a new grocery store got my guitar ready and my good lucky pick and here goes something guys in 3 2 1 all right let’s begin oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I love this this never gets old oh the fans are

Coming let’s go guys all right let’s see how big of a combo we can get this time oh gosh guys I’m Rusty I’ve been doing advertisements and stuff okay hold up hold up hold up big combos guys you guys you’re standing in the thing it’s getting harder and you know what I

Thought that was a pretty good job and we H over 100,000 fans we’ve come a long way but we’re not done yet 30 memer’s done and so can I right click the Keyon now oh we got it wait Did I change yo I now have a mohawk and big muscles

Amazing all right Ben where do we go next maybe we can go to the TV tower over there going against us the next area all right is this it right here looks like we have someone inside hello we have the receptionist how’s it going you’re not on the list oh my gosh why

You so aggressive you have not been scheduled for a recording oh sneak to the second floor huh well luckily we have the grappling hook still so uh real quick let me just uh do this right there oh okay and now we just going break in right there and we’re on the second

Floor wait who makes a room without doors what is this no worries though I still have my dough body pickaxe so let’s real quick just break this right here oh and there it is the recording list do not touch you already know what we’re about to do and we have 100,000

Fans we can easily add ourselves to the recording list let’s open this up next on recording the young Lads from Italy detailed black turtlenecks micr plastica and Gat for my lover you know what let me just put in right here the noodies all right let’s click done right there

And I think that should be good oh talk show you’re recording soon move to 43 oh wait what I guess that worked nice oh and there’s a manager creative director accounting Helga just just Helga an assistant nice oh we got some coffee oh a no owner okay I’m not going to touch

That let’s just get to the third floor real quick and we have an interview here oh yo it’s like a talk show they’ve got big air how’s it going all right might as well get in position how’s it going answer the question with your sword oh okay good response oh wait I’m giving

Good response responses to the host oh my gosh wait what the heck is this some battling the questions this is Goofy okay you know what we’re going to act like these are amazing responses I thought I was doing a proper talk show but you know what this works too do I

Get to perform though cuz I am down to you know you get the guitar out but I need my band here oh my goodness it’s better get us a lot of fans all right two more things and that worked apparently can I keep the sword I’m

Going to keep the sword yeah yeah that diamond sword I I’ll take that thank you very much 160k fans right there and now let’s go on to the next recording what is up here oh yo it’s a green screen and you already know there’s a green screen

We can put in memes there’s another one another one another one amazing all right what is going on in here it’s a computer setup tell our viewers to subscribe oh yo am I recording a video inside of a video okay so do I just right click this oh and we’re in wait

Did we record the video here I think it’s time we use our guitar here goes nothing guitar master in three 2 1 oh oh gosh here we go here we go guys here we go okay okay I can’t even see the combo and score but we’re going to go crazy on

For this video oh gosh nope nope nope we’re already getting dislikes let’s go let’s go oh wait that’s a great combo we’re going crazy okay okay we’re actually doing pretty good right here guys we’re learning the ways I just got to be patient with my strums okay one

Last one and honestly that was one of our best ones nice not mastered yet though we got to master it for the show anyways that’s that computer thing done and it looks like we’re summoned to the third floor all right what do we got

Going on up here oh a lot of cameras is this a thing settle the argument oh are they debating all right uh what’s the debate about are they just talking about things or something unless you’re like going for a political position I mean low key we have the golden microphone I

Haven’t used this thing oh he’s the green mayor candidate and the yellow mayor candidate all right what do you have to say oh he will give impaling five books I’m going to guess and this guy will give respiration one books honestly the impelling GU sounds a little bit better it’s a better inchant

But he does sell bookshelves too books are important what if I just right click you guys with the golden microphone do you talk oh no nope he doesn’t talk also that’s the stadium where we want to be um right oh they’re both gone oh that’s the recording is complete and that got

On camera where we now have 210,000 fans attention you’ve been named a mayor candidate from that what oh gosh okay um well wait till the and here’s this anyways looks like we have an exit right here and I probably got to go figure out that mirror thing let’s fall in the

Water and so do we go over there or over here oh election task one clean the area yeah I got to guess I got to do that then well what’s this right here though allow bands Jazz big band Orchestra Opera pop band wait does a rock band not

Work then this is why we’re going for May then we’re going to change the stadium rules all right what do we got going on in here says clean the area do I like remove this well this is kind of slow what if we tried the microphone

Does this do anything oh yo we can destroy stuff with the microphone with the power of song we will destroy everything in a good way and get the trash out of the play all right don’t worry guys I don’t even know how this stuff got here who put the trash in

Front of town hall all right let’s get rid of you and this should almost be done and we’re good now election task two is to hang up election posters oh do I have any uh does anyone know where I can get the election posters by the posters maybe in here let’s real quick

Take a peek inside does anyone here have posters wait I think I found them they’re literally right in front of the mayor thing all right we got some posters right here and these are exoro mayor 2024 all right so do I just like hang them up right here oh oh there we

Go this is sick all right don’t mind me just putting up some posters might as well line it up right there I know a few places we can put some posters too the Paper Company the HOA that kicked us out this random house and we can’t forget

About the news station by way do they lose their eye huh oh and now election starting results announced soon oh we got to go oh yo they’re up there miror votes wait am I getting no votes what is going on come on I have 310,000 fans why

Is here right even allowed to run oh gosh oh gosh okay wait wait how can I get my votes up oh wait wait wait they’re going up they’re going up maybe I got to be here come on come on come on exori come on we’re going quick we’re

Going quick the velocity is insane oh we passed Derby come on can we pass here Bri we passed them wait wait it’s tied is everyone done voting is there any more voters come on congratulations I’ve been elected mayor oh wait did they just not let hereb win all right we did it

Hey mayor Duty awaits at Town Hall all right let’s walk in then mayor exoro yo okay so we can go ahead and walk inside of our new mayor spot and we got to remember I am a rockstar trying to be famous in the stadium this is only a

Side gig a side quest perent what do we got here protect garage bands from the HOA ooh yes this is the goal do I right click this oh yep yep yep all right so do we got to make new laws maybe oh what the heck who puts a door there to lead

Nowhere huh getting that change too let’s go to the HOA and see what we can do that’s it right there oh and there’s a chest here oh yo we can use iron bars to surround them all right I have an idea right here they’re going to never

Get out guys they will never stop the rock band we’re going to do multiple layers right there boom let’s lock them in right here too and that way they can never stop any concerts we run ever again let me check are there any side entrances looks like we’re good there oh

And there’s a balcony let’s make sure we block the top entrance too no way they get out there we go yeah perfect I think we should be good I was never here and plus I’m the mayor perfect and you know what just so uh they remember who’s

Mayor let’s put a lot of Mayor signs all over yeah this is what it’s about it’s a brand new billboard for my Marl duties I think this is pretty good let’s just put all of them that should do it oh no the is angry use your golden microphone to

Blow them away how did they get out okay I need to get my golden microphone there it is and to blow them away let let’s get them out go away out of here come on only one more to defeat uh where are they are you the HOA oh yep there they

Are there we go that should be the HOA done and now allow rock bands to perform at the stadium oh by the way if we haven’t realized guys we are getting closer to that gold number right there 460k huh wait so should I just right click the sign and edit it all right

Let’s real quick put in right here rock band there we go and wait nothing happened I got to grab this chest right here too oh wait some more graffiti paint do I got to add it to here oh rock and roll yeah that’s sick and now the

Next maor task is to increase the stadium capacity all right so we’re allowed in uh capacity limit 500,000 people I mean we don’t have enough fans but I feel like doing this will make people happy let’s Happ it real quick oh wait we got fans every time we make it

It go up amazing 1 million people and for our 860,000 fans I like that I feel like we should probably hit a million though before we go there it is the stadium oh and we have a Launchpad but 900,000 fans are required oh well we are

40,000 off so what do we do what about this guy oh wait wait do we decorate our guitar again hold on we have the guitar expert that some music and why not let’s go and throw away our old electric guitar and let’s design a new one for

The big concert real quick right click and so for our final Guitar let’s of course grab our current guitar and give it a nice facelift we’ll start with the shape building off the bottom of it and I think a cool vshape would make it look like one of those really cool classic

Rock guitars yeah for the big concert now let’s adjust the neck of the guitar I think we’ll stretch it out that should be long enough and then make two of them now let’s make a new texture and give everything a solid base coat again oh use orange perfect let’s go confirm and

Now open it up in Photoshop where I want this to be a golden guitar so let’s open up the gold block texture and now that we have this let’s cut out the border and start carping around to cover everything now we’ll select the orange until the program to only make that

Orange the gold texture all right let’s click confirm and now back in blockbench we can see some issues so let me clean those up real quick by hand and we’ll add a few extra details to the top and we can’t forget about a whammy bar and

Some plugs and there we have it now let’s upload this bag into the game and play the final concert and we got it the gold guitar yo I love how this thing looks okay so do I like give it to him oh guitar practice starts in 3 2 1 oh gosh

Okay we do got to practice before the concert this better give me some fans here we go I got the pick oh okay we’re crazy guys I feel better with this guitar I feel like I can hit things better oh this might be my highest score okay we’re actually doing pretty good

Right now okay another one another one we’re in the 300s we never got in the 300s okay couple more combos last one and that’s our best score ever low key we might have our best guitar attempt when we go into the thing oh and 900,000

F reached nice okay so with that I feel like me and my band can now go to the stadium one final concert guys wish me luck got my guitar ready here we go oh this is sick oh my gosh am I being launched in the middle of it what is

Going on here oh it’s my face amp versus amp a band is challenging you oh gosh okay okay hold up let me get in position the band is there all right we’re ready guys and looks like that band over there is challenging us all right it’s rival

Band time this is how we’re going to hit 1 million fans guys all right everyone in positions time for the final concert here we go get my lucky pick ready and we are the nobodies two one oh gosh Come on come on come on we got this we got

This everyone play your heart out the fans are making it slow down okay we can do a perfect job here come on okay I’ll take that I’m crazy guys hold up the fans are coming this way now oh wait this might be good this might be good

We’re actually doing a pretty good job the fans are lagging out come on fans oh my gosh look they’re all coming they’re all coming they’re all coming this is crazy come on I’m crazy I’m crazy the practice a 700 score let’s go did did we

Do it did we do it guys I mean we have all the fans right here oh wait and they’re taking a damage on fans at the top oh we did it and all the fans are literally right there congratulations you’ll become famous the nobody’s did it

With 1 million fans that’s going to be it hope you guys enjoy have a great one any video just like this one bye guys I’m jumping in

NOBODY to FAMOUS in Minecraft…
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🎉 What was your favorite Rockstar moment in todays Minecraft, But?.

🎨 Idea and Thumbnail Inspo: @Aphmau

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