We Started a Farm in Stardew Valley!

I did a co-op farm with Shan like four years ago um so I’m excited to do this with with Sammy I’m curi no mods we’re going straight vanilla is it Samy’s first time playing no it’s not it’s brood cold oh there you go it’s brood cold as well that it’s in the name

But yeah we’re doing um we’re doing no mods we’re going to play just straight up how concerned ape wanted you to play it uh first just to see how it goes and then we’ll see how it goes from there howdy partner hey y’all how we doing on this fine

Eve who’s ready to get those crops oh I can’t wait for all of them for all of them dude we got got we’ve got corn and we’ve got uh we’ve got uh uh pumpkins and we’ve got uh cabbage you know all the classics we got

We got to I got to show everyone what you look like real quick if that’s okay guys look at this okay yeah hold on where are you I’m right here guys look at her look at her hi sh Wait now I got to show you off hold

On nah come on yeah yeah yeah come on strike a pose I’m coming over hold okay okay yo oh oh stop oh whoops whoops whoops oh you got a little iced coffee too okay okay yeah your guy’s GNA be uh your guys are going to be twerking out

In the out in the fields oh D you’re going to be you’re be twerking out in the fields dude I was actually thinking about it like when we talked about this I was like yeah that’ll be fun but like I’m actually like really excited cuz I

Feel like St is such a fun experience to start over you know what I mean yeah I agree I agree yeah I’m really really excited are you down to do the metal lands Farm yes I am I am uh prepared to do the new map and I’m you know’s funny anytime

Anytime you’re quiet for like more than two seconds I know you’re going you I it’s always like two seconds I always I always you that’s literally exactly and then you go what sorry what did you say cuz my alert’s loud in my headphones I know you need to turn that down yelling

You Chris shut up yo Chris is like hey are you down to like do the new map and I’m muted going you hey how’s your day going y thanks so much for that reub sorry Chris what did you say hey idiot what’ you say sorry um that’s the idiot wait we look

Like two guys who are about to inherit a farm from their grandfather right now that’s what we look like we look like two City Slickers who who have no idea what hay is and we’re like cosplaying Farmers as we should be you I tried to sneak that one in there

So me I knew it got I knew it I knew I knew it um hey man what can we do out here what can we do yo so the so the question on everyone’s for everyone right now is what are we gonna call the farm true what are we going to call the

Farm we got to give it a good name it could be like it could be like a combo of our names but it could also just be something goofy you know what I mean true like the floor is lava Farm oh well that’s definitely um one of

The most names of all time for sure thank you very much um wait what about butter Barn for fortnite I feel like Krispy already did it too late we’re too late to the game oh Mommy milker Farm H maybe we Workshop that one gour Acres G gour Acres

The Shack the Sam Shack the mil Shack mil Farms I’m getting a lot of mil Farms over here man I love farming Farms mil man I love farming man I love farming Barn man I love Farms shacker is kind of cool what the heck okay drinkable Mayo Farm oh well clown

Farm man I feel like a mil Farm Eddie’s Farm oh dubba du dubs dub a day Farm dubs dubb dubs Acres dubs yo how about Anarchy Acres o or frenzy Fields I don’t know I’m not I’m not I’m not thrilled by you come on come on come

On every time you know what I’m going to do that now I’m I’m literally muted for like 0 five seconds I I just know now yo tomato Town tomato town you farm I don’t like tomatoes though oh true ketchup sucks you Farms yep Farm y yep Acres yep y

Acres wait why is that sick y Acres wait I kind of like yup Acres let’s do it let’s do yup ACR welcome on into yup Acres uh come on down to yep you might know our sister Farm great yards stop yep Acres it is we’re in Lady

Luck Acres Lady Luck all right yup Acres we’re we’re we we’re set bers so like you h right or I guess it doesn’t matter who hosts but like somebody hosts and then you get like invited I’ve never played a co-op Farm before you know what let’s see I’m gonna click stard to

Valley o I’m excited uh oh y no I’m kidding come on when it’s longer than two second mute I know you’re like talking to chat so that’s that’s a goof hey yappers got a Yap out here okay no you’re right what can you do oh my God the music stardo

Val so I’m going to open the game yes yes guys it’s time walk in oh new let be Co-op I think right yeah okay host ah the sh Animal Farm yeah we had a good time times good time 80 hours played Good Times pour one out guys 80 hours pour

One out pour one out who was there oh I could join I could just join sweet Sage’s Farm huh oh maybe like there’s like an open Lobby oh this music I’m ascending host new Farm yeah 463k oops oh I got to make my guy okay wait do you have to make your

Guy before you invite me I think okay I’ll make him quick Chris yep we it’s only just it’s yep Farm or should be yep Acres F like but like we can imagine it’s Acres you know what I mean or how about yep Acres Farm will it fit yeah

Okay yop Acres Farm starting cabins too yeah I don’t I don’t want to sleep in the same places you sorry true metal ANS Farm what’s your what’s my favorite thing uh infinite craft no it’s not yeah you played eight hours last night okay sorry I had

Fun I put fortnite actually I’m to put catching dubs catching dubs catching dubs is your favorite okay yeah it says that I need an invite code okay oh you only need one cabin cuz it’s one extra oh okay so starting cabins one okay oh that makes sense okay skin pale as [ __ ]

There I’m G get I’m gonna make my guy real fast hand yeah yeah you’re chilling no Worries H I need a uh a mullet that’s a mullet oh my God there I am do pink hair nah Jorts who up Jordan Jor Jor okay so I click okay are you sure you made your guy like does he look good yeah he’s handsome I think okay then we’re in the clear now I’m getting this I’m getting the classic

Intro with with old man Santa Claus here y yep the classic intro yeah I picked the new Farm yeah I did yo big chickens right away with the new have a sealed envelope wait maybe I’ll cuz I don’t think I get the intro so maybe I’ll watch it on

YouTube oh it’s just you you know it there’s he’s a simitar i people might not know it oh true yeah I’ve got I’ve got people watching right now man suck all right Gramps come On when that happens my boy will be ready for this gift XX years later ooh oh oh yeah joa join us Thrive smile you’re with joa oh that’s me the drawer makes the sound of a chest when you open it dear Chris and Sammy if you’re reading this you must be in dire

Need of a change the same thing happened to me long ago I’d lost sight of What mattered most in life real connections with other people in nature so I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong I’ve enclosed the deed to the place my pride and joy yep Acres Farm

It’s located in stardo Valley on the southern coast it’s the perfect place to start your new life this is my most precious gift of all and now it’s yours I know you’ll honor the family name my boy good luck love Grandpa if lisis is still alive say hi

To the old guy for me will you oh yeah sorry I’m doing a dramatic uh in like I’m doing a dramatic reading of the dialogue in the intro oh nice um so our grandpa you you want to say it’s our grandpa like shared yeah we’re like so we what we’re like

Siblings no or my cousin okay cousin all right cuz so here’s the here’s the sitch um our Grandpa died and gave us a farm oh hold on I got to read this letter true hello you must be Chris hey Robin I’m Robin theal Carpenter mayor Le sent me here to fetch you and show you the way to your new home he’s there right now Tiding things up for your arrival the Farm’s over here if you’ll follow me is this the metal lands cuz I I chose

Metaland I can’t tell if this looks like it though it is wa we already have a ton of [ __ ] Shirt’s a bit overgrown but there’s some good soil underneath that mess Blue Grass oh yeah look at my look at my guy’s Mullet and here we are your new home yay all right intro done let’s go dude our place is sick it’s cool okay wait you got to invite me yeah yeah once once Robin gets out of my hair Robin get out of here bro I need to get in I need to lock

In Robin we got we got it clean we got a lot of day left we need this come on Rob lot of day Left Rude don’t listen her Chris he’s just trying to make you dissatisfied so that you you buy one of her house upgrades anyway you must be tired from the long journey you should get some rest tomorrow you ought to explore the town a bit and introduce yourself okay the to would appreciate that thanks

Robin we got to lock in we got tock lot of get out of here and stop canoodling with what’s her face spoilers oh Sorry okay your progress has been saved okay how do I invite you I don’t know but I need a code uh let me see options hold on yob Acres y y Acres skills collections under options a multiplayer invite friend okay I invited you oh I see oh there’s a gift in Here don’t open it I’m not going to I’m not there yet wait does it not give you a code it like wants me oh wait wait I found it hold Okay Unnamed farmand Han girl has joined oh yeah question is where is she where are you oh I thought I unmuted I’m I’m in but I’m making my character oh okay but we got to go with the two braids cute nice Collections wow look how pretty oh yeah oh yeah I can turn the music down a little bit I you change the fish bite sound what is that new whoa mute animal sounds that’s fun wow show portraits cool oh those sounds are a little loud too hold On Hm oh yeah this is this is wild hey wake up E I hear that yuck bro I’m pouring water on you don’t pour water on me sorry I’m opening your your gift don’t open my gift o no way they gave you this so early okay I think I think we’re good

My character is done wait do you see me hey Chris Chris Chris you see me Chris why is he not speaking Chris look at my character you look cool you look cool look thanks son oh this package belongs to someone else yep hey yep what’d you get

From it hey oh I just got your I just took your your hold on sorry stop taking my stuff sorry I’m going to open my stuff now oh I got a cute little Log Cabin ooh hey all right lot of day left lot of day left all right

All right what do you want what do you want to start doing we got to work Chris we got work working all day long we got to work look at our chickens they’re that blue grass not Haster girl oh we got a little chick look at

Them bab name name is biscuit this one’s honey honey biscuit honey biscuit a wait that’s really cute a I love them okay we oh we uh honey is what do you mean h I’m come on bro can’t joke like that sorry okay wait keep doing that

Okay wait should we should we get rid of this stuff The Silo oh we don’t have the silo so we actually have to place the hay I feel like they should eat this stuff maybe no no no they can’t don’t cut it they can’t we don’t have a silo

Oh no so I think we we leave it then yeah yeah yeah we it they can come out come it they can come out and need it yeah don’t cut any grass though to wait until we have a silo you can cut this grass though okay that doesn’t matter

But don’t cut any of the Blue Grass otherwise we’re literally doomed okay I I I only cut like half of it so we’re fine we’ll have to we’ll have to like restart the whole Farm cool cool cool okay we have $500 to our name it’s not good sounds like a lot

But it’s not good oh we share money um I think did you share with Shan yeah then yeah great great okay I’m I’m going to walk around and see what else we got here all right you walk around I’ll just I’ll just you know move all of these

Trees and branches and break open these rocks and um make sure that we plant crop today you go look around man hey people wanted to see the map okay ooh this is so cool and pretty wow you’re really missing out over here it’s okay I’m going into town I’m going into town right

Now I just met Harvey wait you’re going into town wait I’m missing out yeah I’m already in town man I’m Already There har Harvey’s a free I’m yapping to everybody okay I got to Yap okay got to Yap got to Yap there’s Pam let me get her a beer

Book seller what’s that what there’s a on the calendar it says that there’s a book seller that’ll come visit that’s new Pi you got to sell me stuff hey Harvey B oh who’s this little guy Vincent oh stranger my name’s Vincent mama says not to talk to strange but you seem

Okay your mama taught you taught you well let me see when’s the book oh book sellers on the 12th egg Festival FL dance yeah it’s a couple times I think it’s twice a season unless I’m goofy o they’re in a hot air balloon who’s in a hot air balloon the book

Seller how do you know they’re not here it has a has a balloon on the uh on the the calendar oh and then there’s three the 15 16th and 17 are Mysteries I love a good mystery hey stop that I just got oh e it told me that

You’re digging through the trash no I’m not no it told me Shane’s a loser no I’m kidding you call him a loser I’m kidding come in oh I’m sitting next to this person oh hello I’m Penny what up Penny who am I going to romance aren’t you the one who just

Moved in I’m Maru I’ve been looking forward to meeting you o hey Maru oh the sewer I’m going to go I’m going to go say what up to Crowe yeah don’t worry I’m just farming I’m making sure that we can um live oh nice nice I’m uh I’m just I’m just Exploring I’m going through all the uh garbage thanks man oh it’s starting to get dark already uh-oh uhoh you know it’s wild so today’s the first day of spring so that’s interesting that stard D dropped oh wait bro’s already oh my god look you bro I told you I told you wait

Are you like a game if we don’t F we’re make enough money are you die yeah man what do you mean about G sh this is so great yeah this is what I’ve been doing oh my God look at you go so you want to make sure that you

Don’t have ener any energy left at the end of the day so you know you know that little energy bar I don’t want to see I don’t want to see any yellow I want to see red right there all right dang sir yes sir Hey listen this is life or death

Okay we got we got to make money here we got to find way make money off of this make so what should I sell in the in this box what should you sell in the Box um should I sell fiber yeah you can sell you could sell

Some Fiber actually you know what we probably need to build a chest oh a chest oh wait on the map we both show up so I can like see where you are I need 50 wood do you have any wood you want to give me I could I could build that yeah

Have 30 can I drop I drop stuff just drag it off the stream no oh if from my inventory how do I get there okay there we go there you go I dropped it okay crafting and then could you put it here right next to the stair absolutely

Anything else thank you so much thank you that’s perfect okay that’s perfect thank you so much and then what color do you want to make it um a white um yeah we can do that so we can see it at night I like to do

Fishing um as blue and I like to do crops as red but if you if you don’t Vibe with that we can make a defense system uh there’s no watch parties for Co-Op um sami’s also live you want to go watch her perspective but I think like stream together just also sucks I’m

I’m exhausted I have to go to bed okay yeah yeah go to bed go to bed um just a heads up at night we do need need to close the uh CP door otherwise they lose um they lose like trust in US kind of sad true okay I’m going to sleep

Okay I still have a bit of work I can do yo chor what up Jessica what up hello hello may yeah Sam is also on guys shout out to Han want go check perspective get it’s kind of scary out here what up B how you doing dude

Okay you’ve never closed the door on the cops before yeah your uh your chickens can get killed I think yo Shannon con thick thighs and cheese fries what up Samy the amount of people in chat who are going I didn’t know that would that happened with uh

Chickens with uh closing the CE door yeah yeah yeah they get they get like stressed especially if you do it like multiple days in a row true oh my God wait cute there’s like a little lamp in my room okay all right I’m going to bed nice go to bed

Man see see see you in the morning let me go to bed all right all right I also get stressed when my do left open big day big day day one of spring dude because today’s the first day of spring that’s so fun concerned ape y waiting for other players one of two

Thanks t d welcome back to wellwick Oracle if you seek hidden knowledge of the future you’ve come to the right place the spirits are very happy today o Good Fortune so if we go fishing and other things such as okay cool I keep finding cool stuff

But my backpack is full does it sound like you well Pierre’s got you covered stop by Pierre’s General store today and check out our affordable size 24 backpack okay just got back from a fishing trip you should come down to the beach sometime I got something for you

Willie ooh we can probably go get our um Um fishing rods updates only on Steam and I I think and a few other things for now I think the switch gets their update later yeah I think console is in like a month or two a month or two they’re usually far behind it’s it’s like three

Guys who work got the game oh I know that’s Su yo thanks Wags what up baby did you did you do this yeah is that bad or good um it’s Fine just trying to help it’s okay not cool I’ll just become the fish guy I [Laughter] guess no it’s fine man you can’t [ __ ] do anything you tried your you tried your best no you like you try and you just can’t do anything you try helping and you get made fun

Of oh wait I see you over there I’m going to go kill a guy I’m going to go kill Clint okay I’m actually okay with that no one cares hate that guy oh there’s a quest Shane needs uh green algae all right I’m going to go get it for him I’m

Going to go fish okay I’m going to forge I’m going to try and get like flowers and whatnot that we can sell today all right cool I’m going to uh talk to Willie do we share quests so like for like the okay cool for like meeting people and everything we like share

That oh I’m getting a cut scene do you see this no oh bro my guy looks so sick with his with his mullet you do look cool I agree hey there son heard there was a newcomer in town good to finally meet you that’s my Willie voice nice oh apparently they’re

Individual they’re not C it was a big h oh I sold a lot of good fish finally saved enough to buy me a new Rod thanks W thanks Willie here I want you to have my old fishing rod it’s important to me that the AR ficient stays alive and may

Maybe you’ll buy something from the shop once in a while Ryan bamboo pole okay thanks Willie for your Rod appreciate it yo digital Austin thanks for the resub for 50 months dude dude butt nut chicken as well hi I’m Clint I’m the town blacksmith if you ever need to

Upgrade your tools I’m your guy also if you’re a girl give me a chance and if you don’t [ __ ] you so [Applause] okay I want to catch this I forgot how to fish that’s not Right how am I supposed to get wait now I’m in the cut scene but I see you you’re like vibing right there [Applause] yeah huh you can direct it with your keyboard huh since when I don’t know no oh there we are if it smells it sells you know oh good thanks Willie

[Laughter] according to Willie hey hey come on catch oh oh here we go big money big Money glass shards caught it take it sardine First Catch yep yep God Elliot slays bro literally slays yeah he’s handsome his hair bro’s different straight up bro’s got something a secret though I feel like no he’s just got childlike Wonder Li I don’t know about all that yo I forgot how fun fishing

Is dude it’s pretty fun right yeah I’m actually like it’s not too shabby for making money either you can say that again cuz that made me not want to it’s okay it’s okay you’re still a good guy thanks okay so we need to make enough money to buy a silo [Applause]

Soon okay guys we’re mless no mods playing the old fashioned way vanilla has concerned AP wanted it I don’t know how many mods work anyways today cuz it’s an update true oh there’s worms over here and stuff there’s worms yeah I’m going to smack one of these oh I just got carrot seeds

Thought nice oh 300 pieces of wood we could uh make fix fix this bridge okay cool okay wait Chris do you have $92 right now yeah okay then we oh wait our carrots new carrot seeds I guess new I think I think they are new yeah plant in the

Spring oh yo uh I have I have some seeds okay we can plant some carrots okay all right I need more space bro do we have to buy the backpack twice do you know I think um should I sell all the fish by the way uh yes okay yeah we just need we

Need need to farm some money we diabolically need money yeah we’re broke as [ __ ] we’re broke we’re [Laughter] broke we’re a bunch of broke guys over here need this oh there she goes hey bud okay yeah I’m selling some fish I got hay I got wood also make sure

You close this gate behind you otherwise the chickens will wander around where should I put this carrot also you need to pet them every day but I don’t know if we both need to or just one true should I go should I go fish more yeah

Yeah yeah you should do that um I planted one carrot you planted it right there yeah that’s a good spot what’s whatever makes you happy man whatever makes you happy bro plants one carrot and is a is a is a villain he’s he’s he’s the worst out all

Day fishing making money for our family at home and he’s a pie of [ __ ] listen man listen listen there’s there’s something about a little something called organization okay IDE it’s just easier if the plants are separated so we know what ones are what and when you know when they’re going to

Okay so grow I’ll help you a carrot is orange no you can’t tell when it’s a seed Chris it’s the point you can make seeds look a little different also it’s just one cuz I’m a weird guy it’s just one carot yeah that’s worse Chris what do you

Mean you’re stressing everybody out in chat their stress I don’t [Laughter] care CH you hearing this chat you hearing this w w Hey listen maybe you’re like the fishing guy you know what I mean like you’re the fishing guy that’s how it always works I love fishing and I

Love going on the adventures as well yeah yeah so maybe like maybe I’m the farming guy you know what I me you’re the forager and I’m the hunter classic rolls okay that’s a bit much but okay sorry um how about like how about like if you

Know you find a crop you just like put it in the chest and then I’ve got you you know what I mean perfect just like moving forward absolutely um I went to fish and there was no uh there was no fish great they went to bed all the fish went to bed

Fish are sleeping it’s okay we have quite a bit we can clear out here okay I can clear out I’m good at clearing all right yeah yeah just anything that’s like near here maybe even like by this uh by the chicken CP and whatnot if we

Could get rid of some of that that’d be cool I know you get fish on the bubbles but it’s not worth like you just get boring fish you aren’t worth worth [ __ ] boring fish okay um I do want to organize our chest too like a little better like we

Should probably make more if we have enough wood to do so B just might be on your end cuz I don’t I think we’re fine over here I’ll throw my uh stuff in theg we have 97 here I’ll make a I’ll make another one really

Quick do you want one for your fish or um I sold all the fish but it might be a move for later but I feel like we should have like building material in one like you know wood yeah we can do building material that could be building material

Can go in the first chest right there we can use that for the main oh my gu my guy has no energy I got to go to bed that’s okay all right I’ll I’ll be seeing you long day long day lot of fish lot of fish okay um I’ll just I’ll make this

One um red for now we can put like random crops and like foraging and whatnot in there oh now we’re dropping frames oh yeah you’re cutting out a little bit all right refresh everyone refresh refresh everyone please refresh so you’re not delayed thank you yo Nick thanks for the

Raid thanks for the raid what up guys welcome on in hello hello pizza party raid welcome welcome welcome just refresh guys man she’s out here working into the night huh I still have energy so when you lay in the bed you get energy back oh yeah nice

Got to clear this all out you know how it is oh here we go now it’s 12 so we should go to bed we should go to n night otherwise you don’t get your full health back the next day I think it’s 1:00 a.m. right

When you you got some new ideas to sleep on what does that mean I have no clue that seems new okay okay new ideas new ideas to sleep on level one foring okay o nice dude wag it’s fun you would like it a lot Katie right that seems new dude Nick

It’s fun we’re only on our third day though Amanda thanks for the resub Rachel thanks for the resub appreciate that dude welcome back oh it’s raining today so we don’t need to spend time um watering crops it’s really nice Spirits are in good good humor today as

Well good good I’m going to oh fishing is usually good right yes it is especially CU we can’t um we can’t uh go into the cave yet I’m going to put my hoe in here and my Scythe I don’t need all these [ __ ] items I feel like you know

Yeah you can you can uh leave them yeah just I have more room for fish yeah yeah yeah you’re good oh you play with Greg today let’s go it always rains on the third day oh nice love scheduled weather oh yeah maybe the hoe for um the worms in the

Beach oops oh right if you see something I did already get something for the uh Museum I should go oh nice off today I found glass so are you farming son we are y Wags we should we should all play together soon I think that’d be

Fun oh a clam I don’t think he’s open I think I can sell the clam to does he sell it for more I have no clue maybe I’ve got the little Museum cut scene that’s locked oh he opens at nine I think he prefers it fishing right now perfect sardine okay up

Willie trout fish fish oh fish smoker Largemouth B bass bait bamboo pole fish tank okay oh we’re getting some money I’m selling fish to Willie yep we need this yo riscen thank you guys for the reubs what up Karen what up tiny little acis how you doing dude let’s

Go glass Shard to the museum y all right oh we got money for that huge it’s taking taking a little bit longer than I than I would like for fishing yeah oh the fish the fish hate you they hate me man no maybe they’re like sleepy you

Know it’s kind of like a rainy day true there there’s no little spots for them so maybe I have to go oh he’s closed on Wednesdays ah I forgot about that true it’s like who closes on Wednesday you know right it’s like that’s that’s a great

Day what’s wrong with oh yeah I know I know the bubbles are faster that’s that’s why I’m trying to find them well there seems to be none any bubbles oh joa Cola let’s blow him up have you ever done have you ever done the playthrough where you uh like work

For them and I have never done that before I’ve not okay we need 100 Stone 10 clay and five copper bars to make The Silo okay so copper which is what we’re going to need copper is from uh the mines right yeah it is I think that opens in a couple days

Though we got a broken CD nice cool we’ll take it got some new ideas to sleep on perfect smallmouth bass yeah I think that means we were leveling up or something the way they say it new ideas to sleep on that’s what I’m assuming yeah that is

Cute I don’t think they want me to go to bed it’s 1:00 who’s this guy mines are closed for now the mines are still blocked there’s a dude trying to break through oh sorry I was uh I was I was seeing where my future husband was in the game oh oh lonus is

Your future husband no he’s a good guy though ooh a par snip or leak yeah we’ll be selling that yeah we’ll be selling that oh yeah we’ll be putting that yeah we’ll be selling that we’ll bring that to the [Laughter] festival oh we’re already back here yeah dude anyone’s first time ever

Playing what a special treat wait they grew up our guys are grown yeah biscuit and honey they’re grown and we have an egg and we made money let me look at these things 100 bucks ooh egg where where do I put the egg in the in the

Incubator um we don’t have one you have to buy it oh I can eat the egg wait where should we put it just in a should we sell it we should sell it okay we should sell it yeah you’re right we don’t have anything yet to um uh like help it out

Okay I’m going to sell these that and that and then uh broken broken disc where should I put that um I’ll make a fishing chest I think we have enough wood okay if not I can chop some can you put your wood in the uh chest it’s already in there oh nice okay

Cool my ax isn’t strong enough I’m a loser apparently the you’ve got some new ideas to sleep on is um when you level up oh okay you level something up oh yeah we can make a lot of chests out here all right blue is for fishing you can drop anything fishing related in

There and then um the black chest will be for cave stuff oh I like I like the color coordination oh wait we have a cave down here is that always there or my new guy oh wait let me come see huh bro is that new that was there wait which uh which

End are you on all the way at the bottom let me see looks kind of cool wait I don’t know what that is let me let me let me check oh it’s the mushroom cave but do we always get that or am I goofy oh wait we do we do it’s just it’s

Usually at the top yeah it’s just in a different spot like in the normal map like the default map it’s at the top I forgot about that are do you do the the bats or do you do the fruit I always do the mushrooms but I’m down to change it up

Nice no I’m down for the mushrooms all right I am down let me see what’s in this Lake right here I missed the whole hour Another Broken CD okay I hope everyone’s chats are ready Are buckled up because this is going to be a doozy today we’re going to be oh

We’re locked in we’re locked and loaded if that’s okay with you hope you guys have cleared your entire week cuz we are locked in so is there any way to pause it just like if we needed to hypothetically take like a brv I don’t need to I’m just

Wondering um there is a way to pause but also if anything we we we should uh take brbs at the same time I feel like right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right got to sink our we got to SN our our our moments see the the issue is though that

You take more brvs than I do but that’s not an issue yeah I’m I’m just I’m just like properly hydrated that’s my bad no like I am too I just have I probably have like a bigger bladder than you do which oh true so we’re side shaming

Bladders now got it you I was just about to say that you can’t control it like I’m actually being a good guy and you’re creating drama for no reason it’s fine I mean if I get pissed once every four hours I would love to do that but you know it’s just not how

Is I don’t know like maybe never mind he still a good guy doesn’t matter can I tell you something funny or is it or uh or no yes you can tell me something funny uh earlier when you said you’re my best friend here when you

Texted me it was the wrong form of your and I almost corrected you as a goof but then I was like that’s just so unnecessary I was getting ready and I was I I talked I spoke to the phone you’re you’re my best friend you’re wrong from you I almost correct you I

Was like nah that’s me I’m weird literally texting me as I’m getting ready for stream putting like makeup on you know okay it’s okay people people love to call me while I’m getting ready I sorry I was excited for the day I don’t mind it I I don’t again creating

Drama for no reason I was just saying I don’t mind it oh for sure for sure I’m I’m taking nap but it’s just like goofy why you taking a nap are you already Red Energy yeah I’m busy I’m doing things out here all right all right all right I

Believe you I believe you yeah just a quick nap get my energy up there’s nothing wrong with a quick nap nothing wrong with a quick nap Grandpa wouldn’t want all this drama we didn’t even know Grandpa he gave us his farm but barely talked to us bro on an uncomfortable bed for Years

Bro looked like Santa bro bro look like Santa okay I’m low energy now let me just fill up my watering can and then we me when me when I when I want to leave the function I have low energy I’m low energy now wait where’s our where’s our

Little pond it’s far oh there it is it’s over here yeah campfires will be clutched in a little bit guys it’s still the first first week trust that’s trust is Grandpa dead he’s just sleeping forever no I think he’s straight up dead cuz he comes back to haunt us well

That’s that’s like that’s what sleeping forever is no that’s like a coma you know I guess but there’s Fe the chickens there’s an expiration date usually no I didn’t feed them should I wait wait okay I’m I got to grab hey okay I’m going to sleep good night our chickens would have

Starved Chris is hitting the sack why’ they say that they have to do you like that they could have said literally anything is that new I I don’t think so yo Linda thank you I appreciate it uh Cass and Casey thank you guys for the reubs also appreciate that it just

Said I went to bed it didn’t even it didn’t even give me the whole Sammy has gone to bed Chris is getting the sack cool game Sami is getting her beauty sleep chis is [ __ ] degenerate bro hitting the Sam’s in her pretty girl era Chris is is gross

Cool that’s the gross okay wait I think if we both don’t advance from that screen we’ll be stuck there and then we could take VBS then oh you’re right actually that that’s what that’s how I used to do it nice W Spirits are happy today by the way oh the spirits are yeah

Thank God all right I’m going to go with the old 9 to5 back later we’ll be seeing you you have a good one hoping to catch some cool stuff out here just not a cold crops are looking good so far yo that single that single carrot is looking really

Nice it’s definitely looking at me that is for sure L’s birthday glaring at me Elliot would like to hire you to catch a catfish 600 gold yeah I’ll be taking that yeah we’ll be taking that one thanks so much where do we get um catfish from is is that a pond

Situation or lake um I’m not actually Sure brick holy [ __ ] Burger hearts in the chat guys for Brick dude thank you for letting us know in the river okay oh it has to be raining in the river got it yo what up Ellie Ellie we’re having fun dude we are having fun indeed all right to get the catch the

The catfish it has to be raining in the river oh so it’s like Tricky Tricky Tricky Tricky It’s Tricky Tricky by the way we got a gold star egg today o which is huge should we uh keep that uh and maybe make mayonnaise with

It we won’t be able to do that for a minute so n you’re true that’s my bad I’ll sell it we need the money more yeah we’re broke yeah we’re broke I want to get 20 I want to get 24 so soon true I think we both individually

Have to do that which is kind of a bummer please don’t say got to gargle that Mayo chat thanks oh um oh oh when you say oh it reminds me of Sabrina the uh the girl yes dude I love that video oh it oh yo let’s go Kibby oh I forgot to tell

You one of the best new parts of the update is that the animals um like the cats and the dogs can wear hats ooh I think that was a buy from the Hat Mouse wait no I thought they could always wear oh oh the that was your

Horse your horse could wear the hats but the cats and the dog can that’s cute as hell yep so now they can so you can buy them a little bow put them on also I think I don’t know 100% but I think that we can have more than one pet as well

With the new update but you have to get the first pet to five stars they have to love you the seagull’s dancing in front of me nice okay I’m going to go buy more crops we need this yeah more seeds and feel free to get like wild with it too

I’m going to have to we need this new record hbit yeah we’ll be taking that should I just sell all these fish to Wall-E and get immediate gold uh yeah for sure for sure okay you sorry ooh seaweed see weed oh Willie sorry I called him WALL-E that’s my bad [Applause]

No console comes out apparently in a month or two Wally yeah I just cleared our bank account yeah I saw that oh my God Seven we got to make money off this we’ll make we got to make money off of this we have $7 can’t even buy buy a grilled cheese

Sorry bud it’s okay let’s get some think about the thousands we’ll make after all this grows you know oh yeah oh yeah so I charge my switch for nothing yep and now you can play Animal Crossing while we do this how do you think uh B and Luxy are going to do together

Um they’ll have fun and that’s all that matters that was such a funny response listen like I believe in luxie you know what I mean and I also believe in ban but but you know there’ll probably be like a potato planted in the corner you know hidden absolutely hidden he’s like

Secret potato plant oh also how many times you think he dies in the uh skull C like the caverns not because he dies to a monster but because he’s not paying attention to the time probably like a handful for sure like 2 a.m. probably at least a [Laughter] couple ooh [Applause] 230 already

Sheesh that was a goldfish yo gnarly I appreciate that thank you dude yeah chat we’re locked in St was pretty cool guys just catching fish right here don’t mind if I do oo oh I got the chest I forgot about chest when you fish Cole I’m going to sell some fish to Willie

What’s up brother here take that oh yeah look at that look at that money oh that’s the stuff we need right there yeah that’s pretty good full dog demad oh yeah hey if you’re playing along guys can we get a quick uh salute in chat you’re playing along as well while

Watching hope your Farms are going well Also yo phoh puppet thanks for the prime appreciate that you’re on your 250 hour farm oh my god let’s go holy [ __ ] so many people are playing along that’s awesome do everyone sleep to priv his I am uh yes yep oh my God this this is a tough

One sardine all that for a sardine yeah right switch players unite you’re the only fortnite Andy right now bro I’m not going to lie I’m kind of pissed they dropped floor’s lava during oh no during um the stardo update CU I really wanted to play that that Mode’s so

Fun but we got to farm guys we also bought Chris Mell Farm back for the uh people in chat earlier who wanted it there you go the children yearn from the farm they do they really do who’s this guy the clouds look great this time here don’t they

Sure oh there’s fish over here Huh can I get over there I think I can right if I go this way yo Lexi let’s go let’s go Spoon I can’t go over there why we need that you never Farm you’re right I I’ve actually never farmed Chris smell fish starting to get late oh is this where the Hat mouse goes right the guy’s mullet’s awesome looks abandoned oh wild horse radish okay what’s up Abby how you doing

Dude oh yeah IRL Garden streams once once it starts to warm up I just got to figure out uh how I’m going to do it cuz I don’t think with with our current Internet situation it’s going to be good so I might honestly just buy a uh how’s

Fishing going irro backpack it’s good I’m also just exploring it’s got a wild horse radish ooh nice yeah oh I found some broken glasses okay got oh I got a bream oh and some bait let’s go nice let’s go I am out of energy yeah so I’m just wandering yeah

I’m coming back to the old uh Farm here the old metal lands good it does sound like the squeaky boots from SpongeBob you’re right I can’t see [ __ ] and our chickens are asleep okay where do I put I’m just going to sell all the fish right like no

Point of keeping them right I agree okay see I’m going to keep seaweed though for now maybe just in case we need it from cooking later or something mhm yeah that’s cool I’m down and then do we have like a plant box for yeah we do right

Here yep it’s the it’s the um original chest yeah hey man what’s up sorry sorry bro comes in my house to laugh at me you know sorry comes into my home just Sammy has tucked into bed Chris has gone to bed why are mine all cute and yours are

Like and yours are like oh she shut her eyes for a little Slumber mine’s like hey farted but they hate you for no reason dude stinks not the dude stinks dude smells like [ __ ] and didn’t even catch any fish did I all right what are we working yo Ken

Thanks for the 3 months oh is this a cat it’s going to rain tomorrow oh I’m going to go catch a catfish I love good news we have a cat yeah will you adop this cat yes what should we name it which one which one are you picking there’s multiple I

Didn’t pick it it’s just Orange should we name it yours you can’t pick the color I thought you could am I Goofy either Lady Luck or what’s your orange guy’s name again mine’s Rory do Rory or we can do dubs I like Lady Luck Okay Lady Luck luck Lady Luck it’s and it’s a boy cat

Oh you do it when you create your character oh I missed that part whatever I’m we have an orange cat now by the way we’ve got we’ve got crops joart we got crops L of crops lot of crops ooh nice job real nice okay I’m going to save the carrot yeah the carrots

Rare I’m going to save that for now cool great music by the way as well it’s really nice you know what I might actually sell these at Pierre so that we get the money today so I can buy new stuff he’s doing the JoJo plot fun no

I’ve never done it but you’re weirdo if you do it no offense capitalism people who like are just trying out a new thing like okay like people who are like I have 800 hours I just want to do something different yeah and what’s you know what’s different that that’s a little weird

Dang also to be fair uh it’s it’s probably like doing like a dark urge on balers gate it’s just like funny true true I did it for the achievement but okay nah come on I’m kidding everybody like insulted like all right nothing over here okay oh good good

Tunes yeah oh I see you hey bu talk to this loser n I’m kidding come on all right um I’m going to go check out the mines please Do community center I can’t wait to start doing that Too go over here need something built nah I’m chilling Demetrius local scientist file thanks for introducing yourself of course Emma that’s fair it was probably awesome yo what up Eevee how you doing what up Dallas how you guys doing dudes oh there’s lonus do you think you and Samuel will

Play this farm for a couple sessions or is it a one stream sort of thing I’m down to like play it like hardcore no I’m like I’m I’m locked in yeah there will I’m down to play 500 hours there will be days where like one of us probably can’t so like we’ll probably

Have to linger or whatever but um I’m down to like have this cut into like fortnite time too or do like days where stardo into fortnite or something I’m ready to know life this yeah I do apologize to the to the Sam members who can’t stand my voice and to

The shack members who can’t stand Sam’s voice cuz you have to get used to both aware I’m just kidding there’s no one everyone everyone loves you nah come on man nah come on bring it in come on man you’re you’re everybody really loves you for your your wonder and Whimsy man

Come on bring it in thanks you had a smile that could lighten up the whole room thanks man you know what I really like your your dedication to helping out your friends I really appreciate that thanks um a guy with an eye patch just gave me a

Sword proud of you thanks should I uh I see what’s what it’s all about probably okay well I can get I can start getting copper and stuff oh I have health now bad guy Ooh bug us ow how much health does the Slime have Jesus slime quartz copper ore let’s go how much copper ore do we need um we need five bars okay for The Silo I have I have eight copper ores right now which is pretty cool well let

Me get some cave carrots that say nothing me waiting for the switch update yeah yeah ooh Hardwood Wood clay Stone stone lot of watering some white algae ooh o I’m actually cruising down here I’m definitely going to need a big backpack soon yeah for sure the uh black chest by the way is for all of your cave stuff okay cool should like bug GS go there

Too as well yeah mhm anything like related to you being in the cave should go in there yo Cory Co let’s go and lside out thanks for giving a sub to Eevee Eevee enjoy those emotes dude appreciate that I don’t care about these rocks I don’t think right oh geod [ __ ] off bug

Meat I’m just drop wood yeah your boy got a geod so what yeah bro we need that we’ll have the Insel open it up so wild sorry sorry so out of pocket reaction was worth [Laughter] it what can you do okay ooh lot of stuff down here that’s the

Only thing he’ll be opening that’s a crazy comment Maya true true though true true our chickens are so good are they cute little guys those little eggs yeah they’re nice I’m about to be best friends with them as well yep Y what is this that’s a weird looking Rock

Oo bro what do what do I even drop for this I’m dropping the bug meat I think I got topaz how do I get out of here leave the mine okay yeah the bug meat smells dude Sammy I have white algae a geod copper ore topaz slime hardwood quartz like we’re

Chilling right now wello that’s huge thanks didn’t that oh there’s a par snip on the uh the little secret Valley if you want to go get it later oo like right by our house or I can grab it after I drop the stuff off yeah whatever works

Okay I think I’m going to drop the GE off tomorrow but does he work on Saturdays or is he a piece of [ __ ] um I I genuinely don’t remember that’s fair that’s fair so sorry he does he have a day off or do he is he a workaholic o wild

Horseradish yeah Kristen these will all go to YouTube 100% the whole playthrough will be on YouTube so for the YouTube guys who want to watch stuff back it’ll be over there for sure which I’m very excited about cuz I never uploaded the ones with s uh with

Shan so I’m happy to have something on the channel a spring shirt huh okay Sammy Not to cause alarm but I got to show you something what’s good where you at something a little similar to Animal Crossing just happened okay okay watch this I knocked this tree down and this happened

Oops you got a tank top what the heck okay didn’t know you chill like that that’s my bad so what wait let me go see our guy where’s Lady Luck Oh Lady Luck Lady Luck should I water the cat or anything cute no there does need to be water in

The Pet Bowl though there where’s the P oh it’s up there it’s a yeah it’s next to the chest we’re good I’m going to you don’t have to be lonely you didn’t even comment on the nice lighting that’s out on the farm now that I did oh it looks really nice thanks

Man did a really good job we can see oh you could store your clothes now oh interesting that’s smart yeah let’s kind of Cool Spring shirt my gu wearing a white shirt here okay all right there we go oh you had to buy the dresser before oh that’s cool Kibby apparently it’s

Um I think it’s going to be out in like a month or two they’re saying you got to keep your titties holstered yeah sorry for scaring you guys it won’t happen again yo Maddy get think a sub to Kristen Kristen welcome on in welcome back let’s

Go yeah I think I’m excited cuz I don’t I don’t think I played the last like two updates like super hard so a lot of the stuff is going to be extra exciting true that’s awesome thanks man Oh we almost have enough wood to do stuff true um I’m going to make another torch though could I take 300 of it and uh build that um that bridge later yeah but we need the silo first oh Silo first absolutely you’re right yeah yeah yeah but after that for sure okay

Oops all right I’m going to grab this geode and I’m going to that’s going to be my first thing I do in the morning okay cool okay um I’m gonna go to sleep yeah I think me too okay yeah let’s get it well I have a little bit of

Energy let me chop down one more tree oh yeah chop a Tre it’s midnight no it’s midnight oh true too risky oh mining ooh Cherry Bomb oh we can make a scarecrow now so they don’t need a is it raining or no let’s see if it’s

Raining I got to catch a catfish I’m going to bring bait with me it is oh yeah oh that is that Clint oh yeah I noticed that you’ve been breaking some rocks opening and find an ore that’s good if you want to get the most out of

Or you need a furnace luck is bad today luck is bad today oh clink just gave me a Magic Carpet nice oh we can make a furnace now 50 wood one coal 20 fiber we should make the uh we should make the furnace to make copper

Bars yeah true nice we can probably make that today as well what’s the other thing oh fire oh Deluxe fishing pole as well craft a furnace all right I’m going to grab the bait as well yeah Clinton was like yo what you call me brother ooh what is that a

Leak another Quest as well oh if luck is bad don’t do the geode yet smart explore the mine fishing I need to uh catch three sardines so that’s easy chat for catfish should I just uh go anywhere like does it have does it have to be bubbles or as long as it’s

Raining are we good or would you recommend bubbles I know it’s River but like as long as it’s River we’re good yeah there’s a lot of secrets in this hat yeah bubbles would be B but that spot’s solid okay oh just’s go like right here while it’s raining okay let’s add

This how do I how do I add bait cuz we don’t have um the furnace recipe yet oh I thought I have it oh maybe I got it it’s not in our crafting menu oh I see it in mine oh then you have it and I oh it’s probably because you have to

Go uh you to find a geode or something yeah probably oh I need a fancier Rod okay whatever I’ll just catch the catfish without him thing Thrift wood higher the Hat closer to Jesus I want to catch a catfish cuz Elliot wants 600 gold for it a

Shad I think the I think the quest is still active if it’s not I still don’t mind catching a catfish cuz they’re worth they’re worth more they are worth a little bit of cash little bit cash money bro that’s wild if it expired because there’s no there’s no way of

Catching a catfish if it’s not it’s not yeah you have to like you just have to get lucky yeah have it timed we’re doing shared money I believe mhm I’m in the cave right now nice if you get to uh levels five you get money as well okay cool we need this

I’m going to go catch some small some sardines green algae oh didn’t someone want that I think Shane wanted that uh it’s probably too late now I love fishing I think it’s super fun there’s Pam hey Pam hey care the name’s Pam oh you just moved in right cool the star drop

Saloon oh they expire for three days okay got it nice faming ooh lots of [ __ ] out here some some some worms some clams some seeds how much for the uh Delux fiberglass Rod oh that’s Expensive worms and clams all man need Sebastian would stand on the dock in the rain by himself what a guy o this disappeared next to me sardine I need two more oh is that Quest log new where it shows how many you have that seems new there one for

Three yo what up bissa okay one more two for three come on come on come on thanks for the six months dude and chy I need one more start uh sardine Oh Captain yeah I actually changed my sound so that’s why it might sound different to some I changed it to

A different one that’s a good point though and chovy No come on give me a sardine and say nothing what’s up Ruthie welcome come on baby bro’s just pondering life yeah he’s like what’s good yes okay sardine for Demetrius okay let me sell these other things real quick and then give them all the sardines um anchovy sardine sardine sardine and chy

Okay all right yo I got I caught three sardines I’m going to give them to Demetrius for a quest nice perfect we need this oh I got I got more carrot seeds as well W yeah yeah guys just refresh if uh the stream got a little silly there just uh

Refresh H this is not a good weather for sports do we know if Demetrius is just always chilling at his place he’s not always but he usually is yeah just a little refresh guys should be good our chicken names are honey and biscuit he’s usually vibing y a thanks for the

Prime there he is sup man there we go nice 120 we’ll take 120 gold okay all right you chill if I uh plant another carrot randomly she didn’t say no sorry what are you down if I put a random carrot somewhere um yeah but can you can put it like by the

Cauliflowers which are on the right side okay nice I feel like there’s not that much forging around what’s up with that okay geod they hate us all right should maybe I’ll build the furnace I need 20 copper ore and 25 stone oh I have Enough let’s go where should we put the uh the furnace at um I’m heading back to the farm right now did you see this giant tree by the way that’s new uh maybe there’s like a huge tree kind of by marne’s Farm has I feel like that’s always been

There or am I new no you’re new it’s that’s not that’s not always been me oh I’m sorry no it’s okay you’re still a good guy um all right I’m I’m back uh I don’t know where do you think where do you think would make sense we could do

It like in between our houses that’s that’s kind of interesting right CU it’s kind of like near it’s near the chest where all that stuff is going to go so that could be a Vibe it requires one coal hold on requires five ores oh dang

Okay um I did throw some in there I think from what I found today you you didn’t put your copper Wars in yet I don’t think did I not I thought I did maybe I didn’t have that many oh did I only get three those were

Mine what am I goofy I swear I got copper today oh whatever oh [ __ ] there we go just kissing my cat 10:00 oh you used them already apparently y Pichu thanks for the three welcome back you use you can just change them by uh with the right

Click up here is where you change the colors imagine a c with proximity chat that’d be funny thank you for the three years you I appreciate that dude do this real quick people who are getting in here okay largemouth bass it’s like catching a SE bass my great on

PC yeah I used some of it to make a furnace but I thought it was all mine unless that was uh that’s time to sleep okay let’s put this over here all right 99 hon sh let’s go yo Rain City Cat thanks for the 11 months appreciate that dude not too shabby not too pretty solid day if I can say so myself pretty solid dude we made it to day seven we got a week oh dang she’s cracking something over there y

You know it yep we got to Y Valley the farm is is is vying dude dude it’s going well ooh rose pedals what’s this mean or cherry blossom you see this floating in the air oh it’s uh it’s almost the flower dance I think oh okay y good music Too oh yeah the classic tune is that’s a tune chat that’s the tune right there that’s the tune everyone’s looking for okay so are in Good Humor oh it’s mayor Lewis’s birthday should we go should we go tell him happy bday uh yeah okay oh e Clinton’s talking to me

Oh cuz you got a geod yeah dude’s a weirdo dude’s a weird dude has weird Vibes Spirits are good are in good uh moves today you said yes oh yeah I got the furnace today Well the hat Thanks Smallmouth Bass a Clint up here I’m just watering all of our stuff it takes a minute oh he said nine lot of crops lazy ass lot of crops left lot of crops here we Go oh he gave me 10 I got 10 copper ore from him oh wait that’s huge yeah that’s good right yeah we need that all right got to put that in the furnace um yeah I mean if you want to no pressure though I I can’t remember how long it

Takes to cook the uh bars not too long yeah the game the time in the game does go by fast sometimes but I like how you’re kind of like forced to like have certain like uh days like okay today we’re doing this yeah you have to have priorities

Yeah cuz some days are like really good for the caves like some days are just like good for fishing yep like without a time constraint I would just be lost i’ be like ah what am I doing mhm yeah it creates a little bit of pressure yeah a little bit of pressure

To light a little fire [Applause] Press oh yeah cut scenes don’t pause time so you’re essentially losing out if you have a cut scene right with kop it does which is kind of a bummer but what can you do we should treat ourselves to some backpacks soon or am I wa all right we should we

Should have a harvest soon I think of the potatoes ah won’t be like super soon but it’ll be kind of soon okay I got distracted by Elliot’s long luscious hair when I was [Applause] fishing ooh a herring and we’ll drop green okay boing boing boing boing boing

Nice what up Mikey how you doing [Applause] dude got some new ideas to sleep on maybe I’m like a professional Fisher [Applause] now I kind of want to go to the mines yeah you can go to the mines maybe I’ll do that tomorrow cuz it’s already like kind of late in my brain you could probably still have a

Five level run if you went now but also like you could wait until tomorrow if you wanted yeah I might just wait and maybe find some spring vegetables in the ground yeah do what you got to do oh here we go we got one we got one folks we got one wild horse

Radish ah there’s a oh there’s there’s a a merchant here and a little girl uh jump roping oh the Merchant’s here today anything good a vegetable medley a parsnip duck mayonnaise yam duck egg O duck egg is interesting that is interesting a bean starter Highway 89 rare seed wedding

Ring nice a lot of these are expensive though yeah that’s a it’s all like late game stuff rare seed or just like stuff that we don’t need right now yeah we’re broke we’re broke we’re broke what can you do man nothing okay is that grabbable no what does the rare seed give you

Ancient fruit or is it random I actually don’t remember oh she’s upset I got to go talk to her why she upset I’ve been pushing off my homework all weekend looks like I’ll be pulling another all nighter Abigail what if I gave you one of these She [ __ ] hates my guts you

Can’t give anyone a horse radish anymore you’re making enemies great Abigail hates me she’s going to burn our farm whole town hates us we’re trying our best to be cool the cool cousins and everyone thinks we’re weirdo what is this only a master of the five ways may

Enter huh is that new or is that I don’t remember I don’t even know what’s new anymore a sealed a sealed wall that’s new ooh a master of the five ways so maybe like fishing Etc and so forth yeah that’s cool what the heck a sealed off area oh oh Sammy I got

All these spring onions yep we need this I just destroyed one well that’s okay sorry it’s okay they’re not like it’s not like crazy money yeah but it’s good it’s good for for food right yeah well I sell them usually okay I’ll sell them as well just like when you know what’s up

Rob how you doing dude are a bit low hey man amen the oh that that is a big tree right there is that the one you’re talking about yeah yeah have the big tree right there it’s a big tree that is huge I saw a big tree right there huh

Yeah there’s something going on with that there’s a little something happening who’s to say also this tree is cute Farm in Pelican town all Right there’s our cat over there I’m going to sell all these spring onions and that fish that my cat that bad Okay cool I’m making a copper bar nice we need this I’m going to the uh Pub to meet the rest of the people that need go to the pub without me cool sorry man I had a hard day of farming you know nah it’s fine I didn’t even

Want to I didn’t even want to wind down and have a nice pale with my friend bro hurry up it’s still here nah it’s fine run over I’m just cutting trees down all right then don’t even care I didn’t get invited no I like I literally don’t I

Literally already I already have plans me and lers are in the town happy for you man thanks copper bar who do I still need to talk to social who have I not met oh I don’t think I’ve talked to the kids oh wait no I need to talk to water the cat

Anyway oh there’s a lot of people I need to talk to a lot of people left Journal updated oh what the [ __ ] huh I’ll build a Silo how do we do that do we have to give the copper bar to what’s her face oh there’s a an owl does that mean

Anything um I saw one earlier I don’t know if that means anything oh my God lady Lux sleeping outside back here yeah she’s wild luck you okay oh let me go check on the chickens that was a crow oh we we have a scarecrow okay we do yes I’m hoping it covers the

Entire area same yo land shark and Rain City C you guys for the reubs by the way as well sorry if I missed those Robin builds The Silo got it got it got it cool do you want to go uh to Robin and have her build the Silo tomorrow I have

All the I have all the stuff in the yes we should definitely do that okay I think I’m going to hit the mines tomorrow yeah yeah that sounds good thanks man um I think that we should put the silo next to the uh cop if there’s space

Oh there’s like this river that kind of cuts into it oh we could put it inside the coup inside the fence put it in here okay I know I just not super obsessed with the spacing over here we can look at it when there’s daylight never we’re go the mines oh huh

Lady Lu’s on my bed cute hey Lady Luck luck Lady Luck level three fishing oops oops oops okay day seven up Spring year one oh we missed I missed mayor Lewis’s birthday whatever literally who cares no offense to Mayor Le dude’s a freak for real for real not the for real for

Real Kenley if it does get restocked it’ll probably be a new color most likely if anything it’s going to rain tomorrow okay thanks Robin ooh Spirits are annoyed I’m still going to go to the the mines also if you want to water the cat’s Bowl I do every day nice you’re a

Good guy we have we have uh food today yo Mac thanks all right anything I should be on the lookout for at the mines any like items that we need oh my gosh we’re going to be rich Let’s Go potatoes we don’t really have that many

But we still going to be rich so many veggies on the way to the mines nice we need uh I I found I have four horse radishes already four M and another leak in this Economy all right chat by the way hold if you uh Dro in frames hold hold hold all right we will need five more potatoes at some point Shan yeah no what are you going to do oh there we go you can put a chest in the mines oh it does it stay

There I never knew that that’s actually a really good idea that’s big brain I never knew That such a smart Strat yeah the top of the mines yeah Yeah and a and a and a chest near Willies also dude what am I thinking guys those are big brain plays bro Chad Chad’s brain is massive you want to hear what what they do yeah they they keep a chest at the top of the mines and by Wily’s

Dock oh yeah that’s smart right I never thought about that oh what the [ __ ] is that [Applause] Crab h whatever okay slime cells for zero okay but don’t you need slime for something later on oh a condom no Earth crystal ow yo Mortuary thank you dude I appreciate that thank you thank you thank you what up Nikki what up Heather welcome on in good to see see

You stay a while feel free oh a geod drop the Slime there we go floor five we did it oh give me some cave carrots right now and say nothing oh is that a ring cave carrot get that ring real quick small magnet ring let’s go and that’s a that’s good too right

Uh leaks are really good I’m I’m going to eat the cave carrots for now yo beex with the 1100 bits yo thank you beex amethyst oh nice BL my cherry bomb okay fine uh-oh uh-oh that did nothing Thank you for the 1100 bits what the hell 240 love the hat thanks Annette appreciate that dude the ring to rule them all yeah I’m keeping the stones to The Silo bug meat and Naomi thanks for the resub also and Nikki thank you guys for the reubs hope

You’re enjoying your hangs thank you all for chilling we just started a new uh playthrough today with Sammy doing a little Co-op Farm okay I want to see how far we can go before we have to just leave Nice good music Ow nice eat one of these Lady Luck just jumped ooh I just got a ring that’s so cute I love the cats in this game they are cute I got a magnet ring which is cool ooh cool oh that’s that helps with like grabbing all of the stuff nice yeah with like

Looting W um let me eat Another Geo let’s go two geod oh see I’m getting a lot of copper dude we need this lot of copper 20 oh did you want to order the silo today or do you want to do it tomorrow she might I don’t remember when she closes she might be

Closed already but I’m down to do an ASAP okay cool cuz it takes 2 days is to uh get built all good okay oh [ __ ] oh are these guys in love who’s in love these guys how do I what happens these these these slimes are in love I can’t see your screen oh

The slimes it’s like a quest I think oh never mind they’re in love they were oh now they’re now they’re attacking me oh they m oh should I kill them yeah I think we intruded on their slime making abilities well now I just killed uh his wife or or I killed her husband

Cool oops now they’re in heaven together yeah there we go Cave carrots let’s go some Wood oh the [ __ ] Cherry Bomb would have been so nice here it’s getting a bit late just a heads up yeah I I made the floor to to floor 10 ooh nice I got boots y give them the boots give me the boots give me the boots give them the boots o

Okay I’m coming back okay cool you you have enough time I’m PR pretty sure to get all these boots are going to make me go quick yep I’m zooming bro I’ll be here in record time me I mean I’m having fun I’ve been on for two hours feels like I haven’t done

Anything after this yeah yeah yeah I’m done to do a BRB 100% okay cool oh lady Luck’s on my bed tonight oh man Lady Luck whatever Whatever all right bedtime our chicken names are honey and biscuit y we didn’t name them they just came with those names level two foring okay so we stay on the level up screen yeah I’ll be right back okay cool yeah I’ll see you in a minute sounds good it’s

Last luck all right guys I’ll be right back I’m gonna go uh do a quick VB it’s going to be quiet for a second it’s my birthday I got a let’s go Devils let’s go Devils yours were pickle and zucchini mine were Ann and Poe oh maybe it’s random

Oh there we go little Burger Shack Dan dance Anthem be right back it think it’s for for you all right I’m back sorry guys we’re back got some more coffee we’re doing it Anonymous gifting a sub thank you appreciate it why is the fart disabled

What up Foot Scrub um I could I could actually turn it back if we want to bring it back hold on fart should be back okay farts are back farts are back guys yo nein thanks for the 22 please no Enjoy 60 farts okay Chris tell me do you notice a

Big difference like do I need to restart my game um I mean I wouldn’t restart your game just do a new a new file just do a new file you’re and you’re chilling we doing need skateboards probably not the farts are working it just takes time they don’t they don’t stack anymore

It just goes one at a time yeah we have the new Farm we have the new Farm there they are there it goes there it is yeah because I I do it through twitch alerts now so everything is like backed up kind of like farts yo Bridget thanks for the seven months appreciate

That all right let me know when you’re back I’ve been asking to fart for weeks man sorry I forgot it was turned off to be honest but yeah level up level two foraging the viewer uh geolocation extension is nice please y’all I’m watching this with my mom your mom’s

Like okay so this is what you spend your time doing every day am I playing with Julian later no I didn’t even know he was playing to be H I think he’s probably going to do his own solo Farm to be honest don’t mind me just crossing through hey John thanks man yo

John floores lava though that’s interesting I think I think Julian and Julia are both doing their own Farms bro it’s it’s out now it was it was announced it’s out hello hey man hey man we’re back yeah yeah yeah all right let me click through oh

When are we doing forging oh we’re in dude we’re in uh that’s a good question perhaps maybe later Sammy I I’m gonna message you something real quick okay all right um let’s run let’s go let’s go let’s go I’m ready day eight of spring it’s oh I was I’m at like the

Advan screen so I was gonna say it’s it says day nine bud but oh sorry no you’re still a good guy uh yeah I’m down though okay cool but it’ll be like later yeah later later later later yeah yeah like oh later oh yeah like later oh

Yeah oh yeah oh I accidentally moved my TV whoops we’re good so it’s rainy today which is good news I don’t have to wait around and water everything um he also wants me to slay some slimes which is cool okay make some more bars there bars so tempting oh your carrot your carrots

Done oh thanks nice carrot initiation I got to kill 10 slimes reach level 40 in the mines oh my God oh my God lot of work left yeah there’s carrots yeah I can’t believe carrots weren’t always in it I feel like carrots such a classic veg it is classic but I don’t

Know maybe maybe he just doesn’t like carrots that much oh tomorrow’s Vincent’s birthday if you give a crap oh I forgot to grab my geod to bring to what’s his face uh well it’s it’s still really early you can still do it it’s just so far can you actually go

Order the uh Silo low key um do I need all the stuff I don’t know does anybody know if you need it in your hand or do you just need it I probably need it iory yeah I need it all right um what is it it’s wood rocks and copper bars yeah it’s

Like five copper bars I think um 100 Wood I’ll just grab I’ll just grab everything I think and just like talk all right yeah why don’t you just grab the whole shebang and then oh wait clay do you have Clay we need clay for

It oh I I threw out clay I didn’t know we needed clay ah wait you threw it out well only like how much clay do we need well you shouldn’t throw it out regardless but no I didn’t have any room oh I see like you ran out of room

Yeah it was like clay or like a a gold ball no that’s fine that’s fine we need 10 10 how do you get clay digging in the ground um I think you just get it from the mines and this some Goofy must I’m oh I got to hoe the

Ground okay let me do that real quick don’t do it here though do it somewhere else no okay let me hold the ground yo Foot Scrub thanks for the tier one dude I appreciate that what the hell okay I’m going to go to the beach get some

Clay I’m also going to do I open up the geod now I’ll do that laugh we talk to Robin take that hoe elsewhere you’re right oh yeah wait do you need to catch your catfish today or you are you over no that’s long gone that Quest all right

Bud I didn’t know if it was like a p personal accomplishment you know I mean I would love to get one eventually but oh I got I VI play play I got another shirt dude you’re getting outfits left and right yeah Bros fit it up this one’s a tank top too no offense

Okay they love giving you the tank tops yeah I’m ruining the beach by the way that’s fine you can ruin the beach I need three more come on any clay any more clay give need three more please anyone come on give this guy some clay there we

Go two more nice we’re we’re back dude two more come on Clay it up Clay it up come on guys clay please any clay I’m exhausted oh didg all your energy Clap into a bed for a minute or eat do you have like a por radish or something that you could eat no

Hey man wait uh going to Pierre’s no I’m going to go lay in bed at 1:30 meet me on a Sunday me on a day me me on any day I’m not how much is the oh dude the backpack’s so expensive it’s 2K yeah so we need 4K

Right yeah yeah but when our cauliflowers start money oh Robins doesn’t even work on Tuesdays anyway so we’re chilling great nobody nobody works these days nobody works anymore man nobody wants to work these days great Great Food can I eat one of these carrots or is that weird they’re actually really good never mind nice W I’m eating I’m eating a leak though do what you got to do thanks oh yeah I could I could have the [ __ ] open up those geod you’re right so

Wild I’m going to go to Clint before he closes he closed that four what a loser oh my God bro no one works around these days it’s like hey man just just do your thing you know what I mean bro Clos the four to do what go to the bar

After to do what to be a creep great great just what we needed man all right I’m going to go fishing I think do it we need the money hit him with a hoe no cuz he would like that oh Sor and Clay go go to the bar and stare

At Emily yeah that he’s buffed he’s got a full schedule he knows you’re full sketch too e he definitely does bro it’s like looming at the back table oh is there a worm spot hold on oh over there rocks and I lost one to the

River take me down to the river what can you do man nothing just walk around these geod like a silly guy there’s a mod that replaces Clint with a Butch lesbi be in oh dang we should have got named [Laughter] Claire that’s a must have [Laughter]

O is she still a creep to Emily though or no I don’t know she’d probably be happy about the change right I don’t know her life I feel like I do know her life sell this do you have do you have any uh clay at all oh wow you really did destroy the

Beach it’s wild over here sorry no it’s good it was just jarring when I walked over if you can if you can try to get two pieces of clay while you’re out there let me know all right we’ll do thanks man what does that sound is that a whale I

Keep hearing like whale sounds a whale yeah I don’t hear whale it’s like that’s just like the rain that is not rain I don’t know oh I missed stard fishing I’m it’s kind of a vi just the sound of the valley okay I got an eel o that’s huge we’re in

Gamer real gamer hours real gamer hours start now dude there’s no way that’s the rain it’s got to be like a it’s got to be like a weird animal when it’s rain apparently it might be the wizard tower that makes weird noises like that true bang oh means the legendary fish can be

Caught oh that’s cool oh okay I thought the valley just made weird noises I was like yeah we’re like in the middle of nowhere you know just weird sounds true weird vibes okay I don’t think we sell the eel I think we need it later for the no we

Keep that that’s cool for like a bundle or something yeah yeah y yep bro come on Man two pieces of clay is all we need two I’m going to go up the uh the path a bit and try and find some all right 10:30 just time check true $130 and $51 to our name yeah we’re broke broke we’re broke oh I got a joa

Cola nice let me drink that real quick it gave me a little bit of energy any oh I got one I got one give me more one more give me more give me more you know you want to bang let’s go let’s go so in we’re in dude I’m dropping them off

At the uh chest I’ll put it in the um mining chest yeah yeah that’s where that’s where m bet I’m going to I’m going to grab everything for for tomorrow just to have it yeah that’s a good idea and then just book on over there tomorrow where’s the

Wood it’s in the um original chest I walked 10,000 paces okay get my steps in this will be uploaded to YouTube yes okay I’m going to go to sleep same my night yo chest not Checkers thanks for the uh 13 months I appreciate that welcome back welcome

Back but yeah this will be all on YouTube so hi YouTube if you’re watching it’s dude’s day it’s star dude’s day oh I love that ooh good song incoming mhm D emotes in the chat if you got him guys it’s spring day 10 baby Lady Luck is

Out actually should be oh Chris big day today potatoes are done oh yeah time to eat some potatoes oh 6:40 a.m. jeez Early do a little fishing oh we got 17 potatoes we’re rich Let’s Go Chris we’re so back we desperately needed that we really really Did all right I’m headed to Pierre’s to buy um more crops for us but we’ll have a lot left over I think nice I don’t know if it’s enough for both of us to get the backpack upgrade but I think we should have enough for

One one of us to get it you can grab it first no no you can because you’ve been going mining and whatnot I stay kind of close to the chest I got the fisherman achievement are you sure nice yeah yeah I’m sure all right closed on Wednesdays oh yeah no no one works

Anymore when I find you Pierre yo I just got River jelly a rare jelly found in fresh water what is that new what ew what is that that’s got to be new River jelly incoming I’m keeping that we should make a box for just weird random [ __ ] that we

Don’t know what it is yet yeah like a random random random I got a bullhead oh I can’t do anything with it oh but it’s oh it’s aridium rank oh should we keep it yeah I’m going to toss my pass out right everything is dud River jelly

Gives you plus 30 max energy for 7 minutes wait that’s big holy crap random random and this uh Bullhead is iridium so we’re going to keep that for the festival no I’m not dropping the clay we need it build our Silo no no no we need the clay we need the clay I

Would go order it yeah I’m doing right now all right nice uh construct a Farm building what is it a silo yeah okay uh build where should we build it so you’re like in the hover over thing right okay you can see me so what do we think about

Like here is this big enough yeah that’s fine okay perfect let’s do that all the way on the on the edge of the river or like give a little squ yeah yeah yeah like all the way on the edge done nice oh oh my gosh I just saw it

Pop up that was fun let’s go yep we so in all right um dude we’re actually doing really well like MoneyWise and Vibe wise I think no we definitely are I think I think fishing’s a good vibe today I got two crazy items in that Lake you’re being really helpful too by like

Getting all of the fish and Mining stuff to sell yeah yeah y thanks like that’s that’s helpful all right I’m going to go to Clint real quick before he closes nice I’m just a chest in the mine so I can leave [ __ ] there too we have tons of wood so we’re we’re chilling Okay here we go all right Clint got three gos for you buddy nice okay Stone ooh two two Museum pieces and a journal entry you found an artifact let’s go tell tell Clint The Shack hates him it’s so funny bro Clinton’s on site I hate that guy donate to museum here we

Are and there we are oh nice cool lot of donations lot of donations okay nice I’m going to go drop this stuff off nice why are we beefing with Clint he’s just a creep bro is an actual creep bro has bad vibes yeah bro’s a red flag he’s a walking red

Flag dude I never understood why this TV is just like on the ground in the grandparents house where like Alex lives like they’re living room TV is like in the middle of the room and like not on anything just a long cord maybe they’re weird Long Court in

The middle of oh so yeah guys we’re um we’re playing stard pretty much all day and then perhaps a little uh Fort to cap it with but there’s uh it’s not it’s not guaranteed cuz we’ve been waiting for the star to update for a while so that’s kind of the

Vibe for a little bit hey man what’ you catch okay uh just a green algae [Laughter] Brother oh the beach is back to normal oh who’s this old old lady I saw the most beautiful family of butterflies sunning themselves in the town garden yesterday that’s how Evelyn talks nice I believe It okay granny abin okay I’m going to go here dude yeah the river jelly that thing’s crazy and then the Bullhead uh put the wood back in here copper bar over yeah that’s stuff we need right there man make another one as well oh I could donate the Earth crystal as

Well to oh I have a bunch of things I could donate to the homie I’ll bring those tomorrow okay nice nice nice okay let’s go all right and then um let me get how much wood do I need to make a 50 wood okay cool all right I’m going to go build a

Chest up there later he doesn’t close till 6 and it’s too late uh carrots are new they’re new in the uh update wow cool all right I’m going to fish in here then I think we’ll do the mines tomorrow yeah the Sounds in this game are great Chris

I just talked to Alex and he goes if you weren’t a girl I’d ask you to play catch so how are we murdering this man wait what did he say he said if you weren’t a girl I’d ask you to play catch Alex’s more like we’re hiding his body in the beach

Tonight angry what’s that supposed to mean and he goes uh never mind yeah yeah that’s what I thought bud that’s what I thought say that again say that again I’m bringing him to Clint and we’re going to crack him open like a geode how dare how dare he wow dare he’s

He’s done dude he’s done we’re going to put him in the the Bro doesn’t even know I played softball so I’m good at catch yeah you know what she’s good at catch all right Bud yeah maybe I’m even better than he is yeah did he think that bet you could throw a

Nice fast ball yeah I can actually I can I’m a good guy broken glass I think this is my uh I think this is our garden our garbage Pond nice everybody everybody’s got to have a good garbage Pond yeah oh some mixed seeds over here okay hey see you that down there

D now this this is where the where the real money is right here yep can’t wait to clear this out once we have The Silo mhm we won’t be able to do it all but like we can get a good chunk out of there y okay

Yeah that styo is going to look real nice okay oh that eel’s cool nice W dude I’m having the time of my life right now I just wanted to let you know dude it’s very fun I’m having a lot of fun I love shardy Valley me

Too hey man bring it in hey bring it in hey you’re my best friend here but the correct uh you’re this time hey it doesn’t even matter it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s all going to the same Place I’m knocking this tree down I think there’s a secret back here oh there is a there’s a there’s a [ __ ] thing over here wait where are you it’s a tower with a with a rabbit on it where are you to the right up here up up here behind

The house there’s a there’s a a rabbit Tower oh cute is that new oh it’s a war is that Granda Shrine or is that I don’t know if that’s gry’s Shrine is that is that Pea’s Shrine right there is that pep Pep’s Shrine or not really okay Greg don’t invite me to

Play it’s a warp totem apparently apparently Craig we could have played on Monday man how was today did you have some good games by the way yeah it’s sick let’s go wag said you guys were playing is it War us the Pea Shrine I think silver berry you should it’s fine a

Teamwork yeah it makes the Dream Work yeah that’s what they said oh we just killed this uh this butterfly home sorry I’m uh I’m low energy you might you you might have low iron you know I probably do sorry you never know man is the update on all platforms no

Not yet just PC just PC for now I know I know oh ew it said I was hitting the sack today dang e I’m I’m next to Lady Luck and oh doing the same cool oh you too rough day wait we have the mail machine I got level two farming we can

Make mayo we have so much gold those those potatoes really really salt SAU did a lot of yeah that’s real nice we needed that yo Sahara and Jillian thank you guys for the reubs by the way welcome on in yep all right I’m going to go to the mines immediately I

Think me sell hats okay poke come to the old house poke bring coins yay oh hat Mouse the Hat Mouse is here and the spirits are in Good Humor by the way oh also Robin needs okay maybe I’ll do the mines in a little maybe another time so

I want to go to the Hat mous yeah yeah wait I want to I couldn’t find hat Mouse in uh infinite craft yesterday so I’m going to go kill it I mean oh I’m going to see it you can’t kill the Hat Mouse all right I won’t was Toxic hat Mouse hat Mouse we also have to find the isn’t the axe around here too that someone lost yeah it’s kind of by the um spring onions okay I’m going to grab that now real Quick we need this oh there it is y y better return to Robin rob you know what’s funny I feel like you said that last time I played this like word for word like you know what the music in this is really or the Sounds in this are really nice and you’re not Wrong nice little sound oh oh yeah that that’s a cute little guy I’m not going to lie yeah you joked about killing him Chris N I would never do that I would never say I’m going to burn down its house I never said that what the heck hi hat

Mouse the shape helps to keep Sailors dry during a, oh this gu yeah he’s got to make a living in this economy Chris is that a problem Sam it’s one rain rain cap for 1,000 bucks yeah how he’s got to make rent yeah I don’t know I’ve I’ve heard

It before Chris but yo I feel like there’s going to be something special see how these are arranged right here yeah I feel like there’s something in here secret I don’t know are you you didn’t hit it I was like there’s nothing in it I was using the wrong tool oh

Well have to the best of this man I’m going to go return this to Robin and then I’m going to uh donate some stuff as well maybe I’ll go donate stuff first and then go to Robin After oh nice Cows what where that emote or stard or both yeah P that’s what I’m going to do like I’ll just keep certain tools there like I could probably keep my like uh my sword there and Stuff bro I can’t believe they have a mullet I’m I’m so stoked oh wait I went to the wrong place let’s donate these two things to GAA Goa new reward up crispy yeah nine cauliflower seeds yeah I Guess oh nice let’s go I guess we could plant those and make make a living yeah we could we need this crispy how is your star doing Going new Farm is op it’s fun dude oh we got a quest let’s see oh tomorrow tomorrow’s the book seller that’s you Elliot wants a ripe cauliflower do we have any cauliflower laying around I think we sold it all you can check the chest though okay I think we probably sold it though

Dang that’s okay all right so book sellers tomorrow I wonder what that’s going to be oh wait I got to talk to this kid come here lock I’m hungry where’s my mom I don’t know man loser lost his [Laughter] mom it’s a small town man I don’t know

Look for small town man try it try that try that in a small town where is Robin at our is Robin building at our place still yes oh great went all the way up here for nothing it’s okay okay okay I’m going to save a little bit of

Money cuz I think our next Harvest is coming up and then you can get the backpack okay which will be a w can I not talk to her when she’s working no you can’t oh my God I have she’s in the zone what do you what do

You need her for I have her axe oh yeah that you can put him here you can put them here how many do you have left I have seven left okay uh let’s put him here thanks yo rank star do win nah come on I’m kidding nah come on

We’d win nah come on you’re right all right let’s put these in here dandelion and a and a horse radish sell those we need this try that now try that in a small town why don’t okay I’m going to go uh I’m going to go

To the mine and build a uh a chest or maybe even two chests who who’s to say do your thing yo what up paper how you doing dude cool ooh the leak another big tree lonus maybe I give Linus’s leak that was right here and see if he’s down for it here

Man that’s a good find I’m always happy when eating wild food thank you hey you’re welcome getting snap twitch drops you know true bro giving someone a piece of food that was on the ground in front of them is wild that is so I I could build I could build right here

By the way like I can just do this and we’re chilling that’s so that’s so helpful I feel like bro I can’t believe that’s an option okay and then maybe another one over here for like other [ __ ] maybe like orange for items cool oh little man’s in Here okay I’m just going to go here and just like Cruise a little bit yeah I’ll move it later yeah yeah I can’t believe that dude I didn’t know that was like an option that’s so smart but yeah guys we’re going to be uh doing stardo for probably a while uh just cuz

Like this is fun as [ __ ] but then um there might be like a moment later where we do the floor is lava fortnite Customs because it’s such a fun mode the only concern is it is builds so that stinks if you’re not a builder but it’s a very fun Mode and they re-released it which is exciting as Hell I don’t think it’s been out for years which is Crazy oh my God my energy my energy is low If it’s only squads that’s fine we’ll probably I’ll probably just queue in with um Sammy in like Duos and then you guys can all do squads or whatever yo what up Saint how you doing brother oh you can’t eat those Okay y yes floor’s lava was a mode that was out like early on I built a Mayo machine for us did you drink it yet no I just built the machine all right I have not drank it Mr D how are we doing I’m going to put an egg in there

Though put a bird on it if you’re looking for it it’s in the CP the B Machine I put it in there oo 8:30 it’s getting a little late it’s getting a little late guys it’s getting a wee bit late out here wee bit late we wee bit late okay

Accent sorry to any uh British people watching right now ah they’re not watching yeah you’re right the people who who are British watching are like okay like okay don’t even care about me but it’s but it’s fine all right okay I’m I’m going to keep like the cool [ __ ] over

Here oh yeah guys you absolutely can put stuff in Barns and I do all the time it’s really helpful so like later when you get like um [ __ ] like milk and whatnot just put the stuff the buckets and everything right in there you can put chests in the barns super helpful

Nice I’m head back to the to the ranch why didn’t we use the elevator cuz I completely forgot bring it in I haven’t played this game in years it’s okay you’re doing good thanks man the axe yeah I’m going to get working Robin’s still just working away

I’m going to get the ax later and bring it to Robin yeah yeah yeah sounds good she’s still yeah she’s still busy she’s booked booked and busy yeah actually should be I’m G to sell this crab do your thing oh tomor so tomorrow’s the book thing wait I’m so excited do you think

It’s like right away I hope so I wonder where we go for me too I don’t know yo what up Nero thanks for the prime let’s go no we don’t have any coal a i a I’m going to bed lady look I call her oh I’m gonna bring this

Wood I’m gonna bring some of this wood uh tomorrow to fix the bridge at the beach I need I need 300 is that okay okay yeah we have so much that that’s fine Yeah I know there’s a faster way to do this guys but the sounds Fun nice Ooh paper huh play that silly wibbly wobbly Music the book seller is in town today where do you think they are oh we got to find them tomorrow’s the egg Festival oh my mom sent me cookies oh how it’s a little weird yeah how wait we got 500 gold from my dad oh thanks man thanks

Dad that’s a little weird thanks no I’m just kidding I guess we’ll take that the cookies from Beyond thanks all right we got to find the book oh here we go book seller Sammy I I’ll wait for you where in town in town okay I’m running I’m running there’s a Poster yo Mara ding thanks for the one year Chad we’re going to find what out with this this together all right here we go follow me oh is it past the JoJo Mar I don’t know uh is it at the jojamart or down here I’m looking up you look Down bro no way no way it’s in the Jo up here Chris up here I’m coming I haven’t I haven’t gone to them yet wa book of stars experence gain some experience and all skills wood cutters weekly stard Valley Almanac Maro horse the book way of the wind run faster horse the

Book Slither legs run faster through grass and crops wait this is sick so these are all like little upgrades like experience yeah they’re like little upgrades wait price catalog you you can now see the value of your items wait that’s huge bro I’m he really yeah he

Really just told me I’m broke to my face wait can I get in the balloon nah book of stars is wild too all right later Marshall you fun too expensive for me thanks bud but we’re barely scraping by right now thanks bud we got to sell some [ __ ] potatoes okay we’re

Broke he said keep it moving poor [Laughter] yep keep it moving I’m going to read this because I had to read it dude put his whole AP [ __ ] into this update well it’s true oh okay you’re right yeah dude it’s so sad in yo-yo Mart so it’s like the

Fluorescent lights he got the lighting right in here yeah place that place just gives gives me like season yeah same okay um I’m going to uh build this [Applause] bridge we’re going to need some cauliflower for for Elliot at some point yeah spooky ookie let’s go hell

Yeah all these sea urgant that’s what it’s all about that’s what it’s all about well keep more like gatekeeper with those prizes true oh there’s a place to fish over here and worms I don’t have my freaking hoe yo Jeff thanks for the two months dude I appreciate that Jeff welcome back

Good to see you how it’s been three hours already dude that is uh that’s sted for you man okay money wait what did you just do we got so much money I just sold a ton of [ __ ] oh my God we’re in dude can I

Buy the fiber no I’m not going to buy dude buy buy your backpack right now oh true it’s 2K right or was it three no it’s two time flies in the valley it does uh I’m going to fish and then I’ll buy it okay yeah sounds good yeah I’m

Going to get some fish hopefully get some uh some some big ones someone goes how’s it been three hours already I’m like dudee that’s stardo baby three hours a I thought this is like an hour and a half nah butd bro I’m locked in I can literally play this for the next 10

Hours and not bling same so Sammy so I have good news and bad news okay I’m listen so I do want to keep playing this and uh I’m I’m I’m ready to too there is an issue for uh the end of the week I simply won’t be

Home yeah that’s okay we’ll put our hours in like the rest of the days yeah are you are you here till you’re gone like Friday right so I’m I’m around tomorrow so I’m down to go all day and all night tomorrow if you’re down yeah me too Thursday I am not

Here Thursday he’s gone guys I’m getting a tattoo he’s gone on he hates us I don’t hate you I’m just I’m simply getting a tattoo you can go back to supermarket or The Sims no you’re right I’ll I’ll keep myself busy we can’t um we can’t we

Can’t play it too much and then overdo it either you know what I mean no I’m down to overdo it you’re right I was I was my copium that was my copium no you go get your tattoo man and then you’re like booked this weekend yeah please run into

The ground man I need this crub so here’s the thing I get it I’m getting a tattooed then I’m going to Boston bring your steam deck bro you think I got a steam deck buy one what oh I got sea jelly [Applause] nice tattoos are okay Dart Stewart and

Clart need us back at the supermarket so who the hell is steart bro bro it’s my triplets that work for me oh another sea jelly going to Boston for pack East yeah go bro going to packs yeah I wasn’t going to go but I was like eh it might be

Fun go go have a nice time go enjoy yourself yeah I I got I got a network guys this guy’s got a network over here oh the Mayo’s done ooh nice mayonnaise sha meet up or I mean honestly if we we can put together a like axi

Um Discord or something if you wanted to like a channel and if people wanted to do something we can maybe like have like a night where we like link up or Something uh definitely I’m definitely going to be at the convention though most days then Chicago next we are we are uh we are doing a lot of traveling that’s all I’m going to say this uh these next couple weeks oh the Silo’s done dude okay I’m

Going to clear some of the grass for it then oh we’re so in Chris Let’s uh simp simply Go I’m starting by making us a little road to the uh bottom part is Robin still looming there or is she gone no she’s gone she’s probably back at her store true I can’t put the bait on the rod it’s an old rod we don’t have the upgrade yet I don’t

Have the upgraded one yet I’m broke and poor we’re broke guys come broke [Applause] idiot also I appreciate the help but you know I also know how to play a decent amount so we don’t need like you know constant tips and tricks Trust okay can I buy the backpack I got

It yep large pack yep wait so do you have it two or no no only you all right it’s okay though I don’t I didn’t need it as bad as you um okay while you’re at Pi can you grab um five potatoes uh let me see he’s not here I

Don’t think but I could can I still buy from here ruined no he might be it might be closed yeah he’s gone it’s all right I’ll buy stuff tomorrow yeah yeah got don’t mind Refreshers and stuff but when you know if your only comments are just

Like telling me what to do like we’re good like tips and tricks are are fine though but not when it’s like the only thing more like ruined Acres we’re ruined what up Miss K how you doing dude paper dude you would like it a lot I’m telling you it’s very

Fun oil up those villagers now um okay hold on cookies where should I put the cookies at in here maybe okay stard dude it’s good it’s been real fun if you need a fish location holl us yeah yeah I’ll let you know okay it’s 9:00 I might go grab

Um I don’t know if Robin’s here cuz I I want to give her her axe but maybe we’ll probably just give it to her tomorrow before the big day dude Alicia I haven’t played in like two or 3 years and I’m loving it I had

For anyone who didn’t know I had I had a year four aridium star farm and we did like most of Ginger Island and all that but we haven’t really played uh much since then so this has been fun oh no [ __ ] way it goes away as I cast on

It yeah Shan and I had a whole Farm we played I think it was a lot during the pandemic it was very fun um okay we get that sneaky fish yeah all right I do need to kill all the uh all the slimes too but yeah this will be posted on

YouTube M dude yeah apparently Kush said that they’re all still available on my YouTube oh wait wait Rob yes huge we just got her we just got her oh poor dude why are they why are they outing him like this sounds like those raccoons are back again filthy

Varmint yeah Nick it’s not they’re highlighted on Twitch but they’re not on YouTube it was me I’m sorry wait Sammy I got a cut scene with lonus hope I I don’t die what time is it oh you have a cut scene with lonus it’s it’s midnight oh I

Skipped it I I I almost died oh I almost died poor poor Li oh there’s a [ __ ] Bush okay I’m running I’m running I’m Trucking I’m Trucking I’m Trucking PO lus he deserves the world Sprint I’m dude I’m going as fast as I can man I’m cruising I’m cruising I’m

Cruising oh man come on baby go go go go go go okay we have we we have an hour we just made it oh that’s good news wait it’s 1:00 a.m. yeah nice there we go there we go all right we did it we’re in we’re in

Lot of money we made today lot of money fishing dude the Mayo’s huge we’re making big money off of that big money uh bottom left that’s my uh that’s the sub count I could put it on the right but I think I think left is probably Fine all right I’m going to go to the uh good weather yeah neutral neutral I’m going to go to the mines now and just and just getting as deep as I can oh wait no it’s the egg festival today oh is it what’s that Mean should I I have to wait for you then right yeah yeah you should wait let me um let me water everything okay I don’t know like if we both get yeah over there I have no clue I don’t know what the vibe is true I got to get these watered oh bang

The kale was done today let’s Go thanks man H whatever Wai On We got to lock in for the egg hunt you’re right oh we do have to lock in for the egg hunt only one of us has to win though I think oh yeah we’ll be winning it good oh is our cat oh our cat’s thirsty give him some water I got it

Thanks man I got to go check on the chickens too all right there you go Buddy large egg we’re in dude nice with the egg Fest there we go it Started all right I already have let’s go have some fun at the egg Festival let’s go have some fun you want to get out of here and go go to the egg Festival let’s go to the Festival okay why why is your guys so freaking fast yeah I’m Speedy dude you’re

Zipping oh yeah yeah waiting for players we have to go together ooh ooh I want this bunny yo strawberry seeds for 100 is that a move or oh wait wait yeah we do this we do this okay let me Get I got us 10 nice no one really talks me I just came for the Pitchfork oh my God plants wait plants are only 350 that’s actually Oh no you’re right I shouldn’t get these I’ve been up since Dawn coloring eggs it’s always my favorite part of the Season Vincent

Loves this FES it’s a joy to see him so happy just going to talk to everyone Lina said no one talks to him yeah he’s s he’s a sad guy it’s really sad it’s really really sad what’s everyone so happy about huh eggs why eggs this best was an attrition

For as long as I can remember okay why is Evelyn so nice and her husband sucks I ruined their game I’m stepping in front of them nice so they can’t run we used to do a rotten egg toss mayor lewi put an end to that pretty

Quick search for eggs is like going on a treasure hunt sniff my do out I love Her there he is Abby’s always loved the egg hunt ever since she was a tiny girl cool hair even with my bad leg I never miss a Festival thanks man hey Pam I got I put something nice into the punch all right Pam we get it um wait Sammy check this

Out where you at where are you there you are nice W thanks wait let me let me try Okay nope I’m too Short oh there you are there go there she is I’m in you want to send it mhm all right let’s go find these eggs let’s do it all right lock in chat we got to we we got to get these it’s time for the highlight of today’s festivities the annual spring egg

Hunt Cal down calm down kiddos you’re going to need all your energy if you hope to find the most eggs and take home the exclusive prize are we kids or are we just the only weird adults playing no we’re the we’re the only weird adults play my guy has a whole Beard but who’s hiding eggs behind like the the gravestones Yoink move kid [Laughter] Sorry nice nice grab no way these kids are winning no Way okay how do we do I think I did okay but I can’t tell we lost I’m ending My Stream and now the winner of this it’s a tie between us we tied what y y that means we both win yay yes Dude we tied y yep we got our Hats nice oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah that’s really nice that’s how all I got to plant these strawberries all right nice nice nice uh guys refresh refresh if if you uh lost frames there a little bit quick little refresh Okay yeah we wrecked those kids let’s [Laughter] go oh oh it tells me what you caught paper that’s funny there’s like a popup I’m kind of near you that’s fun Oh my guy fell asleep uh can I do a quick bathroom break uh we like pause for a sec yes that’s sorry no you’re you’re good n you’re good go ah you’re a good guy man come on I’m going to sell this fish not much but it’s on his

Work we might have made a little bit of cash cuz I had some um crops to sell okay watching the stream from the gym let’s go oh yeah that’s real nice you could probably get a uh a backpack all right I’ll be right back one sec okay yeah yeah yeah no worries for

For okay hey sorry no you’re good I also grab a little uh a little Coke yep yep yep Acres y Acres Y okay I’m going to go to the cave all right sounds good ooh Spirits are displeased oh man it’s all right o I learned how to make COA W oo some COA nice little bit of Co some SLA some SLA yeah I like SL and guys

Make sure to refresh if you’re on PC it might be a little delayed some green beans beans oh we are in we are in Chris in it to win it okay Kayla we know we know come on man okay so this place has like ghost of vies Lady Luck B Lady Luck

Luck Lady Luck oh this [ __ ] thing ow ooh bug meat yeah veggie chat let us know about that one I had no idea that was a thing either pretty sick though what’s up Britney how are you that’s bad right means that there’s a bunch of bugs coming [Applause]

I’m going to buy my uh backpack [Applause] nice [Applause] let’s go oh man so many places so many [ __ ] copper ores over here I wish I had a bomb I don’t think tools of durability I I I thought they did but maybe I’m wrong you thought what I thought that I

Thought tools had durability but maybe I forgot no they don’t yeah that’s kind of nice you just like upgrade them and then they’re good yeah they’re good diglet [Applause] Cherry Bomb let’s go oh my God slime’s going to kill me don’t true water water does but that makes sense cuz it’s like

Water you know you can’t have un limited water right right right right right absolutely Absol right right absolutely oh new journal entry we needed this I I’m going kill all these guys no crap that one’s going to turn to a fly guy annoying you was L me had a peanut butter and jelly

Sandwich ooh um not that I can remember right like I feel like they’re I feel they’re solid but I just never have them they definitely are solid I feel like they slap like anytime you know what I mean like you’re never like mad to have a peanut butter and jelly

Sandwich you’re back you’ve been eating them recently you’re back into it yeah like I I used to I used to [ __ ] with them Al also peanut butter on uh toast yeah oh a classic yeah crunchy or creamy got to go creamy got to um I like crunchy if I’m eating them with

Apples for crunchy peanut butter with apples but like on a sandwich I like creamy You’ve never had a PB andj H where are you from Huh nice music over here you got music yeah I got music I’m deep though I’m I’m 17 down feel me oh true you’re down there [Applause] Yep do I have a chair oh I forgot I have a big backpack oh my god dude I was like why am I still holding stuff we both have the upgraded one now controversial sometimes I just love a jelly sandwich you know what that’s that’s wild actually oh what a

Kill lot of dudes down here going to need me a uh place to get out of here huh a [ __ ] this is all bugs down here I think I’m going to go back up we’re so close to so close to 20 though come back up then actually I’m I’m

Chilling so close to 20 you feel me I believe in you y oh piece of [Applause] [ __ ] H A I knew it I got a rice root nice I think I have one or two of those in the shed I haven’t done anything with it oh nice this the adventure Guild open right

Now let me check I think until 9: fix my sword brother fix fix my sword man I need this oh there it Is come back when you got something to show me kid I’m here wooden blade oh there’s a bunch of cool stuff you can buy Here there’s a gift back there too oh I I need to kill a thousand monsters okay 1K nice 1K and this a con 1K uh should I bring some I I have a bunch of copper and uh coal and stone should I bring those back cuz I have yeah we don’t have

Any coal at the uh the house okay I got seven Coal Stone I got some geod okay I’m just going to bring uh all this nice oh the Galaxy sword is so good yo F of sunshine Elena J pots y we got a level two hype train guys thank you very

Much for the hype train I appreciate that hope you guys are having a good day thank you all for hanging as we uh play on our yep Acres Farm here what do y’all know about yep Acres what do y’all even know about it have y’all even been to Y Acres before

Hi welcome to Y Acres how can I take your order Yep thank you so much for coming through to yep Acres how could I help oh nice string bean all that okay dang furnace copper or yeah I put some stuff in there for the community center uhoh I’m about to do something wild uhoh what’s he doing another

Another furnace in the bu in the in the in the moment uhoh to fer ey fer ey uh oh not the fer ey what the hell you guys got uh Amazon Prime you you can sub for free if you’d Like thank you all for coming through though I do appreciate it wait I need uh train renders let’s go Miss militia with the 200 bits yep thank you sir all right take Fern ey back lot of stuff to sell today nice I didn’t sell much but I got a lot

Of uh we have like five copper bars in the in the mix oh I found some River jelly I’ll keep that o River jelly is good if you want to stack in on mine I have a bunch of river jelly in the blue okay cool all I’m going to take a I’m

Going to take a little nap with my a full night’s rest yo no offense I’m about to get a full night’s rest out here guys I’m about to have some sweet dreams of that’s okay oo some sweet dreams you seem like the kind of person who has sweet dreams

Thanks oh my God we can get beeh homes beeh I can make a sturdy ring and Bug steak yep and I have plus one fishing we’re in dude oh yeah we’re making some money money money look at this yeah that’s why you gr grind in the beginning guys you that

Gr mindset Isa let’s go with the 100 bits that’s what we needed right here yeah we’re Grinders you’re out here grinding hello dear I know you’re just getting started as a guard so I want to give you a little tip most crops only grow in one season thanks thanks

Evelyn oh the salmon berries are out dude huge ooh I like how you say salmon True the way you just didn’t okay it’s bar season I don’t know why my brain didn’t like connect those but you know what it probably is that and I’m and I’m being weird no I don’t think you’re being weird you are Berry season it’s just the berries just the berries

Brother what’s what’s Pierre saying what do you know about running a business o topaz I think wait is that mayor Louis who wants it I think I have topaz Somewhere let’s go double check and see Yo burnt crotch with the Prime thank you burnt crotch let’s go yeah I’m grabbing all the salmon berries right now come on man come on man bro said fer ey earlier bro is it not fer ey I don’t

Know know that we can have fun we can have fun out here come on and we had a little bit of a laugh a little bit of laugh and a go um are you by the farm yeah I’m you do me a fade if you have

Time can you check the uh the black box and see if there’s topaz yeah thanks we do have topaz we have two okay I’m going to bring one of those over to our boy Lewis nice going check this garbage here real quick first cool for nussy oh sorry oh here we

Go process geod come on Clint okay we’ll take that and oh now that’s a thunder egg what’s up dunks going to donate that to charity over Here yo hex with the 333 thank you dude egg hey beex thank you very much beex with the 333 what do you know about That I’m going to go get that tote as give it to my pet Pep not the pet pet got food in return let’s go you you got plans for dinner later or are you just winging It um I don’t know what I’m doing for dinner actually no clue didn’t think perhaps I could put you on something yeah what’s your Vibe Philly cheese steak now that’s interesting that’s what I have to not normally something I go for TVH that’s fine not not everyone’s into

That kind of stuff not that I’m like against it but fair oh there’s something in the ground here I think you could probably get it or maybe it’s a seed or something wait you cut out what you say there’s something in the ground here oh nice a little like brown thing

All right I’m bringing uh bringing the topaz to our boy oh oh I’m getting the cut scene with you right now oh nice with mayor Lewis it it yanked me over oh interesting oh hi in there what an iore wait this is this is separate from me giving him topaz I

Think I think it is Yeah used to be the pride and joy of the Town always bustling with activity now just look at it it’s shameful these days the young folk would rather sit in front of the TV than engage with the community dang but listen to me I sound like an old

Fool yoya Corporation has been hounding me to sell them the land so they can turn it into a warehouse Pelican town could use the money but there’s something stopping me from selling it I guess Old-Timers like me get attached to the relics of the past oh well if anybody else buys them

Membership I’m going to go ahead and sell it here let’s go inside oh wow look at this the junimos this place is even more dilapitated than I remember oh look at that disappeared Pop what he called me ill yeah the soundtrack is so good here I know bro calls you ill out of nowhere it’s like hey man you saw something wouldn’t be surprised if this place was full of rats you’re worrying me CHR like hey man that’s not a rat all right Jun get your

Eyes checked get your eyes checked Bud hey Gramps maybe go to go to the get an eyes you’re worrying me Chris okay pops look think I’m going to head home need some lunch hey man I got a toe pass for you bro’s gone hey keep this place

Unlocked from you from now on maybe if you can help catch that rat if you’ve got extra time hey man it’s not a rat okay told you already and even if it was who cares even if it was Let Him Live oh what is all this he’s got some new stuff going

On over here what is this machine I don’t know I’m back home oh they teleported me back home hello there Chris I was just loading some more prizes into this machine here is this new stuff not the gaslighting yeah he gas us a new I’ve come up with to helpot a

Spirit of good among the town you included it’s pretty simple sometimes when you help others out in town you receive a prize ticket you can turn them in for rewards prize yeah like helping people out I’m in chat refresh by the way my only worry is that people will

Just go after to the tickets rather than cultivating a true compassion for their fellow man true oh I just want to help yeah I’m in it for the prizes yeah I’m in it for the prize is that so I’m glad hear not the instant admitting any rate keep checking the

Help Wanted board good luck out there thanks and now he’s gone oh you can get 12 carrots or a bunch of crazy [ __ ] with tickets there’s a lost and found box too let me see what the uh the Uproar is about mayor Lewis I need to give you

This [ __ ] topaz he keeps alluding me bro left bro’s missing May mayor Lewis before you yes let’s see what I owe you crap problem Mr Lewis now do I get a do I get a uh ticket for this let’s see or maybe maybe the ticket where where did you see all the ticket

Stuff it’s in this house oh in his house yeah but I think I think maybe you get a mail to you if you help people do a quest and stuff and such as yeah no you just got to keep refreshing cuz my internet sucks [ __ ] ass the scam hey

Man hey man all right what’s the first one we’re working on over here maybe maybe I think it’s so I think um you have to talk to the wizard though cuz the wizard like um oh I can’t read that yeah yeah he translates it for you oh

Okay yeah yeah I can’t read that worth of [ __ ] yeah I can’t I can’t read that but where’s Pierre I need to talk to him um he’s out yeah but I can’t find him was missing yeah we’re going to go to the wizard real

Quick see what his Vibe is y what up can you talk to him uh not yet but I think we have to talk to him for the Bolton oh nice I found him what up here okay Samy so fast I think we’re the same speed I think we are the same speed why

Why would we be different I don’t know wait you’ve got boots on shouldn’t you be faster than me I don’t I think they’re just for show maybe oh yeah oh I’ve got the lonus cut scene yeah it’s the new f one uh sorry it’s okay I’m getting some salmon berries real quick let’s

Go I can’t see so dark Okay oops Oopsy Daisy you know what I mean keep walking into logs it’s locked you can hear someone inside though let me in what’s your favorite season in this game fall sorry we’re having a moment with the L scene Oh no you’re right it’s sad um fall I love fall IRL too what

About you I don’t know I like spring I think I like fall too the winter SE the winter music goes kind of hard though okay Mel that Winter cuz I get other [ __ ] done yeah chat what are your favorites fall winter they’re all they’re all fun like they’re all fine but there’s definitely one that’s like more exciting than the others you like spending winter in the caves true cuz you have to worry about like other stuff fala pumpkins oh

True fall for sure fall 100% winter in the caves winter fishing oh winter fishing’s fun it’d be cool to get enough gold for uh the book guy but I don’t know if run home I don’t know if we will or not go go go go I am in I

In all right do I do the mines or do I fish uh tomorrow whatever um wherever the luck is true if it rain if it’s raining I’ll fish yeah true just made it in time yes dude let’s go another big day for us winter fishing mods and music Lady Luck lot of

Money oh pearly Nice o here we go hope you’re feeling settled uh I am wunning to let you know that Pier store is now selling fertilizer nice my sources tell me you’ve been poking around the old Community Center why don’t you pay me a visit my chamers are of the lake forest

In the Stone Tower now the Wizard’s unlocked cool okay you want to go do that uh after we water some [ __ ] uh yeah we can definitely go do that okay got a couple cauliflower Okay we were talking about stardo but uh if you got you can also answer IRL too stard on sale oh that’s so smart oh that’s big how much is it on uh Steam 100% worth it if you guys have it 12 bucks yeah dude that’s that’s that’s free that’s free oh 12 you mean Oh you mean you mean zero $12 for one of the best games ever made is free yeah this is 12 but then you got games

That are like 70 that suck oops uh oops our farm name is y Acres y Acres welc come on in y’all welc come on in Y’all I have 400 hours for $12 yeah like that’s bro a lunch is $12 sometimes that and that’s cheap I feel like like that’s crazy it’s true you know like it makes you happy or like excited that’s a W okay I’m going to go sell this at Pierre’s really quick and then um I can meet you over by the wizard tower okay yeah launch was 12 like years ago I feel like it’s not that anymore back in 1997 [Laughter] 1994 you have it on the switch is it

Worth to repurchase on the steam I I mean if you have a gaming computer I would say yes because the switch is cool but you can mod it and like do other stuff and also playing on the big screen is kind of nice but also like if also

Fine I have it on the switch and I barely play it on there all right I’m coming over Okay smallmouth Bass all the way said you can’t come in it’s just me oh he said I can’t I can’t visit great yeah great it’s great news yeah red flower then you’re good you’re totally fair I am rasos a seeker of the Arcane truth need area between physical and ethereal Master of the seven Elementals

Keeper of the Sacred you get the point yeah we get the point come on man and you Chris the one whose arrival I have long foreseen here I’d like to show you Something behold I have the cut scene now don’t kill that in you’ve seen one before having you they call themselves Juno mysterious Spirits these ones for some reason they refused to speak with me I’m not sure why they moved into Community Center but you have no reason

To fear them is that a granny smith you found a golden scroll written in an unknown language most interesting what’s up may stay here I’m going to see for myself I return shortly uh okay whoa I found the note the language is obscure but I was able to decipher

It we the junor are happy to Aid you in return we ask for gifts of the valley if you are one with the forest then you will see the true nature of the scroll Okay hm one with the forest what do they mean sniff sniff aha come Here my cauldron is bubbling with ingredients from the forest baby Fern Moss grub caramel top toast can you smell it I could smell it yes here drink up Let the essence of the forest permeate your body Oh that can’t be good plus 30 energy okay Kush W bro I forgot about all this are you seeing what I’m seeing you tripping out here whoa bro whoa whoa I’m I just drank it dang what’s good here we go whoa guys this a little Smokey in here waa no these trees are going wild you gain the power of forest magic

Now you can decipher the true meaning of the Juno Scrolls mhm that was some green drank some green drank oh I caught a purple fish I just realized nice thanks I’m going to go I’m going to go to town square and see uh are the are the mysterious events today uh I don’t

Know can you check the calendar yeah I’m going to go look and see cool it’s time to be real nah you still be real nah I I still I should just delete it you should delete it no offense no point oh we there was one today and

There’s one tomorrow too I don’t know what it is though does it say or is it still question mark it’s just a question mark so we don’t know unless we find maybe we need to find it h you just took your be re I didn’t realize people were still doing

That y’all be reing out here y’all y’all still being for real y’all still being for real out here wait these waterfalls [Applause] d nice Eagle dude I stopped doing be real because mine were so boring cuz I’m just here bro most people I followed it was either them at work or them watching

Streams I was like all right yeah it’s time to it’s time to step outside my BS are always so boring like it’s someone’s like half their head look like yo like I look back at all M I’m like man I didn’t do [ __ ] huh do anything over here

Great great great in the same spot every every single one okay if you have a hoe uh there’s worms at the beach oh there’s our boy I’m going to give him a gift and see if he’s down for what I gave him a gift and he said

I’m going to toss him in the Chum Bucket whatever dude Hannah that patch looks kind of fun the Thunder blust or whatever the [ __ ] they’re calling it thunderstorm [Applause] did you find the question mark oh is it out no I didn’t find it yo Coco thanks for the 20 mons with

The tier two what the [ __ ] thank you dude appreciate it it’s not on the map anymore or the calendar so I wonder if it’s just gone oh did we goof it nah come on we’re doomed we’re doomed kind a rusty rusty spoons Shees man I wish I had my hoe that’s a sentence okay Rusty Spoons hey Emily spaghetti Pizza blueberry Tart if you want to me to upgrade your tools you have to give me the correct ore okay Journey to the prairie king oh [ __ ] I don’t want to play this okay Nice hat thanks man I haven’t even given people any gifts yet what what do you want go away okay Shane yeah it’s like a 60 person Battle Royale that for uh that uh Wows doing and there’s prizes and stuff yeah Rusty Spoons is from Salad Fingers yeah rusty spoon Rusty

Spoons so that so that so with the no life it let’s Go n Harvey wants a JoJo Cola I think that’s okay hey man Harvey hey man who’s Harvey again the doctor okay let me give him a joa cola tomorrow I caught it in the in the pond should we just go to bed and start our day yeah wait I have a I’m

Going to chop a tree down I have so much energy yeah I’m going to chop a tree down too [ __ ] it and energy for B better put it to use hary’s your cat oh your cat wants a cola got it got it got it axe isn’t strong enough whatever

Whatever it’s getting late no it’s not you’re you’re getting late it’s not it’s just it’s just beginning come on midnight my my night’s just starting at Mid night I did um I did drink I mean I didn’t drink I uh if you go to bed at

Like 1 though you you would have like half energy or something I noticed yeah yeah you had to go you had to go to bed before then yeah all right good night if it’s two you just pass out yeah drinking out of cups was funny but you watch it nowadays

You’re like oh my God something they were just saying stuff yep acis has has earned 15K wait Chris we’re in what’s that mean our net worth Oh I thought we were getting 15K payout I was like huh no bro our net worth is 15K we’re good guys oh is carlac in this I

Wish all right I’m GNA buy myself a new uh new fishing rod if that’s chill with you that’s chill with me ooh all these cauliflowers ready to get plucked are displeased today can I sell these uh cauliflowers um yeah I need you to put a gold in the green chest if there’s a

Gold I need you put actually I need you to put a a nor oh we have a normal just a gold then bro all of them are are regular okay uh put them in the green chest cuz I need to go sell them at PE today okay I’m Broke where is my where’s my hoe at I might be at the uh can’t touch my C Lady Luck Lady Luck oh there’s a worm um on the path to the Village if you want to bring your hoe to get it nice you could probably take all your tools now that you yeah I’m going to do that I I just realized two stacks other there another question mark today

I know what oh um Pier wants a delicious potato okay I’m not sure if we saved one I can check That oh yeah we have a normal but I think that has to go to the community center dude these question marks are so interesting cuz it’s like what is it you know I know wait it’s Wednesday today oh my God I literally hate Pierre bro I actually hate his guts

Eyes you closed today yeah it’s Wednesday he’s always closed on Wednesdays for no reason watching TV on his on his my profit margin great bro doesn’t even know how to run a business you roasting it is so funny yeah big country massive update today that’s why everyone’s playing Yeah he literally just takes off on Wednesdays despite Us I can’t give Harvey this does he have to be not working maybe to give a gift h l oh go through the doors Uh hold I thought we had to be best friends to do it to do what ooh I got I got a ticket prize ticket let’s go prize ticket oh great Pierre you’re literally my worst Enemy 12 carats incoming oh this is so cool there’s so many things Here I got 12 carrot seeds so let me know nice I should probably plant those sooner than later too do you plant them oh you got the seeds for it yeah and it takes three days to grow which isn’t too bad okay cool okay yeah carrots are new

Yes raccoon hell yeah dude hell yeah [Applause] hey Elliot bro I am 0 for three with gifts they hate you I give Elliot a salmon bear and he said they all like um they all like daffodils oh really yeah it’s like the standard one that they all like

H I’m going to give Harvey a daffodil and see what his Vibe is that’s such a nice gift thank you yeah you’re welcome Harvey who’s this Caroline shotty Caroline all right that’s Pierre’s wife can Pierre fight yeah Pierre’s wife and Abigail’s mom ah I can I’ll I’ll fight Pier all

Right do what you want then thanks I can’t stop you True rusty spoon rusty spoon I just planted 12 carrots um surely you didn’t put them in the spot that I was saving for the cauliflowers right uh no I I I dug a whole new patch okay cool H it’s really interesting that the carrots are um in the spot that I was

Saving for cauliflower it’s really interesting it’s wild that the carrots are worth more than Cauliflower what we talk about Chris to be fair I’m just trying to help M this wasn’t helpful I’m going to give lonus a horse R just isn’t helpful but thanks anyway how is it not helpful you don’t want you don’t like carrots you’re a you’re you’re a carrot no you’re messing up my

Organization you’re messing up my vibe bro your vibe’s just fine no no it’s not my vibe isn’t fine great great he’s using leaniz in competence bro weaponizing competence would be not I wouldn’t even be planting anything I would stand there holding seeds like I don’t get it five

Disrupted H now the coliflower have to go on the bottom oh the of the world great okay I’m fishing in the lake with my brand new stick ooh a carp first Time wait were the Vibes off today on the uh TV yes oh [ __ ] they were off oh wow today’s actually the last day for the cauliflowers that I can plant them o good coms oh this is a weird fish this fish is weird it’s it’s it’s jiggling you can get it largemouth bass

Okay I’m going to go check the oh these two are having a little date I’m going to go ruin it nice hey I heard that Louis you run the community center I’d be great if you could fix that place up probably going a lot of interesting plans in your farm

Huh Demetrius what’s what’s it to you what’s what’s bro planning what’s what’s bro want okay let’s go down here who’s this on Tuesdays and Thursday I work at Harvey’s Clinic he says he likes have me around in case his medical come and goes hey wire I was going to give her a leak

Maybe we’ll maybe we’ll try to romance Maru because I feel like no one ever does she’s cute since Caroline’s taken you going to go after Caroline I thought about it but apparently she’s taken already she has green [Applause] hair all right man spring bundle okay we need daffodil leak dandelion

And um a horse rat I have a leak that I’ll put in the white chest okay fall forging bundle summer bundle and a winter bundle okay can you tell me do we have the crop one yet or no it this is a crafts one I think first

I didn’t remember if it gave you two at the start or if it was just dandelion daffodil and wild horse radish crop one I don’t see dail leak I had the leak so horse radish and um something else hold on let me go back I already

Forgot I don’t think we have the other two in here horse radish are always on the ground yeah we just don’t have one with us uh daffodil dandelion and horse radish okay so it’s just the flowers that you see we have 13 days we’ll get them we’ll get them I believe yo chat

One’s in chat if we’ll get him two’s in chat if we wanton guys come on hey threes in chat if if we’re just trying to get engagement and guys four in chat if also fives in chat also lot of fours lot of fours lot of fours lot of

Fives oh those carrots look really good there by the way 9 o’ I’m going to go uh look for some Goods real quick lot of salmon berries down here yeah we need this yo Tor thanks for the 50 months appreciate that what Noah how you doing dude 10 o’ I’m going to try using my new pole on this and see what the vibe

Is ah not worth it not worth it doing the daily Quest is definitely a move too wait where’s the daily Quest well just like the quest uh on the Bon board if you’re able to yeah yeah yeah cuz that’s you get the prize tickets for sure H let her tuck in bed

Uh can we take a BRB after this all right yeah yeah I’m down a BB all right I’ll see you in a bit oh big day big day almost 4K y all right I’ll see you in a minute all right sounds good chat we having fun this is cool this has been

Cool I’m G to go uh th throw this in the in the kitchen real quick how many you could have eight people in one server which is wild uh I think just be too much though personally but this is cool I’m having a good time almost 5 hours already hell

Yeah what’s up Amber how you doing all right be right back Amber quib all right anyone else have 10 boyfriends and girlfriends and scared to walk into the Saloon or am I just messy True Tori thanks again for the 50 months by the way that’s huge I appreciate that

50 months is a long time wow fortnite is kind of fun not gonna lie dude it looked cool uh Kenzie we did a metal lands Farm a little metaland farm action recovering from knee surgery stream is Good Vibes y beard a freckle hope you’re doing okay hope everything went uh

Smoothly all right let me know when you’re back and ready C they I honestly have no clue um the metaland one gives you a bunch of stuff right away but I feel like there’s a ton of uh fun options I think I I did I did a beach one once which I liked

But it’s up to you I don’t know if anyone in chat has any recommendations for like a first timer freckled Al was a thing that happened in infinite craft last night dinner tonight is what do I have at my house so tuna and a sweet potato

Yum i’ I’ve been guilty of that a bunch oh is that a little little UFOs is going across our screen hey Forest Farm is always a safe bet personal fave Four Corners Farm I wouldn’t do Beach as a first time or no sprinklers is hard oh maybe maybe

Maybe that’s why I had issues when we did a beach one little house in the bottom left yeah whose house is that not going to lie it kind of bangs true yeah metaland has been cool though what’s up Miss pce how are we doing dude yeah chat I don’t know if you

Were here last night but we lost our minds we uh I I’ll probably post the VOD on YouTube we were getting the most ridiculous [ __ ] for for for paleale it was it was a struggle but it was a moment that we’ll never forget your parents named you

This I’m back on infinite because I’m not satisfied with melberger Fair me either last night was a movie um we yeah we ended up getting 20 words we didn’t get pale we got pale we got jojamart we got a bunch but we didn’t get community center

Which I think we probably can do pretty quickly um and a few others but it was yeah it was a lot hey oh Amber it was super crazy that we got that also Amber Happy belad by the way I saw that you were uh here for yo n it’s going good it’s going

Good we’re just waiting for Sammy to get back she’s doing a quick BRB you fell stre to stream last night and woke back up dude uh yeah it’s been fun also uh any fortnite Pals you’re eating very well with uh our YouTube lately we’ve had been getting a lot of

Fun YouTube videos going up so if you ever want to toss up like a solo game we have a bunch of videos that have been going up lately because we’ve been we’ve been having a lot of really good games so it’s been fun to get them on uh on the channel

But yeah we have uh we have some infinite craft videos and then we’re going to probably get the sty ones up as well hello Monica let’s go yo yo I grabbed a Sprite if that’s chill okay that’s wild I know we’re getting a little Wild on stardew tonight someone

Silly Big Country yeah we’re going to get a hell divers edit as well up yo you know what you would like by the way and I’ll keep it a stack hell divers what yeah dude I think it it looked fun when you guys were playing it I would I

Would 100% play it with you like straight up obviously like down the road but it was really fun no I’m I’m actually genuinely down all right all right I always pick up the TV on accident H you’re strong [Laughter] wait Good Humor today ooh nice my mom

Just gave me $500 somehow yep and I’m spending it all on potatoes yep same y yeah it’s like Halo but ragd doll but also it’s just like fun and the graphics are [ __ ] awesome yeah it looks pretty yeah it really was I played offline the other

Night for a little bit and I was like this is good I’m going to water with what I have and then I’m going to bounce yeah yeah that sounds Good a classic Banger playing right now y this is this is one of the classics if I could be honest with you level 22 is wild actually all right I think I’m going to go to the mines Banger I want to try to get to level 40

In the mines is it doable chat Sammy is a doable it’s doable you can get there I believe last night when I was going to bed uh I I called my cats chat as a goof I was like y later chat that’s so classic dude and they were like we’re

Cats we don’t know what you’re saying I’ll pull a I’ll pull a chat did you see this like when I’m just out in public you know what I mean I’ll be like in the grocery store like with Luke and I’ll be like chat do you see that chat

Is this real chat is this real right now because cat and chat sound so similar that it’s doable can you romance lus or am I weird for Asking You no you cannot okay sorry I think my um my alert box is like not working oh you’re good guys go sub just to see if it works nah come on nah come on come on nah give it a shot I want to fish right um but yeah

It’s just like delayed it’s like 5 minutes delayed oh that stinks yeah what can you do man nothing too many people playing stardew Valley today am I right true lot of stardew lot of stardo what oh what are your alerts through stream elements or stream um they’re

Like half and half like half and half apparently Julians are also like buggy today so maybe it’s like a I think it’s just like a lot of people lot of people online you know yeah a lot of classic cozy streamers on playing St D today getting all the Reese Wes here we go

Chris is my cozy streamer first off thing second off come on what’s up Ren how you doing dude Ren are you going to PAX East or do I not know stuff yo Risa let’s go yo kred thank you for the 15 months by the way let’s kill these little larva

Bugs nice what is that Melody you live in Australia since when yeah it’s definitely not worth going for $5,000 I could drive there which is cool but that’s crazy 5,000 sheesh since like eight years ago dude that’s awesome I have a friend who lives there ow O [Applause]

That is not I’m familiar with Mo though that’s uh crb’s buddy right my friend Carla uh lives there she streams like dead by daylight and stuff you probably know where I’ve seen her but yeah she’s a pal and she’s in she’s in uh Australia yo Brit thanks for the

Prime Mr me thanks for the loveing appreciate that dude oh fun music ah [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] uh we’re in trouble actually I think we’re fine [Applause] bro have to eat a bunch of salmon berries after this dude this is bad oh my God God kill

Him yes okay let me eat some [ __ ] salmon berries ooh almost died Sammy almost di I have to eat a bunch of salmon berries right now not good not good Nick good okay bro people say stardy Valley’s cozy and I’ll agree to an extent but also

It’s kind of like a lot the whole time um it’s a lot of like uh Resource Management yeah but also like racing against the time you know try not to die yeah it’s definitely it’s not like the it’s stressful I would say like The Vibes are cozy of shardy Valley but it’s

Definitely a game that you like have to pay attention to what you’re doing yeah it’s not like Mindless like you’re kind of like oh [ __ ] I got to I got things to do tonight like who’s who am I giving gifts to no literally start to overthink things like

Man Elliot hated my gift screwed up not the [Applause] overthinking this game is a job it’s a fun job though um also by the way we need a lot of copper if we’re going to start upgrading our tools and whatnot so try and just hit every single one you see I

Got 11 uh so far cool I’m going to go I’m just going to go down here to get to 20 ooh steal small st sword yeah I’ll take it yeah I said I said it wrong so what steal small Sword later Christine I’ll see you later y Miss pieace thanks man I think there’s a ghost fish in here right ghostfish let’s go oh Sammy white algae let’s go nice okay okay yeah we’ll be selling this you know the trick for the festival by the way which festival when you uh when you

Drop your items and like you get you get them ranked and everything and when you win you could afterwards just grab them back and like just keep them oh so I’d always leave and my child was like no you can keep those mirand do you restart or or what’s your Vibe we taking

That oo new new Record they tell you to clear out the dis display really I didn’t know that oh this is a this is a legendary um screwed [ __ ] up oh Miranda let’s go that’s so fun there’s already a bunch of new stuff that’s like overwhelming in a good Way Uncle Daddy’s fatty what’s up dude yeah um I think it’s going to come out on Console in like a month or less you got to be your 100% time Maya I couldn’t resist I was like that’s a wild name like I simply have to say that one out Loud a Sarah yeah I don’t have any mods yet down the road though I’ll probably think about doing some may you share a St a stardo tip you can Absolutely that was Immediate I use my last bit of bait dang I can make more bait with the bug bug meat I think right here we go this might be a cool eel I think a Stone Fish those are rare I think right I think those are those are good to

Have yo Sammy I just got a stone fish is that new no but I think they’re kind of Rish who is she I got to go oh yeah you’ve got a bit of time to get back but shouldn’t dilly dally too much Henny no way how high are we up how

High up are you and where we we going oh they’re only on that floor got it okay um okay we’ll put that there stone fish I found a horse radish by the way for later ooh smart Amber same I’m excited fishing is i Fishing is one honestly one of my favorite

Things I usually uh a lot of parsnips while I wait for potatoes oh you’re so you’re saying parsnips over potatoes is is the way to do it gotcha okay torches you put torches on the fence I didn’t know that that’s pretty that’s so cool ghostfish stone

Fish I’m going to sell some white do we need white algae or should I just sell it um I don’t know you could probably maybe save it I don’t know if it’s in like a community bundle true I have a rusty sword nice oh we got to go to bed yeah

It’s bedtime on I might not make the 1 a.m. cut off yeah no I appreciate that the fact that you asked was hype I didn’t oh you can eat it okay maybe I’ll wait to eat it yo apparently parsnips are the way to go over potatoes cuz

They’re like cheaper and you get a lot of money potatoes you get multiple of though you can get multiple andless I’m goofy but that’s always what I thought that they’re more profitable because you can get Double oh it’s a time thing oh oh because because potatoes take longer I think maybe we have enough days for potatoes I counted if you want money my first rodeo guys oh it’s going to rain tomorrow okay rain’s good I have a I can I need fresh cauliflower for recipe Jody we need

Fresh cauliflower can I grab one of these oh yeah I’m grabbing one of them for what for what uh for for a uh Quest um did you grab a normal yeah it’s a normal ass board okay that’s fine this one yeah Yeah all right and then if you want to grab if you want to send some stuff to the uh the community center I or I could bring those over later mhm do we know where jod is oh will one Willow yo Anonymous thanks for giving a

Sub to Noah I appreciate that yo enjoy those uh emotes and the lack of uh Ads there’s something funny about a house being like locked open at 9:00 a.m. yo Marissa thanks I had I had to you know match my guy a little bit I love the uh the little leaves flying in the air mhm that’s cute right yeah n it’s actually cute as [ __ ] well you’re true plan I’m going to open up those geod later Too dude the Farm’s coming along man can’t complain it’s honest work you know what’s up Mel but yeah guys in the Discord we have a stardo channel if you want to share anything any tips pict of your farm questions uh it’s pretty active and it’s pretty new but uh yeah while the

Stard hype is back oh yeah I grabbed the horse uh radish yesterday for the bundle it’s in the chest thank you Cassie and if you can’t see that announcement guys if you’re on mobile it’s just uh discord.gg bger Shack don’t eat the yellow snow it’s piss ah [ __ ] I thought it was

Gatorade uh big Tibby I got you one sec here I like Gators purple flounder is good yo Ryan thank you dude should we just get rid of the the announcement for that maybe and make it not an announcement since mobile can’t see it so I didn’t realize that was a

Thing and I feel that [Applause] sucks like that’s weird well thank you ra I appreciate that man okay I’m going to go uh crack these geod from this creep I got two geodes to crack and then uh I can maybe bring some stuff to the um Community Center nice oh two

Things to donate to theam as well oh yeah oh yeah A lot of donations oh I got to eat today because I didn’t make it in time it’s annoying true or wait I could just go loom in bed let me go Loom rock rock girl summer let me go rot oh this guy’s skateboarding okay Sam’s trying to do a kick flip nice

Man good luck let me give him a Sword Chad do we know where jod is during the day she’s not in her house is she at the saloon maybe this freaking guy business has been really good hey congrats man always down to support a local business Library oh did she teach at the Museum maybe oh you you yanked me again

I didn’t mean to do this no you’re good you’re good oh it’s the whole it’s the whole Walmart coming in uh oh oh I hate Morris this got such a dork yeah 50% gu’s a this guy’s a loser straight up and he takers guys don’t ditch

Pierre 50% off of food is wild though yeah true well if somebody was standing outside a Costco and said 50% off your whole cart yeah I’m going in there yeah I’ll be seeing you guys true Jo just super is a superior Choice soon the whole town realize that mean mean telling

Yeah and the way he sounds like Squidward leaving I know why does he walk like that goofball ABA went to the community center last night okay I’m going to go to joa and see if Jody’s there Hanny what Hanny uh what have we learned do

You think do you think you have what it takes to pop off against them how do I get the how do I get the JoJo’s or joa here you go there she is the old joj Cola oh that’s got is that Jo is that jod or is that Pam each day is the same as the last only I’ve been born rich oh there she is fresh and cheap I don’t think I’ve ever really been in here before Shane’s hard at work Shane works at joa oh what the

[ __ ] Penny’s a sweet girl here you’re welcome give someone a gift just say some spaghet later Pam you C your stream glitched out made y’all’s voices so deep really yo what’s good I’m going to try getting some uh some spring veggies and flowers over Here the commun center I’m going to try getting a few of the uh spring flowers down here for the community center and see if there’s any that are just lingering okay I have the uh horse radish in one of the chests that’s good that’s good and then the daffodil should be in

There too yo Cassandra I’m glad you’re liking it and I apologize guys for like the random like stream crashes and stuff it’s out of my control but we are doing what we can to you know mitigate it but thank you guys for hanging and sticking

Around I do know there’s a lot of people on so like you guys hang in here wherever you are vibing like I appreciate it oo I just got a lot of spring onions here okay yeah dude a lot lot of people are playing so if you’re trying to get your

Stardew fixed you you will get it today that’s for sure I’m too tired to keep playing your own Farm Fair your guy reminds you of Trevor from Love is oh the the the little mouse guy is back cat Mouse Oh no I got to go lay

In bed again good old cat Straw Hat sester cute hat Mouse is selling some hats he’s got three today yo magalo what up thanks for the two mons yo what up Megan let’s go the sound effects are a throwback dude right carrot it’s not for everyone the

Game it’s not for everyone but it’s a great time bro is there no you tell me a horse pick this radish oh this this Merchant’s also here let’s see what they got today Sammy five ancient seeds for 300 a solar Essence a void Essence for th get get

The seeds I think I I don’t think we can plant them right now though there’s not enough time for them but we can put them in a chest okay I bought them oh it’s only one for 300 that’s okay that’s okay that’s still good should I buy a few or just one maybe

I’ll buy like a few yeah maybe buy like I’ll buy buy like five I’ll buy five okay Bott them all yeah yeah five is okay they grow in every season except winter oh okay yeah we just um our our time’s almost up do we need solar essence or tilapia or anything void

Essence not to my knowledge rare seed all right so should we wait if we plant them in the spring will will they be ready by the summer is that how that works I don’t know if they carry over does anybody know if you can you can grow

Them no matter the season like when spring ends they’re not going to die with the rest of no they won oh that’s sick okay they they carry over okay cool cool cool then we can already plant them I would put them somewhere like different though so out the way of our

Normal stuff yeah I like that some dirt to put them in all right where do we where do we want to put these things honestly you could put them like right here right in front of the okay the fence okay and we we won’t forget to water

These right like this we’re going to be we’re going to be tending to these things ancient seeds okay you got water oh we need to put a scarecrow by them someone said yeah you can build one it’s um wood and uh fiber and coal wood and fiber and coal Okay something like That let’s see nice um the Scarecrow go does eight uh spots in each Direction okay here we have it nice W you let’s go we needed that we really did let me sell these on we don’t need I don’t think we need onions I’m going to

Keep one though just in case but I’m going to sell most of those Okay then I also have the the gold flounder or the purple flounder which is good all right night time yeah we’re we’re doing the new one yeah yeah all right I’m going to bed day 19 a slower day if that’s okay to say yeah we sold most of our stuff yesterday

Yeah John and me a after a a big drop a slower day it’s a slower day it’s a slow day but it’s keeping us humble o uh do you want to you want to grab these or you want me to grab them I I’ll grab the

Carrots um okay save one in a chest okay then um actually can you put them all in there I I’m going to take all of this to here yeah yeah yeah yeah I got you I’m going to bring the horse radish over to uh our

Boys cool did you take the um flower as well the oh is there a flower in there or whatever mhm uh which one yeah there should be in the green um no it should be in white Under forging daffodil nice okay now now I just need a dandelion and then we’re set

Cool this Farm is is pretty right yeah yeah we’re loving it thanks oh I think there’s a dandelion by the bus oh there’s a bunch down there I need to go get those oh yeah definitely hit that up wish you could fly in this game it’ll be easier once we get horses

Cuz you kind of just like flying around nobody’s business I can’t tell if that’s actually grabbable or if that’s just flowers I think it’s just flowers any Dandelions all right hey man nice cauliflower hey hyon thanks just a daffodill you call him danion d d Leons that’s interesting what up Anna how you doing is that based on where you’re from or is that just like your vibe D Leon is kind of fire I call them dillian huh dillian dandel

Lions yeah coffee thanks Ruthie feel free to share anything you’re working on I love seeing your work okay now we need need need a dandelion then we’re good you’re joking but imagine oh my God this guy this guy’s goofing over here yo uh we’re rich y we’re going to be even richer

Once uh spring is over but then we got to do the big summer hul the old summer Hall the old summer Hall you know how it is the old flower dance the old rig rig roll I might go fish since there’s nothing else to do like there’s no uh do you not touch

This gold cauliflower I’m putting in the chest cuz that’s for a bundle later I’m just letting you know all right how do you switch oh there we go tab ooh some glass shards not too shabby yo what up JY JY thank you for the resub oh who’s

This creep oh there’s a creep over here old old Mariner Marine I’ve got this old AMU to sell but something tells me you’re not ready for it lad oh that’s the wedding one yeah dude scared me I’ll be honest dude dude scared me I’ll save this just in case you never

Know you never know bro is a creep dude he’s in the shadows just looming like a weirdo J I can’t sh Show me some of your pics of uh the cats they look so old now like not old but they look so murn like so

Big uh what was left in that bundle a dandelion a little Dandy yeah all right I’ll go look bro they’re growing like weeds they’re so cute whenever you come to see them they’ll have a mortgage or something dude I I I bet what’s up Tina welcome back from the lurk

Three perfects in a row let’s go sardine what do you mean we we did meet the wizard yeah he uh he gave us the ability to read the Juno’s words we also got high as [ __ ] all right there we go yeah have a little Acid Trip Big Country be my guest

Dude get some dubs though secure a few dubs for us Yo Amanda please links for the 19 months let’s go appreciate that all the reubs guys thank you thank you thank you this is just a a theory a game theory yo what up Barry how you doing dude Deluxe bait oo fish tank hanging fish Fisher double bed

Nate we haven’t yet but I heard you could do that which is funny or20 Let Let Us catch something funny here yeah we share money yes I think you could turn that off but I kind of like a challenge yeah the new update you can

Put a hat on your your cats Cat in the Hat I thought I was done updating there’s a second page yeah there’s a ton of stuff dude this pieace let’s go I don’t I think if you don’t share money you only get money oh tuna gotcha okay gotcha Gotcha then a few group farms and uh in my opinion share money is the way to go yeah it feels like it’s a better way to do it yo Tina let’s go Tina are you how close are you to Chicago by the way are you like one one and a half to

Two hours got it okay yo creature thanks for the tier one appreciate that I can’t believe our Milwaukee Goofs were like five or six years ago now 2019 that’s wild what up Dolly how you doing how are we doing thanks mayor appreciate that am I the best am I the best gamer

Am I the best gamer wow what up Divine come on give us something good a rusty Cog let’s go Sammy let’s got a rusty Cog nice man we needed that what is that we needed this what the hell is that did you see that nope bro a little alien popped out of the

Water what an alien or a mermaid huh is that new I don’t know about all that bro a creature just popped out of the water and then swam away dang who is that girl I don’t know that was cool as hell maybe maybe I’ll catch her I just caught an eel too

Girl I don’t know bro that little alien B out like I don’t know nothing about that personally oh that’s incredibly rare to happen ooh oh dude it like popped out and just swam away I don’t know what I could have done with it okay okay

Sure unless he uh up the odds that event is super rare whoa oh cool good for us nice e we needed that we did need that shs you did am I using a fishing mod no we have no mods it’s all natural vanilla game no mods just Vibes here

Okay hering all I’m gonna get out of here um that is our sub count the bottom left yo what why first day of spring and it’s snowing out come on bro it’s apparently snowing outside in real life dang that stinks cool cool yes great just what he wanted dude just what he

Wanted uh 12:00 a.m. check by the way yeah I’m going to just sell some stuff here real quick if you don’t mind all right cool do your thing okay do your thing yeah yo you’re you’re you’re going to check out our um earnings from fish and you’re going to go

Dang I can’t wait to see that I’m stoked H dink that would have been fun next time next time okay see oh my God we got The Preserves jar already God we’re so in dude okay 698 fishing yep we like to see it yep

Yo hand go with the tier one let’s go we will be taking that thank you are days 28 days or how’s it work Megan 2 how you doing already almost out of spring a few days ago I made a breakr in my research in the local environment I’ll spare you

The technical details and get to the point you know that empty cave you have over there in the cliffs I have a way to turn it into something useful for both of us ooh for local species mushrooms the mushrooms yeah we do mushrooms we do mushrooms I chose wild

Sentence I thought you said you never do mushrooms such a Comedian big strawberries we have 10 it’s big go Sunday I’m going to go water these ancient seeds let chill with you guys you always choose mushrooms of Course oh we can make sprinklers soon too cuz this is a pain in the ass I will uh for summer cuz we’ll start fresh cuz there won’t be anything around but also we might not have enough to actually like build them so true we’ll See yeah I have two things I’m going to bring to the uh artifact boys and then open I have GE in um I grab chest oh nice perfect I’m going to bring those over there as well and then um I think uh yeah good yo Lu let’s go still need a dandelion

Somewhere I know but where they at they’re hiding why did I sell them all it’s okay then uh no mods Vanilla surely another will be looming around the corner yeah there’s going to be one right outside the blacksmith we’re good y True I would probably play this game with mods at some point but like right now it’s fun to just you know give it give it a shot the way we got it here I agree I agree ooh okay and [ __ ] yeah this song’s Good I do own overalls IRL I was going to wear them but then I was like eh cuz there ones for the winter so it just been too hot in here Nice ooh melon seeds bro N9 melon seeds for the summer Uh-oh we’ll take Those yeah bucket so this is my second playthrough but I haven’t played in a while so I’m definitely going to do that for Sure okay Demetrius wants a doge uh a joa a a joa cola I have one that tells me birthdays on my screen oh that’s actually kind of helpful for quality of life that’s smart hey man hey man oh Alison that was our 100th video no way you have the in-game wiki

Mod oh that’s sick all right I think I have a a soda but let me just catch one real quick here if we don’t Jenna Now’s the Time now’s your uh sign to do It haven’t played stard in years the waterfall is cute it really is update is solid dude it’s Good did you water the ancient seeds yet no okay didn’t I’ll go do that didn’t they almost died D I would have seen them at the end of the day all right I’m putting the melon seeds in our bag oh nice strawberry thanks yeah we may Bank off those things

Oh I already did oh I did I I water them oh nice this morning H forgot Did wait am I cringe like why is there no dat allines what’s going on I don’t know something’s a Muck guys what’s going on here but if you’re cringe you’re also free so who’s who’s who’s actually winning true something’s not right over Here we got a lot of money that’s all I can say oh I found a a horse radish I’m going to give it to our boy over here hey man that’s a good find I’m always happy for food a let’s go hey bud hey man no dandies no like

Literally nothing any any uh joa sodas as well or no MM Perfect a carp new record oh come on I the best am I the best I the best No let’s go more bait I’ll take Bait oh let’s go I got a joke joa Cola for Demetrius nice the B there we go there you go Man hey thank you oh I think I might get a uh a ticket for that too which is good okay come on give us a dandelion come on literally nothing yes I’m just going to do some some cave fishing I’m leaving an expired yeah old trash uh soda enjoy it man

Oh yeah I’ll bring those amethysts over I think I I thought I uh donated those but I if I didn’t I’ll bring those over tomorrow no worries man thanks man here we go y yeah would ever do a JoJo run I don’t know probably like maybe eventually but not right now for

Sure I just feel like it’s it’s kind of like a boring story and like a shitty I don’t know like I’m good I’ve never I’ve never had any interest in doing it oh Kayla good to know the hat is haing thanks man oh come on broking glasses soggy

Newspaper here we go baby oh shoot Nice stone fish let’s go another Cola okay I’m G to get out of Here got some nice fish to sell here found the dandelion we’re so back yo let’s go where was it um all the way down kind of by the Hat Mouse do you want me to drop it off in the morning or you want to do it either one either one’s okay all

Right should I sell this uh this purple ghostfish or should I keep it just in case for like cool stuff maybe keep it yeah just keep it for now Smart I’ll sell the stone fish though because I don’t need it okay I’m going to keep that ghost fish instead white algae I’ll keep maybe um I’m going keep this garbage for something for later and then I’m sell the other [ __ ] nice sounds good go get the Mayo okay

Nice yo dog mom for Life thanks for the 27 bths I’m sick in the oh was it like food ads or something we got to go to bed I I’ll hit one tree real quick for the road yeah I think the the stew event is in the

Summer there a little bit last minute construction on the farm okay get this all out of here let’s go spoon uh you know we’re night ows what what what can you do what can you do man we got to go we got to go seeds 10 minutes good night good good night bam

Bang bang just made it we have like five seconds left oh those ghostfish sell for something dang oh my gosh yeah we’ll take that dude oops whoops oh that’s so sick back oh book seller’s back should we we could actually maybe buy something or not really um yeah we could probably buy

Something probably shouldn’t do anything that’s over 3,000 though yo stard Valley Times or tribun is is going to feature our farm for the up and cominging column y Bakers y Bakers welcome to Y Acres y Acres we need this uh do you have the dandelion or is

It in oh here it is I’ll go bring it is in the chest yeah yeah and then I think in the community center we both get the uh items so you would have to go get it also yeah yeah I I would have to walk

Over there but we both get it which is nice it’s the same for the um mine uh when you cleared all those levels I just had to go visit the 10 and 20 and whatnot to get the prize nice which is kind of nice not too sh Hanah let’s go Dude should we buy anything from the book guy or is it like not worth it yet I don’t know if we necessarily need to right now I’m high and I keep hearing y Bakers oh y Bakers that’s funny all right what up junimo let us know what what the vibe is [Applause] here

Bundle completed yep we needed that 30 spring seeds okay they’re like um random flowers wait yo the construction bundle we could do we we we need just 10 hardwood um I think we have like three we can see how many we have yeah I know

We have a few yeah yo what up Shrek glittery ass how you doing sorry I know Shrek o I think this is a uh aquarium now oh all the fishing probably chill tell me what the um spring crop bundle looks like what do you mean you mean the

Summer there should be no there should be a spring crop bundle oh is it this one at the bottom oh parsnip green bean cauliflower potato okay hold parsnip um green bean okay I have a green bean cauliflower and potato okay I just need the paret but I’m growing some

Right now so we should have in a day in a day or two animal bundle Okay cool so that’s good and then let me check the aquarium real quick here River fish we’re about to be rich by the way by the time spring is uh rolling around ocean fish sardine tuna

Red snapper tilapia oh yeah I can get all these a bre a Wall-E and an eel large MTH okay these are free oh you can check about going your inventory oh yeah oh true true true true I keep forgetting about that where’ you go for that again oh Community Center okay you

It’s like at the top of one of the menus yeah yo witchy let’s go deserved yo cap cast with the 17 as well squid usy where do you all come from with all these reubs sheesh thank You check the quality crops too oh [ __ ] all right what’s this guy up to real quick mining monthly oh these are all new I think bait and bobber wait Sammy there’s some new stuff here What’s good um I’m still watering all of our plants it takes sorry would you be opposed if I bought a uh a book um which one it’s called bait and bobber uh how much is it 5,000 5,000 uh you can buy it like after we do

Our big summer hul but what if it’s what if it rotates it’s not there anymore I don’t think it rotates you see all the other ones we saw last time you’re right yeah I would I would wait on the 5K personally all right but what if I can

Get some really good catches with it yeah I think we’ll Wait dude it literally takes me so long to water all of these should we uh either a get a sprinkler system going or should or should I can just help you summer for summer there’s no point in trying to organize it now because all of the crops are not ready until like one

Or two days before got it yeah that balloon guy is New okay donated the Quartz all right what what can I catch in the river Specialty fish Crab Pot Sunfish Catfish yo C thank you D I appreciate that what up baby green yeah she knew what I said immediately which is wild here we go Sally thanks again for the resub also appreciate you all very much thank You A sunfish mother catch what’s the mother catch achievement what does that mean I don’t know but it’s cool I’ll take it we’ll take that the mother catch oh catching 100 fish oh my God okay oh my gosh you already caught 100 it’s actually wild yeah we’ve been doing

Stuff okay what are you doing yo sure thanks for the 583 First off Rand assass number but we’re down for it hope sewing’s going okay dude oh [ __ ] fishing Main I love fishing in this Game Yeah dang okay spring yeah we just need the parsnip which should grow Rel least I could probably just buy one too right or is that silly no you could buy one if you wanted to I don’t mind either way let me see if Pier is

Open if you want to stay there I’ll see if there’s any available okay cool I’m still in here oh Pi is not tending the shop how can I possibly compete with bro it’s a goofball no man oh by the way we only get one reward so I don’t get to collect

The 30 spring seeds but it’s not like it really matters oh is that true that’s fine though cuz yeah unless it like randomly spawned in my inventory I didn’t see but I don’t think so you so uh you’re an AC girly quality cross Animal Crossing is pretty similar

To this I would say like if you like one you like the other I don’t know if oh sure thank you I appreciate that super an egg though what up Barista how youing bro good to see man uh I’m going to sell Sunfish and I’m going to keep one of

Them as well I I could also sell these glass shards also our our cat is starving I need to give it some some water um okay seeds over there our cat needs some water from the water bottle bro our Farm’s our Farm’s actually cool right now yeah it’s doing

Well we were just talking about that for like spring gear one it’s not bad at all yeah what else do I have for uh fish let’s see here night fishing eel bream and Wall-E I have an eel in the uh chest but you might have to catch

It oh wait no no no for the bundle yeah it’s in the um fishing chest yeah I just grabbed it I’m going to bring it over there cool yep yep I think ancient seeds grow throughout the the season so they don’t die which is cool and I think they they

The the ancient fruit sells for stuff which is cool like a decent amount I can make crab pots yeah I could probably start doing those too I just haven’t had any like time or like I haven’t really care to but I’ll probably do it now for the community center

Okay yo Jacob thanks bro appreciate that sells for like a million gold let’s go we’ve had a lot of a lot of uh fortnite videos going up lately but I’m I’m into it riverfish crab oh that crab one’s going to be easy to do Lake donating we need

This yeah we’re going to be good oh yeah okay um I could also uh make some crab Bobbers to catch [ __ ] too Crab Pot wooden I need iron bars oh I need to go to the mines I should probably also maybe upgrade my we should probably upgrade

Our our tools mhm we need more copper for that we just don’t we’re not a ton maybe next time you go to the mines um we could just like Farm copper yeah do not even worry about like going up or down just like trying to get as much as

Possible yeah I’ll probably I’ll probably just focus on that okay cool cuz we’re going to need a bunch for tools do we need copper bars or copper ore for upgrades well you need to turn the copper or into the bars so technically technically both true true true okay

Do you mind after this day if I go fill my water back up please do I’m going to bed already yeah all right yeah so we’ll start the next day um after I come back okay sounds good perfect yeah the book seller is cool honu me me oh level five fish fish

Worth 25 % more or resources required to craft crab pots reduced um fishing is more one okay not the Crab Pot dang farming is is that’s nice and those mayonnaise y we we’re out here dude we’re out here all right I’ll be right back okay have good brbs yeah give me one second

Here guys I’m going to get my water is this playing twice or am I am I new it sounds like it’s playing twice is that how is that how it is I’m new oh I’m dumb for all right oh my God just in time bro

He’s back just in time Y what up Dan how you doing dude just in time all right are you uh ready to start the next today I’m ready I’m prepared all right lock Us in bro almost 6 hours since when literally since when Dude I can do another six and not blink I’m

Telling you I love stard dude I was just I was just thinking about that I I could just keep going and we’re doing really well too like our farm is thriving out here nah she is wait Spirits are happy big mining day all right I’ll go mine I’m going to

Water uh try and Target a lot of um copper if you can okay copper it is oo oh we’re making money today Chris good we need hope that’s fine with you oh I don’t mind that’s for sure lot of money over here oh my God we’re going to

Some 14 months by the way I can’t wait oh yeah big day big I wonder if I should have brought the if I should have eat the cookies to have extra Health what do you going do oh yo Dan let’s go dude I’ll PE that in a little bit what what card was

It is it a Gerra or a waiu or what all right copper and coal that’s the goal y we need this I’m going to go to like floor 10 I think oh yeah already getting Copper oh there’s torches down here are these yours um no they’re sometimes they’re randomly spawned you can take them if you want oh yeah I am yeah yeah you can grab those back yeah we’ll be taking those Umbreon dark cry altar yo it’s PSA 10 let’s go dude gem how we doing dude

Hello Hello just driving y jeem I saw your tweet I really feel like if you took like some time you would really enjoy this especially with Caleb I feel like you guys would have a blast I know it takes a little bit but like genuinely like it’s such a good

Vibe like time is just melting I we’ve been playing for 6 hours it doesn’t feel like it you’re going to try again let’s go I really hope uh I really hope it sticks with this one because it’s been so fun little man little man just popped in

Here let’s go all right go go down oops post you like 24 hours straight you’re saying I think the most I’ve done is like I think there was I don’t know if anyone can can recall or not but I think shann and I were doing like 12-hour bangers sometimes playing this game we’d

Be she’d be like oh my God we got to feed the cats because it would be it would be so late when when we’ be playing in my old office You’ have 900 hours in starting dang yeah you were yeah I remember that literally like that we have to feed the

Cats I was like oh [ __ ] our our babies are pissed I’ve never played stardew high before I’m curious if that’s like if that’s a Vibe I’m assuming yes [ __ ] start to high is hilarious my St save I’m switch is called high farm and it’s only for when

I smoke so you it’s like you get like nothing done the whole time it’s just like jack [ __ ] gets done creature you okay you’ll be fine bro let’s give it a kiss and go not now uh okay money bags yeah I hope you’re cool with making some cash well

That’s okay I need cash now Y uh 13 copper so far not much but it’s honest work it is honest work that’s true you know what make that 14 and say nothing oh my God wait there’s pink polka dot wallpaper in the store right now yeah but how much is it no it was it was only

Like 300 but I don’t need it right now all no I don’t need it there might be one I like better you’re right you deserve it you work hard she works hard for money a single mom who works two jobs you know who loves her kids and never stops

I don’t know if I can I don’t know if I can get that one true there’s a purple thing here but I don’t know if I can get it let me try oh I can what’s it give us oh amethyst [Applause] okay Sports shirt huh I keep getting

Shirts said dude I have not gotten one thing from from any of that like you’re getting all of it it’s so funny well I I think it’s cuz I’m I’m probably doing more like forging like mining you know where the might yeah yeah I guess that makes sense but also

In the beginning I guess I was getting stuff too when we were both doing the same [ __ ] bro got like eight tanks tops yeah I got too [Applause] Many [Applause] oh hardwood that’s good oh good we need that yeah we really do oh [ __ ] are you okay yeah my Energy’s low though go go rot in bed real quick I think I’ll be okay do I have any food let’s see I have a cherry bomb I can need a cave

Carrot yo me thanks man okay cool huh basic ooh basic retaining to soil in case you were curious okay okay okay yeah the guy’s been out doing stuff we got some basic retaining soil out here yeah we needed that oo okay yo Mech there’s a book seller in the game now by the

Way true me used to know dude sells books for way too much but you know what it’s fine you know what it’s okay they’re still cool he he appears in a in a hot air balloon wait how much uh hardwood do we have now do you know like four or five I

Feel like not much need a little bit we need 10 for the community center right mhm we do okay ooh 35 copper that’s we’re kind of getting somewhere that’s not too shabby of a hall we’ll take that and eight coal nothing nothing much but you

Know oh now this is now this is the spot to Be let me eat this green algae real quick oh yeah this was a great run guys we will be taking that W oh should I make a bug steak how do I do that yum what does it do a good bug stti oh that gives you a lot of [ __ ]

Bug steak bug steak bug steak this is another another part of the liberal agenda trying to make you eat bugs great why are games so political now you know Great first it’s bug Stakes then it’s killing your family what I don’t know the agenda what’s Pro yapping about over there Pro’s yapping ooh wait is that a cave carrot that’s just carrot seeds oh if there’s a cave carrot I think we need that for the Exotic bundle

I have one yeah yeah cool okay yeah we can we can use that um 10:30 check by the way just a heads up 10:30 check 10:30 check bro Japanese is wild do you know where your it’s 10 o’ Do You Know Where Your Children Are did you have that those

Commercial those were commercials remember that it it always played like during the news though for us it was like it was like right after the Nightly News they’d be like done then they go it’s 10 p.m. Do You Know Where Your Children Are whoa Sammy that’s your

Murder podcast voice oh nice okay I didn’t even know you had one of those guys today we’ll be checking out out it’s just me leaning into my mic that’s crazy and today’s podcast we’ll be learning about the murders of this guy and that guy but you’re but like you oh you’re

Right yeah but like Samy’s the new serial host oh my God yes Sammy and Carla cuz Carla also has that voice Carla has a really good one when you lean in tonight on your favorite M Mur we’ll be checking out we’ll be checking out where two

People died on a bridge lur says that it was The Moth Man The Moth Man is not a good Guy um hardwood let’s go here you got to hurry 20 minutes till one oh [ __ ] run isn’t it two though no but you don’t you only get half at one oh sorry ooh okay Rancher animal products are worth 20% more or tiller crops are worth 10%

More um are you a more of a crop or animal Andy okay but the only thing I’m thinking is that like later we’ll keep we’ll be putting stuff into like preserve jars and like we’ll be like doing like the whole C things I don’t actually know what’s better who’s a

Knower somebody knows somebody’s done the math okay I’ll do Rancher I’m down all right get us in we’re sending it I think Rancher is technically better for like late game yeah we’re late Gamers oh yeah dude only four more days until uh it’s summer ooh whoops we’re cruising cocka dooodle

Doo that’s what they say man Dear Chris I saw an article about you in the local paper it sounds like the country life is a good fit for you I’m so proud of you take care sweetie love Mom thanks it’s really nice wow it’s it’s really really

Nice that’s something else huh oh Chris Rich oh my God that’s too much [ __ ] bro we are set for summer by the way hope that’s chill oh oh my God it’s like he it’s like he man oh Yeah this is the stuff here watering right now we got to all right um copper bars quartz slime okay I have some GEOS to open uh I’m just going to make some more bars Don’t don’t worry I got these thanks man oh wish we had a water hole closer I know it is kind of far but what can you do oh isn’t what’s face not even around right now we can build a well later but I don’t want to spend money on it right now True your lady luck here you go Lady Luck Good Girl Clint is there on a Wednesday I thought he wasn’t Pierre isn’t oh Pierre isn’t okay I might go upgrade one of my weapons uh go for it what should I get like mining Maybe uh yeah okay oh the flower dance the flower

Dance today he’s not going to be there then he won’t be there he’ll be at the dance we got to do tomorrow is that is that even a thing like you have to do anything at it or is it just like a waste of a

Day um I mean it’s kind of cute I meant it’s cute sorry it’s kind of cute but we should do everything we need to do here before we go the first year is kind of pointless cuz I mean you don’t really dance with anybody but I think we could buy like

The cute uh scarecrows oh we could buy stuff okay yeah we can buy stuff maybe some seeds yeah while you’re doing that I’m going to go take care of the uh chicken really quick yeah I haven’t even had time to focus on anyone wait no lius will dance with me

I’ve give him a par snip like every day no it’s like it’s more than that it’s more it’s okay all right let me put these in the chest and then we can go all right I’ll go check in the chickens real quick I haven’t looked at them in 18

Days why don’t you go pet them don’t leave the gate open I’m not you did you left it completely open the chicken almost just left it’s not letting me pet these things I already pet them it might be it might be a one person only thing don’t leave that good

Open though seriously cuz it’s kind of annoying when they get out oh no I’m not going to leave it open no you did leave it open I’m the one who shut it for you oh no no no I was going to shut it I set it open for a little bit no

Don’t even leave it open for a little bit oh gotcha all right should we go to come all the way down yeah yeah yeah I’m waiting I’m waiting wait which way which way do you go um down by the path all oh have you been have you been getting the

Mushrooms nope I completely forgot about this oh I forgot cuz I didn’t get the cut scene oh I forgot I forgot about these things those in there that’s okay she I got him now see there’s this too much [ __ ] going on in this game sometimes yeah I just I would have

Remembered if I had gotten the cut scene but what can you do all right here we Go wait what the heck is all this what’s the machine do I don’t know I can check it out after y time to buy cute things uh-oh oh look at all the plants oh some oh my God so cute wait ceiling leaves what is that o probably for the probably for

Your walls maybe that’s cute and wall flower yep let me get the rare scarecrow I like having the collection and then nice what are you getting I just bought some ceiling leaves okay cool maybe a tub of flowers what else should I get yeah don’t buy too much though cuz we

Need enough for summer we my best sure for the dance this sort of thing doesn’t happen very often all right Elliot what up Leah hey I should have brought my fishing pole now this is the life huh kids sweet wine a bob Babbling Brook War a did I mention

Wine frog season is really starting to pick up ooh frogs you know what I admit it I really like flowers okay Sam okay okay I really hate dancing in front of everyone it’s so Embarrassing wish the cave guy just said that Marney looks nice today but he doesn’t know that her and mayor LS are you know taking a tumble in the bushes there’s our pal Linus it’s nice of you to talk to me spring is almost over what a

Shame sigh Love is in the air and I’m still single Marne come on Marne looks lovely today uh-oh scandalous I’m practicing my dance moves need to be perfect haly huh I’m just enjoying the scenery he he Alex is totally staring at Haley what a creep should we start the dance not yet Flowers I can hardly see Them wait Chris come here okay stop moving stop moving Chris I wanted to see the cut scene okay press yes no I’m going to reject you too okay no I kind of want to see the cut scene all right let’s go just two Cousins sweet hey I was what the hell he said cous CU we are we’re cousins in the game we have the same grandfather but what is this question mark oh never mind it’s from the thing all right we’re starting yeah what’s wrong with two cousins dancing what’s wrong with that

True oh look at their Midsummer dresses bum bum bump see otherwise we’d just be sad off to the corner okay okay y yeah y yeah we’re actually killing this we’re showing everybody up right now I feel kind of bad for lius and Pam why cuz they’re alone okay that’s not my problem sorry

Well you can’t feel bad for someone anymore wow all right I’m going to should I keep any of these uh these mushrooms for stuff I’m just going to put them all in here for now yeah yeah put them in there for now that’s fine okay what a guy can’t have empathy anymore over

Here oh that looks kind of clean actually oh that looks really nice that looks nice all that yeah so what you want my Flags I have some like banners you got flags yeah yeah I want one here these things how do I drop stuff oh cute you got those yeah I got I

Got it you want all of them or just one I’ll just take one you can have the others okay let’s see oh help there we go we got to go to bed man it’s 12:30 all right oh dang nice just in time yeah we’ll take that we’ll take yeah we’re

Rich we’re rich yo Zen meow thanks for the uh n thanks for the raid what up and uh Log Jam good thanks for the prime lur pop eats thanks for the resub Zen how was the uh how was the Stream what were you playing over there thank

You for the uh thank you for the love and bringing your community over here appreciate it okay there we go I can see stuff Now okay can I it’s not let me put it there you okay Point what’s the point you see my flowers I put in front of my house yeah I’m trying to do the same kind of cute have a mine okay that’s cute thanks I have this

Giant uh Pitchfork I don’t know where to put it Though oh yeah a lot of money why you going into my house man I’m not that’s saw you go in there I just saw you them out oh and the bar might be cool let me see all right I’m going to go sell this I’ll be back lot of stuff

To sell lot of stuff to sell o mayonnaise is in here y must be placed on a Wall can only go in the house uh have enough room for there let’s See yeah let’s put in a chest for Now let’s see um Mar bundle quality crops summer crops fall Animal bundle milk duck egg wool okay crafts room oh we red mushroom moral and a cave carrot counts we actually almost have all of them that’s already three oh nice dude that’s big yeah I’m going to grab that and grab that Okay oh I need to go get my uh my tools fixed too oh my God that scarecrow scared me just like it’s just it’s just a girl looks like it’s one of the rare ones I know it’s is funny no mushrooms today what are you going to

Do all right I’m going to go to uh Clint see what the vibe is crowby Like true oh there she is l F lady love string bean thanks man okay string bean okay whose kid is this that’s Penny bro call oh she reading a book I thought it was like a kid just really small as hell just standing there she’s reading a book bro she looks like really

Tiny I thought it like a random kid you ready for this bang lock in Bund complete ooh pars bundle let’s go speed grow yeah we’ll be taking that all right Clint fix my my axe bro that’s your wife didn’t know you there sorry um you’re you’re good copper

Pickaxe yeah we’ll be taking that all right it’s 2K sorry a woman reads yeah I know I know you lose it that’s fine I don’t need it oh we have a new one open the furnace oh so like blacksmith stuff right like gems and [ __ ] let go see let

Me go see what our what our deal is over here yeah I forgot to give him the geod it’s okay we’ll just do it when he’s Ready copper bar iron bar and Gold Bar 99 slime or 10 bat wings or a solar essence or a void essence you hav need that quart a quartz an Earth crystal a frozen tear and a Fire Quartz bro we have all those I think but we’re in then

We’re in the money all right I’m down all right um let’s see here Artisan bundle we got that’s not it nope where’s the rare one is it down here exotic foraging cave carrot boing boing boing let’s go okay and then that’s big dude that’s big yeah

Yeah yeah Frozen tier or fire crystal is easy though you just got to go to the mines to get it mhm um let’s see here night fishing oh the furnace is down here sheesh she Earth crystal I have one of [Applause] those okay blacksmith uh iron and gold

Bars are going to be interesting and then 99 slimes should be fine we can also buy some stuff too from a place true okay I’m just going to fish and try catching stuff sounds good okay Should I give a this girl some mayonnaise um yeah I think we have an extra in the in the chest Haley likes mayonnaise confirmed she asked for a cupcake and I gave her a jar of mayonnaise oh okay bro I’d be so mad if I asked for

A cupcake and I got Mayo like hey not at all not right but sure no no no thanks incorrect that is not Correct let’s go a sunfit y y y y Bakers yeah am I trying to romance Haley uh I don’t have a I don’t have a a interest yet really with anyone that’s fair I’m just kind of doing me if that’s chill you guys I was doing him I’m going after my classic Sebastian he

Always reels me back in true what do you what do you fish in the ocean he always R me back in what can River jelly I hope you can make a river jelly sandwich yum Tasty oh yeah we’re we’re gaming yep uh Okay what up Andy how you doing Dude Oh a bream that’s good for the uh for the collection center oh nice W same time tomorrow or what yeah all right wait what’s this little Vault thing in the corner of the uh the mushroom cave it’s apparently a dehydrator people are saying oh huh yeah weird she knew am I goofy I think so Yeah Clinton what are you doing man get back to work and fix my axe Emily Emily doesn’t Care o lots of stuff here for the uh Community Center too let him go to the saloon yeah man hey if you need to wind down head over to the saloon you’re right you’re right I I messed up big time buck up that’s on me it’s okay

Bud I don’t know if anyone’s been uh been watching it or not but uh the show that just came out on Max slis Discovery wide on set it’s a very it’s very intense and very heavy but it’s very interesting and eye opening um about the [ __ ] that went on with

Nickelodeon and shann and I watched the first two episodes and it is a [ __ ] ride dude it is a ride it’ll make you look at all the old shows that you were you watch as a kid and be like what the [ __ ] it’s really it’s really [ __ ] messed up Dan Schneider deserves everything bad for the rest of his life it’s called quiet on set it’s really uncomfortable but I think it’s important also to like to watch and educate yourselves on especially since it’s like stuff that a lot of people were affected [Applause]

By but it it is heavy yeah it’s on Max but Shan and I were watching it we were like what the [ __ ] it’s very well done it’s very well made but yeah um definitely check it out if that if you’re you know looking to watch something that it’s more documentary real life based yeah Lauren yeah yeah exactly Mikey yeah it’s very I was very surprised like what’s crazy is like a lot of the

Stuff you look back at and you’re like this was just like so normalized I was out of energy when I was a kid I was like oh this is this is normal then you then then you watch it now and you’re like [Applause] huh yo nice um going to

Bed yeah yeah I just said that I I uh ran out of energy so I just he didn’t an interview after the show air dude is dude’s cooked you can’t come back from this bro dude dude’s a [ __ ] idiot no Alicia no for sure but it’s

Just wild cuz like you watch it now and you’re like yo like that’s clearly a [ __ ] up like innuendo you know oh spoon yeah that’s that stinks um let me sell that actually I’m going to keep that actually I’m not going to sell much I’m going to sell this

Okay cool my house is cute Sam yeah it’s like it’s like hey man congrat like it’s like one of those things where you’re like it’s a blessing that you probably didn’t get a call back like the two women writers who were paid there who had to split their

[ __ ] uh rate is crazy big day big day Maya yep yeah big day big day oh my God so much food you need help foraging or you’re good um prob use help I’m going to grab these potatoes and just put them in the um yeah yeah yeah anything you grab just

Put in the uh chest oh you get you get multiple potatoes sometimes yep that’s why they’re good thanks that’s why you want them Sam no Way oh sloth good to know good to know sloth I don’t know why but for some reason I thought you were talking like about me IRL and I was like okay like hey Chris if you’re retired in the wor just lay there and your energy will go

Back up like trying to give me unsolicited advice on my like IRL like [ __ ] like okay so like a life tip yeah I guess I’ll do that do I seem tired my bad back seating life is funny like a life backseater like you’re just living life and someone’s like you

Know you could uh Drive the speed limit right I don’t know if you were Aware you might want another coffee you can just not be anxious if you tried relaxing I should look into that Actually we do not need coffee Chris playing stard bucket I think you’re I think you’re uh delayed you might have to refresh let this guy a Cauliflower let’s try FOC hope that Helps so one of my chat goes Chris uh if you if you want if you’re tired just uh lay in bed a little longer in the morning and your energy will go back up and I thought it was like a comment about my like IRL versus stardo and I

Was like okay didn’t didn’t ask but thanks okay like the the common like you look tired today yeah I was like oh D like okay literally oh the show’s called quiet on set it’s on uh HBO and Discovery literally just having an off day but thanks but then we were talking

About um just uh like uh imagine like back seating like IRL [ __ ] like how that is so goofy straight Up okay nice good good bundles right there no sloth you’re good you’re good here let me gift you a sub so you don’t feel awkward that was helpful I just I I I just thought it was funny cuz it seemed like it was a stard do like it

Didn’t seem like it was a stared comment at first so I was like huh you’re fine though It’s just four episodes uh I don’t know I only see saw the first two yeah I just thought it was funny an invasive crab species is living in the local mine wait Chris I’m going to buy two more chickens I think okay cuz we can handle it we have enough food

And everything for them um do you want to potentially real quick give me your a your M your pickaxe while mine’s getting yeah made yeah I’m uh at Mary’s right now I’m going to buy the uh chickens oh my God the little cat’s resting that’s so cute what do you want

To name this one what new new new chicken mhm uh name it fruit fruit now you no I’m naming it fruit I’ll name the other one cuz I’m getting two Fair little fruit all right now I’m going toting another one fro Loop the random name generator is actually kind of good yeah sloth of course this chicken will Be lettuce lettuce that’s a got a little fruit and lettuce ni little fruit hey me too haha I know that one oh they’re they’re here already yeah they’re here cute oh they’re so small Sammy yeah they’re little babies little baby guys I just stepped on one and it’s dead don’t Chris

I’m kidding they’re fine just want to make sure that you care and you pass the test you care wait can I have a pickaxe Lally the sweetest little baby fruit and lettuce can I help you can I have a pickaxe oh yeah thanks there you go wait I can’t drop

It it like won’t let me drop it anybody to know if I can it might like oh there go not let me oh wait can I get you give me a sword it does it for the swords but not hey wait wait I can put it in a chest yeah

Yeah put it in a chest and you can get it I’m just going to go get some more uh stones and stuff and kill some bugs there it’s in the chest thanks man you’re welcome I need to find um Robin she’s probably with Batman Uh stop chasing me thanks no I have to go this way this is actually I I had to go this way first actually this is actually my My ooh I I’m going to fish real quick oh yeah Perfect perfect plus treasure now that’s interesting a chub I got a chub May don’t yell that what’ you say don’t yell that I said maybe don’t yell that okay never mind anyways rock crabs do we know where rock crabs usually spawn no cool not me I do not not

Me God everybody is just like I try and talk to them and they go I don’t know you I’m trying to be friendly girl get to know me you know it’s like girl ask me one question girl how’s your day I’m new here okay yeah those potatoes you’re enjoying just moved in

Don’t those fries you’re enjoying yeah they the grew my not at the [ __ ] yep Acre Farm okay maybe maybe show a little have you even have you even thought about visiting huh have you even thought about glancing at yep Acres have you even thought about it but but you

Haven’t our grandfather used to do stuff there now it’s us okay yeah our grand pea used to be there you know what he he recently passed okay maybe we’re a little sad and we’d like to make some friends but no you’re too busy but no

Just that I don’t know you I don’t know you like okay chill working at joa or standing on a dock and like whatever like two cousins just moved in you know yeah we’re just we’re like the two coolest cousins you’ll ever know whatever you defeated a bug and Marlin is Gam

All right freaking peaw you know freaking peeps oh no it’s a raid help can’t help you then time for the [ __ ] YY what up Kyle how you doing [Applause] uh the yes sir emot I think we got rid of cu no one was saying it or using it

Really anymore I think it’s still a tier three but yes sir was just kind of like a 2020 Vibe or 2019 Vibe I could I could bring it back but I don’t think anyone was using it really so that’s why it just hasn’t been around yeah there you go yes indeed’s got

It sometimes you got to move on yeah yeah no one was it was just like one of those things that no one was using so like I didn’t want to have it linger but if you’re if you’re a dink sub there you go you got

Julian every day I miss Chris Mel t i could I could film Chris Mel if we wanted to do like an animated version where I just like take a sip and like look around or something I could probably be a good one actually I just drank mayonnaise you drank what

Mayonnaise ew Chris it’s foul it’s just give me a lot of Health though I don’t think it does that in real life oh it does the amount I put on my sandwiches let me tell you I’m drinking that pretty much nasty boo bo boo this guy

Stinks I used to I used to despise Mayo then I was like grow up who cares I I don’t mind a little bit of mayo on a sandwich like it can’t be too much but I don’t I don’t mind a little bit see that’s fair yo mayonnaise ketchup sandwich ew Chris

Sorry you know I don’t like ketchup I know I just want to see reaction o this guy this guy hates my guts no I Don’t if I hated your guts would I do this thanks Classic this [ __ ] bug stop get back I don’t have time for this [ __ ] get back back I tell get back dude back remember uh remember lethal company back yeah i’ I’d load up you would load up I’d load up all right

Maybe not tonight I’m enjoying sty Valley but I’d load up mean not tonight but I would I would but I would though That’s yeah it kind of is the same Vibe you go in you get stuff and you leave and you just try to die oh wait that’s actually true it’s a good point need to kill two more of these freaking things yo what up whle poopies how you doing Dude ouch Chris 12:00 a.m. oh no bro are you are you far far yeah I wasn’t paying attention no you better run dude otherwise you pass out I’m running oh I might you better run no I think I’m fine but it’s definitely not going to be good

I wasn’t paying attention dude I was locked in I was killing those little monsters that’s what I’m here for to yell out the time that’s what I’m here for yeah [Laughter] yeah I was here to scream out midnight how man it’s midnight classic dude doesn’t know what’s going on you

Know literally just a clock great I’m a clock just a clock all right wow look at all that okay I got a lot of stuff yo Kill Shot cany thanks for the prime I gave you a 1030 alert but no one listens to me to be fair I was so locked

In trying to get those things that I missed it Spirits are happy today ooh ooh ooh I can donate I can donate the seed oh come on more more cherry bomb Stone bug meat oh I have 30 more copper or I only have two and we needed five

For the premium crop one but that’s okay to wait until next year no no I have I have copper I have 12 copper bars here no no no no no no parsnips Bud oh parsnips okay sorry Bud golden parsnips we needed five golden parsnips for the

Bundle I only have two got it but I will take it sell some stuff here what’s a G I got an ancient seed I’m going to go give it to uh Gunther or Guna okay sounds good wait what’ you do with my pickaxe I still have it can I have it back I need it for random rocks and I mind um can I can I go back to you

Tomorrow okay what happened oh oh yours is being worked on mine’s almost Mine mine’s ready but I’m going to go kill these last few um bugs real quick cuz I only have to do two more for this Quest okay and then um I I wonder if you

Can grab my copper one or does it have to be me I wonder I have no clue so my copper one’s ready I I’ll go get it I I’ll try to get kill these last few bugs as fast as possible okay it’s it’s not like that big of a

Deal oh okay I’ve got stuff to do I can keep myself busy keep yourself busy ooh okay freaking this freaking Slimer hey hold lot yeah he looked at me weird fair I should have known better so oh there they are okay that’s good I think I think everything is watered over

Here one more I got a small magnet ring I think I already have one of those so I can give it to you yay those are so helpful when you’re getting resources yep yep yep can we get a yep train yep yep any yuppers yep yep any yuppers bro you

Think about how how like silly like we are sometimes like I don’t know like yeah we’re goofy guys we not not not even that like like like you I don’t know we just talk a lot no no no I’m listening I’m listening we just talk a

Lot is what it is yeah we’re yappers we’re professional yappers it would be awkward if we didn’t talk a lot true cuz then we just be sitting here you’re right it’s like is that what you guys want you just want us to sit here bro we almost have 20K are we rich

Nothing bro yeah but remember we got to get a lot of stuff for summer so this is like our savings account essentially true okay I’m also trying to get um okay I’m gonna get this Stu the Gunther oh I I need to go to the adventurers Club real quick too or the

Guild oh yeah true it’s at two okay sleeping in okay sleeping In the hell come back later I guess guys Che there’s our boy lus let me give him one of these freaking leaks I’ve already given him two gifts this week I’m happy for by myself you know sorry uh cuz we’re going to go hard in the summer we’re going to we’re going to go hard in the paint we’re going to

Really you know make it make it a thing make it a moment y exactly true is my so is my axe there even though he’s not here on Saturdays or how’s that work I don’t think in the mailbox you have to wait no I think you

Have to wait what a joke no know this guy can’t do anything this guy can’t do anything right I got to go talk to Dem real quick when I met you in the summer when I’m at you in the Summer there’s hay we farm and we are Indeed oh Divine I think it’s just a you have to buy a lot of crops early on to really do well like for later so it’s just it’s it’s a lot up front you know what I mean There he is y you’re welcome okay we’ll take we’ll take 300 I do know you’re dad here let me give you a an amethyst O Let’s Go Maru okay I’m only going to get gives to uh lonus and Maru I think I wonder if you have two magnet rings

Does it work extra likewise I I would like one personally oh no I’m going to give you yours I’m just saying I wonder if if that works oh I think I don’t know do they stack any noers there’s no stacking okay good to Know now enough bro there’s no way it’s been 7 hours this game is free oh my god dude that’s actually nuts oh he is here let’s go yeah we’re so back a 24-hour stardo stream would be possible I just simply can’t right now I mean we’re going to

Stream again tomorrow so it’s kind of like you know hours if you think about it I good oh wait is this oh ancient seed for Gunther yeah yeah oops forgot about that I forgot about that the little guy here new reward oh yeah oh yeah what ancient seeds ancient seed recipe and star fruit seeds wow cool yeah I’ll let I’ll let you handle those if you’re down Look let me give you this ring what are we going to do with those bad boys star fruit ancient seed ancient seed recipe uhoh uhoh uhoh oyster I think I I think I need an oyster for the yep for the Crab Pot bundle let’s go the star fruit is really [Applause]

Good oh and it’s for summer let’s go that’s actually massive wait that’s a w yeah we have until sum one more day for summer yeah one more day one day more one more day for reolution okay sing [Applause] it uh that’s the sub count Sarah which is crazy I might add okay

I’m gonna go drop this oyster off now then I’ll give you your pickaxe Keegan let’s go number six of C Brew this stream n all right I need a snail a cockle a a crayfish or a lobster s or snail or perwinkle um I think that you need to

Make a crab pot for those yeah I think you’re right so you you can make one and then just drop it in the river the ocean and then go check it again can we do it in our in our ponds by our by our place or am I yeah

But I think like the lobsters and everything don’t spawn except for in the ocean okay even if we get snails that’s fine though I don’t care about lobsters I only need one more okay H go okay oh my God I got a book gain plus one defense so you should you

Should read this well where’s that at did you water these ancient seeds by the way yo did you water these ancient uh these seeds by the way BR did you hear me I’ve got a book for you I’ve got a book for you that does plus one

Defense oh I think I responded but maybe here take this um you might have been muted here I I put it in the I put it in the chest for you I was stoked thank you Jack B Nimble what I found that one of in one of the worms

Huh you you learned a new power yo thanks okay I’m going to plant I’m going to I’m going to do another uh SE ancient seed I think okay yeah just put it next to the other one and then um we need to water that real

Quick and then I’m going to put the star fruit and the I think I have a recipe for you too oh no I think I learned it actually oh okay okay Stone nice dude this is coming along man it is coming along it is indeed okay I have your pickaxe I’m

Going to put it I’m going to put it back in the Black Box okay yeah that sounds good I’ll pick it up tomorrow okay okay all right there we Go yep acres has made 50,000 gold yeah 50k net worth guys bring it in bring it in that’s what we needed right there we’re gaming yo Haley and kill shot can oh you cut off and it just said gay but you’re right I said gay you like muted or something your

Discord and dropped out when you were saying Gamers and it’s said yeah we’re gay yeah we’re gay so What wait can you clip it from your perspective wild wild wild any Clippers any Clippers Spirits are happy big mining day ooh the ancient plants are weird looking big mining day okay I’m going to go mine right now oh yeah they like curl up like that isn’t that fun we yearn for

The mines we yearn gay cousins yeah we’re both we’re both cousins we have uh different moms different dads but we’re related and we’re both gay Sunday that’s a new day right wild story yep Acres wild that’s a good find there you go need a clip more than I need Water Through did anybody grab it I don’t know it’s so funny though oh there we go there we go we got it I’ll drop it in uh Discord okay can I pause the game somehow or no where’ you put it bro it’s actually so goofy hold on I’m dropping in Squad eyes [Laughter] okay I paused the game that’s okay that’s fine let’s go okay let me watch this real quick 50,000 gold 50k I watch this real quick net worth guys bring it in bring it in that’s what we needed right there we’re gay oh you cut off and it just

Said gay but you’re right I said gay you like muted or something your Discord dropped out when you were saying Gamers and it’s said yeah we’re gay you see it okay net worth guys bring it in bring it in that’s what we needed right there we’re gay oh you cut off and we’re

Gay that’s funny we’re gay it’s so funny like the dramatic cut off I mean we we we we have played stardo for almost seven hours so checks out all right let pause on pause okay here we go all right I’m going to floor 20 buto that was actually so funny like

What a what a good cut off d just happy to be here yeah yeah you you go mine you go do your thing I might do a little bit of fishing today oh I don’t even need to water anything yeah we’re oh cuz the last day right yeah the only

Stuff that was left was stuff that um like regrows or like seeds that we got for free so it’s fine free 99 free 99 we’re good out here ooh let’s go oh I got the little cut scene with the kids by the sewer oh Cris

Cris we need him where’s my boy I love Kobis new update lets you romance them uh I think you couldn’t live with him he’d be your roommate oh yeah you know what I don’t think he actually uh has like sexual attraction to any anyone I’m pretty sure no Bros bros asexual bro Ace bro just wants to live with his friends to make your Cofe casual roommate bro it’s like I’ll make coffee and like clean clean around if you let me live with you he’s like I’ll make a chore schedule if you’re Down Oh I need to go get all that [ __ ] real Quick no I have a good idea y [Applause] [ __ ] no way bud I got some summer squash seeds yeah I guess we’ll keep that bro all these guys can spawn me ladders okay they love you [Applause] oh some cave carrots yum sasty summer squash seeds yeah wait I

Just got one too it’s weird oh nice yeah I’m fishing over here wait did you make the um the crab trap no I forgot okay I’ll make it a it’s not like dire but yeah summer squash is one of the new ones ooh new new and there a con okay we’ll take

It Go made it to level 25 oh my God there’s a bow there’s a bow in the house a bow and arrow or like a bow like a tie like a bow like a hair bow oh it’s okay I don’t need it for now whoa this area is overrun with Monsters that’s not Good oh you I found a doll a doll drop it off in the museum yeah I found a doll ancient doll is it cute or gross it’s kind of gross no offense that that some little girls like only try to do it she had nothing else that was the one thing that brought

Her any sort of fun and happiness and the first thought was you it’s okay every time I turn the corner in Lethal company you see me you say you so it’s like you know but it’s the same Vibe is it no is it is it different oh there’s a big one

Here I also got an Arcane shirt is that good big slime you can feel a certain power with this garment what’s that mean Am I different you think we have air conditioning in our um in our houses nah no way I don’t think so since we have like a fireplace for heat well it might be a little sweaty true true true might be gross time to Lost book whoops I got to go to the museum Get her to the museum and say nothing guys floor 28 museums IRL you know what I do like them I haven’t really been in one in a little bit but I feel like they’re kind of cool they’re fun I like them like want to go to like Washington

DC and go to like the big ones oh yeah they have some they have some wild ones there got some solid museums over there are you more of like an art museum or like a natural history kind of guy Natural History I like art museums though but I just prefer the Natural History

Ones got two ancient seeds got some clay I got I just got another ancient seed dude what’s what’s going on we had so many Yeah the smithonian good never been I’d love to though I think I went on a field trip when I was like a younger guy that’s fair yep the last day of spring H o wait did you say something sorry I I we were talking about museums n oh got excited what is this this seems new what this looks different the mine I’m in like it looks a little different Oh weird no you’re probably it’s probably it probably is Stone that’s the same oh okay

H all right I’m going to get out of here oh it’s just a dark level ah I got it okay almost have enough slime maybe for something quartz copper ore okay I’m G to go go to the adventures Guild real quick here Pirate swords sneakers ooh wall swword cool insect Head what this goes hard as hell what what am I missing bro my sword does 30 damage I’m different now oh dang bro it’s actually different huh BR stacked I’ll give you I’ll give you my other sword it’s better than the one that you have probably

Oh nice it probably is yeah dude this thing this thing is so good all right then I’m going to put the uh summer squash seeds in uh your seed bin okay sounds good oh do you you already have the uh the the steel small

Sword oh I do I do have the steel small sword right now I do wa do you have a new shirt on bro found another new shirt bro I I have like five new shirts every time I see you you’re wearing a new outfit and I haven’t found a single one sorry it’s

Okay it’s just Funny need more Hardwood we do we don’t have the upgraded axe for it that could be our next uh goal if you or me want to get that it could indeed do you want a new you want a new shirt you want you want this one since

You like this color I’ll give it to you no that’s okay I like my matching overall outfit all right I’m just being dramatic n that’s not like it okay okay didn’t like didn’t like the tone behind that but ah we were come on we don’t tone over here all right all right

Man Chad do you think she’ll notice this new shirt also uh where you at I’m coming up to the house right now where you at over here there he is another another new shirt all right hey big day tomorrow summer big day can’t Wait big Sammy has gone to bed sad cuz she has the same shirt I have one outfit level three mining ooh nice another one I almost typed that in slack yo trout fairy 69 small Sumer a year one that’s what we like to see guys

That’s a f that’s a good first uh season right there that’s a good first Seas we did it it’s good first semester guys great first semester y the Summer music turn that up turn that up turn very happy very happy today the spirits all right most of this money has

Got to go all right how can I help what do you want me to do um I can set up the whole Farm thing we don’t have enough stuff I don’t think to make sprinklers which like is fine okay um you know what I’m to do I’m going to

I’m going to get my axe I’m going to get my axxe made copper I think and then and then you could borrow it if you ever need it or something um honestly I kind of need to upgrade the watering can cuz we have probably yeah I’ll bring my and

Then so you can still water for now and then I’ll just give you oh yeah that’s a good idea guys let’s called teamwork it makes a dream workor okay yeah it’s true look it Up our chickens grew up by the way did they all of them I mean the other two are already ground Okay okay I’m going to go get the uh mushrooms okay sounds good as well I always figured we have mushrooms I know I always forget everyone refresh we’re back sorry about That our uh internet provider sucks [ __ ] ass so we haven’t we actually haven’t had one in a while so we’re Chilling we have the snow oh it is snowing I forgot what up Jasmine how you doing dude yeah the cave is down there yeah oh my gosh there’s a new event called Trout Derby and it’s a two-day event Trout Derby yes sign me up budy yeah it’s the 20th and the

21st ooh this is this new no there’s ice ice cream guys blueberries are are the are the big money right guys that’s big money big money blue berries but I’ll get a little bit of Everything yeah it’s snowing oh wait corn is good because corn lasts to fall too m True I’m I’m going to proc I’m processing nine geod if that’s chill with you that is chill with me okay don’t say blueberry beer please Guys blueberry Ale Okay uh upgrade tools copper watering can all right he’s working on it nice w call me know probably uh I apparently in like a month or two they’re saying I don’t know for sure Though new reward blueberry wine Oo no we’re do we’re going to do po the copper axe but Sammy wanted uh the copper water and can so I said we do that first which is Fine oh he wants it to be two weeks okay I mean I don’t know I don’t really know what it is bro it’s so pretty here in summer blue ow book seller o Trout Derby that seems fun and different oh was there another one oh cow site okay good

Cals yeah call me now I mean I I I’m I’m all you know for hoping it comes to you guys Sooner yeah edgy it is a it is very it is very white I noticed that at the Dance oh another reward okay hey there’s John John Cheetos would comeing at that Time oh silly I’m sure it will I’m sure it will It’s Locked said here Present on Wednesdays the shop is closed so many mod makers stopped updating I mean it’s if it’s one of those things that like it’s just like a lot of work and they’re not making money sometimes it’s probably like yeah you know like what’s up un unless like there’s reasons or something I don’t

Know okay that looks kind of nice yeah Ryan exactly Ryan true and based dude don’t tell anyone guys don’t tell her okay I think we’re chilling maybe I’ll go uh see what Will’s up to and maybe do a little fishing a little bit of fishing never anyone a a little bit of

Fishing a little fish a little fishing cheps no they want like fishing would you see would you see be my friend if I talk like that uh yeah I’d still be your friend took you a little bit to answer that’s okay then no I didn’t I answered right

Didn’t I might need some help watering all of this since I had to plant like all of it today um I don’t know if you remember but we do we are missing a uh watering can all right I’m getting your I’m getting mine upgraded to a copper yeah I

Actually forgot about that that’s okay that’s okay though all right I’ll just fish and try to sell as many as I can I’ll to make ‘s meat here thanks when appreciate that ooh a river jelly yum hey buddy uh what there’s a lot of like quality of life [ __ ] uh some new items

Some new veggies new events the [ __ ] is a river jelly it’s a rare jelly frown and fresh water gives you plus 30 oh I should probably eat one of those before I do like a a cave Adventure new Farm plot new characters dude who sells books yeah buggy I saw that I didn’t

Want to I didn’t want to check it out just in case there was spoiler so I I only know of like the more like regular ones I guess like all the secret ones I’m trying not to know about trash yo paxi jasz thank you guys for the reubs I appreciate

That this is a crazy one but I actually think we have more oh we do oh my godons which is nice a pike okay save the other so yeah chrz I’m going to need some help over here I I with what um I can drop my watering can but

We had to plant so much today that I like this is not watered I could help uh walk back and forth with the water if you want yeah that’s what I’ll need oh my God I’ll put it in the thing yeah there you go I can I can start

Watering next one okay got a lot to do is water’s always wild no no no no no cuz I had to put fertilizer and whatnot down takes a minute yeah I got you cuz it’s we’ve got time though you’ll make it we got what it takes you’ll make it

Man you you’ve got what it takes I believe in you man oh [ __ ] out of water go go go go go did you water any ancient seeds I can’t remember it’s hard to see them in the dark these will be extras they’re watered oops well they’re watered again oops that’s okay double

Water swapping out The how it looking dire Dire I like forgot that we didn’t have the double water and cans which is tough [ __ ] any more water um if you don’t get to certain things don’t get to the corn because the corn um can grow in multiple Seasons so it’s not like the

End of the world will they die or just be like a little weak they’ll be weak okay me just looming low key you might want to take it to 2 a.m. here like I can we can feed we can feed you we have food you can rot in bed either

One y look at this guy go oh I’m I’m running out energy that’s okay if you run out energy throw it in the um in the thing really quick and I’ll take I’m exhausted here you go here you go that’s okay that’s okay okay I’m going to go lay in bed real fast

Okay dude the thing is so far away the water yeah that’s like the one L about this map it is yeah it is keep watering until like the last second yeah well would be a w but also eventually have sprinklers so we’ll probably be chilling right

True we just don’t have enough um copper and like there’s another thing that you need for it can I build a well campfire oh you go to bed Chris you go to bed okay sorry we don’t both want to be goofy okay I got all of them except for five which is

Decent that’s okay didn’t make it to bed me when I’m reading a really good book didn’t make it to bed tonight guys my bad you need 75 Stone and $1,000 to build the uh W Apparently oh yeah we’re doing good yeah the first day is always like a challenge bro miss the memo all of it the singular day 75 Stone and $1,000 to build a well okay Um o ammo bundle Artisan bundle fall crops summer it’s only 10 Hardwood common mushrooms for fall great okay and now we water again I know the endless cycle Earth crystal and quartz I have those nice quartz Earth crystal bring what is that swamp brick shaped fish looking guy where the con the

Uh the beach one was definitely like a choice I did one of those as well and it’s definitely not that wild I don’t think we went to Mar yet I don’t know if we did probably not I’m going to go add some stuff to the community

Center bro I came that one guy was a whole day late on that raid oh the stone fish yeah it’s a Stone Fish Sorry no silly he definitely was it’s just funny Might be down Here nope might be over here actually [Applause] joa yeah now bro’s super late cool okay I’m going to go to the mine and do some more [ __ ] over there I’m going to try getting some silver ore so we can start upgrading stuff more yeah that sounds

Good we got to get these upgrades in oh grapes that’s good for summer nice nice it’s a good summer situation yeah KH I’m usually the mine guy and then uh sami’s doing the the garden and then I’m also fishing like I’m a big fish guy too okay

Okay fish gang is essential early it really is all right I’m going to eat this River jelly and Juice up nice copper Earth crystal that’s a bad guy I think I think this does so much damage dude the insect uh weapon I have has such damage dude let’s go let’s height like

30 to like dude that weapon’s really good I can’t see [ __ ] in here though yeah Sam I each have the magnetic magnetic ring which is solid and that is super super nice I feel like it actually is helping out a lot yeah dude I need to make another Mayo machine I

Think oh the ring that lights [ __ ] up would be probably be nice here oh that would be sick true yeah I I haven’t found one yet oh oh there we go that was lucky immediately there we go I got to go rotten bed again dang falling asleep on your lawn kind of

Stinks was that a spider that’s a bat a bomb oops oh you get the glow ring for free okay might I might get to 40 right now which is a y let’s go yeah it’s a you we need this yeah we do a freaking bat I love Halloween oh [ __ ] okay

Munchin oh it’s right there yeah that’s why everyone everyone in their mom’s playing today cuz there’s a bunch of updates that happen like a bunch of new things that were added so people are stoked your mom’s not playing true same most most people are though h

H any uh any ladders oh there we go need this grape real quick here Jinx I got you thanks for the uh reminder yeah that bat sucks yep slingshot oh dang let’s go now it’s snow time too Yep iron ore yep uh Shan I don’t know I think you could be on the same floor it’s funny though cuz we really haven’t like seen each other on this area cuz she’s doing her thing I’m doing mine 920 iron ore slime let’s go oh [ __ ] check this out yo

Cool who some hardwood as well okay oo whatever the [ __ ] that is I want Frozen Geod 1040 okay need I need that uh 11:00 p.m. check just a heads up yep yep okay I’ll just come back and get to 45 tomorrow cuz I got to go to bed we gotta snooze dude I have so much [ __ ] dude that’s good we need I got a

Slingshot I got iron ore I got frozen geod [ __ ] Jade geod let’s go yep yep we need this yeah we’re doing stuff he’s so back okay I’m going to get some sleep and then we’re going to uh run it back tomorrow guys let’s go that was a good

Good day I got dude I I’m at floor 45 let’s go that’s huge there’s an earthquake Quake what’s that mean the hot springs is opening I can make the glowstone ring is that a move it is a move Yeah that’s the one I make okay oh my copper watering can’s ready too nice uh Spirits are perturbed today I lost my lucky purple shorts uhoh okay so maybe I don’t go to the mines today if there Spirits are perturbed mhm yeah maybe don’t wait the watering cans under it

It’s huge yeah I’ll go get that thanks man um I’ll hold off on watering all of the sun quartz amethyst Earth crystal slingshot ammo it’s big for us iron ore bug meat geode Frozen tear I think I need a frozen tiar actually for bring that over there as

Well I’m making an iron bar right now I’m going to go bring that to donate Also Nice I’m going to go check on the uh mushrooms sounds good there’s probably some stuff there oh yep there’s a couple things do we need any of this or anything or are we good uh you can just sell them um there’s one that we need but I don’t even know what’s in there

The common keep the common mushroom I have a common mushroom it was common mushrooms and moral okay just we only need one common mushroom you can sell the rest okay I dropped it in There how do I build the uh ring bug meat slime and copper bar oh I can do that I can make us two light Rings or should I just make one for now um if you have enough I’ll take one cuz it’s kind of helpful at night but

Otherwise if you don’t like it’s it’s not a biggy no no I’ll go I’ll go make some for us oh that’s a different ring are you sure oh glow stone oh I can’t Cann not make a glow stone ring that’s for sure oh no I need five solar Essences yeah right Bud

Jeez yeah right put those back pathetically and then we’ll go to uh get our Copper Where are the shorts again are they just like randomly somewhere um they’re no they’re in um marne’s bedroom oh so you need to like have a high enough friendship to get into her room what a scandal it’s a little Scandalous it’s a bit of a scandal if you will it’s a scandal Randall it’s a scandy Randy yeah you can put the underwear on and talk to Louis and he’ll be like what are you wearing why are you wearing those he gets like super mad it’s not spoilers I we all knew That Years start valle’s been out for a minute okay yeah I’ve played this wait here here can I give you this right now let’s see no it won’t let you drop tools you the chest wa wait have it out and click on me no sorry thanks for thanks for watering my boots

Wait can you actually put um the purple shorts in the stew yes yes you that is funny it is funny it’s like goofy wait I need my water and can Chris oh sorry man that’s okay had a lot of crops to water should we do it or is that

Wild I don’t know does mess anything up you have them displayed in your house that’s funny okay it’s in the white box thanks man appreciate it all right I’m going to go uh I’ll put yours in here then your new one I’m going to go uh put some

Stuff in the community center real quick oh yeah that’s real nice oh ruins Hearts uh I don’t care about mayor Lewis yeah but does it ruin like everybody’s or just oh true cuz people probably get like sick and die and stuff yeah what’s with what’s with you and

These Dramatics today huh man I don’t know’s going on ooh the railroad is open oh snap okay wait that means the spa is open right yep it’s big oh this weird stuff question mark I don’t have my axe nice Ambience here to be honest if I

Could be if I could be so for real yeah it’s kind of nice on the farm too there’s like birds singing yeah The Vibes are good okay h I think I go this way oh my God my guy’s shirt’s off and I have a mullet why is your guys shirt off he’s

Different oh [ __ ] oh yeah this guy this guy’s running around with his shirt off wait I look sick Adrian I agree Sammy working hard on the farm and Chris having a spa Day literally still watering all the crops over here bro can someone clip both our perspectives that’s so funny I’m literally doing nothing I’m literally like locked in watering everything taking care of all the animals like sweating it’s summer got a sweat on my face my dude’s just naked in

The water SP great man glad you’re having fun I’m going to fish in this little thing real quick here I was just making sure the uh Spa worked ooh huh I just caught a I just caught a painting oh okay that’s different ooh a joaa yeah you can fish here guys I think

You can get a necklace here sometimes I going to make another male machine now it’s just garbage secret items dude that painting is sick Earth crystal do weang on our we do bar hey Robin I’m going to give Robin a uh Cave carrot do you think she’ll be

Down um why not know I don’t really know her like that I’m going to give Sebastian a joaa I hate this I’m [ __ ] Dum bro the whole town hates you the whole town despises me they see me and they get sad they go oh great look who’s look who’s walking they’re like great

This guy again what’s this guy doing this douche not all That Lady Luck That’s Why They Call Her Frankie like oh I I I almost have enough wings too that’s good and then I think I should go is it over here no it’s over here yeah I think everywhere’s fishable as long as it’s water well if you think about it in life

Every everywhere is fishable if you are passionate enough you know what Sammy you’re right even in your even in your bathroom yep true um the summer all we use a spice Berry and we’re done for the summer crafts room yo wait that’s huge wait I have spice berries right here you have a

Spice Berry oh yeah I’ll run it I’ll run it I’ll run it all right you get the honors you get the honors it’s the it’s the room of the bottom okay I’m sprinting yeah Sam I like I like being the Fisher too what’s up Dodge Mom how you doing

Dude yeah I like fishing hey man sprinting sprinting with a spiceberry bring money in the early days business oh we got some copper bars yep I was cooking a couple edgy there’s a lot of people in in the Discord who I think are playing but that would be you know obviously a whole

Thing to set up but if that’s something that you’re interested in I know people are probably trying to doer mod um slingshot Vista summer seeds gont let’s go I wonder if I get rid of these these and put this that’s kind of nice it’s a little

Over it’s a little dramatic I think with how much we have going on but it works for now once our house gets bigger it’ll be much Better cave carrot fiber glasses I’m just going to sell these I’m going to sell this uh grape even though we don’t need to probably interior Decor is your main should we have uh Robin build us a well do you think or are you good we could we

Could do a well I mean it would be kind of helpful we also need we also need a barn soon for cow down for either um are you cool with a BRB after this yeah for sure okay going do a little stretch do your thing

Man got to sell this man yo kimin paxi B chunny bun thank you guys all for the reubs by the way I haven’t played for a while you get divorc in this game are you talking about IRL your cat is locked into the stream a

Break in this economy I know you can get uh divorced in this game dude Adam it’s crazy right all right all right BRB okay sounds good for e e so okay sorry guys oh I started oh it’s waiting for you okay cool no yeah yeah no you’re good you’re

Good I I was looming for it you’re you’re chilling I was looming bro I don’t know how to stop playing this bro I know but the good news is we have tomorrow we do we’re going to play all day tomorrow the spirits are very happy today very happy o should I should I

Just go to the mines now and cook yeah dude head to the mines we’ll be seeing you but have a good day I’ll see you we’ll be seeing you man have fun still on stard I’m shocked dude oh wait maybe I’ll go to the I’ll go do geod too good spirits oh

Right that’s a good idea okay cool he yearns for the minds I’m bringing cookies instead of the jelly yeah we’re in summer we we might call it soon guys um another Banger song by the way since we’re going to be back again Tomorrow an 8 hours just flown by somehow but this will all be on YouTube if you want to catch Up or go back and watch sour cherry I’m going to act like I didn’t read that and just always assume that luck is a good thing and and just close my eyes I think the same time tomorrow I think it’s at uh uh 4:00 Eastern you getting dubs on Fort let’s go yeah I know we thought we said Fork cap but I don’t even know if I uh if I care enough to cuz I I might go watch uh that documentary with Shan oh he’s not I can’t open my geod [ __ ]

Idiot dang it John have you been watching that yeah dude it’s it’s so intense but it’s really like well done I think episodes three or four are out so I’m going to go watch those yeah it’s I’m amazed but in like a bad way I’m like I can’t believe this

Happened you know what I mean purple purple mushroom for George George needs a purple mushroom yeah may you should I would highly recommend it yeah all that all that especially the early uh Seasons I watched the [ __ ] out of so seeing like and especially like The Amanda Show

So seeing how [ __ ] up everything was I I I I was I was very it like makes you makes you like uncomfortable the amount of just like [ __ ] that were working on the show that you just never really thought about ooh Shan yeah I I saw she’s doing

A lot of uh a lot of protesting Dan came out with a response what a [ __ ] idiot dude’s a loser dude is a loser bro Yeah yeah dude saint that was a bummer but honestly everyone watch it for yourselves get take your own opinion on it but it’s clearly the the evidence is all right there cut and dry that the dude had like straight up pedophiles working for him on a children’s show like it’s there’s just no

Excuses and and that’s just like the tip of the iceberg way worse [ __ ] was going on plus like just like it was unprofessional it was like [ __ ] massive massive loser like the uh the one all that segment I didn’t watch any of that I didn’t watch that era at all and Shan

Knew everything and I was like bro what like I never watched any of these they had that segment it was like uh the dares or whatever bro that [ __ ] was crazy they would do like Fear Factor for these kids and they were doing some like [ __ ] up stuff on the

Show like they had them eating [ __ ] they had them like chugging like sugar and coffee like all day long and when you’re like a kid like that can’t be good for you ooh Omni geode it’s got an omni geode let’s go yeah that’s how bro the dog peanut

Butter putting like scorpions in your mouth like what the [ __ ] it was called like dare or something and like you would spin a wheel and whoever got landed on had to do it yeah overworking it’s so weird but yeah definitely definitely worth a watch for real no it wasn’t double dare it was

Like no no no no no it wasn’t double dare it was like something about how um it was like crazy dares on it was like on air dares yeah yeah yeah on air dares that’s what it was plus 500 gold okay for killing that

A little bit of money bro I think I got that I think I got that gold for killing a slime oh cool yeah I killed a yellow slime and it gave us 500 gold sure thanks I’m down yeah I didn’t watch that that season cuz I was I was too busy like

Watching cooler stuff probably but not really yeah his response was was apparently Ass for him to be like I’m sorry like [ __ ] off [ __ ] off apparently he made a response I didn’t see it though 45 let’s go my mom told me for auditions they told everyone to wear open toe shoes like dude that’s such a weird request what a strange request like is

That not a red flag no may I know I know that I’m just saying like that’s bizarre I literally watched it like he’s in a hot tub that’s a foot just like that’s such a strange request to have kids like have their their shoes out or their feet

Out H uh you can reach out on say um on Discord want maker that’ll make us more coal cuz we need coal for a bunch of random stuff okay I can I can get Co oh aquamarine let’s go wood cutters weekly huh I got a book nice good book yeah may like

Huh and when we’re kids we’re like oh feet are funny they’re goofy like yeah I’ll do that that’s silly but then you think about like it’s like a it’s a grown man like requesting it and you’re like h I don’t know about that bud do you want the uh wood cutter book

Or you good I’m cool either way I don’t mind you can take it cool I got new ideas to sleep on that’s what we like to hear oh that works really fast okay cool okay iron ore all Right okay I’m making us a bunch of preserve jars for when the BL Beres are done because we are going to want a lot of those things I’m down bro another going toir lot of money I’m going to come back and she’s going to be like what the [ __ ] I need eight Co

La sh huh yeah try and bring as much coal back as you can Tundra boots I got you thanks man um I have 13 right now oh W nice oh ghosts ghost yeah oh these guys drop Essences I think is that your ghost noise that’s what they sound

Like it sounds like me like going a better waking up it’s like that sound you make right before you go to bed bro I make like a weird like honestly it’s kind of like it sounds like a dying anim everybody does I think everybody does I think it’s like

Natural yeah like tell when I’m a sighing noise cuz she’s like you just go a human power down noise yeah it’s so Windows 98 just Like it’s so funny oh who’s P whose Satchel is this o is Some Coal oh more coal they said you want coal I got you yep they knew I needed this bucket yeah that’s the idea o b o bat wings I might be able to get to floor 55 oh it’s 1020 [ __ ]

Yeah how far away are you from the floor uh one floor away you’ve got time you’ve got time I found it I found it nice W we’re good we’re good we’re good W here we go there we go 455 Bang bang okay that’s all you needed right there that is the stuff we needed yeah the problem is I don’t we he’s he’s not gonna go like that’s the that that’s the issue like there’s all this speculation and evidence and stories backing you know it but it doesn’t even like matter

To the law which is like crazy like he’s he’s already gotten away with it for 20 [ __ ] 30 years so that’s the problem but he knows he’s in Trouble is that another outfit that there’s no way chat there’s no way I was waiting for you to notice bro every time he comes back bro is in a new fit thanks shees what are you going to do what can you do man what can you do wait new crafting recipe mushroom log

Ooh you uh you think that that’s the one probably and we we run it back the one an eight hour stardew Valley locking right there yeah that was that was a good first day it was a good first day I think we have to click okay to the next

One and then we all back out but yeah dude and then same same time tomorrow run it back same time tomorrow we go again W that was fun dude that was fun I had a good time it did fly by it did yeah it literally felt like no time at

All GG’s uh I’ll I’m going to get out of here but I’ll see you tomorrow same time yep I’ll see you tomorrow same time lot of farming left at L of farming Acres Sammy Sam have a good one CH Chris good night see you later peace by glad

Chat GG’s that was a [ __ ] great great day what

Welcome to Yuup Acres. Sami and Chris start a new Stardew adventure together with the release of update 1.6! #stardewvalley

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  1. So the coop/barn door thing is kind of a myth.

    You can lose an animal to predators if you lock them out of the coop at night, and you can lose relationship with animals if you leave the coop/barn door open in winter UNLESS you have a heater inside.

    Otherwise, there’s really no reason to close the coop/barn doors.

  2. I used to watch your first co-op farm with Shan all the time when I'd play! I have those vods memorized I think lmao. Can't wait to see the journey YUPP Acres takes the Samily and the Shack on

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