MIKEY vs JJ: NOOB vs PRO: SCHOOL HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft

Our friends Mikey and JJ have challenged us to a noob versus Pro School Build Challenge can we build a school secure enough to keep Milo and Mikey out and what happens to the losing team losing team we’re not going to lose we’re going

To win not if me and JJ can help it at the end of this 10-minute Build Challenge we have to go through each other’s builds in the fastest time the losing team will have to face the ultimate sacrifice oh my gosh come on Mikey we got to do this come on JJ let’s

Get building right now first we need to make a large area out of brick blocks these bricks are very important because they are the number one building block for any school let’s make sure it’s exactly this size now we will have to continue this hallway all the way back

It’s got to be really big if we want to have the best most Pro school ever it also needs to have a lot of space because this hallway will be transformed into a parkour section Milo and Mikey will have to go through through it at record speed if they want to beat us

Come on JJ let’s go as quick as we can this hallway needs to be awesome Milo and Mikey why are you building a big dirt wall I am sick and tired of you copying my Pro belts chip you are not seeing what I building this time hey so

You’re building some kind of covering device to stop me and JJ from even seeing what you’re making that’s really weird Milo I can’t believe you’re doing that you need to stop it chip I’m going to win this this competition whatever it takes no way Milo if the only way you

Can win is by hiding your build then I think me and JJ have got a really good chance that’s because our build is going to be so much more Pro than yours see how we’re already building out of bricks and your building out of dirt yeah well

Dirt’s my favorite block so maybe you should leave me alone I don’t know Milo dirt is not a very good school building block how is anybody meant to learn in a building if it’s made out of dirt well because that’s really nice and it’s not very distracting I don’t know about that

Milo I’d be pretty distracted if my school was made out of dirt now that we built this hallway I’m going to continue decorating the inside you keep making it toet JJ I’ll get started on transforming this floor into a massive lava floor no hallway is complete without a bunch of

Lava in it this school is going to be so crazy I think we need to start building lockers on the side I’m going to grab gray shulker boxes it is important that we use these and not some other materials because these really do look like lockers wo that is pretty awesome

Now I’m going to grab some trap doors I think these Spruce trap doors work perfectly let’s place them on the top and the bottom of the lockers this needs to look just like a real school otherwise we will fail the Build Challenge because our build doesn’t really count as a proper School

Environment this is looking pretty good though with these lockers I have a really strong feeling that we’re totally going to win this thing Milo what are you and Mikey even been building to win oh we’re building a school with lots of really tough things for you to have to

Try and get through really tough things Milo I don’t know about that the last time you built one of these schools you just placed a bunch of signs everywhere spelling my name wrong that wasn’t a very tough thing to get through yeah but that was what my school looked like and

Plus I’m really trying to learn how to spell it the moment yeah what can you spell now Milo I can spell yes and no wow that’s amazing how do you spell Yes W E S no Milo that is not how you spell yes it’s okay maybe while you and Mikey

Are trying to get through my school you could learn a thing or two about spelling what I swear that’s how you spell it maybe in your school Milo but my school is a school for pros and we spell everything correctly here my school will also be called the chip and

JJ Academy where me and JJ will teach everybody a thing or two about lessons in life it is against the rules to cross this lava parkour it was built to keep all the students safe from crazy people kind of like you and Mikey AR Milo and

If we can keep all of our students safe from you guys we will have a really good chance at building the best most Pro school ever and oh no my school is setting fire to the trap doors this is bad we will need to use a different kind

Of trapo one that is totally fireproof let’s use Crimson trap doors because they will not be damaged by any burning anytime soon oh yeah that’s just one way our school is so Pro we’ve designed it to be absolutely fireproof especially since we now have a massive floor made

Completely out of lava are you going to have any floors made out of lava in your build Milo no but we’re going to have lots of spikes or something spikes no way that’s not going to stop me and JJ me and JJ are both trained assassins we

Can tiptoe through any field of spikes that we come across we’re kind of experts on this sort of stuff just like we’re experts on building amazing schools with new and improved fireproof lockers well fireproof lockers aren going to stop me because one thing about me CU I love to start fires Milo if

You’d love to start fires then our lockers will be totally unfazed you can’t set fire to a locker that’s fireproof yeah well I can try my best yeah you can try your best that is what school’s all about and so is this school although Milo I don’t know if you and

Mikey’s vest will be enough to beat this school it’s going to be pretty tough for you guys a big challenge that I’m not sure you’ll be able to complete especially now that the lava floor is complete JJ you’ve done such a good job on this roof now I think it is time to

Start building some stone bricks stone bricks are really important to use as the roof they look like a real school build now if we start placing stone bricks all along the roof like this we can make sure that there is no way to sneak in through the top Milo and Mikey

Could totally build a secret sneaky staircase all around that they could could use to get past our defenses by having a really powerful stone brick roof we help make sure that they cannot just walk right into our school it’s the perfect plan to keep everybody inside

Our school safe and make sure that Milo and Mikey are the ones to lose and have to get the ultimate sacrifice good job JJ while you continue building the roof I will start actually making the lava parkour H what’s something that they totally have in schools oh bookshelves

Are the perfect choice if we add a bunch of bookshelves Milo and Mikey to jump across to try and beat this parkour section they will really really struggle Milo I know that you do not like to read so these bookshelves could totally be a bad thing for you to have to get across

You might be so frustrated about the books that you won’t even be able to do the parkour no it’s fine I’m just going to kick all the books when I see them hey don’t you dare try to kick these books books are very precious and these

Ones are very expensive Milo if you try and kick them you could get in big trouble with the library well I don’t like libraries so it doesn’t matter okay I guess that’s true although Milo I would be more careful if I was you this school is going to be pretty crazy so I

Don’t know if you’ll be able to get out of here so easily I’m going to make sure that once you finish the lava parkour section you will not be able to return out the way you came it will be very very difficult and you can only go one

Way through this parkour I think I also need to add some paintings in these hallways it doesn’t look like a real school yet but once we add all these paintings it totally will in order to have something to put the paintings in we need to grab some polished diorite

Slabs oh yeah this is looking pretty awesome while I do this JJ why don’t you help me outline a new room this room needs to be pretty big so it has to start all the way from here and loop right around to the front it’s got to be

Pretty big JJ this means that it will be the next challenge room that Milo and Mikey will have to go through I know you can do it we’ve totally got this if we just worked together oh yeah Milo me and JJ make such a good team I bet you and

Mikey are really worried about how amazingly we’ll work together well me and Mary are not worried and pretty much we best friends we’ be talking all smack about you what hey you can’t took smack about us that’s really rude and I thought we were best friends Milo yeah

Not anymore not since you tried to beat me at the school Bill challenge really is that all it takes to totally destroy a friendship okay then Milo I think me and JJ will have to just prove you wrong maybe when we win this school challenge you’ll see that we’re really smart and

You should totally trust us well I’m also really smart my IQ is pretty much three Milo that’s really low what I thought three was a really big number oh Milo that’s probably why you’ve got a low IQ like three I didn’t even know it could get that low well actually I meant

300 300 Milo there’s no way that’s true um it is true and I never lie okay Milo I know that you lie quite often but one thing you will not be lying about for very long is when we totally beat you in this school competition now that we

Finished the lava parkour room it is time to add the second room of this school it is going to be a find the code room first we’ll need to add some things that you can actually find the code in I’m going to need to build some stairs

For the students to actually sit in these chairs will watch the front of the classroom it’s important to look through every chair Milo because there are going to be some hidden Clues inside of them on the side of every chair we’ll Place some tables for the students to ride on

But one thing that you will need to know is that on one of these tables will be a secret code it will be the number eight you will have to form all of these numbers together to form the code to unlock the Next Room well I know all the

Codes really Milo I haven’t even added the codes yet so I know you’re lying that just means you’re really worried about this Challenge and we stand really really good chance of winning I’m even going to grab some green terracotta to make the chalkboard it’s very important that you pay close attention to the

Chalkboard Milo there might just be some extra hidden codes on there that you’ll need to know as well well I’m going to try and figure the map because I really want to win this challenge yeah I bet you totally do want to win this challenge at the end if you lose you’ll

Have to pay the ultimate sacrifice so I really want to win this as well that’s why on the chalk board there will be some little decoys there will be some math questions where you will have to answer some simple simple addition and there will be some English classes where

You will have to learn Shakespeare Shakespeare is that like a kind of dance move uh yeah Milo you just do the shake and you throw a spear good guessing I’m going to add some more math questions I know math is not your strongest suit so

You will need to look at this math very very carefully Milo well lucky I’m really good at math no no you’re not Milo I know you’re not the greatest at it so if you cannot figure out the secret code on this wall you will not be

Able to make it through these iron doors I’m going to add a keypad door the only way to get through this door is to type in the code which I have just set now if you do not type in this code correctly you will not be allowed through luckily

Only me and JJ know this code so it’s pretty secret you’ll need to find Clues throughout the classroom I’m going to make it pretty difficult for you though Milo there are going to be lots of distracting things around this classroom like these amazing bookshelves where you

Can actually take out any of the books inside and read them maybe not actually read them because I don’t think you can read Milo but maybe you can just look at the books I know you love to do that I can totally read I can read your mind

Really what am I thinking of right now Milo just really dumb things like apples school I’m not thinking of dumb things but I actually was thinking of apples in school that’s a really good guess Milo I’m quite impressed I was going to add an item frame and a little apple to put

On the teacher’s desk everybody knows that you should always give your teacher an apple especially if you think they’ve been a good teacher so on the teacher’s desk we will have lots of apples for the students to give her I’m also going to add a pressure plate the teacher needs

Her very own computer I think she might have a really fancy one because this is a pro school she will need to have some numbers on the back of her computer she always forgets her password so she needs to remember it and it’s written on the

Back I hope you take that as some sort of clue Milo and wow JJ you’ve already built the roof that is amazing we’ll be done with this school in no time you should probably come back in perfect now we can totally add the next part of this teacher’s computer we’re going to need

To grab a painting the painting is going to be her desktop screen saver wao look at that she can now actually go on the computer it looks like there’s red and green which is the color of you and Mikey wow she must really be a fan of

Meen that is so cool let’s also give her a Blackstone button to use as her computer mouse oh yeah this teacher is a pretty cool teacher we’ll also need to add a chair for the teacher to sit in let’s add some signs to the sides of the

Chair to act as the teacher’s armrests we also need to add a couple extra things around this classroom in this classroom the students will also learn how to paint and in the very back of the classroom we will have some paintings made by real students they’ve done a a

Very good job with these paintings so the teacher has put them up in the classroom this is just because all the students at our school are so Pro they’re the best students in the world Milo I do not think the students at your school would be anywhere near this Pro

The students of my school are geniuses and they know all your secrets really what Secrets could they possibly know well just that sometimes you have scary dreams about bunny rabbits Hey Nobody’s meant to know that bunny rabbits can be really SC scary sometimes Milo they are no joke that’s really embarrassing no

It’s not Milo it’s so normal to have scary dreams especially about creepy things like bunnies with their crazy teeth and how they always eat my carrot Supply yeah well you have too many carrots in your house anyway you can never have too many carrots that’re orange just like me oh yeah and speaking

Of orange we also need to add some flower pots with not just any flowers we also need to add orange tulips and and red tulips as well that is because this is not just my school this school is also yours JJ so you deserve some nice flowers too we’ll have an orange tulip

Here and a red tulip there we can add so many more around this classroom just to make sure it’s the coolest most Nic looking classroom in the entire world let’s also add a flower pot next to the teacher’s desk the teacher loves red flowers because it reminds her of her

Red apples finally we will just need to add some red carpets and then this room will officially be leading into the next one the next room is going to be pretty intense so we’ll need to make sure it is very secure before we make it without fully decorating this room we will be

Incomplete by starting the next one and that could be a really really big disaster JJ if we don’t properly finish this room in time this school will not be very well made and Mikey and Milo could get a real big Advantage here luckily we’re doing an amazing job at

Completing the school so I don’t think they’ll have an advantage at all now that we’ve finished building this room we need to type in the password that we will not share with Milo or Mikey come on JJ perfect now we can get started on the second room but first I think we

Should check on our other hallway that we’ve built I have a sneaking feeling that Milo might be trying something hey who is that in our hallway look it’s Mikey turtle and wait a minute hey what have they been doing Kia look there’s a sign JJ it says you are trash this must

Have been Mikey and Milo’s doing and look there they are get out of here guys what I don’t know what you’re talking about you guys should not have been inside of our school I have a command that when I hit enter on it will totally

Get rid of you guys once and for all boom CH what the yeah that’s right Milo Mikey that was a big warning if you come back over my side before the game is done and it’s actually time to go through you will be disqualified Milo that was your final warning do not break

The rules again that’s Bell on fat chip I’m going to get my revenge no way I think you’ve gotten plenty of Revenge we need to totally get rid of the damage that you’ve done to this hallway come on JJ let’s start refilling these buckets that they’ve placed of water we need to

Put the lava back but uh-oh the water is filling up the new area we’ve got to break the water before we start breaking the obsidian otherwise the water will spread and cause even more damage we also need to put the lockers back I can’t believe you guys actually broke

Some of our lockers those are very important for student learning now I need to quickly test if you’ve broken any of the parkour before we get started on the next section luckily I think the parkour is still perfectly possible all right you guys are off the hook for now

Now we need to get building on the next room because Milo and Mikey have just done something really naughty and they need to totally be punished in some way this is a school after all we need to make sure that this next room is the principal’s office this way if they

Misbehave too much they will totally be sent here and they will never ever want to do anything bad again once you have detention with the principal you very quickly learn that it is not a place you want to end up back in it can be pretty

Scary to be in so Milo and Mikey will totally learn their lesson the principal’s office needs to look pretty scary so the bookshelves will reach up into the ceiling we can even mix the chiseled bookshelves with these complete ones wo now it looks like the principal is trying to fill all his bookshelves

With as many books as possible he also also will have lots of paintings up into the ceiling these are important because these paintings will look really scary I think one of the paintings I definitely want the principal to have is a Wither painting oh yeah this shows that if you

Make the principal too angry he could send you to an alternate Dimension like the Nether and he also will have another painting a fighting painting this painting means that if you get sent to the principal’s office for fighting you might even be expelled you are not allowed to fight with the other students

At this school so you will need to be very careful Milo that you do not break the rules we just need to place more and more of these bookshelves until we’ve totally lined the walls we’re doing really good so far I think we’ll totally be done in time JJ we’re going to make

The best school we can possibly make and I think we already have the perfect candidate to be the Principal normally I would volunteer myself but since you’ve been doing such a good job JJ I really think you should be the Principal you definitely seem like one especially if

The only students trying to break through are going to be Milo and Mikey you as the principal will be a very very good way to make sure they don’t break the rules again wow this is looking so awesome we only have a couple more walls we need to fill with bookshelves I think

We’ll leave a little Gap around the entrance door just so that everybody knows where the exit is in this principal’s office we’ll have some random other books but the way to get through is to find you and Mikey’s file it will be kept among all the other book

Files on how bad the other students you’ll need to find the right one and destroy it to be allowed through into the next hallway only the best students are allowed through in my school so you’re going to need to blend in with the best of them you’re not going to be

Able to do that with a terrible record and I won’t say what the challenge is now but there will be a very dangerous obstacle in here Milo making it very hard for you to find your file that’s fine obstacles are a piece of cake for

Me and my big brain I don’t know Milo pieces of cake tend to distract you so if the obstacles are a piece of cake I would be very worried if I were you I’m also going to keep adding more and more books me and JJ are just adding so many

If we make the books go all the way to the ceiling it’s going to be so hard for Milo and Mikey to find the right one this is absolutely perfect but eventually we do have to give them the right book that they need to find I think the perfect choice for their book

Will need to be one of these light blue ones I think we’ll put it right over here this can be where Milo’s official book goes it can’t just be a regular book we need to grab a book and quill and write up Milo’s record Milo will

Have done a lot of naughty things to get to this point so we will need to make sure we write them properly in his school record I will need to add more things but for now this will be Milo’s School record we will need to give one

To Mikey as well let’s put it right next to Milo’s School record look they’re blue and green just like the colors of Mikey and Milo in real life this is perfect but we will also need to add a section that they actually have to put the records in here will be a door

Leading to the final hallway on this side of the building let’s add iron doors that you will have to put the book inside to unlock the iron doors will go right over here and we’ll also add some Hoppers these Hoppers will lead right into the iron doors okay this is going

Pretty well so far and we’ll need to break this door so I can add some pretty cool redstone contraptions let’s add a redstone comparator this will detect what items are inside the hopper and if it’s a correct item it will put a redstone signal out look if we throw

Mikey’s record boom it will actually power the Redstone which will unlock the doors we just need to add a redstone repeater to make sure the signal is strong enough oh yeah I have a really good feeling about this let’s add two more repeaters going back into the door

And perfect now when Mikey’s record is inside of the doors they will open but if it is not they will close let’s test it one more time with Milo’s record and boom it totally works this is perfect now that we’ve added these changes it is important to add back in these brick

Blocks before we make the final Corridor on this side this final Corridor will have a very nasty surprise JJ we can’t tell Milo or Mikey what it is it is very important that this stays just between us that’s why I’m going to whisper it to you okay when Mikey and Milo come

Through this door you will be dressed like a principal and you will attack them as if they have just broken into the real principal office oh yeah I knew this was a good plan I can’t wait to see how well this goes Milo Mikey me and JJ

Have a really good plan to totally stop you guys from getting through our school you’re not going to like it at all yeah well I pr my C cuz I’ve got my own plans really what are you guys’ plans it starts with melons melons Milo Mikey and

Melons I don’t know melons seem pretty easy to get through Milo well just you wait because you’re going to regret saying that I don’t think we will me and JJ are very confident that we can beat you and Milo and whatever melons you have planned to defeat us with when was

The last time a melon ever won anything well today pretty much what how did a melon win something today because the melon’s going to totally mess you up and you’re never going to win my school Milo the only melon here is you that’s really mean sorry Milo I just mean because

Melons have lots of seeds and you love bird seeds don’t you oh yeah that is really my favorite food actually yeah so I have a feeling you’d love to be a watermelon I will love to be a watermelon that’s my biggest dream inside of this room we will need to add

A big staircase let’s make this staircase out of smooth quartz blocks it will begin right over here and go over the parkour section we’ll need to make sure the staircase is really big and very secure let’s also break a couple of these stone bricks this staircase will

Need to go all the way over and it’s got to be pretty tall if it’s going to do that oh yeah this is all coming together I am so excited to see this in action let’s just break a couple more of these blocks now we need to make sure that

This staircase goes to the other side and goes back down that is a very important part of this staircase it’s got to be the same on both sides we are building the pro school after all not some Noob Academy if we want to build a

Pro school we have to make sure it is perfectly symmetrical only Pro schools are symmetrical like that and Noob schools just look so silly Milo and Mikey I do not know what your school looks like but I bet it looks absolutely ridiculous well it looks really good and

I’m very proud of it have you still built the whole thing out of dirt um well somewhat H does that mean you’re actually using another block that’s not dirt Milo yeah of course there’s are the blocks here it’s going to be silly wow I’m impressed normally you only build

Out of dirt and maybe mud or root mud or something I don’t know I’m a little impressed Milo this makes me a little more worried than I was before me and JJ are going to try extra hard to make sure no matter what you throw at us we can

Totally handle it yeah well Mar has been teaching me all his really cool building secrets so my build is extra Pro what Mikey’s been teaching you his Secrets uh-oh JJ this could be a problem normally Milo is such a noob but if Mikey has been teaching him things the

Build might be better than I feared okay this just means me and JJ will have to try extra hard to stop you Milo and I know we can me and JJ are are very good Builders so we can totally handle it now JJ we just have to build a big brick

Platform this will go all the way around our brand new staircase we have to make sure we build it the same on both sides otherwise it’ll look really silly from the front and Milo will totally make fun of us at our school everyone will learn

Exactly what it means to be a pro like me and JJ although if you cannot make it through the obstacles of our school you will not get to learn and instead you’ll have to make a big sacrifice well Mary and I have done a lot of talking and we

Thank you’re nervs hm I don’t think you’ve done a lot of talking I think you and Mikey have done a lot of yapping what hey that’s really mean Mikey and I don’t Yap we talk about intelligence you Yap like Chihuahua Milo oh my gosh chip

I’m really going to be mad at you when I see you next I don’t know Milo I think you’ll totally forget just like you’ve forgotten that me and JJ are incredible Builders you do remember that we always win these competitions right well chip you’re pretty good at building but I’m

Also running really fast yeah I guess if Mikey is teaching you things this could be different to all the other times I’m a little worried actually Milo the only thing to remember is that me and JJ are super Pros so you’ll need to build pretty good if you want to beat us yeah

Right buddy exactly Milo I am right that’s why our school is going to be so good everything we teach is the truth so all of our students are really really very well educated because they get to listen to us what do you and Mikey teach in your school Milo just really cool guy

Things like how a spinner R and how to spell your middle name middle name Milo what’s your middle name my middle name is Mercy I thought you knew that about me yeah I totally did I was just checking to see if you remembered I guess the things you’re teaching in

School are actually working if you can remember them I’m impressed Milo just like you’re going to be impressed at this amazing staircase Web building it goes up over the initial parkour and back down oh yeah JJ we’ve done such a good job with this you as the principal

Will be hiding up here ready to attack Milo and Mikey when they come through okay perfect you’ve even got snowballs to hit them with that is awesome but if they do manage to make it past you we will need to make sure we build another set of defenses this next side will need

To be a big hallway with skeleton bullies shooting them down if they try to get past I think it’s going to be pretty awesome and they might not even be able to make it through this hallway will end right at the end of the other hallway I’ll just Loop it around here

Exactly how we’ve done for the rest of the staircase I’m so excited these skeleton bullies are not going to be the ones to mess with they’re going to be very tough they’re even on the football team that means they have very very strong muscles and are very good at

Aiming they have so many arrows that the football department has provided these hallways are total death traps in this school we are a pro school but we’re also a really dangerous one that’s just important because it means that Milo and Mikey won’t be able to break through and

Break all the rules Milo and Mikey you’re going to need to worry about being suspended from our school or Worse expelled I’m not worried because I never do anything bad H I don’t know about that Milo didn’t you and Mikey just sneak into this school and fill the

Entire hallway with water I don’t remember what you’re talking about you don’t remember Milo that’s not going to be very useful for learning things in school maybe you really are a bad student Milo no I’m not oh you’re really confusing me okay I’ll stop confusing

You just try to be a better student Milo if you behave well you probably won’t have a problem getting through my school the one thing I know is you always find a way to misbehave so you might have a big issue trying to beat this thing

You’ll need to watch out for some pretty dangerous teachers and bullies in my school well you’re about to have a big issue if you keep talking to me like this really what’s the issue going to be Milo well I might punch you or something hey don’t punch me that is not allowed

In school Milo uh-oh that’s really bad if you punch me you’ll get expelled from school expelled well I’ll just look at you meanly instead okay I guess that’s allowed but you better make sure the teachers do not catch you you are not allowed to look meanly and even though

It’s a little harder to spot than punching someone in the face it’s still something the teachers will be looking out for and I’m not going to spoil what it is for you Milo because I want it to be a really big surprise I like surprises thank you very much well that

Is perfect because now I am building the locker room section this is going to be a little different from the other lockers this will have the school’s official colors red and orange this will be the part of the school where we host pep rallies where everybody knows how

Awesome our students are we also will need to add some iron doors in front of these lockers not because they’re extra secure but because they will have something hiding inside for some of them this is where we will put the bullies JJ let’s grab some iron trap doors and put

Them over the top spawning bully skeletons can be a little tricky sometimes but I have a very very good strategy if I build a green compartment up here to start making these crazy creatures we’ll be almost ready to start first I need to grab some skeleton spawn

Eggs and put them right inside we’ve got to test if this skeleton can equip armor and in order to do that we’ll need to actually make the armor let’s get a crafting table and some leather armor equipment they will need big padded materials to look just like football

Teams let’s grab some dyes as well I think orange dye and red dye are the perfect choices oh yeah this is so exciting already okay let’s see if this is really the right choice please pick it up if this skeleton doesn’t pick it up we’ll need to spawn a new bully until

One finally does okay this skeleton is not a bully we need to find a new one ASAP maybe this one will hm it’s still not working all right JJ we have to speedrun finding a good good bully skeleton until one officially does pick up the right amount of armor look JJ we

Totally did it this skeleton will now be the perfect bully it’s even wearing the official football helmet oh yeah this is a very cool skeleton now let’s see how many bullies we can get all throughout this hallway just look at them all JJ they blend in so well that’s very

Important if you want to totally beat the people that you’re looking to defeat in any competition we also will need to add some very threatening paintings in this hallway oh yeah look at that fighting one and this other fighting one and that burning skull hey this one’s not threatening it’s just a nice

Painting of a little piggy hm this one’s way better oh yeah these paintings are really terrifying but one thing every school needs is a trophy case I think right at the very end of the hallway we will build an amazing case filled with glass inside of the glass we will have

All the schools trophies I think the very bottom needs to be some barrels not just any barrels though these will be passcode protected barrels to show just how secure the trophies are normally this will be very hard to build but we’re not going to be building this

Normally we’re going to be using Amma stands and some pressure plates we will give the Amma stand some gold helmets by adding in Gold helmets to these Amma stands we really help make sure they look exactly like trophies let’s get some slabs to put underneath them if we

Add armor stands above these slabs only the gold will Peak above the barrels oh yeah this is looking pretty cool so far now if we use Pistons to push these barrels in they will totally be absolutely perfect I can’t wait to see what this looks like I’m really really

Confident in the design perfect look it totally worked now all the barrels are in their rightful place we also will totally need to use pistons to push these glass blocks down it is very important that we don’t misuse these Pistons perfect now these glass blocks are actually down where they need to be

And it looks like a real trophy case let’s destroy these other Pistons before they can pull the barrels back we also will need to add some bricks back on the wall so it doesn’t look like a see-through craziness come on JJ let’s get back in the hallway and now we just

Need to add the trap doors oh yeah this looks just like a trophy case I am so proud of it and the bullies will definitely be proud of it as well finally we now have to start working on the gym this gym will be the final

Battle zone of our school we’ve got to make it really really tough and super duper crazy JJ why don’t you make sure that this wall goes way up and build the roof while I get started on the gym floor we will need to use custom basketball planks basketball is one of

The coolest games that you can play in school so we will need to turn this room into a proper basketball court we also have to make sure the floors are the right material for playing basketball on you cannot play basketball on orange concrete orange concrete is such a cool

Block but it’s not safe if you fall down while playing basketball you could totally scrape your knees I don’t think Milo and Mikey’s school will have anything cool like this our school is the coolest by far so cool it’ll totally make everybody Dro no one’s too cool for

Our school perfect once we’ve added all of these Birch planks down we will actually be able to add the basketball game markings it’s important we get this right our basketball game needs to be as accurate as possible no one can cheat but if we have all the right mockings

Everyone will know exactly what the rules of the basketball game is let’s grab some red mangroove planks to make sure that we build this basketball arena so properly down the middle we will need to draw a big big line and in the center of the line we’ll just add a big circle

This basketball arena will not have any out of bound zones but anybody playing here will need to make sure that their ball does not hit the walls that is counted as cheating and will disqualify you from the basketball game now we will need to add the scoring zones let’s add

Them from either side just like this oh yeah this is looking pretty good I’ll need to make sure I build it the same on both sides just so it is super accurate okay this is looking pretty good so far if I just fix a fire few of these blocks

Will totally be ready to start spawning in the gym students inside this basketball room that’s right JJ the bullies are coming back we need to make sure we build this basketball arena perfect for them they can be pretty angry if they do not get their way let’s

Add the shooting ring right over here we will also need to add some iron trap doors on the backs of them we will add some levers just like this the levers are very important for making sure that these basketball rings stay perfectly open let’s add another one here and

We’ll also add add another lever by using these levers to activate and then keep this trapo down we totally make sure that this is the perfect basketball shooting Zone okay this is looking pretty good now that we built the back of it we need to add the basketball hoop

Let’s add a cobweb on the bottom and on top we will need to add a hopper this is going to be the net that the basketball will go inside oh yeah this is looking so cool underneath the net we will need to add a cobweb so that it looks like a

Real basketball net I’m so proud of this design it looks really really cool so far we’ll need to add the same on the other side good job JJ you’re doing an amazing job so far let’s make sure we get this proper perfect wow this basketball hoop is looking absolutely

Perfect I think we also need to add some Redstone lamps to use as the scoreboard let’s put them over here this way the bully students in the hallway can also see them and they will be able to check the very important score the score will be manually changed using these levers

Oh yeah I’m so excited for this now we also need to spawn in these bullies otherwise this will not be a real challenge we’ll need to make sure that the bullies are stuck but they won’t be stuck in any normal zone They will be stuck in the bleachers watching the game

It’s not a basketball game without an amazing stand area to watch it in luckily these bullies won’t need to leave the stands in order to make a change in the game’s course they only need to shoot their amazing bows and arrows which are going to be pretty damaging especially if you were like

Milo and Mikey who are not very good at running away from threats this is why these bullies will be the ultimate obstacle to beating our school I don’t think they’ll be able to make it through not only will we add these trap doors here we also will definitely need to add

Some on the roof this way we help make sure that they will not be able to just jump out it’s important we keep the bullies inside this room JJ otherwise we could be in serious trouble in this school okay this school Boo’s looking perfect and the bully Stadium stands are

Looking great now we need to put the bullies inside I can’t wait for this bit just look at it JJ we now have bullies in the stands ready to shoot down anybody that breaks the rules and in this basketball game the biggest rule is you actually have to play luckily Milo

And Mikey do not know how to play basketball they’re going to try and run across to the other side and Escape but these skeletons will totally get them once they do make it to the other side they will enter a long hallway that will let them leave the school if they can

Actually make it to this pot I will be very very proud although I don’t think they actually will that’s why we can spend our last few moments decorating the outside of the school right now it does not look like an actual school it just looks like a big brick building we

Need to grab some quartz pillars and some quartz stairs to really make this look proper don’t worry JJ I’ve got a great design planned we just need to do this quickly before Milo and Mikey are finished with their Noob School the school will also have a little second

Level not a big one but we need to make sure we don’t forget it let’s make sure the quartz blocks end here our school is not only going to be the most secure and the most difficult to get through it will also be the best looking by far we

Can even add some iron bars inside of the brick walls this is to help make sure everybody knows how secure our school is nobody will have any questions especially not Mikey and Milo all they will need to do is look at the school to realize just how secure it is and just

How well we’ve built it Milo does your school look amazing right now or does it look kind of silly now it looks amazing and I’m also spawning in some new Little Friends new little friends uh-oh that’s making me kind of nervous Milo what little friends are you talking about I

Guess you’re going to have to find out when you come over and try and get to our epic school no way you could not have built a better school than me and JJ could have I can’t believe you’re not telling us what your little friends are

Milo that is so frustrating but I guess it’s only fair and square they’re just some really awesome guys CHP you don’t need to worry about it JJ whenever we find out what those crazy obstacle guys are we’ll need to make sure that we can absolutely defeat them if we defeat them

Together there is nothing we can’t do we’ll be the best team to take down any school and make sure that our school is the best one we need to make sure that there is only one way in and out of our school and that is through the official

Entryways now you cannot return through this way you will only be able to leave which is perfect because I don’t want Milo or Mikey being able to sneak in through here let’s just add add another iron bar and wo the front of our school is looking pretty good so far but it

Just needs a couple more finishing touches let’s start placing some quart stairs on the side of this giant Mound on the top this is the staircase that goes from one side of the school to the other but if we add these stairs it will look just like a roof it’s also

Important that we make sure it goes all the way up to a big point I have a School logo that I want to put in the very middle it’s important we build this School logo right because it will show everybody exactly how a pro our school

Is all we have to do is finish this roof Milo how much time do we have left I don’t think it’s much well pretty much to minutes 2 minutes oh no JJ wgan have to go really quick Milo how close are you to being finished what joh we’re

Just doing some funny finishing touches you and Mikey are already done uh-oh this is bad JJ we need to build this final part so fast quicker than anything we have ever built before do you think we can do that together oh yeah perfect I agree JJ now we will actually be able

To beat Mikey and Milo once and for all I’ll just place these stairs on the back then we’ll almost be done we just have to make this brick wall and then complete the school’s logo the school’s logo is going to be pretty funny it’s a

Logo of the JJ and Chip Academy and it symbolizes that everybody that goes here is Big brained the logo is actually just going to be a big brain it lets everybody know that we are the best teachers ever by far perfect JJ while you just finished this back brick wall

I’ll get started on the logo it’s going to look pretty cool and it will need to have both of our colors on it one side will be red one side will be orange and the inside will be pink just like a brain oh yeah I’m so excited for this

Let’s make sure we add orange on this side just like this orange is my favorite color but we also need to remember to include the red for JJ there will be a white concrete block in the middle of them separating them apart just to make sure there are equal sides

On both the red and the orange in this school perfect this looks really cool so far now we can actually start adding in the pink concrete brainy bits wo the brain squiggles look so cool I can’t believe we’re building something so awesome JJ now we just have to add in

The pink concrete powder like this this Big Brain Academy will be the best logo anyone has ever seen wo big brain school is totally coming to life now let’s just add some white concrete around the outsides of the logo to really make it shine I’m so excited to see my and

Milo’s reaction to this they’re going to be so shocked with how cool it is we just have to place these stairs and then we’re done Milo how much time is left 3 seconds 3 seconds oh no JJ we have to go quick we only have until the countdown

Ends in three 2 1 okay we finished we are ready to go through each other’s schools Mikey Milo this school certainly looks uh interesting wow chip and JJ your school looks amazing thanks Milo I totally agree we did a really good job building Big Brain Academy yeah it’s

Really good and I’m very impressed yeah I think you’re going to be even more impressed when we totally Blitz through your school hey no way you’re going to have a really hard time just you wait Milo You misspelled welcome and school what I didn’t know that Milo this is not

About to be a very good school is it oh Mary you meant to help me spell the words correctly oh no Milo you need to work together with Mikey this just means me and JJ have a really big Advantage I think we’ll beat your school quicker than you

Can ever beat ours well let’s see what you got then buddy come on JJ let’s go inside and wait hey are you trying to say chip is a loser yeah that’s right this looks like you’re trying to say chip is a lobster Milo and wo is this a

Cafeteria yeah and there’s bullies here that are going to get you if you don’t parkour through wao the cafeteria food must not be very good it turned everybody into a zombie come on JJ let’s get out of here before the bullies come to us all right amazing now that we’ve

Jumped onto this table we need to keep making our way across I think Hey what how are you making these jumps these are really easy jumps Milo me and JJ a Pros we can make these without eyes closed when I tested it we really struggled no

Way me and JJ would never struggle we’re totally beating this thing oh yeah we’re doing an amazing job at and wo this table is really close to the bullies come on JJ make sure you don’t let them get you hey these melons aren’t working they just throw it your face Milo you’re

Just giving us free food that’s a really nice thing oh dang it I really didn’t think this true no you didn’t and wait look JJ there’s extra pots we can jump on let’s make sure we don’t fall into the zombies that could be a big issue if

We do we’re doing such a good job so far Milo I bet you’re really worried right now here I’m pretty worried oh no wait we found a door and look JJ there’s something here we are Pros hey is that meant to say Pros Milo yeah because

Mikey and I we really are pros and you’re going to really struggle with this section H it looks like some kind of maze JJ we’ve got to find our way through I bet we can totally do it and look there’s even a chest but wait a

Minute that might be a trapped chest it looks like it has red around the hook um no it’s not a trapped chest and you should definitely open it for a really good surprise okay uh JJ let’s stand back while we do this I don’t want to be

Caught off guard all right here goes nothing wao I just opened the chest and it totally gave me blindness yeah that’s a really good prank Mikey thanks for telling me that one luckily the blindness just wore off so me and JJ are going to be fine we’re running out of

Time though I don’t want to waste too much more of it I’m not going to open any more of these trap chests and neither will JJ we’re way too smart to fall for that again please open one of them chip please oh no Milo this maze is

Really confusing how are we back at the start well there might be some little tricks there that you don’t know about no way come on JJ we’ve got this we need to be able to beat this maze quickly otherwise we’ll be losers in this competition which will be so

Embarrassing you guys have made this maze really tricky but me and JJ know what’s up I can’t see this chest yeah Milo better open it okay I really don’t like the idea of what could be in here and hey there’s nothing again a really yeah you guys just wait a minute uh-oh

There’s a zombie is that what came out of the chest Milo yeah I was a really good prank hang on JJ I have an idea if we step back and place these melons to block the zombie we can attack it from a safe distance hey zombie come here we

Can totally take you down from a safe place oh dang it you’re really smart chip thanks Milo now we can collect the melons to get some free food food this means we will not get hungry inside this maze wow me and JJ really are Pros unfortunately we did not pick the right

Direction though we’ll have to try again if we want to make it through this maze I bet this is totally the right way and look it is we found a door well you might have found the door but what does it lead to hey Milo you’re here and wao

This looks pretty crazy JJ I did not realize this is where the door LED it looks like the final Zone I remember seeing this from from our school this isn’t going to be so easy for you chip cuz I’ve got some stuff up my sleeves really like what what

This hey what hey this arrow is raining JJ look out we’re in serious danger here I think we have to get across but ow that’s fire Milo that’s fine you’re going to have a really hard time oh no I’m about to die I need to quickly heal

Right now this could be really bad JJ fell down don’t worry JJ I’m going to come down here and try and help you there must be something we can use to survive this there’s so much going on oh goodness those arrows are falling like crazy and wo it just launched me up

Luckily I managed to land on that slide we’ve got to do this JJ we don’t have a lot of time left this is very fun I’m really smart yeah I guess you were but me and JJ are even smarter we’ve got this JJ it’s just one final stretch and

Ah oh no there’s a lot of fire happening right now I’m actually about to die this is really not good I’m on one hot left if anything happens to me I’m totally done for I’m going to need to grab another one of these melons to make sure

I do not die JJ being in a boat might actually not be a bad idea come on if you hop out of that boat I have a feeling we can use it to our advantage let’s grab it and bring it all the way up here if we ride across this platform

Together on a boat maybe we’ll be more secure look the platform is wiggling and wobbling but it’s not even phasing us ow we just fell off this is not good at all all right we need to think of another way around I’m having so much fun this

Is the best day ever Mikey yeah I bet you are Milo H wait a minute JJ I have a plan we need to wait until they activate the bridge wobbling again and then we can use that slide to jump on over to it if it’s short enough all right this is a

Real plan we need to grab the boat so we have enough space to do it if we place the boat ah right at the edge of this platform we should be able to place it right all right I just need to ride this out slightly and okay we should be able

To do it come on JJ we just have to wait until they activate the bridge wobbling this is so fun Mikey you came up with such a good idea oh no it didn’t work JJ we’re going to need another plan if we want to beat this thing yeah that’s right Milo’s a

Genius I do not want that to be true come on JJ I have a plan we need to grab these melons first they are a very important part of it by grabbing all these melons we can do part two of my plan and we are going to do it by using

His favorite thing which is bird seeds we can craft melon slices into melon seeds now we just have to go up on that main bridge and throw them off maybe Milo will chase after them and he will not be able to attack us chip you just

Got launched not for long Milo we have bird seeds don’t you want to grab them oh my gosh bird seeds yummy now JJ we got to run they are no longer on the platform and we totally made it to the end yeah we defeated Milo in Mikey’s School wait what you totally just

Tricked me oh I’m really angry right now but it’s not over yet now you guys must go through our school and it’s going to be a lot more challenging yeah but me and Mike your pros and we’re going to beat you yeah but you’re going to have

To beat our time record if you want to win this thing Milo yeah no problem watch this hey Milo oh no that’s a bad start JJ it looks like we might win this thing that was pretty embarrassing and Mikey no Mikey fell too this is so good

I’m so happy we’re winning this so far whatever I’m going to go again just more carefully this time you cannot be dying like that you guys if you keep doing that your score will be really really low and we will totally win oh I’m not worried cuz I’m a genius I don’t know

About that Milo you died in the first jump and you almost fell off that one no I didn’t hey I just hurt my head sorry Milo you’re going to need to get back around and oh no yes that lava’s fa hurt out of me oh Milo you need to try a lot

Harder than that if you want to win this parkour okay I’m going to try again Mikey you just stay there I’ll catch up to you oh no you guys are struggling with this parkour it looks like the skeleton’s doing a really good job keeping you guys down how do I get up

Here you just have to jump across Milo it’s really easy see I just found a little hat oh no uh-oh I didn’t even see that coming this is really bad Milo if you’re really learning things like this from my school you might actually be able to beat this quick enough to beat

Our score then me and JJ will have to make an unimaginable sacrifice yeah that’s right I’m really smart not for long though this next jump is so crazy I don’t know if you’re going to be able to do it in Mikey oh no pretty much’s going

To cry cuz Mikey’s really dying oh oh Mikey you can’t let Mikey die again Milo if you fail more times you’ll never win well chip watch this wait what hey hey are you cheating by going on the lockers that is a really genius move I didn’t

Even think of that me and Mikey we the smartest no way because this room is going to be a little bit more challenging you need to find the code that unlocks this door and there is only one code good luck finding it Milo well

I can find it in my brain I already know that it’s 1 2 3 4 what no Milo that’s not the code at all what well it’s always the code not here Milo you and Mikey are going to have to try really hard to figure out what it is the clues

Are hidden somewhere in this room all right Mikey let’s be detective let’s go well there’s lots of funny little paintings here I wonder if they mean anything why don’t you keep looking I don’t think you’re in the right Zone you need to find this quick Milo you’re

Running out of time oh no I don’t want to run out of time and maybe it’s under the pressure plate nope Mikey do you have any ideas as to where it could be I I really think Milo’s struggling here Mikey can’t think of anything Milo Mikey

Can’t you help me out a little bit but hey there lots of CET in this room maybe we got to dig it up I don’t know Milo that’s not the way to do it Mikey’s checking the books H that would be a good idea but not in this room I have a

Clue for you guys it has something to do with this chalkboard what this is really confusing I see so many signs yeah something about those signs will give you the clue you need well there’s three signs over here and there’s one over here so maybe it’s

31 Milo that is not the answer what I’m really confused Mikey do you have any ideas H Mikey can be pretty smart I bet he’ll have at least one look wait he’s looking over here at this section of the board he’s on the right track Milo why

Didn’t you follow Mikey’s lead and look at these three signs to find the code well I’m really seeing some numbers here here and it looks like it says 84 55 6 oh that could be it Milo why didn’t you guys give it a go all right I’m trying

It right now 8 4 5 5 6 wow you did it come on everybody let’s go through into the Next Room uh this room’s going to be a little tricky and I think JJ’s a little sick uh yeah he totally is JJ told me he has to go into the next room

Bye JJ we’ll see you soon get ready this is when we we do the ultimate prank I’ll see you soon JJ what the that was kind of weird chip yeah but don’t worry about it me and JJ just have some issues to work out you need to find the books

Inside this room one of the books hidden in these shelves is you and Mikey’s School record they tell all the information about how bad you guys are as students you need to find it and destroy it to get out of here that sounds really complicated I didn’t even

Know I had a school record well now you do you guys better get looking Dan book says nothing yeah most of the books don’t say anything they are just decoys only the school records will say anything well I’m really annoyed chip you really figured out a way to confuse

Mikey and me yeah I totally did you guys are really struggling with this you’re going to need to go a lot quicker I suggest not putting the books back if you keep the books that you take you eliminate all of the wrong possibilities but that’s going to take too long oh I’m

So so annoyed oh what about these ones down here Milo it’s not going to take too long just by removing them all J oh no you found Mikey’s School record you Mikey I hope it doesn’t say anything naughty Milo and you found yours as well oh no this is bad yep mine says

Something crazy what does it say Milo it says Milo School record expelled detention suspended Serv school no what H break no chewing gum no recess chip that’s really really bad yeah you have a bad School record you better destroy it before I don’t know the principal or

Someone sees yeah I’m going to put it in this Hopper or something W look that opened the door look Mary I opened the door really good now you might think that this room is ordinary and nothing dangerous is in here but why don’t you try going up the stairs yeah that’s

Actually what I was thinking CH wa who is this this is JJ the principal you totally did not even realize that this would happen you have very bad school records so now the principal is here to punish you yeah the principal’s throwing snars at us what the buddy what’s your

Problem Milo it’s not just the principal it’s principal JJ oh JJ you’re really stinky for this one yeah you better run away he’s about to get really angry and start attacking you guys guys come On Monkey I don’t want to get attacked by the principal yeah I’m sure you’ll be

Totally safe down here a CH this is looking extremely suspicious H I think it’s just a normal hallway totally you should just go through normally okay hey what the that is a really silly situation yeah Milo all these lockers are going to open you should probably be

Careful about which ones you open though some of them are going to have something pretty dangerous inside well I’m just going to going to sneak along the side obviously hey yeah good luck with that there’s something that you have not considered me and JJ are here to make

This really difficult for you guys what does that even mean and wa who is that these are the school bullies yeah our bullies are skeletons they also own the football team he just shot me yeah W come on miky we got to fun that added a

Lot of time to your run through oh no and look you found the basketball arena with more bully skeletons oh no these bullies are very nasty miky we got to make a run for it oh no they’re attacking each other this is bad the bullies have taken each other out I

Guess bullying is not a very smart choice no you’ve also reached the end but wait a minute Milo Mikey did not make it oh Mikey come back look Mikey’s running through he can do it I know he can miky hry up quickly oh wow he made

It JJ I can’t believe it but you guys took a lot of time and died over and over again we’re about to find out the scores and see who will win and who will have to go in that Anvil crushing machine I really hope it’s us Mary me

Too but wait me and JJ beat yours in 2 minutes and 56 seconds you guys took 48 minutes and 34 seconds what the oh my gosh oh my it looks like we have to make the ultimate sacrifice oh yeah JJ we to totally won this thing I can’t wait to

See Mikey and Milo have to go inside of here oh this is going to be absolutely perfect come on Mikey you can do it oh I’m so excited to witness this oh no any last words Milo and Mikey you guys are the worst bye-bye Milo and Mikey

Bye wow that totally worked we did it JJ

Can Milo and Chip help their friends Mikey and JJ (Maizen) save their Noob vs Pro School from a Zombie Invasion?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


  1. mikey had to fo to a poor jall and JJ had money to buy the rich jall chip make mikey be the rich boy and let JJ be the poor loser and i hate JJ okay do not break this ideo bc if u do then I'll let milo let JJ go to a poor jall

  2. 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🙆🙆‍♂️

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