1. I hate how it went to them having a peaceful island to it being a Civil War to Kraner getting them back together to have their lands interstate and now people on parts of the land I wish it was just a normal where they all live on squid island

  2. I think it would be really cool, and particularly fitting for you since you have a restaurant, to get citizens of your land. Not only would it be cool to just have inhabitants of your island, but it would also make your restaurant make more sense, and it could make way for a design for your island – you could have a small city, or maybe rather an original Crainer land village.

    I also think you should consider expanding your land into the sea/river with some islands and also just moving your shoreline further out. I'd specifically want you to kind of enclose Jelly's island in a chain of your own small islands just around 10 blocks away from his border as a sort of troll.

    Lastly, your land has never really had a good general theme of design – or design at all. Community land has the minimarket, other buildings and it generally looks nice, Slogo's land has a very industrial look and Jelly had a spruce forest. Your land has always been bland and kind of boring. That's also why I think you should expand it into the sea: so you have more room for design. Now that Jelly removed his forest there's not much vegetation on Squid Island, so you could plant a type of forest. Specifically tall trees and bushes around the shores of an improved Floppy Canal would be nice. Expanding your land could allow you to make more room for some better Floppy Canals. Making them look more and surrounding them with vegetation would be a really nice theme for your land. If you make enough room you could also have a small somewhat compact village in the middle of your forest.

  3. Cool restaurant Crainer, By the way I think Jelly is mad at both you and Josh since you placed Beenny into the box with lava, and Slogo killed Beenny by mistake. Also here's an idea, How about you build some houses for the villagers and after the baby villagers grow up they can move in, So their home is more expanded and there can be more villagers! Also if I got 10 dollars for everytime you said Bork Co in this video I'd have a Money supplier Hehe.😎

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