NEW REMIXED BUNDLES! – EP 2 (Stardew Valley 1.6 Let’s Play)

Hey what’s up guys it’s Nash and welcome back to the stard valley 1.6 update we’re back for episode 2 and I am so excited oh yeah okay first things first let’s jump in straight in and watch the TV as we normally do we are starting on the new

Meadow Farm that came in 1.6 it’s going to be clear and sunny all day we need to go check our chickens that we got on this Farm a so exciting we also need to meet Abigail today is very important the spirits are feeling neutral the day is

In your hands love that welcome to living off the land this one’s for the folks living in stardy Valley check for spring onion Southwest of town where the river meets the ocean you can sometimes find a whole bunch growing right out of the dirt we do need to remember to do

That but let’s go see uh so we do have some crops that we need to get watered today where is the nearest watering hole where is the watering hole uh because we need to fill up wow is it really I feel like there’s definitely got to be one closer I think I’m just

Taking the long route we got the new blue grass holy cow hopefully we’re going to explore some of the brand new 1.6 stuff today uh as we go throughout this episode but we’ll see there’s there’s it’s going to be a long journey it’s going to be a long journey to

Figuring out what all this new stuff is we got a carrot planted here which is new I’m excited to see what the carrot looks like that is probably something we also need to ship in the shipping bin so we’ll see how much it costs and how much

Money we get for it and stuff like that I assume it’s not very much uh I don’t even know if we can buy that in piers in the last episode we looked at our little sign you can now write text signs which is fun we should take the fan over to

The museum today that would be great and then I think that’s everything that we really need to focus on potentially maybe buying we have 800 gold from fishing so possibly buying some new crops let’s go check beluga and Misty who are my two chickens they were named

By the game oh and look at the beautiful waterfall my favorite part of this Farm uh we got two new eggs today which is awesome I think I might hold on to these and we are going to need to get a silo that’s actually we should popy

Robins and see what we need for a silo because I genuinely cannot remember so I’m going to drop my eggs in there going to take the fan to the museum and then what else do we need to do archaeology visit Gunther at the Museum okay we need

We need to do that uh feeding animals build a silo okay reach farming level one very very cool so let’s uh let’s head up to Robins first that seems like a good a good thing for us to do and we can collect some forgeblacksmith it’s usually smarter not

To do that cuz then it it leaves you room to actually collect a ton of different kinds of things but it’s it’s fine it’s fine do you want something from me no I was just you know popping in to say hi Louis really all I was doing and then

Again we need to oh this still being fixed okay we need to meet Abel today that is like number one priority if we see that purple-haired girl we need to go and grab her and say hello not Grabber but like you know be like hey what’s up uh coal nice okay digging up

As many spots as I can let’s pop inside here and see how much the silo costs I’m going to guess I think it’s 100 gold 10 clay and then it was like some let’s just see 3 days Coupe takes 3 days oh I like how it tells you now that’s

Really nice okay Silo takes 2 days it’s 100 G’s 100 Stone 10 clay oh five copper bars wow so we need to get into the mines first H very interesting okay let’s uh go talk to Robin you’re always welcome to visit us even if you aren’t shopping you know oh

Well thanks that’s actually quite nice very very nice in fact let’s go say hi to Demetrius I do want to try to make friends with everybody get my hearts up as quickly as I can how’s the farming business going it’s parip season isn’t it it is does Demetrius like parsnips is

That one of his favorite one of his favorite things I can’t remember I uh usually give him strawberries that’s like my go-to for Demetrius but I can’t actually remember what his his favorite thing is I would love to unlock the community center soon but let’s go see

Pierre and Abigail we need to keep a 100 gold oh what’s here help on it local catfish population 200 Demetrius for a catfish you get to keep the fish oh one star it’s a one star Quest that’s interesting hm I don’t know if we want to do that one uh if I don’t

Know if it’s going to rain I mean I guess it doesn’t hurt to take it I don’t think it knocks like knocks you down by any if you take it and then don’t fulfill it so I mean hey we’ll just I guess we’ll do that there’s Abigail do I

Wait here until she comes out or do I go try to do other things I don’t know let’s see if there’s anything else we can buy in here I’m trying to look for like new wallpapers and new catalog or or any new items oh what was that

Dehydrator Fire Quartz clay and wood and 10,000 G’s that’s very interesting that is a new item that we can get I’m thinking we do we get five more potatoes we need some more cauliflower let’s do three of those and then we want to keep

100 so I’m going to go ahead and get uh yeah 11 parsnips sure that was a lot of my money I probably should save for a backpack upgrade but if we’re lucky we could potentially uh sell our crops and then get Get Enough from that but we

Also want to think about the community center bundles ah ooh uh ooh let’s go to the museum ah wait hold on I want to pick up that okay let’s Let’s uh throw the coal away there’s a lot more coal where that came from we’ll pick up the horseradish because I don’t actually

Know if I’ve picked up any horse radish throughout this series yet and it could potentially be in the bundle for the community center so again just trying to hang on to like everything I can ah Journal updated new journal entry okay abysmal not a single piece in the entire

Collection what’s this you found something let me see remarkable it’s very old I’d love to study this in Greater detail but it is yours no you can have it h I’ve got a favorite to ask you would you consider donating any new artifacts or minerals that you find we

Could make a groundbreaking discovery together oh and who knows if you keep donating I might come across some interesting items to send your way H where is he getting these interesting items think about it will you if you decide to donate just bring the objects to the front desk

Will do very right G there sounds good sounds like a good deal my friend so we have the fan to give let’s just go give him that donate to the museum and where are we going to put this let’s see let’s put it I guess just back here there’s

Our first one journal entry updated so what does this say we get 250 awesome we’re getting our money back which is amazing so we can try to catch catfish if it rains tomorrow but I think it possibly said that it was sunny I don’t know if we’re going to be able to

Do that I need to go find Abigail uh the air is starting to warm up I’m feeling pumped he do you know where Abigail is that’s all I care about at this point in time because I want to finish this dang Quest normally I have these done so

Quickly is she in her room still she is I think I might just wait outside the door Caroline I need to talk to your daughter H I wonder if I can get Pierre to cook dinner tonight I don’t know you’re going to have to definitely uh oh she’s coming she’s coming she’s coming

Yes I’m going to block the hallway so that she cannot pass by there we go oh that’s right I heard someone new was moving into the Old Farm that’s me kind of a shame really I always enjoyed exploring those overgrown Fields by myself I don’t blame you because the

Meadow fields are beautiful with the blue grass hello Nash hello Elliot are you well I am doing pretty well how are you sir so we could go and buy more crops but again I think I want to see save up for the backpack upgrade so how

To win friends give someone a gift we have a horse radish and a leak I know for a fact oh wait doesn’t George like leaks I know he’s a little bit of like a random person to give a gift to but he’s probably right here and I think he likes

Leaks there we go this is my favorite thing thank you I can’t talk right now miss oh okay I won’t talk but I will give you gifts and that will give us a how to win friends giving gifts is a great way to build friendships learn each person’s individual tastes and

You’ll be popular in no time so yeah in this game uh each Villager has their favorite things and then also things that they dislike so it’s good to give them gifts holding in your hand gift it to them and they will become friends with you I’ll be baking cookies today I

Like to make flower shapes in the spring that is very nice and very cute can I have some cookies maybe I’ll tell you my recipe one of these these days oh we need to be friend Evelyn because I think she actually will give you her cookie recipe if you are close enough friends

That is amazing hello Louis how’s it going so how’s your first night in the old Cottage your grandpa used to complain about the rickety old bed but I think deep down he actually loved that house I think he loved the house too I mean if he wanted to pass it along to us

Which is kind of the story line uh then I think he would have you know he would have sold it I think or or just abandoned it if he did didn’t care about it so I feel like he does care about it and he wanted to give it to us so that’s

Quite nice anyways horseradish you know what we also should do is try to go see if there’s any spring onions down below although uh we don’t really have the inventory space so maybe we should take a pit stop up to the farm and then we can come and grab all these things today

Is also Thursday I’m wondering what this big tree thing is and then I do want to go start knocking on The Wiz door although don’t think that I think you have to do the whole Community Center thing first forget how that works it’s been a little while since I played this

Game guys it really has I don’t think I’ve ever said that in my life oh my gosh horse radishes how awesome but you know it is it is kind of awesome especially in this game when you need all the forges you can get your hands on

Um okay so let’s go get to plan in some more stuff here so I think these were my potatoes so we’ll continue this out by five uh my cauliflowers were down here so we can continue those out here and then we have tons of space that we need

For more parsnips and we do have to start thinking too about how we want to get the clay for The Silo The Silo is going to be pretty important for us to get early on why did I do that like that why am I doing it like this I planned it

Out in my head and everything and and then was just like abandoned ship I just abandoned all my plans oh it’s fine it’s fine as long as everything gets watered they’re going to grow a bit weird but it it’s going to be okay so I think it’s on the 5th of the

Month that we can go and I think the mine opens and then I think we get the community center unlocked on the 5ifth it could be the 4th and I’m just misremembering but we’ll try for tomorrow what I want to do today is finish up the quest with which we did

And then go see about those spring onions and then we could potentially go see the wizard although I don’t think it’s beneficial until you actually unlock the community center the bundles and stuff like that in the community center and I’m sorry to anyone who’s new to the game who this is super confusing

You’re like what’s the community center what are the bundles we will be exploring that in an upcoming episodes so don’t even worry if you’re new to the game it will all make sense you just got to keep watching along or play for yourself and explore it it is uh super

Super fun to play it for the first time and figure everything out but I hope you guys are enjoying this series and playing along with me if you are oh wa this is new only a master of the five ways may enter this is new oh wow that’s super cool oh I’m

Really glad we found that so what I’m thinking is there are five skills in the game right let’s open up our inventory if we go to skills yeah one two 3 four five so once we master all of these skills we can get in there oh I’m

Excited I’m going to keep working really hard to get my skills up that’s going to be great a 1.6 is bringing some really cool new things and I’m excited to see what that new cave is there’s like a cave there so there’s also this little abandoned house down here this is uh

Something we’ll unlock later and then let’s see let’s grab dandelions just grabbing everything we can this is not new to the game but there is like a little fun thing over there eventually that we can go do all right we are starting to wrap up and around where the

Wizard’s House is ah there’s Leah so this is the Wizard’s Tower and this is Miss Leah there’s actually a lot of wild food in the area if you know where to look oh just look on the ground look everywhere I’ve been having fresh salads almost every day all

Right we found so much good stuff today it was a a pretty that felt like such a fast day one for this episode but I’m excited to move on to day two and see what kind of things we unlock tomorrow so let’s do that let’s just go in wait

Did I pet my animals today I’m pretty sure I did yeah okay I just wanted to double check cuz like that day again went so quickly and I was I was thinking wait a second did I or didn’t I all right beautiful first things first check

The TV and it’s going to be a clear and sunny day so we’re probably not going to be able to do the catfish quest which is fine it has to be raining for you to catch catfish the spirits are very happy today they will do their best to shower

Everyone with Good Fortune this makes me happy because if I’m not mistaken we’re getting our cat today oh my gosh and it’s one of the new ones I’m so excited hello Nash you see this cat here I do see this cat here uh I found it sitting outside the

Entrance of our farm I think it’s a stray poor little thing I think it likes this place hey hm don’t you think this Farm could use a good cat yes I will adopt the cat and I have been watching um a Netflix couple of Netflix movies anola Holmes an anola Enola I almost

Spelled that wrong anola I really like the name anola I think it’s really cute so that is what we’re going to call this cat anola well little anola you be a good kitty now okay we officially have our first pet oh now we got to find her she

Probably running around like crazy oh the little animation looks amazing oh we’re going to pluck that in a second oh what is this to our valued joa customers our team members have removed the land slide caused by our drilling operations near the mountain lake I’d like to remind you that our drilling operation

Is entirely legal responsible stewardship of the local environments is our top priority we apologize for any inconvenience this accident may have caused as always we value your continued support and patronage okay well thanks joa I guess um that’s actually nice cuz we can go into the mines but let me plug this

Carrot new crop in the game it’s so exciting um I really wish we had more of that um I don’t know if I should keep this or if I should sell it there’s probably you know what I probably should keep it just in case there’s always

Those just in case moments I feel got something new to sleep on I don’t know why I keep saying that keeps telling me that and then I’m like what does that mean it’s exciting but I I haven’t figured it out yet so let’s head on into

Town see what’s going on see if there’s any quests or anything that we can do do I do have a couple forgees to grab and I definitely want to go check out the mines today there’s a lot of things that happen within the first few days you

Getting into town that can be super exciting so we want to definitely go off and experience all of those the community center yay we’re unlocking it oh I’m so stoked about this oh hi there hello mayor Lewis dot dot dot what a nice or this is the Pelican

Town community center where what’s left of it anyways sounds like it’s a a fixer uper it needs a little help it used to be the pride and joy of the Town always bustling with activity now just look at it it’s shameful these days the Young Folks would rather sit in front of their

TVs than engage with the community but listen to me I sound like an old fool JoJo Corporation has been hounding me to sell them the land they can turn it into a warehouse hant town could use the money but there’s something stopping me from selling it I guess Old-Timers like

Me get attached to relics of the past oh well if anyone else buys a JoJo membership I’m just going to go ahead and sell it sigh here let’s go inside yes let’s do unlocking the door swing it open to see a dust field Community Center look at this place there’s a little

Hut a little stars and old fish tank here H what’s this I guess Vincent and J must have been playing in here this place is even more dilapidated than I remember it’s going to take a lot of uh fixing look at the junimo what I guess us freaking out definitely kind of

Freaked him out I mean usually when you just randomly scream it does tend to freak people out what’s the matter are you ill no I just I just saw something there’s definitely something here you you’re telling me you didn’t see that saw something hm when you be surprised

If this place was full of rats there’s another one Louis told me you didn’t see that you’re worrying me Nash look I think I’m going to head home I need some lunch hey I’ll keep this place unlocked from now on maybe you can help catch

That rat if you have some extra time oh Louis we definitely do just the crazy enough what I’m crazy enough to do it I have to come back and explore this building further all right I’m excited oh this gets my blood pumping with excitement because this is where it gets

Fun so we did do uh in episode one we remixed the community center bundles so that means if we head down here uh we will get kind of the random Community Center bundles which will be super fun to experience but look at this this is the junimo language and we are not able

To read what is on this Mystic tablet so we’re going to have to come back and do that later at some point and um there’s a there’s a lot to this place if you guys have never seen it I’m sure a lot of you guys have but like a bulletin

Board there’s an old Vault here there’s a old boiler room and of course the secret little junimos are living in this place there’s also like a kitchen and little crafts room and stuff and and it it looks pretty bad it looks pretty bad so we definitely need to try to Spruce

It up over time but it it takes a while so hoping tomorrow we can figure out some some secrets on how to how to reveal that tablet and read the tablet but help one wanted the local car population is starting to threaten the other species if you can get me three uh

If you can fish three of them for me it would be a big help I can actually do that I believe now we have Louis’s birthday coming up we definitely want to give him a birthday gift so I definitely I need to keep that in mind and we want

To be talking to the villagers and gifting the villagers as much as possible early on this early on in the game though we are kind of at a point where we don’t just want to be giving away free items though uh willy-nilly we do kind of want to save

Some stuff if we can uh but I’m trying to think of what our next move is ah you know what we should do we should go and check out the mines that’s going to be a good good thing to do especially since we have good luck today I have a field

Snack on my hot bar so that is nice let’s go check that out head up to the top of the map and see what the new what the mines are like hello lonus I’m going to give you these that’s a good find I’m always happy uh when eating wild food

Thank you please don’t destroy my tent oh I have no plans of it that sounds like a jojamart thing and we are not on their side it’s uh it’s happened before Oh I believe it I believe that jojamart probably uh was at the hands of that so

I’m very sorry I’m going to grab this leak it is great food to take in to the mines and then over here is the Quarry so we’re going to unlock the Quarry later hopefully that’s going to take quite a bit of time we also have the

Adventures Guild here but we need a way to get inside of it so here’s the mine entrance let’s go on inside ah here it is new journal entry unlocked it looks like we are meeting Marlin I was just peering down into this old M shaft it’s been abandoned for decades decades you

Say still there’s probably good ore down there but a dark place undisturbed for a long time I’m afraid ore isn’t the only thing you’ll find D here take this you might need it and we’re getting our first sword it’s not great and it’s not shiny it is

Definitely Rusty but it’ll do the trick name’s Marlin by the way I run the adventurers Guild right outside I’ll keep my eye on you prove yourself and I might think about making you a member Community Center Adventures Guild look at us go we need to uh crack this area

Open there’s also an elevator system and a mine cart system although the mine cart system is currently out of order and broken we’ll have to figure out how to get that up and going but we’re going to jump straight down into the mines guys look at this our first Mining

Adventure of stardew Valley 1.6 ah we got some copper already that’s exciting we are cracking Rocks open and we need to find this the ladder I almost said staircase it’s not staircase it’s a a little ladder so we can pop down and we have our first enemies on this level

So just going through and killing some of these slimes I actually think yeah so reach level five in the mines we can do that there’s an old M shaft in the mountains north of town there could be valuable materials inside but Marlin hinted that it might be dangerous

Dangerous indeed because look at these stinky little stinking slimes that need to kick their butts because uh they’re actually very strong they’re very strong hey there’s a geode oh we can’t pick that up that’s fine that’s fine all right so let’s see if we can get down to level five I do

Want to try to get as much copper as we can getting some Stone too would be really great for The Silo and geod are always welcome because we can crack those open and get some really cool resources so usually my mining tactic is to go for all of the fancy ores that I

Can sometimes I’ll try to defeat all the bugs it does help if you’re trying to get the monster eradication goals in the adventures Guild which is just the goals where you kill a certain amount of like Monsters and then you get prizes and stuff like that so that can be kind of

Good but yeah I’ll just go through I like to find all of the the nice shiny rocks the ones with the little um like like orange pieces or white pieces in them that will give us ores and then kill all the kill all the bugs ooh there’s that nice the ladder going down

Awesome there’s there’s another ladder there’s another ladder holy cow okay we don’t want to get too hurt down here oh gosh this is a sticky situation like literally oh man ah we got some hardwood there although I can’t pick it up which is fine can we get anything else special no

All right going down I really want to try to get to level five if possible I’m not seeing any special ores here yet oh there’s a rock crab we might be able to get this guy they’re kind of hard I actually find the rock crabs to be

Really hard to defeat as as long as they don’t go into their rock form cuz obviously you can’t really hit them if they’re in their rock form I’m I’m going to grab this crab actually uh oh God what get rid of though is the thing I guess we could eat the field snack

Yeah let’s do that and then can I grab the crab okay there it is so usually you get the Crab Pot bundle in the community center and it needs a crab so or one of the one of the things you can put in it

Is a crab to get one of those early on in the game that way you don’t have to actually use the crab pots so we have one special ore down here this is what I’m talking about when they have like the little nodes inside of them so then

I just go through and and I am going to see if I can find the ladder these two are going to make a baby going to make a baby let’s watch make a baby no no no oh they they made a baby oh that makes me sad it’s like a

Little slime family I don’t want to hurt the Slime family although that one slime is coming after me which is a little bit intimidating not going to lie I literally have to get down One More Level don’t do this to me game don’t do this to me already five it’s already six

Okay don’t mess with me slime I’m just trying to get down One More Level I’m not bothering you and your little slime family there we go yes we made it to level five beautiful so now we can check the journal and we have to reach level 40 in the mines okay awesome carp

Catfish feeding the animals all right there’s a lot to do let’s head out of here one of the things that I would also like to work on is trying to get some um I would like to try to get another chest and I also want to try to get some clay

So that we can start working towards getting a silo because it’ll be nice to be able to get the hay from the grass on our farm and I’m starting to possibly run out of chicken feed if we have too many more rainy days so we have 29 we

Need 50 wood let me kind of shimmy around my inventory here really quickly so yeah 50 wood to be able to make a new chest and then 25 want to sign for it I think I’m going to go ahead and make a mining chest so we can start separating

Things and organizing things okay so we have 57 just enough for us to make another chest going to go ahead and get that crafted up put it right next to our other one here I am in the way though and then we can start color coding our

Chest so this one’s going to be my mining one which we will put gray and then we’ll put a sign towards the back too then this is my kind of everything chest uh we’ll make this green cuz eventually it’ll become more of like my foraging chest so we’ll put the forage

In there and then everything that has been mined so Coal Stone uh iron geodes anything like that is going to go into this chest and then eventually too we will separate crops from forgea bles we’ll also separate kind of more of the fished items uh and produce and and all

That but we we definitely need to get more wood before we do that I’m going to to turn in and go to bed and see what tomorrow brings farming proficiency we can now craft a scarecrow which is one of the things we need to do to check off

A quest so that’s actually really exciting I wasn’t sure if we were going to hit that today but we did oh exciting stuff how are we doing on this Saturday welcome to kuzu 5 kou uh it’s going to be sunny and clear tomorrow and then what about spirits are in Good Humor

Today extra love luck I love that love hearing that yes and Clint is here oh this is good uh hi there good morning we’ve only talked to Clint only we’ve only talked to Clint a couple times so it’s interesting to to see him he seems a little nervous I noticed that you’ve

Been breaking some rocks open and finding ore that’s good yeah I have I went deep down in the mines and found some spooky things if you want to get the most out of your ores the ores you find you’ll need a furnace just so happens I have an extra

Set of blueprints lying around here I want you to have them that is very generous thank you so much it looks like we got some ma too the furnace allows you to smell metal bars the bars can be used for crafting construction and Tool upgrades he does tool upgrades which is

Uh good but when you when you’ve smelted a few copper bars consider having me upgrade one of your tools it can make your work a lot easier well okay I’m heading home take it easy thanks Clint H it’s always a pleasure thanks very much look at my cat oh hello oh you’re

So sweet just nap in here okay so let’s check our mail this is what I was hoping for my sources tell me that you’ve been poking around inside the old Community Center why don’t you pay me a visit my Chambers are west of the forest lake in

The stone tower I may have information concerning your rat problem it’s almost like he was listening into our conversation which is a bit creepy but it’s it’s fine I’ve see I see you’ve been exploring the old Minds You’ve Got The Adventurous spirit that much I can

Tell if you can slay 10 slimes you’ll have entered your place in my Adventures Guild be careful Marlin love it all right we are on our way honestly this feels like the best start to a stardy valley save that I’ve ever had so it is feeling so good and I’m loving every

Second of it now I do want to check on oh yeah I kind of totally forgot that my chickens lay eggs in here okay off we go down to the bottom of the farm we’re going to head south to find rasmodius and his Tower I’m so curious what this

Giant tree is I’m also very curious my voice has already dying my goodness I’m also very curious to see what that leveled cave is that’s just so bizarre I’m so excited like I know it keeps saying I’m excited about everything but I genuinely am I like I love this game

So much and exploring all the new things is going to be the best it’s going to be so fun here is the Wizard’s Tower let’s go in and see what’s going on look at this oh it’s full of magic I am rasmodius seeker of the Arcane truth mediary between physical

And ethereal Master of the seven Elementals Keeper of the Sacred you get the point oh yeah I want to hear the rest of the Spiel Spiel the rest of the Spiel I’m getting tongue tied and Yash the one whose arrival I have long foreseen here I’d like to show you something

Behold oh yeah that is a little junimo that is what we saw in the community center see I told you he was spying on us so he saw the little creature too you’ve seen one before haven’t you I think you have too sir they call themselves The junos Mysterious Spirits

These ones for some reason they refuse to speak with me I wonder why they refused to speak with him actually very curious I’m not sure why they’ve moved into the community center but you have no reason to fear them I mean how could you fear them they seem so cute and like

Squishy and small you found a golden scroll written in an unknown language most interesting stay here I’m going to see for myself I’ll return shortly and just like that he Zips away look at this book open he’s been like exploring random things and doing random stuff scaring the Jesus out of us I

Found the note the Lang language is obscure but I was able to decipher it we the jobs are happy to Aid you in return we ask for gifts of the valley if you are one with the forest then you will see the true nature of the Scrolls he’s

A mysterious man my cauldron is bubbling with ingredients from the forest baby Fern Moss grubs camel top toad stools yes s like caramel here drink up Let the essence of the for Forest permeate your body there we go we’re just going to drink some mysterious juice that this

Wizard’s giving us 38 plus energy not bad although it is turning my face green making me feel a bit sick I’m starting to hallucinate and kind of see things now this is crazy this is actually getting very trippy guys I’m officially becoming one with the four

This is exciting I could also see this being very terrifying but I mean it’s only a short a short thing right you’ve gained the power of forest magic now you can decipher the true meaning of the junimos Scrolls yes and he just kicks us out just just like that just you’ve learned

Magic we must have passed out on his floor and he was just like nope not dealing with this put us out there okay what about the journal uh radic uh initiation okay forging a head craft a furnace we have so much that we need to

Do and we also need to get a carp as well I’m pretty sure carps are found up at the forest fishing spot so not the river that goes through town but the up up top near Robin’s house by the forest so Community Center let’s go check that

Out we’re going to cut through our farm to do that so I’ll meet you guys over at the community center C oh I’m so excited to read this I’m so excited now of course it’s going to take time to unlock all of the different rooms but we can at

Least see what’s in this one so crafts room here it is getting our bundles going so this the reward for this is the bridge repair so we have spring forging okay spring onion okay these are pretty normal I think most of these kind of stay normal ooh Forest bundle this is

Different I’ve never seen this before Oh this is awesome we did get one of the new bundles Moss where do we get moss 200 fiber and maple seeds wow that’s actually kind of a different difficult one not a different one it is a different one but difficult one common mushrooms okay this

One’s all the fall foraging that’s common this is all the same summer foraging and winter foraging is all the same and then we have the Exotic which is an old bundle but I’m glad we at least got one new one that’s really fun and really cool uh this one is going to

Be it’s not too difficult uh it can be pretty easy so I think we’ll be good uh I have all of this so horseradish daffodil dandelion spring onion so we should go grab that and then come back because if we get all those turned in then we can unlock

Another room and then we can see what’s in another room’s bundle so I definitely want to do that let’s run home really quickly okay so we needed a spring onion we needed a daffodil dandelion ah was it a hor was it was it a horse radish or a leak a horse radish

Oh yeah I forgot it pulses when you’re hovering over the item if you need it for the community center right here you see it’s like pulsing so that is super helpful so see how you hover over all of these and they pulse that means that we need those for the community center so

Very very good I forgot that little feature and that is so so nice so once we unlock this bundle we’ll unlock new room there’s a little Juno hanging out okay so let’s go into spring so we’ll go spring onion dandelion daffodil or I probably got those backwards and horse radish

Bundle complete there it is there it is okay so we get our prize we get these spring seeds I do kind of want to plant those and then I think right we unlock a new room yeah oh exciting so this is the is this the like oh we unlocked two I totally forgot

You unlock two yes the fish tank as well so we can get started on our fishing bundles okay let’s uh put that away Stow that item and then let’s check what’s in here this is the pantry that’s right Greenhouse is unlocked with the pantry okay so spring crops yes carrot and then kale

Interesting I don’t know if we can buy kale yet we do have a car though I told you guys I was going to sell it but I’m so glad we didn’t because right there and we can put it in our thing I have parsnips going I have cauliflower we

Just got to figure out how to get that kale so that is different that is something new I’m excited to see different things gardening bundle this one I always find difficult because I just never really focus on the flowers but we can do that broccoli that’s a new

One in the fall crops bundle that’s exciting and a new crop that’s come to the game brewers brewers bundle this one’s really fun okay these are all new oh and then the quality crops to Quality crops kill me every time guys so we’re going to have to plant a ton of potatoes

Although corn I think is double season so that might be one to to do uh to focus on if we can’t get like melons so we have backup plans for this that’s all good but wow yes obsessed love I love our bundles I love that we’re getting

New things that just makes it so fun and like exciting to want to play the game and to try to get new things but River fish okay so this is all the same as normal Crab Pot so that’s why I was so excited to get the crab in the mines the

Other day and then I already have a cockle and a clam so we’re already very much through this one very exciting Master fish bundle this one can be difficult so it’s going to be testing us there night fish bundle okay this one’s not too bad

And then this one which is the lake fish which is not too bad uh we need to catch a carp anyway for the quest so that’ll be good for that yeah I’m I’m happy with our bundles nothing too new yeah I don’t think anything new in the fish bundle

Super super super happy with our bundles currently so we just got to continue on with today you guys I honestly don’t even really know what to do we could just work on bundles we could do something like that uh we could try oh weren’t we going to go up to the mines

And try the initiation goal we could do that cuz isn’t today a good luck day I actually can’t remember anyways that’s fine we will continue on with our progress here so let’s get on up to the mines and see what if we can finish this initiation goal of killing T slimes oh

We also have to catch a carp Maybe we should do that really quick well H look how many leaks we have here that’s exciting uh let’s you know what let’s do the catch a carp thing because potentially we could catch some of the other fish we need for the bundles we

Always have time to do the mines later uh we only have a certain season to catch certain fish the mine and the slimes will always be there so we have to catch three carb okay I was thinking it was one for some reason three carp okay oh ooh River

Jelly First Catch that’s our first catch of river jelly So Max Energy lasts for 7 minutes 75 energy 33 Health interesting cool I like the the icon of that that is very neat got another treasure chest and another fish on the line let’s see what we get here another

KP beautiful now hoping we get something cool just a Geo let’s throw let’s keep the geod and throw away the the piece of wood okay I’m kind of fighting with this fish we got another Treasure Chest which is exciting but uh this fish and I are

Are kind of going at it so let’s see if we can get it beautiful okay we got a large Mouse mouth bass first catch on that and let’s see we got bait and a geod let’s get rid of the bait and we technically need to keep the largemouth

Bass I I don’t know what to get rid of should I get rid of the river jelly that was our first time catching it so I really don’t want to get rid of it we can get rid of the leaks CU we could technically find those anytime I really

Need to not carry all my tools on me I need to learn my lesson here but we need to catch one more carp please be a carp it looks like it is definitely a carp cuz it’s a sinker it’s sitting at the bottom yep beautiful you start to learn their patterns after

After a while which can be really nice um dang okay uh let’s get rid of the carp I yes oh man we need to donate one to the community center we need to deliver a flounder to Leah the carp goes to Demetrius okay Demetrius should be

Close by so this is actually really good for us yeah there is Demetrius nice hopefully I don’t have to deliver the fish no we just talked to him the car population was getting out of hand because pollutants in the water accelerated their reproductive cycle interesting that’s actually that’s

Actually very interesting let’s see if compounds in the risos spere contain sufficient levels of carbon 13 then oh sorry I was pondering some data and didn’t notice you there do you need anything no just going through a chat with everybody hey I heard that Lou showed you around the community center

It’ be great if you could fix that place up it used to be a really nice building I would love to fix it up that is definitely something we want to do 90 gold there we are working our way towards that 2,000 that we need and then

Slime slain that’s always so fun to say should we go put these let’s go put these in the community center really quickly there’s Maru let’s say hi to Maru do you know my dad Demetrius he’s a scientist I have a lot of fun helping helping him out in the laboratory

Sometimes just for fun I want to say Laboratory just cuz it’s like I don’t know I feel like it’s a fun word to say but anyways riverfish bundle that’s not the correct one we need the mountain or the lake bundle yeah okay so largemouth bass and carp so

Now we just need the Bull’s Head and the sturgeon we got to figure out what to do with this River jelly you know what we should do we should go home and make a fish bundle or a fish not a fish bundle what am I saying a fish chest so we can

Keep all of our extra fish and then sell them once we level up and get the the one where you can sell fish for I think it’s like 20 25% more that is what I’m going to do I am just going to take some

Time to kind of go ahead and work on the farm a bit here get some things done see if we can get some wood for an extra chest first things first though got to dump off the inventory tunneler Jersey it’s a jersey for the zuu city tunnelers that’s really

Cool I just got a random piece of clothing I don’t know where that came from okay I’ll take it I guess I am so confused by that I don’t think that’s ever happened to me in the game before if that’s happened to you please please let me know cuz what what just finding

Random clothes is that part of the new update we are super close to getting the 50 pieces that we need of wood for new chest so I’m just going to keep cruising on I know it’s starting to get dark and you guys can’t see very well hopefully

We can get our hands on a glow ring soon that’ll help just a little bit but for right now it’s going to stay dark sadly all right let’s get to crafting up a new chest here still just super scarce on wood but the more we can collect the

Better off we are let’s go with a nice little Aqua chest we can start dumping all of our fish things in there so we actually have a couple of things we can donate to the community center so I think I’m going to go ahead and donate

These guys and then there was the carrot we could donate we could donate a parsnip as well and then we’re just waiting on a couple more things uh I think it was a cauliflower and potentially a potato so before we end this episode I am going to run on

Over to the community center and turn all of this in ah we are in a bright room this is beautiful okay let’s go over to the crab pop bundle and turn in three things that we need not the ocean one Crab Pot here we go so we’ve got the

Clam we got the lucky crab that we found in the mines and the cockal awesome so musles and oysters are pretty easy to find these other ones can be a little bit hard to get cuz I think you actually have to have a crab pot to get them uh

But these two can be found on the beach so we’re going to keep an eye out for those and then let’s go turn these ones into the pantry really really glad I kept that Ken didn’t sell it but hoping we can find some more carrot seeds so

Here oh kale it was cauliflower and kale all right we need to figure out how we’re going to get our hands on some kale I don’t know if we can buy that from Lou uh from not Louis from Pierre until year 2 possibly so that’s going to

Be interesting but it is getting super late in this episode is getting very long I’m glad we got to turn some bundles in today that is a good start to our stardo Valley Mission but you guys I’m going to finish it off here thank you so much for watching don’t forget to

Head down below hit the Subscribe and the like button so you can join our stardo Valley journey and enjoy some of the other videos on my channel I greatly appreciate it because we are trying to hit 100,000 subscribers by the end of the year so if you guys could help me

Out that would be absolutely amazing so thank you thank you thank you thank you to all of my wonderful patrons you guys mean the world to me I greatly appreciate it and here is our cat anola oh I love her so much but yeah thank you guys I will

Catch you in the next star de Valley episode of 1.6 hope you guys are enjoying it and I will catch you next time bye guys

NEW REMIXED BUNDLES! – EP 2 (Stardew Valley 1.6 Let’s Play)

Welcome to the wonderful cozy peaceful world of Stardew Valley! The game has a new 1.6 update and it is HUGE! In this let’s play we will be exploring the new update while we play through the game! šŸ¤—


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  1. The nearest watering hole might be the river next to the chicken coop, might be one of the first farms on which I need to build a well :')

    Watched your first episode earlier, then started my own farm and then I see you released ep2, so excited!

  2. the "new ideas to sleep on" pop-up happens when you level up a skill :3 also not sure how you feel about mods, but if you want to be able to easily see your luck and weather for tomorrow without running back and watching tv, ui info suite shows it under the info in the top right!

  3. getting rid of coal this early in the game is a risky move. coal isnt as easy to come by as you think it is, especially early game.
    also, you cab buy kale from pierre, you just gotra scroll

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